Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 12, 1848, Image 4

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    , .
. ' - ' .''' '., :::. -,.' • '• , ' . „.., .0 ~,.:,,, -„- 4 . ..:,' ; * ., - - irc':;:'- , 1- , r-:,, ,, 1,11C, 4 ~,, : -. • \•-, k ;e&:_, : l 4i,,„_
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.„ .
? : ir..,,V t:- , ,, z.z. v,- , ,,,717: 77 - . ,a..4•yi , ..1-.,: , , , '41 , ..4-, , x , q.±LwA47;'aZiitW,Araf ,. i.MaP l7 slYZ" , "grii - '4l' r iie;r4a ,"', .. ''.'. l''' ' t' . s 7 4o , ,, , A4t':.` lA, 4 l- .(44:ii‘;s:::::4;VlP:*;; ' ''-'7tt zr: '''''' '' ''V''' ' ''-' . ''''''*''':
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•. , ^ 7— J -',.i414.44 , ;;:, - .Z,: ,- -..t , '.,Ttsii,4:a.,4;:,;iifaiel.Virtipigli's' , ..:{,-:;:•" '-' r -1 . '; ' - ‘ 4l-4 ' -'7 - -- - -
.go, -ALA . ...x4=4,iff. , 40 , 04 , 4, , ,„,' - ..• • —, 4 . •
_ . •
Otiteo . & ; Sitik9Z i ttg ?
',:-WrttPTPoo.o.Y:j .t .4#ott/i ' Ar:',ig ,, . l4.6 X
OF i:ol+lW°3ft9r.
• •
blO,l „:, , 1 •
41,440 . caTedr,by the Sous d f Temprtmcb coal
of Phi hul4hia, tes
ted- by Vie Able,: ,The subject of a Discourse,
4,lelivere.d the-Itcv. Lyles bum, 'Dec;
in the" &cowl Presbytciian Church, of Car
-lisle, in-reply fa the Specch,of Rim J.
ncas; Dec. 20..
, •
Paoy.tvirt. , l7. - :"Hc-that_is :first,in his
, Wri cause seen:wilt jfiSt, Int his nelgh
,hpi cometh and searcheth
I feel ys•eff - bou tid- by-th e=mostsolermt_
obligations ;as a minister of Jesus Christ
to pram against the !principle on which
the whdle speech 'cif Mr. Chambers was
tfotirided. 'That principle was that in
texicnating drink, under every, form, was
a poison, and a curse. All that followed
about those who tarnished it being pais
.-Oners and -- the woriFOT en wa:s - The.
.simple inference from that asstimption.
I on the contrary Maintain that
,it - itn
possitde .for any christian, intelligently, to
stand an. such-ground, The Bible does
"toospeak - of wine as Mr. Chambers and
too many are constantly in.the.lntbit . of
doing. On the contrary, the. whole strain
of the divine teaching in both, Testaments,
demonstrates" the very opposite of what
those teachers so, Confidently promulgate.
--- 'Thfs7l - nnW - trn - dt - •TrdtiFto prove.
• We are'informed (Gen. ix. 2Q, 21) that
Noah made wine and drank to excnss.—
'Mr. C. would infer, from this that the
"preacher of righteousness'!, made poison,
and committed a foul outrage on morality
in. - tasting it. But how then would he
eicpound Gen., xtv. Mechisedeck re
, 'fieshett "the friend of Gtal" with the setae
kind of liqUor which -intoxicated-Noa
How do we know that Melchisedecic's
....beverage was the same us Noah's.? Be
-cause the very pame word, not in the En
glisrßible meretY, hut also in tile. He
.......biewds_mployed to designate Ipth. Let
Mr,,C.. find any one to shew that Noah's
NVINE was totally difThrent from Melchise
deck's. Now then if Mr. C. will have it
that Noah was a self-poisoner when Ile got
drunk, what will he call MelchisedechLL,
the king of righteousness—the greater
'than Abraham, though Abraham was the
friend of God ? Was that royal priest, a
glorious type of the Son of God,-a poison
er ? And was "the friend of God" and
father of the faithful such a fool, as to
take the poison at his hands, and allow it
to be given to his worn-out followers ?
When Isaac blessed Jacob (Gen. xxvii.
28.) under the immediate impulse of the
Holy Spirit, he said' .fOod give thee plenty
of WINE." But - according to
. Mr. Q. and
,the thousands of heretics whbm he rep
resents, this must have been, a curse in
stead of a blessinl, which Isaac by the
guidance of the Spirit pronounced on him
Whom the "Lord loved," That such 'da
ring perversion of the language of the
)holy Ghost amounts to.the sin for which
pardon .is impossible, I dare not assert;
but sure I am the noisy billow of popular-
ity on which this light prophet is floating,
--should-not-prevent him from -mnarrATlNe
When the distance at which any Israel
ite lived from God's Tabernacle rendered'
it inconvenient to take up the legal sacri
fices, &c., in kind, the Lord commanad,
(Deut. xiv. 25, 25) "then shalt thou turn
IT (the produce) into money •andbind up
the •rnoney in thy hand, and shalt go unto
the place which the Lord thy God shall
choose, and thou shalt bestow that money
for whatever thy soul listeth after, for ox
en, for sheep, or for wixa, or for STRONG
DRINK. " What will Mr. C. or those he
takes after, say to this ? If it be immoral
to drink wave in the true English mean
ing ofthe word, how did ,God allow, nay
command his people to practice it, at the
most solemn seasons of the year ? To
‘y that this was religious feasting and
therefore no rule for ordinary practice,
dbis 'bit' really mend the matter, but
makes it tenfold worse, for it implies that
God only allows immosplity in his own
more immediate presence.
The Psalmist (cmv. 14, 15) praises God
• for bringing "food out of the earth, and
wine that maketh glad the, heart of man,
and oil to make his face shine, and bread
that strengthened' man's heart." Here
we have wine classified with oil and
bread as a bleising from God. 1 have .
Andeed heard a Temperance lecturer
maintain that it is impossible that the
Psalmist, can mean wine here because
• God only , gives us grapes, but man makes
the wine, and however highly ho thOught
ofgrapes he still_ held that wine was the
'aced sea; `thing, He"es asked why, if
the P mean( drapes merely, he did
not say so ; and ,When he• was pressed
• ;with the ,Lexicon which assured him that
which 'meant wine' also
signified intoxication', the effect being put
. for the, cense, he Was compelled to de
ektre that this age:Was too enlightened , to
be bound rby okl, Hebrew books. The
,however,—beihre whom the case
was ardndd :Were; jciO enlightened to. be
oiatzipoied, opon'l4 : such imppdence. , •
• ' ,, !.r.Vh'6',lBpir4 of God by the 'pen' of Solo : ,
iiifiii,;AF,',rox24t:',.'o,'ycommanda "give,
• strling,drindc to .c that is ready: toperish
: , s and'wtne to h int thatis of a heavy , heart .. ." .
; lyKC.',#,ltio`c„OvOuld'inalce S . trang e-)m
-...-:;voc. here:, ..Iyoniti he indeed dare ex-
Toting it h ursi , igivoi,romoN- le hinithat is
:''rsti4y,l# Periih;'and that which 'is worse
the' Cholera to :hi mtliat is ora heavk .
J.—know -,ntit,...incicad- how- - Mr.
imdlifeßS':.,mighilay,e served:
:on , th(kte;4?(asiyou:are.Awarei net
,Mttt'stittiditfo y
ln4eacct rnestL eatreati?e, he,
-!y*ptu # r said4hom•-t,' , have alreadY'
,the 'Taint of .exeCion,l
;•:11fialika , SolotriOrito,etint that poison Was .
'+':=viewl for S olomon u dde (t+~l:etih I
o,°„)=o;4l l §ttein'eniber.his).
mice 13 91;m 0 AV,z . i-70:40016;114134:,4 . 14.
;!.,.„163.004:111tIfe!rap ae *If,::!04
vioto ogootiow ,y 7
ontit 0,104 i
1 2/Alteatiwnikinit
!;i4;ol'iii#lllP;' , l l 44'.
; , 1 0t*,Ii04 166 0 1 ffilibi't tlo4olititii4ind
Ati,:eotigilitioi -400 ; satup:mvitatiO,'
plaiiiir t tAlglite4eoo:4o 41
l s:
-6io ikldlitati4;titte-iitiiNit'+Aieeti;
,cogelit rniptioyiltesolprt:'%l3nless'Wine
'us. Well;as,;inilkwere t l,bleidng; it could"
Evert -Mr. - C.:, 11/should) sup s pose . :would
shrink rnievitink : his hearers' to: pia
.cliase poiion vithttiheit , milk. He •is` veil
lbilit'd acetigini other of dealing in pbi
iOn..l-,lt: would be well for'. him "fci refleci
whether'be may-not be:liable to, a retort.
.}le'will illow there is 'no poisoner to be
compared 'with the pervertei•of 'GA's
1 Woid: — Does - liciiiiit - pervert, - that -Weil
when he rails at that as poison which 'the
.13ible everywhere represents as omk of
Grocr.s_blessing,st '
- ' —of thi
The doctrine 'of the New Testament - on
this subject is identical with that of The
Old. I refer first to Math. xxvi 27. It
is_noLdenied_that_nr,ine_was introduced_by_
our Lord into the supper. In the few
words which I exchanged with Mr. C.
after his speech he asserted that the Jews
Ird - not use wine at the passover. I have
brought Jahn's Arch=logy and will read
what he says oh the' passover in p. 354:
"The third cup ; of- wiNg which is drunk
on the oceasion• is properly termed the
cup of henedictien.'"lt is true he adds
the wine is mingled WITIU WATER. • Btlt
this only pToVes that an iptoxicating drink
is referred to; as there Would he no mean- ,
in; 'putting water in mere grape-juice
or raisin-ate. . .
Be.iides .1 quoted Ist Cor. xi. to*show
that an intoxicating drink was -used in
the primitive'churches. Ilbwotherwise
did the Corinthigv hecome drunk. But
it is clear the Apostle did not blame them
for using wine, as.he ought to have done
if in this they had innovated on the ex
ample of Christ, or the preacher of the
mother church at Jerusalem. Their eiror
-then—was not ..using but in Abusing
2d. I refer to Luke vit. 33, 31. hero
we are informed of 'the different accusa
tions brouglit'against Christ and hiS - foie
.o nner—The_:one—was—called
the other a madman. The reason
why they did not involve John in the
same charge with his superior, vas the
notorious _fact that John. was a Nazarit,i
and 'consequently drank no wine
Christ is expressly said to have
drinking, it must mean that he
vine, becausu it will not be main
that John did not drinkowater ; an
-Christ done no more' his example
tot have been contrasted with Joh
I Was just .the well known fact.that
drank wine that gave color to the
ny that he drank too much.
3d,, The' weightiest passage i
whole Bible on this subject i - stjobn
11. Here Jesus is sal to haVe t
water into wine that there might be - m
want of it at a marriage supper which '
loitered with his presence
asked \Fr. C. what he supposed - Cl:
actpally made, he maintained -that
liquor would not intoxicate. I then'
led him' with ignorance not men
he Greek OINQS, hut of the English
vatiun both meaning PROPr:I
FERMI )TED juice of the grape,
helicons of the respective languages
would teach him. Ido not wonder that
Mr. C. was anxious to have it believed
that what Christ made was dot really
wiNE, i. e. u liquor that would intoxicate
if enough of it were.drank ; because he
perceived that otherwise his furious in
vectives against those who furnished in
toxicating drinks to others, struck much
higher and harder than the tavern-keep-
ers of the 19th century. Here then is
the atrocious malignity of the heresy held
by Mr. C. and his blind abettors, (not to
speak of the infidels secret and avowed
who are not blind) that it strikes directly
at the character of our Lord and Saviour
—the Eternal Son of God, whO was holy,
harmless, undefiled and separate from
sinners._ No wonder I demurred at the
wisdom of his comparisonswhen he apos
trophised the miserable furnisher of in
toxicating drink as a hydra-headed mon
ster, and proved him to his heart's con
tent, and I presume td the satisfaction of
most of his listeners, to be worse than a
Mexican guerrillaa slave dealer— v .-a
highway-man—a pirate. What does the
imbecile fierceness of such talking de
monstrate except the utter incompetence
of Mitt who employs it, to treat the sub
ject at all.
No plain reader ofhis English Bible
need be at the slightest foss to determine
the nature of the beverage which. Christ
made at Cana, independently of the mean
ing of the word wine; which of itself is
sufficient., This appears from the re
mark of the CoVernOrin the 10th verse.
He says:the Goon:Wine : was always fur
nished.. first at-,.tnarriege . feasts. Now
'what kind of,wine was that ? , -
. . M il. C.:,wouid answer yn-iittoxicattng,
for any thing else is nod goodViVreiltion
ous. But what does the Governor say . 1
Ile says the gond wino would make men
Artink; For, ho says after they had„ well
drunk; i. e. became heated with the good
wine. • (if - Mr. C: knows any thing of
•Greek, ho knows it meant this. at,least)
thenrwhen their senses were blunted, the
inferior wine' was produced., Now mark,
'the l.Goverit , or , expressly. . pronounces
Christ's whie....g004 - inisis - meaning of the,
word,•tul he , tasted it: believe lie knew
inure .about it .than.Me.:G: ..'..,Hlit• nicety
of theeritninationehnwe:- torOnd the, pee.
vlotialArinkillg hatt:Mit'i . at ill infreited the
,heads 'Of.'llte .:cotn pany;'. and that ; pi! is i
wskilttitininistering to excess'bk.bieAl.,
.mighty, power. ';''l lus . plaiii .View_iti Coif. ,
firmed' by;Atsf.unanintous consent•rOrthe -
Ceirrieneittaterti,!.llo,eient ; . intd...:tliiiderii.—L:.
.What thett,.,betteipee,fqf itll' i 11,1;:R
t:.'e . i'atit
aify,titeatifitg a t all, rribie Infidelity;
. ClP•leouree,'SarlidillViiiit,;.hY , PreaChing:, he
Aid' til r t''' ; ',me an ' i,t'a's'infidelity:', Bittftlian
this :thointliiiji*t
. 0 :(4ir.extco) - i'!'k•of
I . r ii , j'. I*l.,: : :,,tiflitiniug:he'd4V4o!,...l4low.
',what he,:nias.,saying.i.-,',11e belongtadf:that
Siiei - 4;Vvkich 'Paul . .spitaks.f ! I 0 says t hiy ,
0 liiive :'.4. - thig . 'iteid§,":ii:iio , '...yaii!',.japgtiiig v
'lo‘4l r Vi i i k AO,'Pe4 . l;, g o t iOrP 9 lir; jlolo;',Aludeys.
4100,1,0g - Oetib'e6:o4o)i6!iiiY,Off;tioho.4l .
:0ftip3,yi,4111617,.'t (1 rroit . 4 ol;) ::, , , ,, il , . 0,
3 , ,,§vv),leriiiir,iiiiiitupio , ,,.mr;. 0::', 3v!lii!Jl4li,o' i
viiiiii , :.IhEp is ; 46.4Vaqdriven jet - 46004 ilial.
I n.iVii C Ol i r 4: 4 6.: •l lll Vet.iik4(lo4ii.!ie:ifirii'
M . 1 f q14.f.150 " ,i,L 7 fTfik„.l4.4oii,aiiiixi§iiiiio
4 P i ai t ig,!)l 9 ,AYAlti,,, 4 4lllooo.4fri , c4oo4
dolrik: , *4lo:rk.:4,,Aoo47,tomotievteditlitiotir
4i ,
ile p tiii p t-, * 411 5 1104 .# 4.40, 0 0 0ikiic0. ,; (
proo#4.l - A01.t.ii.;#00114:46414: A ti
. ppoofe ,4ll 4 l--, ft..,v4f;'APQ..e.Pkitkt,' 1
'e: - ';, -- p1v;! . ;, , -,:ii , ..;,. , : , -1 , ':.1;', - •6oTi.q,,Nt:
I • o.w.rll29lil; , ;to!prt...;tare
)Eliiii.S4( i4 fh7olo 4 ol 44i 7l4 r :C*
4,M it - geifiwel4nia3fiti#ltiiV4ittiittlbcif4lierri-TI
*,f,3 t. no.W-AVlten , k4oll.looketflitin,thi . !
• C. beemorriong . the .Sons: of Qoiy`ofi;k}iat
bright ;iriptining, would he have Tiotitefl:
in .concert?" , 4
plain as that - of their master. Paullells'
Timothy that a Bishop Must tiof tiVen::
to iv in e, • which settles. two . porn ts. ;. in :1• 1 ;e '
firstplheer 4 thrit - ar .- Bishop:migh Nit-in -to-a
certain 'extent; and second, ihat it Must
' have been "an intoxicating drink 'that is
s oken of otherwise, wh should he'be,•
cautioned against being too on. .4 at, or
given to it? „ ~ •
Paul says "a deacon must be'grave;
not — double -tongued;:tio t—given , -+E:Hmie
wine, not greelly of filthy lucre, holding,
the mystery offaith ha a pureoonseiencO..
Surely the morality or church officer
is much changed since Paul . wrote the Se.;
words. ' How
. ris it that.•se much is Said'
against drinking wine, and solitile_againal
li,v4y, insincerity; avarice and heresy
Writing to. Titus on the qualifications
of a'llishop (I. 7.8:) Paul says he must not
be "giolft to wine," but. "sober, temper
- - -
cow. a modern :ewer-.
ance lecturer expound this passage, the
beginning, the middle and the end.ol
whose harangue, is the imnorality of,
drinking wine Sic., and whose sobriety
and temperance consist merely in not
drinking wine ? Such an one cannot'ex
pound it at all, and therefore 'he takes
good care to say nothing about ir. Paul
plainly assorts the perfect compatibility of
drinking wine in moderation, - with sobri
ety and temperance: All he insists• on
with - Timothy and Titus, is that they
shall not be given to _
ble that the 'morality of the church should
' Obi be sniTeri - nrwlien -- so — plaill - a - point -is
so generally misunderstood,
_or evaded ?
' The question now comes ti` p, is the
Bible Men against Total Abstinence ?
No! I think-not-.-1 - myielf established a
Total Abstinence Society in the church
to which 1 lasi ministered before coining
to Carlisle, of which Society
- 1 'was ex-of
ficio President. When my connexion
with that church ceased, my connexion
with the society also terminated. But in
the temperance convention that met herd
last year, 1 oflettd to renew my subscrip
tion provided the .convention wpuld nu
their pledge on Ilible,grountti. ,But 111
offer_ was ridiculed. 1 - offered Mr. C
and Other profOs - Sing Christians, to jolt ,
them in total abstinence if they would pn
their practice on, Bible ground and thus
do homage to Christ instead of covertly
attacking him• by , their-testimony. But
my Offer was apip hooted. Ain 1 not
entitled to say therove•their own groped i
better than God's, they prefer the "or
rtt4.P'.`•' to,the church ; the. secret rooni to
the . .4-ttitSr.set on a hill." - Where is that
'1 It itt in Romans, 14, 21. " It is
good' neither to eat flesh nor to drink
wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother
stumbleth, or is offended, or made weak."
lige is the ground—the only ground to
be found in the word of Goij To kave
that ground and stand on that of the-im
morality of drinking wine, is, by n4ces
•sary implication, to contradict Pant and
to blaspheme Christ.' Rattier thafi: unite
with ignorant "churchmen and foul scof
fers in such ruinous courses, - -1- will take
the liberty, which Paul allowed his Bish-•
ops, lest trap asstinence might become
stumbling by countenancing their odious
absurdity, or their cowardly .chiming in
.with a, false—a fatal—an infidel opinion.
1 have left myself but little:time to
speak 01 the Order of the Sons dr Tent
peranee. 1 shall, however, say more of
them than Mr. C. did.• The vervtlese
of his speech, like the postscript of some
letters, revealed the meaning of all that
went before. That close was ' simply
join the Divisions. What these Divis
ions really were—what was catered on in
them,—how such a step might be con
sistent with our duties to the church—the
family and civil, society—of all this Ile
said not one .word. But his logic , was
because the liquor vender is a hydra head
ed monster,—join the order ;,,he is worse
than a Guerrilla,—therefore join the or
der ; he deserves banging more than the
Pirate, the • slave', the , high tvay•
man—therifore pot on the badges ; Judge
Gibson.tnd his associates should have a
mark in their brow deeper than Cains—
will you ncn march in . procession ? 'You
have a minister ;among you that will not
countenance this Meeting, and-that , hates
secret orders,won't"yofiLjoin us t - Nay
,1.. am told. you have 'some 'creature here
that actually cannot devour Indian . meal
without beer—how can . you refuse bibe
comi• Soni . of:Teniperance ? 'Mr..O.. and i
his friends inifilViiatdiiii'me; but really my
-logic cannot follow' tit* singularinferen• '
cei , ,-;-my
,Ihnba aiiiiiiiriecleir anah rhetori
cal abysses, 'Mr. 'd;',, initst,'lA'idther—
what shall I say I—a k/d.quin r , If that
is 'the • right word, the!) boldness Is, not
bravery. Fer , when:l.wallted uli- after
-die speeelvand'askedhiM to discuss these
' matters With the',—he had tobe• oil
. by
. fouri in the Morning, - Come in the dark I
and : run in the dark ! Ait,!.Mri..o. this.
was not ,It may be for .aught .1
know, .Mirfectly,,prpper in a Son—of Aink
'ncits; I any 'lure itlloOks ill , in a Son of
- 7:7 , :i , cirkrtist ,the, order. n o:
.T.,, in,iitit.fltat
plaet,-because•l cannot ,icepticile, their
pinfesSitins - ivitk;sontes:•:6l.;thef*eightie,rit'
. ' t MT,ithi: . df s OA Osi , 4 Zl`ltnY',iitofettS''.to be tt.;, ,
lilted . rdi , the' pp riiOi4:Of,:rninitithig'.'o4,i
pur*,o, , fitleliti...Chriat'cliiims"' /pee;
*the: sold - prodnct of Ns, spirit,-,:t.lieil
1:ilr shall All Juin, : JcnoW ; t h at. :,,: ' a re.' My 1
disciples ',')?t) haiiloiercinejo.auotlier.,'
IjiiiitßttiAbliO4, ° :Fr.4 l ' , ,trialAo. o. ::jECllf'P.rilii,kl
*Milne ,:tyci'.!'hOi profess fii , :lie;chrititianit;'l
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I v the
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i6WClYA9ol . ?getolo**' l66l6R l'itOett;:retuti,,T ,4 vviko4ol
3,oriito,Bl4:o6dh , of*i:Aiiot*Vl3 t ly
' i§4 4 4o l !iioo4l4o4 6lo tabA i,
;sopporti'-ititi2'sinly.l3oaushliellir*.y; be
helped in 'fhb" SOrtfel*OY _`'Wli - etf Ni;',;-:,;:i,..!.i;
-turn comes: :.: Christ '''sa.Stl:fro/iro',:goio;
io .thei;O:thatt•dri.g6oo"th r:ili,, -- ,,tv'hst 'reyoaill!
hie . - garde 'riot ey'enl the'ipidilitain3 -- ecoV';l
-it tul _ worerhe on Earth :no W, ':W OW he'
not sharrietlaielfildi" Worldly church by', l
-. asking thetifd6rioViven: the - Soria of TOrn..
lierinee--Who v -asfsire/;;--0_iiiolnel•:he j fallegi..._
line4 - ,'•do gOod; to 'theist from WhOnithey
expect good.? .,,What ni;yon doing more
than they? , It is , plaid - then a man may
-beLa-veryzeonsittitenLSonjotTeMpgranee ,
Yet as such, he just.'stande on the •old
ground ()Nate Pharisee 'or Publican.—.
Whit has the . Christian 'to do on • that
'zroond inthe waroWritiblticp-fifffsimil
'ls it (cOnsisten't iriAtiti , qhristian to leave
Ns plaieljn the prayer ' , Meeting, or lee..
-Ine-or-family,--tmneci_Lwith_pharieees . '
entry on a mere.wOrtily r echeme:l -Theist
always. meets, witit.his.tlieciples. •_ Shall I'
turn my -back' riCltirit: to - meet•with the
,'VY heti '.littlas. did so he was on ,
the way to . perditioni , :-.7., •
A. I - teiriark:lnstly;4lhougli - I were no
Christian: I - would: iteVerikpliene.h Son of
'Temperance, becnoritA is plainly a sys
tematised ileepittisneePhii t- Sons are bound
hand and foot to tliW,hhhie of the most
wortlTribli m• - ' -----.--- '',York,, and to
thot 'of theGratuitWorthy irr.Phila,:—
The -moment ihey:do not sing and Speak •
and march and dre6s as the wire - pullers
please, their-Tharter IS gond, the hakes
ale useless, the Division room is to let,
and the`, unds disappear.
When the Conshohocken Division of
Montgomery Co., 'dosed to reckon in -
their number, a drinker of root beer, be.
cause C.hilton the New York Chemist had
certified-that the drink contained more al
cohol than porter or ale, they were corn:.
Mantled by-the-Grand Worthy Patriarch
in the person of Pickandr, the G. S. to
- takebtick the MT ending - member, or give.
op their Charter. They stood to their
k point and' were scattered to the winds.—
.do not know how Americans can stoni
ch this•?
I have now done. I hare spoken
r ainly and- perhap' severely ; 1 am not
are that I can accuse myself of having
ne so uncharitably.' I know the Apos
e sags ~ ilie.gervants of Christ Must iiot
trive but be gentle towards all men," blil I
noW that the same authority commands
TiMothy "-to rebuke soms men sharply,
dint they might be sound in the faith."
and declares to Titus that there were -nin
ny unruly and- vain talkers -• whose
mouths were to be stopped. •
That I have succeeded in combining
these consistent but Very different injunc
tions, I date not assert, I can only say I
have not forgotten them ; and wherein I
have. failed r trust in the mercy of My
Lord for pardon. It is for -his honiir I
I have spoken, and frirm love to the soils
for which-he died: All the invectives to
which I 'subject myself in the course I
pursue, nre - not 'merely -ha r m Inswirrnm;
—they-are-delightful when L I hear him
saying " Blessed are ye when men . ihall
revile - you :and shall -persecute 'y 1 and
shall all Manner of evil:agair t Yon''
t i
falsely for, mil alike; i.ninirtA - andd ie' ex:
ceeding glad for grent . iB your reward in
Heaved: for'so persec uted they the proph
ets that wer,„"
to the papeOystem 'I What „ patfy IS in fa
vor ciltree'tqdel You are / troUr building up
a system that must stop its progress.
It is magnanimous and honorable to ac
knowledge an ,error when it is discovered,
and it wouq,be un act of patrotism for the
adinliatibticin to take the course it would
have done, had the experience they now
possess. _". -
He would•say to his Friends on the other
side, ()Whigs) that the country demanded
some territory. Ile understood very well;
how the vote on the act of May, 1846, had
ocemred—that vote the Whigs lead given to
relieve Taylor;and not fir the war. He knew
that it was reluctlantly, given, and under sol
emn.protesc. - The" people - in his opinion,
now,' were.against any conclusion of this
.war that did-not bring territory. A defensive
line must be taken at this session, or we
must go on-and take, Mexied entire—titheis
tjie last and only chance. II he could :be
suslained, he %you'd raise a committee tocOu
sult on the best . line,:takingodvantagemt the
presence id several niilitat'y offteerii who
could impart valuable iniownitiori.) •--.
We may not iget peace immedj fi telp---vve
may be at grqwxpetiso, bot bet liilloccoin
pliA the grearobject of diseoffiligling us
twin the war. _ .
This is but a skeleton of the . 'Spew'', and
is prepared from , tny. rough notes. It made
a deep impressi.4 out both shies of the itham
her and seemingly not a very agreeable one
In the administration benches. Alter its de
livery, hirr Calhoun rallied, in a pleasant
tray some•of the Whig Senators, and advi
sed-them to support his project fir theywould
elect their President in any event. ,
B. E. 1110011 E. __l I. ItisDoN
_ .
No:70, South Third Street, nearly, opposite the .
F.SPECT,FULLY 'announce to . 'their friehils
~and the lintilitythatatlicy 1i e.constaatlypre
pared to make lo,.order, of. the finest and hest
materials, nod at; moderatOlPrices, every, and..
man's tVasdrolf6, for iihich their complete stock
or 'elioiCe:',aiid "carefully Selelited • Meths, Coast.'
tiMres,yestings,,Se 4 of OM lalist iied"most deal •
'rahle•Pattevns, are. particularly designed. !
.- • Pheir oivii,practical,knowlmige of the tipsiness - ,
and s personal attention to every garment, enables
them .to ,ectisM!satisfacti on, and both :old!
and ; new,.hMtoniers, they..respeutfoilly ..tendee, an
Invitation to, give theth ,
I Hying , been.tor, yeamaohnected.,iiith come of.!
the : best., had;mcist ; fashionable !get xtdiillkin#plp
thiSoountay,etuploYing none Ihti,firot . rate.sithi4s!,
1, enoititt of,the ; lrt
Jest Nth i a nd. best, st) les a ;limy lugs
fttfly,prePiired!-,,t0,-acconimotiale -customers
,IMationiinabv.,-, , i,iP
• .
mg' i.,WKSEND'S -.SAIISAYAII,II.II:. - Ai.;—'111111
rtioli3Clo now',i*uly need by. i thy s t e i n i r
ito'fl'aihets roe= (lip :iiiinoinl :snit j , eroinnent Gore
Olieiiseilit)eini from tin iinporn‘Atote or the bl o b ;
oi , jfnbit '. - or'ilor'sYetthfii," It. in ',wfitinntedi - by'the
,ier,,tti.ber.firo 0 mesiitrboOr tlinn. any,:
pr6parit ii , - of : thir:iiiiirie-.kipd 'eitant,:sind. - eflob'.
bOrtlis:,tti' ottin'o•444 ; , ) ,Prlie:4l(pet.b s l.tle.3tV
...` , .''..;'. - .., , i ': - .11:6151iiireb) 4 . 1 " ,- .i.i.; , , -,, • ,I - -...:• , : rie,ac 4 t , ,
~,,, -10: -,- A 4 .,.t.'t A ~ V, '4
41J ;'ti V. B. FIMMINCII, -f.
.....1i1 . 1,r'T10847:-. , ' r,lri:t, ,,t7 k .- ' ''.;• - z•- 0 i* ,- ;' , 'i 'it.; -:..v'?7
,HlVi,ra few: pet
tiiii".#l s : lll Al ak kftilcl, 113 on t YOYeOtS?.al*
~,,.•.:,-67.,,,,,,,,,..!,-.4.2-I.lllizittirtiyi,e4 A..,... , , :
:l' Ihift'Orotit.,.4ngligi,iiiiitificidir,. , •
A , .40. , :-.4b.;s , :,'ciim: .1,,,---',,, , : L . :',..;--;.:444-- , - - -4-:-.
- a - K , nitob r eit* !:..I.l#l,aittilic ,
,: - . -- trr.iir- t •WMIWWItaIa .O- '' ,--- '7 7-' "
This,triest,yalbahld Eirllnticaticin-lis-beeiv
'll..""Mied'ivithWbridelfulebediiiii lif . the,4Ore
- . 41-: , oo"iii4'? o f tliti most 't t OdblesO Mkilfie [hies' W ith
Which tlaVlibiiiiJitiiffd'eted; . (‘Vitheiit destroying
tite;_liair.).,'Sdili, ii;old,-iitrates,swollingti, stiff
iilss.,ofjoliiti,,gelle produced byitho,epllaf and
, iaddleii. straine of the shoulders e rstlflo, hoof,
.pasteirb lin d 'corn n ; joints, straits; f the - whirl ,
bone, icncop Mid fctlodk,• poll • 'evil, fiettlies,
cUrbs, - eptinte, sPaVin, WindkallS,.puffii, &M'
'•'ilt very sbon'etirres old br fresh wobpds;Mits,
liibleeir,:fiiiliTi di,liall 'eiiil;turbs, etc.,nlidliVeif
JUdtant ;Chef tn the serattheikfteitim, dtc.,and
tho diseases incident to horses bditind White
feet and noses produced by St John's Work.
which soollen destroys'llie hoofs and bones of
Ithilfdeliiiiil resists the action of sulphur and
vitriol ointments, and other remedies equally
lication has heretofore roved so
No p.
artful in rehiring stiffness of the tendons an
jbints, 'and pioduciog sucli immediate and
beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high-feeding, splints and sprains.
. Iria:EM - breerristrirrhiglilywoon aenncrd-to
farriers,',Acepers of livery stables; wagoners,.
ijage proprietors, and private gent:eirien oivn•
as. an invaluable remedy, and
should betonst.ntly kept'in'their stables., ~
Also fariners, whose horses aft en liable to
kicks, cuts and wounds, will find•it equally
advantageous to keep it constantly en It:Md.—
It is Equally beneficial 'in the treatment of
working .eattle,.for galls, sore necks, cots..
wounds, , ete. • '
_ _
• For sale in Curliala by Dr. JOHN .1 MY
July 21;1847.
To thtr tizens of Cumberland Co.
" There is somethidg more precious than
, • Go or Diamonds—Elarawn.' 2
ff . IIIP.R.F. ere some diseases dust visit ut et tta ,
1 tedseasore of the
mnd which not entre
quently become alarmingly fatal, during the astn
,ner and autumn months; especially the young;
there tuning not less than seventy bousand dying
annually with derangements or the stomach and
bowels alone. Does not every &ling of our nag
lure become enlisted in the human desire to les
sen [llls frightful mot tality, are we hot bound by
every Principle of religion to administer relief
when in our power; and we discharge our luty„
when we point °tattle _grentestremedy'ever yet
discovered, for this purpose,to the public. If
therein, one, or if they haye a friend, or a child,
or a neighbor, who may chalice to re a l this no
tice, that is stuttering with Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Cholera Nimbus, Summer Complaints .Colic,
Flatulency, Ste., Rm., then let them try tin. Kee
ler's Cordial'and Carminative,and we guarantee
a speedy cure. •
Lancaster Co., Neffville, Dec. 11, lasiti.
1)1.. Keeler,—Sometium last summer youragent
left me some of your Itifatit cordial and Cortnio
litive, urging me to try it. It so happened that I
inul a case, II yollllglllollll 4601110 X 1110111.115 old,
whose stoat:telt and bowels were in tr very diS(4l.
111 , 1T11 1:0111iitit.11, Cllll5Oll ft delleietcy of its
mother's mi l't. The child was a mere skeleton,
there was much tormina, tenesmus.and constant
evacuations.' I administered every, medicine I
could think or, %%11, but a 'slight nlleviaticatOf the
complaint. I then thought of giving your medi
eit.e 11 trial eummenein with small doses.
soon however perceived the atilt! could hear -
full dose as recommended in directions; before
it had taken Italia bottle, the stomach and bow,
els had reeovered their natural tone; every °the .
bad symptom yielded, and the child rapidly re
1 have no hesitatlnn in saying that your medi
cine is the very best for the nave compitti tin I
have administered in a 23 years' practice.
,Very respertthily, your friend,
t ' If. 13. BOWMAN, M. D.
Prepared corner of 3,1 and S auth atrrets,
For sale.tvlinlesale and retail by SAM
hurt:; prirggistiiinil:Merchanta tlfrough:
out - the cmitrty7
An A p9u ved Rc,nedy of Dysilysi t, Colics
-To two reasons why ;this medi.
be recommended to the public,
—on is, t hat most persons -who have so fight
it buy Regain, therebyabowing that they re
gard it as a yaluabliaitibily medicine; the
other is that certificates are in the pomiessien
ofthe Proprietor of permanent cures having
been effected not only in persons afflicted for a
short time; but also in cases of long standing
It is Composed altogether of a vegetable
matter, is perfectly harmless; can be taken at
all times, and is no business.. It
restores and revives the animal spirits, cleanses
the stomach from all morbid humors which
cause indigestion and acidities. It also re
motes nervous tremors, rhumatic pains, and
prevents their return; cures all) colics of the
stomachs and hofvele,ulmost immadiately takes
away palpitation of the heart, and promotes
the free circulation of the blood.
Thu direction accompanying each trdtle
contakns a number pf certificates one of which
is given in this advertisement.
Dean t :—aibout two years ago I woe se
verely; Meted with ispepsia, which I had
fur the last fifteen years previous to the above
named time, which was very much increased
by my having a blood vessel ruptured . upon my
lungs, occasioned by lifting—which increased
iny, complaint, dispepsia and general' debility
and weakness, to such ddecrec, that two or
three years previous to my using the Garde.
gant's Balsam,i - never ate a meal but my
stomach became so painful that I had lemma
ately to throw it up. Seel ng - Gu rlegan t's Bal
sam aditertised.t was induced to try a bottle;
otter taken the very first, dose It appeared to
strengthen my stomach; and every dose of th i
first bottle helped me so much • that an the
eourse of a few days my stomach began to
'retain and digest every thing I ate. I confined
to use the Balsam until I used several bottles,
which cured me entirely, and restored me to
perfeethealth, which I have enjoyed eversince,
and net. pefore fur fifteen years. I cheerfully,
es-oatmeal it to all persons who are aictedffl
with dispepsia or ilibility,of stomach.
HENRY LOTTIIA.N, Fred'k Co. Va.-
Prepared and Cold by the Proprietor, JOHN
S. MlLLER,oPhositetho Market HOUR°, Fred.
crick, Md, and by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, solo
agent. Tor Car Pete.
March 10, 1847.
To Country Physicians. •
R. WigERS has just toccivock tn'addition
lorstor stuck, a largo, ispoithiont
or, DRUGS 'AND MEDICIN.E.9.: wairanto4
pa* and-fresh—among which iurb all
_the, re
-era popular:lpraparations of thb-Frtitaisloa;
which ho will sell. (was. good tonna as any.
astahlishmeat'ouCorPhihidelphia. '' '
03 Physlcians.aro isimoitSdlox r amlno for
' '
: 111 3' 7. 184./.;, •!:,..m
;"1 •
. 1- ".ll§T raabived at Ittieiiii.rfiii*Siata, a
choice tiliieleroo,` for invalid ' s
Otiiitioirdor '"' " -• .
7 - 0116aplitrii - tuid;Tumblersit
received, a.; large. assortment` loiv
tfl ..ced*Glaai'Jprif . arid'l'lfreoot's, suitable
tiir tliapt!etiapiknir Seennepe ;Pei
July-28,184V' ' Main Street
COAL! •.
•T vvci TONS Pine;6rbveCOAL T -200 tone
' Coiil-400 ton's Unit) burners,
;') , .lllvitibnrii'unk . B, 1847; •
, -„
weir High
`:m N :.n11.,Y4!,..?t"17:'- ,
'4I4COOD tool IP 4 ,
Pi*PlLl';'°*l irll4.4.Fl;44,'EtiopFAligwo,lll
'.c, r 1610;•,1,u1y It: 1 0 % ,
: MBE'
4711' 0,Hitti!/Pf * Otettli.f#e ''POMUIC
1-'4-LAL , PIiOT+IO,TIO.I4' CZNIPA - NYijilll'lW
Ainni!grek - for year,, yizt—Thea.,p.
aidentLilliivid.,4l.elhollodgh,..Treaserer; A.
G. 11A er;Seeretnry, Jerne`a, WenicleyJOhn T:
creep,, John 'Zug, Aliraliam, King.
..BcOlt ,
Alexander Daildxon.„ litio
'umber of Agents apßohiteit, in the anMircent
-eointlea, who ii'dll.'receiie igiplieutinns for
'aiirenee and forittiril them , immediately-fair
'1)4111 Co (ie.offire oftlie Company , when theliol
toy will be' asued..withop t: delay. • For further
iillormntiim Ate the by-lawa cif the Corepnob__
' "•"11108. C. 2411LLEll Preat.
A. . Nrit.Lnic,Sed'y•
The' following gentlemen ,
hate been appointed
- 1..11 , 1TS •
L. H. Williaius, - Eqq., Westrienusboro, Gen
era! A gunt.
. A. Coyle, Carlisle,
Dr. Ira Da • Mezitnieslurg,
eorgc run c, sq., . onroe.
Jos. M. Menns,ltlsq. NevMarg.
Julia Clentlenin, Cq. lrogestown.
'Stephen Culbertson Shippensburg.,
Charter Perpetutil.- , 4400,000 • Capiial.paid in
• Qifice'l634. Chesnut :died. • • '
ited,akainst loss ordamage by firc,on PROPERTY
and tierpuTs.of,evt '5 description, in town or
Cpmdry,on the most.reasonableferros.
lions made either personally or by letter, will be
promptly attended to.
C. N. ILIANCKEh Prest,.
• Rates of Insurance Reduced !
Brick orStone d weletlogs or stores •
from ' • 121 to p depos.
do . do Churilres VA to 3 ' do. e
do . do Taverns . 9to 4 do
do do Barns . 4. to S do
do do Stables (private) 4to 5 do
do do Stables (public) 6to 7+ do
do do Grist NW's, Water
Power, 7,1 to 10 - do
Brick or Stone dw.ellingsand Fur
niture from 30 to 40c $lOO value
'do do Stores and Merchan
dize 35 to 50 • do..
do do Taverns andForniture
t - 40 to 60
do do Barns and Contents •
- • 65 to 75 do
do • do Stables (public)
100 to 150 ' do
• do - do . Grist Mill and Stock
75 to 80 do
Frame and I,ngdwellMtte and Fur
niture 50 to 75 do
"do do .S urea HIM Nitwit:to- •
rime 65 tb 85 do
do do Tavernsand Furniture
60 to 100 do
do do Barns nutl-Cunt - ents
, ° 90 to 100 do
do do Grist Mills and Stock
90 to 100 do
The subscriber is agent for the aboveeompany
for Carlisle and its riciuitr. All applicationstot
a ssuruneu either by ma ii or personally will be
promptly attended to Ny. SFAMOUIt.
June I'2, 1A45. 11•-33
1' PIMA .
On Me •llutual Lisa e pinciple, combined
with a lai_re joint.:Ntork opi
educed to nearly half Hid ides.
BY tire Ant of Incorporation the stock is
plalged for the payment of any losses
which the Company may sustain. And as an
ddilional security to - tha asured-,- the act re
quires that the- prati.'s of tlid - busincis Shall be,
funded and remain with the corporation, as a
guaranire and prof Cahill to the insured against
loss. This fund will be represented by scrip
issued by the Company, hearing interest notcx.
ceeding six-per cent. per annum. The insured
are entitled to a pro rata share oldie, profits of
the Company, and will receive that proportion
of the
,a toresald fund in scrip, widen the
ainlarnt.of darned premiums paid by him, bears
tothe IMO sum of earned premiums and capital
The scrip thus issued, to be transferable on
the books of the Company as stock.
No dividend of scrip can be made when
erte losses and expenses exceed the amount of
earned premiums.
The insured are protected from loss at the
customary rates of premiums, without any
individual liability or reeponCibility for the
losses or expanses of the Corporation. The
assured have all the rights of membership,—
can vote at all elections, and are eligible as
Di rectors of the Corporation.
,The subscribV has been appointed ogent for
ibis Company, and no the mutual principle
o superseding every other mode of insurance,
to would coofitientlyreconimend it to Iris friends
and the public.
The North American Company bus elo.o
their Agenct ; (*hose having policies expirin o
in that ofil ton have them renewed in tli
Delaware Company on much moro favorable
For full particulura enquire either by letter
or ',Mum to JOHN J. MYERS.
Curlisle, September 40, 1815.-1 y.
ar. Allen awl hastpenusborough Mutual Fire
r o
1. insurance Company oft:motherland County,in
corporate(' by an act of Assembly, is now fully or
gatmzeilouttl in operation under the management of
toe following commissioners, viz:
Cht.Stoman,Jayob Stelly,Wrolt Gorgas,Lewis
Flyer, Christian 'Fitzel ,M ichael I lriover, Henry
Lngau.:llichaelCocklin, lleatjumin 11 Itlusser',LeAi
Meekel r l a eobkirk,Mellilli ellrettemunsuul Sam,l
Prowell, who respectfully 11,the atttntion of the
citizensoiCumberlantland 'orkcountiesto the ad.
vantages which the compwny bold out.
• The rates of insurance a low and favorable
as any Company of. the kinesu the State. Persons
wishing to become members nee invited to make
application to the agents of the company who are
willing to wait upon them at any time r . _____,
NtlellAEL lloormte \lee l'resident.
Letyjs-Hyer, Secretary..
Michael Cocklin,Treas.urer.l,.. ,:" ,: : ;
.0/GRAYS.- . - 1
m 1.11 n el . If no r c ir,;P enerAl 'A gelitiqlf c olio n ic sb ui• E %
1 1
Ruilnlph 51*tin,IVC
. ipti 9rliiipl tt”,rnallip ti ,,.
-Cookliri; AlMien' ttlui . tigfi ). ~ ''..- •.
,;•:- • •
~ ~, ,
Min DDprgin!, Allen,to . 'w . ignp. ~. . • ~..• .
;Cli . riatisurrl tiel,'Al lens Inwiniloj)".77 -
,-•'.;- ,--.: 1 „
'inii'o, C Dniilnp,; Allen Itciiyn ship. ' .. . I -,-
petb'eual.ninirt,Enif INnnebore'l.Ownfillip. ''
Davit) 111ra itii i . , i ciii i i r otil o: w it. '
C. It. hum Kinistoiv'n.;"
11r.oy,Ze'riribt,'Sliiremakistown,. , , ,
Slinon Oyster,:Wornileyalnit, • , ,
Dr. jni,oli Diugloinan ; Coracle, .
JneoliKirk,Deneral Aientfpr York County ,Neil:
' , r ptingiertnotl P.p. , •
fil . '
Henry e;ounty.', .0 „, • ... • . .
Soli n 'II er le, II Ck. York_ county. ' '
jOh Rapkinjork aoutity..:•,,: ~1 , . • '.. -.•
~ • ".:
iinpiel Iliyiy, Yorle,,COnntt i -, - 7-:"::" . '
I'.'llowinan, , Y6rk noway.: ~ _.4' .f..,, I ..„.•, .:'',,;-,
:PlilltigltetilthilliCiimberland , oonnly.. ,-
Robert G.-,Sterreti MS. ill.dleton townsliiii.• ::k . , w•••:
''' Cli • Otlier age nt owi I 016'1i - dila tiereirter". , t , `
Choice :4? iipkg m oki g
tape.' prandi,Cayondiab.,44lciu . Oe',
ury Oa.. "..41,111M biaridmr4Cotigroas
•MoO7, MIA - Spi lieif,,",l3,kimtl.eoocola bridal
ppeo,a M, 29 4 :4+ hoY',-. aUd cl`to
Splendid Nonfat loo k Victoria,'
LiCPri tit ai6 to, La - Cabana;.P r pe e„Cheitt
nod ~otboi :choice ', bra ads 'of i m pottod
' towbei, Regalia Cuba ',at" if:-.Ho,:ira a,
siortek- SF rir,o r- ilol b mist
•:. , 4,1 of
MAON 0 0.1
.". 11 0t ibni .in : p r .P n ti 4Ztil It ° ( 1 . 6
darMa - :to r thiddi r y4o muy,chooao:
t 6 pt!tf11#51.9n74,..04 i n
t ujir kjakred,;;,cartioN
„ y.\ i is
. ... .
- ..-••••••••••••••••.--•rit . :••••••••••••,, ,. -:;:r, . . 4
• ,::, ~1i.,,,a0 . , Ifsfl ,l3,, 11;) I:
ittle. onli•knoira,ificill'ehieihti:no'ilie7,3llMit
-, • A :imrlfi
Ay'literii.' : DR; Ltil A
tors Pill iiiitb!if‘niedielo
lirelitUiGatTirffiailWTalitliVffilit'fasin't tlte
:iilicacif till , Others dr the, ratrid'elitti. , : •rrheie
pilisare'eampnii e d .otimnny ingrailients,;Ut,to.o
two tiiiiiiirlifil cines lire Siirsimarilla , filid: , Vll,o
Cherry, so' ttnited tiMi pley Pet toiethar V thee.VlV
through its admiktureVith other Substsniine': ia 7 :
'rifying and purging; while iffe other in itrait'gtii,
cuing the spite'''. 't'hu's those iiille , iiie' et ilk
'same time tonic and • opening ;.,. Aesio.ituiD,
long and eagerly sought for by medibidynimi,liot
We'Ver before discovered. la oilier wordli‘ltey.da:
the iviirk• of two meilleines, and do i fmuch bet=, ter titan' MTV 'two we know and
for they_ remoys,, ,
lottiiiig . froni - tlia - Vititilitit'ilia.jiurities, ott
'that while they purge tfieY etra li nngthen, pea, hence
they 'cause no debilitation, find , ere:followed hi.
'no Ydpetion. Or, Lie, i fttiv 'S.itii irs linVe l niworiden'T
t 9 itilluenee an thcolediTllliey iNt7:illii"--.1)11-ilit
withmit weilkoning it, but diev remove ..41.11 not ;
iouspaeticles from 'the chyle Ifelarqj,t l iareeeie;
ned.into fluid, end drys make..lmpura.,avod,V
_uttceitniimuibility. As theittia - nuAltditlitittionV:
'so there is no nausea or siejielas itaiur lie.
'6Ettirations of this most existillent. o , Add 6is v. -
*lda neVer Strains Or tortures the ditiiiire , dna
tions,but calitles'tliem to work in-ii cereal! ;Mit:::
iirahmntinerl-trediimine paVsons ta k en t h em p
not become pale and emaciated,liniVreegutjet
• 0 r while it is the property of the Stitralegir
united as it is with nther'ingredientit,,•te4re' Y . l 76,.
all that is foreign arid impure, it la ejimilif 1.% .
imtu v,-
'propertj , oldie Wild. Cherry-to retain alithitqp , '',',.'
ral and sound ; and Renee a robeitafat4" .:,
!lentil' is'elie etfetaim t croft of their united oii ~a ix47 •
lions. . . '• • .. , , , , , ~,,,,,,.,,_,•„. „ ,,.., 1 . .
For sale in Csrli ale by Dr. .I: J:Afyqr adl,N
,Vent, and by Eaby and Kissinger, in it.ingitniviv:
geicril e box 0.5 em. . .
Catena} Far.: 101847: ‘,...
TM luSlll sG N 1 M.[NT
rt . 1100 pOW.:r to cause all extereil'Stafflig .
POISONOUS NY OUNDS, to tlikelnegitieiliAtut .
trld matters, and then heals them.'s
ft is rightly termed All healing,
a diseak, exter.nd or intertialMark
will not benefit. I have used it for tliC last ,
teen years for all Iliseatietrof the chest, conintup.
lion and liver, involving the uttnost'dmig:eitliiiii
responsibility, and I declare before heaven - and
man, that not one single ease has it failed fp:Octi-
Oil when the patient was .within the reach be
mortal. means.
1 haye had phyleianslearned intim profeislon.
1 have had Ministers cf the Gospel, Judges of the
benth; - AI dermew - bauTem - gentlenlearof - the
higliest.eruditiom and multitudes of the poor use
it in every variety of wily and there has been hilt
one voice---one untveahl voice—saying; "Me-
Allister, yotir Ointment is * GOOD."
dist- settle can i1.111.21111y Cfreet upon this !Wigs
seated as they are the Spiterti. But, If
placeti . .olloll the chest, it penetrates to the lUngs
silparatcs the poisonous particles that are coney.-
miug them, and expels dotes frourthe system.--
It is curing persons of Consumption continually.
I.IEADACIIII.---I•he salve has cured persons
of the headache or 1.2 year's htanthog, and -who
End It ezgalar eVel . ) Meek au that vomiting often
took place. -
Deafness and Ear Ache are helped witk
MI PALM ATISM:—It removes almost imme-
,diately_theinflamattion and swelling when the
pain ceases. Read the directimutrottnd the box.
I t
COLD FEET.---Constniption, Aver Com—
plaint, pain in the :hest or side. kiln 4 off of the
hair one or the other always Hewn patties cold
feet. (This ointment is the true.remedy.) It is
a'snee sign oldisca/e to have cold feet.
In scrofula, old Bares, .-rysipelas, saltrheume
Inver cotnpluint, sore cies,. It& soy, sotr:iltroat ;
bronchitis, broken or sore 'men/4,4111e5, 01l chest ,
diseases seas as asthma, oppressions, rtin--.also,
sore laps, chapped hands, tumors, cuts stomas erip•
twos, nervous diseases natal of the spine, there as
no medicine now known as good.
,Sl.; XL!) III.:AIL—We hone ell. ed cases that;
(m 1161113 defied every thing known, as welt as the
ability 0115.110,1.4 tloctoo. ' l/ne_itionAol(l !Is heT
had spent $3OO ms his children witte,nit any bene ,
tit, Si hen slew , boxes - ad ointment curt: , (l them..
BALDN It sill restore the kitir sooner
than 1111 V 'other thing.
BUIINS.--It is the bent thing in the world for
Burns. (Read the direct ions around the box.
W ORM S.--It wil4drive r erl• vestige of them
There is prohnitly no mecliLine on Old face of
theofarth nt pnce so WIC tout so safe in the expul
sion of worms.
COHN S.--Oeensilinal use at the Ointment a ill
always keep aurae tram grns in,r. People need
never he troubled with then) 'lithe) will use it.
I'ILE S.-- Flio usnnda are .yearly cured
JAMES men.usTEit & Co.
Sole proprietors of ti a °hove
CAUTION --No t/IN TNI T will be genii : .
ne unless the names of James :McAllister or
Dames McAllister & Co., are written With a tied •
upon everys label.
Sold by Samuel Elliot, S. W. Haverst Mc aid
Myers, in Cur'isle t .1, & L.ltel el,, Nlc
clutiticslittrg; Singiser & Paul, Clturebto wit, tend
Alm Diller. Nett:rill,
That the principle of erring disease by elerio
- nod puril)ing the hotly, is strictly in ilycor
dunce with the• lima whirl, govern the nitinnil
econotns i laud if properly carried out by tl4-usis
Will evi 0111 y result ill the complete ahldition of
di sense; we am. the following tete irllollllllB, from
persons of the highest respectability in New Voris
wlio have reecho ly hem' cored of the most obsti -
mate complitints, snub hp the use of Wriglites
Vegetable Pills of the North it Mitricad Col
lege of I leolth.
CERTIFICATE 3 or cußes.7t,'
DR. Wm. Wm (MT -DOW At your ro
comine*Mlation, I some time ell= mode trod of
%Wight's !whim Vegetable Pills, of the , Noi th
American College of Ilealih, mill can emiseiemi
oust), assert that for Purifying the blood add ren.
moping Vie system, I have received. more benefit .
11181 their use flout l'rom 'any Mlier,medicine,Whas -
heretofore been my good fortniie ta meet with.
I um, dem. sit, with many thaiikS, your obliged.
friend, CIiAIIIES M. TATE,
No. CO ilamitierslV street, New York.
From Trinrarang. ; N. Y. ""
l)eAn Stit,-1 have been allltetet several
years a ith weektiess4ott it! ,
accompanied at times with pain in , lllo...aide Mal
.otliCr distressing complaints.' Aftee Mich), tried
itrinots medicines without effeet, 1 )vatitiimitolcd•
a friend to make trial of 1)1. Weight's .
Vegetable Pills, which 1 ant Nippy, to a ale hatre
relieved me Ina most wontlerfillintanner, kayo
nerd the. inctliehte"asS'et',liikt: - a,.tiliori
Imtanoilcubt,lwp.pertievei•eneesin,tlktitie of the
6MM - eine to - d that 'II ,
..Loo i Tee 'be perfeetli!reflOieeil:' 4 '
illitte4'limpintntiii4l. - siild'
. 1 . 1 • nr 'l3 I' r 'Heir r:
persons. s on; ae
. ral elm ;su to tt r e
thitt,the 1014RilkoivAbitie
Use, ' " • . • -
4 '•'
Uldter,Ln:,!Ncw .
n CR.%031 Or' ,Coerrit pt!blici
ogilhist ',the ITI11117: sprniptio , nferliaines
'iv lath iv • °tiler.' nre coiled lrr 'brittle n
sip; hit to in I
' • : ' • '
Ma elion
lbanandn $4," r.ov{P!: N0w,P, 1 4 7 1 ,i 1 : 1 1 11/ 4
• •
J. Sr.:. SSAI
Sri loot n ncl 'f'Priti I, ;kin% ' ,
John R n 7CRtiorl kr
• Li Senteriiiitj: • .
0 fii ceo ltre'Smqp. Or ,
right's billion , Vegeta b1e.1,P1,11, , i.N.
yejoi !I 69 ea Streatif.ll.l4lniffirni , i,lt I 4 1, 4 4 ?*
wtnoh treet;lfew.J.3(prkt Wl:Tremont ',Steer
.G 1 44E: OltAi r
.rllls t t , t „c Pe
eloo ;evkl•titatetektit • OP
ill..„sajoinsiitt;llllii polishing evoyy
Ititlitt!tool cirapoynr,ql;;:log 'lmp o rt o r , I Q motto'
Menet tvhiting;,go, Prollucqs the most:twit
lima Insflti g itollst6villEyerr it
is oleo an for oc4 , l.silitoenOlowto
alttli-taitr4l* , , , Yhitebtagitala 1$ alto
getlier,,,live from th o ott,oorrelstttAtthilletfeo6
Heil;iftlierefOre,rittkriar tel Jot ,11 0 JhOtittt'timi6o
inEnrott r . z Ne,;lPeroOtt igtihatv toed 11 1 0 ,
bk.w .boh'it , '
to ,, pgrologe. to seir
rollY ; !s a a;; kktaitllleg. at th s e It; 'ot not nr,:‘•
,pc, gttlV.lll , lll'iNANtl-'
17:41tt l id,Pari t aitlr'ea ; '
,•, ;;; : x 4, •
r, ' •
~,. .. t:'1~~.