Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 08, 1847, Image 4

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.41t1910 - 6iatoil;
.. • •
.. 1 1 3 U131 " ,d8li1 D EVERY IrEbNES.liohlr:'
'FTICE in Mc South: TVes2 angle (lithe publi i
Sqtuire, back of the Court. ottse
- .
!lino nnuns and F ill y COMB a year IN 'ADVANCS•
Two Dollars, if paid within the year. •
Jne Doller-for slx,montlis ' ' . -
_ These terms will be rigidly &altered tn. • •
•Adrertlseniciitii,nieh hie fifteen tines or less, will be•
eliarend al the rate of 134 cents for one illS11,111111,—;
UMW times Air One Dollar, and twenty-live coins for.
. .cory subsequent lagertina. 'Yearly nilvertidcrs will
be chnrg sss I at the following rates:
One Colman, with the paper, for one pier; - 823
.11411 fa rolnnwil , - do. - do. • "'gl3
Two it:mares,' will] ifinfileily Changes, . sllf
•lintlness Cards, with the paper, s3
'Foch as Handbills, tines, CID igars Phil every oft
., er description of lilts Inc, exoratoll he asntaeCy nail,
en lied scaly nail at the LOW Us'l' l'lllt.:Eri.
The Original plea), Store;
The greatest Bargains ever offered
in Shippensbnrg! ! ,
now receiving n d
. opening a large and splendid stock N'
anvng which will lie tbutid Dry 'Goods of eve
ry deacriptiori t of the luiest'stS7le, suitable for
tlt o' and s . entleinetes. wear.
Clittla,.l s cdrl, Legltoiti and Straw
4? .
He deems it unnecessary to saY2any thing
• metes of the !louse to call a6ll exertsin - o'lor
themselves.' He will t die their6atest pleas
ure in showing his goods, knowing as be doe
that to see Isis Goods and to 'hear his prices i
• loin:us-re a customer. Ile bas adopted the
motto of "su l len profits andAniek sales," and is
determined to stand or fall by it.
Country Produce taken on on the most
' Oreille terms in 'terms in exchange for Goods.
April 21, 1847.
VIE subscriber has just received end is
now opening- at his store, on the South
west corner of the Public Square, aresl snd
splendid stock of
Staple 6S' Fancy Dry Goods
comprising in part,-Cloths, Cassimeros, Cash
marets, Tweeds, Cottons of a:I kinds, Silks
Mous de Laincs, California ,Plaids, Lawns
Gingliams, Mnslins, Checks, Tickings, Glove
&c. Also,.
Groceries of all kinds.
Also, a full stock of the
Avilich he has so cxleileively introduced, and
whipli have girch so much general suJisfaction
Mao, . •
-The rehin Company's TcaS.
Ile has.been appointed tole agent in thin place
for the sale of the above Teas, to which he
.Weuld invite the special attention al tliclovc s
of good Tens. The inannee in which they arc
put up is snehos that the flavour ls prise-red
Ibi any
.length of time, being incased in lead
'or con be supplied with
any 'quantity put up Millis manner,
The public is respictfully InVited to call and
examine his sto . eivbefore purchasing elsewhere
Inasmuch as he feels confident that his variety.
and prices will be satistartnry to purchasers.
Jerlisle,-April 7, 1347.
iill •
orreles Hotel
THE subscriber respectfully announces to
- 2 - his friend 3 and the public generally, that
has taken the well known Tavern Stand
On the corner of South Moore?
and Pomfret Ms.,
formerly kept by Mr. Andrew Roberts, where
he will endeavor to servo those who may call
upon him in the most satisfactory manner.—
The house is pleasantly situated, and Is fur
nished throughout with good bedding, and uth•
er furniture., and his accommodations are snub
as will make it n convenient and desirable
stopping place. No exertions will be spared to
make it agreeable in all its departments to
those. who ti ny favor him with a cull.
BOARDERS well be token by the week
month, ory?ar, at the :used prices,
April 14 2 1847
Tin arohn 3". lavers
tras just returned from the city with a large
and carefully selected assortment of
i N
D gs, Paints,olls, Dye-Stuffs,
and I', !ANT MEDICINES, including all
the iiew eparairons of the day, together with
a general assortment of choice PERFUMES,
FANCY ARTICL ES ,. &c., which m a kes bia
stock full and complete, tin of which he will
sell LOWER TITAN EVER! Call and see'
fur yourselves.
..Tuy 7,1847.
NT OW OPENt'4O, at the large lolesal.
.111 and Retail Store of CHAS, 0 ILEIY,
tremendous Bloch of the cheapest nd hand
somost Goods ever brought tb Carlisle. To e
numerate articles 'is out of the question. Suf
— ll6O - irrersortharevury - atfole i 7 the
`can be had good, cheap and beautiful,, at this
Fr, sh, fine and cheap, just received, - And in
71.50242 41Z1.0 ZW.161123
Ave,go ahead of all competition. I have the
largest Mach cast of Philadelphia. •
Purchasers will do well to' , -call at the old
stand E Maui Strcet,-wlierogooil . berg eine
aro furo lobo had.•
A LEXANDP.It'S T lid BA P 111.1.1—The 'last
1 - IL. i m pro ie men t of this celebrated Ilair - lljte has
just been received by
Ji 8 tW.11. - PLEINII.I9.
ly 7; 1847.#
Salt ail&
2.00 Tons l'inster, 500 Sacks G. A: Snit.
SO Sucks Ashton fine do.
100 ti Dairy do,
For Sale by .
c'urg, Mny 20 1847.-tr,
ri . .
A artitp. arrival, or fresh.. kooila'nfilio
XS,'.NEW'and Cif EP - STORE
' atia4;ligali as Lavvnei.Ginglianiii, Girighatfi
Illea6hed and ,L l nbloached.,lllnslina
io : : Calicoes, Tick,kpge,pliables,lloelei3oo;Q9cons
CA RmaNy.--,
1847 i-, 2;. ,* : ,
••• ' •
No. r I, 2 arittd
NlN't "..
400 f •
silo, by
.‘, 3 FUNK &
J qe 41841.
• Riiilerni4ii P . l ,,, c i VP;; 41/ PO I .i:: :,oi
aI: Vie.A3loo, ~,Torii3-`l:kA,Llfie:liiiitioLaciiiii_P,Pritt4.
C lll 4P riat i g ;
• ••• •-•
.. , '-.:.: , ,i' ., ....','-':':',.. - '.' ,, : - :.'',.,- ,, ..:,;. - :
'' , ' 4 ' ., -' - g , ...a _T , '.',''Tili ,, ,-,:;x'
lwHF l 4li 415;in nfolkfit'an'itef of lb evil I
A'sselobly,of•the-coreisAini'wea)th or Penn-
• sy ff4li'Aeitelidielefoltheelectlons
Ipainied" the 2d 'day 4.1
I): 18:19 s•mapol the' dit!y•B,l',oi,Slie-.;
rill 0f , 0, , .. , ,ery epuniyiw Mon dble , Commoi4eallb.,.;
to gi ye pAlibeßedep:oftbeGenetallEleobies;oed i
in stash nfatice, , . ~ •
-I. Vlle'olliclefi
to be ele.oted., , • ,
2. De's) &Rik: ` the piece •Nvldell'lbe`eleetlou is'
I; d A NIES tiib'nbutttre
of Cumberininl, do berele•radice'laide,n ,
this public notice to tho'#leCtors ortlie comiiy of
Comberbowl,thAt on the SE CON/) TLIESIM I'
0 ( Ca7o/1 Bk./YEA - IA Lb day
.cif the month) WC:choral be held il
several.Oct:don (114tricm by'la w '
In wild comay, nt—which tinicthey will vol t
ballot thb seyeriir oiGni's.herainnrier
fo:43otnnsissionet , of the von lily 01C:timberland..
•••.' ~ ONE "'ORSON
for Djl.l.etor of the Poor and of th&flemsti ofEnt
ploYment of the county rf•CiloWitl""d• ' •
ONP. 1411.50 N
for A turtle,.to Settle the public accounts of the ,
• county or'cooth,...hout.
The said election will be liel4 6. rolighout the
courdy, as follows: . , . ... .
'l.%Celeciioll in the election district co:rposeil
of atelier - meth. of Carlisle mid the towpiliips. of
North Al fililleMO; South Nlidilligon,Losver Ifick..
_it llfin,.Low_er_Ernek lutsbilleMstl2.ellnahMttlgilL
will be- Itelthit.the _Court. I.lou se; in.the_borough
of-Carlisle.. -.
' The election in the election district composed
of Silver'Spitiog 't ownship), will lie- litdd arthe
public house 'cif George Dfiey, an lloguestown, in
said township.
' Bran act of. the General Assembly. passed the
'list day of April, A..D. 1546, the electioo, intim.
election district comptisediifilitiriptlen township,
will he held at the house now occupied byflenry
Dressler in said tobsiship. And by the same
act, the election in the - election district,composed
of Lisburn and a part of Allen township, known
is the Lisbon' District, shall hereafter !told !heel
elections tit the public house now occupied by
John G. Hell, jii Lisburn.
The election in the election district composed
of East Pennsborough township, will lie-helif 'nt
the house now accepted liv Jacob Lomplecker,•
'Esq. at the west cud Of the Ilareistateg 'Whip.
'l'hea's:oMo to the district cohiposed of New'
Cerebellum?, will he held at the piddle bonne of
NlorriA - Johimon, in tin. borough of New Cum
berland, .. -
The electio'n in- the district composed of the
part of Allen tnaliship, which election was lime
totbre held tit the Public• house of Wm.`ilisercs,.
iii the - borough chew Guifitheislanil, Will lie held
at the 'Permit firm PI! of George !leek, tmw ocetr
pied by Hebert Coffey, in said township.
The election in tin .. district composi il of that
part of Allen I JW•nship, not inchuled in the New
Cumberland, George ;leek anal Lisburn &colon
districts, will lie held at the public house of David
Slientfer, iii Sliepherdstown, in said township.
The election in the dis.rict‘ composed of the
Immesh of Mechanicsburg, will be held
_at the
fOIIaOIOIISC niloliii I loover r in sale bornitith.
The election in the district compris ii 01 Mon
roe township, will he held at the public house of
Widow Pant; 111 Cluirelitown, in said toweship.
'1 hie - 1.111 - ', compOsed of Upper
Dickinsmi township, will lie held lit die louse of
Phi ip WCOVer, in said OWIISIIip. ,
The election in the diatrict composed olthe
Borough of New-ville, and townships of '%f Alin,
'Upper Frankthrd. Big Spring, nod that part of
Newtnntownship,col. ineliiitZ.ll Iti.l , ye Leesburg
election -.district'tereinaft et; mentioned, will be
held at the IMO; School Douse, in the borough
of Newvllle. _
'I he election in the district composed of Dame
well township, will be held at the School I lottse
in'NOVIIIII.g ! ill said township.
The election in the district composed of die
1M1 . 0.101 of Shippenslitirg, Shippensburg own-
Ship, and that part of Southampton toWitship, tint
included in the Leesburg - election district, will
be held at the Council House, in the hot ongli of
Shippenslittra . '
And in and by on act of the Genera! Assembly
of this Commoti wealth. liaised the Id July, 8:39,s
it is thus provided; 'Tfint the qualified electors
of parts of Newton anal Southampton township,
in die county orCumberland,bomilled liv the fol
lowing lines and distances, viz: Ilcginni'irr at the
Adviris county line, thence along, the line, dividing
he townships of Diekinsou and Newton to the
iitsmike road, thence along said turnpike to Ceit
re School Molise, on said turnpike, in Solithamp.
on township, thence to a point oil the. Willem
toucan Road at Res Imek's, including Reybuck's
.'artn. thence a straight direction to the Sans Mill
ielime,ing to the heirs of George Clines., thence
along. Kryslier's run to t:0 Adams comity line,
dived. along the line of Adams county to the place
et beginning, be mai the same it hereby declared
a new antlAtparale_eleeiletLilisli iel,_the.electimi held at the public hotise of \Vin. Maxwell,
in Leesbiii:g, So aliampton township."
Notice is Eierebv Given,
" Tim: every person, excepting J obi ices of the
Peace, who shall hold any office nr appoliitment
of profit or trust under the United States, or of
this State, or :my city or ineerpoented district,
whether n commissioned officer or otherwise, a
StIIIOI . tIIORIC otlicer or agent, who is mi shall be
employed under the legislative, executive, or ju
diciary departments of this State, 01' (dale United
Slates, or of any city or of any incorpornted dis
rim; and also that every. member of Congress
and of the State Legislaiiire, and Dram Select or
Common Council of any city, or commissioner of
rali s r . incorportited district, is by law Inca liable oh
holding or exercising at the same time, the office
- M. appointment ofjudge,inspector„or clerk of any',
elections oral's Cominonwealtb, and that no in
spector, judge or other officer of such election_
shall be eligibleto be then voted for.
And the said net of Assembly; --- ecititleil an act
relating - to elections of tags Common ii ei.ltli,passed
July "241,1889, further provides a sfollnwa,.,tin,wib
"Teat the inspectors and judges shall meet at
. ths respective places apimiitted - for holding the
election ill the district to which they respectively
bolting, befosne 0 o'clock in the morning of die
- Second Tuesday of October, and each of - said In
_apeclorx..cliallappninLone_elettic,_who-shull be a
qualified voter 01.8130 district,
"In. ease the person who shall have received the
scam, highest number of votes" tbr Mitt - Jet:tor,
shall not attend on the slay of theelection i theit
the vermin who shell- have received the speood
highest untidier,. of • votes fur judge tit the next
preceding election - shall net as - inspector in his
place. And in •case the person who shill belie
received the highest number of voles for inspec-'I
' for shall not attend, tho peeson elected judge shall
appoint an inspector in his placet and in case the I
person elected a judge shall not attend, then the
inspector •'_tivlie received the highest 'number of
votes shall appoint a judge in his plane; or if any
vnenne.yishall , eontititte in the board' for the 'filicee
of; one hoer; idler the lime 'fited , bk,' law for the .
'opening of the. eleution, the qualified' voters of the
,township Avard-on tlistrict?for which' such officer
_shall have been ielectetl, present tit, the piaci:, of
eleclien,,sliall„ elects.,one'o.figteleoturatter
,to fill
' t !!.! , I'ACAPA.7'...i.: 'i , '-i . i.' ~.. .?.:',;, l ' , 'n: i• :..- ' ~,. • 1
,""i , l it ..511011,1) - e, this - , , duly . et. , -tile . . severer a ' t ' sc . ici — e ' r ' ti''
t•etipectlyely to. attend . , tit tine piece tinfhelding
every, genernl;,speeiel or.„tow.nabip, *ellVolur.:
ing:llie,isiliffiqinne:Arild 'electirpi,hilept openjor'
the titirtibiekt "gitd.leferniatien tcitlielnspeg i p 4 4
-aid Jiffigef When 'F.' led kite hi ei'lafioitio3lierikla
81 ,
oh' toy iterseerai . led: , by, tlieln. to mote . ati., such I
el ectiffififfil BticliO ljee, Mutters : tif.relei let., to. the ,
natieisment . of voters ;it, Aiii' l l l lo B llcctoes . ;i on'
• eitlieeeif, them' Slittilifropit tun e, to.tipee regeke.fir
,;N;ittiterielt. cliellHiV,perinitteitio i vete.,tit :Ivey:
'efeetion'illiforesiffil i lliatf a tsffilte freeittnniff the'
agwel'iwentykinh yetirs;oe fintlie,'Whii shah Ilitive:
. rindiled - in A1118'611;01 at last one'Yeite, ttilltiii the
election Ai6frict where he °Weill lilt foie fitleitiq:
ten ,:dais' itniiiedinteff Kt:betting eitell',elebtione•
Auld Willi ill two enrs paid' a .Shite Or...eilneti lax,'
.whicli\sllllll. have Winn , iiijessed.ffi least tenilny.
•liefore the electlon,... .1It& it elitlOerf tit : itliethflted:
States; wlibliiiit . preihandy- been , 6..TP411'0-Votes,
of dad Sffife`,lliiii remaiiiii theiefritint and returned;,and ivlin glitali.linierritilded In Ilio elietion;dititrlet ;
titad;iteiti . taxei,afottelelii; . phill le' ittitiled.te,iote;
-.'nfleit relidleik in Wilt State she tiiiinthit',ProideAlik
That' :the I" ! Wiliitit freettien'l'eltliefit'Of :thophiled'
..'Sititeiqbnteieeirelfiktigestif bi t eciltt:iiine. - and twenty
' l46 taf.o o :4 l lflii r e , it`csitled.likliit eleakee'dfairict ;
-iitvi, tOstieleffifeenlili','entitletrtit tote it 1::.
thotikif they :efOi Irticit 10Milliiild (Diet' , r '
--not-S:CiiPe;'-:1114e-ntosti-n-;9';:?jel616,1iiit ikei,*lll;ll:iiiiriiitttititi°Lele'vitlillillebt'
1 1fit ir ti a t t irt rul mitt, i. birAtie , *ioiiiiiion'oii.— l les '
11614F0*** with'l)
:1.10„p0:071 8 ,1 4 w, : 0 0 ----,.-...„ !
71' . :iei 4 e # ,C e L, e """ l iffitepAc ti! ?h e IN -t * 4 4r - p# 4l 2 i ii -i l y e g igl
_old :ova
_r stied tz l.l..tqpti tint;,lissrliilliff
Aitt ekti,t4i,niOkinlidlilte!fti,4l4fillt'e_e',. l4 , - ,i' v i el f,.
-1114 464 1 1 1 Willith4tifiliti,, 3111CO011erol%, --- ^ff i t
':.',.• ': ..:•.%:: l'e • :r.?: , :, ; , i• , :0t , t.,±;t1f , M,i7x..14,VA1rik, , .7p
':,., ~ , , : ;Ci,, , !; : ::::- .! ...'..r. ' ,.
.'. - .1 . ';.,!,,'•: . ; , ,'. t.J. • . : ',.,7., , Z: .. . 0
..,•••• ......: - :,':-.:'A.::: - .'4 , ..,, , TV'' , , , , , ,', ~, 1 . ,. ... : ','" ' •
for Governor of the State orl'enos; •
GNP; PEltSi):sl •
for C:oldl Comm issiooet , of Abe State'. PdOn
-51 I violin
ONE rblitsolv'
In rcpt•cscut 'enmities of -Cumberland Una
l'evyy in the Senate ol• ren,•syl mo m .
' , TWO PERSONS • ' ,
. .
to represent the couitty of Cumberload in the
I louse 61-Ittptemettlatires of Petlitsll - yrnia.
oNtl-ttuaum -- ,
lot% Trensnror nrilie toitiry or thltriti F ilni.47.
`tiiid; if
us, a two cighi to vo pity,fienng an clho,
ochetlveeniAliC , Pgletf .. nehtionfintyl - wn
years, he ) thall tleptiso ott.ifettts'int tiM . Wathitt
"he,ll63.rdsided )11.1114'§!ap At , leastycipelpar nett .
Zevidence hAturilitarlitt Catiritegnired.byttillaikt j.
AntiAlint he doeialvtitily.yel ferCfreni. the fleeottnts
gly . qp , ;!l,llo, ; tiltat ho ht of ;. the tagite-afoi'esttitll anti
pre„ spelfipthop.,evitlenee' as- i 4. , retiulgettr by• t hp . ,
aet;Phirewpon.thttnatpppr i the person ao,adniiit t •
ted to vote altalk y be :Aaactictl'to thert.alphoBllllloo.
note o r pi r iP ,
_therittoLliy_writingctitOiet 4 l4lo-11 1 111b--01911-bn
titintittlittin 4btti . resisbit'd
wobt !ago,' li' lie thall`l~e tidmiltod to vvbiif by;
re:mason stiebrit'ge;alittll' called nut to Midi
clerks, who shall mukit lik&noteilethe liata
ot VOtel.4 .
10,)0116C0 14416110 tin the ite
claiming to yble is roTitifott tbq list tali iigitedjby r
the' itateianr,PE.Apateitht`rto
'Vote fignitt tint; It •11,trcopil to
. by netralifiltd Citizen . ; it shat IV. the '4114 'ortb.
iu6pevtora to extiminit , Bitch tit:Paint tp;
ta hoic it hit 61:
,w hint' thc.State , for 'one year: or • mdrit,•ll is , hot h.
shall he sufficient proof thereof. , but -make
protir ,by least, one . eptupetvnt yvitnoss;' win) ;
Anti!'lle W hunljtied elector, dint resided
Vithin tliAiltf. for inure than ten days past
'immediately -PrePe (l )ng sal.l elecOoki,- Mad shall
also-himself swear that his boon fide tOtlihee,
in; turtninnee of his calling;,th e 1
dish jut flint he dill not retnove inttrattlinlis-
trio Mr the purpose of voting 11TeTtiit..
E 'ill
' I 'very person,illiied at aloresaill;and who
Omit make - due pr9:Ofitrequili.ll,tof.liiS eddidetice
mid pavinent of tat R 9 tt aeoetdmitb lie nhali be ad
tnitted . to..,vOlti in ihe. TOW !ship, tViu'd de' district
in whitilyhe aludlYesille.-' • ,
'lf any pershn.ilisll'preVeat or apoi n pt jt c py. c _
vent any officer 'or any election mitlewthis Yet
trout holding belch elt ction,pr fife or threaten:my
xi( knee to anv such officer, or shall interrupt or
improperly interfere with hint in the cumuli m
of his' dilly & or shall ;blpck up the window. m.•
avenue Mary window .where the name may be
Ambling, or shall rintOnsly- tligthr'i the pence-1
such election, or shall nee nr practice any :Mimi,
.thiling-threittscleremor-vMlene6ltrith design - to -
intittence-tuttluly-or-ovimawe nifyidector7or - to - -
preent bins' from voting dr to retrain the free
tibm of ditoice, slibli Person an cOntietion shall I e
limed in any sum not exceeding litty, Minaret) tio',
tars and be imprisoned for tiny time lint less du n
three nor more limn twelve months, and if it she II
be shown to court, wlrere the trial of such offi dee
shall.befnul; thattlid person so offending was act
a• rt tedent of ttle,city, ward, distrint or . township ,
.Where the oflOoce was conimilidd, and not emit ed
to vote therein, then on cons fiction he shall
sentenced - to pay a fine-of not less thanone hun
dred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be
imprisoned not less than six months nor more
than two yeah!.
, Ir any person or petsons sledp make any bet or
wngt.i• upon the t'esult of any election c ithin this
Commodity-OM, or shall offer to make any such, or wager, either by verbal pfutiamation there
of., or by any 'Written or printed stiverutety alit,
challenge or invite any person to make such het ,
or Wager, upon conviction thereofhe dr (bey flia II
fdrfeit and pas three times the amount so bet - or
to he bet.
'lf any per.c.n not by law qpnlified,slinll.fratill
ulentlyAotc at any election in this Common
,wealtli,of belmotherwitelludified shall • Ylite out
of his proper district, or if any person knowing
the want of such qualificatiomsball aid or proems.
such I.erron - ta - voteTtlie - iverson - ntre - nding sllnll7 -
on conYielion, be tined in any son not exceeding
two Ituirdreti, dollars and be iniprisoned for nay
term not exceeding tree months.
'lf any person shall vote,at. more (Inn one Tice
lion district, or otherwise fraudulently vote 'lll e
than once mu the same day, or shall 611111111.1111 i
fold -111141-111elirel. to the inspertor two-tickets to
goiter, With the intent illegally twrole, rise and
procure 111101110 r BO to tin, he or they Mientling.
shall oil eonvietion ho fined ill any Sum tintless
Man fifty nor inure than Ave hulitlred 11011111 . 9. and
I '
be imprisoned fur. any term not less than three
nor more Mon twelvemonths. . .
ill any person not qualified to to'e in this Com
monwenltit, agreeably to Inw, (except the sons of
qualified citizens) shall nopeur tit sow place of
eleetion for the pill pose of issiting tickets or at
influenc - 11; the citizens qualiiied to rote, he shall
on 'conviction Ihrleit and pay any sum not exceed
ing one 111111111`rd dolt..s for every such ofil,,, ce ,
nil be imprisoned for any term nut exceeding
1 :
three to mulls."
' Agreeable to the provisions of the sixty-first
Stemma of said Act,. every General and Special
Election Mina he opened between the bmpc5.....41.:
eight soil ten in the forettynn, and stint I centime
without intermytion or ailiiitumment-mitil SCl'lll
O'C1011i: his the evening, it hen the polls shall be
And the indecent' the respective districts afore
aid, arc by the id net required to inert at Mc
sour I louse, in he lierringli of Carl islet tut the
hind day idlerflue mid day or election, living
Pritlay the 15th day of October, then and there to
perform the things required ortloon by low.
Given under toy hand, at Carlisle, this 2511
day of September, A. I). 1847.
JAM ES HOFFER , Sheriff.
Sheriff *ft,,OfTice, Carlisle, ? •
August 25.1847. S
://t "WM L'ed Remedy
. for Dy.spepii, Colics
Ttwo reasons why Iles medi-
Bo recommended to the public,
—on is; moSfisersoni Mil:4'lllsec go ;Olt
it buy Regain, thereby showing that they re
gard di. as a Valuable Vag') ily mediento ; the
other is that certificates aro in the possession
oftho Proprietor of permanent come having
been effected not only in persons afflicted torn
B l o at time, but also in oases of long standing
It Is cotnpOsod altogether of a vegetable
mutter; is perfectly harmless, ear, be taken at
all times, and is no bittdranee to business. It
restores and revives the animal spirits, cleanses
the stomach from all morbid humors which.
cause indigeition and Lciditice. It also, re
moves nervous tremors, thematic pains, end
reveille their return; cures 'lllll cones of the
stood ha mud bowelsolmost immediately takes'
awaypnljlitction of the heart, and promotes
the flee eireulatidn of the blood.
The direction accompanying each b , ttlo
contains a number Of certificates ono of which
is given in thismdvertisement.
DEAR Sins—about two years ego I was Se
verely; afflicted -with t ispopsin, iv bleb I had"
for the last fifteen years previous to the above
'named time, which was very much increased
by my having a blond vessel ruptured upon my
lunge, occasioned by lifting—which increased
and weakness, to Buell a decree, that two bt
three years previous to thy using tiro Garks
gent's Baleen, I never' aro n meal But my
stornach ammo so painful that I hod homed'.
ately to throw it up.- - Seeing Garlegant's Bal
sam aaverlisyd I wag induced to try ac I
'lifter taken the very first dose It appeared to
strengthen my 'Stomach; and eve's), dose all/
firebisettle helped ;me so moot", ':,lhnt,• in A
cOurio,of 'fe'vy slaye ( i - ,MY etoutecli3 began. to.
retain And digest every thing t 'ate. I (moaned
to unthip Balsam noel! ,I; used several bottles,
which Mired mi.° .entiroly,, restored inc to
petibOthenlo, Which 'have, enjoyed Aver since,
tiod-110t.trefore for fifteen peers; v
ecommend It to all poredwitihe , ate nicteddi
Prepared and, iiihr tAeproliiiWit 7 ;'iopm
, t)y,SA nr,,,p4,,4,1917,1600
ugpilt;,l4Colllll4l . , ;,,,.„, t ‘ f
Aa rc hg l y,.o 4 : l • , ; 'n• P n ' • . 2 1P,:l •
to his laimer:stonic; Pa. IdegdiallootttOrit,
of„ DRUGq, 51.4,0,1C1 r raritoir
and fresit—among-ivhich-,are all- thti:-.rc ,
not, peppier. [preparations of tho...Fropisioni
Aviiefi. hp .willmelk on -As .:good WERE ittOalify
= establishment ont
azy . ,Physlaiens aro innlisted
.thernsclveri..,; ,
11;J hl P"
AbACK;AzA.:;; i
zi,il l 'epti # a n 4
UST received at Or. Myers'. Drug Stara,
111 / 1 . 01101 0uIliPleafrIllo9k!rot4 for; , inveli dB
and Noungllynno
11 1 1 1 , 4Aalii •
2 •- • ••,i'•••
.1, edt-ii4.-) • 5 1 .0 ie ;t;;;;',,...,1
IMT.- igoolN,00;4„largo amptimcnk
Pu l 4 l , ,
socift On. - 4'o ;bale by -
t ; •; MV4.A9(ri
1 0 TP 4 7:' ' I .1 i F.,.1` MiklutEttre*.f," ,
. _
[141 1 r) , !; 41 :#:: 7 1 % :It'
F r i iiE only linilitinl'irirdiiiinelintt some
~,Ivi m inespurgoia,:nrifief,fiatic!-Atretigilienai
:ffilfratestmew medicine.,
• AlJPltitialtA4C4i,ppearetl, Aul,,itoditst.tiiki'nk din
ilt,tlhli• l rame elitiokt
Antii,•artt. -saruiparilfa,Mall wilir
togetimrs ; die, olio
jukaultrivikoye OkilCr, SObStfifleb/ylOl*
an4ptirging, addle, .the Miter*. strung tilt ,
0Arql)01#01 1 1. ,!;1 111 0„illoaci
loe.bymnitlittal men;,lnti
06,repliel'ordtlifloprmr),;, In otilrn wortla:ilsey
Ihli`\viwk mf. , th '
eibes, nod do ut Much : bet-'
tertlinn any.t ! vo ,or: foe ,r4rnoie
,•ttithinig 'frnift ~thet S.);QCO),bIIt ' , IIO,IMpIO . IiiOS, SO
itqINFIO I O OM) : filmy .v.reijklll4. - o„iiird licrnee
. mple o . o„dcbitat , ,tiotl, 4%).,pf.lunoweti by
ildreautimi.„ have a wootier,
'nflhenee on .tho blood: they, nntinitty purity
- out, treakoniag,it, litudliev..remove all inm-
P mrtirlea tromdlie chyle.belbre it. is you're
oh) flout, s o il thus make, impure. blood :An
Ai,there!is no . debilitation . ,
SitPiero is no tinucen isiehnessf.nttentling the
operniloY.SOrthis most excellent .al,ntedieities
tiottS,hut entises.thent to Work in it •perirekly Jolt
oral ninpner; porsonstakei!‘iltetn—do.
bpooineV111:11111i etnneitord,but,llie . entitnit , ',f i
11 r while it IN 00 .111 . 0V014 IIIO • SiO;SOWLriq,O.
I'lll'llo lilt }t is 'Willi Oilier ifigretlivntt, , .4(,vellto‘t
11l dint is rorelgn snit itWptiVe,at Fqintiry4iie
'properly oldie Wild Cherry to retina all kiptiea
'worn! Rod sound ; and home it robust
health is the eet lain result of their uniteilbi)ern4
Forsnle in b.oiele be ..I..Msers ;sot d
.lent, by Enhy !mil - Kissinger, in li.`tugitown`:
geler cis. •
tirlts rebL; 10, tp.r.
A Lk IroillEtts having children af fl icted
C 1 with any or those diseases incident to Mb
tate of infitno , such as convulsions, spantho•
jjc t roup, cutaneous eruptions, disordered
dome!), and Icaiseriesa of the boweles, shoal
never be without this iu 11111ibie teinedy that
tae proved so efftracions in nil the -above dig.
cases. Nenteretis teslini3nirils mi „:11t be given
to prove its merits, but a trialels better. S. ELI.IO IT, Carlisle.
March 3,.1tid7.
Sack. an Afilict,od.
LET nil those +Nilo me toNsnwrive or tifree
ted with Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchi
tin, Spitting Blond, Vain in the side or Breast,
Stiar 'Throat, hoarseness, -Palpitation of the
!lent, whooping Cough, Li vet Cumpliqntet, &e.;
rementber that it is
Tittnif Compeitzto St. to. or TA R &
A r Ai`ATIIA that in daily effecting such.weildcr
ful cures in all these dlseaseS4- '
Therefore beware of all other mix lace that
contaio, cr priffeSACH to ' C./la:1111 Tar,-arid par
chasu.of them only' who arc known not to deal
in Smiriona - artielco.
Read the following testimony to the value of
the &lore Medicine, from, a well know_n_inti
zcivof Oumberland county.
I)lcittssox" Towtisiatr, Nov. 20;1 847.
About six years since, In consequence of
the sedentary nature of my "business, I was
attacked with severe pains hi the breait, pal
pitation of the heart and shortness of breath•
vhich were aeon followed by a failure atm
petite,eXltemc wahcfblness ot_night,and patio I
paralysis' of oily ilittbs-‘-‘licse symptoins of a
deranged sytitem being frequently attended
with spilling of blood. Fri , a bout two years I
was also occasionally thrown into convulsions
which left me in a miserable state ill limll,c
nese and began to affect my mind: Front time
t I tune my sufferings were more or less set'cre
until at length they increased to such a degree,
and the violence of the symptoms were so aug
mented, that for a whole year I was unable to
attend to attend to any business. Dining this
Bone I consulted some attic physieians and
attended to tlt••ir prescrlptionsj but all the:r
skill was unavailing to procure me relief, and
at length they regarded my recovery as entire
ly hopelesit. In this condition I was inlbrrned
of the salutary effects of Thoinson's Compound
Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha, in a ease
somewhat-simile* to min.:and-Iliough - I had
given iip all expectations of a reccrvery of my '
former health by human means, yet' tieing
strongly,,advised to try the medicine, I was at
length prevailed upon to do so, arid I have now
to any, that by the use of six b•tiles tnj health
has been restored, and I sin 'now able to at
tend to business with us m orb feQity nit,usua I.
II EN!? V "Itl Y CRS-
Prinnipll Offtee t N• E. corner Ft F'Pll and
SPRUCE sts:Phila.
Sold In Carlisle Ly IL An;play Principu
agent for Cumberland co.
Price 50c. or 6 battles for 2,50:
I•cbruary 10,r1847. .
That the principle °reeving , disease by cleans
.ing and portivin,g the hotly. is strictly in seem,
dance with the laws which govern the animal.
economy ; and if properly carried out by the use
Will certainly-result in the complete abolition - 0i
'disease ; we °Mx the fidlowing testimonials, limn
persons of the highest respectability' in New YOl%
who have- recce. ly been cured of the Most obsd.
mite complaints, solely by the use of Weight's I ti•l
dian Vegetable. Pine DI the Nortli,A merlean Col•
lege-of-I kettle- ..-
'trout Now York Cily..
Mi. 11741. WRIGHT :—Dent• Sit.,= At your re
commendation, I- some time mace made trial of
Wright's! Indian Vegetable fills, of the North
American College of Flealth, end can coneofenti
ously assert that for, of,
the-blood and yen.
ovattng the system, I have received . more- benefit
trout their ose than from any caber medicine kilns
heretofore beau' My goo& fettune to meet alai.
I am, dear sit, with many thanks,. ioar obliged
friend, CIIA . tI . I S AL:TAIt,
Mt:- GO ipinirierelreiriA, New York.
,:, . • Front . I .,Nd E .... - . •
~ ni A ti stitelohride•• lieeli: offliOttol' foe -sefertil
•yoars w ith 'in wart' , weakness Onti•qtneittl•tiettilliy,
• ticennitotitiethititifies tviiitli jot in in the ;.st i le...i t • m t
•Other tt istreisitigr-coMotnints. ,,,, Aft ow lityritigi:triol
.varitioti.inetlightes without , eiTeti .. t..• Was'persontit!ii
hy•it; feleitti ttimikO trio 11. bi'llri. , Wright's ~ 1 ndron
Wit'etattittl#lllB‘, Whielli'l , om ~ hnvity' to 's , atolitti4
relieved me in tt rigowivotitierfulimaitnel*.y , I. hove
ttsiol . lbw:Medicine its •Idt"••• hot m•short - time, ,, s's.ti
I !laic . fiii tiotibt,iti'n , tersererencesin !.!ie use of the,
Otadtchto im'sbetquig. toil irectioniptliat I .shall•in Li'
sitint.tiriio•bb'llertestif:reptileetl. - ' •
:. I most' iiillitiklfr 'reo6mine:lll said hills-to, oil?
persons sititilsOy:pilliototli nod hi the full' fteliet:
• tlasttltirsiiila'lernitleitil.„ - Ostiltii i'llt'fiillciiii : iltir .
user,.:. :, •.•)•" , ,,, I "..V•7',•'.'.'''.'t ' .:` ' '" fE r l ': % (..3- i. 1,. .4, )
•-, -.:-• --:„- '..1, - renlqiir, ynors sittcerelk,., ,'-
. ~-• I . • ~.- •.: $. -‘',7'•;--;!..„ '.11•1 1 ' , NILY100TI', . 1
~_' ' . Witi•ivittili .i.p? Masi. - op:1. New Yrirk. '
•,3 ,iszso - Anz.qp c ovsTifattlirTii:, 7 The.", it uht initro;
ettotionect :stgattot,thitoictoty.t e 7 (bleu:} twetilUtoes:
A i ' li i , h..isl,' 6ll t;) , '•.ko.ile-Cllet• 1110 called 111...nntiitte:
tirtol,nr to, Weight's. I ottoto ' ti!t,11,8 ! : ;.• 1 •• ,
2' . • ... bliitins 'qiiiii.Y.;:galislft; . ...:', '''l -..-•'''';',
;. 16 hri , dii " otleit';' 114 , 6 ,,IviitinsbUi7;1:;:::•!.:;.''' ;
• .
~' ,--4rettiomsti'd4::;'rOWil;;lie.•'94W-b.firtOla'
. ' .;•'''•'. -,';.T ;till‘ii.:GittliO'lti,'PldFY , 'illt . ,''' : '•, * '';'•';',., : I ,' - ,
' '. .' ', `','!•:;#,• • •• l :.lltViilii;,'''':l,..''.:•- i ":;:' . '•.,. - I .'t '''f' ;. , •i•'.
f4:•,', i'.,'',Ale'x'A'Plftli4ol.t:SlOlibrndifant:•:-..
• ' •. '.'•.' 1 .',1 ISeS', ; .A.',.,dditio,4l . 6deittOwti,;'-' ,
i 3 •;' ' ',.:' ' ''!'•flitiiiti)illi'ititti's.lttilittl'i: -.. ' - . 1: :, '''' '•'•'''-' 1 .," .. ' ':
1 .-'''''' ~', StigitOr'ittd" , Pliul:AktirOliii,Wifi" . '..'..";' , , '.,,,,
~,„ ,Icili 0 . '1 , ', if liaii.s6'.Ailifiift,',' cr . ritilifli',`'. ';::::
1 . ..' /9: tat,i'ile'iiiii . W; . '4 4 :TOOgi'i .'-. e :. ' :
'-'"' V iliiiir:"-i, leiOi r tielt , eiro',liiiivelt!ttr: .li'e.'.','lliiti; i'ii,,e ;
'V 'lO4 , i'lliillitiyArkfie,(l,le''. vi I lii;siliistd iAwniitt ;
-reiiitaL69 . I,tht - o , SteittrTitilicijiptitar,2BB7.43oEff
1Y telt Atieeti':Now,:-Yotiti itoit.t ItlartttemO.n(Stes. i i
su 1 ;dui
011,41 4 4 411NNA9M'.1f205, 1 1-4 ' iP
PAttio,94*, Ailyrilit , en, k.y.ce vet 1,14 3.
/ •A (* J. W. B. FLE 1410 .4 4 .'t
• -
• ,
l l 'May be ffourid qhtr
groatestlieriety,. of Plans and - bountiful.
Patterns for IMINRA I LINDSIo ,the United
Ste ton; tix,whioirtlitedtraitreffirdririiii3 in want:
of o.ny . ;tlegeription,eil4 pppeehilly'. for 'Comet°.
Ales, al -
T 6 principal patr•oralll the liandsonhe Rai
Adnot,l f ourcl,J.lill, Monument land'othireclr- ,1
tinted Cemeteries iri the city and:rounty ii
l'hilirdelpiriti,...wiliehritn:voliaen do highly' es toot
ad.l);.y . die public press ; were executed at 11
inatinfirotery. • • . • "'
'Warw Room connevied with •the
or , tahlistnient.,, -where-is-kept conatuntily on
/160 1' tanOigioekl 9. 1 ready madb iron Rulings
DinOinental Settees, Irtki Chain.; new
style plain -and . orria men WI Iron Oah!, ',with'
an extensive assortment of ron.Poiiis,l'edes.
tale, Iron Arbors,. Arc. Also, in great variety,
'rought nod Cast Iron Orpaments, suitable
for Railings, and other purposes..
The subscriber I,votild also state that in his'
Pattern aril Designing Department be 40:8
employed conic of the hest talent-in the coon.
try; . Whose whale iiiteiditin is devoted to - 'tire
bionnesi forrifing'idieget.flei; One — of . the m o s t
complete mid systernatie establialiment of the
kind in ihe
ROBERT WOOD, Pickinietor,
12 i'deOlt oiftli above Buttonwood Street.
Ph i h ph la, Seli
`Sp ing' Garden &fel
T — ITS-o.ltilifislimeht is erected oh an jmpro 7
-ved plan, and-ity-llnk-eid-of,§tenni--Power
inantifuentres'nll - .lcttlds•-bf Marble Wink in a
Aurierlor 'style, and at the loweet - Flees for
Tim largest and pest aasortrnent of Marble
Mantels e:imr offered to-the public may be seen
at. the - Ware•Room, to which the.alten t tioii,
of purchase's is rearectuflly invited. 1
Imported Garden Statuary and Vasce of the
most tasteful design and pa iterns l madla of th&
'finest and Mindsomest desOription of 'ltalian
Marble ; Tiles fox Flooring. imported and al.,
ways on hand, and fur sale at the most reason.
able prices. •
j Marble Cutters can bd supplied at all
!inra with any number of finished rripntels or
Tabre Tops, n t rennet! . wholtsale Olives; end .
the Trade be furnished at the shortest
notice with - all hinds of .Marble in the block,
or cut tomizes fur Nionumentsdke.
tildgo Rost nbobc Spring brute!' St
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1647. 11'
Cheap iffatehes and Jewelry.
---- . - Al' I li - l'Fillide I pliiii—Wrifiii
..,.. ;ri ec ri ntl .l ,di en . , t l . 7
eo l n u e re r ,
off); North
nver .arry
4 ._
yi r l., •., cited, 18 curet ZIIECB $45 00
itlot'ilrod"reirltil Silver Lever Watches,
full jewelkd 23 00
Silver Lever Watches seven jeweis la 00
Superior Quarter Watelies ----.--- 10 00
Imitation quarter Watches not wartented. 5 00
Gold Spectacles O.
Vine Sifter Specineles . 1 75
Goll Bracelets with 'topaz stonelt 3 50
Ladies Gold Pencils 10 narrate,: 2 00
Gold Finger Riie: , 371 .eents to SS, VN'otel)
Glasses plain 121 cents to Tr?! Lunet g. 5.—
( - hi m vides in ffup;)rtion. - All goods wet - -
Mite& tote what they ore sold liar.
On hood snme a nlci and Silvei Leiri•tarte
p.nei. and Onartiera )ewer than lilt, Et i;coVe
pricrs. •
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1F47
No 87 Norti • Tbird Street,
rclehrity of Me Inks manufactured the
11 . subseriber, PII I the exteitsit e sales subse
quent upon high reputation st Melt they have
attained, not cult' ihrotighow the United States,
Dot in the %Vest Indies 1111(1)11 China, lies induced
hint to mike every necessary arrangement' to
supply the vast ckinni3O upon his establishment
Ile is now prepared with every variety of Black,
Mite, stud red Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible
and Ink Powder, all prepared under his own
personal superintend( nee, so that port:haters
tray depend upon its superior finality. • „''
sum.' inr article Mr Mending (ilstsa, Chinn, Cab
inet Ware. &c., useful to every Housekeeper,
bed, a ultitc 14100,e:1511y applinti, HMI not ttlibe;
tea by ortmiary heat—warratitcd. •
irri!nto Containiog the mitnerong testi
monials or the., or find others, w ill be
lueniarke'll to tito elatsei•g.
l'oe sate at the Nlinitifacttory, Wholesale and
Retail,. No. 87 North Third Street, opposite
Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by.
JosEPII i.I.IIOVEIt, Manufacturer.
Jan. 127, I 3.17.-I.y.
tg? rimm I'SON & CItAWFORD, ‘Vttor.t
SALE DergeisTß, No. 40 Market Street
(Soto b Side, below econtl,),Philatlelphia
offers lor sale p larl e. stock of Fresh Drugs, Med
icittes Roll The-81'11M. to which 010 , call the at
ft:natal of Country Merchants aud Dealbell vial
(log the city.
Coach, (4thi net, .rapho, Black, and other Var
nishes ola superior tjuslity. A 1 ao White and
Red Leath' Window (;lass;, Points attd Oils—
Arnim- thin, evers
T.-&-C.-a re also-proprietors-of ifie Indian
Vegetalale Balsam, celebrated throughout their
owl and adgliboring States as the best 'wet
lion rut the cure of Coughs 'Colds A Ohm;
Aloncy rerunded in every fusion &ere 4nez
fit ie retehrd.
-,,Bltiladelphia,Joh.ll74l/34i_.4-6 -
FRENCH & fuctrAtbs. -
wiIOLEALE D ir . CtIISTS - 7- '
A T LOW PRICES, a large and . complete
AL assortment of Drilgs, Pointe; Oile Ver
onika Window Glass, Dye Stutf, , ,, and s ' Accs,
which No offer, Nory low for Cash'..- Wo war.
run t oui Dent's to bo. pore and of prime quail.'
ty,;.amongw)iich aro .. . . .
60,f), oz. Quinine, ,. I 500.1 be. pure Oil Pop
,50,;.11Irirpliia, ; 1 porinint,
.100" s.',Eihia, Bak , x. 200 lbd. OPIUM.
i.,„.,,.. ,',T, ,„..,. , A 1.20 bbla Castor Oil.
,Including eyori:arfielc usoci..hy Drugilite and
'fit l y .F loi ona , buk,assortrnentf of Painia:Oils,
Venni - dice and Wiudow blase is large, and bur
price'', lush as cannot fail to please:: -.. , •
50 ton l o , PurinLea4 4 .looo/tioxiiti . ;WindoW '
Glifsel;sootkiigs:' Ve'n..Rod4iiiieoCliro,4l.., - ,
' .. • 'looirgiillinitetinscid Oil, ;1 0 bblan::,:`...
. i *' -, ''''''Coitcli'VaiiiliiiiinifsOr,coptir,j:,;=.`,--. 0 1
, ::. -: .' ,, lfyy. t iroi.'riiiiit . 'llliAlqies;',so,,' :: .''J' -
-PA , ' 1:7 5 0' , . bbla'Slitirtn'Tiifp'on'tiriw,.-2 4.-1% ., y , 1...,e
44 , Wi,' ofrorld superior 'COCiiioiiiirtih'ii,4ii
porgalkinP , 7. o c - • , r, , , ,
~,, used +',. I
,icOtii albeit:. in,blu`ilini' - ci,,p'T,Vtiriiei°, „ "by
'Coach 'inid , ll6lj4dVaitere 7 '. ,
.. ' + •,, , c:. , .-',y'. ~ I
;t I: DY alit (44,,ioarntfer' n t :iln'tllntiltqly A I ; OW ; #0.
nest haying* large , eliick . of creiy.nfllOi•useil
fir thn tradei-' l .- ~ ro , ii ,, tt . "7 , . :..,::'!,
200 lbsi Dy,o;WriOds;' , '5Ol/0.14,51r0d Pepper
.106 cathoyaoll.Vll.4l' 2000'. ''..,t'''C'hitittin ri
..500_111e. Indigo,„ - - .:
, -1-,-aICIAC' s --Ilyirrnit4,--
COetiinial f Madder,' ..:I„Maco, Selenium 40,`
• '' , Ala9;:so' Inn's 'ori n e eee
. 11 . , ( !vf„!Pri,c.Pii..
dl3 , ,yo,, ,, aloolli;llVeloi l igif for . pitlt I nit I 4 q uley..!•
l-pv &T . —l. 'i_i wi pit Efron'ag'Rl..Alf itglq,'.;
' Whoieedia.tii r iiggliit4;`ll:V:dornoi°:4
' - '
`.'lolll Mind Market, 5114`,plillniicliiiiii..;
—, *Pril , '2lvlB47:7 - ' ,- ;: .- :% . "' - ':':',.... - '. ;',.,..,, . •
-, '":‘ , 1 ' 1';1", , 7 ' ' 'irit'::,:'.--1'
1 - V.1' . ./0. --4 -
t' 11.41 6 ACTiewitilicitti slitfil
4 1lid.<411Pesfoiqt4:,wriicatid totitl2/t , rifinvuoiti4f e .
drei!tiies frpniAiiiihipifr,clo/le.Oriljl4.lco
,i)kJisibit.:K,Ok off;
Ibßatirnotul* ,(ol 9lCl#4VMOrittisiiigeil t iharilifo
110tarOtoil I;:tlie!lpih>~ikindi t, Uottie.:Eit d qui ifto'n •
- '1"
I !Sit'l):l l ,}F , ,t;-;
:; ..
- umng:=PEtw•liza
...letpeetftellyk,call. theta
V V ,IlonsOlieeperSithil the. Oldie lathe °sten_
sive.sTocleof splendid Forn . iture,Tueludi ng So
far,. Watdrubcs, Cen fro and et her.Tahleie; Tires
oing and Plain ,TTureaus, and every variety
. ColViitiet-zettre•ond Chttirs
Which Alley have just opened at their new
;MOMS, on the corner of North ITarthvm , chid
Lentlfer 'Streets, Carlisle. • •-- •
They are confident that the superior finish
of too workmanship, and elegance of style, in
which their articles ore got up, together with
their CHEA PNESS, gill recomincnel them to
every 'lierson kvanting Furniture. They haye
Also made arranirements formenufaclorius Jihd
keeping n.constant supply of everyeartiele in
their !inc.-both plain' and,,elstiirit
arid useful, nt.ptiepsWliichllley eanGol, nil to
suit purchasers: I f hey cvifuld '
enrnestly invite'
persons who are aboid to mummer.° housciteeP
tug to call and.o.knintne tireirlres'ent el e gant
atecli,lo which they will constantly make ad
d:llona of the newest and most modern style .
C'O'FFINS made to 'Tiller ift, The ho'
tiCo, for With nnti s tuun:fryt.
Aril' 21, 1847.'
- -ROCLAINfit to the WO '
Compound Sy 'AM tlf Ilmrrhound la, iv hbotri.
except,oner otagg — ifittiort, the mostinite nod spee
dy cure thrall diseases ariJimr,- from Coughs and
Cords, wlilifiThinTOittiliat@Tner - Weted, leo often
end ih Constreeption, If Dance'% dclnpoend Syr=
el; or Hoophoulid is token on the fibs! apima PPM e
of a Cough it will immediately core it and sate
the sufferer from no untimely ware. Trice Su
-cents. For sale by Seth Sliii - nce, 101 lleitionore
b t and corner of Charles-and Pratt nt Itnltimoec
For sale In Carlisle; by it WII FI.KNI LNG,"
nt their cheap Drbg store , op;thsits the
Depot. „ (.12mi 2,12417.
Superior;Old Wines and Brandies,
1•'or lledicinni l'mposas•
R• M Y CRS has just seleCilq in Vile city
an assortment of. the most choice old
Wi• es MIA Brandies, fur medicinal and table
.purpoges. Thae purchasing may depend uttch
them as l•ting porn. Also Champoign Pelt.
Claret and 'other summer Wines.
Centel, fat' Cisterns,
A-nd BEDFORD WATEit in litirinis and
lug barrelit. for sale by
Cot ouN & CO.
Cluiniltrsburz, July 28, 1847-31
20 Hume, Sboidiere and Sidcy
for sale by
Junc 1V47.
Philada , Baltimore, Pitt hung,
• J. Wc K E R ,
INFOIBiS his fridnds and the public, dui
trom the liberal patronage extended to him
during Ow past year, be has been encouraged
to make more extensive arrangements for the
ensuing seusen„and-has added two new, largec
and splendid Boats to-his LINE, and will be
fully prepared after thempening of the Canal
o forward Produce "and Alerchandize . of all
ki n d s to am! fti,m Philadelphia, Baltimere,
Pittsburg, &c., at-the lowest rates of frolglit
and with the utmost despatch.
-Agents for Beats;
•llace street Whitll, Philadelphia.
Mcasra. G I ESE & SON,
No; 41.3 Commerce st. Whorl, Baltiiore.
Measers. CL AI: & THAW, Pi
J. McFADDEN & CO, mat erg.
Agcnii; for Cam.
No 272 Market at. Philada.
• N 0.423 Market at. Phtlada
Messrs. SITER, JAMES & Co.,
Broad street, Philadelphia
Petinsylentiin and:Ditio_Lifie,-N. al_ Baltimore
March 07,'1847 —tf.
VIT DAT is most conducive to health? A
TION OF THE'DLOOD. Now e.c best meth
od to insure a liculthi , Orate of mood is, on Ili
first symptom of nny disorder cf the rireuln_
flog : fluid,such as Dyspepsia, Dontivenass, Gid
diness, or any of did . diseases 'which arise
therefrom, to use Dance's Sarsaparilla gr Blood
Pills, filly pills in a box for 25 eels,. according
to the directions, anti yoh tvill
ate miler. • •-ir
One Word 'o f Caution.—When you go to
purchase Ilaneus Sarrapailllo or Blood
be sure you g et thelgienuine article. Prim. 25
ceas per box, or five boxes fi,r on dollar. Fat
Salo by Seth B.4fante, 108 italiiinore - street,
and corner of Cherles. and Pratt sts.,
Fluvial° ih Ctirlisic kir i..& W. B. FLEM
irm, at their cheap thug store, opposite the
Railroad Depot.- (June 2, -1.8474
A Cull.for Lift hectitttl
Diectuary, invented by Dr. A. Dplumi, a distill.
gitished physician of New York city, is the only
really successful remedy fue-ifiallialierotis Mid
distressing complaint, the Piles, ever altered lo
the Anievenn pahlic. ,
The tiectunry contains oh Mineral Medicine
no Aloes, Colocynta ,Gamboge. or uther pqwer
ful and irritating purgative. No, fear of.tikiag
pall underits Hifi/fence; no thane in diet
iiecessllo. talciiit' according. to directions, a
• „,
cure for Weis guaranteed. • • ;.
Abothei. Getllficlite niltlctrto the hueidreilis
have already,becit received, isf:the eftney - c . q . Dr r
clphatOlii • . ;
, .12ct,YoostiAugust P.s,lB46.l. 'hietsri:" . W.teft KefiliiiMh7GetifSi For :seise
ratyeai•e_pas! keen, trails's:A milli ) Piles, a
very, omitive.stalit.of :royzeirimpri int not - liebig:tc
severe'aStehliViiiihitheirtun,,and a driest!
of lillisiehine,..and listen! Medichies,;thitt
until .this,spring i ll m
,neyer,qsed. a , muilicitte.of
!Oiled too physician fol. ,I"he Piles Ih4'
being so severktbat 1 alleiVe4 sevefiil opersicons
to be.peitheined•kvi'llinetailf,:hetiefit.,:.l4tefinin-
ed vet. '
lament of secure. goo 'lndeed by the bse of Dr
Upham's Eleethary. !•1 purchnied threehcixasid
'yotti,store,-andi-from. the; eset'Of - Which b %Anil
toyself, efitirely out:lid-of the'Plles,aull 'my heal th
Mochimprovqd.A eeinaiiy
(1C14131'0664. .
Mer6haikk 4 afitik,l64l6'muld:iyiupatatria
Efr.ii l V# •• on
.r.)VOrA tr: tCi TI2IJAv i•l2liiPulton itreet;Ne* '
;York ,-Petteral,Agents for the:
lirSaiso f tt. EL00T7,4114' ••
"DruggllitageutulillythroUghould mUnited Statea
-Price $l. .
NOVCnlbel" I I, 11146: !!'
. .
----- t(.OllEARPPYfigi.i_.-:-,,-;..*, . :,,,.
!,..4; ,, ..,...-04,,„;iiiit t p0rt..qt. , , ;: ,, , t 1
.•,bl-- •• ost 'ex'crticsinting.•
~.. : A ,_ ~.
,• ',
diseaC.tre;for.thatno.ciTL‘APliEr'' ..pit
ie4Ore,:'-ii.%;:,-;,,..i.N-,•7.1' '.%1:..t,..k..\''',
1.10' ] ,r,01.1"0 i . ,Ai S • i iT' . 9 l , - ,•'• '' // ' '
'l': ' '' .2 l6 " 'i - i;Stare. _ 4 . , ,
,"-Dilli--:"6/31,,,...:, '-, .:.,:•-•4' 1, ~ c , • i'
tiec.SQ; ;840,..„...-'-,---',-- , •
orp.kporesi, 9.nd-moit-pe rftot , ,aztiolei flit nie;
_wAh - toid preeervutjon , of the ;h air wit.
- ralntlgTrOittinorßeermiiriow pe 71 -
• W .-- 11 . FIAMINGS -- Drlle ,
C,a,llslo nktcy) .'," j
MCA CLISTFIRIEWIMv-;,ki*p133,,,,,,,0,ifr
• recieiied iind for iu.kle,
Jung "..
: 4 , 4 0,4.!
guava -put-
- ..0tt9- 14 &.ta5 , 4)..ratitim..-
-Gitilersfr-or-Dafienexdotypto pairitaits
• mor.,ADk.Lon A . •• • . .
• (XinitrstiL9N4ltpE,)_,. + ,_,,____
frOIE piolurelLlaken atlthia establishment urb
preitounecd^,by and .scientific ' th eft.
Whtlyalled'etir,:dcidlixit tone and,aglinass 'or ligh t 'tut While' they display all the, artistio
nrenngetnent of the highest ,effort of the_prtilitor.
Citizens Or stidirigers Vitiiting - the Gallery, can
have their Miniatures or 'Protinlts'taken in
,unigne sfyleviiiiil:neatly set in' Morocco, c ases,
tlttlilicteitets or Breastpinb :tie; itt Minittes.
We, copy the folloWing•'.ftaina ••thei PTadelphia
Saturday Courierr • 1.,
The public joiirnalaidiye at'llifTerent'pergurn
singnineed, as a remarkable proof of the' kill'and
;proficiency of A merienii Artilds, that , llagiteren;
types are now mode in this city stipuriorin event'
respect to those' made in pity . or •145 . .gtiropeap
cities. The tuccest Atneridan. arlieflOven
'Confirined in a very gratify ing,:tind itinamtiv
manner, by Mr Ba r num" , publicity 'stalk* sa.
t b e . 410. 0 .of his Tom Thumb exhibition,
city, that Mr. Root had Made fifty-one .gitiod
tures with only a single failure. In addition le
• whibli . .Mr.g. [Malden furrilliedwiili the fellOw 7
Sag wencluslVe2certifieate , signed it peri:
Celt ell 'by' the parents of Tom Thtnitlipiby:.ll4la.
Barnum, his tenebeeS and secretary, all 01 whom
were with him in Euroim
• ' • PMLADELPIZIA , lope 4 1847.
The ranglietecitype of .Tom Thifinblnald
, iis .set eta!, teachers, footman;
driver . ; ciluilinge And• lasAstriniss...entiln .11rA
(tharactera, made by 'Mr. A. -Root, ciIF,T,Y4,r
°NV: 'all.) . present diiree of nEcifritey aptl'
to ness to' .Nnliiter,' With a bold charm
..turboe • sofingc„espfession,_beituty.stid-tielicticY
of finish and uniform brilliance.. that : we .havp .
never . secirequOleai They are elvehrediveli . eil9r
to any thing of the kind,witnessedby is Mier in
at. In Lottliit, Nils or. any or the
cities of Cerope which we lisle ire
lake iilensni•O in lira ring testimony to the beurtesy
'and skill so uniformly dianifettell by Mr. Root;
the eminently siiceessfill Daginwreorypist. •
Signed. ,S,• STRATTON (the kather)
CI'NT B'3•ItATTbN (the Mother),
(Exhiwoi• in England and Arne
Oen ncd Proprietor of Ale New York anti
.Baltiniere Museum.
AV. W. IV Ensirmi (Secretary)
(Advertiser and Secretary of 'ran Thumb In
11.1.1. SHER iVIA iN; (iiis Per E.ptcli)
This is ceriainly very stritti; ttstimony
favor of American atmerinrity, coming as it (Inca
Isom those ivlio lame examined siirennens of the
best protitic4ons in the art in most of thh tiriiith
plc cities bf Kurbitt.;
.I.ttly 28 , 1847--6 mo. . • • •
rriliE Subscribers, Importers and Dealers
in Foreign uncl - Aurermtin Iron, - beg leave
to call the attention of purchasers of IRON and
sT EEL, to the now .assortment of Swede
Norwegian; Cnblb and Common English hod
which they now hate and fire constantly
mitring from' Europe. direct., .Also Americad
nit), consisting of Iloop,,
English ) Russian and American Sheet Iron;
Small Round and Square Iron, from 3,lfhliti
and upwards; Boiler and Flue Iron, noise ,
shoe and Nail Rods, Axle' Iron, various sizes;
Lecomotivi, 'l'ire find Railroad Iron; Anglo
Iron, Hall round Iron, &c. Spring and Blister.
ed Steel, from best stainps of Swede Itbn:
Cast and .Slicer Steel, 4:0.4111 of which 04
offer at tliu LOWEST rules, for bash;.iii at
six 'months for approved rbterenco, and to
which they invite the attention of purcliascia
brilLre rephnishing their stocks.- - •
Also, and lilt om Iron received on &tali
mission, On tvliitilt,adtancetrwiii be Made.
• Iron and Steel Merchanist
117 N. Water St. and 50 N. Del, A verittc, a
July 28, 1817-1.,
TIIE Autrscrllier offers to the trade, or bi
retail, a large and genniiii oPaortmentti
the following urticles, being ull tif lila own ha
portutian of lianoracture.
Buyers or goods in this line nre invited to
examine the assortineiii, nod orders arc
tad, with the assurance that es ely cen't will be
made In give satisfaction nod insur., a contin
uance of t Liston].
Gold F. Silver LoVer Watches of oidlihiryilual
Do. do. do. of trip, rim. finish.
Do: db. do. Ancliors4 Lepisies:
Silvor double cased Englidi and Swiss verge .
Watches, with light, medium and heavy. ca
Gold fine 'and commmi.
Nuted.'und _Silvcr-Wures:
Niusical Boxes, phoying 2, 4.6, 8 and.lo tunes.
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
Diamond Polnied Gold Pens.
. - •
Mantel and (Mice Clocks, in gill and Oita
Watelnakers'Tools and Materials of all sorts.
Fancy Articles. Fancy Funs, Steel Leads, 4e:
flaying every facilily Ibr obtaining goods od
ilia moat adtantaStons terms, eorreaponding,id
docements will be offered :o purchasers.
112 Chesnut St., Philadelpliid
July 11,1847."
1/I.ct Lb uaps, La ileo' Miffs ! , 'Boas, &o:
Ilan and Cap Warehouse mal illanufaciodi;
196 AllarkEt_Street,---t-
ESPECTIULLY Benoit attention. to their
large and et:1111061e stork of
.flats and
Ci pa, matmlbetmed under the:r own, itnimedlz
_ate_direelion .a per i men dence i
advantages cif modern 'improvements to, enable
them to combine* the ftittiortant finalities of,du.:
rability, dna -beauty of finish with et.
tromp elieepnees,of. prlee..,
A intinencle and -Wait lily] davaitriten t• of aII
vdrictied and ~p,fitete Of Deliver, Druali:
Molenblh, Russia; 'easvimere) Wool,': 80444
.andAvhland Hate . . Also, a general tiaafrtnaint
of every variety •uf Cam - Otter; 'tour . ..Veal, Hail
Seal, Meek rut ; Plain 'and" Pe n6y riv F ly
style, Red. Black nnd 'Brown , Alulni ‘ ir,Seqetql
Glazed,loiled Silk and
Ladies' . klufN . .Onee,:!lite.;io. tits v e ry tOV.ror
pi kesC
BO eta liyihO :45en or Llethyttie;Anvite'd'-,
dnif,seeif it. in not to their; interest to: di
T:1,1) 11,, - ;•!,,t
~-.:Tartietrla attention
psi theilaolking. of
,(1!, di, 111 11,11.
Kash card and
URN* RitaWisi
July 21; 184
isivpiek i y
Ili tit
s witli s n di...,NKAV,. GOO DS; - consi , ititig
t, el: , the re ll eekiii APO qe,:.
11 C;IiiifAiiiti FMCS r# ,
inid, NV I 0 7.1 , q1 (
i,J' White owlkreynAttistins - '<.,-),4:V14;''1'..
White nthltbeekit 40iiiiisAs!er n s so. ?.Tiekings,mid checks. - Al .
m. . •-.',
-f25-4 rizr . tottnn - frinstern'all - ktiicts w ,. ..,t,..., '1 - 'V
. 200 I Ls.; er kite - RIM 'iitilorer 0311 4 b? r .ftr.# vf P .
Ail , q ., ,' ..-..-:-.. -,,,, •
Irish Linens, f rent 3n,y ,. 5.,t w yi ttok ii- m u&
',Plain-641a' Beek;SIIIPPO'" . . i ~ L ., ) 11.•,,,i-
~...1•• •
iina.. , ' , II- ''''' t:' ''' f ' 4 'lr'er eentlemen4 i• :„. •
• • W. l o l ° a" Fa t 4 Un4ifil • 1 ' 'lts , ', eV en ,',
' . :Sernetei; t,laiit sino- 1 4ahn a rP• ' - rk e '• & .1 ,°•
;;Caßisinier . oli,nlo -.V.,e4l,Mtiit'‘Ceferik.wFri.h:ol,7ol.4l;
!Th6:4lbo'vil4flr.f.ii,q,°,lgt+ rthilf.ih'66 , A 9 4/ Stay
make my .stollik ontninell: t ,„,„_.. : _,,_i . ..„, .... , . . / v..
in North ann.Oter IlFaa . '" '"iyjir,tbleti,'. ' 1
„....4 t li - ..P-, 4 :, , ~ ~;„,, ~1 .
~ „ „
~.., , „ s.
.',, cjo!ifi ,' - ',tu1t , _•Yr'48 , 4 ,.. t .„ .... - , ,, , ,,, ,, u, ~.• .
‘gottl,d'srltioei, •
tl ' i l, l".egik.4 ll Npeii;l;:i , ; l :,„c•T4P,.3 - i y . 41 . 1/
''':•64: Ff K.-I%, :i .PO POeb t lY4kl4 - 11
, •;,:qv
„ „