Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 15, 1847, Image 2
= Mi I±l '+'7+~~4f t 'V ~WUIN.`7 ~~V ' ~~7~~1.,N ~~. ilxoect Oems!-: Important fioex' Mexico, Mexican 0 veilures •Ar ,Peace—Americans sun - i rounding the City. " Trom New - Orleans, we' hilve t e ma rine of the 34 inst., confairting ,lhe 'mg highly intpariattt tiewifroin Gen. Seottfs •Ayrpy in Mexico, brought by 'the 4mitinAhip • Fashion, Captain O'Biady,:juNt arrived from Vera Cruz via Tampico. She left VerteCtuz on the 27th bI August,. arid Tamptab the 20th. ' -The n4ivs by . ibis arrival is fhe 'portant that we have received in Manly months from Mexico. • Our army has not °il l:3r advanced to the city of Mexico; but, it has had twoamorragernents with the enema doe() wider tliej'alls of the-city and defeated them; The Mexisans'hava-been_brcoaht to aap_pli: enter a suspension of arms, aidrpen.iScett - haa granted it. Titii Mexican Congress 'lids 'been convoked to take into consideration !Mr. Trist's proposition. • ,The news was received in Vera Crdz on tEe evening.of the 26th ult, by an express 'courieHroni Orizaba, - who brought-down the 'follewing•lefter to Mr. Dimond ; the collecirj at Vera Orur; to whose courtesy we are in 'dated. for 'Me , urie -of thelettor which we !proceed to-give,: OttizAßA v Atifeist 25tb, 1847 My Dear Fiientl.=The Mexican' Mail which has juet come in, bringstbe, following, 'intelligence, which I copy Irom the Diario Official act Gobiertio. Being,. of so great portarice,:l Fend ou--I h is -express . courier, which will be AV ith you, to•mertiiv about .1:2 ,o'clock. . On the 20th two brigades commanded 'Gen. Valencia and Santa Anna went out to attack the Americana near San Angel. Gen. Valencia's.diYision has been c_ompleteJy_ . cle : feated, and Santa Anna, after the first ren• imntre,.fell hack also in disorder to this city. They immediately alter this _asked for a —^ suspension of hostilities, arid offered to hear the propositions of peace from .Mr.Ttiat. The next day the Minister•rif Foreign Re lotions ' invited the Congress, -through the newspapers, to meet for that , pUrpose._.. -- These are the great facts which no doubt %vitt tiling. after them peace . • To P. M. Dorm), £sq ....Another express arrived at Vera Crui on the 26th, with letters containing the same triews in substance, and the following trans lation of the announcement of it in the Ma rio Official del Gobietno': "On the 20th August Scott's 'troops who —Aintended-marching Penon turned -it and -arrived near Toeuabaya. is soon as the hiews was known at Mexico, Valencia's di -Nigel iient out to attack the Americans at " • Los Linnos de San Aogel,and was complete routed. Next came Santa Anna with an other division, which shared the same late, 'After some - fighting. - Tlre Mexidaitiftrcal: ed to the . capitalin great disorder, and -such was the panic created by their defeat i that the Minister of Foreign Relations immediately 'convoked the Congress to take into 'consid eration Mr. Trist's prapcnition. A suspension `of arms was demanded by the Alexis:ails and granted. The Americans are, around Alex-, lco,lmt had not'Ontered the'city or. the '2lst.." • Bitch_ are nieagredetails•which,welMve of these important events: .No 'couriers from — Gen - eral Scotesermy - direct-having-been able -to got through as far as we can learn. But from the foregoing statement it is manifest 'that General Scott holds the city of Mexido at his command. That Get - 1. Scott did dot `choose to enter the city is manifest. He was doubtless deterred from entering it by a de •sire to save the pride of the Mexicans when , upon the ette of important negotiations. It is now supposed that the. extrortlinary •coorier which left Vera'Crriz for Mexico on the 12th ult. a day in advance of the - regular- English Courier, was the bearer Of instruc tions to the British minister to offer again his meditation, and we think we may safely say that he was instructed to do so, if possible, before Gen. Scott entered the capital. We believe the instructions were positive, and no doubt they were obeyed. Having absolute confidence in this repre sentation of the acts of the English GOvern ment, we think it reasonable to suppose that Geireidl,scott was influenced by a knowl edge of that mediation to trust once again to the efforts of Mr. That to negotiate a peace, - and so spared the Mexicans, the humiliation of the armed occupation of their capital.— His characteristic humanity may also be pre sumed to have strongly intluene.ed him to save Mexico from the violeece of a hostile occupation.. We may recur to this point and to the prospects of peace which some may now entertain. We have given none of the rumors cur- tent in Veia Cruz as to the fall of. Mexico.— They are evidently lent ded . fin imperfect ra w mom of the teal state of facts. The rumors eircnlated here that Santa Anna and Valet)- . cia were taken prisoners, we believe, are to tally unfounded. In regard to the train under Major Lally, the intelligence is favorable. We are in formed, horn a very responsible source, that he is known to have passed Perote sine boon - on his way in safety to Puebla. He made some delay in Jalapa. Our readers may be interested in what is said of the movements leaving Jalapa, in the of - the Main,inlor to its San Ed Anahuit. • The Boletin, erjalapa, says that the train, after having beeiTufacke3; at Cerro Gordo, retired tet.thataitii3L..the_lanne_time_the_ guerillas also retired. On the following day the train commenced marchino . for Jalapa, and on Thursday evening had hot yet en ' tered that place. On the 19th it was report ed at Jalapa that the guerillas would attack our troops near that ,place ) and all the even ing the road for near a mile was covered ci • with men ) and children, whom curi osity had attracted there, This gave rise to the firing of canon and musquetry from our troops,•and , the citizen s succeeded in reach ing their .heimes . without receiving any injury. gu , The errillas:are said to have numbered 350: .The , fire Commenced-at , half past 'five &chick, and 'lasted but' a - Short time. At night tranquility. preVailed in .the eity,,enti a' l'iarty'of mounted men front the ttainantered the:city and praised through the principal street, at theiarne time guerrillas *ere seen near by. The, B lose_oletin saya that the lo .the side of `the guerrillas was sinall.6 • Intelligence reached Col. Wilson, on the tnoraing_of thel7th Mgt.:Limit. 'David ,Henderson,:cf_Captain Fairchild's company Dra,i'dons,, and. his varty..who'• were tent thelstt of 7AuguatAct , apprisco,miijor - Lally,cif the approach, Of, rein -410Aco1411,90),„e :4';:,1 110410 inln" doubt' of .I,ho reot4eis this ', Lieut.* Hendeioori rzW , A.F.. tesit l Pnt New OrloanO, • 4nd ; but \ Gently enilFinriod:in; dervice, ;`';nit; 'lnarSanta're., , ~-; . '' . 4l'cl . r'of ' Atn "ph' "icin {l".-`*-` 4.76.14r;4 / 7 7 4 1 7 ) ,...... ' .::';,,,ir46,1-4-' itilittienflinaport_.,p..,,,mbn2xl,,lauli,, 1- •"'", , , irv, Ili arrival..6l : Mr. Aptry a . ~. " --1 ` '''' 1 ' - ' `d 'by Mr."Birnil in, off Baltimore, , t'.',iic.,°•?f1112,44:1.1„Le..h.. boob ( re c eive d :f fF" # ,l-,P, ti ; ;' E in c: 9l .7o,7 6.7 i ' ?, , Cl , Ta rr l o k na , c , h ,. 4 i i ni Y a :i l , t i a ' r l i i: 4 ;: 44, -, l4 lelipie .chlePt Y..:., . • .•-,,,,:;:._;„,„1 Ati,*Lq., , ' pliy1611001,1!-011.1P7) 74`,t ; 8 714; iq'!hi?rjrx . , , , - Oto arrxv-f' sa, •''''f, +,' a ••e• 2. .• ..7.1',04 - 114.Y1?..,.,r. I'',.6;erltie ~. ,; -..1 c o n i a io . ,fi:le-tibi.llmid;r::. Tti9, 4 9 4 0 : !41- - .:,AiiiiioiclAnket.r77-,,.,4X t**il e i9,4l!r , „ - ,:,,z,eiCaliiir ~.', CO g•.A - R) :',',: '::•''," Id .i;WiNtionn e%4V11-§! ~.. N.A 'li' ' ern 7011 _ RR- P 4iiik" 1r aft M lin atula , t,ir .‘ ptaltyirßoP, ~r,... ,Lt l i , iiii t e e 1 04 ,inet ';'4' ,i. , frwiareo 9 1 , 1 • , 1,:. ~.•1!•-1..,.' ,0:p10044,9 ra.,r;?;t41,,,..1),,'",, 7 - ;., 1- ... - ,i I'..;'`+':,' ,: i!,.;;o. ;-s'f'.i'' O•gZ"'' :'' :' .4 ';' Wee '.',.••i4j,',2,,,","•:',',:- ; 'Z . :;:,!.A.V•,'X - 4 1 :f'gi'''''','""Y'•.I'F' 4 i . ;''''''F'4';'`'' 'rZ''''• • ..16t*0 ViP 4 '%:'14 4 .7;•?91.1.• ~4 ' , J ,' , • • ',",%:„ t ,:B‘; : •,••.:4cdo+ ,— ,:'' •'' '' ''' ' .2 ' 441 . . 31 . ;It' iitAieoiit - '• -, • - s:i'sete:ri`brttit” riVirderers have, becin - tim e r ot:col'VVileox t a htl 4 -", ng•expirtti 4 it fiLleAvel's6etv.!: TvrenrYf the - iiitizens,'JioivetrNhad War mitedr.yo,:reinain and fora& the, plic - o.,,'''f'i,•:_ - Itrilperprrattorizbroke:CuLat time previoater the lark advices, 'bet' frts : „ nipped in'tlre.'..bud; Ind the leader s tvaric - fly precipitately to the mounti of San Clou. Gen. Morales wits at Santa Fe. , Col. Price and'his men' ate reptssentelto have• conducted themselves in a manner highly disgraceful to ilamarne ofAmoricaos4 . - ,• Tlieie is said to be no Whatevei among the troops,and vice'in'ita worst loran is practised by both men-and office's, ly-unrostrnitted. by Col.- Price.--- The Colotml is, also said to have lowetell himsielf Mucli'in the -Character - cif aniAlicer by - deiAaring tharli - e — wonlithaul 'down 'the. American flag and evacuate the town, if not 'reitilorced'belbre the "10111.:of August. This threat has caused many of the trad ers at Saerrificies to_paolttip_theiLgrinds mist prepare for leaving the country; rtS they well 4rflowthatall the Americans, as wtill-es the Irielidly Mexicans, Would certainly he mur (lured upon. the withdrawal of the soldiery. (This Cal. Price, it will, be remembered, is ofie Of Mr. Ocilk's party 'pets, ancTliaslate ly heen made a 'General) Mr.,i.inaki ti".4lp.f..LoitiVitt CARLISLE, PAL WEDNESDAY_ SILPTEMBER 15, 1847 One Dollar and I•'ifty Cents a year 71 paid in --- Advance—One 'Dollar and Seventy-rive • Cents if paid within or at the end of six ..months—Two Dollars it paid at the end o The year. •The Herald is now the cheap est paper in the county ! . Yours, (fully ISTECIEGI• NOPAILMA'ZIC, The One Term 'and Thrill Candidates. IVor-lar-uvernor; GL`N,MNE SIR rl OF CENTRE COUNTI For tonal bbrnmissioner. JOS. W. PATTON, OF • CUAIBEELAND COCNTY COUNTY TICKET. A.“cniply. • JAMES MACKEY, Shippensburg. AILVIST.RONG NOBLE, . _G.ECIRGE_IIIIPLEY,_East_Pennhb_mo!. Dr. J. J. MYERS, Carlisle.—. Director of tlie Nor JAM ES KENN ED Y, Auditor. JOHN RI,TP, Hampden To Commstamm.trs.Thei conanuniea of our friend from Ilegheitew:ft is feeeired. We are obliged'to hinilor d ifte lavor, but On second thought he will probably agree lvith us that ii n ill be more prudent not to [ib- Huh it. The ''Facts" furnahed b our East Penns bore friend are excellen and shall be rub- Halted. They corbel ate tor this week. (*.That learned jurist, Mr. *, Fearne on Contingent Remainders," of the Volunteer, may score his loci:Ace Abolition eontempo furies at the Philadelphia Splril of the Times and Evening Bulletin as severely as he chooses-for their-bold presort - oton in daring to question the propriety of the judicial "re. buire' recently administered to a jury in this county., bin we want to know upon what grounds he 'refers to this paper as one 'of the "pensioned presses" of Carlisle? It is an old trick of the Volunteer to dub'others with dpi • theta to which itself is more justly er:died.— Dtirpaper is not "pensioned" upon any man or any institution, 'or . any party, either for money or for leading editorials. It is bound lo no man, to no clique, .and to no party but the gitat Whig-party of the U. States—and it is . by the clegly defined principles of that party, and the voice of its Conventions, a lone, that our course is shaped. Thus free front all pensionary obligation,ve have never Imen,suddenly compelled to 'turn a flip-Bap_ - oirtlie - Tiiiiif, • r any Other subject, like soMe of out neighbours. Whether the Volunteer is. thus tree and in&pendent, our noiglibdiir of the Democrat may be can tell. The Volunteer has gone to such a'length . in vindication of Judge ilepbtint's rebuke to the jury in the riot case, as an act that was duo. to the OM - ranter of the Court trod - to the corntnuntty, Ifni\ a good many poisons feel constrained to ask why it is . that thole was tionotice taken also of another:most estrapr dimity transitetipn,—that most memorable transaction': . bir • :ylol' three individuals, c)eariy identified as pck-poilcels, were recently bet at , fulilibetty Without the vulgar. - annoy... ariceCia . triall Was there prodangerpflitie I :tii . Cettling.ti..attlijoet.ol_ ,, dirlii.oiina:ritiooll': II .xt,verdict :rendered upon .'oath, bitnielve respeetable 'citizens, whom ,:the ::yolanteer itself deciareijo'be trtiiri!!i , hoet3'ltiniolors • *fiiiiitipeatthiaErintrintirnite46l;(e,'",det: serves f c rebuirt; ' ,'hvh3i, , haiinot:ilitt;Aamii min , sure-been; 006 the - libOratbrs .- cf: the. pickpockets)t.'We. - Isli ; s thiii . lri :all; itit's - '' 1 li9l :l ingg9 /Ti;. ,- C ige bil iii4. :, - ' . '' . ,,• - • '.' '':' ' -- (1:t. it', nifty ba'..,fis I,,F,elln . lti,' imbibe .•:nur: iteighl;o'iifthi'Voitr.t4f:,l4l . i';4' . "-''''' impresOen “by , inforMing`himi a t We tiVii ir i r not Amok — the-nag cil..oltepetal'eliha Tar i of, 18 , 1,6,, , ?. ; ' , .Thq!' ; f1ag-,i l tOt in;,type:,lftit in Ki s .la. : ,favor:, ,ik''i'llt;Ftil,ii. i t tikel l 4:.llitte : , t#it.go : joo' IgPM. 1'511,9n0? Reolkgie.l,o9(litiik of this 'Btitiiili*tn , ;:,'' , ';;'-:ii:%.k5._.!...7 - q',. , ..:.::'.! , ;Y;-,' . ::49M11t 18 ;4 8 , b e #:11110#004:14 mo.tooglioutoptif,," . Tg#W.44:oo:i , l******* , kil* ':iic:;.#.o4* , ;it,.l4'ii - Wlitigoo,o4 l . , :ti4tl4ii: .li,i,i,li , : , i,ii ,.. ao'ilotiioJ.ifif;iitzfiiip:i4i• tdraiV4ol:6lM*lolittliiiiiir , !r) , :w, - -‘.,...,.. , .,..k! i''.f.:' '.; ;L...i At.t.„4; - -'-''''' " ' ''' . ... “4: : : :".'• : ' '' ...r.' 1 :::" " :.:V : .0.f .."1 .; ' , ' , 1 6 ') i? . . '—''''''.:'•'',''''' e /: . :, ;'; ';:Y l .''' ',. ‘ F, - r: - .,'..'''',1.',.' :','`',t:'•,:c: SEMIS ~ • .0i .k." • wh . kmei - Our Redifeed Terme. T) casul er- . Commissiaito . - , 9-:o6f.oir r o(6l:l3F CiAAE.R. ' 1 ;00t'. )1 4 8 : P .I *blitli ) ° l ltA llll - 7.Weel f Bll is; yOu. preparing; for I ie. Alrk?ff - Aiie joh making rhogeieents'to t 3 our votail 4re jrni to lii 'itijpd lance of the_conteet ? glcct tt:.7l/,!lorigfrl The. time for EtOTI,ON haiseorrrn:' :There 'no time to be lost. Our hilYelgd fOilda;/1". .A.r:6oe Rentiiither that full vote ill- 'ensure . iV TORY, and thatOines Old boiland at ? gois t Ottrirte! . • ' .FroM - Mexico, The *thiatil•tn_ rietv4-We übliert to-da details the still conclitOring-ndvaiMe of our 'gallant army, and places the imperial city of Mexico rube feet of the heroic Scorn. .. !has no doubt pausetLatits.gateallirou4tMo tittts of the highest ni4manimity. /16 ,tbe North Ainerican justly tdatarirs. Scott parr-'es; rl y:o c 'believe that, his sighs are for the poiipie—theliah-combatants r the ivomen,and children, for ‘rimite,sidres the heroic Taylor rather chose that the host of Ampudin at Monterey; should be itutiered esi'apeby capitulairon, than that The help.: Less and innocent'arrimig its citizens should be eNposed . to the horrors at further store) and bornunrdment. We Can beirge, tooi that S:ott'S hopes were, by thiVmodera ' tion to obtainn peace—a-surer and 'd!ipeetl• ier peace than could : !have been forced by_drivingne- Mexicans-M-utter-extrett.- .ities. The entire destruction of Mexi• cosi-such is the perverseness of human ma tare—would have covered h is name with immortal diary. tie has 'chosen to forego the prize, to lefase the temptation—to res. train and limit his ambition- to the peac.qi which, in. his eivti phrase he deemait the sole object of the 4, t0 conquer." May the peace be ilrearty conquered From Got:. Taylor's etitnmand we leSin that he has ordered (agteably togovernment orders) needy all his-disposable lime to join Gen. Scott's division. Of course alqj opera tions aginst the city of Mexico by- his line are 9nsequeTfaly abandoned. lie will pro• titifyeturn . to the. U. S. , 4he Ohio, Tndiun na mud Massachusetts regiments, will ell 'oin Gen. .Sceit. There is much sickness among the troops along the Rio Grande. Perry County. At a meeting of the whigs'of Perry,'on the COI, as we leant from the 'Freeman,' it was resolved to make no rminationelorcounly offices, but to resc.lve to'support Such ,, seita- Llo as shall volunteer. The meeting appointed Messrs. H. It ter, T. Ell is, Jr. and R.R.Guthrie cod feiees, Tn .- sft - et lliose7from4;umbelian - d , - 'to put - m nomination a Senatori?l candidate for the ilis. met. A series of pungent tesolulions was passed by themeeti* The Freemdu-ti Graham, Esq. of Cadisle. a 'scoring, mere in ftiendy ship than in natter, for the flagqou misrep resentations contained in lics speech wt die tocofoco meeting oil Tuesday week. Some of our Imam) orators who go over foul times a yearsto admidister law and locoloco- Ism to the people of Perry, make very large drafts upon the suppoiied ignuranc.e of 'the democracy,' there. Mr, Sunni', we see by the 'Democrat,' is still raging at a (Mimi:. rate against JohrfD. Crilly, who Seems to have beeu guilty of adfiug Stroop and his friends ca set of ring boned, .spavined and string halted Gld Hun kers P This. Mr- Crilly is a sad Tog and will undoubtedly be the death of Stroop some of theSe days, The Tariff and Low Price. Two weeks since we called Ole attention ul Farmers to the further decline of Anneri can Flour in England,-and to die tact that the flume market was all that now sustained prices, while British goods were pouring in like a flood and would have to be paid for in specie insteatiof breadst offs. • Our brief article has called out a Whole column in last week's Democrat, in ridicule of the home market, whicipthe writer aSserts we cannot be deprived of, 'but; which is . a small matter compared with the great foreign market, Now we vciittire to gay that our!' Farmers understand thi, subject as well ns the- :Editor--of- the--DOmocmt—thcy-know ¶he-importane‘aritVvalue-of-a-market-inad. by an Iron orinitcranclOry immediately at their *vers. If yeti Mitt get Irish A mine every year the foreign market will be itgreatthiog :. But Ms.we do not expect or wish tlio;. the trite' pcilidik'of . is to ericourage.• a honie Market by ibeierising home - manufactures, and at the , inithe: time dirninithing r lfie num er of producer's, - ft absurd , to say that you enlarge the hoine mai ket by, purchasing British*. Manufactures -no intelligent larrnet Will believe it. ' • (*-The V olunteerthe htexiu, ~ . con ,people, believe that the, Whigs the U. S,titeopposed to the war,and this'eneoure ges•the Mexicana to hold , out and 'retract theni , “ bu hoveli, there r was' a party. in : this; count r y , fa rorahletto Mem t .gverithe . Union kis :denied this catletry, "traitors''. and !!.hitegioatte: at heart" The lifiercieile.'; 7 :lPAOTOid them: MOM :wee a itttitir ; in this attitnyy of Ale:tiditW•ivings' and'Mexican aSmtpatbizet'sr Th41066)1.1' ihat the Alitileteritsot the Gospel in this country... were' ‘""ettentiesr-01 . heir*Dttetiatti,l o .;:',Theset game loatffocda!-' ' • . ~. . . . . -. ~.*: '.`t ',1% , 1i bragitisunittr, Se pt,., 6 - ;, 184'4 . : ~ ,wid n -,,lniieph ,W Patton • lailetl'idbusinesh . hein , tie ,itiktebtatb lbAte' fir rn al . 3 o D,•.,p, k onii eCo;+-ttbanCeleven. handled *alatil'.' , :liii' ..tnaat'sevAcitl,rtaYmento on ticeettuti ametinn. ing:fok , f,atranti::stlfrp...itittanaso.`voutitta,i anal 4eattiaig.4_;,litaanett • unpaid" ol_tki3O' , liva'thititl. dollate4:lfAtltiving that Ihe neanitS4t;;;t9iiiio hio.+lol . B#.o9.iiY:bo:itcquiretl,by. hia,,iperOov: al exertibtia,'llhink , . he rap:rite ~ ,Rlime4 .Ibe :what'ito 'title, 'delta tattier .titati,omanitia,l,li+4. cause hi liis not Mitt 4;40,1 D. pay , All„, .;..,. '' ' ...' •' , ''',- ''''',''' ' ...J;r , D.,.PAxTON4 il ...,,,:..,,- ?-,....,, ' ''Y''' .;;'',..', 3 , .." , z ,;,,,,, r, , ',, P, PM big VottFrii Sepf,'loB47:e'. 1 , . ,4 A11ici id : .,le';o*ttr.*;' t4 l lt.:l;Nifen-giiektOVil,.. I PB,4 ( o l o lo atkilf.builrigMt : 4 - vo:: l 4*Y'/0 4 t J,..,- -. ..- -„.,-. ~ — , PA'.',N , t-.. , , ,-,, ',OPlittin4ll44,lo4. : 4 4 oo*P44.o 4 PaYTPOOi' ~;‘).../: , ,T,4o,p#etinjiiett,i:of Age , . Vi t tlOisi t iii ;AO . o,r_latt ;,11pituq, - tow;atieotetOgefortand: '0ti,4 41 - 6 ° 4 o*Oirk , :teiiiiVid' l l#o,; , l4eo;ifAis. ) 4 i4 ~:k9 toPki4 l ,lA. ,ars on , ,k4ho , -000k • VP, ihis ‘4«iiki.:laiKiitritidr t 4 iiiiiiiohot . a :Tif4r - i',43Pilto o 4 0 1if i sitotetAioty , d i . , - „!,5..;•;".„,..,, . • ,';- ,'• ...; - , ,', ~, •",...-, - ',., •1, 7, , ,..! ,-,-,,,,;v0.. , ~, . ...., , 2:..r, :,,, -, 47,4 2 . „ , ,,,,; ,:0 . ,,V. , 4.,', ,, :1ik!7 , .7;1 -, , , ' , „,t,, ,,, ,,,", , c ~.., ,,, , , ', 1 ,. ;„k ,- ,'"- kii. ,> :` , :" - ' , ~',, k ,-' ~' ,' -.' '": .::•r- -k• ' "., , , '.^... ,; ' • ,ii..6i,' , 1";1" , ) ,:41,, -.,•4 ,,, ,v , ,: -,:k;! , ~ , y,..4,1,, J 4 k,,, , ~,,,,,,, k ;', .. ~,,,,; '4 .., ,:,, ...I . ‘. - ,•-• , •••;• '' ,; ' . 4 ..,. :•t:'":":',:;:,*,:mP.1.,,..:' , 1 , ,),4;1 ,, :,, , V,y1,^! , 5," , .',, ..' .;';':iii - 4 , ,, , • 4 " ,, - , ,'.: ere eitnittora7 try?. tybk onote).!- 'e'efilleir.va9ar'', Air '..polk 4no caus' Pliimll3 -- ire inata' a '!m,, 64.6. iv% itri ,11113 no -1.:1,13 §ur.74,1, a an ' ticott49( l )l,: M( l aa IMlT*lllth,l. euch *!‘ • ' ' . %. - ..viNPEOdditraf 4 poitiOn'-,iti6ibg.','lop - oft*Clowits:Jnis for' - kliirtlis: , weeka been eniptietl 3 ,rl'a"...l'Pth*B-*at fate 'l4letk,the. rieieolistr::oll4oi3ilAlo £401; Uustiio,ll,;JaTfappltiAN'hii*iiiii4atefteer. -oapalit'Otutnissioney i .hifeed apart the fact‘tif 'his'ha'iing taken the benefit of .the. Law. .411yitig 'arcitelicurillous sheet is Bed,. fotj, edited by the 'notorious - Geo. George' BoWrnattj.oiie Of Shuiik'e''proiniiierit of •ficit.holders, 'eontrtienced; - thik:eitiatlb,:littad: is pi t;eldatietl;by itsiiffi at lirirtia-- 4ii,r44 ion. and Philadishillia Pennsyfve4n suit; in.thisAisgracifill Warfinc VOiltaii'etedit be it attiil,4ll6.i.lit'rlislcNoluri tearaiikporriocrat'linve tint phrticipaled in these ruffian!' assaults on the character Of Malta Pwrrorr. Here in his own i*etl. Pucli attar:tits would fail bi airy hi larious effect against him. 'Unfortunate' Maj. _Patton_ntay=tituteite_en,_blit . ihe people _here_ know him too well to.believe that he Cltele , .11 - as been . er ever witl be' diskonisi. — • . to>litiOis his private business; matters brought before the .pnblie i 14111 j. Pat ton has cjiiiehy suffered these attacks. The , boldness and, desperatron of his assailants hhs at length sof f-yindie 'on; and neyer did man come' before a more triblokharlt-: staleiner rly: ail; or' quite alt , of the' 'certificate '1 lifat,Otl'aie from this qtelitica o have so deep a eativrie• tion of lib Slot g integrity, and so high an ' admiration Of his exalted and honorable Character, that they cheerhilly - come - foTwaik to testily to the world that he h.'. that " no blest work' Of God, th 1101*181:iVAN. 11 These certificates might 'he et to a albeit greater extenyil it were necessary. They bolas.. the iiriticipal creditors at the time Mr:Patton failed, and additional unnibers could scarcely strengthen the facts estaEr fished. The folicming is n statement of the lia bilities of Mr. Patten when he took the ben efit of the Bankrupt Law ; .with the ainciun paid by him Bike. . o ' _ . • Liabilities relented, Delen Mr. lialderentt's claim, since mid, Itetursed - - -,- fm-which he flutis - binisetr not liable. i; a In - ce - dtacui eyed, Leaving his own liabilities Mr. Patton line paid since his failure, 'uf . ivhichcitif l icates show upi.ards of 8.1000 the sum of 84,800; Who then dares to charge him with cheating had poor men ? TESTIMONY OF J C , /13 111.11 A LDEM AN, ESQ. AM) OTHERS. . . • _I-I,tanisnunc.! Sept. 2 , 1)347. To the Vito). of tMTc na. Telogrtyk: Sitt-1, have jearnedlhat Joseph W. Pat ton is charged by siimosgf.his political op Tot - Lents __WlL,delhand f AY:: hiscreditors by means of the Bankrupt - ficlieving the charge to be unfouhtled,Otillinnust, and hav ing an intilleteiknowNgeol the effuse of Iris pecuniqy:!'ilikpiplOWL`:. have thought_ prbperoultntir Palf§olo nr-ik lastatern'ent.. In 081 owned one-third of an Iron es tabliAmetd in Cumberland comity,at which Mr. Patton Irk! . managed the year preced• ing. Alr-Paiton, although entirely without capital, rias induced by the soliMtations j and liberal offers of asristattcd from the owner-of the other tw o-thirsts of the property. (who was anxious le have his set vices in the Man- ' agement ! .if the concern.) to purchase my intermit for 6.22,7s6„besides. a tigieelitkOu pay my shard on he debts . `VieeOitieby the concern. Some time after making the pur chase, he diScoverel that the owner was ve ry. much involved in pecuniary difficilties, and that it would most involve . him sell,ltnd prevent him from paying for the proPErty. Ile expressed a Wish to sell out, btft did notinieieeic Mgening a purchaser. I advised him to go on and do the' best he could. The next year his portlier ! failed, 1 1 and from that time Mr. Patton (milled on the works himself, under many dillieubies ' and embarrassments until the !all of 1835, when he faded. I then stated to hint that il he would pay me t bithince of about .slst) of unpaid interest, I would take back the teal property . and release hint etitittly tbliiah Ire was thew not able to do. • lie paid while he held the property, the yearly interest on the purchase money; (ex ceptine, the $450) 52,750 on account cf . the principal, turd a portion of the debt due by the concerti when he Purchased: Ills pe:- sonal property was sold -for 'the, bene fi t of creditors, and the real estate was bought by me at Sheriff sale forahtint tWe.lve thousand dollars less then lie was 'to ply me for it.— In Ine,paid me the balance of interest due at the lime:he hided, and then I told him h would give him a release at any time he wished. It appears that as the Judge nrents wore Mill unsatisfied, he thought it necessary...le rettnt line amount. or.twelVe thousand dollars in Ins rtatement of li iles, although I pever,mtemled asking him to pay it. hl r, Patton vias ynCi% mid c er goat', nod easily led to embrace au opporin. pity, as he nail as .I thought it of :ising in the o•ado, Unfort u nately tented out very dif /. hfremlyy from, his e • ectationa when le. ea. tercel the concern,' : r, Pools, crap!) to live with m 9 ilplya;4o . , twenty, sears ago,, h Yo.ung , mati, aud assisted, me iti,,, on 2 5 .my iron' Works, milling. nd far 4 inggisitini end putt .. . 1 oan,stata; with.p, 'lire- that I .never bad In:my. 0 wititoynienl , a , Man . with whom I was.,botter pleased, "itint.i . oheOrfully give- my , testitu on y . as; 1118•,,M it tuMiT ) 'aßbirl- W.h.. ilitegvilYi audqu .l alt Ai Uefilioua fa M Airl ess: ALID4 '• , • ', • 0/trait.% Sept 7 ISO . This is. to certify that ;whets ;Joseph'..WA :Patton , kited, / lAas Halite . kw: him, to thtLa.. moont,idatioet tWo..thousand odellaysi from which, T.Wailelioyeti .by.the sale ot his pei.- 8090 SxopeAkiityith, tho oxception , .. of a*utt sixty eilms,,which he ponf . me come ;.,Years_ alter V , dlitl hlthingh; d i god pg, in, My t.pbliti. cai-opinicinsrritk;mi'3, , VatttonilTooikeitler-it• dec 4 ldtiliti to say,;that ,his'-eonduct Adwaivirt m e was.hiAiiimiorable; ~, ~' -,',1.'i.::. , --,,,'.. :),..,•:,;,....,,.; - i. , ::.iii - ..:',, , „: . WAL'l4o.oltg::: tit a,.. ~, Y :Gi ~ i ~ . . ^•. Z~r ivs INMENERMMMI ThiS is to •cettity ; , thaf:wh - exk'lli*Ph W. .Pattoir failpd in business ; lie;;wali ' largDly s in, my 'debt. _That , sinee' then: iie hie fiequent paynientiPtin)ountin*lltpgdiliseilii. stbeittl6,tifitt)io noLrAtie.'-, - , One, or, tivo 'pay int nts"‘rui - utid'fi shor(ljr;iftei3he , rret, is salt ways ha con fid end; in ,11 , 1r:Vitttoree ditilie ! • sition pay his;ilebti whenever he. would be ti oto - tib Bo l and thatailitfidenee has been stretip,ther.ed by the feet of his making, PAY MENTAYI,IIEN NOTIIMO, OMPELLED HOG TO r )XI io,lititlits OWN Hb bn, AND HONEFITY. • „ VAUL This is- to'clertify' that Joseph . , W. Patton, was ribeitt sixty - diillitraiti-iiiy dad Wilk We failed in. business. That about honor threb yeafri'aller, when I was titeyettleii;'by bail health from attending to my business, 1 sect* my account - against lend, to whom ItE PAID ME FULLAINOCINT. ing 'from Mr.. Pitithn'in my pettiest *opinions • I deem it due to Itfrn'in thus certify to his - ritillisaArlic'edirdirct-TOWszus-st DONAVAN..-7 . t srirvltgßenurtc, 5ept.A.,".1847. •ythisTs to 'terrify that when 7 Jesephil - V. .I?attorCroceived the benefit-of the FraVcrurit LaW;.he wed. me fifty,-dollars. That sine 'then heznaffe me seyerat pop-penis until tliq VulteifcitillriliiKOCOptiommt one 11. - 011a . .5 ins b en piritUrihe last payment being made m 5 'the 2 tat February, .181 l may add that had.heen filtered forty dollate.friattcyelaitti but believing in the henor . 'and I lionegly of IVIr. , l'attomand thtit heWould pay wheneyor it was in his power. I have not `been fliSappeiiited, I have genmally voted with the Democratic party. ' JOHN .BUTTS. Mani - 4:111 FirrayNcE,.Sept: 4, 1847. `T do cervily that I.oen. Jbseph W. Patton •teiVed-the-beiient-01-the-BankrOPt-Law_he was conOideratily in my debt for coaling wooil. That since-then he has made me 'three paymentS cm abcclunt,and 1 have cOn- Tiller/ea that Mr. Patton win pay me.° the rest 'n'itenever: ho may be able do so. • •D:OTJD BAXTER. FRANKLIN CotAsnrrept. 4, 1847 This is to certify 'that since Joseph ..W. Patton received the benefit of the Bankrupt Lnw, he has paid part of what he owed me,' and I rely on Mr. Patton's promise to pay me more mhenever he can do so. '01,5.13 $12.000 900 .' _ w o RTOWI V S e y.-7, This is to molly that when Joseph W. Patton received- he benefit of the Bankrupt Law he was indebted to me- That since then, about Iwo years ago he paid me fifty, dullars - on - riceTurnTitwd - th at li-olina-madirme another payment since., about one hall of the debt being paid. mArniEw MOORE. • MEI 'Staink - agaiust, Old Zack The last in ovemerdiof the. Shank party is manifested in- their futile attempts . N. put down the TAYWR-movement which has bro ken out Fo extensively lu the locofoco party. in several counties. This is according to or i!er3 itoiri WasGSigimiTAl The Shunk metf-T Mgt in Chester and Berks counties two* firms offered by Promineet Locolocos in fa vor of the Old ‘Vltig General were voted down by the Shunkites though not without great difficulty. In Cumberland county the Shank- , ices voted (Ten. Taylor to 'be " not in good etrot-491 company" to receive their Sopport ! 'ln Perry county a set of Taylor resolutions VereTpassed - ny. act lamation in the locoloce county meeting, but the Shenk' organ there edited by George Simon refuses to publish Mena ! hi Union county the Taylor demo . crats were thriven from the Shunk county meeting, and forced into a separate organ; zation of their own? 1n Lycoming county, as3fo team by the Muncy-LumittarY,a.dem °erotic meeting was held last Week in favor .of Gen. Taylor, but the ShunkilOswould not . participate in .it. The LuMinary saylj One thing was observed that THE SIIUNK MEN all refused lo have anilthing to, d with the theetint. Let the people remember this." lit this optposition to tho. glorious 'Old ika of Palo Alto and Buena Vista the peopfii May plainly see how-completely Frs, It. Skunk. is under the thumb of the Polk administration Hall -of the last session of Congress, was spent by the 11-tenth of Polk in various at tempts to C'ellatire, degrade 'and .embarass the military operations of Old Zack,and now the putty eflorts of Francis R.:Shenk and Jesse Milfer are exercised in the' vain' at- tempt at putting down the popular feeling in layer efthe Old Hero 1 Ye-gods just.think of it—Francis.% Shank. ailtl,Jeskee Miller puttitigdoWn Old - Zachaty Tailor I Givn sin? says-a recent vigorous wrf -ter)--tibe-money-that-Mis-been-spentin-war, and I will purchase tinier) , iOOl, of land upor. the globe. 'I will Clothe. &Cry man, woman and child in an attire that. kings and queens Would be proud. of.'' I will build a , school house upon every hill side and in every val ley over the whole hiliitable earqq..l will supply thnt school .W:iusb with a competent teacher 17.will.bail&' an academy, in every xf '1" town and e' .14 co ege every, Stale 'andfilhit with alibi pmtossofs; I ivill crown every bill with a. chanili:bcinseeratetl to the promulgation of ing tdsilel of peace; I - will .suptiott.inits 'ott/pit en Ole. teacher of right eousnessiapAlmt on beery. Sabbath, morning thirehime on one bill shottid anewnriii ' the Cbitne on antitherAironntl Ilteveattlee , broad clreninferefice,f.antf the Volcts of prayer '; • • the sent 01 praise.eheuld aseenit unit. venial holocaust, to lietwett'.", • - • M EIS , . NoBLE 6Ern ikprr.—='lll6 - , paid btu) sentiment is exhnoted 'from Gen.:, TA TL ion'it letter to theonti s a • r. 610, 05, - It st:htllmeintitertlir theilatt.&ntd _heart of its ~iis~ingeishelll 'author nin) lienetves . be pritted letters'ef. plyself#, - WHld, ir 'Aim] thn'' intik?' a PresiOnt el' the tint: ted teteS - in4 who the high' of. ;11( i .n - nt:Pcasitlnnt s "wonitltittrninister tlie 'Gov era tnent th'e.grpatest ' pinitx_ned 'Ansi eaWettle; rentnting what it wes itrearlier dityaal;the would :Make ,that ilsan , PreslileaCn &matter rta' sihSt party he ' l #iot•niiie)nttlik so`atmens.e4Tlie Waskingtoit,l;nion , :iltenctuneeathdhlatnoorats' that ,partinfpateil )n1 0 114)1416 ~Taylertnenting at, arrisburg,,,,:as ( ni ifortOtyl'Aeclares them to,..bp ftiSposq. l : , l typeutbiireti;:says.Ttite:eLanCester' I ci :o'4oo , 4 l iiolierr'At!gii):lAWN sghn eCateekOnf4eleißeee/OSP9`, ,401, 1 406,4Kulit,inc.pcoeiAit bentAtill..iiptop .rvadlioo - 11 qt.1 [ 6:10 1 upprOil Bttlaqpokrotai l / 4 444,1 1 / 2 , 7ltiop.oo,mogii„WWili Aini)i - flttiOri tate ►tpva el tillle.::,,te. liabk'4!Wthe' l o l 4: ; ' 3-4.C1`,,V, StitereNeeune, Sept. 4, 1841 -141111OR1USEL - 7, 11341' - ;1 , - .•;) k `i . _ „ GREA.V4II6•.BLO* ATTLE:r.: • THE l AMERlElNpyfafolitots!-82.000 MEXICANS AN 0- 7.000 AMERICANS, ENGAGED.-4•4EXICAN LOSS 5,06. AMERICAN S NEA RLrl,ocio-AN ARMISTICE A REEDUPON—MEET ING OF rut COMMISSIONEIIS. 1.. 'Destftifches for the 'government. hav,e-lhis moment been : reeeivid.' The ifttelligence he(etoforeleceiyeills fully..confitrped.. , • Orr' thtil 4t11; 19th Wert+ werit'verious collksions„with the. enemy, In which a'nernbei on,:beith - skids were killed and 'Wounded. Ttie'roeica'olled in the read :evidently show'e'd that Geb!Seott 'bud stolen a march on Stuntr Anna; . • On the '2oth the' Adi etican forces, eon elating-of 700a - rridarniet-ilie-entn y-re!Gltar basest, three or font'rnifes. from,flie: Capital. 'The Mexicans were. 32,000 strraig, and post" ed bellied an irrunense battery of heavy ar tillery. After sheet two hours bloody eon gallatd troops swept S,Werything be, fore them at this pOint of the bayonet.. The Americatclorls ,waa less thin .a thousand; -while that- a ihia-NiOxiCantris'esm:ritirdil iit five 'thousand . and amongst kilted,nre malty, distingushed men,. both Generals, and civilians., "• • . •-•• . An armistice was 'agreed nron, and, five commissioners am - minted on ,the Mexican at the *head .ot-ivitorn was' Herrera.— , The commissioners had two :meetings, and were to hold a third' on Monday, the 10th. Valencia epraried with , two pitepanihns, to Talunali • h - ds_ttinee.:Fied_agiinst Santa Anna. Bsrzniton"E;Sept, The pony express, Rwenty tour hours' it advance-01-theLtriail T -hse-a-rii-veit-this-43m, ing, briaging the New Orleans Picayune, o the Bth ifist. The steamer Mary Kingsland arrived oh the 7th, with later - dates from . Verii She brings accounts of the two v ictorious bat= .tles . of Brontieras and •Chai base*, eq . called horn t he OWd work of the enemy., The pre. .pusitionifiii eemistice was by Gen. Scott, gupposed, to-have been at the instance of the British embassy. .. The refnuit lierdtefore.gtven that the city of Mexico was at (Mr Mercy, gedrifs to' have been 'cafes:laded, and ehoilld pettee not fob. Io w. from the degothitiont other batile-Minit 'ensue. --- A - litter -- from - Mr; - KerninlL -- drrturi -- Taen bava, Aug. 25d says the Archbishop's Pa• lace of this plr.ce now - occupied by ten. Scott and a portion of the army. alter defeat. Mg the enemy in twb of the hardest fcMglit _battles_of_the -i , . • 'List -1 - 1/ r Killed and f ottnrifd,—officers kip- ed—RegrilSrs, Major. Sills, 15th Artillery ; Captain Burke, let Artillery; _Capt. HallFo Till - Infantry , : I.7apt. l'lmMtprt, - Dritgrntiv; Capt. Casson, Ist Artillery; Caot.l4nari7; 15th Infantry; Capt. Antlen-rni, 2,1 Infantry; f.ieut. Irons,. Ist Artillery, but .attached -.6 Gen. t lad walatler's.stall •, Liereenant Pre.ton Johnston ' Ist Artillery. Mir attaelted to Pula. grutlet '8 battery, ;- Eat.ely, 2tl Inlantrs'; Lieut. 13othInetn, 15th 1111 'tiny Lieut. mit man, Ist Artillery. ttilititteers-4,ient - ChriMiler. N. Y. Regi=- ment. : M. Butler; Lieut. David 'A dams and W. H. ot S. Carolina- Wountkil.:-Col. Clark, Col. Morgan, Wade, Maj, Bronneuette. Captains Wessels. Ream-y, Mcßeynolds, Craitr, Ross, J. 11., Smith,, Chapman, Johnson, Holden, way, HMI man : Li , :ntenants loway, Ballson, Callender, Herman_ Thorn, Hendrickaon, Humber, Boynton Lorimer, Graham, Van Bare'', Martin, Gondlnw, Far• relly, Bell, Bee, Lovell, Chandler II ii inch, Tiller, Newman. Gardner• Hayden, Sprague, ralmeL Bnekr•er, Lninpkin. Peternell and Benner—most of whom are only slightly wounded. SiifsitiUZ4 tare sale pt peroaual propVtly will iake platteu Saturday ; the 25th inst. at the Carllse I pin Works. See advertiserpLehit... CUMBERLAND CO. LAND.—MvOlij be Beet by our advemsing"cohmitts, a large amount of Laud is now °tiered for sale in this Coun-: ty. Several of the v'ery.. fineit - Farms ur the County, will be found adVerti r seiL 4 11 he -first sale'ofithb seamin took.pluce oit Friday last. Mils was the fine farm of the Ftslibuin estate, near this borough containing 105 a et es, which wasbought by 11r. thezerinf Mechanicsburg, at the rate of $7l per acre. For OK; Herald and Exposit& Cumberland "County 'Agricultural . Society.. The Annual Fall Meeting will be held on THURS DAY,. the 27th of October...lBl6, on the Farm of the Messrs. NOBLE; on the Harrisburg Turnpike, tw•o utiles east of CognirrEek • Co rii frith ce of Arrananntent—:Artnefrong Noble,T4nr 7 nine Bradley, Richard Parker. . COlll in Mee nn ['ante— Abraham Myers. John Noble; Skllee Wendbenii. . . , . , Committee out Agrlenit'l iniptenients—jacob Plabkr, -De v Committee en Beetle—l'homas MeCulloh, TheMak Bradley, George 'W. She:arr. ,Committee on Morse—Wm . M. Biddle, Thoh. Lea, Alexander Dar ideon. Committee on Pitnighlng—Robott Dryerfri,Chilstiati Tflzel, John' Paul, Chrlittlen Staymen, George Rea. Committee : ow-Sheep and pogo—Thempaoh Gal breath Joseph Culver: Wet. M. !lenders - On. ' Committee on Dutter,'Ctitieke, ',Vegetables, 'Probe; Flowers and Votnestie Mehureetnres— William Line, Montgomery. Donaldson' Rebell C. Sterrett ' Committee orSuperintendtince , r,George Jr. Ditcher, William Wtiodburn, Frederick • ~,.. The fratipvlng.Ptemiuma will be awarded iiaid t'or,ttnii beet and most noprovild mOuotri`g;4fio. bo second ', • • do 000 :third '-• • do: " 3.00 belt Cow, • • best Bull or Helfer pa l f,'over 1 yr. '2 g bes t 'Buek or Ewe:; _ • 00 ;106111:9011, or AlcOlri".... • . 00 MeatMeatPlough:. 1 , • 00heat . 1 1 4f1117:4041ind, ' ":, 133 bettl.Moliting and Reaping ' titeelline; 00 best Threshing Machine and printer,. 3.00 For dot best Cradle. Straw. and (lay cutter,toot. ' and vegetable cutter, corn-shelter; hey take, 'or afly newly InAtnted or improved allrioultur= • ,For_the beet,Buttet; (at'leeat 5 ponAde) . ' Far 1410 - best Choose - (ntleat poondo) , • For. dot beat VegetabltitoFloWere, Fruit oi &titan; dogmatic Immaculate, a , a. ;,; 80 For tbe,billit tip"Alinalltwiroecd'Whinktilßya,ignrns,t,, • f lintley.,Onte 'or yalittabia4eed, nut, than half a bushel, • 54' for the best thorough bred Stud Hole, •}JI:00 , '.. I Mare,. 't 1. 3. an Beet stud Haree,lbe field or rood Aiirinteee,, od • Best Marti, •' , • do' ', Hest pair of work liorscsi• 00 -..< carriage Beat_ coddle Mile . BONI,4ll,o O'er rw,°'Yfitra old. the iiii'yinoO(l4 by ,frtYllto °Memo; aa ISltimntlY - - or the ePPeohatiou r ihrltie..nocielyi• hut no -stick:rethink et- Cott Dictate lbe,..rtmkrgeit any oetiA - ottioe.Thr . . tha; hoe tat 3+, • Q„ at ,. a iteientAny *le' for ex 'iiiarimillowtauct terolvo:the,:favnenblet.i e p or o r ' , .tpo.o9utntttioar,itiieh:Pe t rell:,Will,.." . he an . titlid,t9 neettlr :Dente of, 4necit. Signed' Y. tee oweetat OA n teetiMent pop p r o b l utoKor enalety but np,tteit person' - ,,erplatten;itt-%hentgetiOtt...eeith . .eintiarpi" [bead it,l4liitt#Artirj;tbeadeialiYAirlib:itifend'iicOitikte' At; PlOtiOningittitlctWare.:loquOted. , toltitorkniratup' eon •f.intllll‘beiN -of4,llte,Cdminittee-Of'jilteegawsbivite It t 01) COMlTOri9o,iltit Oiclotk; o, , net thou itiuctpcbmi iho p#oo , iprpoisiOVlE-',O 00.416, ittlitt':PAnAtii'llantatilitt6Vni,..tfo. , ,, OW: .7 • ~9.t!. MEE 111 Demtkgra.o.'anCClT a lons. • . , Theo litiOtOilisunwiti rePlyinttolih. ' - iflikrt 4 t ;. E4 '1 _ nn y vantan - ring libli - 4,#;l4:lotitpAritcy" are "rtopßo4d to ail exonitiiii'grafia and - privile,gelof ariy_k #lkesh'il2lWitiernory Jot.rnal with , . I 'ie.publish for Ott • purpose'lif exposing the hypocritical-gietentlers.who are endeavoring .5 . humbSig.the people, The truth is,- anti- - thirce ( cords of our State hike - IT/will show it, hat the 'Tocofocos are the irierids. sail advo cates of these corporations, and crfayd filet -now exist iii the a, o f rnmodwdellifi `,`For years leocotocoism , has...been,in,}theatnicen dant in Pennsylvania, and all these exclu• sivii giants ritailjnnnop6l3) privileges 'Which flood; theltite, ate the exclusive oll'Opriiig`ot that party. The "Sue rebuts the falsehoods ' of the'"Pelinsylvhnia n " With the following 01 - Pennulvaaitt ie riciw, clammed with.corporations, eoveied by-dx..• elusive grants, and deyoUred by spritilegeg to monopolists! 4 - rotirtsytvaitia bag 31a d}iß .lieen iriverhhtl Ity- De fa tut rats; •Fv eh - in - Heister?a Rimm's time,.there was a democratic LegiEl: iature.._The..ppAvei n to..._maka-Jaw.k..htatfl.,-• ways beenin the : handa of the lielifeetitie party, , . 11, then, .thh OefttiitieKtaltriylipposed In corporations, how haa,llp,pp,ned..q.ili these. ,exclusive grants and.monoppolylaW 7 . iloges 1 - . We will answerthis testirritiey !froth OA, beard of Ili , ary: • De:iricicratic patty, ,instead of opddinik•ciFfkien\umesrl Eve , y corparapon now :existing in lbe Stale wirl bblinicl to have -received th'e . votes .1 6f 'a• Treinocratic lee.islature-11 not signed by I n Democratic gmiernor. 1.1, n•n ei were iastPacl mender of our Nava) fOreds''ip the Golf, .'on the fifteenth tiafni May)ast, (two days af ter the existenc-ecif . the War had been reeolii nized by Congref:e) to place the Mexican 'ecthist 'tinder blockade, HE WAS DIRECTED NOT TQ OBSTRUCT THE PASSAPE 'OF.SAN TA ANNA TO Al EXICP, ihatilil•he attempt to return:"—l'oot's Tetit ahhaal Message to Congreis, - Comment iscunneeeseary::- . NOM SALE, 11ViFthifr - be — auldlit Ptib l iehrt SATUDAY the 2Cd_Of _elober_nett___ on the premises, in Kingstr4vn, - Cuiroberland county,. immediatef)r . uppasito the I.utlierun Church, a Lot of Ground 30 feet in front by 80 iiidepth, un which ip erected t. ore story and a tor DWELLING lED-USEi r lCitclien-&e, with-a-cellar ; and also a • pomp of wu ter-neur the door, The lot borders on nn alley and has a stable on the rear. Sale to commence at p. u`'elook, Pv M, iyhen_t-rme will be made known hk , - _ . . CI2RIBTIANA. M. SEthEle. ' Sepleirhbee 150847. - . IT I CA MP MEETING. metuners of: the Bethel Iteli . gions A,mso igit. (colored) God wilting, will itolh - Camp Meeting near die Spring Forge, di tidies enst or otrlislv, Sntnrdny,Sulitlas and %1 nicht). the 24 It ‘2sth With tindaiiii daps or'Sep tenTlier L. - n=ll6lg; rre 111 I friefitlly - ttitlrelin'ogni:R tinev Itgiuus are resin:edit! itoh ted to 1.1-I.voll. J 5 !Mil'. Welch's National Circus! FROM THE 6r.vm NAN AM MITI I MATE I'lifl t AD ILL A. ~.~ '~~~ ter ~- s. ~. , ~ G `ii'Y l,y ~IT x ~~ , rr'Hisdplendid equestrian comPen'y coinprneetl erti.ely of Star Pc foragers, will ekliibl under their splendid Water Prot! Pavilion, commodiously furnished for the coniforlable re. ception 01 3000 persons, at CKiale, on Thurs day afternoon 'and evening, 30th September. Admission 25-cents. ' , lndependent of Willis's celeitratrd Brash Bane, the 'canpany will he saluted, on theft Attitta I, hyithfiWallace.'s-String• Bondiplay ing airs from the most: popular Operas. 7n .the evening tho pavilion will he illuminnL fed by the patent syfric Gazifinventej by B. Casten, Esq., of . ..that'll: S. Navy Department, - Wash - in - atom lie etitliely a new meth-Cid-4v .:ng a supt r!or ligi I ; tree from all nauseins of. the fault of all other attempts, and cas ting alight scarcely lestTMtilliuilt than Lite thion , day -sun. Constitnting thi3 company *ill Ito found Nir C. enthral laderoxlmiwill ridb Ails much ad in i cd acts of he Russian Envoy. the terrors of a Sorcerer of Siam, and the beautiful episode of the ',Writ and 41.9 l oa fang, on 2, 3 anti 4 horses, ' Madame Louisa Howard, the great native fethale equestrian, wham admirable persona= Liebe nn a single horse, charm and delight all who behold her,instifying pnldio opinion in awar ding to her the high }Mahlon 'she has so' Nuct easefully held amidst a, haat of rival spit. • CLOWN—Dan Rice., Aim provukink Dan;tvlioseitifittattYVAT and FUN unitaimeil by liidei7e.e Mid flaeO -bhp fat bel yound the 'llia of IMITATION.. ' * Mo - 110 - arce ATesek -Ide etert; . - 111 e ri ~e_pLßin-~_—__ The Pimp's Pam;l,y, whose union of talent.: is without e parallel in ;he world: Chaititivers thilniost finished artist in his arrangemerii'and itv confirm of scenes and gymnastic groupti+ t Frederick Rivers presentsjivery kind of Foreign act, that.can surprise by notrelty i and Amite': Richard Rivers, (the I - inimitable, will perform his'act on a single bode, as perf ormed:hifoie the Piesident and *Mame °film U. States, end by all present dectattd the moat perfeit U'On'Of: ' ve6anan ii-goitAcm tile world;ever' knew : , " Mastsr 'T. IVeilitle, who hairaeftwimil pi e tore 414 of riding; end executing the mom dia. cult feats Neely:vents, on• ti steel° hawsiAl,ti '''' . Mr: Wm, Stout will ride lue finttelartile eels, on 2, 3 end 4 Mines, forming a pyramid of five Macao, whom he will bear above hie bones at liStaninFAlMA 'e ‘,, : - ' ' a ,"„1: Signior.Germani,'thaf migh(yltelianmiew tnian will ride hik incredible olermnantic ecitimf, introducing,' Les intone 'du diable,,'`and''hiti i golden Peletons, dro.'f Re will also bring',for; 4 . , ward, hie two wondeifui:doge,Witette:, feats Op withottt equal-in tbe Arena. ~ , ‘,r , ' . Mr. 3y. ,Eloward, the — Spaniahl,acgie r y:444 , and groat l'OPrOgelooro of the Hod lii-Of Iltit -' Mrr Marks Footer, who Mee,*greet , dm.' , m aticSeerie, Ondir rend qiii harp' Atne en itilia -s HONOR TO:91111 ilEii9Elet. - - IT ,- Or; All foititiellountri;in,whiel6 h,y Vie :pi, of correct costume s Ike_ willAptiisent the Chief Patriarch tray ing'ier his count l?au l. *.ttie t i t . , TA y Lott, pt'AlpniiiiicKlit'Allr Siiiirom liee.voluideet, Santa *mai th‘ g niiittichild A klesidb,"eonclutline'with, i jhci:Ao.4D*TAP, PILRE.IS WV,' heatinOlet mertioreele„, tyelvt7,• ; - .. den. 'Taylor never thitten r.,.....- , ' 'til it gone. Derioug, of,tbo' Canino uly,mphinf, . _ will intradfidelilh liridlloil POO° IO 6 Mont4Thifi `,.' dm 1 ' whose heautittif Janata far.,suipaes any:. r,.' I thing of the kind , ever yet hiciughtlifore-the PO 4 1 1 0 * :NM t l3 ll O O O PoPi",,A3MOiI end Juliet' w ilo i yAo r amnia , dinner amines," Wails ofi L l' - .., od,' ) lgt"L e tr 4 ,..PEr e i lt gi '', i lt i P c !i v S•belt'Air drol ry: T , 0 , 1 ' . f:Toigeli P rt ar enttleA e /r ritti n tia i tsl itWnle U m n ei w .r h i e th l * ea M tehtr. , • &ne"lohoeiti/f°OijotoOoiibindiPl644lloo * N , urc*lgaritlian Old it 4 way.among 0, ! „ 410 4, ",i0 yapentatlone ef thi-Atena., ~' ~,, l ,", ' V '' . f 1 0 3001 iii": oevya 'Peerittlizt " ~..079fin4 ', , 1" ),1' , ' 1 .." ..4 1,, 4 , ~, ..7. , ,* ':' ,plaMlief fiti' 1547. .: ' hP F. ,IiP - A i lt - ~; ''' "e;' , :' 'f--, , ''. ' "'',.' ' ' .4 e.,`1. , . r ' 'l' , ' ~ ... ', ' ' t , Yt.'