Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 08, 1847, Image 4

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*ta"liLV , l* 4 r6 - it - OZiaa g r
PITDr a iFj ' HEID,,fIVZ —. W WESNEgI:iAY.
_ • •
!).EFICE in. the Smith' West atiiieoft7iTpliblir
• ?Sgiiiire, back of the Court -Rouse '
. ,
`Cup Dollar, aad . FiftY Cent" Year to A "A• 8 " . "'
two Dollar's, if paid within thelttar r
owl Dollar for aix months.
Viaal Wring will Ito rigidly &ittered to..
Adrertisenients, making finite if lines orlass, will tre
tchtirged at Die rate of Pifty'conts for one insert Inn,—
'three times for Ono Dollar, and rtverity-tlve cents for
- .Drell. subsequent. iniertlon. Yearly aylvertiser■ will
r charged at the following rates : •
- fine Column, with the .paper, for onn y nor, - $25
•Itglea column, do. do. si3
Two 'l3tlltarei, with quarterly changes, a SD/
nosiness Cards, with the paper, • SO
41 itch as Handbills, Blanks, Circulars mid every °ill
ileseripilani:or Printing - axevuted hansuniely and
expedloaly'and at the LOVESt
J ar: Wood's Sarsaparila IP
• irild Cherry-Bilters.____
---------- ,:.
- I RE an fliflillible Nletlicine for DYtipePsta or
IC Indigestion, the universal complaint, acad
. sette,Depression of sli,irits,Vimples nod Pustules,
use the face, Ilobittud ijostivettera, Rheumatism,
Affections (tithe Bladder ton! Kidneys. Bilious
fevers. It is a perfect preventative of Bilibus
and Western Fe, e es, 41111 the best remedy ever
used in restoring the patient, after being prestra
4ed by Fever,. Ste. 'Erysipelas, Enlargement of
'the Bones, Fever out! Agee; Flithileticy, Foul
nest of Complexion, General Debility, tor gene- .
:• tratprostration, caused by- disease,.mtediehte; or.l
indiscretions Committed in youth, abberratioll of_l
.9 ' I,omitfosion of ideas,ints of memory ,ilinmest
• • - olviSioti, a hopeless ex pressioU of cettntemtnee;
nod for his class .)( disease generally,this Medi
cine has never had its equal. - Gout, Giddiness,
'Gravel, Impure Moods Jaundice; Loss of Appe
tite; ties . :. impluint; Leprosy; Looseness.
, tirtutitaite entirely, all the chest s of Mercury in
'finitely sooner than sue oilier metliciee . . Night
Sweats; Dervons Debility; Nervous Complaints -
'of all kinds; Neuralgia; Organic Affections. ' Pal
pitation of the Heart; Painter's CIIOI iC. Pains
In the ......J,side, hack, limbs, joints and organs;
this'll fhlood to the head; Zetircy; Zult Riveting
:Kwel tg; sick Headache; Diflitess of the Joints;
• . 7,cortula- or-King's Evil; Syphilis in its worst
forms; Ulcers of every 'description, and the Ery
simian; Exposure mid 14114)1'lllICIICe ill Lite.
VENIA LE COM PAIN LTS—.Ladesi of pale 1
complexion and consumptive habits, and such us
are debilitated by those obstructions which fe
, males are liable to, are restored by the use of a
hott le or two to bloom 'and s igor. It is by far
the best remedy ever discovered foe weakly chil
dren, and such as imve had humors, being plea
abut they readily take it. It immediately restores
tae appetite, strength stud color.
Nothing eau be more surprising than its invig
orating effects on the bunion frame. Persons,all
wrikiiess and lassitude belbre taking it, al once
- become robust anti full of energy 'Muller its 1n41u
... mice. - It intmediately counteracts the nerveless
- trss of the human frame, which is the great cause
The following are some of the certificates and
complimentary notices that have been reveled
by the proprietor,of the ellicatry of this medicine.
Mr. Philip Wilcox, or ties well known'firm.of
Wilcox & Richmond, shipwrights, of New Bet,-
. ford, was entirely oured ofs
undimmed canker of
the stomach, throat and mouth, with sore lips
usually accimmato ing this disease, and hilt gene
. _.;_, ,ral health mos.h.improveWiettse of only th u s
bottle. Alr.Wlicox has Vii.if-Oei'Ltfilly-kiiqi
. number ofyears with this t !sense, and attributes
his'cure entirely to the use Eddie Bitters.
. Col. John Bullies, Deputy "Aberiff of Bristol
county, Mass., has voluntarily - el:a tilled that he
wascured bythe Bitters', ofJauniliee,lndi,gestion,
Headache atill Vertigo. .
Col. Gibbs, of ZRmbvitsli,teittifleß that several
persdaa in int thwit, well known to him, hate
,benefltted by the tune of the Bitters, mid in
every-case they have given the most rake( satin.
faction. -
S. IL Perkins, Esq. Attorney at Law, of New
„Bedford, was cured of an unpleasant eruption of
the face, by the use of the Bitters.
f . Erotudhe Daily Evating Bulletin.]
It is not our custom to puff Patuot - eiltrines
sinless we know them to be really earellent.-.
Allaying ourselves a knowledge of Dr. Wood a
Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, Mid have
ing . severyl friends who save been henolitted by
their use, we do not !levitate to recommend them
tothe public. Both Sarsapnrilln MA Wild Cherry
SIT articles of established reputation in the uneth
ical wi e rld, and this preparation is made with
grealf,eare and appears to combine all the medi
eintaiputlities of both in an on tsuat mantles.. Fur
sale 'by the proprietor, E. Thornton, Jr. Water
street, and by the Druggist, generally. Any one
auffering from diseases of the Woad, indigestion,
or headache, would do well to give these Bitters
a trial.
Prepared by E. Thornton, Jr. Sold
aale and Retail by Wvarr k K ETTAIA for, I'2l Ful
ton Street, New York; SAMUEL ELuoTr,
Carlisle, and Druggists generally throughout the
United States. Pore Is, large bottles.
December 2, 1 846.
Dr. Keeler's Vegetable Panacea.
For the removal add permanent cure of
all diseases, arising from on impure
state of the Blood and habit of the
body, - viz, Chronic affections of the
a ' cheat, Chsonic Pleuriay, Bron
chitis, Catarrh etc. Scrofula
in all its stages, Toter,
Scald-hesd, Cutaneous af
fections of the fate and
extremities, Chronic He
patic diseases, Ch runic •
itheamatiani,Chrenie Enlarge
ments uftlte ligamentsand Joints •
White.gwellings, Siphiiis; Siphilitic
affections, illekpiirial and' hereditary pre
dispositions atieconatitutional disorders, etc
Among all of the various 11:edieinal produce
alone that science has discovered and art pre•
pared for tire alleviation of hoinan suffering
from disease that arises from a vitiated condi
tion of the 'Blood and organs of nutrition, fore,
most stands the PANACEA. --Where- - -mlier
'remedies kayo, failed to' deatroy the essential
• principle ;,pf rirseass, al it was worming - its
mole-like way Ante the dee p . tissues of the
dy and undermining the foundations of - Health,
this remedy pervading every tissue, organ and
pert of the body has by its powerful alteiative
Influence uprooted evermeadige of diseme in
the system. As the genial' rays of a Varnal
sum infuses new Life in the vegetable world,
so dead the Panacea invigorate the debilitated
and sickly r and ai now life fresh and blooming
springs up from the parched earth eller copi-
One shewers,, so does health follow the foot
stAtirettlr's natures- great reinedy.
Prepared and sold Cor.3d and South Biretta
• 'Philadelphia., Sold„Wholesale, and retail by
SAMHEIMILIOT; Carlisle; Dr.' M'Phorson
andhy'diuggilita' and Mareliante
hrptl bolt the Make' • ' 7.'
• ;113'ialth =ado, 'easy 'for the 'Dapple
, ,cir,‘,Phy . sKtii.Tratnilat,fo. Make their Li itrs.
±i: WOild Letlt and llappy r by . tlis
' a4tlaiiof (!E4uostioti As It • Is, • -
• , C1! 'L , l:llg;iti !Puritan Edition, . ;
• '-• with AddltOn‘ • ,
'fang giiirernentary: and' internal tng tiwlienon
Knowledge. Conttining short and enter
••',raining enlister - me — - . - • • -
Food, , ,:••••••• •" Heart, Glands, -; Strength,
listings. • Stonmete, •• 'Selves, Ituantma,
, Digestirist, . grains,: • ,Old age,... -
•, ~ ,filoodu • -Lunge, -Mind; 'Plan; „
Beiliets one; tArteriee, Stages,. Woman,
"Head, • Vein ,'s `THeatth',. Digeasin,
;T. bin.,lltic , .lko - .•
"Together with 'the Great SenretLi s -Sandige in
URI hove- stkained—Mow toliolG tied Causes and,
—4e stretteMPErrori - Hablta;`PlrslblifiTWonnin des.
test:lnd; Man - "diseri bed,' Man's Erik) . re; Rich and'
Poor,"Npfine t ylgine isnd•Vina;VOntHfulgErtisee,
Woman , htiignmade° delicate, Woman's , Visiting;
• --- Ambitionitte; Bte." , • •
; .-- ,The - whAtjel',ilestgued for, the; noble - ourposemt
4-IRtiroylog,itid mitonding ed aunt On - amongst Atie
r ,Asedidkc,";,lmpsirting valUable 1094/ledge on the
- ;plirlii‘olit.. OF' thq :haman - frame, ansir tbolliwg
*ehlelegovefn-Mentid bine
Q 3 Alt pereign sending 25 - oenti• entlagedqa
receive one copy L `` yy'ttvall ' or fire
r9r, : .4 I. Address, postage'
-•- C. ;![EBER , Cgg. , •
Pgliasieinisia;l44 ,e. 64547) •
• • ,'4 . 'FilleNallAble othitothe (hi ifulukiimol
~,pl.77 ' paget• - C;; • .•
111P1 0111 d ,;::
lii i iiitgErfor, gig!! -ripi
LamlkOliestar, j Wit re,.
,1$ red by, , •• • qgo.iy. - lIITN ER
- .
The Areat'2digUsh•Remedy. - •
• • . , ~,,,:••• • •. ~-,,,,,. • .....• , r ,
•'' '2 , , ...":-.'!," ~`:...,t,„,1,,. ,-,,, ~-; ,7 , ~ , , •e',l -
• d•• IFIZDEB' 1131(MtZ I-Zo", •:'•••• --•
'lllelTitil ntastialnifili•EtitbronatiOnlitui-be;i
'need With Wonderful iticieeii , 4, , thO cure
of-dome- of the'most trOribleieinerdiitestes• With
which - the hers° is affected. (WithOtit destroYirig
-the hair) such as old straintWawellings„ stiff
liege ofjoufte, gathr.prodticed by the Collar and
middle; strains of the' shoulders, 'stifle, hoof:
pastern and, coffin joints, strains of the • whirl ,
bone, , knee, and fetlock,. poll evil,: fistelesi
curbs, iithits, spiiiii: wltidgallei, - PCIlk, &o. '
It very soon•cures old or Inisit'wota,d,slc,tfto;
I-bruises, Solutes; indi evil, curbi , eitoi;anit gives
' Instant rettef In the'stratches, grease, etc., and
the diseaceti incident to horses having white
• feet and noses produced by St John's Wort,
1 which BO often destroys the hoofs rural bones of
Ilia feet, and resists the action of sulphur anci
vitriol ointment, and other reinedici equally
powerful. ':
INo application has heretofore proved so
msofulAn - relaving - stilfirestrof - tlicten - dottitatid'
joints and prodnejitg such immediate and
impede:tat effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints and sprains. •
This Embrocrtion is highly rehommeneed to'
farriers, keepors• - of livery stables, wagoners,
stage proprietors, and 'private gontleriaen otvn
ing horses, as an invaluable remedy; and constantly kept in their stables.
Also farmers, whose betties ore so liablo to
kicks., cuts and wounds,( will find 'it equally
advantageous to 'keep . it constantly on hand. , —
It is - equally lliirtitititment of
workings-cattle,- for - galls; -a urotnec k - cuts,
'wounds, etc.
ar sale in Cavlisla by D. .1
k' 011 N .1 MY
ERS, SoleAgerii. • /
Silly 21, 1847. -
To tha Citiz6ns of CurOarland Co.
_ .
" 7heee is something more iweciops than
Gold-or Diamonds—Hesi.rtt.•'
/nllI Rb are some diseases diat visit usat sty
.l ted seasons of the year, and which not untie
quently become alarmingly fatal, during the sum- .
mer and autumn months; especially the young;
there toeing not less than seventy thousend dying
annually with derangements of the stomach nail
bowels alone, Does not every feeling of OUlril*
titre bedtime enlisted in the human desire to les
sen this frightful mmislity,arc we not bound by
esety principle of religion to administer relief
when in our power; and we discharge our luty
when we point out the greatest remedy ever yet
discovered, for this ptirpose,to the public. If
there be one, or if they hlive nfriend, or a child,
or a• neighbor, who miry chance to read this no
tice. that is sulierilig with Diarvitoca, Dysentery,
Cholera Mullins, Summer Complaints, Colic,
Flatulency, &c., then let them try Dr. Kee
ler's Cordial and Carminative, and we guarantee
a speedy cure. !
Lancaster Co., Nerville, Dec. 11,1846. -
. Dr.Keeler—Soinetime last siininieryOur agent
left me.some of your Infant cordial and Carmin
ative, urging me to try it. It so happened that 1
mitt It case, a young child about-six months old,
whose dolman:li void bowels were in a very disor
dered condition, caused by a deficiency of its
mother's milk. The child was a mere akeletop,
there was much termini*, tetiestrius and constant
evacuations. I administered every medicine I
could think of, with but a slight alleviation of the
complaint. then thought of giving your medi
eine a ooturaening with small doses. a
_eposlK w9y.qr_pgreglvesl.the child could bear
ait "daTi can r ecommended in directions; before
it had taken half a bottle, the stomach and bow,.
els land recovered their natural tone, every tithe
- bad symptom yielded, and the child rapidly re
have no hesitation in saying that your meth-
CinC is the very best fOr the above complaints I
have administered in n 21 years' practice.
Very respectfully, your friend,
- 11.13. BOWNIAN, M. D.
Prepared-Oorner 0f . .3d - and - Bauth - streets - , - Pllll ,
Inlet phia,. For sale wholesale and retail by 5.A.41
I.CEL ELLIOT, Carlisle ; Dr. McPliereon,-Ilarids.
burg; and by Druggists and Merchants through.
out the county. •
Jiily-21, 11147.-6 m:
An Appoved Remedy .p Dyspepsia; plies
tc.; 4'4
T e two reasons why 'this medi
be recommended to the public,
hat most persons who have so ighl
it buy itagain, thereby showing that they re
gard it as a valuable Family medicine; the
/ other is that certificates arc in the possession
/ of the Proprietor of perinanent cures having
been effected not only in personeafilictod fora
short time, but also in cases of long standing
It is composed altogether of a vegetable
matter, is perfectly harmless, can be taken at
all times, and is no hindrance to business: It
restores and revives the animalsplriis, cleanses
die stomach froth all morbid — humors which
cause indigestion and 'acidifies. It also re
moves nervous tremors, rhumatic pains, end
prevents their return; cures alli colics of the
stomachs and bowelsolinost immediately takes
away palpitation of the heart, and promotes
the free circulation of the blood.
Thu direction accompanying each b ittle
contains a number of certificates ono of which
is given in this advertisemetit:
DEAR SIR :—about two years ago MS Ile.
verely; offlioted ,with :iepepsia, which
for the last fifteen years previous to tho above
named-timer which was very much inerammii
by my having a bilmd vessel ruptured upon my
lungs, occasioned by lifting—which ineretuted
my complaint, dispepsia and general debility
and weakness, to such a decree, that twiiker„,
three years previous. to my usiug tho Garle.
gant's Baliam, I never ate a meal but my•
stomach became so painful that I had immedi.
atoll to throw it up. Seeing - Gorlegant's Bal.
earn advertised I waitiodueed to try a bottle';
oiler taken the very first. dose it appeared to
strengthen my stomach; and every dose alibi
first bottle helped me eo much that in the
course ore few days my Stomach; began to
retain and digest ovary thingl ate. I continud
to use the Balsim ,until I used several bottles,
which oared me entirely, and restored me to
perfect health, which I have enjoyed ever since.
and not before for fifteen years. I cheerfully
ecommend it to-all-persons -who-are aictedfil
with dispepsia..or dibillty ofstentach.
e II ENRY LOTTIIAN, Pred'k Co. Va.
- - .
, Prepared and sold by the - Proprietor, JOHN
S. M I.LER,oppositethe Market Mouse, Fred.
crick, Md. and by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, sole
azent. for Carliale.
March 10, 1817.
To Country Physicians.
DR. M•Y,ERS has just received to addition
to his fernier stock, a largo assortment
f • DRUGS AND' MEDICINES. warranted,
uro and frosh—among'which 'are ill the re.
ent popular preparations of tho Profession,
which he will•sell' on as good terms is any,
establishment out of Philadelphia '
.' • , •
co> Phyalcians are requested toeiltitlne•tor
- themselves. ' • . • • ' '
my 7, 1847:1':.. •• • • •. •
Far ilysfutfin'ca Ora Others.
. . .
MUSIC received at Dr. *tiara'. Dru g
'JP ohoiqo tirade of Bleak Tee for Invalids
'and'dyapeplia.'; old and foliage Dyson,
Dunpowder and Inipbrirel. , . , '
July 28, 1811,-,.._.„ )....) ; ' ' '
Cheaplard and Tunthlere. . '
fT. ro o'eivOck rati o ": l Oeditmoo!:. 'of low
*••• aid Mon ..rare totel ToO4tloro, iultable
:,13 . 913r, 26, tpri. :ma% str•oi .
.vvo7osl3 i'ine GiiiiiicoAt2- . -atio tone
' Vviksbiii•SeCoM-1200 ton s tams tiUtaers
;P6OOO bils. illtutiiiiiii,us;co s E s ., • " ,'•';-. ' - •
' • ' ~ ,Filiiiedc. Id' il, faiat:-
AvyisblitiqiitrisB;-1841.'5' , --., '0: ; - 's i-s ' •: ;
I,ll t NOTHEA;; ! mil Sid,;ofifrie'lpgaddk i 'at ;the
La ; WE* apt:1;011SP, STOK joV ess a igh
street„ rush asYsZiwast,43loVilitne•4lllllllhllo
- Lawn 8, I,Bleached, ; in 4,-nblipotied iKititini
011isilems; To ak I ng s, Checks, llcsilo6oi i eine s na
ware, Groceries ; &a., &a. ;- • ', -.
' • . i: dj diiiikorlY, -I',
Coins's, July 7,•1.847.
t ..
. . .
7 11 . 1 - 0" ---P ' - ,MISB — EilLAt41.01;":1:111. 1 6 ' )
','algriftitigileit4toolo4 Odk.j/ '
t M
. Or ibCditeetten"of 'ac
11Isinagrea for the ensuingleati,' , ltlrieCC:
llilleri.Presidenti:SiMuiPailbreit,Arice Pte.(
iddentl Datidr;WalleCulleughi,Trettattrerr-A.
, G. ,ll llllerSeoretnry,, , JimeiNgaltley,JohnT.
.Green. John , fl aug,,,Abriiham ;King. Riebard
Woods, Samuel Runde, William Peal b ll in o l iit)
Coyle, Alexander Pavidapn...,'rhere. ,are it a
number' of Agents appointed iii — the t
eoliontee, Who will 'reeelie - aPpliei itienifnr-Lfe.
suranoi diet* immediatel yfor, ati;.
+total tethe Mike efthe Company ;When the pot
tey ivi 1 , be issued without delay. • - For further
Ini ortha tio n see the by-law.of the Company.
"lA. G. Illtlcen,See'y. •
The following gentlemen have been appointed
I, peg., West(ietticshoro, - Gen
era 1 Agent.
. A. Coyle,Carlistr,
Dr. Ira Days Meshaniesburg.
Inc M. Meansigsq: Newburg.
Jobg Clendenin, Esq. llogestown.
gteilheri Culbertson, Sliprensburg
`September 29, 947 • •
Charter Perpeloca.s4oo,ooo Capita/paid in
Office 163 i Citerneit. street. •_ • .
; INA ICE INS ORANEE,eliliei•perriutuentorl
i ted,agai net loss or dunnage by fire,on PROPERTY
anti KPFECT34If-ertiny desemptiott, Im:town or
Conntry,on the moat. reasonable terms. Applica
tion-it made either personally or bi.reiter, wall be
itrcilstitt y attimded to.
C. "‘ &NICKER, Prest, •
Rotes of Ineurance Reduced !
Brick or Stone dwellingsor stores
from •• ei to 91re tlepos
do Chorales 9i to 3 - do
, do do Taverns 3 to 4 do
1:1' do do Berns 4'to 5 do
do do Stables (private) 4to S do
do do Stables (public) 6to 7* do
•do - do Grist Mills, Water
Power, • 7* to IS do
Brink or Stone dwellings and Fur- '
niture from ^' 30 to 40e $lOO value
do do .Stores and MINH . me
diae 35 to SO do
do do Taverns and Furniture
• 40 to'6o do
do do Barns and Contents
' 65 ton' ilo
do do Stables (putlie)
100 to 150 do
do do Grist Mill and Stock
rs teto do
Frame and Log dwellings and Fur
niture 50 to 75 do
do do .3 ores and Merchan
dise 65 to 85 do
do do Tavernsand Furniture
60 to 100 do
d• do Barns and Contents
irt - ) - 100 - do
do do Grist Mills and Stock .
—490 to 100 do
The subscriber agni-for the aboreeornpany
for Carlisle and its , vicini.- All aprlicationsfor
assurance either by ma nor personally , will be
promptly attended to SEYMOUIt.
June 19:194.5. 1,1-85
On the - Mutual Insuance pinciple, combined
with a !age joint-stock apit al. I
. educed to nearly lazy the usual ales.
n Y the-Act-of Indorporatiori-the - stock - is
111 pledged for Ore payineut of any losses
which the Company may sustain. And as en
additional security to the assured, t h e re.
quires that the profits of the business shall be
funded and remain with the corporation, as a
guar-write and protection to the insured against
loss. Thin fund will be represented by scrip
Issued by the Company, bearing interest notes'.
seeding six per cent. per annum. The insured
are entitled to n pro rata share °Rho profits of
the Company, and will receive that•proportion
of the aforesaid rand in scrip, whims the
amount of earned premiums paid by him,- bears
tithe total sum of earned premiums and capitol
The scrip thus isaliedArbe transferable on
the books of the Company an stock.
No dividend of scrip can be made when
the losses and expenses
,exceed the amount of
earned premiturie.
The insured are protected from lose at the
customary rates of premiums. lint/lout any
individual liability or responsibility for the
losses or • expenses of the Corporation. - The
assured have all the rights of membership,—
can vote at all elections, and arc eligible as
Director, of the Corporation.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for
this Company, and as the mutual principle
q superseding every other mode of Insurance,
to would confidentlyreCommend it to his 'Honda
and the public.
The North American Company has•close
their Agency. Those having policies expirin e
in that - office can have them renewed in th
Delaware Company on much more favorable
terms. .
For full particulars' enquire either by letter
or person to JOHN .1. MYERS.
Carlisle, September 10;18454-1 y.
Til E Alien and Latapannsborot Mutual Fire
insuratmeCompanyorCumber and County,in
empomied by an act of Assembly, i s now fully or
gamzed,and in operation under themanagetnent of
rue following commissioners, vizt — •• —
Cht.Stayrnan,Jecob Shelly,Wmß Gorgas,Lewis
Ilyer,Christian Titzel,Michael Hoover, Henry
Logar,M Wheel Conklin, Benjamin II Museer,Levi
Merkei r lacobliirk,Meloluorßrenernanand Sam,l
Proven, . call the attention of the
eitiacniefCatatierlandand yerkaountiesto diced.
ventage which , the"coiniurny had out.
Tiferatea of iniursintie are al Icier and favorable
as any Company of the kiiid In the State. -- Perilini
wishing to become nieintiers "are invited to make
akpiication to the agents of-the contpany who are to wilt upon tlierri at any time.
Micuast lloovea, Vice President.
Lead/ llyer, Secretary.
,Michael Cpalin , Treasurer.
• '
Nliehael Hoover,General Agent,Meehaninsburi
Rudolph Martin, N. Giimberland
,M Conklin, Allen township. ' '
Wm it Gorges "Allen township.
Christian Titzel,Allen township.'
Johr C,Duniapi Allen, township.
Peter OsnnbartiElist Penesbaroitownship.
David Muslin, Chinrchtown.
C. O. Ilarmo,n,,Kingstown, . -
,He'ory ZenriOgiiiiiirerim,nstoWn,
Shinn Oystnr,.Wernileysbiirg, , •
:•3 Satoh Kirk;Genermil Agentfor York Cow ity,New
. . Cninberlind P.O. • "'
Henry Logan , York Counti. , ',? ; • •
Jelin herr iek. , YerCaMintr. ;,
John Rankin, York county .
Diniel Belly, York county,'
J. Bowman, , York noway. ,
Philisi Breckblll,Cumberland county. , - • Ii
.Robert C.,Sterret, S. Middleton townsildP. ,
crltheragents will SO lidded liereafter, ,
Chellee - eneWlng an - moking
81 . .'SUFF!
IS T A I N „of Thomas 'eole,brated
. Caveniiiith,',Duscions
ury 'OM OVe brand of Ccingreas .fives,: La.
Vailit and Spike.. Demuth's Celebrated
..Itappeie' anal cniirce, , Nii.ccaboA, and:7Danner's
rP sn4ffc :
Splendid rjentatiOn;',Vegnerlal.ta. Victoria.
Lwrilinavere.l...Solbana i Principaa;Cliarlit's
and cholas ' biandiafjmportdd legate;
together i nith• Cuba , and: Havanna,
Eiminisli 'and 14alf.S . Fanieh alie,b'eat•
imported and.Amerlican-leat;Tob!icoo' 4 7Allaf
`4.vbiaktbei schiscribirli Iniipared tonell . on,falr
itornill'l4? . t l hpietWiltilliat 44 0 0° 'Wgive,lilln
f•PS i•
__.1011,010 1 1 doors*4,olßeetened
High;stf bit; Caaliele4 • •
; •:. , THOS H: ° GiIIBWEfj t.;
- Plftebititte.6 . '""
,-,' ! :..1.,;;:f?:10.111taIligia 1 9.713::•:::' , ;',,::
. - LirrADISkU.ANIIIERSAL-fillit-1
FripE"OnYlilloWil!,modiriiiie t at at Sher gime
tystem. Dr. Leito*Ni'Pill'ariTiliew Medicine
high has inst.:appeared'', an d is fiat bikini-A-W
-:080es °falls others 4 thii!timiti! eltigi:' • These
opilisaeocomposeifol .many ingredient', hol the
.two, principal ones. are , Sarsaparilla .and - Wilt!
Cherry, so united that they.act togethert- the one
through its admixture with other substances, pu
rifying and purging,while the other is strength
ening.the system.' Thus those pilli are '
at the
`aria -time tonic and 'Opening . ; a desidershum:
Untold eagerCsought - foi. by meiliial men, but
before disahvered. In other 'words they do
the work of two medicines, and do a !much bet
ter than any two we'know of: for they remove
nothing from the system but the impurities, so
'that While they-purge they strengthen, andlionce
they cattle no debilitation, and 'are- followed-'by I
no reaction. Dr. Le 11,ey's Pills have a wonder
-al-influence on-the-blood y they-not-only—purify- '
'without weakening It, but the y re neve all nox
ious particles from the chyle bef eit is conve
ned into fluid, and thus make im are blood nn
-utter-Impossibility. As there is io debilitation,
so there li 'no name •oh elan s encoding . the
oiler:Words °tibia most . ent of medicines,
wirieli 'lever strains or tortured the digastic lune-
VAnne,lrut eauseethem to *odic in a perfectly nat
ural manner; and honce trmsons taken them do
not become pale and emsrmated,hut the contrary,
li h while. it.islhe property Of the Sarsaparilla,
'united as its with oilier ingredients, to remove
all that is Coreign and-impure, it is molly the
phoperty (lithe Wild Cherry to retain all that is
natural and-sound; and hence a robust state of
health is the certain resultof their united opera
For bale in Carlisle he Dr. J. J. Myers,sole
.tent, end by Enby and kissing*, in Ktngstewn.
geioni e hex 2.5
CarleilFeb 101847.
IT has pew or to cause all exam-sod SORES,
• POISONOUS WOUNDS, to ellischitrt,e their put
trld outliers, and then heals them.
It is rightly termed All-healing, for there, is
scarcely a disease, ester:al or internal, dint T
will not. benefit. I have used 't for the lan tour
teen years for all diseases attic chest, vonsuinp
tion and liver, involving the utmost danger and
responsibility, and I declare before heaven and
man, that not one singhi C 4190 has it failed to ben
efit when the patient. was . within the reach of
mortal means. ,
I have loalphysicians learned in the profession.
I have had ministers of the Gospel,Jisilges of the
bench, Aldermen, Lawyers, gentlemen of the
higheet_ erudition, and multitudes el the poor use
it in every variety of way anti there has Steen but
one voice---one univeasal "plc
'Allister, your Ointment is GOOD."
CONSUMPTION.---It can hardly be credited
that a salve can have any effect upon die luitgs
seated as they are within the system. Hut, if
placed upon the chest, it penetrates to the lungs
silparates the poisonous particles that are conett
ming thein„a_nd...e,xpel them from the system.--
It is During personsof Conaumption continually.
HEADACIIE.---The salve has eared persons
of the headache of lii year's standing. and who
hid it regular every week no that vomiting often
took place.
Deafness and Ear Ache are helped with like
' RIIEUhf A11.951.--It removes almost imme,
diately the intimation and swelling whets the
pain ceases. Read the direcitnit aeo.rud the box.
COLD FEET.—Consumption, Liver tom
lolaint, pain in the :Ica or side. falling off of the
hair one or•the other always-accompanies cold
feer. --- (Thla - ointment is the true remedy.) It is
a sure sign of disemie to have cold feet. •-•
In scrofula, old sores, erysipelas, saltrheum,
liver complaint, sore eyes, quinsy. sore threat,
bronchitis, broken or sore breast, piles, all cheat
diseases such at asthma, oppressions, pant—also,
sore lips, chapped hands, tumors, cutaneou s true •
turns, nervous diseases unit pf the spiuti, there is
no medicine now inown as good.
DC iLU HEAD. \Ve have coned cones that
actually defied every thing known, as well as the
ability of 15 or 20 doctors. One man told us he
had spent $5OO on his children without any
ot, wheyla s few boxes of : ointment cured them.
BALDNESS.—It will restore the hair aaoner
than an:tother thing. -
BURNS.--It is the best thing in the world lor
Onros. .Read the directions aroulid the box.
WORMS. --It will drive every vestige of them
The% 41k probably no medicine on the face of
tbe mina slronce so stire and so safe in the expul
sion of worms. ti
COHNS.—Occasional use of the Ointment will
always keep corns from growing. l'rople need
never be troubied with them if trim will use it.
PlLES.—Thousands are yearly cured by tnis
. _
Sole prop! ietors of the nbove mediciure.
CAUTION,-No OINTMENT will be genu
ne. unless the' names of James McAllister or
names McAllister St Co., are written with a pen
upon every label.
Sold by Samuel Elliot, S. W. liaversiick and
Dr..1..1• Myers, in Car'isle, .1, & 3.le
chanicsburg; Siniser & Paul, Churchtown, and
John Duller, New vine.
That the principle of curing disease by cleans
ing and purtlyh,g the body. is strictly in senor
dance with the laws whieh govern the animal
economy; .and if properly carried out by the use
Will certainly reknit in the completeiardition of
disease; we offer the following testimonials, fivin
',enamor the highest respectability in New York
who have meet,' ly been cured of the most obsti
nate complaints, solely by the use of Wright's In
dian Vegetable Pals claim North American Col
lege of lienith.•
from Now York City.
DR.WW. WIIJOHT:—Dear Sir,— At 'your re-•
'commetidation,l some time some made mini of
Wright's Indian Vegetablo• Pills, of the North
American College of Health, and can conscienti
ously assert that for.Pdrifving the blood and ren.
orating the system, I have received more benefit
from their use than from any other medicine it has
heretofore been my good fortune to meet with.
I am, dear sit, with many thanks, your obliged
friend, CHARLES M. TATE,
No. 60 Hammersly street, New fork.
From Trarioctrai/g, N. Y
DZAR SlrttrA have been •of feted far several
years with inward .weakness and g eneral debility,
accompanied at times wtth pain in the side and
other distressing complaints. Alter having tried
various medicines without Wert, I was persuaded•
b) a friend to make trial of Dr. Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to sate have
relieved•rnein a most wonderful manner. I have
used the • mediaine as 'yet but a sho# times,and
have no doubt, by a, peeseverencetin the use of the
medicine according to directions, that I shall in a
short time be perfectly repaired. •
I most ivilitngly•recotomend said Pills to all
persona. 'similarly arniateeliand in the full belief
that the SaIDO , beneficial, results will follow their
remain, yours sincerely,
Warrarsing; Ulster C. ,-Wm.
Bs,wasz or Courrranrscrs.--This , 'publia are
cautioned `against they many spurious medicines ,
which in order 'to dereive.2are called by names
similar to Wright'. Indian'Vegetable Pills. ::'
- • Charles Clgilby, Carliele;r7 , •
John C~oovg~ hiechanieabutk.. ". • • ,
Brine:rain & I , rowel, New Cumberland
„Aimee Minion?,
'.• '
• .1 & S A, Cayle,Hogeetown, , •
• Jaaao, , ,lkartain Lisbon, .
!Ingmar Ahurchtown, •
John — P:Rhothcrill[lolliFlcßiiiidt t
S. Sentemart, Nclibtirg
Ofßowe 'devote&i.exeluili4ily 'l7;:ihe 'sale 'ot i
NV riglithiln6iii)i'V4etible Pllll, wholesale end'
rat 11,169 Baie Stivel;.thiladelphla I eta 'Green
woochiriiti New 'Yorki and A9B Tremont Street;
MOUNT , EAGLE • , .TRIll°411.11,;
1 1 111-1113„ iiithe best,
~ over erad for
article• .- -citizoi - "'
' - cleansing and polishing every kind ol Me l .
tal o and Glass'Warei being . auperior'to.ratten
stonii . whiting;&e., ii it Produces the most bril l :
hant and lasting poliskivlM very little iabOr: - .lt
is excel/ent article forelesepink windows
ROll , mirrors:•- . The:, American Tripoli ,li!altbi
'getbar„free from acids and'oorroding sebstanoes
and. Is therefoni interior tot* Italian so muck
;Piled- in Etirgfie: Asia, poison who-has- tised-the.
article ill( ,bo"4l,htiut rit:P Pileir !I } cents :per
lniper:,r,i;:Peimons. - iilihtng ,to „poi° so- tiii:iell
,agalh,can 10 icipplijed at the seas tine coin
,pahrs,ptieni by Milling, at thellnig.._ re,oru . • ,
,•', ',., .
.; ..,. 4:k ,W , AV PNING .:
-'' Ciiiiiii ' Octblitkl 0 ' I BC/tt '''''
41i.. , " . '1,Cliji r iiiitip'"Ijia.' .1
Arie,cti.p.4l:p__:ca r peu_orarehou,,_
to;silliM.3l:Yritrnbtar pu:y Parpetit;oll - ClothiT
ir-,lke4-wijj find it irpitly:lq AileiOtalvantage to
call Mi. the ill'aiider a very low,
kent4trt his other exoensesere eo lied he is in
docetto: selle6oOdi Weolesale'or Retail at the
16west prices le the city, ,:11:hg.eastnot tajl to he
suited with price kill the very choice assortment
he offers of beautiful Imperial, Super & Medium,
Li Venitian Ciiroetings, in great.variety
and new styles and Oil cloths of all widths to '
cut .fcir rooms halls bre, with .5 great variety of
Ingrain Correia' from ts to Weems, and Entry,
•and Staii-(arpets from 12 to 32 Cents per yard.—
Also - Hearth Rugs, Table and Piano Coveii,
-Rods, Rag and Cotton Carpeting Re Re
•li It Et.I)RIDGI:
No. 41 Strawben't et. one door above Chesnut
near 2(1 street,
Reptember 1,1847
Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manuthe
tory, No. 411 North Front street, between •
Market and Arch streets, Philatl'a.
111 HE Stibecribers having. Made gri at ittprove
.l. ments in the above business ate now-manu
facturing.of a Superior nuality,all kinds of PLAIN
end ORNAMLNTAL WINE WORK, Well as Sieves,
Riddle!, Serenes E/o, for all kinds of grni n, seeds,
sand, ore, snuff ? starch, brickdost &C. Founders'
Sieves of a sfiperior quality constantly on hand.
A Is° Safes,.Wire Dials Covers, Sofa Springs:
Twilled Wire for Spark Webers &c.
ORXAMENTAL WINE WORN, -such -101 Gages,
Nursery Fenders, Gardett Rbeilering; Flower
Stands, Trainers . , Trellis work for Grape Vines;
We. Also Wire Fencing of every description,.'
a zr °Niers thankfully , received and promptly
executed by • . WATSON El CON.
September - 22,1847.
N 0.70; Smith Third Street,.nearly-apfoatte the
Exchange., Philittlelphin.
fIESPECTFULLY announce to their friends
anal the public that they, arc constabtly pre
pared to make to nrder. of the fittest and best
materials, and at moderate prices, every article
of Fashionable Clothing constituting a Gentle
' man's Wardrobe, for which' tlieir complete stock
of choice and cai•efullv selected Cloths, Costal
meres. Vestings,,Sv., of the latest and moat deal
rable patterns, are particularly designed.
Their own practice/ knowledge of the business
and • personal attention to every garment, enables
them to give entire !satisfaction, and to both old
and new customers they respectfnlly twitter air
invitation to give them a call. - •
Having been for years connected wi some of
the best and most fiasltionable_establi melds in
this century, employing none bet firstlute work
1. en, and being in the constant receipt of the la,
test fashions and best styles of 100113. they are
fully prepared to accommodate customers in the
treat manner:
Phi lade' plaid August 18, 1 847*6 mo
THE Subscriber, of the-fate firm of Buck &
Moore, takec this method of informing
his friends and the public in general, that ho
has bought out the Interest of S L Buck, at Ilia
old cstablislied CLOTHING STAND, N 0.244
Market-Strobl, Philadelphia, and is now pre
pared to furnish nil kinds of ready made
CLOT.IIING, at price which cannot but secure
to him the.patronage of all who wish to pur.
these cheap clothing. I have splendid French
Cloth' Dress and Frock Coats, from 55,50 .to
$18; do Pants from 75 cents to $8; Vests from
€2l cents to $4; suit of 'Summer Clothing for
$2,25. Also all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnish.
Rig Goods at extremely low prices._
Wholesalu dealers In Clothing would do well
to call at the store of
254 Market street, Philudelpkie
August 18, 1847
At the Philadelphia 1/iguerreotype Establish
meet, Exchange, Third Story Rooms,
Nos. 24 and 27.
THE. proprietors centime to take the above
Portraits in any size and style, and are happy to
announce that they have made several improve.
menus which add very much to the dclicaey and
beauty of the oortraits taken at their establishment
An examination of specimens at their rooms is
respectlully solicited and every exertion will be
made to give entire satisfaction
Sole agents for the sale of Voigilaetider's Ap
paratus, and importers of plates, chemicals, &c
Philapelphia August 19,1847
RIDGWAY & KEEMLE,37 N. Wharves
below Race street, afFer for sale at the
LOWEST PR ICES, all the articles of the Oil
Trade. Their stock is varied and ostensive,
sad they feel confident of giving satisfaction
to those who cull., They have new on hand •
Pure Sperm Oil, White Winter. and Fal
Oils of differenLqualitics, Solar Oil, W inter
preedm Lard Oil, Winter Elephant and Whale
Oils, Refined, Racked and Common Whale
'Oil, Tanners' Oils, Sperm Candles, Caine,
&c., &c.
Philadelplita, August 18, 1847.
N B.—All goods delivered in first rate order
July 7,1817.
Cheap Watches and Jewelry,
AT the Philadelphia Watch
and .lewslry Store, 96 North
ffit Second. St., corner of Quarry
: IA :, Gold lever Watches,fulljo" :
..., : i ' . - 4 , , , . ailed, IS carat cases $45 00
1L1.6.5. - R.i.l;' . Silver Lover Watches,
full jewelled ' 23 00
Silver Lever Watches seven jewels 18 00
Superior Quarter Watches lO 00
Imitation quarter Watches not warranted' 5 00
Gold Spectacles 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles 1 75
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones 3 50
Ladies Gold Pencils 16 currant.: , 200
Gold Finger Rines 37.4 cents to $B, Watch
Moses 'plain 123 cents t0 , ...18,i; Lunet 25.
Other articles In proportion. All gouda war
ranted to be what they are sold. far. .. _ .
On•hand Pomo gold and Silver i Levers, 1 .1,0=
pines and Quartiers !ewer than. the 'above
Philadelphia, Feb, 3, 1847.
No 87 North Third Street,
19111 IE celebrity-ofthe Inks manufactured by the
subscriber, and the extensive sales whim
'quenrupon the• high reputation which they have
attained, not only throughout the.Ungted Stites,
but in the West Indies and in China, has induced
him 'to' make every necessary arrangement to
supply theja.t ,demand upon his estaddishinent
He is now prepared with every ,variety of Blac - ift;
Blue. and • red Inks, .Copyi lig,. Ink, Inslelible Ink,
and Inkl r oiirle - r - 01 - 11,•prepared under , hit own
personal 'superintendence,. so, that .puroliaserii
may depend upon its superier.ality
' H
superior article Or. Mending' G lais;Chimt; Cab
inet Ware. tee.,
.nseful :to .`every' , Hcitiiiiikeeper,
be:ng a white liquid ,easily applied,' ainfiletafeii
bid by ordbl,o3, - • ,
IMPiitriphlets;liontaining thentieferouiLteiti:
monials'ormen ..of science, and othrrs, dill be
;tarnished to puteliasers.. 7 .
For sate. at the 'Manufactory. Wholesale ,ind
Hetall,•Ne.. or North Third Street,oppotlte
Cherry Streel,Philailelphia,hy
_ .10SEPH-E:HOVEll,lllaauFaCtiirer.:
rrio.orN .rilm AR pAPARILLAt,-.T
11 Petiole. it now . eitientliVQly , lllo4
and others for the removal rem oral-and permanent cure
diseases arising from an impure state of die hioo
or habit" - of the' SYstek tit la warranted . the
mantlfselorer.'tO•be: fiv e tiflleleStrOngeethan joy
pieparasion. 'oF,stor se i ne kind' extant; 'and.' each
bottle to bontain per,bettle:
If. US:r At' he:I)EBARI o,ta Yei
•sojev lack; and:, Fitp 411 o n t yeliteotsi al
tibbilnal and FlowOys.
~ of . Finish ne
w firilqgn
, AP , It earli.6lc
WOULD respectfully mill the attention o
Housekeeper's and the Public tothe'exten
.eive stock'olsplendid Furniture;ineludiniSo
fag, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables, DIOS
sing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety o
Cab inet-trare and Chairs,
which (hey ,have just opened at their nett ,
rooms, on the corner of North Hanover and
Louther Streete,,Cerliele., _
They are confident that the superior finish
of the workmanship, and elvganto-of style, in
which their articles are got up, together with
their CH EAPNESB,.wiII reco nnond them to
every person wanting Furniture They have
also made arrangements for menu eturing and
,keeping a constant supply of eve article - in
their tine, both plain and orname el, elegant
and useful,-at prices which they contra rail to
suit purchasers. i rlity,,would,earnestly invite
persons who are about to commence liousekeep.
ing to call and examine their present. elegant
stock, to - whicli . theY will einisiiiiiqy make ad.
ditions of the newoat and most modern styles.
COFFINS made to order ut the shortest no.
lice, for-town end country.. -
April 21', 1847.
IFRDCLAINI it fo the Weirtil= v l liar BrvicO l ;
Compound Syrup of lloarhound is, without
exception or exaggeration, the mast safe a lid epee
tly.cure fora!l diseases arising from Coughs and
slolds, which unfortunately neglected, too often
end in Consumption. If Hance s Ctmpoend
up of If oarthound Is taken on the first appearance
of a Cough it will immediately cure it and save
the sufferer from an untimely grave. Price 50
cents. For sale by Seth S Hance, 106 Baltimore
stand corner of Charles and Pratt ate. Baltimore
For sale in Carlisle, by J & NV B FLENIING,
at their cheap Drug store opposite the 'Railroad
Depot. (June 2,1847.
Seperior Old Wines and Brandies,
For Olegicinal PlllOBOB.
PR. MYERS has jusrselected in the city
an aasortment of the most cicalae old
a and Brandies, for medicinal and table
purpoaaa.. _Those purchasing-may depend uponthem as being pure. Also Champaign, Port.
Claret and other summer wines.
Ju1y.214, 1847.
ein e ltt Po r Cisterns,
And BEDFORD WATER in barrels' and
half barrels. for-sale by
Chambersburg, July 28, 1847-3. t
• 'Witco's.
Ilb`de. flame Sboldicra .and Sides
•• for Bala by
Harri3burg, June 9, 1847.
Philada, Baltimore, Pittsburg,
rittaVt.. =r ,
.216.714 "ffer
J. W. K t-R R ,
HARntsuunG, 4 p-A;
RN -FORMS his friends and Cho - public, I NFORMS liberal patronage extended to him
during the past year, he bus been encouraged
to make more extensive arrangements for the
ensuing season, and has added two new, Jargon
'and splendid Boats to his LINE, nod will be
fully propeted rifler the opening of the Coital
b forward Produce and Merchandize of all
kinds to and front Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Pittsburg. &c., at the lowest rotes of freight
and with the utmost despatch.
Agents for Boats, •
t. Race street Wharf, Philadelphia
Messrs. GIESE & SON,
No. 48 Commerce st. Whart,lialtitntre
Meseere.CLAßK & THAW,
J. MeEADDEN & CO, Pittsburg.
Agents for Core,
No 272 Market et. PULL&
N 0.423 Market et. Phdada
Messrs. SITER, JAMES & Co.,
. Broad street, Philadelphia
Pennsylvania and Ohio Line, N. at. Baltimore
March 17, 1847;1-.—tf.
NOV• HAT is most conducive to health'? A
T NOF THF. BLOOD. 'Now the best meth
od to insure a healthy state of Blood is, no i Iv
first symptom of arty disorder of the vireo's
Ong finid,such as Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Gid
diness, or any of the diseases which- arise
therefrom, to use Hatiee's Sarsaparilla or Blood
Pills, filly , pills in a box i for 25 cots. according
to the directions, and y6n will obtain Inintedi•
'ate relief.
One Ward . of Caistion.—When you go to
purchasn Hance &impel Meer Blond Pills,
be sure you get the geßiiine erticle. Price 25
cents per box, or five boxes for one dollar.. Pei
sale by Meth S. Hence, tOB Baltimore street,
and corner of Charles and Pratt eta., Bultl•
. For sale In rlisle, by J. &W. B. FLEM
ING, at Choir cheap Drug store, opposite. the
Railroad Depot. (June 4, 847.)L
Cure for Life secured
for the cure of Piles. The Vegetable Pile
mory, invented by Dr. A. Upham, a tlistim
guislwil-ph)stchin-of Nevi Vocknity - , - iatlic - only
really successful remedy for that dangerous and
digressing complbitit, the Piles, ever offered to
the ? mericanlibblic. —
The Electuary contains no Mineral Medicine. ,
no Aloes, Colocynta,_Qamboge, Or Editor power
NI and irritating purgative: No fear of (Aida
cold while under its influence; 'no change in diet
necessary: If taken according
,to .directiolts, a
cure for life is guaianteed.
Another Certificate added to the hundreds th.:,
have already been reeei ved, of .the efficacy of De
• ' • _ .. ~. ,• • I DIM YORK, Atigust26, 1846.
Messrs. Vyatt & Ketcham—Gentili For seve
ral years past I have been troubled, with Piles, n
very costive state of my onmphins not lie' ig vr
severe as to di sable me froth kasittesa, and a dread
I. had - Of ollYsleiane and patent Medicinee, that
until , this, spring' ,I never, used any medicine of
,applied to a physician for relief._ TheViloathen
beangaosevere that! alimv.edaeveral operat'ona ,
to be pprformed,e4thOut any benefit,- Petermin
cd after thie to, try. other Means, I read, po advet ,
tlieteent ol;st Cure gOaraateed•by 'the' uie of Dr
Upitim's Eleetuary: - • I intreltatied ehrbe'linxeini
youritOre, and 'from ihe use ot Whichl - foUhd
:Myself entirely cured of the' Piliii;antliOy health
'Muth improved. I remisin;• Sirs: voile inns,,' In
debtedfriatul::— :.. • ~. ..', E astkilhaace:. '
Merchant Tailor,l94 Broadwayopstalras
.' - : - Dr. KellYithanti'prop,rietor, ! ';••;-'',', ••,.i:• • '
WvArr Bs Keveuax,4 91. iFilitott . ;.Strtet,. Wea.
York, General Agents for the: Bouthei.,n,States. '
.. VSold - le - Carlialei - hy'Si`gintiMwevr, an .
prugglstagenerillythroUghoktthis Pelted Eitatet
rriee.,l: '." . ..• ' . ' - , 1',.'.• ' '
November II 1940. - , - •.. •:• .' • '" , -
~ ." • . . .."
CI.OVE.ANODYNE,_,-.:) .'- ..—::-,'-'; _ s---.
• AN% iteteetiiitii itry4 :perceetl:',. ••• .
:ogee tor that most-exceueleting
the - =TOOTU..ACHL,,.`i
dijease , the : -TOPTWApHEO-7; e t % ~• , •
le to be founant: - ; •••,:,•,. ,i , -'
,y .', ~ A T, ~,,„ ',:
; ; 2; ,•, -- .:.t.-, i ELLIVIt'S ' ' )..I,i , , • ,
-- Drug & Chemical' Store ' : .3. /... e 1 ' / t,
Dee': 30, , '1840. • ',.-',:;••:*•• 1 :.-:: : • ~•,,•-• e-, , • . • ;
rUgE'pli reef n d ltn oat percent , aPt
itriVAleid preeervetienliof thelinift , Witi•
glinted genuine ileac mariiini r lorsli,lt
tru ntilet",,,Tin iunt,Siguret,
Ar, 11 6,t; re s ; Jn et
Ted NV:-H
-,l • ll acte'tich.i . . ,. .pstamm2)9Eaketims
Gam, of_itaraerpotype-Piiitr'aits
, •.. azid - Pafight Groups,
"No: 14Q , Clitenut 5t.,.3d door below Fifth St,
THE pictUre* taken' at this establishment are
pronounced. by artists and 'scientific men,
Unrivalled for depth'of loue - and`softhess of, light
and shade, ,w hjle They display. all the aftrafttc
virrangement . df. the highest effort of the painter.
. Citizens or sWangers visiting the Gallery, cau
have their Miniatures or Protraits taken in this
unique_ stvle,and neatly . set in-ilforeeio eases,
..cold.Locicets or Breastpins tee, in a few minutes.
We copy the following from the Philadelphia'.
Saturday Courier:
The public journals have at different periods
announced, as a retnarkableproof of the skill and
proficiency of A nverioan Artists, that Daguereo
types are,now- tootle in this - city suyifflor in evecy
respect to those made in any of the &mopes%
cities. • The success cf American artiste wa •
confirmed in a very gratifying and conclusive
manlier, by Mr. Barnum', publicity stating at
the close of his Tent Thumb exhibition in- thiS
city, that Mr. Root had made 44 -one good pie:
tarot with only's single iniltire. In. additionio
which Mr. R. Ims been furnished-with the folloW-.
jog osoneitssiyocertificate,siitied It-will be perp
cemval ty the parents of Tom Thong', by .MM
Barnum, Ids teachetwand secretary.all of whole.
were With lihn in Winne , • •
Pintortertis-Johe 1 1111.17'•
The Pauguereotype of Tons Thumb anti , hin
family,iincluding his several- teachers, fountain;
driver, equipage Fic. and his ration* costumer
mei characters, Made A.-Roott-pY:WIMI
lONE in alfrtireaent rft Vegree of iMantifertit#
'truthfulness to Nature-, wilt a bold chirm
' outline, softness, expression. beauty and delicacy
of finish, and undorin IMlllifince that we, have
never Seen equalled. -They are decidedl y
to any thing oftlie•kind witnessed by useit ei ther lit
ihiti•nonett y or-in London, Paris or a ny of the
cities of Europe which We have visited. We
take pleasuro itthearing testimony to the courtesy.
.and skill so uniformly manifested by Mr.4toot,
the erniaently successful, Diguerrecityehlt. • •
Signed S. E. STRATTON (the tither) .
P. 'l'. BARNUM
(Exhibitor °Maim Thnmb in Englamiand Anne.
rica and Proprietor. of the New York and
Baltimore Al maim.
W. W. IV MISTER (Secretary)
rtmoDoitE' CATLIN
(Advertiser and Secretary of Torn Thnnib In
Europe) -
H. G. SHERMAN (hit Preceptor)
This is certainly very striking testimony in
favor of American superiority, contirg_as_it does
from Those who have examined speComens of t
best productions in the art in most of the prior .
ple cities of Europe. ` '
July 28,1847-6 mo.
THE - SubsCribers, Importers and Dealers
_IL in Foreign and American Iron, beg !env*
to call the attention of purchasers of IRON and
STEEL; to the new assortment of Swede
Norwegian, Coble and Common English Iron,
which they now have alit are -constantly re
miving from Europe direct. Also-Agierican
ron, consisting of Hoop, Band, &roll,
English, Mission. and 'American Sheet Iron;
Smolt Round and Square Iron, from - 3.l6ths
and Upwards; Boiler and Flue Iron, Horse
shoe and Nail Rods, Aile Iron, various sizes;
Locomotive, Tire and Railroad Iron; Angle
Iron, Half 'round Iron, &c. Spring and Bliiter
ed Steel, from beat stamps of Swede hunt ..
Cast 'and Sheer Steel, &c. all of which they
offer _at Ilia LOWEST rates, for cash, or at
six months for approved reference, and to
which they invite the attention of purchasers
belbre reph nishing their stocks.
Also, Pig and Bli om Iron received on coin.
mission, on which advances will be made.
---- EAR - PS - A. — BR 1 N'gr
• Iron and Steel Merelinolv,
117 N. Water St. and 5 N. Del, Avenue, Phil•
July 28, 1847--1 y
THE subacribrr offers to the trade, or by
retail, a large and general assortment o
the following articles, being all of his own int
portation or mainifacture.
Buyers of goods in this line are incited to
examine the useurtment, and orders are sulici•
tad, with the assurance that every effort will be
made to give sutisfactiu,n and insure a contin
uance oft uatom:
Gold & Silver Lever %Valellea of ordinary qual
Do. do. do. ofsupetior finish.
Do. do. do. Anchors Zy Levine&
Silver double cased English and Swiss verge
Waiches, light, medium and heavy Va-
Geld Jewelry in all yodeller, fineand common
Silver Plated. and Silver Worcs.
Musical Boxes, playing 2, 4.6, 8 and 10 tunes
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
Diamond Pointed Gold Pens
co Clocks, in gilt Lind • kilns
Mantel and 0 L.
%Vatclimalter Tools and materials of all sorts.
Fancy Arti ca. Fancy Fans,„Steel - Beads. 4c.
flaying , , ery facility fur obtaining goods on
the moat yantaScous terms, corresponding . in
ductmc to will be offered to purchasers.
112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia.
July 21. 1847.
Hats, Claps, Ladies' Bluffs, Boas, Oki
aaanakur a BROWN, -
hat and Cap IVarehonse and Mannfinto4,
No, 196 .Ilark4 Street, • •
D ESPECTFULLY solicit attention to thei.
IL large' and complete 'stock of Hats and
Cups, .narinfictured under tlie;r own !immedi
ate . alrection-nnd supetittlendinceiwith all the
advantages of modern triffirnreinfMtalisTenable
them to combine the important qUalitieicardu
rability, taste and beauty , cif finish with en
treme cheapness of price.
An immense and beautiful anointment ors
varieties and-prices of Barer, Brush; Silk,
Moleskin, Russia, Caseimere, Wool, Sporting
and Ashland Hats. - Alpo; A general asstPltnant
of every.var icily of Cape, Otter, Fur Seal, flair
Seal, Musket, Plain and nine)? Cloth every
style; Bed. Black andßonWn Muheir,.Stialette,
Glazed, Oiled Silk and Pei Cepa:
X,adies' Muff's, Boas, Ate., at thelreitylowallt
Buyers by the dozen or less, arti'Millet,''
Call and see if it hi' net telhein' ihierent tea
With us. ,
Pardonler 'attention paid toßia packing . of
Hots, &c.
• Cash' paid for 111tiskrat and Shippinunirs.
• No. 196 I
a rltek , qtrco?t, below Sixth St.
111 !1bsti ribei:liasgairettirtml
tiofer 'NE it'lool:4Colonsistingl
tali tor the following artielest , -
-; , ..Chanibry,PlainAGlnghamsiPlaid Ginghalnsi
i • New Sly le Eidieoes, wriarge
White and brown Muslins,
„White aod i bto wi; .-4 and 5.4 Sbeetingsi
"Ticking and Checks,' Mgt
23 doz.: Coiton.HOSiery,,all•kind's;, •
.200 . 1b5, colored -;Cotton
Irish Lioeni;'Prom ST to st;otl`
Hoek' Siriped . 4sid 114thia ifi
White and faney,Uneinifoir,Gell.
Summer ClOth .
Casiimeres and Visaing's:carpet 1
The above netwirtinielLunited," oo ,klhe •old WI
in North Hanbies'ane*st l l l- elamili - .
• , -CarliilidnljF,7o lB 4 7 ;, ,
•• •
'"- 1/004blai';NO.,./ VI a n d A
~ „ :; . 100 bble,:femily:shad.
0, Oatbblalletring,,for sale by • ;', •
".114rIii.011;40116,. As
;(4 , , , „Freslllllliirel 'Or
:received , a{;' G
8e; temb'er
SACKS! Grcitind`Altito,
ti .br , _ • G. R. C11.11?1;11V3, •
Cseihie October '13,184T. • ; "