Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 15, 1847, Image 3

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• e . Neuxr.,;A*llipeincuto.
. . .
. '
.-....groten,',.p _repel
Ciitribirland'eounty; I Ist
OLE public, side on the premises, on
a -TIi_URSDA-Y-;tho-nh of October pelf.
atl.o.'n'eleek,' • A: DralVE LOI
' CB UNIN situate 'on flie:'nortb-east . corner. iDf
4515Itt,hlifdiPittastrt3ets in - the' borough : of Cerlisle,.
• the pretierty of the heirs of Unidel. , Bowerstd9!9.-
i •.'l,ls4"l”ofsiiil-tots,sltaitte on 11M;oornor of Saul
. slreCis4otitains-30 ROM fronton Pitt stfeet i tind
extends 110 feet depth to a - ten
Nora •rsont a inslineet in front on , Pitt' street,
. arittadjolns the 'there. -'
No. 8-crinildhs 60 feet in 'front, with a two etOr3' •
DWELLING. HOUSE, a well ot Water and'uttint,
'i itie
mprontentikhoreon,, : .; •.
No. 4 contains sp feet in front op Pitt itreet,
and attotne the•last. .
No. 5 also. contains .50 feet in front. and adjoitis
Pi'cabove and lots of, John-MeU. All these lots
'extend 110 fret hack to a fen-foot alley laid Mt
• or the accommodation of these lots. •
Also at' the same time end place,will be' sped
sitle'rvro I OP C ROthq oit•tltesonth
sstle of South' street, Bounded by said stl'eel on the
north, on the. est' 'by Slit:bad 'Matthews, on the
south by George.Cart,and on the east by George
W. Sh am t , ematainins:Omither 120 feet in r von
--'`.669 in'inlditional-tnit4otti:of -the borringit of Car
.' lislc,;,;•AYto nil attic' saitl. property, the lots will
•'• be sold
~Separaiely On teipither .85 will best suit
t r-purritesers. - 3
Sige.-17e9 per cent.'of the'purcaase
Inzitey tote point on the • tiny nf 'rede—tme-thit'd
;to remain itt the plat:trolly. the, horn:eat of which
-1 3 -40,9.1),,0•t0 the widow. rfne,inV i liCrltle,t.nd the
dentlr—onc-third on the let of
{ii il, IB4B,an`f ilie bat:like oa 'theist of - A plat,
'F5411;0 be secured by a 'lien on th ) property. '
Atim'r. - oF Daniel 110Wereitleo'd
`September 15, 1647.—Volunteer insert..
• •IN pursuance of, an .erder ofthe.
• Orp MO of Cumberlittid en.
44,11111 the fu'loWing It ettiplatelate the
6 01tiltrt property of Armstrong Irvine, dd.
• cenardTwilh - beaold - owtheliretnii
`ea, tin * NATU ILI/AY the •IBth day or Weber next,
• at Ilt q'clock M., of that daV, viz:
A 11.thlit c rtain plmtatidiveLtract of litiuLalta t _.
itte in Silver ..Sprtag: °knelt:4l, in said county,
Xitinnied by, lanai: Peeike Belshoover, Jacob
AMlrewliviileattd - others;troil
121',ACILF151, about 85 acres of whiell,
• are. Limelanne, and __the. reniainder slatlatid of;
good qualqyi—Between 20. and 30 nava Are in:
thil4;ing young thrtiWr and the residue in cultiva
ilop. , This tatid is Well leatied, a lame portion
•of post and rail, The itnprovements..ate . 11
lark!' stone OWE:I:LINO 110 USP tool Kitchen,
large stone BANK BMW; with a "Iltreshing
Machine attached and other out buildings. • A
;young Ap . Pler Orchard of grafted fruit trees are oh
'the prentuses: There arc two good Mills •
'a mile of this farm.
ccrWill he offrred at the same time, a - hit of
—'ocouedalljoiabig the above and containing about
ne acre, hiring thereon created a good—Lo-c
-ttft,tr. and Fiame Stable, well suited for a ten
not nose. tore nt c seine Orme !reit trees nn
I this Int. Both nrrnertles - enn be viewed at any
time before the sale.
The conditions of sale will be made.,k,nown nn
' . the day dank, by 111 N ICY W. 111 PI,
Aditn;..lsf Armstrong liwine, deell
.1? Wel ic Sale.
' By virtue of tin order of the
M• tiCourt of comb,:rhnoi
fi..74. I , [IOU Eayond t,f power' of attorney
front George Myers—of Ohio, 1 .
"will expose to public Rule on die preniises, on
DAY• the 9th of October, 1847, at 10 p'.
'dock A, Nl, a lot or piece oil fund in Frank ford:
'township, bounded by Win. Grarcy, John .11uTP- , •
ser, - Henry Musser, John 'potter '.and others,
'vont ainina 10 Acres, - be the satite more or loss,
oil of which is cleared hrithitioler good lence,
loving—a _two stot v LOG 41l 1 0 1 7,atiSL
sTALILF: thereon dredta, and a well of water"
at the doof and miming %liter on the premises..
fferttEs mode known on the dev,of solo.
P ET ER • Al . Y E RS, Guardian
of David & inane Myers, and A tt'y io fact of,
there; lyerr. •
Septenth r 15, 1847.—gt
Public 'Sale;
IN the case of the order of Or:
• phans' Court to Thomas Bradley
administrator of Geo. Eisenhart,
Jee'd. :or the sale'df the real es-
tate,el said ocutdent for the pay inept of debts,
to wit:. 'A pluutution or tract of 8010 situate
In South Micidletgn town:4llp, Cumberland c 0.,:
bounded by, hind.. of the heirs of George Eisen
'hurt sr. dee'cl j jonas Rudy, Rev. A.
.G corgeCraigtead and Mary Grayson,*contain• l.
log about 128 ACBES, of Wlich about 108 arc
.cleared, having thereon erected a largo two
iitory wcathei boarded - HOUSE mid KITCH
EN, stone and frame Bank Burn and other out
buildings. Said-lidmiiiistt ater-huving- - made e
return the aforesaid:order - id Court ' Coton the
sth of December A. D. 1645, that said real
Mute remained unsold, no sufficient price be
log offered for the mac, which return was ac•
coined by the-Court a lid thrther-preceeilings-ta
'that time bolo under advisement. And now,
to wit, 21.1,-AuguidlB V. The eeuri upon the
'application of' tile aiiiiiiiistrutor award a now
'ord.:re sale, and do order and decree that the
ofiiresaid real canoe he sold at public sule by'
'Thomas Bra%ley„administrater ohsald deco
, ‘dent,.on 064400e5, on FRIDAY the Bth o f
October nog* at 11E - ofi the fol low
'inV terms, vizi >xfoo to IN paid on tbe-corifir.
'int.t,an of thelula by fhb COurtoine hall, the
balenee on 'the . latof Apritnext, when pOsses•
`siert "will*be. gaateti and a deed made to the
,purchaser; and tnetkosidite. in two equal annual
payments thereafter without interest, : the pay
ments CO he iie'eured by jedgmerit or mortgage
That before such sale be made Itt,e Court fur
ther order and direct that duo pu and timely
110000 IT:given by the administrator at least
• • tWiiiitkilay.: before tire sale of the, time and
• 'pliiee•ef sale, the promises to be sold, and Where
*situated, by advertisement in fit least one news
-.-paper—prlnWlALE:Gombedunti zounty,.anzl _by
*handbills, three of which shall be affixed in
three of , the most public places in the jeinity
'of theitiopertYlo' be sold. •
••-•., , Bitidodministrater to Make return of his pro
'eeedings at the next stated Orphans' Court to
'he'helo in 'Carlisle, in'and tor said bounty, on
'llia 19th of December next. By the Court:
September 15; '
Orr4ans . 0 03 1 4` Bahl
'BY virtue of, an'arddr,nf.. The
"OXplapta . ....COurt.—or-Cithlle'rland-
County:Abe followriii ',Cal estate
late, the property of Jaceb
'diet pr, rcle toWnship,in said cobrity,'doe'd,
will belold On the promises SATERVIA
Itha , L;tha' 601,pr October: next, at ,l 2 o'dTtick„
!Vioorl; , 'Of Add day, Co alit . " , ,
ll.,tliat certain plantation or tract of lana
altbaui olio said, toWnsbip of Monruoi . ,b6Ssnd.
'ad ; ,liyi.fat de 'of Joilepb Brandt, Brickees heirs.
'Efiiinuel'lldirert . and "othisre, containing ,11 , 60 ''
'ACRES and - 10 perches neat ine'astirii, of , good
'land; 'about jos,"aereacf„whielt art% cleared and
in oultlylatlinti,vid,,tbe ruslabe good timber,
`.The itriproyements ,cro a 'large
~.c. w o...atoity;
-- .STIIONE,II9CIS,Ka large'plono-Bault.trarn, on
nil Mill; wagon shed, cider, press; atone - spring
'house and other out buildings. L Thor° ie , a
dOar Lizaust;Cliestiut and Pine n'isurber
bn the proniio7lp, allijra• good lilloo OrellaTaJ
' ' /f I n:1 'neer : the lore going,
Whi&l 4l ' -i ()<
_. o , 4 < f fi n - ) BiliitiiiiiVci Sivtqlel
fbbund'(.l, Pilntipii,4'Oth'ii4';n4 l6l )niai .
~H pffortt ?1 . ,-. , - . - hoe, neati Hindoke,, 2S
'l.42reoA,Ow'relkier.oo`onrdit.PotqtodAn; uhieittini
''',4,.°1.,-1, maw' good tiinbor land. , , , f,
" - alur Lae !al.- --„ T n , nr mottotain'••'ail& lit . foid
tc ' v Ii14911:i iti°lllll4l i 6 . llll.7 l l3 ' ;' ' '-b i i A n lei, i l 'lnN i "i t
7:l3 ' "r F iste ' :,
11614,30 it 0 9 ,- '4,"! 1. ' c Xio IiVVE,,PLiN9'
' '11'14114(411?"" : "? r d b;O'1 ,, Poitcon'i • $ 041 0 6 i
, : ' lll4:4lBk ':'l o , l !)! 4 4l.d i ci d - i ib64 picilieriioi - ere
• -
~, 'to pyrohe,lo - ent , ,p ' ,
........., ,_,, lir
* ;< '<<iiNtioictia Weill and 1 1 . 1 "9 1 : ti !Tr a i: '''' g Y i d u
' ~. , ;(hev,..fiet ,. aide: ~ Candalana,.• . '..!": ~... ''r :,-
' ,Ifqawn . on a4d;d,tiv,jo,,rip,,,by;,,titivoi, Jr.
._ ..,.....„.,
.k„,,,,,,,.„. .... ~... ..,..
- ,- . thii , ea...pp0i.44,'! , 0p t ,0,z0. , ,, ! 0 qi .y. q ,
„_.,...., - 4 , 6 4 6 ',we, , ~.,‘,.•-„,l<tjr<,..-„,..o;;;t.,;, -4.,r
''<,, -/5ipt:15084,7,741.-'7114.4019:1 ..4.,
0 r 0ma, ....
i ' lirr '”
B '
anirsirst widtoy sal li - P.,-, :,),. ' 41
fl i
4A,,, ;s7t;'l,ty.A.-4'<1.1-4,;I01• k v fn" ' '' -
~„.<, , ,
....,- • .t. p. V” ~ ...q.'"4 .41'P - •,,-.
„, • ,, , , ,,:" . , , .J.,::-:- , ~ , , „
Ne 6 lAu,iFtipg.Outtio.
:..4_ ,-- -;" . 4 , _ 1 liertivanen'treirOrilsr of the
•(a%. -, :orph . is s!,Co . n it tif Cilitiberl ind ec,
rca will, be.itiposed,'td . tfidsltti*die et
I. I ide , .ltousek'Of,dolosZ'Stoligh, in
PthinighttiiWn,iati TUESEINir the
1511 Ittpfolterirteit;ssf..l2.teegnikjfilLortlint•dayi
1110%1'01'0mi* desarihettrettl: 'estatei.litte the -pro.
4 61 39:Chiltn.Stotigh .;'dqii:d;iii.:',. -,-,- ? : ;.. 1. ...,' •
- .4119:.1,'3 is 'At'siit . tif •'Lifiietto7se lind'.itiljOinitlg,l4 . o4kOsi-. tciwiTiddri iii•said:':isounty,
,i - diutdeiLlsjiAtinds `of ''JdlanYaki)enliooh, , ,'9liarp's
heirs,; , lirevieiiiitell'a Iteirai„ the - Illarriebtlig and
Chanfiersfierg.litritOta rcia4 _and othetiprottertk•
'ofi , qittald - 'John' fit otigh 'Wee'il:einilaitiung'los
It ettsB l :•94i' perch'es'- strict' ini , iisiftie,' Of
~iihseri•lobltur.s are cleared, undergobillencilinil.
, its:. iotauittentllikr... , 'The improvement's .iito r - ,: si'
]urge two story„S.,rtrii.:llooin and KtTdhatt7now
accupiektis a ,TllVerll 11 lorge ilvse.., knoll, two i
.tlisineNtillitei tune ' other 'alit bitililiaga::& fine
young orchard and other irtiit'ti•ea wad 'ti never
failing . weti of, water. . ,
NO. 9,a tract of Lithestone tiOndin said 'Now,
ton tariship.,boluaded by lands,ol Skiles Wood
-tarn, Jacob Belshoover, Polly . Fulton' and the
I 'aril si. u rg and Ulla mbersburg turopike toad,con.
tainii.g Ti Atires nint 9.9 8-10 l'erclies, ot it , hies
idiom 42 nores are cleared, in good cultivation mid
under, excellent fence I having thereon erected a
two story and a halt LATO TIOUSV4II Loll HAHN . ,
41.11 i-crib ..nattl shisil.-21:bere-litatgbhilorchartl-and
cider press viii_tlie=Pretriivea..- , _ . _._ .-.
. Nu. 3,a two story ritatik 1.10115 E, a stone shop,
a foams shop hail a log taable, with '2 Acres and
971 1 .1)cm:hes of had 'thereto. attached, situate nn
Stinktlistown ' aforesaid, bnunilcie - lir'laintis of
Alai:11.11 Stewart,,Sainnel licillinger andwi.tradt.
Not 1 alOvesiti ' • . ~
'. The,'terins of,s, e. will .lie,Joo9, to 'bO „palif'de
it..„ N
the pdrpart 'NO. i—, WO to.
,be paid on 'the' puiY
part No. 9-=anit:ssQ- t&-lte paid . on the lairpari,
No. 3--on the conliranition ortlici-ealeof 'built rd'-
.spectively. Opelthird of the purchase thoney of
.each tract to remain In the lund,the interest there-.
of to be p e" W
aid to the of John Stough yearly
end every-year y - 611'Ni; her life, and die principal
at hertlenth to-the heirs and representatives of the
attitl John Stough deis'd—one..4ialfortlic purchase
sito ti eyip be paid oti rite fat dny`of April nett
when possession Will lie given,and the•remninddr.
hi two equal annual instalments Witt:it inhlretift
-tlierfpnintato,bacsecurecl-by recOgnizences 'With
security iiillte•orphinis i court. ' The gix in in the
ground and tents to be reserved turd pnrehasers to
pay all taxes nsseased for the year 1848.
— Dtiorattentlanee - will - be`give - no-theiliiy-of-sali
-............. .
September-15.- 847:,-- Triutee
' Orphans Overt Sale.
- BY virtue of an order of the Or
cum( of Cumberhuid . pburityi
••• • — be offered 'ht sale on
If _ will-
es I ,L. SATUUDAY lbe 10Ih 'Of October
next; on the - premises, at 12 trclooki
noon,a Ttlict situate in Dialithoil town
ship, Cumberland ctitnity, 'adjoining lands of
Abraham Hon and others, containing, - 106 Acres. res.
mare ,
fund, in a very goad State ot
cultivation and under fence. The iniprtivements
area twostory Loo Boon antfclobble Milt Barn,
with other out buildings, spritig of wther and an
orphorril - of - ctrice - fruit: ---
Teats a ,aii:—Oloe-itfara .tlie . ,purebaso Mo.
the- Conet,ilie residue in two equaLuilintal pay
meats a ithout interest.
WM. It SADLtIIt" .
' A iin'r of Geo. Rooker, tleu'd
September 15, I 847--V oltinteerinseet.
....2rphe.n - W - E f oi.trt 1t310.7 --- • , -
- : 111' iii.tue ol the last a ill anti Ls
., .
WA" lament. or Catharine Kuntz dec'.l,
45 nod a tlecretNl the orphans' court
1 - : si t .. r i timberland copliti . , I will cx
-1.,,,,..t. ' ...; 4- ., i'. • pose to public sale ott - V
1).1Y-the ...loth of lhattlot• I lig; at It) o'clock A .
i k
',I. on the permises,io East Pennsboro tot tiltalup,
a lions- owl Lot of (;rnunasitonte in sal town
ship anti county, hounded it) la , (Is of .liiiinli 'llectz
.101,11 Ki.ilivii C.:erupt LioVer Samuel !toyer and
4iie ib Kit lift ;entittuoi ng about savEly sett - Fc ortsra
or less, hating a good's:lring of tvater tout a run.
ninz Oceans on tin. r., t.tirises.
.Theltual is clsttred
mid tinder good fence.
. .
„„ nil il . pla cc tl. acres of
woodland, situate in the Same township and boon
tled lit nt J(4111E:lase! S:11111101 1i0 , 11.1 . 3 Jacob
Kuntz . :tad Others, itithOnt :thy intprovenleitts. '
- I'lic terms of stile Will be ten !wt. cent of the
pure4sit moue) to be - paitl on the day of stau—
the residua Lot one-hall ot; the 113 of April 1838,
and the . iallanee in two annual paymeno without
hitt 1 . 4.51. ! • . .IAcoIi,,KUNTZ
u in !misused colCutli:Aunizdec'd
Svplenther I 5 1847.--pemocrat cop)•. '
Valuable Real Estate
Ea3,:ia."..7.10 a
TUE following real estate, late the property
of George Dehallow/or, of Monroe town
ship, 'Cumberland county, 'Pit., deceased, will
be sold by the subscribers( who aro the Esecu.
tore of The said George and the Attorneys in
tact fur 0.0 purpose of muking rale, of the
widow tOnd hefts of the said George and the
heirs of his son Daniel, doceased,) on WRDNF.S.
nay the 6th, and THURSDAY the 7th of October
USA. '
-On the-lirekof thole-days, to wit, Wodnosday_ i
tsc,irre.fniscs. by p!sblic
at:11 o'clock, A. M.,the followirig tract
o r Lidistone Land, situate in Monroe township,
near the Forge of Michael Loge's heits, bottOd
Martin biller's heirs, Jesse Ynong,
Lutz and Others, containing 259 Acres, 1.30
Peroltes,.striet. measure. 'nitro aro onrlbe
promotes, two substantial .
a Spring House, and other Out
a good Orelilird, a well
of water, a tine spring, and the YolloW-Breech
oa runs through a part of the premises.
This t , ect.of land will be sold together or in
Iwo pieces as may best suit- purchasers.
On the prim day wed at the SAV.lle . plade. lvill
be sold the Saw MITI traetwepareted from the
abOtim described .tract - by'llie Yellow Breeches
creek, bounded by Michael Ege's heirs, James.
Crockett end otluirs, aniJitontaining upwards
of 100' uereir,beying thereon erected a new
two story
There is a.fine Orchard on the promises, and
a.good well of water.
There will alio he sold on the same day:, a
small lot of Woodland, bounded •by ..lames
Crockeit and others, and containing between 4
and acres of. thrivingyonng Timber. • . .
• tiri the media day, to kWils; Thursday, the' 7111,
day of , Oevolier4'cilll be:tiold _the.preinises,
o'clock, P,M.,tlie;felloWing.traet of Musk. ,
fain'.:lisaik,iittiate in AMA -.M fddieton town ,
shin; 'Said 'cou'ntyi,VOunded.ty laeob•Striett.
and ethers% vofitalltint
• CH ESNU • t 7 17
This be. field in pieees oPtcrie,tliel! to
.suit'porehaserii.'. ean'.no.stilo' , mad e' or
the land in. Monrcia 'township, the "si k me
be offered for . rent: .;' •
foregninglandePare deserving - .ofe
Ottontien 'Of person's debrrtitieoparehasing .
it iin.:inteTforins,-and pall,atieh
eanmifi ,iTte;.pippeliti:filVtlitiinitelsett, vhieb
he 46P"'by 'n''*l - ll' 111 It
,000 ip 0
•, at Ile 0 I oover,
liny.:daY, before' eondl
tluniwill•be.Mide known on the , day: off
, BELTZIIOO3/OW,'! - . t' s
t EN ity LAR IL
q" T ,
Apo! "
property of isone Keel, perorittAenii6W
Pf! tit? Pre Mittel , :by thl 3
ye nds . p,or outcry „on siktr,vp.p.4ytti g .26fli
sopternbAr. 1847,e t p tilthelißajiipori
w th toR =,;1 11 .1
a tis
tl,"*l m ilid:lbt l4.lsa ' dr Av
0 ur,4ocdo 400.1n100g1.0 66 tf*, o 'Per ekes
icihirwLool , ;i7 u ro , cleared,
AMU Mlrldir'lb tieel„t The ~t ir!Pxptleattn4lt" are:ft
two story; )Og' 1.044416 y 511,.e ;PRil
pa lAOIII the -0 W . ThiNnia„At..2 oo 9 2 .Prehard "tu,
well pal oOtertt n 'ittf l tkitpprpiriSt.
of y Yelp qelice the day the
trorttoplk9'b I GH,L , ;
T .: iiiol#l , u(d 0,1,4
I t iittift".Bo4 1A47. 7
1 "
1 , 4
, - 6 - W AINVS 1'.414,01p4k; kgpik t ii#M,
1 'b* S Il a l ii ‘Ta l ! it # 1 1 , ,41° , 1 4, 51- tl t en . ti M el‘l e ili t 7 ip:i
J4 1,,' 1 44 )1 . ;; ,` .. ' t ,. . ' 6: ' ' ' ,..: 4, ‘ F W* , 111• : } 1 11 4 11 Y, .Y.1:4
vi -, /f,,l,pitx, l ',•;:' ' , 64'. - 411 . -.` - .. ~ , i ', '' .. ~ --. , -.: ;=. l
' i ''. #"l: , k '.' ~..,, , 4 , , „ ~,, ' C ;',. ..,,,,' . • y , ' ,, ,y, ^ ~ , t ...,
Ueatr':Qh t tte,.
V O!IPI!A,NS' - ';g l
.c7, - ... - 17..777, -
0 - DuaiDAirt , ni f f,;. 1. ! :, 1 , o ro ok ,bo„ 1 ,:r. 0
wilt be, eeld , at public; ialtii in,'ltreua . n/e
an order of thit'CliiMane'...dotirt'of Quiribe,rlanif
10:o'Cieele„:)Vat,iif 'said
A .Traei'Of
I townahip, -Cuniberland'"CinaniY,'''bdunded, °by:
heirs, JOhn and' lindi;,ed-thO:l;ttiVif of
:sitittleecdtuit , fiereinaflife. deecribed
.reetteure,7llaving thereon erected it. .
Kitchen, Double Meg Barn; Wit
gon sha;',,,c . tio
Pjoia,, well of never water Convenient
lie the houie, and a good Apple-Orchard; abon`
.70 acres ol the..above.larin are firs t rate au;
ber Lund, and, the residue in a'good state of
cultivnt/On, of which about' 30 scree aro Toed
meadow, theigreatcr part of which is 'suitable
for tillage.
• No. 2, A tract of hand,tidjcining the above
described farm arid land of Henry Miller, A bre
ham Wi1.,...i.1.04,-Moica_Mliisler,Ahinicl_llla
-14atighliii, Jacob. Kitnor,Ur.orgeLwai, and. uth'
era containii.g .184
,stares and 113 l'ordies,
heat measure, basing thetonn .erected a Twi)
Story. Log Iloutio 'and dourilia,og
rlare. Wagon stilted' tiird - .Corn",orib, an Apple
9rcliard 311 d oiievet7drliitg well of Witter pear
the door; about 50 acres of tiro above farin aye
first rata the' residue in b.,
wood_a.ate,of_cuitiviitien,-of-Which__ubuirt 2b
acres..ire good meadocii, -Y.': •
'The 'obese tracts 'will .be sora separately or"
together, to init. prireldscra, on -tlro following
terms :-the eosloorialo to Lo paid
,by ;be pur
chaser dr purchasers • on' 'eorifillittiffon
the sale by tale dcidrt, at'whicif time he. or they I
Will be refiiiired to eater intb reciiinfminee in
the Orpltans' Cotlit with approved tecurity to ,
secure the residue of the .purchase money; to
Be psi as . lullowe=one'third to rcinani,lin_tfq
'lands of the purdhesor during tile life of the:
widow of said deceoent, die - intermit:to lictoid;
her annually, commencingtth the Ist of APrif
- runtt, - cturing-her
cipal to lie . paid to the heire of said decedent,
.one Other third to he paid on the Ist of - April .
dolt, when possession e iten and a deed
made tenthe'roitkirrfrig third
.be paid in three eqoal
thereafter without intdrost. • tgo;gruin will to
to the purchasers, aa_ithe farm le. rented and
the grille - passes to the renter. ~
Any parson wiyhing to view edict farm may
call on the subscriber residing un said farm.
• ' JAdOll HIGH . , •
Jitcolt Iligh, deceased.
Sept. Bth, 1847.-:•-t4.
.1121. Y airttni of un order of the Orphans' Court
_EP of Cumberland ,county, the- Rcul Estate
oflohn Ruth., late of Newton township, dee'd,
will ho offered of !Altaic:lmb on Tin/USDA Yi
the 21st day of October ne`xt, on the premises,
at 12 oseludk-nnott, vii.: 136 ACRES 16 peivii.
es aimed situate in in said
o u tyrenlltt,Stitte-Roatka-beet4l4--miles-frum
Nevi - We, dG aeres'ef which is first rale Lillie
.stone Mid the remainder of good Slate, divided
from TheT former by the Green
. Spring, along
w hie!) tn?re is nn built siihis-A tract ormitorM
Inctidnow of nine ticres; The whole place is
in the highest state of cultivaimi and t rider
good fenaes with the . exception of.about twenty
. i .
_ acres of woodland. The introve...
! :. mewls arc a• Lary STONE
'4 ' :' DW ELLI NG' 'HOUSE & Hitch- ,
' 4l L.,' f. , , , ,........ ),- ' 1 : en, large Rank Barn and Tenant
House, with other necessary obi buildings and
it Spring - of nc'.tr !ailing i . vater near the door'
Also a_ thrlding _young, Orchard of all kinds - oil
- Choice fruit. 'Persotrs Ilea:roux of cxtrmining
the place will call on either of the luidersigned
The terms ; of sale will be an fellow/I: One
hundred &Marti to he-paid op the confirmation
of salet.pne half &Alto residue of the piirchaffe
money on the Ist of April next, when gessoes
sion will be giver.; and the remainder in two
equal annual instalments Mercator without M.
tercet. The grain in the
: ground is inserved,
and tire purchaser is to pay the taxes assessed
for 1848,
Sirivtember R I b 147 Adin'trastrators,
Lancaster Examiner insert till able and send
bill and paper to this office.
ffent E.X1135-,.
A ro SATUR DAY, the 23d of Cktob. - . r -next,
IUII/ .will ba - offered at public sale on the pre,
miles of James Lewis, in MonrOn township,
GiiihbVirriidl'ainmiy,_a_t rect. of litamlain_Land,
Ulu the properly of Robert Cook, dee'd, situate
ip said tow,nsliiLtiad adjoining lalidspf Mich
'abaci Mislile:r, James Lewis and a few others,
containifielti Af.ii ES and a iek 'perelieit:, of
Sale to commence, at lu`chick P. NI:, when
attendance will be given end teinie mode
known b)' the undersigned, Executor of Robert
Cook, dcc'd.
• LeplatilbeT 8, 1R27
Orr* ans' Court Erik , .
yvirtue 01 an oricel. of th7l 7- OrplZ4
of Cumberland county, the Heal Estate of
John Weakliue sr., fate or Newton township in
said county, will he oirered lit pilblie sale, on
Wednesday the full of Wtober. A lot, of ground
containing one acre sit, mein tetttoti lownship,
bounded, la lands of Miley II Wiley ned Joseph
w.t i ,, goneri having thereon erected a Two . sTo-
US ' BOUSE, LOG STABLE, and other necessa
ry out Windings. Sale to commence e ' O ' CIOCII,
P: M.,irTicn terms of sale , a ill be made ki own by
SeVitegilier SO Rd 3.
Orphaps' Cburt Site
JDY I:irtue of •tti - otileie - nf
• ofl l t\tr i ll ocelot r, will cepose pup:,
neemisec onSAT'rItPA tl c s ..l6tlt
day' of..thstohe , ro,t
A.l,nit of Lind its. Oittlienindineengh•
ship; Cumberland; county,; bonded by lands of;
of Mau kienry;',MolVe ;nod the
_l4utulogueontitt' Creek', ..ecitaltihig•, 45, acAqi 23
perches, , neat •Mrintre; -abed ."• one-1 uf. which
cleared'is nd undde exdelltyt'V:nco,und tfie,md-;
due' .There nee;eicitettutton•
Lro • izpst:
• .i.cli . :sTA-upE, and ,theetpare
•. two peter rai l)pg , m u rv :of,watejr,
Ihe prepTe.rly near
the Sticqueluntici - end , mmut
three Owl lel froin'Ai arm chum., thi4 WO I
• Prates leon IVorke:. :
l'he 'fiend( Will he made,
sale by...;•. CSOlt G E . .KUP •
• .pietnh
er il Of GoeV3 fluittey;
'scout tills to - this Hike. ••• • • - ; ;• .
....o- RP fANS'
.EtY 6 v ..r . - . -, ' u v.. `ll?e he
reti °l. o.l74l l 7i' 'Pr 4 a !' i i
''' upiberlinP I PP l ! l i r .
E r I : 3::: ' , l o u r e: gi ° R I :i n !! 0 :; 11 e l
f r. :o e.! v . .7 . , _ ,_,..... d ,,, ,
c. mitity'!w ill'.lPaP!,"t Safu rdap.
the 9jh . .9(7...04011 0c..".15?1*;..,,PPf--,.9 1/-.::.:'
. •., ..i ' i i ,i - :i ii i t c46 l iii•l4M ) o 4.
.. ' S . 3' il
a t i
91 1 r rn A n4' 11 1 :1 k% gtif(titifg, ,he ll iij 0.11 , 0 0
litiliiiiMin!i'O''OPl,•ll, iiiit,drtmdijiatr'Oel,
' Cnrl,l al e. ~t., t : l l;,r - olfiekr, I iiiiiiti l hiiri4 . o:•,ifpret
13iihillic° i...! ' ' 'flee ate' . I.:i4nimitnielaitil; untie - 0
nc4W o rlc , -- 7 : t' -,-.-. -..;" 4i ' r ., iit„(6 , .,pc , ,:uloptipri t .
dm) 6-060:upd,111,-B,,g'- ... „ 2; ., 4-h'.. - ..:‘,* i 9 *
i.kio , i - proN! , Ai• - y°#7.ll.3(7l4 i iii:Ciltit:::;'.,..:l ; ;/
C c v : i : ''.',...: . ` : :! 1 'fi1%i : .,' , i), - 0 . 11.N1,,. `: ) ,..q
171 .'2 ;; 1 1 -:;1'' 1; 11 :; -1 )2.0/: ri...:l;i:',":4;4'''''':a'..ol7g*l:li:i.ll..B''C--kirtlill.(l--''A;111.414H.h:,ii:1:".:;)!IIA't°A:11:14;lf:Z.".:1‘.:?.illi!111:'‘Ite88'15.;'?'"
c litrd;ivAkitfoPl.•ficiel,
''. 4 . lil6. iPj 4 !P Pa l' 44, :'- '.!... " ".1 T ' ... ' rii - iiilatilt,- o•
- ,:,—,,,
, ; lieu i• pe.r. rPg9f i'igi t! ,, y ,- 1, 1 f111,9,- , ..g!' „y ; ,
,'''..{ ..‘,'... ,` , ',Y,„ bi t .A b ge•44 ..,:''..i. ';',. Y..' '.. ':.'1):,',.%'
' .
1' ;'"1 - 0" - au tism 61, .which '.-itii.
flore:',(o':le,,ilWP^v97il u -, I ; Ai . ct 3APCP
IN oodlund; , and thudo PPt. ?:,.. , .Lti
'of'' r';' ultkijotvf4l4;iii
,11,,Pat 5r,,, , ~,,, r ..,4,4
O,F, 4 i c # l !§AVP.o3 , o l lt,vl ,Pp1c:) , ,,,%102. ,‘ gt e ,, i,
4.%P0it 111.41 -30- 1 ,'0 51 4 1 .4 5 -40.,T: ilt.l.,l:tri
~.trvo,7,p,t,„l,,virAf3roic, Illisoludit,!i.,r,t
I llwprev 1.4'
~.<•,,f !in ft,, ,- . ~,• !, ,, ...t.): ie.,,, •
t,%:' , A , :!=1, ,.. .4
sre,(latite4l;ol3r 0 -r''''''...4la,iiittsli`riAiWil
','''21!;..04,1 ? 144901, '!VM ,4- 4 . ,„ . ..;,: - .4 . ,,„ ,,, -?,, , ,0
4.,':;,:rfig',0i41:,74;;.4..,,5t,,i 1 :1'1,1 1 c; 4 ''.'4#*,110.'&91
'4.'.:\5.'.'?,':/-6'f:7•4lV".,:ai.V.''.A''S'fi?7,4',Atii,f4.slo,i''''Olai '''''
:Alone alftimi.
• •",
eespett nfoinia:
the' adles and Gentletiien
and.stainitjf that he hae'tiikdit(i°9o'
Aiddld'e' 'Stoke;
best atiparatils,,eitanti and,)natettali 3 Off4he,
finely 'quality,' lie .la, fully .preptired,to.nsaeate i .
Dagnerreutypo 4ilteneasps of all alaos,ln ad* ,
not to.bu,sui:paased. by antiithotl'XitiSt , in this
4 1 0ent•B . to the iphiltiepte
fromthat4leaefbeie uetitlllp seoti'rn
ypc -alS'dYatly 'thieloping' theiyo'
; Atiliiiiifla , hleh halt ati_loarheirt
i iiiiiii i iiiii i i nilnititutaii) and to the.`.
whole pi -lifi.. I i hie ppeayit nee -dentinal
sepn; in bitgneriebtipe .
- 1. iiiOitipaca" of :Childith. as young-as , two
eitjtiielle.atyle.; and where is'
'the parer'.. who would ni t pay the paltry ram
•of $1,50 for a corrAdt 'likeness of a ngird at
thatintoresting age!
Family groaps taken In splendid style and
at moderato prioc6.
pletures, medium siz,e, colored true,
to life, alai 'warranted not to fade, fir, $1,50,
including:a tie morJeco case. As his stay.
•.tyilF-be— l iipited to .two -- or three weeksi.thoso
. itig - prOcuee 'miniatures
~or 'examine
specimens would, do tirell to call soon. .'
Without regard
state of the weather„biltwepn the ho urs o f 7
O'clock A lit, and 5, PA. Instrucliuna'gPien
iti thwart for u re,inunertiffoo.
Carlisle;iuktist2srlsol-. -
. . .
• ;.-•
•Zto,. - /flkit -- Stittreitativiiihie; • •
•Siebalribilr (late ..of the •
. ,Washi ngton HOW,. tleivis ;
burg. Pu) lakes this mutbod of hi
kisiold'friends and the ptib•
liti'genera I,'•ihatito hos lakati:the abitvdtie•
hotweeisnity and ecedfort•:.
,beOn extensively altered' and
iropkOtiediond thosrop.ritor h / opes by a teriet
1 4IPIILje/ff to liittoinjifs 'did it proper care for the
COdifliit 4r- Iris •iticriiiiiiiirimerit Lod receive
shore' of poblic7'pettrontik . e.''.The holleO'fs situ,
aiwcVlvdry. -eonVell lint for tha traveleirrePtirl
'Lbeing.only_tWdidooritabbve-thirtlarriabtirg - and .
Pi.toboreDeped, and within two minutes walk
of The'llultiendo and Emitting Depots. STA.
BLIND attached to the premises, .Terms SI
per day. . E. P. ti WEI ES, Proprietor.
August 0, 11347-3ino.
. rcspeptiikly,
1 4, i trunounciii . y) liis• friends*
the public generally, tliat,he has
1..;, • ,openek 'ilia 'tab* named 'Livery,
Stable in the alloy in die rear '
,or the Market''
house, where he can and will amennitedate_
all those who maliisc hen, d call..with GOOD
'be public
,nuepond on getting good and
.afb biases, as I will in nu ease 'give out a
horse unless-/ C3ll recommend him us sale and
cebile. Prices ro toloro. , hopes by cote. i
fel attention to merit ha receive a slier,' of ..
public-patrortag-e.- •
uhccriber has rcnT . rlplijuisli.
ed - the 1101. SC and Sign Pairiting, null ull favors
in that lieu will still he tliankrully . receiveil
and pitnetnially atientlnd to.
August 25, 1847.-3:no's
Tos.hers W
There wilt oe SEVEN Tr; :lIE4S
to wise elsargeof the seven isoyook fn Fraisklard
Inwtishiie fur four storing the esoluisig fill
and winter. The Sclt ,of ret.t os sorsnid di strict
W ill in:e t a t th is i s rp:o at • sVllessre. Leekey, ass Sa
turday Ilia 1801 Septeinher
Nt i joi:Jhu purpose of ehasultsing mid grnOting
certilicoies to 8114 iliprieurksitir may . u
tied pitils6ed to teat itt Alfouts, -
By order of the Board ILO B' no,
- A - hipast 15, 11347• ,secretary-
.111 Eldriagd's C//E3ll' Ca;pet Wareheuie.
InVIRSONS 'Mont to tidy eerprts. Oil Millis,
Ise., will find it greatly to theis 4 advantage to
salt on the subscribes:, as he is under a very low
rent, and his other eseenses are So light he is ins
deceit to sell,Gainis WholeOile,or /lentil at Mi.
lowest prices lu the'l city., ltey,einanot IA to be
suited with prii;es hinl the 'very chcnise nasortMent
he offers of heitutifid lmpes lal, Super As Medium',
Ingrain a 1.1 Venitinn Citrjetingii, 11l variety
and new styles O 1 rlott 4 widths to
cut for rooms, :tetra We, with a great variety of
Ingrain Cartreta &inn 25 to 51.1 cenfil, And Entry,
and 91W:tamers from 12 to 30 eetets per yard.—
Also Hearth Rugs, Table and Piano Covers,
Hods, Hag and Cotton Carpeting ke Ste
No. 41 .Strawberr's pt. one door above (liana
car 2tl -street-. It ittddlatiat — ' • -
September 1,1147
TO the Voters
Of the sonatorial Mould. Compopod of the
cotiintiop.of.C.untberlood aeol.Perry,,, -
Gii:RTI.F.MESI-4 offer myself as a candidalo
fOr SENATOR. If you.olectlne "PH fry" id
carry out.t.renuine Democratic principles.
am Induced to this by dm earnest solicitations
of many friends and fellthe citizens.
• Very respectfully, yours, &c
Cumb'd Furnace, August 18,1847
Antist . ll, 18 i 7
T °Teachers 'and Parra&
THE attent tun of Teachers and Parents is re
Om fully 'called to the :armtul en eTiot
asserintent of S ChOOL BOOKS, at the lowes
paces 'tow for eels at the sore otf.
S. W I HAVERS flex.
r NOTICE: • •
4 , , 1 "$, ELECTIDN . for,Dffloars end Mana
gers- of 'the tlonaborland _ Valley Rail
toad contnany; will 'bo' hold at tho public,
lionefi.ol I. A., AV inrolt, in Carlisle, between
liteltotirs - oflo - A - 'IVI:ItIid 7 4 — P,TIVI:, iiTMON
• DAY, the 4th day of . October next,
D. lg.- BI D DI; B, Seerotory.
R All , RoAO Oster, , I,
. Carlisle, 8ept.:8,:t80.'. 7 -It. (.:
01'10ELin_hareby„, given that an. election
, for ittirideit lellionagurt for thn'Cumbe'r,
lo'nd jliStaill Pintenthiri Conyttriy,*lll .
Wild'at heii,se or Trpgo, in
Dinkinin% on
td .. ,
Oictinsim I.;:lepti,—.lw., • setf‘y
• '
Fir UP. ,WhiCrilicti:akvsi'lli le.methoct to inifirtict
OcOhltod the 'public fn 'lreperol ttlut .
ho.hte ii,othor Pied IBI7A .00 V Leo': N ofth' o f f.,
over 'tie Ills
'of tiOee let with S.!A: 00Iebcfi r e1i(la
will be returned. him WI L,LIAM PEOBLI S, Dyer.
777-107 Vi11t,th1e; 1 0 41 17,,.
,' ,• ,A,filußLlC SAIPP ,, ,,:. o th
„.,.... i4 .1 , ? :,, ,1 u 5 1 ii ,P .: 4, , , ! : , ,,, , -::;; ;„ .11 5 :,:i i i r , „ . .. -.Y ,,i , i c ,,% 4 : ,t ,: t ii,::',.,' . ., i t ' i t!::,, ,, '' 'li in t: ,: :. l; l o. d i : l l:ll: l ° : l l ll 6 :t. 6' l °: :lt i V t il l nit l : : :°:l 4 : 7 ,3 l , : ;rl;ta i l' oi Cn: ilt. ii. :::
n,, 'lain I. ..0.3 i 11., . ..., _,_ , .. 1 .. ~.
-11- 1 , -,% i l 0 14 iii I sli“; VAIK 110 4 01 1;PPI0 f • v i. ? - ',if t. r.' B ", l
-.1...t , Illeace ''
- : i
ulia----,,,..11;11)\::, 1.811,13 rmil,',:s‘.°Titt° '1 ° 1,,,.
5,3127,1 m" , -, - erilloVer 4 .- ,
~ il . yr HE
Ch4nu 'e s ''' ' ' Txt ix N'elywilie,i oo otl F; ) , 6 i tibo,l" • °NAL' PIIQP-ER V ' fe7 a -'
0 , 5 mil P " tni n 'or uou - ,41,,p6 1.490., 11. 0 ,9 /- ot , . 0 F PEIIS I
5r141 , 014 ,, ‘).t0n ~, , ,
'A.'9s"'OP''lll,ve.cie6,e'd did1PP%,e.7,4,;i1;14,.., 4',,,CRXIIZi, af.'( ';e 4 al , ui'iniirl,io onto
•i d i:e„
.i . . 1 . ) , 0 ...,, , = Adr ‘ ,i6nuiltio.i!o t
lt, 3 4E, utr, z ;k4hilif)Cd S pill,
,0 ,. 1 do
~ or. , 3 ,„,
moite l !hre' ull ,4l:74 , ,' The" liiipillgici i. l4 ,, twoil. rirl 1 , 42. 0.10:u ft DAY, !!i t o or it' l . w 4 i i ii ; or 2
.‘:-/„..0, Atner',te.)(t'!l,l4,,4ol.n..orlo. le,4lNik--,1847, n't,Fe li h c r.i triberliind Cotiii) , ; Ir,
el 1 ..,Lpic:ilkitT,;%..ii:,„-,4,l„,:iii4.6..riiimitt.;.,hillqrimicior.iftirit i, , l i iii 1 . „iep.e=„l„-,a !#
' . 8
. '...
° w - i j jr - (II -rt;.:lol4it AVai 4 r. ,.1, ..e" ,9" i iiriimilOtPOtOck 0 :P uto ~i . •, t',t ‘ ••%.,
- -•••• . ''
. Tenant , iiononAlini - gob ""6., edifying. on 6111'1.14°
1 ;„ of, §?A , I ulq .1 snei. of
troll- ti / A 44 -4°l6'-
'%'•"' - if ti. , ; b; , ' -7r"6: P"'P l r i l .e 3 : ,? (n us g 7 9idiiider) 7,,W nog, 4
etid.d.,4.1.,,..4 61,‘,jy,„i1l if 8.-- -, it n,11,7,de0 _th,',.. 64'00,4 • P*, 1 -.. 40 il Odd q.j114, 044 r-,
"I" """1 6,1 1' IS 2 104 t ? 6 i 1 • 40 °, 1°) rn be thd Csttli,' 100 -Ong HAY,* , liiii..rwolc,
readily' d ikr i. l 2v ii i:k a ,i4oe.°, MuY d,,h..: ii '-chttijole;A''oot, 0,1 '", 111 1 3 'O6 il witin:l;nl.ll.
will ,600010 ot,i,ie,,,tiv iifio . l,,', - Piori=o • ob 10. 111 ,...,.. „ . ,
,n,‘ ;,tivit ,, , Hat
~. i roo, 0
,e, ,
.knitiqd*lPkvq,A*--,,,,ifill'i'ilitier'tp,:,loool),-.r,40.., ',., I°lil!'s,;!;;t)irtrjiritilkar 0111,11.41r114fIrtTiA
l% J "A l trit'et i a j ViatiqUl)OkAPOP ":,:. I, ' ' ' tswitt nr,.. ,
' tic to o'clock , onziotii ffi l ,iteL..4l,o,- .
on td - I P • 15:tifi' tt ''. ilea:V(oolP* i t /.4'''Ll. f; CSIVIAISQA.ri---..iiiiicil'ilx g ui . n 0W , 1 ,1 ".414,;, 4
,1..'ttt'.111f90,v1.4k01141,0,1611r1,1,/AbviDri,i,L, , '' . . 4.9 . 1., t i1 1 it77. .iiiiittli)iiirOlY. i k h4 PP / 9 11 )1 44 7,',
~..• .:1.,.0 1 tr.;o'l4o 4- 4,6 11 e' ''' 7 '• gditl ', in; on 4, 1 i!"", ~,‘...v,,A)f-thielcundo4.,Ael,l4o e ,, f
;.'li'll,!z F,ilj.,/,,.',.:. T•=t Anonintlif 41')=1!),hk°P..1 , ' 4 ttitFAl9B°3!'r '' l
''t Ik!*TX674''''''''''' 'I
' ''' s - I,4 47' tterl"'.:',''' 'CI l'fkod 1 Oil ".'r' ' ''l'a il l yi,ii,.o' l, ' , '' ,r ' ''';,'''' , '' , '. 0, 1 ,
' .. jtilipt,„ ,eoklrrf.,.d.";'- ki6Stnet,All , ,• . t1f1 1,11 , )°, , ,, , ', ' ,.6,03500Cr *fi , ~T. /;•"-•',.,•': '!
-Sr lAIOO, 1pad 706111011V001c0.*: ' ~
• , ~: ` ' .k. , '-",',.--,.1•,-- '.' `. 7' ', ,,,:= u . ' C,. '...," ',„,',.1.--f- --,---'-'t•
- ,
: 1 7. 1 1 4 1 7 0titible' , Tcitift and ' ` , ;(10 .
entreat° disposibuf , all their rpid
u l ltatsrAueitilikeount.Taild-aiill , expoicr-the- , 4eutte,stf=
notsakUrdliPosed- 00 litAlie•ifol?,
times ,
s'/FiFst,,A" alf:lot of grotitt. site:doll' at tho'nortli
West cortjer Ifaithrer
t ilP,€9*) , Klqpirta OREkcirn,iubstlititsiilitlor . ce 04,-;
stand e swit t hs" ,
rhousesinul ndarge:frarae,S.tabl.e'..
41_ , :rty_la'‘Vell loomed ,for •,doing a
_gem' busiiteil;
nuivihithetittiiMinitYoSnmuel:-..Mnr - ret-i ts
; 7%, ••••
~ b2eiei t iel,:klialflpt: or g;ecitnor sigjoihihs , eh!
of a ho titled 60feet on 11allOVer street ritioning•
'back 24.2Vdtstn'i"ii ;Ohl. On whichitivroat4tl
sUbstaidat thiren'storiAiilat lsollae t with AB '',getoct
nut ' houses and a kieWitf sfiantlin •
, Vim!, this • •
water in tne property, Is ,
theAsseeistnalvtif Odd .14IIOWit..
• Third, s . tut'nfgrotind'sititat'ed oil Illaneve t :r
oppbsitc the rust oflieemtil botptili.d oil 'Alm mirth
bv'A lot dame", U. Graham tie!' and on the south
lot of Air: Charles Ifitrititz, this tot fronts 62
leet'lm I lahoeitr street onit,extends back 231) feet,
on this lot thell, is a comfortable frnmentat Writtlt
lebourdealltintse r sOth.:ll gtithl.backintilititg.Offlem
out.houses, and adrittne stable, this last will be
sold together, or eivided ita may. best suit OM in -
The tilioye‘ (16cl ibetfproperthiA 'vitae 04red
lit politick sale atlim linuse of Samuel forret', in
lis,i)lace,oirTuesda,y . the,".4ist.elity
nextut cd,ulticit . . .
sitnntettaft,he West - end of the.
horettegli.ot,Carl tly.; W.11111 . 1t of
-bEl:hoetiegh iddlettin
township. Contain : his. Si)l acirtia,h,outidell ol( the
•Stiuth by.. a.eiontinaltituit.of Loutlier; on'the
'lath by• - .Llakers inne;mn -the, east slid - west by
land belonging to dnines'Nedile's heirs. T,, e
pips'cnieAti tow big 'these and frame linear
cre t in(' in 405, tbes•e is tr,wel) of:, mitting wa
ter:lntl n gtloo orclutril On the premises. Thistitrin
id of flat best q u ality or lichemoue land, the surface
b e i• olear of reek and loose meows:- . The. land is,
susceptible of t. State 'of cultivation: ',These
drauts-willi;e:sc el_toteilter-enht-stintlllittreefs-its-
May best snit Int) buys set near to the 'mint
preyed liartthe litirough as to make it desires
tile lots, ott•Ifill be sold of as web if
ivot - dispostitim ogerber, -T-hiii-woperty-ltroev,ig
pied , by- Oaniel-f`riese,lind acre(' utTnib
lie sale o 1 the prermseso," ll'ethiestlar the 22nd
day or September nen't . nt O'CIIICk M. •
PIM', A f dfm. sitehtted in North Middleton tpt
altonfl - eTth 4-2 mile
from Alextuttler% milt: it is b tingled by the Con
otloguinett creek, Graham, Mr. - Corn: -
man, and thit Heirs of Snorer . Alesantler, dee'd
containing 176 acres 67 perches.. The improve
ments ture a log house: -lug Barn and a well of
goof! water,:the fields are advantageously situated
there:igen mcdtilleut meadow along the creek.—
This propesfy is at present nailer leuise to Mt .
Sugilrts and will be Lttrere(l for sale ma the ',repu
lses on Tbitt•stlity the 23t1 tiny of SepteMber 'next,
at I o'cloelt P M. •
et - i - 1 -- nitiriltlfeiham;.•wn rte rots
svle by Mr. Unhurt f;iven of,,,Vonth Middleton
to whom 'we refer any person. wishing hob nettled'
on the•subject of these propet•ties.„ may lie
pt•oper remark Plod - the terms of sale will be
int* itecommodming ill reg.:oil to. payinents_
Persons wishing to examine ittlV of these proper-,
Meslwal-he_shown_thein.by_Ahr terutataju r posses.
_sloth , ANN 1111 OWN '
011 Ildr own W.0:01111t..1111(1 n Gtior,lino of
il.t,JAit 11% BROWN
• j.:k NIES C. N.,
N. Ti —r, li, GI rlu Ikeriutntly nt
\lr. NV i.,rott 'u I (met. • ,
Aligtist 11, ISA/. " •
VYE the Assignee of Aturtin Geswiler and
- the Assi , tneo of John R. Goswiler, will
unite in the sure of the following real estate,
situate - in the Borough of Mechanicsburg, to
I be sold at public vendee on the pretniset, on
. TUESHAT,II4III74 - iiTSCiiieritlelrie St,' at 1 . 0
delock, A .'M.
Fab4-A lut.on the north side of Maine
street, heing'4o feet in front on said street : and
extending back to the railroad 3011 feet, bound
ed by,Michael Hoover und the Tavern lot. hay
ing a Smith 'Shop, Hay Scales and shed there
on erdcted:.
a lot In the same borough. on the north side o•
•the Main street, adjoining the above, contain.
ing 'Hi feet in front and 560-in depth to the
Railroad,, having, a large two
a , story BRICK HOUSE, Brick
IVKitchen, and stabling thereon
erected, and a never well
of water.
Third—A lot adjoining tlio, noovo en the north side of Maine Wee', Cdn'taiiting 62 feet
in front and 300 feet, in depth to the Railroad,
liavingAerdon 'ereOed a two atory Plastered
Hiinse,Rri Kitchen arid other impsovemente
—together'with altbilif.Conehmaker's Stop. •
.. - --Toartit-21.k0t. adjoining. the above contain
ing,Gif ( cotta front Ain:l,3oo fect]n depth - to the
on which is erected a' large ono story
Hoag° Ruitublo ror fiiur . fpmilica.- • ,
Fifth—A eacai tJecidDining the aboioocitin
taming 70 trot in front and 300,10 depth tonic
Railroad. Terms made kinnen,on the day of,
sale. • JOHN RUPP, .
I will also sell at thu sumo tilini.and„,,place,
the ono undivided _hall part of a lot of ground
in Alt; borough of Mechanicsburg, hounded
south by tit° rattrund„cast by the widow Ol
ives, 'south ' - by Jacob M,utrura and, west by
Mle:hatl liouvar's heirs, containing two acres
and a quarter. CIIRISTIAN TI LEG, ,
Assignee cif John TlCrorgas
. .
WILL be gold at, public sale on Saturday
the 2d day et October natt,at 12 o'clock,
on the•prendses, ittle.the properly of Michael
Fricao deed, a' bate in Soutii-Mfddlcton town
ship4unibenland 'county, about 3 miles south
"east--07.-Oarlislot-ttred=alinut , 2 - . -- miles.. - nortir - of
•Craiglititicl's contalnifig &boot 101) Acres,
of • first rate' Limeatong -land. About 75 Acres
are cleared.and-under good fonno,and in p high
slisfa'of culifeation. The remainder is well'
tUrthered; the, itnProvementi are a two story
Dvi.killing House aid kitchen and also a one
Add half story tenant house near the man.'
e on 'hence, leg 'barn and wagon shed, Cork
mita andditlier nut boildimsh aninn ixecliont
W'ell of water. netir the%ousel ulso_an . lsiihard
of efrice
,fruil. Persona wishing
are , inched lesion on theLettlyeritiets
JoalpleSheffueoAn r i torides en-ettid ,
Aran)! will lie ' mudesiiotvtt.o'ti.(lay;ot.sole
L .. - Au vied 25,1847.= eit
77 7-7-77 IriT — CCLFOR'
tr-ilibij644l4',..,°f&riln.r.nalc;,tnullicti Into
tlrc rtillets . iir or A rain% situat o
• IN from 'Shipuensborg' to Limn
4ersbiitgc orAvoloersoli;Ar,cio.
nesitiiq otl °Onus Ining 114 Activs , ,on.tvliieli
, is isCeiStnil,,al‘Co.stoti,Log Houpp,n
• it R CO, Ogiiii„nt 'nil; corn criti'mptkptitpt: buildings:
I (Mit Notiterfisette;illolo'or.,APO'inins;
I.i3lll,ile:.tiilt:r.;,<li:!.e•,tAi!AoMillAu T Alttilr'slk i ;Pkt.tkOs
4 . 9lllg'Akt,illecp,CctO!fr‘s;i_k:a 4 ;tha'eulisci r lbets
aid ut , int•Diylcm'silu tonstiln; Curn!*idstni."(lis
;%1 VI ti INK; '
''''B,FNA ;; I F !q/ CE3... '
Assignee of Martin II Gem filer
Assignee of J. Goawiler.
S 444
~.... ..
0, ‘ ;:;,-,-, Attoteliatitto
Esl4lB' Of Sticcte'SiVtiiii ' Ele.o - ?di
OTldt ie berebit given,thatletters testa.
epeiltpry on , tbe,estato et jibes Buust-e
ate of South' - Middleton townstnit, deq'd, halter
been giranttid to the subscriber residittg in the'
some township. All 'persons indebted to the
estate of- siid - decertsed.are - requested,to - tniihr: -
Immealate, payment, and thosejhavinfrelaime
agaiirt the, same will present them duly au.
,tbentiaaied for settlemvnt. •. , I ~.
... -4, e. JOHN: -I"Ert,RS. kxecutor.
_Augnitt2.s, 1847. • - ,
EstUte'i►hMicliael Hoover, Dec'd: •
•NOidpis:b4e . higlielthat letterstosta,
flieulary, the•last find , testaip tof
ABLtipovisa,,Esq late of 'the .Borditgli cif
MectliattiCsburs, dutnbarland Co. dec'd, have
tlifs . dtfy bolt) bottled by the Register ita nhd for
'the said county, to the stibseriberwltu OtildoB
10 the township of Allen. All persoria having
claims and dernituds against the °stele °r ail ,
so id decedent, will present them for settlemen
without delay; and those indebted, make pay
mint to CIIRItSTIAN TITZ'EL, Itler.
July ,31;1847,—Aug 1 1-6tv
llit, Sr., deed.
- -
.IeTOTICE is hereby given that letters 0 . 1
,irt: administration on the estate IJNO. WIVA •
LINE, Sr, orNewton tjt, Gumberland en, dee ,
have this day beet( issued liyAlie L Register in
and for said county, to- the - subscriber -who
resides itt the tottoiship,of Nawfon a ruith m id,—
All persons hating claims or. detnandr against
.the cstetu Oldie said decedent arc requested to
make known, the aurae 'Without delay, and
those indebted to Make payment to
EAKLIN.4, Jr; Adtn'r
tattoo to l'azpayers..
THE Cotqmissinners of Cumberland county.
- feel 'one gd , atified ill I.lCit able
the tutizenh or county, tf
levitient or the Stetesieti-C'e;
etiabled.the Couni) Trettsurer'to pay over to the
Trcasitrer of life Cononon %veldt!' the Stale•Ttc
oieessed neat this Coutity, s - p a's to receive an a
littretnent of five per cent upon the ant thus
. paill,agreettbly to the act of ASsenthly. Hut wit ile•
'they wculd congralnittte the citizens of Cumber
hunt C ol l l . 1j(itiOJIKVe C1'113601! tithi•
in thusiorpotptly nifdriling to the Sutte
.Tiyasur..r iheinentis to meet the engagement of
the Commonwealth and to 'fitt3 'the interest . upon
the Stale Debt at mantel y, .they .. would remind
the few, whd arelet in sweep:igen to the'psynient ,
of heir taxes; that there is .o debt due by the
cotinty:and'bearhe• interest; wldli renders it iv
ry demi aldelltat filice yet in iterettrs should:mike
.psymentlethe County Collectors as soun;ts prac
The e: mmetttlablc pro maces with which the
notiorit inNe mild their S de qud County
has ena detl'tbe poLpver the State
tha without" dm necessity of the Coinmissioners
chatting to Iron Tor that porpose,which has hide
the tallsnee,of the Slate and County Tus yet clue,
will • plette hip hands of ihe Commis , inners the
11101118 In pay the annual-interest of the CottAty
debt and also about taelve thousand dollars of the
1).1 NIEL CO 11'1
• • Commissioners,
• Aire i—,•ll'3l. k,
ti Met.
sle, July 18171 .
T.E: . pulilie 'ore hereby notified filet Dr.
J. T. WARD, having removed trent this'
borough, has left his books end accounts in the
hands inf - the underAigned f,r coll,etion and
settlement All•persons indebted ore requested
esssary that all accounts shall be unmealately
settled. '
August 18, let:l7
ELornsons indebted to lijestate of.l A MES;
late of West PennshOro township,
dee'd, are hereby notified that unless they make
settlem'ent on or lefore the 10th day olSeptember
next, their ACOOIIIIO3 N ill he placed in the hands
of n legal officer for collection. Persons having
elftints against the estate are requested to present
them for payment
itgoit 2s, 1 Rl7
WOULD hereby notify all persons coticerred,
o Ito are in arrears tither byfiond, note, book
account:, to call and settle up their respeethe
dues, us j unto disposed of me entire stock of
- Messrs. Fisher Isi..Fortitey llar
rlsburg,- ifolif fee eo ita. - spa tlf.A , u_to.
settle pp nay)mokit, and the sooner calls tutu made
the better, is by July next rillAfte accounts , wilt
be left in tpe hands of a 'egad officer for collec
tion.,,• veild. c aitesitpts -have—heretofore liven
made to settle Lp my books lint failed, so we now
give fair Witriklaigillitt if one way fitilmbere's a
way that will mok fail. Those having bushiest
thud me at my resitichee, collier or
Louther and Fitt sheets,
April 'l4, 1847
4LUd try raIIIVIS New Xlstab- r
11 1 1118 thitleesigned would respectfully inform
11.1. the claims of Carlisle and the public gen
erally, that Ike has opened a Now-Establishment.
in South Ilitnov'er street, iiithe store room for
merly occupied by Air. James- NleNlatit, and
nearly opposite Ilse Post, Carlisle, l ;tim•
berlatal en., Pa.. where he is prepared to execute'
with neittness,darathility and dispatch, st ud
reared -de tertna,evetw eeseription 131 N 1)1K G.
Al itSie and Periodicals bound to patterns; Cell
denien's Librario)lftlteillth and repaired; Ladies'
Saul,. lood:e,_h llhiuns and (les_
eel ;lithos , Annie. to Orlierjailllllin :dune 11),r Li
nst.tutions, .&oeiettes, bte., tolvanta4-
.cons terms , • -
• 1.114:4 ,NyoRK of every. tlecription, sucli uS
Docks s, Il i ceords, Deed lloolcs„ Bay Books,
Ledgr, :Journals, Mentor:nab/rm. check Rolls,
Receipt. Books, &c. oldie finesi . quality of paper,
and its a stflo equal to anypatle ut.a.uountry town,
• on ,Ilitynost reasonable anti see km •
,illsVatult—Olso,Fileis of Okra.
. . .
. , , • .
inbseribee,thas‘tilsci.eomnienced a • nei.
!Bonk Store,nt the "nine Platio,-tibere' 801 WS of,
.nlmost,oeert , deserhillon'esn• be liath.:,Orders for
'Books will' promptiiitteitded
paper Peintink
and :Wrappitt p pee,• Post and Cap path* by the
pare or reath,,ceet,,obeati,.,-.,. r
Also tin . Ind A lIILINK BOOKS; FANCY , A R.
thank Deeds, Lawyersi'. Justiova
.and. Constables blintfts. - Inrge utisortm6nr.or
now stylts AV All ititli.Wititloce Blind. Paper, Fire
Soreens;:lin4 , White And ,hltie
,Boarde; Colin Pctjq, self .stipplying .lolO.•Standii,
ilot er's AlicolC,:7lllne 'itd Inkf Paper.Sarid,
~. tianthbot es; now storeN . elees; 'tenet 13 0 , coeds;
wltich:aillrhEnnld lob gor:elceliaild for
'clean Anew antlecittnn - yoga 'and inch ,i)rodbeelfs
.anttit be , Jigrethbiton,Y- 6.11',-o,thi, for.
'." 'for Dinini;Os'er.
c i k , ? to e , , h ew p , ig , ' , s p o o ki ng ,
ONSISTIN G.,ot-Thb oclqbrato
V . ) 1 Grope' Brand Cava oiliolObeiiiituv Lux.
mry MN' , A" Ow brit`mi OriPoAtrohO ll iimb
dies! Twiit atl!l'Silijte;% , `DOmtiitra - 0 319 bio ied "
:Rapp eitid "coarse IlliMisittoriontl ) ,DbonCi`o,
Splo4lcY l Viiii,l4l9 o ,;;Y. victgrio.
'COlPitiAtiptifo t .j4l.Col!Obal roPoPeP • Pkorot's
o4.l,,Lotilsl9llOro',,bro,ado..ol:,ionMrloA. Bogor°,
oi te O l d t , y..ith , RC4604 0 .' (Juba ,or a , ,Havu ono;
,SpOtitl),-And,iliklflyiniiih%Begareif,Aho boot
A 10 0 4 ,101 Ira ?*Trterlata Tobicuo . ; , All o r
.wilkiitk,4fiiiisidipirl6ei prepared 1.609'015
J,'lliiise s sy , so May dod r
cbo*ki4thilik`i ,
i+94:44 ReetioioO4o4 - ;
Higir'atrcnt:Caibale L 77-
• rl
• 4
.A 4, 0 `. A
? r'::o*.efatt.-;4'-'!.!',..
•.=..:,-.. - 1, ...., ~. ....,;i - , , . r:l."'
~ ',.r.i=r-, , r:-"•). "- ' t•-••• :: '.
VALUABLE ritlit ;and - :' 11111.4.11
lieritifistiitei'letinar at'privaie-She the
loits by hmaiKaitunted on the Conodpguinnet
,reolv,_abo-t. 4 _miles,tyvbt-of-Carliskr,- u nd - 4i --
porth,Of the.Comberland Valleyßittirciad.'Tho'
farm' contains:up**, 'firat . rate, Meek.
Slate land,. in the tiighst stale of cilliivatiort.
Tho improventents .ore a Mansion Mime,
Bank •Iturn,eoi.rreirti 'Ste. Thcre'S aTao there.
on.dienta4 large stone MEW - LIAO' MILL,
later) , rebuilt on The most approved plan,,with
Kiln ler dr'ylng torn for making . mbaligigeth•
er will; a Clover Mill,„Savv. Mill Wi}b circular
vaiis attached, cud Plaster Mill. There are
thren tenant houses; de for each of the millers
and aim for :the furnmr, with a bpring house to
cticli;;tog4ier 'w WI. a cooper shop and whier
impro.vcancnts not necessary to mention. Tho
waterpower on this place is equal to any on
Thu Conooogeinnet credit.
- 11
I also o ff er for sale al , R. 1 1 ,1 on the Walnut
Dettom road, nno mile from Carliale,containirig
115 Acres of -the best qn 111y..0f I....irtiVoteno,
laud. The improvements urea stone Dwelling
House, frame born and ,oilier necessary out
buildings, and a th6i 'ram well of water Stm—
A--tritet-of-e-tinut-- . 5-IM6--of-elleunal t-tim her tell
be roil clang with this. farm. For further par 7
• I icuhrs enquire,of the subscriber lining on the
Miil place. Furelmscr4 ore invited to call and
,exalllille the properly. Terms will•he made to
suli_purellasere. , - - 'lOl - 1N HAYS.
August 25, 1847. • .
. . . .
pf .ti .purtuniaa - of titt . .ortler al' the Orplitma
- ji . coil of ri.,:k.,iii eounty there. will 1 , 0 t;:c
lauted tomillliclatlemo,ti t e petinktrynt_Tmußs,
taAf,7-ilt Oc - rencit next, at 10 o'clock, a, ill. al
illli:l,liirg- in - out-my ilete the entaii-...1 JliiiN MAR
*47.Af Sl.,,:kb . , T. N , I Irfeeziatur, i iz. A I'ILAG•I'.OV
al,b I . •\ N I.) si tna te part)) in cljoil rob, anti
0 .. . re ; al pat tl; iit lltintiltdit townships, in said
comity, beitnticd by nindn'ofßenry
nn'''•‘-nl•tca- -, Syttck', = ---- 1 4 :ewman, Jacob Zent,
, t—ilte—Gon-c-etteht...;,... n t •. ' .•' ..
BUN IBLEI) and 1 , 11 , 1 Y AQItliS, one hundred
and three pertill a loud 'the :akin mice, whereof
tdttatt twenty acres ale • Elm estone and - the re n
ontioder Sat_ 1,114-14 . 41-1-411 rat Itta-lity- c wit( •
new meadows, hating thereon a mall Brick •
Dwelling Ilona., and a tanall Bank Barn. Ott
,t lie creeltis a water vri +-liege. The Lerma a ill
be made known by .
order of (Lc Coo t:
.1011 N N.L.PISfiEII, Clerk
S ; 7l'it. I, H.VT- Chamb r,burg•
0-7.:olrigt EIZZIL FAIRIVZ
olt SALE. or
PIITE subscriber offers at pit
,le the
,:& :.. iii., 0
above named propert, Vito fen Mon,
roe township, Cumberlend county, ono mile
west of Churehtown and fivb miles from Cur -
liAe i on the road lending - frorn - the Itutter - ta -
Vol Ir. Farm cuntams 7'2 ACRES, more - o
less of fifst r
_te...timesione_Land,_bout.t u
which arc cleared and in u good state of f;tittiva
tiers), and the residite well timbered.,, The im •
provementserc a twe sitory.§TONt
110 USE and Kilo 'so 'Fra ear
13 is
"" lit h= and other out:huildhiga, :thereon
creefut- Witir a'welferf - nevenfails
ing water tier the house, and u litte young Or-.
chard of choice Fruit Trees. Too yonng and
teduitrious farmer this place offers induce
naento which terar . scldom le be met.with..„ _ _
Also, be sold with the above, if desired,. a
tract of I•YOODLAND, situate in the same
township, about two miles from the former,
containing six acres•more ur less, well corer{
cd with ths iring timber - .
Fur further particulars enquire of the - subs
scriber, on the first-named premises. -
July 7, 43.17. .
A VAI. U A BLF. Parris, si muted In West penner
lA. horn' toniiship, Cutoberlaigl county, 6 ,ti's
' , vest from Ctirlisle,- tiic Mount Rock Spring,
lu•nr the Ctimberland Valley Rant oad,enritainit g
about -2044-ner, s, Bin of n Lich are cleared, having
thereon a 1 trge two- atm..) . ,tondo stone !t00..., a
two-story Log House. two 'Convenient Barns, large
coin crib and wagon 'shed, carriage and grant
houses, and a never failing well of water. flits
farm will divide - to good adratnago and will be
sold n hole or the halt oft,
• -
l'ot. particulars enquire of L. 11. 11 illinms,
Esq., oil the premises, or of the subscriber resid
ing in Dickinson tp., '2 miles cost of the Stone
'num n. JUItN G. W.ILLIANIS.
A up.usi 11, 1347.—r2 Itto.•
I.alietthier FAllltlitlCt . '2 publish months and
charge this &lige. •
.1011 N S. DUNLAP
.1 1.1111711 FOR. &ILE.
rrne. subsmiber offers his farm fur sale, situi
ated 3. miles west of Carlisle,Cumberland
county., Pa, on the Conocloguinnet creek road,
e4d about hall a mild from Davis' Mill. Thu
farm contains 64 .1-3 Acres, of first rate Lime
stone land. About 54 acres arc cleared, well
limed mud ina . )figh stain of cultivation—the
residue is covered with good timber ;and tho
whole under good fence. The
II inip.rnVements are ;a FRAM E
1911°. ti 1 HOUSE, a large Dank Barn,
with two floors,wagon shed corn
crib, Grancry 4-c, under the same roof. • There
is mince brick wash house, smoke house and a
well of never failing waterovitli a pump in A,
uneer the-same roof, and other ont buildings.
A. brisk cistern, capable of containing SO hogs
heads of wader„ and a young thriving Orchard
of beefing., fruit, a pad Lime -Kiln, Scc. The.
buildiuus were all built within six vents.
Angii.t 25, Te47—tf
Ite sold at public sale on .the premises,
V on Fatt.).‘Y,l7th of Septerither, ; a lot of
pound eonfahling five urres., more or ten, situate
in Allen township, Ct.toberlaud - Comity, ott the
Stitte 'toad leatliwrfrunt Ilarchhurg. to Gettys•
burgi about one male southort - Shitdierdstown -co
wit;ell Is erected a Two Story Log House, staltle,
Sze. Lute the property of Detetch. Cockliu dt.
Terms made known oft day ornate by
JOHN COLLO, IS,, .6.(ettivr.
Atignst 4, 1847 .
subscribcr - will sell nt 4:ptiblie sale on
444.14- 421.14:11te -24th. 4:447.4.2inc1t next Mtlt 3
residence in-West Pannsboro towitsliip,ohe fourth
of. a tulle south of Nowyille, on, the Cumberland
Yalley Itailroad, near the, Norville deflol, t to
following properly viz: 4 head .Norses;litirtetk
which is '2 breeding Mates, one with n aucking
iAtt ilk Cows and' young Cattle; Sheep; one
LI oat] Wheel Union anti 130 itli'bows, One
plantation Wagon, ( ) loughs and Narrows, two
Shgret Ploughs, '2 • sett Iley Ladgers
Sled with Iron soles, 4 sett. Rayon 6eardiFilth
Until? nnd and :',9ll , *l&trena.
totether with a variety of outer 9'ooA:sloe un
nterous to insert . The alteriritrticlesuremenrly
tterv, havingbeen:used but tum Or throe y,9urs';'*. 4
Sale. to commence at 10'o'doakli.111, on said
dny,WinnitOnts wl the made known by •
• • Jpqemi:ElLY.
September 4;1847.-7 , • 4.4 .4 n 4
lua ets ar
PUHLIC - • -
ow SATtiRDAY* - 25,0•SirfrproEn,
ofteVe'd At publidtial,e.olt: {v l ' ollll ' 3 -
voluable'll&m into the prof 'en' erty
'rick eltuate 'Hn pd
Sittrnberlatnil cpunty'; olthin.a actor:4W, toniip(
°r (111- '
Jail& ot,..ipc o h ,i3o c ke k .Op - i nh l
onlloy anti others, cogiinining 100
, Anceir more or lea, of . first onto
Llantatono ;Trod, the highest '
state or oultllntiaa ROA 'tintlOi. good redo* with
n con'iitiorOlo,gronii L'Ocest thnhef on the,
place. The... Sliver S 4; s Bite rustling Omani r
tikes on the western IrKor..:the ftWtti.''i About 2
Ocrel orihe 4no 18 0(4, eicArad; . ! .. Theiimmve
menta are a two atop. I), , Welitmi.fonaa: !ilk -
Brick Kit6hon.. largelintpc,Barn,,,
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