Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 06, 1847, Image 4
MEE °14.1)41... tiPatittti • 4 iirFraE i , {} ttjac smith West one sofillks publ S'Eputrei back the Cowl. , I EliMg - AletitEiSali l- T - 40 1 4 1 ' idir,ixt,A4yEr!t4l "wo ,withirt;t , ll,ll ` nit motittut. , , 4-t. ( torniti Will lid righly adlipratt ,'O.) 11 1' ' RATES. nor AoyEDll§lgc If; v,; g,,.! - lentn, twitting Ada n Atlehu,NAt „f clipi god at tho rate of cente • Nyco tlinciVor Onn. Doligrg . ptid tweillytiveArimis Itl:‘l7llo.4YesaFly rye • "Ono Column, with thliviipbilo a dol9l . 'ool'; - $25 O *lSt <l l V` rw"o 4,tinfoo, ' Ihialitesl ettrol;iiritytilEPgr';_ 50 1013 . 01INTlisit**0 E•OtRY T tESC,RIEnoN., • , -;4s,,liansnthaly turd <-Ipotliouitly aui atl the' • —,..- 7--- "AVAILLISTERIS-OINTMENT. , --'-- :-..., ,---='l 7 .vi • e AV' has ipoSier -to Jefttite '4l I. '!ix'' ibrVittl'S, ORES ; 1 'SCROFULOUS 'litimoW, -, ' . I,tl.l'T'Ll)lglilA'SES, I :PGISCR4_OIISAV_OLIN - Dgi , to distharge their, pet, „ , ittrltlmatters r atuf then heals them: ' , - 7 - , 'e. ~, IC is-rightly -termed -A.ll..healing, , for- thrrols j ., ,t,qsarcely,,st,tlisease, cxteristil lir, internal, that -I -,;, '' .'lgill not-peer:lit. I have used it for the,last tenth ' teeis'yeare lot: all diseases of tfie,chest,,consumil.:/' •Ytiols nett : liver, invOlving the utmost danger nut! Irelponiiihili!y4atela ileOlifiliVealFlDlellYch Audi -man,A.lntenot .one singla - casequos itihiled- to heti- , ii I,'l % licel 1 1 , pl . n tlt when , the , pntleilt'n_it ' , with . n t ti, t.o ~ %.- ..invoti,lat meat's .. '' ': f '''• ''' '''''!"' ,7 „ - , , I have hail phys'elatoilleitinetrititheoofdSslone ;'P .r. nialic liittl miniiters'ef.the'GOlilier,;',llittgbeiif,tlict - f: rbenclt,. Aldermen; ..I,anlyertipgoiltleniesi cid . ; the ,/ -highest erudition; and ittethittulesT4l-the petnuse, ,, it In evervs ariety 7of , arepatkl qbere,has been; but: one .vcitee--oito.nirreitsaVvoice,..sissyine:, 5' Ng 'Allister; yen'' , Ointment i 4,001. / .." L ,'., , . • ,i :, . CONS . NI V UI 10.p1„,,;rli,cen hartllyhe.precliteil 41int il'ist4ie can: have,sinteffeid ,upon the longs, ~Stiteilled Iss - they 'are 'within the d" stens. ' Ilut;if 'Ailticedepon ilk: 0111124;•if penetratei to the lungs, ~ :•stlpariitenthe.lo3lsollollB'ptiltiAldrtliO' nre'Consie, - -a*ming/thetri;and exp - els. - the'm frhinsthe,iystem.--- .: flitis curing persons of OenStimptionlmetintially, ADACIIE:-.--The salve lias 7 eureit, persons 'nt the headache. of I '2 'yoit's .st•tnilitv . : l ' iniil who . . .. 4nel 4t.r..tgultsr every week so, that:yomiting'offen . •tOok,place. .. _ ' DelifnesS and 'Ear Ache are helped 'with like .'•. success. , ill r 1 -I:SNI,L-It removes almost iinme -AtF -a-47 - 41i y- thc in 'dims and swellink when the .imin ceases. Reid the direction aroundthetsix., _COLD FEE' .-- , , , Consomption, Liver .toni , plaint, pain in the .llscst or side, WOK; off of the litsir one or the other Always accompanies cold c et. -- (This - chrtment - is the Arlie remedy.). It is '-• Ilt sure sign of,disea•se to have. cold feet._ - In scrofula, 0111 sores, ,erysipelas, sultriscum, - . • liver complaint, sore eyes, quinsy, mire throat, ttronchilis, broken or sore breast, piles; all chrbt . ' • Ilikettscs such as asthma, Oppressions, pain ---also, - -sore lips, chit I I .1:1111. I ppm. 51, tlfrflers, ClllllllOOllB I: I'lll!• ' lions, nervous diseases sea of the gpine, there in - .till medicine now known as, good_ ' , , •SC kl. 1) E1F.A.0.-- , -Wo haye cured cases that ~ tactuall3 defied-every thing known.ots werl as the, ability ol IS or .20 duelers. One man told us lie had spent ~ , 5500 on his children mitts...tat any bene • • lit, when is few hoses of ointment cured them, , . 7-7- - - = — 777--7 *-A-t-TYNE;B'BI--It-will-restoroatlielutir , sooner: - ViriiisiTly other thing. - - - ?, • .13ORNS.-It -is the best thing in the world for linens. (Rend the directerns around the box.. NV ORNIS.--It will drive every. Vestige of them sway. . There is probably no medicine tin Ose face of Ilse earth at once so - sure ittul so safe •in the expul sion or worms. - ---- - • -V-- GOO NS::-Occasiniusl use ol tile Ointment - will • Idways 'keep corns teem growing: People need never he troubled with them if they willtso it. . I'ILES.--Thousmids nip yearly cured by inii Ointment: - • 1-2--_ aAsits MCALLISTO.R & Co. • , 'Nole nropribtors dr the above medicine.: - 'CAUTION --No OINTMI:INT will by genu ine. unless the names of James 'lllcAflitter or' names McAllister Sr. Co., are . written. yith at pen . VlO6ll 'every label.' • - Sold by &mut:l4'AM% S-W.-Fluvorstiek . and Dr..)-1-Myers, in Carlisle; .1, & L. Reigel, Me chanicsburg; Singiser & Paul, Churehtown, and 'vfohn Dl . ller, Newvillv. ~~~ SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, THAN 20VICI3i I HE subscriber has just received.' and is now opening ot his stonton: the South T Onts corner of tho Public•Squar.4_.n fresh end ,splendid stock of . . • Staple A? Faney•liory..Vooilg, ,ttenripriSing in part, Cloths, Cnesimeres, dash marets,. Tweeds, Cottons of nil kinds, Silks, Mona de Leines,, California Plaidp, Lawns; Checks; Tickings, Gloves 'Moiety, Sm.- -Also,. 't • • groceries of all kinds. Also i a full etock of the CELEBRATED` LAMPS, whkhShn fide . e'xi r eSSisoly in!ropupod., and givon so nitfoli . gsnerOf,satisfaftpon 'Able ' ' ' .10tio Pekin Cointinires Ten S.. ' •-•Rio linsibcon:upPooted solo nenni, in this plao, for the sale of the above Teas,. to, which ho would, invite the special attentrm-ot,tile,lovoi • bf goad Teas.. • The•manner in7whieb,they.itilt , put up is eueh„rns that the..llobur iti.prese.ted for any length of time,4baing Inea'seil in' lead . • et'tin'foll. can supplied with - any quantity pfit.up in this'nitiner.; f• • • 71i4 public 10 respeetfultylettlfedlo call and titraintne hie stciek,before purehasing elsewhere, InasteoCh as he feels 'eengden,t that bre varietY " ''ond prices will he satisfUetory .te purchasers. . _ ROB pv„T... inv p ilf„ jr. • •,A,IRESVARRIVAL .4 . kTohn 4:izor4erki Itaa•jus.& tot.ith . lbd tiiji;i4itt&l#F g a • 'end. cateltilltab d'ilii,qhfliiOnt:Of! St and , . PATENII"IIIEDIONES; , iincIea!e,¢ I , .:,..the 41etir .preparations eft thT;dayy ..P.URFUSI..ES; :FANCY'L • ARTlPLES,lii..6.i , wilicli .ninkcs ibis .3:ol;eek,fullttatio , conjilliite, , ell or which lie NtI.4k*EVER pi -I - Call! - end! ace afi• foriyau esel#ol4 • , P ; fr6;14,40.7i1134.,7. LtfXANDER:S7 4 IIOECOTIA.PIIIK:-.... Thai 144 ..'itiiirov.pnprf of .t4pipelphyLkt,ed,lptißkl)y, - c,,liati • " 3 . v . 7 . 1 47 , . t I• 11, • . , r ""•'' /, • - '!. " A‘ •ca li'zo,,oSi'ulciAilktcm;ppF"(o .( • For. Lrgit r,tig`ltvt , . • • iftiitt)Y2o-1114777 1 1 .. •i" noir° • -. • ' ' ' •••—•"' • . ' - ' ' I, o i, $:- . 4'.•;.,11 ;i4/ABW . /vrer of irl oo) :„ ' •. c. , ,:.4. ••• ,,, ' , . , ;•.: , - . .••••••••, , ..15 . - l ‘.. •.- ApOTHRW , oiriant or arca 1,. g00,,,a r at,t io 4: - • 41•41EW 0n4,011 EP,..„I . 3TQAS,Ju NotiVilig!i, , •iiiie-ti•'•O'ilitil l l. •;'Gti PgiWriV);:„ollgluali• ..q•', •: - -I'Liaru - salifeaohodiiincl - ; ; Llublo a qjfati• - 41Hual ins .; . :',:',"!' , Calidial4, o ttakring4Che'alia;ll646o 7 - Quio " •,•• - , Y . ! , ~.t 419 • , -,-,4ll(fraiiii•Viticitiiiii;•&o4 +lid:. '.' ..„ ~ •.„ ~...,,, ,• ~,,,, '‘ . .••: , ;•zt.f4J',li:ea"o•••i't•o.Vl 7 z. .;ors'i•;,•l',,c - 0.',.1 • a CARIIIONYI', , '1 ' ' , T•, :[ ':# = , :i i ,.. , ; 11e 1 1 !!'!" 0 •49 1 .',,E 1 4414'.'44 , c•t••••t , ,c-, , •2' ". . ' ' ' '' ' .;:( .1 i 1.41 iiri •, " • .*iiiit1.5 7 .14:41 , 4 0 4,,7,'2 . i;7::;,.1 . : '., , •,,, Ittaitt'liliiiii';i-ilifiiilifi'd•:;•v'ig-;7.1.0 ";•::1 1 ,113b1 Mi l . 424' * 'ii wt.o:fy.rtoti l'ii• '• ' . .'''' . l•'..7lo'!'hilletitliiPt t ak(lityliteili.,!•;%o;;•Viril„•‘•, ) , ,Icifj of. - 00 ygirloivibiiiimattifnfYi?".virv i .i: ) t ti4:444,..*iT64,ret i llfilf r ti / O.i t ,l4CT, ',., , ......,,;,...i.,,-..-,. ,, . -,.. a .,, ► terll. • tkrg ..d11 , 5•4'.' ',..41i - I , :t .4:4 , '' ',14: 141: V 45 -;.: iP O 0:41 ; 11') 0 04.1.1'; ; ;TTli,.t , 'f , .wo 791E(rtne - Grovet6,Xt=t2dd iOu'O' i.•.:,,1f',‘•-• Wiliabaizie:Coali4PfttumgPlusit.korifori '•''':. T¢rP'biiiiihttiailhiontlCiiPlo I,o' ~,i;4:, ir ~.i.t.„4.... ,. l i L, 'l ; r ~•.'f.: ',S. .',‘ ;, ,' -.• -11 -.:•:4,,..i,j0ikf.3 ?f,,ri,51,,ff!.,,,11401;-Ate-44,!.564rch*",--,' 3,iii , iAiiiiiitc;s 2 .:r.iiip,',o,474ii , 44:4):;:4;.?;,4 f :•'•,. r h- au ..,,- ,=-1---. ' c 's•WAIIK'S-TANAC.Z.4. ,- .. , , , , ,, T. ..-,e i riy, ,, -; yi,, ,, ,r; onitni,,Po 4 l3 i iillai t plitiodefl.: iddtv rby.,:,•• -•.;',•;:.',.".- ''..-,•7.7t•.1;•;.,.....i.„:.. , - ',liki.3:ilt•lvviloittPLemistr,4:,; '!\7744:!>0''N. , , ,, ,Ne/:..',4:? . .,ij - . , / , ; , : , ; c .. , 4,i,41i,•;:5t1v.ive...; , :?,, ....i,,..";:,.,..,-•f!',,i':-,1..,:;:•;,..!..,:,,',.!:.•-c::".i.'1'.'!:...•!;`,.','.f,::',',...1.!,•1'-'AsE7f.,-"D;;,'.V...'4.1" . . . - . et l -04110 .t • cr i li r-?4 nera , sent_ V_ t t l" ' - "l7ltranftti'eotltletr.l.An Att roltitinkto t tee ea, otO, 6131iisfObininiSik/itailiVltAilia4/1I dip 2(1 ilby of iii)y,;;,,.Pilltyp;:kiii•itiliau.thOlntyiif the i`Stk'n Slrr (54134 , labirtnyirtlifetlilietitnIttionttreoltI t y ;toyßrupup tintEtwietniAttllo Z2hbet4ttnettlthet „As. . A 04, ,i,v..l,lAMFlSMOFFEß;llieti•Slieelf4t yey ;Oren nibeilonii•;4lu• litiabytttokWititoten Join). o,i_v.eif 4htkpublib 4.0; the efetitrles'7ofetWenthity• .cumberumi,thk•olyth. , snco,w) YilEngsDA If OVID 888 ('E! ; . 110 ; oPtlie inn - nth )) ti; id:Verll I; eleilitioi6 llBl oofiehh .l 4" eil' ." l ') l "ill said edullt . , tit, hntibt. forlklin•stitreiali'illiieersiket,,einfitt'ef;• l ll7 ; 7.14.1 1/11 _ ON Ez"PERSPN'!; ,. ;;;•; 1 ; for Got•etoinr Ofitlt; ONE PEIttON""""7" 9 14 t for' Omni ComOsisitPileele,t,'4lltPthiteiff ; • ;, t. ,•;o1 {,tie •e•,;ok . : • • • ~• • . - .owg - Pottseiv. l4 -r*,un' , to represent 'Clel . tkittlltieS t 'ornEliiiihaltitill t Peei.y-itt-theL,Senotti!olllltin.o.4.l.eitialk"''' - ' • . •••• • '' • TWO . ' P`EIAS.I.Wat ";lii;;'1 ''• • k. • o• represent , llouse Onll4i'est;ntili,ieA ! .',.; •..!.; • ;;ONEJIA.SON." for Trenstirer•tifthti 001 r , •• ` - •+•tt;; '"" • • tl: .1;s ti; Criiiibllspoirr ; 011ie comp p 1 1 ,011.5,(3N . rl i iii 111 ;;It4:ll4;tiiq 44nr , '- toti i :fing ept At ty ripin)(4ol,kimi k . " ! • • • 1,, " "" the ••. I,,jj „, ~! be Inifil...l):Mttgl . tonetli6'. .!i ," the - cliiktc:i rp,t; c 4"))? o,ol ' "hrthe hile end chi; totieilitit's ;on ',ViivtlaMiddleltiii: Snell; 'Middleton, Lbwee I.Vlehe; litide;Ldivei..Pra4lni4tAtip ‘Y, Avfit' 'Valk HOustl, In . the bbeanglt or „ ~.• ~ N sr 'l 7 lte , elekiriti 'Ili& oleF., t cliatt4 et compnseti of •Siletr.Sprint nolitilllps, will bp' ot•tlie, l pnl lie blink Of tat, in I.ltign&bitilt",o; b'utltotvn4itin. .." illy nit net of - the fletterni 'Asienthly. 04'50: the" 21st any or April`, A. 4'17111; ilieeleett9;l - lit the. clew ;;Ii stri 9t eplispO4ell Of y ill lie held hunpe.hbw buontiled by llettry ! Bressler, ro said townsliiit:' And the same .not, (lie eleetion'in tin! eltioien 61 . ..Lialitien tint] 11.111111'ot • till;;;;; tlitynship, known, os• the Lisbitriel)iaritl;shalr heeeitliel• bold theil elect innß at the Inildro'huniie 'in'in''oCcuitipArhy John V. MO:, in Lisfilirn ' • The elention'in thh rlirtinn dlitiilleTeoniphseil rif East l'emethorongh townshift,Wil be held id' the • home now neettp!ed .Inettlt'Lotti. , :neekei.; .F.sql.nt the west end of the ,Llnvi . htbne,eill'hlt.t.P.• ' • !The nketion distelet contposed Oil Note', Cnvidtcrlnntl, will ii, held ni the of Morris .Iblitt.ton, in tht.; hneough . ,N6v hertatni.• • 'l'he•election in the dislinet eiinlpOSed Tlt the 11111 . 1 el: Allen township, winch rlt (lion wits hit e-• tofore held at the piddle lionue or Wit. lingliet4 l in the borough iir New Cumberland; will be - held the - Terig [lnure of Drama Doti:, licky occu pied by Robert n 'said toweiThip. siThe election in Eh (Mtriet compost (I of that pert of Alien (Jul. - ship. the New iiberlaird, George ;leek mill Lighbrn electmi Sistriets, ss 111 be held at public lion's( or David _fnifordr, tit coniposetr o 1 I Alechniiieshor4, will be Ise t 1 at the public house or Jul4lrtesu c t . ,iii gain blitiing,b. The elertion in tlle dbitilet compos. (I of Mei - roe.rownsiiip. will lie held :at the pidilie7ltopse of Witlgtv. -1 he elm — it - Mir iirtlie (I istsiCt compesed of upper _Dickinson tosiiisliip, will air belll ut , thalsetise of I'll ip Weni-er in said -,' ••• The election in - llie iliLiyet composed of the Borough '6l Newsille, bud iosroiSliiiis Uppott Frani:ford - , Big Sprii o ri., and • of , •Nevaiin.towinthipoloi included in tiwil.Veshurg, election-'district • be held at the [hick Stboolllonse, in the , liorotigh of 7 • . 'I he eh:011010o the district composed of [lope- - well townshith held itt the '.9chool'llouse. - in Newburg, in wild - township. " - . • 'I he election in th t district composed : v:4 the horongli Shippenshirg. todn 'ship, nod thittintet Sotnleim woo township dot lauladed the Leeslitirt;electina district, stint' beheld at the COMIC' I 'lli:Rise, in the baton-6b o,-g • And in and by no net of the General A sletnbly of thi a,Comnionwealth, pooped the thl .Inly, 8:19,s it is thus provided' " 'H u tth the qualified 'electors of parts of Nee ton and, South:no pton township, in the county of Cimilicrland, botinded bythe fit - lowing lines and dist onces, viz!' • r.ll4glitning iit tic Adams emintyttne,thenne ttlongalielthd dividi ilk the . tew hyht ph :of 'Dickihtion and. Newton to the turnpike road, thence slang aria turnpike to Cen tre School' 1.1 ouse ; on said , ttirtipike,iit Sou - thaw-, ton township, thence to n point , on thu Walnut; Bottom [load at: Ito3.l,ltek's, including . Iteyluicti s s, Farm. theece,a straiglit dirrelfon to the. S'a a Mill ! belonging to the lairs of'George Clever, thence i'alom.; Kr)slici.'s I uti ti • l e ,c: Adams csulintpline, ...thence along the line 4 lif Adaiiiii;:onnly to the piece or lieginidilg, be,:ii:il the" some ii lierebY derelifri4, nett n :mil sepptilte ef,t , etitto district; the election to'be held lathe titiblic house:of Wm - . - NI morel I, in Leesburg, Sor.thamplon township... , , , , Notice is - 21eretnr Given,' • • . "'That every .pursbn, e4.cept mg J itsciss „of the ' Pent:Cot ho studl hold toy idllee di• appointment il . prnfit 'or 'tritit,, tinder the (Jutted, States,. 0 'of,. this'State, br' Ally -city, dr liicoilirvided district, i liv lir 0 I et. lt ' oh iti I itISSI onedi °Muer , orldllierlidie; a 'slitiorilinste "otfiebr , OP 'lli9Pitt, /WllO4B 'ol`llllllll . llci • bmployed , Ittulev the legialative f executiveoruit-,. ' diem!) , departmetits of. Oils Suite, or Orlin:, Uni tea Statos. ori of any clty• 91. 'of ,stny ineorpoemed 1d1 5 ,.; cict t . and i also that . eYell • tl4nAller •"r..C°l ) gr•ei4.4 - and ,of,the.State legi,slittere, and, Of theAelcet or ,f4nnliiio,n;Gotineil, ninny city., 'or, co m i n',i astolter or tiny theorPorated ilistl , lll, is by f„iw inchipable tor lichlingylr exercising 'a t the' saiiite Nolte; the iifline" . or'appointi»ent'bOtillge,lunpiietiir, 6l° 'clerk orally. Cleittioll9'`Of tliis'ethnmonw onit It, niitl , that he'itt ••spectoty judge or other talker of such dilretiOii" bleat lie.elinilile to•lie then;votrd for: -... 4:. , , i ' : And the , •said net of Assembly,.entilletr.anicf relat hug to elect iiiii a Of tlil stloroltroutsealth,pass4f I July .9,t1, 19,39,.furthi;i• "ravines as,follosis, to es.ll:' • , i'Xuat the hispecters mill Judges , shall meet, Id tin ',respdetive place's ,appitlittial for ' Ini I ding,. the", - ble'cliOn in , 'the ihstidet• to elitelt , iliti restive...Wl:li b • iilbl;g.Jti.ifnlite'9 'Wel trek 'la. thinin •oriiii4 Of 'the 'l3 Veniftl• Tiiersilattif OatitititYititilliencli Cir- tbilil in.: slice+ oiiii ithett 'ailtiliitii , il lie I nit rk,ittittinittill , bicti gnat tnedvet,ii• et with (no riet.-:1 : ; ~,•'.;...';• . ; , 1 ' ~i9lll case the.person;whcvsliall;hiwcisieceivoiltlid . acJotid highest 'it timber IX ;Notes; fr liisPeetoi.,, ; shalt not Attend pli,,thy, l4ly 431,, tbO i Acetioni then l4q ,PYrOtltiolvinl Fl l l , l l , l ..holTe.l . CiOW l o. , gi:sV.ggld liii.lltest,, number Ad . vote" for . ypdge,,pt,',llie .pest' prveedin4., olectino' Shitll net Al c Inspect or lii i s pldfid. ' Mid' Ip, q4e Yhti:"o - I';ol'e,on .vllO ''cliell 'lin c reeete6l•the InglieSt'niiinlild•'of Yotcs for Inspe - tor shall not attentlitlnii)646n'oleeto jade; shah - ,pppoint an inspectorin Ids Place; .and in case ilie meson LlOteil alitil,t4slitittlutitnifienil, then tl e. hispeettir who received the,lthiliest...innubeiLbf Voles shill' Opliol nt'Wjiidgetill'lli a pliaViii. Wally • 'tabainifshall'itilitintic In iftelkon ifrlt e,spbee, .' HI '.ll-). • I Jof: one Amin; ;iiftei-ihniftim'el,fixedkir iiio;,:rols , the, ,ottotilitg of the , elcuti Erni thetiltlAilflthltliitOiCertilb 14tossiishills;warild:iirdillidlict lon wlitchtSintililitlicer. • 1 111 1 1 /ftv i d,lte,all',.. 4 lgPlediii&ASlVllt , at ',tholilsce"..if Fr 4,k,41-4 °' • !*.: s "•'o, l ; l .PRP L ig n 9 , P l, : tlol ' , l i . i gPit4gn oifill! seacvicancy. ' - ~. :, „,1 ,„:„,„ ' A „ ~.,;,:,, i ;.i llt shall, be ihe ~thity:;:or lq i ioye s ralc,afisessors '• itsgotlVelj.,tizi:iillehtl 4,t i, Atib . Once ''..iif„libliting : .o , er.fli'dit'etitf, , stitialit63l. towliSliCtleetititivdtir} ing!tholvlitiloftitii6ligthl.iih;ejlan Is leetit'tifieii;li?r 1 , the p . iirpose Of Oil uginformation to thb ilispeetors .40 Judgetuisheo Called oit in , rdtiltion•tb ilferlgliii :oriany( Verson iisseased-by them7ltOiiiteitecaukh ;sllV,o tioni,or vitiltothei., matter ' s: kn, reletkOrct6 the apccatAtent,'o;ifotkiyeAt" Il l ith.;,,4l9lAl),,i).4otora:Pf . . 11 A 011 :'Alf:IStk,#Ii!l)A49 1 .9 ~riso Af!A!‘9o KrlgirPt4: ' '; • ,,,!!1r0, - Jers n r .mhalQlo„,,pg,rlitiitoit,lo yotp , 444 l,,cpir eVii;TlOW,Airailkelitlld `Reit a 41(5 i fiVeinsiiiif !he lig. bl I ,, ii , ket);;ailb: y/itraco:ineie, irvhwiluallit4o , ',realtle'd - lie'fhtti'Snilkilie loastiiite, i S.,elirtiiiiil ;Wile eldatiois4llatilOt4herti liel'Offere , tla , iY6o'deiefribt.. , 41). „clay? Irotritcdhitely,,precedinveoell 'Acetic:lu'; ;'oo„tvd!lllnjW4,,y.ctiv,* Mid t. PPfig t ir..l 4l o l 4 ll :vi , taxi' whicii . shiar htoce...heel,,,tpeettepo ,et lislisf,ten :Jay I.difat cilltir *ll6.ll.4rOltlL.ll.4 . gzi.iiir 'tdiC-thillid-1 Statik,viilliti,lthiripkeilanilllmen fti l litflillitelf votes! .totiliheStato;initli.eniOodthei'efidinan'ill'efiiiiibd; 'rind 'who,aluslthitilErkill(l6litilhofilitetlolt`'didtigel Aniliiftill'taeocaroritsithritehdlthiiliintitled , fo' c . o ti , flfttr rettkil.h)g in ihisAutti3;aiitdpohltlitet );I^ , noiliiica,. i., hitt,,:.thillyo!dtb ' , C;ver per p - ,Oitizon imi ;the brille4 i ~thitia ,iitelOvvagoao'fiilvOOPlnfogAlvent,'. ~ - ' te r ilkllr Vii,,4l,Ftill . dsict i itxt,lts olcf, opiAlstio Ilifigig Firangt*P,4l,lrlF,o9,.pio#4o,.f in- t' -• '1 • , ~,, • 4 • rti ~,,x.eilif„;;cf,,,,,; . „, : i, 61, , , i e , 10; r, 1 AO!" r i rlik‘ sAvOti4,lolo44 i., . cc. tyro tdatild I ' tA k lttliaitliiolOhip' UntillittplAseil,.:'l4.: iiitilt •• -4'shittl(OritAtoioll Vitati*Wadii.OBiiriraillig.fOifille' itahiplitilltlok :BRIT - TYllatil4t: 44l 4 l6 fCAMOr t iOiOliWtt ' 00, rloo.tho. o 9l 9 t,ttiOnSilik ' , ' Pi O * E4 TY ' .!!! di rtloBl*CitlV(' 1 0 !kik. ti' fl' 'o l '..PP'amrrna 9 'oV9llPig'' -: —' ' . • "'•• 44 '"fiki.l 6' '••• jiiiWiiiiiic l / 4 7.iirdi v ia r alreP Wt ill:l t '. O LisliOriWco:tuith.littitiqlic . 0 .- 00,11nr - 1 . 0:,..1.,..4:rf591, , . , ,Yky . VV:Arr - V l-7 ::: ~,n, , t, , .: ) , * v.....,..q., • c,e.': , 4 2, ,qm ~,,)... ;!-..' ,, ,',i•-z,..:: . „.:',•A,T.. , :; : `" , ;:';';',..•./. 7_:' ,.. ,;:f :,.'‘',"Q4`.:::,;!,'jl''';'Z aTtViteptilithlkfitro-fi oi..betwAitk.itioriolor taialikyrogo and twenty'p*o years, hoisititlklqpinie dttotith 4 Or aliirmittintt that 'h olltui residedli v tl f& *State : # optst 0r ,7 . evsr.delt 14fofehbliliitanarrilt;maee7teitIrior of pittroiooitoncAiikeictl!isTenivo4)thq no! t o tilltitl!e4ll4oliprjly.boliqe rsFirt'l4iiTo , tiol i!vii:tlitt 7 iit:be..iiq;pio iikntil.e#4l,olit gr ieguoifolo, - :optet*ii4a . 4v ; uml:A i Ypi. , •it ipliiiiiklitviiitivliHtiwu ip. 164tovotitallttliniiitierted'inthbohlidi'q itttt :list' hydlie;.intildigbriviltitil'Ailutit , :timdetrtisifF, ,theretothy , writing' tin3livortl*gtitx t ‘ if ibeiithA ille, nth:o33ol.qt yote..hy rotson , o'filtivoigiOidilitS 'or. !ff1.01 1 .4q,1 if , , iiip 011,,be,ttclinitteillto villa' by ..sagio ti?,c,plrt,'egPTlitilk.. be, ; ',sstl.etl”o,4t);tol the, vo'4lo tw to slisil'Apktilliijklkeitotss to tkie litit'l! l iiiri!atelqi It r dneb,S , :titfitt: ' .: ' . i .. ~ .:.,.L 1 . .Witilsll!'7C:iiie's 4' , Ui:e' itl . " - i 61M,i;i1: ! , 1. . it7.' , 0,11 - 7g4'inlifig.qii , • : voi - evs.rotioiri*tll4 l )Wr ly: r_ , Irr, l ' ' imottiorookpoiVodps'Anivlciieotri% - 0e,.: 1114 .i . t- .to ; ‘'of . et'stit,intlicit , fountl-21.1feretitiMi lt niti“iii'5 1 ij'iL l e e5l, to i !,11;otitAltinlihiAilCiti*fit it mi,ii!ALttiMrilittAc the' ,••41n1VoncOt"if.f0,001ninutstiiiil•filobtfiti*.cat oilfhlastri il,illillgOlgciltimstsalidit'lle::ololll4 to IthYe.r.Otideft• ; lv,),y,ip,. i . mwi n ,51,4 ,,, t95,Ati i 9,r4p , cr., moil' , J1 1 1 1 0''.1111" I r'. l l 'a ” t i:!"Vl u i 0411 1 49,bl WATJAn ' , At rs to ...n, .0 ..;t• '9 . .. 'enl-E.,,,.PVAncrit :,vll•iltkql!eyl.lo,,.. s Ai Ili, fr - ilibilifi . tKeiebtOrdl4 - .3 I !teIPTAYEPP'fIt ' 'biithin"thlPtliiiriCeldd r inniT t1111,11,0%g0 t,t,nex • 'tyintellliiielMiHnellitiglidlilE".diatitinii,MuLtduill. ;Also, hiroself trottnr tliatliii IMMO kite. ieililbn* :irk itorsioutee. of I his - diltrintldniiiiig;in'tiltiiiii 'Mae` ittlibtricti and thee he idithnotreninye int 6 'said di s- ' -triev.forAttulputwtso4)Lidtilig_tkerofin. ;11, 4 ~•.!, ~,, l 'Etit.eili,perBll9,3ptaki.A.ed asgnforeitaiN and tithn i tlititi . ,#ok,e 51,,i,i,%11f90.111,1, fc!inbeed tet 14 rattlettee . . 6 Y I 0, 11 7 1n6 P1 °YlVqllllMooo,loloMstoill,be 011. - ,- ' `iii , n tlQi",.Yofe;to „thlitraytisitip., warkug,ttinttriet -, in 'cildeltlieilinit•rehlti4. , ,-, c „ d „,;,,,,..*A ! ' 'lf any period slrtiflirevenr otsattempt, to.ore. - ' • vent - ..aTif one, er" . vf r itpy,elsotipn ' maler.this . net . Irom.holtithg,suell'eli,ttinthioir2use or threaten anj, -- , ' Al f I F II9 . 9, nikl''''!*oc! , ..?filooliti?l' ato ll o 6 tOff‘ , l 4 9f '' liiiyiicipm .' - tterTtive..witlilnni Off ibii . ..V. , i'es , llll'3fl. • ' , orabbJ' . ty;:dr,Pittli'•, biopic,: nit, tilf01"-XitElii. 'Mt • , rdveinie':*, tit' itry timitiii)r - "W!lierd:tlib. tame, !nnyllte , "h'illillikti'di'',l44ll:rilitiniabi.:illatdrhthel:lieltee at l' anelt elecillen,nr.Shatl u"Sit'or•tiraetkennf:ttitimi/: .- alatingahrents,-tcrec*br- rinlenettividi •design to • „Intittettee:uttiltily ion 'overiive *any'elbethri•or to ` , :i 'Prevent:: him ri-.... yatingmr tto retillin the ifree, I 'dont of eltoite,.suat,oe,rsothen eent'intion shall be' any , suaninot exceeding livehundreo,ifol- - hirs %indite iMprilso n ed tyr,titty„ titimiet : lee! than '. , three nor 30011:Phu? t wet veinctabs, sold if it•sitall- ,4 , 'lie shittvit*tit i enot4,Vitere the t rial or snehMirenett sluill hi' had, that the•perabu so OflVAlitg Wits` not a resitivol or ( ne.pity; wand,,distrutt- or totrnship where die oflimee.:Was eOnnujited, - ap"3,l not entit'ed to mite , therein, then tni tetinvittionle MIMI be . senteneeil,to; pay m fide 'of' notlesi'dittu,:une*.hun tired mot-tome thousatatl,ilollat*i9nl lie'' linpraptirti ; Dot less than, six 'alelitlie 'nor:More ' .trnit3 two . yers. . 1 . , , , -.: -.'1%" • . • -.- , ll'inty person li r peripty 9 sbs,ll, make oPY-Itet of' ' '*.iriigt.i• upon the' riny election; tw ithin :thiit 'Commnitretillit., dr iluilf. Mien, to Hike , airr;stitilt , het nit witged,•either by ierlint nryelnintition'iliere, ;01 , ,•or by, an): cwriilcit or 'printed, atit , t4ttniniettl, I uhallenge or invite nn3i firm:l%lld make Snell bet ' ,or,tynger,' upon conviction: herenfite‘mothey shall' l'orl:eit nod ;pay three timeiiitho"Prllollllli so bet dr. ' - ‘lf any per Jan .not hy law goal; tied ;shall .frattd-: ttl e ntly cote at Soy oteuloo io this Common. iYealtit,or bring oil!erwisennalifted sioll I-vote out itif his priiper distriei, or if Amy person knowing the wntit Of inch qttaii4ertliOnssliwir sill or procure 'sttelt 2 :erron to vroe, the person' olliingling shall, oti• cow/it:lion, be tined to any iton not:exceeding too hundred •tiollorsoind be impriStrded [brim)" , teqi pot exceeding three months. 'if any person shall vote tit enorLtlisn hoe cle lion ilistrict,L)r oth e rylse fratitit3lently:vote trier • 3:ihTtitTiarteeilii - rtlTCtitiiiie ility,DiFildillßirffilitTen'fly i A ohl and deliver to the inspector 'two tickets t cm goiter, witli the intent - illegally to cole, rise mil 7yrroottre 'number so 'to titi,'lte`or .11iet• offending, shall on ecuiViction be fitted in'tin't iiiiii* noe:Ass' than fill hot. more than fivelihmliteiVdollars, and he i'mprisoned for tiny term not' Was 'thud three nor more-hod t ;we're mom lis. l' , Allan,. person inoriptitti tied to vo'e lit this Com'- . monwiailth agreeably to law, (citeild Are inns of qualifieth-oiikteni)alintranp . ear nt sq. place oT ..eittion -for the eintipode nT issuing tickilq_6l , _ pf, -nmeneina- the•eit izeincipml Hie& to - title; fid aball ' - oeonviction. forfeit and imy ally stun not exceed., rag one _heaved tiollOes Or i*Very such offence, lid be•imprianned *rot , Pity,tdrat not exceeding 'twee mstttlia.n ~.. ', ”• * • - ••• • • .... • ', Agreeable' In the pidvisiens of the _sixty-first; • siwion; of said net,. every 'Cedentl nittll Speeiel . Election shall be opened fiettreeri the briers _Of. eight and tett' in tile - forenoons; ntid 'sitnit •ctvttinue wnhobt interrOption or nitiourttenentnittil,' Revert' o'clock in tile-evening, 'When the atolls shall be elo3ed, _ . . .• _ . .. . _. Aud th e .Itelqe'eof the respective Metric:la nrorc, e,d, urn by the NMI net required to meet at the b l ur • I louse; the borough of Carlisle( on the e rd 'cloy after the said tiny of election being idgty the 15th day of Octnhel.,,tlten 'and titere to form Oto thinga,requircd album by law. .:;Given under my hand., nt Carlittre, this 25th sditY of September, A. u. 1817. , • 3.,1 4 M 110FrEft ;Sheriff, Sheriff's bilier, Carlisle, . , August 25. 1847. $ bARLEGAN'S BALSAM . OF HEALTH.' An . "Appoo - ed "Remedy o Dyspepsia ; Colins et two seasons why 'hie inca El be reconimended to ; the pablio, that most persons who, have so•iglit it buy ltagain, , thereby showing that they re eird Was It valuable t'ainily medicine ;•-the • other is thareertiAcates , a re in the possession ofthe Proprietor of permanent enves I havisig been effected not only in persons hilli9tod _for it lshort timei•hovels° , casee of look'. It is tompospd altogether! of a vegetable mutter, is,PyrilleflY,Pafutkll'ttCan;he dakim at %II times, and no hindrance to liusinees. It iiidtoreio • royi tips the a n mal spirits, oleo nses llio ifnenih. from Atli, morbid Monett; which cause tgestion , end acidities. , tltd also re, , moveii nervous treMors,• thematic and prevents their/return . ; cures , allicidai of rim -stoinnelis and bowelopilinest I re nrediiitdly lakes away palpitation' of the 'heart, 'll'n d , promehis the Fred eithfltioa of tlie'bioad l ;„ ' ' Thu' dirdetion itccompneylog„edtili ,biatle 'contains cif 4ertificates one of which r id givedin'tliiti eat ~pdsti,tiiit,—ci nu , wo years ago Jowls, so yerels: al - Ogled with. i prim, which t I had for the, filleen,,y a :previoutotettler aboVe Ilareed wast•Yety mita)) ifieteasen . by, my b a yi ng Wed , Vessel rtlptured"dli erny. lungs; tee ed increrised, my eemplaint, dispeppitnthd, genoriiL debility told 'three rs p,rii.o9As ,10, 1 tny t A t Olug. ,Garlo. gant's l l3aldakt,l,.,nevq? ala,,d, meal but , my etOriviell became so painful•thuL bud immeilt. 11tolr:tottbroWlt; SecingiGuriegard's Hal _sam advertised f wus intluertnr=to hey Id; ufler taken the vary first dose •it appeared to stir,epatliopiny steartaph; th fad litittle.holpirds tine so , 'hilidh'lihtt" in, the uourstrern'ifetsKedays,itirllitinlaili! began to ,rototo,unittlilest avery•tbitigi dte. contined ,temse the,l3o sant until I insoiltsevenirjtitttes, Trltich cured mo.,entirely; , restored pprfeethealth i 'which I liattri';enjoyed 61,4 iihee, ned.ntit beformfortfitteenv years: I 'Obedifellv deemMond 'pa tided' Wlin At Y tT.H, tvi'd I/Y,'thoxreprietur.i.JOllN ILLVll„,iiiiiksiee the Marltotllinuse,tloted. criplf t Vd,and,,by SAM op; E L f , 1011`;!iiole. iagantifor Carlisle. t . • ,101 Alarelr.lW 1847. I .',• . in k R., MYERS'llasjirst tdcblVealte addition iorrnei stook,ro ,of „ DRUGS AND •MEDlClN'Et?!;_viitrrahiAd puro and freali-LLnipppg wmoh, are all thy , t el. •oont pepultie PiAntidtifins or,t.lte' f y:Tofcalippi which ho,yill sell, qn gnod as may FitatilL 6l o ll ; l l94 - orPhiiod9loo4l.,,. l'a7r9 io eBl P d to **am ioeirot 4 j, .01 1 "r4i.,c. '419.701-0147.' r— it, For pefiepti Co and lithe l*, • ' reeeiv . i;l:allijr;%fioo triiig%itOi [ ot cnlifklf.43,l4P4.T'ut,fr—'slid v rd 1 / ?°,51 a 14 37- 00p,oy "-40 0.4;0P o .,,rfdi QO4B 8y..09n, OrlP o wdtr, ilkf ll l44n,PPrin44 ° , , lEt47ti I,llft'Vislol ,04iii#0 ,' iti*ii,.‘,i4 ;314' '',l 'i v laiiaiiimoitiiip4cilirait i'.34..,(41r,-* l 6,q c iisft e -- '4are . AA' tl'?. 1 117 - 4 1 004 1 (,4b. 10 .vt'd laletb-,4, , --0,:,-. 411 r ,•14 1' 11 M01 1 i i r 4 ft // 3 ,, , , i i k e i4 C 4 1 4rii 4:51 ' 41,4 r 0• 2,Ak1.V.:?. 4 11,7 4 ,..,..V.,4 6 *. ii•OMltil . I .o B Af...l9fti t t l ll y tgi M .).~ :. ~ , ,i , „..„? : „,„....,,,,, i , r ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,,,.. , ,..„..., oi i ..); • . 4 4 401. 1 1 1 4 4- 0 , fi b l ' Llfi lik; i• ot'' • • s t I t tAkjakWso*ft i g/ * - 1 ~,. c MOP "vor 4.jii,t r .fli`itit•i4'i *VZO ? •'}a4gUk . 'l,o•k4 . ": ittg'•"4" '' , 7 7: leitriii : irts. 7" , 71"` " - 1 ; 1 " v t „ 0,, VEGETAtiq.tUNIVERS,At TILLS E t }r t o tdt a spl t 4 o •0 441 t b seill iu4 tlat tiLL' A(does orall -Others—or, tht!'tattre 'ofntye. 7-he u, illattrecompasethmtlunanxineriidicitts, , but two,printottiol oneti'iret,Sarsiptril o a and'W ild ' tChPrcEi st,u,tttetl , thatthey antitogetihr;the One Ithroygit it!aanitstotl.nitt okher , ol4rces, aiitio„rang; , v l we ,toer ttrotigthil eanq thesysetn ~tliose„lolla,ityp ht. filet opo a tug Arum nt naeilielit men, but other words thqy do tho'ivtirly dr. two 'Medicine', atul du tmuillt yet ter than any two ,we oft 11)r , tliiy fretnoie - lathing froutj:the , , ,- d#tentlittt titc,ittipurities; that tliey curitoilluy „ ;trettst4tun,andsltentie ,. theVtAtis6 l 66llbbiltitittint, allege follotted by , nu ied ' olidiii ‘nr:"Ll R yiondet4 lol:inpuenek_eiilhh_b_l'{{ii;L 111 ,without ditty , l'etivitteall'hottr , -,ioutpartiolos-lyorn-tiroLchile- , belb'Ue_lt t _ittLenAte ., tnt,into ,fluid, and thus. make , impure' blood slq tleUtlitittion, ticit'liCre. is ItcliAbitatt , or:iiltiteatioa 'attending : the , ppetlatitiUs most" excellent of toed ionies, tvh{pT net steams orAortures the dignstre letinta r but ei4des ural matinitl bonne- pnetiiils takiih itibm doi licit becomes aner. trio anitentneiated,but,the, contrary, taAlittlpi , ortly united as it ivitlintliec,tagretlients; to :remove, MI that is flureign'aild littpir:e,"it? is equally the cropertrof thd Wild Cherry, te'retei n oil, that is, 'littoral nail lienee R robust state a 1 .., Is tifC certain "result o'flerth; ••For Th.'!;j: 'J! Jolt, Mid Ehihy ar Kissinger; is Km'ditOwtil iFttorti o box.: 25 cut. r e 61101 FO- 10 4 . • 4 10isr. ivnioirmit soryrriiNti.s•knui"toit •-, • • cnipmEN - TtETIIING:. s , , IA,t;L MPTEUER S havirslOildien,ailljetstr , M...iSliii any of - ilsoini lifilVilliol3 incident to the tan nriiiranisj,..such as convulsions, spcsmo• .die r.roup, cutaneous "oroptions, 'ritrierdere'cl: sid stomach, a looseness of the boVieleNvehoufd 'hover be t idle& thilt: infallible rembdy that cis proved o efiliacions in, all the above die. 'cases: Numerous testimonials iti rbt. be given b,, prove its merits, but a trial is 1:i etta. Sold by S. gr.Ligyr. Carlisle. Nlarelp, 1847. ~ ,To the Sick an I Afflicted. • nil n% Ow *llo : s ore CoNSUMTIVIC Or tditbc L f ET ad With Coughs, Colds Astlitna;i3runold tin, Spitting Blond, Paid in ilia aide or Brunet, boor Throat, floutsenese, Palpitation tif Abe ReArvolioupingeonglq - LiverComplaintry&c., remember that, it is .• . TflohlPSoN's COMPOUND SYRUP et , Tie & - Nirdiribt that ia'daily effecting suchlwooder...- ftil cores in all these diseuses- , .. Therefore - hewand - of elf otlarilliktnies that einitaith er professes to e..intaiii Tar, and pus chase of them only.wlicrure known not to deal, in Opurioes articles. ituad the following testi 'Mely to the value of the,9bovo medicine, froth a weir known ren'erCiTifilirtriand - coutity=. -- ' • DlCKlNSONT'ovviSsitti., - NoV. OR, 1t3 , 17. 'About six yeard since,condequence of the'sodentiiry nafrire of my - business, ; Wet nuagked WiLII - ROVOPO pains tlio breat4 pitation of the heart and shortness-of breath • which wore:seen followedt by a faiture orap.. ,piitlte,extreine wakefitllThtu at riiglit,und patinl paralysik-isf. my Itmbd-Lthese•iyoriptemu 'et !a deranged - } system being 'frequently, attended with dpitting of bhiod. Fer about two yest l was also occasionally thrown into convulsions whielileft moan a miserable state-of feebfe. loess and began to affect my mind. from !Sine at time my sufferings were more or less severe until at length they increased to such a degree, and the violence ofiho symptoms were so aug mented, that for a whole year I Was uittible to attend to attend to any bilstnuns.,-, Dining this time I consulted some able 'physicians and attended di their prescriptions; blit alVtheir skill was unavailing to procure me relief, and at lestoth they regarded my recovery as entire ly hopeless. In this condition 1 was informed of the salutary effects of,Thomspn's Compound Syrup. of Tar and , Wood. Naphtha, in a case sorneWhet - to-mine,-aa,tliough Lhed - given tipl2ll ,expectations -of- a recovery- ut-niy former health by human means, yet being strongly advised lolly the medicine, I was at proValled upon toitln so, and I have now' to say, t Imt-liy! the use of six b-ttles -m3 health Ins been mitered,' an4.l am now- able to ift, thrill hairlines with a s taeillty us mum). HENRY AI ItEltS Principal Oftleo,'D,V . E. cursor VISTII end SPRUCE.sta.P,hila. • , , , „ , . Sold in Corl.ale,,by , R. Angney Principal agent for Cuniberiand on. Priea 50c. or 6 bottles fur:2,6o. • . . • February 10: 1647." AS A .FITA THEW VVIDENCE ' That the iir'ti,44)l&Ufii3o`tig di icily biolon4-‘ !it ak.t pill lyilig dke.,bOdy. la ,Ariutly in .oeook ' "donee n 'di,' die /out', ?,y1ib..,11, govern fot. animal .daq..iniy, i qiiisd,Arviitipgilly parried ,Uut f ,,.billikuisL wrttOtil 4 s'ys,p,t 4 ('si .0607A)3LE,igt..ts, wilt '64titiiili r'ppoli., in, tbe.couiplelb al) , I Wool ct :dfaceso i, ireotferllisconiminiteati:uoidale, from ~ personuof tAie biglieet,rimi,oetudiliti-.10 Now , VorK *he ltave,ili , Ji.:been .etired of, dig, most *bad • flute et:111100o ii, 4614 Y, by t ,,itie,y tie `of.g.filgldbit,ll U.' ; (tl'ub 1 7 ,,o'gq!lib PiPilliiur, Pui..-Isr.PKW.A l Purioeu Col ' lege Of !Width. . . ',. • . •• , ~, ..,., , ; (-10CFJP,IPA.T.E9S:ACcO4id.7 , ! ..,, „ ..:2 4 j.:1411?..M1T.' , Urk2 day. : ' ..., Ps * l '' *:• llV .A o 'M T ' 74) g ar . 1iir,, ,, At;...; coouneodidkau,i , uatile,timo,, since made:: trio! of. Wil,glit'qiidion„,Yeiclubie,Pills, of „ . t lie t. , l'q ortli, A.therip.,,,, ei,lieg F ,pc iicallhi r rind eou:conseieidl-', .i. , Olt ,P 101,1,141!.. 4or„P urifyi rig ,t 4, wood umi' , rem , ovilblog theisysteno, I have received mere , benefit, t i l !!'l thPir ll4V'Ail.Rilfrow silly, olliett,tuedieine It luoil heretofore been. my, gobil fortuue,to meeetvilli. j _•1 any dear - Ai-wit - 4 Amoy tbook 8, your obliged: friend,' ,D,F,,11,:::', ,',2-ascßAtti...T.s .. .m.rATK, •- -,,,- - ii•ligt , PP ginTfaYr.s.V.. B lrMet , I`letv V el*. ' JA1.44,11 , .).i 77 . 17% ."iv:,...: - ,:"..,.. ' , . .1 :. Front, ivfirwarstng,' iv, - : xj - 1 j ,'.; ~., ~;.,iii..tu,:ii,u,4.,..,11. butyck.. been . 'tinkled . .flir' iley'erai . 3 - eere %yid!. lowert! ,%yeuliiiiolicaii . (l"gebiriirdebility, Poc9kiiini!Pi..4 A ' l l'3 i1r 1 9,. .W 1 ib pa in ,iii die side , a I A : ,otllsrgisteeselog.gompleinleP.::Afler havingorieit YIT/Poo piefliOlce,WittleuP , effeet ,11 .-Wedi.miludilod .4 a Pieta to 1 1 114 , 1 14 H 01, OEt Mr. Aveiiih 3 3 , ..I„iiiiii, xesokohjoxllteov ijiki Alern . ;:: bblipi : to . Wulf) have' reltevoq Anclirk a noel wooklertlit Manner. I j have ' itaCtl,ilig . . oledloing lip ,yet... betik Awn. !Imei•. onfl -fia‘o no 030,1;11y A persoyerenoeti o' tho;Ol . fie nr, ill Apgitijim i tma9plilliglp:o irvelinia, that I:n.8)14,111u ii _iliorMyiuu Ike milsketlY,,repitli.ed. 1,k:,: , :c,: ,- ,;:, ,DO: 'i ,2,1 L pplik,',ieklitipgly„eerileinetiti,stiierilisitoull 64364 al ril idiirly adbeiudi'pod,;lit3bofullilielief do Alq .. 010,,,,,buocAului,,reeuitu will fallow theta'' _..., , .V.." , "....,1.'..rmi ,,i ; :: 7 +•, , ,e';14..rtq1#1 1 1 11- 11 6 1 , 1 1 PiiieerOlYocr..; ,-,. :4 .y.- 1 1 ' .......--- 7 , ,'....,,'- , ......,„ . .-4 iNs [CV A,,,,,F01)Tri; :---'. , ' ''f''OPl,OigiOrifiggliitoo l s'4/Y* YOrk:J% ~i, mr.lkikaFqp,PQ9.mitirP447f!lrhq•nut!liq.nvi; z giiiiilintO i ngehokilyi,plany ; ,.,spitrignr,z.'hiegiopie , ~w,biekip,, , prdm. , tuAsetroi!;ore.oullell;.l4?,kiunie . ,itiv i,WrigliPsictklfiltllYclretatitlyi:;olllo.';;;),?.., I, 11 . :?,..,; hVIP B = - PITIII/Xf.Piiill l 4# 4 -, 2 ,5,;..',: . ~... 1 , ,tt:'.. ,, ,, - ,-?,ilf efirl . l:l4 - ipSerr,M,eilliiinieltbUrg.::Fi:, , ,f',';`t,.i? ': rf•lil' , ;f •iiillidelilitiltSte:i:rnitiektNVii C(nrr.ti,dilitild ..,:I . lll'. , :c , Jereeo4 . 4lnioiee , NOiiiill4:' , l,ii.i' , :. 1::;i:if - }. ~_ .4 f l il,ii Agl,; , Nii i ritip:,i , ,.i..iii j,...,1ii!e1,!141.1' .. ',11.j,T'' , T 1 .2 1 ?:q , f-Alii.t:Clifkaltaffegai44o#ll tY': ! .- 1 , 1,, 1' - .- 4 , aii:wke.444voipstp#is;:':;'*n . ..-,...:.;4ltknolioril'Abdri.. :. , _:;.; - -7 ' ' '•'. ',:-.". I' •!• ' ' . l .' ' 'SA iiiii aO4 l'Aigt;..,(l,llurchibttlyil,,,,'. t.; 2,':," , ',.q O'ci ta;P;;liliMees.M ll6 llln ,: X::/tOlkdfif ; -' - ' , .1 ''''.,: . ,84 . • 4 6 61 i1ei4 1 0 1 J/ill4finivei `k?'.''--=:.: , ''. rp ..'' ' 'C l - ''.. 4 1i0g4 itP49I IIB IYeIY - ; , .tti:Ole ' qlgilti, Oi ...,17.. Blo,lth 109 • .cge,!ol . 6 ri Illip.'WhOlsl44..caPti ..i* litOK:i , Rsioe.fiireet;,,Fiiiiadiiphis;,oBB_Gratil wlo ...Street; tie:klt9tiFfat l 47.PAT.Ceppnt , ktr'eeti ptittn,..0k,% , ,1.7-':,- ,, •-:. ~,,,,;,,-.,, ;,-,..._,0 , ,.;,,.:•.' -4.1 , ,. .„.. ~ , ,. :.: . .,v, . 0 4 49r - ''''' . o4.)9(a..kaletiiliiiii 4,''Oti , ii 4 .., ~...4,1 -id 0 ' '..,7 . Irtfiti&v:;:4,L',,itadtgASWl .A 1 J41411 1 11) 1; • • .7=CAREETS . AND OIL-CLOT I {.qppAp. iCa t fiell ltsoNmabout•iii linyletiiice6;:oll 1 ,,&0., w,tiltfled, it:groO11,1. to theitatlfttotage'tio' IchEy li*.a6-ntattiAiitYlprxnetipwraljblikisa in 'loWeseVrteoi'liitlitreityr:.,ls49ristftinclt.;llol't6 be riitt itsidiinette Wiffeee'kif great ‘ftriety aful-‘ mewreit %Rd 011 3 4.: I Ott Width" to eut.: for Tfoomg, l ttplli'liki,;",with-ii, greoUvstriely;of., IngitiltiCorpeto,,fromf2s to .50 oetits.-hntl , tutry, atol . sutkr (.;fintet,efrorthißAoso,i9lltperynot.. Ailio:.stdttilh o,tage,,Talge,t and. P)viirit r. F.A.:lPlibot pif f imA itvee ! ,rpraidadiipa: it Se P#'116.1,4- '• " `..1 - , -rifiPßOlfiD, A,IRE'MANUFACTORYI- - :tom4 r• -Sieveo2iiltfki;!Screen'- r titicf_WifiTitile M reS , ; 1 tlhiento;th the' filicfvo ti(e'no'ir" fa tiOing. otn%tiiiperiniqiiiiiitY, itindS 'of PLAirr WIT GurtaliMit - A - X -1 , snob anSit ' Screned &c, for all kinds of grid nitireiltri sidsF,stneotiebrielattist ,Sloyes,Of .tilioperior - qua ~ etttaptitly Oso .$4914 Virg , tl l l4ll..C9Yirs,...Sora T ; intelt s7tirtie4":ghhtlOrlt,_ rfowite' Stanttsetritinecii,Trelliikfttik for • Grape Vines, 91. every •!rftrilera , tkatilfittly \received sod ;promPtly executed by.''WATSCiN';'.E4-' COX, . Scpt@mbc"ry.22' 1841. •.. • ~• tir MMII AIDOUE, 1 N. RIBDON MOURE! SCl(l'B44l4*, - • AfrEACiIdiATTI ataiiioAS, • N,N7ooVouth; TlStrett; 11.1111;ff:opposite the nng, a r ESPECTFULLY 'fintintiffeelo tin sn-fileMla I, and the- public, thitt , they tire constatitty , pre, pared', to„rnake to order; of t lie , fi neat !and -hest* runki!r,Migi,nildrlit,nn)deintte. peices,, eye ry Jirticfe OflTanldonable Clotliiiig',COnatitutingta Aeon's NV.M'ilrOfic, theiC complete s ,atocis 'of •eaverup,ys,,ileetpfi, ctoill§; eassi.- there.A. \Testi itge, dii'littost and moat , dad Table tiatterns;aiti inirtieularty • their owmpractical,knoiCtrilge-of the huatnicati etas Derlionalcitterilden toUiiery garment, etiablOW Attlii.o . .gire- - o - nt satisfattlotwattll ,- to - Veth ;old' mil new customers Amy respectfully tendet; , ats invitation to give-Otero:a ca 11.12 ,4f:. • I lUittig ruten'tk ,'ii 'Connected 'with some of the'beet inOst TatillionablC estalilishmeitra, in this country; employinglionl - Init first rale work, : r. en, and being'.in the ith . r4tont receipt' of the la test,. fashirns and :best at) lea of goOda,•they - arc fully prettarett I.O.itiC,o4Yetodate ettatonucti in the Lest, Manner. ugust 18,1847-omo • 'CHEAP-CLOTHINGaORE! T"EMadre, Subscriber, of the late - firm ef-Buck.St. Mre, taliec -this method of informing his friends and Ilfe' public in generals that ho has bought out the Ifileraffl UfS L Buck, of tile ott7+stabhished•GLOTHfNGS'l'AN N .. 0.T244- NI-arket Street, Philadelphia, and is now pro; pared to furnish all, kinds of ready -made CLOTHING, at pries Which cannot but secure to him the patronege 'of all who. to chealf - cfrithing. I have spin - tuba French Cloth nrcsv . and Frock- Coats, from $ 6 : 50 to $lB ;:do:P!ints:trop cOnts,to $Et; Vesta from -621 rents to $4; suit of SummeLClLfthing rot $2,25.' Also all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnish. log Goodeot og:reinely low prices. ' WlicilmialiidealeOn'tliothing would dowell to call'at the 8E46 of - • . JOSEPH 4 , , MPORK. 054 ItlfickZi stiCot, PhiludelPhie • AufAl St 113,-484t . . DA,CEIVII„iitOriTE - • EORTRIUTS.-- .At. the'''Philadeltmlifa, Daguerreotype Establish- Mont, Exchange; Third Story Rooms,, Nos. 24 and 27. , RE proprietni-s continue to Mc tine above Portraits in ally size and sty le, and are 'nippy to announce that they have made several improve. menus U'lmicit add very•much to the delioiTy and beauty of time portraits taken at thelr.estattlishment An examination of specimens at their rooms is respectlully solicited nod every exertion will be made to give entire Entiornetion • • W. gr. 1.% LANGENI lEI NI, . Sole agents roe the sale of Voigthmender's Ap paratus, and importers el plates, chemicals, , Plmilapelphia August.lS, 1847 CHEAP OIL STORE, • • IDGW.AY & KEENILIS,37 N.Whar'ves below Race street, offer for stile at the ,M.EST .PRIOES, all the artialee. of the Oil -Trade.--:Theirr-stook-didraried'arid extensive, •nd they feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who cull.. They have now on hand - Pure -Spepii Oil, White Winter and Fel OiIS of different 01'11110H, Solar Oil, Winter preosed Lard Oil, Winter Elephant and Whale, Oils, Refieedi Racked and Common Whale Oil, Tanners' Oils, Sperm Candles; Guano, „Philadelphia, August-18, T 847. • N B.—All goods delivered in first rate coda July '• - • . . . . . ;'Clisap; :s Watch and Sewell:Fa • .;•• i es,; , AT ,, the•Philidelphia"Witteh 41 : I I ~ i,k0) . ." .:., , and • 3 ew4lry , Sitnii,' 96 Ninth. It , ~' •,, ) .Seeend! St; .eiht•Ver':of Qua`rrs 1, , Gold lever Wiitehes44lllo r - 4i*, ', ''',., .iilled,'lB l narct anses , $45. , qo ',,Arin - )snalr BilverLevei Watellei; .--- ' i', , 7..fulltiwelled , r• , • - - :''. • - - - 23 - 00 Silver Lever Watches seven jon6ls"•'.'" 18 00 Superior Quarter Watches - •'fo 00 . . I m its tierr qoarter )yatches,notpartqated S 00 Gold ISliettaclei' ' 00 ',Pi.)llo l . l YenrSiCattioltia; ' ". Gold Bracelets with tope's stones 3 60 dbatliefoGold.Veriells.lBoderratri: - ' 'l2 l OO t,Goht,Fin . gat - .Rinis Watch s-plant itly Cents to. Lunet nrtides In , propHrtipn:' 111 '~ourls'tcar=. wltat'tiffy : • '''• ' " Shvgr,./: , evers.,Le ;On t . ,qt! iittiers „ lower than. the above . • . , .. .. HOVER / S'''''FIRST'PREMiHNI.INK No' 0 eitiaiiii',iitii‘d iititlitt, l .:: 12L. `'“B:bier b e r ;, 4 4 4 s 4 l'aiki .11/ 1 01a .‘ r '' ;::::, 4 : !I , I , IL L :k : :::: , ,P ; l e : j ' A v. ' . ' c , ' ~. ' 111-17., deleliiitY of ilielnks...itiandittclurod bythe ueitriiitOir - ill'e",high.'reptdatiOit 'which they . len* nun' iti:(l,...pcit onli - illti•oughOttt:thg‘klilltOd &hies , hid in the Weidlittliee and in Chlniteltas.intliteed 'him to • make .every; ligc,em,lri arraugmncht (i.) supply the yast„.op/t9t9 l )/ limp , hisiestsblisitment Ile is now, prepsreiLti , i(h everyr-vitehety-of ..1111R0k, nilie, and I' 6 o o. l )Cli , ',CoPilk- , inki Itt:',elildelitk; and litk . Pd?edi)!,ttll .p . . repspzed,, l under. his 'lawn Prsonttil Itipecioti;niletnei, ; 4 1 94 ilhat..opdrchasers rnny.depiiid.tipo& hi superior quality..,.-7,:—. .:. ..-.1 - 10VIER'S IiDAMANTINg :Qt:MENT; -a, an Peri"r;tic4s44l'MpOing'iSnathi;Oltinn, URN; inetyViti, ~!se„,, . wick ) ,Ici',. esery.,lloulekeeperi:, I;e::: } C , ,,vhitey liviiio,ssOy oppljkil, and Vet affec ted:lJ ' . .kii , illiintiy, ? je : , .1..1:er,,'', '''!,"•''' Pintithleti,iiettilaidtic thsnonterqus (bills.; tottitlkl et eiciitdif",lif science, 'end, other s ,;. Asill.i.he itikulalied.t.p iitteisliiishtil; 4 " -4 ` ,',..'. ' . . ~.'.. • i...- . - t- , Por'sald atlhei , MtiiiiirriiiiniY. ',Viflalesiilo'`illid Riitaik i tlio.)lll: ljerthliThiikl`S(Feet;'opzeirte glieovAkreetPhilailelplala!,:bY,l , l: '-:'.4. ' -- , i':) ~.. ..,tf . ..lo4lelll.4:ltiOVEkt,'l4tititirtiiduee'r:.c. -7-4 1 1O;..-h-1:1Wtrt, ..IY -:...,::'''.` .. ' '', 4E i til)?Bvp.t.A.AllsAr4llill.l.A;—,T, 111.1 W 10,'opittp,rit fcir,;..thi)rejmorat''anil ritnna , co care 4111 q ak rtYtkrriM ftis'4ntliir' si pf N t 'm l 4 - aft-St Vf2 4 8 IYPITa4 I O II ,6-1 1 ' miti.ool trek.lw i tgv %PIO sYTNlC9P,,khl4r(ful onfii"er m53 / ' k litt!ottaio ti f tut H d'Oart.` . 2lViik f ti . it' , 61. , c,-o,.d:Yr;,tifailatet,bit , -!A;' , OP ,:-WiNvik-r1:40iMi,:,4141,M,69.1faCy l i .0 r , e)1,,,—,44.t. o 1 0 , , 0 ., ,. 1 ' t .t %01 ,,. 4 ....:- tAU v' O i ,. - V 4„ 4 I ..ibMptw4,,O*lg.6, ' t 4l t ,tlAtlof.r.; 09ypi :, , tf„i- i 4-,,,.p!i ~ ,I , ,,tulurbileattts ' ulaximcgassmozvi' . = I .. WOM.lDtreepeefullysonll , :iheiltiehlioll , 0 - k ' " 1 ,1 Mielrtiepare and theilmbliolothe akiafti sive btock,pf, p . &11l litxpruitAllfilneludiag , Soq fat,' Weill i'obes, tentte And, other,-Tiildß(Dren sing and Plain Irnieetin:t;,'ll , ii,d' v n - fer,Y.7y,nriiiii ii 1 4iiiiriiii08;" . 1 / 4 . viiech , fliiii, , iiiiiioloeiccVtfria:gl ; t'hekr;; ntw, " iikif " , ! 13i1. ' s hi ..'6 ''ir i fir ..o : l. 4l l :iit!gil 4 l l s , Y i llt" il.i4 'ldtitleV'EtibitMirll44. ~: ~,,„ : „,..,„m T',.;,.„ h= . They oredunAilent;ili r at , auperjor firifi orti:e w'orkiriiiihillifi; and 4Mallee'ilf ilty)e,:in; I.ool.lfaratiari_inleffriroliortiwtiogethet,'wliti' , 'l, Iein,CUPAPNEFN Wiii!ktdmiiiiiiiitUdiiiAsi,' every person 4itillinty,Milurfii ,, . They Milit also rnnde arrangenentefOriniinilfo'oturiog °nil, ti! -keeping .coviitaril autinly+ °Vesely: ertiele• 'in' 4,heirAineritintkidelniand-L4OnniontalrelOgan,t end, 'lento!, at, pritemw b ieWihay cannot fail suit iffurenteerp . : , ithby'rwouhltirnestly , ,Write personerwhciarikilbotat tnnorilmeniiohontlekeet.. io g , to Tali: and, ein thine t helr litneerit • WOO nt" , stock gtoit.which Ahoy Wilt ininstn ntlY. 'melte ad , ,:ditionafrof.thelnewbst atid.'m'ost liicideirVety)ea. ..;COFFI NSi In ikd a liki Ortle r at the shortest iio • . _ Mice, far town nyniiintnihtrY(.: , l, ')'' : L ' ' ''' ''.._. i " "Arit)t ..2,1;,1847:,, ..... . ~.....1- '43l l :t o t- , :. 1 . I ,ARII.II,e Wo,rld7-1;111tt , H oe P.! CoippoAiti'§ii•op ti(llbt.O'cond . is, without ' ciebbtion or exiihseikti6)id.hi ap:ep" dy oure'fbrAll st4r. A.:nlils; which '6ltreti . end Con ttbirption. ilr tip tilaionrhountj islaken cirob*Ost'afiTicri4tice .at' CooglOt I will ArgspOistely.earetit »lid u3 ' e_ jltesutyw ft;on) witituely,.graNu.', • Pric:e sc) cints,...b . r mile, by, g,etb p. - 10h Bultimbre Bt. 560 .briicr i ! .. 3rChiu•les ant Piratt.ifts., mbig 'Fbi• ante in Ctikltitei 10:4 zfk AV:11 MO 'elletkli -•. •.,', 2; 'Supgrior.Old %Vine, , ti!idttl;andifis, firwitedicirly ThR - .l%lYElleiriiiie pet selected -in pnn ~apanrtmenvsof the , most Cad AWltnee-atid__Brandles; tor ;medic( 001 and table eurpcsoo: "Thane purchasing may drpeud nob titem .ne being leire: .It2tio trhanparg* .01Lint nidd se mrner •• J0ryi28..1847; • ' • • ' rsr _Cisterns, . • And BEDFORD. WATER inniarrels and Itttlibutteleilor sale by • • COPHOUN & CO. Chaniberaburg, July 28,1847,-3t Bacon. 20ffums,Sholdiern and Sideo for wile by _ FUNK & MILLEK, Huriiihorg; June 9, 147. 'CANAL Aovat , ROAD Phi Jada., Daltirndre, Pittsbui ,irt 7.1 -avwft., 44*- g 7 ilz - J.. ;K , FORWMIDINGBi;,COMMISINVERCHANT ' • IHARRISSU NFORMS..hts friends. and tho public, tha fr 4:i la thp liberal patronage extended to him, past ycar,•he has-been encouraged to make more extensive arrangements for the and has added two new, larged and splendid Boats" to hi's LINE, and will be Telly prepared after the opening of the Canal o "torfeard• Prauce and Merchandizo of all kinds to an&-frtim PiTadolphin, DulOrnosic tho lowest.ratos of freight ' and with the utmost despatch. Agents for Don'ts, • Mossrn. CARLISLE & GASKELL Race street Wiwi, Philadelphia. Mesars..G•lESE & SON; No.-48 Conimerco at. Whart,tialtimorc. Mcssore.CLAßß & THAW, n , McFADDEN.J. & co, !Il!turg• Agents for Cars, • Messrs. WUNDERLICH & GRIER, No - 272 Market Ft. Philado M.essrs.CHALORER REYNOLDS, N 0.423 Markel. at. Philada Messrs. SITERI JAMES & Co., ' Broad !trent, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania :nncrftltio Line, 'N. at. Beltitnere March 17, If347,=te. WHAT is most condueivelo lieslth A PURE STATE A N D CiRCULA. TIQN QF THRBLOOD. Now the bast path_ oil to insure a licalthrstate of Blend% on tii first symptom of any disorder of lime circula ting fluid,suCh as Dyspeptila,'Costiveness,Gid diness, or any of the diseases which arise thertilyora, to use Hance's Sa rss pa rills or Blood Pills, fitly pills in it bok fol• St cote. according to the directions, and yon will obtain tnimedi•. ;L:•• • • ' • ••• -) One Wan I of\panefeT;—W W hen you go to purchase Hanee's . ,Sarrapaillla er„Lilood Pills, ~y be sureou,get theienuine article. ,Prlee 25 cents per box, or fist( bakes for:otie Ftn' sale by Seth S. Hance, 'street; ,and,,eutner, of Qbailas, and Pratt. ata.,. FtitlWO+ Oleic . ; by J. At, W. th ,VLEM` ItowDrWlitrolitO . the' gailrood Depot (June 2,113.47..) THEPILESI` IA R. .UPHANPSANTERNAI, 'REMEDY:, M , ror the Cure'bryiles:`The' Vegettible'Pile bY'Or;A: VPIPPI;i ,New - litialc;:gity, is the 7 only. rya* atieceisfni re metly•for that daoserous. and distressing. complaint, the Piles, ever ' oftered to the P mertoan lwblie " • 'lite Eltetuary.containa.hb Al literal Medicine-, Gatnbogil,or, 'Other poiver ail said irritating purgative.No_feai .'of taking t ot etessory. :kc taken ;aCcording tii,direetions, tare for life is guaranteed, ~Another Certificate added to tholandreds . 'liave'rilretulf batureeeivetr,;offlfa l 'elgeacy of 4-,phana's EleettiarY.4 ." • ' • I • • NliwtOltii‘Allgii.4 2 , s ,, - 1 1 4 6 . - Messrs. Wjatt lietcharii-nGetits:, k or. sever ,ral years past Lhayi.beenlOnbled with Piles p , very coetive'sliittr of ,. rat Onipl 014 bel sg et hieverc atrtg'qiatiblc*Wotiihdiiiiiesti;ttail a dresn'll I aall' : pideot:Aletlieinec,that "utii;l 4lo l , /Orillg , •l l, •never used ~autnieilitinie of appiled,to physician for relief.. he Nei then :being so secertrthatlrallei*Cd'heYeraiopertiedini to be perforin&lAvitlidaVanylieriefti;:. lletirmin irticshs,.treadatkailyeri tlinii‘ent 0141!' cure' guaranteed lij , :the.lise,,a, Opliani'll.Eleelluary.'4 . ;l•RupOinsed three, boxes, at your store and from the utut-Of.-a , hich , tnyselt entirely • • •S'ured • reach' improved,' 3 remai#;.:sks. rogranuyf i!‘'. i!Obted AlefahanCTallor, l l/ 4 1,lltntitiffellY;#ilalair?* f,Dr: - A..Uphit Propriaok, ,• • W vain' 4-Krrcutkri-121A;Foffpn , sirietiNftly Ytirk.GerieraliAgents faPthe'-actuthirn'States. t 4. , SoI tl I !ICI by, SA telf0.'"ECI.:1 1 114; ttll Druggiatagetie#llityrougiO:lkt!ihiVoo.4,o . l4 l !'pi l 3vice Nnimnhel if , ~ - ,, -- , ,,,, , ,• i...(1.7e1e_Y: 8 14./APIY. • it ' l oll Fl'illb ilirl t•er Itdeltilt rEtittntil from' il . '' 0 ''i.ithl4, - 41oPar NEW ..tGOorB;,46loiitlii: ' ,pa I ' ((if the folicAli* iirticlii” ,, o. , ~ , e,....:: ~ , p ).. ~ '':"ChiiiiiVryillliilAingliams,l i ,[44l. t a ' ng l u il l at I Neu' , 'Stylb,Caliolifi,R.,lliVie Ipt . ,” , 3 LIT : 'ip„ ' : ' lO Willie, Aiiil Grown ttuilini; . . •• .- * 'AP.. i'rl Withelinifi*atii‘tii4 16111'54 Slietiilksr , ?.. :Mialiiiikilaiitl 011'eikt; ; =';Als9': ".'' - ' - '''''' 4,-.. - E - i4- —:-- , '95, doz., Cottonifitidieey; nil laWitsi)"'!' V:. 1200'113cyclMri,a01.giilorcil,coito!i Irayi, : ' lal elk Litiens,Tillni):37ifot,o o .: ~. - ; i• r .... ''''Plaln. # 4ll,B ;r ll ° °k ! WO.P4 , #0 ;ViftOCif Yarn, ..--.. • Hut: ; 4 ',' ~, .":' ', , ":,,', ':. i - ' , • 'Wtilie diolfravulithi ils,4,T.OAttefi*grt.. r ANODYNE . 'II4 - '.....‘ '''' •''''''. •. ' ' , s4l''' 't .".-, ' ..,..,:0 . , ,; , ,.. I, _ i ,0 ,..... , ~ , - 7 , 77: ~,,,Sumultep.•ol9th-onal:R 1:1 0 4 . ir rp4 , 14044kiii4 .. , I:.:l*. t iiiinitiii.ii4i . lie; . reot4 , :t , : ,, ': , ' .1.1. ''''. ,, V.l!"'l a t i t r,e, '. s "„l'Vi l i a ; * 4ii,g4oo , 7 ...Iry tor *hat most- eveiveiatii2e,',l ; , ' ; Ts , ,u, , , iwasii , ,,?,:, l .1, 14 ( 1 ,v 4 4, q arig 1 yi.,.. (4.10 4 440x64 , t4iiseasa &the 'I'OPTW 4 WA I N:: , " t.. , t•• - 1 'lii i N6tlf:ifincigter i givet itneeltuntilq.: , 'Owv„l:ll - -‘- ia tii lief foliiiil'itt'Y!.' .`," ~41 . . ' ir t ...,, ; 1 , ..., ''.A , ',' ; , r,,.! •i. N:',441-.4.e-';o•43+ArPglet4.•' '''' I° T r' "' . ''' ' ' ' •- ' 6 'Tia July , • t , 15ir','% , :,_,.....r,' - •-•z -- p. , 4....,14,.....v.i 4 . e , ,-: ... ~, 4 • • •, 4 llr 'I 914-,... , -,, , ,, , ...;;."4" , !., - ''',•".;;,' ,--,,, . '. . g,...kztoi 1.R. V1, , ,',, ..., ,' , 1 ~ '>-- ~ ""• 1 1,," , 4 .-... r." . 7. 60,0.0 . 49.' , ) i.,.. 0( , , , - t,J, 1,..„p.,.i. , A ' , ,,e.,ir".111.A. , 1 ', 7,.77,17TF0r - 110/411/31Z ' s . If ”," -- • ' P,I- A: ~, tifiiiiiiittaimPfiliolo r o4o,?, , f r '#,VIN .fi.c. , . um ,ilßrAktiA .ifri , I •"''''''' . ', , ,kEid ~,_ 4. , .1, .. •it - .V. , 611 . 0.51 ~ 1.. ) , ~•, 4 , ' v. , t Jleraelli, 09ey, . :I , ~..,,,, ~ ~. c c , i , l ,i,,,, irut , jll ... It o: l e iiielin i r tkof m. , fi m, ti irtiologkr:4 ll 4 '',"'. : 1 10 `‘' , '''',C`..- r "k4 °4 •:i''.'itGl..tzr.ll)' : /i/iTe'' , ' '4ll;iw Wiliiiii t el4v 4 49i ' :Pf 4 1 0'''-fl i qr ,-* r' 'k-' .. .',-:s,;,':;4s ) :' , Ominilit f.. 4 .2::: : ....:;, 1 ::•,J 7 .1',:„. ‘ ,...,,,,,,:,, , ,..,., ii'atOttlitth' life') $,ElO` birAtati3Oil t i,fly;t ,-49, , ,T4 - 4.s.4.lg,ifloPiv. , Liktt , ,ior, , vf.lols,ax .0. . wi-44,?Ry&T , ..,1,, , x,,'„.:,-,41: 4A . , , ,i'ati* - 'nfim.Pgirews, l l.l ) ll4=.—, ,, - \ its K odri l ,: I iline,f ''.' k'..'' , ''' if:ll'47-'?:z:l'''''',",, giiiii4,4l)l,44l'o44iiiliOiif*9*9ov,,,,::"',., , ;.??P' - ' Vir 4 :1 0 4t3 ,4 ft ,41 A 4 t0i d , iAV, b 1,4 ; -. T r i g . " 2 likal4sTraviiiii z mat n iio 4 o4tiju l l=' 0. ' ' - 0 4- —'• 4 - ''''- , 11 , - , - tor -, -'oickie- Nrivediklidibi r likiebY . ..'t- 4 ' ',...-- ''''' • " '''' 1 yre . b ,,. 4. 0 0 , 0 , 0 4,,,,,,A,1:t°, '•,.:. g,,,_,trci,L,....„-„,, , ,,,), P.,,,,, .„ ~!..• ~,, ,--,,.-4,,,., :. 3 y '` . l2 ,iikiWile'';;'' l ,n'ai''"''' ;'''',.. •''''`viiiiiiatoptp A ir, 4 4,,,,,,,uw1. ~, ~,,., (.. ~, q-, • ~,,,.„,,,,,,,,,, ~, ~ , :w.,,u N , . ~ , ,„ . ,,„,,,, i . 1r. ) ,, ,, v01i0a0c, .., ~, ~,, 4 , _ . ; ~,1,, , ,,, , ,, ,, ,,, . ..,7, -, .. - -, , _ ,-,, . , 4 ,, ,;.0k .,,,. ., ~ 4n _ , .'''i'''' r , i'F , ... 4 4j"5. , '(''..4 - -'T ''l,',VriTA".t.,," -- ' 4-.1`1 04 4' 4 0,A4r,444 , 10 , 3 -. .)4W , , , .1 , ...:! , '-` , ,''F" '' ..,, , ' '' ,' . ...- ,- 4 ,',,,,. ',,...' , :' ', ‘.!. , :t. -,•, ? ,, rrft''';:r'''" , % , 'M':'r.' , ?? ,"..... V" , , i -k"0 5, ,y44 , 104,,,taq,VV. ~ 1 ,"„..(4 , `,...1,,,`,,...1.,.4,. ,r„... , *,..'0 , ~..-%:''.' ...,....„... ~ ',. . I. , , , .:% , :•,: - .A'.. , ' qt. -!".-,, ''. '.''', ' , , i47,;(4.4d7%,'",., , 4 ' . . - -:',',''';'2 , - , ,,G i y , .., *V. .-- , z• - • 1 - •:ii.;'-' , 7'.%"iiiiii.;• .- --. ,-, ' ..," "'"C ' •-• . *a, ferki7f„iif ; pswiiOpeAfteiTtirftiraits - •=.‘• ' dirizailyittranspil 4 * : . •4::!: ,t,.. an ~ „, , v , , ' ", N0:440 Chesnut '. l3 li,'§ditthiii,ittliift?Pliii , i i :, ; i f ; ; ,:N •oi ,iiidri /vE i' l &piti . 4l;•, ,. • if,;ltt;..; . .417:•;.,-Itti . :_-__L_ 4 4 0 1 0 ' .0c:tiiitillei . ik:ftiiliTilitinifiteent are , ' . iiroootido`ed;„AY artiste:llN "t*ddinitity, men, tetrlvalled for Alopth - ef i tone ant edflikeve of; light . 'Add ' 1 i iiO4;' iir li they i i l itliif, - A ll ; tb e4r tl it i o OrkoketitetifOf'thelitiqil' illttOfthe' iner. ;'• ;eitizehenptiiiitgerehlieithig i thir, ittliey,•en n - lire;the ' Ainiittkei - cr l rr otiiiitertekiii'in this ;unique;enle;4ldiluneutifisettitry.MOrbiitoniser, ;Golit,ldiblete;or, litenittihnilie;in.`ii thivintlnutei. W,TOPYillieurollo.iitig Ifronwtheilltilidelphii -- - skily ly, 4 1 1:P.41.1tifti 1 tu c . /0-•). irte;•;/ (ll' 1 ran, IANIZRICA'WSUPERIODITYroti, , . : I T.,!ip)dtitliejourottle;thiveathdiffeFenttperiode • .:fitittooreed, nen menterk ell lo,pre p(of di erokili Wed proprenov ..of i A,thestren, A ilt i tint, ~,,b* f /p m guOreo lAie,s'ace rliow i 'qkpilp, in rhieeltA?luierion *every .I;evireif lo thirth'irliqe,' JO tiny, ,of r , th e ,European 'bitieg.' ,"Tlio qiii:eiiii ef • •Aindelean :, artlide ivw itinthrtned 'id'. ii"vei7 , liiitifYltli 'and' 'eiidelusive ; eM.._tri1,..1.; tiEttlitiriffes—istiblitilt Iftig-4 'l,- . ---= ;the ,.. ..elose; -,ol. :his'll'OmTintnih"relillotteit' in; this .eity;, that Mr.; liobututtlanade'fißt:imeglinitl pie." ; turee,nith, only: e %single ; tulle re: l liVaelditibn to ~n,hieti-Alr., : lyhda-Iteen-ftiritillied- i tritli- t herfollow-, ---.- ing eionclonvO:Oertifiente,eigesit; lA. will be: pep; , geivra,,b7, l the tiarenti of. Tom Thumb, by Mu. IthintitO, ht's teueliera'and teeretury,,elLot whotrt - ;were' dith hint inlitthoig,:''' , , ~_,• •, ; . - • • t ; • ..rtiinerieiiiiii - itine A 1847'rti • 'TR", J.T - J. of ; Toni Tlinmtv and 'l4 fa nilli ;•; iniilu di owls' s ;itee re I' tftdhiii%dfdlititinte, l':'iiriver; 'oiihitnigo 'Ve.;litdriltis;iforiouslioWilnie Hirl eherdotere, theetieM. Mr.:Al-Root, (tigrYA ONelib - idl),l9'Sactk-- ,l A)dt.'cit'o..of:eititiale.i . entf : ii'tith i. .; 6l , l 4 3l lo; •NR4iii . 9. , iw.d4,14 . ,' itotd;Ndlitfiq 0 C Obilitie:, itiftnees,:exjnidteldn,.'heitet ylfnl.l,,,micaty ,of fititmi'liiii,:',ltidpi rti' ltritha Iwo-filet „e . ,e,,. , , jukre- :'teVer de6u ;rebelled: rrllkiy• 41.6`401a F pIty s(ikruir • - th.lioiy„Abitieortkd Abut kvitnisfell'..hy o q'tiltWer in • this- oPiliiiY;tol u 4 loAffibrP4ri*i °catty of the eltiee Of '' rdtr,ofte , dthich w j ecintve„lbsited A J Wye 'lnki ifleatierdinefideyiestiurnflo thencitikeey 'and - ekill- eafrtidirdi•difititinifeefetl-Ay.lllF:rfoot, the:enlinentirsticreieful'liigfieri.entypitit.°' :1 tiined ,S. Fi..fiT.ltATTON , (thi-k itheil ' s , • ; -,, . •E'VN'th•STltA!lTON'('tlierlM Oilier) ; •'; ; - t it ~;-.41. T,BARNUM; ;.;-•;; ,, KJ•5'.1V , (. (§... 1 1199__r tliTom;Tininth -hi EnglidulimiludVme.. 4, 113 . "vd Pcniil.l.iPr of tbe„;Now . Ifork , ' , and - lininiziere ;,ins e a m. ~_ - . ;„. .T i l -1., IV. W. wins'rt.ri ( Se cre t ary) - • • . ;: ; .-; Al lClOit.wgi CAW ' , I , . (A dvertieer. and ;SeerettirY: of Toin Thuridh fit •• • Europe)- • ~r, Q -, -..-: . ; • • 1-1. G. gl:lE4.llfA*(li*A!l Vrgeeptor) . - 'T.Viii .. iii cei•ii)bilY lie.rY-811114iirg - 400.MonY in -furor' Of . A mei:igen .seprridrilY,•comipg: As it d ' *can thoie ttltti'lnfra e•xil ni inepArcimens Of le 'Vest produetthiat b i 'the erVin-mosrOf iltep net. ..ple rifles of • Puropett • • .' • -._ - "'" ' ••• - •• : July 211, , k847:-.-6fiko, -,, ,',.'. 1. , ' '' '' ' ' : , NEW -IRO Pi-A.110451EL .- TORE I ri7l-1E liubSeribeys ! Imimrterti,a'riii 'Dealers 1 in . Foreign find American 'lron, beig lea* to call the attention of purchaserS'cit)ll9N‘and STEEL; - to the" noweeso'rtrife'ntj'4t Sivedo tic CO" zlngliiii Iron ' WI itaritlyi re. ----- cei \ American ror el I, '&c.— Er thee, Iron; n Tif - 3 7 1611is am eni.,llersel shi ititlir s .,iiizesi Li felt -tiji glc - . In di blister. ed i or Otiii h. . pug_ Cast,and Sheer Steel, &c. all of Which they offer' at the LOWEST rates, forl'erieN lor at six Months for nitro - end , relbrent o','lind to - which ihdy•invite the attentii4filifliiiichlicrs before rephinishing-thelt stocks! 7' '' - • • Also, Pig and Bit om - lron l'eceived on coini Mission, on which. advances will be made. EARI',S & BRINK.' ..- . • . Iron and Steel Merchants, 117 N. Water St, and . 5 .i N. Del, Avenue, rhilit July 28, 1847- 7 1 y , ' ' - ..; -WATCHES, JEWELRY, .Bco.. • ll E subscriber offers to the trade) or by 11 . retail, a large and general assortments the following mimics, being all of his own im portation or manufacture, Buyers of goods in this line are invited to examine the assortment, and orders are solidi. ted, with the assurance that every effort will bo made to give satisfaction and insure a,contin mince oft ustom. Gold & Silvor.Loyer Watches of ordinary goal: ity. „.. • Do. do. do. ofsuperior finish. Do. do. do. Anchors - 4. Lepirre. Silver double cased English and Swiss verge • Vetches, with light, medium and heavy ea- • • Gold Jewelry In, ll verici jos, Ana cdAd commons 'Silver Ploted,'ula'Silver gird: ' . liliiiiiietil"rdies,,Ruyin'g 2, 4,,6, Gold and - Silioi Gold:Pet Ir. 4 11 - . - - - Mantel anti„7o:ffico.. Clocker , in..gilt.atpl • tither • fraMes., 1.. Wateltinaleeis''roolsand materials of all sorts. Fancy Articles. Fancy , Fans,-,fteel : lleach!.. , „Aes Hu Ving'eatmj fdeklity, fin obtalinng,ioalla on the most advantaSetnis teribsoitretioandi ‘ iicin ilueeritents will lie off,led 'to pinellasertil , jOllt,i'F,MM 4 .0 112 Chesnut 'B(. i ltilatii3lAnt. July 2t, 1847. Hats, Caps, .pi4tspi . ,..Zu4:BoAtqle '!: - TOM.ErriCHAtilli.HATJERS & OTHERS; G}Altiontw , rdi. , pßOVEritiV'l i lint awli 11/dPehaiiic i * Ng; 156 ,Plarket, Street o : Sr orm, t Deaßn jtELioW , ESPECT F LiYaidiel tjittinAihn - to their 'lA:largo and ;coronletio'aicicli , of iHata and Capa,.tuannfuettued 'udder iheir..Own.-:itifaedi atu; direction .o nil super i menden* iv ifh Rllthe .advantogos of inodern prOv'tititeptasialiriaiilo them' to cOnibliie 'fa bility,"-taath' and eheapneeti ' t ' "A rm b'eiintifikkriapartrocnt of,ft II ; no kiAd prices of .Spavarli Arualto Silk, Nulanit,ln, ( ftitsaiti,lc'asFienere; Wool,_ Sporting tid.tia big nil, fla Also, ailenetal'aiao•tinent of:every variety _of Pttcy, EA, pal; pair . ° Plain ,Otasy !sty lei Rn'tf.jilliehtiihtll3illll? Mu l a ir, Scaletla., qCtlaied;'Oiltiy6.llk and FOr Ladicar 1111uff4;!'Borilil &th, atsthil r' Bdyoie ' by hei l dOsa4 off lees, aretisrooo call and acqllll la_noLto,their inlercat tek witl tiei J. rk A; et y. - 944 - • Parcioular:atinntiounfmid , tcahtifinOkix of it Cash: paidtoidlinak rat inal§hippiniFillie; No. 196 Market 41.;181177- E El C~ V