Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 08, 1847, Image 1

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,; ~.r• ~.. •~ r
, I 1
!' -i -: E XIXIII.,
, -- , - A -- ..,
T . .
- :., ~..!.-14,..1,: : . .. - .
. ' DR. JOHN .T. ,ititEitis -
HAs, nottoyED nis OFFICE end
DwF:LtANO to the two story brick
house Oljoining, -.his brag. 'Store, on Wit ,
Main Street. - . .
April.l4, 1:p847..
'(Gractualo of the ..filfersoV Medial', Collage o
IISitir,CTFULLY ollersto The paldich is pro
-fpso4iiitl-=-services•-itt.-tlie-prattce of- lledi
StaterY, and Miolwjfet g.
OF ICE n the' resideitee his lit, S.
Vatiorer.streiet, direCtly opposite Mqrrels' , (lnte
Roberts) neje! . arid the' SecondPreihyterluo
Church.- •
• Carlisle, April '7, 11474
ink ()clunk .4Yrils funincititegl Itis •
p nephew, N).41,1,F.,,1A(;K50N , in his .
nii:i Bonk Blisiness.
. . ,
fly tlika . Kit*
raelit,Do'elor WVIMS will be
:enabled to give his Midi cid cd attenticia to the du
ties or his Kiiression.,
Carlisle, Septemb,er Skti,lB4t.-2,ms.
D - s - ool2aDra, &lb) EagnoMNb . .•
•OFFICE : Main raked,',pouse for
cherry occupied by fir . rod. tbrinin.
Carlisle; Apiir 91 18413.
go eb-MC)CAggg3,9
~-~ ~i~'
,perform all
, Fiteratroos 'ht? o the
Y yeetlisitat are - required lux their areser
or will restore the lois orllleni, 'iv ;alerting Ar
liletal, Teeth, frnal a tinti,l 'Toth, to IA NO
ke tige fr ' r 011100 on Pitt streti, a letv ilbnl•bSoutti
clihe Railroad
N. li. Dr. Lot - eis will lie absent from Car-
Ible•tive last tendlkya, -- iireatirprontli..
.I.the 11.1816. , •
cAS VA . .
Pittsburg, Pa-,
retocned (rein cOrlisio, to the practice
ot Isis prutessiop to l'ittstsurg,
comity, l'a.
Feh. 10, 1847. .
4".1\1! ffir [SID) g E Erg ;A
WILL practice in the acveral Courts of Cum
berland mill the nlljoioing cullntlea llhd .lit
imaktr) nil i t eJfehaidatt I lidallibia eldrusted to Ida
tore with promptiicia and fidelity.
Office in South Ilanover it . rreet , Ghtliam's
w .building,opposite the Post Office.
C.iidislet August •211, AIL— 3'.
littofney at Law...
ir-tPfICO. ;it South Llatiover iett few door
11,, helm , / 3. H. Gruham,lfileg.
July - 16,1845.
attusz za.-221,a,
Attorney. ill Law.
OFFICE, with S. I). 111•11., In (li:nliatni's
Ur flew building, oppoiit the Vast o.liee.
March 31,1947.
CAR 163.1 C. .111,1001{E.
. Attorney nt Law,
OvFidr, en ih u, row o f of e cont:tllonle, In di
room Intel' oteuiricil toy Dr. Fqt,TEn i olee'd
March 31,1847.
LFSe ~e LI_Y:.~I3JJu~~JB
Atithrtiey at Law;
April 28, 1848.-Iy.
02 ,0 4 , 12, 2112
47ustice of the Peace and Scrivener)
OFFICE in South tlanuyer Siicet, opposite
the Post Office. .
•Corlisle, April2B, 1847.
HILL be found at Ids OW.; in the rear of the
Court House, ready at all times—unless ens. , ged
in the business ot his prolzssion—in make Sur
reys of. lands, roads, etu. He will also prepare
Needs ef boureyance dud day other instrument of
Carlisle„ Joao 23, 1847.,
Chi the. CumGerlaarl , Valley Rail Road, four
• miles west of
SgCONI) SINSION (5 months) will
commence on MONIMT, Allay 3. The
branches taught arc LAdin (! reek ; French, Ger
&an, Mathematics, inultufing Practical Snrvey
ing, together with all KtigliA Branches required
rat College, C,ounting Hases tto•
r ilveg*.etthrt will be 'node to give entire aatis•
to•those who May place their sons in'the
tnalittitionOty unwearied attention to tbeir'moral
Remelt al 'mental
',Prospectuses. •tsontaining Terms, (widish are
modurate,).,ruferences, &c:, can he -hod by ad
hrt13046,,, • ' 1.1,. K. 'BURNS,
• •,4PVq,lol7.—'l•it • ,Principal
IVAAIRI§i yt.Jl4l
11N.11, •
• v'';'' - jWHOLESALE' 'DRUGGISTS - , • •
14111....AliELPutA .
Importers-and_ holeialk:Dealers.
i el net4d6e ill, iota 8, Paten
u o in e ei.stkrgiegi add,ObatetritiniAeatremeetbi
i) m i g gistaillessimare,Windoii l GreseiPitintsiOih . .
e-eerran lo 4' , 044. 1 kte.
nts, end Physteiee. :
tiepplipti with the
.7 • .7 ' alip
r yf-, e lollo ,04
V, p
1 c
vo.oDlc.)si ' nc:fltikat;ufg;tk' 9, o!. aite p
d 4i9es , s.,gv4tWctielwetriteed,.
a — i r ftri , x4de;,VAg*
of1M: 11,
air act - aziuraarazusaat
fttnttirgare.,M . '
k) F i 2E3 11i4 e4t i.4' to 41,n,
qqygrol yearketx)totipnCitlt.lifv:
7 3 '1,t4 . 0T; #l9;l)laYittg - .l l l'4l l l:Pus s ca i l i cini t h i t ,YA l. l4.ll) . l,
C° llo CA l g.l\ C'f,Pakr4'.1P1,41,4741!1), h'ope's
1434t0.110,1 .pUnoluttiiy ,ti) , obtain, li,shartros:
0111PR,1171 the; piibil
nuagrt- si•qouRING. ,' \\
2., „
o:yieriLOVllltiE irritrAVri'::nrtif (11)Ygoircitef
gyßml a od . •13q9I.Iefro,r , iN, ,!!pparel a 1111
40,4 (1. - :
genteMiiiev-is 11" . "'"" •
IW,fA,i; fah , .
4.A`r Enktitliftve4g,ito re 43:“Ittar r 9“, z i.'
J u P,', 1:1,1 ! 14 • V^` EMI Gq
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IT has pow-.r to elitist: ull.exterunl sOuns,
ScitovuiDus • huntorsi CSKINI• aiSKASKS,
POI§ONOUS NVOUNDS, toll's:barge their pu
trid mallet's, and then heals 1111 , m. • •
It is rigl,utly termed All-hcaling, for there is
scarcely a - disease, eittbrattl or intern's!, that it
will not ben , lit. '1 have used it for the lust lour-.
teen years tbra.ll diseases of the chest, consump
titni and liver, involving the utmost „danger ..and
responsibility, and I deekre before heaven had
man, that not one single ease has it niikthr to bi,a 7
elit when the, patient was within - 11M math of
mortal meatier
I have had phys'cians learned intile profession.
1 haVe hid ministers of the - Gospel; Judge; of.the
bench, - Aldermen, Lawyrrs, gentlemen_ of the
highest ertitliticin;'aiiinnultitudesef the poor use
it in every variety of Way nunt , there his heetibut
- one. voice--one unit - easel vOice-4asine, "Me-
Allister, your Ointment is. 00011."
Inarllly he credited '
that a salve can have'any effect upon tine hinge
watt:al.:tit -they are within the system. lint, if
placed tipoll the bluest, it penetrates to the longs
Stlparates the poisonous - particles that nre.conte
ming,tliem, nisil•qlitu6 them lhom the ty
It is curing perithas Consunifithin 'continually.
IiKADMAIE.---The salve Ints.ettred persons
of tl, 4 ic headache of l 2 year's standing, and who
pia every Wei& so that vomiting often
to glc place.
- I,teafims 'Mid Ear-Ache are helped pill__
removeS Olinost
dintely the lufl.mation and swelling when the
pain ceases. Iteml the direction around the Lo:t.
COLD FEET.---Consumption, Liver
plaint, pain in the :hest or Side, rfliiilog MT of the
hair one or the iither,alwaYs accompanies cold
feet. (This Ointment is tholline remedy.) It is
a sure sign er to have coldfem..
In scrofula, old sores; :"rysipelds„
tires' complikint, sore
,eyes. muunsy. sore Humid,
IMoken of tore bras at ,piles, ail chest
diseases such as astliniatis,
sore Tilii - ciiliTipp74lltaTi7ls, tumors, cutaneous t clip.
nous, nem qua disenses and of the spine, there is
no medicinti now known as good.
.ILII 11FA1).- - .= - Wis have cucesl eases that
actual!) defied every thing'known;us well as the
obi lity•til IS or i2O doctors. Ole map told us he
luntiinTtit f.s(ithon 1115 child - rim a ttleitit an) tette
fit, when n few hove's or ointment mired them.
lIA LON ES.S.--It a ill restore" the hair sooner
than tiny other thing.
lIURNS.--lt is the best thing in the lvorld
Burns. ~(11cail tile directions artmitti the has.
W Ott every tcsugc of them
AO ay.
'I herr ts_ pi'otoiltly no medicine On the rote
the ettrill itt mire t.o sure nod so soil• in thicexpttl
C:91 . 1A - S. - --Oeeasionsl uPe of floe Ofotoneolt. will
always keep toot:os 11,1111 gra.l'eople need
nevee br trooloiell otlo them if tint will tise it.
cured by •
tiolloimenr. • 7: .
MES MCAT-USTI...ft Iv. Co.
Sole prop' ietorvot hn met
u'rit)m --No OINTIE,VI' well be genu
ine unless 11w names.of dames AI6A 'lister or
Tonnes MeAllistrb @ Co., are written with a pen
upon every label.,
Sold by Samuel - F.llldt; S. W. flaveratlek l .
Dr..l. 1. Myers, in Car islet .1, & 1,113-igel, INA e
elinniesburg; Singisek Cliurehtown and
Join, 1. 1 .111er, Newville:
Life lrisurarce with Prospective
. Bonus.
C:apitnl $.lO 0,000 , --Ch . arter f'erpelunl.
Ofliec No. 159 Chesnut Street.
ONTINU - 1.1 to make InSuranee on Liven
grant Annuities and Endoe aunts, and to
accept Trustg from Individual., Corporate 13o•
dies, and Courts lif Justice, and exemitire them
tturceahly tb the desiio of the l'urties;
. and re
ceive Deposita of Money in Trti:t anti ori
interest. . ,
The Company add a Bonus at staled pCriods
to the Insurance for Lire, The first Bonita
was tiripi.opriattil in December, 18.11, 'amount
ing 10 pt:r cunt en the outs insured under
the oldest policies, to 0 per cent. N per cent.;
60. on every $l,OOO ori , , * inally insured.
The operation ortheErinns will be seen by
the following Cis m pies from Ilto Life Insurance
Register of the Company, thus: •
- Amount of Policy and
. • Minna or Bonds po , able at the, Sum ine'd addition. l'arty's dee:
No 58 • 1.000 . 100 1,100
89 2,500 2111 2,150
204 4,000 4110 , • 4,480
27.411 .2,000 175 2,175 i
.303 5,000 437 50 5, , 137 50
,11ates for (nearing tilOQ on a Single Lifo. ••
Age. For 1 year. Fin l'yeurs. For Lire.,
annually annually
•20 x!o 9l' .8095 • It 77
30 • 131 130 12 35.
,40 1 691 83 320
-1 -96 ,
'.4 35 2 4
Example; person aged 30 years next
birth-day, by paying the Company $1 31, would
secure to his family or heirs $lOO. should ho
die In ono roan - or for $l3 10 he secures to
them $1,006; or (or $l3 60 nnnpally,lhr seven
years, lie secures td them $1 ON should lie die
in-seven yours, or fur $33-60 paid annually
during life, he provides $1 000
,telioncycr by
dies; fur $65 50 they would, recoil/045 OW/
should ho die in one your..
Further OnEtieuleLli teffpCbiihg Lifo,,ltplu
rance, Prude; &.c. may he had at the lake.
H. W. RICHARDS, President:
• JNO, P. TAMES, Actuary:
17,1E47: ' '
„". TO THE'
TllB . subecrtb,ers, having. purchased the
- ;tir o stock of Jitioh,Etnner s jnvite , the
tenticin 'of the: public to their • nisortment
With all.tho boattift, puffing,,and
by bilier'eatiablislutichis;';vre, arc A
'trio to sell'HardwarO 0'1 . 01,0 r net;A:litti‘ 'l4 "kv;
ly. Try us and prove us, at
knorm,.stand, on
.North.),lianoyer;,l?tioeli f bel
• iti , oeri' : Cointnati'fi l'airern . the Oat and
Gap Store At Geo.,44lldria,
.tiyad-nifUll end -geneittlieleartmen(Orillard=
Yi.ar9l . flTLlßlAkidiPg,.pintettalsil a tniiiikt-twhi3d
• IPAY, , PlEPV..'iren#9J) ;4 ( 1
ioojtimada •
ghto do'''' ." do, ,
, 50* . !=ilci''" Cris .drill.`Syar;Stdel, fO:pen j;'-
500; ,1 do hdr "
AO.dez,;effeorWerni Qra fieSey theer;• fE
190,kegB;4 1 1 1 0 911 oll , pet , kegY'
2( ^ l 9° . M'KIP!:°,!!".C.I/,l.hii,i,4l,l;rroot St 7,5; to, f 2
per, kt:g . t . '• .„ •1,
2000.ths bel t nualitief"GAnd-stoneti ikt.ii'to go
.200 gallons-or Liriet'o9. l ), . .
de'l.Spirits iTtltpeatine; ,
90 Irbne.Bßl! '404 florae Shoe Iron-
. WM1 4 .44101 asaorrimout rd ware:
'tact; as aika Latollee,:11.0118;111 ages, Scram;
.0114,raiata; Glass acid P ( 9 . ctyN.aileak4;apikea,ii
ITl9OPP.l l 4'. , 'Pke;:bow ; l
,p1444:-#oo.vop.,F;taretLiati....,:yiLi...4A:..L:az.,: , , 4
North Ilancivai Scree:l . .ololsla; May .5;
Tllt'sitheeriberlonS 11)1s 41ni iieudis'Od
917Voishyint s
. • ,
• - ' • • :
^r--• - r:f ib' _~-Zl 3~,.Li'F=F=M. , f ,3c~ i'!?.v,;2lxll-'7~9 .'Yn .:ij¢:;:rti'i;; :'.PR".;=;.r;o::!C-'
~9~:r:.~'*~ .. - -~.~," ' ~ Y i. r'+?~i~;;• i.~:.
rreSkirApp 04.'0 '•••1
• ba.. I:2I.I4:CT:Ptc.
g:Ul,':• - villl:iiiu,.cliMr,4.
I listen_to_my-luitirt At limos -
Until I hear it beat ;.• - •
And then methinks it rings and Alyntei
In symphony complete; ' •
Mid music-horn of pulse and vele,
And thettond, •
How awful is this it UNA N
now little understood!
If nrt could teach the Man of Art
To tell, by such vngite monads
The thoughts that.rushfront Itrtiip to
" wands road hounds=
would not let one loved one's ear
Press fondly on'iny breast, .
Imat. that which fillairly iioiil wllli kat
SitotildthOtwe be heard or guesevd:
The thngue tnnp left its tale of truth
'Fit Invent), pirpi lig,.en es. ,
At age eon fens Its sins of ypitth,
With eyeli•tlint Weep 110 learn ;
Dot earth, 11 - 1111b11 of iiP, helve that
Within us We Would ithrie,, •
From even the tentierept t
c'er eat
111 nitidnese at our side.
The - birds 101 bin the forest Bing
Till Erft —nll around—
Repeat such melodies as tiring
A balm en each clad sound:
The leaves that fall, In Wittig breathe
Out and the breeze'
‘Vaktit radr.nren thtl`t eir•er(ly wt ntna •
B'ong-garlundg o'er the trees:—
Tite.sea sends music to the shore,'
And erho gathers ell
Those different harinhalcs. till o'er
The world. in song they fall
Mat butnan !merle ; whose throbs arc rife
Whh Joy. and grief, and pain—
Wit AT nee their °cline.? Mortal life
Shall heat thern—but lii•Amini • . •
Enough to know; our warts lock
Sueleehoughts as—were they told— -
• Might hitter make Love's sweetest cup
. And mar its brightest gold I
We peek for sympathy •trinugat men,
, --- Irmr - w ireriewe fin& it
It .anodise us far our lessee ills,
Net the our greater Woe. •
Thal granter wne within ua
Known hut to and and
We dare tint one the aerrei cello •
Where we - enelnae It
And SO I iinlo/1 in.nly heart, •
At thnes when
An..lll,ll‘k it woll Art bath no pH.
TO Pylla Me each thrill.
And tuns l'pine for sympathy,
Anil tell my. ly,tier sqe 'l
SI ill Joeeting hind and patient friends
To pity me for I tinse:
For just aP 111 Rif On the wind,
Or minim nil Illy '
Erhoes - there ago amidst mankind
As well as in the wood t
A writertfin the (Kyj AdVertis
er, combat ing,the common idea, thai • there
esists-an—instbictive aflection, which Would
attach td each Other relative& who were utt
ronscioiiS of the tact, and by Tottrbf which
friends-IQ:1g hoperwed would instantly recog
nize each other, bites the following .1-thumb
teristic aneeddte bl our Illurtrioris country
man FIIANKLIN, as a proof of the truat of his
Doctor Benjamin Franklin, after thri de
cease of his father, loomed to Boston, in or.
der to pay his respeets„to liis mother who re•
sided in that town. Ile .tad been absent
some years, and at that period of lite when
the gleatest and most rapid alteration is
made inti?. hninan appearance—at a time
whatt the (locutions voice o f th e s i r ipti,,, as .
511111C,3 Mu conmianding done of the ;dolt,
and the sittilni4 r.eatares of youth are suc
ceeded by the i-tiong line of manhood. The
I focior was sensible, such was the alteration
of his person, that his mother could not know
him, except by that instinct, which, it is he
liet•bd, can make a rmither'ii heart beat vio
lently in the presence•ol' her child, and point
the maternal eye, with a quick and seddeli
glance,' to a beloved sen.•
To dis'cori. 4 v die ciisicnce of this rn../mict
by actual experience, the (Inetch resoltfed to
intrOdoce himself as a stranger to his moth
er, and to winch narrowly for the moment
in wideli she should discover her sera, and
then to determine with the cool pier ision of
ti the philosopher whether that diScovery was
the effect of affection—that intuitive love—
that innate attachment, which is conjectuted
to connect relatives of the same blood, and
which, by uccordens the passions of parent
and child, like a Well toned viol; would at the
first touch cause them to vibrato in tinier:in,
and at once evince that they were difleioat
eltisils.ottlimearne.instrumeat—,...... 4 . - - „
On a stillenm
, chilly day In the ctith Ol
Januark, in the -afternoon, the Ddetar kifock
ed at his mother's door, and iisked to speak
with Mrs. Franklin: Ho found the old lady
knitting before the parlor lire ,Introduced
himself by observing that he had been in
fdrrned She entertained travellers rind re.
quested a, night's , 'edging. She eyed him
witli that cold look of disaHrobatiou which
most people some when' they imagine
themselves insulted by' being supposed 'to
esercisiiiin employment but.otie degree be
loW their teal occupation in life—assured
11141 he had been misinformed—that she did
not keep a tavern; but that„ it wits: true ,
. to ,
oblige smile of the MeMber,i3 of :the leOsia•
ture t she took a' ntnaber'of them ••iiito 'her
family; during the Soil - sten )• thalsFe,had then
four members 'of the Ciiiiiiiiil; aitesis;of' the
- --"' el,Represeiitatives; %Oki) boarded with
ll' her-beds,were_Aull r i-i-anditbeii
ielt,to,her ! knitting .wpthTillat is
:ration iiririaliiii:ipieslied. OS "'Joins
in could do' #lt yti'liaVikebritilii:
„..-iisiiiesiilhal•sdriner you leave the
....Aseltieliettiej ), BuritrionlAliiiiVileiiior's•
W repping hiscoat• nr
shiver with t)m,e.eid,,,and i onscify,icA i Ami,it.
• : was_ eirevii - xte - atlier,'" site priuited to le
elhair r ara givielillir laigifill'Warrniihirriselli :
Tini, l e6traneeieflite'tiptirilenk'pre.eludedeli,
fiirther ed'risiffirilicin- 7 7napeeitipits:SeonS:sei.y.,
edi and ilia : Decfiiit„pctqook 0 i . fli„lim lain ily ;
' , To 'th e• &de 6 • abenrd I iii Vil iii-. 00 cal ' eit4 '.' C . ul4;.
i'n'r.ri'iif did tliiiiil,',SU6tinetio'd'4 . oll - 48..,'6C034
'pins!' . I . ?iiis; , iiiict 0 who 1 , 41' 06i0ir:rov t '46 , ,st, :
when th 6 ' Wile) el : lien It' foryed a ',:kl,ide'rilit
l Se iii i'...'d i Kele' fie Iciin l th O'' fire,, Pe ittetiA',i,in'"rii fi'M
iiffer:liiiiieetidd'th tj''ektrtictnyin*t'Ar's' - ,te s ,':e
liltne fignintitithedelpediiiien',l7r.:'Frefiglin!
"'Aid 'fii# 6. ;iig ti!O W ,: ii ii'• - • (;e !'*4o s.' ‘ ' ,Yl '6,l Y lf . e ..
;411,rifilaYeiPtitikie:' powers itei',i(akeii,(o .-,4 7 ,r,1iii.V . ...,
Itge„;than at this. tirrio,:- .119 drew rho fitter,:,
• aW o i f nti4ei n i on nA bYtslie'-• •ws,e i l d V
iit Y ., ~o k f :M & od ,
-eit Veperk-iistianteiEllninibg, Hie, s Varied'
, } t i e tnbjec ati nl nd i ig 6 Ai hiJ hl "l l irtattt'eiill' s 4" 0A :
'arOiiien4tioilo*ciqiiiiiMpiny inllll6 ,
: Ilideiiiliiiiac'meiply: Q •oelotil
vilitifi'liiitie tu al -tci , .l-',.i
*i.l ti
ger Nod , gnit!citrt.iiii:,
ili iii.
exillee; , _lintl iti,ivaaly
'i,thifini,ifirgaiiiitlerfi'il`liliato.- - . -,- .-- fible.
i WON) Ifoo4o,i'd.OL.-Wii*ilkii"r4Cifii:VNtnilyi
i .......,i ~',••,'-;:,' , V' ,., ; : :...7.'1 7 . 7 .. , :r-'-'''''' ''' I'
~t,,...~~~.,, . ;,,
gARL i i,s,4,;I'sv.ITITEOE4 . ; , B;
ImmeWritely . ,aser, o eupper, she, called an
elderly'r‘entleinints a member or the Coun
cil, WhOtn'elie"eie accustomed to confide •
to another r itoorn.jJeoruplairied bitfdi ly of the
rudeness of tWisifirlifgeitLailefdlifs manner of
introduCtion into. the, house-Lotiseriteti Mat
he aptieared like tin Joan,. ttifil,
tto hid appenrapeC=fintl' concluding by so
-Iscttiu ,het with Ospeet to
the watt . in Whith.slie most-easilyrid
librsell'ol'his'preience... The Olti., ,,
Shred her that toe stranger Was
rrian.of ellueation, arid; to,ilDftimeartinces a
gentleman;-that-perhaps 7 beingrie' agreeable ,
-Company, he had paid - . -- no.lattentior -- 1
lateness of The hour; and advised her to"call
pain aside~'a»J ieridat'tofiM'fientibilitill7Y
todge hitn."'She aecintil)nglyiehrlier maid
(whim, and then, with as much temper as
she could command, .recapitulated the silks.'
tion of her kindly, observed; that iigretv late
and mildly hitimitted: thßt icoohl do well
fpFeel: himself a dodging.. The Doctor re
plied that he wouli lay no ,means irconi
mede her family, but that with her leave,
he w6uld smoke one more pipeith lien
boarders, and 1.11,en - retire.- - ,
He returned to the company,- filled his
pipe, and With the first whiff his powers .to
converse returned with double force. Fle
recounted hardships—he extolled the piety
and policy of their ancestors. A gentleman
present mentioned the subject of the day's
debate in the House of Repiesentati'Ves; -A—
bill had been introduced to extend the pre.
rogatiltMof the royal ' novernor.. The Doctor
immediately entered Upon thislibject—sup=
Polled tho
w colonial . rights with c.eiv arid f f ir.
arguments: . as familiar with the inflii
ential men in the house when Dliall - tf. Was
Goeernor—Acimil their speeches, antl
p I. 1
Pilule I tt e noblelefence of the Chamber
,Duda, rvdisccairco -so appropriately bite
esting to the company, no wonder that the
'clock SirliCk. 11_ unperceived by the delight
ful mete, nor was it_wrinderinnhat the pa
tience of ire. Franklin, by this time grew
quite exhausted. She now entered the room,
apd before the whole company, with meet!
warmth, addressed the Doctor, told Mtn
plainly She thougidersell imposed upon ;•
Miser. ed. that it was - true she was a lone
woman. but that she bad friends who mould
prrrect her, and concluded by insisting on
his leaving the house:. The Doctor made a
slight apology, deliberately put ton his groat
coat and bar,. took a 'Mille Jert,ife hf the corn
pony, and approached the street door. light :
eit' by the maid and-attended - by the mistress
Doctor and- his-corripanions---had.
been enjoying them:selves trithiM . a Most
tremendrais snow storm without had filled
the streets knee deep—and no sooner had
the maid lifted up the latch, titan a toting
north easter forced open the door, extingtfish
ed the light, and,,,alniost fill'ed - the entry with
drifted snow and, hail. As ectian maim can
. d w as- religl ded the _Doctotqast _a woe! a 1
rink towards the door. and thus' addres•ed
ed his mother:—My dear, Madam earn you
turn me out at your house, m this dreadful
storm ? fam a stranger in this town and
shall certainly perish in the streets. You
look like a chatitable lady : I shournt think
' could turn a dog away from your door
'on this tempostnom; ni.2.10. Don't tell me
charity, said the offended matron.
begets at home. It is your own fault you
tallied soling,. To be plait-. with you,
I do r ut like your looks oryour coodeet, sod
l fear you have some bad designs in thus in
trorlimprg yOursell to my himily,
The warmth aline parley IV draWn . the
company from the patriot., iittfly .their ttnb
red interference, the stranger was permitted
to lodge in Cie !nonce; as no bed could be
had, he eonsented to repose on an eas'
chair, before the fire. Although Inir board
ers appeared to confide perfectly in the strati
ger's honesty. it was not se with Mrs. Frank
lin; with suspicious caution, she collected all
her silver spoons, popper box and porringers
from tier closet: and-after seentimy tho par
lor door by sticking a lurk over "illa
carried the plate to the chamber,chafged the
negro man to sleep With - l'is.'clotlie?;
take the weal cleaver to bed with hirri, And
to waken and sdize the 'vagrant at the first
noise in attempt to rob the. house. ' Having
thus taken every precatitidtt, she refired to
bed with her maid, whom she compelled td
sleep in her room.
Mrs: Franklin rise tieforc theoun, roused
her domestics, unfastened the parlor door,
with timid tannic - in and was agreeably sur
prised:to. liniLlieriguest_.quietly_ilaping- in-
Me chair: A sudden tratisitionirein - estrerne
mistreat to perfect confidence was natural.—
She waked him up, with a cheerltirgood
modiiiitz—amt eliqurred'how he had rested
—and invited him to partake of her break
fast, which was always served previous to
that of her boarders. And pray, sir, said the',
old lady, as she sipped her chocolate, as you
appear to be a stranger here, to what distant
country do you belting,? • 1, minima, belong
to•die city of Philadelphia. At the mention
of Philadelphia, the Doctor declares' he,• for_'
.the tirst.thne, perceived aqy emotion in, her.
Philadelphia ! ? said she—and !MAlM:melt*
suffused her . eye. it youildte.lii plilladel
tphia,lierlinpa you know' our flew , Who,
,Madamt Why Ben Fratilclin :my LIMN ohl
, hp-ra - the dem est.child that,•eVer,, eleesed
mother! the :Doctor, Is Ben
'Franklin Ilio'Pribtery6o4itilt•tWlif he is
Inymosthitiredtelierta:; a
the.eameltioni,, .0h !.:;Gotf•forgi Ve . .me
,claind i ed Ole; t old leciyonWef„,.. her, w,aterSt Oyes
MilleaVerniheti•litivo I Buffeted art acquaint
ance of my Benny,to sreep en this hard chair
while I mysell'.ltivit'i•ealocr e n
a . good ,sell
j 1 d7.11 0 qr , tqgqYqr , e ! 0 , ,( 1 , 8
jiqt; l l4oo4 33 e l ;:4`u,kt•TY, L ilin
!Me aliti‘;e„operkitie'ni-Tiliit:TATlO'ArP).D'i'•(Yrn
aj4terni,dbei oat
• t , :i .. , •i„'
;:iii.;:itilli4t9l!)qq't 'li t t 6 s ic i: l T E 4 e t 4i i iii
, tti e 'l i i i i4itie of i11.1i;5},4,f,0 • . iir.ll4l(itior..
~ ~, ; ,•• - hi, 1,45,p ; gra , ' - , •
aa W ,ll . l ' ,, • e A u l sa :'L J - . dishes: 7 i ,L' 4
. v J rlllng I! o ° l 7 . t ,b, tin`l-tvia,s,h)naf , `' , ll; 7 'l. , e . 4klil l id onto-
I, : 1 1 ir Pilii . ' litliraitihe,, fiurN*,,,,ro4,-0 -rflidtrYi
l'iiiliiikiii'it.iqiiilip,!-9r-94.gft,e7.rdot# PAPICa"
jirici ' lend dr!,Y '..! i 'o ;.igiliiti bilgblilui skY , 'As'
, lion:, ‘Tk.nloPp,..Pr„dia.,i(re'flittierred istil!*°.
allitia b;rig!#l=. l , RI fi.iir,' i'liitlelc. eY441!&11113
'Otioiriill'A,P,P,9llffir•tfdirshtiitof iAi l6 ,lY's, and,
, trertii,ciiirdwlo I °. r, Pr ,pibnoiji,)oo:,liiiv.ti,r,llll*,
Ihii Fiii)ll4lTlPPrlt,Jr6,4l qftetSl:.,)„piOdit,.ilii,keY,
trill 'pv=eoo4 ir tirtiii,iiliiiiya'ait oi* 1 , 1 , ;. ;
the 0 . 6 _ 7 1,..: 1 ,..„' ° „ (1 ,,- ; " -- 711-Mikllll`. tleiftli".g!ittifoE6
licloant pl-.7i, 1, liAutt‘itjoilifyl i t,,pk:, , ~j . ,7,
MitlOit!tri I,lB7',iiiit,iiiviiidtclhWaio.l:ieerVitrfit"
iiiiiii4d-0i.614q," li r Aect witt(f 6011%,,ie1'
;Viiti,'ikitol'o9,‘6,Yr , •, , ,i9iiiiiiifi';4ol.,„ iqw IHI 1
Fe'ic,llPglva, W 1 N1. ,. .1 - I' , Figi ) il 4l ',li•r.R. l l. l f4l l 79 I
'&l4' fepini! ) ti‘la !'r. F4l
Jaoiiiiir'Yclift, i` c T , I ? i , ';, '' • poetry, -1 ,
h if
• . •
A question has been raised how much
required, and how long itis neces
atny:MiA in bed, for the iMrpose of rest and
refreshment. Eight ham have-been aticit
ted to the laborer, six hours for the scholar
and gentleman. :Very fakir gentlemen, how-.
ever, are satisfied with this scale, and a ca
pacity for eleepint makes a greater . part . of
the community inclined ; to double that peri
od: The capacity-for sleeping, like that of
eating anti drinking, in to beinereasect by in-.
delgehret • . Mitch -depends — upon
&line people caii — sTeepii - fren thily wilFand.
wake when they will end aro ris much -re.
h.e . sfied3y,Wa_. short nap as rifong_oke,
- faringpeoplclieve this property from educa
tion. f haVe known persons who never in
dulged in a second sleep. One, gentleman,
whijcnterteined a notion that second sleep'
was injurious, invariably got - up as soon as
1)e awoke, no Matter how early the hour—
in whiter or summer. Others again will
sleep four and twisty how's'. The celebra
ted Quin bad this faculty. 'What sort of n
morning is it Mho-7' "
.tVery wet. sir.' ny
mullet in market?' sir.' 'Then John
you may cell me tats time to norrow' Su
saying lib composed himself to- sleep and got
I rip of the ennui 91 a Anil iihy in Ihi;t arms of
IVlOrpliens. One gentleman in tt.e Spectator,
used to sleep by weight .1 allow tuysell
Imne night with another, e , qbarter of •
of sleep, within . % lbw grains, more or less;
and it upon rising I find I have not consum
ed my whole quantity, I take the rest out
in my ehair.' • A lazy old woman used to
apologise for lying in bed "by saying 'that
she lay in bed to contrive.' Sverige a 6 this
old woman's excuse, Mir e±erntile. was folg
lowed by one al the most extraordinary go
country T viz: of -w horn
jt is recorded that. whet! any difficulty occur-
JCI iii the execution at his Woiks, having_
Tittle or on assistance horn beritfi - . arThe la
bars of other men., his resources lay -within
hiinnell. lit orderMerefore te,he _quiet and
indwell timed whilst he was in search of the
itecessitry expedients, he generally retirefl-to
-hiS bed, and has been known to lie there
one, two and ilifee days till he had obtained
the object in view. _ , .
Ile would then getup and execute his de
sign without any ditty, Mg or model. _ There .
- are clilleirt kind of sleepers as Well as M. -
lerent kinds of sleep-Lstime cannot sleeP
from borne others cannot sleep at home:—
some rim Sleep on board and snore on a car
pet, while others tumble and ton on a soft
beitaa.if_the_down_discontentect.thern. Som a
again cannot sleep in a nois others cannot
steep nut oft A miller imf --- ire7 - 3 of - the
.rppment-his mill stops, iradesiinin from
Cheapside cannot sleep in the country be
cause it is so plaguy quiet: Somnambulists
or sleep walkers' usually sleep - With their
eyes open but withdut vision.. Sheakspoare
who may_ be considered as a very good med
ical.trulnirity, Lady. Macbeth a sorn
narritmliit w:th her .eyes opert—sibut Moir
seriAs IS Shut',
This is not alw4i thC case, however, and
there is a'slndular exception in the instance
Mioliannes °potions, a printer, who, .bein,g
employed one night in Correcting the copy
of a Gleck book, fell asleep as he read, mid
yin ceased not to read till he had finished
not less than a whole page, of which, when
he awokedLe retained no recoilect;on. There
are many einions histories of sleeping pro
digies on recoid. The Philosophical Trans
actions have several; in one, a man slept
Irons August till Jauntily.
Tlicl•e is a xase tend before a S.iciety of
Physieirms in 1756, of Elizabeth Osvin, who
br.gan her sleeping in 1738 by a Mar days'
nap, and for ten years after Wards never slept
less than 17 hours out of the. 24. Dr. Brady
relates that some strange Methods were re
sented to rouse her—such as rubbing her
batik with hone}', and in a lint day exposing
her to a hive of bees, till her hick was full
of bumps—making a pm-Cushion olhei,and acutu.ptincturation with pins and'
needless—flagellation, and other •odd ex
"pd •Doctot . thin k's better to
pass over in silence, all of which might have
been spared, for, she was very sulky. and
good tor nothing when she was awake..---
This sulkiness, however, should be noticed,
as being connected, with the comp:aint.—
Previous to this somnolent disease, many of
the persons have become uneasy, sullen and
surly. Lt all, the mind has evidently been
affected ; and in somewhere there has been
.extremeAstinencejheinvaking h ou rah ave,
been characterized by decided mental liber
BONAPARTE—A LEsscri oit :ky isDom.--u 'l
ti 9r this head the Springfield
.i flepublican
gives an extract, whibli vi.e annex, from
Count kkontliolon'§ , b4)ok,tnt,l3priapalie, lately
repubilslidd, ft : re.fe.ra to one of those con
versations of tiro great Emplirer; which, the
Reptitilietiri justly remarks, are • ohm
lated• to open the windoW to his heart,, in in
ti:114,41, we may feel assured-The - s with
the titntoit sincerity. It is indeed a" le son
of vvisdorn," Here is a.ntaw who had dra -
MI the Mil; of ambition to Its vcrydrege, Who
~ .rne, .
had enjoyed ni ott i s . of : power ang,,fa than
any ruler of-the age ; we .may ,elmost sly of
all time; rind .who yei • comes to We, hornet . .
conclusion, N ; yitl . i the' inspirod:iire,noi?!r t pat
Hall is ‘;ianity.' 3 .. ,it Ithit ,eiplatttlitl,torophs
of the battle s ,field,,in, ki s . glittering gewgaw :
. - ~
of a 9Y9Wn i , . 11 IlhejYtitN.. i g, ti, "4 :?llP i g u .,P 9 T.
all!,%m,aukind,ilie ; b*l. hail eit lo.f:4lll,:!'hOppl
lififig.4•,.lo-M;ld,thatnutoWn AmorlAan Ybuth
'ectutitlitarti'aq 'iirotit bY` 016'1,046611'44 mak
',..tiritlAn'"ltUditca-41-!4o.gri -, o'6l . Kii,!s,it:i's:k
09,9 n; tiq,nnyhe t #4 trarit, ut mg
'toil and.hceart-b i arnitig tiitsletirafii.welVegus-',
'lniCelitiseiiii,'titTillh!iii!l'ariiitr, : eio,7 lll , 6 4.
V . & liiiiii' 1016 '''tfoiii- ,4 4)')'"po.ficier tfitt ,
,wcfile!!,ofp o.ft, ';:most,,,il4,4,lo . o4,!elliclllaiAlcf ,
.modotttAtistoTty!t!, - ,44,, 47. : 1 •! , Ti : y ,,,, ..0: 1- ..
..' ‘4,'Ffitii:o4lieclic4(64asej f?.it,v4iii 4 o l i
irtitiOt:tit?r,V;iirtiitin - trtY,ltieridttts ere 've,' .. ...,1 . t.A
'grse . ogeupted,bi#4,t4e,iftelodalis,ith ) ,polittcrilt
tnpiaii', aritx, , !fOut` veiatlorstk•. , I' am ‘ , eltici t i 4 r 1
backlc(!nli, grit iii,iiressicliiqrtti..S.. Ace :Of'
;rnan,q,' , /l seen,i's r tes me ofri;4oltiqese:'iirofttgo
',V'siilm,,,i/titt ~- 1 itutifrl' fi4tte '6i:in:di' iiiippost .
triaf On 00 ,Wii'ld' wiiii IMO° 'friiPO;(, ' ti ttle'
Wthiciittitlio 6 ?) iliaii`titivtisq, 4heYcgitii•
'6 ii 4 ,,rdlng . milt 74 Itliikol(VSOrii . 44B4i '' ,Old,
1.„.4.010fic i cc,,,,...yd,i_iii,,,61.044.4„:1i-94..
lii sPiiiiqq,,,',:!#iiiit.,o64adif,oo native. \ion,
114113nfipite - rieliarrnB 4 :...*iiipiy.otattititieltbla`.
- 0: 4 , 1 )4 11 zec. Iti•
OM iiioAptk $1'.1• 4 80'411*; . *It0:015. , ' ,. eriivii4Ei
16', , ,tetl', the.',opatilY hist ' ' . Aliik.:Yy;Ae';ioot 7 01
1 ,
ohiulhohlii;cothe' 4 0" •011 . ' hand upon m 3
- # . iiii.r . ,... ..:4•; , ,''..., :.,,. ~• .•:,.- -, , : .:'.
Front the London Quarterly Review
. .
bdsoml See how it beats!" [And true it
did bent with great rapidity.] It like the
sound of a bell, (adek3 he.). There ii.none
heck [St. Ileleuuj-4 am no longer rteemtom•
ed to hear„it. The sound a a hell
. never
strikes my - ear,:Without 'e,firrying back My
thoughts to the , sensations of •rny yonth.=- -
.The — Aligellia - helllid• me back . to pleasant
reveries, when, in the mid.t, of earnest
thoughts, and byrdered with the ol
ah imperial crown, I heard its 1161 - sound
under the shady woods . of r s t ,Cl a „d .; and
often have I been simpereed to be revolving
the plan of a campaign, or digesting ar;
Perini ,law, -when .my_thoughts-Avere wholly
, involved in dwelling uponlhe first - iiii-p-rVit
fiiatris'of my" youth."
• CAM -iii . Giri% -,; -;.'-
So he said with a amid deal - of enirdiasis.
Thiri did but surnmon my equally decisive
declaration from the' gentleman with ‘Vhom
he Vas conversing. The reaction of the.last
upon - the first speaker was powerful. and INlr.
.PoBo.l%., , ifecarne more positive, until he be
caing„superlatiscly ooFitive, and ill blood be
gan•lO shoot along his veins.
- "But I am right." Suppose. you ar`c an&
then yen have the best of all' reasons lor
ing calm and composed.. You !nay be
but not vuliemeet alai outrageous. You may
be decided in your convictions of a certain
fact, lint 3-bit need not conic clown upon your
opponent like it bear robbed of her: whelps.
We saw - lately. axonplepf porSons on the
opposite sides of ,pinion concerning a in:
!hatter, right;':alul olf they went be
fore the wind, ten knots an hour; and it kept
Wowing harder and harder evely momeni:—
they. l u ll_Nixed np," and came as nigh as
fond t.I:I4.TWg w °aid allow to a to.verititz
passion, The malt& in Gaunt was but a
fie above the hhadow of a rhadok But C
was big ennligh to make t
tan being at the bellOws. The laces of eacli
man changed from - t!ie quipmess of a
ant conver,att6u, to the oh a :41:1;yc ,
I' ement,
"I am right.' you see that ihe,
mend and positive asseitioi. is ri virtual as
sertion that- your opponent
sharp arrow. It womids.him. the resems
it. 11is rased voice kindles yonis to a mole
vehement awl Karl: into thr
c;imilm,tibles 01 s:ii exvile.l g,()
fresli spank. to make there a Helve
. ,
°But lam right." fiat
,yon ern nor rig
a ht
in the reiteration of such: statement, when
there is tilere'you the cert linty that yut , a
-muse passion ;hid engender Yoe tire
welcome to y i nur coticiousness - that -you are
tight. U. Male all you please 01 it
in your own, soul. let if the utterance and
reiteration of it leads on to undesiraltln CN
citement, thew drop it.-- 7 lkoton ihrorder.
ENLIGHTENED ENGLAN . D.—Liteligent June?.
In a case which was Incid on Wednesday
night at• Xingston, in which the plaintiff
was tin adi.erusing agent and brought an ne
fot Ipwards of Goo pounds, the evidence
was put reedy clear, aml the verdict for the
lull amount wan considered a matter of
course. 'rho judge diseeted
.the Ivry :mem ,
^dingly, and : to everybody's asillisliment,
and pethapa most ol till to that el the delen.
dent's council, the pry, after knouking their
frowsy heals together, suddenly announced
it toilet for eighteen pounds. "Eigfteen
pounds 1 :: said the jnilge, stating. “W hat
can you be dunking about gentletnen ? Re
consider } our veolict .'' So the frowsy heads
knocked tegcther a little while, and their u
nited wisdom gave the veithet this time for
another sum of a totally dillerent romfunt,
but equally absurd. 'lt is clear. gentlemen,'
said the jnihr, with a bland snide at the stn
pldity of his dolts,,: that you do not under
stand the case. .Allow me to explain it."
And his lordship took much pains to let
light in their brains. They look eft owlish. a
Mile longer and then returned a verdict that
the pLilittilf uric to pay. -The piaintill to pay
Von mean the ((element. I suppose, gentle
meelt) “Eas, ,, said the fareman, "the do
fondentit be." "Anti how much'!" asked the
jtalge. ~F ifteen pounds it be." And the.ver
digt, was actually recorded for fifteen pounds,
the judge telling the parties in plain terms
that there was no making Mich asses under :
stand anything, and that it new trial must Le
had A ruleAisi for inereAsing the 'ilamages
%vat granted on Wechiesday last. A jdry at
the stone assitieS; after„mqing Yarii us at
wrnpts td indicate the verdint .they wanted
to•retnrri T And conlomiding
fend erld - and -- defend en t -with -plaintiff,- and
findingthat the plaintiff must pity, and the
delend'ent was guilty, and altogether hud
dling the whole^ aflair, were relkved by the
foreman pointing out the plaintas-counsel,
and roared out, , •Theer ! we Mend for dc."—
Liverpol llbir ih .
gentlernan fie - in the
country mentioned to us•yesterday; that his
annual subscription amotititetl:to about 97P- 7 .
but he nevertheless believed that each paper
was mot only a source ofrpleastumbin of pro
111AO,hipt,iimajmell as the information coni
inuMeated, enabled lam. to 'realize in It is bu
siness, at least the 'full pnre of the auntie!
cited. the Case 'of the In4rti . rei• (or
axarnple;:und•Said Unit a few month's since,'
an advertisement; which aOraoterl his linen-.
Ifoll):iadaaed a'afaßla, pgrt. by which he
cleared a. firefiit of $300'.., worql
fam,ernberhigi in . A. the .
toting., 'Advertisers uot ionly-henefitdibem
eelves by , annotineing.the charactor of goods
they - hayelor sale, WA the public al „large
who pay j oontipo to ouch anno uncements
t e. also tirelftti We (Told
..peiht.out :todre
in : which. ; the . preliminary 13top r -to .0 :fortune.'
has been obtained by nneans, of a per i wo9,vei l
ad irettisement:P/itill:lfluirs'i:
loins.of ti boydiAGtar i fiorti a ihVpf n rein •
"fiktie'er#4lllfid. antivilk of
ra'shne'ssl,o,lo)B , p . 21,V ! :?;
Will suffices Felice lie: is`violeiif; cri neioO',
, 'nOtioafq,lsYCiiipeAiCi'6;PfY!444;l3,
.1,4 0100'4 yptyig :TAO I'ooo.
bicifemOiciri; vtihiPh erte.;ia;go largely:'
of th e.
tf !jai . ,Een , , Ole
"may. : b'eiir~fhiiit;=tlieso;hpfi'd' thO',:theinnind
"th r ff,riiiitn . • •
t ot-lhOlOCJOirerso'n is u
Y. a'` %tit] lio b,elott ga. k',PAPtist
ipongiegittion in.'_StcirlitiV ill 6;l l .lVlissiliippL4,
but, tieing as - fiii4; rate ft'4o:jr.,
Sandwich Observeri`l'tck
( itsafp3 12.i;a3•18ctliftrt.
The State o!-Honduras, says tiftsikrec 7 O P
lean 'Pz - f:ria, has, through its President and
two of its conspictioux generals, invited the
other States of Central America to combine
to aid Mexico in her iiresent ptruggle with
the. United StateS. the confederacy, of States
consists of Opatamarai - Quesaltonatiacf,latit)...
Tiiiiia - T4TNlE,aiagoa, Sao Salvadon .F Costct RICLI,
and the Federal-Distl:lel; a small. space set
asiilo :for zi redjriil CaPital. They have ,-
neperate territorial governmonta. and legisla=
,Theimptikition of the confederacy is
„littlo,inotc than two millions, and -ifs area .
,-..bout ono !nindied and ninety cis thousand
s:juam nn4r+
regarded by the Delta afi a significant
and impidtain fact, which
.should be closely
ne , .;n4„l . liiirid and incustigated. It, however i
i,prefeys to wait fertheLdevelopements befot'o
enterirg npon any speculation of the prob
able effects of thin new feature of the pros
; eel war. •• •
The col;nwincz is a copy r,f Ihe Proclama
tion of the Plesi clew- of Ilonthurt, nod the
tw-o-Ccoei al; of Division
7h e presid i „1 c : 1 the .9,/te Iromittras to thd
'only1:141 ! l'ottnn C. now rules the
docij o i, of Me, inn, and menaces her eons
wig) ili•-oi , ' , llr)it and e‘liatainalion...., The_ N-r -
Arnelicati , !Intr. delropnl the interesting
populalion4tuf Cruz—Lave .possessed
thrnn.vlse4 of !heir eflentA, Cud are now
tnareltintl npoa the ra;nnil. We eannot,yet
know what e h eat:mimes lN iii. afflict that
. i! •
They are cnr brethren : their dangers- nro
Hill=, or,/ their Lite nrars us. IVe should
nu t m a i n tain I,erhalik. if %VII Cr.ll - in any
ID:11111er ;:id. tile/11 iii their honor:lsle- strug-
!Flo , onlicri wroth! turn rl know that tho u ' •
-flondtirenos are ready to fulfil their duties,
of whatever nature they may be.
I )viii•r•ust.iln in the Rune -an honorable
ranee, at all 1 , a7.:1;.1A. ,but I will ,
.not do it
with the Ktrillice tt.titi:trizin honor, for -a --
disurarr.l peopi - d are fit to boor chains, and
to sutler with humility the beaus and the
injuries which the straw! impose., •
, 1 addressed myself to Joy to the Govern
m tats of the Jtepulthr, making, these nbsbr
valitins in cyder that, shall be deemed
expedient'. we may, tt it is. possible, afford
aid, or al leostManifest our,favorable dispo- •
sitirm to their tanse and to liberty.
Divisions and internal feuds have raineA
oar Mexicans brr'.hers.. millions. of '
inhabitants, “1-••witom tfol notion is compos
ed. have been nunble to defend themselves
against a handful of men, who have seized
their tort itory acid brim property, ancl.annut
let! their ir_ihts.Wird may be the fate of
Cie. Centrvl ,
r.:e ccrtirmed di
j aided !
'rho ;:raps appcnr eN tmo r .
dinatily ad.ll):cd tti ~. most effect
ual means to sects illArperichce,lit 'loth
im.Y, has been ;,) e,t rail! ,.. Them ; y e _
f.:pet.t to ii govrinment, and sobinission to
law, they•conside.r as their power ? their glo
ry and their It ,tror.
What hapi,;rh's:•• I 0. - :prtrience, who
rules l.ho dosimies of a reople adorned by
the=e viones ! LIND°.
Co:.1:67,(.:•A ; June I,t, 1447
nom the 0.
Inlercepted Correspondence.
We have before us the Buktint de las No
hews of the . 6:11 and Sji e , j August. I'h is, it
will be. recollected Is a little i\lexican paper
pithlislied at Jalapa. ...In the:nurnlier of the
tith we fiiiLtinilni the head of "Intercepted
Carrespoutlence," . what purports to be "part
of a private correspen:tlence kern the Cabin
et at Washington to Gen. Scott.'' We can
not believe the letter to be genuine, though
hitherto we have not detected the Mexicans
in palming MI pretended letters Item th 6
-government t t t-Washimnoti v irgenuitie-ones„,
TIM reader will bear in mind that it has un
degone two tran,lations, and without (natter
ado we amtex it - as itprports to have been,
given in the Rc t atthomo, No 173—the date
Our position has become dificult, and. art
discount suflbred on ille drafts drawn against
the emiim;sSaty general at the armies. at
New Orleans. renders onr situation still more
critical; tot. I dare not .risk , to exchange these •
dratts'against oth Ira on Washington.. .•
^ A new loan cannot be ratified, lior world
f{•lm advisable.• Could we entertain, any
hope of staves with the wrong turn the elec
tions bare taken? • Without that indispensa
ble' roseufce,,, ceuld wt . , raise the troops of
liiisoyou *demand'? The states of the'
Ireton fear an accumutaton of paper and her •
banks would become banktupt under an age
glonteraticitt of notes. Ilow can ; we - hope to
venture upon blither engagements in new•
enlistments of volutite.ers 7 }resides,. Gene=
ral,_the man Whiise terms have expired are
much 'c.l tosatisfied, and it is cenimunicated. ,
like electric gas to the new tecruns, and the
,information .reepix.ed, at, this thiparttneat is•
'anything. ,but flattering, Will . tiro:.
'raise the the •thou Sand rribMyoit ireinatitl
•'S.doitbt it much andl fear that you 'fe., •
Arttiph' , -you ,- •
represent denselA populated; ell fi ,lottnula- ;
in• siate of inacti,y,ity, Whic:.t.has,,also
been ;reer9o4peetecily the , fete ' of Gin,
Taylor!, ,To your fotesight and:skill (I, am
'Sorry le - gity'ScO is confided our fate, •
rs (The next • sebtonite ~obsw*Jre "•tbSugh
esfierf.•: Ifileeins to intimate that General,
is the maih•relience.of the•hopios.oo:thei.Gthrr •
etnment to• extricate it, fOrtirtte , ,firesetit - oiltt-;
1 4 1 9 1 ,10. • t,;••”:,
7E at Ploy well the ; resourccawh ah..yint •••
in g , to
,tkitiFit: , , Sitiu Micititieed'fep7; Mielt
to efl:lloliis:Mat
e tgi
ivut ati•dhcl'tif the"faltifi'rpoeition:t,tl',W.b7oo l4 '..:
et' as I aa,ad Vititcaos4,od r iompojOll.k:/;„•.
!the:tfth-.0,1.4t7174,19e.',N.1411i4# 01 , 10 .0 7 ,0 1111
TtOr'afAiliblitelltgnio o i.:oo oooli6l P 3,l4 ! (Y ):: l-, i
t.i411:011,41.0440*.r°b0 10491,41411E100r:
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