Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 15, 1847, Image 4

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... -
---aaIICE-in-thc-South-West- angleolthe public,
'Square ; back ° of the Court-Rouse
-- ire - It - Dollar and - Tiny:cents nyear ta ADVA2IOIR.----
two Dollars, if paid within the year.
ono Dollar for six months.
Thew terms will be rigidly adhorod to.
hdrenteerhents, making littnen lines dr loos, brit be
'charged at the rate of Fifty cents for one insertion,--•
twee time. for One Dollar, and twenty-ilve cents for
~ •rt
e csair r a g b a s d a i t i l t u t e i n ,
e t
f ix o T i ro ve r g t. t. N te re e arly.nd rer tint a ty ... ifl
line Column, with the paper, for one year, . - 625
'Hallo column, do. . do. - Ma
---Two-Aquarea r tv-ith.ntatirtartycttanges, lt
inusineen Cards, With the paper, -,, ton
t hat as Handbllle, Alanics,tirculars and evecyoth
r description of Printing,Artecmted itunsomely ea
' e a pediosly and at the ILOAVFASt PRICES.
4' --
Dr.. Wood's St . ergaparilit
Wild Cherry. Bitters.
,i RE an Infallible Medreme for Dyspepsia or
-.4ll.._lndigestism,..BD universal complaint, Head
aelie , Depression of v pi Kits,j'i ni pies iWrI Poston's
.on the face, Habitual ,Costiveness, Rheumatism,
Affections Odle . Bladder mid Eichim s. Bilious
Fevers. It- is a perfect preventative of Bilious
and Western Fe, vrs; and the best remedy ever
'used in restoring the patient; after bring peostrct
, .ted by Fever, &e. Erysipelas, Enlargement of
the Bones, -Fever and Ague, Flatulency, Foul
ness of Complegion, General Deirility , tor geol.!.
rat protittittinn, caused by, disease, medicine, or
' indiscretions committed hi youth,ablarrition of
; mind,confusion of ideas, loss of niemnry ,dimness
of vision, a hopeless expression f countenance;
• and for this class ofilisease gene Ily,thistriedi ,
-ohne hatmeverhail , its- equal.. out, Giddiness,
tirsirelAntpure Blood; Jatmilic I Loss of Arnie..
i i , tile; Lira. l•iinplitint; Leprosy; Looseness.
eradicate entirely, ill the effects of Mercury in
finitely sooner than any other medicine. Night
' t weats; nervous. Debility; Nervous Complaints
Of titi kinds; Neuralgia; Organic Affections. Pal-
Vitation of the Heart; Painter's Cholic. 'Pains,
in the ...tad, aide, back; limbs, joints and Organs;
Rush (blood to the head; Zciirstr; Zak Rheum;
Zwel 3g; sick Headache; ttifiliess of the Joints;
Zcorbsta or King's Evil; Syphilis in its worst
. fritlirs; Ulcers of every description, sod the Ery
"sipelas; Exposure and Imprudence in Lite, •
, FEMA LE - COM PA I N L.TS—.Litilesi of pale
complexion and consumptive habit soma' stick as
are debilitatki by those obstructions •whick re..
lIIRICS are liable to, at restciri dby the use of a
bottle or two to bloom and rigor. It is by far
eke best reniedy nyer ilisetiVered for weakly elifir,
dren, and such as have hail humors, being plea- .
' - santAltey readily take it. It immediately restores
be appetite, strength and color. ' '
Nothing can be more surprising than its invig
tending divots on the human frame. Persona,llll
weakness and lassitude heroic taking it, Ist once
become robust and full of energy wider its influ
ence. It immediately counteracts the nerveless ,
ofas of the human frame, which is the great cause
barrenness. •
The following are some of the certificates and
complimentary notices that have been receited
lay theproprintdr ,of the ef fi cacy of this medicines
NH.. Philip Wilcox, of, the well known firm of
-- -Willcox bt-In i elimondi shipwrights, of New_ Ben-
Turd, was entirely cured ors confirmed canker of
the stomach, throat and mouth, with lime lips
usually accompanying this disease, and his gene
ral health much improved by clause 'of only one
bottle. Mr. Wilcox has. suffered severely for a
number ofyears - With this ilisease, - and attributes
his core entirely to the use Mille linters.
Col. John Doylies, Deputy£ of Bristol
county, Mats., has voluntarily MA tified thid lie
was eured bythe Ilit:temorJaiinelice,Bitligestion,
ileadache and Vertigo.
Col. Giblia, of Zand wWI , teillifies iliac several
persons in Bait town, well known in him, hoc
been benefitted by the use of.the Dittersomil in
every case they have given the most perfect satin
. 'faction.
.D. R. Perkins, Esq. Attorney at Law, 01 New
Itedford, was oured of an unpleasant eruption or
the face, by the use of the Bitters.
[From the Daily Evening But letinl
It is not our custom to puff Patent. Medicines
villein we know them to be really excellent.—
slaving ourselves a knowledge of Dr. Wood s
Sarsaptifilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, and have
4 ngse'reryl friends who :lave been benofitted by
their use, we do not hesitate to recommend them
lathe public. Both Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher r y
are articles of established reputation. in the tried
. feel world, and this prepnration is made, with
greatjalare and ippenrs to combine all the meili
einalqualities Jr both in an un tsual manner. For
sale •by the proprietor, E. Thornton, Jr. Water
street, and by the Druggists generally. Any one
angering from diseases of the 1)10A, indigestion,
or headache, Would do well to give these Bitters
a trial.
' Prepared by 1;. Thoritton, Jr. Sold Whole
sale and Retail by Wvarr & Erre lIASS, 121 VW!
ton street, New York; SA NI DEL ELLIOT I',
Carlisle, and Druggists generally throughout the I
United States. Price Is, large bottles. I
December 2. 1840. . I
Dr. Keeler's Vegetable Panacea.
• For the•removai and permanent cure of
all diseases, arising from an impure
state of the Blood and habit of the,
body, viz, Chronic affections of the
cheat, Chronit Pleurisy, Bran
chitis, Catarrh etc. Serenity'
in all its stages, Toter,
scald-head, Cutaneous af
!inflow; of the face and
i"xtremities ; Chronic lie
• patio - diseases, Chronic-
R.heumatiani,Cliforitc Enlarge
ments of the ligaments and Joints
White Swellings, Siphilis; Siphilitit
affections, Mercurial and hereditary pre
dispositions and constitutional disorders, etc
Among all of the various Medicinal produce
tions that sclence has discovered and art pre•
pared for the alleViatien of human suffering
from disease that arises from a vitiated condi
tion of the Blood and organs of nutrition, fore
meet stands the PANACEA. Where ether
remedies hava failed to destroy the essential
principle:of disease, as it was worming its
mole-like way int - tithe deep Biases of bo
dy and undermining the folindetione of Health,
Dile remedy pervading every tissue, organ and
,part of the body has by its powerful alterative
influence uprooted 'every vestige of disease in
the system. As the genial rays of a Vernal
sun, infuses new Life in the vegetable world,
so does the Panacea invigorate the debilitated
and slaty ; and as tie* life fresh and blooming
spring. up from the parched . earth after copi
ous showers, ao does health fellow the foot
eteps, of this natures great remedy. • •
Prepared and sold Cor.3d end South streets
Philadelphia. Sold _wholesale and retail by
.SAMUEL ELLIOT, Carlisle, Dr. M'Pherson
Harrisburg; and,hy druggists and Merchant
brow/trt the Counts.
nealth =ode easy for the people
, 'or "Physical Tratntng,to make their Lives
in this IVor Long and hippy, by Me
author of "Education: As It Is,
First mertealt Ed i t i on,`
, • with Addlions
tieing an elementary and interes:t ing trttise on
belt' .Knowledge. Containing short and cuter
tnining articles on, .
t o ood, • -Ileart, • Mantle, Shiflett.
. Eating, . - Stomach, -Nerves, 'lnaction, ,
Old age,
'•• Lungs,
. • Mind, Man, •
Secretions '•• Arteries,.„. Bennet,,:Woman,, ,
e. -- .l3lseasse,
' Together. with :the Great. Secret—Success hi
Lire hovattatned--How' Good, Causes'and
Erects of Erroe, Hablts; - Passions,:'Wotnan des
ertbediMan,-,desoribed.,MlLlAlErrersiltich 'and
'Pooe,,Sdien;Yirtuvicad,V.leavitouthrid,E trorp ,
',Nlrotnaltiluivr;rende daticatte;WonisiiiPit'Vli ties;
The *bola' deetthed'reiti the noble
,eiatending educmitin : Among s t: A b e
knowledge op . hhe
: : ,-, 7 • l 4lysldi aid ;Or AO ; h4man,;,(inniti; and - ,the - :111 - iss
•,Tialtlehigarein itientick arid tselly,fienAlf, inee
.--•• 'aendlitt2s; cicala; nnaleoed
4,/et‘eif receive °anthill b mom, •04' five
be, Gent 4 41. Andreas'postage
4.,-. 6 .A14111 1 011,bi r .,`," 1 0 ! "; 0001111,11 ( I p:*.A nk ,
- DATIL. ot sib .itie 11, aen Pine
,r i 1 Lamps
tr, ui tte
le r, • '1 P.905'; all ,
:i,fac;:, • . ••• - 7.?",
The 'Grew English Reinedy:
Dr= Barbelos iniame_ift
• 20121 • 2101240200
privThis most \Minable &TIM obaitiohlas been
11,--tnied-wlth-wonderfifl-suacess-imikiteure ,
of some of the most troublesome diseases with
wlticli the hornet; affected, (without destroying
tire -hair) such as old strains, swellings, stiff ,
mom of joints, galls produced by4he collar and
saddle, strains of the shoulder's; stifle, I t oor.
pastern and man joints, strains of the whirl.
bone, Wee, and fetlock, poll evil, fistulas, '
• myths, splints, spavin, windgalle, puffs, dce.:
It very soon cores old or Iresh wounds, cuts,
bruises • fistulas, loll:evil, marbs,•ete., and gives
instant re to in t re aerate ws, grease, e c.,an.
the discares incident to Warns 'leering white
feet end noses produced ny St John's Wort,
which en often destroys the-hoofs and bones of
the feet, and resists the action of sulphur anti
vitriol ointments, and otleT• remedies equally
powerful. •
No application has lierntoforc proved as
medial in relaying stiffness of the tendone and
joints, and producing such immediate and
beneficial effects in cracked lucid; brought on
This Embreertiotris highly recommended to
furriers, keepers of livery etableti, wagoners,
stage proprietors, and private gent:adeen own
ing - horses, as an invaluable remedy, and
.be constantly kept in their stables.
Also farmers, whose horsetrare an fiptelc-to
hicks, cuts .and wunndi,. will find it equally
advantageous to keep. it constantly on hands—
It is equally beneficial in the treatment of
working cattle, for galls, 'sore necks, cuts,
wounds, etc.
For onle in Catlisle 6y Dr. JOHN J MY—
ERS, s.oleAgont. •
inll2l , :1847.
To the Citizens of. - Cumberisnd Co.
" There is something mote precious Bean
• Gold or Diamonds-.-HEA
y I DALE are some diseii . ses that visit us at . ides
ted sensors of the year, and which not tare
- quendy begome alarmingly final, during (lie sm
eller and Atom:. months ; especially the young;
there hieing not less than seventy thous' nil dying
annually with derangements of the stomach and
bowels alone. Hoes not every feeling-of our tin
(lire become enlisteiLin the human desire to les
sen this frightful mot talky, arc we not bound by
every principle el religion to administer relief
when itt our (rower; am! we discharge our luty
when we point out the greatest remedy ever yet
discovered, for this purpose,to the public. If
there be one, or if they have II friend, or a child,
or a neighbor, who may chance to resit this no
tice. that is suffering with Diarrhoea, Dysentisry,
Cholcra Morin's, Summer Complaints, 011ie,
Plidulency, &c., then let them try Dr. Kee
let's Cordial soil ibirtninative, and we guarantee
a speedy cure.
Lancaster Co., Nerville, Bev. 11.1'846.
Dr. Keeler--S °toed me last s 1111 l nice y our agent
left me sonic &yogis luting cordial and Carmin
atite, urging me to try it. It tor happened that
bad a case, a young child about:silt months old,
whose stomach awl bowels were in a sera disor
dered condition, caused by a deficiency of its
mother's milk. The child was a mere skeleton,
there was much amble, tenezmus and constant
evacuations. t atiminisittrrd every= I
could think IW, will but 11 slight alleviation ot the
complaint. I then thought of giving your melt'
cue 'at trial commencing with small days. a
-son,, however perceived the child could hear
full dose as recommended he directions; before
it had taken balls bottle, the stomach and imai r
els had recovered their nyitUral tone, every othe
bpd symptom yielded, emir he child rapidly re-
I have no hesitation in saying that your medi
cine is the very best for the filmye complaints'
have administered in a 21 years' practice.
Very respectfully, ymir •
H. It.'BOW3IAN, M. n.
Prepared corner of 3.1 and S auth streets, rhil
ailelphia. ?or ssle.wholesale acid SAst
ust. Et.surr, Carlisle; Dr. Nlclilierson,
Imre ; and by Druggists and Merchants through
out the editiltv.
July 21, 114.7.--6 m.
An Appoved Remedy n Dli.gpepsil,
two reasons why 'this medi
- be recommended to the public.
— on 4s, t hat most persons who have so iglu
it buy itagain, thereby showing that they re
gard it as a valuable Family medicine; the
other is that certificates are in the possession
ofthe Proprietot of permanent cures having
been effected not only in persons btll icted for a
short time, but also in cases of long standing
It is composed altogether of a vegetable
matter, is perfectly harmless. can, be taken at
all times, and is no hindrance to business. It
restores and revives the animulspirits, cleanses
the stomach from all morbid humors which
cause indigestion and acidities. It also re
moves nervous tremors, rhumatic polo,, and
prevents their return; cures colig i ol . the''
stomachs and bowelsoilmost immediately takes
away palpitation of the heart, and promotes
the free cireulatiorflif the blood.
'The direction acciimprinving each b
contains a number of certificates one of which
is given in this advertisement.
Dien Set :—about two years ago I was se
.verely: 'Mimed with Aspepsia, which I had
for the tact fifteen years previous to the above
named time, which was very much increases
by my having a blond vessel ruptured upon my
lungs, occasioned by li ft ing—which inereabed
my complaint, dispepsia and general debility
and weakness, to such a decree, that two or
three years previous to my using the Garle.
gant's Balsam, I never ate a meal but my
stomach became so painful that I had itnmedi.
only to throw it up. SeeineGarlegant'e Bal
sam advertised I was induced to try a bottle;
after taken the very first dose it appeared to
eirengthen my stomach; and every dose of tit i
first bottle helped me so much that to the
course of a few days my atotnach; began to
retain and digest every thing I ate. I confined
to use the Balsam. until I Used several bottles,
which cured me entirely, and restored me to
perfimt health, which I have enjoyed ever since,
and net before for fifteen years. I cheerfully
tieominend it to all persons who are aictedfll
with dispepain or dibility ofstomach.
• Prepared and sold by the Proprietor, JOHN
13,-MlLbEll,oppositethe - Markalinuse;Yeed.
crtcb, Md, and by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, sole
men; for Carlisle.
March 10, 1847.
• TO Country PltysicianS•
DR. MYSIIS has Just received in addition
to his former stock, a large assortment
eure and fresh—among-mlich are all the re.
ent popular preparations of the Profession,
which Ito will sell- on as} good terms as any
astabllshmenvput of Philadelphia.
03. Physicians are requested to °famine for
itly 7, 1847.
:., • II r Agofiefitics emit oilier:.
CUST received at: Dr. Myers" Ding Afore, n
eboleoarlieli or Black Tea, for inealidd
and dyapeirllea . . M ap Old and Young nylon,
Gunnoliderand Imperial.
July 2801517, • - .
Oheau - Atra and i tambllna—_____
. .
T iecelred, a li!ige. Beritinent o f l ow
vr, ced Gleoir 'Jars and Tumblers; suilablo
for tho'preoorrlng 'mtion. For Rile br
:i..I.IIYERS, -
MalkStreol . •
LT0718 1 1847.:
.. . ...
r .TONS Pities; 0 rovp COAL-40016ns
'.' -Wiksbarree Coo-400 tons Limo burners
•:. a .I.BOQO' bin; Bitgrninbuis Cqul. : ' •
';'• - •." 7?.. .'"fiiiTiiillit tiy:.• • T . •- , • . - , r, - ; . •
'''. ' - •':... •
~ ;•• ' ~•''.- .•,• PUNK at. MILLEIL ;, •
41 iiiii!:Trii - ,l'Fiii;!..'tpl7.
.. •• • .. . .: .•' • -
: 00
'friteh Itilede" - et the
4 .N • E W' t i til tglitertrrPftain..Yrest Iligh
'liiviAt;'4 ll ihnifeir:e'lill.": 4 ll.7obleeeheClif e,e ih te
Ci g li c ioei : Tl 44 l l o ;CheakoigosfeoN(teeei ne
j. 01CARMOttir.
'6olille s July 7047;
~- . .,, . .i,`:,i:',!.:,- ) -i;, : ;.J.!•,- , .1.'.', -. ::',- .,, '
'.., , ,!:;',., , ,.' , ,,',L!, , ',.:.: , ':.ii';..:', •-:,:
111 r
uuderltheAlirection of ‘the 'Following board of
.Milicr, Prcsidegt; Samuel Galbraith, V..jcis Pre=
.sident; David W. MaCullough,:Treasuvert A. l
G. SI James Weak leY ,John T.
Griew. John Zug, Abraham King. Diehard
Words, Siiinuel' Illastoi., William Veal, :icon
Coyle, Alexander DAyidson, Theilt• are also a
number of Agents appointed in the adjacent
counties, who•will receive applicatuw for in
surance 411 M IMM•ard them inintediattdy fdr-up
proval I. the office °film Company,when the pol
icy will he issued without delay. For hirther
•Mortuation see
,IA. G. Mit n,See7y.
The following gentlemen have been umminted
1.. Williams, Esq., AVestpenitsboro,-Gen
era 1 Agunt.
. .A. Coyle, Carlisle, ~
Dr. Ira Illay(Mezitanitsburg.
Ineorge Brindle, Esq., Monroe.
Jos. M. Means,Esq. Newburg. ^
• John Clendtcnin, Esq. Hogestown.
St_ephen CAlkeet_son.adinaensblirg.
eptember 29, 1/47
Charter Perpetual.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid 4
Office 169 i chemist street.
MAKEINSUII ANCE,eitherpermanentorlim
ited,aiaihst loss or damage by firciooPßOPEirrit
end EFFECTS of every description, hi town or
. Comitry,on the most reasonable terms. Applica
tions made eilljer personally or by lettir, will be
promptly atteeided to.
Cu N. BANCE.EIi. Prest,
• Rates; orbs' ur . ;lice Reduced !
ETU.4I. 111,8 k.
Brick or Stone threltingsor stores
from 2i to 5 p c depos
111.1 do Churches . 25 to S do •
titi do Taverna S to 4. do
do do Itar r as . 4 to $ do"
do do Stables (prisste) .4 to do
do do Stables (public) 6to 71 do
do do Grist Mills, Water,
Povier, to 10 do
Brick or Stone dwellings and Fur
niture from _ 20 to 40e sloo' rattle
do do Stores and Merchaii,
dize 35 to 50 do
do do Taverni andFuroiture
40 to 60 do
do do Barns and Contents
65 to 75 - do .
• do do Stables (italic)
100 - to 150 de
de do Grist min and Stock
75 to 80 do
Frame and Loganening' and Fur
niture 60 to 75
do . do 5 ores amt Itlrthnn
dire 65 to 85 do
do do ravernsand Furniture
Cr() to IVO do
do do 'Barns and Contents
90 to 100 do
do do Grist Mills and Stock
90 to 100 . do ''
The substrlber is WO Inn the ahivreentripany
for Carlisle anti its vicinity. All a pp! ication s for
assurance either by mod or personally svill be
promptly attended to W. I). SEYMOUR.
June 12. I ' ' It'-AS
1 PHILADEItiP 11 lA,
On the Mutual Insuanee pii iple. annbined
with a loge joint-stork (rya el.
educed lu nearly hay the usual ales.
T) V the Act of Incorporation the stock in
.1/ pledged dn. the payment of any losses
which the Company may sustain. And as an
additional' security to the assured, the act re
quires that the profile of the .busihemahall be
funded and rrourin with the corporation, as a
guarantne-and protection to the insured against
loss. This fund will be represented by scrip
issued by the Company, bearing interest not ex.•
ceeding six per cent. per annum. The insured
arc entitled to a pro rata share ofthe profile of
the Company, and will receive that proportion
of the aforesaid fiind in scrip, widen the
amount of earned premiums paid by lain, bears
to the total sum of earned premiums and capital
The scrip thus issued, to be transferable on
. the books of the Company as stock.
No dividend of scrip can be made when
the losses and expenses exceed the amount of
earned premiums.
The insured arc protected from loss at the
enstmunry rates of premiums, without tiny,
individual liability or .reeponsibility for the'
losses or expanses
,of the Corporation. Tho
assured have all the rights of membership,—
can vote at all elections, and are eligible as
Directors of the Corporation.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for
ibis Company, and as the motiml principle
superseding every other mode of Insurance,
to would conlidentlyrecommend it to his frielidsi
and the public.
The North American Company has close
their Agency. Those basing policies expirine
in [hat office can hare them renewed in th
Delaware Company on much mere fasorabln
-For full particulars enquirer either by letter
or prrson to JOHN J. MYERS.
Carlisle. September 10. 1845.-1 y.
PtlE Allen and hnstpennshorciugh Mutual Firc
Insurance CompanyofCuntherland Comity l in*
corpioned by an act of Assembly, is now billy or*
ganized,and in operation tinder the management of
toe following commissioners, vin
Clit.Stay man,Jacob Slielly,W mil Gorgas,Levriii
I lyer, Christian Titzel,Michnel , Hooverinepry
Logap,Alithael Cocklin, Bertiami n H-Musser z Levi
Merkel,.Jacob Kirk,Melchior Itreneinamind bam,l
Premed, who respectlidly will the attention of the
citizeni ofCumberland and York countlesto the itd*
vantages which the company hold out.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
as any Company attic kind in the Sinn Persons
wishing to become members are hinted. to make
application to the agents of the company who are
willing to wait upon them at any time.
Abell/in littoWnt, Vice President.
Lewi* Ayer, Senitary.
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer.
llnover,General Agent,Meciumicsburg.
Rudolph Martin, N. Gumberland township.
M. Conklin, Allen township.
Win It Dorgan Allen township.
Christian Titzel,A lien township.
Johr C Dunlap, Alien township.
Peter Ilarnliart,Kast l'ennsboro'township.
Darid Martin,Chnrchttown.
C. It. Harmon, Kingstown,
Jleary Zearing. Shiremanstown,
Simon Oyster, Wormleysburg,' •
Dr: Jacob Baughman; Cariiele,
Jacob Klrk,Getirra I Agentfor•Ycrk County ,K
Cumberland P. 0 .....
Ifenry I.ogan,York county.
•. .
John herr iek. Yorli.connti. • • -••
John Ilankki; York county. •
Daniel Bally, York county. •
J. Bowman', York comity.- •
PhlliP - Breckbillieumberlanii-cohntt.- '
Robert C. Sterrett S. Middleton totimardp. ,
caCtheragents will Sc added Ist:refiner .
. _
Choice Chanting- and Smoking
'AV, ON SI ST4 NO of Titomoe',corebrated
Li. Wipe Bra n Cavendish,Luscious
ery do; 'A five - brand of tongressfives, La,
dioe•Twist, and Spiked '.tisinuth's celebrated
Ralik° end - coarse,'_Maccaboy. - and _pannces.
llappee Beare, ,
Splendid lrlantathikVequeroa, La, Victoila;
Primavera. La
.Cabanai Principearcitaretle
and. other Choice brand. Of; kit'llti4
together 'with ' Regailtr.-.Cnba''itrd
ited.Helf-Brenialki &Ore oLitie Kat
imported end AmerleoW,leld Toicienn'rs...9ol 'at
iela the subseriber le'.onpared ts eell:en "fait
cannitAeow whci met eboole.. , if:glee ; htrn„tt,
- •
d .
as »x
:Met atreei;Cnitali.f:
le. ; S.
..:; ',,
',- - ..'.A4 . tig‘
° J. . time 'purges, purifies, anuLittengthenif',thef
tystom. , Dr. Le. lloy's Pill lire a new nie'lleisie
filch has just appeared, nod Is fast taking the
pillitire composed of many ingredients, bat the
two principal ntes are , Sarimpartlfu:and Wild'
Chsrry, so united that they WM tagethiir f - the'one
through its admixture with other sulnitatieesi pu
rifying and ',urging, while the otheils strength
ening the system. 'I those pills arc at the
same time, tnnio end opening; desideratum
long and eagerly soUght far by medical men, hut
siieverlreroire diltenVered. In other Irordtv they tin
the work or two medicines, nun do I trim& bet- .
ter tlinivriv two- we know or: - ror they remove
t•tng Ire—' - ^ system but the mum., ics-W,
lothing from the sys em but the impurifiUcTa
that while they purge they ztrengthen,autlience
they cause ito;tichilitstion, and are follotleirlif
no reaction. Afr. itoy's have a wonder
ill influence-on the blood: they not only purily
without weakening it, but they remove all ores
' ious particles Iran the Chyle before it is conve
ped into fluid, tOul tints make impli‘re blood an '
utter Impossibility. As there is no debilitation,
so there is no nausea or sickness attending the
operatiuts of tidal most excellent of medicines,
which never strains or tortut•es the iligastie fuse
twat mapper; and hence .pnrsolis taken them do
not.b.ecome pale mill eniaciated,bht the contrary,
fi r„ot bile it lathe proptrty of the Sarsaparilla,
Unitethas it is with other ingredients,, to remove
all - trios is foreign and impure, it is equally the
tie'rhi'erty oldie Wild Cherry to retain all flint is
- natural and 'sound ; and hence-'a robust state of
health is the Certain result or their united opera.'
For sale in CArli4le by J. Myers, sole
.lent, and by Eaby and in.glinVatown.
geierd'e box 93 cis. . • •
• earful Feb 101847.
IT tins pow e to coosc all .exiernal SORES,
.POISONOUS OUNDS, to discharge ticeir put
trld matteEs, and then heads them.
• It is rightly termed All-loading, for there is
scsircely•ii disease. t•it it' re... I or internal, (list i
will not benefit. I have used . 1 for die last four
teen years for all diseases a the chest, colisumb.
(ion and liver, involving the utmost thinger and
responsibility, and I before nod
1111111, 1 114lt not one single case Intl it tidied to heti
ell( When the patient was within Ibe of
mortal ineAtt. .
I have, liatTOlyiv,ciatis learned in die profession.
I have had ministers of the Goipcl,JudgeS of the
bench, Aldermen, Al wyvre. gentlemen of the
highest erudition, untl.mnltiottles i•r the poor use
it in every variety of, way and there hits been Intl
0110 voice--owe unite . asal ing, Nit:-
Allister, your Ointment is GOOD."
CONSUMPTION..-At cast hardlt be credited
that a salve can !Live thy effect upn. die lungs
seated as they-ate within the as stem. Ilut,-if
placed upon the chest, it penetrates to the lungs
sdparates the Poisonous particles that tire consu
ming them, mid expels them loin the sy
Item: -
ft is Curing persons of Cousumpticin continually.
141'1AI/A CIIE.---The salve has cured Vert - ma
of the headache of Pt year's Stan ding. and who,
had it nigular every week so that 'vomiting often
took Once. •
Deaness. aml.Ear Aike atr. helped %Oil'. like
ItHEIJNIATISNI,- - -It - ertnoves almost imme
diately the iiillnifintion mid swelling when the
pain ceases. Rend the direction around the hot,
COLD FEI!7f.---Consuniptioii r Liver Com
plaint, pain in the :hest or side. fallihg off of the
hair one or the other always 3ICCOIllpil hies cold
feet. (This ointment is the true remedy.) it is
a sure sign of disea.c to have cold fret.
Iti scrofula, old sores, ....rysipelas, minimum,
liver complainksore cies, 1111.11SV. sore thrust,
bronchitis, !woken or sore,,ltreasdkiles, all chest
'diseases such an Albino u oppressions,
sore lips, chapped bands, to more, ell timeott 8 emir •
twits. tierviitt diseases and' or-the vim:, there is
no medicine now known cc good.
VLD HEAD:--We have rutted rnites t h at
actually defied every thing known, as well as the
ability of 15 or 10 'doctors.. Otte nom told as lie
had spent SSOU - on-his children without any bene
fit, when a few boxes of ointment. cured them.
BALDNIK.Y.S....It wit! ettnture the lutiv ganner
than an• other thing. •
I{QIfNS--1l to the Lent diing In the world for
Miens. ( the direel lobs around the box..
WORMS.--It will drive every vestige of them
There is prohnbly nn metheine on the face of
he earth at elite so Romani! so safe in the expul
sion or wortot.
COUNS.--Oeensionnl 111.1.` nl 11tr Otillturnl will
alwt9s keep 'Owns Irom growing. People . heed
never be Iroubied w• iili them ilthei will 115 e it.
PIi.ES.--Thottsasuls are yearly . cured by to
Ji% MKS MCAI,I,ISTiof. Et Co.
,',,le propri e tors of th e :11)0%e inedidne.
CAUTION --No OINTMKNT will he genii ,
Ile unless ;he names of James McAllister or
haloes AluAllisler .st. Co., are written with a pen
1111011 every label.
Sold by Samuel niliet, S. 11'. Itaverniink ftncl
1)r..1.. 1 . N/yers, in Car'isle, itz 1.. Ilrhrl , Me
chanicsburg; Siogiser tc. raid, Chu, cliioW . notild
John Oilier, Newcille.
AS A FURTHER -Ell/Int:110E
That the principle 01 caring disease by idcans
iug and purilvitih , the bully. in strictly in accor
dance with the lawn which govern the animal
economy J and if properly carried out by the use
WRIGHT'S tNotAN vErmt•Arsty. PILLS,
NVill certainly result in the complete alrilition of
disease t weoffer the following testimonials, front
persona of the highest respect obit dr•itt New Vora
who lutie - YeE.cie ly been - eared t t ihe most nbsti •
hate complahits, solely by the tise-of
Vegetable rills oldie North Ann:neon Col
lege of Heath.
rom Now York City.
DR. WM. NV 1110 lIT :—Detir Sir,— At your re
commendation, I some tilnc• some 'tondo trlsi of
Wright's Indian Vegelithic Pills, of the North
American College of Health, and can eonscienti
misty assert that for Porifving the blood and reit.
nesting the system, I have receivel more benefit
'trom their use than from any other medicine it has
heretofore been my good fortune to meet with.
I am, dear sit, with many thanks, yobs- obliged
friend, Cll A It I. ES M. TATE,
N0..61:i Itionnierily street, New Vork.
Front trartnorsing, N. Y.
licAft Sta,—l have been afflicted- for several
years with inward weakness and general debility,
accolopanied at'times with pain itiThe side and
other distressing complaints. After haring tried
various medicines without effect, I was persuaded
by a friend to make trial of Dr. Wright's ludino
Vegetable Pills, Which I pin happy to s ate have In Rmost wonderful manner. Hume
used the medicine as yet bid a short time, and
have no doubt, by a perseverepceshe t house oldie
medicine accordingto directions, that I shall In a
short time bilterfectly repah•ed.
. I mostiwillingly recommend said Pills to all
persons similarly afflicied,and in *befell belief
th a t the same: beneficial results will follew
use. •
• •• I remain, vonrs sincerely, . .
' ',. IiBNII.Y.A..FOOTE,
. i Warwsrsiog,.Uhner Co., New York.
13sttoote Or Cotrirranmstrs.--The IMblie aro,
cautioned ngiiinot the 111/111y sporiony medicines
which in ; order, to .tirceire, are eallmUlry- harems
sirMlar to 'Wright's toolitto•Yegmlahlo PHI& • •
,• ~. Qhsrles .ogilby, cartlephi. • •,,...-, • „' \• •
: - --- .1.0kn Coover, Meclwinicsbuig. -, • \
• ,Brpncinow Sr., rowcll f Now Cumberland.
•• • ' '.: limes Gllawitot rqwwvillof.,;', • •-• ••
; . .' • Altii,Cathcar4:Shoperdetwww,
• ' • ' -S -4 t• Coiletillog_eat _Own. ; .'l',.'n
Isaac Be - if - Ain iaboii, : : ".'" --,------- •••°-'—' 2
. - ''. Itiriti,iiiiitidl'a..wl, Ahtir . cillown, , , ~ :
•' . Johtiii.lih.kwiwo Mif fl in X itolds ,• '
. .
,Nclibwrg, , . A , . 0 - i., 7 '
°filo ".,Edevwted excluej . vely' , lip-filliO, - .sale of
l't*riklli it Didion Vegetable: Pills; whoiesareilirwl
tetiii I 9 ..RaeOStreet, lehiladelphini 288 (Immo
•oloolitrtit, Now Yot•k; and: t 98Trommit Strdet •
0. JOAO LE wit. 1 1 8411.11- •
Vlll , ll the beatjartlele: ever tliinfoire nal-;r6o -
polishing every ktnd
d ta :Glom Ware,' being superior; to ;rotten'
atonic ',lilting , EA,
.aa it Oradeeet the most bra- -
tont ataltaittrik pOl'as.h vary little labor,
ello!an.exeilleitt *Mole.* eleanainewinilova
,o,o t r tottiore;t;Vll&Americtiri alto.
gather rrce , fronCtusids oitrroditig tutisinneos
Isand therefore aaperior. to
• ttaed4'Ettrope: parson'tv4: hits .tteed, the
‘ll'belvi.lttiut , 12Ccelite+ per
titytifrty, t !.treiioto's itco+ purchase +to so u
attitqui supplied atlhtiiaitattlititarlog ogre
,tattyßailaiee; by.ealling at theitriig'atipre or •
--4..E/tfrickeoi! Vf/PAPi' carper
.15tn.; will find it Omit!) , to thei
eall.un the rubseriber, es lie is un
rent, nnel his other expenses Ate se
Anted - to - set I—GoothEWhnhesnle-nt
intycat prices 111 the cRY. They et
suited with ttriVett and 'the Viiry ‘ Chot
he offers of hcantilid
Ingrain a hi Vcnitiatt Corpotings,
and new styles and Olt Cloths of
out for roonvq•ltalls B:e., with a great ,variety 01
Ingrain Carpets front 25 to 50 cents, and Entry,
slid Stair Curpet a front tg to3o tents per yin;(l.
Also Resells 101 gs, Table and 'Piano Corers,
Rods, Rag and Cotton Carpet tug Ica :stti
II H. E.!..1)11111)(0.1
'herr 7-710fitilklitirr-ntoircr-thesnot
Rear ‘241 street,Philadelphia.
September 18.0 _
Sitre, Riddle, Screen Mal Wire Cloth Manufaa
tory, No. 48 North Front toreet r betweelt
Market and Arch .streets, Philaira.
rinHF. subscribers having made great improve
!. molts in the above business, are now,manu
factoring or a superior till i ly, al kinds of PLAIN
11114 ORNATMNTAL WINE .011 H. 81.101 or Sieves,
'Mitaenii - S‘irenesEge, ciTfTl I nt s o griiin,seet s,
sand,.ore,snuff,starch, brie. ust.&c.... Founders'
Sievetrof a superior quality constantly on band.
also Safes, Wire-Dish Covers, Sofa Springs.
Teillpd'WlFe for Spark Catchers &e.
• OviskmENfAr. Witte Cages,
Nursery -Fentleri, Garden tordering, Flower
Stands, Trainers, Trellis work for Grope Vines,
.Ste. Also Wire Fencing of every
17,0 Orders thankfully received. and promptly.
executed by • , IVATSON Fl COX.
Septemlier . l.l, 1847
it. 81k10118.
No. 70, South Third Street, nearly
. 9pposste. the.
ESPIXTF.I.7I.LY arniniiticc - to their friends
anti the public that they are constantly pre
pared, to snake to order; ol r the finest and best
ttlaterialsointi at nnstiessite. prices, every article
of ^Fashiotrable Clothing constituting tt Gentle
man's 'Wardrobe, for which their complete stock
of choise and carefully selected Cloths, Cnssi
!neves. Vest tags, Fs. ~ of die latest and most deed
rahle patterns, are particularly designed.
flieir own practical kilitivirilge of the business
and el - personal attention to every garment, enables
them to give entire satisfaction, and to both old
and iirw enitattiers they respectlidly tender an
invitation to give them
!laving been for years connected with some of
the bent and most fashionable establishments is
this country, en.ploying ante list first title work
; es, and bring in the constant receipt of the la
test fashiens nod best stiles of„goodv. they are
fully prephreil to accommodate customers in the
best manner.
l'hilinle'phia A iigust 18,1347—fim0
THE Subscriber, of the late firm of Hock dr.
Moore % talirr this method of informing
his friends and the public in general, that lie
has . bought nut the interest of S L Bock, at tie
old established CLOTIEING STAN D, No. 2.14
-A I nrket Street; Philadelphitirand- is now - pre ,
pared to furnish till kinds of, leady—insde
CLOTIIING,ut price which cannot but secure
to hint the patronage of all Who wish to par.
chase cheap clothing. I have splendid French
Cloth Dress and Frock Coats; fiom $5.51) to
l'nnts frnm•7s cents to $l; Vests from
62i cents to $1; suit of Summer Cloilthig for
$2,25. Also all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnish
ing -Goods at extremely low prices.
Wholesale, dealers-in Clothing would do well
to call at the ston3 of -
254 Matittt street, Philadelphia
'August 18,184/
. _
At the Philadelphia Daguerreotype Establish
meal, Exchange, Third Story Rooms, -
Nos. 44 and 17.
_ .
Tar. tirrlpliettlre contiouse to lake the above
Porlraiis in any nail St, le, anti ale !Ne n to
isrmosissee 111a1 they have mask several anlphote.
saunas which add very 1111 , C11 to the deli c a c y Ba d
bs lusty of Ilse onrirssits taken at their estalslislimeat
.111 exataissatious of Ppreillivili al their rooms is
respectfully solicited and Cveryesertion sill he
matte to give eistire ssuisfactioss
W. k F. I. k NCENIWINf,
Sole agents for tilt tale of VoigillsesalvVis
impalas, mut importers of plates, eliensicals,lke
Philapelphiss August 13,1847.
nc, WAY &KB EM L E,.37 N. Wharves
bylaw RoCe street, .drer for sale at thy'
LOWEST PRICES, all the articles s of the Oil
Trade. Their smile is varied and extemive,
and they feel confident of giving satisfaction
to those who call. They have now on hand
Pure Sperm Oil, White Winter and Fal
Oils of differeni qualities, Solar Oil, Winter'
pre..scd Lard Oil, Winter Elephant anti Whale
Oils, Relined, Rocked mid Common Whale
Oil, Tanners' Sperm Candles, Guann,
&c., &e,
Auglist Id 11.447.
N 11.—All goods delivered iu first rate order
July 7.1817.
Cheap Watches and Jewelryi
' AT thy Philadelphia Watch
. 1
s nb ec d on .I d ow s , l l . r , L oo S r i n u e re r , or 9 Q o North iiarri
, : Gold levet•Watelies,fulljt , .
„4„._.1.1, -4
..,,,....- -:, oiled, l 8 caret 3111 , 08 05 00
: 7,7. 4.41 , MAD.. Silver Lever Watches, •
full jewelled. 23 00
Silver Lever Watches seven jewels 18 00
Superior ,itarter Witt:hen 10 00
Imitation uerter Watches not tvorented . 00
Gold Spectacles - 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles;' _ 175
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones .."'"3 50
Ladies Gold PeOcils 16 corrals: 2 00
Gold Fi nines 37j ,cents to $B, Watch
Glasses phi 121 cents to 183; Lunct 25.
oil ier u pti C 8 in ptopottioh. .kll gouda wet=
ranted to ho what they era st,td lot.
On band spine gold and Silver Levers. Le
poles 'and quarticre lower than the above
prices. --- ""r"
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1847.
No 87 North Third Street,
celebrity of the Inks manufactured by the
subSerther,, and the extensive safes attbse•
fluent upon the high reputation which they Ihave
attliintti, not only throughout theAhthrtl States,
hitt In the West Milks mid In Chinn, has induced
Itim•to mike every nieesstiry arrangement !to
.supply the ilia demand upon establishniefit
Ile is nnw Prepared with etcry Variety of Slick,
Blueoutd red Inks,' Copying' Ink, Ithelible Ink,
and Ink :IthitSder, all prepared .under. ottn
-personal .thpermtendeuce, AM. that purchasers
may depend upon its auperior quality.:: • ,
• /110V.Elt'S JUNI:MA.I4'PN F. 'OE,MF.NI', , a.
'superiorartleln for Alentliiir Glass,•Cldna„clah-
Ellet Ware'. tof,':Useful . , to ,every:Housekeeper,
bet - Ilia-white easily'apPlied; and tiot•allec
tethby-ortlitthry Iteat—ivarratttyd., = •• , . • •'
{Kr piimohlets, ocmtaining the nurneroits testi
inonlaraot of - saiencei and, others, will: be.
to puteluisers. • , • • :•
Rh. at the Manttraelnii; I.Vholesile• and
7 -
t. • l - ,71(0.tir.:-Itoil'hird Street, opposite
' JosF.Vit hitoufkotttrer.
27,1 847.41 y. .1
article is' now 'eAtensit'uly nerd by - i)bysiois .
And.olici.s for the Minor/1i and,pektynncincure
di senses - Altai. fitte iinmijce stite
~ the.. syitsm fit is '104.0111W by:e
MentenettirerZto - be live times strimiter.lbse:
treviintiPs! stf lii,e4mnp: kind estmit,'SMl eseh:
°tile 14 aQtAittin n quort„ Priees I Ter,botilti.,
. Cor sale b 77
j tlBll4*ellidill tje ' ll '
Eel w
Irene Bbiek soidbaTl., : l3 . „ „ e r e i, !!
itL X 4Ve
1 1 41t1311tICtILIAPHI.4 7 —T e POI
iMP :461 ' of tbiteplebnite Heir Dye bits
et heed received by
rLumrca •
WOULD respectfdlly call the. at tention o
Y Y Iloulieltee pore DO the 'public lathe Mien
MVe stock of sptorial Fan fture,i nclkidlng
fits, WardroitaXentreand oilier Tables, Drre
sing rictl Plain Bureaus, and every variety o
which they. have jam, opened at their new
rooms, on the corner of North Hanover and
Loonier Streets, Caeliele. , •
They•nro confillent that the superior finish
of the. workmaloship, and elegance of style, in
which Omit. articles are g'ot hti, together with
their CHEAPNESS, will recommetki Urdu to
every person wanting Furniture. They have
also made arrangements for manufacturing and
-thekeeping a constant supply of every article in
1 .
ineTtinth-pla in-and—erna mental, clatanT
and useful c ul prices which they.eanuot fail_ to
suit pnrchasers. They would earnestly invite
persons Who ate ahout to housekeep
ing to ban anti exuintne their present elegant
smelt, to .which they will constantly Make ati
aitiime of the newest and most motleth styles.
COFFINS made to order at the shortest no•
lice, Kir town and country.
April 21, 1847.. •
'2IIIR — OCL,AI:II it to the World-1 hot IltMee'
Compound Syrup of HoorL , onud is, without
exception or exiiperat ion, the most safe and spec
-11i -cure-for Of diseases orising-from - . Coughs and
',olds. which unfortunately neglected, ton often
End in Consumption. If liiince's.Cempeund Syr
up of H WM/01111d is token on the first appeal-once
of a-Nil& it will immediately cure it nod save
the 811Mwet from on untitnely gn%Ve. Wet .50
cents. For sole by SVtil S HCt e , It% Hoot imere
at and tohiet. of Chitties and Pratt sts. Baltimore
Pot- sale in Carlisle, by J & W 11 FLENI I NG,
at their cheap Drug store op?risita the lloilroad
Depot. pone 2, 1047:
Superior Old Wines and Zrandies,
For Airdicinal Pn'poses.
DR. 114 V ERS has just sttrelvd In the ay
tin asewittvotit hl' the most choice old
WI-es ithil brandies, l'or medicinal and table
plitTrbeen. Thorrepurchening mey-depend ripen
them es being- pore.- Also Champaign, l'ort.
Claret rind other summer wince.
July 2FI, 1847.
e meta; for Cisterns,
And REDFORD WATER in barrels and
half barrels. For sale liy
Cl.nmberisbnig, Jul) , 28, 1847-3 t
. .
. Brirote.
2W110(19. tia nu+, Siloidiom and Sid&
for es lc by
Mir ri Alirg $ 7u0r."9, 18.1 t.
Philada , Baltimore ; Pittsburg,
t ' 42
Pfc — faw:
"'INFORMS 'his friends and the public, tin
Union] the liberal patronage extended to hint
during the pant year, be Ines been encouraged'
...matte more extensive arrangements for the
ensuing season, and Itiritidded two new, larger
and splendid Boots' to its LINE, and will be
fully prepared alter the opening :Jr the Conti!
forward Produce and Merchandize of all
kinds "to- and from Philadelphia, II .Itimore,
Pittsburg, &c., lit the lowest rates of freight
and with the utmost despatch.
Agents toe Romp,
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
Messrs. GI ESE & SON,
No. 98 Commerce st. Whorl Baltimore
Ater:ler:4.ll.A N & TULA W,.4„ ,
.I.MePADDE`N & P " ` t '" r g'
Agents for Cars,
Messrs. WUN D LI CH &gift !ER,
No 272 Market st. Philada.
Messrs. CIIA I.OR ER 4.• It YNOI, DS,
N0.9:23 Market at. Plolada
Messrs. BITER, JAMES & Co.,
Broad street., Philadelphia
Pennsylvania and Ohio Line, N et 1.1011 ~,,, e
March 17, 1847.—tf.
WIIAT is most conducive to health I A
OF THE BLOOD. 'Now the best mclh
qd to.insuro a healthy Onto ..I Diced is, on Ile.
'first sy;oploin of any disorder cf the circula
ling fluidouch as Dyspepsia, Contiteliess, (rid
diness,, or any of she diseases. Odell arise
therefrom, to non !lance's Ss ran pa rills or Blood
Pills, filly pills in n box for 9.5 nits. according
to the directions, and yon will obwin immedi•
ate yelin f.
One Word of Caution.—When you a n to
purchase. Haneo's Seminal la or Blood Pills,
beaure you get the genuine article. Price 25
ceids !Kr box, °Oho boxes far one dollar. Fm
:ale by Seth S. Hance, WS Baltimore street,
and cotfitt of Unties and Pratt sta.' Balti
For sale in Carlisle, by J. & W. B. PLEM
NG, at their cheap Drug store, opposite the
tailroad Depot: (June 2, ;847.)
j for the cure of Piles. The 'Vegetable Pile
hientunry • invented by Dr. A. Upham, 14
gnislted p4y sician of New York city, is the only
really spec:enrol remetly for that dan7erona and
dtstressinF vomplaint,, tht etc'. olleretl to
the ? merman pnblie.
Electuary contains no Nlineral
no Aloes, Colocynta , Go nubnge, or ether power
ful sold irritating purgative. No fear 'of taking
cold while under its influence; Ito cliumge in diet
necessary. If.taktee - Recording to directions, s
cure for life is i l itarituut eel!.
Another Certdiente added to the hundreds fin.
have already been rescued, of the ellleacy of Dr
. elpham's Kleetuary. .
Mgt.,' YORK, Atioust 25, 1816.
Messrs. W3att lk Netchfuni—Dentst Foe seve
rot years past I have been iroubled with Piles, a
:very apatite suite of tity mould the not bei tg: et
ceicre olio disable me frnoribusinesc,antfu drew'
1 had of physicians and patent fillodieitues, thou
until. thus spring I. never used any medicine of
applied to a physician for relief. The Plies the i. ,
befittscestterothitt I allowed several oiferor . •
to be. Itetlitemed:wfilleuttiOylmulefit Deter . 4 ' a' ued after this to t4,ollibl• means, I read an Uiluter.
- tit ettient of a Cure' goarituteed by the',useof Dr:.
Upham's Blentuary. .' I 'purl:hoist, thiree boicesid.
your store, ami, from 'the WIC of which I: flail
myself entirely cured orthe PPes,o,Od ley, health
mtuch•i unproved. • I remaie, Sirs. sour;''.
Ae b ted rriend.,Ezos Dtniu.F.:
.• • - 'llll.erthe at 'ln lior, IP:l.llrefulivay, tfp sta I iiii ,
. Dr.'A. Uphom;' Peoprlel - . ~.,f.:.
WyArr,4•Kiorcu;tori;llt ' . .ellon': slrerlf Nei!:
York, General for t et Sonthei n States.
(I:3,Soleto .Carlisle; by Act ELLIOTT, an
ThltggistsgeneirallyhroOghstit Of United Statell'rtec ti.
November 11,18111.' - - • -
. , ,
''''CLOYEANODYNE, ,-' .. '
~••• AN A reniediate end, perie s et ' -•• ''''''. '
•elre.lar that ,Met axereehtting : ~.,' •,
disease' , the t '11 . 00T14-A,CHg - , ' L .‘ i d .. 7.. '
4 to . ,b p . rourid at, ' , - - ,• .., ~ W ,
, '•::',-•:, . ELLTOTT'S /' I VO . P, '':.., ~
i-, , ': • fir iig ii themtaat . .Store. ,'. ~,/ ,' ' • ,
-, , l3eii:', - SO," 1840; - - • " • • • '::
Fonio,ade,P4liptome l
,irligit2ilieet iolot,purji, , ,o,
gr9w prcovatiukk:of
iaiileFl genuine Beef 'o,rrkr,
F1. , E;911:1136, pot
, ctipfde M
A • FUlrTHElC'slijigi . 1 4 O a+ . 1 9 1 :17,t d ,
, Xkr e %..
',4 1 1 1 1 49 1 11 .1.ti:, ,
‘ t• kd'Zcifki* 9' 4W.Ctl'ittill.kgUW;?;; ' . t4‘- •
Cure for Life .attired.
5,. i iR,.0:!.::4.P - ,,!i).1) . . , . , ,', -i:
lipaisil. -r i'EstiiettxrptsEhosts , -*
.of_tlegnereetYpe Portraits
' and Family Gl'onoily
`No t 4O . 40 blieetiut Pdifoor below Fifth St,
- •:. '..
prig' pictures. taken .at this establialiment a re
- -1. Pronounced by artists and scientific men, i
Unrivalled Ibr, depth of tone and softness of ligtit
and shade, 'ville dVey - tliiitila:Y till The artitipa
idringement of the highest effort of thopaintei. -
Citizens or strangers visiting the Galkry, CAR
have their Miniatures or Protraita taken in (MS
11n4tYlit it vie, wild neatly set in Morocco casesi,
in a few ni i ... infs. , .
'field LoWels of greastpitis kc,
We copy the following from the Philadeifilda..
'Saturday Couriers ". • ~.,,„ .
j.' tf-G-A4l--gti v EiliftNlTY. ._ •
The public journals have at different per(cA .
annotineed,oa a remarkable proof of the skill and
proficiency . of A merican Art ist it, that llaguereti:,
types ore now made in this city superior in etirrY„
respect to those made in any of the Eurogetin .
idles. The success cf American', rtists Ara
no ifirmid in a very gratifying and conclusive.
%limier,. by Mr. Barimner publicity stating ai.
the close of his Tam 'thumb exhibition in ilia
'thy, that Mr. Root had made fifty-tme good pie=
turns with only a single failure.. In additionle.
. Viinli Mr. -I t. l ratike'ehfurniiihWiiii i the fotrriVE- •.
ing c'on'otntiVe Verlificate, signed-ityarill-bwitert—
crivedr-byllie parents of ToAt Ttitimb, by WV'
_ Barnum, his teachers and secretary, all 01 whorl! .
Were aid' him in Europe; -
Puttaziatrini June:4 1847;
The PakietieVenfype of Tom Thumb and la
family, including his several kitchen!, footman}
driyer, equipage Elc. an his various - coilli'mel
and elitinteters, made by Mr. A. 1 3004(111F11
ONt iii all) present a &tree •of itectirtoy s a t'
trtitlifuluces to Nature, with a bold ,- chaliti fil'
oolitic, softness, exis'i•baldoh, hen , * anti &Mae,*
of finish and Uniform brilliance that we 'Mali
.never seen ermined. They are decidedly siiperioi .
-any thing-of the kind witnessed by its either ill
ibis cottony or in- I.4intlim, Paris or any of the '
cities of Europe which"we hate visited. We
take pleasinto in bearing testimony tp tfie cotilikliNt
and skill so uniformly - manifetitd by Mr. Root!
the emineidly Siiccesslid Daguerremyrist.
Sighed, S. , E. STRATTON (the Father) ' .•
CY N*AIT ICAVTON (the Mettler) •
P. T. RA Ii.NR.M
(Exhibitor otTom Tlinroblogitgland add A met
' ricti• t Proprietor oCi)io'; , /iewl'Ork. and
Bit !ninon! Museum. '!', , .W4 - ,. , 4,- _l_t
W. W. WEBSTEk(lBl6reistry) . :-..
(Advertiser and Secretary of Tom Thunib ,
. Europe)
11. 11. SHEMIN . A N (Ids Preceptor)
This is certainly very striking testimony - id
favor of Nmericatt superiority, coming as it 'lnes
from those who have examined specimens of the
bust productions iii the art pi most of the princi.
ple cities of, Europe. .
.litly 28, 1847--finio. .
/111111 E Subetriters, 'lmporters and Dealers
_IL in Foreign and American ;rem beg leave
to call the attention of purchasers of,IRON and
STEEL, to the new assortment of Swede
Noruegian, Ca tile and Common English Iron
which they now have and aro constantly,re
eciving front Europe direct. Also. American
ion, t (insisting of Hoop; Band; &roll, &c.-- •
Entish,litiastan and American Sheet iron;
Small hound and Square Iron, froin 3.l6tiw
and upwards; Boiler and Flue Iron. florae
sliuc and Nail Rods, Axle Iron, various Blues;
Locomotive, Twit and Railroad Iron; Angle
Iron, Half round Iron, &c, Spring and Blister,
ed Steel', from best stamps .of Swede Iron;
enlit and Slicer - Steel, &e. all of Which they
offer at the LOWEST. rates, for cash, or it
six months for approved reference, and 'to
which they invite the attention of purchasers
btibrarepl. nishing their stocks.
Also, Pig and hit one Iron received nn c .
mission, on which advances will he made._
Iron and Steel
I 11 N. Water St.yinci 5.. N. Del, Avenue, Philo
July 28,.184r—1y
rin 11 E subscriber offers to ilk. traqe, or by
_lL...retail, a largo and general toranitinent o
tlit following articles, being all of ilia own ini
oortutien or -natinfucture.
finytre of goods in !Ilia line are inkited to
a:ruin/1M the assortment, end orders aro *Mice. -1
ted, u. ith the assonance that cooly effort will be
made 10 give saith•fuction and insure u cumin
wince oil USLOIII.
Gold Levcr Woclics of ordinory qual-
Do. do. do. orsuperior finish.
Do. do. do. Anchors 4- Levities.
Silver double cased English and Swiss vergll
Watches, with light, median) and heavy en-
Gold Jewelry in all varlet lei+, fine and common,
Silver Plated. and Silver Wares.
M ugiea I Dozen, pb.ying 2,4,, 6, 8 and 10 tune.
Gold and Silver Spectacles.,
Diamond Pointed Gold Pena.
Mantel and Office Clocks, in gilt and min t
frames. • . .
Watchmakers' Tools and materials of all aorta.
Fancy Articles. Fancy Foy, Steel Heads. ..•c.
Having every facility fur obtaiiiing.g,ood,i nu
the most advantuSeons terms, corresinnidingiii
duce meats will be °Hired to purchasers.
112 Chesnut Si., Philadelphia
July TI, 18517.
iiiits,:oapsyladies , tiffs, -Boas, Br.o
lint and Cap Warehou4 and Illamifadory,
No. 196 Market. Street.
'.„) ESPECTCULLY solicit attentionitu
it large and complete stock of Hats and
Cepa manufactured undaybe:r.own irninrdi
ate direction und.auperiutendence, with all.tho
advantages of - rimdern iniprovementi to enable
them to cembine the important qualities oftlm.
rability, teats antf beauty of finish with ex
mine Cheapness bf price..
An immense and beautiful aaseitment of n II
varieties-and prices of Penick, Brush, Silk,
Moleskin, Raisin. Cansimere, Wool, Sporting
I and Ashland Haw. Also, a geileral.asso•tmcnt
of 'every irariety of Cape, Oiler, Fur Seal, flair
Seal, Muskrat, Plain and Fancy Cloth every
style, pod.. Black and Blown Muliair,floalette i
(..Hazed, Oiled Silk and Fur Caps.
Ladies' Muffs, BoasiAfe:; at the very knifed
Buyers by the (lakes or less, are Invited
call and eee . if it hi not - to their interest to do
With us. -
Particultir ittonti - on: paid4o tito packing of
flats, ecc.
Caslt paid for Muskrat and Shipping Furs.
No. 10'Maiket' Street, WO! Sixth St.
July 21, 180. • ' _
, .
elreir. • ' , PIM"'
subscribefjinat i teturnini from the e
wi th 'IL- lot -o f "NE' , ,lEMpl)Sieototisttng , th - e follow ,
Chambry;Plain G bighorns, Plaid togitasafs
New_Sty le Calicoes, is 111131 e lot,
atol'broWn ' ' , ,
• White itild brown' wi;taild 5:4 Sheetlngs,t_
Tiskingasitti - • •
25 dot. Cotton tlosiery,4oll,kinds;,
, 5,001h5, vitae and coleratUtotten
from 97i .to $1
Plain Swiss, Book; Str iped. Until ies; ~ , •
- • • !'' '-•
Witite anti Pikes) , LineOS . - frostsefi
• '
Summer Cloth atid
Cassimeres and VesSu g S, t,V„,774,l l h theeifil
flue clove new artieles
+unite my stock eentplele,
in. North Hithoror street
40W44,. , 1 , 44 ,
.90 41,11*- AIM
, .102. hiar b”etriDl for tiale
P '
'4: , :0 11 :1 13 . • Cider Yinelikgt , , •
Ciaer ',Vitiejtar in
elAlelved ' G NV'.IIITNEIt , „
#inflAr $ l2 - 11 4:-Ip',"T"nr"" 4 " -- j'''
by , •
.011' CIPIPI7,, '4l
tl4l'':6 f t)l;er 134,1 4 47,1''' ' 'l * * 4.Cl' ' 7l
• ; t s k ‘ •
, • ;^ . ' l •Z q ! 014-