*~ 4:5:,: >.~' ,~' GY.auEM <<'>?l2s%.towziii.str • ' - - . WEDNESDAY. DEC.EMBER 22, 1847 .13140 n. Purr E. Brady, M. C. has our thanks for his t tpitid ititeluions, but the 4,doe utuouts" have not reached us yet. PoAct: !—The Alexican News in tu.day's paper is thought by many- alfrur ccintempoi, ries to hold out an encouraging :prospect of WSJ Kr. The State Legislature:4 of Smith Caro lina, •Geo'rgia, Alabama, Sim are begaorrog to litmAter.very fiercely in ik.toointmos again-3A ltto IVilinut proviso. Glll2lllll COLLEGE.—The 13cnrradrf Directot - of Guard College, bave dlected the lion Joel Jones, now President Judge-,et the Dis Wet Court of Philadelphia, President of tha instittUiun,- Mrs. Ann C. Tilghman, a (laugh ter-inilaw of the late Chiet Jiistice Tilghman has beeii chosen Matron. . 10: - /—The venerable and. illustrious Chan ..eehor is no more. He diq ,in:the city -of N. York on Sunday afternoon week at the , age , of•eighty five years. Ile was otie of the quest .curittent jurists in this country. tie, was the &me ricati Blackstone, and as the au -0)(1.01 the. "Commentaries," his reputation will last last as long as the sylitem el American Claw upon which he so ably trellis., AID= ENY AND BANgs:llloney matters are very "striovnt":intha cities.. Several heavy failures have already +taken place in,Phila .delphia atl..New York, land mere am e►- pelted. Stocks are 'falling, nod interest lin ing. Goods are coming in horn Europe, arid specie going •gut daily. Such are the bles sings of the Tariff of 1846, .whick induces! our country to buy, instead of manufactiiring the-fabrics beetled for her own consumption. The'times will soon show the fallacy , of.free 'wade ; without further argument. -Are we to understand nut neighbor Democrat as . .s.aying.,distinctly,that a Locoloeo will "do anything fin rat on ey ?" le tries to break the force cil "John of f'ork's'' scorching leper by saying_thal Mr. TOBEY \vete .the attack on the Administration to ..gratify the editors of the "Noith eriean," because he was employed arid paid by them! .-For ougart, we have a higher oi , in Iwo' Mr. Tobey's integrity. - lie unquestionably' uttered only his, real sentiments, and. - thrt*OCllie majority el the 'Limy, too, fei:.4lo.: ; foTpAtf are reiterated mappleyerelt s .s* despatches! (KTGerrit &nun, Ittp:!;.itt tin lat his done a aenithle float tlinit art . Ilbsa he"-Wi ir take pill in Otganizirtg a tenip9r*Oil patty, or a patty, which, liko'4l,,t - Party," goes for the promotionittAttiliiiii gle specific reform. His regrets, hoWever, come after the mischief is Once. The Lib-. ertyparty, by defeating I fenry Clay in 4843, may be . justly held responsible for tae present condition of our country. • C(rPotomac, the spirited Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot, says that he has seen a letter Irom a distinguished gentleman in New Orleans, who had had an interview with Ger.. Taylor on the subject of the hesidency. I can only say, adds Potomac, that it in - all - right, - and- that old - Buena Vista talks jaw a hook on the subject. PROGRESS OF GEN. TAYLOR.—The progress of the old Hero from. New Orleans up"ards was a continued scene of triumph. P ople were fopthl assembled along the,balt s ‘, of the river at every villa and cottage . greeting, "the steamer with lothi. luzzas, was ing-flage and every denionstration of enthusiasm and respect. On Monday week he was welcom ed with puttlie honors to his home at Baton Rouge. He has accepted an invitation to Visit Natchez. O Senator Dickinson, of New York, has a high regard for the:will of-the people; to be. sure. ~ His State has declared by about forty thourand "m'djority in favor of the Wil mot proviso, and yet he introduces rMiolu tions-into the Senate which go the whole length lon the extension of slatieryl Small men like him, however, can do. suclv things with.t. r: Oa` ft is t iought that a letter will soon be forthcoming from Gen. Taylor, giving this opinion of "what .‘ie shall do with Alex/kip." A year ago Gep. Taylor advocated thei De fensive Line policy, and we de not !now see,,tliat our .government will . be able t 4 get out of the scrape by any other means so veil . _ . ~! ,0*734r ~ ,f•Sueh,aitan's ,friends are about • planting tbemselves on the platform of his • aatii::kiti l Speech of 1815, as wa judge from ''':.fliiatett‘a,flytit,speoeft being repubb4tied in ther*ger Saturday. Who but a friend his would hive paid for so expensive .an turtufoment e ti f4r - The'Vlikladelphio papers say the notes 0; ot,,scitnei'of the, country - , itankaJuive go:. into ;:; b a d ;odery.in"-:'ttfe ' - The :Susquehanna • hiaeed Stnls . one of,'hem andt one ..Lewistmin flutes' ieotaung. 0,60 • t 075. per discount. - • 01 . :;. , i': - Ak ; 4l3uoiout:oliiiiretisut,te.toke übSrgis:oi the' irk()' grows fiercer every a .0., iiure us em.l nertbei.irerattriiiad:*)o.-ck''' t 4! -''' 'lBliilvii' ' -ihe',Hrt ~, nioaiiizil-1-- , h i tile' v,4l', -- ' mil..-,,,. - iitig;l 9 ' ''' I `*, ' ',Nem ` lirittlA Ell' - diiinfier 9 ‘'' j'lra°7...4lDlT/Pn'T!: 41104 4-0 P Iriei ... ''', n'a .1cV,...Y., "' t that the ; . . ',°-'11910;i I _-,,,0 otilidea I, aril -31,"!'ir ifiriivi4 hue becu— - imylifirl. -', h ' lia' ' IleYl in''Pren •d'e'viob'l et' r ~,\!.,va ? T a ylor , ..e„raruig. --, ~. ;,„wper.1.4...0r Of t I j,iooo. '', '-,;', ,+, , -t . r • ,t'' rill' :,,,` , ,iui.me,F- , 1 ' old- DO= '-.Cl'lOll Y it( ': 411 '' ' ;01'4 OA i -' ',...-.,_: c1:499-,,,' ' wiiatire dellsh iliNt`!fY,,;ltiinthr°,l4o;ap:an ?;1440.1s.:$91[`iYir '‘Vilnic't il?'ri'g 'FO!'ru'l9ll 1,.:40, 111 192,ta5'i0. ,q.ll/:orktif,n, ~l'ilit.e4r!l4s,.L''',.' ':.,lM9Yfiliffeptl°.'"Flihil44'4.‘\77:'s ..z/I%;7';,'`,' inlit.7't,orpliel4aPiit.ii:t''''4VokA..i.-it,if-- ',.;";.')s/9),=,-0.r,:,,.7,,,,..?"44,,",5iti,,,r4,,2,,,,q ~,, .;•,,,&7,t0,„,i,A.;'.4'4.4T0. - -'4,zfe.,,';',e'l -2,2-• ' .„,;.‘,"%.4-7- Thet*.rikifiency, '::'There is one . ,lling huite ; 1 , foi see lire ifecessity,ol !nicht the gOernrrieni. out of thri reek leis. end iticomp.eitriiihnutls:of such men tie inmes K. Peito and his,e4i ears: end calling to the !mid of affairs a min in whom we may trustingly sclpel() con duet the countisafelyThrough ilia 4(64 scenes of 14;11r, tumult and strife on which we have entered. With this Vievv, Prost dential electien being, near at hand, thou ,s(6ls of ati t ions• eyesitre now turned with deep interest the illtistrions heroes of the war —WINFIRLDSCC;T : f and ZACIIARY TAYI.6It. these t•vo shall be the standard . heaver of the ‘Vliig party in tie great con test wilvich is corning on, is properly the' province ul a: Whig Natiocal Convention to %Merlon , e, atilt that decision shall direct ow' dbiltsff Our pyjama, nevertheless, wa have no • • hesitation in Saying, in favor of the noble, the generous mu': brave, t 7 OLD ROUGH . &silk •READY." We have a choice above, hin, too, and it - would be stifliitg our warmest and put est maims, it we did not say that. first of all living-men Wi3'desire to see lIENRY . CLAY elected to the Presidency of the United . Statec , The banishment of HENRY CLAY in . 1844, so crUely unjust, unnatural . and un; gratelul, has seemed tops a wrong so foul that it were 2oith years of • the nation's io penkurt energies to repair. NI isthere any :Age '.jeitioe to lletiry flay!'' Is 'there. any sign Of relenting in that fiend-like spirit of malignant detraction which has ever made the towering laree_ol. lltiNar cbAl - -its shin ing mark? We fear not, and shrining„kom another such sacrifice to political. malice we turn reluctantly to other piespects. While expteesing our preference for Gen. Tmaam, "we 'desire' to be understood as .pledging rstrself to his support enly as the candidate et the Whig National .Convention, e can see no other sale course for the Whig 'patty than in subrnittUig the selection of a candidate to a National Lon vem;6ll, whose deliberations :old decision we may hope will unite and harmonize every iptere-t ul oil: pally, mini Icing its out of the next l'reru CollegOv.- We haVo received the Annual 'Catalogue inid - Regierer'ef this lestitutiOn`for Ifr4T=ll. The College appears to - he ht the Mostrpros porous condition. In the abaence,.on ac count-of Meant), of President.Eatottv t pe Executive duties have. devolved upon Pio- . lesSin W. H. ALLEN ; and theriWeiPlitie, - or: der and energy which prevail in every de partment, prove that the office is iii compe tent and careful hand,. The-namber-of—th• Faculty show's that the means of instruction are ample, while the high. reputation of the several gentlemen composing it, afford Sat isfactory rtssuriance that their labors are both ably find essidnotisly devoted to the benefit of the student& The different departments and classes of 0-9,-Cap,ie. now. embrace 189 suidents.— Of these . there are five. in the' Law School; ode resident graduate; 29 Sln Mrs ; 99.Stiplio. mores ; , '43 Freshmen, atal 91 In the Trepa tatory, Department.:_ .__ The expeaseatif the Students, for tuition fees, use ,of recitation rooms, 'Printing and Librittylitie for the first session $99,50., and for the second session $l5. Ti..priee of boarding with the .Steward ol tile f'2oilege is 81;50per wenk. Boarding:at Trivatu houses iit WWI( is 51 . 75 per weeli. All the neces sary expenses of a student eon be wet with Slcto a year, and ought uever to axceed 5:135. - The Libraries of the College are large and increasing. The College Library'- contains 3,800 volumes the ,Belles Lewes' Library 4, 500, - and ihe Unionr S 7 )ciet yi , rhibrarr3filor Making n 12,000 volumes, all, of which nee accessible to every studem. - The Preparatory Depattmeat is under the same government with the College, nod it is desired that those \i'ln) plop - tse eoteting Collegv should pursue a pad, at least, of their preparatory course in the department here. The studies in this department are the eleme,ds of the Lallitt and Gieck, Arith metic, Geography, &e. TJ:3I PEA I t: ml ot, of palty . asseil a large audience oti the sulject of Tdmperrince, iti the first Prey' byterian Chinch of this laimugh, on MOnday evening. He handled Ilia ruinous rum !milk wallow gloves. Ilia illustrations Of intern• petance were of thrilling and startling force, and pictured vividly the wide-spread loin and desolation of .which it is the author,- Mr. CharOffer.4' manlier is impassieued and velietnent, - 45:11 . t; Speaks with an earliest. nests tvliielt sliiike that his whole heart is in the work... Their midi ess 'seemed to be re ceived` with drettt •salisfartion by the au dience. trust it will hare the effect to rouse the ll:Wilds of Temperance to renewed arid more active exertions in the groat and good cause. , A CARLTPLE BOY —IVe see it anigninceti in the papr•ts that Capt. IVlt.t.t.ot Z. ANGNEv, eq.n n 1 R. Angney, Eq. of this borough, has been elected it member of the tern itorial le gislature of New Alexico. Capt A. was formerly located at Jefiin . son City, Al ti•Fol.lli, and marched at the head tit a company of inlantry in the expeditton against NewAlex ico under the-cornm:thil of Cul. Price:. He bore n conspienons part in the hials and privations incident to that hazardous cam• paign, and in the official despatches of his syperior otffcer, ViPSI highly commented for ids - brave and chivalrous condnet. "Higher honors yet await him."—Dentorrot. . 1/EPOSITE, BA NF.—The stock of this insti tution has all been subscribed and it will be seen by a notice in our advertising columns .that an election for Directors will take place on the 7th of January. Only let our 11 role. co meads alone and they will give the coun try Banks enough, no matter if they are most conscientiously opposed to them in prine;ple! El "Money CIIIRIST3II4S" is hero again, but we have really been ton busy to wine the "firat•rnte nalice" of it, In which one moralizing sophizing Irntsrnity usu a lly trent their Tenders; It promises to be observed, however, by the Bald folks, with their accustomed glee and hilarity, ns the most memorable doll glorious holydnys.— Our advertising columns show where all dm is desirable to eat, to read, .and to look at, in the way of preeents, luny be obtained. (TYA ntitn6er of valuable town properties will be found: advertised for sale in to•day's Literary Notices. THE UNION MAGAZINE—A second volatile of. Mrs. Kirkimil's beautiful and ithly•con ducted monthly, is commenced with the January number, which we have received.. Though, a yedi - has not. elapsed since this Periodical was corrimenced, it has alreatlS attained on immense circulation,, and suc cessfully rivalled all - jai contcriipqaties of. older standing; Its fine white paper, per fect typography,: numerous and.. e x cellent engravings, and above, all, talented ,list contributtirs, have made it, at datus, the very patagan pf nieriean )ithinitire:: In "the Jaeger)! Horn hor ~ are twelve ;(ll!3tipb! . tnabej. lishreetili, three , of which are,exquisile'litie engravings, :and the- rest' heautifur'Wood-t .11:118.Sigaurpey r AlrS:4mwry;,!.47.?ift - ;,%!i , i1 : lasi Taylor, Rev:: ph . linyt,rntiOtit k jamiti.'ine the' . principal Con tin Wm, d Mute' not tlieit ready The Hew 'yip : lame of the ,ninny newjeiders':thrc ughout flys: 11Mon, - ..if, people kijoilt howl) appreciate !What fa su lierior in : literitore end beautiful : York—lsrael Post, The Whig, alinanah: for •18441;-: published by Gr04, 44- i‘l4 l T.iti l ;sl- i rii#:' 7%. 6 11t . i' 1 4' It'eantaiati iireo:attio4O(Veltiable. P pojitietehisiorYi ef !nary' tatA tiga) eon; besiacit beini atlfeed illrOcknpc ' 11'0100 'respect: :,,For rk''corit tant oft tio ;hatter it lit neeciniehingly lee , at twelve , and &hid( cente..i., We''' . will eider them for: 41ferrhauleo.` r r,. r , ;,4or7l6o.flOVei4'eC 6 etis i: .PP ' ANo,o l * ( tiited. in lhop;ltetigtoatg,ytteterdayAr.vates',varying,:from to two, per, coin, disectinm r !41. m ors 4rit pee l ; .;:iaire.4l-401M-844GM'Ai:tiVity' Late UlltostAlexiao.: • , Election of Anaya44,Xrisiflent4,T*it . ed,;Ai% rest of .Gan. afiif,To/, _Duncan, by —The:9lloo.l4er.j6llk4'9loil- I .lltelikilit: Odeon:, n ith it itos lrohi Verit;Cruz: to - the. filled with riewF. The. news is 'Very interesting,. Annya hat been elected President: Santa Annals try, ing•to get.the .appar hand, and appOars to have some Woes at his command. The Mexicau—Cougress• is dissatisfied with the election of Anaya ) who is in favor of peace, which proms that the pacification of Nlexico is a long way on, hod that it has to be dri ven into peace 'by making War tt, burtheit to the cautitry. Difficulties aPpeiar lti have arisen between '.Gonerals Scott . and Worth, T and other,lieroes ol•tlio•war, which-we hope may be healed with Out trouble • add the• ' newspapers: a to . _ca_. . . trouble; to-be , -1 subjected to Gen. Scott's censorship, or be suspended, • General 4nayrt Was elected President of Mexico on the Itfirinstrint---He-bas once been Provisional President. His. present term of office extends only to the Bth of , January nest. He is -known to be in favor rof peace. In forming; his Cabinet he con, tinned Moray Villarnil in the War Depart- . moot,. and-made --Pena y Pena i late the-Pre, 'silent, his Secretary of State. The whole adviimstiation is in favor of nn honorable peace, and One of its first acts was to .dis patch a commission to the city ofllesico to re-open Ai l egoliations with -Mr; Tfist. The Commissioners Were Senors Couto, Anistain and C,uevas• and Gen. Rincon., the first-two having, been on, the former commiSsion.— Mr. Ti powers had' been revoked piior to the arrival ot, the' arnmission, and as - GOll. Scott possei.-sed nmpowers liktreat'w4.ll it is presumed limy were' refeitedto our Government at Washington. • ' The next rank important intelligence by this arrival es the reported arrest of General Worth, Ger. Pillow, and Lieut. Col Dun can, by Gem Seen.. The report is that let ters, Written by these- geollemen refleeting upon the commander-inehief have fallen into-his possession, upon which he at o nce arrested them. ,We have net yet received iittyLiellers_frure .the eity_oL_Mexicolate. than the 2-I.l' of November. They make no mention of these arrests. but we liner, letters Oil the Niaria Bort Moe the city Of Mexico, %Oriel} we piesurne will eliwidatu the whole Geo. Scnt: lias . gi yen nnleN for the of sohsietenee fur oui zun4y off t h e penplU of Aloxien. The large train under the rommand of Gen. liuthr.s.bas nearly all left Jalapa. The number of . •en aecompanying it is estimated at 8000. Gen. Scott will soon have front 20.000 to 30,000 men. The A:co his of the 2lst instant, says die Ate..!ticito commis:idol:en; retired in once to Queretaro upon learning that Mr. Trist had nu hotter to treat. 1110 foil:m.6lg • ileins ore limn- the Arco Iris of the 3:1 instant : By at Gotipor I iliinla was ttt Qnetein . ro, wiill.ll luria ol 2000 Irmo. The itoshorienie, hnJ yet Iris lienilcmriers uriloaiitijiiic with on arioy of9ooo. I\datty members of the c"igie,.i. displeas ed with theetallon rit the ti e o r4Si t . su t en t, "rive up their seal ?, and tvtlro in disgust liord the city of Qaet etato.. However, there temained yet more than Ilse fixed 11111111)er, which is rermittlitto form a gnornm: - (.en. Santa Anttn was to leave Tehtmean on the 22,1 for(lneretam, We therefore may expect( soon to hear the news of the over throw of the r4nernmeld of Alexien. Senor Otein brought lot ward his proposi tion in the Mexican Cot.mess for deprivim2 (he Executive oh the lamer to itlienate'nuy part of the territo v of the Republic by a' treaty of peace The pi - al - 10,40mi was re jected by a Jame majority, which is deemed a favorable omen, Later from Santa re, The Si. bolls papers have intelligence imm Santa Fe to the 20th October. Several officers had aniocd at that place ht fine health. They report that 1600 norms, will' 12 pieces of artillery. haul marched against Chihuahua, and that they had met with Mice companies on the road. where they had halted, to mile. below AlbUquesque, await , jog reinforcements. The Mexicans were concentrating at El !lasso. and nor army will be wrongly resis ted at Chilmalina. The A merican ...com mand 'tad suffered vet y much from cold and iinti4er Col. Gilpin , had arrived at Santa Fe with his battalion. Ile met Col. Price at IViilll44, Mills. Gen. P. exected le arrive at Santa he by the 1:4 of December. Ito Has. 01 138'males in the Connecticut State Pri son. 84 declare intemperance to be the eatit , e nt their present confinement and degreda The Hon. Josiah Quiney ryas, oii Alonirty last, re...elected Mayo, ol the City ul Ipurtop, Anti-Tempctillire people made n gleterodued effort to defeat An eller( is to be made 111tritig the pieseet ses,ion. to iitilitee ( . 6tgriii , to pu•enat,c: the Mount Vernciii (state. Judnoe Ntr.t., of- Deka . aro county, (nee of Gov: Spunk's 4miges,) has decided thtirgens utile receipts for the paymem of motley cam not be given in evidence, unless accompa nied by proof that the motley was vaiii So says the nefewara c..unty Repoblwan. 1 he Legislature of Winona mot at India nanolis on thelith heti. Whig officers were glio-1:u in the Senate in emr,equeoee 01. the 'abseetwe of some Loetifoe° members; in the Hotis'e, Mr, W. A Porter, of Harrison conpty, was ehoben Spealter,amt all the mbere(licers we. re 1V "Cherish. true religion as Precisely t.s you will Dv With abhorrence told contempt from supe,istdien and enthusiasm. .The first is, the perfection and glory of the human nattire Ontlw . o.last the .deprivation .and thsgraCe, on,trial in Hboostlnle ) Pa:.. ler The :nuttier 0111re:'AVillintnerlast.suinmei, , While ' BIIB`..WIIS'OIi -her way•• to. etteretc, , hoe been founti:geitty of 'murder-in the tirst.','de; . ' , tree. • 1 • The ciinatitittion, olk lfie.liejionlio 'or 'Wm' 'ria'will'hot li4:'whjyy_rneti AO..yeii_ariVe oil i.- 4:61. 7 .:;111 - ti ',beeiii . emare 416(6'1 . 41in - 6.1 tO'he 'equal to their colorless friends in Amer. wti Yining thati Uairicit JOsejih'Pilibp, from 1;00(81 , 01e: loll" 'dead at N'at; Orleatts i n the 7th itlnl . ~, plpy,ing 4 g mad 'Of. billiards, 'A iy.:,po euly. 9 l'lllo, heart the eunie: ' :•.;a• . itatitle",triari;trupt um, .who recent ly passed through ' flagerstosiitt, • states. that the National:J . o'4l... ttaii 'coyprea -Ickr 44.04)1 . 9,4- ; witti rog6 , . „ Gliew - absuril id 'avarice in 'an old man ! It is, luau gauping rummy tinxioritty id i gethertO•pavo - 11i8 wropikes,,idier lie has' Or : ti ; thp 'end o 1 ,the yoad?! . .. e The lion. Simon letlPO•Staiiitis; Printinoi,kiiikii over vh~gli' strptehes the:word ',!,,ii.-,l ily o.i4`,?lqilloll"Y 416 art and.6lierit4os:o4zWin , f49.,,ir Au f ( "k„P il 'int!ilg 40 1 0hAr illa :arrowUprlocriotoo:t„Obi/tA PO of io taf:oo SEE COM iTTE •" , " e brit 4•:! , :toustis • s, • • ' 4 4. re._:ani uricfltitlow--Tuest4y,-10(;!,- 4 -T Chair,mpi of :thei.principal r Stainling Coin folloWs:: • ~OMForeign( R elatiens—Mr. Sevier, of Xr 'knitsas. • Finance—Mr. Hampshire. Commerce-4D. Dix, of New folk. Military Aflairs—Mr. Cass, of - Michigan. In the House, the Chairmen of the most important ComMiftees,are as follows,: NVays and Mean's—Mr. Vinton, - ol Ohib. Foreign Relations—Mr. Smith, of Conti. Manufactures—MrVStewart, of Pa. • •••• Military Affairs,-Mr. lions ; of Va. -Jutliciary-Mr. J. R. Ingersoll, of Pa. • THE MEXICAN WAR. he subject of the'Way-luts-becetne-Mread a part bribe proceedings of Congiess, both ' in the Senate and the house, but it is not -probable- there will -be much debate until after the holidays have . passed. The resolu tions which. hhve been introduced will, how ! ever, contribute to form opinions, arid induce organization of action, so that when the dis cussion is tinily entered upon, there will rhave been.M•nple preparation: Senator DICKENEION, of New York, as the • month-piece of the President, makes the fol lowitig, startling proposition.: That.,in-orgOifling a Territorial government for 'Pehritoiles belougno , to the United States, the principles of selfTgovern 'Orient open which our federative, system. rests milli be best promoted,. the tine spirit and meaning al th e Cenitiamitif be observed, and the cotileileracy screligthened ) by lam , ing all questions coneenting the domestic policy therein to the Legisiatutes chosen by the people'lliereol. Resolved, That true policy requires the government 01 the Utiited Suites to stittigthi , en its political and cotton ercud relations imoit this continent, by the annexation' of such contiguous territory as may conduce to that end. and can be_lostly eltaitied4_and Mui r neither in suck rivisinsitiati nor in the territb rnil thereof; coo ally road Mons be constinitionelly imposed, or institutions be ptovitied ifoi or established., inconsistent wiili the lights of the people, thereof to lorm Fee sovereign State, with the poteem and privileg,es• (f the original members ij the confer! , entry. • Senator CA 1.140 UN has spoken for the coon= try ill dirt followingf /?esoft.tc , /, That fo rotwittot Mexico ; and to hold it either as a twoviiice or to Mem polare it in the Uniott, would be inconsistent a ith the itvowed ollect for which itte war has been prosecuted, at alepatinm from the set tled policy of the government, in scintilla - , with its character and geidutz; and in the end subversive of our lace and .political insti)u• nuns. Resolved,. That no line of polity in the fur ther prosecution tat tht! *to should be throttled "a^ltieli"nitty 'to •ImilSetpielices so iris aslttllJSt lii the . House of Represimilitivtss, Mr. 1101,St ga t of South Carolina, has' itittoduced a resolution declaring., in substance, the inex pediency 'of extinguishing the inifintiality et Mexivo, nod declaring :t C pet! iellt 10 Ic cede till territory beyond the Rio Grande, on condition n 1 free ingress and egress lair :tun citizens int.. New Aleviro and Califittnia, and our vessels into the ports- ( : ),1 Mexico. reciprocal ptivileges u, tradc, mid the priv.- lege of consirneting ItailmatlS to San Diego alid any towns it, New 111exico amid Cal.- torn ht. Alr. Scut:sr:lyd Ohio, has at:) introduced resolutions. They are attaitist the di