, j'tly 10 (11g Var"Ortil' - t..i illl4l ,l,* '•••• : " .3V c z - 'ELT IiY.Efac'sIVEDN.NSIII.I% C;' FPI „iikla,Saluh_tvethagzirgilig • 'SrPthre;Vitdc the' Catiq.:FEnts - : , ,,,1. ,, ..-JERMSIOF •SUBSCRIPTIONI • ••; !: ' t•.' • I .ciordth - nritaturn - t - t•iiiti - wyeirr - Di A -- 131-Ayttz;- 4 -----; • Waft: Dolldis; i 01,14: witllin Ulu yetin ' - invll - 011 - ,Trfouoix tputfliir.- ; • ' • - .7 1 - Viye4orl44 Ail I by, riioily ottitered . te., , , t.. „, to , t , .. RATES OF ADVERTISING; -• . ' Waii ' otilettietits, trll:log 'fifteen Untie or lens, tt , liflie, %Int, iked et Om rote- or FilV t•OilIR for title itmertiott,'.-- N Node tiffiee for Otte kollar. coil I wonOrtive ,b nts for • • vdry aultoeg nom t 'itt(ti'lloti. Yearly olive rt telts wil! • .e.ollitrguilut tee follritilog ripe.: • - , 'OI4 A Golt . iiirri, wit It ilia wiper; for 'one year, - 'en li t kirytrojoloo, tin. do. . $l3 k•too'squarc.:l, tigcli quirt: erly elm itges, $1,2 litiotraisti Curds, ivit It the !mkt', 61 1 '.- " . )08.P.RINTING. or EVERY DESCRIPTION, . R uckas na uilLills , Blanks, Irtutiars AIA uvery,ot rtr:IGVTI ton of Printing, 0 au , eolith Ibuly utui ut the LC/WE:3l' PRIOES. • NEWSUPPLY OF DRUGS, zan.r o GoDs, a.c. 11 , .. II AVPIIITICK des;res to iolbom his rriewhoool the politic dud hi 4 new SUM %FEU or goods, Ida!' liave heel, selected ash greet unroll himself, per mid lit ot, nerllt his - old Mid ell know .est,iblisloma ni t North I ;mover street', embrace a supple of 1:10 , ..5i1 imxiGs,lo g ether with lutist extensile, rich and varied stock or BOOKS, ,(hotly scbuirl 'told miseyglolieous,) I.`' A 'GOODS, I' I!: II IT ke. tow hihh lie:teas eolgideld 110 Ir e i wile tine attention or thy-pub lic with the l'ollassiirmice orb, lug Able to . supply; 'every a ant inol geitiry rerry taste, besides ensue log entire adisriction tho verrettaspintlJeterilts upon which his numerous al Claes 'will be dispo:s . -ed-or. • . Ile Aviiti;tl call the particular attention ninon - Hies and Pli3 8161111,1 9 his rc , Ydclris.ual assnetm't of-DRUGSand 1.1 1)C I NES „a hich hove been purchased at die - hest houses in Philadelphia, and may be edicd uprin roc rroslmess and excelle n ce. Added to these will Ile found an'entiro stock or I'AINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, Varnishes, tafISR, ke or which he will ensure tube. -of the test quality end at the veirrowest prices. Ile-liss , ttialle----many aildstionv stock - b 1 BOOKS, besides setairing a new supply or LII the Text Hooke, I listories, Hcadet s. I :ex Hooks, !c.c. now in use in College awl our public schools—which lie trill dispose oron terms it Stilted to the cireninsitinces or all. Ills stack ot lANCY Alt TiC embraces st rich S od'extensi to collection wool,l be impossible to enumerate, Litt comprisi n g many novelties CaMIQI 'fall to strike the e 3 c and please die taste, such as !milks and rientlemeei's Cutlery, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils. I lair Tooth Ch.,l;ll:S lit . ll4lVq. Perruniet or Iton selle's rish and ex les. Fancy Slisvitig Crenlll. Card Cases, 'Pocket Pistols, Pocket books, tee. Sze. Also, a now elee-,,nat 1.. t RD LA NI I'S. togloor e it l, Sperm and \ timid A:oodles, Baskets. Nliedral lestroments, . s. I )(Air am! other 111.11- des iu t h e Val 'lily line,,, liich with II constant supply or fresh FII Li ITS. sots and Courcelionary of the richest ritinlity, make a !nage and splendid stock to whieli be erairakiitly invites the sitlealion and patronage of his 10Wil 111111 00111111%) li."1C111113, dl the old atirad, in Nardi 1 lanovor-street;learly vp positc the Carlisle Bank. s. W.H.A-vEnsricK lithe 2, IRY7 f. " qn r 053. ArVilt r A ^ ,C 4.1 Dr. achn 1. 7 a. ra . liaß _0)14 fettimed Irinct the it large end carefully Felocitld uszotri no lit of . . s, PAintscOlis, Dye-6'1,0 ) 3, 7itod 'mita:log all Vic aew preorations of the day, totrethee with gcndral assmitne it of eli.4u l'Elt ['UM EA, FANCY 'ARTIC•Ii ES, &c., which mak. a his stock foil and complete, all of n Midi he will sell LOWER Th AN EvER.: Call and see fur yoarselvc o. Jny 7,1817.• Gltll3 IV t.fllflG CNN f „P I SELLING OFF !IT virr'°x• nr , RIP - • wi to Mil tip his bosi nese in C:ittisle, will dispose of li:s tarp mid vbeguilt assort meat al .G odds pt licit cost; Leung determined to sell no' his col ire stork, he assures his friends :mil the public, that Great bar gains will lie Mr.:teed. Those, etecefore, elm wish to save li.ont IS to 30 per cent. in paccli sia, Goods, will do well to give him nn early call. Ills rfissortinent is large, and the (,00cIs have been purchased wit% great wire, noel em brace an assort Inert of manly e‘ery su lisle U5ll - in a Dry floods store. As we are cleterrainel to !booe an our business nt the vet y etrliest nossibl.• peebal, ae In reby notify those indebted 1,1 corn. roe'vard immeili litely and set:le up Glen. eesoeei ive r c !nets, as longer indulgence eaotiot lie grated.' These wlm sip not,-before the I Sal' or Ociolier;:iieliic their accounts, in ay expect to hay- Mein place In the handsofa ustice for col leetimi. ' 11. IL ,k 10;01.1). Carlisle' July Stl, I Rl7 NEW AND CH EA Faintly Grocery TE subscriber takes this method to inform his rricds, and I he public in general that he hos just opened in the house tritely oecopied I,y Dr John Armstrong and three doors east of .1 IPioads' Warehouse. a large oral general as sortiNent of Fatally Crocrrira, such ig 4 Teas, Coffee, Sugar; goldsses,Choealate and Spiess of ts et y d seri pt ion. Also, a large and weWselec atobk of etrIZZAWILAIRE Willow-ware, Brushes, Buckets, ZNe. &tit To Laval) of every description, from did emotion' ,„4,rooking tobacco, up to - Woodward's best boor, any euvemlish. . •. . . The D'iblio are respectra fly invited to ea II and examine his stook before i ui itov elsewhere, as he flOttertllell,that IteNamtot Ctillultl'ease them both inlirt F. - and - nalility. , _ •• N. li.—l is Imentls tram the country wil friiil it to their advantage t 4 give him It call ; -the blare is conveniently situated, just it Yew steps from :11r Rhoads', tavern. , • .165.1.). 11,t1;11101.1 Car palt...lothe 2, 1R47. CA' LISLE FAMILY Gtith; AY SRME — JusTredeiveti shags supply of fresh Gr 6. caries, Consiirting ofsuperior brown hug.av, and Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized: and clarified SUC/IkRS,, Ora which will be sold at reduced prices. Ake? COFFEE of every tle-serifition• aneptioe,'wktli a fitni`lut of strong Rio. . . V-Y;i NREsii • • . . .Suporinr Imperial, Young , : tilyscin . TEAS, .from the beet soil etioh Or' D. vid , Runkin, who has been eel: ebraited for - SO years fur Selo. , ling the' - beet Teat; in dialpitia,n.A . , , itiptyv- eels' of :Chi tfa . Ten. Ware ,' Lola Sugar , ' nyltp,:sug u r muso end 'Wang ; liIOLASSES superior imported HONEY; chtieiii . ;:pkiedll4fOlugar-cor e d Hams, dried Mulles ;end Apples , 6oup.hcuns , Cranberries. S'alledoil,,Mexed.fielijeti, figs, AlmOnds, Rh'. .elne,.EitrcinsiCtirrenis,+Spines, hluelierel, Sul. icon, Shad and Herring; !Mir Sethi, and ,a grins.Tarinti.nf other iirtielei.too - rintneroii to' anti. tioa.: 'All of which will be sold at such price s ' Nit *lll'irive etid;seig; nPPligqi _ukn qtnalk *; 9E94. ,CROOKSi' . 2', € 55k1,419‘7,040;16;'.1)Ht., _ • • • f I :ki(AFRILUAT I ' ,lo ll l ll.l3ERif;' ': '' ' ,-, *, , g s' 4,lllß'- ' ,A nilin () ) , i ll o,' , Prn . lirle(or,: o r the ~-, , ~ .., iikityin'entiii4islinie n t, %ph lob -. In , si tunted ~ illook thinenirillen.iinnt . cif ChM i sle, tient. 'N ' :. . l ,i110'"r m in be rlant ~V nlln ytl t ial I ~ p o n il; , ' dantroio lirorikitle•llhlln:itinhr^yeu'lAl'geOnokFiAP Pl4. r4Er%qnin,_;trlia'ettk:clibietst cartekle4.ut, tlitAillitt"l ,h o w whigi., .n onitiynted.Jrujiltconity: :,I lio 4, 4iiii . rbr.o4pideil%of on tqliii , ne - .oi mcn dit o : a i , 2i.sitiiiilr.,anyothei,,Nitreery,filr ilifi,niqinly . „; numl;l4', tint 'time,; iro!. y .# . 11!! ; yisi*'•pfilqie_t i ... een ; Ay ii tomop-- iPrIP hr i rit itoVi is 01 FIVARREP ,',-tiot!'ici" OitticnA,k,i4C4l trlit'fitraelt!, ' t OP w-e.,41)7.4.47 , ' '‘; 4 ; )•' Th(V:•kfe.rkt Emli*.Renke4y;vlz 2 [ l k;: -. ; - 04.0/oi7•*;:'4iiii.kipi* T Vikis most,valutiOla:4oinaatiiiiapitr . . . .. .4112:7,11,1011-*ItinVOirdaftilliii-iii-t hirourer of ginit cr. of the 'dem:troublesome diOuitseti 'wilt; .which the liordwitinffeeted;(withaiitileetroying 11)11'400 F 3 li t 11' as'A old etrainiirsividiiite:3;iitifrl ni-its:ofjodite,:galls prod (teed ' b4ilid uolirir; and; saddle, strains Ur thin shi . ildere' Waffle, J'icidf,', pastern .ttiftl &elfin - joinis; iitriiiiis:Lf. the. mitly.l ! botte, bite, and . tbtleeli,,,poll . .v2rYil;.,fitulesi curbs, stilipts, spa Vin. wintigdlle,-pufs, die.. ' • ' It very soon cures.old‘or Ireith wounds, cute, 'bruises, fi ate lesooll. e v 11, cu rbs r o to., and 'gives diry .ko Instant rebefin thee whoa; grease, ote,;and the dineetres incident to rses 'ltaving 'wytti feet and doses produced 'or St. Joint's- Wort' which su often dt.stroys - the'liords and bones of the feet, and resists the action of eulpliur;and vitriol ointinonti, and othai T alit otti ca "equally powerful. :. . _ . ; , . No apiliestion has herdtofore prayed so useful. in relaying stiffness of the taniliensMtid joints, :end — producing - such - immediate, and beneficial effects in cracked heels, biougt by high feeding, splints and sprains,' This Embroertion is highly recornmended to furriers, lteepere of livery stables, Wageners, stage proprietors, and private gent:einen Own lug horses, as an invaluable. remedy, and should be constantly' kept in their staides,' , . Also farmers, whose Itersee are so liable to kicks, cuts and wounds, will.fitid it equally advantageous to keep it constantly on hand.— 'ltis (gunny henofiaial in the treatment,of working cattle, .for. gylls, pre-necks, tilts, uilunds,etc. For sale in Carliela JOIIN .1 MY— . ERS, sole Agent. r , fitly 21,18'17. o • To thz• Citizens of , .Cumberland Co. " Mere is someilsingmore precious tban '• . Gob/ or Diamot.tels—REALTll.4 rfilllEltb: are some sliseases 11111 Vi sit us al 31. tad sensors of the year, mill which not untie- -intently-become alarmingly-Tidal; during the elm , mei. and amnion, mouths ; especially.the young; dieraheing then seventy tliJustiiil dying tumidly with derangements of the stomach and bowels alone. lines 110 i every feeling of bur nag titre Weenie enlisted in .the Immaittlesire_to les . sea lhlg frightful mot teddy, are we not botind by . every principle of religion to administer relief when in our power.; taid we discharge our !my when we poiiit-oin die greatest remedy ever yet discovered, for 'this pbrpose,to the public. II! .there he one, OT i they have a friend, or a child, or a neighbor, si ho 11111 V elience.to read : this uo ticr. that is Relieving with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Chuleru :11orliiis, Summer Complaints, Colic. Flatulency, &tn, btu., Olen lei them try Dr. Kee 'lei 'a Cordial hnil Carminative, and we guarantee. It speedy core. ••leinensies• Co.,Neffeille, Dec. 11,1846.. 1/r. Keeler—:-tonietiine last summer y one agent left ine some .r ) oat Infant corilicl and Carmin reive, nixing The to try h. It so happened Chat 1 mil II rase, a young child about six months old, liose stomach and bowels-wore iii II very disor dered condition ' caused by a deficiency of its iniM The child was a mere skelelon, there was math tormilia, tenesrmis and constant' eVHCIIIIiiOII9. I administered every, medicine . 1 could think of, will but a slight idlevintion of the emnplatim. then thrnight of,giving youmnuttr cii.e a mint commencing with amid) doses. a slim 110 wever perceived the child 000111 bear Intl as reeonimended in directions; before it hail taken balf a hot tie, rho stoinaeli and how els had recovered their natural tone, 'every oilier bail symptlynt—yieltleiloind the child rapidly re covered. I have no hesilMion inlaying that yoar eine is the very begt lot eb q nbov complaints I Late administered in a 21 years' practice. Very respectfully, your friend, If. B. BOWMAN; M. B. Prepared corner of .3.1 and S math streets; Philt adelphin. Poe sale - wholesale awl em-"" , EL ELLIOT, t chants throng! Intrizt - tql s tala ler . 7,1 , ......rner50n, Harris- July 21, . • GARLE4AN' . :3 BAL AM ii;" HEALTH.' Appirc:/ Rem cly o DjApe i nio, °lies •c•. ; §• ce. c twd reasons why !this medi be recommended to the public, — on t hat most persona who have so ight it buy itag,uin, thereby showing that they' , re gard it as u valuable Family medicine; the other is that certificates aro in the possession of the proprietor of permanent cures having been effected not only in poi -sons afflicted fora short time, but also In canes of long standing It is composed altogether of a vegetable matter, is perfectly harmless, can be taken st all times, and is no hindrance !flimsiness. If restores and revives the animal spirits, cleanses the stomach train all morbid humors which cause indigestion and ceidities. It also re stoves nervous tremors, rhumatic pains, and prevents their return; cures alli entice of the stomachs and bowelsolmost immediately takes away of the .heart, and promotes thn tree circulation of the blood. 'rh. direction accompanying each b - sttle contains a number ofeerfflicates one of which is given in this advertisement. IDyne Simi—about two years ago I was se rarely: afflicted with ispopsia, which I had for,the last fifteen years previous to the above named time, which was very much increased by my having a blond vessel ruptured upon my hinge, occasioned by lifting—which increased my complaint, dispepsio and_genord_riebility and wculiness, to sneli a &elem., dist two 0t„...1 three years previous to my using tilloitte. gant's Balsam, I never atg, a \ moaI• hilt my stomach became so painful idiot I had immedi, ably to dimwit up. Seeing - Gurlegartes_S a l. satti inivetratiLi. was inddeed to try a bottle; after taken the very first deco il appeared - to strengthen my stointieli; and 'every dose of (hi ,firld. bottle ,helped. mo so9nuch .that in the cilitreo ore fowidays' 'my , stotnaeli: bogon,itu ret a in amidigeat overyAlting.l ate.. ileontinud to.toto tho liaison* until I used saveral.bottlas, which cured. me entirely, - and 'restored me Ao perfect health, which I have enjoyed ever since, and not before for fifteen. years. -I clunftfUllY ()commend it to all persons who aro atetidill• with dispopsia or di Linty ofstomach. .. ' . ' . IIENRY Lon'LLAN, Fred'k Co. Vs. .• Preparodund sold by the Proprietor, JOHN S. AI ILLER, npposi tethe Market House, Fred. eilek, ALL. and.. by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, sole agent for Carlisle." . . . March, 10, 1847: - . .. . To Country Physicians. , . YEWS has jost recessed in addition to his , feirrner stock, , a large adsortniont DRUGS I) 'lll D I CIEF.. warranted tire. and frosh—isnong-Ashich - nre - alto the' ie . - .e.erst inennrations,of the Trofbasion, ho will sell on no good fernto nsieblishinent Out of • • Pliyeiciane a re, requested , to exeßrineAr , "Ju51y.7,T18.47. SUPERIOR' 1i14te1c.,:10,E4C....: _..,; 1111, , sTrr"pcejie0 a,!:,l)r, Itlyers Drug ti. VP:, c i . l ic#O.iffigc;Csif InAck Te;6,:for i i n Oali d a litntl 4'39appii.Wii: ': Al.qa,Old o'4 YOung ilyson i GI li 4:1'9 wilcir 'Aiid 'U T° Oa I. ;„,,,,- .: 1p ~, ( ”%j.:,•-• zli,, Ana: . ' .1)100?;:.7-i ' PliaAle:" '" ' ' 'irlow,. .•.- Ohea ... ..• .- • ... seortme. l l ~ • • •i • - 'd 4 .• a ' i l r g a •r g i... • ' Kora, spipOlc! ./. ....I'.4.ic.°M -,iii-vii,and- PIP • 10 . hy,s.. t ; ? - t ti•-:;.•' ":04=9,s'itijaiq!::[. Pt*: a•aßgi, !r'.....' 'tir, gio:11.,?f" ng ., .% '•,::•4.4..!,ipdat•R‘stie•iit''' ' . tiio:iBo 6 10 41146. ,..0 04(6,i'i',.7.- ..-• ,----,71,,c46.1:0n5; ;iiiiiii-pro‘o;CP,a r.i me ; - fi tonoi* ( i.:7 • ' i644142001°1ft! ', .„;,,,i•:f ;liq _lv •' 4V 441''''"r4:e1Bittii1/4145UP1911.51,.,.;': ~?•,,it 14.0001,4111? ii t.,-..;:, ~'1. . ...1. - I,,LEt-,--./: -7!.;:'•i.:0-C•if.k,.,t11,1i „34,';•,'AiktittfIC,,:tifk M+!,7 7.C"'''' .t'''.: ,[4:Filli4llo :CM'.4tTi,„, ~. .it D11.41i9r41”, ''' ...:„.' 61iiiiiiiirlig.:;,:Yi.: l. ...: .,4 _ ,...,,.,„. .. ,,,. . , .. ,,, 1. „ ..... „ 4.4iiii,7,47411 , 4; ,, ,,;,611).,0.-. : ~.,o voiti, . .;lfivivilog.a.o4.l.: 34lo; r.il,lq -AP., ..uvollk4ringlikii): IkfiklYll,,,Ni'..llaihWi'lr.r4k n ie ' ' lielVlVfilliink tifiet4.-01"c'e''711"."ci'Airri4119111°!° ,-,lttiiefit ,111:11WW0;14/1,15111::$ 0-•,01ii0Nfiir.4,9,,,t1,41!,+Z.,0 iWarroll-kiate.°el6.3:c IlleSPTi:t''.l'''4io:4;kblil -10' . , s'l,-.2illo"4:l.4'!''''l:„t'itqir;Nt4';' ' ,l v, z . : : 14,1;;;:i7F.::P41,',#40,7;.:447),': : :: : - :, , Z , :;; , 0 : 7,M qzt .41'.Pti'"M'I'll' ,,, q'C 4, ....',--'',]:,::''-7. '''.... 111-'''',.,F4c , .i),:,,:,,,,,,,,;.,.;.:44,qq: 214.1,6 It Q.,,••••.,;1.;:1:42',').''''''' t '''"l''' BEE ~~;fC'~ilt'~y;,. 40 .ENTS. - '„ Rudnitili Luniberlaind Cocklin, Allen taaMaiiiii:' ,Wm It G'err; 'Christian T te!intliii." , 'David Martin:Dlial•elitqwn: „ • ' • ' [leant: Zetiriag, , Shli.emanatoy a. , simo n , Dr. Daugkiniin;,Ca'rliele • JaeoliKirk ; Gen eral'AgenlciiV,Yott:64lMaty,l4eai . Cu - ' Y. 4, John herr sOk. YOr!‘.o.ollntrl Rankin, York Daniel Dall,f,Yo,lreaukity., -. ;„ 24. ;• P hili p -B re o k bl , l 4 o umber. l ll4.! l 'oOp's!tr.,-,—n,,t77 . - 41.akert C. Sterret,'S:"Miqd .o:)llltlierageol!l4lll'.tiolAilard , el,l e, th- olilalii;'41.0"1, eNIFU I -' " 0-4 r, _ 4 . •",. us ~ G ai ..._ ~ , i O 'r ° N B s i 1. . 4 :7! : r d S/ 4 :: E o . ' a :: l c J '?" 4 , i :. 11' 1 r i s: h , h i , 6 4: 1 i' B „P i ; c c ! fi ne v i?l : 5' b l4 : : "..ft i ,-ut. i d:- 00l g.) G I a *IC" wirid,or C° gifei.'ontubr , •.° ' v do. A .-YPd: siijkd. `,EleMlit jur,Dium°!. - , Idling, Ti7l6l.san" roe,AnaPlik94'l!l .'r:v b., ' t 'Rimini' '"Aldstil'7: . if " b. 'e'reto,,i'PV.4o4ll3.nritt ,Rappee Snu it'iligitigni: ~.ulo inqipeei "*-jr.'fi ISPI°II44' IP' te. Cl?balla,! ir • ' - tted'edges ) Id Pilruaverill'• "e"bienthnuf,lo,./.7dregiviinnp's Ptaad 011?'?1. cith"olliigalinottlii"fi'Oril/rinti tit4Setheri'w;ilikle4Pol-P7l,rtithiatil;,', ger ,spipief! VI tpAhi,MaihtOlif..`,i4t,r tes,p_e# :Ili ", t irili' taledillk, —tlt firtl P-g ' 'it tot tell '411110414/I„l"„tkij,s4itit eat Y * iiiii g`.,P.Z.t;jibbiej7,4l ll l o,,,ry,/ Ilit;,ii*6lalrielfitt''qf,''3Pll7.4.l. ifi' z...54,44,*igh0ikr04475,!,11t04:1,4t,tt: ,- 44a4,1,-,,,,,,, 4 - Ki7 , 14 , aap..,,,,,,. ~ :At— ,77.‘•:',."!-;''''''-'-'';:.?,4 '• "' 'AVii' .444:4"1,,P,1,"•i'-•;,*;1;. •, , ' ' .1,,i,,V;,v0 49,c.:41:it',145Aig• 3iiouratietemnpal • I.s2"tititt ,k a roteotion_wivintr.- nrm.l.• cUM BE A 1:?, • AittLEY • . Li A PANY d1•11e - hinter - ill President; mite)* Gill i aitli,+tie + Pee..' sidevii.;• I 'NV Malin I'l o ligh;"reenetiretlCW G. Milii.prsSecrptin.y,bignienAVenkle,s;dolintg. ' Gri : eii, John - Abrasion. King, l ltli Nardi \Verdi,' Sniniiel COyte,'"Alintisnilerf , litter.e ittjtk also, a nii ni bee !till otiis ifditieenV 'moo , imniedilitedy.cpf ;wove! loathe office orthe posnitatiy,ntepiOle M r: Icy'•will hi isatied iyieltatt (14111. 'SO fiirt4,"' intornoitibil'ien 4 ,1 104146 f Ibe Conipiii4,.. .1 . 14 LkSe:C •11A. C. Ft mon ,See'yi'• , The- fulitnillig - gentlemen Any° beenoimointed . ; •••'. Acertyrse *•• L. Ir. 'Wi Esh •W Mili eatlmb'irro, Gen-1 crnl Agent. . Cbl le , Cm•linte, • ' Dr. , ' lilt IJiiy; Ace Alen iesliinrg'. • George 111 , 111;11e, Esq., Monroe. , ;ion Clendeoin, Esil..lrogestown. eptien Ciall;erlecin , shippcnabort. Se member " 11E. . 1! /ANKLIN 'INSURANUt. t.; . " Chartei -- PMpiqua4—s4oo;ooo Capitarpaiditi' Office 163'i Cheantit street. IVlARBJN,S.,Ul.lANCE,iiititerpormanentimlitn-I iteti;ngnijittimis or Iletnage by bro,on PIiOPIERTY and E',PFECTS of eve ; description, in townor ' Gonnet.,ott the most t;'entionable terms. Aktlien- Ti li en personally - . or. by. lettee,*.lll be. propiptly attended I . ' • • • C. ItI;BANCKER;Preat; , Rates eflnsvanoeledeeed4 • PICRPETIVIAL, RISK. '• •• • . Brick or Stone'dwellistettor storm,. - from . 26 to 3 p Odepck do do Churches • ai to S •do do do TITVerII43 S to 4 do .• do 'do liin'tor .4to # ' do`': do do Stables (private) 4to :5 do. - do "do Stallles (public) 6to 7* •tn do do arint NMll4 . W:dm; Power, to 10 do ELYA. 'Brick or Stone d wellings and Fur-- - •-ekltore -do do Stores and 31:ni•eltan (Sze . 95 to 50 do do do Taverns andFurwiturei • • 40 40 06 do Ao Barns and Coittente 65 to 75 do do Stablee .(publie). 100 to 150 do do do Grist Mill and Stock 75 to 80 Frame soil iJog thwelliogs'ityi 'ove 50 to •i'S ito S ores 'twit McMinn date 65 to 85 • do do Taverna:lntl Furniture 110 to lop do do do Barns and Contents • 9G to .10j) do do do Grist. Mills sold Stock 'The isubserflter is goal tor Ofeaturveciinspatii for Carlisle and its vicinity. A ll applientionsfor: assurance °Ober by mail or versorailly will be promptly attended to- W. D. SEYMOUR. June 12, 1145. lv-33 DELA— 'MARE MUTUAL INSURANCE tan/. - F PHILADELPHIA, On thcblunt' Insitnnre pinciple, combined educed lo'nearly half the smorusl dies. • V the Ant of lecorrr...t.ion the stock is B pledged the payment of any losses Ithe Company may sustain. And as an additional security to the assured, the act re-, quires that the profits of the business shall be pima' and remain with the corporation, an a, guarantee and protection to thoint'ared-againet loss. This. fund will be represented by scrip issued by the Company, bearing interest notei. ceeding six por cent. per annum: The insured arc entitied - to a pro rata share ono prate of the Coniptiny,Nnd will receive that proportion of the aforesaid fond in scrip, whien ,the amount of earned premiums paid by him, bears to the total sum of earned premiums and capital stock. The scrip nits tainted, to be tranafcrabki on the books of the Company as stock. No dividend , of actin can be. made when the losses and expenses exceed the amouhi of earned premiums. The insured aro protected Dom loss at the customary rotes of premlomo, without guy individual - liability or ,responaikility for the losses or expenses of the Corporation. - The assured have all the rights of membership,— can vote at - all elections, and are eligible as Directors of the Corporation. • The subscriber has Elmo appointed agent for ibis Company, and as the mutual principle q superseding every other mode of Insurance, to would confidentlyrecommend it to his friends and the public. The North American Company has close their Agency. Those having policies expirin in that Mike can have' them renewed in the Delaware Company on much more favorable terms. For full particulars enquire either by letter or person to JOHN J. MYERS, Carlisle, September.lo. 1845.-1 y. - - - JILL EN El EAST P ENVV'SB 0 am, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. pinti F. A nonacid Lastpennsborough Mutual Fire litsuranee CommtnyolCumberland Connty,in enryorined by an aut of Assembly, I s now rutty or gam zed,and -I n operation ander tlfc managemeni of tne following 91Snmis.sioners; vik: Cht.Staymati r lagob Stielly,WlnliGorgas,Lewis 11 er, Chritdian Titee4llltchael floovpr;Kenry . X.ogan,Mielinel Cook) in, Benia'atieH Musser,Lert Merkel Jacob K irk,Melchiorlirenemaiinticl Sam,l ['rowel', who resgectiitlly call the.eltild'en of the citizens ofeumberland Anil Fork eoentie o the ad. 'vantages whfrhthe conipanY, held nat' ' The rams of insurana areas low an treerehie as any Gommtny.olthe kind livltheState. , ' Persons - whammy, beimmemembers are,invitcd to make applicatimito the 'agedtakpf the,iseinimay who are walling to wait upon' theta Many timed: -JACOB SHIGLIA:FresiL2-: Menem: IloocraOrlee President: ' Byer; s6Cretair. Michael Cocklin Treasurer. • • = . • - " . • --- i • A : 1' lkillilkoaffikilVW,it"iiiediehia'Ablit)il 4.- 111c1 ;fade. iilltilneilitilgolOblriliei t iliailtlitrengilibbit iy:literaltAte...theMoy.7l,llilliaren:•henemediehie htcli ppeitred;:. and ls Ffasksiltinki4; Plat*, Oci A lipthera N ii ;Alre . v.onepl;itid 61 mintryyfiketliPenl.aZ ha" the two :pritietpal ore 'Bud Chttryy,we'onitetiAlnit.thky Cet_toiellierii the one througkits admixture....witkother substances, pu. rifyiug nal pargingi while Theietherla, strength. elunkihe ore. Same "time jonie IsPerting a desideratum !pug and eigeflfaohtlit•fir by. niellidaT Men, but never befcire dittenvered. :In other wiirdsdhey.dO, the wetlt.ilf,two'medielnes„aud do Llamas :bet ter tliiiivititytWo \Va tact oft ;forotliey , 'Verniiite systeni, but the; impurities, ad. that etreilgthen. and hence they..caise no'ilebilitation, and are Ottawa! ,by, turreactien. Dr. Le il.Oy's Pills have a Wonder,. ut inlhien e e aortic blear( tliey-not only s purify witlidlif;lVelikeinicig it; bat they .renttive nett, ions,pstttiolce Ir,om.the 'chyle before it is conve-' ned intorfluid,niutilms !make impure blood an utterim tostibility. • As therein ntrdebtlimtion ; • t :ere is. no 'masa! or sickness atteiiilinkilie op - erne : Wllln ortlils most excellent' of Medicines, r briar or trii•tures:the rune tfons,tatt causal them to work' in lierfeetly. fit= and. 'mauler; and hence pfirains taken them, do not beeome pale apelvaimatexl;but the - dontrary, fi r,svhile.it m'tlie pCopittity &the . Sarsapneilln, united es It is .iv.ith.citheringredtents, 'to re'Mose "all'that. is fereign.and impure, it 'ls •equally Abe pCoperiy. ()like Chew* to retain is natiirlil anti sotad;' and 'hence robbst state of health is the' eerinin resuleaf their united operar trona. .. For sale in btu-lisle by Dr. .1. • .7.-Nyers;sole .tent, mid by Eiflly and Xissinger, in Kingstown. geierd e box 15•cis. —• . .CarltilFeb 1.00047. • NURSE Avrailif , s sooninia syner,Fole , crapanzuN TEETHING. • A. LL MOTH RS baton .tloldion afflicted ••g • • with ory of those diseases incident to the late of infancy such as convuleions, sputum. die '.roue, mitnneeue eruptions, disordered - itomach, and looseness of the boweles ' should never ho without- this in fallible remedy that las-proved so efiliacious in all the above die. eases. Numerous testimonials mi E!lit be given to prove its merits, but a [vial is letter. Sold by S. EI,LIOTI', Cal-tides. /March 3, IBA -- • 90 to 100 'VET all those who are toast/laws:or afrec AA ted With_Couglia, Colds Astbnut, - Bronchi lie, spitting. Blood, Pain in the side or Breast, Soar Throat, Hoarseness, Palpitation of the Ilea t, whooping Cough, Liver Complaints, &c., remember that it is • . , `THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR & NAPATDA that Is daily, effecting sucharooder ful cures ic all these diUeases— Therefeire beware of - all ottliiirmixtures that ArChfain; cr nrnAr•AA...- • - 'Tar`: c pro :ces to cklati7lllllrar. arid pct.. Chase of them onryWhO aro known not io daa llllMpuriousarticleta' Road the following testimony collie value 'of the obovo. mndicinearon. a well 'known citi zen of Cuinberiand county.. INIMIASON TOWNSHM•Nciv. 1(1,180. Abetit alt 'gars binge, In consequence of the sedentary nittiro of my. business, 'I was attacked with severe pains in' the breast, pal. pitation of the heart and shortnese of breath' which were soon followed by a failure ofap. petiteNektreine wakefulness at night,and putial paralysis of -any limbs—these symptoms of a deranged system being_ frequently attended -with spitthog of blocni. Fct about two years I was alsi.'occusionelty (brown into convulsions whieft,lelt me in a miserable state of feeble. hem an begrinici affect my mind. From lime t 1 time my sufferings were more or less severe until f t length they increased to such a deem and the violence Mille symptoms were so un merited, that fur a whole year I was unable to attend to attend to any business. During this time I consulted,some . able _physicians and attended to trivir - prescriptions; but all their "Ain was nriavailing-tvi.procure vim relief, and at length they regarded my teeevery as entire ly hopeless. In this condition I was inforined ofthe salutary effects Of Thomson's Compound ,Syrup of Tarim*/ Wood Naphtha, in e• case somewhat similar to mine, and though I had Riven up all expectationi of a recovery of my former health by human moans, yet being strongly advised to try the medicine, I was at length prevailed upon to do so, and I have now to say, that by the use ofsix b•ttles m 3 'health has been restored, and I am now able to at tend to business with as much facility as usual. • HENRY MYERS Principal Orme, N. E. corner FIFTH and SPRUCE sta. Phila. Sold in Carl.ala by:R. Angncy Principe agent for Cumberland co. ' - Prico - 50m - Or - 6 - bottletrfor - 2;59, - ;' -- - lebruary 10.,1847. ASA PITIITIIEII EVIDENCE That the prittoiple, of cur it . ig disease by Cleati+ iug and. liars lying the: biiily. ts-amictly : . actor-, dance, With the laws wllieh. ggwein the,anintal eeconomyand ittirtitierly,earrled out hi . the use of R I GUT'S INDIAN VEGETAOLE PI LIA., Will certainly reault in the complete itinlition of disease;. we direr the following testim onials, from persona of the resftetabilitv in New Yorit wbe hare recce. ly , :Wen 'cored of ilia' melt . obsti • nate complaints; solely by the use of Wright's In. dian VegetablePllls tlieNorth 4 1 1,roericau Col lege of " - Ciiiittiakiis pp: CURES. -BOY liova:11r;:o Yark „City. , , * .-,ly.su 04.0 -414 r. Sir,—At L pier, re ,commendlitiett, I some %into mete made irial z a_c :Wriglit t a;fildien i . Vegetable j :Piller el UM North - A meries i o 'Cowie' of Health, and *eameilinialenti peaty, assert that for Purify log the blood 'end 'rem: Ovating the'syifem, Viiiivcriecelied More 'benefit from their 'Um than from' any other Medicine it lies* heretolnie heenlmpgoOd'fortune' th meeevritii.t , , I am , iteae'aitiMitlt maid. tluank!qour•obliged' fries:ll4r,, , -;'• •ii.:4••;C,IIIARLES Al..w' l' oh TArg. , ‘'.l ' • ;i' • • •• : nr1.•60., [Jammers* , street ' ,Ne .".'•', •,;.'• :,,,; —.., •'• . ..• ''• , ' • `' ''' ' • F'i.orii Warwaising .N )L Dam,. Sie,—.l have beep a ffl icted for . several `years with iha, , ,a`ril Beakeese and general debility ' accompanied at- ti pee , witli. pain , in, the :Side-ainti, 'other dißtressing•alr94. lll , , ,,.., After bayier tiled Arnvibili u metileltigalailitout•eltect, I Was pelattatted , f_r), a (Ovid to make trial' of. Dr. 'Wriglifis' f 'Minh Vq . e.lil,b l f.' , Pilliii',ihirif It' ii'fflihhiP.T•to-•,'ll(6.llare,' •ielievetl‘ Me 'fii'a moat 'intinderfal 'manner. ''ll Nikita tisefl'ilieMedtelnelin '',yet l but'i' short thee; 'lra' havillritfAiubt;,•bjess iirersevereiteeein theisse of that' thaditijaitiyaotordltigto directioni i that I: 'shall ite i f i short tiniebe'perfeetkriepalred...••;r ;,.; 1 . r,,,, , .; 1 .raoarliiilltiillymeepmmeridfittrPlll6*.t,•,rilt ttersotiesitnlittell eflllotel, and ,111 . the Nit belief ' that;the:o,pp 1 09efleial;reeuit0mill follow their 'tite.: , ',,t''' •'. ' '-'• -'' ' ' ''',. - ~-'-,.: -.1t. , :. it ' I yemehtiyouieiti4ebiiii,' ' •-:' ;&-:-.- ' • „ tfEN,ItIf•A:IOOTE ':' '' ' i -:•''' ' AIN Ira sitig,.T.Ylster Co., Sesel(o - 114. - - I 19 OW alk/410,13 ", A, llEVAP,Allil f lc:Kt...L=4' Btwaite ilia.. Coiilrreisitima.,i . : 7 The "Oubliti sitei .4, aMICIeIe now' 'Cite') SOnlY Wait , bz.irbislcin Captioned .0 1rhigt 'rile ffliiP7.•Purion+ •rnedli 3 le*. anOilittUres for - therein iii4l':and 'refinaneid e6rti, whieh in'lordcrs". lo dOilly. B •,hre oillOd by ' 611 4 1 el •dlielinen tineisleg . troth 'sit - imp' Ole eleleorthe'bllie similar to Wright's Indian' Aregehible - .0)11.; ii..•,r„l. tir 141(4 ;of Abe ;Valeta t; it•is i warianted kby i • the - . -... Chitlea'oolNriparilele. - - • „ ,' -..'' ' '''',•: matiuracturer. to be • five times - streiter ihah •any'..l i', • hihri.Cdtine4;ll o lenhatifeabiirif."" ' : .. firepaintlom of;tiffl:Mtnir.,lkipitixtilat;‘,And eaish • ; ,,, ;rllritpetiiitn &. -- •tiitve I,,NeiiiPtitttherltbit buttlp:tfotrfflaiirtioe $1; per,boilk.";;r '••' ' ' : VenfoC,Gifilitirei rfiittonllfei•- '-'' ".• •'-' ••t? ''; 1 ?• - i , •1` 4 ,•"," ,. ..Ti;‘!';(.1 ) ,r. • iffltif iix,' , !„ , : ,. . ,, 1..!•_ qt . ..- - :I. ~, • , ... ,1 r .i.al;l4forthi,' ...!_...,;',,:11„:„..•,,.,..,,.._ 4::141.;,4!,T, • ,tmt,if't,w,,-;,1,;-r ' 1 1.1P1 1 1. 1 0 . ", r'. ,:, : f Aleit.Catheiirt.ehiSerdafMnp; ., ",,,.• • ~ . ..•., , • .. 7 '..5.,!”, • ,-, .....:,.,,,;....,v,,,!::::,, ; , , ", : „. , i....., ; ,., ; , J . '&;, l3 W,Cailei!fOttOrb#4l74 ., ; , ~,' v i• q!....:.,,,,i „ nfittit , , , klmutd 41,411, p,,,,,,,,. ; ,i,,,,, , -; ~•..•. hu ro bt o w n ,, :e .of . 4 , ; , , .., ._ ~ . '. f ' gi. '1 .',‘) .. ) I,_ '"•`-.-...; r i . r .'; ;f•4 l .ir ''•lsl :l 3li n "4l 4 .a ftielliT i l li rirt il u i-s t i 7rs ll;:'' ' ''''' r 7:, ' 'l'l.. F i lli tte ' l' il fi l ll l o en " late:it- 4 I f • , •.Pri L ' r ,ti, , , to , • I_, ,, , ,,,. ; . i . , ,. ,L ks lcrlisSlP. 4 .fitiOdee,"Milain.',X..Roaddr p : l - ', '.. ~ i , floamo , o, ,§ L , 0 4; l vi, ~t h. 1 21 4,1 ,_ ,, 94 , 1. - ..oiiitihiii4P,liii birtiq 4. ~ ,'-', 2' ,,,, ? , priiiiituowAif sal6'4l Iva' , ,At!t•' -i.,44 ,. .. ,, ,i. 4Volificeszoisvotok,;oidigiei •4;to:,..llll , ;idet+cr •• • - ' - '' r '''' ''''' '', " '''' , ''M` .-'' ! t'ls:.: righthl‘ j , bey. 1 / 4 /1101 0 11fili,"entl 'i; '•''',''''.','"?'''''.,•'.. '''; ..'',, T. 1 4, ' , :1, Ay :" KS rlt ' • ,; : litvisii iil t 0 tk ptr, - ArAtmli otlimexcwv• , AA 7 I , ~ 0.4 1 ..„ : ._. ...i va ,, :. ..I!,r, i lic,. •.•it , . .. ....p i . .„. - ,,,,,, ....:.„ - 4 , 4. , ,.e0:0 , 4ii..Nii1ity,..1.J,,....i,.:.,... , : , :-.-.,.,...,.yF1,„it„.14...,,, : c,i %.., rO ,, „0f...,1: 1 ,. % .),5 1 #.?! ,h. ...:Ilivit.iire!'...,rtnareA)ti9 1 vat* toOlf dt I y ir 4‘ i i to N''' Y 'i los.* ` N t o ' l 4oZA';l , ".:''4''i' 4 4 ,, fl',:g.:.' , :v-;,', ' ,-?.'','',':: ,'-:'3.'..1'',',,./.:,;''--.•;',.1.4',':::',;•.041::!:'',1i;40,'. 'As/ 4r4/0,, i. f:,.' • ''''',' •A:••,-';'01-,rtz,k`g4,. 'a.,cfcv"'P;-,;-;-,;:,-.,..,-•,•,,;;.•.....;...:,,,..,i•,,,'••••',-....)-4.,-v,,;;;... f ~ .,yr•'• • .;i . • ".. ' '' '• ~ ~ '*. ' . /fr .4' • ;yr • ii•j ' ?" 7 ',2•-•41'A.:.-5:ci24,•,..1,1i:'4'.r 'A . W ; ; ..r.'' q:`i'' '' , r ''.-.,' ; * ''' , el.'lttrr.'kf ' : ',1.2 : 4 ' '', ‘ ,.. 3 . , '' % 'r V , ' t ' ''‘J.'",'l." '' ''' '1 "' '%.Vtr To the:Stek_ani-Aftlicted EMIR ` . , - 1 .rt* --. l3l 4 l66itiiir . '''': : •• -F , ‘ ..•.:..:-... 7 - 4CARPIV - 21:11;1 7 7011rCIA)UH' — . A - oEzd.."4::, , curAp-,bii i ii waiihii.,;;i.'.. dil v,its.onss !,oht i .to !buyearkts, 01 Cliidnii )V,?;&o., will nd 'lrigretatly. to their advantage to' 4 1 01 1 0;lhet!ibi‘kbetlatebettainttlerseverviotv: eetiptodldfroiliei;WiniWatthei g ht he its: in ddoctf .tamell 'GdOirs'”itoleinde.tte *Mail at:ibe !dwelt r odeila tli.O eity, ,/ .`. qtbei , onnnOl ( rill 19.1 m. Suited with 'peleill,a neftlietifeil'idieddi a aidOimeni be Offetitof bea' tul!fertiterial i'tlitieelteltiedlopl, Ingrabni idlreidtian CaroatioisPtd grbit - varietY and .neta.` stylea Mut 011 , 01011 s of iill ;Addis' to nut don rooms ) , balls Ate; withal &Leek 'earietked Ingrald Ca eitetcfrom 25-10.5 p eenta ; and Entry, anti, Stair.. Carpets from 12 t0.32_ ee nta. par yard.— ' Also. Hearth .111ugs,:l'abje. and Piano Covers, Itods,llng and'eotton carpeting., &s &e ~. ~. , .'. Ii 11 ELORIDGE ..' D,10'.'41 Stralsher?..t at. one dope . above Chesnut ' near 2d, street, Phibideliddik:' ', SiMtembe'T, 1847 '' , . ' . 11 . . ItiNAVED.. WIRE MAWFACTORY. T Rlth ilil,sereen and Wire Cloth Menefee, tory, No. 48 North Front street, between Market and Arch streets, Philatra. HE'subsertUrs_basikg...Mado.griat_heprovev I - ...meets in the above business,ore now inane facturinwan.superiar quality, el kinds of Pir.stiv and- ORNAMENTAL Wink. WORK, stink Ile Sieves, Riddles, 'Serene's iiii;for till k iiiit nf 'j;rein;beeils; sand; ore, spun; starch, brielidust Wei Poatiders' "Sieves of e superior 001' constantly on hand. A Iso • Safes, Wire. Dish Lovers - , Solis- SpCinga., -Twilled Wire lot: Spark Cinchers Ike; , OiticesiteCkei. WIRE WltitK, WWI no Cages, Ntirstry - .Fenders, Garden ()orderings' FlOwur Statida,Tiviners,Trellie work for Grape Vines, Aled Wine Fencing' of tiv.i'y ilesttription, tz7;o,eilees thankfully received mitt_pronoptly fifteiniteil WATSON - es' ,COX. . Sentember'42;lB4Z. 11. lif('ielitg.• „, • h ItISDON MOORE RISDON% • ERLERCIZAIM 2 1 .4104011.13, No. TO,. South Third 'St reet, : tiCaily opposite the Excliang..s; Philadelphia. • 'IDDESPECTFULLY)anners to their Mends XL and the public tfit_the are constantly pre pared' to make to. order, n 'the Attest .and best materials, and at moderate prices, every article. of Fattionelde Clothing constituting a Gentle man's,Warerdbe, for Ivltich their complete stock or clitace and carefully selected Cloths, Cassi-I ineres„Vesiings, & :; of the latest and most desi I rabic Ratterns, are particularly designed. • - lrlieuristvirpifiCiff•kini - ivlrt,ge:of the busineaa ands personal attention to every garment, enables them to give entire satisfaction, and to both old !and .nrw veaftoviiers they' respeetfidly tender an lrivitationito gisve &ern n call. ' been nib years codnecitett ivith some of '1 . 44e 'beet 'Mid most fashionable efitablishinents in This conntry,employing none hut first rate work-1 I en, and being tet.the constant receipt of the la test fashions and best styles of goodi, they are fully prepared to accommodate customers in the best manner. August I 8,4 84?"—Nno CHEAP tiotliNG STORE! %WIC Sebseraber, of the late firm oT Buck & A- Moore, takes this method of informing hie friends and the public in general, that he has bought outtheinterost.ofSl._Buck,tt4Ae old established CLOTHING STAND, N 0.244 Markel Street, Philadelphia, and is now pre pared to furnish all kinds of -ready made CLOTHING, at price which cannot but secure to hint the patronage of all who wish to pur. chase cheap clothine. k have 'splendid Primo/. Cloth bless and Prock Coats, fie" *),50 to $lB-; do Pants from 75 caps," so $8; Vents from .824 tents to *I; snit of-iimmet Clothing-for $2,25.- Also al kinds of Gent omen's Furnish. Ong-Goofs-at-extreinely-lo Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to cell at the store of . • JOSEPH J. MOORE, 254 Market street, Philadelphia August 18, 1847 - 1111.0IIERREOTYPE PORTRAITS... At the Philadelphia Dagoerreotype K161)11811- ment, Exchange, Third Story Rooms, Not. 24 and '27. TIME proprietors emeintte to take the above Portraits tit anv size and style., and nre happy to announce ,list they hare mask several iraproVe• meats which add very Much to the delieney and beauty of the portraftstalcen at their establishment An eitamitattiee of specimens at their Moms It respeetlully satiated and every exertion SI ill be matte to give emit e satisfaction W.Br. P. LA NGENDEIM, Sole agents for the sale of Volgtlaender's Ap paratus, tad importers et plates, chemicals, &o Philapelpthia August I§, 1847 . CHEAP OIL STORE, PIII.I.9PELPIIM. LOWEST & KEEYILE,37 N.Wfirirves ..i • - below Rabe street, ffer for sale at the; PRICES ; all the artistes of the 011 Trade. - Their stock is varied and extensive, and they feel confident of giving Natlisfueti on to those who call. They hove now on hnnd Pure 'Sperm Oil; White Winter and Pal Oils of different qualities, Solat Oil, Winter pressed Lard Oil, Winter Elephant end Whale Oils, Refinetl,-Eacked and Common Whale Oil, Tanners' Oils, Sperm Candles, Guano, &c., &c, Philadelphia, August 18, 1847. N goods delivered in first rate order July 7.1847. aheap Watches laid Jewelry. If ' ATPhiladelphi a Watch 'and Jew%lry Store, 96 North , Of i : •Sccond St., corner of Quarry _AI Gold loro4-Wtitelioinfulli 0 . j,- • 4 ' . ., tilled, 16 caret oases $46 00 : xi:TT(3S,IT.:II7° Silver Lover Watches, full jewelled23 00 • Silver filter Watches seven jewels 18 00 Suparioi Quarter Wi'itativ. • 10 00 Imitationmarter Watches not warranted 6 00 Gold 'Spectacles 600 Fine Silver Spectacles - ' I I.t Gold Bracelete with topaz stones 9 50 Ladies Gold Pencils 16 curate.: ' 200 Gold Finger Riney 3T eenta la Sec Width Ginkgo! plain 'l2l cents to Isii timer 177.-= Other articles In 'proportion. An ' goods war ranted to'be what they'are sold for. , . • •• . / On hand mime "grf4d and Silver Levers, Le_ pones and 'Quartiers ' lower than the above Feb. 3, 1547. - HOVEiI I gTfIRST. :PREMIUM - INK. 87:11Torth:Tkilid 'Street ' • ' , Ivrtlifigiejebrity oldie IltiksinanersetarMl thp I . it saliserther,, and 4he,`,!extensive sales. 'Mee= . queni kipn,:the high rep,uation they hav e n attained, etenlY "throogheuttlae'thilted'Siatee, ,hut , lis the ,We!t'llml,lei hailinleedd 'him tO , Iniie , ..every necessary • arrangementlii supply the vast &mind- lapilli , : his= istabliehniMit He is ann. - oyepared:Oth every Varlet): er'lliack, illue,antl: reit fOkil;CPPYhig'lnk, 4 114 .e! 1,1 40 /A, and !ski Pouttlet,, all 3 Prepared-etbrePAPC.,itru: personal `ialleiubtendeeee,..ao jeireltessrs may depend , upon its:auperior HOVERS ADAMANTINE." CSAIVNT, superior Chine; .inet ,Ware. &o, ' to; , every.' Hotiseheepaq be:hgb - whitp' . lllmld,essily applieilirentteetstSbe:, ;ted by ordinarybeat--warrantv4l. - • , mr . "Psint'phletiti,eonlitinh!gthe , ntllttereMilestls or hi of science, sat otherS, ,w 111• ; '• " eMitilieclicanetaotorfrVlOOMtliT*t Retail, No.. 87 North Third StreetopPosite Cherry, Street, Philadelphia i'•hy t J 4 1 16 ;76 1 Pikret!',49P.: 0, , ;1 - WOULD. repPectfully ctill tlio'attentioit 1 - lousekeepors a nd,the publietothe:eitini: siva stock •sr splendittFainiture;ineludiniS o fas, Wardrobes, Centre Mid other Tatilt4s. l Olels sing and , Plain.'l3nrciausi, and' cferivariety o - Cirthistetrarat?e and,. taws, el - . . • which They have just opened al theii new rooms,' 'on The corner of North Hi:Mover' and Loather Streets, Carlisle. • • They- are conffdent that. l superior finish of too workmanship, and elegance of 'style, in which theii‘ articles are• got up, together with their iIHEAPNESS, will.recomniend them to avory_person_Wanting Fornittire.--They—havi3- .also made arrangements fainanufacturing and keeping a constant supply. of every.:ortidle in. their line, both Plain and - ,ornemental,,eldgent .and Mien!, at..miceaVliihk , they l .cadoet fail to suit rturdhaverth, 'Tbey Woad earnestly invite nations ivherareAboti t to com mence bousckeep. ing!to `call mill•evirmtine present. eleg,ant stock, to which' they wit' comitaddy make ad ditions of the noyveSt:and . most thadern stS , les. COFFINS Made to order ut the tro tideObilown and countly. . - Ap,ol-24-1841 pIII.OGLAIIII it to the 14 tat HIM!: . Compound Syrup of iloarhonitlin, without .excePtioll or exaggeration,. the most stereo tit I tipee- . dy•curofdrall•dultiasis rtitising front CtingliS and ott's; which 'tsitforttinately negltkftell,loo often end in* Con gumption. if liance's CtmpoungiSyr up Of Hoftritoundle taken on thelirst appertrano . ()fit Cough it will immediately cure it and Save the sufferer from an untimely grave. Prig's. 40 cents, Forlude by Seth S Ilance,4o6 Baltimore at. and 'ochter adhering and IPratt 'its. Baltimore • For sale in Carlisle, by 3ls W B FLEMING, at their .cheap Drug store opposite . the Railroad Depot. (June 2,1847. Superior Old Wines and Brandies, - c.F Y or - iietUchuit.Purpoitti. - Plt: ERS 'Nis just selected in the city in assortment of the moot • choice old and ,Biandies, fur medicinal 'and table Pi- prirposes.' Those purchasing may depend upon them as being pore. Also Champaign, Port. Claret arid other summer wines. July 28, 1847. ement for iste.l46?,, And BEDFORD WATER in barrels and hull barrels". for sale by COLUMN & CO Chomberahnre, Jtily 28,:1e47 —3l .13tecolt. 20 11li'ds. Hams, Bholdier4 andtkiiies for e3bi by FUNK & MILLER. . IhrriNburg, Juno 9; f+94 4 7. LINE; AL AND RAIL ROAD FOR Plillada., Baltimore, Pittsburg; • , nr , elf4l ,-, • s , err.)", •. i: • ••.a ' J. W. KERR, FORWA RDINACCOMMISIN MERCHANT - HARRISHURG, PA: INFORMS his friends and the: public, ilia from the liberal patent - ill — le extended in him during the past year, he has been encouraged to make more extensive arrangements Air the ensuing season, and bits added tko new; largee and splendid Bouts to his. LINE, and will be fully prepared after the opening of the Canal o tortvard ProMbre end Merchandizo of nll -kinds to and f 5 Philadelphia, Balti - more, Pittsburg. &e., at the lowest fares of freight ent"tvalt the utmost despatch. Aigentft for Boats, Messrs. CARLISLE & ASK Rsee street Wharf, Philadelphia. Messrs. lESE & SON, No. 48 Ctionnerce st. Wharf, Baltimore. Messers.CLA R & THAW, e p J. MCFADDEN & CO, ills! urr, Agents for CAI., .• Messrs. VVIIN DERLICH & GRIER, ' ' Nu 07:1 Market vt.,_Pilifatla IIIessrs , CHALORER - 4 1- REYNOLDB, N 0.413 Matlttt sh.Phslada • . Mtsars. SIVER, JAM Et & Co: -,- ' , Broad street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Ohio Line, N. at. Baltimore March 17, 1847.—tf. ' lIV . HAT is most conducive to health - 7 A PURE STATE AND CIRCDitt U T F ON OF THE BLOOM, Now The best meth od to insure a healthy state of Blood is, on lb first symptoin of any disorder of the circuit'. ting fluid,such as Dyspepsia, Dosiivenessjvid diness, or any of the-"discases which arise therefrom, to use ilanctea Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, fifty pills in a box for 25 cots. accordin g to the directions; and yon will obtain intinedi• ate, relict: - • • one Word of .Cantion.—When you . go to purchase Hance's Sarrepatilla or Blond Pills. be sure you got the genuine article. Price 25 - cents - per - boxi-or - fiSe 6oace ter one ` dolla of saleby Stith S. Hance, 108 BaltiMoro street, and corner of Merles and Pratt sta., Balti more. Foi adif in Carlisle, by J. & W; B. FL EM atlAheir cheap Drug store, opposite the Railrond Depots (June ' 2, :847.) ' 'THE PILES! Cure for Lift secured. M'S INTERNAL RE'AIEIYY fol• the cure , of Piles. The Vegeta ble'Pik Eleituary, invented by Dr. A; Upham t a distill. guislied pb sivian of New:York city,is the only really successful remedy , for that , dangerous and .distressin; comnlaitit, the -Pilet, eter • offered tt) the . 1 inerienn The,Eleolunry noninins no 111 ineenl:Nfedieille. no Aloes , Dolooynta, Da rnhoge, or oiner poiver, fp! iantr irri toting%Otir4Siti se.., No fetir:of taking colt! while " 'under ftfeitffitiencei...no`-'ishaiign-ioltliet a cure few fife ii guartintecid. - z •,. , • ' •' Amither Certificate added to theloindreds have.ell'eady:lien evietived, of the efficacy of Dr re-,phtuts'ti Eleetuary.. .f , . •• 1" -"' Natti - Voittr, August 25,1846: Messrs.' Wyattlivlietedurin4qpno: For cave ral'year' past lhaye'bemi hkddded 'with Piles, n very cos ive &tide bf , My' chin pliiniMot bet vg fie 'leverets to` Illiabbe 'Me trOm , hosiness, and o drool ' Mid - of. anti ;patent : Medicines', Mit entil, this, spring:l, never used, any medicine oil to, it physleinnfor:rellef. Thn Filet then being so,severelltat ; allowed teveri,l.operat7ollll ,to be performed. w,lthelikany. henefif: ed after *Main. tt,:y.,Otlin'r, mennect --t iiriCfititir Oro. OotiliNectl by tho . ,uttb ~br• !L!!' Upham% Eleoluary. ' rpOrthbiedthtte bottifit hyouV store W ' ail kora :,(Itet: of, Which fotind . Laysell entirely etiied:of the Imalth much improved.; ietnaim Sirs:maim mach ihtt , lilebted friend:, 'MeraVa nt.Tallor,iO4 , ll,roOirliy,uptditisa 1 116, AgitthOini Probie tt tomi• V. taw bc . hercibt !it Adlokah l eet, New! or -,TGWeelitrapfit nrSontherwStAtese ,••• Sold in Carlisle, by SAIIITZL'ELLIO,I . I., air rtiggistsgenerallylbrougheut SIM Unit ed -States Novernbei, ; , .,1 • -• CLOVE ANODYNES cperreet , ! imd e,re that most exeioslithik.)Py .is tistio ,". r r , Drolik 'Chemical Shim' 0;1$40;'_; 'Pam*, P I,oc mer , '‘ , 4 J,. • 1 4 ' Siirkpureft,tiluttpottpnrfcchar l ioN tbi: the ' manitd W ..I34 ITIMOIGISfitAIi @to* ;'; , Atti-pirtiOt*OfrAPlP, , , ',ol . ,, aVtilltzvkatia ,a d a 'a mt . ?, ifft° • %. ME ES ME 4ilitatiofpfsati,c • Id i alc vf'Daimetootyptiwortraits i " • N is. 14 0C he anut ,Stl,ad rbeloWFiitlittc-1! SADIVIS,PPN'rtE, TH'.piCtut‘es taken at , thli eitablishinepl•are,,.• picipouireed,,, by,arlista • Cnid;ticientig e „my t , c Ulll.lll/ Cd:fOr iltblii;lif,Xo • 4 l kiyi stiffness or light -1 and tilaiide,. the atlictiO, arrange'dietif higheit,iltort•Of the painteri.-,,• • Citizens or:strangers Visiting', ther,dallewcfn haVO 'llieir • Mbilaturea'or2JNiciteaits unique stvlennil 'neatly ikrin Gold Loekets or Breastpins 'Ate, in a-feiv nainutei. We copy the• felloaing ; front `tiletqatailophia Saturday Couciert r ; n C r 4 , 1 • P,it ta 100 • The public journala have. at direirent,pdc announced, us a remarkable_ proof of the el tie and ' profiaiencv of A rfierican Artists, ihatilltignemyk types are now made iintliis city,superlor ever recptct to those made in any. br dike European cities. The success cf Ainericali shish, wa, 'confirmed in a very graiiiy hog mid • conclusivt rnanuee, by Mr.,.Barnum'r publicity stating the,close_of_bia-Ta4i,flliumh-exhibitiWirT Mir ' city, that Mr. Root had inatleAlly-inte good pie-, torus witb•only a single failure. In addition l Odell Al r. !mimes) furnished with the fullow ing ',conclusive certifieSte;steen bikrper:. ceieed' by' the parents 11 of '. in • Tlkimb, b,y BBarnum, his teachers and dee!rodryibil okwhoth. wet-c 14 kit lehn in Europe': ; • • • • • P , I I XLMAL4I4, 0 .18117. The rainguereotype of A'oni Tin rflh 4140 - hie tinnily; - including his several , tetichera,,fottris4 • driver, equipage awl „various Co and characters, :Ude by•Mr.A. Reel,ylFTl.. ..ONE present a degree . of accuracy , • ti'lithfulitess -to Nature; With' bold' 'charm. espressionbeituty and-delicacy. 01'. (Wits and uniform brilliance that ire ne've'r seen equalletl. They sire'ilecidedly'superlec to any thiuFW..the 'kind witneshed by us either IT this comitty or, iln trindon, Paris or- any of thy • ;cities of Europe which we, have, visited. We, take Omura in beating testimony to the coyzteast and skill so uniformly manifested by Mr.Rooe; Ole eminently successful Daguerreotyllist. , 'Signed S. E. STRATTON (tlty 'Father) CYNT :STRATTON (the•Al other) P. T. liAnNuht , (txhibitor olTdm Thumb in lEngland and Arne; rica gin! Proprietor of the New York and flOttnicire Museum. W. NV. WEBSTER (Secretary) fIIEODORE CATLIN (Advertiser and •Secretary of ToM.Tliumb itt Europe) • H. C. SHERMAN (hia Preceptor) . •This is certainly e very striking testimony. In favor of American superiority, comimpas it doei Irom thOse .ado have examined•sprcimens of the best productions in the art hi moat of the liincir• pk chiel of Europe. Ally 28, 184.7—finio. NEW IRON ANO . ST EEL STORE. V HE Subscribers, Importers and Dealers in Foreign nod American Iron, beg leavo to call the attention of purchasera of IRON and. STEEL, to Abe new assortment of SwodU Norwegian, Cable and Common English Iron -which-they -now-havirtuid--afer-coniithWfffrie. miming from Europe direct. Also American ron, consisting of Hoop, Band, &roll,- English, Russian and -American Sheet front Small Round and Square Iron, from 3.l6ths and upwards; Boiler and 'hue .Iron, Horse shoe and Nail Rods,-Axle Iron, various sizes; Locomotive, Tire nod-Railroad Iron; Aright - Iron, lialrixneirdi rim; &c. - Spring-arid Blister. ed Steel,-.from beet !Rumps of Swede -bum; -Cast and 'Slicer Steel,_&c. all of which they offer at. the_LOWEST-ratee, for cash, or at six months for approved refere4, and to which they invite the attention o rchasera beftho•repl.-nishing their - stocks. Also, I'ig and lilt Dm Iran received on mint inistrion; on which advances will be made. . BARI'S & BRINK, Iron and Steel Merchants, . _ . . 117 N. Water St. and 5.41%1. Del, Avenue, ehila duly - 28, 1847.-4,y WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. THE subscriber offers to the trade, or retail, n large anti general assortment o the following articles, being all of hie own int pornition or manufacture. Buyers of goods in 14titi tine are int ited to examihe the assortment, and orders are solid. ted, with the assurance that every effort will ho made to give satisfaction and insure a COMIII- , mince oft oaten]. Gold & Silver Lever Watches of ordinary qual. lty. D 0.., do. . do. cub of superior•finish: Do. do. do. Anchors .I . •Lepiucs Silver double cased English and Swiss verge • Watchca, with light, medium and heavy ca res. . Gold Jewelry in oil varieties, fineand common. SilvetkPlated„ and Silver Wares. . Musical-Boxes, playing-2, 4.6, 8 and 10 tunes. Gold and Silver Spectacles. Diamond Palmed Gold Pens. Mantel anti Office Clocks, in gilt and • other frames. Watchmakers' Tools end materials of all sorts. nutty Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel tiends.4c% Having every facility fur obtaining goo& nu the most advatitaScous torme, corresponding:lin .ducements will be of :o purchasers. _ •.JOHN C. FARR,. • 112 Chesnut 10.,Philadelpt4a. July 24 1847. • ' ' Hats, Caw, Ladiet 477 rrufilioas,_ kit TOMERCHANTS. HATII I RS & OTHERS. C141 1 .3: 1 311AT AC. SOU? 24 Battu:al Cup IKaolurnetie apt( Alainsfintory; IVO. rflarket Street, SECOND DOOR BELOW Pn.LADALiegip tr) ESPECTFULLItauncit ettention,to'tbeir it large, and' ooMplete r etook, of; late and Cups. manufactured under.ther ,own immedi ate direction and ouperimendence,,with aLI the adirant r agos of modern improvements to enatdo them to combine the importantlqualitica ofdu rairility. taste and. beauty, of finish with ca lto:me cheapness of price. , , - An' immense and beautiful aiimi invent of a II vark t fi e n end ,p,rinea of -BeaVe__,r Brbah. Silk, Muleniiln, Ream. Cassimere,,Word: Sperling r and Arddond pate— Ahroot gcnerukaasortment of every variety uf Cepa. Otter, liotir Seel; Wail Fsbar, I efylo , ttpottit, r Plain and - Faney . c r lothoryehl Pali/lea and Brinkir 141qptir,r.Soolettc, Mated, biled Silleand . Ladies' Pdolf i ,#trars.,dtp f af, the'yer r fto r i4di , " priceiV, r• .'••;, 1105,etir hi the dozen. kir Irrie:ertiftriyited call and aft if ilia not. to,thoirr4nterpatstrY.A with f, rartieehte attention paid io , tho packi ng of. Haar &ti• : ; 1 7-•-, Odah'paid for. ik , fdalfrat And ehipphOg Forks i : •• • GAIIDEN 6r.t BItOWN;' 1 ' N 0.196 Market 'Ectibti; below 1 ' Jul 2 .„,, -,-.,_,•- veto, ~ . i .., , i. with. a' lot : °I. N n' v - less GOODS, iirll....:illfub,ii.iber hiq.uttrettiiief!4freorstailltile4_, pelt or the ih""111.,!"."° piaid qipt.44o.; 6iiii - rianti;•feliiiii Closho9lll. ~ ~.. _ _ .... . New'Enyle Q 1110006,11 !rile: lot, „, • j , 1 , rj.l" , ; : ' ‘Vliittl soul hkxklY” Mllinl-M4rslo4inge. ' While and biown ..*- ... . ~ , , . . ' . Tlnkings and ElLeok:6 2 4 1 1 4 6,i m in,:i . ~ as doz. Cotta., ....",°S•etialreottartYlli a . T 1 llCii IN: .04 cilr • rot, ,',..,•• aitO 8 > s . , • _ Irish Lancno;fr,oel, l ow and ysickopst b 444 1 • piwr 134 k, SO: . ' •IV 'nos. 3'` I ,L , w Eine„ tiiil*(fernoop, • ~, ot tv , holi t end hY'd irambroonie4,,,, • summercloth I n • i n : Co:frets, ite..l***, .; Castimereitlmid ) 7 !gli gz in . Ir .. t . 0 . 41 4 . 1 . The, abeie new art icl es c i i t ii. act u t t t l i f e e,y i sto mike ,ml„..t! „...,, i.lket,ihd exA611,.. ' .1n North mac"' 7, 2. , Ey . COYLE. ' ''' I . Juij , tirt 1. , ~ Cobs ei x , 4 1 , .' br v•-• • / AOO4 1 , 1";• , ,1 %SiOn 400ibbimeNbolt:9 ititteMitkeeal:lt ''- 4001iiirltbfr nor#blei thtp , ily ttOd'"' ,101'bbli`Herig o',Yq-01'v.---,tt'lor / : 4 - "' i ;`, .• FuNic .BIILLEIIit'? ; , /larnittftidito ' E1f1,1;117.-. . 4 •',- ' ', A .. ,bs.b,4, O o t b o lP Al?eVilktOgrec6iidh•athe kt)k / i?r , ' ,' §tordi dr `r''''' .•''',!dit?,:w,,,,e,,yriggi A, r Carlisle October o; l l447';' , "' o '"?' -• 4'' , 6 ' 6. 7e , 1 , . E . M2=ffl .1 ._.: ~'~~' ~. _ ...'7CY ~. 12431 =I