«•+,~+~a7uaLl' 6 7~LWdl+y::S.4:.~o.~.3Mil'Nß"w•".w`...+..:.''.t 3 i§'vf-'?bY~Yc:'S 4 „'3.^uL:t+A9Y:l"sYO^?w4F M 36Li , _L` F 'xuLo"i~'~~iF~i BLS . fTt'.Y,~~2 ^ wY:li9l ' Y lY ~lFkY. " ~'~C l v ^ k ..' ~u~:'~ , ~R~'YS~Ydl~^"'rAL t i~w~f yb~'y~nry . ems"' ~ , -gawp sitiostoittow - PTIBLIMEDfAr.ERYIWEDNESDAY. '&44: angieoftjccyuGlic 2(106--) ykla./ . 0- back' of the on; .. tea, 7 ,i 1 "" TERMS , OF , SUBSCRIPtION. ectitsa. Year 41 , 1 ,to4Aitoit. ' ppilarg,tfliald within 1 it,e'Yaltr.. 008 Dollar for sin month.. • ' tariniftvillbe:rlghlby adhered RATES OF ADVERTISING; • Advertlacmcntsonak Int{ flfteertilnpe or leaeov ill be a' ' , charged nttlie rate of Fifty acute for cite insert ion,— I tree antes for One Dollar, and tWaitty.five cents for p yery stabeqquent insertion. Yearly allyertlseti will ' c charged at the'following rates,: one 00111 it'll, with the paper, for ne ye* - .115 , ~,, Two Squares, with quartertF citattges, et* nu.h..se Car d s, with tile paper, 50 JOB ,PRINTINGAF EVERY DESCRIPTION, - It 4,44-bii'llandi t ills, Illatias, CD tntars and rvory nth CO description of Printing, nun:mini banFarnrcly and exPedinsly. 11114 at the LOWEST PRICIIS. •• la6ars'Marsitioarlia Cherry Bitters. -- RE,ntiJilfdliblG Niedicineyspepsia•or Intligostion o the aid versa! complaint, Bead , i t oc,Depressioii of Vpi rite, Phonics and Fustults on the lace, I fabittlat c . :ostiveness, Itheunuitism, trections of the Bladder and Kidneys.. Bilious Vecers. It is is perfect preventative of Bilious and' ri.estern Fetcrv, and.4lie best remedy ever axed in restoring the patient ter being prostra- ted Fever; tc. Bry airdhs,Bulargeitientdf the Billies, Fever Flattildney; Puttli-' ' stess of Conuilesion. General Debility, tor gene ral prostration, caused by disettse,... medicine, or indiscretions committed iiryoutbobberratibilpf inimi t emtlitsiotrof ideas, loss of memory slimness It hopeless expression of .couidetinuee; lull for this class of disease ketterallv,this.medi itilie halt never had. its equal. Gout', Giddiness, Gravel,linnurc Ifbooth Jaaudicct Lopmit Altpe- - . rite; lAA% •..-ouplaint; LCprosf; Looseness. MERCURIAL DISEA.SES:—Never fails to eradicate votively, all the effe.cts of Mercury in finitely sooner than any other medicine. Ni gh t Sweats; Dervous Debility; Nervous Cor d- pla intof altkinds; Neuralgia; Organic Affections. Pill pitatiOn of The Ileatt; Painter's Cholic. ' Pains to the side, back, limbs, joints-and organs;; Rush. f blood.to I . lre bead; Zcurvy.;: Rheutn; Zwel .1g; sick lietulnelw; Ltilllicssid the Joints; 7.cortula or King's Evil; Syphilis in its worst fitesus; . .Ulceas of every ilescription, and the Ery sipelas; Exposure nuts mprodeitee in Lite.- FOIA I.E: COMPAINLTS—.Ladesi of pale coMpleslou and consumptive I4its, and sorb as are debilitated by those obstrodtions which fe ' mates are.liahle to, are t•estor«l by the use of a bottle or two to bl oom and vigor. It Is by far the best remedy sect discovered l'or weakly 001- siren, tied such as Wave land humors, being plea sant they readilt take it. It immediately restores he appetite, strength anti color. Nothing can be more surprising than its invir oreciva effects on the hunt:m.l'llone. Persoos,all weakness and Lassitude before taking it, id once become robust and full of energy under'its influ ence. It immediately counteracts the nerveless ofss of the lannutit frame, which is the great cause barrenhess. The following arc some of the certifeates and complimentary notices that have been receit ed bytheproprietor,M . the eflicacy_of this medicine. M.r. Wilcox, of thl well ktion is firm of Wilcox Et Richmond, shipwrights, of New Ben ford, was entirely cured of a confirmed canker of Lhe stomach, throat and mouth, ith sore lips usually accompanying this disease, and his gem, rid health mud: itproveil by the use of only ono Nlr. Wilcox has suffered severely tor a IMITIIICr of years whh this disease, and attributes Lis cure entirely to the use of the Bitters. Col. it plies, Deputy ZherifT of Bristol county, Mass. has voluntarily ti that . he was cured by tlte. ters,orJautalice,ludigestion, 2ldadache and Vertigo. Cot. Gibbs, of Zafhlwielt, testifies that several pinata; in that town, well knoWn to him, have been benefitted. by the use of the Bitters, and in every case they have-given the must perfect sails landlon. J. IL Pthicina,F.sq. Attorney al Law, of New Thidre r ,i;,eas enrcil of an inutleasant erulition'Or the face, by the use of the liittees- [Prom the DaitivErening Bulletin.] It is not our custom to pun' I'ntcnt Aletheine.; unless we know them to be really excellent.— Having ourselves a knowledge or 1)r. NVood s Sarsaparilla 1111 l I 'Wild Cherrt Bitters, and linen ingseveryl friends who :twee - been benolitted by their use, we do not hesitate to recommend them Italie public. 13oth Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry are articles orestalthshed reputation in the tnell 'teal world, and this prepuration is made with great care and appet,rs to combine all the metli chill qualities or both in an on •sual manner. Flr sale by the proprietor, E. Thormon,3 li. Water street, mill by the IbliggistP generally. Anyone sufferhlg.ll.olll diseases or the blo.al,intligostion, or headache, woul4l do well to give these Bitters a trial. Prepared by E. Thornton., Jr. Sold Wh01e..., aide and Retail by WyArr k KrrenAm,liD Ful ton street, New York; SAM UEL ELLIOT r, Carlisle, and Druggists generally throughout the United'Siates. Price Is, large bottles. December 5.. t 845. Dr. Keeler's Vegetable Panacea. For 'the removal and permanent cure of all discuses, arising front an iinpur4 state of the Blood and habit of ttic bodK9z, Chronic ailbetious of th • "A( eltoi, Chronic Pleurisy, Bron chitis, Catarrh etc. Scrofula in all its stages, Tel Scald-lend, Cutaneous af fections of the face and extremities, Chronic He pe tie diseases, Chronic Itheurnatism,Chrinia Enlarge . talents of the ligamentsand„bints While Swellings, Stphilis; Siphilitic affections, Mercurial and hereditary pre dispositions and constitutional disorders, ale Among all Of the various kedicinal produce - lions that science has discovered and,,ert pre , pared fur the alleviation of Kaman' uffering Amin disease that arises from a vitiated condi tion of the ... 13100d and organs ef nutrition, fore most stands the PANACEA., Where other rerneaies have failed to-destroy the essential prineirkmot wormink- -its into„the deep tisauca.of the bo Of Width,. .„, iihia.remedy.pervading.every tissue; organ and' ,inwt. - :ertlo,hody has by. its poweiful.altarativo. infieepeaupriuded 'every vestige ef 'diabase in the .system. ~k4t.s the genial rays,of aTernal waun f infuses-netif,Life in the vegetable world; • so does the Panaceainvigorato tholdi.bilttnted • 'slekly,-.and as - new.life -fresh and.bloomiag m 4 .414E110 from the parched earth after cop ' titie'shitwori,'iiii'diies'health follow the foot- 'iltWe' - '6filita btu reit jtia! rein'tely. • •,,...„ - ,•rrlpaiiia,i, r nkeoiii,cer.3.d, and South streets ,efeith.iilittlesale . and retail by carliale, Dr.' Al 'Pherson 14„-druggists .and Aitixeltanie r. liiroulthou:Lita ,Cuuttli , , ~it h d ,I,tl ea t a o-easy for tap dop,o "" ti o7"PliiJditftl 7,llolai?ji t „to *lake their Lives "A' litqa,4 l 'll/Ot•h/Agag,Alnd llappli, by the ' author of gr,Eilifeiztion: 'As 11 Is, • merienn Edition, e, withdddttons. Being_an elementary and interes3 mg- trLtise on . self, KnOwledge: , Cout4ining .short and outer. .tainltte articles on • i - , • 7 • • ' l ‘ . • •• - • Metal, Glands, Streng • tl4"--J.' • 4 Nerves, 1 . /tfilletiOn r k: r. I)igestionil• Lifer, • Bititins; . ' , ( Old agei•••••:', 1 • Blood, - Lungs, , t , • Health, Sta. See. ko'• • Together the Cretitrt oeeei in _-Life hor . iiitiniitil•L-Iletv• G ood;' thin susannil ' Meet sfOrEitop, d e i.' eribed, SlOn'ttesorlhed,rl.lllan , l Kr6ilfiltieS, and" 11 . etieleMex etiV•irtlt b' and 'V lig!;; Youthful Error 4 ';Wetntin Itatt , 'lfille•'delfdate;WcitututtifiVi t tees)" The 'whole 4esigned for die gable rpose, of if;iiiboibitt i gtod extending eduention'inme it gtkthe imOtrting Vidnable. Ittnittyledge- on the . • physlologi,..of 'thel hurnitir Wise, hie h,goverit•inetitalitnit tiotfilylleattitk'Std. &tee; (Ive , xl(llB',:sehk"ftiti i -AA() klesosinge. MA d, 4 r.Oll C. ZIEBER & e Gill,' ) , .7;OlPlifintleigtlit';StarY24 Tiilisßl9ofre;l9fS..4 vreifffAYFATPleoiniv. .'••".0 I,t„ . !' /.. ir:'*HAFETIPLIf ;,ilrsrit4inii,4s)lZ:ll4o',:ridii, • 7 , T. - ''. Vll'Liiiiiiiii4 ; : : .Viiiiii .o l4l 4 .47?,iiiiiite... , : . i;44:43 rad.by' - ', , ,''': l 7'':''":l:i ., ,:;'.GEo;:w . :niTNErt: , :, , , , :-., t.:..,:,.,;;.'i,::"..7.•,.',,,,,‘:.,:,;:",...,......,•..A.,..,;,...: ME MIS • -Itlebittnc,.q, , fT (I#4llWg l 9?" 4 ItenletTY' • • .A k • Bar erltt - aza kftlt 4. This intis3t:vlilitahle ' ~mii6ca'flon Idas'becyt atte'd , i4 I th kibtfdarful I cure; .Cd.surtwof.the:mostlreublesomedisesses with ultielallio Immo is affected, (w knout dbstroysngt the hair) such as old strains, swellings; stiff. nose arid nts, galls produced by:the caller add saddle, strains of tho' shoulders, stlfle,;hoof, pastern and coffin joints, straine of the whirl. bond, 'knob, and' &duct, poll' evil, fistufea, curbs, splints, spavin, wlntfgalls , puffs; &fi. I Cvbry,siton_c ores tib de , outs,- bruises, iistules, poll.byil L etirbs,rolm, and givoy.. Inatant miter in the serntchse, rease,mbc.,and fhe discares incident to. horses having whft.o• eet and noses produced by St John's Wort, which su often tkstroys the hoofs and bones of 'the feet, and resists the action of sulphur find vitriol ointments, and other remedies oqUally powerful. • No dpplication has heretofore preyed, so (mead i n relaying stiffness of the tendons and joints, and producing such immediate. and .one (eta( - Wects-in cranked' heels, brought on by high - fending, splints 'and Skeins, ' This Embrocrtionts highly recommended to farriers,' keepers of lb/pry stables, ivagOneye, stage proprietors, and .pri vato gent:Omen own ing horses, as- an invaluable yemedy, and should be const.nntly..'kept in their stables. ; :.: . Alsofuriners, whose horses are so liable to kicks, 'Outs \- &pally/ advantageous' to keep it constantly•ori It is • ((funny beneficial in the • treatment Of working cattle, . for gulls,• sore' necks, lints, wounds,.etc. For sale in Carnal.). by Dr, JOHN 3 MY— ERS, Sole Agent.. July 21, 1847. To tlw Citizens of Cuinborland Co, " There is something More previous firm Gold or Diamonds—lievami.4 '/'HERE me some diseases that visit us at sta ll ted sensors of the year, and which not Unfre quentlybeemne alarmingly fatal, during the sum 'our and autumn months; especially the young; there being not less than seventy thousrnd dying annually with derangements of the stomach and bowels alone. Does not every feeling of our nag lure became enlisted in the human desire tmles sen this frightful mot tality , are we not bound by every principle religion to administer relief when in our power ; nod we discharge our lad when we point out the greatest -remedy ever Yet discovered, the this purpose,to the public. If there be one, or if they. have 11 friend, or a child, or a neighbor, a Ito MR) , chance to rend this no tice, that is suffering with Distrrhoea, , Dysentarv, Cholera Mortals, Summer Complaints, Colic, Flatulency, ke.,„lste., then let them try Dr. Kite let's Cordial and Carminau ve, and we guarantee a speedy cure. Laneaster Co., Nelfville, Dec. 11, 1841. Dr. Keeler—Sometime lust summery oar agent left me some of your Infant cordial and Carmin ative, urging me to try it. It so happened that I had a case, a young child about six months old, whose stomach and bowels were iu II very disor dered conditiOn, caused by a deficiency of its mother's milk. The chi bl .mere.alteleton, acre was much tormina,•tenetimus anti constant evactiationk. I administered every medicine I could think of, w1..11 but a slight alleviation of the complaint. I then thought of gEving your medi cite a trial commencing a ail small doses. a soon Itowever peeeeiveilthe child could bear full dose as recommended in directions; before it had taken bud f a bottle, the stomneli and Lowe els bad recovered their natural tone every othe bad symptom yielded, and the chil d rapidly re covered. . • 1 have no hesitation in saying that . your medi cine is the very best for the above complaints 1 have administered in a 21 years' practice. Very respectfully, your "'Head, , 11. 13. BOWMAN, M. D. Prepared wiener of 3.1 and South streets, Phil adelphia. For sale wholesale and'retail by SAM UNL ELLtoT, Carlisle; Dr. McPherson, Barris. burr and - by - Druggists and Merchants through- July 21, 184.7.-6 m. CARLE . ..ANIS BALEAVI F HEALTH.' A-n Approcd 1?e, o Dlispepsiq, o les 6.c. ; tic. a two reasons why 'this medi be recommended to the public, —on het most persons who have so ight it buy Regain, thereby showing that they re grad it as a valuable Family medicine; the other is that certificates arc in the possession ofthe Proprietor of permanent cures having been effected not only in persons afflicted fora shoFt time, bat also in cases of long standing It is composed altogether of a vegetable matter, is perfectifdintmless u can be taken at all times, and is no hindrance to business. It restores and revives the animaleptrits,cleanses the stomach from ell morbid humors Airhich Cause indigestion and acidities. It also req moves nervous tremors, rhea:alio pains, and prevents their return; cures nig cones of the stomachs and botvele,almost immediately takes away palpitation of the !mit; and promotes the free circulation of the fflopd r , Theilkieelion 'accompanying eaclilCitle rent:tins a number of certificates enact(' which is given in this advertisement. Deco Simi—about two years ago T was se verely; afflicted with . ispepsin, which 1 had fur the Dist, fifteen years previous to the above named tim, which way very much increased by my having n blootlvessul rupturod upon my lungs, occasioned by lifting—which increased my ainiipluint, dispepsia and general debility anti weakness, to such a decree, that two or three years previous to my using tho Gude. gam's Balsam, I never ate a meal but My stomach became so poinfurthat I had immedi. ately to throw it up. Seoing - Gorlegant's Bal sam advertised I was induced to try a bottle; after Wien the very first doso it appeared to strengthen my stomach; and every dose of th first bottle helped me so much that In the course of a few days my stomach: began to retain and digest every thing I ate. J confined -to use the Balsam until I used several . bottles, which cured the entirely, and. restored me to perfeet health, which I have enjoyed ever since, oWir not before fdr fifteen years. I cheerfully ccommend it to all persona who aro aictedffl with dispeptid or dibility ofstomach. Ilpi4lll - LOTTITAN, Fred'k Co. Va.. Prepared and sold by tha Proprietor, JOON S. !ITlLLEll,oppoeitethe Mai kot Tlodse;Vred. crick, Mil, and by SAMUEL . ELLIOTT, sot's went for Carlisle. _ March 10, 1847. Countl7 . Physicians, DR. MYERS has just received In.addiliOn a his.lormer muck, 'a large, assortment. f DRUGS AND MEDICINES: warranted. uro and froalt—among which 'me all AIM ro% out popular pr s oparationa of the Prefeliktdnyr which 'he will sell 'on as , good ternia - es•any astohlishmont out of Phlludelpliia. ' iiPhyalcians are requeatedtoprcam Ina for themselves. . RLAtcit',TEA • ":. Wor llptpel•liq'rizi#4llos tiSTr_iccelvpd Dr.,mrieits,' Ding Stara,,a _ipjF • choico o (Bin'ak Naa r for , ,invalldh• amilditpolifgoc : Ate,d,,old and Young Riskin; 9,onPp g _4o,r ImPar4ak r •, , —707 iliiialnWantTnin — Mini" ; ,vp1,,.e.;1.1g0. esortmen't of 161 061 Glinti Jore.pl4.(llm,96lpiei•eultetile tor the preeetviiiipeamM,. .for. Belo b y 004, 3 4.1[ T" . TONS - Plno - '9iev64oAL - 200: tone. WilcCoal-200 tone Lime burryirel e l, 4 , so99itedeMitiltnittatteV4l;, i 1. . , . ',1;,19C „ 1 111 4,0,4f9q???1cr'?.? •r, , 4, •: yu;gn Ifeeiebittlai ono 9,1847. .I.l;il'i`!Cii,l6l/40f1e410411 tho . NE'W .ntid 9„vlrip,TpA,4itigrgetaigh IN item, uo h rne ,,, G i nol i ain Bkett,chiPle nd.sll l3l4 l ll 9. l ),pdifilne CillOpigii,'Oe kin g ChhofikatokiP9ll49,oofo4, or : es '&O4 &con Ill!rPiGr°c* " j 6titAorry.,` Jiily 7;1 8 47 , ' • 1:11:7 taasri • ~, .r: 4ANc.Villiayi 41 - pr t y,v i i.kt.i..ey., i . -4 1 tutisialiMOtectioictin*: -,r'4l ~ - L . i.;.;.),141.L'.'t liei , ,::, ;'+':.' i IZI . .. , el^4r d 4,. : kiri' z ' 4 E A' ; Pin Lie! CUAUFAI4 #4l al AntirapiatrU k. t . .I.T: - ArligrO:lliVTLON.CleAl r ANYOp 111 lid ,utaler flie,diVectuni!pf., the l'ollowing , ,hottedidf tMattlagres:fiir Abe Ceefsning , year,'ele.'innThoif•!Cy' isilto9ft, Cp.eid'....W.lMeC ;Miller, President;', Smattel,GalbraithOrjce± r . 're4 ' ullough.;Trettsurers !.K!' • GoM iller ;Oectretaryaines'Weakley i'JohtnT:' ~, Gi•defi. 4. Old ' %Zug, VAbraliam • King...l4tichard, Womia, , ,Samuel..Hustow,..W. ill Mawr, Peal; i Scott.: Coyid, Alexander - DavidoOn.;! There: arenas° a ,numbor,„of. :Agents appointed 'in Abe adjacent • counties, who , will receive. applications for in. smelted aml. forward them immediately for, apz 7prottalltalfe - ,MO - etTof thdComptusy , when the pol icy will be i d without delay.. 'Forfurther a' alortnation s le by - laws of the Company. '•' , ....,- .THOS. C.:SIILLEII Prost. ' AA A . G . 74T/Lc a ,Sec 7 y. The following gentlemen 'hare been appointed N., . . A.GFINTs. , . 1 , ~........„.....,,,, 111344, Westpeonsbero, Gen era I Agett.' ' • . •A. CoYie; Carlisle, . . - , • .. '. Dr; Ira Msey, Mesitanitsburg. . . George Eri nd le, Esq., Monroe. ~.. .ins.._ll-9.leans.,Esq—Xentburg.. - • John Clentlenin„Esq. flogestown. . Stephen Cniberion,Bl4ppentilmrg. ' September 29, 1107 ' , ... .. . , El THE FRANKLIN' OIHE 'INSURANC' E`G" t „ valL ADELem4., . _ Charter PeTetuaL 7 -$4 . 90;90Q c4pitg/paid in Office .163/ 'Olsesdutafget . , AfkKOlNVJltANCE;iiirieriierenatieritia i eed,againk loss (manner& by fire,on PROPERTY And rIFPECTS of °Very desaripthm, town or Country ;on the most l.eisonable termc...• .Applica n tiont made either pi3reonnlly or ,b'y letter , wtll.bo promptly attended to, ME `ltateil of Insurance Reduced 1 P 1 RPE,7'UIIL RISK. Brick Ur Stone divellings or stores • from • . Sto p odepos du • do Churches-- Qi to 3 do - do do Taverns . - S to 4 -do do do Barns . ' 4 to do do do Stables (private) 4. to 5 do do do Stables (public) 6to 7,i• 'do . do do Grist M il le, Water Power, - • 73, to io do . ..RJVIA'U.R.I. RISK. Brick or Stone dwellings and (pr- • niture from 30 tilo4oC $lOO value 'do do Stores and Merclaan , dize 35 tp 50 ' do do do Taverns and Furniture 40 to 'do do Barna and Contents 60 do 65 to 75 do do do Stables (public) • . 100 to 150 do do do Grist Mill and Stock • 75 to 80 do Frame and Log dwellings and Fur niture 50 to 75 do do do S ores awl Merchan-, daze 65 to 85 - do • do "do Tavernsand Furniture 60 to 100 do do do' Barns and Contents 90 to 500 do 'do - do Grist - Mills find St - c - cck 90 to 100 do The subscriber is agent for the abovecorepany for Carlisle a n d its vicinity. All aiiplications for assurance, either by mail or personally wilt be promptly attended to W. p. SEYMOUR. June 12.1545.. I T-33 DELAWARE MUtUACINSURANCE COW. F Fil ILADEL 'On the Mutual Insu e pinciple,-cambined with a loge joint-s', ,, k api • educed to nearly - half the usual des. J3Y the Act of Incorporatton the stock la pledged for the payment :of any -losses which the Companytmay sustain; And- as an additional security to the assured, the act re quires that the profits of the business shall be funded and remain with the corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insuredagainst toss. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the Company, bearing interest not ex ceeding six per cent. per annum. The insured are entitled to a pro rata share oftbe profits of the Company, and will receive that proportion of the aloresald fund in scrip,, whien the amount of earned premiums paid by him, bears tothe total sum of earned premiums and capital stock. The scrip thus Issued, to be transferable on the books of the Company as stock. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. The insured are protected from loss at the customary rates • of premiums, mama any individual liability or responsibility for the losses or expenses of the Corporation. The assured have all the rights of membership,— can Vote at oat. elections, and are eligible as Directors of the Carpel-alien. . Tho subscriber has been appointed agent for ibis Company, and an the mutual principle ti superseding every other mode of Insurance, to would crinfidentlyrecommond it to his friends and tho public. The North American Company. has clone their Agency. Those having policies expirin in that office can have them renewed in. the. Delaware Company on much moro favorable terms. For full particulars enquire either 14 letter or person to JOHN J. MYERS. Carlisle, September 10, 1840.-1 37. .ILL & EAST PEJVWSBOROU 011 MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE . COMPANY. A Ile a rid hastpennaborough Mutual Fire insurance Com panyof Cumberland Coen corporal ail by au act of Assembly, is now fully or galitze.l,and in , operation undeythe management of ice followilia commissioners, viz: Cht.Stay tenni:Jacob Shell',WinU (1 . o rgn 1, Lewis Ily er, Clay ;M ichael Rooyee,'llenry Logati,MichaelCocklin, Benjamin II Metnier,Leyi ILurkel,J acob K rk,Melcltiorllreneinan and Sam,l tilio'reepectfully call the attention ot the citizenaorCuinherlantlacd Yorkcountiesto the ail• vantages ,whieloimcompipny hold out., s ' The rates of insurance areas low and favorable ea ony.Cumpaby ofthe kind in,the State. Peraoni wiabing to heceme,memhera rare invited 'to make eßplication to the akeuta of the dienpany ; who are -willing to wait upon them ataify JACOB. 'B,IIIMIA Pies% hlicAfizi. I4oovia; WesicNtit, • Lela:l/4er, Secretary. Michael Cocklin;Treasurer.. ' • a • • ; , 40.8:YTS: • ' Niictmel noover,General Akerit,lll eelnahleslitni `Rudnlplullurtin, N. Cumberland iownslllo. • --W-Cooklin, Allen township. 1 • , „. . Win It Gorgas Allen Townenp. , ,,, • - Christian Tltzel,,Allen.township. Johr C Dunlah,Allen township. Peter Barnhort;Enet Pennaboro'to*.tieltlp.. David IVlartin,,Clittrelaliroin,:- • ••. C., 1.3.410m0n i IC Ingstown;; - Heary:Aeating.,S4lremansto*n, ~ ,s: ~', Simon Oyster,A,Vorgtgeyaliuri, ,'•!; !; . ;DT, Jacob 1341Vartiangtileler, •, ••`•• ~ JniobKilli;Goile'rtil Age ! ' iro, r York &way, N 41tirnberhind.P::9, , Henry4l4l ;Y ociiintf; ' ' ' 12nnki ytmli ' • • ;; owtn an, York — ootviry.,‘ tPhlliplireakbill,Cumberlaptl "eotil . ty. Rofiert.C. Sterreti S.' Middleton to nehiii.•,; „(C_OttiAingente will. t !ii) thlod eafter; , cr vii v z 'nod smoking 11Q,IR4?i'le#91` • Rg , & - ISNUFFI •'' ' 'TOBACCOIISEGA in inns! celebrated eON 818 zirm of 10 . INvendieh Luscious' Lai/ Grail .11.rtitri r i d kx, congrple.eVel.LlF' I Dry ,Itil 7 9it e dt a t ib a ' 'fleiiiattee''c !Orate!! 1 I VleTtq et 'Me Ditta4iWirt,l4l4:,Palingen ! apiicia d9 Snails ,,:., , ' ', I' 1 4 ', ,: 3' •Ii , r i igailillg Al3'Plilijiliii4ll*,44grit,lll Met" I N ° 09 3., 7 . -,,, a La cabana, grlcalpaol,Chrat:ei lA ; roMavPr h at i n ' ben ofAtnporiod -r/Sgaill and °lber ''' ° " °-° 1 llaplenbaTard,-11aYwanarl wkethei . with 'leptt:4l,.,,,biab'qUitoTe of Chi 11.ilitt Spanish Od 111 " al:141'11'041 - Alt ni impartett,ititilitirbreAnifittiat,iiid t#l4 II 0 . )3,f0t rlocli'tha,c4,,,,„°,ll . m ;iii. , 0404 AO Ye filial At t e lqiih r i‘ t ArigiT t '': ° qP,''''',.'",,T..,Ar,',,..,;,:', p '. a ti lt, '!" ~" , t 2c7 t 4g. . a . '8 „;atrofc:lli,eloliht R°ll3/!12,/, 1 , .;tl,k4R.ll_l°76' di l l y - , it , e , a , .;1.t0.1c0:.) ' .:, , IPSh °treat ' a TWOS.' U. PitliEl”l4". ..' 18' 1847-41 -, C. N. BANCKEN, Prest, lIIIEUMATISn.--It removes almost imme diately thitintl 'motion and when the pain ceases.: Read the direction around the box. - COLIY-FEblT.—Golisittuption, Liver (,om plaint, pain in the elicst or side. fallii.g oil of the bale one or the other always accompanies cold feet. (This ointment - is the true Comedy.) It is 'a sure sign oftlisea.,e to have cold feet. --I-n --serofttlitro liver complaint, sore eyes, quinsy. sure throat, bronchitis, broltemor sore breast; pi les,all chest diseases such us asthma, opjiressions, pain—also, sore lips,chapped hands, tumors,cuttineoite crop • ttons, nervous diseases and of the spine, there is no medicine now known as good. SCALD 1111A1).--..We have cured cases that - actually defied- every thing known, as welt as the of I 5 or 20 doctors. One man told us lie had spent $5OO on his children without any bene fit, when a few boxes of ointment cured divot. BALDNIMS.--It will rebtore the Mile sooner than any other thing. BURNS.—It is the hest thing in the world for Barns. (Brad the directions around the hots. IVORMS.--lt will drive every vestige of them away. There is prohnlily no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure mid su safe In the expul-e sion of worms. CORNS.—Ocensitinal use of the Ointment will always keep corns from growing, People need never be troubled with„thein irate, will use It. PILES.--Thoirvanda are dearly cured by tulle Ointment. JAMES MCA LLISTEE & Co. Sole proprietors of the iibpve medicine. CAUTION —No OINTMENT will be genu ne unless the manes Of James McAllister or names McAllister & Co., are Written With a pen non every label. Sold by Samuel Elliot, S. W. Ilaveratick nail Dr. .1..1. Myers, in Car'isle; J, & L. Edge!, Me chanicsburg; Singicer & Paul, Churclitown, and John Diller, AS A FURTHER EVIDENCE 'That' the principle of curing disease by cleans lug and purifying the body. is strictly in accor dance 11' rill the laws wide!' govern the animal economy i• and if propeily carried out by the use of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE; PILLS, Will certainly result in the complete abilition or disease ; we offer the following testimonials, from persunsof the highestyespectabilitv in New YOrK who havexeccii , ly been cured of lire most • obsti nate complaints, solely by the ties of Ilion Vegetable Pills of the North American Col. lege of Hentai. CERTIFICATES OF-XI/RES. !Tom Now York City. nn.liratt; 'Widows. c=llear Sir,—At you r ro commendation, l some time since Made trial o IVriglit's Winn Vegetable .Pills, of the North Anteriitia'Callege of Health, nod can consciena ously assert that for Purifying the blood mill ren °voting tae system, I have received more benefit from their_usti-thaisfrom any:other medicine it heretofore been my good fortune to meet with.• 1 nto. dune sit ~w)(11 many,thanks, your obliged frfe,nd, .cliA 41-KS M. TAIT ~ • No. 60 ilamn*raly !tract, N r e . o , York. From IVartoarsMg , N. I', .• Deep Stn,-1, , . have been afflicted, for several Tara with inward weakness and general debility, iiccompanied at-timer with pain in the side and other distressing. complaints. Aflcr having tried various medicines without (Reef; I Was Persuaded 11) a friend tomidie trial oC ty . rigliVe Indian V,egetable Pills, which I,am .happ y to,.s• ate hate relieved Mein it most . uolidel.fu I manner. • I have uictlAhe:inedleinene yet' Init a short and hiOnno•dqiibt,,4 a,perseveretieesin the use of the .medinince accenting to dfreetiniiii, that in a ;short tham'be perfectly'repairedi: .1 :(r I IntOst!.willingly - recommend, said. Pills , to; all , peeeees,,similairlr,aMieted, and in , the full belief that the same bsneficial:reselts, will follow :their • retnain,yeurs spic'etlelr," DENS% FOOTE; • Ulster Co.,,Diety York', . Iltwanr. or ,ChticrrEtteenra.-The' public , nrii odutiene43igalnitttlierAtieny:apurious medicines ;which in, , ,order . xo,decoive r Atv ealJed ,by, names girnilar tolirrlgh4'o ll) !liPli Iti) 1 &; .-ChAlleit PSPb • Y i i Piltrioi 4 ; „,10r9010ati,4p. ittt r al;'Naut,'Cw)!oklanc; `.P.PN ' Oclyy);)e. , A7pipti e. th ,t..l9li " e' , Oetletp.ty . _„ _' • • • 3 - • O Y. okett ••• h Ivor anti 'Paul XliurbfatOivr • • • ~ thiliA'o4P,,N:e.fr,buie,' " 401a014.01y. ' to 'taro' OP Vaketable "1 , 111 i; lilidlei••and" tepitkifict,44, 288,lEven. atobitrect;NeW , York; and 198 'Fremont treot . . 1110E1lifT. EAGLE, 111 ' 'Jim, • c,'. lf i;loo(iiiio 7 bisc_iiit;aq i fii: . ill aiiiiiintl fort ;41:: n o ri re tt n i noi ot ii r :' a p n o d u p 8 ti e 1 with i elii n g v orrof little ri....k l a: I:b o o te l ,tal a; and..Glats•Wiire,lreiear t superlor4a, ro tt e n atonei•wlaiti nit, Ve. F VI , it araiiiicell'llie Anniit 601- •,ia 1118# an excellent article : fo r il lielniiiejr,Winillrall 91 14 ' Vlffera.'"glev , AgneAcstru.Tripoli-.6.141t f . G eisfrialiolifiiiiialOl4lallagelybilini l t t i: Anitille therercirOup_eriiitt,tdilid!,ltilikA T ci . ' m i t ii . , ,, 1 iieidtt, tu Etiropd&lNOl'lleiaan;irlirilliiii*,loltt be *rthili?, , wlllo4,vl,hotlirolt.',s,Pritittlpw l e t i t c iat i, ptiper... , ....peiwiiie , withliqtao.titniehapo,(olF.ooli' ialtaiiiiiiii&lieiiitipii) led iis*rei rnatieraittiriainarnt.: ,parieeprieei by , isiiilliiratilin'ilrowetaiii - 0r ,, ;. 1' , .,,, .. ,-- j.:...' , - . L, .J k W.:0,, yL,E310).4 ''; cli'riide,oolo:o;:iso!3--,'- i y ~1.:-,2, : ., . .r ..:-,, ,: . - ', , ,., '1,;,: , ::‘:::Ty1 , , , p - , , :,, , 1. ,- ,.. , ., , , , ,,,, „.4 , •: , ; , ..,i. , ...: ~ ..., , , : , -,' :!•'.., -, ::::,..1::•:;, . .:i•L',*:. ' ,, - - .'. , " . ''''F';',': - V-- - ::','ff , ) , ,i' , ' , 'T;:l , c , ,,•': -- ,:-, ~ • c, : :,., ~,:.,'. !,-,,,,,,. a . ~..,. .. ...„ , . nil '''•':::::':':.4l,lebitil :/i.'‘::41:::';',..Z:11.,.. 4t. 14. --.A 171,f:31100/.031L.E0 NAT CATPTI,II ie' 1. ii: I:ll4:VIN i liAO44ilF4l l $ ;itch has lust ,a ppenreil,, sing ~ , , t illuttlaltinipther• t• Pilibus:Orolit'Olke...rs '9,,r . :lllie,ffilylCOClASS,r4:lhdf/d' iiillear . e compos ed' ot!tflanY,ingrestientsi:battliv . two•pruiespal ones are ,SureaparlllaltitAi,Wilik , Chtrry, so united that they net togethemlits;niw through its admixture with other.substuttl:. ritying and purging, while t itYl he miser is strength ening the System. Thus,. those. pills are at the same time tonic and. epening3 a desideratum. tong and eagerly,. sought Tor by :medical men, but -tieret. - lietortlil°44,i'o4oiotlier,Wcitals - they - do. - . .the yi,i-.04 of into,ynedicinettoroldo 1 traw; bet., tert.han aitsi.,twoweittiiew ere for atray,.. 4 4itloye, • ioihteg'from ,the, system heit_,the itaparitles, so that while they, purge they strengthen and hence they clunk no debit datiOn, and, are :'.folltiireti by. no reaction. 'De:. Le Itoy'S Pine lurVeli Nrvoidee-: of influence on the blood; they not only Pih'ilY , without weakening it, but illicit , remove all nox ious into from, tli,e,hylis b . stOre it ,isOolfie-, ned fleidiand-thui snake impure ' blood a utter imp o ssibility.,' . As 'theta is,, no debilitation, , so there IS no nausea or eh:knees, attending. the - 70peratitintrofthia - alost •exee.ltent of _mediciiii - e; which natter Wailed or tortures thell igasti c lune thins,but copses theta to Work in it,Perfeetiyeat uraltreamiery anti hence liaisons taken them do not,lbelionte•paltlalKeivelgnieci4ut;the contrail!, 1 ft r while it is the -property attic Sarsaparilla ) ; United 58 it tsrwith . o!hoOngtlAKtnts i to're ve all that is foreign sad impure; it is Venally the fils ,property_of the Wild',Ctierry to _retain artxl, t is I natural and'atiiiiiiiiand hence a robust ' state of health the'eertaln icon it of thcir invitedbpera tions. ' ' ' ' ' • ' Por . sale e iriDarlisle by Dr. L, J. Myers, sole .Rent; and by Maly, and Kissinger:hi:Kingstown. geiorit e box 25_ets. 0 , . - . CeirltsliFeb f:'1'018 , 17. , - MILLISTERfS OINTMENT. has pow to cause all °atoms!' SORES, SCROFULOUS humors, SKIN "DISEASES, POISONOUS WOUNDS,tothsolutrt i elheir put trld matters, nod ten heals them. - If is ri;;lttl ail, A for there isa areely n ()fleas , exter.tal or internal, (Mail will not benefit. I haVe used 't for the last MM.- tqJa years for all diseases of the tiou and liver, involving . tbe utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before braves And nunr t -tinit-not - nric single ea . EltrirtiNif cal red' toliep. Edit when the pitlent was Within 'the' resat of ; mortal means.. I have had physicians leaned intim profession. I have had PlinlStelli of the Gospel, Judges of the I?ench, Aldermen, Lt wyers;gentlemen of the highest erudition anti multitudes er the pooruse it in every variety of. way and there has been but one voice--one And veasid voice—saying; Mc- Allister, your Ointment is POOL)." CONSUMPTION.--It can hardly be credited that a salve can have any effect upon the lungs, seated as they are within the system. Het, if placed upon The chest; it penetrates to the lungs sdparates the poisonous particles that are Ronan-. ruing them, and expelS them from the sys Fem.-- tt is curing persons of Consumption continually. HEADACHE.—The salve has oureti persona of the headache of 12 year's standing, and who . had i_trJgalarevery__week ~o_that vomiting -often took-plate:— Deafness and Ear Ache arc helped like success. „ .._. --- q , ...'?„ -iis.: ',, -, u U r ANICUICCLOTHS'''' ‘,.-pt r.s rilicliNiCip .cyirliVlPireho,:ite.,• i • t i5O 'iiiicicnit.',icii:b4:Corpete;O&ClfithA, 1 -,..'010.T011 - .'llitilililCetstffia"ihUi?iiailiWitite;to” AilPilli!the , SuPseClbecZtialteitt ulitleiC , aqii.y.law sentt,initillrothetti.'4oentiche oils 26 lighttlie.it in ocietk-tOiell , e Goads'Alriiiilisitlolsrlißctiirittllre 1 iiwest4tloties itt,, Ihe airy: IlljiteylOadilOt:taihtq be t1i14410.1.11 POces. and the;verruhissts 'lt SPOrtxtlettl: '' ~ 9.f liefs tilpeauti Jul linperlitl,At e . .,„Meoipm, re 4 Bz, ngrala, a l4..yeiiiilep,efitisetingh ;in great yairti ntl, , nec? ` styles ' Bin' thl Cloths 'of aLI Widths to 'tit' roe'rolns,,lialls &o, yv,iill 'a great . variety' Of .Agrktifi:Parpp . te: fro rri:ts'...to SO !cexittc.i,thiMi!t ili nd Si - MC t r arpcth ltolulglicipo cents per ystr(l.—: . ')so.-,-lienkli-Alivihte--sititl7Piano-Coveret lods• liiii :lint (lotion Cacpettng ,Ste Sen. ii_A_'-'l ., Pt ti P:I.D11.11.IGIP ,o. ; 0 Stensv,tierr's st,i, one door, 'above Clestiut iseheeil f itriet, Philadelphia. . . ' A 'g9Ptiiilaber.:l:lB4:7:' _ . , ..,._...... ' IMPROVED • WIRE MANUFACTORY. - ,Sieite, Ltiddle , Screen nod Wire Cloth-Manure°. tory, No. dii Weigh Front• street ' , between, Market and Arch streets, ' 1 4 • HrrAmbeeribers burl ooule trratiniprove- . I 1"--mentil-4nAlio-aliorelidsifieis-Oireqibb6AfftW4 foeturifig'pficuolfeTiblvolt — RßlTycißl of n-A- Ariel : 011.11AMEN1AL WyIIE:WQIM,aUCIi all Sieves, , Riddle*,Sei•entisEeti;for witin,seeits,;- itt4bl,:ore ' snu ff , aturcit, briekibistlte. 'Folftideris' .Sieves df a btiperlor citihniy ecoNtaetly .A !so: Safes,' WI re,' ' CovericV,ofit - Slitings; Twilled Wire toe Spark Chti3hers &o.' " ORXAMENT,AL. ; WORK,StICII fl 9 Cagail iguraerr - Fenders; , lGKtlen= - Tlorclerfogs:Flowur Stlinils,TrtalneVa' Trel Ili work for Grope Vines,' &c, Also')Yire'Reilciiig of every, description ; • , • ;Orders tliOnkftilly ;received . uoil twompily executed by' ' - WATSON & COX . , SUptember22,lB47.... IL E. MOOSE. I I. N.IIIBDOINI ivrmacu.s,wr TAILUtts N 0.70, south l'hirtl Strectvntatly opposite thU Exchatt3, Philadelphia. - whCE;SPECTFULLY tindouilee: ,to their / friends JEW and the' public that-they ar e constifilly pre.- pared:tit mike t 6 'order, of the finest and best ntaterialti, Moderate 'Prices, every article of Fashionable Clothing constituting a Gentle inan's NlTitydrobe, fOr which their complete 'stock of choice and caiefully selected Cloths,^Cassl meres, Vestings, tL ~ of the latest and most deaf cable patterns, are particularlitilesigned. Their owe practical 'knowledge of the business and 9 personal attention' to every garafetit, enables them to give entire satisfaction, and to both old and new eostoiners filmy respectfully tender an. ineitationto give them a call. !laving been tor years connected with some of the heat and most fashionable establishments in Ithis country, employing none but first rate work ,. en, ;Ind being in the constant receipt of the test (1191119119 And beat styles of good 3, they are May prepared to accommodate customers in the best Insulter. Pliihole'phlA A ugust 18, i 847-6 mo . CHEAP . CLO THING STORE! T E Subscriber, of thelatp firm of Buck & Memo, taker this metlbd of informing his friends and the public i general, that hu - has - bought out theintersst. f-S I.:-.13ifair,Tit- - -ifii . old established CLOTH IN STA ND, No : 244 AI o rite t Street, Philadelph'a, and is now pre . - pared to furnisit_ nil kinds of ready made CLOTBING., at pries which cannot buteccurc to him the -patronage of- ull-who wish. to-pur. 'chase cheap clothina. I have splendid French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, nom 95,50 to 01.8; do Pants from - TS - cents - n.1%4; Vestfrfrmn OA. cents to $1 suit of Summer Clothing for $2,25.. Also all kinds ofClentlefnen's Furnish. ing Goods nt extremely lbw prices, • - - Wholosule dealers in Clothing would do well to call at thirstore of JOSEPII J. MOORE, 234- Market gtrectrflriludelphia Auguel.lB, 1847 DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS, •1t the Philo&!plan I)ainerreotype listablis meta, nxelifinge, Thn•d Story Rooms, Nos. 31• nod '27. THE pyoprietoi.a conti n ue to take the above - - • • l'ortraits in any site and style, end are happy to 14111101111 CC illNt they leave-made several improve• meats which add very mach to the delicacy and bratity4d . the ,lortraits taken at their esiald ell anent An examination of F ell] wiz at their rooms is respectfully solicited and every exertion will be made to give entire satisfaction o . W.& P. LA nrENIFEINI, Sole agents for the sale of Voigthwinfer's Ap-, parlous, and importers of plates, chemicals, &c Plailopelphia August IS, 1847 CHEAP OIL STORE, PHILADELPHLY. Pt , DGwAy4 REENILE,3'i N.WharVcs below Race street, offer for sale at the 0% EST PRICES, all the articles of the• 011 Trade. .Their stock is varied •and,estensive, and they feel confident of' giving satisfaction to those who cull. They havo.nokon band pure Spurns Oil, White Winter and Fal Oils of different qualities, Solar Oil, Winter' prb‘ased Lard Oil, Winter Elephant and Whale Oils, Refined, Racked and Common Whale Oil, Tanners' Oils, Sperm Candles, Guano, &c., &e, Philadelphia, August 18, 1847.' N 13.—A1l goods delivered in first rate order July 7,1847. Oheap Watches and Jew elry, , . di,. AT the Philadelphia Watch 4 end Jetv4lry 'Store, 96 North 10 1 Second St., corner of Quarry ' 1,1 2 Gold lever Watollea,thlljtt ) F.i'4.' -__ '',...:= oiled, IA caret cases • 00 fa&iVIR kr Silver Liver ilWa c t es, full jdwelled, , 23 00 , Silver Lever Watches seven jewel's 18 00 911'14'i:or Quarter Watches . 10'00 liiitatlan qaarter Watches not warranted .5 00 Gold Spectacles , . 800 Fine Silver Speetnefes 175 Gold Bracelets with, topaz stones 3-50 Ladies Gold Pencils 16 clarets ' 2 00 Gold Finger ,Ttines 374 cents to $B, Watt!' Glaakice plain 121 Cents to, 15,3 ; Lunci 25.= Other articles In prl3portioti,. All goods 'war ranted 'to be what they are mild for. 0. CONRAD. On lan soma, gold and Silver Levers, Le_ pines and °Quartiers loWcr than the above Philadelphia 'FoL 3,1847. ' ‘!IIovER I FFIRST'-,PREMILIM INK, No 87 North Third , Street, • - ' Ilit . C . cleingiy Of the Inlta reantiGiCiured by , die , .. subscriber, Awl, extensfve sales Imbed quens thehigh, repdtation which. th ey ; hare attairied;'not only' throughriut the United, Statei brit JiCthelVest in 06)66; hits' in duped hirri to , mike every' rive - wiser) , n arrahgerrient to supply the , cast demand ;upott his iistablishine,nt, fie Is nn* prepared with every , variety.Of .Blank, Wee:and, red .Inksi.Copyipg hie Jtiki untljnk < Pewder, ,, alklirePared,.,adp - r" hi c - infis Persoral suPerintendenocs.,,Oi ptirehasers may depend mpon its soliellor'q t l i nl it y. • - -AbANUANTINE. 4riiiininedrtiiil6;roV Ntehili.ak p leas; Chilect,Peb-:: Wet Wid.e. , Biii.i,riniefurtir:eveit Iletiaekeend, be.ng a white liqh applied; au tkn liffee• tdd by. Ordiriary beat=;-;4arrituttd.:..i containhig% the numerous te S ii= irionials or met! or science,- and otheri,:w be' furnished lellut 0161'91,11'. o777l kraideratilie4fairter. Retail; Islp, ;Mort ,:„Thied Atree,ts.6lWestte :cheri‘c Sireet, lade Phia: • . .;, .. ; fan ';;LOS4P, • RP: Matinfactur,er. if = WN itENT:el3 , ,b. .tt article il .- now : ex ten)llVgly` uteil , bylvltalcia titid , ot Picric forqlui Ipermanent cure diseaseiiirigingrfroiniwil Idea dr Habit tit& system lit is warranted inan,ittiieilifeertbilte-,.fiCe times strattger thles:l97: preperat ion - the eintiV hied' oith . qtdind eppti 'bottleifunit:"; fitiOathito:, • - ,i,l'•.v,;4.i,oi'de3-,tit,!•.,;13t 41.',4,•Ni,r)".prOugsairici. I Isll',.rociai Fer. ft IVt : l_iit':ee;liitt,' Ao-telinsßlttak 1101111:et iii , ,k ,l4)4b ohil i ,Flowel t re. 1 ,• .Vi. , .. : itt 14M . .Iti l iTAitlLi ' fli;:lWE;fliiil {lt litltltlfqlßt,&,ooll4!i,Fl - ;.' l ' thii (fit,trtociied i , ,q,1;11.-tf.o3, • . . t ; • .f k 44 ' . •-.-:''124b4.1;15447^' -1171 1 .-'"Vegiggigi:4lsllM -FURNMTRE 400 MS ____ • - ,--,.._-1. - LQ t.--. 1 , ,-:------= ." 4 ;.e . F)) 1 .- - • , 1 , - 7,*, i i ',, i , ddliii)111101111111111111111111411 1 41::l ~,, 1 J. :, ...,1 . I , AWHIrIiD respectfully, cull the at uention o. Ir, Housekeepers and thy obiietothe eaten . 4 4, etve. stock of *vim 0(1.1.'101 inchldin to . -11tvi-Wirdrubesiecetrumt e e,.Dres 410 sing and Plain Humour* WY/ 811 0V 0 Cabii'ef44iiii:: -- Chr'i's whiolt . . they have ]aid; 0 8 01 . 10 A .4 t- leil new rooms, on the cOrtier - OfiNiirth Hanover and .Loather Streets, Carlisle..., ~ '.. . •.....,' • . They are confident that theitmerior , Snish of tue•workmansltipoied elegance of style, in Which' their articles ore got upotogother with their CHEAPNESS, will recommend them . to , every 'person wanlitig-Eutniture._The7,havo -sVorede arrangermentelotapintifiaturing and • le,t . _lpingit constant sttpply_siotevery. 'article . in . Hicirlinti,:belli Oita - a nil' Origin info - a, 'elegant and willful, at tirienit which they cannot 'fail. to inkiiiirchaiers. They ivtroldearneally invite. portions who arc about tricomMencelionselieep ing . 16 call and 'Mintnine their resent elegant stock, to • - eihichlbeir : Will Constantly make ad , vittions of the newt* and nrost Modern styles.' COPPINSirturM to order at the shortest no. tice, for town and country. • ' , April 21, 1847.' ' ROCLAIM it to tEttLIV.Re . ompound Syrup 'of lloarhdyati . is, without eiceptioa or exaggeriilinTi„i,hemoit:lsfeatul fond' dßcasei eitklng from ' Cbtifilis and unfortitiiitell;•ficgiceted, too often end in CoOstimptinii. if Hancecernpriund Syr up of•Hintiliound is taken on'the first 'appearance of a Cough it Dill immediately cure it and save the sufferer from an untimely grrive. • Price 50 cents. For sale by Seth S Hance, :rob °Baltimore st..and corner of Charles and Pratt sts,,Baltimone For sale in Carlisle, by .1 t W 1.1 at their cheap Drug store ot9onite the Railroad Depot.. (June 2,1847. 13. iipe_rior Old. " ;is "kind Brandies, For ilediciTil PurAlga. , • pke Ft.. ".. MYERS lies 'just. sele'et4 iit the city ty an 'assortment of the .meet choice old it and ,Brandies, - for'medieinal and - table purposes. Those purchasing may depend open then] as . being pure. Also Champaign, port. Claretend other Buettner wines. July 28,1847. •. , ein eat for C asters's, And. REDFORD WATER in barrels and half barrels. for sale by Race' n. 1 -44 - Hledg. finnficStroldiera andSiW . 99 I A. .1' for 8316 by DAN AL AND RAIL 'ROAD LINE Philada., Baltimore, Pittsburg; HARRISBURG,' PA. INFORMS.his friends nod the public, tha from the liberal patronage extended- to 'him during the past yeat, lie has been encouraged to make more extensive arrangements for the ensuing season, and has added two new, targee and splendid Boats to his LINE, and' will be fully prepared after the opening of the Canal o forward Produce and Merebandize of all lands to and. fiom Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg. &c., at the lowest rates of freight and with the utmost despatch. Agents for Boats, .Molol3rei. CARLISLE & GASKELII, Race street Wharf, Philtritelphia Messrs. G I ESE & SON, No. 48 Commerce' . 'a t. Whnrt, Baltimore Alessers.CLAßK & THAW, J. AIcFADIVN & CO, # P" Agents for Cars, Messrs. WUNDEBLICII & EWER. • • No 272 Market st. Philada. Messrs. CFIALORER 4- REYNOLDS, N 0.423 lkfarket, st, Phdada, Mossrs. SITER, JAMES & •• Broad street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and Ohio Line, N. st.ltalthneve March 17, 18.47.—tf. 'WHAT is most conducive to health 1 A PURE STATE AND CIRCULA. T ON OF THE BLOOD. Now the best meth od to insure a healthy state of Blood is, on th first symptom of any disorder cf the cireula ling fluitl,stich as Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Gid diness, or any of the diseases which arise therefrom, to use Hance's Sursamifillititilllmid Pills, fifty pills-in a box for 25 cots. according to the directions, and 'yen will obtain nntnedi• ate relief. One Word of Caution.—When _you' go to purchase Hance's &impartlla or Blood Pi bo sure you get the genuine article. Price 25 cents per box, or five .boxes.fur.one dollar. For sale-by Setliß. , Hanio,lol4-Balthnore street, and corner of Cliciles and Pratt: sts., Balti more. For sale in Co rliale,•ty J. & e. FLEII ING, at their cheap Drug store, oppostto the Railroad Depot. ' • (ione4,. 847 - .) - --- , THETILES - 1 ------ , • 'Cu Bpi? : lift secured. DR. Ul'HA.,il'S INTERNAL REAIDDY for 01. core of Piles, The Vegetable l'ilu Lit et ea ey , : n vented hy .11r. 4. tJpltnel, it .diatln. gnialictl ph)eician of Iqw York city, ), , the only really,ouecensful renieify for that, dangeeons awl, distressinge-Orriplaifit; the l'iler., - 04,iv ollered to the .smarican'oublie. " *- ' • "' ~, , , The. Eleutoary imnitniaidnolllniril Medic in e .. no-Aloei,Colouynta, Gamboge, or.'ottierititu:ei:. ful and irritattag i jitiegative.,,No fear .iat„talting mild. w hile under its infhaeueeluct,ebaugeln diet , netesiaiy. ' lf,takeu, • aceorieg to,,diractions, a'l cure for life, is guaranteed:': , „ Another Certlfieitteliildiii (o'ilieliii r ndreds t hr. , hare alriaily : beeitriceeiyeili or the effiealo.f Dr rphana's Eleiltbarp, .'' • ' ..,...-' o '' '• ” ~ . ._,,.. :• ; , 2 . ,•.,,,,, Nati Yong, August OS,' 111.1 f;. AtMlirm, Wiatt,& Retelainit - Gstttat 'For sere rg t, yam( iiiot 1, ltik we been troubled . .aiiih.Piles, it, ,Yery,oollitre state of , my , eempl tint not.beitg , eis Severe dile disable me from basiness,and a dread X biid,'4,l),lly?liiqii!,buq„ itateul,,*cd iqi nes, tlial I 'llniil ;thta sprinente4.r, ; lised.an,t "edieine m .4 , l it:44lod tii°4 ph - ylileiiii . lbr r 01101.11, h 'l'iles then belngfe • eatere•thatTallotred'SOV • erit pit aeonti itO be perfdrmed 'w illital Ca ni'ildfirfit. 6'6:intik:T . , 1 ed.afteh thitto 014 other' nitatiai I read ittilidieh• Htitemenroi A teurlquaisideed-byt he•nse 'or Dr l tiphitai's .Eleot uaryo If I , purdhasnd three , boxes al. ,your store, arid 'from the. uso,bf.;.yald e l i ,j, f oun d P.PleirpolOy 011 ,reliiirAh!2: ecos,4n4 toyliealtb In.o',V,lropi•pveil; J , re i nalnp!Skracitillr;•Maeli.inf 1 Ilelitedfrietill: .**•... ' „'-•,'. -, ~,•..., EZIt A. DFOlig.t. - ''' i NteMiiiii,t, ' :riillor, .0313 kiaill s itiy; u peuitria Dr. A., Upliam,'l v ritlirimor.;''' ' ;.„•, • ''' ,'-• • ' ' _L••••Wirar'iltt Kirciast,'l'2l' Ftillohlti'eet, Niy• 77-614 G -, Gruerat'A - geitta'for:th,-Einitiliei*Stat ei k-:- .:i.,crr Sold Ili Carlisle;,by S /mug I. ELL' on., an. nilli ks DriAggiseqd , •ougliou . tthb UnitedS4tei Price $1..,..),;:,-,, 1 - :, , .s o )TiTibcrAti !, ~ , • 7 ;'' '... "3. i r i ,. .?" 7,T '.','"dixivt:ANOllVilt;;i:.t..„ - :/„.„ 4N' iratilettlitte , iihtl:perfeat: : - 'trttiklor t thgt molt ttxgrapiutincy . ,, ANeAs4 ~th93T9Pili-ACHE4 d • : . A? AP 10 fr.°^ll t .tl 4 6 Yr'i'Bl,.:::l!:, ", I. ' Alai & therqoal Store. Dea 39 1840. , ' ' -:',' '''' '- 11 ilatle113 - Tozotaa.actiP ocome, , rpnEouges,vitti Tni,tit.,,tiei,ftidi-iipabvro . to : ' A.. - :'growth and, intliaivatli4, - g fnitit ,7181 . , I s; ,vaiiieuliniiiii'flitatthirWewi' 4. .k.i.!1.1-2/•;-,f, W , B FLEMINGS 1500.010 b v.44,,;: , j),4 . ,.,.E .--..colo;.;ituit 1PV,'.51.14A4-440.,..rtt.,t',.'..",-,,Ai A. V iifir rl ig l : tß i titigihaitz - 7„ i ,ii i4; ,A..C.agn1: !* ,,, _::,.--...„,}.., f:L - , i'BB It 14 B 0; - ' lid ,byr.':,;;•• ~.:? '',. t,;,},.. i1;4841.„1',.• ':,, .. -.1,"0cerga1e0P01 T 751: r7'i. , :•:),'...,t...„., , ,..- -5;:,r,, , ,i,,1v , ';..4 ,, , , .=,, ,, :L:z.,.. , Ax., ~...,. - . ":~~' :f °'~%':~ COLHOUN & 1::X) Chumbersburg, July 28, 11847-3 t FUNK & MILLER Iluetisburg, Juno 9, 1847. ARO J: W. KERR, ORWARDING& COMMISNAERNANT ' ' ), ' t.ti ,i,-,),;;,-;.,-.:.1:.!,,N.,,,z;,,,,,,,,..: -'.. ; . N. • °