Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 19, 1848, Image 4
.iLZ h~ .° ,„„r~^~*ia'~i;ia.~~'#' ~d;~.rAms'.:ha, ~'.+,~~7.;:c.~.ii`.'. '"r.+d- ray«d-.... .... .. .. ... naD: aziacort. neli' , :il,A t t'ikl i,1%?.i.-, .o. 1,:., E, ''i? EMEEM - zatialk i WgDNg§DAY. JANII ir "0(48 St6itt.,.hietotiiit4toti . : The Debato. in the U. S. Senate. Correspopnepce cif (4N. meric. R. Gazette. AVAsiroto-rori, Jan. 11, 18.46. The corioluSibn of Mr. Joh nso speech was ~tas,,etraordinary as its begiuning— at satisfied nobody, and if it convinced himself, the effort was singularly success= fill: To Inc, and to all those who have .---dong-appreciated-Mr-Johnson , bitianwas truly ,painful----it worthy of his ability and repiCtatio... it rims unadapted to_hig --- s - tanding as a •Whig,cor his charaller as a statesman., advocuteethe administration in Oe bretWrand assailed it in the, ne„xt—he MBarged the. beginning.Of the war .upoit exico and upon the ['resident, and then he attempted to reconcile these positions, which artaVs ftq apart asl.l 1 e poles.— Assigoing_to him every credit Tor sincer _ ity and patridtism; it would have been well for hiis fame—nor. as tiWhig 7 , - "bilt. as a Senator—that this effort bid never been attempted. He has gaineti nothing -with---the-opposi ticknwhile-he-has--lost much with his own party. Mr. CLAYTON followed in a -few re inarks. Ile deSired to know, beforelre. : _ ceettinT,ll - eiffief - of the Major Ckinerals had sanctioned this augmentation of the army. • Gen. Cass replied by reading an EXTRACT from a letter of -Gen. Scott, in which he stated re the Administration intended to possess mid hold. the capitals of the different States, and to follow the Government wherever it should assemble, l and 'occupy the poSts _now in possession, an increase of 50,000 men would be ne-, cessary. Mark you, HE DID NOT REpOM -111 END this augmentation, no more than Gen. Taylor did the taking of certain points on the Rio Grande, I r the Govern ment determined to contest and maintain it as the boundary line. lf, said he, the • situation of affairs was the. same as at the last Session, he should not hesitate a 'mo pent in granting the supplies required by the President. Then conquest was (disavowed—peace was proclaimed to be the only object of the war, with an ad justment of the claims of our citizens.- -What now was the case ?- lie then read from the President's Message, showing that New Mexico, California- and other - provinces were in possession of the-U. States, and ought tiot to be . surrendered until just terms of peace were obtained, , and when these terms were examined, they turned out to be such as could mit'be granted by Mexico, without the. virtual extinction of her nationality. We were no-longer left in doubt as to the ejects of the President—he demand, ed an acquisition of territory embracing 690,090 square miles—more than twice the territory of the old States at the -pe riod of the lievolution. And yet we are culled upon to acquire all this vast region, for such was the meaning of grantint - , , further supplies. Ire never had been and never would be for acquiring one acre. of territory'by conquest or robbery ; for what else was it, when a great power thus dismembered an, inferior one. Ile believed * national character should pre served as strictly as individual character, and that a good name to a jtation was her ter than money or IvealtK Owing to a severe cold, Mr. Clayton was compelled to ask the courtesy of an • adjournment till the morrow. corre:pniletwo of the U.iilp News WASIIINGTO.S, Jan. 12 We had an able speech to-day, in the ate, from JOHN Cmirros, of Del- ITEM Ile had commenced his speech yester - day, but bud not proceeded far, when the • Senate adjourned. To-day he common , ,ced by showing that what we were fight ing for, as claimed by, some---namely, to make Mexico pay indemnities to our citi zens—amounted only to three millions when we commenced. That Mr. Trist was actually atithorited to put that sum as sufficient to cover all the demands we bad against her when the was broke out. And now what do we want all this in crease in our army for? Before the ad 'Ministration consented to, send out-Scott, that-gallant General said, with five or six thousand`' American troops he could march, to.any part of Mexico, even if it rained- Mexicans for a week. This he has accomplished. For in the various battledaround the city of Mexico, it really Eoernedilair it' did rain Mexicans about •- a week: , Now wo hear the cry indetn nity-forthe past and security for the fu ture. ,:Ho never could get any explana ' Lion of these terms. , - . i - 'He presuMed,hoWever;that they ineant this. WO have seep amt. the President, in hip instructions to Mr. Trist, made it the .ultitnitturn that• Mexico should give us, up, ahout'One-half of 'her territory.— That ho.presumed was indemity for the 'past.' He presumed; also, that security • .lor the. fptare would -take up the other • half.of Mexico!: , 1 . .. , ' i _ t r t 3110019 asks lor,this incroise 111 our . ttraYAEr:,GOll. sSedott , ibee _riot.' 110 @e • ~' CittteSithati the riumber,ofgops now , in * „ ? - 4 ';e0 , 5444. is: le!lide'' edatikhlnconkileto acid: 1 , , ..0, ‘l 4 l ll44i , c4;:::lthabldi 4 M4ical?,Whie l ~ K .vieh,f4;raylor,,does ticii aik far-any, in?, t i 4 o ,6 4t tMgg: l ll ill* , elifitiibyr tindsiOde ..T wfirrtora .thiAltarc:ffc,V..fik inaipajn,'W,ho ~ i •Ichow4nOthing;i4oat4it,,andr.are mini to --- ,:tiS9R,OttitY.*etisener"Vhisnvlaati: :;.ppy . ppi - Miiwllii ' eckffiFto9 4o iigniiii• or our free institutions. e,uoalted 103'001.4 '.644l l .iiii3"conififilt,i - prVwrui internlo4 for 2. such -a-strtio'-nf iliqi6 its la 66 i5lift,,ile . The prearnbliiei,tn:theinnustitittionof theil - , . ,- 'atetraaya-athat-that'AttlAt t. ' TYPItCd )St . ' i:',,.oo,o,lifi f ,o,itlhOdgel ), ,qo4 o P'..tkei',b , ool ll o 'Pf ,/, .li6rif,io,9o4 ,ll l4s , iailac;CPr , 4 3 4o l r4l.' ,41t.`'114, nig sfot4 ll 9'PePPl Pc PvlrrnatiOn' 'll' ,l 4i4t Alti ' P' ,l , l ,iiii i t=.'P 9i9billlc PP , l4 l ' ' '' i ~, 4O ct34°f ) ilea ,4 , 4 33 Cefict,fr i onf`EtiN;, 'llydi kvii,,CAlitinriti,g,that,,perturftient,oc ,;44l 4 1 WY1firi . " 14 t ( P1044;• ,• 4 ,`was 4hero i '; , t,' ,;,la efr:.*,tt'atli.o r r, , vo - .i.vonlif iiktiandbn am ~,,, ,:citigeo , l'or, , tildviiitc4 StEos Ivh`cifit;?ticiw 41:1"' ‘,,,:, igPtiz) 44 4 l. ' -. ,, ,,10 - ~r ;, , - z-4,, .t. . 4' ..:::: ~.:':,....,,::,,, ~,,..,. :... ...., . ~. ,L :::.5 .:..,.',?;-,..,:.; , . - .' . l : ' •- :.:=.:,: . '4O 4 -° 's, , s*:egatV ., e . ;V ,.,, -.911i-V,v.9f,. . 24 ,...a:A.. . I- A . ":..; , : Tn .-A..,.i , f ; R (. , t . ; .,- 1 ..: ~ t . . ? :,i ll - ..' - q .•;. t' .' ! ; r' ,- .;-,; •1 ',.'- .; 4 ;4-. -, 4 , l t iii , 'AititA l *: , r ., ?4! ; * 4 fe" iw4: " o ,.sPlq , -c_ l,. oi z 6_ , 1 : r.O.P , 'settling thent4elrepli M6lticottittirid- the, 'vict a rioukirtibltnfOte AF6Pittiii army.;_.,;)l3:6 food latitheirirsso'ipthere Were Id lean.' 50,0130 •,!adirentnieiS .7ifie States: will:'claranr, herettlWr;'fai. annexation, and Milesawe, stop !this , i34teni . ,ne , W, the claMpf will he too itina-ie-be-ri3sist4.---41hereitrn in,lVlex ico-eight millions of colored people::-..what shall we do with them, if we take - Mex-' ico ?. ' They, will `bedhe most , tiatigerous ellen - tent of disturbanee.we Can bring in.. Shall we not pause now, before the armed emigration going into. Mexico grows so powerful that we shall try in , vain to" resist the destiny they ace mahing-Tor MEE us. 146 held that theree„weiv occasions when patriots migill4rithhold front the Ad m inistration,..what •it demands. •He had heart . lyile charges made and slang phrases--used upon "Mexican Whigs," , &;„c:- -- He never heard such language but with disgust: he scorned the epithets - linA -- tlespisett — therr - authors7 — He -- intglit -- retort -by 'saying that - the .country does not need these supplieS. It is the rdurrit that needs them as electioneering agents in the apiqnachingPresidentialcamintign. No President:ever had such patronage as this hestowedliefore.s This bill will give him the appointment of • 510 . mores-: .What does he want with those ? .Has he not enough already? By a - referene to the Madison papers, he showed that the President's •power of carrying on a war ' would have...been "restrained b y the Con-. Stitution ' only for the fact that it was sug fgested-that the Congress--neetl_nou'ote_ the troops demanded. _ It was plifri, therefore, that, those who !.• ast_this_bilLtvould only be lo ing what the founders of the Constitution suggested should. be. done in such an emergency. • . • Mr. Cass had, a few days since, said that the war policy of the administration could be successfully defended if •it sllbuld be assailed. That it was impreg nable. The gloye'was thus thrown 'down - , and Mr. Clayton said, though one of the humblest of the Senators on that side, he would take it up and .try one point in the war policy of the administration. Some years ago, it man named Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, had induced a number of American - citizens to surrender them selves at a place -called Golind, and to them he pledged protection. The blend thirsty villain violated his word and ho nor, and murdered 179 of his (Mr. C.'s) countpymen. ' At-Alamo theblood thirsty ruffian butchered many other • American citizens. In May lil6, the day .war was recognized as existing with-Mexico, the President of the United States gave this ferocious villain a pris through our fleet to enter Mexico, where his hand was reddened °with American blood so profusely shed M. .Buena Vista,""Cerro Gordo; Cliepultepec, Cherubusco, Molino del Rey, &c., &c. Bran extract pub lished in the very -last number of the Washington Union, he saw that Santa Anna -was. non; the great •obstacle in the way of peace. Now if the Senator from' Michip-an will successfully vindicate the Administration in this part of their war liolicy, he will prove himself the very Magnus. Apollo of advocates-:----;----- -- Mr. Oayton, after pointing out the way in which Jefferson and the old Democrats managed our Foreign Allitirs, concluded by stating that when the country stood in need of men or mgney, no man would be found more willing than he to grant them, but he could not see that the present call was at all necessary. Ile Would always, when he'' Saw the necessity, be found landing - by the country. * Vete and, Cheap HARDWARE STORE, Main stred,ono door west of Marlin's Iltdel. nrillE 6'll.)st:lllN:re have just received and lire now °potting a large stock of fresh goods, %flitch in addition to their former stock, makes their assortment target and better than elm be found eltbu here. . 'I heir Mick comprises a full assortm% of build ing material of every description and style, with a l:n•ge assortment. of Tools for all kinds of :11e- Atones, which Wee been selected with great care and are offered at the lowest rotes. Also a full assurtanent of goods for Carriage u &Idea's and Saddlers, such as ‘Vorsteil Da 'mask nd ltattinet•s. Curtain Cloth, Oil Cloth, wide and narrow 1.1%.e5, Fringes, Tassels, 'runs, Patent Leather, Lamps, Pllectric Springsi.l.on silver and Brass Plate Carriage Bands •, 'dapiin, 13riisa and Silver Plate Mounting, Bridle Bits,• stirrups, Buckles, !lumens of all kinds., Ruck sous, Cog-skins and sit description orgoods in the sAlwrxitY LINE. Also, NVaiters nod Trays; Candlesticks ; Blass A11(1i1.011E• Shovels and Tongs; Knives and Forks of every style ; . Papcv s and coinnion Ile lows; Butcher anti' Carving Knives, Steels; Peirand Pocket Knives of every style, 'Pubic and:lea Spoons ; English and American Hollows! et Stol,lrons, ass Kettles &s. • Hay and Manure Forks; • \Vaigciti llainers,Shoiels and 'Spades ; 'Eritee Gaiter. and Cow Chains &u. &e.. • • Also just received, Bar, Gaud and Hoop IRON; Russian and American Sheet lroni, Cast,Shear, Blister and,Spring Steel Tin Prate Zinc, Spelter, Lend ; Dupont's and Johnson's Blasting Powder; Uttpor.t's Rifle Powder, Shot; Wetherill's Pure Ground White Lead; . Linseed Oil ; Copal, Couch, Japan and Leather Varnish; Window Glass of all sizes; Plltir.l'Ulpelltitle, &O. 04.1(111r-wart Otali1111(19, • They-have for sale Garvey's 'Patent Spiral Slii Cutiers, wide); are 00110 (100(i 1.111; b 0131.1101 1, ,in use for cutting hay, straw or corn stalks. . • , WEIGHT &.SAXTON. geptemlier ; Jayne'szr,amilrlicdicines ANA di so pitlf of' the 1036'4. riltiab!e 111.01ones,coosisting ol* , • - • Joyno's Pappoiorant; • ,• . • Vont° Viermifoge. ‘. • ". ' Hair Tattle •:' ', ' , Satiative•RiAdd, • • • • •; dsi COrtnioath9 808 am.,, • . coal vao . } ltia for :ftir..r.ll.-;,;,1:e,, .:. .•''''•'•'•':' t•;•:' , :',, Ttdt. , ez .. iiil;'i Plitsfet% . A!... • •,: . '.2oo`ftB4:;iiiiieiei;; , f's4o')V .I ~i'..liii3 O lk..Sitit':, '.. :''' '5O - pail; r!Avihte,iii . fi 06: dio.1!: , - '.../. 1'...i . .1.', , ' , .. ,, 1 ,,, -"i'' . : , s . o'idor ~ i c-„, . ,lliiii‘il: feit.ilo. ?1-,',:,0;,'_1,,i,.... ,, , - ;.: , 1•;. I' . ......! --, ,, ,,, c.:1. - ;‘' i' , :!!':-.'- .',.1 tj,.!).E . 0...5a1ii'4;;!, ~ ,,...r4 -,..........::; ::!: ~: ~,,,,:, (~,..,:' ~,,i7:•:.:,...f:..1.,' • li :11114LE1L'Illk,:iX1PIK.: -. ':::: ,',:al,lli-ir,Pisillifirlittri26-111474.4tr...., ..... do ; ~. „.711i16.,;;.ivhite s l i tfilft . " s° ' 4 °'. l3 , o ",, ~ ~7".61.F,410.111,1, u 0ty Iloiley . i . ,y t; p.:4... , ,,:. ,.. , ~,.: , , i ~ ,i i m ply' ~:- .1 1 :0,. V:k - Atir,A ,,, p, ,t+,, ~ 1. .: ..; ..- 1., , 50;116g§cgiuct i ,,i ~ .1 , , ,, ,, :.t- ~ '., ' ';,,, ‘. , ~4. 4- /:.s,,Kc a d A ll 9 0 51' , i., 1,4 1,,,, ;' , ' ' ~ ,;.;• !„ 'y , ' 5 ' !-, , 'tt,tll/I•Vi4llll,,fklo,r4itli.rat.;L . ~, t ~,. „, ; ,:ult ' •if le +.%' 1 1 - I"talgli I fan i i f • , t , '.., El. ( I:Th ,V ' y , ' ,§4. L014#4.-40,40.40TPL1tq,(t, '',lebbii- q , ': l,94 irj*.tlfnit ?,',; vtoo•haf,x JilTisatiA4:ntri.lal ,:q sioo bbhol?!rlfP,l t1.0,1t-segk.l4 ....,,,, y i f.:r" ~,,,, ry , , 0,..,,,,''i*,'.."';'1" Ila risburs d my: 'As 1 ° • ' *: y '', - - ' ..... \ 40 . ,.,„ ' . . r k.... ..,;.'" ,', ' , %., ;.,,',. , •'', , ''' ,%,",; i' ,17..'!!',,' ' , ,'; - '' , 4 iltry r 4 .• 4 .' ' ''' 4 '' . • - _ • • .SEIMRR S F O 1340 i ' tt.;:tykr:v livrittmAthirr-Eictorati_permahentqc outodi ,Iiy I Dt.:U,PHAW.SI 7 .I3GETABLID BLED !UARY,;:anI:tsTEirrev 7trargovv.whicthol-,need ..-w tiocordThito - dieectionvir:ottata.roa lam hitifir. a nteed; , --' -' ,l, ' , f ./ . • .. , :,.+:--:tf;';!---,k;+:•----i.--t-:, • 'Sven:mid' oi Y'ettefhsttst:- , -TA:Conimentetin-: segtiiince-of-thiti-affeouohlirn-kind-of , faffekratie,-_ or bearincdo , ivn'tettrisation; as it is.familiarlY -call , ed i theyo is 'alio iv hbatilendionlind tkrobliinghi the part, vatying:frorn;a'nfoderate'degritiefthosti sensatiOnii ' to' thelniOst 'excrutiatitiksuffeling these aro. citified lby the groat IflcWothikiedit 1.6 4. , the porter , Sdirielimes the inner ' coat Or thtidin . I proluttes , it'every- evacuation ', forniiiigi-what: is :called' Prolmisits,- or falling ottlax.bowelsi.:this is the'effect of long continued irritatimitiind Weak nesi of:thetrorgan:- - In some intitances.the patient exporiences'n rvousTainsi .which are indeseribit: hula, - tineknoi only to the Sufferer, .which-lioni menisi ininiedin\ ely . after an evacuellonouut eon; tinuti from thirty minutes to several•hours ; .these sensations are very annoying and sometimes very distressing. This disease, when of long continuo' mice, is attended' by pain and weakness in the back, irritation of the kidneys and bladder, -and, other drgatia ip she 'vicinity, pain end-numbness in the legs and feet, a sense of straitness --about the chest, and unnatural ,fulness'of the abdorrdnal -viticoraoccompaniodadMpalpttedairofthodilitur and oppression. Individuals -sometimes experi: ence, previous to an uttact of the Piles, Byrne toms denoting groat derangement in the circula tion; there isa sense of weight and , pressure' in the abdomen, with.ix peculiar feeling of 'uneasi ness in the bowels, 'constipation or permicum, at tended With p ain in the back and loins, nausea, and slight 'prima in the stomach, pale donate nonce: confused senatiens in thud head, weariness,- and inimitnbte and discontented state of the mind', and a sense of (illness and oppression in the re= gion of the stomach. The circulation on the surface-is feeble; - and the current of blood . deter mined inWard and downwards. . For all of the above diseases and complaints, Dr. LIVIIAM'S VEGETABLE ELECTUARY cures ef fectually, and therefore prevents - Piles. . . , READ THE TESTIMONY. 1945.. GENTst--4 'have used Dr. Uphatn!s Vegetable Pile Eleetuary which, I ,purchased of you, and . lind it one of the best medicines in use for the Prles T atid-aleo-for-bilious-aftbetionro-orising-frelu-! anduipure state of the system. Yours, &c. E. A. COLE, Marble Dealer- - U. S. MA111311.6,'S OFFtcE, N. Y. Dee, 6. 18.47. 5 Messrs. Wyatt & Ketclunn;--Gentlemen, derstunding that you are the general agents for the sale of Dr. Upham,s Vegetacle Electuary,for the curt of Piles, 1 have deemed it my duty to voluoteer a recommendation in behalf el_ hat.m-- valuable medicine. have been afflicted for ma ny years with Piles; and have tried various retoe thou,. but with no beneficial effects—indeed. I began' to consider my case utterly hopeless. But about the first of September lust, 1 was prevailed . upon by n friend to •make a trial' of the above named medicine. I took his advice and rejoice to say list I ant not only relieved, but, as I believe, perfectly cured. I most earnestly recomnmnd it to all who may have the misfortune to be fancied with that 'tmitnying•tuld.dtinfrilliOLlA disease. • ' Very respectfully, your obedient servant. • _ ELY AIOORE. Ii EllAntlaßLE• ( * VIM or riles !—TIIIRTY Y_EARS STANDING !i Mount Washington, Berkshire co, .)fuse. ? November 99, 111 , 17. Messrs. Wyatt & Reichum—qents: For thirty years I have linen afflicted with Piles, general debility and inflammation, causing tumors and prolapsus of the bowels, and which had resisted all the medical treatment Dr. Chapman and oth ers could give: 'l•he lust ihree years of that time my sufferings defy description. I was .conlined to bed, nimble to help myself, and at last,given up by my physician and friends in despair 61 ever gelding health: in fact for three days before' I commenced using Dr. Upham's Defect easy, I was entirely speechless and my burial Medici; were made. But Mider - Providente, and the use Of Dr. Upham's Electuary, thoug,h_Mt,a4e2xxx„. I have the pleasure of stating the tact to the pub lic dint my health is now good. and hope to live many years, if it is God's will, to make known the 1/nines-of Dr. LI Electuary. and to re commend it to my afflicted fellow , creatures. It helped me beyond the expectations of till hut knew .my case, and I can only say to-others that it in myt opinion, tkO best medicine in the world for Piles, or any other disease of the 'fiowcle; and if they will use it .according; to the directions, I will myself4warrant a cure in every case. Yours, with the utmost expression of mankfulness, CO RNEI,Ius flgrumont, Berks co, Mat4s. November The above certificate tells•a simple and Ruth- MI story of suffering and relief, of which, as phy sician alai witness in the Clete, 1 cheerfully en dorse. DR. CIIAP3IAN. N OTI C E—The genuine Uplinni's Electurtry has his written signature, thus tirr .k. Upham, U. D.) The hand is alone done with a isn.— Price $1 a box. IJ sold wholesale and retail by \Vl`. 1"!' & IiETCHAAI, 121 FulttEt street, N.. V.. and by DrtaNisis generally throughout the United States and Canada. 8A:111:YU, ELLIOTT, Agent for Carlisle Januar,. 5, - Stanton's External Iletnetlk, MIME U. 11121" S d 1.311111.E.1r7r, 7la now univereolly acknowledged - to be the INFALLIBLE REMEDY Fopßheumatism, Spinal Affections, Contructione of die Muscles, Sore 'Flaunt and Quinmy, Is sues, Old Ulcers, Pains in the Back and` Chest, Ague in the Breast and Face, . 'l'ooth•ache, Sprains, Bruises, . Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, Frosted Feet, and all Nervous Diseases. gffy U N T'S LINIMENT is sustaining a notori• ety unequalled •by any . similar remedy. It requires no pulling to give it a reputation, it has been for some time silently and surely securing it, and now, when its beneficial effects have been experienced by so ninny, the exprositions of grab tune arc continually appearing, and those who have bleu made whole by its means aro desirous that the afflicted should ne longer remain igno rant of its invaluable and infallible effleacy. Mr. (Ice. E. Stanton, the Proptietoros. con stantly receiving testimonials of benefits received froni its useoind ninny of the cures it fins effected almost exceed belief. In One case tt, child had been a cripple for eight years, having wrenched the spine, when RE the nge•of two years, by a fall front a chair. Medical imam= lulled, but four betties orthe Liniment restored him to strength, and he now joins With his playmates in their youthful gambbls,'as robust as the healthiest of them, and only a .sinall.hump on his bu( to re mind hiM of his curdy Sufferings. Price 23 cents per bottle: • • •• • •• • • • • • The Xasrse Friehtl. Cs TA NTU.N 'S PAPILLARY LENT.OII‘IT acknowledged to ho the, moat valuable rtiniti dy.iltat Itas yet hcondiscOvered, arid may be ie. lied Wh with confidence by ell o,may have et:- moiled forita mio,in Cusco Of Miin'Envutt, Aims -tz4 This particularly intended for those complaints that Mothers are liable to during. the nursing of infants, and 'may be truly called 'The Nurses friend., - Price 25 ills. per box, G.. E. STA NTol , l,,;;Proprietor, Sing Sing, New york. Sold bY h Dr. J. Myers and Chne: Barniti, 'Carlisle. Edward Scull,'Shippelisburg Donaldson &'Green, Palmsiown A.' Cathcart,. Sh O phordstown ' . ;. • -.!J. A• - .l...Rjege), , Mechanicsburd , Shirelpanitown. • • W. CleiVcr, ;Leesburg • jamel/CYle, Jaeksonvillo. • 6 .4 .. e; '4O6TiIING . SYnUrFOR,I ' ' I J O 111,DRIBM ',•• LL'tMOTUER h child litiv.utlliate ' d ho eilj.fititA tiia / o ; :( 3, i ) saahop iticOa Vto . t bfiguhtf,:stae f lytdf§Fdpcod A , of ot : lkpAS koPO4 i p i l t lo4Y ;sArrpriro4o t „ 4,.030 ~T f? MlO/ 1 1, , V.4*§ 10 4 0 ! 4 1 8 7F.e- ....?,t7bVtitAiW ,', , e- • ••• .'g,.i.:viir,leil — filliiiii,i, ! . 1.1 ; i? !11 , .:. ..,.• , . ! , 4po t ifr . 0 t . 'r. , , , 0-iis,;-&.• - : ti;-i siV.'F ,- -113r;,'44,,,1 'AIR=TIGHT: 4 so sll ;ttce . ota.*;.:P' : 1 :ISTOVES. .. O.4.'•ITYNDALV; Nie'llfaciatlrSee' heit9itt; Philadelii,hi4,' W filica l iCiiiierinbia-fiiiiidsnnil tie pillitid generally; fitirlie Stip'. continues to . l nu — itiffacture itudlielktliagcnuinellll.lloH -7 . - STpYp i ; - viith - thellatest improvements. After, many, years ; Mrporiento in the 'menu faCture of ,these stoves, lie is now enabled - .Cadres. la hip 'customers the . Airofight- Stem with ovens, suitable for cliairik reoinCor minutiae. fib has :also tlimAirTight Stove on the Raelliror plan, whichtnalies a splendid and Ceononnual parlor ktovei . ta•wall he would -call the particular 6 ,1 attention e those who want .an elegant and useful ar cle for-their pariorir; also a large assortmei t of Coal; Parlor and Cooking stoves: all of Wirreli he will sell at the lowest each mi. ees. The . pubile 'would do well to tall before ;perchilsing cise'where. . Mr. T. would caution the public against Air Tight' Stoves made bv. most stove ma re, as they 'do nut answer the purpose intended. September 29, 1 1847. -- • • A_ ______ Tr --- `rBeciTri - thnitadmv - c'te . thc-mtbstiii ice -fiule.' Collins' Celebrated SKY-LIGHT. DAGUERREOTYPES! • SILVEIt, MEDALS , aivarded aCthe Fnir'e of the-Franklin and American lin. stitutes.for the best and most rittisticalepeei mem; of Daguerreotype portrait's.. • The recent improvement made by..this sub: scribers, and illicit is peculiar 'to their °stab'. lislinient alone, viz:. AN UPPER LIGHT, has received the hightat recenrimehdatioefi front the press, and also written testimonials from the first Artists in the country, as to its great superiority over the usual side, light. The peculiar advantage of this light is that 'the natural expression of the eye can be obtabled - nfortiporfec I ly-tha ii..lteretoforo • t . Citizens. and strangers are respectfully in vited,—whether. desiring portraits or not. to -visa-eur—spaotom g dleries,gtabably_tho !err est and 'most extensive in the United States, and examine for themselves the astonishing improvements made by thq. subscribers in this wond4ul art. T. P. & D. C. COL . LINTS, Proprietors of thin City Daguerreinn Establish mctit,•No. 100 Chesnut st., 2 doors below 3d, south side.. --- Se:rift:4; bei 29,4847 Hover's Pirit. Rate Premium WRITING INK..: Silver Medal jitskturardcd try the .fmerican In stitute,' New York, (1841.) r HE following testimony from distlngu4ll - Institutions speaks for itself, • UNIVERSITY OF PSINNHYLVANIA, Philadelphia, May 11, IHdl. [ruling, tried, for sonic time, the Mack Ink manufactured I, Nlc..loarkli E. !lover, we hare found it well suited for manuscript, by its run ning freely, and its exemption from coagulation. Its shade nlsd we are well pleased with. W 1 11011 S} I), Dean of Ili Faculty tool Pt of. of Anatomy JOHN LUDLOW, Provost SAM'L B WYLIE, Vice-Provos • HENRY REED, Seermawy of the Faculty of Arts - IiOSWELL PAUKE.ProG of Nat. Ph ilosophy .and Wry • - W\V GERHARD, Lecturer in the Nledical Department PENALYVANIA. MEDICAL COLLEUR We fully concur in the shove, AN! 'L. GEO. moirrox, M D,. • pcamof tlic Faculty (2ix : mu. HIGH SCHOOL, Pm Lanm.ritta. A 1) BACHE, Principal 11 NlCNluliTum, M 0, Prof of Anatomy ma'am nom. [mummer. Co,,Pirtianetrunt. • . FUEL/IC FBA LET, Secretary COSTOSt HOUSE, PIIILIME (PIM J U GEORGE, Dep, Naval Officer HOVERIS- ADAMANTINE CEMENT, X 5111perior Article, Warranted. For Sale, W Itoleatile and Retail, it tte• at- ors-, Na. 87, North Tl,ir,l hirl,l •TV 1 iilrry sweet, Philadelphia In ,108E111 I; Ili NEI( , 'Mahal:n:lmA r Pltilittlelphih, Nov 17, 1547 IMPROVED WIRE MANUFACTORY. Sieve, Riddle, Screen sold Wire Cloth We tory, No 411 North Front filrect, r Alorket and Arch streetv, 111111,14 toady get at i mprot . 'mds in the allele litisiness,:n a now nual,o fi:Wring 010 Stt ()Trine quality,all kinds of PLAIN mill ORNAMENTAL NVI tie NVORK , siteh tis t•TTS, Riddles, Screlws&r, rm all kinds of gild n. seeds, sand, ore, kola starch, hrielcdust bee. Founder's' Sieves of a superior no hand. • len Safes, 'Wire Dish emers; Sofa Springs, Twilled \Vire for Spark Catchers. &e. ORNAMENTAL WIRE ‘VLPILK, such as !;ages, :quest ry Fenders, Garden Bordering, 1.1 ow tor Stands Trainers, Trellis work for Grupe Vines, ke. 'its() Wire Fencing of every description. try Orders thankfully received and promptly executed by NvATSos ze Cox. September - t 22, 18,17. Cheap Watches. and Jewelry. ni .AT the Philadelphia Watch and elevrtAry Store, 96 North 4" 7 . Second St., corner ol'Quar6t 47 -4 :, Gold lover Watehee,fullt t.‘ • 4,.1' 4_,.4:s cited, iii caret cases $45 00 •,.. fee ••. 4 61,.., Silver Lever %Valelac?, • ' cult jewelled . '23 00 Silver Lever Watches s'evenlewels la 00 Superior Quarter %Vetches 10 00 Imitation quarter Watches notivarkented 5 00 Gold Spectacles 8 00 Fine Silver Spectacles S- 1 1 75 Gold' Bracelets with topaz atones • 3 50 Ledies Gold Pencils 16 carrels,: 2 00 Gold Finger Rines 373 cents to 0, %Vlach Moises plain 123 cents to 183; Lunet 25. Oilier articles in proportion. 2 All goods war ranted to be what thoy are sihd for. On hand some gni(' a nd Silver Lovers, Le- Tines and Quartiers luwer than the above prices. Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847. B. E. AlOOlll3, MOORE Kaman- • . „ • , N 0.76. South oPpositif the, Fivehang,i Philadelphia. RsPzeTPuLtx onnowop to, their. friends and the ; pubifo,that - they aro constantlylr - v pored. to ,Ack.order.'ol , the finest and est nit‘terilits, slid • at, -moderato ,prices, every article of. Fashionable Clothing.oonstituting it , Gentle mtneolVevdiehe, for 4ltich their.otimplete . stook; Vorefuily, efated Cent= T ore's. Vestingti, ot theintest and tnosAAtesi Irtternv:ertt:pertieularly deigned: ~lfhpar pratttical .lAnowletigeof the busines s ntitt's portonta ettention toevery gornieht, epoblei theni to give ,entire- , satisfaction; ntul .Ao boti!ohl ,ctitinern Ahoy: iespeetfnlly Aendev inVitationi to"give Ahem; entli ? -;- ~.-,iitiVilig:heeti.torletivsltionneoted ith , 'some of the ihostAittl estoblishenents' in this notAntry;entitlaying'nottei,builirst ,ii co i.nint, being% in the ,eoitstant 'receipt of I Imst,,litsidelis ;net!. lee•of ‘ goods: they :ore , ititly;OrepreA., telittooninsodateli ninthsinert' in' the bei t •manngro,„:;ll, • • 'di I 'o o PhiikA HOW L jun.l2 18413!7; and others for tile reirioi onit I‘ooutnen:l, Core , di se*iiirliJokfripilmo ; ,impltroldptO 01'1116 ideio or hibitt'Aor•i'thili syiteni fl t, al wiirrartidd 'l4 .Alie , . p4o9tilot . 4ror-to fivg,tiynee 'stroi)gorMion - .4kr. proriorAteo r 9:l`,tfi9.moo ki o3l tociaotiloodc':e4ch , 'bottle ,00ntAto !inoplr Y t:, Vri?O;sl,_ b •.; oUBT 'received Mit ly opI,FOVIO, ft ,eso 'terns Blielcsneratieg,Bo:nnet Vehfeets, sr sintiliklontinitilOossr,fr , cOnahii a, isArcr:v. , ., t'rir Pi 114.44? AR,A 'A IrIDYk .Q,1141c°13 „ - IdIAI '4A.P2'4 1V44441,Ce44-'%4lo.NibrGi „AI mpt r )4. j'eß,6l,‘talp.: 4 ,•*:, • 7C't " 0. CONRAD. A 1. N. RISDON WSDON. TAILORS, .• '• The Qi ' ~at Erihrl glisemedy • •• • iv-. , . • aq-4 1 ‘ 11 -EC 6 ‘ 4431, , of• sere the must, troublesome dis 6 ases , w ith which-thehorseisaffeoted,-(w.ttliout.destraYmg, the - hair) such dri old , strainsotiwallingt,rA i , nest.: ofjohits, g lls.produced'by the:doljar seddle, 'outline 'a Thu; slitiolclers,;-'0(14 - 104 •Pa iter it 'and 'coffin jbi ts, Steal iii7of .thir rli belie, knee, and ; •letlOtik, 'poll curbs, eplinte;Spavinovlndgalfe, puffin . &o. • • It ,very soon cures old or fresh wodulsouts,l bruises, fixtulee, poll,evil,curbs,eter;and gives Instant raltef in the seratehue,.greatie., ete.,and the diseases incident _ toJtorses having ON -feet and noses produced' ay St John's Wort, 'which do often desgoys the hoofs and bonen of the feet, and resists the' action of sulphur and vitriol ointments, and other remedies equally powerful. No application has heretofore proved so useful in . relaying stiffness of the tendons 'and.' joibtri, and producing. such immediate and benefreistelfeetaincraded_heels, brought- on - by - higirfaudiegTsplluts arittainic -- Phis Embrocrtion is highly recommended to farrfers;. keepers .of livery stables, wagoners, Stage proprietors, and private gent:emen own ing horses, as an invaluable. remedy, and should be, conettigly kept, in their stables. Also faimerafwbose horses are en H&c, to kicks, - cuts and wounds, will find it' equally advantageous to keep it constantly on hand.— it is equally beneficial .in the treatment of working eagle, for galls, 'sore - necks, cuts, . wounds, etc. ; - - =I For 9013 in Curllsl6 by Dr. JOHN J, MY— ERS, Solo Ageni. July 21,1t34.7.. TO the Citizens of Cumberland Co.' " There is something more precious than ElattfOriarnOild B-- H - P.A t , IR LI are some diseases that. visit us nt sta led 5e11110193 of the year, and 'width not unfre -fluently become niarmioglyfatal, during the stn %ner and amount' months ; especially the young; there being nut less than seventy thousund dying annually with derangements of the stoninch and bowels alone. Does not every feeling of our nag Apye bceonfe enlisted in the Minton desire to les sen this frightful (um tality i are we not bound by every principle el religion to admioister relief when in our power; nod we discharge our luty when Mc point out the eiTatest remedy ever yet scover'ed, fotAkis_purpose,to. the. public. If there be one, or if they have a friend, or a child, or a neighbor, who may chance t 9,, mall this no tice. that is Suffering with Diarrhoea, Dysentary, Cholera ;Studies, Summer Complaints; Colic, Flatulency, Ike., then let them try Dr. Kee- • ler's Cordial and gam inatsve, and we guarantee a speedy cure. „ Lancaster Co.,Neffeille, Dec. 11, 1946. Dr.Keeler—Someihni, lust summery our agent left me some of your Infant cordial and Carmin ative, urging me to try it. It so happened theft I lied a case, a voting child about six months old, whose sionmel and bowels were very disor dered condition, unused by ardeficiency of its -mother's mil's. The child was' mere skeleton, these was much tormina, tenesmus and constant 'evactintions. I administered every medicine I could think of, with Mika Slightrilleviation ()Utile complaint. I then thought - of - giving your medi tine a trial commencing with small doses. soon however perceived'the child could bear full (lose as recommended in directions ; before it had taken had f a bottle, the stomach and bow e els had recovered their natural tone, every °the bad symptom yielded, and the Child rapidly re covered. .1 hose no hesitation in saying (lint your medi cine is the - very best for the above complaints I. have adminititercit in 0 .21 years' practice.. Very re.spectfully, your friend, 11. B. BOWMAN, Ai. Prepared corner f 3,1 and 8 anti, 'streets, Phil.- filet phia. Fop sal holesa le Cud retail by SAM •Liet. E'LLIOT, CarSSI ;I Dr. McPherson, ,r; burg ; C' al"l by ifruggi nod Nlerelianis mit the &witty. .1111 v tn. 11117. _ GAPLI:GiIty,'S BALSAM IA El I. 1,1t1111•, V. •i 4•04. , • gill tt they re- ISM MTN Vent • 1!, "tiler i 'al 1 . 1 . •... po.sossinn 1':..,:11:4.1 .1/ per it filrit , , •, / 11 , 4 .,01: Ili met nillioted fore 1.1111 but ail long standing It is c•trttp ‘ .....ti ihre vegetable 7, ,‘'tly lt • t-ttlt , ,,, .•ari be taken al tll limo-, nil r , i. • , :1,111, to biltilllCSE. It rt,iol Tel I Ves iii• t h e m,,,,0,cit trout till morbid humors w hick cause indigestion and acidities. It also re moves nervous uemors, thematic pains, and prevents their return; cures nil colics of the stomachs and bowelsolmost immodiafely takes away palpitition of the heart, and promotes tho free circulation. of the blood. Thu direction accompanying .each b tttlo contains a number of certificates ono of which is given in this advertisement. DEAR SIR :-.lthhtliAWO.yOUEB-ftgO4'WRS..-SE vorcly: afflicted' with ispepsia, which I had for the last fifteen years previous to the above named time, which was very mock increaseo by my having a blood vessel ruptured upon my lunge, occasioned by lifting—which increased my complaint, dispepsia and general debility nod weakness, to such a decree, that two or three yedrslircvious to my usiug the Garbo. gent's 'Balsam, I never ate a meal but my stomach became so painful that I had iinmedi. atoly to throw it up. Seeing"Garlegant's Bal sam advertised I was induced to try a bottle; after taken the very first dose it appeared to streugthen my Stomach; and every dose of tli first. bottle' helped me sot much that in the course oft few days my stomach. tbegan to retain and digest every thing I ate. 1 confined to use tho Balsam until I used several bottles, whieh cured mo entirely, -and restored mu to perfccfliealtli.whiolt I have enjoyed ever sineo, and net before.foi fifteen yours. 1,9, tearfully odonimend it to all persons who aro nietedfli with dispopnia or dibility offitomach. 1113NR LOTTIIAN, Fr ed'lc Co. Var! Peewit:lA and sold by the Proprietor, JO HN S. MlLl.F,.2,oppoeitethe Market-House, Frod. crick, hid, end by SAIIIUEL ELLIOTT, solo rgont for.earliido. - • March 10, 1847. - „ ..,••To Country Physicians. M YERS has just: received WI addition to his iorrner atook, II largo assortment _ERE9S Aw.D.ictxm warranted pure and frosh=raitiorig which Rio all the. IC= cat popular proptirittione of the Profession, which Ito, will sell ,on, as good , :iermal aa, , eny. astabliehatentuukof.Phihkdelphia.; N=.; ot yPliy4lCiane aro isiquestod toexamtno,for thetutlltfea.' .1,., I'llo, - - ", SURE RIOR'BLAOK' TEA' • Far t Oyspept4i ant? olho a WUST received etPrug Moro, etde() article or BlooleTda,ler, and ilyapoption. , ,,,AleoG, and.Young . ,ll}rioi4 Gunpowder • :i-i':,:;;;,glitiaffJars - Jm Tumblers. T , •reitilvid;'..a ige.o.isoitmim Vio atuPTai,nblericilsuittiblo• tfi'o• prpaervlng seitepti. For(se.ii3s3o , -, ;•••• • w r.r,j...II44VIERSVF.t. g a i n * r e d R 11:00A1.!;1q , o.. , ii , ,rwo COAL- 01) tone - .,Wiksbaryce - ..'42.00.t0tiii Limo biliners ;.- ELI N'K '& MI LLER. 847 v Ili ' •• , ' au Spitokilig _ E I G' MO rI:: - iSN , P,F i F b ic il l te t ',, ,„ lIN fl bt Thom" c° e, ;• u 14P!"(11u111137138A4PFSne'lb!ZdS'•:CAVtilidigh*,1•",q11,bt Lti,*".. 1 4 , 1 1 1-1 : d ' f': 4ll A P!) filitl 0 r ., - s brand sii wo, , r:. ° f p C O m i t i o r i l : 6 C e rl i v il s ; a li t i. :ll, dies! T08 : 1, "" ' ii •AI tic eihoyt li !' d iP 4l , l P ° 6 , RePP:°"n d ' V, Po .B l ‘! ' '," ' '-' _..' - ,`;':.:. I. t it pp ti'Slitifrlt,, ~,s ii' -\ 4 , i A 4it; F ; I.4;yiet ß qn. ''t $1)160,,‘111(12!,111..t!k'nk ,iith,iialpriiioo6.,Cl(crut!' Lii PinTlaver t al e - " . brands 'orifivoriqd ee g a : r ,F' AP ,I -ntil'er 4.l°.ag l'n I'Vubtt. ni'd 'lla v thi"' ' "P' '''' '''' AA . to g atitur with Re2g2 . 1 . 1, L..... ~. _ no _ c. iiito,o, t*. ,mic.... P' , '1 ',......'. . 4#04( iSep ~,,,,, , spuniAli, 1rtt1:ki111.1•911T11510i.1.013T,,,v..411,0? V ' 4 ' l4 ''''':'.4,7VlV, 'll, . i • '' 1 4 "' l'' ' I ' nitild and "tent ~..„,.. iii,..011,4:1 l iin''' P m" ''firllilnilk.lbiO'fgoVA' tat-ivitlif 1912' tA.oi§ll,lorili°r i" PreP4rm,',Xlitqliiliiiii A lin ;it ,CR. $ P , ' 4.: r . 4)lt.e ' ° Gitt4'l4lA'Ctkeirl:T7B:to it"4oq-4161,,1?\ TPx4;l7,liptrpoot. ~treitiltioll.z.val...*iNl- o!ita,,ja,imkilin,,,cowt,..,l-1-..(0. t.ill `..:',4;o4tct,lfictoOf !.144,41i!,,1.: 01.11rt'4,1)1, Altoill'WN.,lloloikti,°liwayis)Ciabniv t1fii4,16011.) 1.7°, 41 . ` , 40 4, * 0 M"'''''410' il'''. 11111 a v 4 , e'r ) 49iiiii sloe •P. , vifra ?; :v, ,‘,' tioilV $1064 .S , t Os ill OW?, , ~v ..,f , 7 , • • Arif,`,l 4o '. '•,. . ',.S l ±,,j'F '', t' tl:4 7r 44 4 : 4 `d , '„ , f'llol;f, i r .,,,7, :"4fi" ., '":•% 1 ; '-. - 1 ' °' 11,1,, ,t154,;,1,7--,f, , i 44- V.'eArt.MYM., 1 1 :' , $.;;1• r' , .. ,v ,- 4 .61,i411 " 1 q 4 . 4.7 : 41 v;C_,?,,'A- ,- . .,.• , L,' -'.:i., ,„>, , 8 1.,, , ,. ~:, ..,, , ,Th ~,. ., , ,..;.,, . ..4 , ; . , ~,,....-„, ,f,,,..+, , c1, ,, ,..,„ , A , , , ,, , ,,1 , ,;..,, , ,.... ; ~, ~ , ,,,„,e. A''', e. 6,Kusio,b:.r.. , ?, , ! , t ' -,,:,,,,.--,,,,,,,17,.,,;:1,,;- ' ; : ,,,5), :e .---,,, 1t ,,,, 5t,, , 1i.-4;ti.,"„;';•-,.. '.. i --, k ' ' e_ ,I'ei, " . „ " w„,,1L:0-!?lWeil,',l')"-.4ls'';`,' .'.*: ‘,ll',VlTAa'PnblelVA.l'P'eth,,,, , 1 `,.. , •, ' ' ' - , L, ',lr. , ' „, f ,- Ak",,t',',141,10, ' ' ' ''" ' `bd•t4i*vi 4 K - ' 'fit‘4..Ti"f4 7 . , 4 4 . V":,,V, ttriltiC kbotnprtnilv.--, 4 THEItbtrIVIBEIttNNOVAtIitii ••• 9 ftl otertfeit.Non4. T"E' CUM BERLANCNAREO%•MUT.U.,, t• • :1 AL' P.ILOTECTIONICZMRkan . WiII:Iie d recti o n ot:Tfh - E-OctMow Mg •Tnitirkiif Managres ;for %the :entitingWenr i i i--Thes. C. Miller, rresident;,•Sliniuellanlbraith, V . *eident; David .W,•MoCultoug' % ler,Seorettirr,- • James reefs,• 'Abraham Huston; Willi Coyle, Aletcander Davidson: ..There•.are .also% a number of ..4,llnts appointed in! the adjacent coulittesi - who - wi receivemppliontions ur- im Jam:m(l, therd immediately for tip ? , provnl to the office ofthe Com pnny,w hen the poll. my will be. issued. without delay. • For further inlormation see'tile by-law of the Company. • THOS. C. MILLED Pratt. A. C. Alt imin,Seo's• • • The following gmitlemen - Milvibeen appointed AGENTS . : • ' L. 11. Williams; Esq.,. Westpennsboro, Gen eral Agent.' ' . A. Co) k, Carlisle, • • Dr. Ira Day, Mealtaniesburg . .. George Brindle, Esq.., Monroe.' Jos. M. Means,Esq. Newburg; John Cletnlenin, Esq. Ilogestown. --Stophen-Cmlitiftion.,- - Shipliensbur , v -------- . September 20, 1047 THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE i; ADE,LP.IIII,A.; Charter Perpetual.—s4oo, o oo, Capita; paii! in . qffice 163 A Chesnut street. 11IAKEINSURANCE,eitherpermaneottorlim lted,againalloasordama0 by fire,tin and KeFE.:c•rs of evtry description, in town or Conntry,op the most reaammille terms: Applica tions inatle either personally or by Icttcr, will be proniptly'attentled to. • C. N. BANCKEI.,,Preit; Rates of Insurance Reduced / , PERPBIWAL 111S.X. , Brick orStone dwellingsor sloven • from • to $ p o defioa. __ _do o 3 do do do 'Caverns S to 4 do do do Barns 4 to 5 . , do do do Stables (private) 4 to - 5 do do do Stables (public) 6' to 7+ do do do grist Mills, Water Power, 7.lth 10 do L 11 IS K. erfck orStone dwellings and Fur niture from 30 to , toc $lOO value do •do Stores and .licrelinn dize • 35 to 50 do do •tl'o Taverns andFarnituro 40 to GO do do , do Barns and Coldents 6 . 5 to 75 do do do Stables (public) 100 to 150 do do • du Grist \fill and Stock 75 to GO d o Frame and Log dwellings and Fur niture 50 t0"75 do do S ores and Nlct•chan . dize 65 to SS do (19 do Taverns and Furniture 60 to 100 do • do do 13:u•ns and Contents 90 to 100 do du do Grist Mi :mil Stock 00 to 100 . do The suhscr+bei is agent for the almvecompany for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applicationsfor assurance Rather by rnailtvr personally will be promptly attended to W. D. SEYMOUR. inoo P 2. 11+45. ly-33 DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE COW. -lr PIULA LPHIA, Qn th - e °Mutual Insu e pinciple, combined with a lage. joint-stock opi t 1.1. I,n.i-L eth;ced to nearly half the t.sual ales. the Art of Incorporation lho stock is I) pledged for the payment. of eny losses which the Company may sustain. a as an additional sccurity,lo the assured, the act re-, that the prgPlis or the business shall be finde.l a ail cenurin With a , ' COt'llOratioll, as a :Ilt), ni , r .. nd protection to the insiired against /riga. 'This hind will be represented Icy scrip issued by the roctipany, bearing interest codex,. cucaling six per cent. per 1111111110. The insured to a Imo rata share ofthe profits of the Company, and will receive that proportion or the atoresaill fond in scrip, widen the .1 moon t earned premiums paid by hint, bears laths total sum 01 enticed premiums acid capital stuck. MAE l'hr scrip thos issued, to he trnosferoble on the books of theCompalw as slack. No divolund of serm can he ,In ado wh n the losses tual expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums.. TIIO ilitqLfed arc protected from loss at the eit.tomary rates of per TilibbUi any individual liability or responsibility for the losses or ciipenses of the Corporation.- The assured havti all LIIO rights of niembership,— can vote at all eleetioos, nod aro -eligible as Directors or tic. corporation. The sub Scriber has been appointed rigout for ibis Crimpany, and no the mutual principle q supe rseding evory other mode of Insurance, to would confidently' ecommend it to his friends and the public. --Tlte..,Nor . A ... Pit 010 ' their Agency. !Isom: having policies elpirin ic in that office can have them renewed in th Delaware Company on much more favorabl e temp. For full particulars enquire either by letter or person to JOHN J. MYERS. Carlisle, September TO, 1845.-1 y. .41,LES & EAST P B.XXSBOROUGII MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. r i nl-IR A llen.iod bast pennsborough Mutual Fire Itisuraneo Conipanyof Cumberland C y,in corporate:l by all act ot Assembly, is now fully or ganizedoind in operation under the management of toe following eummihsioners, viz: Cht.Stay inan,Jaeol: Shelly,W nii Cor4oB,leWis I,lyer, Christian Titzel, iehtiel Hoover, Henry Cooklin Benjamin II Mnsser,Leii Merkel ilurob kirk,M cluhior Brow:Dna and Sam,' p row ol, who respoeViilly Call the attoition ol the eitiiens Comberhilid and York countiesto the ad ,linlages whit h the tiptop:my hold out. 'rho rates, of insurance are as low and favorable as :my Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become meniliers areinvited to make application to the agents 'orelfe wliO are wiblkng to wait upon them at any time. JACOB StIELLV,' Pres% 'Mien/tn. lIotiVER. Vlee.President.' Lelvi# llyer i seurelsiti• Mtelinel Ceekliti,Treastirer. • ' • f iNgenylfealinttlesbu l i Itutlolpli,Nlittiln . ,Y. Gip M;Cootcli'n', Mien • . • „.• 4 3 ,=,•cf,,1 J. ii , ,mbil‘, len'tow Peter Warillictri; East Pentiabot•ortthip. Iciiigstotyn, , • ' 1 •-; ' Ostiiield; '.'" • • eiy ' • •• 16i0v lirrtivl4Ykirk'abilnty,!, !' .'7 ' • !;.f. O - '.7 - , I; ,Belymon,,Ynrkta ! rty.••,..„.;„ ;!! 'Phil I I ;Ott ; •• ijobe'rt Othcrngeotglyili;tigiitltleiilt6i4oll4.. 11111 .1!.i',', 2. ,‘,1' 1, 4 1 rUir5't,1%: . ',.?:: :' -6 - 3 ,4 1.1.vizt , ,tgrAiN414,110,1,4, I. i Lup <it tl.: , i'il' i, -, 1 , :; - : -•;.• !time purgesdiur.ifies,`•nintVilpeurrOd4;;:•:- : Ayitete,--'. , •••lNVit:Ltedyiy-ii--1411-eyer;il4oofollsdfdlne-•--- - - • Itelifiailiqst. ,, itpiietiilml;!iiitit..k4'Aiii-0014;thiii places of all • othertil•Afitbe:cifiolfl,elikii,o4llelid P iu slwe c i lm r9 l •4l:9.tiT a4 Y:f!tift:l44 l l4 l ; ll (•ihi -twolirlainfift •,onea•-viretirsaparil a , etid -- ifirild •Clierry, so nailenfiertfietat,ftigether ;the one through its adirilxture7WitivAtherlitibitances, pu rifying and purgilig';tiVltilli - thirotberitt strength+ letting the syfitemi."'llftii":thoseiilliii ere •at the eiiria, (die lonfe.tiktd!:ciiieningyriTilesideratiiin iorigngil eagirlY,sfilighf ; for medical men, Mit nev'er b'efitkedlneyereil. ..lnotheriwords„therild 'the work - of two medic:fees, and do fmoeli• net, ter than tiny twn it* kn oft' ` remove nothing-from ;the 'By ideptbiit: the:. impurities, so that while they ptire 111 . 4 ;lA` "Yrklhetf, andlience they cause no debit itation,,and i 'lire. followed by, , iio reitetinii;. — lir": - ul influence on the blood' ibty not only purify without weakening it, bdt they ,re7n k o,Ne all nex t -lout particles train the chyle : before cease, ned,into fluid; end thus milkeitnAurq s bigod an utter impossibility. • As there is no dapilitution t so there is no nauseat or sickness attendinti.tbe operations of this milt excellent of medicines; which never strains or tortures theing attic fatten - - - tlirtb - dt causes them to work in trperfeefly net. ; oral manner; and hence ptirsous taken them do not heaume . pale und emactuled, but tlioVatitrVry', II 1 , while it is the property •of the Sorb:TWAIN!' united 'as it is with other ingredients, to remove r . all tnatieforeige tindiMpike;il the, property . Of the Wild Cherry to refifinkillffmlsk natural-ond liiineikm robust • state , ol: - health is the certain rciultof thetr milted °Deft" dons.' , „. _ t t • A . . Fob sale In Catlisle by 'Dr: . J. Myetir,sole A cot, aml by Eaby 4 and Kissinger,ilfßitigstbwhc" gciord e box 9,5 01s. • ' CasltslFeb •;,101547.• ' • M'ALLISTER S S OINTMENT.-- IT has pow* to cause all externra ROBES; SCROFULOUS -litmiors, SKIN DISEASES, POISONOUS ‘VOUNOS, to discharge their put r t mot era, ant then hears—Them. • It is •rightly termed All-healing, for there is scarcely a disease, exter.,al or internal, that i will not benefit.• I have used it for the last Win.- teen years foe all diseases of the chescettliallmp tion and liver, involving the utmost.thintel• anti responsibility, and I declare heford'heaven and man, thnt not one single ease has il failed to ben efit when the patient was - within the reach of mortal means. I have had physicians learned intim profession. linve.ltail ministers of the Gospel, Judges of the bench, Aldermen, Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and mullithtles of the pcipr use it in every variety of way sad Were has been but one voice---one utilveasnl Volee--sayine-, "y,‘ Allister, your Ointment is C 001)." CONSUAIPTIoN.--it can hardly be cr red. gat n. salve can hive any elli.tet tipon the It vi mated as they are within the system. 11l t, if . .placed upon the chest, it penetiattes to the lungs stip:irides the aniiiolloll6 particles that are count- , ming them, and expels theta ti.can the. sy stem: It is curing persona of Consumption continually. lAEA OA E.---Th e salve bah cured persons of the headache of year's standing, and sill° had it regular ever) a eek so that vomiting often took place. Deafness and Ear ache aro helped with like success: • lIIIEUNt.‘TISNI.--it removes almost imme.:„ diately the intlsmation_and swelling alien the . pain tosses. Itelid the directbm around the box. COLD 1-+11.11 . .---Coiniumption, Liver Com plaint, pairtin the :hest or sitle,lidlip.g off oft hair pne or the other always accompanies col" feet. (This ointment In the true remedy.) It if sure sign of disea.,e to have cold feet. In seroftila,p4l sores, salls•licum„ liver complaint, sore ries, owns,. sureitiwout, briichilis, broken or - sore breast, piles, all chest diseases such ns sore lips„ . cliapped hands, tumors, mormentis twits, nervous diseases and of the spine, no medicine now known as good. SC k 1 - 1 e tuned cases that • II) defied every thing known; as-well as the nhility at 15 or 120 doctors. Om tilitn told us he htkl spent $501) on his 'children v thief any bent lit, a hen a few Loxes or ointment mired them, BACON a ill vesture the hair sooner than tinv_other thing. lIlUtiN 5..-It is the hest thing in-the world for ( Read tile, directions around. the box. U1013.--It silt dtfie every sesuge or them awns.. There is isenkiiily 'lin medicine on tile lice of the entail at once.) sure null 50 the expel ; slt,of nterms. COItN.V.--(terte.:lol:,l use of the Ma=lll. Wilt tilww,l4 keep WWII', teont r People need ors Joe lraubicd ‘‘ Ph them it the, tt ill use it. 1'11..V.5.--Tlitmsaaith arc )early cured by tots .LAMES N1C.‘1.1.11'112 114: Co. Sole props ietors ci 0 e suctliLitte. CAUTION' --Ni 0 NT 11.:ST will lie gettp lie tittle,s die n: .8 of James AteAllitter or romes \ C"" arc "Tili'n with a pert upon ever Sold by Ssnu I Elliot, S.. SP. 11:trerstirk viii Dr..1.• 1 . Myers, in Cur J, t L. Itrigel, Me chanicsburg; Singiser St Paul, Churclttown, nod Jidni Diller, New rill, . . AS It FITIZTII Ell EVI CE T hat the pique' pie t l curing disease by e„leao•- lug and 1)1411161% the boll) . is birktis donee atilt tire-laws a loel, gut ern . .a'fiinnii eeo ~,,, ;,.nn o d it properly ciarbr LI out sl,lle.use ...witt(orr , s IXIUAV VP:GP:TAMA: PILLS,. rt suit the eoppiete of disease; ae ,drel. the holm; ieg testi:mm . los, from pe1.5011 oldie bight:hi respretability 111 Nev or Will) 1181 C ly been cured of the most iihsti - nate etunplaiiits, solel . l . lty the use or Wright's In , lllaa Ve.grialile Pills of the Nurth.A tnericau Col lege of I itailth. CtiIrIIFICITES OF• CI:11ES. ==== Ua.\\'a.,\Ya)oitr:—Dest• Sir,— At your re. commendation, IC Snide time since made trial of •Wright's, Indian Yegelabie Pills, of the North American .Coliego,pl; Health, and calm - . OUSky. assert that. for,Porifying the blood And run. ocatung systern.,thave received more benefit iron, their, use than fromony other medicine irlins heretofore been : my...good fortune to meet with, - I am, tletd•. nit ; Nuitla many thanks, yoUr obliged friend, -CIIA ItL. ES ,111,,TAT.E, No. GO Mon mrrely 6trio3, New .1 ork kronrira6tarang, N. 1' a SIII,--1, have been afflicted rar several years with inward weakness mid general debility, accompanied at times with pain in the • side mot other ilistressitt coniplitint et. • • Aber basin; tried cHeibiti nietlichtes withoot efreett I was peesuatled Its tirriend to make trial a ii... NVeight's Indian Ve'gettildit'l'il fa, 'w Itich* I'it to happy to i'aie• ha ve r'el I tiveirrtid. i leystOnt" wonderful , 'manner. ,1 base ailid.ille,;Ynkilicisie it tt , 'yet • Tint a 'sheet 'ti me, 'and litti'e ., P6,tlolllo., l Its; a'peedesettineesi it• the 0 ie. of the medleinit'accortfitig to ditteetiOns,-that 1-•shidl i lit a sliorCtihtelie'peilectly'repaleed;„ • ,••• •••.:•• ..; . ---1- titbit .ii)lling•ly,„trettoionnesal -Ititiil.--14118`,..tii all fitiiiiiitib?Sintiltirl3'.- aril' et etl,• linirlii' the full , belier that' Chit stillltii'lj:k richt I-. I'esolts Wilt follott • *hell.' ••• •••'" ' •'' 'll"etirttnii.n; yolfes'ilitiCereliy. •- • ••••..., ' - •• Ic••it-t/ •-•linNiti t lV It_7_001'El;• :••, : i ~ wri i t : w o 1 4114, tilAtet,Co4Neiv York. 1 . 1 r.:A6itt: or" Obrrrxit p rii ITI. IT ii 6: t, u m ic; 1,1•0 `eiiOttOotiti ( sgtaitst , Mottiing"spurious ntffllielpea 'ti'lOcliiiit'oilleit ; le fflei el tit, nt6 callett•by.fflattica itiffllitieliair Rltt'S I tit littit` Iritet 1 ,14,,•-„pkiiii„ ; - ~...• --••01 kor. ,. pgil6ii Cailittle't t . • ••••• , :I.'t• ;• • ti ~...,..,.,. JollittOcivor','ldoelPiit ii . o, , icg. - ''''• '' ''' 'll6,, , i,tOiliprAi':;(4i4l? :' ky,9olilielon di '" • r.. .iiniVii'6ll,ltVio Nrk. i' • '.f ' "`".- ' 77. --- 7 , 7 - 4, .Nr 1,17;11iP5 , 44 , ...17:17.ti . . -4...- • i'4.0„ , ; , ,A 1 : 0 ,.,4' , 4 1 .0AV1c0id! 1.9.i9,6•.i:V •• • 1 t, ' i " 15I ' l?' Ii,AM rifit44 0 14 00 !ni , " 4, :7 7 ' , ~..!;'.q.llt 4411... h" 'l.P.P:fA'i'' ' ': .' , -P.:-.'' ... ~ .tilh" -4041adteirubi." iii . ll4 - 00 1 0- , ! ,:- . !I' Y' '.' la Mr-100400g iiocastiftti,"' .Y. , . - ,.'s:vqa - a-q•1ituif4pa4 , 601...., i t" i • '''''''oo.4'ss'''''6i.iittiit '6oiiAti4biA , l,o,' - iVa"'"pile cif `AV:e*iii.R . V.ltiiiii - vhi,. 11 , 71 11 0 lii4ilAtrmlit : rotail 10 , linve: - S'Ve4 , tiliAtitltrnit'4.'Giitetris vii. , ,q6wtrik. 4444.1?(ii t "iIVIOR Thii)On`CSti:ett.. ___.....--.....—....................-...... 't i lli . 0 1 01 4 :itl:.. P A '77,. r it; E "..' , 1 11 4ifi 11 ,944'N• . ni.lits',lsilitiq4coVai Cafe: , Over /11i'sapliO r y ' ' • j -,slesiiiiiiiestiil iliilialsing evi•cr, Vo 4 ... t a i , is . sail Elias Nlriali s tlielittri_sillii ' 't ' 13110N4L siose„yliallIgTEsPolV88"t Ilvtitii,reil'i( iswilioit bril./ liiiit'p!iii,lyisilrrpolislr Nfid,Ttliklittit,?.nibov. i t 'l . ..' . . ii ii ii rratri .ezsiiislitt'iii9 i ulelib i.• 111 ei ii si f 4 - I‘. lit ilo WS .'i , iill4 l'.. .kn irf#rsa.T lib i'Amri•ii,i4isl, irii 1;elr- ilk , RHO- m.thcityflbelrohitliOlikhi,id ontrolfilitt'llilllPlit!icea ;':' , ;till isilliarlot9st 3 l'llKillor,' i ti) ktffrs! tit il k ii.ia 'mu( 14;'‘„, 11l SO - ill . }': , (111 . 011E , . rlNftqaiii4tilwPfar.haslttied:toP: , 4 „i t rliq#, ivi I 1... fa w' i,hottitl . iif...lo.riko.4.siiikfetits itgc4 9 ,'', 11 1 1 1 e1%, ''..P„elliltqt?'#.3sib(Pli'FW.,l),KYdiialidi, to ,selitl , ;/,', 4flin,clillf il,t 4 ihillt)ikflrki( illitailikn`ritlitii6li!'g'atiin ~ 1: : I")'' I' ick.,..., li,viiljtfig it.t,iiilP , ' , 4!tiliiinteetr' AO - . "...`''..:', ;‘, ',I , t 4 cAlt‘ i iftEitu. A 1 ' Cu irliltl, Ptl9l?4 , 4l;tia 1e,9 ';';.f, 4f ~.,„..„...„.„,..p,, ~..--, : 1.:j.".v. ; ' .... 1..... !.... , . ..... : .j... : . ...‘f ‘.0„ , 1,;•.., V.;:iiT.)t J;.-' It' ...,irtlkils - .''''.` -, ..,.t.;..;',',.; 1 4i,•,;::',`,4...i . .71. 'Ai.i.'4-.1.'',6 d~