itwal,_Stqvaiitcost .4 t \• ' IVEDNE The following waslhe patriotic language cif HENRY (7,I t AT in the brief but eloquent :peal made &ling his recent visit. to 'Phil adelphia: "There'isi" said•he, ugentlememsone tiring before we mid, which 1 . Wish you Io 'mem ber. frias'Arlorious and beaUtifid 'land is our • toiaitry—in Peace or - - - gnpernment,AßAlENßOß Sfi',4lltil announced thT, 11).:Tuiv-CLSY' speak iu: Lexiiigicin r 4Y. on SatOrday, IVw-iwTiut I'3lh - inst. o MMMI id object. - ei—The' hope is again indulged at Wa Fti• 'ingtfin; from recent intellitteuee, of a . 9@c •i•e'snnd terniinalion of the negotiations fur pnce ntlli Mexico tuviN Wes in Philinielphia Thursdny 'last. The North A mericnn says,. I he was waited, upon by mrmy o! his ttediit . 4 . lipporters, at - kilt - mg evidences were given '!uitthei Mitowati reSult of the recent election basin no way diminished !the ettnehmen weld esteem 'tvliielt every zuit'imaii mast .feel • intehigence was received lieta on. "Satin:day lasyolthe death of Capt. Wri. IVltttamoras,.ait:ol Lieut. 4 '-fd , :iivt , of 111njor;S.Miti.iza. at Vet(' ..ti;.; , ''Whoin died of the yellow lever 4he.first onilielBth and the latter on the 19th ' 'of lielober . The . melancholy intdllige . hce has.plunged into the deepest atiliction two ' , families, now residents of this borough.— 'CaptAllatrchill was a gallant soldis and Itad highly distingeished himself in the pree. .ent contest. Forltistmllant conduct in the . 'battle of ih.thria,.witere -he - had 'command of two 18 lb. gues,he recdived the 'brevet drCaj tain. laurbis he won in the field harp alas withered and 'l.l?len an lilor the fell pestilence. Our National glory _resent war is won at fearful Facrifi- ces to thousands oChappyhoires in the land 46:citt. Taylor Certainly Coming! The Washington Linion ; 'after•having for mally contradicted similar statements by the New thPbane papers,now says in its pa per of - the 6th inst that the Adjutant General has - received a letter from Gen Taylor, asking .leave . of tibsenct for fix morillist The(len assigns as a reason for his requeEt, that his — services me not at present regnired•tn Nlex leo, 'and-that-hp is anxious to visit his fami- ly. lie expresses a desire to arrive in New 'Orleans by like fir-t 'of December, Mid says 'meantime - he will come down to Altitamorits and there await an answer. The Union adds, that the Adjuntrit General has granted the old Herds reqrst. If the btai.e old Ibiugh and ReMly come North, which we leer is not likely, ho gill be received with a tornado of enthusi ' nem—there will he a spontaneous rising of the people to welcome the Hero of Buena Vista! ANNEXATION WITITA VENGEANCE.—The Washington correspotalei tof the Philadel phia Leher , says—":A Pam Tarty i's alrea dy-organizing, hcre in Washing and else- where, deterniii;thd tcyg . o for the annexation !of all Mexico, and the men leading it are delomined to test the strength of the qu6- lion by an appeal to public opinion. The Union, in two recent very able commnnica tions; signed "Wayne," has already thrown out the feelers; but Mr. Ritchie is net yet prepared to take so decided a step without previous council. The line•of policy how ever, recommended by Mr. Calhoun during the.last.:sessitpi,is pretty well given ' , Op and will not be lrecvmerrernileil by the President in his annual message, • I:lox. ; Lorna COOPEII.-IVo learn that this g3nfleman who sailed in the , Saranak for Liverpoohlias been entrusted with the igree- C' , able . duty'•ol 'Elyt - fuessing to Pope Pius, IX the . . . „ I nympetby of . aitr, government in his tibeinl Oben to Advance tte.ctruse'oiintlimat 41:3AVe learn from the - Harrtsbtirg &pars • ihet'pee daY,lait week, Mr. John Walker ot MAIM]; Cumberland county, one of the' woricrnen. engagfil althe new - bildgellell ilium:the roof where he wee shingling, to ilia ' fracturing le, died Juring. Oight:T; by.thit name of Eh risrpart op the salicia'day and, 'had both bip6tina•brtkeli.'''" d t I ,,OtitThe:People pate of, soiv:ill'ork. havtipiiide "4"ri'fpikeitf9traing'!irartunciariten-, ''iikwilittriii:llii3 -. 0014.-,-aanritiitctration4 , ! Are toibe ehataetenzea , as:"Misicike,Ped, and com , •Yert"ke-the " ' , .. 'LATER raom, EncnAti ,, l) , ''Sz' Fri'Aion . .-- - -The 4 ' fronnli Stiiiim''eltii;s4onlphia _arfretl at l;t , ">lsleii , '"forii; on•liredrieedaY. `,p4n brings: _ i; 1' '' - '" I more 'iniinies in'‘Edglnnd2ei o . _ [E . rte ligon9o 0•, ,I , I I IL , 4 . 2 , sr tv , t . 2o/ , 4, htlichooiititiciik, Id ' ll W 4 h 4 orre" I'M 'i t- • s '''-' bitla l :Aretweqn. Abad land an o. awed._ a ~, ~,i, : i • ' ICU'd et'L l li&-lif - Cil ' Ttel' ' lll3iAroff 12401,0qC0 j ; , !!,/,, C.. 4 i /Siarillelilit ' o49oiii. fi09q,v0qn„;.. , ,,,, , ii, - . 0., .1 .. .; 4 .4 .. ..4 , 37' ', l ' 4 ''' ° '."' aid' , 1004 ; . .. 1t,,, 1 1 ,, ,, 01'''661r,r, '8484",,...-4,witq1.'1104.-"4'ltt ° ' :tea' . . ,, ,J i ,' - 'Fr ,- 7 - .... , a , " , id il ittriknii * *,4 s arvilloak:fonataknpon 1 , AA:.l,cri4l',,poity I,..,l,Th,Clevejlan L , l! iibl er* ) t"Pd. "olrelt'ailiiiii,4ll4 ' ll s '4l P °6 A r i'i l t r ' a i il ' l ' l'' "t ''‘'..atilt-esi.lnts'e at'theirprirril,Nl,,,le.' :1 • , -- f fe R op ° ii iii ;4 ' i ': i d ir .d in i . 11 1 0 1 1 1 2 t, . k ,I l i n , ; . ) 0 41 :4 1 .,,, i t3 , h, ii t4.', r n ig; 1 _Y x, c 6 1!1; ~ !c : 1 1; , i ° 4 f., :t i 74 t illi i.., s ui 'p' ,6 1. i t iv l , l o ?" ti n; , 7o: l4 l li:i i i h , :i ii , l o l P lr a r I ,p p lkt s ?i ll i ; i l a ' "?4 1 , 1 ;::: e ! .. 1 ( l' , ' Ittt L'" ""- * .' a , •triinviitio to .f?. r+ ==,--. 'i p' ' btafilalm: filarial! of ~,o,fill tnt r uli,,eale,"%dhbread , sl ao .. : , ,1„,, 7 , •re avi it',, mpnlo . !WWI ' f f . , ,s, ,„, .. , bfkl , * 'ii"''' ' ' . ides l'oti'llicara i dinitl,•r.,*; ' 3 '''''' 11, ~',,', , 44:'d ',lt'.;t''''''' ~ ' . ' „? - ~. ,tlje.. an 8 `., 113 , . ~.,,jILI, I t; 0•, ' r tlt 284 1' '' .' ... '- -- , , N''', ll© - idunip'upOilj'whiali ili a' SaPfe a ~, Th. 6 wiltivii r ridiel.Tenneasee le u s la, *' ' f'R mioylvaniii-dindated 4 the ; , ,l'e°9n t 1 4 , iiatadii . l le,tn , °urn° yet: „,p, ~, '''V9urt' 9 4-- - * ' ' 1 was, WO- PY a - •-''l +I ” % S uites " %Rea t J o f ift i Wiya;malajMiip k1e0R660.8t4111191 `,..', 141',) 104,07001410 414,V9V, a ril , -,1 1 -,4 ~,___r / tii lieliiiiire coultlsbi a6l d e p t P,Y!! iP 11, viyirtial4o44 '.ri"; ...Fsf';;}' , 4', , drliti'. . '.,:t 'nie.giiiii'l'ltii'"'t'ef,,,,*'-'`,.-,lii.paopte.74. ..). ' ' a 'l4 , M : ' . , ~, 14trr,xi,bk.,410iP,1•11444!, i • ' l ' s ' ll ' 5 77" 1 1 , and',.inineidediasentedlrinh,cri4S4fi'li,;;;Niiiqfniiilng4oifi..,Sl4r Y(.941ink0n. ,43 .1, 1 Ar.,', 1t l. o , : , ' f.' ' , I ~;,,,,,;• f,4•1;t.71 • ' „•!..ViA,,t, , A4. _l 4 , ~...,-........,..,, ..., ,: .r.i...4 1: / h o I.ll r i l e pAi il S 4ll :'''';''' f ''"''''''l " 14 ` ' " '''' ' Y;', 4,7 ''', '. W. Opllvi,el-1tiP.1.,,4rq,.,..,,1einFif ILnoi; \''''.' '2:,,,_ ;.;,..t, , . - .‘, 1- Abiimiia 'lla brit thei a tev • itll'''''T. et'Wl4o',Wft9,l44rg'", t i lft:i . 4l' i4.q,:. , Thu I,•utt—_,,,,---,..;,.- ‘.kiebeieitin:ifotah,L 4 , - IffilAllaili*.fittfiekrlfl;';;,,,,f 4k`ll;:al:R't-:: vt 'loo:,)Yhigir77,-iiir,u,k,r(,TlTAl?:! • PftiS ikr. ,, nd,„-! 0 ;,:i.ig,, , / ,'' 0,7 -,P; it,32. 4 ?( ; ',f;:• t'IL f , ' ,- ",4,„; `': ' ...hiNgie Ird'SP'9 'i l '''i::, .p.1,-..e44.i.,%': .pi ''ll . !•, ,,, j,;'':ur , ' ' ' •; , •,'.?"0 ' 'th.',',-',. i k, , , , 17 „ , ~ ..E , . .4 , „,r ti l ty v-,,...,.. .-7 , .~,,,,-.; ~ ,4. ,•,. ,-,'-1, - -' - ', -u,,,wof.%r`;.'..`' •-•, , f1,"4":11 ,t• 1 7,, ~ .-',• • • ) - - li,- • 1_ 'Wft.4ol,* r ea.r...4t ft..... r ._ ..,P14 . ... .. A V 6 1 100 rifgAVO n 1 Fait idtErit l ici — U t i i 7' -. mpt_kro isitAtits;inotform if , 4114011 1 4711,0g and it , OlainlY'llificit it the North'iniki ,rtt. Pyitp . , . t '. uk 1 , , :71,decreAl..'Wli d . 2 1 r., , et". ... fought tie pr !sii6;ll in litViii;;Uf "FiTpll ot i ci 0 114 irte.lulli 1 ikely* be 'ttAtSeV4 l relao ( 1 4i3 ‘ itld , tilii)kec LOO.Ulocoa'in,NUW iirlC aitcl!".lW,;' . liaCtib`ketts 144 . 'ittpuAtaclit, an44l4l.l§arii - A , kola a speech ado by its aattlikt . jlt. Wil mot; in the cii(of Albany, on the eve of the recent. eleetio in' New York,,,that,kect„its first passage in die—House every) Democratic. member from the tree Slates, except _two, voted for it;" but, before the second . vote was taken, he said, as Randolph duce said 40111 ,ts 13.•01-thifilVef9rdy , 11!etli 3 OR'rtfelIVA0i. I !vstun hottgld ap i ctt tceftipped ; 1.14 , )-:-/til i iii tt spring of power (lie says) havini get'uclied 'by Itiyunseen- fiend, and 'the is lash havibg bedit applied to their lehacks.?' trinid - beeirarittoB4l7pntrtrirrr( - 141r;Wil. -- . said) .that he introduced the proviso to' _Jarrass the ad iinistrat , oti in the.prosecii 0011'01. the war. with Wexico: .The charge ha , cleclai tad •ba 'inlet ly u ntrue,. utilese Air. Polk desired.lowwiyonithe Tar . for.tht p urse of attitierik , Slate Territory. 11 t.. Slave Ter. 1 titory were..the object ot.the war,.theirke did' desirei/o !embarrass ilec Admitiistratik by his proviso; and by all other menits'in his pow cr...., He sdki it was time the Northern Deca nt:rats aroused and asserted flteir.iights: that thaie was no fear of a dissajbliod of the illn ion. Tlia•Sonthysidght bluster, anti bullittle North, btif•theytkire s . not dissolve thaDidba. There was. ',tuna" -$11)00 .Southern State hi' which a It'f',ljority could 'Uri or ; of a dissolution'ol the Union . in connequencir of a bold anti letermined deularation 'by the Notch that the area-01. Slavery:should be.ex tended 'no faither,.wiless, perhaps, it might 'hoe the Stale of SouiltJC:arolintrarid in -that State' it toolcsonly one man to constitute the majority." • , t , ' 11 -1-he-Volunteer-and-other .Locofoco papers tlattnttlie result in Pennsylvania. as a verdict against the Proviso. Mr. W.ItOWK4t. re gards sit. very differently. In the same • speethAhoted from above= "He observed that he": (Mr. Wilmot) ' , was - honored with the close and confiden 'fittl'frlendsilip•M Francis R. Shook, of Penn sytvaifin,tod qiittt the-,result of the late gu 'bertiatotial election in that State was alto gethera 'triumph rif At. embodied in his proviso.% Remarking upon Buchanan, he said that That gentlephawsent tip his con fidential clerk to get,en endorsement of the 'Seeretary's`(Mr. B.'s) “leiterin •Javor of -the extension of the MiNSOuri Compromise line o (jai-but-(ca id-11 , 1r.--Wriltriot)"--the confidential clerk could get no endpigearteut of his master's Slavery incubus4'.! TIrE,NLV MISCELLANY FOR Lirrt.ii.Giats AND Boys.-IVe have receivedfitst - No: of al new ilhistrated periodical' edited by Miss CORNELIA. L. 3'l intim., Lindsay & BlakistomN. W. Corner of 4th and (int:skit streets, Philadelphia. The terms are 123 cents per No. or Muir copies copies for $5, in advance... It is publishq is monthly riarp_3, each containing 32 hantl:4om ly printed pages, illustrated by allargeirort!- ispiece and numerous: mall engravings." ft is a beautiful little wcirk, and is destined soon to become very popular t;ith the-young folks. THE AMERICAN MUSICAL TIBIER is a now candidate for newspaper patronage; the first number of which 'WC received last Saturday• It is to be expressly devoted to musical in , telligence, criticism, Sze., and has for its edi tor Henry C. 'Watson, Esq : , a gentleman 01 celebrity in the musical world. Published weekly at 114 Nassau streeNetv Vork, for $3 a year. THE HOME JOURNAL.—We hail no literary paper with greaten satisfaction than theilonnk JOURNAL, edited by Morris & N. V.--- Tad last No. contained the Ihirteenth part el Dicken's admirable story of "Donnbey & Son," the parts of which are furnished regal; lady through its' olumns as soon as "reCeiv ed inn this country. There are peculiar feat ures about the "tomt, Journal" that renders it-the e pluribus unum of American newspa pers. We heaitily recommend it to our .triends as one of the hest, 11 not the best fam ily newspaper M the country. Terms $2 pnr annum. Address Morris & Willis, New York.- , - • PLANT raccs.-4rhe man who Meets a tree liquidates in part a debt which he owes to his ancestors, by payiek it, to 'pdsterity.— A , , — ,(•Tliere is, no, part of Inisbaly whiCh men mote oommortly fail in, tie lest, and , heye - danie : l6,reperet.o4;dnan *at „ithe,),) did not iiettictiiabrybegin to.plant,4teekFithout Which, they can ttoitiar„ Mani M. delight ,lttnn , their,, l 4iirN„ seldoth, plant trees till tliey begin , tobeyvise; that by exiies nonce itielrituilence and necessity of it.—L Vtotteri• Ulysses, after a , ten -Year's ..aksencie f 'wait 'reTurned it onti'Voy, and found 'his aged. father' in Ahe:field planting .trees,, he asked ~'Why being rioitit 'to far years he - I 'Wong/put himsell to the iatiguean .labor cot plattling that'of which, ho 'ly in'o*y:the fruit,l l , Tke,good„.6ll4 manj+ tm • kir a 'stranger,, gen Plant. ogainst„my . ,son Ulysses.6ines home?) od,i4hi s tr u ctive tiotfi to the 11 . 6 _4 49 11 !ig , .„: `"' ":,Jhe extensive Nursery of Judge Line,rictin" this berough, where purehaseisetimmt finding a'llaslratliti,itttiol6 .. 6f":fkilitoooStp . A., 'iTiehliti*e'ee:4pr the'r:eitirai eilitii,Ny tropes in ,this : OgOid,y, I mill , be found;' , edpef lised hi;eur , paper will tl6rnisfil evitil prop.' ..erty : tholderthe , nietifiel!ofl i tiyin# tO ,Ptiste4;,, ty• that debt7tviiiich'lie inctitted 16 hie cwt!' bre - . 4 44q.1 .R i j h PCO!j e lt ri f ),(44 Yieet`"' .°aP 14911 heartilepmmeatl to all a)s;that}so!lieautiful= 1,!,111 OUR TABLE. ' ' " Wit ii;ileitiPAtialle jtOWOOsAleal V__. 90:. -- -- --- ' .' - ` - •: 1'- .' - '. :-.. , : ..•.,.. ,_,.475i4.9F:N. Tili r rAlß'S fIN - PblA6r. •, , . "'The New Orleahe Delta publishes a letter rohi_its corresponclentillustav, datealdrOe bittot--111exiooron:thir-17tiFerfiFege nir r , in xvltioh the writer states his,gtlygpi,v,irtt, 4i3f continuing •tire war and rred_.-I.h.eriSiiiirer, ,e. :,..."-,,,,..-I,—,:w lay to be taken, , to brinvit 'to a Inaction; close. The `hitter ot'the letthrlitrorie whose ..previous comrnunichtlens Vtiris'ioutill fdvbr with the , itlafiniatratisin, mill draWn ferilr lipeeitil irsiitirail'tiriii'fiTaM`lifilrollfeld(aratifi.` •i The tetter. is written in arrevtitettiltitfrities. lion, EfIV hat areve to do next:VlQ-4t-diseuri ses the proposuion,;made in scMlei,clauttrirer, to annex all or some comliderable%iiioiti6it of allioxicoi-10 , ,the;Uniortrtiid* -7 11iiii:"Willei . poinla out, what his stijourn in the country has. enabled him to do from Dersbnal know ledge, the utter want of capacitylbithp,Ano , plc of Alexico; by habits, ladafi?n'ani na ture, for exercising those high irnportaffe duties.requited.hy-cirtilizationNuebaree-ara I liberal Governmelit. Annaiation of the gOstion. ; It. WriMil bring no good to tlte. Mexican panic tile, rind it would be fatfil to •us f : .As Calhohn saftl,iv heti the war Was (first brought ott,WAlexipo io'us is -forbidden may *lf inferiiieihife'with her affairs; without bringing, -earselves ; This 'hag heat, 'too trafi kealVied: if" we swallow her - -that is, if we .annex ts• death- hi' . • , , he proposition of Tsvt.ett to disfirie our tboundury and tall brickAnibit 'it, is !them exeminetloind the intelligent- writer gives. his . de_cided-opinion in favor of it. lie limes_ these reasons for it: "By the beginning of next-stinirner the' regiments as they norrr.exist, could be placed' upon the line of boundary, and by fall can have their houses .and necessary buildings l for their protection from, the iinclemency„of the winter oompleted, tide oupplies can,be placed .at the .yanotts'Aleinits on the. ronto whence the r armyean, be -well; supplied, Without delaraori trouWelineident to. slow and' tardymovementz. do twelve months Twin , this time we would be peacea, bly and quietly occupying-our boundary l ine: —settlers would begin topour into the 'n erd territory, which' is the best.;prothetion a fron , 'tier •citir possibly .possess , —thereby. enabling us in a tow years to reduce our army to nearly the former -peace *establishmeht,— ' Oldeli. by a judicious reduolon would be. more ellectual than any 50;000 men we Witold be able'to throw .auddenly into 'the field. The amount of indemnity we .have' oTlFred to pay (h c pri. to us the territory -ask, would trans port our armysupply and , maintain it. in their position for at least 'three years—the re vertuellerived kern- the duties en imports would Maintain the garrison: occupyingilie. hathorvon the coast. ' * iifiiiiiCerely, - hope that - the United - States" will not determine with promptness -and, decision to, pursue, anctra fl"dlidy .berlfuftife contests with tAlevicwas her own interest may dictate, and the laws of nations author-. iso—that she will determine her boundary—, move intinediately'tion it—erect her-forts- Mid depots—invite settlers, and.allordtthem such facilities as will soon people the, tier-and then defendand proteetthein they are able to Maintain theruselves,.and 4f Mexico or any other power feels.aLlvieved: at the course - ea have taken. let leant drive us troin'our position .if they cati." • The : wisdom of this pcthey' tags'ise, mapt-- fest • fronithe beginning,aays the BallimOre Patriot, Met it hi a subject ftfrOmaxement that it was pot adopted as soon as it was recom mended by Gen. TAYLOR. , That. it was not is rather &ring 'to a .jealous fear that thereby the armhole credit of tae movement would "enure" to the benefit dl •Gen. Taylor, al ready, as the Administration apprehended, too distinguished by.his connexion with the war, than horn a want of ability to appreciate the Advantages it promised. - Mr. Bolk want ed to gain a tittle glory for himself in this, his own Vleculiar fight, and therePttire, lie iri r l alined that it should go on. But now that the battle is jOught out, and there more fields to win, d 11) , will he not give our oO'n country, as well as Mexico, the advan tages of practical peach, by withdrawing the army? 11 he does not decide to do so, it may be, and we hope will be, in the power of Congress, and. the desire of Congress to do it. t • . • ' HOLSkS, MUMk*, &o . . • • ,• • • , The'COtrunitiee on Ho , mes,Meesrp. Thom., rts'Lee;Wm.'4ll..lyatts and John Stuart, the i _ tiy: r4 j l4 n l ib_no,g,,Lb,e_e , substituted_tai._* members of the, ';cointnittee who'' were mot. iiii;;;;l4, - I;y. ' ineitjr)iiori 'et IrAelii . oh:o l with .• 1 0 1,, ,li t ro ", " t i l ;'- ‘ ti' , , l t tl e t i% F l:* i s l b% t r,, l n. / .; ‘ ± i .a ri . ,; th j a 7 r mir btil 9 :- PlotOrial ii!,ltott:t4 ll ?„ l !'!li'q l (:',',!, J . - - 1 ,°, 111 „ e ,,, 52 r iI , I L. i ted,t9 Ihr Inspection. and the imerovernm t bil4;nlion'titit#P,oltib,rolPit 21 1 1 :ma"Pil'!" 1 ! manifested in' their breeilinO i ttiid.44o4ce ie,kl . : C 446.enr m. " 8° annP Y s ti/e jtm° , , ,„ l ' ia, P •lho'bieOlio Ol thfri'n'adia,(anynaOhe intpOr 7, . , f'yarrnints" y e tich•al•iekatiotts rat,O.'", • 13 ,e lai c rid m p re ,pfl re in breaking: oohs ootit for ',(both ti-61fttd;*/ti,4•:l),!' destructive the saddle and draft." They•astard ii , 1 . , gather/Mori useful than' uesiroctive , on the , I ., A j iiiiii it uit t iiitt l i! e i dOlitirfi'CO' 1y,,,,, . Cam great iPennitylvania,farm. •,. Bufriiiiilacolose: •irrini;fiii,)he'!iitit,!tadAi#9 4 , for pi?* ands ocromioni s •L on the'Slate t Yikiv9:f l4 l!'!tfillt r° 3 , Purpose ..iii,;•"rt4o''diil,Vis 10' Richard ' ' - P'`` t• ''' IC . c j - 'illo "dOgo on '' elk 'Prenil . ° ~ I t . i f . if bird: 4l6 'd Wie" oOd, 1 !?'!, Y,,,tis , rg • • ~_,,,. c r aigl i nad,Jor best Mare for , eSi. an road him lo,s)hapet hiot;otiv ‘ '''' J P"'' initesis: I'!t.;ittiAbifau , fl:,myo:bo",yiith , PAPPl ‘''''''l. . ' 1 . bicause '' is' iffeY 'thibk . "lkatiVie WlierJ col* Elie . ' anpl:,'.illide, .years i t 'g raat ' 1188 ! , 1 . , ~ • '• ' ' ' " ' ithei : feieet '';'" - '-'".. '' ', , . , `th44ll.l4le:driYeii;hl"6l64t'll?'6ll:Pf P* l litti..' 'C'lj ig l ia n t76l .' ol ‘,o i 3 Mo/1 1 / 1 1 ' k f t , i,r(*il:auti . 4. tirfifitr a / a ficniiiiiViihnite'cir,l'ethhh,ta;itq nu f 3 S• ,„... tAptir',Viiiif Fillei' t viiiii-tie tOrtnibl42 oi Pfti'-r,2 Ir. Ii1;$ IV Y!: I ,':, .' A ; ., I , ~, ~...; ~.., ,9 ,, ,,,, „, ~,,,,, ,{ l. f ,, 1 •,,.. ti er„,, t ...., P,ii'}49:l;% g h PY1 U Y'V a41.3 . 4(11 ",t 1 , 11u , 3 ,7 1 / 2 7 1 :' ';,• ° ,!lttliel.C9:lliTli!'teP WAII , 4 IO °MP I '. I R ' l 7' ..13n1t6ifiCoOn,istr'nu;9Pi'IV5P,4?-rTYjil: ,ikingi)ierrilinifeiiheirtinot'-oflntolit.thOnV-. iall '*' o ! : "l li ' ichdi/ P i trklitq e :l4'44 l° oo °/c , og v ito With iti6' diPY:eis l6 *' itZ,0 . 44,4.5 , ,,, ''''f'""on'O':!?C*. ei - peT! , *hp - xf , w4lelo • i iiiiii,ii k ytitiiii, l . ft o rl v, ,o 4 6 4o, , , ,iti t. inrL .we'.ell4 rtiAl'o.gir, , cildogodiVic s v .timillirY' i qii'V'' t kilifi'l.,;:inr,rili4bolleit439/elitir,:filid; 4tion''' '' —'' ' ” dead it goi4t 4 OW tini`ierir-1TP , “ ,9 0 . . 1 , .• t ' ~, i .",:i,,,i' npii ti';'iJb'in , W Mei' ' gitt wee arl , ' , ',,.li , j,v , l4i v h Ar mell,broktm;•...' •,, ' -,,,,-, '•/ , ',••• „„°,„_ t o. , r. top. Otihe: fatn0a1. „ , ,919 , 1 1 3 .,r,,pg?,6 1 P fl•' 4 j..!, lioli;:,r‘fhintvy•AOo'dior,l All i ,,i,loi j i t t,!.,?,f i r,: t reil 11.°1 1„,,i'i 5 ; i4 j 1 t ,4 ,,,.., 1 ;10:,,11 •• f, i O FAIMM 9 -' PIJ '.biiitiiii?.!9` t''''. , ' ',.''-' ' ..:,:(,'.';;;,:, wv v 4 't , ..74.411T L 41` ..41, 'B oo d iNiii ' 9nPutY , gthniiihr atr:Thii , Peritii ;:noiltel' , "-. 1 .,i.' 1i0 cp ii i it; ite ` 44, i i ii i3O •A in ip t ,l - 5 1, -.- -.^ ••' ' -' , ,e..t-',..'• ''l ' , %- :." it . ?'"P'•:P r'''''''' ' ii •td ; anti , ' l'O'=". is i 7i) i ;s i er 'h *3l6 : 6 i c i s i l' iti i i; l ; l4'!l le !hr' il \ 7 0 9 113; ' M t* Ia lI. :f7t F Pr t r; '`#ionik.b'etle. fr w .i l oi:i B :T v ii7Y r e t s lil a rt.,!, , ;,' 4%..,' . .;;' , ` lieiviltil'ipriiiiO4,4,;l4liii nowy,hgriOT 'i' , / ,?-7i, t .la ro ki in . llorpo;' , 01 kreilf:eileannd,': rings, ti . e'bijinniriotgand , ' glossy, and : Vs' ..9' ,1 : ,, , c. 7 - ..,- ,„: ..' • , ,-,- ~ , t -I:: • • t::• , ;434jr,-4: , . 4 - 5-• - VrDnl'' ' ''' ' 'betokening gielngitions- ' Wiltiam Aterarter,,.,extubttede l a..pair p e'4 I .I9t 3 ,RIPT+ . . , , r;, ;,,. ~. . 4 - , tof , , o , t '' :i :, tie': eitioved s tiriAB4oll - 4:sp6be'Ven * nistoll*Oiois vioati„i-Atnno.'yearo, , ~ a. g f , 4 1 .1 ) !P,,v,,, 71, , ,-,, '',. ,:.. , r ;,.-, :' • .' , :•••4 ': ,-. , ..,i.i', "iiel k ,o loi e e Taallio nes.oi Ol tincform , and lie-, itedCite*it.ittiia!pr4l4o - o&lbe '7O 1. - .• Ad ell , i)esMvingths Woo thm. ' w / 1 1 41 t' .:' Wit to 'Pion 'l6ke'befil#'4sger- iielk 7 ;PP) P., •, . ~,1.,;,,•, , ~ 4 ,, - ,,, 1 4,,,,t , , v , i ro ~-,- -,-, • ~1 1 ,.., ~ , • , 41.. ' , -, t he autaqpitli , 40,44.-.11ity.,1,A1,,,,,,, , ,):‘, ~ , r ,- - -.1 : -; 414 t rli tp ag°n165 °l: ' ,:cle . aib '' .. ... -^ l Y , ' • , 7 , '' . .',2 .•'•" 1., .'•, , '', '';&'i'=. 4 ,ii,ntiaii - ,: - .0:• , , -, 11 , ,;.., 1,1 : ` Os* ' b tiVl;;?o , 4t.,.pi,i:o - ; ., at --,, ',-„,:;,:'',• , , - , , cATTI. - •Atip.,? , 0,111." . •, 1 •/.• nW4 iiitili f tl)6l-0614 , 10 ,;• 4 *. , '404"'j1''` .1 - . loi i i i ':, Istitii , .4l*. sii 100Gf.. 1 , 0 41ini I ,i'; 4 o l #oltr pi* ~ , F 4tf. ; , , ,, , wi t. ,„t - .:4ipi,i,\.4o - . , i(1)4.0 ' piligio.!;attpt.4 6 ..n.o6.44' . 4 , PtP l .-; 4 1 F01. fil, , P':,. it ? Oar,i'Vhi'''. l ' 4, '4; - ''' - 'l' itErSql4;' , Fg : 4 l .„,l4l:l o l. l ,i4t ) „Ikettplf. ogo l ct ot4 t y , ) t, ~ 4, 1 1A,.., ."4 , 5 ,,, 7, it;. 1:10N. te' Ott -'LtlltC'' V. r $0 . 044 1 4 . 4 1 4/0 1 110 1 / 4 sgifeht.tV.',..-: , H,t. 01, , • ~ ~., ~ ; .:. . .,.0.'..i v. l'. . ~., , ~ .. , :m tT . ... ,. ., ,- 7. , ,...,...,',..,'..,.. , ,,f.. , ,,', , , t-.....;,, .. ~, ..., ~,,p , ,p , ~ ~_ ,:, ,0, ,:,, .: .', O ' Ffitlsl . :.4o: . , Ot?:, , ,',..P.,„ pv....,46',!;:'1,11V; '.'W‘J.iVq...L ., O,A ''' : '" , :i.. ,, '' , '''' A L ',;''.; ''' , ' ,,. ' 2d!' ;, ... : ;, ;;.1: ,1 1 .. ' . c : ' ,Y..1.4 ' 16- . .iMit : ; 4,4 ' ' 1 .5 ' ..";,4 ' ':,N , J,;,, 9 , 14 ,: d 4 4 .4141,1V4-10,V.41.3i ._ ;1,Z::,.; , ,i,. , k:F ., i5 , , ![1 . ? .:, . ''..: ;',' '...1 - e_ t. ' .,, ',, , ':,' , ".' 1 •1: , ' . /,'!:' , 1a , ':.Nif,TiViiie, , 57.144+.44, 4 14.k5,0 , V:,,:kkr.A.k , g ~ f5:.Y.,'qkr1,, , ,., , , , ,, . ih, ~t.,4,.. ,„ . . „ , Stielety Meting.. ,_Tho of 'the tWie . liOf f ic't,Frti!,.2.§,khAtiber. The ' 4. l `:;*fii . __i,tkii.l t kittttlelifiiJK.gliAfrii. Ann ' Bradley' rind - Richard lielfrei,,ftild:caritilully prepared a place for fhe reception of all such things .as might be presented for exhibition, and i gke3loo . .#ol,l haies' - been " dein red , - tfettlfeciffififf 4s r .if - tlicevitttaliailY or-. 'dared.t encoutamp,rosp f erc,t, WilAjgas ''' cletiii :. &lol3 , .."The 'attendance ' • • Ai pelt eqv s largei and e Interest whicti th s oy seemed to, manifest made the 'imptes , kelt objects of onr so cietylWere seen 'nna Teltiand.Pie inotives'ol. it mnhre to promote the art , and science , pretliated - 01 ilorledhlire The. PLOUGHING MATCH , omit evident of , attention; % Of this; ',exery,;!iiaa,ridistnis bioiself ',jiidge, 'mil his anxiety to pass .11-,e9 'the, merits'or demerits is : measiired byltho degree:OE confiderteo.7hich he has i r tt ow 9 .Otherti, mere";spectatoni, 'iokiiittetahe eAvatt- . tape of: tiny, praetical ttowledg, look 'Open 4;EOsimple an,operationi'and its object's so- . manifest,, as to be, entirely within the coin -ti relienalciii;4Mil - subject ,;to tit .judg:notit of 'thei:'"tnitat 'untaught.'" Du since Titgrioniture ha' a' bsithMet 'the , subject of, thoug deeming , ait4 learned men - leive tuned their' :alteittiter to this .mest - impertttni. of. all snb, *Seelf.ic of farmers . itas in it nitterywhohiive paused to enquire why cer3 tairliqutses pretlece certatn results : this t has ..prialnced atiotltgr . .elass of tirtert,' who look Upon the aPparently simple act of ploughing as the'greet ftrst principle of - good farming t whajare net Content tr) know that the ground shcitipe ploughed to produce geoll gram, ; but .w iy. ajt,ould ,be.ploughed : Who 'are ncit' slitlsflO -WO lire mete turning.of the earth doWn, but examine it when turned, to see whether the object of turnirig it has been accorriplisbed : who look upon the earth as having capacities to consume, mi.:. ture's-food, drink her moisture, and breathe her,tAtrnosphere ; and that it Is lhelbuttirfess: 'of die ploughman to take care that all thette, -fariions-ate-properly-peiformerl,--This-pro.- .ducterk another, and we trust a large class of observers upon the grounil. At the hour appointed ekilit dBretesitors for the honors 'and ' premiuins of the society wesented themselves: James Weakle with a Speelman;Plough, held by Joseph Ale y, xander. Frederick Multi, noutr's centre' draught Plough, - held. by,Saimuel : , -,beerge Handle, (ol Monroe) St. C! Co's - centre draught Plough, held by-him -8f5r.1- • Plank - Ploddhilield by ann. •deittgekhattam. • :-' Bradley f -Proutre 'Centre draught :Plcaigitebettlty sort Alint`Bradley. • 19ttorg9.131±indle., (N.:Middleton) Henwood IPlpugh t , lttil4 .. 'by RCM John P. Brindle. • -ffohn Bemminger, Plank Plough, held by •Etp.- 4 6iintliyieqintinger. • • 1 Abrathm•llyers, Plank Plough, held by see. Abm. Myers, Si. •71'he,4idizIsi were Mews: Robert Bryson, John Paul, ehristion Stay man and George Rea—a ,tribunal; iri wiustie cantior !Anti judgment the Competitors Bid the highest confidetiCe. • • The Learns went off benutiluily togetlier, and each ploOghman put himself to the work ns if his lile depended upon tife.result. the ground was a tough-timothy end and in good condition. The ploughing continued about an hour and a halt, dining which time the judges Were upon Ilte ground to examine th'e wotli„, as it progressed. After each had .ploughed a land about rod wide, he was required to drag a harrow once rata 'on his work. This was dune by all with the same implement. And now between eight com petitors, alto! whom . did their work so well, the judges weig:eallial iipolt to decide . ; and they awaribtiA : , The first premium, ten dollars, toGeorge Brindle, ot•Monrne: secontllposmium,.sbi,dollars, to:Nihn Grahtim;cd-Sr•oth Micldletda: , , The third premium,. three dollars, to:Tames Weakleyi oh, Dickinson. ,• , And' Treasurer watg airegtea by a reap, ititiOn'orthe Society tdaecompany the pay; tritiet-olithe premiums with al , Ceitifioate el . .I%lorit" to tiach.' 4' 771- '. • Ilke;•. 0 ;tivAr , 0110 6' , to" Noble; '10i: 04 .1'44g atedVltthe_,l3:est.• Sul • The prernlliih•oftWilltbllare.p:Robi son; tor the b'esttoWtgia ateii ham, .Chbfikke and ' h nat . 4 K-liendefitotfrAbi t TOrtiktVA:itill:bief : Short Horpftkpbrhamep 91 ; . 4 Thomas ,1010 4 SxhibAtiht . twaTeautiful HOE ers, two cotitiritt,iSices;teers,' ertriallttovlV, Durham. • ) George,Lee also exhibited, three *bantiful Heifers, of the same breed. Jacob Plank exhibited a Bull Catt, AordliS'iddrwhiChliiireThfriliiliabfe* fqr hip age. AAlsora veryAlneLlleifot Calf; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. - The Committee on Agri9 l 44l,rjli.klflP,l.9-; v qr 'Sterrett . , made, report of the Airioultural Implements exhibit _ •.; fled Drill by H. W.,Smith, Jo' whom a certikatitit, df merit' Was nisrarded; he not be ing-a Mem bey . of the' society. • •,' A 'Bei3d4ltilleby-Janes We:fie-ISt. A Scoring-Plough,. the invention of Jacob Blank ; to whfitiPwh's'awarded a premium of fifty. cents, • A Harrowithe invention Of George Brindle of Monroe, a preftworn tifilfiy cents:, A , Forlder -and Straw. Cutter; by 141esars. Weight aridßaxton, oPCnrltrile, to . whom the gommipen awarded a certificate of meiit as testimcfniof of their approbation 'th • plement. 'Olthe Two, Seed-Orilla the( Cottimitteirnde aided in favor of that of H. W. Srriith.- SHEEP AND HOGS The . Comminee -on Sheep. and Hogs, Messrs. Thompson Galbrailh, e rJoseph Culver and Wm. M. Henderson, renlorled : A white Maeltirp-Boar, iv William M Flentleison. • • • A black Bershke Boar Mibited by Wm .141. ilemicrt,on:• Three Fine 1-19ge,•fourteen t*iOths old by Samuel Myers. , . Four Fine Hogs, exhibited by George W 'them. . • , • ..The Comthittee were of the opinion that tildBhtottanitel tllye - is were the best: • lietrimmitteelin Seeds, I.llessrs. Teem as Bradley and George W. Shedifer, made report of speeintetis of seed wheat exhibited by George Brittdte, of Monroe, Robert No ble, and Joieph Craver, and they awarded the premium ot'fifty vents ler the best to Oefitge Brindle. Specimens of Corn were 'exliibitbd by .ChristianAtay. an,. William Adams, Jocob Plank and Willi, i lLitiedde, and they awar ded the ,pteniitim r 14best corn 'to `oliiie -tian---tityrtian',--the-prtnhiEtturraVwhich--wns- eighty Weibel§ to the acre;. that of 'SVilham Adams was eighty-five bushels to the acre. A specimem•of Black Oats wasalso exhib ited by Jacob Plank, ..1111SCELLA NEOUS. . A premium'of one dollar was awarded to ‘l' Kineade, for a-basket-of—well-made butter. A premturn of fifty - cents to George. W-- Shettfier, for the best cabbed°, a head of which weighed.24i lbs. ' John Harris, of Shippensbnrg,e'xiiitlitea a, benutitul amid his own. manufacture. • Thos: H. Criswell, exhibited a. specimen of Segara made of tabacgo ttown in this county. . Jacob Shrom, exhibited Potatoes of fine thze but quality not approved. Andrew Cook, Onibited a Alidish, raised by - Jacob Squire, weil;bidg 4 lbs.-3 oz. Beets,- raised by - tivid said to weigh 17 lbs.'euch, wero exhibited. I cannot close this report . to the Society without the expression of a hope that at our nesuannual meeting the exhibition may be more extensive,:itribracing every article of manufacture. Why should not every man who iseineleyed in the mechanic arts make tiUSille occasion of exhi l bitina him skill; what opportunity no fit and so public ever piesents itself, and what lecommendatiou can lie hive which is of more value thgnitlte Certi ficate of the Agribultural Society, founded Upon the'Nfolt of its intelligent committees, made upon.actual.examinatidn. •FRE WIC WATTS, President. NOVember 10, f 847. LATE FROM MEMO) Santa Anna Restared to Pdwirr-lkie:vicanfObv ernmeat at Quirgteir cr—&-n. Lane Advancing o littan la—Smita Anna, with 2500, AL. anduning that place-- 7 .Seveilty Americans Re. ported Killed—Gen. Rea Sallied Out from Pug& to Meet 'Gen.• Lane--Rrospect . , . The New, Orleang papers receio(l this morning announces the arrival there of:, the steamship Alabama, .with dates kOm Vera ,Cru,to the 20th uh. Ge .„ o ~Pattereon ,was expected - to march in to the Interior, on, the, 4th. _ . . • ~ Thii,Fenips.of,LibArty has files from the eitf i Ty'Plezico to the 7th. Profound tranquil.. tyiteignedaliere. , As soon , as the govern. Anent olTena y Pena had been fully 'orgatr- Aedi;theJact was officially annutoded to the the `).epresontatives of 'foreign poWertrittiriend ly:relatiens..,with , Mexico, and the British Intni iter_repliedip_sallslaoictry,terms— , _______ ~The Per.tua of Liberty wasimilormed by a ,ge t itieman that }eft the, Capital 0111.1 hp. 7th . tilt. that ilte,tiept!ee.ivhicb ordered .Pena -y Pena should. takeetitiigti of tiro Supreme power, in.,conjunotiort„tvitti. two assomates; had been repeated, and .s,anta ,Anna hail been , . again called to assuMe.the , reina Akita government -and;:yomiesith!J ecuem,ard ~ 01. jtie,army.i The' same geniletetut also reports;thavpinedeeis , 'at ,Telareingoi wherp,lemas endeavoring to' establish',..hia,, monarchical , eyeteni,:: and i he t hati,recently, : made . sorne:imptirtant ...eoriverfa, 'to: , his riAltteal,,princiNeS.i.. , :., i . 14: ; i ' '',..: „ A 'Veleneivell, Stt , ..lus t ;ltaeleatlei•Aakingirta : part in Talttical. albite; t .f.... , !, I i' , ; ilom "i., :I.' , y i ~., i i .. ;,Pqn,:firay.p'3Ncitt ~.jaNtioN Imeeefif qui, : 11 ,"°Ekhis;;Parole ,' :ird ..'..i.,•:;;;.+1.. 0, - 1.1,4. !'! ,;. 7 , ”, '.' The'Seinbitinee of' ;the 'Plexicati , ..trOvtirirk ngrnqnnfr,:,nncording ~.,!.caripeintmenfj at Qee.; etarpipn i the titl t ultpinn,4theie t bejng l iteibin7,, fite , ,a,quorntla t .nothiog laUltlzbe;detre';'..,Tlite, feelifiga,„ Of, ilte., i(eople,e*saidt tct be attend '.°All',3lY.opitolPd.,•ip."lolY,,''POMProttllO-Nritt- t 4:9: 11.9P.f.. 1 .9rlisiir,figif attte.i- jeadiicgistnew . iintl. ;c, ! o.4opdgiAc k t, 4 , rriiitd,pikrvis,hago'ne-pi Ciin r , ,lilar,,o4l:o,l l l 3 Plee! l o 6 , B gtitia it oath ,til , the iitty; Pl, 41exiecti,i4l,q'.i .'.l;.i.t:il .;' , %•.if. , ..1,,?1‘t. , ,,1i.i1c , ', _;,, :•:' . ;,F,MM'Ae - santeitOur.cei;thelgetniitt,Of , l4l:•: ' 4 9l3Y,: l o4FPo.4. l }:q4p ,, lL;Oeff4ttle.e.iforea.c . '. en t s the. : I _;,llh,.tiltoiwn§44 l ;llo3oo 4 ritlitialOWeih - iilriv'fiy:. 9P.JY.q. - clt!Per9ol - IMO l',..Ptiehle,tySataci.4iimi ,m , kthertlii,,WAVaeUaletkltit'otaw,PiOkilhiOntif • pr,o,a9k 91:moo., 4,ane,,:': Inavifigflinninif, bik: . 00,400.itn.,*;:addleFyi ;and ioo,,,lidnonoks, , 1 Vii.lo.nnli...:Vngn - iind.Jool3ol4o;oi,.. = l , i'o'i., - .-4‘i1;', , i ,, .'.','. ,- ,',:iSitrit;i:Arina,:bittl.' 2 lQol), • Cavalik,:tit:thet,iiiiii: ~ anditihOit subsequently been • reinforced 4500i . " 7, ..4.514 1 . , :::99.i1izi1rind : again took poisess i , JP.l l.6 t , ltiCto*il: , o4 4 fict*L'Orle"'idel 4llll6l ; :arid lit)llo,ing — .4 100,40 K filled SiiViiitty4nen; it 0 71 14 4 :10w•.004.;,.0.0.0 ii 1t4,1.11 t it1P,14.11104: ' liV t . V , !Mbht r illikV .0 1 d1ra ( 1%; 1 0, 63 ) 3 i 4 . *iel},V.4l.ltiii„liktlPtitOt,,(ch: Ottio.44t.' l l - 1. 0 4 ;n401e4ii4,1441;, , , , ,00, - 1.i...):0414 . 04."* . , ;4 4 V f'l,M 4 tkel i lih)gli'ibsO l pv:Pl* 92o;' '',','. l ;-.P , ie',:i,',ii,'..'..:4--i!'...,''.VV. ~;.-,l*Tii:j4MilArt4kpri#.;;nbiMk. wit94,':;.kiirti :Nenkioils.vjov . o)oo44,4oidi*io i tiont.lo;in, it iiii416(004iii.nnfidv,.:',;?;::.. , ,, , ,:.• ..C?',.. f,',: - 1., '; 1 Z'..!;'..;:r:. ,( C.: :?.... , z,f... ,',.,,,',,.., ~i ~,. ?....;., ~.• ',, ;;,.."0 . 4,':::'-'''..'.7.•'; ,,, . , - -,...:i-:..z.''.,'!-:•.-;.':,"::..;' , :•,.,:' , 4:....-:.:,.:',-'.. , :;:t. l q', , z,..; , ,.,..!?,:c., ,,, ; ..-‘ , ' , ",:z2.:u..' - -.4'Z...;,••: , : - .: , : - ',.;:•::: ., ; ,, ,P....,•,:.....'. - :'!:T'.:1 - .;1:.. 7 .2:1';' j-1,,r0'.'-.1%.VA-. fle:,3,7eifevy,l7fiTiiiW : . Nvas:,;ill'.iiiiciiiii:6llith' Ititirsi . irt4eiikiniiill-the-Dragooneth:et id 614 , ',.."-..; '::* . ::. -.- ; , ''l.- Le 5 . ,* 1 0 zweiiiiip the hestyk . :of Matetncifli iiiikhi , etfireit-'lollo,lhe;;lo4 . ertotinti4.4. .t . Pti . I)rooll. l :Bs)4.ittiii4titiiiii!she-v)etini* i f leJte:rfi AW,".,..4..,.. -,._, -,4-..—; 1. Repi t tli prevailed filet Ali; ermyilnetl patt% iteettf. literellaWthe sueelitleryXrid ilia a. MegfCaft force 'lkea pliktia-sit Mier: nzs . , . NEW YORICELECTION. 'F'UNPARALLELED WHIG VICtORY! Listen to Ike Whig_Thunder frOni the Empire State! A DOUBLVF}::SET.T9J ) ,EWTI,..Y.W4I, WeliNbatiefy lime lime to mention, in a portion of T fatkvveek's edition, the first iteme - Of - returns indicating the triumph of tkAes Whigef aitlkietiv We new !limit• the joyful newathat the viutery of the Whigs iscenipleni and triumphant l 'THE CITY & STATE ARE Witior ALTs‘ THROUGH . Every 11. 7 'hig,'cm the ' State ticketis elecked, by majorities Tainging,froni 20,600 to 311,00,0! 'tend the Wliigs have probably elected three= fourths oflthe'irriml3em of both branches of the Legit , !aline ! i ! 21 • more iranscondently brilliant victory was tleVer, Warr by any iiarty . iu any : Slate! • •. The Tribtine says, , r For the first time since r4lc our STATE. GOVERNMENT IS WHIG IN EVERY. DEPARTMENT; save the Judicial. We'have ft Whio 'Governor, Lieuti Governer,' all .111knenclitof Depart., meats, enmil Boartli - Prition Insfiectors ' with large majorities in each liranch,of the Legislature. Never before has the State Administration been solluiroughly Whig." The Express says: '"lt is rx bre untarn ished Whig triumph, and can, theretoreArr cheered and welcomed everywhere, and in every quarter. as a great and splendid PURE IVRIG VICTORY! A variety of causes has brought this Whig Tornado upon She (Democattyi in this State. *Nit of , the.first is, the nominatiorrolu POwerful Whig ticktit —unsoiled by an fsdr, and uncontaminated by any_Unbrily.iiilhancebut .Whig._all over and only Whig. Thi3 W higs'were, therefore, 'United, and Sod have rolled up 'their majorities with is ',leafy good will.— They have- all pulled togdther. Another cause is, what we deem the .proper stand upon the*Mexican war, and the consequeir-. ces involved in AL._ They 'have r in their State Contention and public meetings gene-' rally. Acutely distinguished 'htitivieen tie du ties they "owe to their country inVolveri in a war, and their abhorrence of an'administra- I't ipn, that frniteddsdarifyltnfi IriWitedly in volv- VO'untry in this war. Their vote is -therefore,not-o y verdiet--of-death-upori the adininistr on that gatshp this war but to vote all n cessary supplies to hurry it to a ratial• carripletidnivith ridother 'firm 'deter , =illation 'that from 'conquest' 'Shall licit spring the extension of slavery chobr 'teriitory now free. Such are 'some of the p,rlnciples Upon which the great State of NW York has tots , !pronounced.'" The State Adminstration yearenSaL John •Yonna;oniving4tor '66; ' Gewernqr ilamilton Fish, New York, Lieut.' Gov 'ernor:. f IVlcirgihrt,'Of 'Cayuga, Secretary o State: Millard Fillrpoie. o'f Erie, Controller: Alvah Hunt, of rhenanacr, Treasurer; Ambrose L. Jordan, of New York, Aporne: General ; Charles U. Stuart - r ot Monrrie, State Engin - er ; 7acob 11fnJs, of Orleans. Nelson J.,Beach, of l l e ewis..anil 'Charles Cook, of Chemung, Canal Corn ails:4oller. Hamilton Fish is chosen by some 30,000 In a Senate composed of at least /6 %%lugs to l Loedfocos. And this Senate is elected for tfro fitlT years, the whole of it. So that the Senate now chosen will participate in the efretion 'of a J. S . Sen ator to lake Mr. Dix'o pleat, from The 4th of A1aph.,1849. It will ho'a pity if We can't elect I'Mo-enough to ,the Rase, to choose a Whig Senatok,.by the help of 420 Whigs in the Senates• • • • The whole ntwiher'oi witiiiibets of Assev bly ol which' the Whigs will probably elect at least 75, While they may reach 100 f • * New York City gives nearly 4000 for the Whig candidates and elects 4 Whig Senators and it Whigs and 5 Locosto the House. The result of this election was looked to with more than mount interest, as probably influencing to a great degree the next Presi dential election and the future prospects of parties. A. direct and positive issue was made.between the two parties Aues non of the atinekatidn pt snew Slave Teiri 'tory. The 'Whig Convention unanimously reiariett in favor' of .iftiPWilmot Proviso; while the LoccifocoConVeritiOn on the other 'hand, refused - to adOpt•a• similar resolution. The Anti-Slavery=txtension poition• of the Demodratic party, with, VAN, BUREN, Mr. CAMBRELIArsrata other-leaden'', imme diately called-itnother "Democratic , State Convention," and' with a deycition io princi r , pie and an integrity . of; purpose,. that„does honor to the head and heart, denounced and repudiated the Pro•Slavory action (tribe - ,coldco - Convention, - and - reanivett :iteftia - re; - cognize'its 'nominations . ..'•The 'result is be 'fore Afe,copntry, and a ghniotaivire,it is. -I NERT'JERSEY:' . • A ;Whig' . Lagoiatura t ' aad a tocofbca Ecivemilti . • In 'l4 Elealon the • • Whigs ,have t'riu inpheit ittOustial id ltie ileation• of a 'Whig majority both hiranelieS of the' ;. .,eg-,. Randidele ,for' deretnin,"aWing to divisions 4rt ()Wu ranke..: r.,"Wright,• the Wkiirbandidate'lori •Goydruor,Aurd alienated „` . ,,,p f a lait. 4 e•bot; , li t'hb iirorni3ent who ran, in 1442 ,fgr,Congress_.< notniriallen )In,dlr, theit , Olroumghtnees 'wds ourinfhie,•°lttid the 'edneektiebb tlid . l4'ii,firYll%A Ifigiiiiel;iiP3.44iot.ihit,ao4titA in :18'42. ~ bittiSed s ,t)Y: 'merely; paroitaifiabiingrLwill, appear Ihnfitot, that, rbile Hudson bounty grves , Mr. tiaplbs i qloOProca•eatolidateifonaoydrab*r) majority VI 251; ,itlelsotwetW hig P 1 ,0 1 : 111. !?.! 5(4 majeritv, ‘WhigAetritsaY a nd - a, T u g.' ” ` r I The remilt neyetthelesti Subsisptial. ~ Whigftrieffo:, The •:oilli•real;' test or;ltte Whig streogitt,is PittLOgi,slakcire; and this rs ittodglyVhigi.-iguite,',UscPtltrOrigly: , ',Whig as sosig , sirid;weihrit4 tiOtleubt.thalL - the ptt,pa , ,will, Pi:!?‘e th at t h el olt s,l l l. : o 24 3 ::r„ w:;mh!:4 far oft ~ , ;