Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 18, 1847, Image 2

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    itthrx Domitivtorom.
41.6i1OtAtttild froftt 11033.fritt;:" F.l
'ten. Scott still at Plabla—Failtiro of the Peace;
Proposals—Action at the NationaL7.ritige -- 7 ,
Voukcil of / Santa Anna's Officcrs—DcroininA
, ation - to - Stand Anothcr- -BtittleaVto
The New Orleans 'papers announce the ar
orthe steamer Fashion, With Vera Cruz
elates to-the 2d :inst.
General Scott was at - Phobia oh the abih
..!of July, but there vas ,probability of an
..immechateadvanoe. . .
General Valendia Was , repotted 'to ho in
4 tho vicirtityilvith : 4ooo Mexicans.
General Price had4drrived. at Perote alter
inn action with the guerillas near flth Nation
kal Briligb.p •
Lieutenants Tipton; a Indiana, and Star-,
;goon, of. Pennsylvania hail died.
'the Courier of the British Leniition arrived
at Vera Cruz on the Mk, with . correspond
'eace from the Catiithl to the 20th and Pnebla,
"to the ‘3oth. Mr. , Kentlalllhinksthe chauee
Icor peace tis unlavoiriblif bat thinks Scott
'will march immediately, cu rite arrival cif
*Generdl Pierceicerthirilfin the first week of
•Aunst, and more thati probable the hardest
3 fig,ht yet will lake plate at 'the oily of Masi
"co; that the Mexicans are. prepatud to meet
hailing all their fortifications Completed
'and twenty titre thousrmd men tit the Orli
'son. /le also states thatthe Bignish legation
Were. secretly exerting every 'infl'uence to
. .iireeti the Americans out of rile.t apical.
'tither letters‘in 'the -Picayune reptesents ,
ithb !chance dtpeade sstriorell,evertible,- and
think that the resistance 'to 'Scott's advance.
tvili be alniest nominal. •
The Mexican Cringressimd referred Mr.
IBuChiteari'stetter haelc,to the Executive, and
thrown en hire file responsibilities the .
War. The peace party in 'tire 'Capital is,
'strong and ishicreasing rapidly. They have
hot latch in their Gen erals.
-- the 'tni-of-Aitahnue says 'in deserrbinP.
ae guerilla attack* npen Gorreral nerve, that
'rely .ofttfOlmcricans approached, under
----1 0. - bnslt fire, until about a hundred yards
from the .Mexicans, when a deadly fire was I
opened•uplen the enemy, forcing them to ,
ommetioo a Misty rstreat.
At this !moment tt spirited charge was
tnadenpen the retreating Mexicans by the
American cavalry, in which at least ono hun
dred of the enemy tvere.mat to pieces. The
position .ocCupied by the Ilexieans was flute
--- 'l3l the strcingest kind, and rho Americans,
passed the Bridge after this engageineid . ,and
arrived in safely at Perim. ,G un e ra l, s t . o u
despatched Gen. Smith's brigade front Pee
hla to Meet him at Derntr...
The. tomm'ercial Times considers - *fhb
hews a toll confirmation of the laituie of Mr.
Trim's mission,end -that all prispects.of peace
_ were dissipated. Its correspondence slams
Mat there las been a contest of etiquette a
' bent tonslitntienal rights between Congress
, and Santa. Anna, each charging the other 1
'with the responsibility of making peace.
Itisihowever, shrewdly supposed that the
hitter personage sincerely desires patching up
the dafferences between the two countries,
as tl bole , Weans of iTeeuring the grand ob
lectol his arebition, the Dictatorship. When
Congress was dissolved, it was done by the
Withdrawal of such a number of the .mem
befs as to leave the . remainder too few to.
-form g qttertm.
Santa Anna held irconnell of his general
officers ) ..When 4t was resolved to try the ef
feet of atietlrer-struggle r either by marching
out to meet Gen..S p ott at Puebla, or rejecting
- the-propositions of Mr. Trist, calmly to await
Scott's advance and act upon the defensive.,
In order lobe bee to act, the Government
has issued a decree suspending, the publica
tion of all the newspapers except the Gov
rnmerft organ.
The Delta says that Congress had met and
bljoarned without acting on the peace pro
position of our government; that all their'
etters agree in expressing the belief that
Cen.S.cott can take the city
that ibis foreign residents there are anxious
for his arrival s
Lieut. Whipple had arrived there, ho was
boated well and expected to be exchanged
Corn. Perry has withdrawn his forces from
''obaseo in consequenee of the sickness pre
iiallieg,there; he expected to return when
the sickly season is passed.
. The Sun of Anahuac attributes his with
. drawal-to an overwhelming.. force .of the
tinemy being in the vicinity, and the fear of
an attack.
General Almonte was in confinement at
Gen. Alvarez was at the Capital the mid
dle of July, and had several long interviews ,
. With Santa Anna.
another Letter from MaJ. Downing
Os TILE ROAD TO TIIF. WAR, August—,lB47.
Mr. Gales and Seaton:
My dear old Friends:—l spoke you'll be
amazingly disapinted to find I'm away off
here, onside on to the seat of war, and didn't
call to see you when I come through Wash
ington. But you must'nt blame mo for , it,
for Itould'nt help it; the President would'ut l ,
let me call; he said I was getting quiteitoo
thick with you, writing letters to, you and all
that. And when ho spoke about the letters,
he looked kind of red, and showed conside
table spunk.
gerfalderd of confidence in you as li friend of
tertultalnistration ; and it you are a friend, you mast let Gales and Seaton alone;
keep - out Of their way, and have nothin to
do with them; they aro dangerous, mischief
making fellers, etertially ; pcokin at my a
ministration, all 'Weathers. Let me tr,. to
keep things ever so snug, and lay m. p ans
ever so deep, they aro sure to dig hem all
up, lug them into the Intelligencer, and
blaze 'em all over the ccantry. Confound
their picturs, tbey.are the most troublesome
customers an Administration ever had ;
they've come, pretty near swamping me Itvo
enthren,liines. So if you are try friend, I
Warn - you not to be, so thica, with Gales and
teaton. .
Well, says It, Colonel , you know I am a
- - frieird to you and you r' administration, as
' touch as I ever was to the Old tiinetal and
- his administration; and I shrill eland. by you.
and do every thing I can to help fOu out of
the scrape you've got into about the war.—
But I don't know as, that nhed make mo
firealr with Galeeand Seaton. We've been
old friends so long, it Wouid he kind of hard
for me ie. give 'am up n - ot;', and. I don't
- hardly think they are quite so bad as you
' Think kir. ',lhey may not- mean, to do -you
oo much hurt Attica they, put these; things
Into their imer i, and . only put tbent in oattso
. L. t:they,thinlr i folks want to:aunty. Whit's:pin'
en. lMr:,llitobie someptipi pule thing into
irri paper, that folks thO'den't 'do, yetis any .
good'..: ','...:?"'!" ;„: ' '..',.;,;,,:":--.'".','"'
~. Titer' President gaid .tit;o•dr` . three' hard
i i tS billtarrirt:m:hio cod' of foliaccd, and ,says he,
l c.
Yes, MOA.that'Atorr_.trueitit 'intik' be'''con
;, , leaped; amill.itithriyeaie. bnyond , all pa!:
' --, i1e90..- - .' line tliiYri f }tire to` forgive it arid
~, . toverloOli-ifpb. - iertitso Mr. - Ifitchie don't Mean'
tit:, , ,'The iol d '- i gentle mewls' , arAllys l,sorry for :
7..V.ititaiisl , itliviTllwilling fp. 4keil*Vii*' ,, All4'
,;,... I thOO 4.6.'fitottah it; fen - ga,otaJfelloi,le . got itier,
',,,',,,.,:ledertilliits,' I Can't7l4v,ii' l 'a:}iiiiqt,.to,laceld.:,:iit ,
,r, - Atirlinnielt:abeir,tl - ,,his.adefalciie;alAlSlAiiiidere,
- ,,;: ; `,:.-.,.t.Woll','lcays:l,'o,Olhitgbeirig.ii'MOe'diaied.
:! , !: - ;-:lorlerrilielsir :yratit,ilisi,icnOW4f- iiii r 'el ; ,".theM•
:,:li - •';!.cullliiill,,,it...leiiallY,Opporreil49lri,,,:ttliVOxiiii
1 f.e4, 12 0i- a lt l „ ii _j r4 flg uli t i O b93 01 . 1 P1u:',1n. 11 1P:3 7 1
'' ', %.,••• kpaiiii , pl ' the 'ttrire, T . iii gin red' sulli e s; . ay,
' .-, " , iTent,Oliou4,ll% , .liovv''Eligiaedi Who' re 'ffleY
...',_..;.''.'• . - 'l ' '!,'• '';'l,.. :-.:„.,-''''!-;ft,..
useetcy hetlib. thickest, and d 'cohichilt
get :
track of one?; - araParlien-llaikeil the folks 4
there was ohy4tideralietsOttnywhere in them
quarti3rsi,they'hil'stared:at Ine,and.'said,lhey
didn'tlirleW.What:kiurfin oritteis they-;;Whrt,i
Wherl4 got 'to DowningvilW I airlfetl,':phelet
Joshtfa',ahatt if. He_,said in yea:rigor:
days there a' beLiensjilatable, many,..el
!eWlibriut,'sbut they * Wasn'i. thought bet
denghinus, kir they never was - 'much given
to fighting. But he said he guessed thryd . rdl
died out long ago, for he hadn't come across
one this twenty years. So now,
sayshow •is it they are sb thlek Mr.!
Ritchie's paper all :he time ?
At that he gave mb vety knowing kind'
of a look, and lowered his voice. down al
most to.a Whisper; and says he, Major,
tell you how it is. When Mr. Ritchie was n
piing mart tiebscd to fight n-good . deril with
the federalists, and took a of pride
in it; and now he .fancies the SCAlieS_ of his
youth all seem tmcome tack: fresh to his
mind, itifil — ha can't think 'dr, t•Ak about any
thing, else. You know that's often times the
way With old people. As he always used
lo have the name of. a smart fighter, I,give
him the TOmmand df the newspaper 'battery
'here to defend my- namitiistration. But
'towns as 'great a-mistake ''twas when
sent Taylorinto Mexico. 1 didn't know'm v
No matter what Rime was gathering
ovetthrow my administration, Mr. Ritchie ;
Somehow didn't Seem tosee. 4 eml nomduer
how hard they fired at me, tie didn't. seem
to hear ..and when I, called to him; to fir e• 1
baiik,Alie would rouse tip'and touch oaf a few
squibs well about as good aim as the boys
lake When th,ey - fire-crackeis - on-ltreAth of
July, and did about as Mubli execution: At:
Last I found. out a way that I conlif make the,
old veteran fight like a Tark and hold Oil
like a ball-deg.. It 'Washy giving him a no-.
lion 'af rug time that he was !fighting with
tederalists. Since I made driwiliscovery
'been more help to me. ;Viretiever 1 see an
eticmy . entrendhing 'himself around me, and
'Oringing'opliis batteries to fire into my ad
dialuistrafien, all 1 hove to do is to whisper in
Ritelne's ear and say,
smells of federalism ; you may depend upon
it there is tederalists abroad somewhere." l i
In a minute, you've no idea with what fury •
the (Id gentleman flies mend, and mounts
his heaviest guns, and sets his paper battery
in a roar. lyis shots fly ;right and telt., and
sometimes icnoctrs'doWn !friends as we.!l as
foes. To be sure they ilcn't ma:iae viiry
great impression upon the enemy; but then
there's this advantage fruit: if lie don't kill
or beat MT the znemy, he keeps the admin
istration solietTectly 'covered up With smoke
that The enemy can't see half the time wneie
go fire at us. On the 'whole, Mr. Ritchie is
a valuable man to my administration, not
withstanding ail his iii Slakes and blunders.
Just then (ha door open, and OM Should
come in tint Mr. Ritcliie himself. . As he o•
period the 'door he ketv,,,lied the sound of the
two last words 'the Piesidern was saying..
"M istiik es andldunders !?' says Mr. Ritch
ie, says he, whin, have you got something
more ol• Scott and Taylor's blundering in
iNlexiool„ •
Nothing more to-day, says 'the President.
I was only telling Major Downing how their•
blunders there have come pretty new rein'i
ing the country, and bow it is absolutely
cessary to get the staff out of their hands
somehow or other before they (pile finish
the job. l'in going to try one•more -plan,
Win Ritchie, but be careful you don't ray a
uythMg about it in-the Uniorp L and blow it
all up. 'I tried once to send Col. Berrien on
for the same purpose, and Congress blowed
that up,.. New I'm going to send Major
Downidg, not as n regular Chaplain ; but as a
sort-of-watch upon theta, you know to work
round and do the business - up befoM a-igh-ti
dy knows it. lie isril - 0 fele Seott nor Tay
lor, nor have anything to do with 'em, but to
work his way into Mexico and go right 'to
Santa Anna, and knock up a bargain a ith
him. I don't care what he gives... The 'fact
is, lit. Ritchie the country needs peace, and
141 have pence, cost what it will:
An excellent idea, says Mr. Ritchie, an
excellent plan, sir. for peace at all haz
ards, if it is to be found anywhere in Meal.
co—that iS, if we can get hold of it before
Scott and Taylor does. And I think Major
Dotting is just the man for tine staunch
democratic republican, and whatever he
does Will go for the benefit of die Adminis
tration. Now the'country's shins are aching
pretty bad with the war, and it we can fix up
a goodsmooth peace right off; and not let
Scott and Taylor - have any hand in - it - , who
knovus Mr. President, bat it might matte ohm
Administration so popular ) that yen and I
might both be elected to serve another four
yearsl But when Is the Major to start
Right ofrto night, says the President or
rather in the morning before daylight—hetet e
any body in ‘Vashington finds out that he
has got hack from Downingville. I have for
bid his calling at the Intelligencer office, and
I dont want them to find out or mictrust that
he has been here. If they should get wind
of the moverhent, they would be sure' tm
throw some constitutional difficulty io the
way,and try to make a bail botch of the bus
The President Shot me into his room, and
charged me not to leave the house while he
sent for Mr. Buchanan and Mx...Marcy to fix
up my private instructions. While he was
gone Mr. Ritchie fixed me op a nice little
bundle of private instructions too, on his own
hook, moddled he-said, on-the--Virginia-Rest
of n9S,. Presently the President canto .back_
with-m y-bhdgets-nll.readyi-anti -gi ve-me-My
instructions, and filled my pockets with ra
tions, and told intrhoW•te•draw. whenever I
I wanted money, and beferb daylight I swas
oil a good piece on the Mad to the war.
' To day 1 . met a man going on' to carry let
Ire Government from Gen. Scan's
i+ihe war, and I tnade
whil p take this letter to you, for T was:a
fraid you might begin to think 1 was dead.—i-
Ile says Scott is quite wrathy about the Trial
business, ar.d vants to push right on and
take the city 61 Mexico, but . Mr. Tr6t is dis
posed to wait and see if he can't mak 6 a bar.,
gain with Santa Anna's men. I shall push
along as fast as I can, and get into the city of
Mexico if possible before SCott does, and if.l
only once d'et hold of Sapta Anna; I have no
cipubt I shall make a trade:.
I don't know yet whether I shzdt take
BeOu'irodd or Taylor's road to go to the ei•
ty of Mexico, it will' depend a little. on the
news I get by the ,way:. Tw,o orthreelimea'
When I have been stoppin ,, , to met have
been lobbing' oier my _pairit
They are hist rate,' r.
• I remetivyour old fri andi..,antb_the heal;
dent's private Embaptxer;o. • , •..
In Itio course of. on 'wile e.upen t e.,,su ,'•
jeCtorvity end ceuntry'newspapers i the edi
tor Or , Ssott's Weekly i?aperl Takes the fol?
hawing remarks, wiiiiih.We Centinend'itc the
AttentiOn'ef our readers: '','' u';; ' ' ''' ' i
I '.116 honeat'inati will•nieterid to' tiiiy that a
newspaper published in a remote. city' will
supply the place" of one peblished,.,in a tpan's
own neigh horhoad and especjally•divetetWo
to" the local iriterestk 61 ' the . inAßYfiritlicr,-
There'are riniy'irittitters of groat ithPettance
t o7pattiottlar .distridts s And 'vicinities , which'
eanyfttfirid.a,piire in .4 journal; intended - 40 ,
be aitettlftfe4ithjetighbot.the",whelp 9,pn.1ty,.:
,VVOtreOrcini;'s44 enceincagejour , countyy.
;riewspepettPtitkrit4o;;trie' ittiettilatioii . it',*f.- ,
fordetts . .nidsttindispekSol24•,;,' , l R., t 1 ',..0, 1....y. 1
~; ;'o . '., !e- ' ' , ;4n , ''..,. ' '.' ''..',". 'I,;:Z,Y! '' :o :l4''
4 1
%-"." Ot S tie (l4'fi tird - OOti ; :liiillir ' liiiiiiin t i:ll4
..e...A0.;‘.,,,,, r, 1 7
17 ,9,0 /s 9, P i !'. o. tVeg'o l) ;l,:firi'jqr,l,:ca .. 1 ,
mokqi‘icii: giliipritli4t , Pitioikift)(P4' I.:
, :!-,I,e.,.,, ,, ,f,-,,, r. ~ .-ii
EIIOn,:,:'ANCIAVOIIUert,,'Y., ....':' ., ;.:Pl- 6 "F1 , 1*.' , F,',, , ,-::=. ,
'.:.' ~ r •V: '.' ' - '. .- 7'.6'. , • ' . 'F, ~,. , *; ;;;;.:.',, ,, :, ' ,"i1.T .. ...‘, ' :'
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7. •
, , • .:••
• ';
. •
; ••
, mary,XWASLII.; PA;
The Whig : ~C'.linty
for - County - Of&en%
•to be tipitirtbill.liji.tis:Whigs'at the ensuing
felitelion;;;44(siii6iliii:.beiduglic'en Friday
Wi) iratitiliiiiilgtegates:wilr*nterup
oriAbeit4loll3erlitions with pfl4l.gicifisdcl the
71.iddeb rents upon Ahern. :The
enter u pen the
1847. :e b a r tza ce ss es o s t: this tall with the fairest, prosiieets
ir'Reduiced Terms,
One Dollar and.Filly.Dents a year if pail Lin
Advance—One• Dollar and Seventy-Five
Cents if paid within or at- s the emi of six
months—two Dollars it paid at the end of,
. the year.., The Herald is aow.the
est paper in the county ! • .
wince racatignummonsi
The ithfre Term ant Tarkil
X'or Govirnor,
ror Conimissionor. ,
-1;11TLE111.0RE GRAPE, CA - 14. BRAGG! ,
„ •
DemoevatlClMitg Co - unty, Diatingl
"MIR Democratic' Whig citizens of `Cittnhotittra
'county, and nil others friendly' le the election of Gen.
&NIES IRVIN and 111aj. W, PATION,'
to the indices of -Governor end Cannl Commis:4h ler or
Pennsylvania—nil who are opposed to the _present cor
rupt !tint lump:tido Nnl frm'. Administ rat ion,' and its
lojurioun and destructive mcnituresoll 'it'll° ore o'r,
posed to the continuancti of Executive pour fur a
second term in the feeble 0011 incompetent Minds of
Francis It. Shook—nil in favdr , diallequate prdivetion
to the trpe republican Inlorring.intbrosts of the Irnited
gtatesitgaillist the tivertyltelmingvampotition , of Brit
ain funnier "ten ccuttva - rhiy" - labor,try aTnrill'for-ReV
r true null 'Protedtion—Dre larilbstlyreqlloSloll 10 meet
In time Cobrollobse, in the borough of (Zit-lisle,
On Monday Evening, 'August 23d, 1847,
047{ oletes , k,'ln give sorts exprorrlon to their feelings
tifxrcri)llltolle Itelt to prolitiee that organization loin
eetioe in their ranks, ns will ensure 111 e success of
good 'Men, end the eolitlefttlentletelltity or the great
tit good to the greatest number," In the adioltilstrn
tinif-piiilry or the Stele and Union. fly order 'of the
Whig Standing Coninnttee.
Scmethirg Personal
03-We shall be glad tb see all of our couldry friends
blio Visit toll ri nekt work, but esPecially those 'who
may come prepared to "pay the printer." ' I'Vd stand
greatly In aged of binary to meet pressing engage
ments, and ihough not in the practice or nuNNINO oar ,
parfaits, are compelled by circumstances to gibe them
(his gentle hint.
capital •new Whig song will Ile
found on our fourth page. The li,erary and
political miscellany on our first page will be
lannd highly interesting.
ir}-The Wing County eting assembles
in the Court House, on the evening (if the
23d, and the locoiono meeting at the e,pyit
IT MEETING which is called Tor Monday
next, to. the Court House: Let our friends
from the townships deterihino to bo present
in their strength,- and let Ili have.the cam
paign openedin the old spirit. 4 ' The time
carne, without which wt cannot achieve - the
victory which is within our grasp. Come
to-the -meeting, then, and make it Erich an
enthusiastic demonstration NA Whig feeling
and Whig strengih, as will leave but hail the
battle to be fought on electron day. Rally,
Whigs! let no trifling cause prevent your
attendance at this annual gathering of the
tried and true Whigs of Old Mother Cumber
From Illexitoi
The news from Mexico in to-days paper
throws 415 all a bark, and leaves things just
as they were. Gen. Scott instead of enter
itig Mexico on .the 17th, was at Puebla on
the 29th ) and it is evident that another se
vere battle is to be fought before the conk
quest of the capital is effected. The Mexi
can fore(' for the defence GI the Capital is
sard to be 9.5,000, with 1.1 pieces of cannon,
and 15,000 men scattered op the road . to
cheek the advance of Gen,Wat.- The force
under Gen. SAT( is 13,00 effe ctive men,
with artillery and batteries of the most com
plete character The result cannot be fettled
but the immense loss of life which must be
occasioned is mournful to centemplate.
Gallaiit Harry tiaYs.
Mr. Clay arrived at Philadelphia on Satur
day last, on his way to Cape May. We
learn from the city papers that
,ho was me'
on his arrival by an iiifriiense' - t.irciwd — isl'i'itf= -
_,tcens. i _among_w.hOrn__his__arri.v.aLc_te_aLe_d__thc
most intense enthusiasm. He was made the
guest of Henry White, Esq. on Walnut street.
On Saturday evening a inecesSion of several
thousand_ Whigs termed, and accompanied by
a splendid band of music, walked to Mr.
-Clay's resulenee,where the band entertained
him with a Serenade. In "obedience to the
clamorous solicitatiha' of the enthushistie
erdwd, Me. Clay ntlenoth aktuared,altliough
he had eirairek now ictiged the
compliment in a brief speech. On Sunday
ho attended church, arid g Monday morn
ing he left in:tbe stuamboatfor Cape
Hels deSeribtiea's looking well though wear
ing on his countenance an aspeet z •Cf deep
and i'cifinet'sbriciW.' God bless lilrl'ittfCcsvi
ling, r ni y lie live to animate, to cheer dgd to
warn ‘fte.:. country byhicwise• and:patriotic
. Our trientl.'A4.o:-.1..1A Esc] sanctum.
eg s s liipsell ' the Carroll eoanty, , Mtl., pa
pers; as an eaiieldete for
Congress. 116 admits that the
odds are rathet a i ittinst.him, hat saya there'a
ue,auekivorti•as fail since thii.glorioua hatile
of nrieholdly 'mites the aturdp'
at 'eaee" 4 . 4 ti
Ck}- The : : booofoco.. boorny,,. rßeegngs ti(
, lurks . itedChtysler.'-have each moted. d 0% - ± ) . n
re the
4 00°F1h 1 9)Aflig06(1.,,f' 1 .Cde[mperah!!;%. 4 .gy : •calitkol
,these •Loood lake , ai eandldaiciel r
'• ' ;•;,. I
~., i .
;. • ,-- pinttn'
trnvii.einro9, l " Inlia,7Mafng t ,'nnd
iTifamoi,,r j- rf
fief raPtiorllnlia;.„,,,,':'l:'''l,,.,..t:
thei , t• oqin'," 114;','-'4,',„,,i,;.wt ti„
, ,0::P-„i ' tkitf • 61A-01 ,i,-1-,t'Vki ir,
i d
Enstwa,rici:o-0\1,,,, 'A
I§4o, !..!..61.1% 48.
nornatlk .Y:ditiet , 011.4'
• .
i.,thsoun ie,,,
Dixonto-^g m
vr- 'y 4 . . At'
jg i Conlittets
.I,.lign n :..t. :..,i.
r ,. ir or c,rid, 4'
....:. :,,-
ii,..4•41Yhc...,i':' .',',:,- ''' ' -
t' .J!...,i;;,-,,,1j,', ),._', • - -,..,..; z','
. It will be tor the members Of The -Cortvon
:lion-to render These .prerapocts still fairer-by a
*lee, prudent and harnMiieu - s,Orrie
in fra
•itting atioket. 'Let them •eriter upon the dri
ly free from all personal bias or projudlce,
and having only in view the good .ol the
Whig patty, presitneus a strong ticketri—
compoeed of good men, and true IVhigs.
.11rith such' &ticket we i 3 halloweep the coon!.
ty by double time majority which our ticket
received last fall!
Goiod !ridings from the, 4
The intelligence 'we Ore this week
of the results, of the western. elections is-of
the most cheering character,, and we con
gratulate,-the Whigs of ihe country. Upon the,
auspicious signs which indicate the grand
'triumph of Democratic Whig Prine;ples
throughout, the Nation! I n tentncliy, it is
true Wa lost groand 'bettig lovtrong—bad
management alone' bas lost us two Or three
Cong,ressoten.._But 'look at • striutieliolif
North Cayenne, which gives as wo there.
Whig, Congressmen!=.-at Alabama, ivlto adds
• (mother good, and trudWhlg to her Congres,
sienal delegation !-- , :then at Indiana, which
has electecra Whig Legislature and made a
gain of ttbo members of Congressand last
and 4east . c4 all, at Tennessee, where-James
K: Polkts agai irrepadiated - bydris- ow n -Slut er
-at the close as well as at the beginning of his
corrupt and miserable adMinistration. TEN
ERNOR, and shown herself Whig by ,3000
majority gieater titan •Dhe%ever
displayed be
lore! Soch., , aira the glotious results of the
State elections in the young, the 'flij g hly
West, aniddlitAy , potne with a trumpet-strain
o f VICTORY to cheer the hearts and aid-
Mate the energies of the ‘Vlngs of the" Na
-lion, bidding us ouit.ird! oNwa Do! ! JN
WXII-11!!! in the advancement DI our great
republican principles, in the full assurance
that their final and permanent triumph is_at
hand! •
Anolher 'Fire in the
The unexpected news from Nlex leo which
we publish to-day, will be likely to draw'
down upon Lit. Scott the fiery wrath of tire
administration. The Baltimore Sun's Wash
ington correspondent says: '_
Cornmissioners—had been appointed
-there, would.have been no necessity for Gen.
SeolOs. advance. That he has advanced all
believe and if be:has not be must give a
good . reason for his delay, or incur the 6;4 . 11
tare of the whole American public. We
nwnij, in patience, the development of the
mystery th a t now hangs ovet his position
wed movontents." •
4s it 'hot "'trainees, Ilitr‘ray our, Genera's
in Witixico lake treated
Effect or Whig ➢lanagement.
Ti Lancaster Fribune says, the influence
exeited by a 'Willa Canal. Commission l er
and a WHIG State Treasurer ; is beginning
to exhibit itself in all the departments of the .
State Government. Mr. Poser, backed by
Mr. Burns, has been the means of saving
thousands of dollarstn the State, and prevent=
ing- thousands more from being favishingly
,and uselessly 4irown away upon polit:cal fa‘
swims by the Shunli dynasty? and Judge
Banks has so managed the aflans of his ap:.
artment that, according to the statements of
the-friends of Gov.*Shniik, "the lrenstey will
contain surficient cash before the first of Au
gust to pay the semi.mumalinter . est on the
State Debt, and leave a &dunce rf one hundred
thousand &Airs to be applied to other purpo-
The facts are rt h y the attent;on of eve
ery tax payer in the Commenwealth. It one
Whig in .the Canal Board and one W'hig "on
the big° . at 'Harrisburg can effect shch a con
dition of things, how much more zealous
Should they labor to plate morn such ‘Vhige
it the head 'of State - affairs..ll,lLPoweiß
manvernent as Canal Commissioner produ
ces in one year, "one million of dollars profit
on the Canals and Pailroads." Judge Banksi
few months supervision of the Treasury de:
partment, not only produces sufficient to pay
oft the - AtittlisT_lTitaTe - s1 on the _StateAleht;tuL
leares_a_surphis at `..`aricitutuirtfilitoustrudJol-_,
Inns for other iopoies." Remember, these
are the admission of the _opponents of the
Whig party. "Poor Men," as Well as 1110
tax , rittden Farmers, would do Well to read
and pondor - ou these facts. , -
(* - -7Ttic Amaripati, a locofoco
paper speaking of ilia candidates for Goy'
ernor s aayszq • , .
"Gan. Irvin, on tho other :hand, ihntigh a
\Vhig,.we knovi , to be a'liberal minded and
honorable man.: In advancing the• election,
of :Governor Shank, we shall certainly net so
far forget.our regsrd• for;, truth; consistency
and sell respect,. as to traduce:4mi. Irvin ha
an Iron ;Armory:or , to be guilty -o1 late. still
more conteroptibloconduct.of im p 8 .
mativea on,aceonnt: of •Ins-.munifiCeut datia.
lions and: the.iibeialdiscibit ion et. h i means‘
for eli irttable pUtposesi or. the, lotv't:dema- ,
gtigueism which WO U ‘arv-ilie pimple ng
most, him Pm tiqcount•- el • his . ...wealth.' Such •
appeals; are degrading,tmthgcb b areeler of thti,
Presst-disgtadelubto .thbse;ponCerneili,iand.
.unwoithr,thel charauter;cil
is , t one [Of the. ,fip.:
•blestliirtues!that U.atto he:practiced: by. mails
ifoh! tuq: Ducted; to, he: tn a, the :su
jee t tioltitiliairn byispulics4
pßrtiedins, ,
And. it Mile , liirther ailicla he'
L H;
migtii . oFeA..mac. El. nn ,iron :,tnastei,
rr4 mare him in tha Oy
thitf,Sectionol 914 rat litp(;'litti ,
% '. llllllilVool4o l i l /I§4,
'1 , L,
, in won „pouuty ,` Sucnuel,, ly,txtorleh l ,
,l en norrunatea fur zieieintlly,;n:rid' 'via.,
eran PriVonk 19r
I ;lenalefA • - 14 .);
rn,Delotrfkr9 , cinqq , ?SketohlßY,./PPll',hai
Va'en 4'n!,loiitva for•AV 63 rilkli r,,- 4 1 , 2 t_
Afr,..,yy'Ostrnoipliiisil,;W* I inlioJ9P;:,JPhn,
iii!j4k4,40,•030,2a0 Have
lof,the . ,,A B tie9P.tY,i„V
$5;871 to so`iti Phitadtg,ol;
Veileie iirliting the iniViit oPa riieunier
• - Gen. Ic4in'sißenevolenc,e..
.• The- statement mado`inahe ,Whig papers
some weeks SincAVt Gen.,i);in•lbaliti . taken
in charge an(.l
ege at his own affeoe, at I,.aft4elte - 1.(49,
near -Piston ) . ire.thiOkita, tiavin, liben pro
nounced-false in fact `and detail by'ttiiirlf.gst..-
on Argus, the editerlot-the.-Bellefilinte_ Whig
Las hiker] the Matter up -and proven it ccioL
elusively. • He gives a full history- ol the
ptoceetting—states the eirctimstattees-undor
which the -ease of tho -destitMe boy.-was
brought to -Gen. Irvhi's nOtiee=hisvoluntary
otter of assistance—its acceptance—the reg
ular payment . ol the sum neeessaryall done
in - a quiet Insulter, lutil shedding increased
lustre upon the character of the good man
who 18 the Whig nominee for Governor.
en. Irvin 'upon homing of this Chines°
youth promptly atnhorized 'Rev. Mr. Linn,
'Pastor of-the PresbyEeriamchureb, in Belle•
fiite, to inform the Board of Edueation l in
the Presbyterian church ; thht he would furn
ish the *75 per annum, wliich Was necessary
. the boy's education. The acknowledgei
mont of the money is madwin!the gt.lresby
terian" newspaper, of the 17th of July as fta:
lows: "Bellefonte church, Pa. a friend for a
scholarship, *75," tidally was the thing
done that the ;peer Chinese himself probably
did not:know who was his benefactor.
Very -True.:
titthe . D~inoCrat is evidently
mush alarmed at , the slender pitospect .e
-lecting the locofeco.County Ticket this•Jall,
mid soleinnly warns its friends against,.be.
lieving that all is right—that it is only nec
essary to receive a nomination to ensumsne
cess7-that our numerical strength is alorio carry us through suceesafully.
The time least when this cou:d be done, but
that time eN'ists no longer." True for you ,
neighbor, Cumbeiland connt s y may be now
set down as a WHIG COUNTY OUT ANT)
OUT! Nothing is 'more certain than that
Ca ritibertind county tti il I . roll orra'handsome
majority for IRVIN tun.Ii.PATTON, and "48
goes old -Mother Cumberland so goes the
:State,' :you know!
141C0fOCCI , Ticket.
. . .
The loi.nfocn Convent Ott settled the..collowing tick
et • yesterday. ntler . inuch wrangling, in which the 'Old
Ass:end:l y--. 1. Lefever, W.. Pettnehoro ; and Aldo:.
Lan,bet-loth N. Middleton.
1-4,notin.stoner—lulus Molt, Carlisle.
Treagoter.—ltobert Monte, Carlisle.
Auditor—Peter. Livincer, Mourne tp. -
Director-- %Valiant Kerr; west l'nunnhono.
nut ticket Is made up ' , linty much of what the Dem
ocrat last ' , Neck called 'old drones,' and can be easily
Art accident of a distressing character hap
pened-on tlns rail road; airout filte miles-west
of this borough, on Saturday meriting lust,
bc: which 11 r. 4/fad Sponskr, of-this bcrough,
and a fireman by- the name:of Samuel Rees-
Chambersburg Were very severely in
jured. -Mr. Sponsler was riding on .the En
gine-in company with the engineer and fire
man, and as the,train, going at rather rapid
speed, neared aside-track with had been
laid down at Davis' Mill, the Engineer sud
denly discovered that the switch on the main
track was displaced. lle had bat time to
give wanting and leap off himself, when the
Engine, electing the obstruction, bounded
violently off and was forced sev,rral feet tip
a high batik on the read side, front which
falling back a,gain it meshed and buried un
der the weight of its broken materials, fire
wood, leg the two persons above mentioned•
By the aid of the passengers in the train they
were speedily rescued from their awful sit
nation, but we regi et to, say that the Mimics
sustained by Mr. Spor.sler are such as to
leave. bat slender hopes of his reeoverl . Mr.
Reasner was also much injured, bet ire is
speedily recovering. None of tire cars. at
kited to the Erlgine were at all injured by
the Concussion, but the engine itself was
broken into pieces.
Wo have Worn kneed/0.'3 the 311 number
of Cie splendid edition of ."Joseplms,". now.
in course of publication 1;y. thd Messrs. Har
per, of
. New York. t t contains several beau ,
tiful illustrations. This elegant and valuable
work we understand will be completed in
'torn fifteen to eighteen .numbers. •
'Kneed'lefbas retTeiVed a new - supply
.of..elmice_hterary_tsorksiretri_dhi (Maio^
press of ilie limpet's, of lv.hom he has been
recently appointed agent for this .bortigh.- 1 --
One of them is "Fresh Bleaniugs, or a New
Sheaf from the Old Fields Of Cenjinental
Europe ; by 1. K. Marvel," a new book of
iravels, JuKfrom the press, and highly finer
'eating, but unique in. lie appearance and
style of expression.
(k) , .'rlis Au g ust hirtn,of the Conti. of Quar
ter Sessions of Ibis - Cady commences on
Monday ndxt, and will probably prove
session of lively interimf and draw a ntleier.;,
ons thong of our country , blends to town.
All the mentlicra of Der Bar, we belidvd, ale
engagdd for of against the rospeetive parties
in the riot cases, and a rare display 'of legal
'abilitrmay.heleekdd ft*.
We, 'Cum (Mtn. the 4 Demeterat that the
matm.Who was mreeted end commented
in this bcirptigli;
,elMe4cyficsitiCin'M ,
cpjod i'
muwer..iqo yPaYs'sindP.:Pi Cambria. t.1064tY,
•Itas-been . discherge'd i fiteri deitMementi
idfikipfit wite , 'lmf one of •
'• • '
OW ft , itemdliiikd°of the,Ship'pertebeili
Al elre,)
spirited iittlo IV,lfig pitpet; ,
C*-The Secretary of War,has ,
set dno tnora troops .Nr4xico:' *if -6
porta a peace to bo conqueied4Kittrout,trooPEy
proliabik'; ' • ' • ;
• i """
Anzaq,!( , 6ntaAvltu
4 „ 4, t • 14.;..5;:if,
. •
'Western -40d :Sou th ern greotionlY,,
'irtAtttis Statti
IdatrtAC db:ll4its, and mike a gain'ofarloth.
er. tThe follBW;11, 2 r , tabfe' l iihows kliidOiga-
AiouPChapneun, incot:lS etecteUggvurnor,l
Ad'the •Lrigislatare toetilOce•
- Dit. 1 - John Gayle, whig, gain.
2 H. H. 'Hilliard, ‘vhig, le-elected.
3 S. W. Harris, deny no change.
4 William Ingy, d de. •
;5 George S. Houston, d no change. !
6 W. R. W. Cobb, d do.
11F. IV. Cowden; d do, '
le Loads here carry two . Congresdional
districts more than :they are entitled to,
owing to the running of two`.candidates in
Whig diqFicts: The delegation now Stands
as lollews:
Die. 1 Linn Boyd, d. re-electrid.
2 Samuel Peyton, ri gain.
3 B L Clark, d gain.
4 Aylett. Beckner, w gain.
5 John Bl'ilempscim w do
6 Green Adams, w • do
7 Garnelt Duncan, w no change.
• a Charles S Alorehearl, w do.
9llicrliard Frencli, •• • do
10 John P•Gtrin'es, 'whig gain.
The whigs have the tegiglature at usual.
The Whigs make a.gain of two members
of Congress in this-staunch- oltb w hig
makino - 6 Z
The - elegition . aTinnis — lol:
forms s •
Die.. Clingman,
2 Nathaniel Btydon, w po'change.•
3 Daniel M Barringer, whig.
4 Augustus H Shepherd, whig,.
5 Venables, dem. no change.
6..lurnes J McKay, d re-elected.
7 John It S Daniel, d re-elected.
- 8 I: S Donnell, whig, gain.
9 David'audaw, w. do
It is thought the -whigs have carried the
Legislature of This State, and theCongres
signal delegklion•is as follows: .
Die, 1 Elts.Embree, w over Owen,w gain
2 Thomas J d re-elected.
3 John L Robitison,d no change.
4 CMeh B Smith, w re-elected.
5 . W W Wick, d re elected.
6 Geo. G Dann, d no change.
7 W Thompson, w no-change
8 John Pettit, d re-elected. -
9 Chas. AV Cathcart, d re-elected.
10 (1.
Huiziat for Teflnossee.
The returns leave i3carcely any room-for
doubt that •A IVHIG GOVERNOR is elected
iu Tennesse! According to the returns re•
eived front neatly half of the State, Ntti. S.
IlitowN, the Whig candidate for - 0 - 6 - y - e - Fnor,
is ahead of his opponent d6OO totes, Where
in 1845 the Locoleco majority-was 1207
There is an almostbniform
„I L Vhig gain in
every county over - the - vete of -1845; and of
the Whig gain is more than double what the
1:,oeofoco- majority then was, we mny safely_
calculate that the' Whig candidate elected
by near '3OOO .niajority"!! The. Congress
sional delegation is as follows: .
1 Andrew Johnson, d re-elected.
2 William M. 'ocke, w•re•elected.
3 John H. Crozier, w re•elected,
- 4H. 1,14 V.. Hill. d nothange. "
5 George W. Jones, d reelected.
• ."6 Gordon d no change.
7 Movedrth P. Gentry, w reelected.
Witskington Bar:ow, w uo change
9 L. B. Chase, d re•elected.
10 Doubtful:
11 --a- Cooke, w no charge.
Off— The Locos have carried th two
Men:inns of Congress in lowa, by about 600
majority. Al,o the me:nber in Judge Doug.
lass' district in lllire.
Vtands on Ike Public Works.
We have before adverted, says. the Pitts
burg Gazette, to' the self evident fact, that
frauds to an enormous extent have been
heretofore committed upon the public works
by which the State was defrauded to the
mount of X 300,000, iirebably last year. The
following statement of the new Collector at
Ci tsburg, presents coltvincing anti unques
tionable evidence of this fact, which we
shall adveit to more particularly in our next.
We give it now, With tlit`i request thht the
people loot: to it, and see what has'already
been done by a \Vhig, Treasurer , and Whig
Canal Commissioner. in the . way,of Relent'.
Ccp.marron's Orrice,
PITTEITAIRO, Aug. 2d 7 1847.
I send yob a statement of the number of
•boato r amonnt-of4onnage; and-the amount-of
tolls received at this office, from the opening
- of the.navigation- until-the-first -ot--August,
1847. Also, the number of boats, tonnage
and toll for the entire year of 1816 :
- ' No. Mints. . Tonfingo Toll•
1847. .2186 . 122,858,3213 $97,097.20
1640 3611 120,000,050 89,004 41
Showing an inetense up to thrt Ist of Acz
gust in the tonnage of 3,792,306 lons and in
the amount of toll $8,832;89 over the entire
receipts of last year.
Respectfully yours.,
LEVI G. CLOVER, Collector,
This last
.staterhent'is perfectly astounding.
It shows . that Whilst the, number of hums i 5
755 less, the tontiagii is 3,7692; 306 Ibs.Stotti. )
and the tolls $9,832 86 'lige than for th e
'Oink' fiscal yeti,. i 846! Looic at it, Taxpay
ers, autlee .whatlyeu have . gained by the
election of JAMES M. POWER, and what
yo'u,rnayfarthdr gain by the 'el ec tiini Of Maj.
Jo§„k:Pli W. PATTON to the office OTC:anal;
iiktslrParket and 'lVlidahipmffri Wazerj
(lie Navy, loth, Philadelphian tee tly
iliatl in' ' ' -. •
""'Alexantit3i 'leery; tilveTiei'ablii citizen'' of
' -
The yenetably Johh
olution, and a Whig ipe.0py,,,571 his
eo rg e„ If e kip title r
Vie Ulfi.inst: a=
; t f
i f -..: . : 1..,04 , 4 rcx),?‘,,,,..-4,:
i , estoray itdo.7;l,oil'o,
:Immo:Ns; oclqualitottorburg; , Mr,l 4 , Itunr.oo4 Pi
,// I? l f o4, 9fit ) ,f l4au rp; •
' • XED , ' ),
Oti ' ' ` XliurWdEtrOrieoriliiig till"; in !Me:
•2,ho'tdoih i 'i.e." , irit'AfriPtc•iiiiiiik, son
I.4pil,3ety dotiq itii4tertsl.ll
lykw' 29
• i, "/
,' - ' '
.. ..., , .
.. ... .
• 'Pieta the l!resWeriaa. -• " ...
4 ~,,„t' . 6
OeiitiiioerlAithe . betith of the TVife,pro: Illis•
siiiygryte,itut Choctaw Inditois 1 trifi. GRAV, -
4P.1. Ofigtl s S fon, Petulti. , • : • 0 0 ! •
.• •i . i•,,, I , Pfi,ii j , 1 • r
Weep, Bret heviveep—in thy lanchnees We b p •
O'er the grarr Where her ashes so peacefully Sleep;
.Thy eutichleAeserted, end cold Is thy hearth,
Ahd:goileffent thy cottage tiv iniisic Mill Stlrth;
Illtif,like Jesus, behold from the gmapii* she's tied,'
•DetalEtwines - not 11111'CW:duo toutpanetilled dead!
Vieep,,ltlother, Weep—for thy bosom is riven.
Tho' strengthened the cords that hind thee to lleaven
Olt, many and stud ere the tears thou wilt shed •
In the winter of life o'er the grave of thy dead ;".".
Hut she, who was pillow'd unit nulled on thy breast
Is gone to the land ()file happy and blest.
. .
. .
Weep, Sisters, sveep— sin ii has loft you bel "- ow . ,
In ibis, region Of thurns—ilils.birtli-glace•of4vo,
Wherein°. nightshade of nfts'ry o'ershatldwe delighi,
.And our brightness at best ia,tlie. brightness orinight.
Yen weep—hut behind she hearken above,
And glows in the sunshine oc.glory and love I
. ,
Weep, Brothers, wee t ' ' an tine fiWeet andthe once!,
' l f i g ' r.
Tn the genre has gone dtoep:-.31.00 Oita flow is fired;
net the latest to bloonkriiii, ' et to fhde, •
That the rme-hiol of Aunifidnil • alibi
till weep for yourselves
,iiiie is gone
To the land not of tease, but orlibreb s and song.
Hut Itayk,'Weeta.4B;lta'rit—to yen blood motioned choir
Who Ann to the titnerollbn.colden-string) lyre;
Tile churns with which they wake Ileav'wto recount
List, list, how It sivells—"She was lest audio found!'
tier voice joins no more In thennthent nt even,
.For its.nichnlies mingle with music in ',elven:
+When mai' dear brother. like the Patriarch of aid,
found It aincesbaiy to ••bury his dead out of Sight,?
there was no plane where he might lay her, for like
Ahrgita In he wasomnpgst Ittintiten. At lenelt it op.
•currrea to thin Chat n stirden Vtclifsetl;lallie
wilderness, and that. in that garden !there. 'waif n ssqy•
eluded spot or bower tvhleh In the days of lint health
and his ha palnees URA :flavor It e spot .for retirement;
anti there the whit:Weed and lonely stranger deposited
"his- (l ,",
Th &Wash inglon Union in rerffy to a pow
erful article of ihe Natitat Inteligencer, de
nies that the . ad ministration 'considers, or ev
er has 'eansideetl California and Mexico air
annexed to the Lriited Stales. Now if the
President did not, in December lest, tegard
those terilories as part of the United States,
we beg some of his organs to explain to 'us
whrit he meant, when he congratulated the
sceindry in hia annual message upon "the cc
cent rapid extension of our teritorzal limits." 11
he did not mean California and New Mexi-
. ,
- co; we pray earne of his lellutss to tell us
what oe Oarth he did mean: .
- TheLonie.ville Journal'says that Captain
Toni .Marshall" made a great speech ni
.nuisville, last week,. in w'hicf:•he gave Mr.
Polk and his: administration a tremendous
seathitag, and passed one of the most eloquent
eulngiums upon "General
. Taylin "that. ever
was uttered by mbrial man." . .
. A heavy ilefideanon has been discovered
in the Branch Bank, at Lynchburg, Va. com
mitted by Wm. A verett, teller, and Jas. B.
Green, book-leeper. Cheeks to a large a.- :
larrz:e amount are also said to have been for
ged in the names of someef_the first citizens.
Green has been committed. - AVerett abscon
ded on,Thuri•day Morning last. A reward
offi , soo is offered fur his apprehension.
The Loeofueo editors aro rejoicing over
the Mc:leased importation of goods under a
' reduced tariff - . TWo hitrgs they seem too'
verlook or disregard, vizr that those good
will have to he paid for in the money of the
country: and that every dollar's north of for::
eign fahrie broUght into the courdry that
could have been runnUfactured here, is just
50 Much taken from the employment of .A.:
inerican laborers and artizans. But this, it
kipears,is what Eneolocnism desires to see-i
A trait lifinself :Harris Bell, has
been arrested_at Hnesdale, l'a v charged,
with the murder of Mts. Williams, wife of .
the Ilev. , tshoin Williams who left „her
residence on Sunday mooning, on toot and a
lone, to attend a Sabbath school.: Bell enr.-
fe•f-ed It:lying assaulted his victim for a vil:
lainnus purpo,e, and chpiced her to death•
The Illinriis Convention, now insession{ . sessio
revising the Sloe Constitution, have agreed
to incorporate a provision therein by which
the w right of voting ts restricted to citizens,
instead ol'es tending it as heretofore to iakir-
Wants. Alter au exciting debate this provi
sion was finally carried by yeas. 81, nays 60:
Dr. J. H. Pierce, of Troy, Pa., shot his
b. mistake, on the evening of the 22d inst.—
Mist:ll:Mg her for a robber breaking into the
house, he seinal the gun and hied. The:
whole charge of shot entered her breast and
she fell dead on the flour.
A teceimletter from lion. n i t Ellsworth,
ol Indianna, formerly Commissioner of the
Patent Office. states that he has 1,000 acres
in corn; fibm which he. expects to make 55
bushels to 'the' acre. Only imagine 55,00 d
bushels of corn on one farm.
A cow from 'Monier, Maine, passed
through Augusta a few _days since, on her
Way to Bos:on, having been sold for $125..--i
She is 10 years old, and in 14 days in Jett::
last, 401 h; and 10 ozn. of butter were made
trout her thilk.
Col. James Cameron hr.s isned proposals for
the publication 01 a new paper, to be called,
the "Lutcasier Scni'inci," to be edited in the
"only democratic city," where Mr Buchan:
an ooce . wtOted to let . opt the gemect:atie
blood in hie veins.
Prof. Olmstead, of New Haven, expressed
sutprie and mortification in a communica
tion to the New [Liven Palladium, that the
ridiculous theory concerning telegraph wired
and !Miriam storing should have been attri
buted M him. _
It. iS - stfiterthat DE . Barron - has ;one to
Mexico, by special• appointment of the Pre-,
stirent ; foi tb'e purpose of airninisteßirg" Nfa
/ahem to 'wounded soldiers, in cases where
it id necessary to resort to the knife.
The Cincinnati Commercial is infortned,oli
goad anthonty, that a block el three story .
buililin'gs is to be erected in that city, the
entire front to be "of east from 'the plates
fur the same nre already being cast.
The Berks and Schuylkill Journal places
the Mime of Zachary Taylor nt the head of
lts columns, fat , President in 1848—the
Whors of Berks county having resolved 4
his favor, at thair.contity meeting on the 3(.1'
An intereSting _relic, the family bible of
the celebrate,) John Knox, containing • his
Signature, with copibus ;, notes in hid hand- .
writing written upon the 'merg 4 n; is in the
possession of John 13..R0110 of
Rev: Dr. ilo*man' of Lancaster, we learn'
from the'_Union t of thirt_eity,,, declines -the
appoi tiltnenf r oT the Protestant Epispocal DI:
Geese. of .finl inn tt, • ,
The Charleston' ICligebry ? r. Calhciunie
organ ? copies an article in Myth- of , the an.,:
itexation of Cuba to the United States, which
lutet appenitid. in the ' Neiv-York Sun.
1 41 s PfesidentiLl ~knbW Terly 2 ,—salllt.
w lien _ , he,„NewlYerlcx
of twelve Gimeral4'44olll . .ll‘.lihliltekehif
11w val is of civil,tilq not.onelis,a;
p. :
.111 e. flon:',iteyericy , llblia l sott,Cifihillinirire;
ht ttleltc'tt to Cobrieri';avhwii'Ala
preferboce fot Gen. Taylor': iiSAhelylii,t'citn.
ft is said flint foreigngoptl,s „are , coming
into New York ; a perfect avalanche r ,and.
it will, scnn; - ,,lfyleoll'A• l l.4llK9T;t4e -ePtulikrY
Will 'be. pak,,fOf so many,
supposed that .t he .r d ol•Gen:-Tay;
tnetillotted; inr...]PteFitityti eTglk'S'
next 41.essiage.:‘ , 11:%!ras•oinittetl• in ins 'last.
Titti'eettrilftfenatireV,O.lihrltrielphyl,: pas
lest s,ll44i , ered, dePptely,in , p;pcpunts:
. 0 i49:: 4 00,4-9 1 . 81 °)*
• ~e-, ,- •
1 - 2 kfrln.„ et ent.S 0 111 0 Y v4r1114„