- . 41% • • - • d 44 4 " : j1414 11 I! . PUBLISHED EVERY.WEDNESDAY.• _ Squffro,,back of the,Courtßouse: • TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONa Ino-Donar and •Olify•eisnaiieirlms nvilto veo Dollars, If paid within the year, we Dauer for eix months. • Timms terms will be rigidly adhered to., SATES OF ADVERTISING, Wilverilsemenis, Making Citleen linesrirless, will be Tharged at the rate of Fitly cents fox one Insertion,— three times for One Dollar, and twenty4ive cents frir - very subsequent insertion. Yearly advertisers will e charged at the following rates: . One Column, with the paper, for one year, • -,, Mira edlunin, de.. dn. BIS Two Squaree, with quarterly changes, ' Business Cards,'with the paper, 50 JOB PRINTING. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, uch ee Handl:dile, Blanks, Circulars and every oth erdescrllition of Printing, executed hansom)) , and vxpedloely and at the LOWEST PRICES. • " - THE- OLD STAND NEW SUPPLY OF DRUGS, r2l2ll3lr_GOODS;dtc. HA.Vi i I lcK ites:res to inform his • frientlittied the public tbat his new SPRING 15 I) SUMMER : . SUPPLY of goods; which • aye teen se - *fs. atwitlrrenren. aonally, and just oil Cued nt his old and wet! knots!' •establishment on North Hanover street, embrace suplarof FIIESH DIUMS, - ttigether with a most extensime, rich and xaried stock of BOOKS, (both school and miscellaneous,)--F- A -N-G-Y. FERRI YIMS, &e. to a Itiehlic feels confident Ito only invite the attention cif the pulp. lie with the full assurance of being able to supply every want and gmtify,every tostevbesitlesensur .,inFentiresatisfactlon by the.veryreasoliableterinif span which his numerous at tittles will be dispa-s ed of. fle,wohld call the particular attention ofFam; 'lies and Physicians to-his repleniAted EntliciS lilld IlEDClNES,whichhove been purchased at the hest houses in. Philadelphia. and maw be', .31.1 ed upon for freshness and excellence. Addellso these will be found an duke stock of PAIN'T'S, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, Varnishes, Class, ke: kit., all of .which he still ensure to be •of Abe best quality And at the - very lowest prices. Ile has made' many additions to Ins stock of . . 'BOOKS, besides securing a new supply of aql the Books, flistot•ies, Readet a, I .exiorms,Wri • Nit% Books, &..e. now in wae in College and our •pithlio selinels—whi.th he Will dispose-o.l'lm toms, .suited tat - Ilse oironnisitinees His stock of FANCY ARTICLES embraces • , a rich and extensive.collectioa which it would.he impossible to enumerate ' but comprising massy novelties which camidt•fail to strike the eye and qaease the taste, such lIP Lkfliekl and Gentlemen's • Cutlery, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils. glair 'Tooth and Clothes :Brushes. Perfumes of Roil , selle's risk and extensive varieties. Fancy S•tatts, Shaving Cream, Card -Cases, Pocket Pistols, Pocket bouts, t ic. tee. Alan, a new ; supply of Cornetnis's elegant I.A RAY LAM PS, nether with Sperm and Mould !Candles. Baskets, Musical instruments, Umbrel . CiPifitretilS VII) s. Ihmr Ala's, and other sill vies in the variety line, which with a constant limply of fresh FR UITS,, 'tilts and Confeci itmary of the richest quality. make a large and splendid . 'stock to which heentifillently int tuts the attention and patroptige of hi a town and country Irk-oda:At old stand in North-Hanover -street ; nearly-op r posite the Carlisle Bank. .S. W. HAVERSTICK. June 2-.1847_,_ - AFRESH - ARRIVAL Dr. John 5, Mver9_ Has just returned from the city with a lurgo and carefully selected assortment of • Druls, Paints, Oils, Dyn : Stuftb, And PATEN ME INES, inducting ail 'the atm preparuttont oft day, together with a general assortme It of cl (lice P-ER-FUMES, • FANCY ARTICLES, St.c. , Which makes his stock foil and complete. all of which he will sell LOWER THAN EVER Call and see for yoarselves. , Jay 7,1847: GREAT BARG SINS t SELLING OFF AT FIRST COST ! Mfg subsycilier,tidginig to wind up his bus'. 1 liens in Carlisle, will dispose of his large and elegant assortment 31 Dry Goods at first cosi ; bemg determined to sell offliis moire stock, he .asmres his friends owl the public, Mat great bar gains will he offered. Those, eterefore, who, wish to save from I 8 to 3U per cent. in purcha sing Goods, will do well to give him an early -call.' His assortment is large, and the . goods bare been purchased with great core, and em brace sn assortment of nearly every article usu ally- kept in a Dry Goods store. 711 we are determined to close up our business at the veil y earliest possible period, we hereby viniify those indebted. to come forvard immedi ately and settle iipiAlieir respective accountsos longer iiiilulge.ant cannot be grouted. Those who do not, before the I itt, of October, settle their accounts, in ay espeet to have them place In the hands of a entice for collection. Cnrlrsie' .1111 y 21, 1847 NEW AND CHEAP rainily Grocery 1 TFIE suhscriher takes this method to inform his friends and the public in general that he (medal/it opened in the house lately. occupied..hy Dr John Armstrong anti three doors east of ilia 1) Rhoads' Warehouse. a large and general as- Sertment of Family Groceries, such as Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Chocolate and Spices of every d'acription. Also, 7_ 1_44 7: r /r d. : well seller,- stock of - QUEEMSIitIRE, Willow-ware, Brushes, Dockets, &c. lice. To baron of every description, from the common - - : --- smoking.tobsceo, up to Wootlvard's best honey Dew cavendish. The p Milo are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before lityiag elselvlterg, at he natters Monett that he cannot tail to please them both in price and quality'. N. 11.—tlip-irtends from the country w'll find it to their toßantsige to give him a call ; the store is ecnvenientl, situated oust n few steps from Mr Rhoads' tavern. • •10S.ID. lIALI3ERT Carlisle, Jithe 2, 1847. • __ - LY- GROG -ERYTHE S ir UST received a large supply of fresh Orft ' • 0 caries, consisting ofsuperlor brown augurs, ,and Loaf, Crushed,: Pulverized and . clarified SUGARS, all of whicifwill'be sold at redUced prices. Also 'COEPEE of every deserippon . rindpriee;'with a fine'lot Of strong Rio. - Superior Imperial, ,7ioung ElYeen i and TEMP awn 'from thebeet.'seleeitioniOa,, I t r • Yid . Rankin, whO has • ebrated for 31) , Yearafer" ling,` the beat Tea. iii'°Phileo dolphin; Leaf Sugar syrup, Sem i Uprise; end' !balling, . mopos.Eq; ,, setter for,. ,iraporied : HONEY; Chet-ac~;I rigid ef,: . sugar•oririkliams, dried Peabbei• rine pplei,'Soup been., Cranberrroe: *red ,sins,,fitron urrentr,'Spicee, Mackerel:Alai,. nion;.Sinsd_rind'Herring, , Efop'Sedii; end variety-Ur otlier-artichiltpciliutheiotOO'friexiL , Allof,:whiali, will_ beaold 'at MOW *kid* Pltiofactiolti; 4encl;see;. , ;ki.„11.•,43me11 shops supplied. 574 ,a smell !ad . . , ~e p primes. ; 4—. 4 • :.(ir•Oi.lß'..CieoolsS.4 ::' l '{ -.7 :-OAPo ll .q. l leilli )6, AO • 4 . • • , . 21141,1,41111, ,021 • 'V.) THE. subseriber,-proprietor•of the , 1 " above estehlishmentothieh 'is iltueted `, 0 ,.. ibout three:miles east of Certlile, near 1-1,,. , , the -, COnitiarliind.-Yeltelit e lt all oitd, "' , r desires to infoinribe , publle'llt ia t; ip s ; ;.; , 4r tare ft ilarke stook of A pn.e.rravats, , o 6 l , 4 , 4,i5i. h . g . the ehoicett sanietits,Olithet.Ateliphilig c;gl. , it,whieh are cultiveted m this eeentr,o , ,,Th c i ?y Wre itliekted.inf on terms es reasonable ha :-;ISF oleo,' any other Nursery iii Ilia connly tltnal In • '-''refistrittir the - heakh "Anti N.lfr of iliitteas t r ell I , irk for theta is • a faietriel,' i '.'t 4.01 •:', ~ ,:r_., , , -•.:„' DA. IfPIIIII.IAROr. , , re 1 - IfeptertMi• 22,1847.: • .01 Jl r , ...S., 411‘, , f , i 1 11, _•,,' 4 1 .'-'`:' , ;.• . ! . .':',,i 3 Olit' lDAßJß,lrE —.. .;:' ~. .-6WIT,l6 l 'l:Yli4i , § l ioi'o o s l filPriwA,4o..: : , , fr..!.. , A ,10. , Tleidet 1164 - 0, -;'!-,.,•*,,••,,,,,..,• ,!;, i 1,,• 'lO. .-.i' - ;!%,;,•':•:•111iip'.•••;,', , ,:•'."••"'„'!'•' A.,.••'?!••!'i.:•:" jOi'Riee.v..;!..i!..l •;r:, , i .. ;',,'"l,.'„''', 7 ;',','' '''-' !.r; , • ii . 1.•••, c,.;:. •-•:, • ),,. •••• - ,,qs,...4••.:',s,relilloteifor*lii_l_4: - '. -'• • -,.. . ..'' ...2f ::... ) '?:'':l;;' , :":t,V,i !i'' , ..;'i , /'. , FrnilC Et.MILLIT.,: ?;41ith;,16, - 1041.4' , •;11%;',.; : i - •,..ii , i , J1", , ;•,r,:ifh , ./7:;. - -'.... • • , ,t , .-...7.:4 MEI U 4 "Vre 9 • :The' , Gtea:VErigliih Remedy. , I" , ;Aarbt*.*V', , ' 2112M'AttItii)i:' - • •- ;• X lbisnowvalpghleginbi*oilie;hashe c • r used With Wondeithliti*iirslAtliiiepo . . 0, some, of the niost ifenbleiterried#oesetiOtlt 'which the Itersitie tiffeets4;.(Witheut thq hairy'such an uld etiaine,i,Wellingi, stiff-. Innis ofjo nta, golle prodbbed by,thicollar aria saddle, seining of Alm. shoulders, 'pastern and coffin joinWeiireine of PAW.. bone, knee, .and tot►ocl6 , , pall r ell , curtr, splints, opaidn. whpdgalls, Puffs; It very soon mires old or lresh woniiderictts, bridges, fistules, poll et 11, curbs: etc.; and .gives indent relief in the ocrutclies.'krbiec;otc.,ii nd the dieencee incident .tb, boric, having white feet and noses produced .by St John's Wort, which su often &Arils Om heofqlred bones of the feet, and resists the °Won of sulphur. and vitriol eintinents, and othdr remedies equally powerful. No application line , heretofore proved an useful in relaying stiffness of the tendoni and joints; - and - produeing - stich - immediato - and - Minefield effects in cracked heels, brought on by high' feeding, splints and sprains. _.. This Emtnln is h arrlers, keepers of .livery stablon; wagobers, stain proprietors, sivid private gent:emen own ing 'horses. as lan invaluable . vemedy, 'and should be constantly kept in theirstelrleS: —Alec-fawners,-whose -borings are so liable to kicks; Cuts DWI. wounds, will find it equally advantageous .to.keep it constantly on hund.7- It is vcriallY beneficial in the treatment of working • cattle, - fur gadls,- sore-necks,- Mils; wotindrcole. • . For enk in,Curliola by Dr. JOHN J MY— ERS. Solo Agent. .• • . July ,21,1847. • • • '. To the Citizens of Onmbortand.Cm " There is something more precious than Gold or Iliamonds—H F.ALTII. • I,j~Hl RI are home diseases diet v , sit us at sta . led sensors of the year ' mid which not unrre fluently become Oar glyfidel, during the sun • ' mar and autrann mouths; especially the young ; there being not less than seventy th.iusi std dying annually with'ileratigententa or the stomach and bowels 1110 he. ioe9 'Not cvery kpling of our Hag Cleve become enlisted:hi the Iceman desire to les sen this frigistfal mot twisty, are we era hound by every principle Pr religion to culinitvister relief when in oar 'power; nut! we discharge our lute ' 'When we point out the greatest remedy veer yet discovered, for this purpose,to the there be one, or I r they have a friend, pr a 'child; or a neighbor, u ho may chance' to read this no tice, that is suffering' With Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Choleru 001116, Summer Complaints, Colic. ,Flatulencv, Ste., fee., then let them try Dr. Kee-, ter's Cortfial sod Carminative, and we guarantee a speedy core. . Lancaster Co.,:Sellvilk, Dec. 11, I ft4G: Dr. Keeler—S mum i toe lust summers our agent left toe some of ) our Ittlitut cordial and tiarrnin ativeotrging me to try it., It sit happened that I bail a CUM . !, a young child abbot sin months old, ? whose sionipti l and bowels were in a very disor dered condition, caused by a de6ciency of its .mothet!i.mirf. The child. WaSAI mere tkeleton, there was much tormina, tenesmos and constant evacuations. I administered every medicine I coo Id t tit. of, %Tit burn slightalleriation of the -- eFinijilitiott: . I then thoughtlirgtflinglinieliiedi crone a 'trial commencing with small -doses. - a soon botvever perceived the child could bear flail dose as recommended in directions; before it hail taken half a bottle, the stomach and bow els had recorereti their natural tone, every other bail symptom yielded, and the child - rapidly re covered. ijtatie no hesitation in saying that your medi cine in the very hest Gm the abnve complaints I have administered in a , 21 years' practice... Very respectfully, your friend, 11. B. BOWMAN, M. D. Prepared corner of 3J and S suth streets, Phil adelphia. For sale wholesale and retail by SAM. URL ELLIOT, Carlisle; Dr. McPherson, Harris. hIW;. I and by Oruggistiand Merchants through. nut the county. July 21, 1847.-6 m. OARLEGOPS BALiAM t. F HEALTH.' Au Apporel Remedy . o Dlivepsi cs 4•c. .° two reasons why :this be recommended to the' public, —on is, t but most persons who have so ight it buy itagain, thereby showing that they re gard it as a valuable Family medicine; the other is that certificates aro in the possession oftlie Proprietor of permanent cures having been effected not only in persons afflicted fora short, time, but also in can's of lag illanding It is composed altogether of a vegetable matter. is perfectly hatinless, can be taken at all times, and is no hindrance to business. It remereirittiii - reViVea the nnitnalnidriticetoniffieti the stomach from all morbid humors which cause indigestion and, i„cidities. It also re moves nervous tremors,, thematic pains, and prevents their return; cures ollj calico of the stomachs and bowelsolmost immediately takes away palpitation of the heart, and promotes (ho lice circulation of the blood. ' I 1). 11. All.NOLI) The direction accompanying each b title contlins a number of certificates one of which is given in this advertisement. Dana SlR:—about two years ago I wan an. vetely: afflicted with ispepsta, which I had for the last fifteen years previous tothe above nanied time, which was very much inereased by my having a blond vessel ruptured upon my lungs, occasioned by 11019 g—which itioreased my complaint, dispepshi and general de tit* and _ w _ aa want, to ageh ILdeeree,tha or three years previous to my usiug the Garle. gent's Below, I nave to a meal but my stomach became.so painful that I had itnmedi. ately to throw it up. Sceing - Garlegant's Bal sam advertised I was induced to try a bottle; after taken the very first dose it appeared to strengthen toy stoMa6ll; and every dose of th i first bottle.-helped me so.. much that an the course of a.few days my stomach: began to' retain and digest every thing.l ate. I continud to use'thetßalsam until I used several bottles, which cured me entirely, and restored me to perfeethealfti, which I „have enjoyed eversince, and net before for fifteen years. I cheerfully ecommend it to all persons mho' ace - kictedfft With diapepsia • ' ENRY : LOTTHAN, • Frairk Co. Va. Prepared and sold, by the Proprietor, JOHN 8. MlLLER,oppoeitethe Market Ibioae, Fred erick, Md,,and..hISAMUEL ELLIOTT, sole agent for Carlisle, • • • March 10, 1847. • • • To VOuntry 'PhTslcAttliS. • 111111 R. p s tid,jutit ireceyed rn add lion Jur 'OP large, elaortment DIOUPS' AND. hIRDICIN Et 2. Wairantod taro and !frosh7,smong which , !arc all , there= ent,.p !Tatar preparatione of- the ,Professien, ho ion on .as • toOd.,,liints' toy altabilahniont not of Philadelphia. ;.• C! Phyeiloidns are reiptiisted itiiie f siiiiatue for , themeoly;r„ , Jolt 70 847.- • , ; ." . ';strrEittoit:AL'Acri:6TEA ~r-POPrAs i ff, jmo,a. rocniyed,al Pr.;lllyors,',,Drug Store, a' cdudgn arlicinrif Mack Tea for invalids anddynpoptiao.' - Also Old and Young:llincin, Punppyrdor end Jrnperinli•-•- e ' r e: - July 2 0r Octi' 7 • . o,Acia! Airtrand , Ttilliblene""l .Zseeli."4. l i tloige osecgtmeit,:pf low 1041/ and ' TuMblori, imitable Ibi4i ja prel4.4yins,mutisoli. For i• ) aoly P 1 ,17p, 3Al!Lin gtrodt itkm, ~4 0 6,,t00 OiovitpbA.L-206,t0n. fr, vv—imtekrrß9 coo--go,9,tpoqmple.buVnere 75 1, 00 bus. Blomiinuus' PAO,' cy , L4 , VUNIC & ?WILLER: , ARM 9 4 04.754 , ..- , PP:s4'4A,,P r a t i' M VP l," ,k , ( 2, 4 :NoTagitarlisisio)Kheioi;rico4l944 ikei LakyNEWilisid,AUSZSITORElllll)Weetli ili• j • eireet;'llactrraie .'lo.:ioiiiii Gliiiiio ll boPliii/h hi: Ltiwnie :4 Bllialehdifinit , ;t l #bliitiort,llllolol mi . CilicidessiTiokingri Checki4noolVYYDNll . Ps Wafei•Owee:ll l ll l l , 493,4ko. , 'rq i,-i., , ;.r" 5 V . :10:t..u , I .f_'" I 4-1 ,!fi :,_,", ,I,'• ! ' ' ..' J. 0, cAritotprjr.6 ": , 'Cirliollie 4 eli 7 l', lB47 .: , •: ,, '" - , ~ .:1,'., ;:4,„t, ,, ? , ,;. ~ w'~~~~~Caiu~`~ni~i~i .. 1 1.%:.. a ~.~: ~.. y um kiyllltl6 . lls DVA I:AAA( • :Mkt tiiiii - 74*-oteettolitto#o,ll.: in HE CingsAßLOtiflr - AftLEY - 11trkil AL T ,.4 1 (;1"0.CIT1le1.1 0 ig. itrrm PAN yi Siena mg.year, sT;TIIO I .'a . IrdeSidinti Sandell 'Gallsraitlicyjer W".llleDuliongle;:Frr4iiiitrere.V. King, Itidluirdr Worths, . Samuel Scott qjy)o, Alexanitler, Davidson: 'Fherr, are also a Th. Iluor Agents: sitipointed tha it i bill •Oitnittett, who,:will ;receive applications •,tor in. n iarands smdiorward.thein immediately for ap proSid to tiA,•offire oldie Company w lien the pol- Jay ,will be , issued 'withoift delay. Fortin tiler inlormatiOn see the hy-lawa rof the Company. THUS. C. ,NIILILKI4 Nest.. :11A. G. Aft u.Eitisees. The following gentlemen hare iTeen appointed • AGENTS • , 1.. H. William s;'ilaq., Westmainabdro, Gen era 1 Agent. a • . A. Co)) le, Cartitde, Dr. lra Day; Aitishanicaburg. •• George Drindle,-Eig., Monroe. -.l.lcolfriHennavgatiNewburgr- John Cleadenin; Esq. flogestown. Stephen Culbertson, Shippensburg 'September 29, 1847 .oincti'enoed to THE FRANKLIN. FIRE INSURANCE u ADELVIIIA, charterrerpelual..-4400,009 . Capidel Office 1.63 i Chesnut street. -!HAKE INS URANCE,eitherpermindentorllra'. ited,againstlosaordnmage by fire,on vitormlTY and EFFEC'IS of 'erary description, in. town or Cinintry,on the most reationalde.terms.. Aipplion tions made either personally- orhy totter, Will be promptly iittended to. C..N..I.IANCKEK, 'Prost, Rates of .tiiturance.Rediteed 1 • • , eltißPE^74l. R .ISK. - •,- Brick't4Stptie dwellingbor *l:Men . • ftMna. • ' '24 to 3 p depoa do de Cburolies 1.1.6 to 8 .do• do do Taverns 3 to 4 dd . do. • do 'Karns • 4,t0 5 do do • \IQ Staldes.(private) '4 to 5 do do do Stables (public) 6 tia_7/ . do do do Geist Milk, Witter Power, 74t0 10 do .9.AW.UAI 4 : RIS . Brick - or Stone dwellings and nintre from SO to 400 $lOO value do do Stores and Meridian ', dize _ 85 to 50 do do Taverns and Furniture 40,t0 60 do .10 Barns and Contents 65 to 75 do do Stables (public). 100 to 150 do do do Grist Mill and Stock • 75 to 80 do Frame and Log dwellings and niture 50 to 75 . do do do S ores,and Nlerchan -Mee 65 to 85 do do do Tavernsand Furniture 60 to 100 do do do Bttrns and Contents 90 to itlo do do do Grist Mills cud Stock • . • •90 to 100 cto The Rubor-116er in !gent toit the ahorronespany for Carlisle nail its vicinity. All nriptientimisfor ?insurance either by mail or peraniinlly will be promptly sitterided to - 11.SFANtioUll. June 12.11145. - . _ r-:13 DELAWARE MUTUAL - INSURANCE COnl.. 1• RIIILADELPH A; On the. Muttial Insu tilee pin iple, combined with lage joint-sh 4 api; 1 imi . !educed to nearly : half the usual ates. . ER it the Ant of Incorporation the stock is _LP pledged for the payment of any lassos which the 'Company may sustain.` And its an additional 'security to the asset il p , tire - act re quites that the ro fi ts of the b tners shall ho t .et.4l funded and remain with the no r ration , as:a guarantee and protection to the Neu ' against /am This fund will be represented b scrip issued by the Compauy, bearing interestlfoleS- - 1 ecciling six per cent. per annum. The insured I ore entitled to a pro rata share Mille profits or the Company, and will receive that proportion of the aforesalA fund in scrip, widen the amount of earn fia premiums paid by him, bears tothe total sum of earned premiums and capital stuck. The scrip thus issued, to be transferable on the books of the Company as stock. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned prendiums. The insured are protected .from loss at the customary rates of premiums, without any indinigual liability respo nsibility for, the anises or Mcrae:sea of the C orporation. `Tlie assured have all the rights of membership,— can vole at all elections, and are eligible us Directors of the Corporation. The subscriber has be'en appointed agent for ibis Company, and as the.noutuai 'principle q superseding evsry other mode of Insurstice, to would confidentlyrecommend it.to•hib friends and the public. The North American Company has close their Agency. Those having policies expirin in that office can have them renewed .in the Delaware Company on much more favorable terms. For full particulars cniptiv either by letter or person to JOHN J. MYERS. • arlisle, tptember tO, 1845.—ny. v t.LE.N! E? E.,IST-PERXSOOIZOUGH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Milt bastiieimsboroligh Mutual Fire X lbsuranen Companyof Cumberland County,lit enremitted,by an act of Asseinlily ;is' nen! fully or ganizell,end in operation under the Management of tee following eiimissioner\ t v t it: , Clit.Stayman;Jacith Shelly', 'limit Gorgas,Gewis flyer, Christian ,Titzel;Miali el' Mow, Henry Logan MiaiilCooklin,BenjatoinliMuaaer,Levi Merkeyaeob irk,Melelliorßrenetnanand Sam,' Prowell, who resimatdilly- call tl:ealttntioit of the citizens ofCumberland and York oountiesto the ad vantages Whielithe . ioniiiisnY hold out. Thu rates'of idiotintee are atleie-andfarorable as any Codifieny Of thekidif in the Person b qui become members itrO . 'to make en . plieation to the agents.orthd etimpinf who are willing to wait utionithern at any.time.' • . • , 4:A.001 1. SHELIA ',Tres% AlicjiALL IloovF.h, The President. • ' I.emie7lger f Secretary. Michael Conklin, Treasurer., • Michael iloover,Ceneral AgentiMechaniesb ut i Rudolph _MartiniN..t.umberland township. Conklin, Allen toweishipi. i‘ • Wm, R G i orgoi,-Allen township.' - 'Ch r i s ti a n fritactiAllon township:" ..;' Johr.o flutdapi Allen township. , ' . peter narnhart;East'Pettrisboroeiowiiehip.: David Martin i Churchtdiv a. , ; ~• • C. U. Harrooni KingstOwn,; . • ;: .!fledry Zeittint..Shirenianstowni - '• Simon Ojeteri.WOrittleychergi- c Dr. Jacob Baughman i`Carnele i :•f • ' Jacob Kiilt,Geueral Agenifor York County,ltlew; ,Cumberland • Renry . t.itikati, , York . John herr tok.'.Yerli'county; John'Rankin, York. county. ' Daniel. Daily‘York.county. 4 J. llowman, York. Gooney. Phitio.Breekbilleumbettititl , 'OotintiJ'„ Rabert C,. Sterret; 0: Middleten toiriship. • cil`Otheragente wl 11.5 e added hereafter: *. henlllll- ~RJil PlTlolipiiit Toi34ceo':SEettntii-spiurFt — l'L . 914 , §,i !ell GJof,Thoinise celebrated 111.2j-1.4 ro o , BrandCiteendllll4;nsejni i te prsb . .dia 4V, braid 'CriCongieniCileits,',Vit. die? :rtetet ; and be.! lieiontli'n"tMle Milted • a Raglieo T . VOA , I thAieti'Mabiftibti,l 3 i,',O fi ct . ,! - Iliitrier's . PtiOPO B ngfron: - - "Sjand . iir , Pla ' noio:l9_.!. ° Y. o ,4 ll oPitU Vic frtrittivorrt;);ii Coboott;;Pfloetptio,glieruten and '6lllRC4A49loflitirAndit'Or.`4oPeited:Sieifire, toiritlibr >tipiAnlidoalnaiustr,sfoxin!ito segkio )of Imptirted.Ovid?Attniii . entr leafqrotiittint'APAH rte,hlOl4litrionliekiriliOif.Jykriiporod; tO netnn fair' iii. ,4 lte o 7• 3 l o r s9ll,4omrofttt, foi , 9 , 1 4 , . • , "P*7 7 ;Vfl, e! . • ' ' • - ; :;E5•;,11.4.«i 'norm' sillittevittAmitsksAuoluz-i':' ttralu,',ilie. aline ;Aniline Aturgeeptirilles;;‘Utid'utrerigt bea t ific ,-111101khasinst; ittipestren, , and Im.fadt,litkine .144oes:Cfuli,Mhers tarns mitts& ...Iliad, One Aft tioinfnised ,are ,"Smiiapatithl W e. so tuto o. ll,ilititthd*.eattcgdth'er the tine through itandhimitture ash it other substanCes, pu- Kifyiug antipapging,:white themther is strength.:_ ening the Bytifenti..,;rhus;tliele; pills, ape at the tonic and :upening y desideratum, 'eagerly.snughtlirliy - medical men, hut never before ditanivered,,On otlMr.wcirils they do' the work of two medicinei, and.do.l4 muck 'bet: •tenthati itnY IWO `ne . .litickY oft forLthi.v remove. ,tothing from the system but the. inipinities, so that mblle they pine thefztrengthen, and hence they .cidinemo'debilttetion, anti,. are followed' by • Dr. Le" Roy Pill! have a wonder .ul influenee on the blobil I Jhey not only . purify ititlicint:Weakonlng it; but they 'iddt edam all nox ious particles frodaille chyle before it is conve ned into, fluld,dind thus.innke impure blood an 'utter impossibility. As there is no debilitatio n t so ifi — i — ittutusea og sickness opUratibrodor this Most' cscellent which neverUtralne or tortured the digirStic hum. Aintie,but ottoses4.ltera to work in a 'perfectly nat. uraj.mattrier; 'hence tttritiimlakeit them ilo . not become pale iimietnnelited,!but the contra ry, Jiy While it is the properly fifth° •Sarsatlmilli, united as it is With other, ingredients, tir.refneve Ultehatis foreign and itwpure, it is equilly the ,p'rope'rtyof the.,WildDherry to retain all that is naturitl and Schmid ; .itnd hence a robust state 'of lierildi is ttid'e6ifiliti:iestilt of their united opera-- . Mil ;gor iieje.CofLiXle .flr: J . : J. Myerp,sole 1 - ent# it'll by Eabieiid KisOtiger;in gelerd e box 25 ales ' • . CielthlFeb ."..10 1847. . • ' NURSE witymps B . O6TRINSAVIRIF FOR .;01//LUREN- Ez AILL MOTHERS having eltildrrMafiiieted with an' of those disearitta incident to the Late of infancy, such as Conversions, spasmo dic: ~roup, ,eutaneoue eruptions, disordered otomaeh, and•-totisenena of the boweles, should never .be without this iti fallible remedy that las proved so efiliacious in all the above die. eases. NumerbUs4estimonials mi lit be given to prove its merits, but a trial in better. Sold bb S. tiLLIOTT,-Carlisle. March 3, 1847. To the Sick anl Afflicted. ET all those - 17011)1M CONSUMTIVE or affee ALA led with Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchi Spitting Blond, Pain in the aide or Breast,. Soar-Throat,-Hoaraerters, Palpitation of the Heat, whooping. Cough, Liver Complatnte, &c., remember that it le- Commuted' SYRUP or TAR, 'Sr. NAPATHA that is daily effecting aacil d worider.: ful carep in.all these diseases— l'hereihro.bewaro of all other mixtires thti contain, cr protesses.to contain Tar, and pur chase or theist only who arc known not to dea in Spuriousartioles. Read the following testimony to the value of the obove medicine, fron a well knOwn eati zenof Cumberland newly. Diotinson TOlThelltir, Nov. 20,1847; . About six yeiciii since, in consequence of the ,sedentury nature of. my. business,_l._was attacked with Severe pains in tins breast, pal. .pitation .of the heart and shortness of nreatb. wilich were soun-Tollnwed by a failure ofap• potite,oxtreme wakefulness it night,and wand paralykie of my limbs—tliese symptutne of a deranged system, being frequently attended with spitting of blood. IFcr about two years I was oleo occasionally thrown into convulsions which left me m a miserable Mote of feeble. mess and began to affect my mind. From thle' t I time my sufferings were more nr less severe until at length they increased to such a degree, and the violence ofthe symptoms were so aug mented, that fur a whole yecti. I was unable to attend to attend to any business. During this time I consulted some able physicians and attended to their 'prescriptions; but all their was_unavailingto procure me relict . ; and at length they regarded my recovery as entire ly hopeless. In this condition I was informed of. the - sal Mary. effects of 'fliomson's Compound .Syrup,of Tar and-Wood Naphthe c -in-a-euse somewhat similar to. mine„and though ; [ had given up all expectations of a recovery of-my former health by , human means, yet being strongly advised to try the medicine, I was at length prevailed upon to do so, and I have now to say, that by the.use of six b 'tiles ni3 health has been restored, and I am now able to at , tend to business with as much facility as usual. HENRY . MY EitS Prinitipni Office, 'isi! E. corner FIFTH and ?Emmet.; Ms: Phila. Sold in Ctirl.aftt Angney Principal agent for quinberitind co. Price 50e. or 6'bottles fur 2,50. kobruttry-10,-1817, ASA FIIRTIIER EVIDENCE That the principle ofetiriug disease by clecim iug and .purdying the holly. Is • strictly•in ismer• dance with the latra•whieh goverm• themnitual edonomy and-if properly oarriatut; by-the use WIFIAGNI 4 3 - INDIAN V. GETAtill.t . Will certainly reeillt in the einnplCteeb.ilitibilot disease le,offer the follOwhig testinioMolii, from persons of the highetit iespvetabilitilp Year York who have recobi Er been cured of the Most abatis nate coniplaints, solely by the use of Widest's to , Man Vegetable tlbp's of the North American lege.of math. , - CERTIFICATES OF CURES , horn Now l'ork City. 4.,Tin.Wrinll2 V locum I=Flllreir Eir,•—• At • your re— 'commendation, porno time, smee,inatle, drial of Wright's.,lndiart,Wegetable Pills, of the North'. American C 011440.01 Health, and can eonselenti- - ously 'assert that for Purifririe the blockd end: rem . mating the systentO, Inane eeeetved more - =benefit, trotn.their %IM, than from any other medicine khaa, heretofore been my'good:fortena fciineat 1 ami dear sit yeithroany thanksi.your.Obliged CIJAREBS 111;.TATE, No. fio HammerslyatreetiNew ;Werke , . _ , . . • ~- -Friim'Wannarsinit; N. ..Y.i: , , - . ~ , , i ' . I!BA, : ft 8111 0 -11., have , beer(afflietod.,for, eiyeral, „yeara Witklaibitril weakness keperal debility,' accompanied at, times:with pain.. kii the,,ildi. and • xithertimainfi pOnfidaltils, ~,Aoer,bayttui ; tried larionairieillatnes,withau,t, effect; I: wittikersoadetl. ' by ii,frlind'rto malls trial 'of.l.fr...,v.vry-gbvtii.lo4,o - aillalill'aFa r isapiky,,to tateinive relieved molry 5I most, amide ul manner.,' ; 11.6aie used, lte*,. medieinciii Yet '6'u •ti' short tiiiie; and ' • bairnno ciouliti'ilvy a pereavereat#n „tbe use of thii modielneAteeoriling to (lir - rah-Ins, ill! I .lhall in - a, alftlft ; ,llma,beferfeetlyopatret,r;; • , , .4 ~ 1 most willingly mommen4 said Till' ,to all **twill '. ilitOlf lly,alfliiadtl;'mill '-I n' the'foll. belief thifthe vitae lbeneficial ireau!ta 'lip follow !belt. ...i n it. ! , t. , ~,t .1 , v.. ~ ',,,', , ', 1 ,;1:i. , ..(ts .. , f,y); 4- ". ; • , 1 ~ ,i ~,,,,, -' `.., , ,, , ,t ~r eitiainiyonia elnberely,..r., ; ,, L . .. . , ,-, , ti BIENRILAI4F-00TEj - r—, - ,i , '. loyarsrarairwiUlater , ,Co.,Now.,Yorkr...'„! ; , .,.flawaaryc'pr , Ooolf. l ,4P l 744 . 4l ,- :7 1 1 1 .0.1POIJi are ; 4;ttutlonetl,pgainat,:lhe,.,inany !outlaw' i , modielnea .wAieit, in ortlecit'Ole.rt.l!ei,as4O.a*d.by:'!uOnes hirallator.Wli khl'is lialnaiYagetapltl . filliii, , ;:, '''Cbille oltsin - ylpailisie, : .• , . • ;. .-.., . • Joint. cooveri" IlleiWaalailblirit: ' '''. •''' ' S' I ''' i: , b :% , Bred° ratio' drr:,iii_vvpl, Now C4Rberlarit, f`Jainea G Huai; Isletyyille, `'''' - ''' ' 1 ' '' - Al 1 Ncia ,- '',"fC: ,, ':., , f',; ' -,„',',`'..." '','.,,, ..t.'” , ~ " .!',',Altii.4itilieur!,l 4 3lloO, tk,toWq, : , • ' : , pl-trii- , -,.1.1,',81 1 ,. 8 'it,'Coy!ii;-HOEOO,OwO, ''.. O% ' , , u't 4l. , , ' , •TsOike Bottairdilebtl6;---7-'74,t -- 70, - ; L'-: .. , tY , ;t l Efiiiiliarliiiil . ratil, , ,Aiiiirelitkiis l ;`','. ilohil'1 1 ;c.Illtbdiiiir,111111114 - 4 , Riiide; I. .., , r , 'A- ....Igem. t ~. 1 4 ~ ," , 0 ettailfelp e „na .ItoelY-'=)t‘Olholtdof. fl'i , beilitillanThiatible 6 'ollo ' Mialesile :and' Kcip otistitee;:.viiiiidiiiiii*iimot.GOn• " "wf :4, ;Ylffi liid.:9 V l :7 l ??Aq trf9, i .; :;;, , ...,•, , ,,,,1;,,,: - rgat .. ; . , ,,,;;!.„-•-•....;.--t ,',,,7.- - . 7 •,',0.ir,:, , 1. , ..' ';' ,,, 2 . ;...4:11« '':,':',. , :n:., , 4,' ,,, ~ ,"'i -, , , :,t -,:',;' ~ : - 1 .2. '...., ME -1: - - - 0i...iPlriti..V.4.4.0.F4).1/01 - 1.....' ::L i '"OARPETSIAIOIL IL NDOTHS ItS ON Sr. about tol4itytC p is Oil Cloths; JET,lfik.:, - iiill - fiiiilFittruitleievlianfiige to. ,eitikon:,the tubseriheros he llOuridei.*Vertleni , iuliS,Tit:OtPlihrdflteruPstensei ate-so-lightliess in; doeudo.AO.`seil ~1 0 tidds Mutlettle:dr-Itetail.at:the ;loirest ;prless: On oily. :They tanndtlail to be lashed witirpriCesandthevervididlueltssortinetit he olfert of beautilUllpiVerild;SYfierlEtt Ingrain n't.l , l7enitisiti t+l _ set variety and new styles Oil Cloths of,all iSidths to ca for, variety of Ingrain Carpets from t 5 to•sosenlr,AinllEdtry, and Stair. Carpeti froml:2 to SO eMiis per iard.— : Also Hearth . ugs; EHble.sndlPiano I:Covers; Reds / pig and'Cotton Carpeting:Bre , Ste ' • • H H EL,DRIDGE No. 41: Strawberell dne door- above Chesnut Oend 2d street, Philitteiplsia. • Se tember 1,1847- . IMPROVED WIRE MANUFACTORY. Sieve, Riddle;Scre en and WireCluth, , to'ry; No. 4.8 'North Front street s between Market and Arch streete,Phtlitl'ai gm . HE subscriberi having made Sr( at improv e` _ -I.7meattriT i -tholibliOrlialiWto °mow mann... 'homing of mperipr quality 041 kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMFiNTAL IRIt WORK., sock as Sieves, Riddle. SOrennific,fhiall kinds ocgraithAvd3bl r7lsiirTorr.irsiodltista.olhiniekdaldSto..,! Fowlers' Sieve's of a %melds:or - qui constantly on hand. Wlre'Dish consta ntly Springs. rwilled.W)re tor'SParti r Gat - eliera':BM.- -.oitanwEsitsi. .Wraz !W0.11,1t, stick • its -Dtiges; Nursery .Fenders, Garden Bordering,' PI owur 'Stands, Trainert,Trekliti work for ;Grape ;Woes, Arse, Wire Fencing of •rinry description. • ag.Ot'llet's thankfully 'received and 'promptly ex.ecuted 'by. • . , WATSON ce scliteimbev. , .2.2;ipaT. , , . ‘ll.. t. *ova's., DIVOORE RISDON. MERMAN'S TAILORS, NM l 7l3,..YOuthrTliird • Street;triitly' opposite 'the Excheng.s, Philadelphia. RESPECTFULLY. ennmined to their friends awl the public that they arc constantly pre-, I . pered to make to order, of the Cheat and best maierials,and at moderate prldes, every article lof Fsoltitraible ptlnhing constituting - a Gentle- Wardrube,lor which their complete ituele of choice and carefully selected Cloths, Cesst teemss, Yestings, &.. , of the latest and most desi ruble patterns, are particularly designed. 1-<.Yhesr - ovin - pi‘ctisial.knoWleslge of Ilk ipisindis mid is personal attention - to every garmeht, emblem these to give. entire satisfaction, end to both old and new customers they respecthdly tender an invitation to give them a call. flaring been for y, ears connected with :some of the be a t and most fashionable establishmessis in this country, employing none but first rate work s en, and being in the constant receipt of the In test fashions, and best styles of goods, they arc fully prepared to accommodate customers in the best insmier. Philaile'l)lo.4 August 180 847-6 mo CHEAP -CLOTHING STORE!- - rriFIE Subscriber, of the late firm of - S t uck & Moore, taker this method. - of informing his fribuds ond'ihe public in general, that he has bought out the Interest of S L Buck, at the old esiabliiihed CLOTHING STAND, No. 244 MarkeiStreet, - Phibidelphiti, and is - now pre- pared 'to' furnish all kinds, of ready made CLOTHING; at pries which cannot but secure to hinr-thd patronage of ..-011-who wish-to per. ,cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth Dimly and Frock Coats, frOm 25.50 to 918440 Pants from 75 cents to $8; Veshi from 621 rents to $4; suit of Summer Clothing for $2,25. Also all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnish. log Goods at extremely, low pricea. _ Wholesale dealers in'Clothing would do well to call at the store of . . , JOSEPH J. MOORS, . - 254 Maiket stied, Philadelphia August 18, 1847 DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS, At the 4 1 1 1tillailelphia Daguerreotype Establish ment grehaage, Third Story Rooms, Noe. Used 47. ' THE proprietors continue to take the above Portraits in any size and style, and are . happy to announce that they hove made several improve. meets which add very much to the delicacy and heauty.of the portraits taken at their establishment An examination of specimens to their rooms is respeothully solicited and every exertion will he matfett) give entire satisfaction W.& F. LA NGENIIF.INI, Sole agents for the sale of Voigtinesnicr's Ap paratus, and importer's ni plates, chemicals, Ste Philapelphia August 1.9,1847 CHEAP. OIL STORE) OR.Dr.wAy& SEEM LE,37 N, Wharves below Race street, offer for tuft at the EST PRICES, all the articles of-the Oil Trade --- Their itock is varied and extensive, and they'feel confident of giving satisfaction to throe who cult. They have nolv oh hnhd Puro Sperm Oil, White Winter and Fnl Ode of differeqt qualities ' Solar Oil, Winter pieced Lard Oil, Winter Elephant and Whale oils, Refined. Recited and Comingn- Whale Oil, Tanners' Oils, Sperm Candles, Guano, &c., &e. Philadelphia, August 18, 1897. N B.—A I 1 goods delivered in first rate order July 7.1847. Cheap Watches and Jewelry. sp. '.AT • the Philadelphia Watch and lewA rySore, 96 North f ) Second St., ccrrnekof Quarry At Gold lever Wateliie,fulli el - __ ..s._eiled,.lll_carei-esses- —545.-00 1 - -6 - N . ItCO - A 1 „ ~ - Silver - Lever Watches. full jewelled 23 00 Silver Levic %Vetches seven jewels . 18 00 Superior Quarter Watches 10 00 Imitationlearter Watches not warrented 5 00 Gold, Spa:oWe' 8 00 rine Silver, Spectacles . I 75 Geld Bracelets with tepee stones 3 50 Ladies Gold Pencils 16 corrals,: 2 00 Gold rlngcc•Biees 37i cents to $B, Watch Glasses plain 12i(cents to 181; Lunet. 25......= Other articles In proportion. All goods war rauted to be what they are sold for. On hand ionic *gold and Silver LeVera, 4e.: pines 'and ,Quittliere lower than the above prices. , 4. • ..: Philadelphia, Feb. 3, lg4ll. ...-... . . .. . , 110,VERI . FIRST , PIIEMIUM INK. Thir4 , Street,: riviEOelehritiplibe Inkii.Manulketiiredbyllie - subscriber, end 'the extensive - sales-tubas.. the high:APl:dation theylitiVe attained; not only. throughout the Urittiyl Slates, hut in the, Wed Indies and in Chips; has Induced bins toApake .every atomism arrtrgeinent AO Sujitily the vatit,detnantinpen_ . his !establishment He Is new,ppepared With every. variety :oft Black, Blite;inil red Inks, Ci*yinir, In,:elibleink, and Ink - 'Nailer,' ,prePareit Onder his ,own• personal "euperintendeone, so that, •purehasers :trisydepend Upon' its superior ' 3 .ADAMANTINS eutieribrartiolo forlilending. Stasi, Chinn, Cali• .useful' to every Housekeeper, be:nga white liquid, easi applitiskand nOtiffee tettby, ordinaltlihealt , aearreeltd,'. ' `O6-painnbletii,eantidobig the,ntn uerpus testi monials cif tnee,,orseieneg, andotbersoeill be 101.0444 •, ref. atthe..lHtintifit'iderj, Wholesale: and Retail,: NO.:: 87. North :Third Street, loppo site Cherry Street tiy JosEpy:ciooy,pg, ganufitOttiirei„. ; 47,1847.,414,;.: MOWN OENlioB •41Lartiole . is now, exten sivnly pity nicht, 'hot, 011ieiTfol , ,ill'e`,F*Olaiif4n1)i.i . , bow core (li solutes t..risiog-fi•pinnn ,Itniovro . stilt of 'Ili", blow or habit ' . IL InnnortinTutp;To.4o",lik . 7.l.iiikeo ,afrp•tger than: nuyy OryikrAinh tti*dthn'kiii(l:,sfitnnt, botttetii'onntnisi rn;ntiirt:' j'l',pll3l3 11: Okkie• flip "m e t* ".•":„ Ul,l; '. B,Nyc±l3; Fil,m4qu uly 7 • , , N ,,, ,ii,'i•Y * it ,, MhPliga.rega.• 3 I MHE'Rttentlsti or,TeßtlietitTO:•paren Itiltree•a n d, 0 stPorAmentigrAP/ 1 9 0 4;Oftr, at Lift, _ prices now for ol‘fo aillioA 9 ru ;*: 7 4tA WWI* ;0 NY 4 AAhra' '4 ItrA.CS.A.; , ...:A ** a sh- sl i ppy halvjqkkhe'il;reptiived ; . • fOg.. • , W . OULD.reSObtfullY callA t Mulled ; he r a o Housekeepers and theptilaliC tOthe'extett , me stock of_ eplendid'_F:ornittde,jiticluding S9_: fav, Wardralies,Cdhlretiiid dtlisr Tables,' Lir s sing-and-Plain' Bureaus; and every variety o rbinet-ecare .-and Chairs *Meth 'they have jest • opened .:st .. their new •rOorns, the . , ceiner . Of ,North and, 'tenth& -Street!, Quits's. : They are Minfalent.ihnt the superitir firiish of the workmanship, and el:i.gance of style, in wflich their articles are got up, togclher.with . their OHEAPNESS, williecommend them to evety_pnroon wantingYinnit me. _They _have also-maderwrangementinufaeturing, and keeping a constant supply of every article id their line, `bath plain and ornamental, elegant 1 --- d - timfol;" - dirprtero - 13. ey canpo as o suit purcisaaers. i. They would earnestly invite perions7hottie,alio tricoutmenrehousekeep; ing to call and examine their reitent elegant 'in trek, to .7which ifigy aiiltooristo oily make td: 'ditions of the nekvest and moat modern styles. ,:COFFINS made to order litike shortce. no. Lice, fortown end country. • April 21;1847. •• . ~,,arttit.3.,ACVl it to the World-1 at •Hroce Coinpound exception or exaggeration, the tribst safeund epee. , dy cure foralhdiscass arising from Congbfand .t.lolet. which ,etifortutistely , neglected ; too often end in peat sumption. If Hance'set minut'. Syr up of Iloarhound is taken on the first spitearence itt a Cough it sill immediately cure it and Sane the sufferer from an untimely grave. Price 50, cents. Forsale by Seth S.liance,lotv Baltimore st. nod !write+ of Charleit.and Pratt ate, Baltimore For sate% Carlisle, by .1 Si, W B PLE.MI346, et their cheap Drug store opposite the Depot. - • (June 2, LMT. • . • Superior Old Wines and',l3randies, . For Medicinal Prix pies. ' ' It. MY ERS has just selected .iri the city , '' an assortment .of the. meet choice. old % ies and, Brendjes, fur medicinal' and table V r ) 'purposes. Tfiese,purchasinr may depend upon , iliem as being ptire.••-Aleo-Champaign, Pott.• Claret and oilier summer wines. July 28,1847 entent ,i• Cisterns, • A tid BEDFORD WATER in barrels and half barrel., for 'sale by • 470LHOUN & CO. Cliambersbum, July . 28, 1847-31 Macon. • "1. ;o 4 1- e .` o de } . Slipldler,' and Sides 20 FUNK & 'MILLER Harrisburg, June 9, 1847; I • k i i I I i• I ;O+ I ki Ithilada , _ - *a "1-7 - • J.. 11 4 ) ; ICE RR , FORWARDING& COMMISIN MERCHANT HARRISBURG, PA. 'from his• friends and tha nubile, dm 'from the liberal patronage extended to him during the past year, he has been encouraged tontatie more extensive arrangypents_for the. ensiling season, and has addedtwo new, largeo , and splendid Boats. to his E./NU, and will be fully prepared after tho opening of the Curial o forward Produce and Merchandise of all kinds to and from Philadelphia, Baltimore,' Pittsburg, &c., at. the lowest rates of freight • and with the utmost despatch. Agents for Boats, - Moser,.. CARLISLE & GASKELL, Race street Wharf, Philadelphia. Meagre. GIESE & SON, NJ. 48 Commerce pt. Whyri f ßaltimore. Messers.CLAßlC & THAW, i tr„. , J. McFADDEN & CO, il,"lldnurg• Agents for Cars, Messrs. WUNDERLICH &-GR I ER. Ni 272 Marketet. Philada. Messrs. CHALOR ER REYNOLDS, N 0.423 -Market at. Philada Messrs. SITER, JAM ES & Co., Broad airech'phaadelphin Pennsylvania find-Pain Liao, N. st'llaltionore March 17, 1847.--if. HAT - is moat conducive to health 7 A PURE STATE AND eiRcuLA T ON OF THE BLOOD. Now the tiest meth oci to insure a healthy state of Mood is, on ill firat - sy•nplotn of any disnr,der cf the circula ting fluid,such as Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Gid_ illness, or any of the diseases which arise therefrom, to use Hance's Svrsaparilla or Wood Pills, fifty pills in a box for 25 eels. according to the directions, and yon will obtain tmmedi• ate relief. One Word of Caution.—When you go to purchise Hance 's Serenest Illa or Blood Pills, be sore you get the genuine article. Price 25 cents par box, or five boxes for one dollar. Fru sale by Seth S. Hance,,loB Baltimore , street, end corner of Cliscles and Pratt sta., Balti more. For sale in Carlisle, by J. & W. It: FLEM ING, at their cheap. Drug store, opposite the Railroad Depot. (Juno% :847.): piee R. UPH A'M'S IN'relINA 1., REMI%DY for the:cure of Piles. `file Vegetable Pile . tuary, invented by 1)1.. A. Upham, a distill. guisited ph) sielan df New York city, is the only really successful remedy for that.danserens and Al 1 sfressi tik complaint, the Piles, ever offered. to the .s merican public... The Fawner) , 'containt no Mineral Medieine• no A I oes, Colocynts, Damboge, or 'other power ful 'and irritattng .purgative: No fear of taking cold while under its influencerno change in diet 'necessary. alttaken, , a,coording to' directions . , a mire for life ii gearanfee& , '.• ',. • ' , Another. Certificate added to the hundredet h. 7 .-, have already been reecived, of the elitcany of Dr „elphain's Eleetuary„ ...; , .. .. .. . , 1.., .. '...•' • : New }roa'u, August 25,146. ' ' ' Metars;Wiiit,llt Ketcham—Denim Foe, se ve 7na Tears past'l nave been teolibleti .with.Pilety a ,very coative ande.of : my , a mpl tint not bet urns , severe is to disable me fro Ouslness, &Arvid i , kfiia' of. vi..ripgn..:Rnd it 111111 t tent; Medinines; dial ,until Allis ein .1" never, used , aoy medicine of applied to`a physician, forielief., Theiriles then Iteleg so severe diet 'Allowed severatopetat'ima to,he performedlyillund any \ benefit. Detortitin 7 i ed atter this to try : other neans,l read in atlidik , 'thew:tent nt, a...cure guaranteed ,bythe use, of Dn l , 1 1. 1 Phami - Eleatuary.k.J.purchasedthep.,boxes at ,youritare,! an& from the use of w leli'l- found Inyselt entirely curet! °film Pilesiand ney'llealtli much Improve& I remaindeire,vour much ; in, debtedfriend.— ~ ..., ,. ~ .._,EznA . Dsbanyc,„ ' ...„ - ?•,.lMerchant Tallor,11)4 Broadway, upitatrsa ' Dr:AZ,'Uphittia, PrOPrieter: , F ' '' \Sva" 4.Kwrpu Al, ISl i Filtoi itt4et, Nei! 'York,Deneral , AgeOtsfaitOlSoutletn States: C 75614 lo,Carlialtl, 4 •4 Sasitutz, ELLIOTT, an. ,DruggiAtgetittragithrattghtuit the United Stales , - Priettll . l , ' ~.-' t:';',Novembettli J /lie. .'r- 0. CONRAD. „c! . : CLOVE:ANODYNE;',.:,"::: , : !...., 1 . AN.iiniiiiiiniii, '6ll'o 'll,6ofect vire Ini,thlit ni6it'exin , uoiiiiing , ,' . . I .' "4” 41seteliettlakiLl'OC/71p-ACHE; :e• 1.1.„•be•c00ditt::,,..,••••..,..,:.,..,,.kw,_,,, ~„...(4,,,,,..„.„...•gu.n0rr,5,•:•.,0,„ '''Y 'Ping4i'Lliemiciil Stbre."- , '.- , f/ I',‘ ~ `Deo; - 30; 1840. '.' ' e PhliOcome -- 1131:1k1 pcirept hod moat porfebt e‘fort!ha ~A-,: g ruvrthr and preaurvutiun. - ofllw,firatfiant; rinted'gouninu,Boartnirt o „,4 l ,,,, 6 o : 4 it . 44 w FLEMINGS Drug Shoo:, ,4;,,•%;r('•;;,:•,.:1yn /5,.17: , • --vs.' '0 s—titi&--!".0 I ‘,f4r 1 I', ---.;.1,:i;i1-a*lll4ii Vit;Fiia44:4lM'':l `•••,-,', ''' . v ) T ) iii'likibt#o"l -***,ll!••,,;;iVNo.74"tii:liEtt',Y;, j eit We'll PIII° I#l 't . : l4 o46lAC:*** ,/ • • ', .•.••,• • • ~.•,,'•,,,. • , ,„, ~ L•,,...v, " ','.. ''' ''' •,-'1"-: ` 6 4.-1--,1 •, , ' ME THE PILES Cure for - Life centred. NM 1 quo I '' . 4 " . ' 4. .-•' • ' ' ' ,i -,;,,i...,J.i;:i! ,„ • , cliiiiuke-.- 1 , ,-;+,,,A,7„- •,, ~ -., • :.4 .., :., ,J.t , • . ...- . : , ••. , .E5ti 4 44.4*,414...iiii,#!_43 .: , • . tilillerk 2 4 1 alcuerfiatiVitrortraita' : - - • • , . . .... , . ....apl•Toimilirjaixi l im , . . PT. 6 ;99 , PtiiiiNtl l ti; 40; 44elowtilth St,. ' . :I rld , 1114RIPIJIA., ,)1-..' -- • •'-- - - - k II IS - MOIt..FRES:) -- --- : - • . --,--..' ff ... - w , ,-. ,-, ....,,t 14)- ' mare T .E.'p l et e res l ltit c n- et tnie,estatu l ab . '' "lihniotitteed liTtietisliCtifid , scientifi men.' unrivaltedlor tt - eptls' or toWettnie,sokiiii f light .and • shatte r 'while: diCy.' displiy-'allu the a rtistic. arrangement of, thelßgliesit effort - of the.p inter. Citizens °rattling-eta visiting. the Gall Ity, can' have- their Miniattlitt-cir 'Piotrilistike in this unique style,.and nWitlyl se n“,llllornitto . cues,. Gold Lopkets,or'Bikthstiiin !P ofe 'cod o wes. We - Copy' the Sillo:iling Trd, "tko,,Phlladelphia 4 , Saturday Cowie, t ' ' • - --- '-'----"'• 'l.---: . AMERICA* SUPERIORITY. - The Pnbliejoiwitala llaydid:dilliteAperiodst announced, as u ii.inerkidile iiiithircittlie4kill and: lwaficienov of 'A meeican,Ariista,that-Dagnetto types arc now/matte in this ItitY sokeliii4in every.. respect to those made in any. or. Ahrrigioropeso cities. The .succ eseir-Americall.-anisis we ••, ativiSrnied .in ti very gratifpag and conelusive • manner, by,lllr.. Barnum', .piddicity stating at, the close -of Ids Tom Thurnh - ethilittlen in this. Teity; tliT,ol. - U.l, ItW nrid matle-fifl i 7 t lin'," 00 d , p-r- - • turn, ,pith May H. itingle. tailureWitt - -," ' ditiOn - 10 - . wlifch: .11 r'. It'llinkiteeti furnialle:o4lll; te, follow- I i tig_nonolusive-ceetifienteiti ~ . ,Il,be per-, Ceived by theluirents - Of Tent Thiimlq,lty, Idir.. %noun, his teachhillind - seeietall, ell of whold• • were's/111 1 1am iteEfirepe: -". ' • ,vv.,r , • , - r.t Pert,Anztani.VAtite 4-1847.. .4 'flee. ratotereotytie of Tom ThuMb and . Ida ,' faveify-,, including, Ms _seven Lteitchera,'feutman a w driver, fcri page .t..dc., sad ids -various ?east time* awl characters; nude, hy - Mr..A - , Root; (FIFTY ONE ii11;141) presel!t a degree - of stieurney and - . " trutbfulnese to Ishittrp, with a .boht,.charm of' ,oudi net. sotlnesa,,eipressien, !manly and - deliesey . 'of - finish anil 'indium. brilliance that ae: hate - never seen equalled. They tare deeltlCilly superiot to any:thingn thusitheltittil'ajinattsed - hy,iniCither in . s cminttry 0... in,.L.nntlcio, Paris - or any..cd,the -- cities of Etiiiiite 'Which utehttve-v,iiiied. We. take pli-asuro in hearing teXtininnytd - the'hourtesy ; vin and skill aniforinly manifested 14,11ir. Root, the eminently - sneceisful l'higucifieelytitif. , • Signed. 84 FLSTRAlrrON . (tlielFailter). ' - ! • C's NT, STRATTONAtheMether) ~,, . . , ,p,"T.; BARNUM, :,' •:II ~, ;(Exhibitor orl'mwThitrob ,itt :England add Awe:, riga atuf Propt)etor,.of ,the New . - York and 'l3iiltimetre' klitseuhri. - , ~ _, ~ -,. ,„ W;W:WIKIISTER ttleCrelarS) '•' -' '' ' I'IIEODOIRE'CATLIII ', - • ' '(A tlYettisr' - ittitl 'Secretary, of , Tom',Tit'u . mb in Europe) , ' ,• • • . . ~ - This is ' l c il e . i: Gl ittiu S ily ti ' tl ie ß r ik y' lA ptr N ikchttg li " P t:ti e t e tro t ti n y rl tn tavor o 1 "American siiperioritY; comingroutit tines troonwhose .abo have examined speeinletts of the • hest-productions In the rnintnPilid prinei. ple 'cities. of Europe:? -- • - ' r ' ' . ...10 • July 28, 11347--Orno. . NEW 1110 N AND.ST EECSTORE. rni ! E Sobscribers','linporters line Di - filers in Foreign and American Iron, beg leave to call the attention of purchasers•of. IRON and STEEL, to the- noW oissortmetit•Of Swede N6rwegian, Cs.ble and Common English Iron Which they now have and are-constantly re ceiving from Europe direct. Also American ron, consisting of Hoop, Band, &foil, - &c.—. English,, Russian and , American Sheet Iron; Small Round and' Square - Iron, Troui 7 3-16ths and upwards; Roller and Flue Iron. Halle' shoe and Nail-Rods, Axle Iron, various sizis . ; - Locomotii,e, Tire find Railroad Iron; Angie .Iron,Halfround Iron, &c.' Spring Anil-Blister ed Steel, from best stamps of Swede Iron; Cast and Sheer, teel, all of. which they offer at Ilia LOWEST rates, for cash i er at six months for . approved -- referencercrid—ty which they invite the attention of purchasers before rept, nishing' their stocks: - ' Also, Fig and Blioin Iron received on coin. mission, on which advances will ho made. EARN§ & BRINK, ' • Iron Mercfruuds, 117 N. Water SCond 5.. N. Del, Avenue. Philo . July 28, 1847—1 y . . . . WATCHES, JEWELRY, Btd. 111111,E subscriber offers to the trade, or ; by retail, a large and general assortment o tli6 following ar ticles , being all pf his own Mt 'reflation or manufacture. Buyers of goods in this line are invited To eau tume the UVelif ment, and orders are soliei• led, with the assurance that every effort made to give suthfaction and insure a contin uance oft nation. Gold & Siivur Lovcr Wadies of ordinary Do. do. do. of superior Do. do. do. Anchors ly Levities. Silver double cased English and . Swiss' vergo Watches', with light; and heavy ca- Gold 'Jewelry in all varlerieKtirmand common Silver Muted. and Silver Wares.' Monied Bore/4 In"Y"10` , andl 0 tuLea Gold and Silver Spectacle's. Diamond Pointed Geld Pens. Mantel and Office Cloctts, in gilt and other frames. Watchmakers' Toolitund materials of ell sort a. Fancy Articles, Funry Funs, Steed Beads, lye. [laving every facility fur obtaining goods on the most uthatitiiScous terms, correspunding,in ducements-will be. offered to' purchasers. JOHN C. FARR; 112 Cholla Bi., Philadelphia. July 2 . 4 . 1847:.. - Hats, Caps, Lagos' lanifs; Baas, 86 TOMERCHANTS.,HAT.TERS & OTHERS. nitownr, Rat and Cap IVO:Oot!#: lii,d :llfanqtititory, No 196 ..111ariet. Street,:! 9ECOND Daeß 11 6 LOW . PilstiD4.llllllA" fit ES,PECTFU,L e Pir. eujimit pittepijori to their IL II; large rtrid cornpiele„stoek. of,..liets and :tCope, .uannfiietittcd uder. ; the?,r, (map limed i ate dlreetion andiMperiutendesice, With all the adaantagesotrirodcrn.improvemente,to °Ruble them to combine the important qualities of du tat,stfi. ;beauty :oflinish with ex tri.me chop:primes o.f A ntrume,nse ond 4 ‘ 1 04 1 1 AVM, tmeit of et II varieties and.vriees of Beaver, Brifsh.; Bilk, Molesaln; Russia. , Cesrimere; VroiilJ , Sporting and 'Ashland .Hats. Alvo l generelAwreutment of everY Varlet? Of Cape; Otter;Pur Sbil, Hair tiskrat,j Plain arid'`Friiiey:Vlbili every style; Red. /tidal Atahiiir, # :Boalette, Glazed, Oiled Sllk end 'Fur' Cops.. ' . Muffs, Boas, a; thw say !await Buierc by die' ifiiiekoF. tilehrirpAgy.ilid • call kind sec if it 'ii not pkcitletoroidd do with us/ ' • Ptiiiipiklitiatintio l i , cololgidm Arg of flats' Bte • f' • h a 10. .- i i t i i t % r,tlifi. f4 l 01 01 ! 1 & . 1 1r.ticiPikr,olgtsie SV 'a ,: Ch isihri,Plainilqinghamai,elaid 1151nshamse Ne §fyle'Cilissee_ ,s a,largeloti.....t.r. '._ W '' W 11419111 brOwn,Aluslins.. _.., , t ~. ?to .:1 , ''''hife Ind bimon,e4,suitl ;14.aheeling•01. ' - ... l'inkliws iihd Cheeks: Also ' • - . r 25' doz. Cotton Hosiern alV ( k i isidif f r_i:' , .", ' VIQ lbs. white and colored' tion,rir"; - • Irish Linens; Print SlV.thi ~00,- . ' •' ." ' Plain Swin t look,Stripetl ans,l'* l 4 l ,o l iia* • ...._:.......44-,...i......t........./.... -...._.t...0..—.,........... 7.:Whife — ainrFanet Linens forGentlemeni I. • . ''Sdmin6r Cloth and I;ashinsir§thls ' '....',.. , . • Cassimeres and Vestlitis, Carpets, are., & '. . , •.Tl)e above newartlizlcs,tinitedWll4Syyghl,ist Mite my, stoek'Oomidetßid: Pill at 6 1 , 4' 4 e.P.*.C.."7. .. hi.Northitaniiiter street and examlite'. , . :.- s ~ ..- - 'lB.‘A;collll..E.'.. . . Carlisle July 7 18,147.''' • ' "../11Skt , O. )itdr. N0:1i*%41'4"."-.1 I°4 100-, te• .100 .tair bhl ~N tr4. l ) l A , . 100 04111.17:41:-"13 • 1 11 1 1 . ij,Fl7.• . oaiiikkr 3l (i f .„ 4 '''.,':, i t:,*ll,lloo4`i ",''''43 li ."' .• , „. 7,-, 44,., :,,i,t,„. , , i 1• ,:;?:::', .1 Airi1.,,, , ,, f r0im,„ ,- 7 k'r•Pw . f' ~..- , ~2 * ~ - ,,, - A - ; `,;1 , , - A,., ,, , ~ ' . fi f : gt " V.7t,N , ;:f,::S . :: , ',I;•V ! ' iiiME iit; ~,~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers