Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 25, 1847, Image 3

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ICW : r llUEtti ei tcut~
hi . and Wylie net of the . General.
W'Aisenibly•of the Commonwealth of renn-.
"An Act relatink to thi,electiops ,
.ol this_Conittionicealik," -missed the .211 (Neff.'
' July ;A.111:1539., it is made the ditty of thd - blie. --
riff of every zointly within this_ t ommonweahli,
• to give vukilic iiedce of the Geatirtil Efetlions,and
in suelvuoiices to enumerate
I. The officer to be cle.deil.
Y. Designatethe place at Which the election is
'to befield.• . , ••• •
I,•J AMES OFFER, Ilighlieriff ot the countY
.13fOumherlatid, do herehyratike knoWn nod given
liiia.pnblio notice to the electors oldie county of
Cumberlond,that on the SECOND TUESDAY
OF 0C1.'011.8/I,VE.r7; (being the day
of the month) a Genertil Election will te lucid at
'the seVerni a eetion dish:lets established by law
in said comity, at which time they will vote b
ballot for the several officers hereinafter named,
viz:— l_
for Cnnal Commissioner of tthe State of Penn•
'B3 Imola
'sic, represent ete -.counties or Cumberland 'inn
Yery in the Scnate or P eo asylv en t,,,,
- !to-relive - acid the comity of (motherland -in the
`tloitse of ItepreseittatiieS ot Pennajivritia.
%for Treastirer of the edlinty of Cumberland.
k tror Cotanfissiovr of the comity of Cumberland..
for Director Ktlie Poor and ur the llnute of Ein
'ploy meet attic county t f cunilterlatid.
ONE P1W. , .0N .
, I TOr -AuditOri 10 the public fleet-mots of die
'county Of Cumberland
• The said weetion will be held tf rouglieut the
coutifY, as ' ' •
The election in the election district co:loosed
c':tlltLiturough of Carlisle nod the lowitaliips of
North Nlodilleton, South 11'4,11110m0, Laircr Dick•
"iitspoo, Lower Franiktord and Westl\tatissitorott li
. 4111 he held nt a l p Court )louse, in the Lorene/ '
of 'Carlisle:
The election in the election district composed
, :a Silver Spring t owitship, will be held at the
Aniflic house of I.;eorge Duey, in tloguettoiwn, ui
',Said township. vr,
By un act of the General A sseinhly.'passed the
'list day or April., - A. D. 11146. the election in the
'election district composed of-ti omiden township,
'will be held Lathe house now occupied by lemy
Bressler. in said township. And by the --same
'knet?the election in the eletaicitt tli“riet.composed
.of Lisburn and a part of tlleit township, know,'
as the Lisburn.District, shall here:titer hold Mein
elections at the public Rollie tam ocppie 'by r
'John G. Ikek, in Lisburn..
. The election in the election district composed
'of East Pentisborough township, will be held nt •
'the boom now occupted bt Jacob I..mignecker,
Esq. at the west end of theliat•risburg Bridge.
The Oct:lion 111 1110 district composed of Now
Cumberland, will be held at the public house of
'Morris Joilmson, iii tht. borough of'New Cum
The election in. the -district. composed id the
intrt-ofAllen - fownship, whicieelet•titoo•witadwre- -
--- -tnforoloultrnt - the - puhlie. Moir, of Wm. I luglova
'in the borough of New Cumberland, will be held
„. At the Te - rant, Bonita; of George I lcjik, noW Otte-el
ided by Bober: Lotfey,iu said township. ...
• The election in lii disirict compost d of that
iron of Allen tnenship, tint included in the New
etimlterlatiti v
tdstriets, will be held at the toulolic house of Da l id
Sheatfer, in Shepherdsrown, is said township.
• The election in the dist - Cita 'compaeol .of the
'borough of Mechanicsburg, will be held tit toe
public house of Joh. llooverilit solo borough.
The election in the di . ,:trict commis d of Iloti
-roe township, will lie held xt the manioc htinse ul
\Vollow Paul, in Churelotown, in snit' tow tosltip.
be etection in the district comPost•d of Comelo
'pink utsondownship,_w_i !Lae_ belgottithe_lonso of
Phi ip \Vetiver, in said township. ,
The election in tfie district compost el to' the
' Thorough of Newsille; and townships of
'tipper Frankfort', Big Spring., and that part 'Ol
- Newt m not inchilletl in doe I.eesloutog
' election district Itereinatier ono totionot, will be
held at the Brick Sellout llonse, borough
r ota Newville.
he election in the distriVt - compostM oY llotie 7
well 'township *ill be 'held nl the School House
in Newburg, In said township.
The erOctibli lithe ---- itivrtet - composed - of-thc
borough et Shippcustottrg, Shippettsboopg ton n
'sloip,utood that part of Sontlinniptott township, not
inchuled in the Leesburg election distmet, will
Ste held at the Council )louse, in the borough of
And in soil by an act etntlie Cetera' Assembly
of this Commonwealth, passed the :Id Jody, 839,s
it is thus provided; ..That the qualified electors
of parts of Ne'ulon and Southampton Ins' uslni u,
In thi- county orCumberland, bounde.l by the fol
lowing lines Knot distances. vizt lizgintoing at the
:Adams comity line ' then:leaking the Me dividing
the townships - of Dickinson nod Newton to the
;turnpike roadOlience along said turnpike to Ceti
tre School House, on said turnpike, in Solie.amp
ion'towniship, thence to a point, on the 11 Atilt
Bottom Itoad at Hey buck's, including !try buck's
Farm. thence a straight 4111.11110010111 r S. Anil
belOtigi lig to the heirs of Grorge Ulmer, thetwe
• 'along ii.ryilier - s 'mit to t e Adams count, line,
thence along the line of Adams comity to the place
, of beginning, he moil the same it hereto) declared
it new and separate electimo flistsict, the &colon
to be held at the public house of Wm.., taxa ell,
in Leesburg, So dianmtoto township."
Notice is Hereby Given,
That every pvestoto, excepting Joistwes of the
Peace, wko shall hold ion cline tar 3ippililitliseet
of plait 'Or trObt uudcr lilt- 4i,stcd Shines, or 111'
this Stair, Or 1111, cn, Or lio.Orporo”.11 tliblu Irt,
whrlber's 01110.0. Isl.
.subortionite officer ur otgem, who is or shunt be
'employed under the legishailv, etonctitose, y o .
dietary departments of nuts Mille, et: ..1111e Caucil
Stoles, Or oh So) city la , of RIO th,
*Viet; 111111 also the ever, wrmlu r 111 1,11 4 .,1,9N
mel of the State Legislature, anal of li. S. 1.0 or
Common kmuncil tit any. en) , or
,Acv itoeurporawat district, law me. odd, oa
bolding or eXerriBl.l4 51 11004 smile Uoe, ..11:,
Ol t 811jelli111110.00 01* . polge. iosOrr.l.ll., or i i , I k ~1 any
'Oration, villas I.olOnliolo 1111111. 31:11i 1.11
speetor, judge or other officer of such cl-ction
Shall he eligible to be then sot ti for.
, Awl the said Act of Asst....ld), motitled out
relioltn,glit elections of this Coontoootioadth,i,n , st ti
josh' `211',18:39, !mailer pro% toles as hullo., a, to 11
"'runt the ilielprel.ol.B 01111 jll.lgre :11n11 met 1. tit
sperlire sq111141,11•11111i .
electiotiiii ilielintrict whit 11 - 111i1
hefoshe 9 o'clock in die moriti,g of 1110
Second Tuesday of October, and rails ol sand in
spirt...tors shall appoint now clerk, u too shall be a
qualified voter of such district.
.. "1p case the person who shall ochre reit•i veil the
ltipelith'highest number of votes for inspector,
shall tmt..attend on the day of the election, the,'
the ,persup who, shill have received the second.
,number of. °tett for Judge at the. next
receding cleclicm act as insector in lira
Attie: in colic the itertruo alit,shah luheu
highest needier el' for Mimeo- -
tor shall not atteuti;ilipersoit eiceledintlge
apliohit int ititipector Mitts placet and in base the'
'croon ciliated n judge shall tint uttendolien the
'toilette* , wlio received the highest number of
.• Nolen-shall appoint- a judge-in %Hotplate; Or if any
vacancy shall eontinue in the, enard for the sense
, .of Rae. hour atter, the, time fixed, by , Fur the;
opening of the eleetino, the.quolified voters of din
townshipliard or distiiet for,.iyhi6h such ofilher
• preh eat di • ilier Pace of
eteEll(l4 . Bhall elect 'phe of their number to - fill
• 'inieli`viletiney. ''
'lt shall be the duty of the several assessors
teipeetively to attend at the ;dare of-holding
vvery!gineral,speohirorlowiichip 4,1e - cti on, de r ,.
ing whirlaiirrie'.initl ritia open, for
the p . urpose of giving Itifornitition inspectors
when culled no in rtlation to the rie,dit.
of .any' person nstielised by thou to vote at such.
~elvetteni or such other•imulers relatiot ,1p the
afpptsment: or. voters ,as. die ;said inspectors or ,
either of, them shall from t, mete: time require. '.
-shall. be, permitted to vote at tiny'
' election .as aforesaid; them wlilte:rrCeinntt of the'
--- aiggrO twenty - 4)6er pore tiezonote,,Who shall have
reit:tied:ln .tote Stale et least one year, and it. the
election..disirloti-witerelidolfersinis , Vote at least..
p;iloye g immediately.- preteiling-sinik. election,
and within tWo.yetirs paid a' Slide ul. county tax,
whigh 7 shall : hove leaxt 'tee days
. before .a 'citizen or Abe ',United
§txtes, whciluts:Pr,evioutily beriva Mielined voter)
Orthi*Sl;iteiliiid.reilkltil therefrom and, returited,
~.huil'.tviiti.shall,haVirreelded inn the Cleetioorillitriet ,
and ,Pnitl.taxes 'aforassitl, 4 shalChe.'entitleirto:votiv
Adler reading lo this State six 'monthei
'frecuien,,dititsito:of e.O ted,
, o nitvee'n the . ages of ov env; one and tweitty
::,.• ~ two yefpntl
hire.raidediittlitOoletition dist - Nut.
Sept days aslanieliilll;idialt .be entitled to:vote 0 1 : .
• , y..; • .t.lstoperionshalVhelietlnitted'in iptit';Whelta•
not.eentitinett int the I ist9l.
' 10 . 9181%0d:',W1ite . "), - .etiiiihinistolleOl; ;unless,
f'ketate" ,otinntYl.rdSr' nit:elite&
theitadlistititt,ton i s' , aoontl.,sitiStitateof
ivrst'svicie eiilier''oerititneallilektiMiferetient:or the
,j oath ,-or.":affirtinition' ortinotlictliar.lte;
_..N . iiiil(6iittiiiitiiitii t .
- - • . , . ... .., • . -----.................,.........
. , ...
.. .. . . ...,
3411 -i cos, pi , en„lailut L. to -p 011110 - II I ectipt
'Wait ~ ,Make'tititla to..the.ptyment thereof; or Se
cella; if he'Claina a right to vote,l3ffeing an elec.
lbehetwcen the age cttwetity onelitid twenty two
yearx;isealiall-slepote'en Oath Orthfliiirtat ion that
before - lila. apalfetitinni, an& Make inch' pront'l
tesitiencein.thedistriet as is.eetitiited t by this act,-
and that Mt does veriiy,helieye trent the Prenatal
•gitetv,..lilin. that 111.6 k ittil...nge talpgintaill, Rllll
gite'tintli. at a ker evidence at, it. required by tlii!
act,,whereajmn the name of the person. so admit
ted to vote - shall - be-inserted - in - the aloinaetield
list by the inspectors ; m&H note mate opposite'
thereto, by writing the word 'tax,' if he shall be
ink aided to vote by reason of has ing 1114i/1 tax, or
the . werd 'ago,' if lie anal/ be admitted to. vote by
reason of such 'age, shall he called out to the
tzlerks,ylio stud! Make the like notes in the lists
ofi-Cites-kept by them.
'lit All Cases where. the. name of the person
:ctiiimitig to vote is ftitiiiti on the list furnished by.
the coruntissioners and assessor, or his right to
vote whether found thereon or lint, is 31;jected to
liar ring qualified citizen, it shall he the duly of the
• examine such person oil oath as to
his qualifications, and it he claims to have resided
within the State for one year or More, his oath
slialli-he sufficient proof thereof. but shill make
proof by at least one cmiipment
_n_m, who
shall — he ii [7ll - 1 - 11iliirli7:feel01.,1.1111t 1111 kits i•CSitti:ll
t% ititi_up the-iliA.I lit t Me m ore th an t en a. ) . net r
immediately preceding sold election, mill shall'
also himself swear Mat his boils title residence, 1
in pursuance of his lawful balling, is c kids the
ii strict, and that he Ilidclot T..IIIOVU, into said dis
triet for thyypurpose of viniog therein. 0 ,,
'Every person qualilied as aforesaid, aiiihwlto
shall make due pre till reimired, of his residence
unit pity inent ofttxes'ai alurvsaid,-lie j
shall las-Mi.
milted to t oteti tlits nitro:Atilt, ward riltifistidet
in st yeti he shall reside.,
allele . % persiiii shrill preve. t or attempt tri pre-
Ift4ll 11Dy idliCe•l' pi lay eleetinicuilidsr this act;
Iron. kidding such elt eiiim, or we or threatensiny
l vklence to nov su c h ollielsroir shall interrupt or
inygnpi h itderfere with him in tilt ex.Ctiti m
of lit, 0.1.1 v, or shrill block up the whitlow' or
Oa vei be it, au I/whitlow where the same maybe
hohliogit3rtfoill 't'ireh , llsl) distiir'-i'the peace at
such elesuidYr, or shad l %tie tir practice any intimi
-dating th?cnts, tcrceoh vinhotcei with design to
influence toitily Or overawe any elector, or to
preterit hint from voting or to retrain the free
dom of chsive,,aush perstin on Colivietion shall lie
lined in any sum not exceeding five Itundren 110l
b:es nut he imprisoned for any time tail hiss than
tlicte nor more than twelve months, and ilk shall
be' shown to court, where the trial of such offence
shall be hatl,dlutt the person so offending sutis hot
a resitfent of the city, ward, district or 1111VDSIiii)
144ieVe die offence was committed, and not lentil ed
to wife therein, then oil - coil' ictiott he shall he
sentenced to tiny a fine of not less than one hun
dred nor more than ohe 'awns:old dolkes, :and be
imprisoned stilt less than six 1110111119 nor mote
. y
duel two years.
'Ti any person or 4.erflons &hall make any bet or
wagtr upon therrestill 01 nt.y election t.ithin this
tlommonweahlt, or shall ofber to make a) such
bet or trager, either by vorbai„prth,h-rnat inn there
of, or by any .written or printed 41 , 1VerlISUlf Olt,
challenge ur inlito tiny person to make moth bet
- Or cfiriVit:uou or (F;ev
forrriralrOligkrtlirtre - tillrel• Ihirrifootoit so liOt or
to be bet.
'Tf pee .n nut by law qualified, shall ft nod
uletoly vole at any election in Iris Comninn
wealtli,or Iv iog 01111, 0 0 0111 , 911311f1e1l 14111 vote out
of his limper district, or it ally person kenning
- the - want - of - such Linatifiration,shallit id or prOintre
00 to vole, the erstin efTe 4 illing
nit conviction, lie fined to any sum Mot exerrilitig
txo lilitiqed dollars and be imprisoned fur filly
(01 - in tat exec...ding three months.
'lf any peinon shall vote at more than one Lice
titin district, int otherwise listudulentiv - vote m lie
than once tin the same 1111 y, an shall tratnlideal,
t;dtt• and deliver to the inspector two tickets to.
goiter u lilt the intent illegally to vole, He Mai
'Mettle 001 1 ther - blt"riritttitc. - 111r 1111..\
91101 i 011 COllVielloll be fined in any stint not less
than lit' y nu!• more than fi..c hundred dolls.r's, and
he iroprisnned for nay tern' itot less than three
1100 100 re tutu, IWrIVeIIO.OIIII3.
'Wally person not gm lifted to tfilsCorn
tnossweallls, agreeably to law, (except the soils of
qualified citizens) slmll nispent tit mny plriee of
eleetion fol. the !infuse of issilissg tieltets lII' el
issfluesming the citizens qualified to vote, he shall
em co:iris:boss forfeit aral pay any silos not exceed
ing one lanulred dollars for every such ofence,
and he imprisoned lot sass term not exuceding
three tn,estiss . .
Agreeable 'ld the pro . visions a tie sixty-first
semson of said set, every - Wesseral and Special
Election shall be ripened between the !sours of
c.FIII. And lea in ( 1 / 1 .5111 . 1.e110011, 111111 shall et:missile
sthoot InICITIIIIIIOIi ailiolll.lllllClil ,
o'cloelt eveuitst,wl:ess the polls shall be
Anti the ludgesof the respective ilistriels afore
said, ar.p by the said Not ebulaircd to meet at the
Cour House, iu the borough of Carl islet ou the
third do. Urler the said day of election, bring
Frolay the 15111 day of 1./stoker, then and there to
perform the things required of them he Ina'.
(11 , C11 notice my hand, at Carlisle, this Oth
day of S'epternbcy, A. 01817
sheriff 'a Office, Carlidl,
September '25. 1847.
, A LIE subset iber rvisecifully
unnolitiets le his friemds
..IW.r4 the public goiertilly, that he ban
0 hbve nainwl Livery
z-tible to the alley iii the r'ea'r of the Maiket
Mum!, her lie cult and will accommodate
all those Who may give Iran call, With i.WOD
111 CGI,IES, CA It IL Ac;
"I'bc public may germd on gritim good end
I , rSI s, as T will to lito giVi,
holy Uoic, 1 tali recommend him nM sule Mid
le. Price. moderate. lie lommi by rale,
fir imentimi to merit and recline a 'Mare of
. .
N, II —Thu
will lie 114alikrul/y reotived
Ord pun's? .I'y Tel d
A utm •211 3wio's
he told at Roblin sale.,on •S'ertirolly
the hJ 114 ot tictober he x e,ak,.l 2 o'clock.
un the monist:a, lat'a the MOperty of Michael
Frieze dec'd, a tome in toulh hltddletnn town
slop. I:timberland county, about 3 miles south
(mat of Carlisle, and about 2 milts north of
Draw btad's m.ll. containing about-100 Acres
of 'first rule Limestone hind. About 75 Acres
are cleared and under good fenes t u high
slide nt cultivation. 'PhD remainder is well
timbered; the improvements area two story
Dwelling House and kitchen end' also a ono
nob a half .torY tenant:house near - the man.
Mon beuse, log befit and wagon shed, corn
oaks eml . other out IntildinTs, and an excellent
Well of water nour the.houset also an Orchard
niehoice.frint: Persons wishing information
are invited' to call . on the subscribers or on
Josielt Sheffer, wild resides on said farm.
Terms will be made known on day of sale
1401 EL .FR I 1::Z
lethal §5, 1847-- te • Exe l eutors:.
.Yolentoor, And. Lunedster , Uhton soil
Tribeneitutert_tilt mile tmdm d bill mdpaper
to thio,otrtito.,,.
-280" tOttrfcet'S'red Phitadaphici:."
FINHE Buiis'eribtirr(late"."of • dm
Washington ,, iiotel,
burg; Ps) takes this methOd,of 41 7 .
lorminglithivid friends and-the-pub:
lia'geriera ly, that' ha has::tokiin:tho.ahose tie
mad [tat EL. The hoaeb leuirq end , comfoit•
able, 'arid boon„extathriystly.. alter a d , and
imprOsad, and the , proprietor hoptier,hy„o,lerial; :
antiphon in businrss and;a proper cora no! ;the '
coinfort of his' grit:tic's, It, inaritsi,!nd receive ii
shora pohluo pritronogo,. , Tho:lnntra Shu..
diatiory CiOnvoilient%filr l'iS , trusallitt
ing,Oolly two doors 'Ohara the' listriShing anll
4 KtebtifgDepai;cintkniniiiii'.tnci Tinnier' tvrilk
of tiniffilthodrOlintißoodinkflapcks ,— 'o•A'.'
' ahod. t o tho preinorefi, 'Tetras 31
E. 'Pill 1,1011 1 . 014 c proprtc tor. r
l'•"Angost 05; Ix. 1 x. ,
• •••••• .. , .,•NcorppE:•.l .. ...,• . .r. : 2
A Li, ee'eseee'iiitlebteeie'll4ealtile,of,lAMW'
IS; PIPE, It. lete- otear
W,Peeeebere' .
dyg'll,ltee. iterel4 nothied:, deft.' 0'0,17)0{6'
next heft.. `stealitillie'e ill •be the 'Noels
br a legal Peening' Ituving
claims sigplifst ahe et t utin ate reAti6gep-io,prei O t
h esp • Ito,r,p , kitilesoJ , l ,,
•• . •
,;,.c,r,t„ S'eI)UNLAP•;:'
Aesest'; •
- ,
Estitte'OF , AtcoWSlitiff;q3eod.
NOTICIE iteherelity• Oran tinfi-litters lekta."
maittary ,011 abo . Astittetol Linea Blunts,
late of .South Ifthidlaton tuttnialhpodee'd; Itave
been dtantefi to 'the 'aubeeriber.residkn'g. in - the
2 sitme--tolvtielup.;! .indebtedLto:..iitc.
said deentie n d; are
ilumgrlieto 'iiyitierit, end Illose
. alaillll9
Vgatiititihe ` same will present _ thank: duly au.
thentiented for Settleinent.. .
' 30101 PETERS, Ex9cutor
Atiguist2q,lB:47. ,- • .--
B. E. 01OORE
'I4OOIIE ar• RitSDON. , .
No. 7.0,,50uth Thled Street, warlly 01,9914: the
ICIAN annotniec to- their friends
R and the public that they nic'eonstinitly pre
pared to ke to
.1,0 ft nest and hest•
materials, and at.. moderafe iitaces, esety article
of Fa.hionable Clothing conttituting a Gentle
man's Wardrobe, For -which their complete stock
,or choice and carcrully sett:tiled Cloths, Cassi
meres. Vestings, ~ r test and most deal
ratite patterns, areluirtniirlarly designed.
_Thep. oiVii teul_knowletige.of Alimbhiness_
`s lid a 'personal 'Mention to every gat;inent, enables
them to give entire satisfitetion,ani. I to
both old
/11111 new. .ctistoiners they respecthilly tender an
invitation to sive them ti still., •
Ilaving'been toe •yelti'iconiteeted with some of
the best and most fathionahlti estallislmtents in
this country, employing none hat first rate work- '
en, and being in' the Iniertiiiit receipt of the la
test &shims and hest 'Styles-di' good.), they tire
full/prepared . to accommodate customers in the
hest • • '
• l'hiliiile ptila August 18,1847,41 mi. •
At the Ilubujelphin ilaguerrents me 'Establish
. hietit, EsChiinge, Thiel! Story.lipams,
. .Nus. 2.1.tuul
-FITS projnicto c 'cnitlintte'totake the above
Portraits ill any size mill sty !coma are happy to
intioninte thid they hive ninth: scver,d,iinprovet
mons nhiclt nll4 . very mach td the deli'ilney nail
o nosy of the ,iortt•aits taken to their establishment
An examination Of speCinieni'in their ritonni is
•espectlully solicited 'find every ekertion t ill he
untie to give radiee
Sole meats for the side er Voigthtender's A v
ictim's, and importers dl plates, cliendeals, bee
PliihinelphinAuglist 19, 1817
A niN Sautaa?tiayeT"a le fifth ihy oi• September, 1847,
NYthe subscriber will ofralr'ait publae sale on the
I,r,imilies, the vi i luable farm now occupied by
Win Carroll, situate in Frailltoril township,
Cum enmity, about one mile and a half
above Plaintkb', adjoinlog hinds ol43ol . l.niiii A I
ter, John Sin der„lolin tel and others, con
tniniug 57 A pit 'Perches of exi:ellent
slate land, nil of is Inch with the exception of
about 10 acres of woodland, is cleared and iii ti
good MAIO nl ellithlitiOn improvements me
tnni‘, - 11,1% k - e -- There I- pod
ruirrmig- -- sprhig - nr - wmer - nine
thriving. piling. Orchard of ViiriMlS hinds of fruit.
Persons ilesirons exiiniiiiing the place sire re
gitequil to call on the tenant living on the 'Me
zlttle to commence n t t'2 o'clock NI.
A tigtist.lB.l9l:7
TIW sinseriber offers for sic Le form late
the property of Abraham Ficysolectisett, situate
iu Somltt.mpt on tow . uship, Franklin ermitiv, near
the road leading from Shitmeettihttrg to Clitatt..
bersbm. adjoining landird - WirmYtei boll, APCiu.
nes% mill tatters, 1,18 Acto:s , oil which
's-erectrtri-a-truirstory - tmg - linuseprdMibtirfitniib --
I.larn, wagon shed, corn *crib abd other building - a:
- Airo Hu Orchard of excellent 'fruit nail-era di of
4. ..0rta water neae the door. Persons w:shitig to
purchase arc r quested to calf on Andrew P,cken
li~ing on the 1,1%.4 Se ' l, M . 011 , Ille subscribers re
sidiog iu Dickinson-township; Cunitterlattd Co.
August 19,1817- 2 11 . i %, • ,-!E.krecutotrsi::
OF ttfugenatorin - I — Dratrict Cumposed uf - 6 0
Counties of Cumberland and Perry,
Gzsrt.ctszn—l offer myself as n candid - all
for SENATOR. If you elect me "I'll try" to
curry out genuine Democratic principles. I
am induced to this by the earnest solicitations
of Very
friends and fellow citizens.
Very respectlulty, yours, &c
Cumb'd Purnare, August IS, I 547
Extra Family coal.
~FITUTT, EGG or LUMP COAL, by the sin
-1 1 ton or cargo, This Conl is from
Gritilth's Mines, and has given entire sutisfac
lion to hundreds of customers during the past
be a Mn.
W.llOLESALE.—Merchants at a_tliFtance
ioultl do tvell to cult early to Mutes supply.
florrik'6llra. ictivist IS, AO:P-4w
r2s lIE pubik kro liceeby notified that Dr.
WAlt I.),liaving.rentovcil from this
borough, has lufr his books and accounts in the
bawls of the undersigned for collection and
settlement All ',emus indebted are request( d
to make payment without (Jetty, as it i!4 pie.
cessary lliut all iterounts shalt be immediately
sett led.
Anti , t IN, 1c47
~~IUGWAY &KE E LE, 37 N. Wharves
be low Race street, itler for ado ni the
Lvii EST PRICES, all the articles of the Oil
Trade. Their stock is varied and exttnsive,
and they feel confident or giving satisfaction
to those who a 11. They have now ntifinntl
Pure Sperm Oil, White Winter bind Fall
Oils of different qualities, Solal' Oil, Winter
Oils, Refine 4, Reeked and Corium,' Whale
Oil, Tanners' /pile, Sperm Candles, Goil no,
&v., &el
Ptiilaciolphio,,Aukust. 18,
' N. doods delivered in first rate eider
'p ; llC•Scbscrtbcr;`of the late fir no of Huck
More; tikleet: this method_ Of lit - raining
his friends and tho in ginOinl,4hat ha
hag' out the interode of S L-Buolg, at do
old eatablialted,'CLOWHlNG STAND,No. 244
Neirket'Stret,Philadelnfila, - and - is now nre.
pared - lc(' furnish 'oll,Ainda of, seady_,lnudo t
`to' lam thd patronagO M",all who ,wish to
those - cheap 0101111 r I , liavospicodid Ficonch
Cloth, Diego': and I. lepk l flora 615,56 to
&it 8;'do Vants:,froin ,75„Cinis to $8; Vat's from
62t nonti suit Of Sommer Clothing' for
$2,25. Al - kirair of Gentlemen% Furnish
1-fir G - cioda - at-extroinCly-low-pricen.
%V holcaoo dealoi:n in Clothing would du wolf
to call et thii storp.a, • • , .
• ' "
- , 4.41 M
• August 18,1,047, „ :!$
(IN Ssttiriloi, t , the
Ulf Subscriber. will sell et 'public vemlue no the
preMieetc, hipl , Bl.dt stained in Allier — Sitting
township; Combeitii.tiL couniv, Iwo milei north
en-st' of llogtoofoff it, two tidies hunt firleker's
M tittle miles from HaElsburg, god ;dub from
Carlisle, bounded by lends of 'Henry - 11,•;wolt a n d
the I ouefrognittett ereekou the south; by,Oftoi.
'Eberly and others on the by - Me. Llemniy,cot
- , ilte-nort Irentl-westienntitini — k - 2,25 - AC RES ata l
24 perelies,:'striet,thioatire, of BLACK SLATE
.LANE); about IRO ar9 it lea red and
high state, CI Celtivdtiett;'under gocitl. &noes,
end most of the tieltlS'lttire rtuitilfig Water stilliem.
'Tice fefrinlild6r , is well; timbered, nod mayshe
, I allowed toinea.early ciittleittiOL There ere•a
choie b„,e r i be i v i i6 ,. aao st o ok' na great bombe!' or iocost.i*Foois,disoei , ed ., :thi•otigti
,- • •-• • • _,-. thefield. Tiut ferm.iewel adopted, to.he ruts,
''.TOBACCO "SEGARS BC:SNUFFI - I' og of stock or 'el groin of itil.kintle, "•: . •
Pltl IMprovertitiots'are TWd
iaNst (1 -Thitimate colebrfited . „
f.artipe.,Brand.Crfendith, Lusciebe Lux.
: eetherbairiled. and . :palitted';';`,if„
ry' :eV fitte.:. , britiol-or Congiore Lo t ructeor,.,,w,, go i, C o r i/
diesiTttifet.'and' , Ellikez , ,.Dettibtlibt. cola brated eIIb,TENAAT.IOUNE awl edit
Ilappepaand : tioatite IVA neeaboyii ,, tind; Reenter's irr out bu lo I lege; cell ,fto{,01tC11. 1 00.) Of chola:
4 ,
Splendid - -:Plfintiithioi'-Veijiteros, La, V,lettit 104 near tlie.houso; The, .ecottlitituts will. be (hue pen
Lu Chec:ped cetiLlu: be paid,'eti:ther of ,
and other ohnica ported metre,ow• the...first:fitly , of ;Alit'il,l s ot
together'with d [tittering,: ` M i en.P°"Z-',"`J,T I 01 1 :E ; sp(!d , !.? 11 ‘:_., 61 !- I 4 11 ... i lVenk
.4,4 0 811 And ,Ha1f:80 "" 164 !kgnrg the till "l i in T v i t i l l in ol l ;' , nt u ite l ynATii a i . jitAqg;
a e'rittair leid Tithe etn!! : ' 4ll tt n iZt i
Whig:WOO' prepared. to Rell. on fair, ;;;; v i. 4 ; . ;, , „•,1 ft - Usher; ltelfl'.P9i . [;‘o o .lflice.Col li q v fl+
fin titity'"4tro`ce,,locl'ire . l4l6, tarot ~ ettpnci‘Zllfi. ' reff4l97 : .
if 'WI 11 - bC-Offilied n!#. iltko
operemost of
..uectetn• Stilt
High etreec
• l ab
Thrtlibtf roil
H Fit . • fr,', •. .'.T
r t , 'tap v t
, • attice4. •
Itliare.i 9 Lrc 9 l*eil !pi') ilicAti‘oolvCoo4;
iPgs.sirnlYfir„f44,9)Yee double
crew Brit' CPT.Von 7e)
IRO lOC, /I a tJlie •• •1` ,
• •
To the Votet•A
CliAlZr., ES W. REED
~.. .._. .:w....
Ltlll - . .
PUBLIC. S ALE.:OtATaltbiiiiiii.iid''Country
:' ••' %..
ref IE undersigned ;intending to.lente this region'
ZJI ,orcotfittryoluskeaLto_tlispose_onit_theitrof i l
eiCltit in this ecitinty,.and will expose' the mutest
public sole (it not:sootier djsposed.of)al - tfie Ilik
lowing times and.places,.. .' ..' ::, . • ~ -
' First, A hail Int of ground situated4stllie milt
west corner of I Ulmer and l'onorriitiirects,beutt
oled 30 feet by the former. and 240 by the latter
streets, odssiiielFts - ereetud tt - snlaitipitittliree sto
rk trick Tavern Suutd, , wiili a goon batik building.
out houses, atiski 'large ii•srrne 9.616. This pro..
p,:rtx is well locate!) for ill.sirig.a 'good r bAinesa;
and ta now in the occupancy of Samuel Verret as
a puhlie house, - '
S . ocontl,..A half Int of ground surjoinitrg the nb-
OVC and bounded . S 0 feel on Hanover street running
back .240 feet to nu uocy. On o filch is erected
stilistiddial three story brick house with it good
out.ficuses, find it, well of mantling
water in the yeril,this proptir in hd lirentilat lin.
der tense to the Assoehmou of Odd Fellows,
. . . .
Thi;ll,.n lot of grptlittl - sittinted On Itanover st.
opposite tlio Post office and bounded on the north
by lot .Inmeit 4.:Oes!him Edit'. Mid on the smith
.) . y, lot of Me, Charles Barnitz, this lot fronts 60
lee on H.nsither strOltutt.eitentrs Intek'ti_O
on this 101 there is it canfortnble frinite sun tt•Nitlo
out 'houses, mid it frame stable, this last n ill . bc•
sold togetli,r, or eivitled as flatly iient'seit the in
terest oftlinse concerned.
The abOve demo shed pi Operties will he offered
.(tt publiek sale at the house &Samuel
this place, on Tuvidity the 21st tiny of September
nextat 2 o'clock P M. ,
Fourth, A laem.sitUated at toe.sceat 'id of the ,
liprough - efOntsle, by within bpitiola of,
'HO borough and partly within Noel t Middleton.,
,lownship. Cootailtink ISO acres, bounded on the I
South by a.contiimation of,LbUtitur Sfei:efion 016'
mortit rust-mid west
land te. longing to ,latmet.Noble's Isctrs. Tce im
provements are n lien' log house and frame barn'
erected in 1E46, there is a well of standiug •wa.
terand H good orclunaLon the premises..Fhb. farm
is M. the . besttputlity of Ilkinpatfaite land, the'surfacei
i,,4 g clear of reek and looSe stoet e l .. "fffe bind is
susceptible on . ' ,bight state of cultic:oton.. 'ltest2',
trots trill be sold famther of. in enudt pltrceltfas
may suit .Im)ers. lit lays somear to the im i n , I
proved lilt of the borough as to poke it . tlesi
.IncTr pasture lois, and will be sold Of;i's such ii
not disposed of tin.rether. This stroperiy is occm
by Daujel E ripe, Heel aill ht: blfrred at pub-
lic 9nle 01 the premises o.ts Weilitositay' the , 22 n d I
dor of September nest at & . e o'clock l'. -
A f •rnt situated in North Middleton to:
a b o ut 10, miles from I..iarlisle and about '?
fomiklextintler's mill. it is b, maimd ttv the Cott-
otloguinett creek, William Grnimii?, Sir. Cc u. l
mai., and the heirs ..of Samuel Almontler, dee'd 1
containing I7.6 . tieres 67 pereV29.. Ti 't improve.
metti aye , a kaglioit so., log haul 15111 s A 1 di 'of
good water, the fields are advantageously sittotto.l
there is au excellent meadow along the ereek.-1
'1'1,15 propesty is at present' tinder lease. to N 11.!
:.ingerts and tiiil ire affee'of for sale on the nre ,,:
isms on 'Thursday the 23d lay of Septemucr next, !
at I o'clock P Al.
_ i ltitirrina will be Mllile knowp the 11sys, of
.„1,. t, j c t Wispy' of 41witli
township Who is full authorized to :lei for us and
to whom we refer ally tit itsuti wishing info motion
on the subject of thesu 0.110 it ' l imy 1111
prpipi.r to remark that the welts of note will be
mode ocepiciitnulitilic&iii regard to pttynito,l9.--
Persons wishing 'to essniine oily of these proper
ties will be shun usliern liy the 11 . 11111 sin in poetics.
skin. AN Si II It° W
hill of
on heINZZ,/ A Lutow N..
11 11.1... LA RaWN.
JA Al r*. C. DI: ) -
N. T 1 R, (:itjo ban be seen frequently St
inrott 'a oter '
nirlisle, A uttitilll..l.s-4.7-1.
(Cr I I e 4th Bud sth dem:0111AI proputiet to he
VVl'llSeli iu the I..sineiister I.XHIUIore 801 l 1 orls,
A tlvociite till title mid cent! bill to this office.
-7 }Farm, for Sale...
9111 E subserilier rilfvs his farm for sale alto
ated-In Ajitllin tp t Comber!awl en, 44 miles
Aeat-of Ne vvdle, near' EClrord's mill, contain.
log 412 acies
wit ieh covered wiCo limber, and the
al La wAttc (4. a bout 25 aere a of
rein:tinder eletir and in good state. of cultivation .
A stiflicient portion of meadow; has water iu
every &I'd but one 'llw inilirovoments aro a
good two story log House arq, laublo log Barn
with corn crib and wagon shed attached, to
gether Willi ambling There is a never failing.
spring of writer at the door and convenient to
tin barn, besides an excel eat spring of inineral
water Also'nn Apple Orchard oret.oice fruit,
peach °relies d, oberry,quinee and pear trees
Feir rtl>ar particulars enfpilre of the rub ,
scricer mt ti-c premises -410 S. M'ELIIINN Y
August 11, 1847-4wB
rriclE'subscribers olcr at private sale their
Farm situatrd'in thekinkon in, Cumber
land county, on the road leading f Carlisle
to Shippensburg, four miles oust of Carlisle,
containing 240-acres and alloWance,.(!n which
is erected a two atory'Stnno !louse, a large
bytuk Darn and other out buildings About
110 acres oftho above is good limber land The
liurid is Well Vvafered and styplied with fluff
never laffing springs cif hat sold 'on or before
the Ist of December next it will be rented or
given on tic shares
Ang.tst 11 1847-3 w
_ .
Wesichester It. , ctirri and Luncasler Examiner
noeri three weeks and elinrge line ofliec
. .
111. subset Mei. betug (n•isrons to move to the
enimtry, otfe'rs his Pllllll to private
sate s situate in Mifflin township, Cumberhunt co.
ittur:a six miles from Neuritic, on the State road
trading to the Sulphur Spring.
acres. good Slate and Freestone lard, totpdiling
lines 01 S.lnitiel and James Mienrinitk 'a' Milt
property, the heirs of Ilenry Snyder doe'tl. and
others. The land Is inn gond stale of milli% atiott
and of the hest quall'y of the sort, about 15 neves
of good meadow amt 90 of thriving, timber. The
improvements iti'e a coininoclious ttvo, story Brick
I.lwelling_llome,_a spring and ant v_er
of water, a large Bank Barn, ti - iVagon .shed and
Corn Crib and other necessary out' Imildings,--
Chem are also 4 thriving (wetlands with all kinds
of Choice fruit thi rent' Persons disposed to
purchase II property of rem', obova deSori pl i nji rn
requested to c4ll on the subscriber residing ou the
farm, who will take pleasure in howling - the
preinises and giving all desired information. All
und,isputhle title u.i1,1 he given by .
Ate net •:. , - 47
l'he Loncoster Plutritiner 1;111 V1;1111811 to
the amount, or one donor all I OP rge this office,'
, a:O,IJ
4 '" r"""
' A
43011 e e;
4 - , :- .-.' - , i ISCC tIlIt0110: ..., • `,;::
v , ,' , ,. , :;,...:,.•.-3:,... a - •.,:.t.„, - .. -, j'4........<.:._
-'•;:E.sttite' , 'bUt.Ntiblidel'llijicii6k, -De.,c'd:
- . • , ~ •, ,
45 . 7rCrts14etiy given that lottevs teettt.r
iiioiliak on the will find I . ,att s rt,ietstof,
... 31/i
tim'aii,,iloovicti,.,B NA
9qhtto ot tho' 1/orougli of
1 achutaesbntg,,Cuutberfunil ''OX: - dtle'il, - - have
IMF ten:VT); e I/ iStluill. bitiiekeiliFOTlT - Cli s clT 6 T i
thq,eod,Oiihnti, to the subscHber who icHidos 1
' it the drWriship of Allen. /All persona having•
ohij...tbs and demonds agtonet the 9statu-of thu
qn krdekedent, WIII rtretlerit them for eettlemen .
_with . Out deloyi timid those indebted niuk_opny:_
!tient 1.11 cllft IVI AN,Trf'Z'EL, Ex r:
' July 31, 1.17.,,—Aug l —Go! , .
i r Atate 'ol.46tin Weukliite , Sr., dec'd.
14.1terOby: given the !biters of
rip adininistration on the estato fJro. ‘V
ustc,Sr, nf:NeVtim if", Cumberland - en, dee' ,
: hove been issued by, the Register in
anti for tci county, to - tli? subscriber who
resides in t t tnivitship of Newton aforesaid.—
All petsons having claims or demands against
the esti/19 of the suid decedent are requested to
mitke . ,Ameiye am, same without dolity, and
thoaeltidefated to.muke payitient to
A ir Asti t Lty
• ,
NOUCO-tO-TaSPayerifs •
THE Commissioners of Cumberland county
amyl: iteitig.,nble to announce to
the citizens, of the confott,tiont by their prontpl .
payment or the State and Comity Tax, they hove
mudded the Cbunty. rrensurer tit pay over to the
I Treasurer of the Cominottweithlt the State l'ax
!, obsessed noon:this Cottony, oto toe
~in receive an a
liatetin,nt "otlVe - per 'Cott Itpoo amiidTit -Mas
i pottloogreenbly to the act 01, Assembly. But While
they would congratulate the citizens of Cumber
la In coma ry Mot a majority looveevoleed a lauds
' - bler spirit - tit:thus - promptly affording to thu State,
Treastirer doe:aeons to meet the' - engtigentent of
the Coinertionwea Itit arid to pn3 the interest trirm .
the Slate Debt at moduli y, they 00111 d remind
, the few, old? are vet in arreeloges in the payment
of heir taxes, that there is. n debt due by the
kerfoody and be:trite. interest, whi.h renders It ve
ry flesh able that those yet ior arrears should :nake
poymen t to the County. Collectut a tin 90011 as prate
ticable. •
I lie Aran homiletic r o ofejo;,e - ;., ‘,.,•11 which the
majority have mold their State nopt Comity Tax,
has enabled the Treaservr to pay over doe State
ax optinnt the necessity of the eemintssiotters
Iriajt T;e• that iterpose,whielt lets billt•
eel.. been n lillieell-111111 tile hi. I•nlvt payment of
th e halanee of die State ant! County Tot?; yet due,
will place in th hood. of the Commis•lunees the
thkem.BlA I.,tercbt or ihe County
debt and also about :solve thousand 1101bn:sof the
;:rinetpal.; • ,
I) STE to rr.
sl cois:.E.
C, l 3minissioners.
gttn‘t—lV'm !Imre, Cleo k, •
Cole tn i.siresers Ulliee,
IS iterch,3, - ; given, thttfl Tiave licen aripoittra
g 4: c nr . A.tidrew McF.twsin of Dtekin .
son township:4y voluntary tO,sig men
for the
,titAtetit of creditors, &c. AiNvi , rsons''
know tng themselves indetded to Fold assig,nee,
tvill please inak.e,paytrt?td..ln.nto immediately
and those having claims 'will hand then) in'.
West Pennsitort.' Tle., July 21, If-47.-61.,
litato ()I Sarah V. Sponsler, dee'd.
11 o . ricE is hereby given that letters of
AdministrationMl the instate of Slll Atr
F. •Vossrtuvolitte nr.Derry township, Dauphin
c, o u ut ; y,._deceased.,..ha ve.-hecn_ g_ratitecL-to_the
subscriber, residing in said township.
,All per.
soils indebted to said estate aro hereLy.reques„
ted tr mike paythlnt without delay, ski.] tnose
haying plaints to present Wein duly uilictili
catue for settlement.
. July 14. I.A4t.
IVOULD hereby noble unnerving conceroell,
ii_ligture_iiLtuTeurs t idles' by bond, mint; bnok
account, to cull and settle lip their respective
dues, as I have disposed of iny; entire stack of
11:trtietteJ to Nlessrs. Fisher 1.4 Forttivi of liar
risloirg. I have sold for:no other 'lawns •than to
settle op my books, nod the sonoer calls are tmode
the better, as by July uizt mill the accounts }t ill
be 101 in the hands of a legal Macre for collec
tion.` Several attetttpu litre heretofore been
nt t..tst to settle t.p smy bunks hail failed, so we now
give lair snvning That it one way lads there's si
oy that will not fail. Those haying business
with roe A ill tied me At toy residence, corner or
Loather and Pitt sit eels.
And try aIIEVES New Estab
liif miileesigned would respeetrullr inform
the citizens of Carlisle anti the pubiiu gen
erally, Mat he litis opened a New Establishment
in South Hanover street, in 1110 store*room
moll , occupied by Mr. James ,NleNlittli, itud
nearly , opposite the Past (Mee, Carlisle,
bet huhwin:cc lie is prOpared to exei•itie
with and dispatch:and WI
1 . c11501131,1e ti ruis etery iteseription ot 11 I NDIN
Music aid l'ercuchtc,l's hccu,:ci to t echerc.F; Gee
ilecctecoN Lihrificic s linedll;, :net latches'
s c r a p tlooks A Minns atitl l'cirdelios. of till des
eriptions, made to ; Binding done Mr I.i•
hearn &del tea, kie., on ittlmmtag
eirtS tel . lll ,
Ii L.\Vii WOltK of 'every derription, lucid as
llceor'ils, Deed Honks, I).ty Books,
I ,edgers, Journals, Memorandums. Cheek Rolls,
Receipt !looks, kc. of the finest quality of paper,
and ill a sly le ifitial to any made in II 195511,
on theinost reasonable terms' and see spa
N. 11.—(11,1 honks ri.boOntl,x ith neatness . 51111
dispitell— also, Fires of ',opera.
The snliscriber 11113 also commenced a new
Hook. Storeoit the seine place, w here 81110 i of
tautest _ever, .._deseriptinitcan he Not._ Orticrl for
Booktrivl I rho Tiemmdly attended to. - .
Letter 'hint Writing paper, Golored Pi biting
nail p per, ('oat and Cap paper IT thc
(mire he ream, l'el•y t
tOl• sale 111,.AN1. BOOK ANCV A R
iII:CMS, Rte.. Monk Deeds, - I,aw)ei s, Justices
and Constables blanks. A. lar ,, e rssortinbut of
new style Wall Blind Paper, Fire
1/0111.11 Screens W bite and thee llonnett
Gold Screens,
self supplying Ink Stints,
I JO% CEN Week, blue and red Ink, l'oper.Sanil,
sand 111/YeS, new st) le waters, turn:lls, cards, ke..
which.will be Sold low for cash, el' exahnuged lot
clean linen and count. rags utiesticlo produce ns
May be agreed upon. all mat examine • for
Itihu;selres. • ' ' • ' •-•
• ;I'l4olll'N G.-lonks, Cii•ettlare,
eltoeked Mind- hills, tarts, in'alagnes,
labelsitlektua, Cle..printed at the shortest ni,tice,
cm] out moderate lermsoat 'the above mentioned
S. tarr, Ag't.
28 1817... . • for DANIEL Cz'rr
A VA L.UABLE sitkutecl in %V csi pcnos
-111. %ore', tow Othip, Cumboriond onuady, 63 tu's
wect fro an isalv,•on • Oita Mania • Rock Staring,
war Abu an in:viandltnilrottal i rlontwitiiog
k op thick ace, olooroo, having'
fliortion s,l trgo on6IO jno as.,i
l .ou si..;
lw&gtoriL Log tiod4ii..,zo:ooliit,coi,e4,ll.lriis;.4irgo:
tin h.. mini ,ginata •
laoluatoitinal ,A . tiever 'llOl6l - 'Willi' Of W4tt+..."l'llia
Win 'will ',lll,tialaf,tii;gocil • mid 0/111 lie
f' For.: pia rtiCul ro , 'o f ;IE4 - 11. N'ti I inn;
oOlio laa*iniou'i; or:of "ilie•snioserther
, n anini p.k • nt II es'exit of t an' tune
,L "lLaillosistqe,Li,i4iiiiil9F :voisi6l,,s . moOtle; nod
' , ,
. ...
lOU 04 lie mild sirlitliJifulitile on 'We. pl•f;r0Beil,
PV; T''litY'Flelt)i'Va'litli"Orki't•beeiiiii,,:iilpi of
sii•dth,il iichibiliqtig AO; iiiiiisiliojit Rilkii,llll4,llllo
itiAlletilto'iviielftip; 'Ci:nitltiliatd ,toinity,.'thl 1103( •
:stikteltutitl leki4l . l fegiii! fluvi , i4UP4- , AO ',Ceti) , s.
Al •
uigti about . .o ne 'pi ilb south ill '§liepliei , ilsiown, on
:which 15i•i.0.34e31 k•7l`.i - vo StOr•YL.Pg 'llrouanotikbl6, l
:,*ii:Tl. - 4itfilliti Otf[l - 4 . il;y;''cir , ;l34.l , l4:ll7Cpsialiit'' , o3 -
13v#ON . „,Uvpis,Enocte. kop.wil . 4 l . l diii•otik!** ..
r "-;-..,,:,,-* ...,,,:' :.4 0, IPI ' , COl:ail/IN' Eicoutur'
.'-' 6'' '--
' ''. - ' '''
:',.:- ; • 7 13, : . .. E . ,•,- '. - :;f. - - , :• . `4 -4 : 4 1 ,- ''' -, - ,L:.-1.:, , •:4. , ~..._,..
• •• •., .••••• , .•
• •
'ILL , GEM-Avg:amts..
... _
-----eliitc. - -.
--Wit -'9 ---
,- :a......,.
E . , BIEL
iiiINABL ' Aith•
• •
seri ier 0 ors a_,privAte, RfO! . the
• Valenti:Li Mill property; oceiniieil by ' him.
-self -a nd- itheellogir-13rocelics
Cienk, in Monroe township.Cuinberlan,d coon
G.., about cast. cf Carlisle, near the
road leading, to YOrli. Tlte-.14 ill has four run
of stones, two ar which arc burrs, and there is
water-power sullicfca for 'large . additional
Icrud. -- The - Millis of - stnnei
three stories high, and B 4 feet by 4.2 in (limn
alum ,•
There n'ttu (A:v(l,w P,:o Mil abqut„...FEVEN
ACREA, of first-rule Limckttsne .I.7and, in n
good slate of cultivation.
,The improvements
are a goad two story Dwelling Douse, with
Siableenitil other necessary out-buildings, to
gether with a line Yoneg Orchard of elluicri
trait. A lso a tract of WOODLAND. coniain
ing about Fire ArreP, vaunt .d within three
miles of the Mill, The property Ia situated in
a good ent.ntry for doing business. and offers
strong inducements ,to is practical Miller, as it
is possessed of caf,ry advantage. -
If not sold at- private aide it wilt be offered I
sale, on Friday, - tlii.Flairda - y — OT - Sil
lember neat, on the premixes. For Rather I
partiMilacs enquire of the subsariber Gviug 00
the property: •
'* ' AM CLARK.
July 13,1847.
QRP)I/61$ 'Muter silt.
noir virtue- of an order of the 04han's
,Mlll-Court:of-Cuoillerland county .•illwi to
sold on the premises on SATU RDA ‘l% the P.. l at
of Angost, 1.647, the following-Reel Estate of
Arnold Ilditermin, ch. e.d., fn :
A la or ground . iiittinte in Allen _township;,
Cumberland comty, nca'r the borough of New
Combedand, Imended by lands of Jueob 91.
,Elzaldeninn, Esq., end comaining one sere and
Corty perch 6 more or hen, hosing therron
erected u Loednelliug house and frame !;1.t,- .
Terms or pnle v,1 1 .1 be innrln known nn the
day ! nl* it le by JACOB ICI RIC Ir.
Trustee to !nuke Enlo af said lied E:4le,e.
July 1 1 , 1817. .
BV virtue - of an orTer..;il the Orphati'.4 Court
.ifCtimbeiland - Eounty, 1 will expose to
prbire nine on Ire premises in the borough Of
Carlisle, on...SA TUR'D•rI Y, t be. 2.1 ot.rlay of An.
gust, - 1b47, at 10 tr'clue.k, A. hi., the one undi
vided • aiAlt part of all that
.41 1 4 '; i i . °CS E and I LOT 1'
GROUND, in Alid borouch 'nf
Carlisle, bounded by. Irtel;. Tho
mas drei g h n n. the . ‘vest, Diets insoti I.lley nu
the no rth, ,lii k ry t'tn east, and High
tdircel our the south, containing
front, -and--two hundred and forty
4.1.4 h, having 4-J.4.fic two stnry_at.oi
Muse.- buck buildi Es and SO Wing thureon
',reefed, and ut prct , cut ot_cupfed by !livid
. _
The whole property is stibyet to the life
estate of John. (*women, now the pron'nrty
or Rot.iii Coriiitieri, awl the non siNth, being
the share now being sold aslho property of
Hiram Wolf. is also subj,n't to the tile ' , slate
or .1 n Wolf his father, if he snrvivee John
rtup t .
Twins made honv,:n nn dny o£ sole by
Guardian of Hiram Wolf:
E subscriber offers at private Pale the
a boy c num( d properly, situated in Mon.
roe township, Cumberland county, one mile
rat of Clow:Mown and five" miles from Car
on thy road leading from the latter to
York. Farm contains 72 ACRES, more a
less, of first rate Limestone Land, bout 65 of
which are cleared and in a good state of cult Iva
tion, and the residue well timbered. The. in,-
prrotements are a two story STONE
HOUSE and Kitchen, Frame Darn
• g 5.., and other ont.buildings thereon
halo -,V•
-• erected, with a well of
ing water ncr the house, and a tine young Or
ehsrd of choice Fruit Trees. To a young and
iodustrions farmer this place otters induce
emote which arc seldom to he met with,
Also, will be sold with the above, if desired, a
tract of WOODL AN D, situate in the same
township, a hoot Iwo miles from the former,
comllioitig six acres more or less, well
ed with thtiring timbur.
For further particulars enquire of the sub
seriber. on the first-named premises.
July 7,1847.
Lancaster Irnion insert to amount of $2 and
rend bill to advertiser. "-
1 , ';914.11 FOR AWL:4I3!
TOW subscriber offers hiv firm at private
rule, aitnated in :Newton township, Cunt.
berland arninty, h uiles west of Newville,
the rood lending to Germantown. ohd I a mile
Ciotti Eeke'rd's unlit, containing 151 Acres 4
J. rreei.tone land, abmit 40 arras of which is
covered w itn dirk ing Timber, and the reniain
der clear and in a glod state of eultiaation.—
The improvemenis ore n'enod log nn i r i„,
wn:10)ory I I OiISE and is: ITc 1:i;jZ15,9 4 U
EN, a-tiotible LOG BARN, cider '4 4 k r : ,
puss, and till other tiversaary, j j:_4" hL
building'''. Also, a gond Tenant House, Sc.,
ullich has 'm
never failing will of water at the
,T;ll7t, 'lilt an orchard of choice fruit trees.—
For nuttier particulars enquire of thn nubscri
lwr on the premises. JACOB IZA NI P.
ay 271 h. 1 847.
(.) M k , 1. 1 Y s:b ' . ' t i e jt r c i 1 10 1 i r c s r tt l i o ll , n o t tre l r n ii: ' r cl s 6 a c t i c t en
the premises the 1141U:1We lit rm, liqc the pro•
icily of John Ftsid , urn, dec'd,situatcil in West
Pen aushoro InwntiiitCumberlend con' iy, about
Three miles northwest of
,Ourlisle; bh the Cotta'
dogoinnett creek, containing 1115 acres of first
rata lt,inlcstono Land; all of which is cleared
and tauder good posi and rail knee. and in a
,high state ol'eultivation, .tlie,.hoprosements
aro.a huge two story brick 11°6904 large Stone
Dank 131011,,Wagul Shed, Cortreitth,:,444large
inside' for . feeding. ,eartle'..• Also a tWostory
Frame Tenant [limbo, - A Wash house, Smoke
house and ‘Vornl.llq,,tie, two ing.pitne, Mirriage
house and Cep housfe.. Thera also a M a o
00111iSh4 ml the,prdperty—aleo a, largo Or,.
chart( Froik Trees, a Limo Krlnond
ma nyither, advantageous imintwoments. They
will ulau null at the hatriu time a tract so( 'Firn,
her Latidi•chntainirig eight .Acres, two of
(trot ferm,on %chid) there is erected a house
and alable&c; , • '
eil:6,•dbiatt DO nFrtit:r,tf Thnhei , Lind en the
Mounthin about 4 nines linef : the Wire"
place op 441ieh:there We good N uusoj Stable
and other hcoessatv.buiklings.toget.her ,with a
first. rato II rcha ha 'eold.,logcge
er or in lots to Suits. nurehisers.:
„Persons 'wishing infer:notion on the 'Subject.
etchisitelitsi call on•,ealisprilicai -on, the
'prom or upori .Wirrtf,'Esip
'• " •, ' • : t4:1 7 15,H gN';
• ••'• W E.LtOr (1114LEY. •
• I,xpipirx o 0 , ss urn r -Gccd.
.*igost, r„,114411:471ki-, •
111,c6Litacatilyr Examine -mi • Yolk
Ail apit nd bill and
paper tti thiti'offieei •
lrg teartarticd.Ao' ha' the , bet.! 'preparation in I
uselo restore Alie Hair in
s eases•of haldneas, ,
pravenvit frnrri-Alling.nut, and , ronioving don.
riruti: adurf‘, See., frornAho tread. When gran-.
tictn fi.W Dumont, of 2 1 59 BUPA
liiirli"Teir'bikttle" of - 111isi
Cosmftitio canoed' hie . 441.'0 . grout
nn the . A.Eginf. his heaC - o,ii , oatittionviiteeti.::Otal..'
'CosineiYe''Per . alp : Drl,Btl - 011; of Ai
Miwir; and 'l'Vmirt
0 3 1110 c June 1, -1 8
PO(. S. \L[
Briggs Aussitin Cosmetio.
Stbreo Sliops.
S T.O R E !
FIP • • .
. ,
subscriber has just -Lpened in the
At—. : store rnomAntely - occepied by 11 - .. Shod=g r'n4!; . E'sq., West. High Street, in•the borough
,of Carjrsle , a largo and Operal assortment of
- Drsi,Goodg, CfroCorfes, queensivare,
Iffraf:vdt.feit have been selected-with -grabears
and Which Its is determined to sell as cheap as
tho ehespem.
Tile putilin fire retmeetfully Invited to givo
him u enit : he :fingers ihinisrlf thet he run
ctti•r *melt indoor anentvie At 11l make it their
interest to putronice hi m
. J. n. cAll.movr.
0 . 7 2, A hit of auction Dry Liot.ds ut veiy.low
"Ajay 19,-16.17
• •
Gi ° oCei'ff
Il? gAserilier takes this method to i,.ror in
---- 1 - 7 , 11 - i3 - frits;rrrtrl - rheputrliehrgrlrctoittu l tli
luta just opeped in the house lowly occupied Ly
Dr John Armstrong Roil three donut Clllll
1) Rhoads' AViirehoose R.hlr a tool genera ws
soi Intent of Family I.lrO.,:tuursi such ns Tcac,
Coffee, §ogar, Mt - gasses, Chocolate fool I.; pict.s
.0 vet)• d ter' ill 1011. Also, It large belec
co stock_
willow-ware', llrushes, Buckets, Sze. &e. To
bacco flfevery 'from the COIIIIIIOII
smt;l:itug tohnceo, up to Wooduarti's best bow
The it-thlte ate rt-speetrully int itr , cl t 5 call,uid
•camiue los stark before I rla•tchr•re, as bu
111.11 he entitiot fail is pictise thew
both iii !wire .
N. 11.—Ilis,hate the Naar') 'CH Gmt
if to their• itilvatibrge to gist; him a call t the store
is r, hymiit hi It F. 4111111.11, jlebt a km . st I. pa hcnt NI r.
CaviWe.'ltine 2, 1817
r,5 3
r ri TTE subst.rii..,.. 11:6 newly filled op Lis Stoll:
11. titl4 li 1.(tA"1'6:V11111g nil (11111 . 0 - I:ext •
111111 nit ticks 0111111 deli With
;tie ( i l : 4 .er) 619 , 11.k .. . , 1 or htis,r,, f it It oe-
Corit•eb Trva of the litieNt r•
nln SVglit . MO5O
V. Ill'
Cella F-17141'0,, Slone-NlT:re and
Brown mid alq mho crushed 1,0,1 Fnars,
1'IC1101•11 Iltiek, Ts, Sc., till of wLieh is
"tiered lor , nle at 1111 1 10., e I rash ' Otli•
•i 4.1,41% 1111 l the public tit e I:1 cull mitt
" 1;q• 11:c111pel% es At the 0111 1411101 111111 1 .101
J. NV . EBY.
,vlisle, Ald 11,13i7.
. rUSrreccived a large supply of frtsh Gr"..
c p conies, consisting of superior .bront n :wars;
and Loaf, pi ushed, Piths:nail and clarified
SECA RS, al 4 or which will te sold at rrdueed
prices. Also COFFEE or ovary description
and price, with a fine lot of strong Rio. ,
„-_,_.. Superior Imperial, Young
i4 ---,---,. :W," = ? • trysail and lilaci, , TEAS
'I , FRmid from the liest selection Of Da
1 ”;
v id
ehist,d 'fur Mi yeais for sel
• ' •At
4 ~ ..i liTig the li - e7t - 're - iii iti TIM
lie Iph ia . . A Few- acts of (idea Tea-Ware
1..00f Sugar syrup, sugar licuse and linking
11 . 01,ASSES, sop, tier imported 'HONEY,
Cheese, Dried Ilet.f, sugar-cured (lams, dried
Peaches and Apples, Soup he ics, Cranlterries
&Hail oil. Rat'd Pick It s, Figs, Almo'nds, Rki_
sins, Citrons, Currents, Spices, Mackerel, Sul
rnon . ,Shad sod herring, !lop Sudo, and a great
variety of other snick is too iiume'rous to men.
lips. All of which will be sold r 4 'such prices
iia will give satirf,iction, ('all and see.
N. fl.—Small shops Supplied at a small ad.
Wane: On Philadelphia 1 . 1 - n.(4, •
Carlisle,hinn I (•r. 18..7.
rANCH GOOXIS, dt„,cjr
0 W. lIAV V.ItTICK desire , . to inform hi"
the wild.: that his tow' SPRING
ltioy lieeirselccted great care by hintsell per--
soalitll3 and ju il opzind at his oltl until\ H11(1.0%111
establishinklibot, IT street, ep t hriict:
a supply orPRESII,logrther with a -
11) . )1 extelis . ireojell yip 4,1 stock of 13CLi11iS,__
nh sehriprrnd ini'trelliteort,) I' A N
(IOOI.)S,PfIIZFU)IES, kr e ft., In a 6ieh he feel
confident ho u.,y i laity the attention of the pith
-lic with the full assurance of bi ing able to supply
ht ery want and gratil• t tory taste, besides eihnr-
,lug CIIIIre51:111SraLlit111 I.)the %Uri' re:icons lac tvviiis
upon which his II utticrutis iu ticks 11 ill he di vols.
Ile won:ii call pnviietar aCeolion of
ijies hit repluoidttqf
• , f Ditlit:S i•:11(:1\I;S,ahirlt hi s been
inieeitnaetl to the beat houses in and
inn) be eclie4 1111011 lie, fi,slaiess rind excellence.
Add t thew will he found an entiro stock of
PAINTS, OILS, IYl?-SI - CFFS, Varnishes,
Cla9s, Ze.e, all of which he will ensure to he
ollhe brat quality Ind at the very lowest priciN.
Ile has tioule many tohlitiont to his brock of
ROOKS, besides secut iottii new supply of all the
Text'llooks, I lisionies, lie:tat:3 a, Lexicons, W\ - i•I •
till . ; itabk,S, &C."IIOAV ill use in College and our
public schools—which Ile dispose of on terms
suited to the circumstances of all.
Ills stack 'of FANCY ARTICLES embrace)
a rich and extensive cal leetion which it would he
impossible to enumerate, hut eomprisims many
novslties which cannot fail to strike the eye and
please the taste, sod' as Litilie4 111111 Gellikllltlol
Cutlery, Gold and Pens and Pencils, li',ir
rends Had Clothes Itrushes. Perfumes of Rou
Cream, Card Cases, l'uikct P 151015,
l'ocketbootss, Esc. Cr.
Mao, n new supply of , rorncltus's elegant
LAD I) I'S, molter with Sperm and Nlottld
Candles, liaskrt 4, :)Ittsleal I ustroments, finthrel •
tar, Children's Tots, lh.or Mitts, stud other arti
cles in the 4;:triciy 'Moot Welt w itli a constant
supply of fresh FRUITS, sluts ausretinfeciitinary-s
of the riEhest quality ' make n large and splendid
stock, t.; wlischltu:onafidently invites the attent ion'
and pattotelp of his toWII asaamtntry friends, at
thvnld,ytaul-Itt Loath llaties - cr stress, nearly op•
tosite the Carlisle Bank. •
June C. 18:17
cal - I anitscribers have ittst rettayyl i ht
lion to inchfat tanner stati)i,hlitith attitf.ty ni
Dregs, Illelicinep, Dya•Stufils , ,and
Fancy Articles,
Pergans• wanting any thing in , thit ling will do. ,
eelLto,oulJsis irearu-dfattmlitellittatlf.low ILr
Beiges Itussieit Costneiie is wnormiltil,to be
lhu hest,tirtidle iii..tise to restove,tj,e , it.AIR iu Babbles?, prevent &Wog c '
4:t, tool re =
train the head.—
St Vets: • • •
wh ee l e ekTeitherry, trgether with the Cern.
ottitd liveasot, oompnitnd, tililtirine, tool 4 . .ts :\
Toillith Wish - fur - sale nt - ilie I,)eug - Stott-pf .
• • .3 t W B
4une t/141m- . • •
.Ajt IEI itibst.cilter, wi tip os
tioss ill Lies lisle, wilt tliNtoB6, lila Itirge allll
'elogAill'obbortnioitt •.31•Dry' Gotias it lirdt cost
liclitg tlett;rotiotoil yell qffltik'tetttlee'rtkotki Ito .
als•pt•ob his friurAls ontl•tlio•itubilb; that grobt. , .bor-:
will be biffordd,, , Tlicoie;:theretdri4 4 , , iilox .
wialt to Bove 11.ont ,ill
iln"R,:Good;j:will 1.10, well to glio on:
tall. Ills usink*lc,ii'lßTgo.....4k4sLte t c O da •
hove been itttroltabetl: greu . ; onrei, butt s 'our
• broon'toLliwtipe!it ctlei
i elitO-AC.I-4crwAli--9flflieciiiit:;-ftli-..
to.,o,Dry..b3t;oditifore:' , •.. 1 - 1 es ,
i•ntl;;ettle lip
• •A b bro. geteittroloOtl a to otolo,lqi,. mop 6 , 1 o
at t)9! 1 „ 1 b..IONIXIV,
ftl hobo
"eIY :,Tltossat •
loagar., . , )
~! • 440 , „. . 1145 o tqi.telore the,l4lll.ot ppIOUS) Seittei:
liar t abOrti',3oelltA for colleellotity:, , ,
„i 1);
.105.7. 11.11.11E1:1
or goods, u