Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 08, 1847, Image 3

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Valuable eal Estate"
t: - .I74CDELIVEMatEI.. S .2 g •
II Ili MU folfgeilik notate; late t h ;? . .reite rty
ot:,.psyrta Deltsbooyer, el : Monroe town..
shift,.Ofinitier,lnii'd • etiunty, :Pa 4.locotaeli
tors of the 'said ‘Georko•end the Attorneys in
• , -fact for tlOttliter , pbse
•to widosit, en& heita , of the said George'-and
- , theirS:olltis lion Daniel, ! Meet - motto oti EDNESI
thetGth,-andllbresty.ty the 7th of October'
It- •
' 3 ",00 Ojai of those'daYs, Wit„ iXednesday ,
, dl lliwill besuld on the premilds; by publi c ,
q'Cltick,'A. 51.,ihe following tract
.., 4 pf,LimaloncLand: situate in 'Monroe township,
s,,ilicar Vita For/lc:of Michael .Ego's heirs, bound.
ed by lands of the said heirs,' Geo. %Wilbert,
Martin Miller's heirs, qesie .I.'Mttig, Geo go
X o .iitzrind others, containing 259 Ames, !an'
Peiches strict measure Time aro on the
ii-Sining Mose r and-otber Out
n ❑
good Qr:chartl, a well
itt WOW; it spring,'and th i e Yellow 'Breech
') sitrVciOrtp)ili'throitgli :Oa rt orllte p isea.
TItIOAfp.Ot.. of:l4dd. et;hl . : togetlie:r or in
ttv Pice,'Ot`i, rip nniielt`eot stilt kit o sers:
antl4lt the ennio,Ploce, will.
~t1.2tV11441•11, . tr aet Heim rAfell I rom the,
above desoribod tract by.tho Yellow Breeches
..‘n.rOOkt, bounded-by Al icbad ge's hairs, Su
:..i ,, ,Ctodcett arid ptherri, and coritliiiii rigiiptyii Q IN
;.V.51 .7 4 - 60- 7 tie'rcs; thereon creetd a new
;1 Vetijta4, • ° •.
- .
. •:Igtekkt notsi;,'BA:NK BARN ,' , ritiNhAtth
~-:v / 14,1EIVispluso MILL, AND OTHER OlIT:IlUILDINOS.
VTliereie a , fino• Orchard on the premises, and
good Well of water. •
will ulso be' field on the same dip,
'email lot' oP Woodland, bounded by James
,Creeliettq2n'd others, arid containing between 4
'and •.5 acres f ig thriving young 'Filcher.
•On the second day, to wit, Thursday the fah,.
.day of October, will ho avid on the' premises,
-at I o'click; P. M., thdfrilloieing tract of !Wynn,
-halm-Sand, situate-in-South-Middleton- town..
ship; in 'said county,bounded 'hy . Jacob Strick.•
Michael Ege'shcirs and others, containing
'about 71) acres of good •
This tract will ho sold-in pieces or together to
snit purchasers. In ease y l ei sale Is - mail s of
,the land in Monroe township, the same will
oirero for'rent
The foregoing lands aro well deserving the
inttmitlon of all persons desirous of purchasing
first rate farms, and all such aro requested to'
examine the property for themselves, which
'e'en be done by calling on
-any day - before the time of sale. The con/
litats Will be made known on the day of sale
Executors and A ttornayi in fac ,
Sept. Bth, 1847.-4 t.
Paluabte :Farm
ON F"lOAl,t le fit s day of October next,dli
subscribers will oiler for sale on the iircnif
' sits, the valuable EARN', late the 1• 13 ,p, 1 •1y 0
John .Trilitisriti,Ate'cl,sitiinte hi AVVSt Pell itihriro
and Dickinson 1. wiiships, Cundierli.sul curi a ty
'upon the turnpike - Gad leading from - Vs lisle tr
''Lliamtairslinisg, about 7 tniii•s west of Eacikt,, t s ,
Si miles sontli-cast of Newville,'Umit. hang :i'27
Acres GO perches of Limestone Liana, about. 260
•.acres of which re cleared and in nii ecellciit
;shop of ',fulfils - alien - , and the remainder is well
limbo proveinents are a
- 16 1.-,11,, • two 1 :OUSE, litsilitin,
1 1 .••• t..
--I ~,,,. i-slisst,-Goii-crilv,-
11,111•, ~ . 1.,
II I 1,, .. • ORG ml a newer-radii,
- , is
- - - -"-- 2 ---*- - - %Vail --Wat—r - 11Cfil. — IIIC
1 11 1 / 1 1*e1. also 11 stn: ruse witlt stabling
'sot:tithed. •111
• The situation of the 1111111 is such that it n as he.
• tetsdilr. flit ides! into 2 or .1 good sized farms, and,
will fie_sold in partgor as 11 whole, as may he 11.1. e
most .nlvailtritp-ous to the estate. l'ers.this desir—
ing information 0185 apply - either to Jacob Failor
Ann the premises, oi'l'O lie ;subscribers.
Kr commence. at II o'clock A. M.
J A.lll ES It. IRVINE, '
a - Executors of J. Johnson, dee'd.
September 8,1817.
*.*Laticas'er examiner insert till sale, and
'stint) bill 81111 paper to this naive...,_ _
,rirmE following , re'4l estate, formerly the
property of „IsaucoKeinper, will be bold
'ma the premises Joy the subscriber, by publi:
''se?!tlito . or ontory 7 .,on...SATUß Y, the 2.5:11 ut
'lBupt r Oinber, 1847,at 2 &cluck in the afternoon of
said day, to wit: All that tract of laud billy:
'ate in Dickinson towriship, Cumberland coon.,
ty, bounded by lands of William Striver and
'others, oud coiltaining 42. titres, lOU perches
Inure or less thirty acres whereof are cleared
and—under knee. Thu improvements are
'two story log house, a leg 'sCu s lile arid a .car-:,
,pewter shop. There is a -good orchard of
gicll seb•ctdd ftuit'on•theprentieee. he terms
'dl sule'vVill'be made 'known on the day of the
vendua a by • 11F,NItY
. .
'Assignee of Isaac Kemper
80:1',78t11; 1847.
To Teachers and. Patents.
*rat E talent ion al ... Tem:la y9Ollll Psiviits is rs
ju 9) ,„ fully valleil to tile :svge and sn erim
"Ssiortsiteht of . SCHOOL 110 0 KS, ut the Je w Ch
. .
% I - I AN S' fi" I• 1 /0 Mare of •
S • W, //A VgliS HICK.
4 t l4,Amctig.N rind Manta
-0 0_
4,_9l:_tbs_CumilisttancL__Valley_R 8 i
op& Company, will be held trt the pnblie
Afoneb if 1. A. %Vinrott, in- Carlisle, between
'the hours of lO A. M. and 4 P. M„ of 1110111
IDAY,i.lic 4th tiny of OetoWr next.
E. M. mpritE, Secretary.
RAn. Raab OFITJCE, .
C . 1 0 1 06, 8 0%1 F, 1847. '2;t.
bIRSQNS iChout to bUy
greatly to theivtµl2*.iiik€ to,
apd,kors othei.f.txpptisalLorp yglit
'lo'tirea(j)t4 lii themily. , 1 1 1 97-.-cinindf 1 ,0
suited with tibleesChil the yery chosceAssoriltlVlii
Ingrain a.),1 Curoethigs,, ii,great snidely;
sidlAk r ‘ir Ityles : ' nod ()if
cab fot.troonssi !tonsil
ingruits.Carifets from 25, ite',.somelits,mid
iiisdr:Vaboctsifecim.4s4 to '
Alib Hearth Rugs, 'table:- mud
fici.:44irti l / 4 v kV:l_lf. one i.249y,e„Chesilitt
I'l6 te 6 , l,
847 ' '''t
To 1120'Not OA - 4,0A -
DiatilefOOnipoiell of -dm
finivramoirti=4 , olfer . fiffyiietf'aa'ai"go nilifliits
for .SeSATOR. fry"
41rygkouKcitinolinr,Dernoarark4irinoiii!et ~
ann - .lndn'cod to this bsotho; cattiest iiulioitalyini
of many friends '
, •T. Mi _
cumted co i l A PgllsA,xo, 1447;,.
, tr„
• 111,0A11111;
IVOTICE is beieby„given blot an etsoic;l ,
land Val ley AC'ittityl:Tialooti4
• ; ‘tt •.•
• ••• 171 1o)iii,.#';:f/ietjtkiil.;;S:tpkiltier i iieN",,,•:4•,l;
to serve,fur:qhmyAi.' . : / iu fLLER
1316 kiriio6"A:Vig , I I 1 . 8.41-44jv .t ' , ..,ii..41.6dtey
rtitit . :ikk*iiikiiiktiqcoiiiiiio 004 to inform .
;" Riorkiii;9 ; 44k9;.P.uhlkt;,q("ffig.ll Ufon
• : — lirt l eki ! - IPtihtithl 4 A. 4 o.4isickl*ilOieftiprit-iir
4 °-N 00 . 6 .-1 19
J. ..-.; wiLMWOMEOgIitFIDier;
_ ,
Ncw,i.a_Operti ti cuts
... , ~
1[ 2 :1 - IIINS • 10011U1k1" SALE.
iiro,6ober, 18 , 117t,'
Alt!, ;persuad esr an' OidePof Dick Prphatisk CisiirraCPlnV6B6ld.
'any, the
,(14,111y1a6;',4caiiiffliiid4b40:n0,01.,t6.-,1,11'0:-kOP°V, c'ls
Jacob High ;
-, ... , No.. l ','l,A; , .Tirtrit:ASflAiro• i • c liAitokn
74 trids. - . 7 nAbituto . :::C4rieijOib: ;';North
'aiid _lands at tho hairs of
said decedent) herolnaflor .describelfas No 2.
coitiining 227 Acres and )31 PorchOs; noat
thorcon enacted a •
• •••
Ity„ t ; : IA Kitchen, Dolible Log Darn, War
Shed, Corn Crib, and Cidet
Pros's', a woil of never failing water convenient
to the Innis°, and a good Apple Orchard; about
7U as rt;a of the above loran are firs t rate Ti,,,
bor . Lund, and the residue in a good state of
cultivation, °Civilian about 30 acres are brood,
- theadew,'Llic greaterpart of 4 which'is suituGle'
for till:rge,
NO. 2, Alract of Land, adjoininetliciaboyo
Ocscrl bcd (aria and:land or , Henry Abra
liiirr - 40161er„VILF Q$ Nl , liisler, Daniel Ma
Lausb~ill, Jacob Kitner, George 11 obi' and .
ers containit,g IS4 Acres and 113 Pdrcheo,
neat pleasure, having thereon erected a Two ,
wy Lug Ilodsu .and A:halm, a lloublo Log
Turn, IVUgUa cited and Corn crib, an Apply
oTsvaiter near.
['For ; a built 50 acres al aboyo thrnr are
lirstrato Timber Land, and flaw rOsiduc inaa
good liStito of cuitivnlion, of width abour.2o
acres ere good meadow. . . '
be sold_.
separately Or,,
together,. to suit 'putclidsers . , on the 'following
terms: The costs °reale to be paid by the pur ,
chaser or purchascri oq
.tee confirmation
the Salo by lie Court, et which time he qr they
will be required to enter into recognizance in
the Orphans' Court with ap.provcd security td•
secure the residue of the .purebaso money, to
be , peiti•lishillows—one third •tolrembin in the'
hands bf - tlto purchiMer during the life of the
widow of said decedent, thallitterest to be plid
. her ennualfy; commencing di 4t April
next;tPuring her life end et her death the print
cipel to be livid to the heirs of said decedent'"
one Other third to be paid on the. let of April
next, wlidn : posscanion will-be given and a - deed
made to the purilidser—the rentaining third
to be paid in three equal anrnidl
. - plyments
thereafter without intereA. NOlgrain ill pass
to the purchasers, as the farm is tented and
the grain passes to the renter.
Any person wishing to view said - farm moy
cull on the subscriber residing onsaiitfurm.
.AihliimAtrtor of Jacub_lligholccoased
Sept. Bth, 1347.—tF.
fp y airtne or.n-orifer-oftlie Orphans' Cmurt
of Cumberland county, the Real Estate
~ .fjolin Rutter, kite of Newton lowrshtp, dec'd,
will be offered at public sale tin THURSDAY,
the 2 lst day of October next, on the premises,
nt 1 oielor li noon, viz: 136 ACRES 16 perch
, es cif I,tind.sitivate in Newton townsLipbn said
eotnny, oldie State Road, about-21 miles from
New% We, t , 6 acres of which is first rate Lime
stone and the remainder offood Slate, iliNided '
from the former'hy 'the (ireen Spring, along .
w hich mere is on both sides a •tractltf natrtnil
meal:now of nine , acri s. The whole place is
in ilia highest stale of cultivation and under
g2.od fences with the 6:caption of about ttvernty
: 1 - --.• sores of woodland. The inittrnve.'
• 'ILI- -
itl, gi li , t , merits are. - a Large' TONE
„ A , mrELLDTG riousE & Kitqi•
'y ....._. t --, en, largo Bank Bern and Tenant
' fliTiii. - w, it th Oilier necessary not buildings and
a Siring of nevcr. , airrng water itwtr the door l
Also a thri.,ing
_young Orchard of.AII . hinds of
-,7 eli - ec finit. Perseus dcfrurnos of eirrimining
) The terms of sale will be as fullow.i: Ono
hundred dollars to he paid on the confirmation
of sale: on Ina (Write - residue of the Inirchase
monay on the I Sth of April next, when posses•
atop will be giveil and the retndietler in tivo
equal anti I nista lnir nts thereafter without in.
,crest. The grate in the ground.ts reserved,
and the purchaser is haply the taida assessed
rol 1848,
September R 1847 Administrators,
Luneastar Flxavniner insert till auk and send
ill and piper to this office.
ON SATURDAY, the 2.9 d of October next,
will. be oared at public as le oil pre. I
in tees of 'James Low ia, in Monroe-township,
Comberlrnd county, o treet of Mountain Land.'
late the property of Robert Cook, dee'd, situate
in said townshi , . and adjoining lands if Mich
eline! Misbler,
James Lewis and a few others,
containing 2S . AC . R se m * km perches, of
chiefly Chesnut timber;
Sale to comment - le at I o'clock P. M., when
attendance will tie given end terms made
known by the undersigned, Executor (5f Wobeet
Cook, dcc'd. JOHN HOUSER,
• September t3,.1517.
Orphans' Court Sale,
Virtue 'Or order of the 01 plinn ' Court
of Wiimberini,ll counts., the.llval of
.01111 IVenkline, sr... lute ne Newton township in
snit! enonly, will be oll'etied lit public 'sink, on
Wetlitesilii3 the Citli lintolter. A slot of vomit'
contiiining one were sin ate in Newton township.
!moulded ity hinds of I flittry Himlney.ttpd luorph
having thereon ertiettll a TWO STO
RY lIIALTST, 1.011 STA 131,1'..0t0tl - Whey nerussa
ry wit IntiltllngS. Sole to comintince nt 2 o'rlocK
r. when terms tit We trill ILe mode kt owl‘ by
Seotvmheß, 1847.
Orphans' Court Sale.
110 Y cifutc of tot ni‘slthr of the Orphans' Court
orlittaitherlstol cnutitl',,l trill expude 'to'pttlr.
Itu'iinln, itt (be premise', otiA'II7I?CA . Y. tie t nth
• this. of Ortotter,lB4l , , nt I t n'tslptict A. 11f. . • .
l'rpet of ittlitlictlll6ooVdtigif town
: 4.liip; Cloollerlattr teottrity, I)oniidetc!,lntuts
of Marx Itu (au,' kleiwy..lCl dlt's •hei^s,". amt. 'tile
. 45 hero, 23
'llll•t'tptPi; ereeei i i o
the.4.Wetehieti lilt' XII L,, , '"(1. Tig.tlS! , .
, • pull 1 1 :;(.4' wrAttLf....,:m j ul* iherts PEA::
Rip triOttiti •
. the SrtstitigltUntri t i" i 4isit'r'ttinti'llitout
thke"„htifOlarWeri'llitiiislttiri,ll,44hit!t;itptlc tpoto,
Prstit's - li7Oo • .
tglieJtritts •,tititM i n - iiiiiliU; . !l^S:
irsitu•iir ! , ?it El', It UP',
or lites l tlTettseih-
ttHellteinileili;lllVrtl'" ; •
Miltrt; till !tale; (hill
ortptrAgs v ootritT's2u,a
nY Vi;l'lgii"i4 l % oiylcr cf
.111) ,(larnborlaloll3olinty.;lllC reill , eninke"nrilnhn
V.l.billatut or: Soutla ,ft.o wttil
, lfri`
4,annty paYhitloi
sbn,ptlt oflOntober,t next, on thultiovoolials
ao Ntri.nntot. Plantation oftabtivoid t.
aboUt's initti liiilit 4 otn
hounded: by. tondo
trottij,lnnblt, Zint antl..‘otheitt;. boolalntng O nevei
mc l in or lotto; nt lirat nolo. Llionstiibe• inittl; wider
..ovi;,fooccransl, 46-st bight ' stlito - tor. cntthatioii.
improvements are ' • • r
. ,
srpNE 119155 z,
115 n tanry finIPIT meat ntAr i sE,
•' ' Ini , gri l PßAME . BAitN;nhcr other
clit)l9l,t gooliNtel
• Altioin'•iidko'or Land situa(o
nyl.4ioletT ? vggd,rpg, and 7;sOlitiiiiiing: l n ‘ bos . t
. '34:Atieb§r.?4,/4
more nr,lo ss, oi.: fouoteen• lo
1V 7 1419 i, d 1 1 4 Vg el 41 wel I r en 74) , i4 l :B l W/I0 411;1(11,
gov,onrw,wiitbg ` r oll
duly? (16 #alot Peroontoibioll
w Ito rondos on 11#
' • • • 0413_4111.13,"
- --A clioinisiqrntor,Of Join' Ert•
Septetol),4l` B .l Bl7 .lpll
igooritpiiil'rk.a!li i v?tgrAitittpo l ,lciscA
' • ,A.n 0.0
-h g aill9Tei t itiflCOli 1
, 9.
•,1119,Aasligneo:',04C1141,K. Oetarstiter, rvili
unite m t he sale real eitattn'
situate ens thefllloritugfriif Mecha nieabc rg,r, ter'
i .l3 nreohl - nt - public - vnnanii - tni - tholiignritittrcbir
• TUESDAYiIIid tiatiifftlelltembef•aeXt; at !10'
o'clock, 41. , ••A1V t; • ~‘ t • • ••• • •
Firat• , :tit 7 ;lot on ttlttv'tiorth••aide of •Maina",'
tredti balit:4o-17cet la r front eat 8 iitnitibet;iin'd
extending haek•do•thotrililioad 300•feetimund.'
•ed byltliolfact (flakier dnd tho Tavern lot. 'inv.'
ing'a.Smith Shop, Il'ay Stales anti shed
omereeted. .• ri - • -k^ •
THE.I'etVERN•STANB:—Second-R e in g .:
Int•in theca me'horongh. on thmnortiVorile ta.
the Main street, adjoining the obey°, 'ennrairt.
ing' 76 feet in front and 3011 in dePtteto the
. • . Railroad, hark*a!'lareat.two
. ittory, BRICK 11.0.00F:;• • Brick
!;•.:;: Kitchen, and stattlipfr •thereor
td cote , arpia never talting,we
of water."
Third-A lot adjoining the abovo otr;tl.l
. - t ,,
north aide Maine stteet,containin-,64,1tit
Am front and 300 feet in 4eptlrvtpliiii - , at rotttli
„ ,
. .
Raving thereon erected 4 tvocri:lo9iyiirliptatd
Ilonse; Britt{ 711Cclidri iiraiitlr4r ti,100.4011).0i#
.L. thgejhce with a large t'atiOitiitilicilioy:
Fan r i11 ., -; ' ,l lot adjoirring :444 liovd ,Cifitittil
ing'DO feet in frimt nog , jomi ! ..ipti
flailrtirid,rin vi'lliiiiir-r'i eitiCieil'a. largi, tioidlai
iloir muiilo)l,3 for.,folir hinrilies„ i
Fifth--A • Yrtea I. i lot stijoinitigiße alto i
ve col
•Thiniirg'7olli - e - rintiaTand ',lOO in depth in tl
Railroad. Terms-Aari°i t i n on tlio day - th
sale.' ~
, Jair IN R ,Pt', .. . '
..' Adsig r 6Fej . ibt Martin ur Closwiler.
--ftw...r - rwiT: - Trizt: ,c -- __ - :.
--- '. Aiai l piee. of J. R;Ctswilcr.
I will also sell at tlie,sarno tirno and place,
the ono tnitliyidetr. ball part q r a lot of g-ound -
in 'the, borough of Aleeloanicsburg, hounded'
south bY. din Taticund, ens lry-lbe wiHaty 011
liCs. — iionflii'ac'edi Mu lira and west by
Itllchatl Hoover's heirs, ef ntainitne two fierce
andaljuatiter. CIII2IbIIAN 1117,EL,
A ssifnce of John R. Gorgas
Srpieniber..l, 1 R45 . _•=11... ' - '--
Valuable warm
(I N RATilitl)M, die 25th Serrtistesiity 11181.,
will-lie olfevell at pnbiie sale on the premis
es; the 'brut late the property of ',retie
risk Stitlel, dec . '', situate in I lainpilsn township,
Cumberland enmity within a (pewterof n
of the ilarrishiteg turnpike, adjoin
, lands 01 Jacob !tricker, .Won.
4 A
tt I% mk
itll itiffeos, coo:lg WO
cre Moe Or less, of "first rate
Limestone Imml, in the Ikliest :
state.of cultivation awl vmiler-gnoti fences, nith
a considerable growth of Locust tit ii on the
place. '1 lib Alleee - SPeilig, a fine running stream,'
rises on the wesferti point of the litetnAbou'l2
• aeres of the NM is um ciemied. The improve
ments are a Two story ' Dwelling Donee with
Brick iiitthen litrge Ilhlfk Darn, Carta Crib,'
stone Spring (louse, Litre Kiln Sze Also a flue
young Orchard mf choice fruit trees. Persons
ilesiroui of seeing the place are regotottecl to e.til'
on the first minted extteittar living Oil the 111 . 1±11111
Sale tb commetiVe nt I n'elnek P M, when at
tetitlhnue x ill be given avid torten !mule known hr
et /Nit XI)
- Septeniber , '7. executors
VolksfAmil inset t lil! sale and send
bill to this ()nice.
; 1 •It - triC Sale° ...
. '
rinilk ssibsert IV :will sell at 'velslie •sales. on
t r. FRIDAY, the 24th St.PTSSIIII:O lICNI ,lit his
•ressidenee isi West l'entishorn toweship,one l'oart Is .
'of :vat:lie smith of Nett vi.le, oil the Cumin...lliad
I Valley Railroad, Near Ow is:ett t ille dept, the
following lirolserty 112: 4 bend : iliirsca.,_atnosig
- which is 2. 'breeding Mares, one well a seeking ,
voll • Milk J.;ost s and
Uhl — 'll lied %%ewes seal Bell with 1t0 , ...5, ot.o •
plaatatioa Wagdi.. I ' IPtIgIIS HMI liarrdws, (we'
Shovel Plouglis, , 2 sot I.lriy Ladders, Otte large
Sled with iron issOrs:4 grit 'Horse (lows, Filth ,
Chitin hell Astsreslikr-s, Ishathle anti Nlngle-trees,
'tog:Alter WWI a variety or other tee ivies too um
nit:roes to iirsett. 4 1 110 alsove artieles are nearly:
new, having been it Soul het two or three years,
Sale to eovntattneelit t 0 o'clock A Ai, on to ld
gisty, orlzeis terniviv ill he •unatle know's, li)
scjitr•rnlrcr 1, I S-1-7
D.11,G.V.t IMMO 'Z' Tr ES.
ON ILY t:41,19,
Mlt. J, W. fIEAfI, - respoetfiilly informs,
the Ladies and (Jentleilletrel Cadmic.
land vicinity that bt bus taken rooms for a few:
weekm, on bliattrflanover street, next door to
Arnold's store, where, with 'the largest and.
beat opparatns extant, and Matetiiil3i ofthe
finest (loathe, he Is fully prepared to execute
Daguerreotype Likenesses of all slies,in a style
not to be 811 , pasFet , by aly ether Artier in this
enturtfy.; gieifig to the miniature a bold :relief ;
from that deadness usually seen in Daguerreo
, ty pea, audfully deVeloping the eye (the itnper
testier of which has so long been an_objection
to this class of miniatures' oed •to the,
allele picture a life like uppenrunee'Unusually:
seen in Daguerreotype mrniatures.
Liken:macs of children 119 pfUlfg as two.
years, tlllen in exquisite 'style; and where is
the pareno who would not phy the paltry sum
of $1,50 fora correct likeness of a child at
that interesting age! • •‘i
Family groups Liken in splendid style and ,
lit moderate prirtes..
Single pictures, medium size,'colnted trite
to life; and warranted not 43 fuile, for $1;50,
including a fine inorJeco case. As Ills stay
will be tirrirted to two or, three ivecks, those
wishing - to procure min iatures or examine
speeiciena timuld soon.
Alinia:,urqsjinatie, witrltudt regard to the
state of the weather, between* the hours of
"iii; l 4 ,l FATlCciiiil - S - P - M7 — lnstructi o nv 'given .
in, the eit fey u rehmthe We. remuneration. .
Carlisle ; August
15.1sLYZIGIZADIV trousn,
280, mace/ stred,r4itudaphia.
• ~rrgliE. S6131;0060 dein - of , the
.4. r , tVaallinglon !fetal, Harris
, Lu• burg, Pu) takes thle method 745 f in
.forming his old friends and the pub,,
lie gen quit. he link taken ilk ibe,voma
,moolloTEL.,, frile heitnie lenity lArid cbmfort
ktrlt.,,and ,Isan , been ektensivOly ' itlldred , L dnd
immoved, Dint tlie-prilorjetet home fiSr a terleti
attentiob in Infeineee'end tett.opuer 'cafe Millie
eow,fort , Of,ilie `guefiteV TrteritsAtnd rdeeiro6 `e
share of publiepatropege:-` the; balk it; sitti l
mud:linty ounvtigitint , fbr the traliellingialfkie;
tieing onty tAvo'doors above }haj uj* iiiiieb and
Pi tobarg Pep,* withintwotOinetee firelk
of "fl.lm Baltimore ittlid Reading Depots., STA-i
BLlNWattriched to 4.11 e nientiliet;;
~,n i, P VHlMtlE.E4,Propitelcir:
Aarupt2s; 11447. 1 4ni0! , '
I?"' t , , Ill!fp.,?ipbsprib9r,ttiriptietfullyt
le his,„friende '&1
410 that he hat;
• 4 A vm .: ' ihnva,,p it intid—Livery:
;31.ahlo.,rn,tho. alray.; . le :M? J 104,91,010 Marker :
where ho cart. and Avill , eceerntnetlatei
all those' wheoply, itlVg 4 1 11A,t41:11..1v1th GOOD::
4101fSES;' ItUGG' l g§il,9,4loo4PES,6i.o.;—;
Tlia,Ruhliajilii.r!!!?PepdMAPtilag ,gridttincli
i t reek . a ir"l, tyi I ! I A!! „nu, e ye- /int
iiatee . 'recant
rut :ottentron to merit ririkynneiva, , i sharo'ot
jrubliepatronage:Y.:, .
' 1; 140 1 , 1 .EL‘txTit,
,0,10.11N0T rllinnuksh;
t.49'ffqiiiitipcoksilAigri:oiAgope t nrifi ;. pil•favpra!
•tp P. 4 11 ;Y 6 40. 444,,
,AP.4211, C 4 Ni4l. fo.•.4tiSsiNs,t't
• . , , Tes:korklit tga.
1 ,1rc,.K 1 1(.•;11.0,) , T0N TriAcily.ns - wanted
tp_;tivin t rge lite seven *EI hods to ;Frank foild
f P ,u . r. 'MP htlul 'l lti iirt'rtheOlvoingfn!l:
rwgt NI
So hool:1)4 rectors or god; stri Lt
r-*l4ssrs..,l4tiircy dm St. ,
rARY.s {Jig 4,Pth ; oeideni bor.!) t, at 'lo,o'ol4'l6k
islmayo o , ccifi eg
cycti qi tench Achsktimitliit:,..i;,43
Itd,aMt i t'.'' , iiitoft,T , 1 1 t00.4.1
~;,',AttLusts 2 se, 18
. . . ,
~ 41, ,
-. PUBLIO SA LE r• i i";;'
ilii . ......*,isiukebliovroiTitiviiiv‘liiiiiii:
- - -... ,', • , •.r . , -, ', Wc.P.ortv• ,i•• ,. ,
JIPIP - ..d.e 4 4A0 1 4 0 . 6 , , 1ii11d!1i.01!d1.tf10an,
---.IL-Oreouttryt "C ; 410" dm oat! of fillAfteterfuT
'estate iti•thisooontlyatot:will.itiyrkie'thdinitne•Al
fiddle sale (it not hocinet diiiitatiallor) aUt ".. , ();;•:.
lewinfttitiies'nfid Officia,° ' "'-', `;' , .''•';i..V('
~t)., ! %
" First,ot i'airlot'or gionthraittititiftr
„5,44111 , ', / 411),
went corder of Ihnioaer And l'ithifl'itiVel ' ''''' iiil,i
deirstifielby the former. fiti(l'24o:4 , :.: „,, , 1 , err.;
atriataau which 'is 'efreted a i o liht G... ) ;$V1.40t0.: .
ry. beidk Tavern atandi'ivith,li pie • • , : . i"' ling'
out houses; and,a - large frame Stable- i: ',core.
• party is well located' for ifoino - 00( , ~ i t r ig.9 . B ;
Rothe' now in the'oretionfloy (it Samuel as
•, ,
4 11 Oldie house,
' 'Second; A'llalf lot of grdhfill fulifiiiiinr, the alf ,
ore oltiO.boOtllleil 3O feet on Hittiovir strict runni ng`
back 240 feet to an alley. On which is erecteda
ult.' •tal three (0--- - ''..ick house. Whit n Oiled,
, and a well or onm:fog:
toirtr is at itri c_
to al:ism Too
inioted On iiiii t:
it hounded'on thetiorth
t-Esti : iihel-on `petiotatfi
laroitZ, I lila, ikeimita fiti'
1 estentis iiluk t 440 feet,
triable tintotaluiiNterittl,
tilltt,tifs list win, be
;,,,, , 0141 , 'test 'atiit the in.
. .
onl the AyeM end of 'tile
p a , Ely within the of
pally within
- owns nutanung ,
South by a eantintintimvor Louth, Steve', on the'
nbtli liv•Mikers Inne, on the t•list -west by
Instil belonging to James Noble's luVs:
pt:breinents 'ttre a 1112 W log liotfse anti, fi'stne bare
erected in IB4o,illehlis a well -of.stantling
terandatquitdristiard on tlE6itr4orisrib :111i+ farm
is of the Itestlittality of limestone land, the s'neface
reek tied loose stones. The 1:1114 is
sitSeeptible high state, Of cultivation. These
tratts-will be\ SOW to, ether or in stnall , nreels as
may bestsuit Sityym,lllay:uonrorio_tfie .
proved inav. of.the borough as to make it desiren
bre for r i lltshire lots, atultlill be sold erne such if
. not disposetlVlng . etimr. This property- is neon' 4 Nese, and wilt lie ofTered at pub
lic soleiri ittepreffintes 0.l We(lll6illify theland
slay of Septen994 , ltort nt eat of
Film,A tens situated in North Middleton tp:
Abut. ls j miles from Curl isle and iliOnt 1 . -9: mile
from A tesantler's milt-It is h untle-t1 by Ike Con
odogninett creek, IVil/hun Graham, Mr. Coro,
num, and lite heirs of Satatul Adesander, tlee'd
containing e 76 abrus 67 preclies•- 'llse improte
mettle ore"' log !souse. log flatus nutl.a well of
gond water, s .tite fiellds are ntivantageoilsky sittialed
there is an excellent Meadow along the creek.—
This - propesty is at present under lease to . 1111
3ugerts anti. W1;11111_ bireret; Or sale-an the-urem
ises on Tlonrsdny the '1).3(1 day of Septelaber next,
1 he tertirti will be inittle korrien qh the ~,f.
stile hr r. Robert given of -Knuth A11441(10,,
township who is folly Hill Ittori4tell -tomtit for Its nod
to whom we eetix any person wishing info motion
on the stilt,ject of these prnporties. It ma) hl
'molter. to renttirk that • the terms of Vale he
made tte.Oommotlating regard to payments --
Persons . "A'tlibingto extttrt ine arty of these proper:
ties will 'tit! shouts theta by the lettalitein posses.
do lid OWII Nee1111111.311111119 Ginurtlitin of •
\OI.I.IAM 13 130 \V N.
N.R— Mr R, Ci iie can be seen Iritinently a
Mr. NVinrntrs Hold. -
CnrliSle. Angnst 11,1847.
1.1,f, be sold at public sale on Satntday
• v the 2tl day of October no xt,nt 12 o'clock.
on the premises, Isle the, pt bwrry
_of . Michael
Frieze: dee'd, Ina te,in .anufh_Middleten lawn
ship, Cumberland ctainty, about 3 . miles south
oast-of-{-:441-is I e,need-about--2-miles-north- of.
Craighead's m.ll. containing' about'. I 00 1 41 ems
of first rate Limestone lad. About 75 Acres
arc cleared and under giad fence,and in a high,
stifle 01 - .cultivation. The remainder is well
timbered; the 'improvements arc a live story
Dwelling and kifrelien antl.also a. one
huff 'tory tenant liiinTO nert:%ll9 man
sion .Iteuse, log barn ,and wagon sled, corn
eribwand-other out boildin , s,niiil an ekeclient.
well Of water near the tionsr:; also an Orchard,
of choice frail. - Persons wishing information
are invited to'ciell on 'the sUbscribers 'to r on
Josiah Sheffer, who resides:on said fitim.
Terms will be made known on day of sale
Exec nuns.
Miami( 25, 1847--Is
Fariat. for Sale.
HE subset i bee offers h H. fa rtn for 'sale situ.
sled in Alitllin tp,Citiriberland - co, 4/ miler;
nest of Newville, near Eckard's mit!, drintain;
ina. 102 -notes and nllow•ando, about /5 acres of
nit MI) is covered with thriving limber, nod The
remainder clear and •in good btu te'oftmitiva lion
A sufficient portion of meadow; has Water in
every field but ono Tho improvements ate a'
good two story log House am , ioublo ‘nk earn
with corn crib and 'wagon shed attached, to.
gether with stabling There is a sever Tsith ig
spring .or water at the, door and convenient to
the barrh!besidesrm excereM tPrilig of mineral
water Also an 4 ppla Orchard of choice fruit,
peach 4lrchard, eiteriy,quince nrid pear trees
For thrtlicr particulars enquire of the sub•
sciider on titu premises JOS. NITLII,INNY
August 11, 1817-4%4
rIVIE subscriber being iteiwousta move to the
entitrv, offers his Farm at private
Mle, situate in Aliffiu township, Guntherland en.
about six miles from News'ille,.on die State read
leading Sulphur Spring: Containing 195
iens'good Slate and ;Freestone land, adjoining
:liiies_oLiVannteLimilA -
idues ItleCoonieks
property; the heirs of I lenry - Snyder deed. and .
others.: ;The him! Is la a good stale of cultivation'
and of the beat miali'y of Mellor!, aloud IS acres.
of good mead° tir nail SO nrilothring it m her. • The!
improvements are a commodious ton story Brick
Welling' IlMise. a tiprliwt: rind n nvver:fal ling well.
of water, n large link Barn, a %Aragon Atli awl'
Corn Crib and miter takessary oat builitings,--
i'lltnierare also thriving orchards with till kinds
of. choice fruit Ilwreett.. ['ermine disposed tn'
purchase n 'properly oe the who'vo tloserlption,are
reipiestml to call on the suliseriker residing on Me'
,ef l e .flowing the
.premises and givitigwill'tkiarrittl information. An
untlisplablu title mill be.given by-
. 4 3ALLP,
• • • - ;-'
stibsceii )er °Flare e tau farm late'
the properly oilAlP'lll:lllll:Fiilies,tleeeaseth situate
uothni, Hear
11 . 14 j rotui
boratputg.fulj9iiisPg iodp orAirgnilersollOtlG i
n*infi(l ki 8. y
ell*itoo ; 74 tWo,llltlnt:.l.og HOliffe,n &titbit! Etattne
BannstsaKoP•altett,sorit evils; utlter , buildings.
.-ttigo • teallkiehartl 91,:e*celleutfillit on(lit,wc,ll of.
goad. wtdert ) cwr:,,Qle OW , .2.PersPlis
• liklNhasejkrtlNlfosted:tizgall. o islrey .Vickes
on .11sit,preehlitei t . pil 'O4; the jruileeribera ra
1-Ao‘,l •
;;111h1N,IS,F1CKF.S,A,. ;
• 'J • • ,
A:e'Rust ith I 11.1r4,11vi4.;t• J tA N;-,,..-a.l.;ESteetttore•'..•
tiE urniciition'ed , wlll.tell Ul tpnblio
'feintei;' : lB47;'nt llto Ctiilitilc jr.iiin:..liroiloi; 4, 1 1 2
i lett 'Ott tit. cif Cnflitiliq;piiihbOland cou n ty, Pn t
hie paird ih.
7:ll.6'Ocipoilir;obtititoffi..dr of
the, largest stza, Zin;`gnmd;'ormiur) 7 W,tig9 ri
,C,rio, 100, tonA i !lity. ?3 r)
noraos, 19d .lOlgiitok,,titt,i4.4s',boiii:,
togetherirLthyooki,rtiv 4,:ohlirartsmK.E . , pdp!
opoi6# l;fitY•
itAi r ',9e. 4 11,&,9c‘4.4 e/ l' 9 11 0 ;!
pyl`94.4 l l,oi!‘!.omp,stoil i trg.c. e m i r , g o t i7 d a c i i i:
,E 6 V, l tZoo4ofir,
tjOtertecC•VD*l d i l' gOl 'it4° ‘" l : 46 Aft
lato qt,otthtta, coublitwillefutivii4l
••••• rt. • S.A COYLP
'f~:a4~ery+.~~:ki°~!.~^r~~zvuw'~as;.~.w.? ° iF:a..:`ata~i2. : r7~sk ' c_~ri~;r.✓: ..=.'r.,:5 :.irz.::~ = . ' IN-^F '
..~~. w«.:.;~:;::
'''' ' t§. l gto';Orilrildo,koj,k . :DeCidt; );
80. 11 0,0:4 1 3hereliiitven.ltiar i 171,4efi4i..,.
~ ~, q ieetery,en thcCeptato Of, IA n f - Siturk;-
ate of:Soullb.:Aliddletiii-ickdkiittil i'dee'd:li4li'
l*en-.granted , to the riiiilieeribei4e4iiiink in • tlie:
ranee ,loarnshiP7ll7faiiiireCiitcleWdTlifrille
. • itie`• r , tini&doe.ciio . 4 - ra• - #: f ri,eitea, to *eke:
firth* ate yotet,tlifollitt 0 . 0,t t 0 hoviijg, , claims
a g :lii ' f. Imo' •Ipbio 10,91:pivopp ' them dub' au.
r ?
Alitikki atiikfdr settlement
,' . ' 401-TN-VETgßsstseculcir.
..ttigetit 2 5 5,1ci47.4: :• . . • ... • 1.
. .
• •
! . Estate 'et :Filial - feet . Ho ivtir, Peell.
t at•le tern testa
likTo • in - ipty' nl6 , giiren - 11 .. 'i. ' ' '''
1311r1to . Ltdit ' :( ' airiTie hist,will aid ' tetitairient of
Mitni;tilk...floovErt, Eel late of the .13evinigh of
'l l feCliatflOtilitill, ,Cumberland co. :dee'd, .have
iltis - dtiyqiedn'hirlue'dsby the Regishir in and for
theitaid cdOnly, - to the Stlibseeibc& l 'Whiti resides
'in the towtieltip of Allen. Al,l persons having
ichtinnritn n'demands 'ittgoi Ohl the e#tzt ti of the
said ltlf&nlont, will' proyent the'm for 7 s4tlfemen .
whliont deftly ; end those indebted niehe pay
•'.le; , t to . ginuNTI4N TITZEL,..ger..---
', 3l lt47.—Augl 1 —,,q,u t
. . ,
Esea . of John Verilfihie . ,•Sr 'ace's!.
OTICE' is - . hereby given that letters of
ntintinikrathiti onftlie estate, 'f.lsto. %Veit .!
tide, Sr, ol'lsrevhon ,ti), Cumberland 'cu t dec ,
bait: 'Ms tlarbeen issued by the Register in,
and for said county,. le thu subscriber who
resid4c in 'Elio tbwnstri i t oftiewten ithiressid..
All persons, lioving•eiaites _or. derimittis against ,
time:mat ; ittho said deotident arc •regnesteil to t
'melte • known the inti m 'Wititut delay, and
those Ma matte p l y meet to '
, __. ______ _
--J 0 F.Ll'4': WILAICULNE,r — JT'iIiIiti
A ttgust : 7. I lEir7 . -- , hw . 2
)1-Sit•tla4 will lic
c of Samtiel NlpPrett. ic
, Tif F. Commissioners o county
:feel much gratified in being able to mitiottnee:to
the citizens of the county,that by their prompt
pajmiededitt he State and ounty Tax, they lIIMM e
enabled 0144,1;81mq Treasurer-in limy over to the
Treasiirer or tho Lin - initionweaftli the State Tax
assessed:: noon this CoutitY, so 118 to reterve an a
batement ortive per rent upon. the tunnuld thus
paidoigrevably to the act of Assembly. Jut while
they would 'congratulate the citizens of eitnibeet'
lane cnt - dity 11.31 t a 11111jOlity hilVe minced a latula•
ble spirit in (but+ promptly affording` to* the State
Treasurer the men to meet the engagement o f
the C ora tpottweetth and to •pt., the interest mine
the State petit at tinuttri;y, they 'would remind
the few, who a're;yVet inarrerages in the payment
or heir taxes, that, liere is n debt 'due by 11111
county and bearing iiitereat, wlibli'readers it ve
ry denim able di:m.(llcm yet in*arrears should make
pilyinuntio the County .Collectors an soon as twee
r!rompinees withNvhich , the
majority linve paid them Stale and Comity
has erinbled•the Treasurer to.pity eve". the Suite
tax without .the necessity
tilitiihtlAi,u leap for that pttrposemhich ,
eeto lieeq rillideed-atuld thelprontot itilytheid of
the linlnnee . ol the Bt4leanit Couiry , THN yc;t due,
will place in .
t th hands.of ConunisAmiers the'
fueling tn . aniy.the ttttt iiderest Of the enemy
'debt 111111 11180 141/6111 iwel ve`i.liou . saitil - thl litre or the
, .
,14.‘NIEL 1)141.1.1.
A licst-- \l'm. Inr.vrqCll4c,
Cormitisgioliell, °Mee, '
Carlisle, July 21, 18.47. •---.
T" arc hereby notified That Dr.
haying removed tioni this
horMigli; has left his books and aecounie in the,
Minds et the undersigned for collection
settlement All person - a - indebted arc reipiested'
to make. payment without delay, as a is ne:
ecsitirfthat all iMeiitilifs`eili - all be immediately
A ugust-1 BF-1-B'l7
AL`' pensrma indelded to . the estate ofJA:IIEF
PlftElt. Imp. of West Peitnaboro • ownship,
arebert . ,'Ll• notified that unless they 'make
settlement co or before the loth day or September
next, their secounts,will be placed in the hands
of a legal officer for Perbods having
elnints against the estate are ' , guested to present
.therm for paiyment.
At1,711%1 25. 1 Si 7
WOULD hereby notify all personachncerned,
1 it ho arc is arrears either by bond, note, hook
account, to call and settle up their respective
dues, as I lucre disp4ed of InyTtdire stock at
Hardwaroci Messes:l7olex. & Fortney of I lar
risburg; • j /um. sold 14 . no other teas,, . , to
settle arse lily 711111Alle wooer calls are sande
the better, as by July next alld.lte accounts will
be left in the lanais of a legal officer for , collec
tient. Several ittompts have heretofore' been
midelo settle t.p my boas hut failed, so we new
give fair warning that if one way fails there's a
way that will not fail._ .Those having business,
with me will find me nt my residence, corner of
Louther and ,Pitt. streets.
April 14 1847
'And try GMT'S New Estab
r VIP; untleesigned would respectfully inform
1 the eitizeni or - Carlisle and the puidie gen
erally, that lie has opened a New Establishment
in Smith Hanover street, in the stareiMeni„for
merly occupied by Mr. James NI uNI ath, aLd
.neatly opposite tile Post 011.ce, Carlisle, clout
bei-lititil en., Pa.. where liejaprepared to e.xecuie
with neatness, duralkility and dispatch, and on
rrasruiable terins,evers. description IJING.
Music - anti Periodicals butn.ll to patterns; Gen
tlenven's Libraries fitted Up mid repaired; Ladies)
Btfrap - IloolticAlhnins - tuid - Porttblinirr - of•n11. - des
criptiOns, matte to thaterj Biudiifg dovie for Li
braries, instilations, 'Societies, &C., on advantag,
eons •terms.
MAW: IV(Htic of ever) , desvription,soelr as •
Dockets, Records, Deed Bunks, Dav -Books,
Ledgers, Journals, Memorandums. Check
Ilooks,a o. of the linegt quality of paper,
anti in ii,stzle t.titi.d to anyyande in it,
on'tli.eynciat'reasonable tallow Call awl see spa •
N. B:—Old Books rebound ivith neatness tn .
tlispotek- 7 also, Files of papers.• • ,
: •
n (mks of
,hltliblit every ho'had' OrtlerikVir
'Beeke will he nroniptlk,niteinleilto:" . -•
Letter rnniV•Writing'-pkiVoi;; coiei:ed‘.Printing
foul Wriipphig.p I per, Post did Cap the
;quire er return *i.vy,elientr.;
Alen Ior.exIe,PILANK BQOK-54: . PANclr•LA It-
Tip LVS, &0,:.,% quilt; phtleosi
,Ltinct ,14ustices •
A.,;large,, ; oliortriwnt of
new..;elyle •Pnperp - -Pire
Bonrtl Serenas, lice,;,. ; ;White' nit,lilne.,lllennellt
Hinittlihr, Val
Hiner's, black, blue nnil
sand beaten. new etlicoivafern, peql:lle,"eol4lifi
.whieli will 801 ) oaf, or - oNohood 'ow
cotton,Fase l ,
'greed . 2,Nion L 4.11 4 . ydc”,r001.- i for,
28', !Mini, x:..' for,
„ . .
€ ll O l c,e k;Cil!PxYlPk`• - . 1 . 4 !". 04 1 1 -1?
4 4 4 V N t 4 t•ist 'otilionnifit:achtt;iftidd '
t} . i I), - L04016115 u 31-
of ,tcer,grreerr fivee;•JA.
dies*T.witit?*lolBo,(hef'fßitePtli!k cilebrited
RaPtiSP:enCcai"C'i6lt(c°itboo and
, wid7othir. choice I)ioritte hititylit eg§re,i I
„together, with d ,
. imiihrted
'teliturs'io` , thbio'*lii , triey'feho'ogo l P:ti.o give~Tt t it a:
'JO 101
-,'.(j~onPOPOWOSVo ll 4olfpra;flutt.s. l n;
. Higbiltn . set:parliele.' • •JI
— , ,Xim - O - e't; : ll4-1843;' . . •
My/4 , 8'2_1P: )91,Heai rpg, „
ie,Ttiitlii or sate'lo
. •
•,,,•11! •
itorettqvcoxt..9 - '--
:01IN PI Min.
AOrainint ram,
• 40111.
t:Nt.,,..1„, :47.7
ifirmarAßLß, , FAßnt 'atd-hrmts
u& subleribee offers "a! AielWairr sale fie
'FARM Coml.
•Cii : ,tros" -- c - CoUdogititin - e!
pied_hy,himself t laitirated
oropJe, about Cuilltiewast:or Cariklee,.end
north of Ctimbeihineiralley-Thitlroad. The
farm. ,containe 1209 ' - akiretraf ;first rule Black.
"Slateline r Wtlitlliigherit state of cultitation.
'The improvements .are •a - Mansion , House,'
Bank , Barmccirntrib'Sr.c. There is also there.
on erected a litrite etilfie pgcnt ANT MILL,
lately rebuiltwn the most 'appreved plim, with
Kiln fcr (Vying corn' for making, meta. togeth.
Cr with a. Chiver Mill, Saw Min with circular,
minis tittdched, lied IPlaster Mill. There ore
three tenant' homiest ono for caelurif the millers
and tinetfor'tlio fermer,With a spring house to
midi; together With• a , copper shop and other
improrments not necessary to mention. The
water power on this place is equal to any on
the Conodogkinnet•credk. •
tl kis° offer far sale a FA Rlitoir the Walnut'
Hottom•rerul r one Mile from ailifidd,coiitnining_
-I 15 -- A - crev - Of llter'best grialtiy of !limestone
lane. The improvements arc a 'n'tone Dwelling
Ilduse, frame barn and oiher necessary out
st-rs te - welhif - watar&c:
A' tract of a bout& a eyes of Cheimii i tnlier,Av ill
he sold' along with this farm. For niter par,
tictilirs enquire of the subeerthei live on the
Alia place. Purchasers are friviledlu.ei . I and
examine the pottery. ,Teiths ref!. . made to
suit purchasers. JOHN HAYS.
August 1115, 1'847. - '. •
Public le,
N titt
, tinrsnee ---01:4 nwzoPiliti t— rilitilte-Oiplarrfr:
rimrpt cotinQmieve will , l n ex
posed'lo pnblitotalo on Ilip premises,m t Tlll'ltn.
DAY, 7Th OE-irlitrti , 10 o'elnek,a. tn. the
Hpllowing propttrty, late the estate of .10/1a
't~eta, Iree(•IIECCI, . 01',
• .7t l (,NNI) situate partly nod;
,-,AI [midi in Hamilton timnships, Said
couttiv, hounded by lanai of How )
Stotk; Newman, Jacob 'Zen?,
'nil tilic .Conneneltenpie Creek, emit:tilting UN P.
I IUNI)111:1) and Furry, AllttliS, one hundrint
and three perchr s and the al !Olt anet: uhereel
nbratt ttventy iteres are Limestone and the, re
mainthq• Slate Land oarst rate tpla lily, with tine
new mentlaws, having thereon a small Brick
'(welling Irons! and a snmll think Harm 0.,
th e cr e ek is it water privilege.---The terms will.
he made known by
AHEM% MYERS, /Ilion.
Ily order of the Cott. ti
.lonN M Viiittrzt, Clerk
Sept. 1, IRVT-ts Chinh. rsbui;
111r s t l E nv s e u n b a se n r ie ib d er p o u ff, p e o r :ta t ztVia va te te d .° i
. 11 c m
o the
rue township, Cumberland 'cimuiy, one mile
gliatml-Churclitown-and-five-milea-fr om Car
/0e; on the - road- leading from .the latter to
Wilt. Farm contains 72 ACRES, more or
less, of first rate Limestone Land, bout 65 of
which acc,cleared and in a good state ofeultiva
lion, and the residue well tinibered. The ini
• prnvemertte a reAttw ci sltary STONE
::::pi: lIQUSE and Finclicii,Vrame :Bain
illas I ott. and other oilt:biillilings (Hereon
11 , 4
... :!.t.t.. ereeted, with a Well of
-ing water ricr the house, and a •tine young Or_
cho rd of choice Fruit Trees. To a young and
irdustrious farmer this place facts induce
ments which arc seldom to be met with. '
Also, be sold with the above, ifdesired, a
tract of WOODLAND, sifuate in the same'
township, shout two miles from the former,
containing six acres more or less, well cw•er
ed with thriving timber.
For further particulars enquire of the sub
scriber, on the erst.named premises..
July 7 ,1
A VA UA131:1 Farm, sittiatea in Wcsipentis
,Lll,. Intro' lowuship, Cutnbcrbnul ClllllliV, I 3 lia'S
west from Carlisle, on Ole Rook Spring,
near the cimilierland Valley Ilailroad, contnitticg
about WU gyres, Ifal of. which are cleared, having
thereon a I urge two:Vi'ory double stone house, a
two-story Log I louse, two convenient Harris, large
corn crib and wagon shed, carriage mill grain
houses, and n never failing well of water. Tws
farm will divide, to good advanulge and will be
sold hole or the halt Wt. •
For I,mM:ohms enquire of L. H. 'Williams,
Kul., on the premises, or of the soli*nber rend
ing in Dick insomtp., 2 miles east of the Stone
Tavern. -. JOHN (I: WILLIAMS.
August 11, 1847.-2 mo.
LsMensier Ex:ll44ler will inthlish 2 n ntht
charge this office.
etrA.o /-I=;'o.l%El'ictit
Friday September 10, at 10 o'clock A
guy )1, the subscribers will offer for sale On
the premises the valuable farm, late the pro•
party of John Fisfilihrm,d,pe'd, situated in West
Ponnsboro toWneltip Cumberland county, about
threo miles northwcsrof Carlisle, en - the Cana•
doguinnett creek, containing 105 acres of first
um) Limestone Land, all of which itf cleared
and ender good post and rail knee, and in a
high state ofeultkation. The improvements
arc a large two story brick !louse, lar Stone
Batik Barn, Wrigun Stied, Corn "C; lame dr. a large
smblo for feeding cattle. - Also it 'two.story
Frame Teennt 'louse, A Weill 'house, Smoke
house and WOOd.IIO so, two pig.pens, :.11arringe
house and Ice house. Them is also a Black
smith Sluip on the property—also a largo Or.
chard ofelmido Fruit Trocs, a Limo Kiln and
many other advithrageoua improvenivnts. They
will also sill at the same time a tract of Tim,
tor Land, containing eight Acrett,,t*o of.
! which is cleared,siturmed alma . a Mile trim
-tho,first larm,on which there is erected a house
I and iTialcTiCk . ~ . .
Also, about 5 aeresef,Timbor Land on the
Notith Mountain about 4 Milos front rho above
place on which du NJ is a good 110115 C; Stable
and either necessaiv buildings together with a
first rate orchard, Which will' tie sold logeth.
e'r or in lots to suits purchas!ere.
Persons wishing inforniaTion on tile subject,
are invited to call on The ~subserilicrs do the
promises !orupo'n F, WATTI;, Esq. in
Ereculors:oflohn Fishburii; deed.
'August •
Fait . *ILE.
rril,p49;l33lo9r:pirogii.lits farin for ea le, aitn.
• 1 3 , , 6 4. I Catlisle;Ctitiilderlanil,
contity.; , P,w,i oft ittie.Cohodoottionet• nrcoli
and.atout ^ Via
.fbrottiidonittlilo 64 1-2 ACtoifrit: firakratit
'slam "Abehtt.s4' acres al% • ilddfcd:
limo& ;Ind in a high stnte of cultivatibli4ibei
residue, ie covered' with
,good t lather" and 'the
'Whole under iood . taboo. The
'improvements, aro a; FRAME
II ' 'IIOOSE • a`' la rgo Batik 'M •
with - two
. fto.9ta,vvagion ailed corn.
.crib, ['raper y, tS•c; underDatil& r00f.71 ere
ia blink warlfhoutie;,'antoltlihnuNo arid !a:
, of.,noi4r in'a;
same, roof, and other C - 17ildiriga:
i',4`b,rick•Sial:EriiCapalilCrcontotning l. llid hots.;
and44,youni•illevlng ,11 1 )clittycl;
o 0.0.3„1 . 6,
hiiikliuna.wero all built within six :
August2s, 14341.:—it - ' ;
. , .
5010 at pmbljb. sple; pp, tht,pyclro.f spy,
Irj oti, FAIIM 171 k, pt ; ;Pgpicinfier, , tot,
githiti4lo . 44lljilig porpli.,,rp ore 49.0,444) 1 0 141 §-i
341140 1 , 011.0,41•114 1 ,C,91inVi on, the
0449 1 ,SliglAwilist90;nu
4111;d 1 , to mql p i t, ft ia.oy,,k;o g
Azo...qtAtiCVNl;llsol),lrty , cte: In 14,110?
94 Aefr-%;: IAN FOCKLIN, exceyto
` 1 '""*I iit i l4 . 4 r." •
. . WO , TrONP L Pirie',,toV_e l c,OKl l -201:116ila
fl :jitikobtir csALCAO'OO 'atuaritptilikilogi
1 .-c at-- I §l:loo.liiii:=lll.luiWitilieViijil; i. ,„ . .,. ';-:-..- I t
"'''!' a "'' for. kieji 6 :i4 %r:i, ',;::: , :fr. -' 1 .::.i• . `'' 2 '''‘ ,
''''. • VlV.lilt. 2 ;di!')VlL,Cili::
. . . , .. .. , .
(1)0' 81)opi314.
~~~RR~I~'~6~`G,' EA!~GAIiVS
HE subleyiber,ll4o just opened in the
store room lately.oecufilcd by R. Snod .
gross, Esq., West Street, in the borough
of Carlisle, a largo and:general 'assoitnient of
:ark GooclF,.Grbc . cries, Gnoensware,
1 - 34rtlwarc, &v.;
all of whteli hive been selected with Brat care
and which lie. is determined to sell as el:cepa&
the cheapest. ty
The publia 'are respeetfhlly invited to givo
him a call : he flatters himself that •ho can
offer such inducements as w ill make It their
interest to patronise him.
C'Al' VIONY../
, •
Ty - A lot OS auction 'Dry Goida at very for
May 19, 18-17.
an 2.17 Rry—C4vo ecriv
mrlF. - tikes I cortlical to inlu m
his friends ,oiien m.,1 public in general 111111 he
e !loose lottly occOpleil Ly
1)r John , Arfostrfoot.a tif l ,fours tasl of
I) Illfooffe \4'a rehouse, n large no gem q , I
soil inelta hf FfuniLy (T:rovevivs, such as • Teas,
COirce, I , lu crrsy Clint:obi( e :toil Spices 01
eveiy scripliota. Also, a large anti well kik.--
stiick ui
, - • -6 rIPPA'RE,TIVIIRE .
.. ..I .it
• 7
, ..
AV.;l 7 .sitt-u nee, !titsltt-t,'llttelt els., : 4 :e. ke. To
-1.:,.., ur every detteeii.tint., from the CfPIIIIIPIU
.1 , “Ab to bi1ir,..0.41.1) at WuedLyneWs-liuk-Itttte•-
b7wittivelittisll. -- - ' _
p reqpei:tl;iiiy , iolvileil.tri evil niel
exat;iitte ;tg risen hrru, a.S Lc
naltpt, liint , ,•llll,nl Lc• eallitot Inil to itic:l4c Ihcm
bCv!it :611.iontity.
N. 1 . ..;-=ll'm Irirtois !rote Ow erioitt, ry 11 fool
it to Their
t . ; i. ; the More
is reW steps from Mr.
lss, Julie -2; IVO - .
Anl , Seril..l . has DC, 4N • ':11 hiss Since
Room, ;sod is orca rer! - eising ats entire new
noel Teals snnpi or nil sit titles connected with
the Grtwery tupri gliPetl , trnre hosts' less . , costume- '
log Coffees sod Teas of the finest nuselities,Syrs
isps Segos. !louse :sod Ori, suss Molasses, togeth
er with
Cedzar-wa re, IR OH 0-xyzere
G 111 - ris-warr,
ni : own and 1.0:11. ns also C . l , oltAl LO:Ir
Pl4llllO T tths,. 11 , 1u.kets, kc. N c.. nll of width is
offered no• er4i. profits. onr- -
friends sold 11, pull e are in and
• titt.e for
room of J. 11'. F.1,1Y
Carlisle, April 14,1317.
- .
JUST received a large supply of fresh Gen_'
.cortps, enrsistitur_ofauperitir hinwm.su4ttrs,
'and T,on 1 . , CI te.lled, l'ul.'eri.sed ;tad' clarified
SUCA US, I'l i.i . whirh will he sold at reduced
pr'icest- Al , o CO:'1 , 1• - :!: of every description
and price, it ith a fine lot of strong Ititi.
Superior Imperial, Young
e z y -- a Ilyson mid" lllac't TEAS
. midi s u'l from the best.scle.etim of Da,
Ts. rid Ratilt . ia,rho has been eel ,
.., t' cheated tor . 30 Tram for eel
HIT the best Teas in Phila
delphia. A few sets of Chin a T ea _w a ii,
Loaf Sower syrup, sugar house rind blitiar
NIOLAS:iES, sup: rim.- hnpo:ted lIONEY,
Cheese, lirti-d-lierf, sugar-cruet] II anis; dried
l'eachtts and Apples, Soup beans, Urns herries
Sailed oil. Alexi d Vivi:let!, Figs . , Almonds, Rai
sins, Citrons, Currerts,,lllCCP, Mackerel, Sal
mon, Sliad and f 1 errloz, Hop Soda, and a grca
variety of other article.; too ninnern4s to men
All of which will bustolil at such price.
as will give satiilaction, Call and sec.
N. 8.-4'lml' how" liar:plied at a small ad
vane!) an Philadelphia prires."
Cnrlisle,Juno 16, 15.17
F..EINC'E Go 0,132, &c.
w. HAN' 1•11ITCCIX desires to inform his
• frietolsond tlic robin:llml his new SPIIINI I-
A.` D SUMII I. It 1.-L:l'l'l.y 01 goods, a Melt
have been Selected a i:!t Arcot Care 1.. V hinisell per
sotialry, nuil . ittit op :iici! at his old ond a ell known
establishment on Niirt,h ILitiover street, embroil,:
a supply el FliE;il I IMUGS, together with o
- Yast exiensive, rich Ill! voided stn. k ocCOOKS,
(look school and roiwellonvons.V FANCY
GOODS, l'E:Ill•TI:` , 1 ES, :•••.e. &v. to t, 'deli he feels
confident Ito may Lus lie the nom:lien Pi the pal,-
lit, with the Intl ossuriince of Hsieh able :o supply
every wont and gilt iii every toxic, besides ensue
mreeitireisatisfact ion fly the very 11. a calm h le N.rin,
upon which his numerous at ticks n ill be Ili3p,is
! 441 of
' Ile would call ti.- pot tiettlor ill/int:on of pa r ,-
. Hies and Physieh, in his rephinkl ii it nsbor/ In%
of IMUGS null Al I:In:1NRS, which li .... ve been
pureltoseil la the hest houses in Philodelpido, rind
may be relied open for freshness Lind excellence.
Added to thcce a ill be foimil_an entire stock tic
PAINTS,' OILS,' . 1)Y P.-Sltil'S, I' arhi slic4;
Glass, txc. &e.. nil of which lie will ensure to be
lithe best qea lily tool of the Yen. lu s west prices.
Ile has irsde many itilditiont to los stuck rt .
BOOKS, liexidi ii se, in Mg II new supply of lilt the
Text flunks, Ilictorkis. !truck:is. Lexicons, IVri •
ling', 13,,inks, &.c. tents in use in Cid 1,%;i: mid our
publie schools—t hich be a ill dispose of on terms
suited to the cii•ciiinsionces of all. •
Ills stock nt I',INCY AII.TICLES emloswei
a rich nod OitelkSive collection xvltich it woold be
hnOnTsible Or Ammuertite, but comprising. mony
novi.lties Ulllllll cannot fail to strike the cyeimil
*Atte thelaste,stisiLiei lcadits_antLGeutlemetas .
Cutlers, Cold and Savor fens nod Pencils, I foie
l'ontli nail Clothes flruslies. Perfumes of Roe
%vile's rich end extensile vat icl les. Fancy Sears,
Sluicing Creont, Cord Cases, P act Ptstol4,
Pocket iirlolo , , tic. tize., .
Alan, a new supply of Corne ansla d'gant
1.1 dtp LA .111'S; togiher with titethe and Mould
Cniiiiki, Baskets, A 111511151 I nttritmente,,Ll inlicel •
lar„tChitilren'.s lit s,
111,01• It la's, awl other :MC
tiles, ill tlit val•irty line, which with a constant
supply el`TresliFIWITS, nuts and Confect ioniiry
of the richest genlity; olnk.e a large tear splendid
stock to„Witichiacicottlitiently invites the attention
atal - Pntronake'of his 'to - wetted millett!y friends, nt
the out Stand indtrorth Hanover street, nearly op
posite the Caylialti.fintili. ' ".
Jug received .ht
lion to their lot finer stpek,nlitrge supply pt
Drugs, Medicinesi. Dye-Stluts . , avid
IN Article . .....
Peisons wanting...tiny think in this line will do
well to' onll ns we pre di:teritiined, to sill low floz
Brigg's Russian GosinetiO" emtmtintetl
,to he
the, best article in. use to reitoim theillAlß itr
iMatis of Baldness, pree.itt Its falling out, mid
Seth`f, Ste.,,ftmln the head.—
.17riat 50 'ctsti " •
- the. Qom-'
pound •,.I(re`osowtionimoiihtf.ltliterine;4lll(l Orri_s j
„Teals Ny,qhb,forsaltLet the DrtmStoremfr
` l 4'• W . " 1 / , ./,' EP . ,ll:'
, •
~• ..." :
ti9(l Intsi- •
nen in Carl,ksle,wifl
elegant:assortment "..
_Pry . .(100tt , 3 at.: 'INA cot
chliilrOcle.k, he
,ssures crittititi•nucl
go tcs.• vi• Tkostyt,•l:ei.oinN , ,•nho ' .
*ki t to pyo. .
sing . Goods, NI .0 yetrip:ulye,:,lqilsit,v'l.luly,'••
_call_,l3""o"rnt; . 1011,AN`'.ttetF:0.1;ei's'
.haVe-beat rwolt0;p11;n: I tit g ' rent
hence nwnsmnintent, erifeittly'et•Ol, , ,Kivoikle?nne-.
; ;Xs close . 141 Onit
V.Htliglyt .1 1 91sP4liet1911,
..RWrat4. hitt-0,4.1'1p ..iheir;ro . ,sipcqr4ocutints i
410TrdOwn'ty;VST:011% - it,.. Org,tiAnt
AticeittionOttiA'son,'ity 11 1 ,40
In•thti hands of 0.490'0e. lot'
44444-0447,:': !'
.1 o s . :).