Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 05, 1848, Image 4

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01 the Carrier or (i.e _Herald,"
Lis ELM `6.5.1aP,17,1_ I ,LV ;:d LI a
W Mil kindly greetings for you all, kind friends,
We hail - the auspicious morn that ushers in
Another period in our annual course. •
"With bounties large, with health andhappiness.
AVitil thankfulness we view the retrospect
if general good. The tillers of the soil
Have been rewarded for their weary toil; •
And all the ellUrts of the laboring class, •
Ifave been successful ;—industry rewarded ; - -
And Heaven has richly all our wants supplied; -
And with our surplus have we cheer'd the hearts
Of-starving thousands-in- a-foreign-land,-
- All these events oar true and faithful columns
I lave chronicled before, as they occurred. •
And therefore need not be - again rehearsed.
Nor need we tell the bold and brilliant deeN
'That marled the progress of Columbia's.arms;
And how a little band with valiant hearts,
trercame a mighty host of threatning foes;
How victory crown'd our arms in each attack,
And deeds of noble daring were achiev'd,
When our brave sons upon the foemaii 4 rush'd,
Amid the Eagle's cry: “Vict'ry or death,"-
1 low Scores tlisgestion, somewhat disarrang'd,
When with a foe behind, and one before,
fe quickly gorg'd "a busty plate of soup"
To escape the fire=arms of his double foe;
Then hasten'd on to take the legions brave,
Who had been trained to conquer and endure ,
13y the heroic TAYLOIL—TAvpm! yes!
The soaring spirit; the bold heart of steel,
The man who first taught undisciplined soldiers,
To fight with bold resolve like aged N:ClerilliS ;
The noble TAN-Lon; who- like the mighty rock.
Midst ocean's dashing, roaring, thund'ring waves,
Was firm and calm, like a clear summer morn,
When foes outnumbering press'd Minn his band,-- . --
These war-worn legions, fired by IAV LO s spirit,
Were led by Scorn to tattle;—and he' conquer'd.
Mexico hai - faldert.L.,Qur legions rest in Montezuma's halls,
The Southern sands werilyerFwith -- putriotvblood,
Where thousands offered up their precious life;
Where Wowru and PILLOW led their daring troops,
And noble gurr4AN thundered o'er the plain,
And WoeL, and SHIELDS, and LANE, with many others,
Gave proof how valiant, honest freemen fight.
Of all these great events, you've been appriz'd,
They're traced with honor on the historic page;
Our Country li k e a giant presses-on, -
Unfolding Freedom's banner to the breeze,
Tin with a long, loud, universal shout,
Humanity shall hail the blessed era
That marks a world, from all oppression free.
And what the coming period has in store,
'We know not. Present signs prognosticate
Events big wth the fate of many millions.-- •
"Vhe WORLD with feverish anxiety looks .
For - dismal things; politicians toil
For private-interest; and for public good;
And hostile parties meet in angry strife. '
But let the P EHPLE keep a watchful eye
Upon the ambitious. Let them cultivate
A pure morality; and, THEY'LL have the power
To check each vile, ambitious traitor.
. .
And new, once more, "a happy - NOW-Year,"
To friends and patrons:—and may Heaven smile
On all your lawful, virtuous efforts,•
. .ArtWorewn your earthly days %Vit.!' plenty,
'With'Peate,*contentment health and ha '
Yon,WiSkteiiheer the Mighty soul •
'OfqoueS,a,te,bring you; all the important news
The •Coinityg.year:-it' GIFT '
, ...!•
CHARGES; OWL BY! isaO:oom me nce tit re
ceiving .one of ,tlye..lnrieit and: mosU 'splendid
silo& - 9(.lFtt.
A' arid, .NY "PRY WWII%
that hit keen litoughHo l Carliide'fOr hint* , ydatii..
Also seleete4 l stock
41100isi•811,oes - itild,60.0 • . eeiCio •
,hichi , he if determitietinto ;01 nt,tle 3. e ssin=
neseptidlle:! TO - enllinetati attieleiseopld ,
this. mitt
Aliest:hottlitranttituatireilth pat , .t.he anentioned,==
• • 41111 0 1 . 6 ; keispliollollXlOvitO,9,4 l k to 'calkollll look CO!
.‘"iiome,n rtlieO4`'b;tttA:NDl; id is'.d o
of thasgaticeilibuse;leati directly '4464 Alsit=
•*; ,
• Csitirilernoeinber
''43EERI'BEEItI" - ; ,6, •
,• t I
•lifitifEcubsisbe,,fl noniron tel iniorm tno
l o t 'the"laiWa BREWERY'
I;.coP nor i4e - Po Mfret a nil' East'
etrdeh;;;.n having engaged
, A ,. ,ghe oerviiin 0f,±40 eXPerianP9d APO 41(1 16 4 V4Te '
7 1-I T/MORE,^O FIR.REW ho foeio conflating of
iibeinie able 10)41844W,
,pnblio with if"fliarito
artiolo,*/4014. piiiitioa‘tho!..,tdote Inf.; hill;".„,
paigiqrhtu}nc4l,aan - qallifimga
Trurnilbo i fflikl/U o 4toiriiligie tRE:LIYII 6I ?,-' 9, 41 1 ch
— LAindl il
tr* - eguak,Biflgi4*
$11417, 1 i44 1 7-o:thiP* .
ai*Xisiudißxw,!, pvkio,l,,*4z:l,t,o; k;'4 1:`0. , , 5;
I.l9oo:4ANAish',4l , ,
•. ...#!,Clirpolif buoy
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DE'cEm'it. "
f',Diti#o4 VOlllallrif SOOTHING . . EIYAUPFOII„i
• 4 • • • „.' •
mpTlinpB:4Avigg childrew,aillioted;
, raLLyiiiiii_ap.y:pfAl!o*diatia.mtinci!lent.o.ol9:
1 1 1;1 , 'i:roup,;,i;utenoone'i,.ordpbone, ',disordered
hi?`V t r,bo . ;,without.-„thlet,-
e, p rove lte Inprlttvgt
a', 4 .1817; 4 .,:i9:,. 7 , 341. •
Stor e of : ::'•
Carlißlei,,ooi4b6rwithyr 7 • -
11,9, 44pipi. 0e:4411 04111 g
E. • . k il kt
ui3re 3 back lejf,
''" TElitiltl)P§UtiSoMPTl9V
0 ° laar,r6l,o •
gonel 1: 1 I
.4,OrIgHlY •
A' C
R ATES :Of 'MN .
lines or less, will' be,
'charged at t iaiti Orlritly eolith tor one losertion,—.,
• inTe'illlieth for,Ottellolluri• and twenty-Ii 03 tents for
oVeqatibsegnentingertion. Yearly advertisers . will
rued at the fritlowing rates ' ;
Ot . 14 With '1404:6, rOohil yeat, • ,6 2 5.
ita;Solu ; ..; ~dn.:• • • 4 0 . • • sir
Two SquaresNith ituartellyalanget ! ' ' C I.
If carde,witit the papery ,
I - 1 itch as Ilundbllls,.BlertKa Circulars sad eimr y
,tr description ot Printing, ' execnted Ithnsomely and
expenlosly and at the LOWEST PRICES.
1 2 3 4.
RE an InfalliblelViedieme for Dyspepsia or
111,_ Indigestion, the universal complaint, H end
ache,DepresSion of Ypirits,Pimples and Funtules
on thoface; Habitual Gostiveness, Rheumatism,
Affections oldie Bladder' and Eillneys.., Bilious
• Fevers... It. is-a—perfect:Preientative.ofllilious
and Western Pevers, stud the bust remedy' eve! ,
used iu restoring the patient, after being prostra
ted by Fever: &o. • Erysipelas, Enlargement or
the Bone's, Fever-and Ague, Plattilency,
peas of Corpplexioti, - General Debility, for . gene
ral-prostration,eaused li discaie, medicine, or
iniliscecticinsbommitted in ,youth, libbintration of
ntind,confusion of ideas, loss of meinory,ditimess
of vision, a hopeless' expresston of- countenance;,
soil for this class of disease gencralli,this media
cute has never hail its equal. Gout; Giddinetis,
GraveLlmoure.Blood.c.lautitilcm_Losslol.Appe t _
List liimplaint; Leprosy; Lameness.
eradicate 'entirely, all the effects of Mercuey in
finitely sooner than any other medicine. Night
Swats; nervous Debility; Nervous Complains
of all kinds; Neuralgia; Organic Affections. Pal
pitation of the Heart; Painter's Cholic. ' Pains
in the side, back, limbs, joints Mid organs;
- Bush (blood to the head; Zmirvy,• Zalt Ithennu
Z eel ,tg; sick headache; ti nes§ or die Joints;
kooritila or King's Evil) Syphilis in its worst
forms; Ulcers of every description, and the Ery
-bipelo; Kxpouttreinttlimprodence in Lite.
The'folloaink.are. some ofilie certificates 111111
111/1111,11111ellutry notices. lino have been receiV(ill
by the proprietor ,of the ellicaicy of this medicine.
r. Philip NVileox, of well known firm of
Wilcox fx Richmond, shipwrights, of New Ben
ford, was entirely Cured ofa emifirtnell canker of
she stomach, throat and 'month, with Sore lips
usually accompanying this disease, and his gene
ral health muLlt improved by the use of only one
1.061 E. NI r. Wileok has suffered set erely for a
imuther of years with this disease, and attributes
his cure entirely to themse of the Bitters.
John Bay lies, Deputy Zlicriff of Bristol
county, Moss., 111114 volunhu•ily CM tilted that be
ea Mt - CO.llly the Bitters of juundleo, Indig e ation,
lleadache aml -Vertigni
Cilihs, of Zandwich, teslifie s s that seve . ra I
pe•snns in that town,• well known to liint, !stoic
beemiquelitted by the use of the Bitters, and in
terry case they hasegi ven the lutist perleufsatis
J. it. Perkins, Esti. Attorney ht Lon nt New
Iledford, was cured at an unpleasant eruption of
the faeu, by the use of the Bitters.
..: [Prom the Daily Evening Bulletin.]
It is not our ensioni to pun' Patent Medicines
unless tie know them to Ite really excellent.—
Diving nurse', es a knindedge of De. Wood's
Strsaparilla mid Wild Cirri ry Bitters, and have
tug severyl friends alto :111Ve. 111,11 benofitted by
their use, we do not hesitate to recommend them
Intim public. Both Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry
iire articles of established reputation in the med
ical world, and titiq prepbration is made with
great .eirh and appei.l% to combine all
cilia' qualities of both In an on natal manner. For
sale by the proprietor., E. Thornton,Jr. Water
street, and by the Druggist,. generally. Any one
from diseases of the bloyil; indigestion,
or headache, would do well to give these Bitters
a trial.
Prepared by E. Sold Whnl
sale and Retail by ‘VYA TT & 1:71,41A 31,1 . 21 Pa
Inn street, New York: SA %I ELLIOTT
Carliale,nod Druggists generally thrtmghom the
United States. Price Is, large bottles.
Deuember tt. I 84.6.
61.4 ..e.Vf •
For the removal and permanent cure of
till diseases, arising from an, impute
------ - - iistireir—tite-tattnut , ttnti habit op bur'
body, viz, Chronic affections of Um
chest, Chronic Pleurisy, Bron
chitis, Catarrh etc, Scrofula
in all its stages, Totter,
Scald-head, Cutaneous af
fections of the litre and
. extremities, Chronic He
patic diseases, Chronic .
Ithenniatism,Cluranic Enlarge- • •
molts ufttmligamentsand Joints
Whits Swellings, &Otitis;
affections, ltterotaial and hereditary pre
dispositions and constitutional disordprs, etc
Among all of the various Medicine) produce
Lions that science has discovered pro
pared fo r
. tiro sllaviatiop ot• hemen • vufForing
front disoanthat arises from a vitiated condi
tion of tho Blood and cigar's ef nutrition,forti:-
most stands the PANACEA, Where othor
remedies. have failed to destroy, tho: eisential
piinciplo of disease, as it Was worminuits
molo-liko Way into . the deep tissues of the bo
ny and undarmining thofoundations of Health,
this remedy perytidingtwory tissue, organ and
port of tlfo body hat' by its powerful alterative
influence uprooted. `every vestige of dieetdm in
the system ; ,. As the genial:rays of, alrorpal
sun, infuses new Eifititithe vegetable world,.
so atme.the 'Panacea invigorateltie.debilitated
..and newlitelVshand blooming
springs up from the, parched' Mint!' Mice copi
ous shoWors, :so does.,health follow the foot
steps cif Oils nattireag feat remedy. "
PrepP"arBB and sold C0~.7a anti South streets
Philadelphia. -.Sold wholesale and
.tiy ,
84..ampriELIAOT; Carlisle, Ar. NiTherson •
frarristititt; 'and by druggists and ititirehant •
throughout tiro County . .
• tire stock Of i lobhb , fieder,)Aiiiirtile; u 1
tention, , of - tin!.:':Oblic to' that; iiintikiiiine,z ,
~With all ,the bonsPrg;lititTrug-jylithli,Uintoir
ging inado'by oilier estabtiSl'imentS; we are o
bi° to soli !lard wore as I'OW i r _not a little tow ;
or than any Of het Hardware thre" . in',:thn coon,
ii.: ..'Trj , us and - prove' us','4l. poi.'old:iiiiii wei
known * a ton d'' oil' No'rth: fliii(i civhr r;Stii9t,',pci'
'tire'iril•Cpriiimin's Tsverfil! and"
• d Gip Staie , of , citr;EKiihir; ,, we toi : jek ;ie-
, iivedldfoll ihdschiertFaSSEitiolie or 'thrd
yire and,.tiil9l9g.
Materials,.tunung' t .whOb aa
onomtod IlioAdloniing.:'
56'6 pounds ternerieh r n.Bliiiter.l,teell TO ii'S'l'.'ihi"'
.2 0 1 3 .•,,,a o :.,,,.._Epiiiiriaa: ,to,,,q i , n ~ , isi 06' lb;
„500 '.',. do ~ ,i Cas(and Sbecif.StOel i B Terlii.'"''" ".:
500 ;;, d0..1../.,sprtig.stectritrbts periotuol4 , :'.. ~
80 iloz.,Of,Corn anti Greig 6 %,41hee ..,-.!::49. i•-Arl":,.
40 0 kcgkoc:Nails nod spike's ut
,$480; lier leg; -•
'so"bioxeS of nisbrtell G.1u5.5. , ,.:\1;,. , ” , ..'"i... "";: . : , t; , , ; .-„:;,.
4000 ; lbs;Crourol White ~etul ATT fp2',..1f,;,,t'0 , A
f ir keet!,,l , ,,i,sct ,',:: - . ',:',•,',.'..:.: ' ,, t4t6" , i: ; „“v.
lb, beat 9aality, or Gimadvaonaa atlti 9
. 9 , !
4 tripoion . a . oy Linseed Qilyeri'i .1 4. .ie,!.," ,, i': 1 . , 'V::
100 1- n lo ' ,. v l :3lkirllugililiait,Otiqp4Ail'Act',T. , i Wl'
ta , Tans,Bak.no4',Uorm:Stioe,lroii•tr,3;o:t.'..l,;i: ~ :ix
' Witti.'Kf1i, 1 11 4 49 01 7%, 1 ,414.k,V.ft/ 1 0,1,1didilliiiifig#'
ile,h , go.oqls_9l4Plkelb BRlNlltnerce-esiFeio.B'!,
' o l4l!rel4te l liao 0nd,.1)). ttA . Pl,o4#o4*filloa ,
W0,,-.lani, nnnlitilia, o ,o4;'*.tiviitlON;Oki:the' 7 Lriw; ;
jpricedllaitlTlOnitortt ortst - Ye' , '.'i.:; - .':;.:,..'..,
.5..:i0.1.?.Q1V171/4 '''glili,',lPlOK.; . ;.
N:d'a'A',EX,.o4o , 4r,oo.otiojiro.44 ' :100+44ifi;AM: ?!
: ,C,':!,'4.
:,.,,,,,v;,:,',... -%1',q`1:4..",,,7,-,:siQe*V434l:Urr'itefiteekk'2,l
Dr. Mod's Sarsiaparii A'
Wadi -Cherry
ompl en lon Hall consumptive habit 11, Mid stuth as
are tkUtilitatedhy those obstructions %thick fe
males al'e wave ocistotwil - bytlie irsr: brit
brittle or two to bloom null vigor. It is by fir
lie hesy retnedy, ever discovered for weakly chil
dren, and such nultave boil Iminiws, being plea
sant they readily take it. It iMmediately restores
appetite, strength and color. . .
Nothini call he more surprising than its invig
orating elleets on the 11111111111 Ilittne: Persons, all
wesk.ness and lassitude before tliking it, at once
become robust and NH of energy touter its influ
ence. It, inimediately comiteraets the nerveless
o fss of the human frame, which is the great cause
Dr. Keeler's Vegetable Panacea.
» ;
:oth.p4t 1 -
, #.4-14 , W,MTICU art "",!
..0e teat' ,
'; v
Wrilio min!, gßiumtlatilbm9ation t v ia , bee l i
a a apt o ^ fihe inosk troutiliniptop.di need. ith•
whiolt thelidefii ° lS'Affetted;:(vvithout d est roym g
the 111:W1 'l44h stiainsi,swelfingA, stiff
nitis'llifjornts, galls lirtidudsit b, ;the oollai.and
is oddlo; strains of the shoulders, ettflo,. hoof,
'pastern And coffin joints, t4hisi
,of whirl.
bone, linoo,; fistules,
curbs; d&c. '
llt very spew curio old cir'lrCell,AWOunds,euts,
ruises, fistules, pall eiii,eurbi, eti. j and gives
Instant ieltefin the scratches, grease, etc„anil
the , diseares incident to.horseti haiing white
feet' and Weenie prqdueed sy
,St,,lolin's Wort,
which do 'often destroys.the hoofs - and bonen of
.thOlfect, and resists the action of sulphur and
vitriol ulatments4Ll other remedies equally
powerful', -
No applibaticon has. heretofore proved so
useful in relavingstiffness of the, tendons arid
-joints— and pretincing. cuelt-7-immediatd
beneficial effects in cracked heel's, brought on
by high.feeding, splints andeprains.
•This Embroertion is highly yeCommermed fo
farriers; keepers of livery stables, Wagerers,
maga:proprietors, and private gentlemen i'own
ing-horses;--tron' invillintble — repiady, an*
ebonld bo p"onstantly knpl ih their stables,:
Also farnteitt„ whose. horses are so liable to
kicks, .outa and wounds, will find it equally
ntiventrigoOns to keep it constantly on.hand.—
It is .equally beneficial In • the treatment of
'working cattle, for galls, bore necks, opts
Wounds, etc. -
For sale ideurlisb by Dr. JOHN J MY—
ERS,.SoIe Agent.. . . .
To tlur Citizens of Cumber Td - HOT. ;
There is something more lyceums than '
Gold or Diamonds—Jl Cd LTI 1.4
rirviEßE - are: some diseases tint: V,sit its at Ma
-1 led sensors of the year, and which not tilde
tittently become alarmingly fatal, during the sum
mer and autumn mouths especially the, y oung t
there being not less than seventy thousend (tying
annually- with thwangements of the stomach and
bowels alone, Dues nut every feeling of our nag
tare become enlisted to theltomati desire toles
sen this fright ftil . mot to lity , ire- we not Immo' by
every principle of relig ster relief
when in oul- power; and we discharge our luny
.wlten we point oat the greatest remedy ever yet
scovered,-for this -pa rpose r t o t he pub' ic.• -If
there be one, or if they have a friend, or a child,
or a neighbor, who nay chance to read-this no
tice. that is suflering with Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Cholera AI orbits, Summer Complaints, Colic,
Flatulettcy, &lc., bee., i heti let them ry Dr. IC ye
ler's Cortlial.and Carminative, and x e guarantee
a speedy cure.
I to nctiatee Co., Neffei Ile, Dec. 11, 1 8.15.
11r. 'Ceder —Sonteti me last summery our agent
left ate 'Mine of ymur !Mind cordial and Cando
ative, urging. me to try it. It ko happened that I
had a case, a young child about six months old,•
whose stomach and how els were very car
(lyre(' condition, caused by a deli eieney , of its
mother's milk. The child was a mere skeleton,
there ;Vas 1/111011 01'111111:C, lelle81111,1)3 alid eunaoutt
evacuations. I administered every medicine
could - think - of, - wltisimt a slight alleviation of the
complaint. I then thought of giving your metli
'due a trial commencing with small doses.
sotto however perceived the child could bear
full close as recommended in directions; belrre
it laid taken half a bottle, the stomach and how,.
el slnitl recovered their tat utad toile, every otlic
bad symptom yielded, atitl,the child rapidly re
t have . no 1081 F M -ton in saying that 'your medi
cine is the very best for the plant. complaint 4
have taclntinistercdHnn .4 21 yearn' practice.
Very respectfully, your friend,
Prepared corner of :LI m 14831811 %teems,
For sale wholesale P.llll retail by S 017_
u cm. EMU/T.. C+u•lisle 1 1)1`. Mc I'III'ESCHI,
burg; and 1/rtigaibits and Nlercluttits through ,
out the county.
July 21, 1847.—Gni.
An A ppoved Remaly o IJy. pys to ; ,outs
c two reasons why ;this medi.
be recoMmended to the public;
is, shut most persons who have so 'gilt
it buy itagain, thereby showing that they re=
Bard it as u valuable homily medicine the
other is that certificates are in the possession
of tile Proprietor of permanent cures having
been cfflectod not only in persons afflicted fora
short time, but oleo in cases of long standing
It is composed altogether of a vegetable
matter. is perfectly harmless, can be taken at
all times, and is no hindrance to business. It
restores end revivea•the animal splri te, cleanses
the stomach hunt all morbid humors which
cause indigestion and acidities. It oleo re
mOVes nervous tremors, thematic pains, and
prevents their return; cures all; callus of the
stomachs and bowelsolmost iinimiliately takes
away Valpitation el the heart, and promotes
the free circulation of the blood.
.The- direction accompanying each b - dtlo
cant:this a number of certificates one of which
is given in this advertisement.
llssii Sin:—about two years ago T was se
verely; 3inieted with ispepsia, which. I bad
for the last fifteen years previous to the above
named time, which was very mach increase('
by my having a blood vessel ruptured upon my
lungs, occasioned by lifting—which increased
my complaint, dispepsia and general debility.
mid W6hlilm ss, •to such a decree, that. two. or
.three years previous to my using the Berle.
gent's Balsam, I never ate a mea l but my
stomach became so painful that I had iinmedi.
ately to threw it nip, Seeing"Carlegant's Bel
son) advertised was induced to try a bottle;
after taken the very first dose It appeared to
Strengthen my stomach; and every-dose of thi
first bottle helped me so much that in the
course ofa few days, my stomitely began to
retain and digest ovary thing I ate. I confined
to use tho Balsam until I used several bottles,
which cured me entirely, and restored mo•to
perfeethealth, which I have enjoyed eversince:
and net before for fifteen years. 1 cheerfully
ecomniend It to all - persons who are Melon'
With dispepaiii ciudibility of stomach.-
Prepared and 5011.4 tlioPropriuter, JOIIN
S. MI lAGER,oppostierhe Market Melee, tired.
crick, Md, and bySAMUTIL kILLIOTT, sole
intent for.Carlislo.
March 10, 18474.
To ICotintFl 4 .P4VOlC,a,is• . _
y ERs, heejuet received tn addition
to his lonner stodk,'n Nig° asebrtment
DRUGS D. EDWIN EP. warranted
;ure 'and frealtmo9g whiph: rye the re=
ont poptt h ie 'proiarationa cof the ; proroesion7
whiCh 'he' will so il 'an as ..forma ao any
PhYsteinna.arp. raqiiested to exarn inn for
ihetheolvea:‘ ' , , ,
lelttaleic • "
."• dbnicn.prqlq orll,l"mok l rea s for inviaitds
a nd.dyijiaiipiiii;.'•`Alno 014, 14;4 Young Mynah,
13 ,isnriowdnr and ;Impurlil. „
121:3 , ,:28,. 1,8 47; ,
.). ~ J
I.ohiatteivlq,,,iargdo aTqlnidorol'sulta,
aad TIM11,111°"'' 'flow
P"Pr ''' itiqmrlant'. . bk.
J, i , , irbin,,,mrsiini Fur 410,1%, , ,, , ;
r ,
.' •r? '' ' % ring all '",i.
, e
1,4 PT,. , main .Eilreo. 4,
,di 14,2t1y. t. 4:7;,.. ,
~ , ' ' 4,,a4tit
~ 9 , - •1; 1)0 tOllll
to 0 aitoie ()PA buinora
WQ TONS I'IY '2OO tonttlebro ,
.~, ~
al7Wiksbar u rOlß C°a thoda,cciiili:,7,4 ' ~' ,' ,'
sdoo boa 4 nit?,7',,`, ."'/"A'' ' r—T,' AlFilt''',..`,
tor sale 13.Y:,' ,:t-iiqlC4lge„J,F,VlY';,',',
~:. , ,f . { P4'” 'i: 1847."'"'.. ``,,,:1441"
',Mew IN•O7fi,7lF" ','''' Ititr,
g • ' ' , - . r attrean RP -4. 1' Ilk,
,111,1, : ':-
pti 'arrive yoRPA"Y It
OTH••• aria
iiiticG g)'
, 7 i t N
u, anirClEl ` ~nitlkk • ' Ai' 41,tit
i A,NE—„-Aiirttit(oltyhhibilehp,k,' ' ''npolgio:
`pni,oll;;;liiiiimittitil;',”,, ,
~.,.: ()NIKE,
io4a, 'o4l4,...4).°;r4inkrtllANi7 * Ote itM4s 4t in r
J,1.,!,4Ter1,44.4 . ,,, q , ,,5,,,, , ,,,.d.,44,
„-,,,,.„ . „,,,,, L , ..,,,,,,„...,, ;
r' ?
litut tc‘ oinpani).,
4,•''All - PII.OTECTJON,O"MPANY, will he"
under thejdiiection, hig 'of
' - Manngres .4 lor Ake' etituinTY'eruiz:HTWc; -
111 i ,
aide) tr. DaVitt`. , W. , 'Meetilllciugli;"reesitint'eti A.
G. Miller,Seeimbiry; ' James WealileY,lohn'T.
Gruen, :John, Zug, 'Abraham Hie hard'
VON Siympci , liuetda, Willitn •S'ealy sbeott
'Gayle, A reminder Davidson. ',There: are also a
number , of
,Agents :appointed its. the adjacent
'ea unites,. who reeelve applications for, in
sistance mad' tol•warif them immediately,for ap
proval to the offii , b - oftlie.Co npistlY,w Ilan the pol
icy will , be Isaued without delay. g.orfurther
inloricion seellie•by.laws of the,Colnpany:
TI-1 •
• • , • • 08: C.. MILLER Prest.
lA.miu.r.n, Seep
The following gentlemeri have been appointe:
1,. H.. 'Williams, Esq., Westpenashoro b Gen
eral Agent.
A. Coyle, Carl is ei
Dr. lie Day, Mezlinniesbneg. •
George Brindle, Eaq.
-- InsAl - r - 111eants. a cw ur g. 0 5.
lobo Cleudenin, - Esy llogestown.
Stephen Culbertson (81tipitenolinrg
September 9.9, 1847
:• •
C4ar!er - PerrotetaLL:-$490,00 0 Capital paid in
bitce 1.632 1 Milano( itreei. •
MAKE INS Ult ANClipitherliermanabtorl im
ited,agnin - stloSs or du Magi: by fire,on PROPERTY
and EFFECTS of .ertry description, in town or
Grim:lo.y ,ori the'intitit reasonableternis; Applinii
tions made either pettOntilly or by letter, will be
promptly ittleinded -
' (-.1, T . BANCKER, Prest,
Rates of Ingurance Reduced .
• • •
Brick' r Stone d welli ngs or stores
from 2 to 3 p c dells
do do Churches ttj to 3 do
do do Taverns 3 toi 4 do
do do Barns 4 to S do
do . do Stables (private.) 4to 5 do
do „do Stables (public) 6to 7$ do
du do Grist \tills, Water •
Power, .71 to 10 do
Brick or Slone dwellings and Fur
niture ['vont 30 to 40c $lOO value
- do do Stores acid Merchan- -
dine 35 to 50 do
do do Taverns and Furniture • ,
- - 40 to 60 do
do do Barns and Contents •
65 to 75 do
do do Stables (public)
100 to 150. do
do do Grist ill and Stock
75 to 80 do
Frame and Log dwellings and Fur
niture 60 to 75 do .
^ du do S ores and Nlerchan
dine ' 65 to 85 do •
_do dolavernsandFurniture
60 to 100 do '
do do Barn% and Contents
90 toNIOO do
do - do Orisl Mills nod Stock
90 to 100 do
The subscriber is scent for the abovecompany
for Cut-lisle:4lml its vicinity. All applicationsfor
sssurance either by mail nr personally will be
promptly attended to W. 1). SI YMOUR.
Jthie V 2.1845. • Iv-33
Oa the illutual lasuanee piniiple. rondrined
wale a Inge joint-stock
educed to nearly lutylhe t.sual ales.
'T I TO — AT: rir ntormiration'the steel( is
I. I P pledged for the payment of any losses
which the Company may sustain. And as en
additional security to the assured, the act re
quites that the profits of-the business shall be
funded and remain with the corporation, as a
guarantee and protection to the insured against
loss. 'Phis lurid will be reprcacnted by scrip
issued by the Company, bearing interest notex ,
eceding six per cont. per annum. The insured
are entitled to a pro rata share ofthe profits of
• the Company, and will receive that proportion
of the aforesaid fund in scrip, whien the
amount of earned premiums paid by him, bears
fettle total such ()reamed premiums and capital
The scrip thus Issued, to be tratisforable on
the books of the Company as stock.
No dividend 'of scrip can be made when
the losses and expenses exceed the amount of
earned premiums:
Tho' insured arc protected from loss at the
customary rates of promiurns, tettkout siny
individual liability or responsibility for the
lassos 9r expanses of the Corporation. The
assured have all the rights of membership,—
elm vote at all elections, sad are eligible as
Directors of the Corporation.
The subscriber has becn•appointed agent for
lids Company, and as the mutual "principle
it superseding every other mode of Insurance,
to would minfidontlyrccom mend it to. his friends
and the public.
The North American Company has close
their Agency. Those having policies expirin e
in that office can have them renewed in th
Delaware Company on much more favorabl °
For full particulars enquire cithor byletter
or person to JOHN J. MYERS.
•Carlisic, September 10, 1845.-1 y.
tV CI E. IST P 11 OR OCM 11
Allenantl Enarpennaborou g h Mutual Fire
1 Insurance Com i tan y of Cumberland Chunty,in
corporated by un act. of Assrmbly, ia m ow fully or
gait' zetl,ml In operation under the mana g ement of
tue followin g commissioners, viz:
Clit.Stity iit,Jacob Shelly,Wm It Gorge s,Lewis
flyer, Christian Titzel,M ichael Hoover, Item,.
Logan,MichaelCocklin, Benjamin II itlitsser,Levi
Mcrkel r lacohKirk,Melohior Brehemaniold Stim,l
PrOwell, who respectliilly mill the atto - dioh al the
oitizensoftiumberlandatid Yorkcountiegto Blend
vantages which the Comm - limy hold out.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
as tiny Company of the kind in the State: Persons
wishing to become men:antis are invited to make,
application to the agents of the company who are
wilting to wait upon•them at any time.
MteitAer. lloovea, Vice President.
• - kends r, Secretary.
Michael Cocklin,Tecastiesr, •
• .90E.I.'"FS. • I •
.MichaCl I roaver,Ceneral Agent,llreobanioabnpi
Rutiolpli Cu inbepland, to wpsh ip. -
M Cooklin, Allen taWnship,
Win 11,'Gorgas Allen township. '
Christian A Hen township.
C Dunlap, Mien township. • • .
Peter.Bsoltort , K . ast•Dennaborteto*nallip.',"
David Marliu,ChnrchtownS ~) k•-
.11earf Zeariiig, Shlremsostojvn, - , - .2 , i. • -01 a n ;
:Simon Cy st er, \Vormleysliurg; r;
Dr. .1 [molt 13sygitintiPiPsiiiele/ •
laiiebKirk,GetteraJA l g9ntrtr iriTkPauß A lY: i Ne7 ;
`qttrnharinntll!:.o,;?; ,
Ronny liognnOtorkionentf ,t - ;' ",
John herr iok, Ittitli
Jahn lliankin
Daniel Bally.; York , Coiinty
I..thriorani York - 0.046tYi-
Philip DreokbilhOtimblarlsitt 0 0 .fitlf.r.•
Itobert, C. Bterr,et,PiAtithlle,ton to wnship:.:
ti‘Ctlikragents.lolftijkil.ded hereafterel
Cl!ceice , Oka It f i t'
ID T. 4141 PC , ' ol. l ll4 'nuwi'.. , eele bra tad
wo o ll 4 ll34,9ltiertritalt, Leacinur Loa':
cry d o , , ,A,rfirAjlterld of Congress fives,
Ty4at' atid,Blll)te DonitifitP cehlbraimt,
TR°llo°°,4oiikieiTietattbotthoYl nd Daritter's'
litilWee fit/ .
' splpit/ft-Riar4,l,lo;fVetieeree, La ViaterieV
PrlMll!ert4 4,ptCabterati , ,Prhielpee, C'heefipti
nthfr,',P,hploOkthilixtde,of _imported tergarig
crOgether with:traliwi Cuba , ar d
Spaaleir' , ifia f l wattieti,,Ele tr ito;Or; th • o f l 44 / . .t
Tohaeetic litjuht
r i 3 O
iek,l,4;4o)bearitiglitiprepared, to tell:,00 1 ,11iir
ch° o sq' t irptibeal
arili:'l4V4Aar,V,WOlC ci D 00t 1 31111 , 1 1 1101.3* in
1110A911,1,1)1444Vi 1
, • ; , , ,
' litlebtttitco
L UNOstOtALVOItitL';';:4;-:'
Orily kiieWo' L Medfitilife
. time:-purgee; stringihenis the,
-iystern; , :;- , Dr.: , . Le Roy7S - 1 3 111iiieii UewMedieine
q...hicifliati . iust =4 ippearedi - iiiid4s - fairittkiitettre7
places of all , others' of the Emile' blues.: These
pllla are oputpeaed of ingrediewits; but ,the
two principal ones are Sarsaparilla rind Wild
,ClierrY, Waded, that they,lict together 1: the one
.thitatgliSts iidelisture withmtheesubstances,'pu
rqing While: the Mber strength
eningthe ThUi Oka* pills., ate. at the
same tittle' UM% Anddesideratiun
lOti an& eagerly MOO( fee by medical men, but
'never beforediecoiereik le Other Woi•iis,they do
the miork:of two merliciiieli; bed' d'o't imueli bet
terthee any two we know oft fde they remqve
lathing from the system but the so
'that while they purge they ztrengtireh.ttiiii libnee
they cause no debilitation, and are folio yell by
nn reaction. Dr. Le ltoy'aPiils have a wonder
til influence on the blood; they not only ;Amity
without, but they remove'l-ntix
joilsytutioles iron, Hid chyle beloie it is cotive
ned into fluid, and thus make impure blood an
_utter imPos,ibilily. As there is no debilitation,
so - there - is - nomaiteen - or - sickness - ationiling:tl
operatiur.s of this most ell cellent of medicines,
which sever strain's or tortiEesthe digatitic fune
tions,but causes them to work inn 'perfectly nat
ural manner; and hence pueson's taken them do
net become Pale and emaciuted,but the contrary,
ft r.while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla,.
neited-Ss'it IS -with - other ingredients, to rerholie:
all that is foreigif end impure, it is equally' the
property ofihe Wild Cherry to retain all tlist is
natural anirsotuid and hence' a robiist state - of
health li-the certalwiettilt of their Milted opera
For sale in Cbrlisle by Dr. .1. rrrs,sol e
owl by F.Hby and Kissinger, itt Kiosstowo.
.geicrtl e box 20 ets.
IT Lis pnw2r to cause all external SORES
POISONOUS'WOUN:DS, to thaeltar6e their pu
trlil matters, and then heals -them.
It is rightly. termed All-hettling, for there Is
scarcely Zr disease, exter.od or internal, that i
will not benefit. I have used it far the Inst lour•
teen y'em•s for all diseases of the chest, consump
tion and liver, involving, the utmost danger still
responsibility, tool I declare before heaven and
1111111, t 'Mt 110 t flue si ages ettee,hus it failed, to ben
efit when the patient was within the reach of
mortal means.
IttiVelistlphySieinns learned inithe
I hay,' hail ministers of the Oospel,Judges of the
Itetieli,- Aldermen: La %lees, gentlemen Or the
highest erudit , and multitudes rf the poor use
it in every septet or way and there has been but
one voitte---one it ;vessel voice---say ing,. o
y our (lie rent is 00,1). 1 '
CONS UM PTI elm hardly he credited
that a solar eras (Live any elfeitt upon the bangs
seated as they ate within the 13) stem. Btu, it upon the chest, it penetrates to the lungs
stiparates the poisonous patlieles that nee
ming them, and expels them from the sytteni.,--
II is curing persons of "Consumption continually•'
II I.: ADA CI I salve hiss cured persons
of the litsidaelle of 1.2 year's sontlitig. nlal ti Ito
had it r:gultir ever) meek so that vomiting ohen
took piece.
Deafness mid Eat. Ache att.e helped with lik
nimUMATISM.--lt remeresalmost imme
diately the nillamation and swelling when the
paiiteeases. Head the direction around the
CULL) Lifer
mtio in the :hest or side. falling oft of the
hair one or the other always acennipindeg. cold
feet. (This ointment is the trim remedy.) It is
a sure sign of to hiqc cold tem
In scrofula, ohl sol•cd, erysipelas; sallrhehm,
sore eyes, qu'osy, sore throat,
hl•onehitis, broken or sore 'breast, piles, all chest
diseases such as asthilni, oppressions, pain—also,
sore lips, chapped 11511110, tumors, cutaneous troll •
ions, nervous diseases and of the spine,,Abgre
no in .110111 e now kliwyti no gook!.
$0 ALI) II D.---We have rimed cases ths,
aciffilll - defied - ni - 2o' think kii6Wil,asweli its the
nbi lit) (.i I 5 or 20 doctors. One man told tis he
had sprig 4500 an his children 'without any belie-.
lit, when it few boxes or ointment cured diem.
11A1,1)NESS.--It will restore the hair sooner
than sus other thing.
ix the beat thing in the*nrlil fa
11111 . 11 n. ( held the .1i reCtiollB 111'0111111 the Ithx.
IV OR M S.--It will drive every vest'ege - or them
11.11 y
There is no medicine on she o
the mush at since so sure anti, 30 Safe in the 051101
slot. a won..
COHN 5...-ooccsionni use nl, the Ointment will
nix ays keep corns Ironi , gros iii. People need
never be trouldell with ihem lithe) will use it.
l'iLFlS.—Thousatuls are yearly cured by this
Sole p ro p, Jelin.% of the above medicine,
CAIJi'ION --No OINTMENT will be Kellu
m, unless the names of James McAllister or
names McAllister eSt. Co., are written witlin pen
Nam Otery label.
Sold by Samuel flitted, S. W. flaverstiek
1)r..1..1. Myers, in Carlisle.; .1, & L.Reigel, Me
cliaidesbuts; Singiner & eanl, Cburebtown and
./olin Newville. •
That (lie principle ofcaring disease by cleans
ing anti purifying thg_body is strictly accor
dance the lan Athiel; goYern the animal
economy; and if properly carried out by the use
tiertaiill) result in the complete abolition of
disease; we oll'er the following testimonials, front
persdits of the highest respectability hi New VorK
who have recess( ly beets cured of (lie most obsti
nate complaints, solely by the use of iNright's it
(i11111 Vegetable Pills &the North American Col
lege of I Iwilth. -
Rem Now York City. •
DR. Wst, Wit 0 lIT I—llerir Sir,— A t yen'. re
commendation, t some time since made trial of
WrighCs Indian Vegetable Pills, of the North
American College of• Health, and can conscienti
ously assert that for Pnrifving the blood and ren
mating the system, I have received more benefit
Mins their use thamfrom any other medicine it has
heretofore hero my good fortune to meet.willt.
I am, dear sit, with ,many-thanlts, your obliged
friend, bliAltikS M. tATIL,
N 0.60 Ilammersly street, New York,
I ,4 i•nnr Warwarsing, r.
Dr.An Si u, , -1 have been aillicted fnr. several
years a ith inunrd wesikness and genecal debility,
accompanied at tines with paint in the side and
oilier•distectiiiing.complaints,- .kfteir . having' tried
i:arions mediFinee without efrect, t tvaspersunded
11% a frimill to make( trial of. Drd Wright's - Indian.
Vegetabh; Pills, which 1 inn happy 'to i'tite have
relieved me, in a most, yonderful• manner.- !mire
;tiled I - lirdiet tie a t but a i.abo
let% e no AMilit; by i'perseyereoe,N,ln the o semi' the
nted lii
ielfieebrdbieto,illrebtioni; (hitt I .sbull 'in, a
Ahem tilde rUpalreil,"
..• •
1 most..willinglfeecommend BUM Pills to All ,
iierions-iituibirly:Pfflittecl, and' in 'the full belief
'that the sarnuibettiiftidli,l;ilitsultit 4411 folhiw their
• •
' 111•:.N.43t A.' OOT E
Ulster Co. ~ N ew, York....
:it,cciuittli4l:44,-Tha, public are
many.:liparions. medicines
wlulrli;ipp '
dece,i've.. aro called bynames
to yirrlgho3,loo)aii Iregelithle fills
Ogllby; 4.1 ;
: ? John PoevP Moe h oleo
roty4 No w' Cu6tuirlinif
, 1.1 James
„.;' • A. J. Nortbi.-;.:,
Tehae BaFtnin
and - ,Patil,'AblirehttiwN
t '4ekeijriiin,^NOirobi4;'
Offices dejtotet'l . c..exelOillire4t'ito,Altie?.:,Vaii , 4l .
"l i g he o
rFlail'. l o9' , *cPPrC,Rta.. l .o l oloohinfaSkSlireiii
ivinulctriei . Wow YorN;'atitl4ll.llOrrotpOlit'Street
..1 11110111 1NT.4 31 .074E.. Kit 014 Ii
n\HlB, ii the bent art' , f o ie
-,eleatritng,;ind poi Ishii*, every•lt
3AI to
,nnd , WiroOginCitogeriori,`tit rotten;
C. ,1 4, 4 4 PrcltOloosriltornoe(jilit&
ifos t ) 4 o . ,,gin f ixaoltent Oriole' mi. blhaneing'riteldoili'l
innty WlrererOttt Itri ;, to Ali tr.
,tl„ppti erA.oti , ilnl' ban. used the
o t ztrolei r :w
':•••Poiricips 1 4410.140, 4 40111fr0peit03p0u,
i b4.4 .P l 9 4 ( a rillic9l
1601, 0:1116i
3 : t
i ..' . i
7 - 73.77 - 11 f f, 7 ! er
Ph i I adelphiti; widhed to, infotm tits ds and
the public generallYilhat ! he tAnues to '
Mitmfactu re and eell,the genuine ' • it•TIGIIT
,STOVE; latost.improve tents:' Aftek
many Y'ears• experience in. thymenirfacture of
these stovee, he is now enabled to offer to hid
customers the AirkTiglii" Stoves with o9end;
suitable for dinineroni4Or nurscrikty. Whoa
also the 'Att.:Tight Stoke .on the gridiater plan;
which' makes a splendid and 0'660000 parlor
stove, to which. he, would dellthe'lntilicular
attention of those who want .on elegant and
useful article for their parlors; also a largo.
' assortment-of Coal, Parlor and-Cooking stoves:
all of which ho will sell , at the lowest each pri:
ens. 'file public would do well to 'call before
purclilising 'elsewhere.
Mr. T. would caution the publbragainst Alf
Tight Stevie road's by most stove ma re, ad
they d_o_n_o_l_a_namer_din purpose-intended.------ --
September 29, 1847.
. 7 ; -- Sccurelite,shadoiTeric . 44e ttientafice fade"
Collins' 'Celebrate-A
!wow •siLvErf MEDAL'S awarded at that
Fairs of lieFrothtlin and American In:-
'atitbteh for the best Ind Mast artistical
niche. of Daguerreotype portraits.• -„
The recent mproVement made' by.the aii
scribers, anicwhich peeullat to,their isteb i
lithment ainne, viz: AN UPPER , MONT, ha
received the highest recothmendations front
the' press, and alto written. thatiimmials front
the first Artists Di the cobntry, hs. to itsgreat
ouperiorify cm:4* usual side , light.
lithullar advent., Lo of - tfritr - lfghtle - that7thti--
natural expression.of the eye can be obtained
more perfectly than heretofore. ' .
-Citizens and strang'ers are respectfully
. Vited, whether desiring portraits or not.
visit our epacious galteries, probably the larg
est and :mist extensive in the Ilnited. Stales;
and examine for themselves•the astonishing"
inturovementt made by the tubseribers in ibid .
wonderful art.
T. &n. C. CoLLINS,
frKprielors of tho Ciiy Doguerreion Establish.
meat, No. 100Chestita:st, 2 doors holow adt
• pootli side. '
f.xeotember 99,1847.
Hover's First Rate Premium
Silver .4jedal just owortkd by Me American InA
IT sedate, New York, ( 1847.)-
THE following tegtimony rroril dlstinguish-
JL cd Institutions speaks for itselfi
L'rtivrttstry ot- PvNN'STLV.Pait 4; .
May 11, 1841.
tried, for sonic time, the Black Ink
maimli,etureil by Mr: Jostph E. Ilover ? we have
Mond it well 'alibi! r tit
m. sinusrl'ipt, by its run
ning freely, and its exemption frotn coagulation.
Its shade also or are well pleased with.
W B HORNER, M I), Dean of th
Faculty and PI of. of Anatotuy
JOHN' LtllLoW,Provost ^
SAM% II WYLIE, Vice-Provaa
.lIENRY REED, Seeretery_of the
' , amity of Aria
ROS W ELI. PA It KE. Prof- of Nat.
Philosophy and Chemistry
\V \V GPIRHARD, Lecturer in the
Aletlical Department
NYE' 11111) concur in the above,
Dean of the Pnettlty
CENTRAL Moll I'curutt A .
A D BACHE, Principal
URTRIE, M D, rrof of
PlthllPE. LEY, Secretary
Cusiou 1101,5 E,
J D GEORGE, Del., Naval Officer
A Superior Article, Warranted.
For Side, \\ nod Retail , at the Mune—
cl , No. 87, North 'Third tdreet, opposite
't :ref ,beet. Philadelphia he
.1 181..1.11 E I Ili Nlanufncturer
Phi Ind,. I phi r, Nov 1;,1b47
Sici r, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manutim
' -
tory No 48 North Front street. between
Alarket. mid Arch streets, eltilad'a.
11.1 subscribers having made grf at improve:
metitH in the abate business,ate nosV mann
lioduring orn superior gnßlity,all kinds of PLAIN
And ORNAMENTAL :WIRE WORK; Mich as Sieves,
Riddles, Screnes&e, for all kinds of grain, seeds,
sand, ore, snuff, starch, brickdust &c. Founders'
Sieves or a superior tiouniy constantly on hand.
A Is° Sales,-Wire DWI Covers, Sofa Springs;
Twilled Wirc tor SpbrieCtitchers
Nursery l'endtla." Gat-den Bordering, Flower
Stands, Troinees.Trelli a work for Crape Vines,'
ke. Also Wire Fencing of every description
crj Orders thankrully .recitived and promptly
executed by WAIiSON COX.
September 2'2.1847.
retzmncmcanir TAILORS,
N 0.70, South Tilled Street, n. arty opposite the
ESPF.CTFULLI % announce to' their friends'
and the public that they arc constantly pre
pared to make to order, of 'die finest end best
tuattrials, and at mnelej•nte prices, every article
of Fashionable Clothing constituting a Celiac- -
t'Vardrobe, ror which their complete stock'
of choice and caret - idly selected Cloths, CIISSI
I IlCl' e.S. V est ings, of the latest nod most deli •
tulle patterns, ore prileylfiresigned.
r own lirticticatkoWt,t.lke °Pike lutsi.ness.
mid Paiersonul attention to Brerj*garment,,etiablOs.
them to give entire tratisfaction,and to hollt.:cdd
nod new eustetneti they respectfully teinller,ait
invitation to giteltern a call.
Having been to -yedri Connected with some of
the best and most fitshionahle.establialsinents in
this country, employing none, but.first rate „work•
ti en Anil' constani'reeeipt of the la
test fxe6lt us Joni hest styles .of . gocl3, they ore
fullyprepareti to accommodate customers in the
best manner.
Philltule'phio August I.ll,lB4T—Cinio
Cheap Watches and Jewelry.
rn,.:, AT the ' Philadelphia %Vatch ,
-and — o r,lry . S tore,. 9 . 6 iai ti
c„ Socond St., corner of QuarryA;) G old Vatcldi;fillj o-
's '
_„_,,;i4 olled,'lB curd otitics ~-,..54#, , p,p .
La CA)Zi RAII, , Silver Laver Wiitcham,"-•-•, 4...:.;
~(', .
d• nil' jewed •, , . ~..
j ' , '-, ',',.., - ;:.1,P3 4 6.
Sitter Leiter Watclida'sovon etre1e 1 .Z,...:',18 , 00 . :z
Superior ' Quartet Wateltili• ..• ~ , ~.- '''. ,100041:
Imitation"goartar:Watchaa not warranted •S?00: 70
' 1- ' , *•'.`.l-- , ~ ; j3, 04:'''
Fine Savor Spa - clacks, ,! .. ' ' '• ,''' 1 I^ls'',.
Puld',Witcolota,with tolnyz..atonea '•'...?*-r , 1 Ifili;',
Lndiaa, gold Pencils 16 cairtia,",- ; ';• ,. .':',',11,.00„ ,
'tGold':Fltiger Mows 37/ . c•• ta ti .. .s6,')Vot c h , , ,
Glatiiiiitithiloph wake° .
,1 irbanct" , ,F6,.. 7 ... ; ,
Otheif,artielcalo?'prdierltion: ~' All .ganda;war-;;•,-,.
la pled. tribir . eilifit.thay', acyroldirof.... , ~ 1 ..„4.1, --\•
..," ,• ." . • • ? i - - g o ..:,, ,, V 4 -:,''o4 CijNßA..'"''.-
~ - 'Oll lie Romg; 4d,alt4:sllifai.„,/layellf. atfl'O',t,'
innerroarjo.'Qiiiirtiatk; lilti,n,r'•%litiMehl;il4PY° •
'Vri)&3ll: . .- - -::' . !.- 7- ."L',_'-'::
...' ' ' ' S' .t ' ' ''. -;-.
' i ''' ',. r:' F 1.". 1
Philadalnltilt . ,''POWS,"l"6 , l7; ' ` 4 ."...' - =•"' - '•'.„.., t';',*
A Pkti 1 4, 1 1071 .1 .7 'l2: , •
aitiele atiW I eitetiii; , elV Bail ,liy
mitt ethers for al4 i‘ei'mant.nt.eurp
, ittitealea tt4lollg'fiitinVati) iiattitracal'of We' litota'!`;',
r„tatbi OW the tatateeii• i .3i. a Pritited'lty".'
pattetfttplttrOi , ttizbe.',6f,et;tilifeiti' atrottger'flittle
preink V i tt i 0 W. , etteli'e2,P
ttetttktti'een,litiptktAlttKriil o ?o,tAliii.tei,botqektitliP ",
tZ:l;ll;Lt4i - Sititeth''
tg ' I PSW4 3 I.A ,
0 1 31744. !
,rtuse lihrYA a • few pot' ,
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