IS . •.~!r. .. u. _:,, in MA :51,34t1k:VC - 0 • t‘J Vila, 1114,11*154 - Ttielr - tivr , ;111A1it.51140,,,,54;14i,. Mt t li)4 I trt7/714!I fir:Alia', ; : i. , 1:.. 3 ...,`'u. tg~ rroearrc: , :. ~~ i,:a t: 7r.Ry,i ----: , IV" 1111 EMM IM=MI - 4 ......A............".4,4.......;.: 4 ,,.......:_.:,........ .osl,cLl. Ariais.nouce— (,cirago?iq4 e liferfPndNolicol,.oollege of 1 4, ..-,. 2 : i ifr ..'' R 4 , 4 ! ( 1 e "040 )-- .• ' _. ' . , ; t4SPISC, IVlMerb ioilie,publio,lihrpro , I viiiiPlinvft, ttpll , f,Mitlisife'l 3' ..,.? - • . 6 „_ , , rthriPEesitlie'r.iiideiiiie oldie tattle's. in S. I iiiibi,er:siteOlkitiriiiit oppinite.liorrets!-(late ' bOrit):filtitef.iiiiii , t ie . Second , Preslayteriun • tlipiefii. April :1 , 1847:: . MM= CSd.Ai3.3L~ti !,...- r ' ''.iiig i ":141011iit 4.•ll,tileltS • ftlAt .REMOVED,' - I.lls‘ 'OFFICE 'end D.W, Etit e lNa le -the two storybiik . eiere lidiethiq - hie Dreg Store; on We i '- A iti l ikteatit ''. •, • .• • • . - A - pri!1•44 e .p341. .. • - •' • 3, ' • .t)zatiam23, ItrD. Honioeopathip Physician. • 410 q ,siieei, in. ijt heouso for 'rgeity'oC6:fogs APFiI I§o., " - " -moettatZ9 • ,-=••- WILL all ppernittins upon the • Teellrthat are required-lar.tbeir . 'vationoulduta ,Scaling , Plugglpg., ittrill ristoreithe Ulm of them, by inserting Ar ifioisll• Teeth , : frOtit a single Tooth, to a full iletw.-.l2l)ftie Oa Pilt AVM, strew doersgouth ort he Retiree*, Ilrtel. ' • •11%.81. DN Loomis will be absent from Car lisle the lasttend aye, in each month. 'lune t 1 . 1846. • JORIPa . g.SI I 3 - X - ATTORNEY AT LAW Pittsburg', AS returned from Cnrlisle,to tie praltiee of his profession hi Pittsburg, Allegheny %minty, Pa. -Feb. 10,1847. AD - A - IE -- 9 . - 601:10E in South Hanover street ,a few door below .1. 11. Graluirn,Esq. July t6 . ;114 1 ._ ".. VAMP= 3 3 4222.W.t v • A I longer:it Rsaur: _ . d niFFICE with . S. Adnir, Eq., in gralinm's VP new building, opposit,theNst Office. ~Mitreit 31, 1147. CARSON C. MO O,IIE. • .11itoritay at Law, OFFICE in the of the Cnurtlinuse in • :room lately °Coupled by br. FOSTER, dec . Allastittl,lB47. Zi!lanTi . ..VAZ.l233 - 41 .- AtTilninta; April 28, 1848.—1 y. . liklaaVag ago 'itlitiee, of the reads:. and Scrivener. OFFICE in South Ilonover Street,•oplibsite the Poet Office. Carliole,April2B, 1847. . STTIVEYOR AND SCRIVENER. - JOZLLIIT C.-11117TCEMLL • WILL. he round ni his O ffi ce in the rear of the Courtr House, ready at all inties—onless entpged in the- business of liSt pf.ol4saion—to wake Sue jeys or lands, rte. lie will also prepare ee& of mied And any other instruinetii or ttritin4. Carlisle, June 2s. !RV. , P/alitheld Classical Academy,, Four Miles west of Carlisle, between_ the New Nib. Stake Road end Cumberland Valley Rail Road. ' IHE thiri~ 'i...sion,(five:inoi,th. ) will gam. mouse on MON it AY, Noir:lst, 1847; - Tire nutribeir of , ,studtints is limited, and &vel•ly effort made:to. Peel] re their .moral and Mantel irnprovement,, as well as their comfort end health,. During the past year upwards of fiiitY StirdentirliaviCbeen conneCt.d with the . . Theratudiea .ornbrate all that are requisite tik.99lidge.:or v utiy buisineca or profeaatun.'— wy eff9rt,will be made to secure a cantina-. anearaCpa s tromtge froth. friends of education - References, Terms, &e,.thatle known_by peraonally, or lty letter nedresild ;14 B. R. BURNS. betober 6, 1847,-3nto '•is , Uors•ett'.B • Hotel 1 , iitiriOtinc'ii to ttnd.tite Oublic Onertilty, - thcit. Inietakep Ahti.woll7lo9:wirt, Tuir . o ru, tap Cdiner of Spiith.:ldromover r s...;:;;'ll44lt;PO#srret' •••-: fgtm_,etlq,kepthy~; t ; ndrow..Ro~ierte where holmill'endettifor..o://017120.1114Pe 9)°Y 4 11 • .:pot, ittottintbe moot.. ettlisfuotoryjnaun . 1443 , 11)14w '; is tly *it u ia fit r -niiNedihroliklidAt4ll.l) rood bedd In tointl. uth NlicateXtti moda an e rti & LAO!! 'nt *VC It . "foriveniOnt'ind • 4si Id Ni . tote, , Oa* iis'dejt*ii Orb ' OIL — ",49 kgo llo , F0, 1 :14 t l li e or ..44 l‘ lb:: l obli ..; '.' . gAMUEL Stqltakr";' 11F.,1847i , r1 ' ": , 40,arpg; s.i.LlP.a..i 2/11444:4X313P111131;Citii.„1! , :::, trtills, Irtici;eririoecte thit ',Niblick: , Ai 414411Isstdeateialiyasti'exikerionee•withlitit.;, fs i dd 4.114 . Wide posteslion'theAllinnsi iiin "icii'iif Olithildn'sdn . bylituoa!notib.; b42;io gAWrikkhitopti , ttl:: iibtairr it' sllith - ne ,PurbllitlilMdie'.". -. ' . 0441?14 Ili* iiiiof6'_:lifillitio'itiiliisbdieitily'ra , ifiginmr, , prfikcokt• IHlkliee: ' d t b , i f n iiiirolgtallfiddifilld .. if :: : ilils ,0ttfr... , ..^, :,:.' I I 11.64411..1,... ,14. , .., ) , , ii, 7 ,31: „! ~, tiROCIEgibiIaIRAXIag I ' -13ii1.4ViittiErilki; 11N Lour upg. 00E1 , 4. iteit - ,:tg;taliie 1.4 dyes diea and' C'enpa or nn , s apparel, .011. Er ' r ' d if e ' lt st V,ll dCihol t l s i rgiii' # p l elet.w fu grl4 :I ke ea *- tl J e finl 04. . Cni l kl n aSp a n i er4,lBlY in:.eited;: ,i ~„l `,,,,t ghliiittltleitdydie:- .:-,,. raga F.17, 1 / 1 0Ved; I ,turtlier: .. o3lip . fy iiir, Highland lyg : 7 l.l, l l,f!ilt r l44l4 FOPOl iC w il.l ! i ti gi it ' a i . _...ii i ; V.,';1.1 ., : ~, j ty,.. I: 7. - • , , , r • , f - l' "A i NCR'e,_L_____t4ttlqo,lB4L', ', .'7 ,, ' I .'''' ' `''' '' p• tt (l P 4 l l ll4o l l* . to l o . iftiillXii , t'.9.--..rg ii. I e storoi 01 Wits outsporiberi ..."' fig irri22. 4l kristror.iieventtylekailit , 9eB Oil 7 4 ....w.pir. , , , , , , ithr,..priacti1,1,1 ) .P1't, 1 , p117 t., , ) , 01. , !4 It ~ S ,t.„ 141t?''' tliteiM'firol,tg;'''l , litiOlik " V,4 '4,r;':,%:.1 s ' . •; .% I* ;;Se•i's ' if,lo I • , . . ,24wir ~ ~,e,170,147.4tiiiNft304, 7 .4 „. . i , 1yr,,„ 1 0, ...,..,,lipiivii.,:tl:. lU' 'kilt* 442 ii;11 • aorl. iri4ltt,l"" "41,4444 7,, •., „ • ', PI .44 113 , ;, I, '„f". - '-',.,' , ',' :-....-..:.: .., • - '• ','-',' .:;,•,.-•?,.;•;.. 44' .., , 4 .... ?' -.. ' .' -:',•-•',,,' '- '-,'-' ;..0, . . A- - ' .ire'` iti - ,i,, - •kb r iii-i...:: - • -- .Riab.6§411444/01 'ps intll;pioalt'4 • taii6v4 Jr ~ .: i i:-.N\5,, , - A , . --., 4 :,f0- , 441, ,m ,ii, 1 ~ ;.:- - ' .-. ' '' i .- 'll l ' .': _. . ' ' ' ' ' 4o: r:ti '1 . ...:1 lit : /. 717 ...V.R.r. , 11 1:1 Sii!i,i . ' 4;k. 7 o;iir liftgat , 2 . ..;: ' , : ,( "I' '` .911, 'A1uf7 1 1 , k , 4 ; ?,` I. r i il) : ,) ‘ , "ir ' i i4l ~'..i, ; ;1f, , •, - i•ro.' , oltt rnfivi 7 iii,' .4,, i 4ii. ii. tliv ' . •P I " ' l '' .Y l ' I._ . -". , .. , 1 1 .ir.-.r-, - 1- .- ‘ ,.. , ....•.- - 1,. , ,„, e: . ~ L,:i 1, , lt).. ..-.. ~--. :1 - , •- ,t l ' 7 ' flu . ';-)-1 (a-1:i. Fll-4iiilit I s itt:(l;' , i t.,ii-L-' ..?: '1 , 14 , 1 : . \4 ± -41—J4-;'":' : 4-141 :7T : , i f, - - . ,; i, i 61 , 674,17.: .IcLi '''' 14 ''' 1 '' 9c ! . 11;. : 11; ' '' L4 ''‘ - ''fi.f7 , 4) ..1 . , 7 b. .. (I, TA . !. 1 ...-`;' , ii ill iiVedlii 71 7 1 . !7: 1 I '4'•l l ' " ''." ' : 'H.) ,re- , lIYIP ''C ' • ".l. ' r , r• „4:.[1: iliqy,a-, ~,,•:...t. . ! N I, . vS . 0 . 9 , r-r, r,.. !," • , r , .",..• •:,1 5!0'.,1•,, , , .(, t.tif , ~ . .11)i u2V 7i N/ %1--: ( ,„:1-; •,..';',1,•1 • •-,':1 , 1 , 1.,:i i -, 'lto?. - I , f , i - i , ' ,s tlF• l LCI -!...Dt ,, ki ,2 ••'‘ 18 °A./ V.' , :t • l''''' t i ...z, J . (L I 4:iii'•-r.. J .' , .1.•,1, - ---'1 ,, 1a5t.,% ON/ . • - • *1"*" ,- ' , ,"- •• : ~ •?L _.,., . r , ~ ~ 1 , ~ .., . f ,, ~,n • ---, vi ,:•:”rovi, -vi ,h.r.r(gt, ti.f‘ra Al. ...'•.4 - ,ips;t 1.1 g: ~ ~ ,:,,,,L•, , , , ,r,...., , I , , 2 ...- J'. , ...,4,1 ~,!., ,•-li.:11: ,- 1 /,;)'. ... • ,,, I , t , ~ , , , ; 1 e, ,„.... e 1 e ,i,;v7. ,,.. i t iii.),4,,, I ~ ,f ~. ) 1, .- .4,,, .. . A T ~,, ..., t i'''', r.7.t1 .1 , 1 f !.••• , 71 ''• •',.• ''''' ' '''. t ''; . .-•:,,,") itl ~ ,i ,11;,1. r',..:oiT - 1,1.1.:1:1 1 ~ : fli'.:ite l z . .o6.if t gi6i2 k 3 4 o; i l- • z i l6o , • i ..''''','• . ''• ' ; •A;r1•!I :1•1•, A;rt - e,,( - 1. - ;,.•:-. • '.l,s, •.`...'t,i , n''‘ , ....e1;1,...• .., • . ii= Lost i lost lost i . . A genroe - ronin . losirn - rt , Cut-from the Ilx k ligt:ocki • And'graied in YarAdlitai - • Born:kind-With 'three ihnes • Large diamonds, clear and 'bright, And eaeb .}vith s ixt y smaller' ones, All eluingeful'artile Mazes wind; • "' Where trillethibily's ' ' ,Leavinig,a Ming. bottled ' 'Yet tii'my - head 'twee Vireo A golden harp in•inik,;.. • • , - Such.l!s ilie , t4•ll,iierobed sitnim . To deathrilpe minsereliy. Winter Is .comingt whoiarrel who cereal Stot wialiby and inroad tinW • te't It come," they cry, "what rinitte"r Inns How chilly the blast may.blow3" Mutt. ttbd ctifoilie In our lordliballe, "The goblet of wine we'll Main, We'll mock at the wind willishothe of mirth, And music's echoing strain." 4.1111 e care we for Ow (ding fent. Ale . ;tte bite gives forth We blaze ; And what io us Is the 'drenry night. While we dance in the wax light's rival" ____!Tis_thas—theLrlett_or the-land-will-talk ' 110111'dr* ob ye pompous great, That the harrowing storm 'vs laugt at within, Falls bleak on the Soon AT youn twig! They have blood In their veins, aye, put; as liana, But nought to quicken its flow ; They have limbs that feel the whistling gale, And shrink from the driving snow. Winter le coning—oltt think, ye great, Up the merles'', naked android ; De with them kindly, as man with man, . And spare them a tittle or your gold as& 9Jractaitio Battles ofiOttettas dt.,ClVarrebusco. The ofticial-,elsspatelteSfr relatler. : iubusco, hiivB beep fece4v. tins. the War Department..`' ,At Contreras the United States force M l -not ninrnber 9000 rank and file,while the Mexicans had.on the spot 7000, men, with at feast 12,000 rr.ore hovering within sight and at, stiiking, ft . istatice. The enemy had 700 killed, Anil 813 taen pHs opers--among them 88 o'fficers and 9 gener als. They also lost many standards and col ors, 22 piectlif !craps ordnance, thousands of small arms, 700 pack mules, many bosses &c. Our loss in killed and wounded did not exceed on the spot 60 men. At Chtrlibus; ro. gig battle was 10'4, hot, and varied, and the American troops . -were led by. Brigadier General Shields., who took 380 prisoners, in cluding officers, and completely overwhelm ed the enemy. Gen. Scott says that in 'a sin gle day the American troOps•defeated its va rious battles abobt 32,000 men, made about 3600 prisoners, including eight generals, two of thcm Ex• Presidents, and 205: otner offi cers. Trio killed and wounded Mexicans amountdd to 9000 of all ranks, while the en tire corps %vele dispersed mid dissolved:.- , They lost 37 pieces of ordnance, mote than trebling our serge train and batteries, Witlra. large number of stint!l aims and a full sup ply otarniffttnition of every kind : ,Our loss amblinted to 1053—killed 139, inbliitling 16 officers; wounded 876, ivith ! Gen. Scott states that after so many Vie(o: ries he might. with but little additinmil IoAS have occupied the Capital the same evening.; But NIL Tr ISt as well:as himself had been, admonished by' the best friends of, peaCe g ain St p reel Pitatfo i, I est y,%apienlydriv rne"'. ;JO ay r. ,the n men tTrid-p o thers, t'd isl ,e4,tbey,might-indelinitlyi , posippueth'e hopes .of accomodation—and rerrierrilififln . Ufee' that , ihemissicie fL'onr le'', 4 7 P . ''l ie ce'p' , ,thP3';7 6 !R, Mt:4. apt (..-SoaNk Gl,4e,:ptly.,.::The,,,4,yrrtistice,i then, ensuedj. ',and 'wiih.ledults alreads , knetilit to the putdief Gen 'Scott speaks itiVeitly•bdelitidierferititi' - Philtisq'not• 414'4-et Ilier'Ailinrikt;4l:iiiiWidilkilif - hie 'pbit tNext!‘tolhaseiAollfivv. Gen.'Wo etre ~ , of tug t6ifirto nB4t mtidb,b); his diviFio4;iie• 'The a tittiiirii‘'iciii . :lll;l43'4 4 ii* / iii'ilie'lcOi'll 1 /V, I'IYx 19 ( 0,1 01 66 .%!? 1 icnjg i e,., , Pihq9;1 1 .40/eail 14ty:iiital ;vi,iopdgclouia R2taatson? killed arid; i tnnirnded I This blinds inks JO' dial' hisl c'inid I final reporl - irirade , ,bfr Gen" , eebtfiliiiiiiiiirs 1 Vtilije' , '._ 4 •'''. '...,'':''''''!" I P ! Ir. ''''' ' Y:'; ' c l s'.. , r;; '' '. :I ' ~, ,'.o4oliiiiWkciiik.,.! :4' , ' "' ' f ' -, 4 -41 ., „ ~..‹..--;-,,1 , , t., ~! Iv' lii pgi).oll . , di:` P4'4flAi! $O.: *44 ,":,' VWTh t,.., Ni tIit OAI . PAIPP M:/, 4 eX0: 0 ;:,5 .3 it, 1 .1 5;#4 . 6 ',' t 4 . I !„sis,:.-,At 100. end; or 'aniidiiet •series 7, allit i f. 4 tions and`brilliant °petitions) ohnic ir ik l irha n oPYie,Oltil.i'll#TCglltlitiltiValiiki.o4iieffe rOY q °lB mili.f !P+ll!fi qr.4 l 4;JrifF9,lot4Aktie. " -t tni t ed*#*o:l4er.v,cAl. l 9. -0 0N8 Palac,9oo , i 4:40 iriPloir.ofljiii etlicot4ekltplitiblrOt 'Rey,i,*as lellawedrOdilingxeebanbi:erratioei4 - ° n -q le O l q9!: ( l9TPiltiq , l9i!akeifilioll - e4ll-4 . Crilit4eo4 l 94o. licVe4O'laii. ,oYenelgruk Tilw - el7 . M 4 b r i Ptilihi .RT!, 4 9,7 :- bei'llOrokird.`l , Ciiiirain'.... aim 'tfiir kn . !an,V; woulide ~: 7t, ; noir otOretinhe were (Yrectel priGpipally ~.(critiiliPillks-AidaYeilVe4iittia 'of b to6 .•Pai n ;datV'Eraii'Aiiiel,o(Niiiii'Pergilnlo:Sii) , , , •4otki, oiti• i ,011:the INse6.rifi'fit'Nfite,:,i 4 `," , . . ',, ' i ;:allid4,lo4atleiniiiiteli lit'Oblil>firi4iia', :I)erattlio arlintifal l itiiiiriti' hitberiiifi ;164V111.4 4iailed*ltlfialltisliiiiiir )tieyreiioo; i it 1 i J . liviiiitllof4figialliriatibreati • afiNtypilftlar , i-,---:,•,--';' , , '' , ' -' 1, '.l . P. • Pig .. • omen nv 7,146;1,11, encovnantre • Lost linen ,nier. . • • I feel ; In Vt,4,1,1 ThiA adinipOsß east, tan od'artie mine again • I offer no reward, For till these heart, strings sever, I know that Itention'ontraeted ork islet= fore!ver. Bat When thesea and land . . Like banditti scroll'hava Beg, I'll see it in Ifir harid.r , , Who Judgeth quick ahl'aCred'r,, -Amilwlien'a scathe and - Inas" ' • . mkt stun can ne'er , repair,4," , The dread requirements of my soul, , What shall I answer there t . .„ . :Wln!9r. E= =ZEE EMMl===l •,, , _ - :,ii,..,1 1. ..:i, 1:: L A . tul 'l:4 ...v. zi . .! f; ..t:i';t-'4,,..:4,- ; I- ; • :vet,y•cliffieult,to bridge indhe,presitneattifard i e pp ro j r , and, myia&,at. ,oac,c :•-lo i :Jtlraiitage r custern-hdUsid.porp,OFet.tiOcaijitar defence., ;n7ti , islVicttrant - titibrtit es ,- over arc es • ~ ; ••eaohtofivltVett wirlann ed •tt 'system ofisttongu'works"thalseetiiiici; to le,: 9 ui r e- PPOing A4l s glie;•q l Pn• and; 19 bey •Impregnable.- • • • ga:es;_w fo unt) Yo ollter_whklatle s , „l ferktulable. All the approaCh4 e , 5 ,4-ec t r A l iteity ,' are: , slVOrielevittsti,CauVY . ‘,.l!Y3' ;out in many ISItiCeV - 0,1;i oppose ,and fi r anked'en•Alett(sicles by:l:Etches, ` p i k e of Cti. trabdi The Oinnercus cross 'roads are ;talked ~ , l A,lo,l,6ltminnety .having bridges at th'ciltacirsectionl recienily boikan The tucticiura thum.cheekorrecA,areimineover, in, maityspota, under yater or Marihy; fol. it will'be were in' he reidk of ihei*biluiliaci,•though with ledaiain'tlikn' usuali and -4Ce mould not wait for the :;(011;; ; 01 the neighbOrihg•lakas ,• and; the'd4selvitieht, dritinageof the•*ee•groithild ; iif 1116"bdgel of themity- , - - the;lo*est in' the ivlicla • 'After it efosa emitrates,o coveted •by divisiq 9 Riley's brigade - Of Tvrigg's4Avithßifir.linleti our number erineen t rate d• ih "du filed iat6 front—l determined Wn the iltft; 'to' -avoid thdt chit* obstnefas, and •to - seek' by' a ;milder inversion; to Me•southWest 4tid west;, less, unhivortible opproaChSs.' ' To economize the lives orcinCgallant otTii rueri• Cut well rid . to 'Memo. SuCcAss, it becaMe,intitspierisable that thl% reablutlen ehoiilil thet-enern'y;`and again . , 61'1 the•ne*,moyeiticitit, *heti thsc'ev shcruld titi 'nii+calie'nflor *taint, dna' tthe old ha irieircheaig out true and of waft.- • . • Accoilifing l rY;'ttie , spot, lliellth, order. ed Quitman's from CO:Orman, to join Pillow, WY ilaYikht i before the, 'southern gates, and then that the tivo i ajor generals,. with their by ?light procee d (two miles) to joitf'ine in TaCtibaya, where .1 was quartered with Worth's .diVison.-:- Twiaxs, with Riley'S brig&fe, anti Captains - Taylor's - and - Steptoe s tr - flallil - bTatifies=the latter of 12 pounderawas left _in front of those !prat; to manoeuvre, to threaten, or to make fame attacks, in order to occupy and deceive the enemy'- Twigg's other brigade •..(Smith's) was left at supporting distance, in the rear, at San An - gel, till the mornint , of Me 13th, and also to support our generarde poem. Miscoac. - The stratagem .against the south was adniirably s exeputa flirpugliciut the 12th and clown to the . afternoon' of the 13th, when it was too late for the enemy to recover from the-effects of his delusion, • The first step in the new movement- was tc carry Chcpultepec, a natural end isolated 'fficinnd, of great elevatioh, strongly fortified at its base, ,pri its acclivities and lie!gli4-, .sides a nurnorous'karr" - Lore rasa tea mil: iterf:o" .. _ . earried, we coo k ..or apprmaclidl , ie.. c,ity..`on the west, without making, a circuit too vide and too hazaMpus., 'lwihe course cif the same. night (that of 'the 11th) heavy batteries within easy ranges were established. No. 1, on our right, un der com irtailtydf,Capt Hill Drum,4th Mt/leery, (relieved late next day, for, some bouts, by Lieut. Aildrewt Of the 3d,) and No. 2, com manded by Lieut. Flagnet,. ordnance—both Isupported by Quitman's division. Nos. 3; & 4, on the opposite side, supported by Pillow's division, were commanded, the former by Captain Brooks ttud Lie:it; ti. 5«. Anderson, 2d ertillery, alternately, .and the 'latter by LieUt. Stone, ordnance. The batteries were traced oy Capt. Hugel and Capt. Lee, en gineer, and constructeAftliem,, with the a ble assistance of the young officers of , those corps and the artillery. To prepare for an assault, it was foreseen 1 that the play of the batteries might run intri, thftecond day,' but recent captures had not only trebled our siege pieces, bin alto our ammunition; and - we knew that we • should greatly augment botli, by carrying the place. I was, therefore, in ,no haste hi ordering an assault before the works wero well crippled by our missies. -t..„ The bombardment and cannonade, under the direction of Capt. Hager; were comities), ced early in,tha morning, of the 12th. Before nightfall, which necessarily stopped our bat lades, we had perceived that a goodimpres sion had been made on the--castle 'write' outworks, and that a large body,of.the ene my had remained outside, towards the Oily, from an pally hour, to attitl riUr ilre;linil td, be. on hand on its-cessation, in order to rein, foret - the'garrison against - tin. assault. The same Outside force *ea discovered the nest teem ling, after ottr batteries 'had re,op,thittil,' 'upon the castf,,Affiill iitt( ' We . vgu iti itddcitif: l its garrison to the rtdriiinam heeded for guns. - -',PillOwt and •Quitman 'had beenjif - -poSition' :siricatearly in , cligiitiit'id .. the''f Ith.--'llliljor' 'General‘WortiviamnoW eideted • to hold hii( !division in reserve near •Nouv-tbefo:ind ry nto. 'sup!port Pilow;and4rigidlerGenerallSnith,.o ,f , yiggEliq‘ithi,ihoiin..•rtriiii•i*'lis,idEvitiontroin'Tietliil;'(2`tiiiies;):in; iippo'rt' jQiierriar& i TWigga''gani;':bilctfiliti)torithZ ifrfitgitel, again reintiidelliiiiati:ihi 'day rlfort, thut'lid;4Vltlfitllo4l.lfrfiede,'"intl.lll,, :Ihrla 04 Si'dilOti!ti bilitHea::#lit'llt, f ricairity,' lifireatebiag tneiblitlierkV ; Otites,"alitt BAK PI; 'ding '141 1 04 OA tit 'Abe • • Itlfi*iditif iiiiiii iiii !the defensive. ' '• " ". .' ' .?"' t , Worth'e diYhOnlaCnistied 4),Q)9".'8 lack Milli'aff rituditlthikpit4,zt loin& iistr votolu l !leer 'Ofilind men •tincleF / Cilpt. , hrlcireti..' tsie, i firth& 2a anillitti; lathl'Jfiri.ipil''tli i iiiiiii?, ,Int ppl tell a' einiilail i oneic:',ni tritir7tre'ir,hy; Cap; lain CtielcArl inTriiittyi: t'6 o `'QU'ilinan:' ;Each 'oritible tattle t V,Oluirfas *as ,' forn)Sti,e4;:Oth I sCatitid.lridtleis-`'i„ '"...: 4.:,---- -, ' ''..,‘' `,`, , , , Theliienal'l'hati nil:pi:Nile& lei tile 4 ' antra * 144 S the'tnonightlikostittatOi,OT,,tio, .1110' fart oTOUr hens? hatteries:.:2 , Abciiir B'o l ol6de an' illo mcltetint,dl itie; Igth, juMing,quu the 'tittle hiliVe'riji , kyl;.,tiy the Attlebt M., Ititli IMO! elesTvitilt4d qike,i. , ,in, ',I 'sent:4o' 4 pikt.ticiXatilp tS"Pi' 4 lo:'iiii• and an, _Other' io,t)uttmne,, to notice thAl(l,..tincititeftgfitlkytts atiptttle, be gi rf• 4i,..V u 4.r.ith;c4ln infra the w pkttented „svith r iv Itg A ititt it„pt'ge, l / 4 .e' istfraqce:',of,, prornp t", sup. 'pOS.' — lliti - ,batterlba - selFtnvan„,opporjutitty , - - threvi SIVAS inickeliblt,utoin the_enemy over hiaVeld,a 01 oui men, loitfi - gpotl etleet, p ar . ienlarly ,:at, Ariti . 4,,allit'n;%td :roinforect, the d 606' fi'orri 4V thoy t• t' p meet cihe, assault, ~'-, .' ) - gittibraillerall'illm'ea'ap`prOatit t : on the 111$e firle'lliriliPlie o " 4 :PP e . Ot ti NO iviit i ii iro - 611 CM, \Ole e:ere, speed OS , . 'tits.' I,oghd, sVhiln i , iiithietip . tvith,theL (font'. or''W rotgiy aclivilyi,t het gilite'liAlpitter tO(rilitttiok t own by Liitigiiiiiiidg 'vrnitnif.' lila Immo. k , ipte'epeturiand .tletrolveilLoniirigintlet piiii.:: , , otilcattsvalleder,in, the absenvoil 1)) . 0,4.414,' ir tir ig ti C li i e l . (rs o r,Ce}-9 1 ,;ike „AfritqtYle#o7,* ri b hiyAtitlitc'e- 4 ,tlin civents' 9 9tAnktiti:l9 4 1 .ii- h:Plo 4 l.tts.7o . ltr, "Of -,'Pil)R*;:),ir,Verthqi(o 1 14,4 _ 40t I l trtitt!,J0 111 : 4 40 6 : 1 41,golii.c.,11T* i l 1 ? r1 F1 C,1 4:1 4 1 . 4 - I 'l V4 i ro l l'ileg,4 4 42,4., 4 ‘igt`ilt!it4oi it . p . ~ ~. , . .., , ~,. .- ", , ,:i. % ~4,::, ';‘,, - . ,, ,A. , ',',.::•;, :,r/, --,' i;i:. - :!:;..o - ':': hoights: The iihniric'e , of our lin*, lierirled ' by OrrteOffietfs-thonghlu!*iffsi!Y4llllV2Was , unn'abering;mVer !roc* of "steCFrintt • inineir,lnd?tnderithe hottestl-er*Tifo:iti- 1 - and , rnmiketry:77Thetredoubtmv.qlledW iesistlest valuriiand thmstinnW t '' , lrnltivred announked_tmtheAuttilisiiiteAiitej 0. t, pipil iled,:fftietneerily,'Svere steadily ,ily; op* i i ilielfet titi',Eilielterj,_,The'i ietreritl . , tii, ~: ;foot time 'olive a• single mirie,,,ltiilli. , . 4 : l3:Mer= taint:y..of, blowitig:bp:'irientitlindir 1 Those who,at• if.distatice Mtempted , to: fi T ,CI eleims' ihMlitnge , trains were' shot;tlOwn. t r ,Men" There ;Wail death briloicaritvelt:ab ' ground Atlentitti; the i'diteh.enti . ..walttkit likirnaip Woik , ,virilSreached, the , adiding , j'.. dbfirtivere lkoughi:up,andplurried by , , ilittr , st ,En gipar,'‘ ties; some of lir e daring spinfilfi Ejl the , .r. sauftLviere_casEdetvikilled';ritt • , t otted'; but Et:lodgement was sodn,:nide * anis of heroes tollometi,•Ml cppositicirit . 'T?is /ter i: come, atideeveral'or ourl•regirri ; tril,ttitilors: flung,autdrom the upper•welle,'; .h sent continuert shouterand cheerit; -- Wlf ,EirtieriLElitt may,,intolthe•capital.,,,No 'scene , oo4l)iave been more animating or gloriotr' ~lf-.1411..t2.._ -- t - ItlEijorGentQtilitifiii';' - frot ',lit .priOrted by Dicgadier flerferels ttiiefdri'e" 1 1 Steith'r P. F. , ' , tiiivot her ofliders end 'nen„4" airtip`iv itii the part assigned him: - SiniulteidrielV•willi the , Movemetit mi tire westi litiliallilifttititly approached the 'icnithest•of thcilliiiiie' Wks river titatigeway with cels"ahSit i rkiiittirtitill defended by an army stionggy onlibtitiitle tollie east of the works. ' 'IVO it ) .'i iiiiiiiitilli obstacles Quitman hart to lace; iii l 'illttitit: little -shelter tor his troops or space'FdtritimtntiVr; ing. • Deep ditches,' flan Ping tii causeway. made it difficult to cross on ' trier side• into the • adioining meadow & ail' 'llierie 'again were•nitersectikl by of di Rim. `pMitlf arid his brigade had been entlkiiM Mitown ' f t to make a Eweep to the right,- , -;kr order-'to present a front to the enemy's lineittuuts4le) arid turn two intervening ballet 11$ , / mull:111e foot of Chapultepec. This met ' int_ WAS_ also-intended to support Quitriii la Storming parties, both on the cause:-.•ay:' • lia 'first at these, furnished by Twiggs'"di`visirm, • was commanded in succession by tapt: Casey, 2d infantry, and Capt. Paul, 7th iehattry, af ter Casey had been seveiely..,*Munlled; tied the second, originally under tliel.allanultia-' jor '1 wiggs, marine 'corps, kille4lnd then Capt. Miller, 2tl Pennsylvania vilfunteerir.--, The storming party, now •coMilitinded by Captain Roberts of the rifies,.Lir' ' Stewart, and others of the same regirm %Sr - Miles bli,gade. carried the two batterit `tlfe'road took solve guns, with , many ' -4 `, - and drove the enemy &Sled: 'bpi] von. TIM New York• - atid±,Sontfi-t' mina.. . ~ . . . -icere-:(Shields);- ia,yJ. • IP' the 'irblt.' Be'sitlea Major Generals Pilloiv, and Quit. man, Brigadier Generals Shiehle; -- Solitli and Cad walader, the folloiving are the - of - livers and corps, most distinguished in those brill iant operations--The voltiguer regiment, in two demob merits, commanded, respectively by Col: Andrbws and Lieut. Col. Johnstone —die !Meer mostly in the lead, accompanied by Major Caldwell; Captains Barnard and Biddle, of the sante regiment—the former the first uhiltritft - fe g imetitUl color, and the latter among the first in tine wadi; the storm ing party of Worth's division, under Captain AlcKenzie, 2d, artillery ' with Lien!: Seidel', Bth infantry, early on tbe 'ladder thirt T :lifhlty. wounded; Lieut. Armisteall, Othitilaihry;, the first to leap into the.ttiteh to plant "'a ladder: Lieuts Rogers ofthe 4th, and. J..P.• Smith of the bill inlantry—both mortally wounded ; the 9th iiilantiy, under Col, Ranson, who was killed while gallantly reudiiii - ihut gal lant regiment; the 15th infantry, under Lieut. Col. Howard and Major %Voods, with Capt. Chase, whose company gallantly,earried the redoubt midway up the acclivity.,-Colonel Clark's "brigade (Wortles division) consist ' ingol the. 9th, frith, and part of the Gth .regi merits of litlantiy, commanded, reapechvely, by Captalb. Chipman; Major Montgomery, and Lieiti. Etlwahl Johnt.on—the latter spec ially noticed; with LieutK - LOngstreet (Dee ly wounded, advancing, colors in han'd,)Pic kelt, and Aleieliatit—the last ihree oldie s Sth in fantry3- 7 portione k of the, United States ma rines, New York, South Cirolinry and 2nd Pennsylvania volunteers,', *high', , delayed with their. diviirons (Quitman's) by the• hot ,engagement below,. arrived just in 'time to purveipate in the assauf of - the heights--par- Ocularly a dimaohrettur,;fl,Oder Lieut. Ried, New Yorg.vortinteers,ecirtelsiing'ol '',.a . , eOrn-, •jiartY,,crfilie sarite, - ;with'one of stiaribee,,atta r. another dettlbtiment; a portion 'of- thellitiiiif .it ' a rtY ( Tw ilLid' s, ' , WV l l/. 3l )i . ",ktillt With. Qufiniliqhfulec Liohl :;S'iliale.,l2d,Yinlaiiiry— °het the fall ofGalitt, 7tll i iiihkritrY,.., ~ ~., In thisiritexion, it is tut" juiV(ii' r e call the ttpcis . e iliffind:Or, llfir,:litavy batteries, Isios; 1 1, 2,, midi 4, cOmmandickly those ex-. celleittddliver,s7-7Ctipleiii,Ds . Pip.t4ll, _ . axlillivit. i a`fisistod by Lieuta Beitjatrun'ttrit Perter„of, isit , iiili i.lodipaiii 'Cript;'l3iiolda' Enid 'Lieiii:' "An ilerit n,-.:2 d .1 491 hry t i sliter'b , i 'Lieht: 4 ileese!fAlliJinlfiilo‘i,fti;velenteet;;Lie nkiill rignerfanrliSione,.of,the:hr4llahceAndly Aildrityq;'Bd' aititlerSl r the. , #hele„pppetin. ;t l fetld , by:'Vept?flitger,knhiel Of - oicluaitte ;with this arriiy—•an officer distieggished by' levely , kiiia ',of )motiti t , liiilriouhrgiiv'tikiv. litior 7 PIMOky: gifiletyideat;;Reifol bfrlfid' , o ll l. flanee,"4 l' , W,Yrtriltif.itlyl,iiielb• tiOned.... , (Attaohetl:cid,:thet.itffdgente,-ip,(6l, [lowed the ilitoilemehts tit ihatiregfitielifiliaid agaie,stiyoe ~a j)plauseig%i,, h ;.is.t-,4,,,, , p,,i'ik.-5:! ,?,. '', 4 1 !,.14d11imr,10, thetifet c4,i,nclrYi.cluctit c: 0 0 0 01 etetittoes merit, rtideal rid; tjty,ealt to a f,e‘v ,of thelniiir ifainkie Wlllaf t igtht iiii titiiiii4: yated.! 4— Captil - loOlier;aalsl6l'int'adjuteat yea-' eyal;l u ,ho , von special a . m P ilause,suutearive l y,ll 0161ta(r i ° f;eil!gYtAlnd-C l 4l l4l Atierj,Lt. - , ,LOvell;'.4th tilllery;, (Weended)-Ale!,st, ,QUitafWe et a Tf'Crpt:,ilge aiiiitiint 'alju. tent - ePneraL.(wtinded)'tat l l'i'Lleuli' Ham : inorik3d ;tut Meth. both ol,Shleldeataili-and, Liehl.,Yah:PgrEln i , 71 h , infanVri , 0 . 1 . 1 1. 11 1 AMP. 'ih, - Iffigklikf VpieralOrtitll:;...; ,' '2' .* ', 1 'n:Tlibietperatiena all peeeriedne r thilk " south-east, andlheighte Oli,`ClittpilltiiinfeA" : fr• Ho ,uOrth i mid Att, the, baofifi Alle,m9undi i :f , peoeiiiihle,on• ;thitl'leidO,lltiL, , ,lCVX(ll)l,R4r, i', t under Cot and ,C.l9lii.lVldgiatte ,4, iield4attliff,':•fiV'inlilleV4OtiV:iii?etldir UV.," va id i tid:iinderirdahlAlficiii4lardi'flitoo i l Yll' lciii. " lll oi -il t -s, t4C.o ll o:lCOPEiellett * *Pi'; liteklalWrii.Pirtlkiat eiviikr . :4,tißkt4:ici,lll, , ,iris.., ing -111«i'lsil . ji,7l 7 o,iiitittery,:,eti ‘tlka4,foit4 .4141:0140.40 i a ,63,14, , :i 1145te,'111,a...91110i, liA:Ocirif,4l , iiqiiis 4 lo. , ,,olo9Y,Prikeo . liiidigg,4o .V405110. )0 , 1 101 1 4VN'i,43 1 1.9$ : I n 1 thr4. ft ilUfgrl ,B .l l :l l 4 l.l # 9. !! : ' 11;41 ikt**-'loll4ldilthk,iifitiir.iifiiii2 '4l,lll,lKokaiii; -, ,j5 , iAlle.:ll!itikdArgt•iitoik tor,' ',.,;',!,•-•.„-',(•;.•...,..:;-:•;;•:.-.;..,,,,, ..,,...,.......-• ••,,,,.,..• . , ...„-: ,: '.:; ; :jr.,-,, , ,-..„.: ~.•:.• :,•,:.. • . titi :47--:-.7.7 .•. - ' - ' ,-5,- i , f ,- ' 6 : -.,-, 1: , ' , :- . ''' , ;:. - .... , ;, -1 . , : l ' : p 1 : ~.; 0t! 1 . . ',l . 2 i. .i?1j.,::,,t7i r• t :f . y 4 X:., I o:ijiii4fi fi -) iiii; ::,........,, ,•".:, . : : ; ..4, , i' , 13 P71:thir3 . 1,14 7,irtkAl t * 1 , hP.:-6 , 1x •:li:f . .:1 hti enisii9s . tiaiiti: ;11 ' 4t iTiv it;:il'. iiiti 1:,0,.1 ft:. :. 1.. r. 1). Pry 3i - .1)N; , f, - . 1 , 1 , ~ 7 7N.... •' .... •:',“, : n '''' so ewer. 9411 m 4 .17) , tt.;iir,!1&...1 K=.•: , .;t47‘)il rigrii d'h. , 1 .t s, ' , .. , v , , -.J1:,)- ..,,,,: .ittil-iffili-iitttrki!,itt;:, fp..i tu.. , ,':- ... . _ """', :71r1 , I taimp,with, ‘ti.,..i!n49 . Yei.jellt ' O .l ,/VigliCiF . • eati , n'to have colled Rif' 'Mit eritiro'di ifilibir,!itandifig,wmornemevily.,in. reserve, sent:him Colik'ClarkTs.brigade.-*-= —The call, if oie,t. necesiary, , WaB east I dricfririfil-TitrPtif!!!'trfc)edi m i , e ;.- at I 4 the time ;'!er, soon ouserying,teet, faitd-tiotig the'eliiirri3fi.iti-trefeaejOicipt ef,lylajcirGeiferitl tau itnitO's' •ceiving ihnif n' riffle and '''ff sent iiiisfruciiiinele %Safi, iitir'miticlitte Bit*, with fils"dtviiitni, Ai& to" fiteceed,r'citiitiousfy,:tiYifin inaa al its ern'tnise; iri 'orclei, if' riot Very, sups- tier num Ifeve,ihrem'en attack ; that tioiAr of, the - eneeiy. the 4movement- it, was :also believed,•could' not: fell` to dis ' tract anti 4o intimidate the enemy gener. fitly. . . . . IVorth promptly advanced n'7itit liis.reniain ing briotde-z-Col..Gatlttbdrs—Lietil. Col: C. 17' Sin light Dutr olres .0911-battery. -allot hotrtlivision—and tyres sqnstlrcmot-clrtigoblis nOr,..ntadb)7.l7ltad. just- ordereld tip:ro_ join ttti the gip v e eau. tUined Abe forest 'on the west; and arriyang‘oppositeloilie . nottb-centie of Chill pubepec, Worth•cernd'up With the troops. in the road wicker Cql. 7;_ropstkilei,Und reftlf'd• by ti.,fiattSrinovernent oT•it• oirGarlanti's brigade In , teltin4 the one-gun !bieastsiJrk i thenitider i tfre'fire . OT JfirOcson's sec tion iittUptt Attittuder'it field blittev; advance, Ibis • di Visions Fatts'rid tit= puyegee t attfejcing..file•vigbt of the enrny's line, re's'ting on Ott road, litio'Ut We. tocn i nent Of the-general retreat - eiirisOquent upon the capture of the lei ruidajole castle' and its out- Avol . ks; . • . Ault ing some minutes later, and mount= ing to the top of 'the castle, The whole, field, to the east, lay plaluly under my view. There are two routes from Chaptiltepec tr . the. capital—the one on the•'right entering the same gate, Belen,Lwith_the-road' -front -the south, ma -Pietlad; and the other obliquing to the left, to intersect the great Western, or San Coeme rhad, in a suburb outside of the gate of San Cosme. Each of these routes:(ap elevated cause why) pesetas a double roadway on t'te sides of. an • aqueduct of strong masonry, and peat belghty resting on-open arches and massive:pdlarsovhich, together,•aflord tine points , both for attack add, - defence. " - YThe sideways of both aqueducts efre, moreover, defended by. many strong breastworks at-the gates, and thistre••ttaching them. As We ,had ekrieeted, we found the four tracks un usually dry and solid. for the sbason. • ~ North. and. QuitmUn were. 'prompt- in-pur :torifig• the• retreating enemy—:the former by ;the Satr.Caime,rqueduci, and the latter along ^h trail w ndvanVed . ny our .success, and the.enn:sequent ...,may of the ...enemy, which could' not be otherivise Olaf. general, I hastened to despatch from Chapel tepe'c-;:-rst Clarre,'s brigade, and then .Cad wallitder's, to the support Of Woith, and gave orders shpt the neeessary heavy guns should follow.. Piefee's brigade was, ar the sane ti 4e, s ent to Quitman, and in the course et the afternoon, 1 clitiscitlsprpt. additional siege -Pieeekle be added 16 his train. Thi) after designating the igth infanbY, under Lieut. Col.. Howard—Morgan, , - the Colonel; had been disabled by a wound: at Churubusco 7; its the ,garikort of ChaPultepec,, and.. givjug directions for thedare'ot the prisoners of war, tli CHOW i e'd nrilritinee'sindikilmtneeitiires; F proceeded to join +the , i itivi nco -al Woit4„ within the suburb, and: beyond the•tuni ar the .junction pf the aqueduct, with the great highway from • the west to'the gate of San Cosme. . At this junction of roads, we first passed one of those formidable systems of city de fences, spoken of - above, and it had not a gun !—lt • strong proofs—l. That - the enemy had expected us to fall in the-attack upon Chapultepec, even if we - meant anything more than-a ,feint-;-2. That, in either ease, We . designed, in las belief, to . return and double our forces-against the •sOinitelp gates --a delwion kept up by the 'active demon strations. of ,Twi , ms and the lorilis posted on that side;. and 3. Thal advancing rapidly, , from the reduction of 'Cliapiiiiepec, the ene my had no time to shut guns--nor previens captures had left - him - comparatively but few —loth the.sopthent,gates.. . , ;. t. ,< Within thOlcl'ilistingdishetriciiks,l found our troops-..eugageil in, a 'street fight egaiiist the enemy peatetf in gardens, at ; windows, and on hituse-iopa r all flat,..with . pftrapets.— Woklfordh;Fed'for*ilid the niluntain howni era of ',' Cad wtillildbrs • brigade; preceded - by skirmishers i nod :ph - Sneers; • with -Pick:axes s . ini.l,:cro,wibant, to,forge,.‘rindd*s : en . dAncore i , or ,t o t bit rrclat, tb,rrigb,vylll6.;_. :Thenlialfgrte. it'enti aook hi an ".'jtaility :s iif peeitien' filial W i her 'eptiliik.;',B:y triPelocle iii" the' eVenitte' Wrjrtb bad carried two tbatterieb , iii . .thlailib:! W I ?:P.AcS?Fg11 1 0o!oPY , inAcuctionkll.4;libr4 (oOeieq.euardis•and:sehkittit! ,thid iff i kl.d;AlAr ! tiooPt ': ''thidiii ) , sl'elier;-lo . r•thir' itiAt.',''Tbare was - 6011one morn 'pbeittclitlie•Sati'Clistiio l :gPtOcntletqui hpastr) rbitriritaii ibiriiiiiif, the. p'l, l ' 9at. P.9 i iniNitl. 4113",ti. 61, J1 1 ,,Cfkithedr4, 1, .1 1 94 alace---Ihe mart of - t h e' city aril th at: bar-, tieFiV T ilr,iii' l liifoiFtVa'aufri”iii,or, ( byelaillikEif;, resist siege ganalhirti .- rninutete, .!; ".:' .i: t hild-olafr; taw, li4a ! ths,,foot,iir. Chatiglie:2 pec, the point horn which IbrtiyirOirme,da,c.t."' begin to.diverge t some hOuts either, in or der aolter; Dear lhavnarivibsitar; . alid . 'tfri'ittay 'clOpintunieationtmith. , QUitmeP ' ,. .atnl'TOtiggif !111,1%jel).*yri14,Woityi, , ,t , ;.1::, , i Ll,rojle. it , , : ,..P11 , ., I', y hdtti:ihikiip pin v 11 orcleistPllll die , dtititehll ' , mentc,atid,i , istragghini !fo.c , thoir (reepoefive!. ,rloi•ps then pi. athioneekifthitlttAiniktpidittda: ditioniil ejeie , 'Jgen ei -sof tauriiiliiiq4ntreficb :big , tOopti.direOttidt,Tv.iirge . ,lY,rartartbiat, ; briL° giviji,i;:(oo4l,loo., , licot-arastilittmo• - :fitampart: IW,otthi-iiiit,Capitsim:Stelitaery,fielif.batteryy aleo, c at- , PierditOttiurb]affrilat)Mrian!e ,, Alvt; tti0n::41..;.,i., , ,11t01q,a,.ei.');:::,.4 , w ~ f:..1::/ P. - .., , ~ 4,; .1, t , tri;lind , i been 'knurl tle;ltietiiitvidl OVaia'thir. the..,weeterr4,,en , fian:Postrie,l'eAf , thei bisti;dP: , ficilltiretinsio the; centre and bonquistlof ihe apitsl), , tfatteo,4l"relario- liirearledl that , 'Qattw indn ihodld finly'rrianceuvre,and threaten the 13,0[Pjfj0th190,4. 411 88:Pro g a te; in Order; to fav"er 10p00rp , ,atik .. .,br,%y,(04-litumor%,:plat 'ifl . o, R ile hinttl3ilc'd,f,:nt .06',11e1011 Agate' ili.., !ifyair,lialdrii' tba:glins ot'itid'Otioh ,'Sit'pligtii; .. .:kriVettsioilled Iherkslt . gde/Aniitli*lo . . , .. Beth • 6 .1:'. 11 /Pr.'at!cllP4cq4 of r-the; also hl1 11 .1" ettV'49Pl so l (ll 4lonßctirimilboAoo 4 tal . OV(or s ,...Ntrio e 'Per iiikagik gawAropo ?. itteeL Htoadit 36'0'0 iliteit'ts,aiiiiati tit: nom i , . 4'01 4 :9 01 % 5 M peinbviitilatti*tat 'Abe` :sarlit , .tatrralei,[?. ?_;•:.•',-'_ . -',.,.•: ..- '',.: .::‘,'o , * , ' hose vitiiii.49iloneitinlie.caure4l•Pf. :4101014711.4-'ll eit,t( E VAr: k ilil rl4f •entiriimli. ,„.,01 elan,* 11111 I . .."81titeldit.tildlret IttMgd : tetare.Chapaltaii,at).Harlreftlaiirei:(a(trilliSiip :- .-,, '' • 6iih':**Ci tmr , izu4 4 . =-. ..0.4.1.t4.6..31i.' .I.c' f'''"t'-_ 4 / ,'! / "..,'. ,i ( AVV, 'IV • A'. 07 : ' -.t'z'% ';l' .. i' :' 44' ,- .11;t?.4-': 0tT,..... 1 4.3•;, : :. 4, •••,,•-/:•;,.;',,;;•:....,. 'lt'lii:: 4 l d') . .ii: ii.i;i ' Li, ..',» , , t ri .. _ , . '`---------,-- ----. f. 7 ,---, - .1 14 1 -- ' — -7: , jfvf.-:.': :. - t. ..:.43.11.•c))5,1, ,1., •,,-..-- rat ~.', .. , . 6,.a.i,.,,,,i iff i . ~...4•3: ' `:. i, :('•";1 XCli, - , 4 .. - ' ~i "' .. ..... ..1.1.1' te . - - =II MIMI as 'Welt antimmi,of the 'ObluthrP—Quilriian 'Otiritinited 'lire's'for r , oder_flalik-andAirest—fires--carriei an immediate - battery of two guns. and the gate; before' two,. o'clock in-the afternoon, bUt,mot Without pt6PartitiWate loss; increased IT the "SteadyLinainteniiiceLef- that-s-posi— :. _Om*, of the heavy battery--4th artillery -cap6-Prum and-Lieut, Benjamin, were.mor tally, weunded, 'and, Porter46.llllrd in ranki,slightly.,•;Thirlois of..tliose„most _distinguished, officera the_ermy ,will long, Lieuts: l .l.. H. Alomage and 'William - Captyj - of the South Carolina.vcittinieers, also :of -,high.merit °wale engin:occasion-- besides: laranVill our bralleat . nom:commis .sioned, of fi cers pod: men-. , -paiticularly in eap t Dium's veteran, company. I cannot, in this' place, give mimes or. numbers ; but full returns of the...killed anti sounded of all -camps; ;iii their recent operations, will accom pany this,inport.. Quitman, •within the citj t ,44clding several new del&' ition lie had won, pract ica turn tif 'ilnylikht un lidable citadel. yet det At about 4 o'c.ock next morning, [Sept 141 a depbtations orthe tied/an/10ft (city council) waited upon me to cep* that 'the federal go've:pnrieul 'am; th'e army of Mexico had fled from the capitol some three luaus below,' and to demand terms of capitulation in favor at -the cltutchi the dAizens, and the municipal authorities.. , promptly teplied,' that I Would sign no capitulation . ; that, the city had been virtually *l3r.poseessien from the tinie,el„tlje lodgitrients effetted by Worth and .Quiiinan the day Vefore,.. that I regretted the silent escape of the Al l elicati armyi that I should leVy 'n'pen .th'e n moderate contrintiop for speci I pur Cs; and that We Atterican army's i come under no fernisatotsc/fiimposed;—such only. as its own Honor, the dignity of the United States, and the spirit of the.rige should, in my. opinion, imperiously- dertiand nod im pose. . - For the terms se - imposed,- I refer the de partment to subsequent General Orders, Nos, 287 and 289, (paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of the latter) cripies of which - are here With en closed: ' ~; ' dk l Atihe termination of the interview whirl the city Vertiffeddn 1- conittiVu'licateil, about .daylight,.orders to Worth and - -Quitman to edvance. slowly and cautiously (to guard a gainst treachery) towards the heart of .ci- ' ty, arid Occupy its stronger and more corn- - Mantling points. - Quitman proceeded to the ,great plaza or square, planted guards. and hosted the colots of the United States nil the national, palace, core:lining the halls of Con gress and'executiie departments el-federal !Alexidiz: - hi this grateful - sevice Quitman might have been cuitiMpatod by Wophi brit -for, ;kr i.e3rpress r;idekiiirling-thellatter-,:at • tht- - frearl•ol . fire illanetla, (a green. park,) within three ;squares of that goal of •general ambition. ,The :capital, however,, was not taken by any one or tito corps; but- hythe ta lent, lre se , enc'e, the gallantry r the prowess of this entire army. lit the glorichisconquest all had contribtrt'2rl- 7 early and powerfully— the killed, the Wolititiedpind..the fit fur duly at Vera Cruz,,L . erto Gordo, Contreras, San Antonio; tiliiiiiibuseo,'(thre - 0 battles.) the 111 ()- hags del Bey, and ehiipitllepe - &40 mocker those who fought at the gates of Geier: end San Cosrne. - . . , - Semi alter we had entered . and were. in the act-of occuping the'city,' ri fire was open ' ed upon us frdm• the flat-rOofi'of the houses, from windows and cotiters of slreeqi,by 'son* 2' i ci9o Corti/Wirt, liberated the,;difit hethrel by the'ffYiii4 entreininebt=iiined by, _perhaps, ' s'many MeXibria soldiers; who had disband; ed themselves and throWn ofl their uniforrirs. This unlawful war lasted rr ore than t-verity four hours, in spite of the exertions of the municipal authorities, and was not put down till in had lost many men, 'including seve ral officers, killed or wounded, and had pun !. isiterl the miscreants. , Their objects were to gratify national haired, arid, in the general a latm arid contusion, to plunder the wealthy inhabitantez-particularly the deserted houses. But families are, now genbrallyieWrning, bu siness of every kind hits been. resumed, and the city is already tranquil and cheeribl, tie ner the admirable corratrict (with exceptions , very few and trifling) of our gallant troupe`. ' ~ *This army has been more dargilkled than • Faqir ised. that. by, some sinister- process •On , the part el certain individuals ,at home, ~its II umbeis have been generally, almost trebled 'in ritir 'public. papers—beginning-at Wash . trigt9a...,.: ~ ~4 ... Leavingak we off feared, inadequate ger ,fiSons at Vera Oruz, Perote and .guehlit— ; whir-much larger hospital,-'; and be ( tig Gbh , ged most reluctlantly, - from the'same cause (general paucity:of' numbers)) to lab:dear . * ;Jalapa, •we marched '(August t 105 'fO Pne-r :lila with:. only '10,738 . 'ninkiand Ille:' - , Thai lnitinqOg•lnellitlikeihele'iriedir - dt'Aleia,' . 4 . aitit I the:: 27429, - Jibbit f , titOaiiht . by''lfiy , ::: GOitetig Fleece; Augukr 8'; , ' , 9 1 j0 0 ;',- •`•,,, ''Ci ‘'.:' i / 5 A 0 COM rdifia;V : CiiiiiUtiiiiek .' iid..POigiig f i 1203 1 we;hal bbf 81497 l iiielle•eiiglig . titl'7 . 41'!;O:c ileduCtieg the : garrison of San Aquitiri s ' out • lgenvnl , flepatolieceteamedlaib,tecealtd'ihe (iflalli. AP. the-MaliposldeU reyts , Beiatittiber,. V bet arm brigashteplwithriaoAe ,. cayattytjantl iartiletyriiaklawitt 6113 3,2.41: iilenwetein, ;the:Aantle; . !it 1 the two:dappiw§eia 12 aedll3 lour whole.operatinglrfOree afierrhitietiog , v, gein,thexecientlidledswountledindisielr;ao. 1 '•89titqgtl i fie9„:1191:01111( et Miaow Vic tnen gattet - ,4..0, fmt,,ip9o:l4l,:i..ctli •Tepabiya;;• Wel be - 17,139, add 41181Y:eller dedhktingthelnew' ;,garrison.ol Chapnitepn• i wid k ,iho , l , lin e d iop 4 !wißiiitliiiilkilni'l daya, 4 wetecikvki4lbfflott. ;afitiq . ;l4!,'ltilible gri f toapailti:with tiiajlian ff:o O( PiTHAT ;AidTtOscßit:iipito• tizoilmtibi,• 114`1iiiidtiquiliftigniqe ;411;111j4.4t;19:j011- Oiiit'iit Itaiiit . 'Ott - lliata, - Waa :•tbiti a imy,110 . 6 ; ad hy le*et lliatt'lliterlsandir ' helt .fiquirititt ltin it iterri---in.sevisrul.ol. them by- a. yet.gtoot. • Aramß*ll; '-.-.,'.. ,' .:.i.:i-..-- ~ 1 , ,: l • . .., -- ribboOitulite - oiiil:ois :lines 3(*iitktega i : itteintabrot ,'Nfekiod: -. -1 7 - • --.` :';".,.,,;;.' ~...,'; ~.A . ,i; Aukusi A 9i' 2 0 ::•••ACitr11137;;Aelddiiiel 4; i olf,icer.4c.WenutleriAt iiiriettuliatilittiffieOill; 'Amok). ,probably itilledi . :33:cenk,:a4lite. - -7-t f iiiiii i lic 4 L,, -: • - '' . i -. ".1 , )i ..-q ,-, 111 . ••.ni i!,, :, b7etitenitiartV-411141f,f ili*.inottionp*, ificerwai• , Wohnilititi 11 3;10Iudiai749 . o#Idera',!, Illiti4itat:lB:Atak "and., fitel ;Total; 789: . . September•ii 2 s; lAitild 44 0,4Ci11et1;130,iii...' i , olion iz ,l 0 coitker gu . ::,,W 011 , 0 ded Ily ilAild 19g i 6titotiThirk . i , 'Altegligi .. i9 r4iikie ,f le. Tot al 0119 - i ; •,i....,1,.. ;!..,:•;;; . 4.,:.: 1 ,,,_:. .-.,..,,,.:•:,:•;,.,,,,,.. , .1:• ; . ;0*(14: tdtal , oVtoiies . 2,723 . inaltalirig , :,-..992 3 .- nwilr, . . , •tl:7'..g i , -; - .11.•.c;:;-•-• ,- q•o•ii,14,-,i ',;• 'Oa narit9l,erlitarld•thlAArmalkforothaile, e,-. lifilloJbe..i!iiik.'oediOk§hil) iiI, VIOF: 6 rt t 'e a;*whbleiblaitcanliiiiiy;:o4' s ; 10 - ','. - 4411 1 pini;gillablytOttd - titcaaatadlootiipoet i waN't A l it ao r t a - 4imisicoptiktoro ! so w l i ii t or,ritaufrctrifl at Igi kOw.t. '3 1 ',.. WY , , . "... •• - tha 'Ott! ids io.ol.ti: bg1i,.7i000,40•?.-o',-,•ii'S',#i".•li :l4.2'''':::i:-'•ii.,Ml-a6':' MINIM . „ 3,730-prisottms, ono Seventh 'efficers, inclu ding 13 generals Of whom. three' had been presidents of this -.republic, captured more than 20 colors and standards, 75 pieCes„ol., • ordinance,' besides 57 Wall pieces, , 20,000. small - 10MS; - an , immense quantity of - shots, -shell-rpowderi 2 iStm--- . 4 ' 01 thin enemy, once so formilableTO num . bars, appointments, it &c., liberty-odd thousands IniVe disbanded themselves, in despair, leaving, As' it is known, not, more than - num) fragments-11re largest . .about 250. .norcwandering in difterterit directions, with out.nia'griiirtes.ortt military cheli ; And Hiring at free Miarters upon their own penale,,, .• „. GenererSanta•••Atina, himseffe - fugltive,is belie_VeO to be.on the point 'resigning the _ • elijMniagistracy, and, neutral Gun?. Jernala. • A. new Piessidencmcidetribt, ' ' 80011 - be declared, and the federal 'Congress i s ' expected io re-ttsemble neQueratturr r 125, miles, north of this, 011 Zacateces road, some time in October. I have seen find given safe conduct through this city- to several of its. Members. The government will find itself without-resources; no army:, no - arsenelicliici . magaXines and but little revenue. internam external. Still:Lsnehisthe-obstinneyi-or-M --fatualitirt,Til-ifils people, that it is very dout- •-• ful whether the new nothorities will Aare 'to Sue for peace on the term's w b iel, in the. re? eentnegrliations; were Made known •by our minister.; * a * . *, In conclusion, beg to. enumerate once More', with due conimmulatioi: and hianks, the disiinguished staff officers, general and personal, who in -Mu' last upthations in front of the ,eneirty, accompanied 17113', and corn. muniegied order's. to everypoint r andthrough •• every &lige'. Lieutenant Colonel Hitch• cork, acting, inspector general; :11ajor Tuyr bull mid Lieutenant Idardcasile, topographical engineets;,Alajor cruel pay-rnrister;— 'Captain Irwin, chief qriarl'ermastr; Captain .Grays 66, chief commissary; - Captain IL L. Scott, clitef in the adjutant general's depart ment; Lieut. Williams, aid-rie;carnp; Lien,. Lay,__milirary..secietary r - Gain'es, - ICentiicky cavalry, xotenteer camp._ Capt. Lee, engitieer,• so constantly distinguialied, elk) bore important ordersirom me (Sept. 13) until I.e fainted from a wound and the loss of two llip,lits sleep at thebatterr les., Lieutenants Beaurr;gard, Stevens, anal - Tower, "all wounded, were employed with the him Lim/tenants G. W. „Smith, and G. 13. McClellan,. With the company.' ' ,sappers and miners. Those - five lieutenant's of engineers, like their. Captain, uAtlie miratlen_of -all about-then). The Ordinance Ricers, Captfiin L7entenants Ilagner; Stone . atfil Reno, were highly elective and distinguished at the several batteries; IV,. 1 must adiIITUIT Captain ItleKinstry,---fiSSistint quarter master, at the el6se of the opeiations, executed severatinipormin Cam:nissions • ter 111e.E19 a, special volunteer. Surgeon Generattiffson, and the medical gener . afly ; n ere E.; killfal "nd tufting in and nut of fire, in munstering to the numer ous wounded, , . , To illustrate the operations in this basis, I enclose t wo, beautiful draw itigs, prepared un der the (lireetinn of . Major Turnbull, 'mostly iron' actual sbrVey. I have the honor to be, sir, with high res pect, your Inert obdier.t se I rant. WINFIEL•D SCOTT. The Hon; Wm. L. :Secretary of War The Union Contains leng s ilck'reports from Generals North', Pillow,. Quitman, and Twiggs, detailing the operations i,l their general bdivisions. In addition to these, 'veiy late letter from Scott to the Seere,. Lary of War, dated "I - IMid-rjuarters of the ar 4 my,' h' °mobil. 27," nas been receiv ed at Washington. Ile states that he enclo ses 'lwo very interesting rep o rts made to brim front below: I. From Col. Childig. goc•- ernor and commander at Puebla, dated the 13th instant, detailing the defence of that place; whiehohough,highi; - ardimusigallam • and trjampliant, tins not excecdedwhrit Was expected at thehands of iliarexeollent 'eCtin T marhier,. his officers and men. 2. From prig. Gen. Lane, dated Puebla the 12th inst; giving a brief account of a brilliant and stic tesslal affair between him and a body of the enemy ; ut Htliarnatitla. These ieparts, how ever, have not come on to the department. The General adds b.. , (A her establishing the new-posti below, es indicated hum:circular letter of inetractions, of October )3, I hope to havethe rneanf Of, accupping i,kiii.vco; some . eighteen rpliefOremPueblri, and 'roluea, the State, capital OlN . e:t;tOo,,iorty , miles, hence Peilmeis,Oriza I:ba;b t probably Alban not . attem2t tiny ,More ilirartv;e4otlition Pefiigr6'OitiAV,"Ok.:On!till7'4ol ?filibiial:ltloitikixry.-LLlV4,eit ',.l3 t kp l wr „ i tin tidiv::iyheli 60;iiiiailiii :fen i'l,"E:si.feeliti ,i 9 audkiialea stit'Nligh'li i I liiji te‘ .. 'ila u lf:lii: - .1,.. ,--i rfie . folio wKi 't inlriigiliptil—: ouch iii,,i , oriT•nittional . , .. ...,,,,,..! ; , .1,: - -;,.y..,) ..i qr.. t nicktilityludgati neantinu aa!yrie. vac,: . , , f 'VCliitlfilii`aejtlrai F :iiirt4l)6it'aciiini':. PAN i t i9. ll 4 5 . Or P- 4 ,11). .inq'I'firittlY ', bel iiiiiiPa% a take pleapure in- anctsiuncing iythaLlio:State can pr,odger in a long career rit. title giciry, in , .. 1 49:00 1 Mrti•of.thiecicilteciirjukitiliktiklithe • infant:4one. pt t;lll9,,ctiritlitt! , , : ,, roigoicv J A Hood iiiiii ii(iiiiparent pi*.p,e.rl7.may...e,onig ~. - filling"forti'linitillies fit enuea or , b , auw,,iint ' - tylitiniiti.g,thfi,cr,aring4sl . frisla•'illid 'Citilaif),,, 2. • 704 1 19P,Fr ni.4tER it •Inui ~- its chili and (either., el4a,systla its abeeden,cti or tintype i gie,v,oid ' . friateilhinhidore, I - biter); is a"rsOent ktit.,:' , a) .i_. - celequeta wittleei pi its -- it tab, tuid"'liiirelier; - j uridyiewlatep tslede ,ii stream, or '' tniceating.,' • .'. light along per pnthtiliv. 'llxii,(4l)ric, s ,Ni a p i , - ' client gi,gairiesa,..bali(by.inktstica antl.Conee .- , • crated, to'rrtlittiyla,lrtiertow flirtatig'4laoo . .airr -, ifi;re O i r s tatking-r#V. f r o m b ooo 41 . 41 ) 44 t: ''.- '' e*,Pilliiiii!!iti cikluttme 'Olaf ,Iverir , :'; - reere:d;'.,ll4,.;-. r.; PPrpOltaite ifiti'deilti*Jof riIOIC ih'aji, , ''.%Oie arroughell , ,:f. i cy.:(.l 14 ..., 7; :! i i..4 ', ... ' 1 : 1.... " ).- Ar,NA ' ''. .. th#. ~,1e ° 3 , 9,. _ ,) , C., . '....„t-2.1, V r , p !,..4 2 '‘ ,declar,loe,lle• MPPVI44OO*,V reel thneeipta..,„ta ajtiOepader t &. tttti9i4tindiY.tertitraealfil.OAefo44)f,., .‘ , \.;%,` ,' . ‘ ! °9 [ 41191 Ai PPAltilgtgki 140V.04 - :.,, , 7:, , - - ` -,.. :- tterreeio9F!•#le ~.a p, wti,ylniitokiilliatb l4ri - r is,Tkv„,;:".lo' , keqlb;'kl--',,1 i i , . %,1t:621;4 P, '''''t!''."'"'4tA4"7';l'c',4:-7-7---c ' ';i s iAltAjP. 4 4 l ii44 4 l4#kki9b ll o - iiq'thnivirt.. - ~,:..: 11104 1 1%.100Vs9 1 1 ,4 0ill i ! i kelkiii . 4n , ,,.', ~ o . i.. O, A t' •Iri'ilbils?P'el!tfrittuFT,ltitt/E:7;:i.,..L. Vll t O ,,! 6 . l l h :!` h tt 6P a t -41ti t • i; ; 9 .'''' - icr 7.4 i f i7fSgifitiiilfit,4,listior;,,llirc.Atk 1144„W,,:titilfV rrte i rO i tta , ‘ oll lsll.Pfrib#. 7 ,-0VA4::.,‘?.....:! , ;ixqi ..,,.-,";'..-',..., ',..,,...'10;4fi,V4k1, ,- ;.4,.2 - ; , ..., - ,- - ;.', , .... ,- ...,:c. - 7.,..-....- ..., ~,..,..,-.<,,-,.... ~,,;,... ~,, -...,..-. r. IMMIMMEMMI • , --,-, - --; , :1it; , ,-. %•:, • • • , 4. - 41 , ,: 6 •/.n.;:',..:61._ _r - Li : i. c . , , :' , .;•. , ;r , :i ••••• ?•,-4,,...-....,..,.-.5,-,,:,,•,:,•.: MEM BM IMM . , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers