Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 17, 1847, Image 4

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' , - ,. .ttrip2ao. - ;a l Atrikvziltwir
. ,
----- VitlitlVltElftVEitY . 1. - EbN' DAY.!
.• .„ .7" I
..,' ,::•
~ PE KE tie a it --
. .ih l r''i'q . gthf,e Cp lill4 , ,
, •7sliiifte;b4c/rorthe7Coitrk , oso - lff - i
. ,
' ''''.'"" . r
'TERMS'OF 'SRBSOROIIONt <it ~: l'i' :-.'•
,'- . ii i t i il i Delfarend t'llik'cihiii'e:Viettli Y.ii:iiii#l: . ..- - . i ~,,,: ci - ,Dollate, If paid Within the year.-'
..• ,: . , , !
''..'iti e„DellaVfot Biz reofithe,' - ' • ,• -, 4,' ~,,. , ~
~.r Vlitile terms will be rigidly.hdheied D: :,: !: ~ ~, ,
''' " •"" . '.' 'II,ATES 'OF ADVERTISING;; -'-' ;/'-•,--''
. , • sAdvertiFeinente,making tifteen.llnetrtirjette x .will he,
, .eharged at cite rota, of./Fllly . .eonte.for o n e In l ertlen,—.
liras times for-Otto Dollar, and Weeiy, f l. ) %cente for
, I ver y 'subiequent hisertlinf,hltently advertleete Wl!'
6 elm reed a the follitu , ltik ihteet ' , ' ' •
. 4_ j
- One Column ,, with alta p e r,' fot ode year; . '-
" Half ti , e u r,•,.... -Arr. • '‘'',. ' -do: ,•, , .
.Two Squares; wi(hattarterlycheneea, - . •
Sualne e e qurA,' with the:paper., '.
' .
It Itch *iitcpcljilils; Blanita i Circulars and every oth
•• , erdeteri ,t o . . • 'rdin.w.Le,xeai.t.tedjnuUlnllr4Y_P_T,Ld
•• , expe.itisly and attire LOWEST PRICES
-... 'NEW — SUPPLY — OF - 11111.1GS
, ----.--, , maarcw,Goolllo,-dr.c•-••-I.- .•
,• , .
• '•. w. HAVERTICK desires to, inform his
. • friernlifind the publlctlint his new SPRING
. ' A 'Ai SUMMER.: SUPPLY of goods, whialf
. Anhave been selected with great sere by himself per
. joitallY, null bit nokteti at his old and well known
este blishinenemt North Hanover street, embrace
'II . 4u ppl I . of FRESH DRUGS . , tog - ether: with - -a'
. . . .
"- . Most
,extensitle, rich atiti'viiiittlAtock of BOOKS,
' -- ,(botle sehonli., and miscellaneous, — ANEY
. I;OODS,FE3I.FIINIES, Ste,' bt.c;. tb which lie feels
' .ecnitident lin 11103' invite the. attention of ' the. pub-
lie with the-fullaisitrancti oftieing - ahle to - auppli
'very 'went and gratify every taste, besides eosin.-
-.• sng entirestitinfiction by the vdryreasoitablejerms
• . tnioriVhicli Ilia 't to Mem uia rti e I es' iv ill be tspo-s
* 'ell of.,
" 'lle•wati:d call - the particuler ottention cifFani
ll es . end l'hysieinith to 'his repienlslied assortni't .
of DRUGS and NI EDI: i N ES, which have been
.. , Aluminised at the bete 'houses in Philadelphia, and .
'zany be'relied upon for freshness and eueellettee.
-Added in thesewill he foiled On - elan - sioek of
.!' PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, Varnishes,
.- Class, Sc Sc., ail of which he Will ensure to be
~- Of the hest giddily end et thr 'very letreet prices..
ile has 'mule many additions *to Ws lace% 'Of
iIIOOKIS, besides securing a new Slippy of all the
Vent Rpoks, Histories, Renders, Lexicons,Wil •
- 'ling Books, Sc. now in tine in College and our.
vabtio schools—which he will dispose of on terms
'suited to the chcrtmatences of 'ell.
Ills stack itt FANCY ARTICLES embraces'
' a rich extensive Onllcclion•which it wotild 'be '
. . .._...
4mpoSsible to ehumerate, but comprising-many
novelties which cannot fail. to strike the eye and
_please the taste, such RP Ladies and Gentlemen's
Cutlery,Gold and Silver Pens and PeneilsAlah•
l'onth and Clothes Brushes. Perfumes of 800-
Belle's rich anti extensive varieties. Palley Snaps,
Shaving Cream, Card Cases, Pocket Pistols,
I'ockct books, E.:c. &c.
Also, a new supply of Cornehus's .elegant
LARD LAMPS, tot , ,,ther with Sperm slid Morad
'Candles, Baskets, Musical Instruments, thnlyrel
Toys, Door Ms's, and other - arti•
voles in the variety line, which with n -- etittstant
'supply of fresh FRUITS, nuts and Confectionary
of the richest quality, make a )erne and splendid
stock to wlirelt fiecniifitlently iiti . tes the allthiticti
and patronage' of his town and country friends, at
'the old Stand in North Hanover street, nearly op
,posite the Carlisle Bank.
.Tine 2. 11347, -
John 3. Myers
Ms just returned from the Orr withatarro
t.nd carefully selected assortment of
Drugs,' Paints , Oils, Dye-Stuffb,
and PATENT MEDICINES, including all
tho auw preparations of the day, together with
a general assortment of choice-PERFUMES,
stock full and complete, all of which he will
sell LOWER THAN EVER: Call and see
fur yoursehres. -
.7ey 7, •
T I E sub wciber, wishni to wind up his busi
ness in Carlisle, will dispose of his large and
elegam,assortment J 1 Dry Goods at first cost ;
being determined to sell off bis entire stock, he
asmres his friends and themublic, that great bar
gains will he offered. Those, Clerefore, who
with to save from IS to 30 per cent. in purcha
sing Goods, will do well to give him an early
Is alt. Ms assortment is large, and the goods
have been purchased with great care, and em
brace annssortment of nearly, every _article Use.
ally kept in it Dry Goods store.
As we are determined to close up our business
at the vet y earliest possible period, we, hereby
tioilfy those indebted to come forward iminedi
'atoll, and settle up their respective accounts, as
longer Indulgence cannot he granted. Those
who donor, before the Mb or October, settle
their accounts on ay expect to have them place
In the hands of a - make for collection.
Carlisle' July 21, 1847.
Family Grocery 1
Tstibscriber takes this method to inform
1, his friends, and the public in'general that he
has just opened in the house lately occupied by
Dr John Armstrong and three doors east at J fi-
D Rhoads' Warehouse. a large mad generitl as
sortment of . Family'Grocerien,. such as Teas,
Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Chocolate and Spices of
every, d ascription. Also, a large and well soles:-
Lek i f•
itrushes, Buckets, ate. To
iiacco of every description, from the common
smoking,toinieco, up to• Wpo4wgrd's best honey
linty Cavendish...
~ •
The p.thlie are respbidiulli, invitrd to call and
exteitine hts steak hefcirel uytng elsewhere, ns.he
Ylatteraltirnsell earinot fail to please them
both i *demand
N. , friends from Om tonntry w 4 ll , fintl,
it to !heir advantage in give him a call f MI6 store'
inconvenient'," situated, just a few ate fronjMr
Rhombi' htvern, •
.• „ 40§.11 FIAILMERT
TarlieleOttne :2, 1847. . •
UST received a 'urge SupOy of ,fresh Gin.; Jcariee;consisting of superier,brewri , 6Ugure,
and L00f,,,C1 fished; , Pulverized and clarified
SUCARSFaII- of Which' will be sold at reduced
;,;,priaitii:;„l4:ini COFFEE of every, :description
price,, ittt , a . fimk lot of strong Rio,
; . Young
iii - „ mt ," undr! TEAS:
, from 44 beet.edleetiiin,of
.Renklit,'who lies been 'Cell'
'ebrited for 90' iiftrifer eel p
ling,tbe.,beet Teas lyi , Phitao
,".,rviiikiltia...:A.,feW; sets; ,uf 'Chir,M;;Taa-Ware
syrup,:elver ~hotise•and
' linkingg.
310 ASSES, ~superior;, iinporte.d „:HON,EY,
~. .robeceee,lllifed Beef, eugar-onred. Hams, dried
..'lPtaiches'end 'Apples, Soup beano, ,Cranberrici •
Salad oil. Moxed ' Pielilee , Figs; Almonds; Rai
riftio;titrono,'Curi'ehti, Stilaes;Mtiokerel,
, ,man,.Blind,and Herring,' flop' Soda, end a;proa.
t.:4 . ,yarlety4ofetlier.,:a.rtioloo,4o ; naineFOUt
givesd; 'yl'hiOli_ivl,4_4o sold cit4moli
iA.A.TrVirrioll 'Mops e!tyricii.
,to;.:n Oltirbiludelb . • • ,• '
'• • GEO: CROOKS., ,.
;1 . ..,i 4 1 - ;!=',42`,-, ', : (BLAND , : ' IIititSER . TI q ' , i , .
~ , r , : tv'o 4. --' 4 '"THP. s snbioriber; proinitetor of the
if, obOV.i.eitithlishtnenqwhintr is Shunted
h.,.. , 0664 three inilei inefOr earliole;iletroc
. ...
qT, . ithO 4 <cilotbetiand 'Valistritsil .R,oati,
~/ ,`,1 1„ 4. ^... NlVegirtil,'. to' inforov'thelpublletintt 310,
"1 , -tw • vikst,htfitsttiiikoll'APPlA4PßElFfS,ooti
=?l'pilitiiiff the ,) ohomest tirietles ol•'khtfni l
fruit witiok'sro bultivatid'lii this They.
' . 7. 4 ollllber,:'4l4p r osor pf ;plf;teriTip as-resuso
' thole:of tiiirotheiNdriery in the oouni 1 and Ini
:ill'ergaid•ln:lti .•.health a'n'd a signr °fah et treolsnAllt,
'..itilk:ftir,hous , ithst fair frisks 14',i ~,,, (4 , ~ ~.,
' , .'', , ' ,. ..A.. '.; fit i". - A-,c ~..., 4:l4.viD:mlp.,Vrt;.ro,', , ,
' 1 :"" -4 43 - ' tiitier 22 1W ' ' ''; '',P' '''''
,hl."'SY,tlW*l49NOttiti4gl • pr . :
I * l. '- '6lloll A NYtliiti"4o: 1410 dd. DA ii Qo Aap. ,MPlP . ieriter"
Wiki,.*4111,114411i41 .s'4!,l
r ~Y•Mkfai6heAcllB.s.l
,', ' "
4 , •
• 7,a8. - , 1 61 , ,.
00 111 *#: '0' 1114 :"
Ot.sinnor:OrAto. tribe(tinefileecquedteeneee:tiytth
whittlEthe horse liaifeett4 (ivtittoettleitroytne
the hair) inch:lol,old etraine,, (moll ingeotlff-•
nese ofjo.ntei , gelle peodueed by the ease, end
saddle,- strains. of „Ow i!elto,ulders; . eti fleirtoof,
'peeteriren,d ettoltte - Of the
bone; .1t nee, 'OW
curbs; tiPlhitei epriiirt; wMagelle, puffe;St:c:
. It verb soon cures told.or: fietih wooticlir; Ctitu;
!melees, tiktilee;
I gluten!. relief in. thu soratetfee,:grenee, ete„Ued
the dieentee :incident to .Itontee, haviug:white
feet and notes produced n by .St Jollier. Wort,
which so often dtetro the hoots endobonee of
'4 525
I the feet, and resists the •action of sulphur and
vitriol ointmentsoind . otheT .reniediee equally
powerful. • •
applicatidn', basis hdynicifornit proved so
- oseful - tn - relaving-tendons-tendone-and
jointe, and'. brockicitig,AuchAmi r edlate * and'
beneficial pffec,te in.'eracked4 heels; brought on
, high
• •This'Embr,'ocrtion'is lifghlY re eoinniend ed to
fintrlcia;',44bie 'cif livery .striblea, Waionera,
~i i teie.p}OOrietarl,and private gent.etnen own
,ng; horses ,: as, an invaluable remedy; and
shoithilm,cOnatantly kept in their
• Also farriners,,whoso heroes are' Boilable to
kicks; dots and wounds, will find• it equally
ativantagernis to keep Pt constantly on hand.—
it is equally• booeficiall'in , d.he - treatment of
earth,, for galls,„ sore necks,- cute;
wounds; etc. • •
CtitliJla Jy.Dri - JOHNA. M
MS, Sole Apo. , •
July 21,1E47.1
To th:: Ciiizens 'of Ounilierland'Cti.
01 There is spthithing inore precious than
Gold or IhilmOnds:—HEA LTH.''
rpHERB are Soine diseasealliat . visit ui at.sta=
1 tail sensors of the year,
.RIIII which not Mifre
quently become alatminglyfittal, &Ming the Man.:
met. and antamn months; especially the young; -
there being sot less than seventy thousand dying
annually with. deeangernents of. the storintoli and
bowels alon e tl l loes tml-every feeling of Mir nag
lure becom • tettln-the human.destre to
san this frightful mm IRI ity, are we not - hound by
every principle rrf religiontto administer relief
when'in Mtr power; and' we discharge our luty•
wheu...w.e_tutintitutilte_giatmilremeds ever yet
discovered, for this pthpose,loihe publie, If
there be one, or if theyhave a friend, or a child;
or n neighbor, mho may chance to read this no
tice; Wit is Miming with Dioetthcree, Ifrysentary,
Cholera Mortls, S.nmstser ComydaittA
,Fltonleney, &c., then let them try Dr: live
let's Cordial and Carminative, laid we guarantee
a speedy cure:
[Ammo& Co., Neliville, Dee. 11,1846". .
Dr. celer—So mut ime last am...enter N . our agent
Wt me some orycitit Infant cordial and Carmin
ative, urging me to try is. ft so happened that I
111111 n case, a young child abotit six months old,
whose stomach mot bdwels were in n very disor-
Alerecl.conditioiteaused _a_deficiency of its
mother's milk: The child was a-mere skeleton,
there was much tormina, tenesmua and constant
evacuations. I administered every medicine I
could think of, will but a slight alleviation of the
-complaint. I then thought of giving your medi .
cite a trial commencing. with Antall doses.
soon 'however perceived the a uild nould bear -
full iittse ns recominended in directional before
it had taken hitlfa bOttle,the stomach and bow
els had recovered their natural tone; every other
bad symptom yielded, and the child rapidly re
- 1 have no hesitation %%eying that your medi
cine is the very best for the above. complaints 1
have administered in fl SD years , practice..
Very reSpeetrully,, your friend,
110WMANI, M. D.
Prepared elarrier of Ail and S outh'itreets,
adelphia. For sale wholesale and Midi by:SAM
UEL tct.tor, Carlisle; Dr. McPherson, Harris
eburg ; anti-by Druggists and Sierchapts through
out the cotutty. t -
.161 Y 21, 1/147.—0m.
An Appoved. Reniedy o Dyspepsia, tlics
• IC.. §•c.
1. e two reasons why !this modi.
be recommended to the public,
—on is, t hat most persons who have so fight
it buy Regain, thereby showing that they re
gard ft as a valoahls }arnily medicine; the
other in that certificates are in the possession
oftha Proprietor of permanent cures having
been effected not only in persons afflicted for a
slat Otte, bat Mae in - canes orlong - staa,ding
It is composed altogatfiir of a vegetable
matters is perfectly harmless, can be taken al
all times,-and is no hindrance to business. It
restores and revives the a himal spirits; cleanses
the stomach from all morbid humors which
cause indigestion and acidities. it also re
moves nervous tremors, rhumatie pains, and
prevents their return; cures ail Coffee of the.
stomachs and bowels,ulmost immediately token
away palpitation of the heart, and- promotes
the free *rotation of the blood..
Thu direction accompanying each b dtic
contains n number of certificates ono of which
'is given in this advertisement.
Mae Sm:—abinit two years ago I was se
verely:afflicted with ..ispepsia, which I had
for the-last fifteen years previous to the above
named lime% which wag 'very Much increase('
by my having a blood Vessel ruptured upon mv
lungs, occasioned by lifting—wgich increased
my cutnplalnt, diapepsia and general debility
and weaktress, to sorb a decree, that two or
three years previous to my usiug the Garbs.
"gant's,Balsem, I never, ate a meal but: my
stomach became so•painfol that.l hadimmedl. Seoinegarlegent's
sum advertisedi was induced to try a bottle;
after thken the very 'first dose It appeared to
strengthen my stomech; and every dose of th
first' bettle. helped me sp much that: the
,uoittilitaf a few days' my • stomach. began to
rAiltif:upd digest every thing.l ate. confined
to•stai,-,the:Baliath' tintirltrsed several bottles,
• cared restored me to
peeket heel% Whiah' Ijvarri.enjoyed ever since:
and net before:tor fifteen, Yeere..., T chp - orruitv
•ecomariendli to alt Persons, who iii:eictistifili
with dispepsia or . dibility cirstomach.. •
11ENIZY:LOTTHAN, Fred'k.Co. Va....
Prepared sod sold by the:ProprietrlNlN,
S. MiLLEß,oppoaltethe Market Ho se, Pre&
• Itid; arid,' by SAfit UEL , ELLI TT, epic
agentliii Carib&
.March 10,18471,_::• , •
' '
,To Countr,y,Physlelons.
. ....'1%111(ER8 hoe:just reaelved4n - ridition
„ to hie iormer mock, a:lartei einiririeninit
DRUGS'; Arlo '.l4Epicispe.`. meitiageif
are end . Trieh— among Mliiiih ire ell' the 4a.
en( 0 aPOInf peiTnilitiorii ! ;,6f•-• the Irrqfo"4".‘
adhloh• he mill call . on nircgoe' forme 'es any,
netabllehllol4 nut Or Pilla.ildle hie. '„;.tili'.•,.
~, r o:,Physlatafts,gip jrequeted,tirgoat Metfor
Iliemeeirebe••.::,-, •• _ • •-. '? 1 ~, 4-,,,,; 4 .!;;'. '—'‘'.'
' •• - .11,1j , 7i ; 143 , 17.< ‘;'• :• ;.' '..',;; -,<. . .,i ~.i.: • '-f „. •
`'SUPS )11101( 4144:Pit YEA.. •
:...for2"..q,ymeihtice apt!. pfnera4. •
41./13Vreonived ilvDadjiereitpitii.Storn, a
:and d'y;#pordlne,;',: f Alnd'Old
gniipowdnt '7; •
t :'.,10,40",10 1 AP1r TurnNOS.'
...T.,, ,,, Timeeedved.4,:largeae fo ri moo l' of low
oed' and Mulublereeluilable
f,the erepetylareeaeon. Yeli
' •• • MYERqr . -
..thli/9;1847. s wot
T ,.'WlO TONS Piad'GioydelYAti:42oo Toni / eo POO—, 2.9.0,t601Pinie
hum an
a 4 i sooo ..blia.:Bitum9oo.cofsh2. •
tg:# l 4g.ttaimgair4lma?ggfic,igli '
riti.iBf. , NiLung. •
• gigggrsogivii.J pne. kg )
-:•.; ~ • ,
• d., .:a:
of tiosh:,l:froiidpr et th e
._.e.,sEWY_JtAClt.:C,.ltAPATCgitPrriet 11101-
to),Auuu , Aß•l" l !.,rilfojulp4dpi
avipett' ntIPIAC4 And 6 ,1
.: 041190e li Tick 0 1 /PPP 4 OPICPiP4RIPTIV,O2M
iiiiffiGqoo7 3l 94,l l 9.liyot ; 11 - ( 1' 0 1
, • 0, CARMONY.
CarlisleiltilY 18 4 71 , , • ~„'
no rant , 'on
TilkDomiteit AND VALE:
- iorti - orettoopireervincoot's, ,
"nrifir4I,(ATMOMILOI;I., , VARL,,f,Y,A4,Utti. , ,
,untler,!t 6,stilyeet,Ma :lhel i ciAkiiiiiisveeat4 tor
'lllaniiii.ea:!fur. the Jen,aelakisi*, - ,,Yi.41,-., Thea: / C.'
akitiat Vllair4l o Wl - 41iCitlidigh /1 4 1"Miatit'ert
,G. M ilier;SiMittaryit , Jima. Weakltiyi.fohn 1r;
Greetii.. , JelieugV , ;Ahrahartir 'Xing... , Richard
•Opylti; laxeptlei r attiithson: are also ' a
Agams-amekiitett, thL4 - adjabent
tub tea, whO w,lll raceme applimatitomaliM. in
aura aet'and Idrivard-theali immediately for ap
proyalto.thqpfficeeithe Cotopanf,iir lien ,tha
my will - be 'Rutted without Tor further,
nhinhation seethe hyl.laiva of the Ctniipatiy.-
Er. l ; ;H te l; , S : C..
: L p, F...11
The f01i0:41 . 4 gentlenitini . hard lieen'appointed;
• L. He:Williatve, Beg , Westpineiluire; - Geal: i
era l. Agapt. . • !,, ...• "
. A. Coyle, Carlislei .
Dr..lra Day,
a.; 11L:liteti4;Biri.r '
Pi KeWlitirg . , •
cleadeulli','Eati.•!li4eatown. ,' • '"'
• Steplien‘-etilliertboit,'ShippeimbUti . .• ` '
'Septembei - 19'0 /47: ' Id)
tot t •.•
Charity. PepetuaL--41400,000Tispipiziaid in.
'.Ol/Ice 1.63i-Chcenut ,
' ' 44AKkiNSURANCE,eitherpportianentoriltn
itellpgainitlbnicii•dimitcliyfi i•e,On PlloPzwiric
Anil k..I4IICTS' of evirfddteription,is tOwii or
Coontry,on the 'mpg. reasonable terias:;,Apiplieli
tions madneither personally or rky 3011 be
promptly atteridoilitoc 7 ,
_,- •
• 7
r 11
Rates of Iniitithace Reauceo l
Ptlt•PETtr.d.i RISK.
Brick or Stotie'dwettinis'ai stdres
• from . . ; • e4 to 3 p.otlepos.
do do CliMahes • " •. 4-to 3 •
•- do do Taverits . 6to '4
do do 8111`118 • '4 to ''
• do • de Stehles (privMei • 4 t0,.•5 '
do • do Stables (public) • • 6 to' 74 .do
dto to Grist Mills, Mater ,
Pnemr, 74 to I'o
~/L6, ; ArMIL 'AMA.
BriOk or Stone dwellings and Fur-`
niture from 30 to 400'0100 valde
.do do Stores and .Merchan
-95 to 56 vkl •
• 40 to 60 do
do do Barns and Contents
65 ton do
do • do Stabten (TraliDo) •
100tO 150 'do
do do Grith 1160 . 1 fetid •BresSic
' 75 toll° do
Frame and Log dwellings and Fur
nit tore SO to .76 do
do do S tires atel Mardian
thee -' 65 Ur 85 - do
do do Taverns and Furniture
60 to 100 do
do ' do Barns mid Contedts •
. • --,- '6O - tir100
do do GI4IISI iI Is and' Stock.
. 00 - tio 1 1 00 do -
The euheerfher is 'gent for the Pbovevimpany
for.Carlisle And itelleinity. All applicatiolisfor
assurfinco either by . mail or personally: will be
promoy . W .; 1). SEYMOUR.i,
Jutse.l2.lP4s. - l 43
,•• • *,.I'.IIII,I)ELPHIA; •
lantana , piniiplc &nlibisied
wiT akage joint-stock apit , al, //v.i-,:
• educed to nearly half the usual ales.
•Ek it the - Aorciflaturporrithiti — the - iiiiek7.llCl
S pledged , forlimpaymen't .4 1 reaSo
which •the Company may sustain: 4 AndPatip
additional --seinti . ty . to. the- asentediAltelq
quires that the pripltiz 4 Oftinii btisinell'ahalfhe
landed and remain with the corpciration,, as ft,
guarantee and protection to the insured evilest
Lou.. This lend will ire tepresenred ey *HO
hewed by the Company., bearing intelbit notek.
eeeding six per cent. per enlnum. The insured •
are entitled to a pro rata share ollhe profits of
the Company, and will receive that proportion
of the aforesaid fund' , serirc adrimi the
amount of earned premiums paid Lihitn, bears
to the total annt of tai neSt ptemturnespitai
stock. - .
The ettip lhrie tisail%ii, to be ttatititeta t tile oh
the books of .the Company as stock.
No dividend of scrip can - be made When
the losses and expenses exceed the amount of
earned premiums.
The insured are protected from loss at the
o iietruftiiiy rates - of premiums, without any
individual *ability or Metiponsibirrek for the
losses or :expanse," of the Corporation. Tho
assured have all the rights of inenibership,—
can vote at all elections, end are eligible as
Directors of the Corporation.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for
ibis. Company, and as the mutual priacip/e
q superseding every other Made of Imitretych,
to would ennlidentlyrecommend it tohis friends
and the public. `.. •
- The North American Company baa Owe
their*Agency. Those having politica expirlo
iu ihat office can have them renewed in th e
Delaware Company on much more favorable
For full pattieulare enquire either by letter
or verso n' o ' JOHN J. - MT E RS.
Oarliele. September 10, L 845.-1
rpHE Allen and tqtatpenntlierough ;Widest Fire
.11, • Instii:ailee fiiimpanyof Cumberland County,iry
cortiotated by an 'Sot ot I Arnow ly,er
gain zed,andin oporaticin under the manatenient Of
toe fol Inc itis commissioners, viz: -
Byer, Christian , Timely chael Hoover, Henry
Lo tao,MieltaelCositlin,Benjaminn Musser,f.eri 4
Merket,Jil'abliKfric,hfeleliforßrenenianund Sam,l
;ChillAbeaclintion ot the
ofigembViithd Anil Ydrklibil iitleato }heath ;
rvantaiMirwhich the ecatipantj ,, holtrout: , 0 ; ,
The rateaof insurance are as lowSifillia 4 ;ol:ol.P. -
as any Company octlie kind Ah 9 Slateh,P,eimin,e
neighing to , benopitirtemb4riosie.inwiteil tool:AO
.anyli cation toilie agents of the porn
willing to trait upon them stony tiineio ,
. , JACOB _SHELL% ,'-ries't. •
:Woo Prosident.;,,,-‘
, • , Beeretary:
michiel.cooltlinoTrewilicer, -,.1! •
• ,
RuAglphlMorlin,N. ;
Win ItGorgas townshap. ,•
ChrlatlaneriteA,Allen township..
l o ta. o,Dunlati, Allen township. -
Pettit. Diiinhart , EantiPennaboko'tOwnelOp
,David , NletrtincrOlinftbtoWn; • ~„
C.' D. IlnetisOn,,Klnipitsiwn' ".'•
MAO Zeitiliig; Shlroma - n ettw,..,„ , t :
Bimon'9,teter,•Wormleyiburg, ,
Dr. Jolla, DaughtiranAntllele,
Jacob Kirlcfilinehl•Apnlifiir Yorlc(oinity,l4M;;
• leuinberlinitl •
Jokn herr Loki York enmity. , ' '
Johnißan*litcYorli'oouritri! , ;'
I)ixilnl -4 0nOtrYirrlili3odnty . ."
JJ Flownino.VoilueoppAy.';-
• -"
Robert C:' Sterret, Si Itilddletiin to arnshiji: , "'
ozrOtherngonto will addefl herAafter',N'
~..... ,
..„ .... :1
" • „,, tiorpapnoulutit
qi#l,4s, C`" . so Rs Si 4NUFct ' • f
' ItIBACCO,iS 01.‘ rih mt ,,,to co l i 'pi:4;d
c RTsT•
,f 3 N -.....' iira‘nd'Orieliaron,,Ltilfeinu •L'''''''
t A r r'r - Lb and 'of ~Coilirele - fives. 4_4
lir 6:'
i *"e d 43r ike' i l' OdiriPlh!'ff etlh _ o f‘te,li
Ailo: . 1.,6 ' 1 4 ' 9, (1 `.Ma, an P l P lu ' r a
RaPi4°.ang ?.!!!.t,--. `. 44 ',lt 'L
Rappee Snuff., t •et 4,0;4 0 '4, xoR viailit.
spbmdo,PlPn ' at juitpl;,,Pripolizeo,c,k m o
I .4lPrim.sef.'' i''. b a n di ormbnll94titP#OS
and :other Ahrdea •
, ti r ii it,_, cabal arda, vain;
1 toge thi l 'i % " Trl e f g gEire4b' f sl4lutqk h A Il e '
..Bbaniab'en ~.4.4_,,.,,,,,qtr0t a k i ,1,....?,
bnpaited-npd 4 91: 1 ;;,byforle!I 00 fair
'ipihiptlflP,49llb!grll ails'', 1,9 tra,lloV,‘
:/feinie (liqlAiAl4+l .: l i '' . -, ' , 2:-.l a : t .
g"kl,,'','4,.;*l4'tl-'41,01-rpliceiala ,111.01.1('
.44 40* re.01.1.4,14q, 4 , 11:41,...: , kir; ,',l
bit; ett9e # ',- ttiosill.Yniq '''' . t '
AUgU 4-10, 1 847 7"* a1t,..
, ,
4 '. ,.. .. ,
!:fie?,.J: . ..,,q '41*.0:'%,%'''%:'.;;',:,::4.'
,:'s''.:i'.' , . ' :: *:,,'R:i'.',i''''-,;:''
.- atis`.'
__ ..._'l
17 . 41_F t'R
B •1%.1 5: 6,
ibi(Ohit!itt_ th'essine
'•• 4 ,itifi'erperget;
iter be it Ito'f'4oPitt ireetteuetitedioine ,
ilhiakisisiust,lOPpeared,''studAsz.ftist tOking,the::
lisceAgrAll, : etitert,oqhu, soup •oiefs.,l'heset
Pil hi nreceinpicseil of malty ihgrdu tenti,inat the
I tire iprihittiel Ones , sie ,Surilipseilliftueli , Wild
Chirryvse muted tliepacittpgether t the one
'through its ad m i Jan re I thlother. su bstances,.pe.'
rrifying And i porgiuvwhi leibp nthrr ia,strength:
ening.tho systeno. : ,. Thus thoso •Rilis.Are„ .. the
Ra° 'entl 'opening, n„tlesiilerhiera
tong *MI Yeigerificieght:' roehy medWeel men, WTI
never before di sonveret4 11l other:words they do
'tetl.tliiti3viny^teYo we k'no* Ort for" ;they .remove -
~othingfrosn !the Sy stem ,but:fhe:impuritiee, ;so
...thotwhile..they purge, they,OtrengthtnAeldttimice
.oity z oßulemo,loilittition, - and. ure„ folieWe!l tiy
•no repoticie: ifr.
ivithd it tveakadidg it; huklhey veinctie all nox
iMei;partioles from 'the "axle 'hdi"Ore,iehreonte
eMijnto,figiert and,thusmulee qmpure blood
.Uttoefroposlibility ! . As theta Is no deinlitntion,'
sci theie rir. eicltiieei .it(endi .the
.Putter- eilt
, .
•wilted libriiiiitiltitslor'fowerei the digastic fit no- -
!iletis;hnt onuses therriAetwerk io Witerfeetly not-, lttrsillosionerr And hatiSe tio
Ipniss:ttikerf thew ,de,
not heoomerale and ernawated,hot•the eontrarY, '
ft - it Millet*. Irs'tb'lli..dilet;ty , ciPthe•'..l3al:,saparilla;
witted ris'ft tsly:4ll i
tither, nireilierits,. to remove`
nlitbatisfo.reign 14)144 mpure, it • .ity•wittally; the .
itropetyof the. Wild,cherry to r.retain all 'that is
,oariariVandionndit Inind,ll6no6 stWe
heithyla the certain result 'illotr 'united Odin.:
dons; . .
FOr s mile, 11: Dr. :J....j.,111yFre, hole
i sal figi - r7iii Kuigetolv n.
gektrAl 0)64 ,
Var)i^l 9,1
Nun soortimi siftir'Ooir?",
LL.MOTKVlalLoy.baeciiildycli, afflicted
— et with any of those .diseases incident to the'
tatoof inranebsuch Ile consillsions,sPeamo•
.cutaneous oruptions, disordered
damsel), and looseness of the boweles ' should
'never be without 'this in fallible remedy that
sae proved so effliatioui in nil the above die.
'eases. Numerous testimonials might be given
to prove Its merits, but a trial is better.
- Sold by S. k1A1011.7. Catlisle, •.
.11ltob 9, 1847.
To the Bic. 11.ffiieted..
L' ail ure COASUMTEV6 or !Wee
NA with Cofiglis,Colde Afahma, Bronchi
tie, Spitting. nieest,:ealtuinAlao aitle_et_itreaat,
Soer••Throat, ,lioarseneaa,- Valpitation of the
Cough,Liver Complaints, due.,
remember that it is
,NAPATIIA that is daily effecting sucheonder
ful cures in - ell these diseases— _
• Meter:At, beware-Of all other mixtures that
Contain, cr professes to-c mtain Tar, arid par
citse.of them 'onlywho are known mato demi
in Spurionsarticler. ,•• •
Read the following testimony. to the value of
the obove medicine, frog. a • well known ela
ted Or st,titsla . rid county.
, Wombs
,Toivrta*lr,Nov. 20,184t.
x . 'yeara eirTC7/,, th,,conseaumfee ofOF
fhe PttdcilY ef A my
flifSe4.4frstiiti lif4Y9tlP , !'"•fik flna bre t, Pot
1441199`44....!1VARfkiLakiid'aliprtneas ..ef breath*,
petiti3,extrente Wakefulness at pight,end patial
paralysis of myylimhs—these symptoms of a
' , deranged ,isysrern being .frequentfy, attended
with spittmg.of blood. Fier about tWo years I
was also occasionally thrown into convulsions
which-leR me in a miserable state of feeble.
tress sod began to affect my mind. From time
•ta time my sufferings were More or less severe
:until at length they increased foeueh a degree,
stratus Violence 'onto eymptoms were so aug
%AVM, that for *Whole year Y Was Unable to
attend to attend to any business, During this
Mlle , I towsulted aerne,able — pkyrricians and
attended to, their prescriptions; but-all their
skill was unavailing to procure me relief, and
at length they regarded my recovery as entire
ly hopeless. In this condition 1 rile informed
Of the. salutary effects of Thninson's Csire ph
Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha, in a cane I
somewhat 'similar to mins., and though I had
given up all expectations of a recovery of my
former health by human means, yet being
strongly, adviied to try the medicine, I was at
length prevailed upon to Jo io,aird I have now
to say, that by-the use of six tv-ttles ni) health
has been restored, and I am now able to at
tend to busineis with as meth facility as usual.
Principal Office, N• E. corner FIFTH and
SPRUXE sts.Phils. - '
Sold' in, Catheter - by R. Angney,Principal
agentfor Cumberland, co. ' • • •
Price 50c.' 0r,6 booloa for 200;
1 obruary..lo,lB47.
,That the prinaiiiMoreuring di seise by cleans.'.
iug and purifying the belly: is strictly in actor
'dance ittbe the Itti+s 'whipit' govern - the animal
economy i . ittialirprciPerly carried' one,lY 4he
Willoerbi reatiltin thercomPlete,ahnlition of
disease; Welder tbefoll i ng ; ea moitiate,rrom
persons ortimltigbastyespeOtability.iti w - yen&
whiiliave recta?, ky curedoF;tlMMost
nate . complaints, orWrigheire. ,
;Ran ;V4lo4ll4othe,Pll,ktriAtti`erican:Ctit- -
Tete br.llenith'.
„ ;
t4.4.13ear..S At. ',your re,
.emnitiendsitlen,Lstitnic dine ',Strict; iiwde,trial_of
-Wright's' IndianlVegetable; tills, 9r, the f..3gortlt:
.Amerhoiakeellegeror , tlealth, muliatt,eonscienti.
quglr,,stasestthat,ri*P,uriftingthe blood and nen.
°vaunt, the, ayit.eoi;Litsive.receigetl'hitore . benefit
,IroMtberr.use,thincrOn any other medicine it his
'heretoferrei)ien inY 010 fortune to meet with. "
l am, dear 'it; with`miinythanks,' Your oblig ed
frieridr ': Pic: , - CHARLES 111: TATE,
601111iitatherely street, New' York:
• i ;i •, '•
',";iPittit , Wdrtoaisittgr XX.
• DEAR Sta.,-;,41 , haveiheen-atilicted Or sever s&
yettra , ,,,rith Inward.weaknesaand generaidebility,
accompanied at:lltrialixWO pain in the side and,
*theta i 'tread ng. complaints, 'A II cr, having tyl ed ,
, m i.l ooB medicidesmithout eireet, 1, was per suaded
, r r id a d,to make trial Wright's Indian
Iregetdblerllisywhich Ustn,ileippy
~. s te h i v e
roliered mein SCl?:lollllw.oll4lerrilinuppsr. l have
, used,thei medicine as., yet • btit a , short ,time, l and
hai'ito doubt; by.a perseyereneetin the r use bf the'
toralittlidiaeoordingtoAireminns,,that ?;shall in it;
short gain: bemerfectlY
I most 4111ingli.reg9gunClidaaikPills.ta 'all
ilinilarly nmie i crf, and in the Tull belief
that the aarne benefloiais result! atilt follow .
ll,t,j;w - ' , ;"-'-4177.r jo lir i Y : :: o cri, "1 : 14 :10 14 . (i c iii in: 'in' t nr . a iiin v h : ; : pe it..c. 4:Fat i. .. , d 1,0'3 . 1" t o Ti r w i, eN : 1 7 0 . ;, - . ' 4 , : b v. i . 1 0 1:::, :i . , i, 1 ,,:
,„., i.: tlb - ci n* l i ," lr Yt' gik at -_ i !l o ll : . "' 't t ht : n : : :. d N y , R :,i . lr p : ' ) :L V: . ::: . ed E l: : eb':
,;.z:irjs * ;viiiys,l,:,l. h ti.iir_..,, i :.iniis e :li:,.. ti i:,,Aof,jr, t t,i,:.:i,so i jsfr,et o iiaroagiti.uoicth l o,h,dwbo i ottz.:_ii,rscecß i l r *gu,o,e,lr7..t,teh : itrivd w t:thv:he:.9puo A octi , r eec etenitp:.t:s,E:.,3:t:v44,.is e ,tiit:a4iao.,w : : : ih,::Avo . 7:,irt .. v - h:: a g,4i
i,tcirge;,,,,,,: m .,,,ii..,,,.. e: ta::ii,,t,..1
~vt 1, , , ,t v,: ,14: 5. : r a n h r .0% 0 t a 6 : • 0 r 1i iag , 5,11 . ..1 7 b 1i, e+ 0 . 4 : , : 1i : 5 e 1 i,f 80 61:. ; 0 . .7 , .p - , :‘, 51411:1 , , ,,46J :1'e r :, i 10 a d. :0 ,
- -, -- 3anuisicilnimultowvilie.l,l,l,' ',3 AX
0 41 , 41 .0 4 ,01 0 ;
il3pir an l , latti,tp '
00 ve- 4 ,f tor , '' •
—6.q; , ;lii'` , .r%•!l.?'-' , 7,;',
AL74,.ll434yttllifind at:greatly . .to their advantage
bailon 'Subiariter, ai he ii,undervt , veryt
rent, and his other.einenses are, so i n
'Meet} tQ sell. Goods , Vitholesale or. 1 etail "it the;
!ewes!: prices lu the eity.. :They cannot
suited wittrpriees and Nite`YerY ch2ioe
he offers, u f beautiful Imperial, Super s atlVleditimi
Ingrain a laNcuition,Caroptiagai in grept.variety , styles and Oil Cloths of ;all Aidtbs . to
out for, romp; halts' &o, with grear,yarielymf
Ingiviin Carpets 'frora 25; to 50,eents,utftt Entry . ,
rid 7Stair,Carpet s from la toga cents per yard.=
Also, Hearth Rugs,,Arable and.. Piano CoverS,
'Soda, HalCatitl.Cotton Carpntintill'Stit En Ri• . I fIGE
at. one door above Chesnut
near .gd Street,
September 1,18417!
Sieve Itiqdle, Screen and Wire 'luth
tork,'No. - 48 North. Froiit tpreot,tetween
. Market and Arch streets, Flitted*
THE subscribers having, inside:gnat improver
,tnents loVethliness ftt e.noutTtnunuF•
lecturing or a stitierinr,lluality,nk kinds of.PLAIN
and OIitiAitENTAT. WIRENVOK, such as Sieves,
Itiddler i ,Scrctiestte,fcir all kinds of grain s seeds,
land,ore !out!, staroli, briektlitat & o. Founders'
Sieves o f superior ittalliy - eonstaidli un
,Also Safes; Wire ttish Covers, Salk Springs,
'twilled Wire tor Spark Catchers • . •
ORRAMENTAT, W7RVIVVOiIIi,' , such iii•tages;
NUesery,4 Fenders, Garden Bordering
Stands, Tdainersi•Trellis work.rod:Grapp Vines,
Aho Wire Fencing of every. deserittion, '•
gj.Grilera• thankfUlty..receiveil and •pretriptly
executed by • 'WATSON 'eq - CO X.
septembei , ..2o
2.yi ; - •
- c ot " 'l4:4ltitiPlki
. .
:r•tEncicArirm , Terzaints.
. ,
'No. 74, South Third. Street; nesithy tipposite the
RESfiIiCTPULLit iiitholidee 19 their..friends
'and the public, theft , they aris:tioristaelly ,pilire-
Tired to 'make. to iseder,Vir the 'finest tindest
.materials, and at moderate prices; every article
rif..Fashionable Clothing constituting a Gentle
minbsWiirdroberfor which their complete stock
of choice and carefully selected Cloths,
Meees:Vestings, al hie Is i tefiand most desi
ruble patterns, fire isisrticiharly
Them own practical knowleiVe ol the lobiness
sod k personalettention to every garment; enables
4llemto give .eutire istisfaction, and tolioth old
and new customers they 'respectfrilly• tender an
invitation to girr theme call. . •
Having been tor years connected with some of
the best and most -fashionable establishments in
this country, employing none but first rate work
o 'en ' and bcjog in the constant receipt of the
test fashions and best- styles dkgodds. they see
ro I 1 y prepnied to accommodate c u stomers "in life
best mariner.
• Philadelphia A ugust 18,1847—.61W'
rirtHE Subscriber, of, the late firm of Buck &
-I- 'Moore, taker this 'Method of informing
.his friends and the puh'lth in general, that Ire
boa_titightaut_lheintcrost S L-Book,nt-ike
old established CLOTHING STAND, N 0.24 4
orket - Strent, - PlaTtletpliKikd is - now pre
pared to fuinish all kinds of ready made
CLOTHING, it prka Which cannot but secure
to him the patronage of all who wish to pur.
chaos cheap clothipg. k have splendid French
.Cloth. Of ess• n'ti Froctr Costs, fiom $5,50 to
$lBl do - Pants from 75 cents to $8; Vests from
62i floras- to 154,; suit of Summer Clothing for
0,25. "Also till kind's of Gentleinefesnirnisli.
ini - Goods at ecticinely low prices.
- Wholesale dealers in Clothing would , do well
to cell at the store of
kuto.HB 44 o Market street, Philadelphia
'M the;' Pliifadelphin , Dm!s 4 reotyu . . Establish-
THE "ftio'prietors continue to take the above
Portraits in any size and style, and are happy to
announce tlu.t they have made several improve ,
melds which add very mach to the delicacy-and
beauty of the prtraits taken at their establishment
An examination of speeimens at their rooms is
respectfully solicited and every exertion vviS4e
made to give entire satisfaction
W. fa F. LAlrGtivilElM,
Sole ageiits for the sale of VOlitlkender's Ap
paratus, and importers of ttuta7ys, cheintcals, Ito
Philapelphia Auguit Ss, i4T
• P 1111-10 EL ?RM.
IDGW AY & RE EM LE, 37 N. Wharves
below Race street, offer for sale at the
0 EST PRICES, all the ankles of the Oil
Trade. Their -stock is varied and extensive,
and they feel confident of giving satisfaction
to those who cull. a They have now on baba
Pure Sperm Oil, White Winter and Fal
Oils of different qualities, Solar Oil; Winter'
preAsed Laid Oil, Winter Elephant and Whale
Oils, Refined, Rocked MK! Common Whale
Oil; Tanners' Oils, Sperm Candles; Guinn,
&c., &c. • • ,-4
Philadelphia,-August IS, 1847.
N B.—All goods delivered in first rate order
July 7,1847.. .
Oheap Watches and Jewelry.
I! , . AT_ tbo Philadelphia Watch
and Jewslry Store, 90 North
fit , ,_
VV Second St:, , corner of tbortt ,
,' . , , Gold lever atcheajfalliv` •
. ),• Is
•• . •• , elled,,lB caret oases r• $45.100\tiAi; Silver Lover Watchea. •
-.. .4 fulLjewelled .. , • , 29 ; 00
Sil4r. - Lever Matches seven.jewels . , 18.'00
Superior -Quarter Watches • ' . ', 10:110 ,
Imitation quarter Watches hot watrented 5.00
Gold apectacles , . . , , 8.00
'Fine Silver Spectacles • I 75
Goldaracelete With , topta !donee . ,3 50
Ladiea Gold Tencilii 16.earrats.:.;, •„ , 200
- , 1; Gold' Finger. Rifles 37 y1 , - cente to $B,. Watch
Glattesitlatd..l2l canto to.. WI; , Lneet ' 25.'—i
:Othor brtialee In ,proportion. —All golula ri!ni:
ranted to be what they' ere Bold 'tort .- :1 •., '
_ •
Orvhand anion% goldiantf Silver Leier4
pi On and Quarilordlower „than/ the , above
PhiladolphiliFek 3, ze47.
R' 'S ',Pi i
No 87 North Third , itree t r
• '- ' '- • • '
"'VIE, eelebrily,of the inks. manufactured hythe
ul tisombi r , and; the : catenaive- sales, what...!
quent upon the 'high reputation which ittey have
anal ned;- not only throughout the Untied States,
but the West ladieintalti'Chini; Ilia induced
hirEcto make 'every necessary , 'arrangiment to' l
supply the" east. demand'upon biaiestablithment
now•prepared with every variety or
Pitie;and', red Inks, Copylog.,lnk, In4elible
and,lnk-,Powder;.; all , preparytd , under ',his own
personal; stfpertntendencei an ; ihat, purchasers
may depend upon ita,siperior uality
atiperior article for-Mending Gimps, china; Cab•
inet ware. tic., useful , eveo,4leucekeeper;
be;nga whito ttquidonnoilyamal(ed. 01'4111ot area.
tad ortlfgary heat —tvartstotiti
IWRemplolets, coptoinipg,4ha numerous teatl.'
moniale or men or science, and ()there, , w
Tiiiiiiiiretrtb7pttitilantere •
FoiCale: at the !Manufactory.: Whocude, A nd .
Retail s No 117; Nen*: , Thirti Streeti . opposite
,t;lverrs. Stteetirbilalleluhle. by. • •'-•
11 , a,rjospr,H.
;.• ';•• ,!,
ertlereir now ,eaten iively used by plmatide
end &here the the rem orailLtott Pet mullein cure,
dries** an alog.fiiln en itopitre state or the
0.11,0 ;JO°, eyttem.t. it warrhiged blor the
.iiiiu t ractiorer bp . ) fire times etrow!glr
gca e t•? - il6ntliatie garmle Trice ti per pottle. 3
til Y7 4 1114 7 I tpf-t*D;l/, , 2;zi.e4r
NiollAklMAtt` , 44ol,'
HI ette(doinOrilg4i
;peer, fully 'Mid nt-e o
* rptv,to#o4{9o4"o,o
.nr oicpati,bt!,tiCA9“ , xe mica ,
filNoAiretlit .PAlKAcirit;•,-4,".(trOk skiPP-Ya
',Swaim. Pamela' hai beenreeelie4 „,
• r , ';^,-
_ ~
11311 . 112 " 1 :knatSniiiii
_ _union co
Y V Housekeepers end the public' lathe wait
ewe sleek of splendid Ferniture, ineludink
fas, Wardrobes, Centre and'ot her Tables, Urea
sing. and Plain Sures* end every variety` o.
t'abitietiicare arid Chairs' •
which • they .have _just opened at theft' new
roome r on the corner Of North 'Hanover end
Louther . Streets Carlisle. -
hey are corifidep that the superior . , , niiii
`of ti.e'workinanship, andelegenee'of etYle.
which their articles erc'get togetlierW
'their i Ii EAPNESS,•wiII 'recoirinowd them Aa
overv_person rlklrrniture.--They—have
also_medeorrangemetitefoemanufeeturing and .
-keeping a conipuit supply'of every article ill
their llne, balk - 001i arid ornernerital,elogant
and uiefel at prices ivltiehhhey cannot fail% to
'Stilt ,:they'uidtild 'earnestly invite
portions w bale abckit to commence hOuseheep.
ing to: call -and examine thck,pregent •elegant
stock, to iiiitelilkey will coruitan ily .ma ko ad.
'ditionsof 'the 'nerrevt and most.modern styles.
, dOj Fogs mode - to order at the shortest no,
Lice, for town and country.
April 21,4847;
'. 7 atittitt.tx,ALlVl it, to, the' World- 9 hat Hance"
- Goinpoutid Syrup of Ilioarhountris withreit .
exception or:exaggeration, the moat an CUM spe -
- tly core fOraltiliscaies arising froth Coughlt and'
t.lorlds, which unfortunately, 'neglected, too Often
end in Consumption. tf HanceaCompound Syr
up H 9 R . rbowid is ralietrOn the first apparance
of a Cough it, will immediately cure it and save.
the sufferer frOm h mttiniely graie. Price •50
'cents. For sale . 10,r'Seitt S liance, 106 Baltimore
and boeinee MT. - hides and Pratt ats. Raidniore
For sale in Carlisle , by J & W B FLEMING,
If their cheat)
an assortment of the most choice old
it'al end Brandies, fur medicinal and table
purposes. •Those purcliasing may depend upon
them as being pure. Also Champaign, Port.
tiviret arid other summer 'wines.
6 met . for Ciliterns,
And BEDFORD WATER In barrels ond
half barrels. for eale by
C,01.1-10UN & CO.
homWsburg, July 28, 11147-3 t
Ulf& liams,Sholdiers and
for sale by
Harrigburg, June 9, 1847.
Philada.,, Baltimore,: Pittsburg,
- %It
WNFORMS his friends and the public, the
Afraid Chi:lib - era I:patrona g e extended to him
during the past year, be has-9e43 micon•raged
to make more extensive arrangements for the
ensuing sepson, and lies added two new, larger
and epleddid'Boals to his LINE, and will be
fully prepared after. the Opening of the Canal
o forward ProduMi and 94crehandize of all
kinds to and from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Pittsburg, &c., at the lowest rates of freight
abd with the utmusl despatch.
Agents for Boats,
4 Messrs. CARLISLE & c?'ASRELL,
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
. Messrs. GIESE & SON,
No. 48 Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore.
Measers.CLAßE & THAW,
Agents for__Cars,
No 2V2 Markotst. Philada.
• N 0.429 Market - st. Philada
Messrs. BITER, JAMES & Co. '
Broad street, Philadelphia
Pormaylvanis arrd Ohio Line, N. et. Baltimore
March 17, 1847.—tf. '
HAT is moat conducive to health? A
T ON . OFTITE - OLCIOD. Now the heal meth
od to insure a healthy state of Blood is, on th
first symptom of any dishrder of the circula
ling fluidouch as Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Gid
diness, or any oft- the distaaes which arise
therefrom, to use Hance's Sarsaparilla orßlood
Pills, fifty pills in a boa for 25 cots. according
to the directions; and yon will obtain tntmedi•
ate+relief. •
One Onution. r —When you go to
:purchase Hance &rearm Ills or Blood Pille,
; be aura you get the genuine'irticle. ' Price 25'
genteirt..r bar, or five hone for one dollar. For
gale by , Seth . S. Hence, 108 Baltimore , greet,
,corner of chat* ritiid Pratt. ate., Buhl. ,
.or sale in Car le c W. B. FL M.
their cheep . thug„eta . rq, opposite the
Rallread DepOt. • (J.une,2, :647.)
.111Clilatl _
Kure or Lie secured. • • i 1
' lii S., ', T UPEIANPS, INT . .•,fiNAL .RIPAIEDI',
„ for the curuiif Piles: The Vegetable Pile
iectvair'i; invented b Dr; A. I.l r j;lianni a distin.
gnislied'phyairfAn'tif Newlfork , eiti, is thi•only.
real li'suceessful rernetlyfow lust and
distressing complaint , the Pilei; ever'oftered to
the'' public. =' , r i '.n:' ,', •.1 , , ~, ,
' '' The Electuary•centains.ndßl ineral,Mediei ni t
no Aloes,.Colocyrita, Gamboge„or,„iither power
ful:ind irritstimr.purgiative. No fear of. toking
cold while under , its influencer no .phaugef in' diet "
41 ,g
necessary.. •-lf, taken . itecordi . t o i. ilirections,,s ;
cure'for liftiUguarantied.'".: ._ ;
Another certificste,ol to,;the hundreds it:::
,Inernalready,been . yeeetved,of tha:Offieticy of pr„,
CiPttliiii!g.PeAu,i, tie., ~
, . , , ;,,,- ; ,
~; f ,ri sat .Yeatt; Angust 45,1846.' 2
'Messrs. Wyatt tc'Ketchanp r teritit for ,seve ;
risrs ist I stateve been troableit !with Piles, 0(
'' . v6i'tititAivnir my entripl tint no Lei sg re
' eleimre'as id disable.trie front builmise;anil a t dreail
I had , Otphysitsions.and•ipatent 'ikledleines,:thatl
uitil+ thus *Prins. I..never used: any medicine in
- a
a physician for rellefliThe piles' then'
being , so sesere that I allowed 'several operstronsl
'to be performed - without Oily henefit.tylletermin=l
ed after this toiry Other Means, I read an arlver.
:•tiveinent'of it:iiiireigitariniteed by the use of Dr.d.
;I.lphant's Eleettniri: ,
,I purchased three boxes Al
your_store,.and Sewn the .use.or iiiith I- found
11, 5 8 eirenilre).T.inirid of the PPeCtstnimy health
muchl mproved. I rernairi l i Sirs; y ou Much - ifr ,
11 9htidfriend..:.' . " -`' '' '.' ' '''''Beta , Dltiatr:.!'
; :'. ' ' MerehtioiTitiltirit9l,liri4VniAachiginitii
Dr. A,Uphani,Peoprieforc , '. , '', , r , .
- •,. • "".__, `J ~. , '
—7 WirkeirtreKrretralirrlii"-Pitlien - asteent, , NeW.
York; General Agents fol:the,80111hiln Statiail
' 01• Sold in Qarlisle, hr'Sastinti,,Eatirrr, an
Druggistsgerterailidiroughout the Failed States
Trice 5t.;..„. , 4 , , , , , ;..0' , ;t•- , i u 4 A': . ..Y; , ' ,! i' ~%=: 1 '
.t -.11 . 9VP1Pher,,1 1 .i10i51.,.:,i ,. .v, ,. . „,, ' , .... , ..„ , ..
..r , .''" ... mistioawiNklit 0:1• . .,:,,
, ~i
: ,:,V , ' ,.. CIOY.t.OINUPYre..,?I ., ' : ::‘,„ ;.;:ctr . .. •-• '," :
Af*, , pg : iiilinii4 l o 6 4 d iiwrfpqti , :::;: '
"IxOettilar.t,luttecpat extruciating,.:
~. . ,
till rekilteoh..tY AWKITY : AP I li E P ' -. 47`- • '. !
is to tic foiled - sty -,,,,..;..; ~ ~,......;-' •,,. n ; ~,,,, .it:l4
-,,;,. - ~ - ,..:,4; 5 LC10TT,1 , '5• 1 ,..:,, ' \ z yo ,
.-Dtifi s. llc:Ctievnilitif,Storinr .• . •II i ;
Dce'•'' 4 ,'!I ?Mai.. ~0 ~., ;-/- .q.`ii ;).. '.,u• : .,1 , ., - n'i.i.q:
n .' ' .777 -41 1 D 1 180.41,4 1 0**tid#:r t hlke Met' - .7
l a Pdppre c t arilt . iniciat riiirfect r , ,artiol - forthe
i,grx , 1 ,,, ,,, ,, ariA 14 616 04.0. 0 . k 0 1:hie. ilk * l l.r
, i0.441 1 4i Piet 01700k:400 `, iik i:i ) .lj.
' , •Wil" , iiP14459 8 ' 0 9.0.4M 4 ?.f:'' , ...!- f ..:7;1':".•
1T;14,0 11 444 .,, ,k4441,4.: nil k . 4 ! J
, «• , :i.', , , , -...A 1 ',,-": •- • , i'• },',:, ei.,f! '• ; ;,; '
krerfookoo t roki - tf,4oi,oriow
~ I , „4,1 0 ,,,,,! t0 ,,,,,, ~..,.,. de litnocklust • _ !.• ,
1 ' \, rank b . ti„. ~..:,%* t,,A , „-t. , ;:!4t. , ‘,.r.'4o4NlielFf . rf ER. •„":,
•.'-'o4oiiillucar•OciterebUr 'ltt 'lB4?i,' V 1 . 1.. ~., : r •-; .. '. •
; . ,F..•• 4 .4) .2 .0.,44,V,• 1 . 1.,- ;;;',:•. - ,. ''.'';', •"..,.! ':'.'..; . - .....•••!'•'. ici'../•••••:: ••'.
1e, , '.1:::• , ':;.:Ur:Ve , ..• ~,:' .. ;-::',...'..r:.:•.,:.,.,..1'•,;,!4;•',•"..,i,..,:',',
-44 : 4 1 31 SPASKIRI: 1 *Ar
...N o ;140 chgcnut at.; 8a .. dmot beloW Elf t!a. Bl,
„; f.
• • .
T ri
.pioturee lalcon, at; lids, estabiiehmiet are
pronoti peed by, art
unrivalled'for. doidkof folio and tektite Ctllght
and 'ehetle,, i all :AC - artistic.
Citizens or.strapg,Fra,,risiting:tho: Gallery - iesis
have their.Miiiiitureeeir VrOtraili taken in thin
unique sivle, _and neatly-,Jean ' , Morocco cases,
Gold Lockets or 'freestone fee t inla . few minates.•
We copy dm: follownig. from ;t he
Siadny,Contier:* • '
•"• ' 6
• The public journals have at' different'yerioda
non itcectiis a re Me rktible end
proficience of Ainerictin;:,Artiste,
yp eance- now - maile , iirthireity. - stilserler,
respect to Mani wade 'in' any .or-Alie, Enropeete-,-
, The
confirmed in a. very 'gratifying 'and • etimiliiiive
I manner, by Mr. Bareum'i . stethit, at
the close of his Tern'
'lilies with only. Art..additino,to'
which Mr. R:hae been ihraisheil with-tie follow. '
ing Conclusive certificate; signed leiirill.lie..per
ceived by the pirente' of'
Barnum, hie teaahers and yearetaryialt tif Whet&
were with hits in Europe:: . • • .
PoitaniuMia 1847. . •
• The:Haugirereotype of Tom:Thumb-and, his
family, including hie several tetiCherai .footanibrC,
driVer,•equipage. E.4c. 'and; his rarlotis tilitt(rvies .
and characters4riadia by M 4:!Redr,:(llVl
ONE-in- illiNpreeent': a degree . yif . -
truthfulness: to .*lttire,. evika beitd,:eltiarm o
outline,'sofniMis,CePreseion Wa heautyatidiclelicary.
sh . :4nd. uniform brilliance, that we
hiciver liOn • COmallett , They-tireteeisledly-simerior.
th any thing of the' kind witnessed either in '
ibis' &kni t yo? Limdcin; - Ptirie,:eir
i nr . ,Of
cities of Europe .Which 4604' " Wfi
take pietism.° in bearinedeiltrion'Acilhe courtesy
and skill so •uniformly- miniktited by Mr. Rooh
the eminently succeiliful Dagueriehtypist:'
Signed S. E. STRATTON' (the - Father)
• CYNT STRATTON (the Mother)
P. T. HAHN U M • •
(Exhibitor °Meiji - Thninb in England and. Amer
rica. and Proprietor of the New York and
Baltimore Museum. •
• . W. Iir:AVEBSTER (Secretary)
rimop.ow. ,
(Advertiser and Secretary •of Toni
H. G. SHERMAN (his Preceptor)
This is certainly very striking testimony In -
favor of American superiority, coming as it doei
from those who have examined specs ens of the
hest productions in the art in enoiriir the pad.
pie cities of Europe.
July 26, 1847-6 rum
rr 'Subscribers,' Importers and 'Dealers
in Foreign-and American Iron, beg leave
to call 'the attention of purchasers of IRON and
STEEL; to the now assortment of Swede
Norwegian, Coble and Common English Iron
which they now have and are constantly ro,
eoivirEuropi — diiiiii. Also American
ron, consisting of Hoop, Bend, &roll;
English, Russian and American Sheet Iron;
Small Round find Square Iron, from 3.l6ths
and mpwards; Boiler 'and Flue Irots..Horse
shoe and Nail Rods, Axle Iron, various sizes;
Lochmotive, Tire and Railroad Iron; Angle
Iron, Half. round Iron,-&c. Spring and Blister.
ed Steel, front — best. stamps of Swede Iron;
Cost and Sheer... Steel, &c. all of which they
offer at fife LOWEST rates, for cash, or at
rthrmtlat toy apprdved reference, and to
which they invitb the attention of purchasers
before repli nishit g their stocks.
Also; l'ig and bit om Iron received en coin.
mission, on which advances will be made.
Iron and Steel_Merchunts,
117 N. Water St. and 5 N. Del, Avenue, Phila
July 20, 03477-Iy,,
T"' subleribet—offers•to the trade, or by
retail, a largo and gonorul assortment - 6
the following articles, lining all of his own int
portation or manufacture.
Buyers of goods in this line ere invited to
exitmine the aseurtment, and orders are solici
ted, with the assurance that every effort will be
meld° to give satisfaction and insure a- contin
uance oft ustom.
Gold & Silver Lever Witches of ordinary ri,ual
ity. •
. Do. _do. , _ do.„_._orsuperior finish.
Do. do. do. Anchors es• Lcnines.
Silver double cased English and Swiss VMS
• Watches, with light, medium auji.heav,y ca.
Gold JeWelry to oil vailitios, fine and common.
Silver Plated, and Silver Wares.
Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
Diamond Poimed Geld Pena.
Mantel and Office Clocks, in gilt and other
Watchmakers' tolilsaftd materials orall sorts.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Funs, Steel Beads, 4c.
Huving every fecility fur obtainfing goods on
the most advantuScons terms, corresponding in
duct moots will be offered to purchasers. •
112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia.
Julps2l, 1847.
Hats, Caps, Ladies' EWA
GARDEN . dr:. *Row N,
flat antrCap Warehouse and APO'fiittuy,
N0...196,-Zarket, Street. '
. . ,
110110 ESPECTFULLlrsolicitaifeolion lo th eir
- AL large, und ; complete ,stock of Data and
Caps, itiatinfactured..under.the:r own' immedi.
• rite 'direction !and.suPerititendotee,,,Oilk all the
advantages of modeinimprevenieriiiilb enable
thein to cpmbine "the importatkiiitillfies ofdua
rabllitylotaste , arid P beauty, utfirdakieith ex-
• treble cheapnesi of price. ,-.. .; ,', ;,.. ~.., - •
An - iiiiiiitifiso and boantifnlissortnittit of a it
'taloa') and :prices cif . ,lleaver, ;Brush, 811 k,
,Muleekiri Reside. , Cassimere,")Wonl;-i Sporting
and -Ashland Hate: 41so, &general assortment
assay variety . cit Caps- Otter; Fut Seal, Hair'
Sealiltuakrat; , Plaimand i'Faney Cloth every
style, Rode Black and Brown .Muhair k Sealette,
'Glizedi'Oiled Silk 'a nd!Pill , Ca Pa • '".
Ladies` M u ff,. Roes, accei . at Ilic.rary lowest
Buyers by the;diizen'ofeles # ,lntitnvited
Foltuld liedifi4e not to .theitcsttii 'de
"..• ''-'
' .i
attention jaiiipAlm, e ,
th .
_ati;kile , ; ; .`, -o., . AlCesli paid forfeskrairantiipdn 'Furs.
N. •
. - -:l§6. 4 .Haill'et %Streit,' befowSixth St.
'.".: t ili gi.. limy; .:
.11 ,tki .? l': -Z.1.11. , 1 ,P': ? .. .
I-11F.Isub l eriber hisjust returned from the e
with a of; Nhl PACIDSs 9551 'tin& .
S,of, e ruticiA ,HI
Chiunbry, Phan Ginghams,•Plaki Giugherno," .
New:Style Calicoes; a large lot s
- - .Whitkarnithifen .Musl ins, • - . •
- White end briiivn , s4 and 54 Sheeting',
`' Thskings and Cheblini:. Alto
:1.515 , d05. Cotton flosierkpall,ithide,t
“,200 lbs. wide and ealored`. 'Letionkl.raPP;7 , .
Irish, Linens; from .371.,t0.51.„01k,
• 'White and Flint's Linens iN .. .iPt.iiitfeineni:
Summer .Cloth' arid' Casheasileitev'.. F '
.'Cassinaeree ilea V estinii,..enr.PSOiiitNii
Ttie abase r;eir'itetieleni usld
!natio' onfitnele..enintdele; CnibitiiSe Niqr
North iond emittrlne , ')
,t. Et•iii,"OackyLE.
, ' •
• " :, ' 1. '164 tr*
NI . ' •'''''' '''
.L . i itO § Mike 4 •
gion tibla. mio.r.,
,lool:bblia Pig., 11,11.4Utii0tMil?A' ' . -
,hOE-bbleitrutfr,4l,l6llol, - -
0,°.0/84/4!lrrei4lP FUNK • 4-11,1114.E..
' • As L ! .-,, 0,0,`104X. qtlnirt i" . i
'A Pilvilo4l4"l:64l4,4viiiewor.,
.2 , 1 . 1', a Parfl,,t,iiipniettiettymi,,iiirie I,
it iitebilia.,ll.,,,,,ro, ri.,c4„,litulliONcla.r„ h , , , ,-,
Ink'AmMiv li T tila r lf.ol;llnol'22 o ll4T+ooo.* s , ,
4.0 t ila°l4'"
Aluni,-ado roelialP-
T,;„,' A ' sAcKBl::PfruOlmbrYgvlo74;9CB,'
city by 6. ; 4 .,,, is
,iti47,,, ~' ` '` '• .
bohne, 6"-" 4 , , : '-,,,,' ''',,,,,,,, ', • ''' -.', , ' '
, ,_..• . : , ',,' '