Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 05, 1848, Image 2
- .4 .MVlPt94siittg.T.i • L.,-41)ittallb ~ r • r UN. , ." 7,P!'"V.• 0. 4. k; 'U:O , I0 - 1q . 7 ( (' -• .. `..Y' • vezetasix. 1144 i' sz-- ; WEDNESDAY JANTUAIti"'COis.IB: " : Phefelle*Wing was the patriotic- language `of hvor CLAY in the prier but eloquent `elided' made durrog hiarecent visit to Phil ' adelphia: • , irl'hore Is," said he, e ;geittletircti, (Instilling - lififore We part, which I wish you to foment ,bitr, his gicripusand beautiful laud ls vitt 'tommon countr!)—in Peace or il - Var,itt.:ibeal f r, ..orin woe--utiTierbad . riiiiiitrOtion or *gond lovernmeni , R,,E:111 IBER TO S.TAND BY _ WhigMotinV Neeting, - • ~ THE DO. I OCHATIC. WHIGS •of Cum `erlend county are requested to assemble inen `end County Meetin , on MONDAY EVEN ING, the lOth 'of enuer 'l'BlB,inilieCourk_ House in t e orou o Ataitle, for therurpose of appointing Two ' elegtites to •repretient avid 'county in the Whlg, Stato-C,Otivention-ta-be-Ituld - -I.riliktfidfiiii;oti ihe'4llopf Moab, 1848. ' By brderbf the County CduinVittCe . . , . liit3+oll.!oUr tittricrfor the . piir 7 !pose of getting in tlte:.(.;ps'erner's Message, •attd thought our, arrangements would secure 'ue . a dopy 'in time . to enable 'tisqo :Obi it 'in • "Vpe, but ufthe eleven'ilithour we were dis. `BPrfoitiled—SO.!_m—bet_cceitin!tdielp,it—L._ Daily NS - ft Amer ican appiared`in a beiviind'elegant chess on. Monday morning. The North American is hibitt one of the largest, ablest and most ek: - .terprising daily papers in the ccuptry. We 'wish it continued prosperity.. DAILYIICTELLIC ENCEII.-111 have receiv 'edithe first number of this paper, publish ed by McCurdy & Couttec, of Harrzsbnrg. , ‘-- I leks neatly . gurup'end edit 'dins trip proceed ings ni the first day's's'ession,w ill') much oth er matter: Terms for the session MIL CLAY united in AVashington on Mon day evening, when he received the cordial greetings of his many lrieuds. lie is said to be in good health and spit its. ar-The report of the Auditor Genei al shows that the revenues of Pennsylvania in 'the year, 1847 amount :o $3,373,025, and the 'etiverattures Tor Ore Barrie .time To '83,680, 813. The balance in the treasury. on 'the Ist .of 'December was ii,880,890. HON. Itlifes CbotT.ll.—The Getty - 815=g Sthr 'states that letters irota this gentleman, teeei Ved Within a few days, dated f:iverpool and , tendon, 'in the 'beginit ing of December, un nounce his airival in England, utter it pas 'sage of•tWent - y Aye. At the time of writing he wit's •ih . ktiocl health, mat designed aler ting for hily in a lea daya. Puce !—Rumors-of Peace are again a float in Washington, and it is highly proba ble that Mexican cbtrimissionem have been 'appiiinted to •nc•gotiate.: Mr. Trim ; Ekrecall reached himjuirit three days befura Corynnis sioners arrived at the city of Mexico to re open negotiations with, him.. ' THE MIINEY 'locoman from the cities 'of Boston, New Yoik, , , Philadel phia and Balrimore, agree in rePfesenting The money 'market to be tight beyond prece idepit., tne _stock market has a—steadily downward tealertcy, the 'Owls discounting but little, and the rates of money are very high. A panic seems alas to be pre.vailing with respect to country bank paver. Several country banks in the State of Neit York have failed, and some others are put 'down as doubtful, such as Balstom•Spd - Bank; Northern Bank of New Fork; Champlain Bank; Merchants' Bknk of .Ellery; farm ers' and Mechanics' Bank, of Ogdensburg[]; Jarcen' Bank; Bank of :Coming; N. Y. State Security Bank. )A24EB PEACOCK, Esq. late of Harrisburg, )iaa purChaKi3d an interest in the a Evening Bulletin' paper, peblished in Philadelphia: The. editorial corpi of the city will have in him•`a vainable•acgnisition, • Kr. It le said that Bailie ll'eyton - proposed the qneation directly to Gen. Taylor in New Orleans, whether he would accept a Presi. denial nomination by a Whig National COnvention, and that he replied in the affir *Naive. 07.0r - The Canal Commissioners give no tice that all the, repairs on the main line horn Philadelphia to Mahar& will be completed rthe middle of Febenary, and that nesigaT lion will open As early, in'the spring as paw. linable. 011 `he friends of Dallas hare carried the delfligates of the city and county of Philadel phia-toihe 4th of March Lc&loco State con vent*, beating the BdUltananites two to - Ott.. A !dine., wiltee to the 114Terefjoustiel,that . .Illere le little tiottpt of the;rig'cileedified at the pro sent.seeslon.cii congresi`tte•*inebt the up= prigitictti'br the 'ck-ittrit'fi.piii. tO-Tlie '4iirard College at 'Ph iltdeliildi . - Waa`oiened Oh 4ie, ceremon y , . a, Saturday. liii:;AdAip , Oei:iike,iiide iii os. i.. Chan., lliri'ol4 and fon.',Jg3lJone ,:-the .Presid dent: .;r : ( c,• n „( „, ,t” Gen. Taylor has declined an invitation, to vleit3Viokeblfrg, on al:teeing cf engage in aide, lio,' • on'hia illafitatioth' , •• hartllyiir6hahle' that i-triplo:the North. • *, • ,••• oi?to Sok! this die "c, viii ontoL~Afiienrap ' f. hiduetrx , Ilert4i,4 l 4ooM - Md 1,1 .0 4 '2A: l 7:r:: • .vVe o . 6 .ottdtto.inwillitePPtdeiol4it a s:Si • YO l 4 ' 43l , ll Pa4.:° l7 :::.3l , !.,#•lo.Aliit t s)tiil4 Pet , '• , 'l3els ) / •ir!teiid ' • 2 • ' ' ' 4 , 3 v., zY 1, ti14 ,6 ;.41.4 1 6;40*'...ji1i;111,0AMPiAtt1.. #lllneY, wpoi , Ndivyit3ol64illiii'' nocitlonivh: ":p4i , 1 . • v wly, ep t - 4? • . _ ...GEN...piss .. .Aim Tim WIEmoE. Pitovtse.-7- 'il!;e4,YElY'klj.Vfui;sli-ktlPl* s iiqhikttfdfitiiigtt:' , neintiins•a.long'ialterlitm.biiii,.,Cestq in re-.: [lUtioti,to gle'Wfleitot "..I!reoviso, in Which tali ;Isllorit difttattibptlii'mittlie, o‘Ptiekartax i !! p4op',-;selriA':ioF;''O,'tik) -",""." t i - iii - iiitii;iiiii:e4tO , iinet4S - eeln lii; lisdietithlisP qpngrptisl ittfir this mit er ,%tval 4lam-iefrivorOilettyktilktothl3 s pertrllts-ot-atiP teirifeiff(vili4`rria3-bliliegudttike4chitiredi` , .: the right to regulate it for themsilves,:under. the general ptinciple of "thexamstituttbm"" Then Follows his . reasons lie ilas "uot` see in the constitution any griiiirtif iltelArii-`, site authority to Cotigress,--ho believendliti"' measure, if adopted ) Woulll weaken, it not impair, the Utiihn of the States--that it would lead to an immediate withholding of the sup - pliesTiiiiiillins""bring about' a' illitietidfitble" t'eFrrtintition.cit;the "war—fltat a trealy . embra , eing this ,restricticUr would bit" defeated- by the Senile, and thus place a barrier in the way of,aliy.further extent on of ter reory ; and that'theinviso,X carried into effect, could not ope'rate upon . any State to be termed of newltacquited territory. ' . MI • fiar,l . 't ExcrreaftrlT'afatttittunc.,—The Sltetittof 'Dauphin county called out about one hundred armed citizen a'oldiOrs, provided with a 'brass six. pounder, to assist hi:n to . levying•iinthe efiects'ef Certain'ciltirratiors - Oti'llie - Centralltailitiad. The cause of lite excitement Waa . this: The origi s ind contra°. torslor the-Pennsylvaniditailread beidge,,a. etoe ,lie Susiptaltunth, about tire miles a tovn Hartistifiiril - for - surite - eattie - not 'clearlyascertained, swyended operations - on the work, some of the creditors in the bor ough proceqtled to levy qn the effects of the contraCtries., whereupon the poor . laborers who had not received pay for their work, became clamorous, and would not permit the sheriff to remove the things seized upon from the premises. „ - Upon -- the o: the sheriff and his military prisse atpe'soene of action, the cf pis had all been reriloved,Stil that worthy officer. after hstanguing his men Etarted for bomb ae etlipty as he Carrie. _ TEMIIBLHARSAMPICIAT mei . M. Johnson, bound to Wheeling . from Cincinnati. blew upon ‘V ed ' nesday lat . !, near Alaysville, and .out of one huttdred and sfx ty passengers, between sixty and seventy ate either killed or missing, and thirty others so badly kerildea as to make their tecovery a matter of ,doubt. After the eNplosio c ri the boat took fire ; and many who escaped the explosion weio tiler drowned or 'fell a viotitn TO tile fury of the flames. So rapid was the pro.4ress of the flames aimt tho exploshm, mid =o cr.toplete the de. vastatioll,, 'hal hardly atiellort could-be made for self-preseitiatinn. Tho boat was sOOO one .heel. el 15re,5thil homed 'to the wateis edge.. IVLinyi,mm—Governor Platt's annual mes sage le the Legislature of Maryland, shows the state of the finances to be in a good eim dition, leaving a 'charge on tho treastiny of only $83,411. The gross receipts dining the past year amourded te';.51,300,000, and du ring the ensuing - year will probably be in creased to 52,000,000, being an estimated surplus of E200:000 over the annual expen ses, accruing arrearages on the infeees't of the State debt. The debt is reduced to 89, 000,000. . Thu Legislature is urged to continue the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Westward, and an opinion t>S expressed in relation to the tonic to be pursued. The message con •,..ucles with a ilisquid• Lion on the Mexican mod adverse to the annbxation 'of tetTitory I* Maj,. JOVN P. 'CaixEs, recently a pri soner in the city ol Mexico, and a member elect ol the present Congress, reached his home in KenitnAcy, Thursday week, and met with ini• einlinsfastic reception. tii au address to the people he gave it as his opin ion that the War had been wronglull'y bro't about, and wretchedly mttimanaged by the President, Ad avoWed his intention to 'vote in Congress the annekation of any Mexican territory to the U. States, or the in cOrporation of any,portion of the people ol Mexico with ours. Capt. CAbSIUS M. CLAP, the partner of Maj. Gaines in his captivity, MIA also re ceived at Lexington, ICy., iylth every dembit straiten ol respect. Kr The Washington eorrerpontl-ntof the Baltimore Sun says that Clentl. Qiiitmait and Shields, who ate now in Washington, are both iii. favor of the permanent occupation. ol Mexico. • He adds, 44 that- both. Generals . seems to agree that if our Government doit:i not authorize the permapeOt occupation of Alexido, the ,Volunteers %illl conquer. it on th l eir own account, s and both the Ad. mihistration ;and. Congress." We rather think the Volunteers whoMre'now therehave • had enough of ; Mexico.., The Alexandra Gazette says that MI • Petig told us-In the of last year that' it remainidlo be seem iv heater:the': ilrpiosiar, tirci.ii , :''atly,itatageous to the I.liiiietl - Siates..-- Heforgot tell: us: iu mhssn;ieirlitit hi itas,4reni cannet he give a_tipsefaf eagtrupOn the subjeet? , .• . . . , ~,, ~ ~ ;, ,-- 7 - 7-,-..,-7 , ---- ~ ~ , ~ atui long ,enjoyed,the -4figliest.reptitiitioli in PlAgr,"4golitletliali wrOlog', lIOIT , N,,, , Yorki .alriaguniiie publisher Mil ibis year he sedMi . prFOici4 thatn lifsliopAlagbes will in ten years . -•-it hr `.• 1" ''''' ''t;f"' . , ‘ . .. to excels rnself. 1! .4 for isle , nee q., I ?e,a'CurAiiiiil,and.M,:filteinAillier ihel'Orie le r :', ,q , :-' ,l P ,'' .. '''' ;: - ',;'' -'' '. . of Rome 'COO 3rjab i lieOrii i , 'or 11416 ' `P g iii-= -i - , -'..':.','- : are; 'f"c 'r' thil , Wiiioiidfill DtMlii:atUi'Sdlitli''hiliin:hin ' N • E " r , hi4.'t. - w e 1 ; 1 4, 6 00_ „,-- ‘ t B : l 44 . , `fi il 'Y 4y -, - - - , 1- .'''' ••'''. 'v . '!' - ' terkiini ,, ' inibliali4i 8 Aug 1 l dind it f eco esiasycal ;dominions; . Vis AMIL 'see • •,- r, , , , ~.- •,.r . . Ys. l i a '' , , I , le, )70, , V,,, .„ .- - , , , . - '' - liad I) i yh a t wl , B b u 'll,k, eo ,. „?- ~i , : - .,;, ; ,„1,,..,, . -,, . ,P 1,1 el ,b a, for Iwo copies of th islneW Atari . ~.; ,:',,, .it - ~ ', 4,, ~f --, ~, ~' , ': '..... ~, , ,•,,., - 1, al' • ,a , : r ; one' copy-of the Milani:6l 'ili'Ef' ,- t w r ,i,ro g lio, t ? ,#!:_iseq ! zriiir:. o l ( %v,est O n : ° 1 1 i# 1 r40..4 1 j4 ,, T 1 0,04 , * 4,- -41'! ' di 1 %'iit ... 4 Ti ,„ r:f 4 T,, - 01,..0.tiilii4„,411foftlizlillit , 4, rio4q points alantp the. Ohio an d ilearibntarie's, are 1119059,aW, got tip and. will no,doubt, 1 ler,the;reiitliol,:inel poe , Parisnloa;m4lp .itiljt ' 0 ,niginti 4 a hiilte;''l;f ll l'e 'plbliShey,'Udi Allit i kr;forOpe4e,diiitif i the;trekit floods ':±mitifikkiliepit,i , i,q4' i lokmi,Y;:,(6l4;;;4,lTA: Md0 1 40, 1 ) ::;,(41VAlik foililitit;:llii3:jorrlc;*` '!iti#,C4',o 4 }c . -:iiiiVA.s .. t :P E i r g t iil i :94 s iiii'd 0.'1: 1 . , i(4.9l4lo943 , ptdll47lionii'•forq tiii:'Bgger:! ;iP.l44f** l44 :A o ei Illit u:dYedisoltleliCif ti : ariAllitiii*, , thpiteith , mcifpi j ii4ll,thi i , , , hih ; o,i ~,,i,tT ~i t .:::,, ty.., . !!)1...:61'..6'1;;; ! 4,,v'y, , 10 IP)* ',iirViiimitki,filliuty :•,. ..,, , ,- . 7-, , y r.i,..b it ivtifki i i o tr,:e , -wv,,it tl v i l wi:tplohr: , 41: ~.-....1....p,ii. c..00,1...,-1,04,10,,v.m,..,d,,,,',01.,,,,,, .:i"_ $ , ,- 1 -I“Fiki;•elt f; .'1',1'..Tr e n.??7, 5 „149 c , i, 4 0, .:;, ,, , , tr i siii&l."' "'fiok 14 , ,1i 4 0510: 1 4--z. i t , ) , ythli , -t, iitliWko,m,m,.... , y l o.,(o)4iokaPT`f!tmithill i tiL'D , ',, 4. vit fi1T..1)1'1111M104 , ..4 gixe'9ot-,lillicio,iheynielfrliQdelitiral'lrlOjoil'. . 4 .1550 t , . 4.1 ~,y,,,' Ik r , - :51iiii.\4i'itio: th::''ilfii'iNihit:;:6otitiltieiliien'iirlieno' tell*'''4 l. t I ft i atinalak 4 1 fib a , bi'S• ..; . • 'WO ''' 4 " ,;=) zP , 'V:I - dri:' , ol ) ?' ft 2 ''2'? , o , ‘Mt-ii 0'41 1 4 Ilii t 'SOO l T '''fltif N' t I- i' , ,P , ip- 'if.' : i .- A cce p tin giAo7.l 4 ll ,l VOOtt 490 - 4,1 A ?6 , 401' V ( if * ' Air q i. - ' ' )1 q4'4loor# . 4tOiliOs s *Potai t so :, o fi oiti , ~, 1 4" , , , , ,, i.5 i 1Tift i. , .4,0 ,1 ; . If, .'. '., 11 ' l4 ' .ro., ' 7 1 444'40' ,40 '04avf V '''' ' 4. 1 it - P'' r e ' -,-, " .,: r' . 4 l- '';:.:. -- ''''''..-" 4 ''sA'ele44-.P . - vvklvwttOW 4,,..40P , :,.., , vc q,-.-:-.,:Nz::;.gq6:e.;44olllo.iitailitAZlP-ruitlatigiiatzigii;) EM .:Z.:44-i9.-...;:ii.j.,:itt1i:,jr,,,V.-,:,...'?:TTO.:'!'' '.:%,:?:',- ~; , , 131ot:eft:v.,- ':-.c - .. , "7",7:- , :',' , ::*:1, - ,z ,- -': ,,.. . Y , ':. 4-, : , ..r:''': , :'..!. , '. , '''-- c,g ,, ,i,.'i',...;.•::!; 4 :. '','-' -. ': 7.!!i XiTlet.. ,. lE Itt:ADD!eFAS:749,Ame r 9f.plargt • in a . o* - 4 , 4c - iiio,l th:e7addicailittifi. , ,`Tifr:X.iti`zf '. I li s tit A ell :1 led hi the Steen(' i'itishierian ct,iof;! he . ‘ ,, t i. ‘leeilihe !ist , l?gratiPlii„ . _,.. , 4 - :filsiiiii.=,' mop e ei.L'iliciffelitiit.paper...Entertitiaindeils l; ticiiid higheit respect for ItiOstiit4eritleil,' ,M.o4igehriatian_ininistor,.h.wasycith.Atieli.iiid, 44tre'regliyre heard the opinions adiajceB.iii2, ihiti'ddpeas .v . l whielr purpOrted' to be a iiiifiiiiie..A% thiallhlti`anil the Church against the "modern 7tecesies" of "itinerant talkers npoe..TpRIPCT7. itheli!'''''WitelliWitiVitlitreitti IM 4 Cieaftil'or , "Itet.,in . fitistUrpose,- le ,alMatter oCittinion i:but for bur partive could mot help feeling it to-be lit tle e less s _ in effect than atitipplogyfor intemperance, or at least a justificat.ton'of trioderatelYvinc:drink ing and such 'if we are not:inistaken,svas%the genial impression it made upon his miledcaudi -enie—of-frielidit and enemies of TeMPOrtiecti,--_7. We would not do the slightest injustiee' t'o lir. L., or doubt for a Moment the . eehleiplitioii mo tives of his address.. We'onlystatei whitiVe be lieve was the injurious eject, of it. With his re. illy as it related to a previous attack we have nothing to do. _I it_secuned_tcdreilfr._Lillielq_aim;ifLwo-timbir ' stood him, to show that the Temperance mon and Their,leAturertovero-st-issue-wit - irtlie = BilitF; and that their course was unscriptural and little leis titan Infidel in its , iendatieios. To , this end he quoted numerous passages fro; the Bible re foiling • to- the . existence -Of trine in - the - earliest ages, hs use as justified.bY the. holy-men of old, its, manufacture, by the Saviour himself, The 'scriptural denunciationi 'of. wino.drinking, abalias that in. Prover a xxitt,Jie did not take the trouble; 'to refer The temperance-Men; Mr. -Lillie:44:cifueiLio,apptehend,.."vare theal• selves up Itb,clVe the Church, rating temperance as higher than religion; and talking of "redeem. ing" men as ”signing 'the pledge" were a passport to ifinnoitalitY. And these erroneous and unjust asstimplimit 4 -these "abatraetions" as they seem to us ,, -Nvere the foundetiona of denunciations and aspersion's upon temperance men and temperance societiti's,'endh as we regret ted extremely to hear'from the pulpit. With all deference to Mr. Lillitt's .s )Tinions we cannot help thinking he is considerably_."liehind the age" in this matter. He draws ieniiiiranM3 men into on issue in which they ought not, or cnnnot, he legitimately drawn. It ia Nan lees - . than absurd to say that the friends df„,kermier : mice,hs I of the evangelical ministry and the great mass of professing chris:ians in the country, are pursuing an unscriptural course. Even he him'elf admits that "lentil ebstinenee" is hecessary for example's sake. And this we underatand to be the simple ground the Temperance crise. Then why his violent denunciations of it on other . grounds ieh:c:i do not exist in reality, or why is he at issue Wi The Tetnperancc•cause we believe to ben great and good Otitarprise, worthy of the sympathy and advocacy it receives from great and good mett.—:. IF,rit is liable to he li - diverted in is designs—if it exhibits any tiliti7a• exalting itself above the pu rity toll power of an earthly institution—it it the ditty of good men to be in it that they may Check sucl unholy .pretensions, and give it a right direction. Bur while it - does its great work in the melioration of human suffering—while it goes forth on its high mission of benevolence, &Viking at the . ; direst of curses, arresting ih t e downward course of vice, raising up the degra ded, restoring to the Mather her fallen btlt darling boy,Aringing back tq the wife and children hint who had telt them is Ririe In Misery mid destitu tion, making glad the fireside wilichiniemperanse had plunged into sorrow, and raising man up from the vilest sink of degradation, "clothed and in his right mind," to the conscionsness of a be ing "made in the imago 'of his Crettior,"p—let good men pause and tremble before they venture, no manor holy 'conscientious their motives, to ' throw en much as a straw in the was' of hs pro gress. The Tehmerance cause is not a-popular one--its friends, so far as we can see, have a worn of centuries in hand, and its final triumphs rosy not be Untii that glorious period when "righteousness shall cover the earth as the wa ters fill Up the channels of the deep," but their work wo doubt not is 'auxiliary, to that blessed consummation, and in God's name wo say to them tire not, faint not, but press onward, ON wimp, ONWARD! 0 - We have since received weepy of Mr. Lit lie's address, but too late for publitation this week Bbns of IC'empotnnOi Tito following persons were cleated as officers on the 3041 alt., for the entitling quarter, WASHINGTON DIVISION, NO. 9. W. F.L—Samuel M. Hoover. W. E. R, Davis. R. S.—John J. Gel*len. A. It. B.J.,Summerland. W. Him, F: S.— avid Smith. C.—S. F . Geneen. • A. C.—Henty J. P.—R. Brubnker. 0. S,—Charlee Murray. DARLISLE DIVISIOIc, Rd. 67. W. P.—Geo. D. Brooke. W. A.—Stephen Keepers. R. S. Philip Quig,ly. • A. R. S.—Jesso D. Rhitteltart, T.—Samuel Gould. I•'. S.—Joseph S. Gilt, Gideon Bungle: -A:- G.—T. .1. Bell. J. S.—Jacob Myers. O, S.—Solomon Skonfer. Litahlry • Notices: • . . . Among the•riohesk ittraotions'olotii table is, the January number of Godey's tar famed Latly'rie Book; - The'firslr:Uniber_ot.tlia Now yet* is really a'gein. ; `.T'lm beautirtii,ilealga . :and,na benntilUlly of iir).; Seveml oilier r engravings enrich% this nbin4 l her. ~T he numerous talented coetribiltarie* the work haite' . 'seiVed ; which 'eanpi*;Will, bnjoyed by its, *lea , : ders t improvements arid' additional .attractioriN , he Ginr.ii'disiztrVesi Mid a l'arte'ltMr'eaSe.,p(patronage,.:,Air =ZMI= MEM 'q•';e o4 ` , ../kr lll V-3 1 9 1 / 1 115011rg:T:,7Zc... 1 10 . 7rtintisilOttYi:14igiiliture met at Hay tii" .; 4 h the 11 onfe on) and 'the Senate sate n?clndlcf !'l£lGl:<:_ i _ 16 .1. iiiiii'pi0ep:r.i.tfieii.?'etilii:nie m b ers an li(atifed to",thitiy, WPM. F.' PACKERrecei%:ed, 'fi"3vides; and GEOkGt;LAPLEY of Ches. , ; ter (- 1 1 13 jg) , roceived .33.4v0tea.,1ne :Prater wee donsequently,,cleelared elected and, on; filling the' chair made . 4:fteitirien_t and elo, address ;-; ? The.usual committees td.liatt . :on 'the Gov— girnor,,were., appointed,and- the , 'llouse- ad 'ponied. • . 2. .1.0 the_§enate.ll'l4;- IVILLIAiVISON, of Clitster, (Whig) WRB elected speaker, who upon "bdrugs conducted to his seat learned Munk's - tor 'the Impor conferted,apon him. `CAUCUS' NOM IN ATIONS.• The Senate Whig caucts hare nominated Pearson, Sam ersdt,Clerk_aniLSulliVan_Ass!p_ Clerk; Transcribing 'Um ks MeCa •le • •of n county, and Destimond, Philadel- phia. • The Democratic HonSe catbus nominated t;n1„ Jack, Westmoreland, Clerk,. Over Tug tin; 5p to 4; McCleary; Settgeant-at-Arms, County Philadelphia; Doorkeeper ; Ziegler; A Adams county; Tho Clerks were to be eleolad toglay, an wo•presit Toe haye beett jp,popordeece, Witt . , ' Mr. Speaker Winthrop is doitig good_ work at Washington, in clearing out of the Capi tol the remittal, and other (1 rink in 4 places which IniVese n maintained there during previous SeSSIOL s , .tor the members of the House, TEN MORE REGIMENTS In the SENATE, I'lr. Cass; from the Com , mitre• on Military Aflahs, has reported a 'Bill making au increase of ten .Regiments cif - Infantry to the army engaged in Mexico —lii? men te- be enlisted for the war; the officers to be appointed -by the Piesident, with the adilice and consent of the Senate.— Each reg . irdent to have attached to it a sur geon and two assistant surgeons. On Wednesday,,iVir.‘L'ass reported another Bill providing lot 'the raising of twenty addi tional Regiments Of Vdruntrers. INCREAS OF TIIE . A RMY—Tire National Intelligeneer of Thursday sayS:Phe tary Committee of the Senate repotted a bill, a few days ago, for adding ten rdfivnents to the present twenty'-tiro regiments of the !ovular army; and yesterday the same com mittee reported a bill' authoriting twenty weir _regiments of 'volunteers. %When all these regiments shall-be raised the Army of the United• States, regular and .volotneer, will a mount to some7riey or seventy ihmisimd men, at a cost of . !trillions of money, which it is at present impossible toeftimate, and all to vindicate the personal consistkley of Pfesi dent Nix. The ruin - out eons uenees of this 111 2 sturre - d Mexican war noiv_repidly ap proaching a polo( which the Most blined•lol .lowevof .puity be/triable to extenuate or uphold. E2cEcuivE Nom [NATIONS The PieSidefll bag rotiiinated to the Sen ate ex-SpeakerVavis, of Indiana, to 'he MiniAar to China, in the place of Mr. Eve rett, deceased. John Rowan, of Kentucky, to be Charge de A Pah es to Naples, vice Major Wm. Polk, resigned. Dr. N'ilep, of Baltimore, formerly Secre. iary ul Legelion at Parisoo be Charge de Ml:tires to Sardinia, vice Rebeil.ll'ickliffe, These nominations have since been con.. BrrneJ by the Senate. On Monday, in the Senate, Mr. C ass' bi'l for increasing the army, came up, but was postponed and made the spec . ial order for Wednesday. In the House, resolutions on the War question wei e intiodined, which cawed SOlllO debate, but no busittesK of im portance was done. WASHINGTON, Tuesday, inn. 4 SPEECH OF MR. CALHOUN. Is SENATE.—The morning bm.iness was unimportant, hot the galleries were crowded, HS well as the privileged seats on ihe floor, to hear Mr. Calhoun's speech on his renbiu lions pleviou;ly submitted. They wera as follows: • I •Resolved, That to conquer Mexico and hold it, either as a province or to incorporate it m the Union, would be inconsistent with the avowed object for which the war line .been prosecuted; a. departurft from the set itled policy of the Government; in conflict •with its character and.genins: and in the end `subversive or our free and p * ()pular firms." . "Resolved, that no line 'of 0147 in the further prosecution ~ f the war shank( be a dopterti which may lead to ocinse9uences so disastrous. • ' In support 'of these resolutions : he teiteraf 1 tad the sentitnehte'crietained in his speech I of last eessinn;•its'to the piceptien -end , etedoi of "carrying'; on the war: ' Oohed opposed ' theee ott that fief:Reit - xi, not only because he believed that ihe war Was armedgiettiyi.end might hive heir . ' tiaol44rolo,ll, iiut.,frorp thedkigheet congidertitueiS '- of:betides!, 'policy, ,46E.110'.bitlieV'ed . .thht,,I heappai'iik pt-ais - of therAdniinistialwiri;r . if carried oui;,weeldletid ' lb the: iriotirseridiat evils'. ''.To 7 oppbee', these, evils as far, as ,Tiessihle,, ,fie ,hut? t .'las! ,y,iai 4oliderethde., a ‘i, :l l i t e h e d ' r fej ‘ l 4l.t o i ur d ' i to , cAapf r i ci l i ci )p c ;: a n: i i 'il d p ni tic iti p l c a t ; lirkei.::•The . sa(ise , ,ino(it;e al ety,' , acteated%hhO , in! offeritig'aud':;preis.,sittii.'ties,O'.; , ..resohifhiesi., lie ;!pad' ttelleiiketal tiOt . 'l4:9'y 'cbtisitlO.FlttlOAYi to'actOrtte , htii.'''.ffeileitfict,felt - oallectupo% hit 'sustain' theitf?Eit cal ii o.;,riqr,:ici,, , ,,itieligil)4P . , (bit divoilitioli:l4iiiisi , his ~nritieseres,,-t 411 e. tourbe•ititisiAaitirned,t3ilooll:cinticil!i4o`a, 'B.On:if aticuite,tpjtailSr!'/Ut epoke I,d,.lettglti,-. 'nOtil ,3 willi' his'. aCbuitealKi4bilits , ? ,, r,ttOre - ti' into ari','Carriegt.lltifthicti`O,l'tlie'Xiike, oti c y;,., pli fir • Oftiiittd'. ty min,. iclik,(4,4(c'fi - ei . 8,1R,, ~., t,, „, - .1110 , icielidtied:iVe'weici:4l3.'hetter , -, po,littoo,, , 101 - :cibittifiii4:jailiciWli*Aii'sp#4;Whep,il l9 , IWelletit-iliac by )Ip: 'Ad filth ifitratiell',4, tfirip - Ti'l,t,r.w:iiNifßY , :ofON ki I. 'lie ,dioitiitive'li , iii:Yitn liglArA ti p'rin't!ete 7, , iilty:l4ll4iljeoiffilifiSYJben. 404',' . 100R,miftitPfy i hir tinathintlypigla iTios atN,Toi,py,B„i,se6 . , •tuflieiyagiv wet, la liiictixivie , ,tbitA4 (#6 . 0 ,10, m . fiti,f4i6 . ilie'.ithitinslib .11fiV9e :56 iiiji,4;:.,141, nti;vt ortioddlietr(d. tiiiitd.,itittelh!? A tionit,O, t i lien 'potili'djr„'Wen'itt!!*ttilltf!tliti'iti'.itiliiioipi,,iie, - ItfeltlUc," ;(1,0, , iit0 :Pi/id- Oil Ks.ipt . c4ol, 49 f?r.: . -4 4 ridid 4 e 46 :osic own 'iiiit) . .k.:`,.'..,„A ~.,,,,-„ .. ~,y,, , ,;. . , ki 111ffi ll t i tit AlSt r uiie. ol .Villui#VP, ll o(fi Irl 0 , *flprogliii4 -40 m0y4:41, •ge,',l,44,y,:pFit - , ,Eilivitm 1 sii.fitrtii: l 4 3o loc l ',' - .tj:',.!.,, , i` , ::'.. i.ii,./ , ~ 1 Avi , .4 1 '. 1 " P ' . 7 , , t ,, u ''. ; .;',' " ,:f), ' ,;i 1 , „. 1 . -.5 1 ,i 4- ti ! , , - „, , ;44 , 0, l i ~, :'..-t . ~-< , ~ ii,i- / A-., ,i o i. iii,. k , o47 7 :moPki 9 1 1.t. 7 ! P u t 9 n rl l n !o!' r -tr,!t7,!Trt itet)ioqfie:Uj's;'Stillet . 4l;ein„l, alli(o!n.t.01 ;‘ , .. ,-, , , ,it , , ,, , ,, , i- .... ,, , , R... , .•.:,, ,- .. ,, .-4 , ..,.,, , „,, .:„,...-i. , K , ? ,, , , ,,,.1.;;A:f, ~ - ' ,f3.41 , ...., , ,i...izJ, ; ..,',„, . , .',.: •,.., ~....,',.,..,:-.„.,,,......',,,:Aia.,.'..94,-,,a,... EIVI titTER4 . " 1- TheJiliffaniship, the 28th with lutaii.datesOiMioVere.'Crui„ AmPt*L4.oPassf 3 ni,S( B 4reiiiiitiMb**oftl3 , . efilsAlqrnlllo',honik? . f ate haKearOliels ButiOi,lMsitln - BCoti r 'and s um; esphltini Thompson , and TIM r; 1.441.10. W-il . tr . The barque ,Brain had not arilvod l at Vera Cruz, and it was feared that shO' ivas lost. No later dates had been received from the capital. , Later fr om 'the Brazos. steamer Tetegrailh - lias 'arnved !Kam the'Bilizos ) brierg,ing later dates frinri quarter. . . The Matemerae. Flag :states. that a large nemper.nf_ Allpx,icene:wgreT.entigraiing =into ttli Texar the-fisariose of obtaining' the pro tieilopjoi the Apieridan lawn Mould the Rip Grande :belhe ...HOW' POCULAJAITY IS..M ADE r.—The city re. Porier of the Daily News, gives the follow ing developement of how the war is carried' on by the friends of Buchanan against the Dallas party,_in POLITICAL TEED.":—Tile_klendsLol—Air. L - Bwhautin, are giving a series of grand c.'leet4," or in other words magrifficOnt suppers, &0., to wide!) all the kighei-grade of the faithful are. invited, and 'at which discuss„-amid the 'lldrietesti popping of wine corks, the great sciiieStiona of the war and .tho presidency-;-. the necessity.cif continuing the war as long mcposs , ble, and the exceeding propriety of elevatit-g theallegerf "favorite son" to the 'presidential chair as soon as possible. The evdnings - tifTtiestiny 'and 'Friday" are the 'of which was given on Ttiesday night last by Air: k'ostmaster tehinatwaud the unsur passed maga. iheence of whkit Was yesterday the genera, subject of converse, (he expense being estimated at not less than a round thousand. These things 'show how the honest dem'od racy are bamboozled" by their selfish.leaders, who reach the honors and the spoils.. It is worthy of remark that all these Entertain ments are given by . the Pest Office and Custom-House office-holders, who hold fat offices and big salaries by the I.vor of Rlr. Buchanan. 1411. Dallas not being a favorite at Court has no patronage. St.. vcay.—Looking over some calculations on the census 0f..1840,. - We found these re sults; • • For every one hundred whites—South Caro lien has 1.15 slaves; Mississippi 100; Flori da 02; Alabama 75; Georgia-G0; Virginia ; North Carolina SO; Kentucky 51; Ten nessee 28; Maryland 28; Arkansas 26; The while slave States number 15. • The shines are chiefly entered in the planting revions. You may find 2000 slaves in parts of South Carolina, to !O() whites—on 'the other hand there'are-districts having but' few bond. In the low - hinds of Virginia, North Caroline, South Catalina, Veorgia 'and nit Florida'and Louisiana negroes abound; in a bill country or upland region they pre in numbers. The sane _ holds flue East' l of Missis'sippi, Tennessge-i-Ese. Tennessee, AVestern slayery is nominal, ken ROM A TIC ..LAMP GI,ASSE/3.--A very simple routrivava, but_one which is of uni versal importance, and affects all who vela their eye-signt, has been recently patented. It-.consists in substituting for the &slain] , illes at present in line for gas, lights, and oil and other lamps .glasschimnies made of blue or rather gray glass, which are either ground or polished; as Ihe case mny be. The effect, of this simple introduction of a colrdtl me dium,. through which the light of the 'frame passes, is to get rid of the led or yellow glare of the artificial light, 6nti to produce a pure white I ighi r similur,Or 'elosely approach ing daylight. The relief given to the eyes by this means is at otice .experienced 'and the aid afforded to artists; and painters more particularly,' s obvious. The expense of this.improvetnent is not mord than that of the present mode.— The improvement is so obvious and so easily Contrived, that it is strange it %%as net - er thought of or acted upon before. 13scucLons.—A. bill has been introduced into the New York Legislature, to lovy an annual tax of $7 on every bachelor between the age.; of 28 and SG. The following is this singular provision: "Sea. 3. Every unmarried white male, unconvicted of crime, o good health and fair physical proportions, and who is between the ages of +2B and 56 years, shall be deemed an old bachelor." Widowers, of over tWd years standing conic under its provisions also. Right, all round! 0.7" There is a man in Worchester. who has lived so long on corn Bread that his hair has turned to silk, like that which grows on the grain, and his toes are so full of corns that he expects to see theta covered with huskinext spring. Puutrowsny CorortimP•rids.—From Its 11111'14 al most ,always baffled the most *kkilha medical treat ment. has very Wetly been termed the “Opprdloritun of Physicians t" and, Until within n few years, been •generally considered' Incurable, although tunny medi cal- Men - of the Mullett' standing, 'ainonrp whom we may mention Laennec and his friend Boyle—both dis tinguished atithors,admit that this much dreaded dis ease may be cured, even In its advanced etages..wilin the lungs are not completely lisoiganised. The ro inerly which we now offer, i'llierrsn's DALIIAM OP %Vim) ()Hagar, for-the cure of this illeense, not only emanate§ froma-regular Physician, but hoe Mao beet, well tested in all the enmplainti for.whlch it is ra• commended. It is not my intention, therefore, either to cloak It in mystery,tirtin any, way decel4e the Ruh r , lie by alienating:lts virtues Lon the contrary, # shall I Dimply endeavor to gives btlef statement of its use. fulness-hind - Tatter .niyielf that ti' surprising efficacy •tvill enable me.tsfulyptalt such moiler its virtues as twill satisfy tile - aoot Incredulous, that Consumptinn may and "can be cured," .1f this medicine be resorted io in limo.' • ': • " TO. gnihnifie signed 1, BUTTS on Mg wrapper,.— Bbl dln Carlisle by S. ELLIOTTrioIe agent. • •:- • . _ • Costitok ! &ikeiiViA W Oluiiit 'Bored that a - pm - Sall la an'evidenea3lait same haphrlty le 1 940 hi Illa lanes. which; If .novslieedlly.remov... ad, will so' Irritate these ,dellcate marls as sooner,er later to brlnton "Inllatinatlon or the luotts"—alorn! df disease yv,hlali,wo . I . llgh road to . Waleuir -INDIAN • V eilifAiliEVriEl#l;:ii e re , nio t delightful: medicine for: currying o ff a cold;'becauga they expel , fromitlie reyelentalP inerbidKAnd corrupt iiUIIIOII (the • dridee'oriVerfr eseVarol halting] mrannbr , '.:Four , or fide of .kYriglithr. Indian Vegetable Phis. taken go in g to , 'bed,' will in a ihort lime remove the Meet ohailnate i !Apid,at the mine. Woe the'digeetiva (grunt yvill he ,restored* to a healihyototle, and tha.brobd 'plum!** ifleivara of cOnntaileitaofalralpthii!,(MMelrte'coarf nd - wifkanger r,otliera arelnade to reeemble ln out per& appearance the origlhal infest plurseJe purchae&from 'AIM-regular agents only, Mlie-br-more or wkonf,mayrfrsunttlirkVery — Villoge ar] .lown ther 'Prigniphi ifil) fire at Philo!. Sold 'ln Corillie gni - mot:4s, oaIEBY ' advectisipgc,tkupit4,W :.; i. 1 ,1 i;4;' . . . . ) B•NDS' ButeArAnn i tYp-An oniinent- riiyslllr 1141 . A11' .pine of iber vahro b le'Worldi tkiiniitrintilighed.:'!nrys3-- I'The doctrine ofihgr,a i rghtptlon of medical .eubsrances IMO the , blOod,:l a now, getleinhy,recoiitil,fhrt,:it , la eat. , pAble of physiological chemical and illoroneullcii de oiiitintion.',',, ..It:loArits 434inetItotoiopertition on p Ine:yltal strennithnt Eihrider`Arireipqrlha has porro(m !ad such, erionishlng:iiitres . of Illitrorie' Eruptive anti Glandular Ikpronspg: , and-n" Writ .of - othor nialedlei t or, ;which infected Wood ir ifie, founditioni . .'llthideter. gent Moments:Air...6hr eira,ordinary iiiellortalorfr ere inoninkluoliAliropop tlio eopiniinication•betW eert : Mr, digestive rip : gorging rind ,ihe velthrinto the Oircirleil n 1 14 ,, • a nil i bora hy Ini' henfrailzing n64_0111114: prong) . lit \ .expel tOI that hi foreign th,tiie'erinipooltlon'of henit iy. 'llinod,..-The- rogirihr,witif , Trgilith;ilio viligjiiiiinciloht :116,n0 of diglingirg-Arq fint4 4 3l l 4 , ;l3,4AhrlyAkdreltiOnnd. Its iihir'initAqqatk,tiffilll!f. 11,PON'.441'IMP-tt!4lr-4.: , ii,t 6 ilihi I.l!CP!.if ; ; , 41 , v , 01pti144004 .A,i f ~i r Flittrea,kh i :b 1 - iii p. - 100:Fugotte0' 3S ~ -14 1ACAIN:N',', - -. .t is i , ",--. , A8410,4114(4. t ßivEtt4 4.1 ,0 014 1 !). , M 1 i p i lut.. 14hito'FirOsiirill r„tbrOpilOili ittiNgiOdlitilt,...n,X,Flll' 111/P,O o co l o`so l X:P olll l:l ' 9,*!:#7sf,'!. l 4l9!!let.ti "'•' -, ,',.,..1'''< , ',1',,; , AC: , V.M4e;t,11:4NT,5:7W, rp-;.,,r..,-'0,V.,.5-1,.5 , ..,, ~,,,,,,:,,,,n.A9;',..:•,,,q,ck5;,.".;..,c4 ..:',.W'',,,f,,,-,:f„i.:1_.„.;.,:ir.'-e,n 4)!,6,-,;.-151.*:, itiiad deal of afloat isatlaAitliitaa v a vigitious offprt..unitoatelidig; bit facide aftthelifeeent. WI; ion of Iltit islafareta pßeitti t authorialeitit, ihat:44, 3 lablishat;iiyundkinOperlestrictipiis il of F ree pinqiii in this State '•,.friatv tll,4olenoits4ili Igek Ff?!.. Walt onty„cafi' determine. M ~{.:.~ Zme : —A large body of carbonate of zinc, enlarnitte) hes .beeti discovered by Dr. Wm. B. rahnestock, near the lead mine of Mr. Shenk, in Lancaster county.. The .ore, which' has 'been ptincluneo lime, has, been ascertained to contain 60 per cedt. of zinc. 'Q6-`Gen. Shielda, speaking of Gen. Scott at. Augusta, remarked "that though' he en , tered the'ernay . prejudiced against General Scott, he considered lijin, after his experi ence under his.CorArnaucli as having no liv tng the qualities or a great cbm- twirAcorpa-of , engtiteers - iroirrililrail i mam; and Ohio Itailro'sd Conipaity at Whal ing locating She ronieeastul'id. They have progressed - in their surveys as fiCas-iticAloc hiiin's creek,six..miles:lroin.Wheeling.- • • [t An official statement signed by D e an iel Grahere, Register of the U. S. Treasury, 'shows that the expenditures Of the. Govern meet for the.first quarter of the present fis. cal year, ,were . eighteen Slid es lan millions, or at the rare of lieventy_forailhotts_p_er annum. , . (6 — Died in Loughburg, on the 14th. Mrs. k.:l,zabeth .T,ackman, aged about eighty years. She'yas stricken-with palsy, and laid forty days without partaking, of a trOr sel of lood. . The National Whig hints that' if the Whip will not be M impatierft, , !thev• will get Gen. Taylor's opinions imin over his own lure, in all proper time. 7'4 . 9 will all be mare Utah yaliAfied." Gen., TAYLOR is a Whig and "nothing else," and every . Whig can _on eistently support him. On the 36th ult., by the Rev., E Breiden hangh, Mr. SAMUEL EINE ENRINDER ! Of Al if- Mr) tp., to Mks SUSAN HAHN, of Franktord township. On the same day, by tkO same, Dlr. AN EW 1361 . 1.s„RiLNewv to Miss ,SlitA JOHNSTON, tAttiyrie tp. - ofi the-BOtir j ult., •the Rev. J. A. Mur ray, Mr. An.of Lnim• to Miss REGENIA E. McGowAN, only dnugditer of Mr. S. McGow an,near Spring Forge, eurrtherlafo co,-• On Thursday, the 30 hf the Rev, N. I IMlnnui, Mr limirAmiN Niesc - Y r roe township, to Miss Sminll A. EISEVAIUJT ; South Aliddleton, On the same llay,by the same, Mr. GEO. RICIIITLE 10 R.liss ReoeccAllmexea, both . of place. . Lt Newton township, on the fathllt.: bronchifF , TAllS3 JASI IsAnELLA;Oaiighter of John Piper!, aged 23 On Saturday last, Mr. Wita.tatir CRALL, an •Ild and respected. citizen 01 this borough, aged 72 years. in Vanishing. on the 2fiih Nov., in the 22d year of lierage, Miss MARI: AT:F.T P. Mow, daugh ter of James 8. Espy, of Harrisburg, and adop ted daughter of James P. li:Spy, of Philad'a. Thus an early grave has closed over one whose virtues demand soinething inure ihan a nutsnili sigh, and whose acahrripinAnnents impel the tri• time of even rnOre than a tear. She who bur abort tune since watched wilt an Angel's care over the pillow of p Ayin g 'sin er, and who, true to her nbrilest is stitiqs, was unceasing in her en. deavors to alleviate - Chit sister's sufferings, has herself , gone to - join “The inionneroble caravan. that nieces Ti, that aly,sterlatts realm, where each shall take charrifi.v. , } in theadent halls of death.'' In this insintice, the "tell destroyer" has ens' a gloom over att extensive circle of relatives and friends, such as no evidences of condolence, how. ever sponninenns or sincere, could lor a .moinent dispel. But still there is a something connected with the dissohmOn 01 the ptdung and the beauti• lii is 111 , 41 prottiptit Us to th 6 peigormance of those friendly rocs which take limm sorrow its most poignant sling and ham grkf its most latter pang. lVe cannot torego the melentholy pleasure of tes tifying to the ttentahility which characterised her dn.position, and to the stievity end gentleness e 1)1..11 marked the manners of this most [Accom plished young lativ • nor would we do justice to our own feelings did we not say, in all sincerity. that we deeply sympathise with her lim4 In the dispensation of Providence which has ink'elt her from their midst. May all who lament herAeatth kern to imitate her Who Would strew flowers upon her grave learn to live :he tt•—,l d:e os she ruled. • NO ILE , 110 the SlOoliholders of Ihe CARLISLE BANK. Notice is hereby given in confor mity with the following order of Court. •• • GEO. A. LY,(ol`.f, President. 4 Xarlisle Bank Jan 5, 1848. In the Circuit Court of the Unita Suttee, in .0 1 111 for the Eastern District bf Pennsylvania, in the third eircut,,pf Pctober.session l .lB97. Krebs vs. Lyon et al. No. 1, April 'Session, 1848. In Equity. And now, .to wit: this first day of December, A. D. 1897, in thb thither of , the Hill of Complaint of John M. Krebs ve. Geo. A. Lyon arid otherB, Direttors of the Carlisle Bank, and the subpoena issued ihn of the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsylvania, No. 1, April sessiun l 134:8. On the, pentiodolthe Defendants,Veiting but, I although they represent all the. Stockholders of the said Bank; that differentintereste in different classes of dui said etuckholders:thay require them to have null& bf tbb" pr . ficeeding,..diut ' theY Poki , Appear and 'defend their respective interests, tf they shall ' think proper; and that front their num.' bar it would-be: , inconvenient and expeaSive to bring tliem in 'as Tarlies,'hy , the,'Proeesir Cf the COurt; , attilliraying , the Court foMinke ati'drdni, tibtfidriaingAhllm to give notice' to the Stockhold! , , tint.Of•the;dprocieeding,vbf'a - publication Of , said petition,.and the decree Of ;the'COUrf . thereori, for' tour.tvcisks preceding the first day of April next,. in , one • pager published in 'the citY'of Philadel. phia;.and in, two.papere published in .the borough. of .Cailiehwt - Vhe C ' hart; haviegitaken the oaind into consideration, .thaltcs the order; according O thesaid,prrizer,,of the petitioners..., ; , I .... , 0. ..,, - . ;g --- , 7 , Egtith,rit.Disirict orperm , ..- See l ,-,.,,V„: • j,"GForgo';-glitt,. Clerk, Of. the Circuit:Conn Of. 'the'UnitedjSittee, in the' for the Eastern District th of Peitheylianfe; in e Third,Circu4do hereby, certify: t hat the . thiegoing is' a ' true„anAfeithfuli copy of the origfnal,.ol) file andrenisitung:of “re ; : Witheiteniy„htind:Snii ihe'Seal of the IL, S.], sej_d_Sourt, at' Philidelphia,-tlip,seeott 'clay - ortleeetrthei,'.A: , -BC- 1847 c eifd.ln' the seventy-sedond',ycar of the lndependenee'X the said, UnitedfStates.., 11ni,:.. , , • GEORGE , PLITTi,CIeAt C:C;'',l ..; Nap AgGlLLS,Airtilited,';..“'... rillildaubiariber wiehee o - engaget'in the' sale . JL orlde`PoliN a numbe r'oryoung, and middle , aged .fifen or.moral 04;001We :babits,‘ as trae;.. 044411090;i: - Hating completed, pow bed greo..l iy, improv e d tuition of .hia.prdeermit Alas,; 73 ' Wove P, larier c ltra IL Of Abe,,WorlfliAareredge, laud Dime r once 'M.' the•;.*Vnued . Buttes,„fitk,Totionall 111np of : 09;,11nited...Stemitalsitia varietrokodt: tr ? Mar inalmqpir Oirieol,:r..4lllicOi , thin l yi '13*19 - lor,Wliintll 4 Itkfunirt,',4 l 4 o TiorPr-dOlif o,Welitißt a fr0...., v 1 4 ,3- n ~.... 1 4 1 . 0 1e 41 14 . MARRIED, DIED. OBITUARY... ...,:r W..i(i),,.:. '. oi)itti.o)iiiitii.O., _ • 44,s ::HERIORRHOIDS. or PILES, tiER AL or . Externstliellnanjwitly cure Driip_r!HAM'a_VEGETA4LE ELEC-- I,A'RY,"*.n :INTERNAL REMEDY phich, if use .ocolding ro directions; a CURE gar. LIFE is guar _MPTanta or:THE I .lseAsS , --A comment con eminence of this affeetion,,e6 a kind of tenesmus or bearing down sensatioei, as it is familiarly call ed; there IS also a herd; tension and throbbing it the part, varying frotha moderate degree of them sensations to tho4nost excrutiating suffering these are eausi) . by the great fl ow of blood ti the parts. So etimes the inner coat of the . Lowe protudes at ,livery evacuation, terrning - What it called Prolfisus, or falling of iliebowele'.; this ii theieffeet, dif long conlitiiied irilialionjand weak: netts or that' organ. In hoitio instances , the paiieni experiences -nervous peintrolgelftird'indencriba• tile, and known only to, the sufferer, which corn. mence immediately aftete-in evacuatio, and con tinue from thirty minutes to several hours ; these benealions aril very annoying and sometimes very distressing; Thib tfiecnae; when'of longeontinm mice, is attended by pain and weakness , in the back, irritation of the 'kidneys and bladddr, and other.organs in the vicinity,- pain end numbness in the legs and-feet, a sense of sttaittiese'fabout The chest, and unnatural fulness of - the alidiaminal viscera, accompanied with palpitation Of the-heart _ antLo pp res sion—lndiiiiinals"soinethererviptnii.--- - - tince - , - pievitiniTs - To - liiii - iitta ct of the Piles; ElYmP toms denoting great derangement in the cirettla non ; there. is, a sense of weight and presittire in • the abdomen, with a• pecidiar• feeling of.luneasi hese in the bowels, constipation or perinieurn,-ae tended withpitm in die-'back and IMnS, nausea., ~antii i iiliglit4ains- in- the- stomuchiiptile eouiffe: - nanc.a;nonfn,sed'itinaticitts In.tha head, wearinesnr,. dihnontentdd itatenttlid-mind i and a sense ... a (intim. and oppression in the re gion of the stomach., The circulation on the 'surface is feeble, and the ciirrept Of. blood deter-, mined inward and downwards., For all Of the above' &leases and comptc.inte, Dr: Venial's VihwrAhLe .ELEc,TvIARY.,CUTes ef fectually, and therefore .prevents-Pitds. - - --READ T-11-E- 2 -1 2 -ES-T-1111.0.-g Y. Ifposox, Dec. 11, 1846. • • CENTsz—I have used Dr. Ilphom's Vegetable Pile ElectUtty which I purchased of you, and -- find it one of the best medicines in use for the Piles, and also far bilious affections, arising front an impure state of, the system. Yours, &c. E. A, COLE,.Marble Dealer. U. S. MAasuto,'S Or'ster,„ Dec. C, 1847. Messrs. Wyatt & Ketcham—fientleitiom tut derstanding that you ore the general ugents - for the sale of Dr. Upliam,s Vegetticle-Electuary,for the cure of „PileS, 1.-.ALIVe-dsemed--it-my duty to volunteer CrerommendatiOn in behalf of that-in valuable theilieine. I lidve;benff afflicted for ma ny years with Piles;and Nava tried various reme dies, but with ho beneficial effects—indeed, I began 'to consider my case In lerly.hope 1e55„...13 t eland the first of September last, 1 Ivas prevailed upon by a friend to make a 'frial of the above Mimed inedicine. I took his advice and rejoice to -say that I atn not only relieved, but, as 1 believe, peffeetly cured. I most earnestly roommend-it to till who'rnay pare the misfortune to be allieted with that annoying imd dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your obedient servant; ELY MOORE. REMARKABLE Cent OE PlLEti_! — ' 7lllllTY YEAS STANDING!.! Mount Washington, Berkshire co, Mass.? November 29,047. Messrs. Wyatt & Ketcham--Gents: Fdr th.rty years I have been afflicted with Piles, general debility and inflammation, causing rumors and pro'apsus oftliu mid - which had resistedall the medical trentmetk Dr. Chapman and oth urs could give. The last three years of that rime toy sof - Fenno defy description. I was confined to bed; unable to help Myself, end at last given up . hymyTdiTsician and friends'inliespair of ever gruiling health: in fact fur three days before I commenced lining Dr.'llpham's—Fivleetifffly.l was entirely speechless and my -burial. clothes were made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. Uplinm's Electuary, though an OLD :DAN, Iduive Bic pleasgre of stating the fact to-the obit- Ifs that my health is now good. and hope to live many years, if it is Cod's will, to make known the virtue's of Dr. Upham's Electuary, and to re commend it to my afflicted fellow•creatures. It helped sue beyond the expectations of all that knew my, and 1 can only 'say to others that it is, in- my opinion, the best niedieino in the world for Piles, or any other disease of the bowels; and if they will use It according to the directions, I will myself warrant a cure in every - case. Yours, mkt the utmost expression of t nen k ful ness, CORNF.LIUS SPUR. Egramont. Berlts co, Mass.? . November :29, 1847, 5 'rile above certificate tells a simple andlruth ful story of suffering and relief, of which, as phy sician and winless in the rase, I cheerhdly CD JOISO. DR. CHAPMAN. NOTICE—The genuine Uplinm's Elvetunry has his wrolan sig.nmore, thus (VT A. Unborn. AI 1).) 'l:ba hard 143 alone done with a pen.— Price 81 A box. Ct:rl II d wholcsalr ntid i-etail by WYATT & 121 IFiiitnn strees; N. Y., rind by Druggists getnrrally liming - horn din United States and Canaan. SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Agent fur Carlisle January 5, 1848=1y "FOR RENT. . . . .'I he two-story Brick Dwelling ill lip HOUSE, adjoining the Methodist. .71.1 It Parsonage. on Pin street, or pre: . It", sent occupied hy Mr. M. P. Ege. !!!: . :•; , 1' Posse Felon given on the Ist day of April 'mkt. Also, the SHOPS now occupied by Mr. c4egg, choir-maker, on Pitt street, ono door south , of the Methodist. Parsonage. For kerths a'pply to . N. ITANTCri, ABEL KEENEY, W. D. SEYMOUR Carlisle, jnn 5 1848 FOR RENT, .. '4l; Two BRICK 1 - 101.1.Etit in that well 6 16 e r hl known s . -business lre p. Possession s n 6 f , n I Carlisle obagi v t a a n ll ,g e: at.... 1 i ffarptir's'Rnw,' on the North-eaet aide the lbt day of April next. For terms apply to . 0 JOHN N WE A VE.E.t.. - 0. GEO. A. LYPN ' ; , January 5, 1818—tf ' 4 '-''''' -' ', '' ,'--s" • The Two-Story Plastered 1101.i.SE; ;I I I Kitchen. 'Ste. in Main Street, now • occupied by J, B: Bretton, will lidiented' or one year front the first of April nest. • Jnn .50818 FOR. RENT., • . FROM the lat of. April. , ISO,. that , t i... - convenient STONE HOUSE;oraligh . g 4 f Street, Carlislo,, east 'of G. Lyon, .gag,., 1 i containing two good ::parlors-and- limo other rooms,' four-fifths. of the, hall, kitchen, oven, smoke-house, garden and yard, and all the collar under the ,front heave. ApPIY to • :- —• • •: - WM: BUTIER: , Agent for the.heirs of Mrs,illatteer deo'd.; - Messrs., J. E . - L by, Pe - dile, ;and: Joseph 1101, bort, will give into,rmatlop and,the terak:., If „.. January 5,'1848 .... '-. ... I .- ~,, .. , titr. ' TWAT` T A.N.D 01,o',cCirriek'pf- . 4"Zorib, ; a • ; 1.?4 ittid ;out her . eireete, t is , • occupied by Chnsfititilrilittff, foitublie • wit h-the-room-i n-t tocom mod lo tie Ippm'onti lotto part 'ortite'lot-rt , mitletfil. it cute -crib° ' beet buitinees,apiPditip tbe,plice. or terms of • - *,• •," --- J.Q4; 1 1:';A:2111)5111i;IC,13. - f,, 7 , Cori-islet 'Jen' 5 '1848. 4 r • • ei6if ;ii : lk " i> 4 El;' l / 4 . LING Housgp ; A A 135Kidinis • Row. Also;'TiiciFtarnh DiVe 4 1 , 1 101 .1 ?PPSia , g" • _nl'Hast,Lotttlier'St.t.F,A444.o46 1'.51‘14° Dwellino HOUSES'lti , eltnith'Hiihov,er S. adleiniriefilartem: 'Mao E4velling HOUSE ;in Chun li;alle'y."Fur,tb a apply to the aolia,Oriber. t• , ISS tIJIM vou ! vagiln! , ., , 1 ° 18 1 e 1 , .. 1843 ' 4 4 t 1, AViqi;;:deiiNi4:4 ; i„," , - - rkTre - fidit, , ihhefeby given that, .1 , 401 1 4:toto,-4, ' niontoy Op,..tPtLestate of AiroklNT' •°( /Ba9lild" , `f;t o .olh l l* -130 tiiberliindvdckiAlete t dit s nOrirJal4l lB l. o o*btlke RBgl tt ; t~til'ititd t" O f iliiceta ‘ oh f 6 04 1. 4acT141141.1h , Lrei91 1 1 1 1. t .., niAlfeiniogo . nejiltrit t egiim,All persons_ . piirt 414ttil MICIIITBIIArIeatP4II - ~,14 41 , 4 1v T r 4,„4,4 1 8(8,6‘ v ' ' IJ-41.1 4 ;0 1 : 1 1 , 030r,eil • ,`-',((,,;‘;';',7;'1.4Mtt,''',41,57,1t,"'','',1, MEI 0 =a W: EBY