CF I Xeltbttriistincutv„_ Jr& 'MOORE. . iiisHog; , -MOORE . Vati;oll.o, Stredt, niarb , opposute the Esehant , z ItESPE'CrFtICLY tunieteleo'to their 'friends and the ptiblle thitt they are constantly pre pared to mike to order, of the finest' and best • materials, and 'at' moderate prices, every article of Fashionable Clothing coMtituting a Gentle . mrtn's Wardrobe, for which their complete Stock • •of 'elloiee and chrefolly selected Cloths, Cassf onerci:Testings, 8/„,., of the latest apd,most deal • ruble patterns, are particularly designed. • , Their own practical knowledge of the !tininess 'and a personal attention to every garment, enables - them to give e.dire satisfhetion, and to both old . .nut new customers they respectthfly tender an invitation to give them a call. . having been toe years connected with some of the best and most flishimuthle establishments in :this country, employing none but first rate work 'Len and being in the cemtatit receipt of the la „,test.litsltions and hest styles of guoth, they. are fully prepared to uccomniudate customers tit 'tile best wanner. , • .. Philatle'phia August 18,7 847,,,6M0 --- DAGITERREQTY.PE POWORAITS' At the l'hiledelphitt , Thguerec:,ot) po Esitibitsh inent, E.teltleke, Third S tory Rooms, • . , "Nos. Ili and t 17.• Tlll4.l7dprictors contiime to lkke. the , above •Fortrall,s-fit any siie, and are happy tq tlMt thi.y Itave,lptide 140.eitts y : much to the delicacy and .. , :attuty of the.i . 4traits'iliketi . at their establislimmit • An'exantimition ? of opeei wee t at their 1 . 09111 S in ,respeettully soletted ; and still be }Mule to give entitle Sat istitet inn W. kV. I a :TIENIIE I IIf , Sole-agents-for-the sale of Voigthientler's A p ' phrattrs;-tuttlipporters-offlates;-chemicals;•bcc • Plailopeltillia August IS, 1817 FARM AT Pu.fiLic Sword ty.,the 4th clay or September, 1817, Ur the subsciiliec will offer at ptiblie , salo . pn the 'premises, the valuable thrm now net:opted by Win Carroll; situate in Franktord. township, Contberinnil eounfy.ottiOut one mile and it. hall* ,above Plaittlivit'ilukillittilits, lll lllls ol lletclintitt.,Al - John Snyder, John Ilevsee and oiriera,.con. mining 57 At:I{KS and 104. Perches of eiceellent slate land, id! Or UlllOl with the exception of 41 , 0111 10 :110t8 of woodland, is clenred and in ti good state oh cultivation The Improvements are a Log Owelling &it There is a good Emoting spring of wince , ttenr the •ItottSe :old it thrisine young. o . rehartf o f various kinds of fruit. l'ersons rolls of examining the place are re iine.ted to call on the tenant living on the pre- Sole to commence ut n'clocl: JAU(,It Anvust 15 15:17 FA I 1 FOR SALE, TILE subsctilaw for tile the farm Irate the pi pip ty of Abraham Pickesoleevased situate Itt,..bouthautio au totxot•ttlit, ctiiituy ! oear uthe road leading from ShilioloisliOrg .to bersion);.,ioij clog lauds or WeittletBoll,z3l.2(liii .lleSS alai Fit`Cotital I.i eg I 8 ACIIES, I . l,idi :is erected a two story Log Iluose,it double rrante ,111.4,111 shed, c en crib and other ltiltiNgs. Also ill; 'Orchard of excellent fruit tind it well or 'gnat! water the door. Persons mAltittg to lOtruhll9o nye, toestetl'to'ettrt QR . Ailtlrew ['lckes 'living on the proKses, or no the subscribers re r.Adisru iu llichntson towoshiu, Cumherhetil Co. JOit NIELLINGIUt 'BENJ. FLUKES Executors Auglist IR, 18.17--Gw grolime , Volerir- - 'Of the Senatorial District-Composed of the" Counties of Cinuberlond,and Perry, .T I.IOIE n..-..l_ollnyself—o-s It - cErralir thd I`6; - REN.. 3 .1 . 011.. If you elect mo "I'll try'! to carry out genuine Democratic principlus. I - 'tun induced to thiahy the earnestrolicitations 'of many friendd arid kllow_eitizerth. Very respectfully, yours, &c - T. C. Al ILL En . Cuntb'i l'urtace, August ;8, 11-147 EXI fa' rtUnti y Coal. .NTU'rT, EGG or LLIAIP COAL, by. the sin .gle ton or - maw), Thit Coal is from Mpnes, and has 'given •entire tiOn to hundreds of ca.,tozners duriug the poet =ME WHOLF.SAT.E.-31crelittnts et a dimtarrce wrth! do wull to cult curly to costirc h stippl). Terms CASH. A. K. FATINESTOCK T 1 arrigburp, Antopit te, 18/7=-4w OTICE. e' arc hereby notified that Dr. 11 . J. T. %V A RD, having removed Iroin this borough, has lull his books and accounts in the Lauds of the undersigned fnr concern'', nod settlement All persons indebted ii4.c ugliest, LI to ms Ito 'pay lent without delay, as it is no. contain , that all accounts shall bu C.!LtRLES W. REED list 18, 18.17- A•TTENTION: VELIARERLAND GREYS. - 1701.1 arc ordered to meet 'br parado at 1, the public !lanai: of Colonel Hoover, at Mount Hock, on &locilily, Lho 21st day of August inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., with aecou tri3llllCllo in good order. By order of the Captain. A [WALLA:M. MYERS, 0. S. .N. B.—Thero will a court of appeal lii.ld at tine sane time and place. Audio:A 18, 1817. eiIEAP OIL STORE, PRILIDELPII.I.I. 1 DOW AY . K &ail LE, 37 NI Wha rve° below Race street, offer lor side ut the U iv EST PRICES, all the artiales of the Oil Trade. Their stuck is varied and o).lcm:iv°, ,and they feel aonOrlent of giving satisfaction tto those who cull. They have new oh Mind l'ure Sperm Oil, White Winter and Fall iirm.sed Lard Oil, Winter Elephant and Whale Oils, Refined, Rucked .and Common Oil, Tanners' Oiler, ti'iperni Candles, Cheap, &C. Sic.. , Augukt 18, 18 , 6'. . N. goods delivered in first rate inter CH AP' CLOTHING STOCIEI. Suhscrther, of tiro Into firm c & . Moore, Mho this. method of informing •. tie friends and the Publio gendial, that ho ~...batrbought out the Interest of S L.Beek,,et tig a old established .CLOTIILNQ:STAND, No. 244 'Market Street,,phiNdoiph IE 4 .artil note pro ' pared to -furnish all' kinds .of 'ready muilo ,cLoTtuilwit pries which cannot 'bet secure .to hint the. patronage of all Who , wish to par.., Ohne° chouirclothiret. I have splendid Vrunels' Cloth Drees llnd , FF(rplc . Coritseflunr 000 to $18; do Pants froM7s emits to.sBl..Vests folicoilts itn SA; suitof Stiminee eloilduk, for 04 - 4 *Also allltintlfi of Gentlemen's Purnish. ing,Goods at Wel If riemt, dealers in Clothing nttluttl do widl. • to. call at tho store of . JOSE li_J;MOOR 1 , 1,* Illatket'itriati Philadelphia • • • Arl.aN Si SI T-I-..lsVG:jOf•ThOntne'•• aaN b ra tad. 111,)(,ropy f3r,inct 'Ca 11 L Xfop, a:' • j oi e Veniuth's 'cal° b t Rappao , anOi.c.oarse;.Macciiboyi anti Dannot'a Ra poet! Snuffs: ! ;., • , Splen id Ilantattoki; .Vequeioi;. Lit -81 e Lorin; La Priinavera, 'cahalltia; Priucipeo , Fiherot'a and'' other, Ota . c i da' of liMeortial 'Sega:re, logethot with,7.heig• a; .pu 'aft na, W,gatiate Of, tho !Mat ;.„,iltipciltd , 44(l'4.liyi'citipan'. : 41 1'4 oh' IjA ;#ooi, tow 4l 7iijiA ale '..1.erip,06,0106 - n , hio may choose . to klye hint a c° ll ., • ' '2;44 . 1 • "I• west CLBectorres , Hotel, • " 1 " ^, 847:4,14i , '4 fl • a , `l' ' Abtil , . f WOciteo atodk• 7,s , N)F,.?: t or,tliVpg BLI trEtfl/1. .:corur, giistAj; • ~ „.2-. • 4 r " 41:11jAceilaimito. -- ~„..--...,,:_ _riiirricE-, .....,..... , `i' atifricriber;:taitqs,thia:nhellod to' i n , rn ' • • • ilia . 111enda and tlni nutillemi gamin)! tin 4t., lur,antlioriied - S A COY LEs,l-Ntifth,llan 'ovs.r,.ati:6l, Carliele, - : Ais?"Pck i pis.:-.llll.itgent.' All. .tii.Ce'leit lA , Atitli.,s - A D'oyla*ill b"d sent to me, tind - tiatiiitirriidiilolociVilltieiiirtifirailliiiiiin. WILLIAM PEOPLES, Dyer. Illecttani.lsburg A figuat 11, , tb47—,3w. -aria. tikss 110.rti And - Turn.. lers. !USTU received, a .large assellicientr:Arj rnv pritpd Glass Jars and Tumblerc, suitable fcr the preserving *mourn. Fur salp J. J. m Y ERS, July 28,18'47. AYsnit Street SUPERIOR.. BLACK; TEA For .13ippeptics (In others. JUST received tit Di. Alyers' Drillißtdre, a choice article of Black 'lea, for invalids and dyspeptics, NizoQlti and Young 11ybort, 'Guninitvdcr,and Iwpen al. July 2 . 0, 131'7, xi ASSIGNEE ACCOUNT. PISUE nteouULof reict: Llnrithart, ssignec of Johu lijusex, beeu preselite4 W Ole Uptirl„lik • Cyjoniuti Pleas rt - Cuuibeilunil 'nud said court iq ltoii tetl the liesl day of the Av pliSS• go 01• .01,3001, and ride fib' • till collo:riled In appear tunl sties/ 'cause ahc said uremia shall nut 'lie passed :out ono wcti W. Al. 1it:El:61(1, • Protlturiotary,s °Hied, Carlisle, Aug. l 1., 1:4.17.—(,.;. LIMESTONE F.A.11111 _• AT-PitiVATE SALE! AYA Lti A 11 I.l s . — Fariii;sil - born iowtsbtlr, Cina.bes lathil county, itt's %vote. remit Carlisle; elf the..)lannat 1%0t.k Sprang, Incur the Cumberland Valle,y Railroad . , unmanlier' s ; about see s, Itiu of a laid' awe cleared, having thereon ti I urge tWa.r.utorj• double stone two-stury I louse, tau cons cadent Burns, large corn call) and iiagtin shed, currant: and-gram houses, and a never g of WWl'. Phis farm will divide to.good nahnutaige and will be sold a bole or the hail of it. For volivulays enquire of L. 11. NI Mien's, ou the pvetn*s, or of the mibscrther resit:- log to Diek inseu t:uti le east of the ...steue Lavern. JUIiN G WILLI:01S. August 11, 1847.-2 mu. tatwcastel. Ex:unit:er will publish 2 months mai eltstr6e this office. , • • .Estate o 1 Michael Hoover, Dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given tint't letters testa -I`ll mentor) , Ulm the last . lvlll and Piti En to cut of Iluovila, Esq late of the Borough of AlcchanieAnir,:, Cumberland co. dee'd, have this - duy been iosued by the Register in and for the soul county, to the •bUbSenber who iesides to the township uf Allen. All persons having' elahns and Jcmanda against the estate of the said deccdent, will present them fur settlenien without:del - ay ; and those indebted make pay must to Rib T 1 Tcrz Ee'r. July 31,1117.—Aug 11-6 w Elate of John NVoakhno, Sr., deed.. Tic:E . k hereby Shen Llnll letters 'of udininistratiodon the estate f J xa. W • uf Newton tp, tjuinb4Janit co t dee' ! have tliis,day been issucd 4y the—Register in and for Bard cotity, to the subscriber who , resides in Phu townstriii of Newton aforesuid., All persons having elabsti or derryncts s vi n st the coat:M . 4.lle said decedent are refines:LAl to: make known the same witlidut delay, and those indebted to matte payment to .101'N ‘WEAIi.LINE, Jr, Adiu'r Auglist 7, 1847—bw r ribaCher,%. - R,JoTtCli is hereby given, that the. school diuctms of Newton township will meet at Rhodes' school house un Saturday, the 2 . lst day 'of August, at 11l o'clock, A .11, 'for' the purpose of selecting teachers for said township By older of the Ihrectors SA rl U BOW i:II.S, Secretary August II 1647-f-,:lw ASZiglEteeS Sale. following, real estalc, the property of Isaac KClllper, will be t•old on the Ire. tises by the subscriber, by public von tine or eatery, on MON DA Y, the 23,1 of Au Rust, 1817, ut 2 o ' clock in the afternoon of said (fay, to wit: All that tract of /and situate in Dickinson 101enship, Cumberland county, houttded• by lands of William Shover Imo oth ers, and containing acres 100 perches more or less; thirty acres Whereof arc oleo red under fence. The improvements' are a two story log house, a log stable and n tarpon ter shop. There is a good orchard of well to 'cried Irtiit on the premises. rite tchris of sale will be made known on the day of the vendoe 11.ENIZ Y D Assig,nc'e of Isaac Kemper. July 9.1_, Ift47. To Country PlaysicianN. Ir.. R. MYERS hos just received in riddition M In his termer stook. ii.lage assortment "of DRUGS AND .Alli:DielgEtl. vi:iirranted pure and fresh—en - King which ore ull the re cent popular preuhrutions of the Profession, Which ho will sell' on as good terms us uny establishment out of Philudelpirin., xj Physicians urn relocated to exnmine for themselves. July 7, 1847. • ,T1R0CL.,111..1 it to the World-111m Iltetre't L Compound Strop or I tohrtio,tho is,withuu ,xoe ll ito‘ or exaggeration, thelnlnd dale 111111 ipe r e• dy cure Await diseases oiling horn Coughs and 011,130111h1! unfortunately tiegleeded, too often. end iu Con miniptimt. If [lance's Continent! Syr up or I oarhenad isrla•ketron , the - iirst appear Mice fl It 11 lit iinmettiittely and sir e from an untimely gl•ave. Price d) :Welt ray stile - V - Seth - S - IlltifactoB - Baltimore st tind corner of Charles and Pratt sts. Baltimore For Side ill Clll . llBle, by J & W 11 FLEMING, ,n 1 Drug. store 00osit4. the 'Railroad Depbtr Superior Old 'ViTinftiadlrandies, For l'urposes. R. M VEI2B hob just selected in the city uh ur4Sortinent, Of the meet choice okl NVi•en foil llroniges, (or pled leinui aiid table purposes. Those I\drelasin'g may leiinti'd'Open ilictn es .beirg Pore. Also Chernpeign, Port. Cloret nod other summer nines. July 28, 1847. ' • • . ~~J S`3 ti r l s~~- ~' ~;-rte,, •Tho•two-itory: bwollirig House ozi,illoOor. .n cr of North flunovor and Loather 4tro'ots, ex. ! coiling ilkia,pnrOon orCciiiiisd GEI Forni. Rownsi wi,ll;bo for, rent,froin (Ito Ist.duy of August. For ter n s apt; ly to -•'• • , • . : J.ACOB FETTER: • ••'.fufy 28,1847, • : •• • ••• _ esticist 01'7. /. 5 ' And , ••••••-•i Enr9 W ATE t: bafrO i find -,?"• .• - - , ITOii,kos. Tuly 213.1 84•7;-:3t, • , ifolne; Ois'is' • #at"K• (et by r .,4: • , • ~ ' • •• FUNK, aL MILL Eilt , lliirrirhuiT, June 90897.! ;• • • • • ••••' • - . RDSEWIS roatmisutt ~ .uhooc9me h . E d istTh• • f 11111_ pu esVri \ ri 111 1! „. 1)0F yyt.l4oo o e I4c . '' ' . o i FVY ih andil w l, of war ; u fluor, tpuriow'i,for-,ualos,at t c•' V,,0:1 - • 51iNG8' Drug Stordi , ,,kti. . ELECTIONTFMWAIERS,.• , ,, bTIC iu,kUrrzby„:gitirUn.that...,[l)l .4 IficiNik -Arjoipp3.,iriki,forcilhe Ctimbpri athind tio'h old` _ 09‘41)°,1 i" odor IcA f l4: l -10C.:4-4 0 .4W:Yrleb Digkinn , t ,of i September, nuav,„ ho'ficay ` o' (s.4:rine;yr)4r:* ,Pr'i...*IL,LER, Dlakineon.Aug,llTlB 7. - .4w ..... tifoOY cil4this ANp , plizkw,imer. 'fVf 61110 y 3; 4 { 0 • • " I ll i teat . e r ta C • 4 01. Valuabley.Tawn. tand • :.Coun try Zirdp . arty. t / *Tv E,undersigned intending to leave this regio i n IMittry . .:,,desires to ,dispose of till their ease in•this 'county , ibtti;satititti liublic stile Sootier disposed, of) at the fol lowing thriels!and placeS,. • 'First; A hull lot of ground akttintgil tit Elie norilr West corner of Ilattover and Ponifeefstreets,botio.' 'led SO feet by die former, and 240: by the latter streets, on which is erecteil;tt substantial ilil•Ce sto ry briek. Tavern stand, with o goon hack bonding out houseih rind a large forme Stable,. pro p..;rty is well lot:lied d for oings goon . business, and is new in the occupancy of Sainttel IS,lorret us public house, , . , • . Second, A httlflot of t;rotintl 'attfainitlg the ob.t ove and bounded 30 lilt Oil 111.11101'0i. ilrellt.rtmiling • back 240 feet to an alley. -Oh • tlhiell is ereCted substantial three story brick . lionse ! Willi track building , nut houses, and a well of standing, water in t h e yard, this property is at. present t u t-, der leaser to the Assoehtion of Third, a lot of gt ound situated on tlatiovei , at. opposite the Post (Alice and bountleil on, the north by a lot James 11. Craliarn Bat. nih4 on the 'smith by a lot of Air. Charles Barnitz, this lot fronta 60• feet ell Hanover 6n:rectum! extends bark 210 feet, oa this lot therein a comfortable frame 'nut wrath erboarded !Dirac, with a•good mtt 110t15eR, and it Ironic stable, this last n ill. 'be sold togetliA , , hied as May best snit:4llc in 1. Q rthose 'rim above iltset ibed properties will he offered itCpolitiik 306 attic house tif Samuel orrott , ill this plitve . , on TiMinlav the 21st day of September ti , :v. art 2 utchick Forted), A liken) ;Ito:deft at the west end .or the lunging(' or Citt•Phlv - ; Okay 'Within hounds of 0, id borough and partly within North Aliddlclmr township, Contaiiiing.l3o EMITS, 1)641:illeil--011 the ,-Flouthrby-tt-comitinattotrof Louther-Strcetron the totem by. Bakers lane, Lavin: east and 'west by Mail belonging to dames °tile's Mira. 'l%.e im provements are a new log house and frame barn Creefed in 1846, there is n well .51 _sea. tenant I' good orchard Oil life premises. This arm in of the best quality of limestone land , , , the surface g'clear of reek and loose stones. rile laird is susceptible of a high state of erthi cation.. These masts will the sold to,, alien' or in small'pnrcela as may lust suit havers. It toys so near to the unim proved part atile borough an to crake it desires hie for, pasture lots, nun writ lie sold otos such if' rot di s posed of tog,ther. This property i 9 UCell pied by Daniel Priese, and a iIl be uttered at pull- Ye sale of the prrmisesba• 11'edlielday the 22nd dav 'of September next at in i• o'clock; I'. AI. 'Fifth, A f.rm situated in North Alichtletnn :Mont miles from Cat•l isle anti idiom 1-2 mile from Atesatiolei2s 'pill. It then c od ed by the Con, ollogilihat creek, William' Ursharn, - fttr. Corn. man, and the' !leis% of Samuel Alexander, Ilee'd co m,,thi ng 176 mai:l 67 perches. Tbe improve. meul , no , n lag laniSC. log Hat iI and a well of good water, the !kids areA_rinlaGnonafi'sitnutt rl there isms est...llcm memlow' along the creek.— This propesty . ,is at present tinder lease to Nit. Sug..r.m tsol witil no offered fcks sale 011 the 1/I. l ifi. 1/0 TIIIII . IIIIIIV the . 23t1 day of & 1 'LL...6,, 0,,a, sit I o'clock I' Ni. terms willlse made knot n on the flocs of sale by Mr. !toilet t :hen of Smith 111111444t0n too situp Sties 14 liil y ant hor;zeil 80 Mr us and to WI - OM sire refer tiny person a 141111g11.111 111116011 'on the miti,,t of sties,, 1111/111•101101. It tl/11V he proper to remurk that the terms-of sole will he a t ,oo t tuod o ttog in repo tl to payments bd,t hg to eaiillsllle 1111 r or these proper ties will Inc slots a thent'hy Ow mount's is, post.cs sinus. ANN lIIIOIVN on her own Account.llllllllll flosirdian of itt\ RV A 11110 'll'N 11 f 1111011'N.— III:(311.N. N. -Mr It, can he secs, Iretpacntly art Mr. 11'1.1.011's Ilotel. Niigust 11, 15.17 4th mid sth dese umma=M9 Ade . . tide till bale anti wiitl 6111 Willis Firi•2st for Pj'e.elc. rrn . F. subscriber o ff ers his farm fur salositu.. ated in Alillitu tp,t'unibc.dan I rii; - 4A m il es west of Nevville, near Eckard's mill, contain. Mg 102 acres and-allowance, about :5 - .. whit is covered with thriving timbetr, and the rem hider clear and in good state of cultivation A suilicient'portion of meadow; has wilier in every livid lint one. — The impravoments• are a good .two story log House an/ douhlo 43g Balm with corn crib and wagonsheirattached, to gether with stabling There is u “ever failing spring of water at the door and convenient to the burn, 'besides an exceLent spring of mineral water Also 1171 Apple Orchard of choice fruit, peach orc hut d, cherry, quince and pear trees For further particulars enquire of the sub , scrieer on the premises .10S. SVELIIINNY August 11, 1817-4 w$ FARM FOR SALE. rp FIE subscribers oder at private sale their Farm situated in Dickinson tp, Cumber. land county, on the rood leading from Carlisle , to Shippensbitrg, funr niiles oast of Ca containing i2do acres and allOwance, on which is erected a two story Stone !louse, a large hank Barn and other, out buildings About 60 acres of abovq is good timber land The lend-is well waterwtond sopplied with . four never failing springs • 11 f not sold •on or before tlibrC)of Deccinbei nekt it will be rert(od,or glv non the shares . ' . ATILT-1113A MoALLISTER JAMES MeAL FASTER A urist 11 1.8 , 17-8 w R'esiebe,•ler Record and Lancaster E 4 a minor Insert three weeks and charge this ufliee PB T. 1361.1.1. E. Yrslll.l ppissrel!siber !suing sleisrousto move to the ,Western imontry, olfers his Farm at private sale, situate in :NI ifliin to wnship,Cumherland en. about six miles from New vine, on the State road Ismail% to, the Sulphur Spring. Containing 19; nem s bond Slate and FreeStosfe land, auijuitiiug lines of Sarrittel nod James MeCormields property, the heirs of I Snyder dee'd. and others. The land Is in a ~smosl state of cultivation and of of sort; about 'l5 acres of good meadow told SU of tiwiving timber. The improvements are a commodious two story thick Das in - WY - O'lW I ing - wel I of water, trlarge Bank Bairn, a Wagon Shed stud Corn Crib and other access:Os out Ishiltlistt,-- ['here are also n thriving drehards with nth 1142, 41 - choice fruit tht Icon. - Persons disposqd to purchase a property of the sans t ya sloseriptiimarc requested to estll out the subscrUser residing out the farm, who will take pleasure iii i t Iso, : witisg the premisetityaLgiving all desired , inf Orion. An untitspottle title will he {Bien b54.1,,s . • 2 , BURKIIOLDEII.• August 4, I§4, —lm, , tO"The Lancaster Fxstmitter will publish to ,the amount of one dollar an I charge :tins office, , . PUT lit IC CSVLIGIe , nuoiblie sal p,an thei*enlice, V. V , ea 'PRIM% S,Opteirileityit Ant of round llq tierea.ifinee 'or lasi; altitaie in illea:townility,;(3t.iiiberlatitli:county,. ea Om State Rend to,•Gettyit: ,buogt maw adlle if)llol . 9k,ShrililCl.4BloWl'ii 01, 35 . (1.51:1ett1l Storyt(ause, preiairty cedicil; Ternieniattt: notid oailayotanlc by • .10 tN ki.tiJKlAN, l.xecutut ' :,, Atr;hat 3','1841" '''' • '!' 1"-EIBILIC 1[111E: : itibacribtr ado ott. l the premium', on SNIT It pAI I thyykli, 'Anglia:- last itat, , v o In th uaolvctgon , tract of, first rate., Ilinostonodithil, , containing; 4.2 aerds and 'twenty 'sorra puritliesorkt woost,i.o. , — sitwootk ott;thellavin' i'onkt hulf MIN from ; MOAI anits ;op tltelurti ,,lpilte,; v-09t..?N0'000i;92-toipoop,'Oumbeil'ai:ld pro = first ri t hitlinlinit,and''iliofbithineo'ilit a , oOk:,tifka . 4 of :ooltvitio young ;orchard co - .trius, , a-ttrii :'slory !iiiiding• ham at the i • - This 'profit:ay Is OW ,'iln.7;fottir aMI Carl isl r, Mid „is: , ;;;w6lll' of; all tiara . . Mil o ," Wang ptirultaso: a . small. farni. t bwgiviog' Iti t o l Vn • thud • s'' , tirri. • 1 , , 7 ' ''''lttuhAr • .•. - L ,, - -•' ,4.' i ,, aigai.iir'. Of(i...r.PP.'' '",('', ipige:, nn.d., r°4l - . . ' athiaiiiitibn'Auer. fiQupeivkittie; &6.;.br...ey0u, cash , r ,. ri eii . "/4v ( 1., And, for-01110 OA' the lthVeo ...L . V ot . '' • ..T the --- s — biciitior . wp!l NiTi, 0 ,.'. ni n 4° 4°r° of• ' - f — " 1 11Fiiir p" riooncalVloo :T....,'lnvirtic-!co nu---1.,7'/•-,'1.,,,w....11ww.;:l t,„ 3 - ', ;,.• 1...•.,%•,,, , -, ii!i!Vi‘l.'o:44:_-:.:-,W:;" -j u ii2p , lti,4 s ti ' 'lt Y rirttle *iiiinttrY wrath of Ventlitioni Ex-. Of-thitourt areOnsinbn Pi e" 6 rthlrftPcritttut.c.ininly‘mittl,totibe direeted, I will exiiose the following Heal Eitaldfoi . Sale eir.PRIDAY, 40th day of A444 1 1847; 1 ht' 10 o'clock /1'..111., as fAlows, . A halt lot of grotind; situateln 'the . 'borough of Carlisle, bounded by lot Of James:, Armstrong op the. mot, l'timfret street on the, .south, South' linnOrtir street on the 'west, and: others, containing. St) legit in front, op §oullk Han over stfeet;.:24o feet" Porldret street, miring; thereon err tell o three-story Stone llouse;n back. fi:anie Shop, Stable, bee; Seized and taken in emit:Whin lit the pt‘operty' of Elizabeth- Gray. Also, a Italf - lot Or ground si t uate in, l'he borough of Owl isle,- bounded by _Main strecit en the 11 , .rth,by a tot of Andrew kerr on ,hr welt, an alley 'on the south, and by ,a lot of the heirs of Andrew Carothers, tleed.,o6l the west, containing SO feet in front, and 040 feet in depth, more or less..lia , Mg thereon erected a (no-story MO: [rouse, back buildings mull table. , Also, a halt lot in the same ti:01 ;. 7 (nigh, bounded by .Mnin street ou'llie north, i.e-' tort spring on the env, by .a D. N. Abilion on the smith, and ,litcob'Ztig tin the:west, conthiiiing GO fret on Main .street, said 00 leer in dept h, hereon ceecitetfa Stone. Disfille:7;fritme Ucr. ked and taken in eiecution as the property of Christian litheff.' . Also, a lot of grotind situate' in Frankford township; bounifellhy--- . -3toutito , aloha !lays, sttnuel Jayary and othutT• r cmttoining one and a.lialfaefk.:A noire orleis;havitigthaenti erected a one ntsil flair sloe,' Log Jlouse, tae. Seized and taken in execution as the property of - Thomas Sandra:- -_- F . - • AlSer, trio. One Inul ia6 r . tit 1 rt)iift • of a tract of hind satiate in Newton township, on the turn pike road:cootAining IRO acres inore or less, adjoining hinds of Mary Vulton,:lacob John Metullock, Samuel Aark wood, Johu Sharps heirs and others, haring, thereon erected a largelo:w;story Ilonseittadli•aule house,'twO Log-110'11ms, sue Stone 4hop, a large flan % Darn HA matey other out houses. Seized and taken s in execution as The property of Joh., Stoltz!' ;Jr. Also, all the interest of Thomas Pnx , ton in in'a tract of land sittiniZ in Sinith Alid -Il'eton township, bounded by lauds of Wm, Alvorli; Tho iins Craighead and Joseph Jittagy, entraining 14 :writs mid forty perches, 'nidre or ices, hnvutt= 'thereon erected a Alerelimit Mill, Plaster ,T, S. iv Alil I, two one and tt hall sloe) , Log II n o ses, Roil new Brick dwelling loose, Co. 'Also; interest in a traet of land containine..t2s acres more or'loss,sittude its' South Middleton township, bounded by lands of \Vilie in Moore, John Zug nod (Alters, having a' Lime Nati thereon-erected. ' Also, all the interest in a tract of land eonlitininut 05 acres more or less shuttle in South ithllcton township, hounded by lands of ITOCer, Samuel Hepburn, ;lolly Stuart, Jr. :and the Mount 110113 Estate, havingthereon erye led a 1.N.. !louse . , Seized and taken in tekeotis thin methe priyerty of Thomas l'ititon," Also, a lot of ground sttliale Dickinson township, containing five sores more or Jess, lands ci NI. Gilleland, the \Vel ma !knout Road, and others, having, thereon -erected a large I,oo.story Brick liottse, -Tam all, Tan Ilnnso, n Stable..liud other out hatisA." Seized and taken in execution as the property of .1c lin Minnittli. Also, the interest,-being the nncli rided hull Jet of grown, iii New Cumberland, hounded on the r nigh by 3tl 'street, 1111 the emit by 1111 alley, coutaining 6u feet in Iront and '250 lint in di pd., more 01 1 lust, 1111% 111! therOon erected wo,,story L 0 ,.; !louse Pm!. I...rtne StablC,- Seized and 'taken in execution as the property of AMlTtaini Bretz, _ CI ties In lie fork =I Also, a tract; of land' sit - nate in Dickinson townßktp ' _atpigio g lambi of Georg'. Kissinger, Saint:el Cook lob other:lmmls of John Kiil'er awl others, coniaimag 1135 iirres.ttnire or leas, having thereon erected a !VO-slol . • llaen, WogOn shed, Ceo.. Also, a tract of land it, game town ship,roj,,ining..lanch4.6l: \V. Wewt.le., heiho of Wm. Craiglow, Christopher JolmOon,John Clues nol and other lands ti John containing 100 aCI.OB inure or *se, has hog thereon tweeted, 31 Log llodse, Bank Hann, tN'agon died, Orchard, Also, a tract of Wood%did sittuitc to same lovit I ip,:uljoining lands of !looser, Samuel couLley, other Moils o" John Keller and containing 35 acres more or less. Also, a tract or Moontain land sit uate in same township, adjoining binds or James' Wvahl . Thomas 14. llinek„k Ego :mil oth ers, 00113116. g 1116 acres more or less, havaig thereon' mtecled, a Saw Mull, a one Malty Log !louse, £?e. Also, a tract of Mountain land sn uffle in same - township, adjoining lands of A 6 Ege, Dr. ('hamburg, the fine Grove Estate, and others, containing 255 acres more nr fess > having ; thereon erected a two-story-Log Ilnuse,t4e. A Iso, IN line_ undivided'_liallipatit of a tract of-310ulditin had situate in South NI id. 11 lvton township, attioittitig lands invai heirs of Michael Ego, a ce'd., Bricker and the York coda- Cy line; containing 900 acres more or lett . • Also., a tract Of Alninftainlabel sit uate in matd toivitsinp.,,,tionntled by the heirs of Al ichael Egt;qtail'il., Jacob Shealrer and others uontaining 106 acres more dr les • ri , Setted and. taken in execution as the property of Jim Keller. Also, a tract of land situate in NI if nun township, bounded by lands of David Forge. snit, MUry Lenny, Andrew Nliddieten, Thomas Elliott and others.contitioing lee ac es more or less, liai inu thereon eronted a• WU sttiVy . Log Ilausw, Log Baru, fee...Seizatl.and taken 111-CX , coition as the property of John U. Alia:he:l. Also, a lot of . ground situate in snno. Nliddleton towns:Ali, !Jimmied by lands of -William :\loore. James Moore and Robert Gra ham, contaliting one and a . nuart,er acres, haying ftl-3 \ thereon erected a Orni and Ili • Dry Log I louse, 141; Stable, Sze. Seiked and' itik in execution as the property of-Samuel—Schiver,multill to-be sold by me. JAMES HOFFER, Sheiii: . • .:Shei i 11 1 ,4-0 filee r ----A______, _ . ____ . Carlisle, Juryl4, 18.11. j.., - RE-AL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALES 6 - .N.....4„•t1ay.., the 4th of September 1847, the i suliserWill sell - at public, venthie on the promises, hia_Eartn-aituateil-in-Silver_Siniinw township, Cuenbct land comity, two miles north. 1 bast ot Hogtioficoi;ii, two miles from E . riolciir's Al ills; nine miles troth Iliterillineg,ntifl tone hymn Carlisle, pounded by laude of I•leurY Ewalt anil the I oimilmminett :creek on the south; be Boil Eberly Anil others on thii east; by.lllr: Peminy on apvortit NO .w.e.titooir4ttitil - g :1„1?VAI - ....HAS nod ,. .:I4 ' filo% north) giblet trMallitt, of 1 ACK rStitaTE • ,LAND, Omit 160 acres of which are a Mat:edit titl if ti high ..state Of Obltharion;tioiler good 'fences, ' ti'itil" , toesrottliii fitildSlinvo rdiming wiper in them: Tlie,imiliniodek: IS' well" iiitibtiroO,' and' map bi ,leilliiiiriiiiii'.4ti,rlf nil iiiililiateil,' ''llidiv . area great,,frileitliiiiiel4eil through ihe Gelds, ' !Pie fairilkib .ti , oll‘tiibilitett ';l6i,tre b i bt.. liikor stack or 01 ''r a 1110 . 41.1 Ithitlii;'' :.,'• ' "Tliki.".lminTi'veinutirs are ti 'Pori ', " - it:. , lISTOItr.DIVELIAIIG ,- I,loUbt.i., .:7,,ri1l te : • . ... ‘ : . . „ •. , . ... . , .4 :1 . ; i : ! 'wt.tillsetliportleti ,:aut; , p ainla d ;: a l ;!,,,e; I '.l f..oo:''.lThitN;. , Witgen . .f Sliedi' Cori!: - . .' - ''' ) " 4 4L-:;'... , "' Crili;TP.NAVl'llol.s3Vnitiliitli.:. er..!out!' I)9,ittlitio;.ni(d tin 0 ttqll.44l,l'Or :Cliblue• Trilit.PA . boiti , ti' tin :Odin' le: iii:'.Sprilig., OF 4titeii 'ritnirllii:boriiti;; 4 "ll:lKtiolltliOniiiWiliiibu fotir. lintt • cent: tO`:l*.iiiiio , -tititite 2 iiiiy. of 'inlet; tititrilitql of, the - reinalikh , oe •'' ti ill' II rot 'tiny of April= nuit, piton possiissi on oeWit'Obil! , iiil,otfil;be given; littittlitroce 'fit fetfr.'iqpiellinitillii'pn'Ytrietite without interest; all to lin lir fiGFinlliley.• , The ptirellafbi to have ,half ar,lli6 g Mliiiiosplaaiveit, to he ire: tivercii I tilliwbu 51it:06.19.m Alm tikei of I 84ttl f N. 11.:.1f,the:i:bitytt!.: . .lintlo . ..oretitoixit,l0toltli to-, gultei., jt,rwilt tiliblitterell'iti.tWit , OVtlifeelfartit4' snit porchasers;•Mi•thefiatner , otindleimitut Persons wishing to:',vlew itlio : Tatunlw1111111Onsel - tutll ' upon Aliralmtwilennurd; resitlineliCNiukti.iii.;tipon tlie atibseriber 'ne'iii.:-.ritirvleiv,lt:oik,lVoiltit;ll;:milus above. thii'llarritiliuk; bridge.;', . - .' ~" . •, , ~.-. ' - '4/.. i . 3. 4' ' ' '''";li : h .. 'i" , ;;' . iTAo olllbK,AlXY.: - .*::,'itAYi,.zsti'l.:B47,i,-6,:i4;-j.e.4%,t .0----6i4tHi------7-.h.-. -------- - ', ,-k , FRESII ,-, ARRIVA L . . ~,,,,, ; Dr:: :361111:,,Ti ' ' IYIVQrS ,' `'.:' ' +.: /14,1 4 .1g i q ' r9 l3 4M at t 045,41, OP ollYS , witlko laige, l'qd-,caUlL9.ll3!feeleq#4ls4oStine*till.L.,:l, - : iPrugs,z ,Taints -;:ibils;;,llye,tituflhi .. , n 4 PATENIret.MEDIOINES;iInoIudir*:a) I tliti,itily'•fitini.aVptioltkaf -tfie day; tbitother , volth iv6n6relttidiiiirtnitfaVcif?*oo fi*UMES. KANor,lAgTiptrEsosib:," 7 ,0 klall)plijecip • his :,'! Ir-i,-1-o4'r‘ . c•p•f:,:' ul r '.v:`o,l ~..'Oc.'.,. nt ' • it •7 ' elt44. ~ 1C0, , , .., :lt'lj,•,i•,'tl ...i',, ll " i' e .. ' t ' will' ; • , • 'ili'holr3rnAT,EYElt':', C4ll' Ol'ieu J y yl; - t 47 „r ._._ .''.. - :' , '" , :! , Mtia4.:.'. liar= avAtio44;Prosident,Judixtt',o . ‘ , 1111, de VONA OouttgofCbiquign Pleas of thesounties of Cum. tinctliiidatajtf.:Puribaylyanja, Adliiiiien7of - 7thelitivetral7CiitirtrtifOyei - and lamina and,gancritl' Jul!: Delivery; 'in,said atitistiqs, and Den. John Btliatt tindJqhn lan denin, Judges of the court Oyer ; and Ter .miner and General Juil , Delivery, for tail:riot . :of all capital and othet.aferiders, In. the said' county of Cumberland—by their precepts 4o me' directed, dhted the 15th day,ot April , 1847, have brdered ilieCourt orGyer'and 'Famine, 'and . Getieral Jail Dolivoiy,lo be holden at Car- lisle 'Mt' the 1'660 Monday' of August next," being the 23rd day) at 10 O'clock in fore: noon, to continue ono week.. 40TI4}D is thareforc hereby given, to the, gamier, Justices of the `Peaceend-Consta bias • Of the said county of Cumbetland, that'they Aro: the stildprecopt cammanded to be that und, therein their proper persons, with their rolls,. mega+, inquisitions, examinations, and all, other, remembrances, to do those 'things which to:440111ms appertain to be done, and all those! that arc hound 'by reecgnizances, to prosecute. (against the prisoners toot are or that shall ba in this Jail. of said county. ore* fto :that( to prosecute than is lihd /I belust,' • JAMP,S, HOFFER . SheriiiPs °Mee. Curlislo,l.._.....§ . TlElttri. • • .• a. • July 1-0847. Notilo . to Taxßayere. THE Coinmissioners" of Cumberland,,counly feel much gratified in being able tooninounce le flit!' by their_ prompt -payment-of-the Shim and County Tax,.•they ituye enabled the County Treasurer to pay over to the Tv v 4 surer of the' Conimonweiddi the State Tax assessed Mimi this County, sties to receive' an a batement of five per cent upon the .amoinit thus paid, agree:ad,' to the act of Assembly.. Ilut while they ,woman congratitlate the citlicas of Ctiniber• him 'county that a majority haye cvntbeil a lauda• ble spirit in thus promptly aflbrding (O. the . State Treasurer the-means to meet the engagement of 'the Common Wealth and 'to pay the interest .upon the Statel)ebt. at maturity,-they would. remind : the fewocho are yet inarrerages in the payment or heir taxes, that them is a debt . due by the tib M Ii r county and bearing interelL enders it ve ry desii able that those yet in' arreaim should make payment to the -County Collectors atisomatts.prite ticabtp. . The commendable promptness with which the majority have paid their State mid County TUN, Inns enablettshe Treasurer to, pay over the Suite' tax without the necessity al the Cotmnissionerar Outdid ligat loan for that purpose,which has hilly ern., been required—and the proupt payment of the balance of the State and County Tax yet dim, will place in tin' hoods of the Commissioners tin 'ans Pi (tic the Honied Merest of the Comity deli and also about tit aye thousand dal larsof the' .1. WORTIIINcToN, Il STF.U.K.VT, DANIEL COL 11.1:. • Colamabioners A.ttest—Wm. RicEr, Clerk, Cumniis.ioners Oilier flier, Carlisle, July 21, 1847. S Xot ice. IS hereby given, that iThavc boon appOrnted IS quigoce of Andrew McElwain or Dicikin son 'township, by deed of voluntary assignmen" for the licnofit of creditors All porsons knowing ilienisofveli indebted' to said assignee, will please maks paymen't to ma immodialely and those having 'claims will bond thorn in. . • GEORGE MILLET/. West Eennsbaro' TR., July 21,1b47.—Gt. • NOTICE. • rvIIE subscriber takes this mated to noti fy all in errors, either by tints or bunk ac count, that hb is determined tn have all t;ctiled up withas little delay es possible.. CHARLES °CRW. 14. 1847. Etude of -Sarah. F. Spohaler, dec' . NOTICE is hereby given that letters of & Administration on the Estate of inn PONSLER, late of Dcrry township, Dauphin cbunty, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residingin said township. All per 'nous indebted to Bui lt COloath sere 450cc1.7 vv,iiies ted td'lnalto intymnnt without duldy, and loose having claims to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. BENJAMIN F. FIESTER, Met. Jill?. 14.1847. ' s'eotiee: IWOULD hereby notify all persons coneeroetl, N ho are in arrears eitlvLy bowl, note, book account, to salt tool settle,np 'their t esneetite d ues ,. as I h ave ais li cked,Of my entire stork of I lortlwar.s to Messrs. Fisher & Fortney of Har risburg. • I hayr 'sold for no other reasoa than to settle utt -my •booka, and lite sooner calls ore Made tile, better, tirliTifflaf, ritall ifikaccounts a ill be-left—ir.thelumiltrofirlegUrelutforfor — epllei= - tion. Several attempts have heretofore been made to' acttle et. 4) mpp bookalint failetLeo we ,row give We-warning That if one way m 11 ire there's, stay that will no faH.- Those 'having liminess• with me will find me pt my.resitlence, confer of Lopther and Pitt streets. JACOB SEi7l.:ll April 14, 1847 THIS WAY STRANGER; And try GVIV'S New Estab lishment ! t rilillE untleesigned would respeetfulle inform . Ili_ the citizens of Carlisle and the puf)lic gen erally; that he has opened a New Establishment in SOl.llll Hanover street, in the store room /Ifor merly occupied by Mr. hates cMatia, and nearly opposite, the Vust 6./1114 Carlisle, Cum berland •co., Pa.. where he is in epared to execute with neatness, durability and dispatch, and on 'reasonable terms,every description of BINDING. MuSic and Peminlietils board to , patterns; Ceti Alumenht-Lliteielhalittedupand-repatreth Ladies' Scrap llooke;Albruns and Portfolios, of all des criptions, made .to order"; mitinq done for Li brames, Institutions, Societies, tte.-, on advantag -aturtunris, _• BLANK WORK of every desiript ion, such as I)ockets, Records, Dect) Books, Day Books, Ledgers, Plarcis 111emeriOultrrna. Check Bonk, Receipt Woks, kr:Of the.fineal'hrolli.)• of helper, jhu thAyAsguaLte any-mahle-ith-irettplacroirtr, oil the most reasonable te'rms• DAB aid see ape • ' , . Books rebound neutneks unit iiiivaloli—ulso f Files of papers. /tIAI KBD SECONDHAND OOKSIS, kTI ONE Y .0 The subscriber :has clap commences., n new liook Store, at dh , , minesne Pince, where :BOhits of altima ever/ description cinkbe had. 0 . 06 0 fu r . hooks Lo prompkty attended t 0... and Writing ` ..Prinat e • end pnii ; thl, realp,,yerr Cheap.' • Who fottelle BLNDIK:BoOKB,NCY.. •TICLEiS; 446::' Blank" Deeds; Lawyei s, ;J.natiues and• - ..conat dds blanks. 1 , - , Al , large •assortaient or new.:nyte./Waill!ind Window Blind .• Pa per, yire Boad; Bdreeits, White :and , - bine Bennett :71ilPardli z ,.0 !tens ; self 'stippiyiulg Stands, I,l3nees,l Jilumsand red lepe r Bond, _sand: bh,tee. new ity .widers; 10., wltfell.,yti)),!)e.!3nktiln"r:l9r. cash i er, vtt:N . l%oo'cm. clenh ijaciopiti 'idich'wodlice sie in ajr:lhe 7 ii !O ,t kimi64"for, thecks,Apind.. blenke, on'alngue,k .0/ei prided:of:the. storteittiloti!T,' em • u 1 ,1 9 1 .411%te '.term s,at• theAbpycineirtioned . OkoOre.eeteelfirilk !!. • Q$Y f 'S:Miarr, " • '.l4lof,t.Np Grit' Zreiptel bib talisn , -04-i iie - r e;ol4ter,o4 - suitir:iiinio . . 4 .;fffic s t,s4,-.. • . 6o will piileavoratif 1%4.411;y:ca1l nignner.L, Thalami!, eikognOy . ,. and is ftir, D itibad throtig out : lilitood - boddlnit,iknd •ci Jurniture, ard7his•duanniiriodations tire suj3li• as 'wilr•inakt;,it''a'•lionviiiilunt.4anik. dtsjralilu stripping •elSc9.' rtioixertilNiis•Will•be red • inho ; it; aggreoublo in , ,• lit ,defiartnicilyi'," to "thase•wh 4 igiy.faior lam 'Ain a ' • BOARDERS ''w,OL-Va;;Wieie,k):lll),i7ireji4. 1,1144; 0i 3,!*; -- go. wall& kicco ,!. t4alCskitate,--- • - • V.ALtJAB ' NIILL-PROitaTir rain , EtAkai. ; ii„,b,cribo r facia, at , privatc.. sale„ the JL. Vuluablo,iaccupied. by hint. .self; and .situated4bni.,the_tYtdlow,....Breecti t i s Crook, in' Monroe township:Cumberland coon tihout cf Carlisle, near'th t .: road lerid ing, to York. . The .M ill has four 'inn . or stenos, two afPw filch are burro, wed ttlicire • vater9Stitvcr. sUfiloient -for-largo itionai worksol. any . kind. The 'Mill is 'built °talent, three stories high, and 64 feet by. 42 dimen aietia. PlierelA attached to the Mill latent SEVEN ACRES of firstAcato:Limestona ,Land, in' a good *tato or caltivation. Ilio int t prdvements are a good two story Dwelling House, with ltables,and other' necessary oubhuildings,to- - gether with a fine young 'Orobat drof choice fruit. A 144 a tract of WOODLAND,„contain inst Five Acres, situat.d within three Milcs.of the. Mill. The property is sltulted ins a pled em.ntry for doing busineas; and. offers strong inducements to a practical Milhir, asit is possessed tit ever* advantage, • - .t 7f not gold at private sale it will ho offered at ['Oldie sale, on Filday,' the_ 3d Any of Sep tember. nelt, on the premises. For, Maher particofnes.etigai r wurtb o subscriber living on the property. IBMIM7ME 0 I'HAN'S OOURT-SAL. Y rine .of an order of, the qpion':. 40.., Cot rt ,Cotiii;erl twit 14 1 . sold , on 'the preMisCS on ,SATUR Y, the .9.1.5 t I of f t ligquit, 1 841,11411)11ciiyi Vstate 'of Arnold .4, lot of ground sitilatirinAllon township; CuMberiand - comity, near 'die bOrotigli of New CuMberland, bounded b'y lands: of. ;Jacob M. lialdenfan, Esq., and containing one nero and forty perches more or Ices, honing thereon ereeted.a Log 'dwelling house and frame Sta... Terms of sole Will be made known on the, day or diiic by JACOB lORK, Jr. - ; Trustee - to - maka^aule - of said - KcalEoi,ct July 1/, 1847. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. Y virtue'of an ordervi the Orphan'a Court ofCtirirberland county, I willexpose - to public side cm the hremlses in tho borough oft Carlisle,.en SATURDAY, the tiot day of An ut,lo o'clock, A. M., the one *Vidcd sixth part of or that s • HOUSE and OT OF ; 1 ; GROUND, in 'the borough of Carlisle, bounded by Rey. Tho:- maaCciligh ftn the -west, Dickinson alley on north, .Mary Ego on the,east i iqd High • street on. the south, eontpinirig thirty feet, front, and Iwo hundred and forty feet in the' depth; having a large two story Stone Tavern • House. 'back buiMi.-gs, and Stabling- thereon erected,. and at :reectit occupied by Dayid Marti • The wholo otoparty is sobject . to tile life astute of Sohn Common, 'hots . tire Property -of,itobort_Corninan7.and.llo...dpo_nixth, the share now being sold as the property of Iliram Wolf. is also subject to the lila, estate of J. n Wolf his father, a ho Anr:iVca John Corm-pant. • Tur'ais mad e. bnown on dny of rale by JAMES WILLIAMSON, On — dr - Man oClliinnt Wolf. J oly If .1841 . CLOVEZ }MILL rasavx • N: FOR SALE, TIIE subscriber ulTersat private Sale the above named property, situated in Mon roe township, Cumberland county, on mile west of Uhurchtown and five miles from Car lisle, on. die road lending from the latter to York. Farm contains 72 ACRES, More or. lees, of first rate Limestone Land, bout 65 of winch are 'cleared audio a good state of Unitive -1.1011; and the residue well timbered. 'fhe hes provements•are a twoatnry S'fONE '''•••4l .. 910tISE and Kitchen, Frame Barn • its rind oTher out.boinitige incireou • • erected, with a well ol dever-fail ing,watcr,ricr file house, and a fine young Or.. chard of Rheice Fr,611, Trees. Tonj...onng and ii•dustrinue farmer! this pla'ce offers 'induce ments which are sOdom:to be met with. Also, will he sold with the above, i desired, a triict of WOODLAND, 'sitnuto in the same township, about two miles from the former, coniaircing vix acieri more or lose, well cover ed with Thriving thnber. . • • • For further phrtieulurn ermaye. of the sub scriber,on the first-nained 'Prein was. • • • _ • ENOCH YOUNG. -;luly-li - t8+7. Lusto%ster that'll union to onount ouS and send inn to advertnior.-,. , . 1111411- POR SdlzE subscriber offers/his farm SI private safe, situated in pleton tow,nship,Cupi berlund county, 2 wiles west of Newville, on ilia road. leading, to Germantown, and A a mile from Eckerd's mill, containing 151 A cres, of freestono land, about 40 _acres of which is covered i,vitn thriving, Timber, and the remain der clear and in a good state of Cultiautiiiii.— The iinprovemenys are a good log ' tivo-story' HOUSE Lind -e EN, a double LIX4,IIARN, cider II r l c, press, and all other necessary buildings. Also, a grind Tenant which has a never failing wsll,of water; at the door,with am orchard , of choice fruit trecv.—.— ;For hrtoer oifticuluit enquire of the s'ubSeri , -ber"on4lw,pratniics.. _ JACOB RAll : l % i Alay 27th, 1847. VALUABir-tARAC Azol L.== ) .zar.bLvar - cq ctsa?,o. , 9 i , . oFridaySeptember. in, at 10 o'clock A Zif : hip oubsoribeis will °trio for solo on - Iturirein Wert he - valnablo - Aarm;lutti. Iliti . fitti 7- party of John riolthurn, dee'd, sktuu led in %V cat l'onliabor,o Vowrialdp - Cuinherlarid county, about tli feu - Milks noritifitit'orClifiligle, oil Ille, Colra° doguinrictt preck, j coliiiiining 105 uerea of, first rate 'Lund, wlityli Is , cleared And under. good . poit,ond roil ,Ichen.'atid j iit, a high state ofthiltiyatieri. The itnproGAments area large t two;STOry.brick House, largo Stolle flank' Burn, Wag .n Shod, Corn Cr.b, , .5; a large stable -Air. feeding ,ehttle4 L Also a. two.story Frame Tenant flutiao, ''A.' Wasli:hoirrio;' Smoke liiiiae and . WoOd.bri 480, two pig.o"ens - , , Ourriage • se,' idd'lCS fibula '.- _•Tjtoto is . ais'o a BISEIc 8 ' • tPll?fo:oit thodtropectilTraifia .a ' lajzo pr.:: efisti . i ir,t)o,V;Ri:F.reiS,'Froba, A qini 1.,,y,i, anti many. ler. aditantageousimproeetnenis.'!thby 64 ,1. -will ohm, .ILat t tliesante,timo a tract at., Til )) , bar :Lan ~.,, el , . .trotaining., eight Acres, two of , whishls or cd;situated, about,' a . mile from' Om iirit'larm., whieli' erected a hods° and stable'&e,. ' ... • ; ....:r , 1., , -, • ,:1 :libio,'ali.Plit . 58 . reis'Of:piinbeiTaiiii • oti' tint I.lth.Mcinnlifa'a '"t I ni,ites-fiCiibihci L 'Acifo - I Maco , o4gh.f"'qi:C,F io' o'.iood liptuitii 'S!,iible 1 a ed•rxitherrti.datioarito4lngo jagettier.,with.ri Argit l'ulkorcli44; .1 W /liocwill b0,,i61(1,40ie1h• ci'pr , ,iq wail" soils, pprollyers,;;; ..,. e ..,' , :n.:•., 1 J 1 , ~t Personw M formatt* . bn in/bleat, a rci int , ' tort to!cit II fere ' th e' 4 o , .o.itio re ;: on I tho - Yraritisaaot aPairr, WYrili;'ES ( l4TlA l liiiiBlo. ' , A't" .l i• ,U '' ' ''' ` ' ELIO& f H 11.N: — i 1 4 '.."7•2 / '''' ' ' . -'; .7':3VPLIffN ' .ti • u ',- ;::,;...:- Exccti f1idf,,:1,614, i 1 ,,,t,0,1, ) "' 4 , 6. 7 4: „, : `August 11',. ,r,i4"1"„;-,ts.;,', 1 , : ; , , 1,..,,,,.. - i.T . ,. • . ~, - , *;Volhe Laneastet.if4cemiiler 110..1 le .." ' * I .l • ' t d - bill - ' atilt' Akocaleyiimeitil l',en eTaifti sett , l ..paps 1; le thiff office. ; . .. ....•. y, , , , • . • cairigrraiithl to - , haat.! , p!oliovat,iori iii,cissoi 'of „balOneso, prOvaiiC drOfffr. &o4afrOOl the haii4,;. heal-44n , ;' Aloitior of As9';Northlityet-; m 1444404: fitoto:!,haf, iipte* or twi t c;osirieho , have inoueed.444a4-*o7,ovOjOildly , ,pa:4hO L LOicit,htiii honk tiqd tilin , Olnagit,6 at imilt Int iti4PlOgi . .Bthrosiciff4r;l '''.;.4,Ctirlishi4Oho,2oB47;',',l4l -- , T-Store.a4-attb--$ll BARCAIfeI%. , BARPAINSI •i• Nvk , S iTE stb rilier linek„jilib opened In the •-store-rcia . 4alY;occuOitid-liy—R.-rSnod grass, gag., West. igh Streeti in the borough of Carlisle, a large ttl'generalkoesortment 'of Dry Goods i Groqedes, Qtreenslsrare, t itardware, di.o„ 6AG.r ull'of Which have - boon selected with grat Rafe and whioh Bois determined to aelpatrobeap as Thoptiblia nre: reapocittully. him a call : he -ffatteira' himself theti,hai.caff offer such Inducements as Hill make It their interest to .patronteo him.' •' • ' . `erA lot of augion7aids;iit'very low prices. , May 19,1947'. . ,•- - ' NEW. AND- CHEAP Paine! y Grocery ... • rirtllE subscriber takes this' method to inform his friends, and the public in , general that he has jinit opened in the house Jatelp.otionliied hy 1)r John Armstrong , and Airco doors. east s ol J.& I). Itithads' IVarchouse. tl large and general se e sot Uncut of .Family rkerieli, such as Teas, doffce,'Simar, Molasses, Chocolate and Spiceaot every _seri pilot': Also, a large and well Bele°. a stock of 7 ,„ .- 11UrititATIFfP;IIMIV Wiflow-wM•e, &e. To -111(:130 Or ever}' description, .frotyi.the. common smoking tobacco, ufi to: Woodward's hest honey. lkw .. p thlie are respectfully invited' to mill and. examilie his stock ilerfire 1 eying elskwhere; ap ho flatters that lie cannot tall to please them loth hi price and quality. N. D.—llls friends from the country w'll find it to, (heir aihratitAge to give hima.eall ;tthe store is et tiveliiently,situated, just n few steps from Mr. lilioads' tavera. JOS.D.`IFIALIIEWY. Carlisle,;lo'ne 11147. GROCERY, TEA, CHINV&QUEENSWARE rinllE subscriber has newly fitted up his Store Boom, and is now a nd fresh supply of all articles connected — Willi the Grocery and Queenswnre business, embrac ing Coireei and I`vits:ofllie finest qualities, Syr. ups Rogur noose and Orleans Mohisses,togeth er wrtlt • Cedar-'war - e: - Stone- , ivairt3 and Brown suul Loaf,,.ne also crushdd i.onf Sugar?, Painted Tdhs, Bocketa,l‘tc. &c4,a1l of which is offered Inc sale at ilk: lowest cash 'profits; Our' friends and the public arellinsited to call and jutige for themselves at the old wand'-and -store MOW Of. • J. W. EBY. Carlisle, Npril CARLISLE FAMILY GROCERY STORE. yecniyed a largo supply of fresh Gr., J caries, consisting ofsuperior broten - suAtiii, an d 'Loaf, ashad, :Puiycrized end clarified SUCAR`4, all of sold at reduced prices.. 11..1p COFFEE of every description and price"ith a fine lot of air eing..Rf on Superior. Imperial, Young Hyson mid Black TEAS, from the best selection of Da. _vid Rankin, who has been eel,. ebr'ated for 30 years for sal , ling..tho best Teas in Philisi lolphim. A few sets of China Tea-Ware; Loaf. Segar syrup, sugar house and baking MOLASSES', •au porter impoited JEIONEY. Cheese, Hried Beef, 'augar.onriigl !'caches and A.S gples,.oup linarip;Cmuticitles, Sailed oil. Mcxcd Pickles, Figs, Ale*ixds; Rai sins, Citrons Currents; Spices,ltlackerel: Sal. mon, Shad end Hersir - ig,HopSoda, and a great variety of other article's too numerous to men. Lion. All of which will besold such prices us will give satisfaction, . Call and see.. ••• N. B.—Soleil shops suppliedat small ad vance on Philadelphia prices, • •. • • . _ . . _ ~.„....5..,,..,....... L ~,,,, YEE t: 411 ykfli TEAS: ';';,-::: Yie GEo; - R; -- CROOKS Carlisle, Juno 16, 1847 TIM OLD STAND: • • ____ . , • • NEW• SUPPLY • OF DRUGS, nismair GOOXII3;:&p: •..., ~ ..: W. HAVIRTICK desires bilhGarin hie ii, friendsnial the public that his new SPRIN U A 'D SUMNI BB SUPPLY of goods, which have been selected with great (=icily liiiihsell{ier,4 . smokily, and just opened at his old madmen ktrewn establishment on North Hanover street, embrace a supply or FRESH DRUGS, together with it most extensive, rich and varied stock of BOOKS, (Leib--school- ; and . miscellaneous,) -I , A NOB O 0,0 DS; P.F.iItFU NIES, Sze. kr. to a hich he feels claWent lio army, invites the attention of the pub -lid 'with Ike Adlinasuraos'vcif.lning fade 40 lump!) , every want tend grad?. every taste;beildeli epsuN mg entire satisfaction iy the very reasonable terms upon which his numerous al tieles wiltbe dispos ed of. • , _ . . I Ic.vioulecalVtlie - particuttir 'dttetition ofFami ilies and Phy sicialis 10 his replenished asscrrtntl of DRUGS imtI.NIEDC:INES, which It bye been purchased at ile'best houses in Philadelphia, and intry.lus relied upon for freshness and excellence. Added to these will be found an entire stock of PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, Varnishes, Glass, ke &e., all of which he will ensure to be if ilie .heit 'finality 'and in LIM versOnlovisst.prices. Re has made many additions . twins Stock of ROOKS, besides securing a new supply of all the Text (looks, Histories, Rename, Lexicons, Wri• ring Books, &c. now in use in College and our public schnols—which he will dispose of ou t e rms suited to the circumstances of all. • Ills stack of FANCY A,RTICLES embrtic:ss riclibud eitedsive collection which it : would' be impossible to enumerate, huVeoMpriiiing,mitni novelties-which cannot- full to-strike the,eye mnl please the taste, such as Ladies and Gentlemen's Cutler-4GolibankSilver'Pens and Pepcils.Usir Tooth sal Clothes Brushes: Perfumes of Iton l eeile'srialysgd~stensive varictieSaancy- Snaps, Slat %Tug' Cream, Card Cases, Pticket Pistols, Pocket books, Fut. tcco • 0 • • : • 1. Also, a Ili* supply of CornelMs l / 4 elegant LARD- LA nr,s, krlr . vg_ritli SpernmnictMould Ost9ll . ndrutrienta, Umbrel . la'ai.clilltleeles Toys, Dodo 11 a,6rud othei , sartie des in she radetydine, Sykfroll *ilk a Constant supply of freslirrltUlTS:auts'and Confectionary of. Ike richest. quality, make a Jameson! splendid stock to allieh helemilident,lyipsites theanention aid pateona”e' of .Ida So wnapd , ooputry friends, at the old hitan . iu Neva,' Hanover'strcey nearly up iT 1.114114%. ,, , 7:1 • • • • f• . S. W. ..HAVERSTICK. Juno': 1847. • J „THE , LAsT ARRIVAL,. • iiFxQ iti'W '106.'6114qt. in'tid . tioti totiteir toes - ire stpoltoettiidateliply of Drugs, BletitclUes, ~ Dye.S.tuffi..., and rancy. Articledc ).. Pcrsohg I atty -•ttlitileet lino'Wit] ,tlO well to, call as rye - aro, d; st 11 - Icrw for cash.kit. rO, Brigg's Russia n Cosmetic. • is warranted to hn ' iilii3•bop!. artieje. :Stag Ito i rostore 'She'll:Mß in Canaq5.0411 3 0. 411 1?9 , 4i liilweid-kiti , iiilling , qutiald se-tirrt : p r i... 0A1 06. 1,L .,..,, 1 -..., 71, 1„./,/,) {ate Wheeler'S traberry, togcthrn iib thd.Contyi iciond --ttratisot,. cativo tuaLtililuriitaoitut-Orris, 'rood k NyetAi jofiiititt aS Ike I.trait,Slore ot- ' . ..• - 2 . . '3 tie e1ext1211,81,7. • „. . . . . . .. ' G REAT BAR tiA.INS Iv. ,"-- , .. . • , 'SELLING' OFF 'AT FIRST COST!. • mlE t otitblircih eri w lob O . ' ps..t.o yr i oti . Cp. IPS bush e,89 IY.Plentlei yill dispose of ' hielarke and ! clegsut it•ssortsnont, Pt Dry':: Goods pest aPit. 1 ~ Wei og . 'dCtevitiiiie.ll fo'soll'olefaifeictire stock, lie ii'aktecti - Pis rvictidi aPtil;sliopPliliCrAbitritiAt bar- -- wins ',:i'sll.l)O. l otPiediP4 irhosii. "L'lctototi;..lslo , wtl4 tuoittvc,: p•oml I Pctor,lo peV e cant, , i n „pukka , . . sinfeNCl•oops,„,villtlO well to. jii*A iPi ns, cui,ps9: l 3" .; sit,l,f,. s ltts casortmgti n . ls, / 3 t3C's riq'4. l ,o ei'l." --- ^ lisve.becl 4,41490' CAth: gecst . wire, ' , APP.:e1...7 ' lietioc",ittfilt Ilingo. oriicsit , cydWitetioirsusw , . . 'Ur y' tip4i.,... 1 ,,,,,.,„-,,,, i .,,., 4 :.As *a afa • istedtto'clit emit , . i,'D witless; itt die 1.6) y 0 6 'dolle Vplieibia Viirloti, - Ver -, hereby noiify iltote7Pidelited'Ai}..*Wfztot‘isscd,,,ltDracilest- . Tai _i ~ ,. cc ti ..., ... . atAoly_a_oll cetat,A4l.oXr rap c9iV.,Plitkis , IT.. loOgorr!lotPilkocco , i, AV., .., OM, tl: fi l f `rikOtel - . - ; Mio,. , l4, 6 of.hrtrohe , tp.t est-PP. I {Pri',lettle thoicAccouCtsgpr...o.Ct: havP i ttiglik=adstot;., ht:tli e lile o'6 R 4 ik4titi#4oPgallettillh."l?"9V, . „ ,Alc+JA'4.l) :r44: ,. . ' 44 , 'V '':;1, .I):II..,.ARD.TOLD:' . c ;,.Carliile.!ZJitlig.4o4riT;_i!4 ,44 .7: , 'r. , ,p ,, ` :._,": _.., ?..‘`.i:,71':!;:',,7.,,,,:.:,1;..-.,'vf ~.-',..`,. "-Y..;.:4;: , ;•; - ,: , .;,z , L: . !.` ,. - .. `:, ..' :., '.- . • " • '-':.: 1, 6..... : ; ; ;a ~3.7" . —...., , Ma Ffi