Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 03, 1847, Image 2

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    iileipatches frem ' Major ; Downing,
.'CITY;:6I* MEXICO, Übirrt.R . Stafit.s;
SeptinittO*4 184 1 7.:
txrds -- IE --- 3Xxterrt--4Y 4
'friends I'm alive yet, .tholig,hi - „Piriebeen
'through showers of balls rie,
---„:_kitonl3s:',.-LgoLyour.paper dolitainingoniylet
ter thattl 'Wrote or. the rOad to theoar.
'letters I wrote afterwards, the guerrillas and.
`robbers are so thick, I think it's ter. 'chances
'to one if • you got 'em. Some of Girlish&
Scott's letters is missing just in the same
'Way. - No* we've• got the city of Mexico
'annexed, 1 think the Postmaster General
onght• to .have .a more. regular line of stages
,ftere t tcrour:fettors may go Sate.
'ugh you would touch ;he President aud.Mr..
Johnson a litifirabnettliismail-sta ,, e busi
'imp, so they may keep all the couchnonkers
•at work, and bee that the farmers raise hors
es es fast as they Can, for I don't think-they
-have any idea how long the roads is this
'way, 'nor how - fast we are gaining south. If
— l;ve keepon anhexin as lest as we have done
'a year or - two past, it wouldn't take much'
• 'down to t'other end' of South A merica,,olear
to Cape Horn, Which would - be a very -good
.itopppg_p_hice; for then. if our government
got into bad - Sledding NOrtfiA - intiare, - iinil
•tound themselviis in a dilemma' that hadn't
'no horn to suit they would:have a horn
iii Sonih .America !that they might 'hold
, .1 hope. there-glut no ti uth in the 'story that
• Was buzzed about here in-the army, a day or'
biro ago, that Mr. Polk had an idea, when
_....vve_got through annexin. &nth this-way, of.
Irving, his-band at. it over if, Europa and Af
rice; and round there. And to prevent any
'ouarrellini, ' , beforehand about it on this side
of lheAvatet, lie's going tO•agree to run the
Missouri:comprbmise rat over there, and
cut Europe up into free Slates and Africa
• into slave Slates. Now, I think he had bet
ter keep still about that till we get this South
America business all done, and well tied up.
It isn't well for a body to have too much
'business on his hands al•onee. There's no
• -- -
knowing what little Ilurries \venue) , get into
Yet, and theretsdnagetoifyou have too much
___ , .saiLspread4ima-seutilf,--Betveveril - h - ar
time'to ttilk about this now..
You will gel the accounts-o: the bags in
• Gineral Scott's letters, so . 1 needn't say a
'• great deal About them. But it's•been a hard
- up-hill work all the way from Alera . Cruz
here; and ;1 . don't think-my old•frienttGiim
. rat 'lncqrson !nos& 'Would have worked
• through all„.ihe difficuftiog and done the bu
siness uplietter than Gineral Scott has.. But
the Lilteciand the wounded, the dead and
tfie dYingrisciattered all along the way for
three hundred miles, it's a heart-aching
thought. I don't love to think about it.. It
is too bad that we didn't have more men, in
as to march straight through without fighting,
instead of having jest enough to encourage
the enemy to Ming out their largest willies
and fight theicharriest battles. .A
r One cif the'hardest•brushes we, hail, alter I
• -:got'here , was the-aitaelc of Chapultepec. I
;had'been into Iho city trying to bring Santa
Annalo terms; but, wheO• I found it was nn
'use, I come out and told Gineral Scott them
was no Way'but tolfight it out, and, although
I was mily!the President's private embassaL
'dor, .1 didn't like to stand and look ori.whan
WaS •So'weak-handed - ,,,and il would
tell Me where to take hold I would,give'fifrn
a lift. The Gineral Said he expected there
would be a hard pull Id take Chapultepee,
and-as Gineral Pillow was placed where he
Would tie likely to have the heitiiest brunt
of it, I might be doing -the country a great
service if I would line with Gineral
as my experience under Gineral -Jawksoti
and insight into military allairs. would tin
doubt be very - useful to that valiant officer.
So I took hold for that day as one of Gineral
Pillow's aids.
When we come to march up and -ee how
• •strong the enemy's work was, says 1, Gine
.Ml Pillow it is as Much as all our 'lyric's
worth to go right straight the and storm that
place in the face and eyes of all their guns;
I think we ought to lenity a little. Suppose
E 3 dig a ditch round here in front 01,
the enemy's works. AttiNit the Giueral's
eyes flashed, and he swore right out. Says,;,
43, "No, d—n the ditches. I've no opinion
'of 'om ; 'they are nothing but a bother,-and
'never ought to be used. The best way is to
•go , riglitirito the enemy pell mell." So, on
ive went, and Pi:loW fit like a tiger till he
got wounded, and then the rest of us that
'wasn't shot down had to finish the work up
the hest way we could.
The long and the short of it is, we fit our
'''.4. 11 , t.y into the,eity tit Ige,xico.and annexed it.
:Santa knots Bleared out the night store with
• what from . * Wiled left, and is scouring a
tont the Oratory to get some more places
tislay'for ns 'to atmex, When he gets ano
ther place all 'rearLy t for the ceremony, and
gets it well fortified, and has an army of
twenty or thirty thousand men in the forts
and behind the breastworks, we shall march
'down epon 'em with five or six thousand
'men and go through the Hurry. After they
have shiat•down about half of us, the, rest of
-in,-over-the- mouths Of-their
'batmen, and annex that place too; and so on
lone after another. -
Tt is pretty hard work annexin in this way;
but that is the only way it can be done. it
• will be necessary .or the President to keep
hurrying on his , men, this warto keep our
'ranks lull, ler we've got -a great deal of
.grPovet yet. What we've annex
%ed in, l'ilerrieo, so,far,lisn't• but a mere eh
motristanch4e \What we've , got to do. 1•. ••'
toile think tbe business . isn't -profitable
'but it's only because they haven't Ciphere d
into it fur ,enough to understand it.l Upon'
an average, we get at least ten, to one for
onr outlay, any way you can figure it, bp—
i, mean the Matter of people.. 'Puke, Mr in
•stance,.the city of -Mexico. .4t•oost us 'only
"vs.c) or three•thousand ,pen to annex it, alter
we got jeto the neighborhood of it; and we
get at .least a hundred and fifty shousand•
people in that eity,,and some p ut it down as
high 'is two hundr e d , thousan d. Some find
- fault withthe•ralgy °film people,, we;
this country, jest as it that had •any thing to
•do.with the merits 4the They , ought
to remember that. in, a government; like ours;
where - .'the: . people
.is_msed,kfor"Nottng, and,
whine 'every nese•counie•hne, it is the.num
4er that we are.tb stand about• • mem,
sand not the quality, by , no means. So that.
in the matter of people.we, are 'doing a Maud.
';busiriess. , ,,And, as to ; the. Money,, it no.
"mallet . what ~t eoste,us,,for money growti,in
the ground trt, , :,lllexteo i .and,,ean alw,aye ,- be
had. fin; digging. • • ,„;;
,sr ,
. • .
There's a - thousand things in 'this'oanntrr
thati shouldt.fiirei!te tell Lyoulbotit -I,lad
'..tiiitej,but :things Bev unentged:.h.e rt i• 3 4 t ;
that.' hsveTatheta aoinnsect ohanoeiti writ&
,go,l:,.,ittpittAitak here';' arta .wota a jeiv
. 'linos tethe,LPreitident r but renniiii.4eur Old'
, det4if,tosettpe'
.0* Cluitelarrairditamant wius otk•ai 0'
:rolumbia l e ( Pa: h oil Monday' afbeir,‘, bi; Qa t
advent iiiiaiiigierrier hf'l4a t i; 14 3 siikv4 4
• 1.).^
T l i#,; i3/a ry it i*, l o4n4 4 !Pel . tin'eftect in It.morir,
Alid;:aid` , .!he smieninii.hia party &arta& frii
iritiviheiei 06 4 24. 4 ' 'Their triiiinioh
:161/;ll4iktiiiiffti Of,
, inotrialhph` - letiving;ltha' - eautbarrtai'lluthrie
•-,- ,
laborers-'ard. , ttat)(oAop6hi )
Waniaget ocoaoionedky,thilVatitt .s fmlith; ,
it , -. 1 ,.•;:-. 6 -1 , ... ~,!-'"." ..,,n4 - 7::f-; , ..' Zj'ii:..a - ZI
211641 - ''' 4 TIPLY , V II4I 4 I 3 . I
•A' , -4, -,,,:, ;,;, ,'• ,- ,t • :-- ~,,
g! .;•\ g , , , - ‘„,', ; .,1,--41-... i ..) : ,
--,------r- , ' , ...,,,„.„-,r,r ‘ i.S.• ~,"t..- i
, . • . ;%, :sr'''•: ,. " • \ --.: t.: - .0. , ..\, -, )
z , ;"!. ' •':':= . ,dg i.. \ ,-,,ey, .• • -
I ,4 "'"" : ' , ' . " 4 7. • 4 , 1
• 17- s ''':.:' 'del:Lir
. The following Ivasothe patriotic lingnage
of HENRY CLAY in the brief but eloquent
speech made dutingilis recent - Via: (6 - Phi)::
~, ,,,hl.4,-ffgenllstnewoliellijUg
befoul we putt, Which 1 wish you to fetnero
her. Thivglorbius cind beautiful 16'43 Four
cinitmoit couittry-in Peace' or in WOr—tin tiiedt
Or in teoeuneler bad adminiitratiion' , or 7 •Aexkl .
Ebvitnmenc, 1 4 BA1EMBER TO . STAND BY
fie ledger of this morning t ; ays that the'
first 'retutris fi k , Indicate : that
-the kWh igit - hrtve - VAAHIED - THE - ItATY — Sr
Elctions,lM State officers took place
in New. York and New Jersey yesterday.u-
We•hope, for the triumph of sound principles
in both States. , Tie eJectiiiii: in Nassachu
;Airs cinthiy next.
t.0:::7-The Cadets, under the command of
Capt. IL N. Henderson, paraded on Satur
day last, and althiligh,fe‘i in numbers look-•
ed remarll acd marched with the
steadiness of- vinerans.
(On dit—lhat James Peacock, Esq. the
well-known and-poputai, Post Maste'r al Har
ley, Editor of the .Union, appointed in his
plane. Mr. Peaeoek committed the sin a
short time sinceol taking Fart in a Taylor
Orrici A L RETVaris.—The liairishurg
Union says, it is unable to give a complete
official table of the election, in consequence
of the duplicate copies of returns n I having
yet all been received at the Secretary's office.
It presents altutble, it skyll, is neatly
autunite, which makes Shank's vote 1.16,-
115 i. livin ; 128,138; Shunk's plurality, 17,-
977. Reigart's vote is 11,207; Lemoyne's
1 ; 677. Shanles - Trrajrnitydziver all ; 5,093: 7
We shall publish the table for a reference as
soon' as complete.
;TimAavar Craccua.--:The Ma. Joint
BANKS, Slate Treasurer, has issued a circular
to the commissionels rind Treasurers of each
county, urging ,tho .pforept' coilectiort 'am!
payment of The State Taxes due the Coin
inonwealtii: This is deemed necessary to
maintain the faith of the Commonwealth,
inasmitch as the tlanurge done to the canal
by the late flood, will diminish . the ordinary
receipts of the ttleashry-tea very ceasider- -
able amount.
CITY MIMI:HIM% N 'O'Xii:Edigs.-:Not the
least attractive places of resort to strangers
visiting Philadelphia, are the various Da
goerreatt Galleries, particularly those of Mr.
Roor, the Messrs. COLLINS, and W. Sr: F.
If.V: , Mextiram, allot wltirih are mlvertised in
our paper. To so high a perfection Itas this
wonderful art been brought by these several
artists,—so vivid is the likeness, and so ex
quisite the softness, delicacy aniT finish 'et
their portraits, that their respective rooms are
daily filledivith patrons. Their . futridredsof
spedirrienantra an attractive display. - Visi
tors find it difficult to determine the /uperi
ority among these vario - Js aiiisic-7-4:itieim
prov.ements originated and claimed by eadli
will be found detailed in their advertise
lioN. JAMES COOPER, of Adams coon
ay, sailed in the packet-ship Sarawak, from
Philadelphia to. Liverpool, on Monday last.
An datertainment was given him on' the
Fiiilay_ previous by a large 'umber of the
Whig; of Philadelphia, at whicichosuollll:
and . speeches were made
by several leading Whigs. Gen Irvin's
health was given with a hearty "three limes
thane." Mr. Cooper bars with him the
hearty good wishes , of not only %Vhigs, but
,tpoliticth • opponents, ltit his speedy
restoration to health.
. . .
A GonwHovEr...L4:lurfriends who melds
itiflg Philadelphia about this time, particular=
ly those having business on Merkel , street,
can find no'Place with Whiall , they ivilU , be
better pleased than the aMlegheny tense,"
kept by Mr. E. P. Hughes, near the corlier.of
Eighth and Matkot. We know !rem' the
personal enjoymeutOf thenaOliat this House
abounde in all the eleliancieu, comforts'and.
itccomodations which every Welt 1 1(.44 Hotel
otlteie to itu i patrani• The lioiusels ~ besides.
viltuited 'for btiiitiees-nien, be
ing in the very centre of trade, 'and - ite char- .
ges are theta' ieationable:-.lTit
OtT ; fihrio Aleaantlritt'bniette
Union 'waits to hear ine' reasons , in
ducett. General , Scot! grant an artnisticeluni,,
open,t negotiation,', although it <appreheuttle'
it has cost nur,country some + precipue ' lii' s',
gritiabl.f, 1,361 Win Ott
by the ,Gosornptent'ortpuristsalo - ,azoontric;
Scat 6 woold:sieviti have - liSid - 'docasion
10 - ignutt an - armistice' for,the purp ose eatering'upon'oop • • ~ • •
t l'ilZ ' : a1,11 ,? -,: ki°"d., l :afrillY, ': a , WIII)e, of
- rpformert , i)U , lta of - In wasular-saiiiiigth
aplity,, aro about to : visit Cattiele. TbeY
.0 71 ilat ' '' l 4ed ii t r s igl i g eriii ! i ! ' i ii' ro l !!!'i
. 13666 !iii) 11l Pliitalfe'Vtllili ^ ll iiir,a , t..i 6 i , 4i-,
is t
Irfted 44tobItattintidn. , ,nar. I :'-, ; I 4 ••• , ' ,, i''
11i„,.. " rr :. •• Jr .., , ', ,,, 11
t u'-f-T'a 4P3IPTI Alloaripin calla .fott Hatay
,irhit''.oo,l4..,tli*W'eiielf... rlhelliiiiiiPr
' ',llo olfl f # , .oili r oal‘i44 7 ' 'Avile. , :iiiiiihi
lieellli' 4 :"ii 'l4 . lst 'i *4 Ar ',-,q , , I 4 , . •
. , 8 , t ',...„,°,f, ...fflturg , Ofilli
fttlieipli - 44: 1 11, 1 , r titlAp.,,wr'pyi :4- 4 0,440-,oji,
, , -4: 1, "14'11;'4 ' , ';'•.4' ' ' ' l . - ' 4 4 , 1,-!;;;404/4,!;IIIV-` ,
" I' Tii,ttiadaiiitioTtlThii4kiiYlk44'''''
, 1 .. •-, ~ • .. ' . -- I 1' ~. IP.! '''
41a N ici t:'!7.. °11 ,POPit#4 fili4fit 1,
liixt i
diiIIIP tilio 4l .l l p*lUid,*ll : `l4lll4k;
,i)e.b,lr , afi. ;Whiii a•stiblilivi:thorpUstietltaing
4411 that 44 , ,lifeseldt 1 ' , - ^
:i...3`lpylpron4.••ll.' ,
receNedariVei - from:, Gee.-
fpll~itiii~ g,. lisfactory exposition of Gee Tay'-~
Idiits 4 iiewai yet
ourier: notices •it as 'follows,lati'd exPlains
the reaslln 'why Mr: Ingersoll' deemed, jt
Af.I I NAIRMIXteI i9 A4-
letter tlieft3d - ol• Mimi;
'Elena-quarters 'oflhe-Army' of
ticaupatirin. in Mexico..commen ces stating that he is Whig„lpot , enmlrta
Tine"could have 'abaaryqil ; fht 3 ,..(lebate.,,lif the
Wiz; laai 's ession:on" , th t e attempt'
!to censure him fur the capitulation of Mon
terey, conducted mainly on iparty'grounds,'
and doubt idle complexion of
dittos.' 'Thuf the has *Ad a commission 'in
:the army of 'ttie•United States •for•forty years
—this commission being one of ,the is
-ilia by 'Mr. Jefferson ; flint in the Inst ?resi
dential .election he advocated.l;he Vettion of
Mr.tlay, believing.ihnt-he -and-his 'friends
-'assimilated' more to the,' princtiples
'Jefferson than their' oliri.tintirits:'•
. Taylor yiroceediitheii todefine.hia
'present positiunthat he does riot thintr
sell qbalihed for, the Presidency Lthat
would Willingly priatporieqiis name 'to secure
the leleinion of Mr. Clay; or any of the dis
iinguqied men or the same school now pre
sented to The pablia..' lf, however,'the pea
ple ot - tho United States - shall- sporitan eously
'elect him , he shrill feel ,himself bound to
serve, but that he will not accept' of party:
nomination gel/elusively? That Who should
be elected ; lie Will -go into, Office 'unpledged
to any, partietilarCiandri; that he was deter
mined 10 carry mit the intention of theirara-'.
'ers of sheCtinstitution, of whom tiVot(reter
log to Wuslibibton and Madison) were amp
one theiciai•ly Presidents of the country, and
thaLhe iiirdetermined in aueh ease to be the
President .ot the ' nation,' and 'not. 'of .rt
' t
x, I ;
--, Ttrislettnils, we tonlersnutt - th - ennest - lult l
and satisfactory exposition •ot Gen. Taylor's
views - yet given Itylthh. Mr. ingersell will,
not consent to its ptiblication„ because itis
an answer to n letter- (ogled by 1301iillj
purporting.lo have .been written
by 11.1rJugersolli when no such -letter was
ever will ten,by 1060
The Baltimore alter
mien also givesa letter - from Gon. Yay'ldr,
addressed to life wings of Baltimore, in
which be 'reiterites the patriotic sentiments
which distinguish his 2revions letters. Who
can now dipht, after the incontestable evi
Bence which is ollerett by Gen Taylor's own
letters, iris sincere and strong attach-nent to
to the . Whig party?
Fighting ata Talting.
• Volunteer hashes up a dish of extracts
of considers very .tory-like ex,press-
Inns by Prgrninent Whigs in reference•tcrthe
war. • But tl;t Volunteer hes not The honesty
has hot.—the
. honesty. to give credit to the
thousands of.g/ii . i» g
.IWhias who ,are now
in the ranks of this. It does not let
its readeis know of • the .two Kentucky reg
iments lately ' riised;a vast majority of
..rankS and the %Vidal are Whigs
and nothing else. It does not leU its readers
either, that in the foinfoca state of Alabaina,
where only-five companies are called -for
nut a solitary one has yet been raised ! The
wing party is Hato be reproached with un
faithfullness to ibe country with such facts in
The Volunteer Sneeringly asks " what
are Whig principles We can refer limi
ter an tits,:wer to General Zachary Taylor's
letter. ,The old.chieltain gives as his reason
for tbeiqt a mit', that the principles ol.otir
pary are more assimilated to the principles of
Jefferson and the earlier Presidents, than are
those 01-the pseudo-democratic party. Un
der Polk the Presiiient is the whole govelt
ment,—under „Telletsea,..Madlison, &c. the
President was only the Executive power 01.
the government. Give us again the republi
can simplicity of the earlier Presidents, urr
der such an Execinfice"as the glorious.,old he=
ro, ben. ZaeharyTaOrti- !
SONS OF TEstommice.The annual session
of the Grand Division of the Order of the
Sons of Temperance of this Stale convened
at Franklin Hall, Philadelphia, on Wednes
day last. The following officers Were cho
sen for the ensuing year: • • :
grand Wolihy Patriarch—RfMlEß,Tlll FAUST.
Grand Worthy ASSociater,PAuk B. CARTER.
drand Scribe—SAMUEL 7. Plcs'a'strs.
Grand Treasurer—Ekiemn Tann'.
Grand Chaidain—RolinT p. Moms
Grand Condactor—CLAyToN AMEN.
rai' Se line!—D4*!. McPiNLEY
The anneal report showed that the . num
ber_ol.Divisiona tiow 'organized , in this State
ty 295, rnaking" a tnernbership Of, 24,889.
The inerease.O( . meoers oirer the last 'Year
The, nombevof Divisions in Cutel
Noland county is sixicompribing • 899 'lrretri
bet s.
0 EN . Scorr.—The Alexandria Gazette say*
We rejoice to see f" 6 ,:luepd qt:il4ii36oiik iu,
bestowed upon Gen; WScott,he press of
all patties) and :the tliaposition , that, is :, ' exhi
bited to' ifer justice :til'94iskill t serteigy
gallantry, of' this L ;rliOinuutslied, commander.
Tha prudence and , foreekifii:'he has evinced, ,
,wisdona and : sagacity of his plans, have
all been I , Stiliittl i j9' . 4is; paSsrtge - Irani f- Ve'•
is Cruz, (4, l oi!dlniti' 3 . el4iture,or. oat city.);
fn,fhe ottpital of .. loxiso., „With a force porn
paratiieli ,, iinfiOtioanybe;tuisL'enceitniiired
anti iiiidesteltilly,skinieiunted',*tiky;Olioitacle;
'fiqd)iikeslittA4i; ;4,!ii'a! , .4 g a c . 6 0 11 ..:.. ‘'. 9(1) 1 .4,.
cuiuritrytirep t -iandfto-i be 'certain lnat-qiiii - pfit4
fried forhitrufelfs•ennue 9ittleih.:!will;bll Or
evei• remembered 19"119lritivoS', bf , tha'tg:'
.- 00 , iiiit' ; ***It,fi)i'd' 116 -0611t i: 1 0 "4 :! . 05iii' t
;1 7 0ft:;4 4 i;iiiiilf!:': , #.4. 11 :• 1111' 04* 1 44iMij
' tier'ligie - Waplaretnet..murrieitottCtli the
ijaftritinbilti:hs , hali yet Ittlfillat tktAigttlitit
hiiPtikthat 'Worki•nitietl t ,:: , t9;l;le4:l'of4tiii'. - itict'
k9c;o4diellini l / 4 , l4: t er itia'fr.iiiipi; ( ::scltlifif;'
iticireooil i g,itilVod'i'itil*. ° 6l3l;Aleriliitif;
i t,
lqe-rro lca
i list'eMingrnlirfl4l lo :4(:,. " genera..
'Sniento934niat bb'zltiliitittirkteu - 'btonli
isitatiyali4'hili t ii"bB4iiiiiiiilitb4l9; ''' ' l , ''
4 ChtitithilliOCuriibteding; , pitialthiit id' 41
ncelisoorWilmoti+PreyiliebrinViintionrsi hi
, aeltelilliol!Heil4inthrtliii,V4-litirMoriA t i 'l'
44 .4 .4 1 144, , SpbSeheti*re , nadrehr;f10, of .
04 1 ..oPrilvii#lo 6 ~ iitVßfire''
,011- ,
, sitttoot.att .. ~..*: ~ ~ r 0 43
*AliztitAiltOk IP i '1.4 - .
14 . iiver*pidigto*.. , . ),!, ,result' ',l ik :
illifi 4 oo4 . . k t p ie: ' th ere" . ' '
his .•'o4 , Siner ',,,' . }A , i'4.4r4 . A
.0 6
h •
Reaulfs. el he s
, Or' remarks ,that
b 3
Pc:lobitrAMWilliittliddiuk7oo 4 4efeaTifir-'thor•
whole, gratifying and enctittraiing 'to 'the
Whigs, -iii all the substantint , clnrnisrits tit
pokver, S in r
taken •
tests;wo -, tmti..ii ti - thiif"" M ART: -
i 1,146* four ,Wh rnelquiric;f
grass, out ol; .
Pr4 l
Fain . al 69; and 'insuring a lyt ! •11 , „ - majojity
,n'tbO'HoO'so of AepiosciniatiFes, in the, next •
Congress; besides increasing the Whig ma
jority in the Legislature, and 'Fendetilih: cer
tain the
. election of a:. Whig
.to the United .
States Senate for six yeans;trom March 4th,
GEORGIA ) instead of a-Legislature divid
ed the - last — wasi - with' 4 Loy
celbee;Senata and Whig House . , now eieos
a Whig majority in each kranch; thug,oli
audit* the . eleCtion two Whig Sernitortsjo
the.-Senate of the United Sfaibs, for thite l rm
of six. Years, rispectivelyi from Maiqh
1817 and 1r#413.- •. S •
Iri PENNSYLVANIA the Whigs ietain .
t in`thlr I H•:;lite
ivilLprobably contaika sufficient number of
Conservatives to' act witfi the WlLigit.on
. .
ny•imporlant questions.
01110,..which last year had a ) Senate at
first tied, and alteiwards Loco Foito by ali
-Benleeism, or vacancy, is now 'Whig by
a majority inboth branches of the Legislnture.
This election is important, as a new apPor
lionment ler-representation in the.Legishiturtt.
farthiiii Pia - the - yearkis
Legislature now elected,
FLORIDA, for' the first.time since h'e ad.
mission into - the llininn,litis - elected n'Jhajos
ity of 'Whig§ to/eAstgislature, and the
largo WhigotajOrity eldeteil to the Senate
renders probable the election of a Whig Uni
ted Statesenatoi, by the Legislutnre nex
Thus, in fonr`Of the five Statei i which
eleciians have been held has the -minuet
dmmistraiimi been condemned by the peo
le, in the'election of 'T., egir.latures, a majori:
ty of whom are Vhigs, and whose influence
besides the bearing they must have on 'the
Senate Oldie United States, variant fail to la
eflitaie the suture success of .the whit; cause
in'etfming elections. 7 ,
tiDid Slnnik" liti•'Frctildedtt
There-olection.el "thii man with the big
'foot" is likely to play the very 'Mischief
with the plaits 'for' the Presidency of the
rival aspirants, Buchanan and Dallas. A
courrriuMetition_in the last. Perry Democrat,.
which smells very - JosseAlilleriSh, brings;
"Old Shunk" himself .rlglit straight out forl
the Presidency! The writer describes Shank'
as ti secondJack,stiti; Mill thinks Pennsylva,
nia ouglitnot.to_be..ovecilelicateabouturgit.g :
him tmon the party in other States. The
editor of the Democrat also gds it strone: for
Old Shank, and thinks the party could not do
better. We feel softy- for Buchanan now.—
Be might as well "grve in" at once, if Old
Shunk comes on the catpet 1.
A Washington corriznitt7ntWot of the Bairi
more Sun says:
Sufficient intimations have been thrown
out in regard to the orders 'recently tent to
General Scott, to convince me that he has
been directed—lst Po trouble himself no
longer abriut truces, armistices, negotiations,
or protocols. 2d: Toleave todisrurbed the
shadow of a government rots al - Queretaro.
341: To' prepare 'tor permaderit occupation
and for tranquiliiing the cohntrty. 4th: To
disaim the whole populeton °lithe ciry 'and.
country oil the road from Vera Crektllllex
ico, and break up' and destroy their arms :
and 'sth : To levy contributions tpon the
principal cities and State's. •
Mtn', IF 114:6 mir
elbow, says the Pittsburg American, sticks to
it that the returns fro:n Westmoreland are
the same tally-sticks that were sent 'it' in
1844;' with only scirrib verbal alterations.—
Targrrtheyitseiffine stick: On
they put an owl for "Dernocrat," and on the
other a coon for'"Whig," arid elevery'elee
toy mine's.. _jackdnirle, lie'notches
knowingly on the side he wants to vole- in .
most, parts cdk Berke county theklise beans.
The small white are' tlis speck•
led, green,. vibite, and, yellow are kir the
Democrats; and: blank beans are allovqd to'
the . 'Abolitionistsr , e , After thbY are ..oeurited,..
the beans ate, -put 'back and remain lot the
'next - olictfon . for • Governor. ..,Then, as a
Democrat or Whig dies, they take one out,
or onOcotinetcol dge they' pal 'one in.
!CAIDINET 1 1;itp4:01., , —A ; letter to , 16 New,
Vork t rierta t ithus thelollowirm ," .1
The cabinet council eat-tellay,:- It• is sup
pot!od,theyw ijebiling the reponantenda
eae. =
'hle be rniiatato tottgreli hi - reference to
- the war.' Weltrer*OkoteiAref 4 114exi.•
co. Mr. Buchanan goes for ti . pert. Mr:.
IVlareyfie tinter - i f° pacepelhapreypeciiciukt.
be , tiattsfiea%*ith sithk./J*ol:.3)l.rN. Piront;
the; Arai/A/4 Peihatuci
; 06 11 ? 4 ,lMeßOAtdi.ribffii.t . # l O 'O4 O O
ConNreaa; • ,q , • 1
; r. :F V 1, :
'.Gati.Tatt.oßgoAttket Rog E,- 0,
- f rhe Gaiveztt
kin ;Civilian Id the;:!tlthpaityn?:. , --V.Mv: ,Ctdvit
ettn r lteui, 410 ifif;:kn,lt Rani'
Monierel _Elti*P 4, l *,tic,Wn
to q.'clayiJhat on",tbei-reeeption the' in
or. Vigtorifito C• j ent4iratiranit:
P4f, 46 0 56 , ! r #i "i q 4 ; ', 4,1! 2 . 14 :f!KP4 1 ; i .4. 1 ,4
Elii: ' 0 1 1-:4444;biiii':9 9 14,4.1PrAiAck bje
040..; Ilte!li,m9 111 ( 1 litic no ,
fairther. need 01.!iisaety,leeti'in•MixittOPLI
A•be, New OrWili l ieligenal: tem° - k
I . !iThe''.hbOe's 4 The
6111(.010e - rTitievA o
I .lli)iir based . Meittkillittdin
I nilifiet;loWolifetlfett,ttiarlioei, esti, te
iht 'o l * 1 1 1?qtjj,e,,,
reeee',OveY'i,eur:°o'oifik i iiik,* l 4,t,
geiern. ,
ity euiii.c."' Whet
feyeetitk," ithd
, il.fc 44 . , it.thlS, ..11pury p
;c ,
LA ty ,r;
Wiii*liooo.4 o lo l iiiififfitOgriti''
R} !$f
ai -
:::•':, ' 4l
ft '
Late A ,
IMPOi .-- ti •',
0.•,p,i,D1N - :=4
xitgk•4 4 '
t ,,-
f ,
",,,0,f,, 0-l Artaoc OfFintC , Ann,,onige, Garrrlon atil:ne l '
-1 1 a-10nibatdmehOftbilbnntifly4Oit
''' son's Flan,'On/Ariiliipk,Ain'clihinfi.
•'. Cotton - ''Brrieißetipli - ,ry Wirtinf - ..:.Antig,
'----7 .7112, SOdin — Da Ft u re for Oaxaca:.
The steamer Jaritee-L. - Day 'arrived at N.
Orldaris on the g3t . - Lfrom:Yeral.Crui,' bring
, int'digiiiiirci. 7 .llW,lllli: : o7orec , ba*nboe.iplito:
' lateearrtfalififetkirOnt,thri , eirinti v l•::,,:ri f -,
' - ;-• - ”Batiti.-Altlialvhanit'Prieldriferr•tlie2sfiteif
• - SeptemeerpantPliad - riddressed-C9l, ,, Childs; ,
statiEg that'he had-taken possession of the
I'Cityiwith 8000 men, anti his irn
extenation pldlid,post 7 i..perm Ming
:Mile to ;'ffir- alanclitiii 'With Giiii;Scott or the
• - the Amirican fordes at Perote,„bat threaten
ing initho etiert'ettri-refueal that ariffirrreili
A s ar P il ui' t i o ll6 t l l l i s e
a c t o e L a c ss h all i t i a r 'o ev ul i d ie r ,th m i y t e vi o th n ,
threatened anacksiipon tile pOsitions under
his oommand, lie'Was hilly Salle:tied that he
should be able to defend them successfully,
-and-having-been-honored-with-The; duty-of
gilarding them, he . was determined' to. de:
_lend_them_todlie last.- . • .-, ', . .. •
, The Arco Irisi,ofthel3th9clober, fUrniab
isfurilier IMportant -- news. :A. letter from
'Pnehla, dated at five o'clock eit'the evening
of thei , 27ili September, flays the, points .of
San' Juan' de :Dios, `San Itinari,,!Santri....Rosa
and . Santa Mtinica dent 'pence(' Whefivy can'-'
nonage upondhe Alnericankworke. The lit
ter immediately began to throw Cannon shot
bombaand grenaders into Me - demi - 6'ot ilie
cityrovhicksiifTered contliderribieldjuty._•,...l.
A bsut ft 'citclock:dhe cannonade ceaSeddint
eommenced again et dawn on - The i lollowing;
clay. By order of Santa.A U net ; a. breastwork
of collon bales had been erected, with dour
hundred'cotton bales which he had comman
ded the commercial houses of Valesce to
furnish for the defence of the, city. Tsi pre
vent the completion of •these.werks, The A.-
Inericans hom-the first•had kept up a con
tinued:fire from San J . se upon the workmer.-
Whichibeing briskly returned 'by the Mexi
cans; fte discharge or bomb's and . grenades
from the American lines gleatly inereased;
but night superveithig everything, became
quiet. :. ' • .4 -
September - 30th--4 partial tranquility
reigns in the - city; 'but' General Rea having
concluded the 'erection the eieetion..of a
biittery to open iiporrSan Jose, the greatost
enthusiasm against the,. Americans prevails
throughout the city. - .
• On the Ist of Octolter'Sapta Anna. at the
hend'ol 200 b cavalry and infantry and three
pieces of artillery,_sallied out train Puebla,
intending to attack the American train which
left Jalapa on the Ist, - and reached Perot° on
the 4th, butletore arriving at Topeyahualco,.
his designs were Wthilly fruStrateil 'by all tit
his men ; with the exception of ;1M- litissais,,
composing lits.perannalgnartl,-diaving 'pro
nounced- ligiinst liiiii,•riltrilinfing the uri;:irtu,
nate events of the War and their want of suc
cess against the invaders, to his incapacity
and unsuccessfolnearr: - Siirire tautly (leder
ed. him a - traitor,: and nit worthy Of holding
any command in the Mexican army: ..
Santa Anna having reached Tepeyalinaleo
whit his 130 111/ZFIUS, received an order from
the grivernment at Quererito, 'onleying him
to repair thither at 'once with all Ins Irbops,'
but he did not think itfeoriVenient to comply
' with the dernands- , Of-liis---gOverzinetit-antl
took up his'hine dl march to, khijace,- lie !Inv : ,
ing, itutiliely declared his intention of procee
ding to thin Ptilde, where,. he designed ,to
raise rihother huffy, WifirglitiM to renew.the
i lialiAr,th the enemies' or the ne l itoic:
.111tVletters'from fhb•iirWribrserfititilifein,
the o.lgiOn that ISentb, Antieretingidereatinl-;,
self aslinipeterit, i '. • any . thing mored
"rfirirAtite'lliat;htir , .
~:'l. < . nit,.. Ins way to
wards' dlifiliterrialftlefUipurpose Of leaving
, Alexhidriter4OtitiVildrifiis march to Oaxa
ca is Otilfli_*riletd aid in die quiet ac
crirriplighbini( Oda designs.
l i nelifilfeitiber 2.—Since Santa Anna's
departure;4l4slinnortailing has entirely slac
kened 'Olf. - :-The ' cotton house of Valesco
took 'fire; iind'hureed down. The inhabitant's
of Ptieblaffiearing 'the iirigirity. 'Of me 'bells'
which aniitffiked this incendianisin were
very Hitch !alarmed, lielievirm the Arneri
cans 'had lilt their ethreachnitlfa and were i
storming 'Modify.
. it is leported thattlen. Sedu has granted a.
passport to Santa Anna, - Other Mexican pa
pers deny that he is endeavoring to reach
Guatemala, and insist that he Will continue
the war without respite.
The Genius of liberty says that Pena y
Penn -was discharging the duty of President
at QM-tater - a i but had refused to recognise
hisitssdciatts appointed by Santa Aanu, and
proposes that 'Congress shall elect.
A report prevailed lit Vera Cruz on the;
itfith ' •ffiat attimpany of Texan Rangers were
attscked by the guerillas, twelve miles,d is
girt, arid all but two were cut off. An ex
press had theived(stating that Clie 'than was
• killed-tiud"eighteen• missing.
'Some 'difficulty had occurre dln the. Mara%
sachusetts r,l ant - nil Gen. Cushing had
disarmed' Irdif _ '65 frontjAhe' regli
- merit. •, ' . .
Captain Wells hes-been honorably acquiit
A:.rilchiel J'ltek flays had arrived at Vera !
to'th mhile,py the
General Lane was:at' Perot!, on the 4th of;
October; ritul-po doubt entered Puebla a few
daps afterwards:' • • ,
The A reeTlris of •tGlh; speaks of exten-
Sire prepatations - maithiglo deskatich retrain
for the interiarotrul sa a . that - mitre :Than
4000 troops-are all armed sand ready for'to
mark. , , •. - *
The editorconjeetures M . :lt:General-Patter,
son has n new expedition in prrispect ag,nitist'
some. State not .hitherto iOnited by •t he A-;
itnericans, instead .olinining Gen. Scott.
The same paper containssame specula 7 .
flow:xi to the probable action' of ;the Mexi
can Congress . Queretaro; :among
thinks that the minds'ot the:people olthein-1
terior, hact - untlerpowom'chauge: since the oc
mention of the Capftal; ited Were *dispose
lavor, a peace-:
. .
'';Major P olk;' aetirig'; its. Tt..•,iiolmnteer,:.
beeh ordered to the command of a- klefaalr
rrient of caysilry,P.haroloJoi_el,intlor Major
. . .
lietrerh,iadeordeig to. ih - fic.Areo hid
collected' 10,060111811 at:l'6l64ore iiii - a3Voi the
IVhtioeid :4.66
' Th'ai Geerillae lave ' , lnn= away. at tjalaria i
'mar • 'only!„iiiient . ltheirtlelendeleas
:cowl tryintelliehl k the; Mexteah i huthrertties of
~tlie State roflleca Ortiz ,14.4telaHcie0 - efgettop
tieg.measiiieeJtoliet:the7l.ilownv:io. 10. ' ,0 - I •'''
' th
~. ..Pa'ffte , JartAnta:htie.threlrie taireiV it aheotnall
ittiottrry'Ofovisiehethttotlrera Cru'i:AZ 1 ; , :: 47
!.: ,fike: Delta pabliehosit inotestietetel koi the.
Cl!fCbuneiltef;ltlexhio eelthematry , df Gen:
.11;410tytodettuir:withthierneearetitt 'toren
'his:proclamation of inartiallawir. ; •
,I,Cs.n i .modoliPj.tiry_hailtaken:mifhia:qteitu,
,lere , teniimarily: on sheie: , lNg 0 ; .. - 4 ~ 91., • 1,t:, ', r'..
iThe,omito hes agaht;medeite - atifmartuipe
` - et Vera in.a• mild f0it4;d.,..,y. , -,..._1.1 v•t / f.
'ili`i T oVA 4 -it e 4,:-Lfi l etll4 4Piiiiii - fiAi f
foariti;uB.;,iiiitlitiir :the ` .; eilihost'Atolt
tteltircie #theiit's :of ihoaticiton4•Vll:oiir N. ,
4ittFi.rat;),Melt"tif#% Mt. ilee . etieOriquept4'
!isie. hqe:,tript,*47.!all'etleitlquie4llll.oo:
aglntirtsinge'Y(abreiti:. Newe,St 'SW 40 New
ghgtaniret)iiliiilif tiv,"ellsiiiiiiiiid
~1i1)41;„ ','lol
y,.vprg4o.:tiitit ilia.Y.tiVtalciiislla 44t061491Y?
aiatilaitialyreilir - P' ,1 2i1.1,r; - ',t,•;,. 4 . .... , 1, 7 1 c ,;.
~,,;,., tteivl , s . ' Ihttotil .t.t., fret ';.49.0E63 ,, T,rt
rtF.* . jikeeffik liP i iiiii iliiiiita ' 1 *,
I . loioLBrarl jeal'ear !tit:, 9isolblyoivwl,ll.
mi,iivoitica,tobelieittilum ' ik to.z. T.
'.li4riPsdpit.',o342Ti l iVtiOietri )i . O ft ocirroi'!*
'hta.iiifijiotol6o#l 1740i4k )o , '.°FibP.'
otipt)§o4,.l4.i}..v*#„,o4,l*l:s?••: , ',.
itv4,: ' . 1, 710,tay5 ,-,, , , ..100:4-.qii - ,,',, ..';-',c' . '
-ff.-0%1:25V ,aill.,z-Mil-,:W•;,,i4A:1.1ir,,,..:,,,,,.)•-,..'::7,;,`r.,
!,jijliii,fiiima''if'o F i{:iitiijr Readers:: ..
..,, " . I;',.°' - . 7 ::‘ - , ~- ~,-
Tim C o pciik' ,i,.sapursningtits enbreck'as in
1 ,1%32.‘: iNtliei. 01114,iir",,500,03.41,tigi,itieha$1
at ,
?Ni/t . cheitiliiii,' . oll , the B r atti,o. Shauldili
,4oursebepnraued with-thf4ttmeTrapithly%- .
1 . c1id, , ,in.A3; it _v.o4retrh_,tbai,Unitee, - ,: , i §utti#R,.
j!&1§444,A, ‘'. 4 4),,L, \-V-', \ ..., , tii , .. ,1 "0
f - :Qui6 VlciiflA,• - - 1 J-I . Te- / r_u_nier_ditfria..:*cri‘
„define - in the circles . of the highest authority,
di the symptoms of insanity having been
decidedly, Tanilested by her Slajesiy. The
iwelitkdowncJiability of her family toads cm
' erinaladY attengthens the probability of the
report: . . _
into 'the servico- - 61
the United_States at Cincinaii, last week.
who was in the battles al Palo Alto: Monte
,ieyamtitiluenaar.istivendingthe last orte^fed
and was left for dead epon:the field, repot
ted as tlearl;to'betifirOarietirshil: published
as.dead in the official despatches.
KrThe amount at
on - Eh:tiled &WS at . llc-tv
Yoficlitifiveek wifssl,6oo,6ooin the same
week •last :year Only. 8300,000. No wonder
the revenue is So large .under the tariff of
1846. •Rut won ft pityr.day_comel
Major Gene:re! Patterson has,. it , is enia:
given orders to.disinoutit twenty-eight brass
guns from the castle of San Jean d'fillon, for
the purpose - of sending them to the-Military
Academy at West . Point. •
. .
The Pennsylvania Ital I roficl, Company in
vite]proposals for, the•gratling and :masonry
Ron. :about 36, miles-of the road, &item!.
ing West from section 20 nenr lewisiowit
Datn'.7 '
Grant,' who successfully disinfected
ftlre-3United :States frigate:-Raritanris w be
sent: lb the Wl' of Mexico for the purpose
`of ens:tiling him' in practibe on an extended
scale his plan 6( ridding ships of foulness.
The Washington Union says that •no of
ficial-communications have been received
irbtn'oGen. 'Scott since: the 4th at June. If
infers that his depatches must have been in
teroepted by the Guerillas. - -I .
The'Washington Union contradicts the ru
mor that' Gen. Taylor is about to reiurn . lloMl3.
'tie has never signified any such intention
to the War Department, and cannot of course
leave his post'(fithout obtaining its permies
Amounts from Ohio speak of an unusual
quantity or rain_ ddring last week, . w Inch
has caused much damage by the rising oh
the streams,the destruction of dams, bridg
e-, linces.zo..
Strange, the Mormon prophet, has order
ed all his followers to Beaver Island, in lake
Michigan. .He has bought up that spot, con
taming forty square miles and expects to ga
Cher the Mormons there this fall.
General Scott says Mr. Kendall is rio de
lighted with the bravery of the privates, the
fighting men of the h'rmy, that he wishOs
they were One map j _so as to hug them all
The ..iniesetwins reside at---Mount Airy,
North Carolina, •cin 'farm purchitied With
the proceeds'Of their exhibilioriii,trai which
they - cultivate. Both are married and have
a number of children.
Father-Mathew intends to visit Amerirn
nelt summe . ri he will„ot courso clime. by
water and will sail thrcitigh, 'the' temperate
aone. •
An American 'prniercailed the Anleiican
Star; was issued_ in the city pi. Mexico' ini
mediatOly afler hb odcapatidn of the capita
by Gen. Scott.
Maj. Lally lost 12 Men 'killed and 105
wounded in skirrrti.hes with the' Cherillas.
while taking his command frotru Vera 'Cruz
'to 7alaha. . -
The trial 'of Turner, the 'defaulting flank
rihshier ol Balt;more . , has -resulteel ! its at ,
'quittal. Tie is . to'be tried ou nriatheecharge
ol conspiracy to defraud the:batik.
Seven 'absconding slaves, belong:Mt: to Dr.
Reach and the Messrs. Clagett, ol Hagers
town, were pursued and arrested near
Chambersbureione day last week.
The Rev. Mr Tappan, of New l'ot!lr, was
struck with• appople`xy while 'entnnJed in
prayer, onunday night i last artil'dhortty after
Col Martin Scott, -0 , 10 'was killed in the
assault upon Mexico, lose 'by merit, 'from
the Talk's. Tle ivas 'a native of 'Venribni,
and enlisted during the warw,ith England.
There 'are now sixteen newspapsrs
TotVay,where fourteen years ago these was
not a white inhabitant.
The popular: vole on the CCongressio nal candidates, in this recent election- in Mary
land, shows a cleat Whig majority of 34.
Hon. Neil S. prowh, the newly Mewed
Goverricir ot. Tennessee, was inaugurated - on
the 16th inst.
Mr. Tasisiro left Washington a few days
since, with deapatches for Gen. Scott and
Mr. That in Mexic.
The total hortrber °Weed's by yellow lever
n New Orleans has been 2,544 this season.
i• In Merdericou,nty Sbunk's majority over
Xevrii is-one `vote-I- - 1—
In. the'arorrnfng.of , Moline,d ei Rey Major
Sumner : . wrth /is dragoods, charged 'a-heavy
column of the •enertnY's lancers'. In "doing
sof they had to pass udder a leaiy. fire from •
the enemy's works. The following incident
connected With this charge, ie told „by the.
correspondent of the Delta. It is notuncom- .
mon in 148'1(14 for horses to show 'such die:.
"While - theviValrY were . 'paasing in front
of the enemy, irk unier-to otiergerthe column
of 'lancers, they Were not under the fire more
than,,tert ; eeconde, and, doling that time,:they:
suritaitted,J loss •six ciftcers,wounded, •
thirty-two Privates,killed'encilyounderli.and.
,a 'loss, of , ono.,htindred ;eritlJ five liorses.--
.There 'were:but tWO officers that - did !not have .
r ilmirphontes .shot under 'there ) but there , ie
ade dung aVery'remarkablerthrit • h e 'horses.
from which the riders hail be,en'eluit'itheeled '
and 'as'
though:they T had: 7. been theitintVi . they'
cartia!'jn halt ' , Hen! the'etinige,..tvheit
all kePt (AP' diy/00}1„ the
:Paengr"', •
• I
0fek'4"11;1ar'.21111.14Ud••.. 1 . .,'
We'can,constateritOialiiilibt**ri t yni:
pound hYttilrent Wild - Chalkk k linkLn4Ne y',
mead In the United States fcir'ntoreflian“tedlehrat
that hiva'rlably•ourita'w inbantichagbi and that thou.
R4di or Individuals gradually sinking under, tpoln ,
.41diona Mischa of , Il eatteat felPo nr,bpurnyi,“lpyphenkt,
nytorrathriptirert--ba've lbeen.rostorptt
pities. and Wends by he ule‘,lint Oa Pouf 116 ngel
atoneof the wonderfureurallye`pbviar of qv!' toolpf,
13wan°'i .4b
'Mid dile e's eat .Idret!Otfli " 1.4 .• 4 •• 6 •
. •
Peaceiend,pleiedtti now, iliiiitimititheei 4
..41r,on.lihe.SpOrl0e1,4iE;prpss.44 - ,,
tub purixwoit.'qitalve.notertlni
hdW bßAl4l,thiktiubni.ibut,ylbri 'ate Wunit td pos;
`SCSI gallAili'vlirnies.larlwhiehittiey ere recoinend
-04. A RtittAbOgittpr,
,10,141 a. eiterAest tom- ...mono." Compouni Syr,
p .ipt,Wll6 pncryt 411,401 , 1m4 . in Rilikylelplty nye,
beglihr l llo ) .A47 , 'A WigkigY A.hOX. 1p
'Meth It' ha tut wprupon if .Secconlibendujlo!
than eisiiMlawl, - ifedd'not'deepitir
, ''Whllolbeied fi Ilfeethiwe ruici litlope,
ta{ From thiVrawford Democrat, Mee - 6100,:.
ram recontroond:DiAlwayhol Cojriplukq
rpr ChtuttUAtiblcirtno niait,oMactlva knot plane,
Ault cuAlifig Olgto r g V.. cot Apr roseor tpa
:pow. bviirelhwpni Eta pfirel ypg And
Plll7 priciid all'lrha Wide Mat, ,
kmphieto gratlNl46 . l6lng
ybf!Oit . lroony..tlkeit!wilk iTtlyttico:tho moat akprotl l :
hal thtesw.ndigoEltimow or , Dr. Bwdynel.golll; /
rnitirildO•P" .111 1 11 1 1 PP I "77Cup PSVA Pori !ill'
o,Noty,teatt,,Tugvnime o.eana b„liAa bet 411 e • I
ri ekaParell onir btiOri l gi.ftW liiNIN/114 Stem, l
esnAr 7or gh l 'vilt; • 50 - ,1‘1140 Tslol'
4 411 t.
Sold,in - ',(1.114,6);4,y, S; IVV.:
Vivi 4 io.a
,T legs 4 ve , i.. nration of a itolitterd nature
'no bllkrethrtople of this conat•tly, says
the_tYnrfi-R!P bliCiinifs7thir*Etntierarid'ut=
1 • ot! r zirs
timatelitirpostklhrandlfoi-thiell the War-a
-gairktt„lLlox.ntsf,ts to be conduaetj. Negotia
tions Yet-itehen-haveifailedrand-the-belligePy7
ern parties have mutually rejected eaeh - odti
errs terms. The Capital or our foes . bee
been captured, but „Its loss seems' only to
have aggravated their hostile. feelings, and
to have determined them to .proseenk:Olie:
War as e strugglii to national- existifrkel—
IVltatitheri are ,t,vit .
The councileoftsomei.,and,,enter,upottinfreffr
terprize l orsebjugating the whole Mexican
territory—holding poriSeasicin Of it with an
.army of from Fifty to One Hundred.ThouCtifitl -
men - z-sequestkaling its Revenues-:-:44i4
cnntributions on its peopleend in s eorperating '
its soil, and inhabitants with our country) Is _
- suelr a-selveme draThAliest•eiimpatibl e with' 7 ,
the genius of our government? Is It safe to
keep on toot such a Standir.g Army? Would
our Revenue's sustairlan andartdkingeo Cost,'
ly ? Do the people, desire .to aecumalate
quill a vaff i ,National Nikes - At? cornempla - T .
aid scherna'fivinAnfeurf, Is suclfatmixed
population Of Creoles,
Indians, Zambos and Nitgtos--eompristtir
every shade of colitir and, every. , degrOe ci pt.`
degradatton,indoleece and igeorance,desira,
bre as an acquisition to our ownopulation?
It !s again
„suggested by some that pik,Gatt
ernm-Om should plant - our'Army on . the,honh .
dary kne Which it is willing .to adept,, end,
content Itself with repelling the attacks of
the Mexicans until they are eontent to make
peace. But the question arised; - what" rind
where Shall be that' boondary The
Rio'Grande 1 The Sierra Madre? The _ line_,
rom-Vera-Cruz - across 'to the Paohic ?
its some suggest, the Isthmus of Tehuante•
pee which 'would be again equivelent an',
appropriation to our own -uses-of the 'entire -
Maiican'Territory ? •
These are seriods
.matteza; but the 'mass
of the people, we suspect, will never taket_
the trouble M. thinking about them• They
leave it to their political leaders, and *hen
an election comes around,aontenttheineelvea,
with voting a ticket falsely labelled Demoir* ,
lc—with shouting overa party triumph, aria
then busying themselves with their urdinary
occupations. This may rum out to be lalse
socurity in the end. Domestic s.lissensiou
National Tagation—all the consequences_
Which flow from Wars of Conquest 'tire ye( 7'
to be experienced; when thalperintrarrives
it may be ewer' too late that the goldep::op
.porttinity secu ri ng Peace, Justicie and Con
cord was lost at ibis lime.
f'bov E A WIDVNP: TonruACIIE DEEM—TIT sudden
action of tills astonishing remedy letthok Ilgittaitt re
markable illartirieristic—it is not only quick but per
nianent in its effects, and may he useew lilt perfect
safely. Profuse ore the expressions of grateful ;Mini;
rat inti'thetsitri ve been lavished by groanitig sufferers
upon this prepwration. It Is nnexcellent article, end
-will cure the 11111 Pt violent toothache or path in ;hi
stuns in one 'theme. It Is not uttplensaw to the butte,
will not Nitre the teetb,and effeela perfruthent cure.
Somid- faithfully has the ,Clove Anodyne per
nliii4T(l-bll--ilisirbati Peen has
for It, oi' ninny at
tempts have been made in Iniliatill.andsmony wont.
lens rtmepoutids tire offered under the nume-of Clove
knotlvne Purchasers tunsehe sure and ask for.lohtb
son's,Pnothaelte Drops, nod observe that the nonce of henry Johnson Is on the wrapper of every-genuine
vial. Price 25 cents.
Prepared and sold by A. Ti. & D. SANDS, dritulita.
1011 Fulton el reel, New Verb
Soil etre by St ELLicyrr, in Carlisle, nod by drug
gists -generally throughout file United Stales. Pricer
$1 per bottle. Six bottleilbr five dollars.
. .
ER TSI , IMLA R OR ST A NTIIONY . S Frax.•:Wright's
Indian Vemable Pills are an ea. tuy, - tafe and err
tabuteure for Erysipelas. because they purge front
the body those" possonous humors which am*
ORURO of St. Anthony's Fire and every other MR
lady. From (bur to . six of said Indium Vegetable
Pills, taken once in twenty-four hours, at, night
on going to bed, will in a short lime make a re,
feet cure of the Mast obstinate ;titanic or. f t rystpc f .
las ; the - *mime time the tligationiki i
ril be in.- •
proved, and the blnodao earepleteqinurfgetkliat
all kinds of inflammation and pain will .he driven
frota the bouly,and health and vigor, will be givea
to the Ithole frame.
Beware of counterfeits of ail kinder ppm pre men--
ed with linger: ethers are made In resemble in 'citite,i
went antiviral,. the original medicine. The ertfes,.a
course in In purchase Irma' the regular' Shouts only .
one or more of whom may he found in every.cillege
and lawn In the State. Principal Office, 100 Race et.
Sold In Carlisle by CHARLES °UMW ; others
gents In the adlieri bine columns.
eiti) ,itlarkcfit
. ,
---- Piiii.rnaLettkt, Monday Evening tioi
The steamer Caledonia Is hourly Anniced for,
, and .
the ntalOcet,in some suspenselny nw
Holders of 8.1,0T11t are..deninnninn4lo,so and (1.1)2
'for choice !wands. :Rialesin smalfitai•celaitr city use •
nt 58,112 and 47.
` t RYE FLOIIIV Ii held firm dt ,I 2 fitid 5,25.
• CORNAVEA.L: 83,25,00.3,8r,(00t989111141010941
3,12 for Itiondy!yliie. •
Ttiore.nie fair sales Of •WlfElOr' flr
for gond Southern 'and Pennti;_ied,,a nd'f/149 arid 1,48
for prima white. , • • •i
flys wottlt 87 cents. r
CORN, ..• ;
75 and 70 center. • „
OATS, old Penna, at 47 cts.; Eloolheric. 44
.WIII810Elt; in bblo. 28;40 Ithdo. 29, tents'.
Ilsormaroar,lNor. E
A enlmof WOO of Maryland Statirris t iyas'itaide
day at f decline, 300 bids Howard, st floar'svaie %sold
at 80 13 and smnlEsales ofCitt 111111Eivere elfeeted;at ,
the same prlhe. ,
Corn Medi 43 62k.
White Whedt'l32 te'l3Be, and . lo,opo basbelikretat
130 •
Corn mi.
Oats, 40m
• 1000'bustialii rye Kt
Whiskey 30m•-
• •• •
1 `
On Thursday, the '2Bih
John. G. nitchey,..,4oMCfk • Ant
Berland county, to Avila p •
umu ns
of York county ' e ,
iOn thes a i inl e Aotr,i9gL:§lY • ittli. l l l 6: r
I MIRA TIA Tittior 0 &EGER,
P Uth :1X.X.Z.... 4 14.V44X:44L4V VAP
od KeY-444-Preitleitt't
lonoglii7M,.!/; E , 2.4 11 r , ?.41.7 1 x0001,1,1?raikfiird •
Him township: ' , P - " 7
! r On the same day; i'i l tfie'sanie
Mt LtEiTi, of Wevtiffp to n yvillitjw
bliffild to wriphip, '•
On ihe:;-20th. ,
itY/m,Sistikt,JilttcoiViNtlirrAll¢kC EL 4I / 1 21 / 1 :4
Niur of this pleimpaocol,,,ltue 542,41!
.t - '4 JA 441 rViiigilL4 4.444,01 itiks: Jur .
'Qq,T4urp(l67,llißt,bl,to zil! ~g
rri ifEisiPpp:litiv: 4 , •
o.‘ 4 Pi a lkef 4 ii li
V, •
0 1 :4 1- i 1 V0
614 ( 4Q00,1t.. 4 ktitte ik„,r ll 4.
a0p 1 ,,,, , ,, ; , ,
Pe ;e
• tqCV
eir4 I.le, t• , ti
uql• feovitektooth, I #. o . l epvEviii.refikosile
at ia 4 l, 9*Aintigli!or,p,o o peOt;riakosorotify
, ietAill,l664l‘•
Tyiiro wow! 4 4 11 - , .
F worm .r.
et t vt•wolityltßoy •-I ,
1 ..;
sig.tiootcgil eivoil* 1 , 510 1 ^'''•
I,lr. ii-Notrtp, I*ll# ea t i t... 0 ,, ,' v , ' ,l, '
.., 1 ,:r.: ,- ,t,8 VOoi'l4, '4;:'
. erto l s l e; Nov. 3 , 18 ir.' , ',
, , !*:,''t;':l.e 'v ";1401 Ni` 4
v '',e• A' ' ' .y , ... , i IS , tl . o'+ , q* I Al .
`l , ii ;`,7';' Vr : t' ,, ,,7 *- Ns . 4 ./iPtv x I.'S.. 1:4•,(A,r,--..
-,-,,,,,,,,, - 4,i',1 =.' 1 '71 . 4'4
~,...,•, , --4, 2 • ?5.-4.-,, , -;, , 1. , ... , :! , A ,..-t; iq,,,,tr'.