Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 19, 1848, Image 3
' ' Tqlcen'ffernithu l doutiriteutie•tiocotiftitiriyittg , i • • .t." • "Ooldh)Rutiar t 1141,64149. en 42Lajt eri. ei ripuriliMfe, you 'allqw him itakau,ely. - .,, - ;4ltispectfullY 4 :O6madeilODitypr Coimmt, OOmitSquadronJ i :t HURRIED', • on rscia y.m aro inethii-Mth Anat.-, . by the , PETER RITNER. son x-Goverrior niftier, to AMELrIA JANE, ",(101kliter of . Alexander Davidson, Esq. till 1 ,4; West renusboro Ip. : On IlicLl.3llt inst , Septimus Tustin, ALFRED H. SMITIk Esq., (jur.ior edi ' torof the Charribmsburg Sentinel,) to Miss IVIAnv FL, youngest daughter of Johr: Currie, t 'Esq., of Hagerstown, Md. In Mechanicsburg, on Thursday last,' by ' the Ro s y. John G. Fritettey, Mr. PETER BRIN DLE to Aliss AlsnyGooDynnu, both at Mon tp. _ MEI NI 14 otice, . . CONVENTION of th friends©f the Sub• beth.,Day; to be composes] of delegates from Adam's, Franklin, Cumberland, kl'erry -, Dititphin and York, will be held in the t:llarctigh of Chemborsburg, on \VEDNDSDAY , :the'gfillixlay.ofJcpiaary met,. at 10.0'cleck, n s he friends of the Sabbath are respectlitlly re. F:-.l:ieeteil to meet in their respeCtive districts and ttoWnshipii, and appoint 'delegates to attend said •-convention: And particulUr churches,- if •tlrey ',prefer, may appoint delegates to be in attendaile . is expected that the Rov..Dra. SCILNUCKEE'mnd Navix, Prof.' ALLEN, Rev. - --„Tudge - Trotirretex, - Ron. - CEeiroi - Creasexas - and ... other distinguiehed goptlonien "VW address • the Convention. TrECTRGE MORRIS WM. R. DEWITT ROBERT'GRA CY JAMES C. WATSON -J 'ODOM ENKINS Comm. of Arrani't Jan 12 18-111 Extensive Digillery and Town Pro • perry at POlle Sale.' fig] ILL i o sold nt public sale on THURS. 7,l'' DAY the 24tly February, 1848, at the Codrt 1 fouse, in Carlisie, at 2 o'clock r. at. , - - ----- A - Lcrr - o - F - antrinstn, situate on the nsTiii . side .of LibertY_ alley,„ond :adjoining the Letart Spring and property belonging to Jacob Zug, In hulT Rheum and Wm. Breeze,extending about 120 fret on the said alley and a like distance on the Letart spring; having thereon erected n largo • —STONE DISTILLERY, Z0" ,,, ‘ with OA the vocessary apparatus, a a wld is 'nearly new, and capable e, of sandhing 75 bushels per day, • and also an extensive Hog-pen and other necessary buildings. Also, a LOT OF GROUND, situate on die east side of East street, bounded on the north by Liberty on the south by property of Henry Harnitz, and sit the east by the Leung spring, • containing $0 feet in Trent end 240 in depth ; hav ing thereon erected a two-story LOG Iro USE, and also a two-story WenTherboarded House, Cooper-shop, good Stable and other out-houses. To ;layperson wishing to engage in Distilling, the above properties ulfsr great Inducements, be , Mg situated un n never-lading stream of water, and al a short distance from an extensive grist mill. which will be very accommodating, will I e made known on,the day of sale by Jan 19 D. N. MA HON. Assignee .Sale. TIIE subscribers. assignees of JOHN W. _ GOOD. will sell nt.puhlic - sale, on the pre. i'i;ltiFes,:oti FRIDAY, the 25th day of February, rr l .loB, at 11 o'clock u. :a. the TRACT of LAND VRitimate in South .Middkton township, Cumber• land county, about six miles east of Carlisle, , bounded by lands of Tobias Cauffinan mr the 30 Acres and 90 perches of good land, part Lime-. smne. 71te improvements are all new, consist• mg Of a RA - -o4tor - i - DWEILLINT; ?t • HOUSE, Bank Dam, g g I,ERY, and all the distillery appa `..r rains and hog•pens, together with other improvements, all of which -have been recently built and are in good ordor. • The Disttllery is now in full operation and has the advantage of a constant .stream of running water at the door. Terms of sale will be made known on the day of solo by JACOB HOFFER CHAS. BARNITZ As•i;nees under a deed of voluntary assign's Tell 19 Btandreth's Pills. • Irg NRE effect or this celebrated medicine is to . & parity the bl ma, to convert the poor, car_ Sup( blood into he dilly, rich blood. And it is because they do lists that they 11111 a bean so stead ily soti A lit alter by all classes of one citizens who Litre required medicine. And it is t0,,,,,, a5e n ; the power Itrandreth Polls or." Ante k4own to posses. us health-sestorers, that renders them so ' ~pf p ular. • They cure all affections, simply breaush they make the blood pure—abstruct out of it those .qeotlities which produce disease, mod give to it' to. is qmolitles sit eh produce health. Villi 4). ix their effect f tt is toFry tiff the impure matters from the lolontl,leo • lig only the g cool to renew every oust of duo oody. What w a s unsound now becomes sound, and the stom ach 81/1311 gets into so healthy a condition that even bud tor or unwholesome food for - a time are enable to injure the health materially. Even when the climate or food continue unhealthy, the occoo.ional use of the Briondrellt Pills will semi-, rode the impure parts and CIIIISC their expulsion, leaving what is good to supply life nod strength 10 the body. When the bones are diseased, when every ra omoficstion or the frame is nut of oriler,•tlic Drantoreth Pills will in nineteen cases ant Of twenty 'coax. Remember that the body can be entirely remade from the food, bones and an— oint Hideo by this most bettificent medicine, in o quarter the t ime it-takes in 'the crilinitry emirsc of tontome. In from two to fouryenra an entirely. new healthy body can be exchanged for the un sound, the diseased, the, Miserable one. 'lite tilt - mole:a or quickness al' the chatt,te altogether -depending upon the erect the Brandretli Pills 111 . 1: 1111111 U to produce, which effect can be grottos.' fed just as the patient pleases. No possible in „jury can result irorn 111111•••111/111111g 1 / 1 1t - gOltd stn • , follow. Enquire the effect of Brandrytlo's Pills among your . unprejudiced frietids, you will, bear :stiffish:4 to satisfy you that there is pot [toad in making the trial,,and that you will not be doing ~,..yourself justice withont,it. • •Wheit your blond 's mule rune nothing in the • :,:unliPe Of . fontl will hardly mime itiniss. nothing , 1 . „ %oil piitill upon your lilOrllllell, 3 Olt 111113' ciii.ples.or. ,:rSIII3 thing in reason, and the greater variety of fond ~ she better ,blood is made.. All. •, II& Ji;vo,'.ipak • stottinelis p wbo.m . e Alyspeptte,. o r in, qtly-wan: of: ~ Ilietek.lit Ilia - body; sloololtio-w 'MOW ' delay ectort -o, 'to flilingcet47ll Pills—W Well-Wilt indeed sieetudlr - ~ „ ;itit ,the, 1)1,14 : pri ::ei ple, mid , loy persevcrante, w ith . them;entirely renew the Whole Lodi—the:Mine. i'lllll3 1101yAilAt gootl,wlWlnt kept so—thoiarinal; displitcedso.attil ' reMayed. Gouty' blood cannot _11111141:1111d Intnetoro bad flesh., And bear in mint% 6:. ) . ..." : 11e, Meatuirtall'Villa sarelymirify. the plood. ....: .: . .',rile metliogi,.i)f : .ia.einti hog. the, lirAmtreil!ion . ~. ~, Vegetable ., .E.:'griks: se : seduryl 4, ) , :fl):elter f ill'4 , l , ten t , :-.4,.Mf.A.llo . •Poiteil.:SvdesiNteal.:eiskcf,to 14) 1 0. Alin lirandrell4,2dibroatiary-I)llMe4 d .„___. -- , ' , Tlie)!aitsai44,',iii ,:I.w.lpufOliv.oooi'll7l.lllll she ~, ) , : c Oral i ivit e it., , alo4lollll4y 31)1 , 4"'irie'*;ilatetit -Ow — "o:itiiell,W„ltlinifl : fng or.eiry4aiiiilleatlati” of beat - The toctii*# 'lt &lite' kerbs iiitlltai seeurad, - . : Alia - same" as 1 1, 1 ", a' dialliqiii;Velmallde. ' '• 2 - -.. 11*:.Vibli ~ 4cittlkt',lpe,';Ottutiuus - 61. mCili lilies, —....*ecoiii!iittoOdi.'. 11441,. ortiliitattut.m4Lpilui - ' 'AI, :4tiro.:.teit epiiiiiii6 - 114140111 - npiii a ti x ; ... •Itini tie the , Vox: . 0 . 014 'boil' ki*Aoiiv . cert i . 6„, t i e .. . 1ii:,, , ,4). - 4*towlogrriOstatf . rplu . st , be witiiiit: . . :th e year,,,,wjAck*Aite l ry,...i!tii4prlF.e4, sigcnt: 'lrmo , p,,,' 4) , fiesemo rr ir.,llt*:)4tect:l4iitilli.....o,lllo . ,l4?x . .:mmieo '),-,„‘i_igt,t4ithrmiiiiio,the ilep..),!)glo:, 010 ). 4,111 s`. t:1;i 41,1,170-.0 * - 7 ', K., 11 0!;# 1 44r0.. 1415i4 :•q . ::;!. ",' :,':„ . .;.L'!,"w: : ',.1, , q`ii111140/ItA:l4ttittlfieS: ii1+131:11143 OW tN ' r '2i' - entif,pei••;k4l4x;:alt••., - 14'•1i, - ,UriiiiilrMii's . :Prilii;iosl , di.4)ffici:g4t; , ; l.liliiiktiw,aiil i rt;y4oilqiiniV.tieiiit l'efir , 7,i ';. wft=ilfi s ly 'intliatizi.4 rAttiiii 8 i ',.: ,; • }iitill'lL ,' ,•,'' i , :. ' MV,*Ii . :: PoW el I ',SN 4‘.4 , ;; culiberlim4l,,: .. A -- 9 , .:" . . 411‘ ; 4 ,),..i_. ~,,31 4 1.40,..u.ie1ii,r40._ti.,.,,:„:.;.:7:.,,,,„,,.:.:n.if.,i t.,,:a vivi.oi.oil t ti., - r ' , • , oingrinto*ri ', ' ' t '' ..1 I ;.' •' . ..` 1 i:' ' ,' - .4 11 •' , ! irOliCAElrgiMilllMl, , ..4leullsolius plug. 4D., ..ip , ,, , n ‘ ,, 'Nfi1 4 .'0 4 1,1 16.1 'W/ 1 8 i)iri lif46 Uhurtilijim tk t ifr•; , ,.. , ) , ! , , , : , i,y , , , , , 44 1 in : .Ntiltitslol63llllgSpAliwu.,, :,., , „4. ,,, .. - li;A lll .4i(lWOrni‘rti'Mtli!it'tiiimstri!.4 , 0i.,,f, :,)-,, - 4 04N 0-10,010 toett4 li e:i , ,iii t4l .1 /,, ,;; , I ; q4 ,0 1 ,4-e A stni.mAC YkOw4i 3 O ,oll 4 , *.: l ; , Vl,4!4:4,: . ! l ik 4 ,' ikV,4 AO ikAriltS OM • Aillitff*fillili?tic i ,;% t +, ,, ,i1 ' ',' i + t.i,it i ". ottot ' tt, .')/,4 BALI S.iptilr 10'0001 1%;6, , ..i . f i '9 .;:+ifpi,' h, ::a IM Anil Ci(FIitAt,,,,iLbS,4If4IOES4AIRMYZ' ~,,O, 00-7Aitentloolof,WlOVNl'iMAZkgV'', .-.-'5fr,'..7 , 1'4.,:.• • 1-:, . I ..,4-,A,yr , ,„ 8 ~?,1,i,, ik ,. .,::N,,...- !. :j.,, , ~ . .4,4; ')q' - - :',.",, , =2; - 4 -, .!',,Y;: , i01 - 41:'41 , ' , 41 . ,',4:. ,:' °: • " Net l o: • ab Pertigenicitto ' •:: • ii-drPh4ns,eott , ~. . . le.i,, •-:, --;: .. • ;,' -.•• , ••;• : :IN pnrsmince'or an• t hii ~,..--* •,", i: ' , abtilititi3Ciniit.• Or•-tlitinbitirla-trie _•• •;;,:;:' LIE '•: eountY,_WilLbti_exposed4o 'lmbji6_: ..- .;i•- , 'Air YU:\ anleat thti•houserof John ••enigli; : 4 : 7 1: - ...-:::%.---, iii.S(oughstawn;'en SMPURDAY, thecsth of Febratary next; tit•l2 - o'cloch M;of Butt - ;•tlarclthe - folkiwing - desaribed-rciaFestate-i-late-tfie ' • •-property.'or A:ltn Jo--Steugh,•er,...deed,•viz : ' No. 1. ' , lract • orCim'estone MO adjoining "StoUghstirivn, Newton •township. -in said 'county, boimled by 'lands of- , John McCulloUli,•Shurp's • 'heirs,' BrownwelPte heirs, the Harrisburg • and Chambersburg lurndike road and other property of the said • John `Sthough, doc'd, containing 105 'Acres .914 perches. •strict measure, of which -dealt 100 acres are cleared, under good fence arid, • in good 'cultivation.The improvements ore a flarge two-story.STONE HOUSE and KITCH , EN, now : occupied as a Tavern t , a-large Bank Barn, too Frame Stables and other out-buildings; a fine 'young Orchard and other Fruit Trees; and a never•failing Well of Winter. No- 2. A. a tract Jif_.Ljtimstone Land in said Newton township, bounded by lands of Sliiles ~exua Woodburn, Jacob Belshoover, Polly Fulton and the Harrisburg and Chambersbarournpikeroad, mi n i n g 71 Acres and 29 6.10 perches, of which about. 42 nags are cleared. in good auk!. vation and under•excellent fence; having thereon -erected- ti-tivo-sttirY-a nd-d-ha I f-L4O-1•14U S-Fr,-a_ - Tog - BeTt - , - Coris- - erib and - A. ill:ie. r 'ood Orchar4 find Cider Press on the premises. Permute Nos. 1' and 2 will ho sold together. - No. a A two-story FRAMIE- HOUSE,'n Stone Shop.and a Log Stable', with - 2 7 A Ores and 67b perches of Land therato• aitsched; situate on Steughsiewn .aforesaid,L bounded by lands of Mitchell' SteWlirt,'Sainui3l Malfingerand a tract. N 0.4 tiforesata. . • The terms of s'ale;•Will 'be 'B2OO to be int:ibon thelitirgart . No.l—Bloo to be paid on the per 'part Ni,. 2—and ;SPO to he paid on the pitman N0.1.3en the confirmation of the sal'e of each •resticetively. One,third 'of the purchase Money m - remain in the land. the interest thereef-to be paid to the widow of John Stough yearly, and every year during 'her life, and the principal nt her denfli to the heirs-au4l,representativesal the said John Stough. decM—one-lialfof the plechase money to be paid on the Ist day of April nest, when possession will be given, enact-he .retaniii 'der in two equal annual instalments without-in terest ; the payments to be secured by recogni zences with security in the- Orphans Court.— The grain in the ground and rents tote reserved, acid purchasers ttoipay all tuxes assessed for the year 1313. . Due attendance will be tt'iveivon tlie day of sale by . ' - . Glia. SANDERSON., Jan 12 16-18 ..,,. Trustee APPEAL. FOR 1848. rIIIE Commissioner's of Cumberland county would hereby give notice to those persons concerned, that they have appointed the follow ing limos and 'place kr the hearing of Appeals for the respestive townships and boroughs: . Town'os. noro'st, : 'Thne., Place or holding. Silver Spring , Jan. 18 . Comers Office Hampden . . " 19 :' do East Pennsborough "' 19 -do Allen . " 20 do Mechanicsburg " 21 do New Cumberland " 21 ' - do Moor6e " 22 . do • Shippemsburg borough " 21 ' .do Shippenslng- town'p " 21 . do Hopewell , do Altlllin ' - " 25 do Newvilla " 26 ' do • Newton • " 2d - do Southampton • '.' 27 do Frank ford " 27 do Dickinson - \ '` 28 do North Middleton ''' " 29 'do Somh :111tld:eton " 31 .., do \Kest Penmsborough , r..b. I do Carlisle 2 'du D.l.l'lD STERRETT, ).1.N11.:1, T.:0131,E, JOHN MEL,L, - _ '. Commissioners. . . .. . , A firpt, IVm. RILEY, Crh Corn in issionere' ? Curltrole jan. PI 3 848 S DO.T.WE To the Heirs -'and Reprssentatives o llavid Nicks-, l&t ef.YrAnkford„tp, deceased, TAKE NOTICE, that in pursuance of n writ of partition and valuation issued out,of the Or• phans' Court_ of Cumberland county and to the directed, an inquest will be held on the real es tate of said deceased, to wilt No. 1. A tract of land in Frarakford 'township, adjoining lands of Nicholas Ulrich end others, containing about 200 Acres. No. 2. Another tract adjoining William Campbell and others, containing about 130 Acres. No. 3. Another tract adjoining John Clay and others, containing about 160 Arms. No. 4. An other tract of :Mountain Land, containing about 20 Ames, on ONII) A 1" the 'HI day of Feb ruary, A 1) 1 s, ut 2 o'clock PM, on the ure ic.] Ives. for It,, purpose of making partition and valuation of tiro real came of said deceased. • JA \lEtt lii Sheriff. Shcriff's 011 ice, Carlisle, Jon 1:4 1812-3 w ' Estate of Henry llarLzel, decd. : . y ETTERS of Administration have issued . 'in La duo form of law upon the estate of Henry Har.zel, dee'd, to John Wert of South Middle ton township, to whom all persons indebted will make payment, and those having claims will pre". Z ln t 1 171 4iltisavupitil'en.l.lEig NOTICE x's hereby given to all whom it may concern, I that my with Rebecca Jane has returned to My family, and is now living with the rib toy wife, and I am determined in all respects to treat her as such, revoking sad annulling a notice by. me put in the Carlisle Herald, cannoning all persons against harboring or trusting my said wile on any account. And I also state Mut 1 done wrong in so doing, and that this notice intended by me to correct any Inlso impression that may have been tunde.on the public mind in consequence of the publication of the former notice. Given un der my hand Dec. 27,1817. Jan 12 1818-3wpd &Tang 011 Dog Cheap. TUE snbscriber wishing to discontinue his bit sinehs, will sell his entire stock of CHEWING . TOBACCO unit Ci.EARS at reduced prices.— Ills stuck consists of excellent 'Cavendish and Congress Tobacco, flrwsna ' Cuba And Seed -Leaf Cigars.- Also 'a largo l ot of Half-Spanish Cigars, gtion: Pipes and Stafarlatti Smoking Tobacco; 41 of 'which will be sold st:greirtly re duced rates to close Inisinetis. Call and ROO. -Jan 12 .`THOS. 1.1. Qv ISW ELL )lap Agents Wanted. MITE subscriber wiflies 'to engage in dig eitlo A, M . his -Maps a number of ypung . nntl middle Aged man ut;intoral and. businessliatnts, ns trav elling mews..flovingcotiitsted nu* And great ly improved editions ef—liis Utiirrni Astu,C,7 3 Maps; largo Mtip World, iltefetenCe anti Distance Mnp• s ol,tlie ~p.,nitccr Slates, .Nntional Map of ,U Obit Stntes.'!'-also,t yarioly . of oili er M'opt, :Maps hlexi4o,',t . ho subseithiris prepared to ogiiits; for, etkeh,', at the lowest possibl'e 'Prices. Address. 5. OUSTUS 1111 TC 11,E14, North-mist cOrner Market mid "40,ren"!li ete, !t .t :i nv . ' 5.: testate of , Aaron• Wise doo'd ia hciteby. givin.that...l,eifere.Testa• 11 men rittry . YAlt ,the.put nto,urrA aronlino of .14antinloh Av.wrstittp;',Ctiminirlatkl Ito ans'day,.fieen leased ‘ltfd rot theuniir bouhtYilo iho'imbscrilMrytdm i residea Shireiml)lll,4MMin ikorti7:cOunm;;...„ elAiftr4ons having clitimo ite . dc,utorkdii.',Ogottutt, lie said diteedoid . .t . ptiheuto,d rOkq' hykdttiti tito sumo without 'th4tty, taut:. thtutoLinikkliilt to , !nuke payment ' • - ' • • Jan, 5, 1548,--6w;:. , , • Atfi ii)lPl4dtlib'eut;Octibei'eitlier b) , 14 6 : 4 1 litapoTi o ti^eiti,°liqtehy, notified to , :01411 and o,lht,of..Februery, 1848, as 1 9fifiqt,creclit-fiinoc .(11 tiq1.1.:13Y91 Pentc!fiel •, • i,"Aw l 9i4rar,tice ( )n 110,,`§q . vei6 C tutu! o,:if .county 11 11 4. ftorfis ill' - i6rvioe's I " 11 4 11 '1 8 1' 1 1k' ;,`,;, )11 t 11 j', : 4 .I#llif ----------, , 11-'1 vi "6 t t 6:111Nlat. pi.`?, OIF,:l?q,91:1;;t7A tiiiiifqAltOf7 14 ' ' ':!Q: ;„1„ kiEil4(rd 11 „ ew„approy,oriim r = Te4l Gum S)iu s, wlijiihtJ 61 14 # ; ; INS - 1.1:11;111.1.1.• • tra maims paps o 3 a lfsarn, - .l7flatter myself . „byfitrict attention , tolinsi.: 1 neer' to be ableto accommodate - all. 171 to May fa 4, volt roe with ,their custom.: toLmy, former atonic of goOde,llinve jeer receivela ganeraVaupply or DA 7 3/"..G0G,88 add GRO - CBRIEB: Zt is useless le talu3 pp tithe to' ame thb prices, ofvoeihsi pribi:Ai4difori et the Bee Hive, and forthe yilygivb'gOod Goode; good' Bargaina and good attermon. • jon 12.1948'' • 'S'2VCO7.I.;E. Magistrate's Office Removed. tliiTHE7Clißee of the seibs7cireiri ;: a"Justico of the Peace, has been removed lo The holise adjoining tho store of Mrs. , Weetileyfin - High' street, Car lisle, iminediately, !opposite the Railroad 'Depot and Wirirott'o •Myrosidene'd being there,: I will always be found at home, ready to attend to thebusiness-of the•public., In addition to 'be duties Ora Magistrate, I will . intend to all kinds of Writhig; .huoli as Deeds, Mortgagei, Bonds, -vehteleVill'lre exectitedip a neat' manner a n d-ac ;cording to-the inostoppreved forms: Who - Office lively occupied bY me, in Mr. Gra lism's building is for rent,end podsession had im• mediately. The rent is.lowabd the location good. jan•l2 1848 ..(4EO. PEENING. New PtPre--43argains . l.... THE •subsctriber:lisi just opened 'in 'the Store Roont 'lately 'occupied by. Snodgrass: ps q ,,on West High street, in the bOrciiigli of Carlisle, a large and general assortment of I)RY. GOODS,' GROCERIES, QUEENS'AVARE, HARD WARE &c &c, all of which have been selected with great:Fare, 'nnd which be is determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. • - • 'Ffie public•are respectfully invited to give him a call. Tie Ratters-himself that' he can offer such inducementstis will mate it their interest to pa tronise him. • 2:7 - A lot of Auction -Dry Goods at very low .prices. , J G CARMONY Carlisle, on 12 1818 mire'. sabseriber having.determined to make n JL e hmtge in his business, will sell off his pre- Sent mock of goods at greatly reduced prices.— Persons desirous of'get t tog gontl hafgninh will do s well to call, as ,goods Innsold uncommonly_ stocicis now, large and well assorted with fashionable and :verde goods. Ma ny goods will he sold 25 per rent.,hclOw first cost. A large lot of 1300 I'S nod SHOES selling off at reduced prices. Also a 1111 nssorttnent of GROCERIES, nt the very lowest prices. Jan 12 1848 CHAS. OGILBY Napoleon Le Grande of the Tom- • dal . Tribe. Wc RD JOHNSON—not the hero of the Thames, but dm Knight of the lb nor—re speet fully informs thmle requiring his professional serVices, that he may rlways be found at the old stand in Lowlier street. one door west of North *Hanover street, immediately in the rear of In holf's grocery leorM and ahliough he will neither brrig nor boast, yet for clean n el neat SHAV ING, fashionable II AIR CI.PI' I IINI3 end taste in toying OM nod cultivating either ,Whisker or Memo:who. he does defy the county. • Ile is also sole inventor and manufartnrer of the celchrmcd and never , failing remedy for hald• nesh, -JOHN SON'S A 1.,AT0 RV, which he is , so leertnin of its res!raing the hair. that snout(' it fail be will return one-half the purrhase money. Price SI per bottle. ' jon 12 ISIS Splendid assortment of 'rurkerie, "*. Brodie, Cashmere, anti Blanket Shawls:at the el.eap store in West High street. - Jar, 121818 .1 (1 CA RMONY • CILOMS; - C,as - sitifereg, -Satait-ott ,Teeerei zNsortment of Ves'iners, very low, at the f lie, t Store in West Lli^lt sorett_. Jan 1t RMONY erfl E partnership heretofore existing, between the subskibers was this day (34th Dec.) dis,olvcd by utu•unl (=serif. 1111.:1,( . 10112 BIZ FARMAN BENJAMIN GIVLER Jan 12 IR)S.3wpd ' Valuable Property at Private Sale The Inrue nod commodious Mick ST()l2l.:,,sifb• , 6. me tin the corner of I:tolP.o.r nod • ii. IlitooN titrt.•::. l'outloionstoutly • ,-Vli; It rom•ti I.y the proprouor. JIM 12-3010 .1( s. REED. - 910 the Stockholders of lho CARLISLE 1. DA N IC. Notice is herebyicon in confor mity with Jiro following order 01 Court.l GEO. A. LYON, President. Carlisle Bank Jan - 0, 1 F4S, Tn the Cir,cuitCourt of the United Statea,io and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in the third circut, of October session, 1847. Krebs vs. Lyon et nl. No. 1, April Session, 1848. In Equity. And tzei , c jo wit: this first day of DecenelrePlt A. D. 184, m in the minter of the Bill of Complaint of John :1 i . Krebs vs. Geo. A. Lyon and others, Directors of the Carlisle Dank, and the sublitena issued out of the Circuit Court of the United States, fur the Easterd Die aria of Pennsylvunin, No. 1, April session, 1818. On the petition of the Detimdants, setting out, although they represent till the Stockholders of the said Bank. dint different interests itt different classes of the said stockholders mav require them to have 'notice of the proceeding, that they may appear and defend their respective interests, if they shall think proper; and that front their num ber'it would 'be inconvenient and expensive to bring them in es parties, by the process of the Court; and praying the Court to make an order, authorizing them to give notlthe to the stockhold ers of the proceeding, by it publication of said petition, and the decree of the Court thereon, for four weeks preceding dm first day of April next, in ono paper published in the city of Philadel phia, and in two papers published itt the borough of Carlisle. The Court, having taken the some into toinaidermiett, 'make the order, according, to 'the said prayer di the petitioners; U. S. Eastern District of Penn'a. tet, I, George Plitt, Clerk tot tho Ciredit dour( of the United States,.in'and for theEtititerti'District of' Pennsylvania ; in the Third Ciretiii;tl6 hereby certify:Am The .itiregbing is.n true mid_ faithful copy of the original, on file and remaining of re cord in my office. Witness my lend and dia teal of the [L. S.] 'said :Qcivittott PhiladelObia;4lrA second, ... .•... D; 1 8 ,4 7)Vrai the.teNrerity 7 segonq yea r . of, the•itidegeridatice of the said UttilecrStates. • .. GEORGEI!PLITT--Glerit:-C: ETA FICK ES ETTER.% of oh'the r catitto - ILA Of.MAIVIIN , K:'NEI'SW ANGER; cloecl . . htlyn-ia§tintl Nt•les 4 hinifiti Alonroi townsl)lp. All persons having einijiiiiktiinat tho asta.te wfl sweient thein'ttul,k.Mithentia, tctl , for ~aat r Ilipnen,4l 144abiod , . r Dnyi.D,:,N - sisWANPEit ir Ad m r. '4; ' or. s ot 0e.,, a ArAcll Eoq; pf,Gltrik. 'lO/ Itt_ty . invltlokar t ,nocount tiLiOgourt‘drcommonfleas ;911',Citrotier In o t :l;,cinninfirtnvid.. l andr;on pelltion Alte,ntyioreinnod , w,ao. z app o inind: antitl; td I 'n*ltiKtillttsOntinn of, the liiilonco an wid ti tit tk to A 1144410,n,g.tiotritver1 according to las ! , attend lor 1.1)41. pi n iroliki,ivinriy•„vv.bit'amp on Moir ,dayif,thetg7t4V,4l.l3 , ,t;o,l: l tuoe : gili 0,0 Cefi9:el,lftifl'ttliniftirnPoottis',4l:. , t , /ili'lte . ' .:!! At4rt`ol:,' " ‘.‘ ; 7 1.7 : '. .rrillig6*an IP! In?and-Giltpe, GItKAT 'vneld • jYf'"' E, r ft . k i l i ttlor s , for tritn, , , kV 1 6,0,, YO I SlP , F i n :d n iy y , , ' using rcas Oi l Oittl,4 l l'....4 t . , ,V.iir HrriiEßl , ~I, ~,t'4`i.i.',A.2t1,'5,1",,;1,1•4;--c4: '''V kl illlVOTl l P!' ll Me l ,r,"'' t'` . , 1 4 V , :, i ~p,'..' . ,41„,,.-.4,1,,iii0,. pf.eitkit'i4a; 11 . . •i i 1 lAtil'3l; ,+. 7;54 , 1' , M0ui. , ..t1e.1441i ' . u! .A, IA ‘ l Li k :" l l'`',:',',.;W.:tl ...,,',,, ,t0*,;,,,,4„ ~ .t rk i , .' -‘, AlT 4 orqrzt ,.. r- , rw:,...#4,,A,,,,-,,,,,, ~,, fi, - Atuprettatteouw:r The'Reel.HlVe . haS ' s . ... - .7.. 7 =:i. 5 .:V 3 .1 . 1.;:. , retn0v0d, to . : the , 'Ouse' rktik-L i -later,V-Odchpied , by , Da H . :Arnold, on. N. ffnetbfet streSt.: As {hie sr, ono of iholnost eon.' .• Great Bargains Shawls, Shawls ! Claths and Cassimeres A Dissolution, I.ITOTICE NOTICE. • • • linflE'fintlerai g tWd•Offera!Ciir Bale on' Very. rea.! 1111 'l l -illabliage;•-orPfitt arimibbiurernaloho; , PEltltYEU.RNAC 6 i'i . ' ASneSOCCllTre , lVLYTEge! ... iiiiiiiiiiillCPerll:couidy,'sinites east ofT11:41)1V - % ,;Pos Balite-clay - of, ! , ,burgi , and:i.fourr southwest `of. ; Bloninooll. Aprilinext. i p*lfili riOrr ocattpiaOliy, .with a illthe personakpropeity, bertalglag: td• a a l d . ettair,Ainkeri--ork:ltitl—alrae!,:;-on Fitrunee-, stieh as-RORSFIS T WA . G-ONSioAlerS,- deer: . south ' of For -Eerie,: GoarlisPATTEßNS;4 , 4asks Ste ;Ite..— trfritaaPplttti . •''. • in full. blast,. ltelollgiag-to said . . • -• N. HANTCH, T : urnale::there aro about: 2,000, Acres of Land, BL • ICEE NEV% ' "' hone 'large, MANSION ROUSE SEYMO UR: , •aSaw • lII} thereon. • About MA - arcs Of - saiil land tire cleared antlinn good state ct . of-r,uhivation, svitlyttre Apple Or lards thereon.. A gond .portion •Ofthe land can 'ulna& gond farm land: 'literati! of IltON• ORE within'tlain` three td fear miles of .the N'urnace, and Lirnesione•in • abuudatie;'*i thi ri forty rods of it. Possession can be bad at any time. . • Cailialo t jnnl 5 1848 For, Sale of Henti THE r Heuse-en West. High street, now occupied by Mrs Cook as a boarding house is offered for rent from the Ist of .April n • • is also offered for sale. W. B.• KNOX. FOR RENT, - The Two-Stot y Plastered ROUSE, Kitchen. &e, in East Main street, now tweapied by J. B. Bretton, will.betented or ono year from the first of April next, J. W. DIV. Cnrlisle, Jan 5, 1948 : .PROM, the Ist . of Asti!, -1848, 'that • • convenient STONE HOUSE on High man sweet, Carlisle, east , Of H. Lyon., Eeq, a containing two good parlors and -rime othet repine, fouffiftlis 'of !Tho' hull, kitchilii, riven, smoke-house, :garden and yard, and aIY the cellar under the frorichOurte.. Apply to WM. BUTLER, Agent . for-the-heirs of Mrs, Alatteer deed. •Messrs. J• Eb:y, P. Lechler and . ..Joseph - Hot bort, Will give informition mid th 6 terms January 5, 1848 Fait IttE , • THAT excellent BUS I N - ) - Don the. corper-of-North ur4, 1 1111 • Hanover and .Louther .streets? now occupied by Christian Inbar, together with the rook' in the rear of it. It is a commodious room, and. its situation - in - a'popu , lons part of the town makes it one of ibe best business srands in the place. For terms encjuire of JOHN A. HUM RICH. Carlisle, Jan. 5, 1848. . , A'OR nr.wm. Four or Five two story brick. D EL LING HO USES in Alexander's Row. Also, Two Frame Dwelling HOUSES li ca in East Loather St. Also, two Frame —Dwelling-HOUSES'in-Setrth-tancyrby St, alljoiningq3lain's lintel. Also one Pestered Dwelling HOUSE in Church alley. - For 'tonne apply to the subsbriber. bENFL. TODD, Agent. Carlisle, Jan. 5, IS4B t - ; 4 ‘.l L— 't • FOR RENT. Jr• ' , Two BRICK HOUSES, in th at well ith known business part of Carlisle called !lAA-Int-pees Rnw,' on the North-east stde of the Public. Square. Possession to be given on the Ist day of April next. For terms apply to • - JOHN H. WEA VER,or , CEO. A. LYON,. January it, 18.18-tc . . For Sale or Rent. : - -A' Ilni.'SE and LOT, on West L I ,-,- 'Z't i street, at presets occupied- by lets. l'' glio ,'i • ' Parker. Tile house is nearly new, ..: , 711,4; r : .r,,,.!.; having been tenntseu but MIC year, - ---.- ''''' and is in perfect order. Fur terms apply . tn. GEO. W. HILTON. IVOR RENT. , . 'rho two large Brick OFFICES . , lc:- riirotted on West Iligh street.- 4 '''. They contain rico iooms. One,of tcl i f , ~,,. ~ t them has been maMpic.l for nno to l itt Ast:i",__Z' . ”:''• her or years by James 11. Decor, Esq. Fur terms apply to _ MARTHA DUNCAN.. Carhslo, Om 25, 18)7. • . FOR RENT FOR RENT from the first of # f, April nexV, the ROOM. on North li I :4 Hanovei strect,itmy. oeenpidd by. 1 f? .:.-.L : , „:44 Aft. N Lintach„--sakt---which—i • well suited G,r a small store. . Ala-,'two small HOUSES, one situated on Loullterstreet, and the other aleltinion Alta)'. Apply to JOHN 13:PirRICEIt. Carlisle, Dec. 15, 1817. ' For Sale or. Rent. r A two story 4,E Ilonse,on North Hanover street, 52. 4 V ht 11 1 next duor to the public Notice of John Commen t the larger front room of which is now occupied as n hardware Store by Fortney and Fisher. Said house has even rooms, with a kitchen, and cellar under the latter. Also a two story Brick Dwelling mouse in the rear of the above maned, with four rooms, kit , hen and cellar. Both of those houses have the use of a large cistern, holding water sun. ciem for four families, and there is also a wcl of water near the kitchen door in the adjoining yard. For further mini:whirs min ire of the subscriber. - JACOB SENER. POR . REA*T. The 110'./S,ki. situate id South, TS:mover street, next.door to A. ;.t. . Itenix's store, slyl ut present IA .i . if oceOpied liv Henry L. Hauer.— OP-.471P" forai loos, is u, Lo a i dwellin g , and is alto ono of the hest shoots for store or shop in town. Possession given oil tht Ist of April next. %In v olve of PFITEIt GUTSIIAI.I, Carlisle,Dte. S. I R4.l*—lr Eor Rent. !IL DI% ELLING TIOUSE t E. on West Mein street, now oeett ig,r. plod by I', C. Stevenson. For ' terms ripply to SV. T. BROWN Pee.2:1,1847. PUBLIC SALE, THE subseribar.will sell at Public auction at the residence of Samuel J. McCormick, Esq, in township, on FRIDAY the 21st: test, the following perSunal property t Ono Horse, Saddle and Bridle, a sett of Corpontar 'Pools, Cross cut Saw, Half-bushols Mill-coga,'Boards and Scant ling, Mirka, Shovels,:l3ooka; Barrels, Crowbars, Turning Lathe, Log Chain ,&c. &c. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock M,'whbn.tertlis will Ito' nado known. 44, I persons‘having accounts to settle with S. 3. MeCorwielt in,thuneighborhooa, Oro notified that.l. will attend at the same 'place on Saturday 41102/d inst, to afford an opportunity - for makittg s'ettleinehte. -L'H 'WILLIAMS, , . jun 92 180 ~! Aspikneeof,S,j..!McCortitick • ':..',VALUABLE: ;F ON' AT V:ATE * SAT .E P. inland her °hers it l'iriehte 'tide the ytti tinhie,PAßNll'on 'which he DOW' lierarsitti • ate' in West Ptinnehoro towsinlittr;Ctroberinitti county . , stbont thr co' toil les ' n'eet ri tele; on the Conetloguitinet creek , of- first:, rote-.Liiinest One enott'of Whiny Is eltinretrnini :in .'n high 'tante' ii(teilltiveriint,t•-• ythont,ten'' eeren of line' bottom intlicand about.eigteen here's is thrivitip:WOolliand." Ilieinl erit it tiro story ,; STONE I)WJKLLUNICLIMUS tit iFiTtge_,Ba n k .ilitimilnint other tie- Jr petrtAtyte never 'hint* „ypriog 10'ertite,if ktekr thriteltetr.doori tipstie au trhti tit riinning throngh n.• port or thO plit •:WhitiVtlitire:'*ns forinerly tv•Dietillery , with far of alert' , There its Sleo ti •thrit4ng'vtsting . It D . on' heitiln•iet iontahiftiethe be nt a first rate'Limentone tanevry 4 4.hrlie'tihtait!piliee Ilinoxiiipatttiflti „Grain nnil.ClifeWei'A'4 , ' ,•••'• Persons t estrift re O eiteil'to"elitt On the , elitisolibey,tivhigOkthiihitet, - .2 ALE) f fr FOR'S roTy • - • pRoPF9, Tow „ it tgX,t-1,„, Irj,„l:os,,iihti: -,' • • 'P.', -ARO jrtvoto P very k•-• IN? , lignqn We tominglatlin !lit. at# tliege 11.49Ati,„::;Thne,Iic.,„11` oftl! cistir" Ihing 1 il°o9°'94tOiciketelii,,Js4,t7 ' —taco_ , v iar:4l , 9, rtpd 0,11, 109* aejep • kW' The intrehasar eno have. the Provisions, Sthre Goods And Ore;now being . providetHor the nest .iuratisr, at cost; also the Wood ncorbeing eltop 7 pad o 'bre, The Furnace 'ls in good blowing order, with new water'wheel, sail bellows newly fitted up.— For terms apply to the nntlersigned, residing in Newport, Perry-county, Or 'to Mr. John Allison , • • . ' .T. W. BOWAN! AN w.port, Dec:' 8 1847. • To' 9tic Hots . anctftejardientiitives Plitober) Buchantinn,latd'Of TAWE NOTIC.F4 apiatsu ince of a . tir:rif of partition buid:*alalition, issued out of. the Orphansi 'Cotiet 'of 't unibeetand county, and to une'directed, elf iiirjhehtlyill be held on' the-real estate of said deceased, to wit, a Int nr piece of ground situate in Mifflin township. bounded by lands of John Shullen , herger, coolaioing about ttvo acres, having thereon erected a Lag - House and Statute - with a nbrober of fruit trees thereon, on TtiLMS. DAY, the 3d day of February, A. D. 1 84 8, at 2 &cinch premises,_for_the-pur pose of making partition and valuation of the toal-eituto of said deceased. ' • • JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff,. Sheriff's 011iee;Eartirle. • Dee. 22, 1847-ljtv C. HAAUNESS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, ..11: in the'UhltedStates, Rc•ophn,for,.Win. ter. 100,000 Garinentson hand and leady"for disposal, Wholes°le and Retail. To patrons we would say, that having. but one price, these. who are not dealers or do not understand the real valuation pricc.of goods, will have an crpporlunlty of purchasing Gar ments as low us professeirjudges Jobbers and dealers in ready made Clothing can re plenish their Sleeks for the %Vatter; and we zunrantee thejargeit establishment in Philel, dolphin to select from. Wo otend personally to the packing of goods, and see that a good assortment of sizes and well made articles are put tap.-' Single suits forwarded as per order. pr 3 Our goods arc for sale only at the harp ' bni!iling, IslB Market street, soul be s et mane of Market and Pourth streets, Philadelphia. October -13, 1817. NEW ARRIVAL Ors BOOTS anti SHOES , 1.:.: Pcslcr'.9 Shoe Store, opposite the Methodist Church. . tt. , Mon's Kip Brogans, Men's Thick' Brogans, Boys' and Youth's thick - Boots, Women's Lace Boots. - This work has been manufactured to ordcroaepressly fornthe Winter, and' is war ranted to be 'BETTER than any eves. sold in Car. -lisle. -~-----x Cottsianity Ittt hand, n' vcncral assortment. of best quality Routs, Shoos, Brogans, Gutn ti(lees, Bu !Yalu Over Shoes, Socks &e. &c, to wile!' the dttention of buyers is ,•olicited. Carlisle, Dec. 8, 1847 tII IEPA NW SOUSE, 280, Markel Reel ; Philadelphia. • rinHE Subscriber (late of the 1111 • g • Washington Hotel, Harris ' " bow Pal takes lids i Ilfelibd o f f in . fore - ling old frietds and the pub lie generally, that he ban 'taken the above na med HOTEL. The house Is airy end comfort tible, and has been extensively altered and improved, and the proprietor hopes by a ioriet attentirin to business and a proper care for the comfort of his guests, to merit and - receive a share of public patronage. The house is situ ated very ounvenient for Vie travelling publia, being only two doors above the Harrisburg and Pittsburg Depot, and wubiti two minutes walk of Om Baltimore and Reading Depots.. STA— BLING attachadqo 'the premises, Terms $1 per day. E. P. HUGHES, Proprietor. Augusi2s, 1847-3 mo: " • PLUSZIES PLUSH:QS I Satins, Velvets, Feathers .5• Arl frclrrl Flowers. A CIIOICR assortment of Flushes of every .1 color, Ostrich Tips And Feathers just landed. A very cheep lot of uncut 'Velvets, new style, arm very desirable; Satins in Drab, Mazatine Blue, and every fashionable color, and a large end ebenp aiisortment of Ribbons end A rtifieMl Flowerer—together with every requisite fur Milliners, et EDWARDS & SONS, , 67 South Second at., Philad'a. Nevemobr 1,13.1817-- '*resit .arrival. • " •i 'l'llE j subscribers haee mit re. `l.77r i e calved from Philadelphia a new as sort milt of DRUGS; ARMIN ES, '• PAINTB o PERFUMERY,FANCY AR'l ()LES, 40;Llr,e, which has been selected 001.11 bare and all Warranted to gPen satisfac lion, both. us regards quality and price, to all will favor them with a call, Remember the old stand,. opposi'te Ilia nail Road, Depot, .V. & W. 1.1. FLEMING% • Carlislei.Novl. 11), 1817 • to, the 'Court of Common Nous 'of Curnberlitnd Countr;. Catharine D, Meson' by her father and next friend FrederiCk Gnuitl, re, William Mason: • N0.,40, August Term. 1847. SulipeentriiO4 ditoroe.•• 11th 'N.ovember,lB47; on tnritibri' of Mr. Todd preOf,ltvlng, lieenFinade that 'the saiti'W II Mason could net ho Tophrf. notice is fidiatiy'gieen:toJhe Said oppuar,on the, tOth day el Jean a t answer theieeniplulat , of the said Catharine D - JAMES noFrpt, Sheriff:. .Slioritra OfSde, CoAsle,l' 8, 1184744i,y.„ NOTICE: ~_ LETTeRi.of vita° of JACOB 'l4 N.E1115, decd, of :11Opo well town A; py co inborknO been g rn'ontikin':-4noforYit'of I . to* Joh n , 11,1i . o're of 41 itOripwnlipi io iqd Od...tohiTO?ilitii oda*, U;ilriniktf 01$ 4 01 1 t." thnso.hovlnc.ofalms''wlll . pitneent..theni Ow:: s: YER B :4 o irllr' . De , 1 10 YOP`r. ' it'' 034 n! ig I k`lei i)t'Y ' GO , t ll ! ikt'` )!;t 3 3' 94.1 , , , IPicd'bt 1 1 % 14 4 G-ieve; it the " i'ettlit east / ter', Per ,ol'allkoect 1 ,5110tce4;41ierii inclifTtmmini 'tit)* Y6'llll.l•Siq?lifiu • Wc s littNEß.l. ,6 1.11 i.i3diF 5' , 184 • 29 , 7 41. 4.1",,0., 61. • • ' '"liitibkir'64lo6EßxEsi UST received, n firealttlesokmeht c,f ['Tit; %Ili/CP* ol mi , and PlitreAliiid, Suitirr cifinverr:devcrietion and price '.m9B lll ' ,l i o Wieland. Ortinnii Iddinidel;pteon 's , YruNtion'efli , Supotisk , YciOnAtfy rdiPir4ll, m1 1 1 , *100‘944,q19 6 15ir,14,t i t 7 4;te.-ppro:p,l I 8 1 . 1* , ,ak 401 thi_. l e„hAilv r, tb, , , TAIP 9 i tt it,A4 / /4 1 ,P,Eia, Olt tittinT 4 l'R.MM );,;•;., g'se 4 l 4 '‘ft bitt4R ,likrite`" smirk itht,;() • fv, „p. r /vm . 1 1 ,1 0 t I ,t/N491/ iff,- NOTICE Xl'll. iM I'VIZVI'LR Li 't4,! t7.4tyftlliartiV•4:' 4, ;&:lidoil4` o Akt.:s.!'i [ ...... ;.. . ; 4. , 4-yg . :: : . , .;'.';;...rg 0; ; ,l• tRISSitifiK • titiIEAO"QU'ARTERS' ".,,',',.—: ) •;1( T . raknirkiit •m1irit, , , , ;;"4;:l ;;;;V: - :-. 1 1..7 ; ~, .' • Ardaii - natiaudr Witia l t - iCTOilik '''' 16 ' ' ~,- I ,com a , to- yea' withl.libiilosiug..iear a : ' xoloitilawatuoilev . tt;4l%Vwithievido' , I' banish 'air - care - tram flic - ily'Snitrirday, , I gladdmi 4 till heafts, then-hasten - slimy. • firl HE linbiferliber... tithes Abli inathcid 'of cin -1.:...1Lg. foimitg,his friends 007 - the public ,•in !generah, that ho- is. ,consta oily. manufacturing and has always on hand‘o4NDlESof Ovary viirieti (whieli for ciality'dainidt lie tittriiirifsed 'by' any manufadtured In the- Staterwhieli he' will . sell•Wholeselo or. ',Retail at' the OLD STAND,An'Nortlit Inponer street, where, he •also , heeptiForoligtaftlEllTS end NUTS of the latest importationovhich - will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. His stock consists in •nart - ortlic follawite: '' • -OrangesAormins, Enjoins, Prunes, Grapes . , •Citroni'Dates, Figs, Cocoa nuts, Cream nuts, ?ea nuts. Pecatimuts,Almonds, English Wal nuts! Filberts,Sic. &c: . &e. He would also call the attention'oftlie•pab- Eie to, his stock of Fancy Aitieles, suitable for The-aproittelinirlieitMayl roys,lll6l . ls Sil iro.ney wilioh• for bounty ind'veriav'eltrpassee any *thing of the *kind 'ever Offered to the citizens of COrirele. To' cminectfon *with the - ohm.° he - has ust:reeeivod ht.pri me 10t..6! l a amily Groceries, 'consisting of. superior 'crashed and' refined,, LOAF SVGA IlS;andm-gned.iluttlity•af Breivn Sugars; COFFE,..froni Bto 24 ets `per p'3und; a filipefior.-article of Imperial,. )(hung Upson and 'Week - TEAS; Molasses' Of airtinde; Chocolate, Crackers, Cheese, Rice, Blecliing, Matches, Brushes, &C. - FRESH SPICES, vb.: Tapper, Alopice, Cinnamon, Cloves', Mos: tard, Nutmegs, Ginger. A supply of Indigo, 'best •qtnijityJ 'Alum Starch, Washing • Soda, tPetto 'be sold atl_reasOnahlo . prices. -1 , , —0 - -..,---. The subscriber returns hisaincerc thanks to the 'Wylie for en liberal patronage. extended to him during the time he has bear in husines-, - 1 and hopes by attention t. business and a du dire to pleabe, to Malt d continuance el the crime. All Orders from a distance promptly attended 10. • ti Carlisle, Dco. 1, 1847. • Chi•istnias- is Coming td /1111.1 E subscriber nes Jest returned f rom the, city, where she purchased and hes non ready for sale very large additions toiler former stock. lier assortment consists era very i arge.end well'aelecicd 'variety of TOYS, too n impious to ;tame. - FANCY ARTICLES', among which may ho (band Stceil3eads and Bugles, Steel force and Hag Clasps, Rings and Tassels, hair trim. mines of various and time lutist tashiatiAle kinds Wigi end Curls suilablo for all shades ol , ..inair,lnanufactured in the lonia ep proved style and modern fashion, very low Work, Farley, Travellibg, Market ,and Toy ET:I, new in style and substantial in workm a iishi p A frt ch'Suppiy of Confee"tionttry,..Fruits and Nuts . QUEENS WARE, an additional stock ,Q,to..K-ES; large am' small, always on hand `or uilsed to order. 24 a Waler, Soda, Sugar and Plenic'erack'ern SPICES-of all kinds,, grtitnid and whole COFFEE, Tea, Sugar, Cheese &c, and va• Hoes - oilier articles, making 'liar sleek very, complete, to which she respectfully invites the attention eithe public — For sale a large NOT P'S PATENT GOAL STOVE, nod a large Wit plea Stove, both in exclilleut order, and- which will 'be sold very recaTiably MARY W EMiLEY Carlisle, No*mber 9.4, 184.7. (0 PI! iL" Let None Despair. INVIE THOMPSON'S COmpound Syrup of Ti,r and Wood Naphthia, for the cure of In. eapicut Consumption, Chronic Catarrh, Asth ma, Broaachatis, Obstinate Cough, Liver Com plaint, Spiliipg of Blood, Palpitation of the Heart. and ail kindred 'diseases of the Respire •tory Organs This prepdrzition note se extensively used, has no pariallehas an efficient 'cannily in the class cf diseases for winch it is applicable Its peculiar composition enables it to act in a kindly manner upon diseased nigans; soothing irritation. quieting the cough and inducing, on cony expectoration, thus freeing.the lungs and air vessels - from Offensive mattdr, Which other• wise watild aggraSate'disoasaa,und Ultimately_ result i'vegifirmed contaiMp'tien • To public speakers this mcdiciine . is invalm able, rendering the ',Vied clear and strong, and• remriving any.predisposßien to.aiakase in the, Lungs tiddlitiindlintr Sec What a Physician Says. Tito following from .1 - .4. Y.vung. the olefin guislicci oculist: Philadelphia, January 18, 1847 Having used in my practice as well us in my own family, •Thomsom•b Compound Syrip of Tar and IV nod Naphtha,' I have no hesitation in saying that it is the SEST rftEI'ArATION Of the kind in use fur persons sufferhig from Con sumption, Coughs, Colds end all affections of the Throat, Breast, c•c, so ;Wmlent al this sesta .of the year • ' YOUNG, AI 1),15!? Spruce street, Thin iiivaliiable medicine i. prepared hr Angney_& Dieltscin,al.•N. 1.. corner . Firth and Spruce elreolo, Philadelphia Sold by R. ANGNEY, Carßolo. Price 50 els per bottle-05 per dozen Ho: (or the MOLIDdr'S. Crew Supply of D'Euley Articles, Gift Books, Fruit, `Confectionery, &c. S. W. 111 V Kits.ricic, North linnever street nearly opposite, the Brink, hen 'just received and is now opening it varied and 'splendid assortment of care novelties ul the way•of elegantly bound and cabeilletied Gift Books,,Faney•Ailtidies of every conceirahte description Mid dcsign;fresli and rich •Frinn, Confectionersy, dedvespecially suited to the :Spicy tind tal.teti of , hinmtiMerons clistomeri, old Mid 4,fttintgOinil Jq. hihh lie in vitee their paVticulatr attention dfiying-tlni tip pronaliing Amongst the' assortinetil , Of4iikintlii , and GUI Books may be eninnerated, Tim OphlifiMASB, The liumorises. ' ?The loits'lto'imtititr , Tite . Chrislinvilift - eptink4llll of which tlie•rieliest 'style OM embel lished' ' iimerontveitgcaving's.;. A large lieaoMltnent o 1 Ly' hooka fdr thildeett, fie bee , arlisle, Bee.. 18.47; N[V,GOODSi 'AGAIN!. - Second Arrivalfaf':,:Winiii.• Geitds rk -row opening -Wholesale and Retail StoYeVa.eplondid assortment oheap„Winpii Goods:‘ .Itmoihethe lot will be 'fonndit 'lskrge stock cloths', Cassimers; -Vositings,,Csasinetta iya , • t ',CAentlemen,i?ianting cheap, anti handsome, sul4iViPAO' saying, money ky at this establishment... , • Ladteeittse4Pirliciljntly : AnlFAlcd;-,lo:esil imainine qnr,,shiek - of,CloaltinO, 311u'tvl ' s 'Cash`' M erini,.l‘flaut: Ve,lsatileir 4 ,4leoMsS" l ,(iltink and! -colored-Coberg_gl atthifOalirqiiin and , :Lanni Plaids arid, thekiny.otlitie gOodsV—T :illiiaTornl7ilaii,biefound a large aSkirtment Ot bleached And . tantlicablitidahfrtinge Ste Asmetiiith:nablifethei , :bistea'Avlargest stockG cY:l3ooteatid,Sheep,:;Xevary t Ito old Atind, , Plait Big, Wlndowa l and whpin, so 'many cheap, 'geniis. the last: !dim • , italimose.s watit,lt oats. del Lainci, l ,411: node. cp1094 ' 'ail9 tint_ ',lliptiji de: Laines'jtotOvel „At bfiAILI;pII.:VV I,*-#.titit4ooo.4A9l.l.),mitr ME 4. , 44 ,1 terre51ar"`" ,,,, ."";.! , , . 111tt,5". CSOODS, liE b'd -o,;u ,c aat agar —an -a no' nl , fig ; gE `, lile tote; on 'the South_ west' *c , ar.tibi'xif ihaV e ablia..l3,4itiii;can' Unusu ally_ Oh ejtil 'Flannels, - YOstinge;:AlpfiettO;TSilko, ItOtithtt, zifips,..Siuiuds; 'A aPlorolia illoak of_ OALICOES,O4' Ptie" varying Irikrri 3 6,l to' 18,7: Conte. - Groceries of all kinds. Also, a.frbski3tOeli CELEBRATED rtum.'.L'AMPS, which tie•has latelyintrodatorliiind-Vvlfich oFe found 'to he by all t h at Wive' tried - them, the most economical and &miriade eiticle in 'every rusponnt nene eCloe'the 'She Pehiiti ...„ Conipiiitirsos Teas. -lie has been .apriotirted.solc agent in 'this pleb . ° for the:side of the -obese Teas, to' which he would invite the - special attention of the love; g of good 'Teas. The - riltrineeirf - which the • arc iltivour ts prt ved .for any length of' tiine;lieltiginciiSed in. lead of tin hill. Tairillies cua 'be - supplied with any•quarititylitt up iiithiamatiner. Tho public to respectfullytiiiited. to 'call ccpniine his'stoeft before porthasind elsewhere. 'inasmuch us he fechinitfitlent that Iris variety and prices 'Will be 'se tls fitetery,lo intrehascre. 'II.OB,ERT IRVINE , jr. • Onidbei•6 ; 1847. hZIII TIIE Riax ArrE, f 4111 HE sabscribi?r. liud lipcned 'a MU - Weenie stack of FALL"and W.I.NTER GOODS, to - which -he would cull the .attentron of the •citizens of 'Carlisle, and *the 'serrritinding neiglihntmod, Twill nut trotado of enumerating tulieleo-:lt.:wehl.Ltake_up_too much time aa . roiiin=l will only name a few oP the leading articles: . • Cloths, Cuskitricrs, ShttinbtLY , . bra 'kinds and prince; Vekser,Salin bud other Vostingts; White and Red Flannel, hill' 'Linen, Canton Flannel, 'Pickings, 'and %eats; Gentlemen's G locs.and silk trSrats; White 'Linen and silk Ilandkerchlofs, Musline,Ctilimms,Lincies,&e, Plaid GOodm of ail kindly' ndiaa ; each •au Cashmeres, Jala a Cale da:We atnts, any togbariiiri plain . and plaid Alpacas, flombazines, Shells, Glove 4na Hoskins for Ladies, M)9)les and Childreril B anti virla Caps for misscsierd ..Woolen Searle 'in -ti'cal "vithety GuM Cfioes, a very handsorne article 'for Ladiest;,- - " . Gentlemen and' elfildren'tf Clips, of all. kyudir.. ,GroGgrieSs • such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea;Spicer, - &e., Se. After looking through' 94..e.- - MOiltct, just an chor at the PEE *MYR, in isTorth Hanover strtel, and for dm- Coen I 'give you de good hatain satnan be got in the state. . . A. COYLE. Car October 6,1547. - - WINTER SUPPLY OF .I)..ligs, • Medicines.l4'c. S.w. lIA V I'MTlCti...juiving just open .• his %VINT'S!: SIJPI'LIES of GOODS desires tri call the muaieutar Mtention of Pam ilies and I'llyeicinab to his replenished iissortm' of I/RUGS and .A 1 FIDCI NES ,Whiikfteve been purchased 'at the best houses in Philadelphia, and may be relied upon for treshitas and excellence. Aildedin these will lip found an entire block of pm N-rs, OILS, IYITI-STLTPFS, 'Varnishes,' Glans, tae Ste. all of Yltielt he will entereto be of the best quality and al .fluCeery lowest prices.. Ile has' matte ninny ailditions to his stock of 1100KS,-brsides weer:Men new Sttliply of all the Text Books, Il istories, liendeta, Lexicons, WO • .ling Books, -&c. now in use in College and our. public sehools—Which he will disPOse °fon terms suited to the circumstances of all. - . His stock xd - FANCY ARTia,F.S em'braces rich and extensive collection which it wid(' he impossible to enumerate, but comprising many nottlties which cannot - IA to strike - the eye Mill 'please the taste, such as Ladies and Gentlemen's Cutlery, Gold mid Silver Fens and Pencils, Hair Tooth and Clothes Brushes, Perfumes of Roe alt and extensive latiehes, Fancy Snaps, Shaving Cream,Card Pocket Patois,Pocket Pocket books, &c. &e. 3.2[AD. Also, •a ntw slippfy of .COrtiebus's elegant I.ABI) LAMPS, togther with Siterib and Mould Catltes, Baskets, Musical I nstrUments, timbre!. Itv,Clilldren's Toys, Door• Ma's, and other arti cles in the variety line, which with a constant supply of fresh FRUITS, nuts dud Confect ionory of the richest q•iality, teaks a lark and'spleitdid stock tni Slndi InLernoftdently invites the attention and patronage of his tint., and country friends, at the old band in North Hanover street, nearly op ',ensile the Carlisle Bank.• S. IV. lIAVERSTICK. beceinher I. 1847. HARDWARE ,___HAND . - PAINTS! : NO IX IT lA' 13 TT Gl• ! • TIE nttetaioli of the liulilic is respectfully i,rovittql to a 'NEW AND SPLENDID SI'OCK OF Hardware & Paintsp which 'I bare juet received from the City, and which I am 'determined to sell at the LOW: EST I RICES': I do nut pretend that I Import any Geeds myself, but buy thdin in the City all for Csan, and of course get them at the-lowest rates.— Thepubite i therefore invited to become nequainted with the pricesond then call on me and it I do not sell bettor goods as low a'd little lo&er - than the,l ft:porters; I not ask them to bey. I Will ;Subjoin the'prieos of a few articles; viz: One hundred ICegs .cif Neils at. $4,5 . 0 per Keg ; one londred Kdgs White Lead, $2 per Keg of 26 lbs.; 2060 . lbs. Gritidstones, 1 1-2 :to 2 cents per lb, and all other goods at equally few Ptlecit. call Uhd lice at the old stand in North anove / t Strcet, Sign or the 164 Mil Saw., JOIIIV P. LYN.EI "Cu nel a. AprilB 47 FALL AND. WBTTEit;FSHIONS. . .HAT, CAP., &MUFF STORL, silhedriber i *YeActrilli:re(fir4etifrgin the ~L., city,withita turgq.'4o , q4aqp,e,b;ik,'Additipti to liia ttoOk, 051 it obkv.. ,h prepnrett to ttirotistt 14t %Piot ititrGentliiinett Oi*i tile Mae, At the Auk .- 'reastuible Prinelk , Ilia ' stock, will be . Pound. tq.cerisist or, it rich and. ele gant nithartnient' ..A101:E8filk;" .IMAI'MT, RUSSIA; VUtt ' • WOOL. nA•rsi verv,linhd samely finished . ; -b Ult„ - CPCMI - 1 - fte...„011:AI1) SILIC.,VAPp, of the lukeat styltNi and, LADIES' oT, bigliTv 'annet:tor..quality. ' for ' thc ithCritl lditroriaga uhf 'and stendyettitornia*it.bitn:gueut plea sure to be side p still to ifty theal,t_tottl. be,t_topeis y 'one itil'Onttcgepits ael rev • to .IVe ail 'bath+ lairclicittit . e l66 4liii : o. • •,.' •••• • • North [titmice utrnet., Cirlietre October' Oh 1847. a - - ' .: NEW,..CLOTRING - ITORE''' , . .. frtig-:iiiwilkfalioiiiiciovilkiiiiiiiiii,: , .ih6 , aiti: 4 -, lieni4iri'cilitit - priin'dee9uhty iliet Itlifily Mire Orr hind, tritiltii Pri•AeOteiteetly iniltieg,bp„clothing• pitp Lbspti.93 l _4ltrbllikthlg Ofel)retui.Avikl, Veer& - , Coir,#, 0 rer U.Ys46fl ,pak,ii; Piibil . ;Vespii Shiro; CiAtarbijiiifieteiii Gib pkiltii(l'eviizi*tiole;neeci- , lirpfoi-,nttftig'le4 fl: eteiolernani CoerletoAc ii Tvesh4t4ing•b.l4l.!svq:'weeke cr i or l phi10 ep1 , 1 ,,... • yo sire 'cl*r:iiineil not le; ' lei aideriold 'by,itty ' .tiifi'llitiMeig. iii (he 6 . 6un - tri. l ' , 2s 7 11 -' l ' r; I' ''' ',',' I'a - o — Fit i• • WilTlipiF§irtiritilikOVlCitffiEil ---- Ole ing telit RO. most,- egtiste Of I Ape ilpec, ,',.11•14 . W... 13 Ppricknpon,ng experin9ed alit rAinitetrk•ic • , Eit' R tleilcir;' 01 to.' rcivihe . OtablisliiiitiitlffAll , : • 7 , work Nia'rranted4,_,.. -: ,. .14_;:,i'..''' ~ - -, l , l ll). ' .k i'`,"ii.o.'l'7, ! :'- •-. ~' -: '.z , . •;9 114 °Wa - g 4.1 4V,1:PA/Vl';'3'l ',•-.. 1 ~,Perlii+l6 ; 'Uel9l l ir 1 .4'; IP4Tit.?id -: , t•--. :r,....,-;;.;: , .. :•,,-', '1: ' , •,,-,1'0, , ,-;? Eti3ußSOPiercirfortOlef . .:; - , ) tfiV m ell:i ie le g o.l,44 Krk i itStft2 ll4lo° 4 l ," ..•:, pe,gilkcTlelWo!"9lla , e•'Illit: L? , fr - - I.• ' ;' . • eyottmeMbd the follOW 'ita, tlOt ktrAzi4 r .,„,,,.,,., ...,„",,.,„,.,„,,,„:„..,„„...„..,, J.., apir., 'V, iine,froolotil;voJtgo4tittigioirY9WilittOr,l: ,'.i , ~,l iivi.TAr, ~ v4qlltrelgifl viti :,-". , fo 9 ‘ „ t , ,,- . , ., 4 6 -.1,} 1 , to - 4 ' .l ~• :, ..I , 4:ar, .• 4! J#!4:, ;q , 04, 4 . T c ! l % t •,'' , 10 ->ty.A1010491.414a10 5k 1,1 1.4:4 1 •14 ,, ,,Le, , ,,,Z '..i),..4441)T4) ,hirttliVV ll ' `'• ": 1, 41N . y 49: ; : ;( f-44::..V.0ii .'4 0. : ( 1 ' 8 . , i 441-i j 4 4. .iWi' rf ~A hrl- :'o 13 .? Y K1 .' i 5;i ii i y iii ' t — ' t' . : ' /i: / -'-' ~,;: i.., ,: . ,,,,,,,„: , 4 , ,„. :4, ~,,,,,.7.::,.;...,L:,:„..'..v;,...;:::z.;?,fe.:!q•-...;h';':'...:".'":-,,, cLa ms,