Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 11, 1847, Image 4

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    itatral6lt . Sl44M
• .
• ,
OFFICE in ibi'3out7i Wait angle of tlic publi
Sgitare j back oltha_Caurt-noitse
One DOW ali . driftY nettle n year,lN iDVANOS.
Two Dollars;HpaidAvithiwthe_year,:___•
One Dollar for eta month& .
Thai fame *II I . War ig IfiliOdhe re to.
Advertisementi;makitig fifteen lines or leas, will be
Charged at the rate of Fifty cents for nue insertion,—
three times for Ono Dollar, and twenty-live rents for
every sulisequent• Insertion, 'early advertisers will
Pe chargedat tile 'following
One Cohlmli, With the paper, Air one year, - • $ 2 5
Haifa column., r,„ do,, do. Fla
Two Squares, with quarterly changes', 10
Business Cards, with the paper, •. $ 5
Ruch Mt Handbills, Blanks, Circulars every out.
,er description -of Prlntins, executed hansombly and
bred' ously anti et! the LOW EST PRICES .
WIGS 41.4 . 0 iII S.
'Waft i lVgllB, take s'this milled of return
ing his sincere thanks to hia,nomerous
Mendel and the public generally for the...very
likotel encouragement they have been plealied
to bestow upon '
_him and , would respectfully
tnforin them that lie has just returned from the
city. with a large and 'Very superior lot O'lllE.
TALLIC WIGS , ; Three Cuurter do., Scrip,
Ladle' plain • Frizettea, or from. Bra ids; , Also
a BOVAI assTiftifiTiit of Lidice'
did 'article, of a late ano improved style OW
ciembs, BRUStIEBI;&c..
Ile- hes also received a select alit Riipeirird
Jot of hair, Tooth, Nail iibd Clothes Washes ;,
tnglish and Butralii hOrn Combs, dressing and
pocket do---erlicles.thei-connol-fail - ln - rceunw
mond themseltes by their sUperine finish. .
Ladios.and othors:trishitig to purchase any
thing in the alMve End it to-their lid.
tentage by' 'dolling 'dad - Mikinining
ns I feel confident that the articles, and 'prices
attached to therm Will ensure general aatisfae.
lion. • , .
Carlisle, June 9,1847.
The Original Cheap store;
The greatest Bargains evei`ofrered
in Shippensbprg ! !
A. CLIPPINGER. is now . g "ed
. opening a large and splendid stoc k „f
mum:num:nue, ;.!
among-which will be Ibund Dry Goods of (WC.
ty, description, of the latest sly le,, suit s hie for
Ladies' and gentlemen's wear. .
Verona, Chino, Pearl, Leghorn and Straw
'ALM LEAF AND PALO iityrs,&.6.-
- .He deems it unnecessary to say any thing .
more, but he respectfully tnvites the old gusto.
Mares of the house to call and examine fur
themselves. He will tike,the greatest pleas
rife in showing his goods, knowing as he doe
that-to see his Goittle and to hear his prices i*
An insure a customer. He has adeillfdd"
tkieo4it of t'sm.all..prolits and quick sales," and-is
determined to stund.or fall by
Country Produce taken on on the most fav
orable tenni. in terms in exchange for Goods.
April 21 . , 1847. . •
MITE subee7iber has "just received 'and is
jr . now opening at his store, on the South
west corner of the Public Square, a fresh end
tplendirr 4tifiek of '
Staple IP Taney Thy Goods,
comprising in part, Cloths, Cassimereit, Cash.
muds, 'Tweeds, Cottrins of ri:l kinds, Silks.
Mous de Leine% California. Plaide, Lawns,
Ginghams, Muslins, Checks, Tie singe, Gloves
Hosiery,. &c. Also,.
Groceries of all hinds.
Also, a full stock of the
which ha hue so extensively introduced, and
which have given so much general satisfaction
A leo,
Tile Pekin CosiipaitOs
Ile has been appointed sole agent in this place
for the sale of the above Teas, to which he
would invite the spedial attention of the love. s
of good Teas. The' manner in which they arc
put up is such, as that the flavour is prtsc•ved
for. any length of time, being incased in -lead
or tin foil. Pumilies can be supplied with
any qttaritity put up in this mtinneri
The public is respectfully invited to call and
examine hie stock before purchasing elsewhere .
masmunly as he feels confident that his variety
tind prices will be satisfactory to perclinacre
a larriefo r April 7, 1347.
I -OW OPENING; at the large Wholewd
and Retail Store of CHAS, OGILBY, a
mendous stoctr of the cheapest and hand
greatest, Goode eiter'brougH le Carlisle. To. c
numerate' articles Is Vol a the question. Suf
fice it to say:that.ever3i article i 3 the
can be had good, cheap and beautiful, at this
eetablishmept. ....
Vicab,finoand cheap, just. rancho& And in
ive go
Wei4l)23. AMID Z.302t51
elleatrof air competition. I have the
largbatOlock cart of_Pktad_olpitia.
well to call at tlio' old
eland E Main Elton, wlicrogood bargains
are fare iohe had.
New Store ,
Afig:autiserilior hue. openod . .a new and
handsome mock of
dtc.,,tkettedielligarCintbsand cnasbnorea,
eashfitaralk,,Ttfoode , all , other; kinds of
goi;;Clitsirgentlarnenr;:wear, Gingham
and.Ginthil# l . !,(. 103 Cuesorl:rr.lent7f9r, 18 0 1 (45
Woksted CaMelians liedresi, 'patterns arid.
goodies, all sultable."foi , Sprinrdrese !beta
lltdiesl:rogother•with a good' stock. qf Calicoes
andlKuilins; BoMmt wand Ribbons, Palm loaf
Hats, and a small lot of Cape,May Ifelat
able' fin. 'AlsOi a gitildrifcick'df - ,'' -
. -. 4lskaref , altrolasses r.
and :SPICES 'of il i a.
FOR WiSlO: 4
Al f ;fit A...COY,X.E:. •
• April T,1847.
FP*A , k I I: II EWS.MII,fr;OI3A
stliemettieo,.ifedi by.:Z(. l 4fi:6
_ ,
•• ' • , crirg, 1847
, t • P. , • , , •
d , e) 00 S• .' , l •
• 'ort4 . oBWiF;inik . ia tbe
aß:prong in woo
LAN ` vvir ' oliii!ianwr, oifisbeim
theac4od and chibleached
Plaid**T4Okingai Chooko, HOolory* Quo° no.
- rator, l orodotion,l,&ot, &o. ,
' - „ J. ila,811310111r.:.t
;.; July 7,1447,
'.",%'•'':'l;-: . .i' , '1 , : . :%‘:^.:
- the - Stck itill4llflittca:
LET oil those orliirec
tad with Coughs, Colds; Astlima, ' Srouchi-,
tis, Sp.ittineßlettd,'i'din , iti v 'thii aide pi
oir - Ti — viielait . a I iiiriitiiiirdr-tre
whonping Cough, Linn' COrnplitintt.; dce„-
remOiriliei tfiat itts
Ttroidrinit's - COithetticii Systir or Tat .34
NAPATHA that is daily °treating scialtkyonder::
fuLeura . s in all thise disco'des—,
' Therefore beware of all other mixtures that
contain, en-preteens to e.intain Tar, and pur
chase of them only who uro known not to deal
in Spuriousartielen.
Rend the tollowiuglestimony to the value of
them:Move mcilicine,reirni. a 'well 'Town citi
zen ofCumhenland county. '
About six years since, in consequence of
the sedentary nature of my' business, I was
attacked with severe pains in thekraast, pal.
',Ration of the heart and-shortness of breaths
which were soon followed by a failure ofttp.
petite,extreme wakefulness at night,and pallet
paralysis of ;Win—these symptoms of a
deranged system being. frequently attended
with spitting of blood. Ferahout two years I,
was also occasionally throwrilinto convulsions
whiCh left me in a miserable stet f feell'a
neskond' began to affect my ni't n . From thou
is litnetra sufferings were more or leas.severe
until at length they increased to such it degree,
a ndthcr violence oft Ito symptoms Were so a nr , _
mented, that fur, a whole year I was. unable to
attend to attend 'to any business. During this
time I. consulted some able physicians 'arid
attended 'to their prescriptions; but all their
skill was unavailing to . procure .mo. relief, and
at length they.regardej myreerivary,es entire
ly'hopeless. `ln tills condition I was informed
of 00 'military, effects of Thonison's Conipound ,
Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha, in a case
somewhat 'sittAin cto mine,:and though. I had
given up all expec ations of a recovery of my
former health by Inman manns,,yet being
strongly advised toty r the medicine, I was at
length prevailed upon to do'so, and I have now
In pay, that by the use ofsix TiNtles nt,l' health
has been restnred, and I am natv.....ableja'at
tend to'bueiners with as much facility as usual.
II ENR Y 111 Y ERS •
rd Odire; N• E. corner FIFTH and
SPRUCE sta. Phila.
Sold in Carlo ;le by R. Angncy Principal
agent for Cumberland
Price 50c. or 6 bottles for .9,50.
February 10, 1847.
' 71 177hvg7 .6. -.-1.,. .tt4ti•kT"
111,1110luiiii -i.i.- , • • IF. iF
~4 . ..1 11" •--, , 2 , --:: i • 1 .0:., ,, ,,•4.,
v ., ....,„•• 5 ,0 .
1,• ., ---v. • . 1 1, ..Evi. , ,.. ...‘- . 4.. ,- -..
. , .
~., . 10. . 4
. ..
..' s- ' :- - --, :1i'' '7 ' . r .,, r0•:..4F - - - • •!:-•",- '':, ll
wit Ispitlorog_?. •.:,.. 4. , .. : '.,'.'
MOTHERS, having children afflicted.
- S. with any of those diseases incident to the
tate of infancy , such us conv-ulsions, spasmn..
lie • rnip, • e.tit.rnoMis eruptions, disoidered
domac't, and looseness of the howeles';should
never be without ltliti• ill fallible remedy thnt
las proved so effliacious in all the aliriVe dis
crses. Ntimerone ß lestimonials mi z - ht be given
to prove its merits, but a trial is better.
Sdd by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle.
March-, 1847.
la :di/proved Renialy fur Dy,tpepsi3,, Mies
c two reainne idea:
be recommended to the public,
—is is, that most persons - who have so Till
it buy Regain, thereby showing that they re.
gord it-as a valuable Family medicine; the
other is that certificates are in the possession
oldie Proprietof of permanent cures having
been effected not only in p&sons afflicted for
short time, but also in cases of long standin •
It is composed altogether of a vegetabl
aflutter, is perfectly hat tutees, can be taken it
all times, and is no hindrance to business. I
restores did revives the pointsl splrit4eleante,
the stomach from all morbid humoith w hid
cause indigestion and additive. It also re-
moves nervous tremors, rhumatie pains, ane
prevents their return; cures tali collet' of the
stomachs and bowels,almost immvdiately token
away palpitation of the heart, and laymiten ,
the free circulation of the blood.
The direction accompanying each bald
contains a num ex.of certificates one of whit:
is given in this advertisement.
Esau Sin:—about two years ago I was se.
veroly;'Sfilieted with aspopsia,.which I had
for the last fifteen. years previous to the above
named time, which ulna very much increased
by my having a blood'vessel ruptured upon Inv
lungs, occasioned by lifting—which increased
aly complaint, Oispepsia and general debility
and weakness, to such a decree, - that two or
three years previous to my usiug tho.Garlo.
gam's Balsam, I .never ate a meal but toy
stomach became so painful that r had jointed.
May to throw ib up. SceineGarlegant's Bal
sam advertised I was induced to try a bottle;
Mier taken the very first dose It appeared. to
strengthen my stomach; and every dose of thi
first, bottle helped mo so much that in the
course of a few tlays my etomachl began to
'etain and digest every thing I ate. 1 continud
to use the Balsam until I lived several bottles,
which curet] me entirely, and restored me to
perfoethealth, which I baye enjoyed ever since,
and net before for - fifteen years. I cheerfully
ecommond it to all persons who are nietedflf
with Oh:pepsin or, dihlUlty ()Caromed).
11 EN R Y LOTTH AN, Fred`k Co. Va.
Vraaffk_SO unkaolitby. theiProprietor..JlMlN
a. MILLER, opposite the Market House, Fred.
crick, Md. and by SAMUEL •ELLII3TT,IisoIe
agent for Carlisle. .
•March 10, 1847. ,
milt: only kutowti medicine that at the same
time purges, purifies, and 'strengthens the
astern. lir, Le Ittly''s PM area new medicine
1011, has lad appeared, and iw heir taking the
,places of alt: others of the tame 'class. These
pi Ils are composed of many ingredients, lout the
two pribcopal ones are .Sarsaptorilla and, Wild.'
Marry,' sp.-Muted , that they ail together ; the one
through-lts.ndmixtore.witit other substances, pu.
rifying and purging, while the other iii strength.
cuing the system. Thu; those pills are at the
same tinie' , tonic and Opening; ti,,,idoaiderstttiitt
'Ong and eagerly settghtlar by medicatmen, but
never before diseoveretl. In other wordortherdo
'tko work of tivo , tnedioines, - and do 't hooch , bet.
tee than any two , we know 'oft. fur they! remove
. tatlaiuk - fillyffi. the_ ) systemlbiii the.
thin , k thetpurge thcfmrengthen, end
they salute; tio 'debit 11.1111C1111, 'and fare followed .hy
nn reaction. Dr; Le'lloy'sraehavp,h wonder. ,
ml litflodnice on'the liteed; they
. pot. Di fiy-!%oprifywithOnt .
weakening hot they • 1 , 6 - more oll'nox..
lone partieleit fr:ont 'the •eityle 'before it 'is boars=
;nal Into mitt thits'rimke imptire blood' htt
utter iniOribility)..4ll there ji no debolitationi,
so there -no i tatut i cker - iiekeetts Aittenill% ., tlM
Ofierritiorai'ofthia.',OtostreiiClieOl of With dime,
which neiemfriankortnittereatlm digastittfunc7
uratuattuery,mul Itonee,,tmrsons ta eotltent;,do ,
not *come tale atitt'enactirtetlyVittilie contrary;
fi f;Wltile it
,oatlid i .PropertY !lie parichuiii4l,o
Milted til Hisltlf other intrittlientoOtii,rOttiode'
all foreign trammel it ifrititiniilly'lll6
.iirtopertrofthe,Wild Cherryito''ettain all , that
nnted:oll and sound and' beeh' oa, robust elate !of
i h ealth , lsthopett,oin'iOsult - br;oeie:Onited"op era ;
ontici 5 • I 4
.1. For. Aide eilli;4 l e! ) v' P:r; 4-'l4MrerBo9‘-k'
Aeitt;:aiul by.Ealtry and kiastager 10 K ngitow
:gelord ola. •• • •
ciOrni Apar., cassignierei.c
PREATvalrii!tk; abd,*"
prices,just openinehLilie aferci+6lll
Sun Sha'devandiPAraSoli;
OST reoeiv,ed7vtlhenew amtolinap-Stord.
Pidtpiiitii; which tic " '
_ +er..
non i ; ; ie9r ;.,~..
~ ...; ...
,911ibt'iiiii,6 -- ? - n:• .
0 sold ii,hoeig,
.6 — rs lirollitlVNarseePtikita
ARB for i Dyspeptila
sitidigcsoo, the anivevit4gOmPlitipt,,Bload7l,
tifilie;Depressiou'o( - Vpir.itsilNnsiiteSlMlTlVOtairt.o
'roil the fame, I PM:oat:, likstiveness c lihetunatisra, 1
TeVers.. '
10s a ~Perfeot, iireventativeiTtif,Bilititta .
mid Western Vevey's ; and, the best remedy ever ,
Used in re'steeing the patient, after-being proatea.!
tell by rever.'.Btc.
the Bones „ Fever and - Ague, Flatidency, .Foul-, •
bass of,Domplexion, General Debility.,,for:gene..
ral prostration, ciiised . by- disease, . medicine, or
indiscretions et:Omitted ,in youth, abberrption.of
mintl,eptifusiott of, i deas,loss of memory.;diranetia.
'of vision, tt,licpeless expression of countenaneek
and forthis'elass of disease genersilly,this medi.
cute has never had• its
.eintal. Gout, Giddiness,,
Gravel,ltopure 13Ioods Jaundice; ,Loss of Appe
tite; Livt . - ;;Jmplaint; .Leprosy;, Looseness.,
'eradicate entirely, all the.ellects of Mercu 7 in
finitely sooner than any other medicine. Night
Sweats; Dervons Debility; Nervous Gdmplaints
of all kinds; Neuralgia;. Di:genic Affections; Nil
' &lotion: of the Heart; Painter's.Cliolic. Pains
in the side, hack, limbs, joints and organs;
Rush tbleodito the head; Zeurvy; Zeit Rheum;
wel igi.sick.kleadachin.ti (Incas of the Joints;
Zeorlulti or • King's Evil;li t its worst
forms; "Ultiers of every deseriptien,and the•Ery
silielasi Dxposure and Imprudence in Lite.
BE NI Aix, : COMI PA IN LTS —'.Lailesi of pile
compleilon and eon.stimptive habit s,and such RS
.are denilitated-by-those-obstructions-whick fe.
males arc liable to, arc restored by the use of a
bottle or two to bloom and vigor. .It, is by far
:the best remedy ever discoverer) for weakly chili T
dren, and such as have had littrhors,'lieing
'sant they readily take it. It Immediately restores
the'appetite, strength and color.
Nothing cau be mote its
'Orating acute on the human frarbe:
W.eskitess Mid before' taking it, at once
become robust sod full of eifergy under, its Jolla'.
['nee; aft immediately Counteracts the nerveless
of ss of the !Omen Irame, which iatlie..great cause
The following are some ofthe eertif mites and
11)1,1 i I Tient nll notices that bate been received
li)' the proprietor,of die efficacy' ofthii niedicine; -
Mr. Philip Wilcox, of dm Well known firm of
Wileox-8t Richmond, shipwriglits,.of New Bet,
ford, was entirely cured ofa confirmed banker of
.he stomach, throat and mouth, with sore lips
mmally accompanying this disease, and his gene
ral health improved by the use of only one
bottle. Mr. IVIIC0): has suffered seveeply for n
-•iimiltet , of years with this disease, suur attributes
his cure entirely to the use efthe
Col—lobo Ilaylies, Deputy Zheriff of Bristol
county, Mass., has voluntarily eel ti fled that, he
was cured by the Bitters,OfJauntliceillidigestion,
I lesiliiitheand Vertigo.
. Dol. clijiba, of Zandwich, testifies that several °
.prinims in that town, well known to him, have
been benefitted by the use. of the Bitters, and iti
every case they have the most perfect satis
faction, •
.I. R. Perkins, Esq. Attorney nt LIMO), New
Itedfitrel, wns cured ot- nn nnpleasnnt eruption of
the face, by the unit of the Bluer&
[Friim the Daily gtening Bulletin.]
It is not our custom to puff Patent Medicines
.unless we know - Timm to be really excellent.—
lo vi ng. nurselres it know'edge of Dr. Wood's
Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, and has . -
mg ; severyl friends who. Mahe. been henolitted by
. I !_teir utiet.We.dp not hesitate to recommend them
tothe public. 13oilt Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry
aro articles of established reputation in the med
ical world, and this preparation is made
great care anitailpears to combine.nlLthe meili
einal.qualities of hotil in an no Mai move her. - For
sale by the proprietor,JE. .Thernton,Jr. -Water -
Street, and by the Druggist,. generally._ Any one
Wering - fronislisetries Ort he Mom!, indigestidn,
or headache, would do well to give these Bitters
.1 trial.
Prepnrell- by E. Thornton, Jr. 'Sold Whole
sale and Retail by WItA'TT F./ KETCHAM.I2I
-ton street, New lm•k; SAMUEL EI.L.IDTT,
Carlisle, Uni t nruggints general lir throughout the
United Staten. Price Is, large bottlen.
December 2. 1846.
The Oldest_ andmost .Popular - 111edi,
eines now offered to the Public, are
Fahnestockls Family Medicines,
%luny times Ten - Thousand Certificates like the
following have been voluntarily given to thei r
Vaunt rune, during the lust eighteen yrars.‘.-
A IT of Fshnestock's Family Medicines are pro
verbial for their cheapness and efficacy, and no
family should be witliont an assortment of (harm
nor will they, it is believed, after a trial or tlivm
. .
_ - - -
I HAVE frequently used Fahnestock 'a Venni-
Aftige, with pod effect; but recently I have nil..
ministered in one or two cases in which Oleos&
feels were astonishing. lu onecate from the use
of one vial, 146 worms were discharged, and in
number 46 Passed, to the entire relief of the little
sufferers. Signed Clll2. WALLACE, M. 1.),
Sept. 22, 1545.
Price 25 cents per vial.
Pahnestock's Vermifuge, together with Fah
nestork's Carminative Lozenges Fahnestook's
Cough Lozenges, Palinestock's Eye. Water, nail
Palinestock'sltithejacient,a certain cure for Rheu
matism , are sold in Carlisle, b•
MYERS, and ,
_i r tL E C ß u S iire r B l ' a i t n r c h o i u l a n d t e y i t i, o ll i n a - t a e n s d t ify l l
the wonderful efficacy of that powerful remedy
TAIt. , 'AND WOOD NAPTHA Read! Read!.
Astonishing cure of Chronic, Bronchitis!
1 : - • ••• ~ Philadelphia, May 23, 1844. -•
Mr. S. , TitcnarsoN—Dear-Sit. , For more that
our years past 1 had , boen. dreadfully affiinted
with an rareetio oaf the.throat, which my phy
siciOnlirbnbunCed "Chronic W0161111114' calls
ted by repeated and, ciliated `cola: The dis
tress surprelt,hi indescribable.:,. :My throat wee
litterally„ raw with,, violent coughing, en that
blood•would , come 'from it; also, great, oppres.
Mon, pain and tightness at the eliest.annTever
t—in short all the usual.p3lmonary `syldtrfame
sho wedlhemserves;sliewodthemselves,Oad s l ng
entire lois of necessary reposti—ray throat was
'ltmehod'and'bliatered over 'and',over 'again: - I!
made • trial ofevpry' known' reinady;jand at sd i f., ,
ft!,iciit Miriade had' thd'advice of eix-physielana;
and,.allwith .n 0,,, ; avail.'. - mindlis_
sinoe;lmode triaiuf , yonr,Otonoppumt Syrup ,of.
Tar. trnirlyroid'Napttia,.and beformilmataken
tho lick bottle I, felt relief. , I•Contlntiod until I
' had taken..soveM bottles:.which . .completelp re.'
moved thiCdiseetWiiiiiireetercd •mq to. perfect
health,.and4 firmly believe I ahOuld oat filivr
.ba livingOtail it not been for your'
medjmus. , ,r.i: ' 4
ii:.:.'!). . '.I3 ANWPLERIt ,i ' 'q,
'l•' •' . .. . . '''.l2TSKurte• mt.
The undersigned , bears.vvitnesa't 'the truth
- ornhit fetigoing; biNing persimal- knowledge'
Of all "the facts of th&i3ase:'T-'%',. 1 . 'lO 0:•: , ,,,
). `.4%•••1,M.,,11AT1R150N, oi 4 imond;streot,l,
i iFitio . o'n.conill,' Per.'boit/C 9r IS per dozen.
Ziiis,lriYAluobie ,remedy r.90,1:0,pNxir,,4,
14 :: , E.:130r#60trifili..ariiiԤpr*TAr04P:R1111 7 ,
lb daiiiipi: :, 0#14: In;,Caliel4 . l)Y; t RI PION.PYy.
"priO4P4i'agetie. hi r ,ICtiniber4infi ; eRlIn (*i, ~.•
' - ' lll-13Elr e*r1 - n,•,Az. . ',l; #l7' , lng*.s . :ri
+, vifiiii lON'T.:L4 iii`, - - . • . • ' '
• '' ,ll, t Oti pc* 4 '1161110A
„6ivabir :
1 ../d 1111 ) 43, :?R!)lltittg
;;!.3;,. r? JAtr , ,.!P F•XPe4 ,o 4ll".tr f W:
- carrointile,l3algam, •
.LReil ro
e d 4%4 for We by *--"'"Z"':-'
'f •- • Il*li;'ii 4 /ir n fr' f grPfi l i 4lll ''ei
0-t-Plev I.
p . pfi t' . ` iir
tfrON4.• :-V i
4eitiiiiiesdoilip - aliir •
THE SUIiANIL-11 - ; 1,
Pltll.; , ADEloPtilA, . • •
oifice-t6i Cheniutieireet:—
, •
1. MAKElXStlliAftE s eitiierpinernnhenforiinir
ted,O gal net loge or di nn4Fc by . firq,on 1.!..129p0w1y,
slid EFFECTS. of, even 'dnacrimion in town' or
.Contitry,oii dth
ie'oit'reAspiialilt+termi: • Akwlice
ti9ne nuide either , petsthmlly' or by !ttiet, will be
prQmpllyottendedTd: • •
• C.'N. ITANOKEI:, Prest., •
. • .
Rates ' of Insurance Reduced !
Brick-Or Stone dwellingsor•stores •
from . 26 to S p cs &pop
do ,du Churches 94 to s • do
do do. Taverns, .3 to 4 do.:
do do Boira , - 4to 5 do
do •do Stublcs (prjsate) 4to 5 do
dr, do Siables (publjc) 6to 74 (10
do do Grist 111111 s, Water
; ' Power,_ ' 7i to 10 do
.4.Y.AN.4.1. 111811. •
Brick or Stone dwellitigsand Fur
niture from' 30 to 40c $lOO value
do do Stores and Merelthb
- dize ' -35t050 .' do -
do do Taverns arid Furniture • '
40 to 60 do
~ do do . Barns and Contents
05 to 75 , do
do do Stables (public:). •
: Inoln 15 - 0 . . . - d - el'
. do do Grist Mill and Stock •
75 to 30 .• • .do
Frame and Log dwellings and Ent , • -
Moire• , - , 50 to-75 do
; deo• do •Stores a nd Allerehnn: ,, --'
dize " 65 to 85 - do -
•do • do -Tavernsand Primitive • •
• ' 60 to 100 do .
do do Berns an d Contents
- ' 90 to 100. . do
do • do Grist :Mills and Stock '
.91:1 to 100. ••. ' do
The subscriber is sgeui for.the above compnny
for clirlistestaditssicinity All application - 81hr
assurance -either by mail or personally will lie
promptly attended to.' W. 1). SEYIII.OUII.
.lunc 12. I PO. 1 v-33
On the Mutual Insurance principle, combined
with a large joint-stock Capital. Premi
reduced tomearly half the usual rates.
BY the Act of7:l):orPOration the, stock, is
pledged for the payment of any losses
which thmCompany may abstain. And as an
additional serially to thq, assured, the act re
quires that the profits' of the Mildness shall be
funded and remain with the corporation, as a
guarantee and protection to the insured against
loss. This fund will be represented by serh
issued by the Company, bearing interest notox.
ceding six per cent. p,hr aimum. The insured
are entitled to a pro ritto. 6bare ofthe profits of
the Company, and will, reGolve that proportidin
or the aforesaid fund in .scrip, widen the
iimOunt of earned premiums paid by him, bears
tiitlin total sum of earnad'pretniuma and - capital
The scrip thus issued, to be transferable on
ills books of the Ceimpany as stock.
No dividend of scrip can be made when
the losses and expenses exceed the amount of
earned premiums.
insured 7 are — protected - Tromless
customary rates of premiums, without any
I individual liability or responsibility for the
losses or expenses of the Corporation. The
naaurethave all Alm. ..rights of membership,—
CLIA vote at all elections, and arc eligible as
Directors of the Corporation.
The subset:het has been appointed agent for
ibis Company, and as the mutual prinetp/e .
superseding every other mode of Insurance,
to would enefidentlyrecommend it to his friends
and the public:
The North American Company has closed
their Agency. Those having policies expiring
itioliut office Can have them renewed in the
Delaware Company on much more favorable
For full particulars enquire either by lett
or.pereon to 'JOHN .1. 541(ER5. 4 .." .
Carlisle, September 10, 1845.—1 y.
TH"Allen and La stpennaborough Mutual Fire
Insurance Compautyof Cumberland Couynty,in
corponited by au act of Assembly, is now fully or
gan' zed,and in operation under the management of
toe following commissioners, viz:
Clat.Stayman,Jacob Shelly,Wmg Corgas,Lewis
flyer, Christ inn l ilzcl,Michael Hoover, Henry.
Logan;MichnelCocklin, Benjamin II Musser,Lev I
Merkel r lueob K irk ,111elchior Breneman and Sam,
l'rowell, who respectfully call the attention at the
citizensolCumberlandontl Vorkeountieito theud
vantages which the company hold out.
The rides of insurance are as low and favorable
as any Company of the kind in the Stale. Persons
wishing to become members are invited to make
application to the ageds of the company who are
willing to wait upon them at ally time.
. JACOB MELLO; , Preet.
MICUAEL HOOVER, Vice 'President.
Lewis Hyer, Secretor
Michael Cocklin,Treasurer.
Michael Hoover,General Ageni,Mechanicslni
Rudolph Martin, N. Cumberland township.
M Cocklin, Allen township.
Wm It Corgi's, Allen township.
Christian Titzel,Alle.n township.
Lahr C Dunlap, Allen township.
Peter llarnhart,East Pennebdro'township.
David Martin, Cluirchtown.
C.. 11. Harmon, Kingstown,
Heary 'tearing, Shittmaniroirn, •
Simon Oyster, Wormleyshurg,
Dr . . Jacob Baughman, Carßule,
• • JacoliKirk,Cienerill A gotatfor-York County - i - New
Cumberland P. 0.
Henry Logan, York county.
.John herr sok. York county.
John Rankin, rork -aotinty.
Daniel Daily, York county,
1. Dowman,Yonc empty. •
Philip Breckkill„Cumberland county. .
Robert C. Sterret,S, Middleton toiynship.
Cr- (idler agents wilt he udded, hereafter.
July 31.1845. ' • tf-40
ellistual Profection.,Coanly e
• . .
MIZE ~ Ullll3 Kitt MIN ALLE Al irr.G-.
1? AL ..,OROTEC:I7OI4 :com 1 , 4 Y, sr Oho
under.; the. direction , 'Of the, follow ig bbard of
Manaiere for IM:onstiing,•year, viz: Thomas C.
Miller, Presidenti,Samuel 'flallirai r,Vice Pre;
sidentifna . vid - W. mitrullaio; Trensureil A.
G. Al Ulm., Secretary, James Weak le7; I'l'l4
wpangler4V.'A4Mcl inney. Samuel 'l7ritt, John
- Zug; Samuel llnsmi..,,lotin T. Green,Jolitt Pear,
Abraham Kit 4, Cary, Adams county. There are
.nlao.o..„nOntlier.of.ABents , aßpolot ed. lit the Rd
labent •eatildtba,ivhe will - receive amdcatirms for
insnrinee.:Mut Forward them int mediatelytor• alt:
proval to.the (Aire of the.compday,wllen.tfie•porcr.4
-AY: v f i ll -be l , l.lSPFda wi o9 l o (lo l".Y... " l.or.forqiet..
ho omkt i on see , thofhyrlawsofthe,COmpny.,.4.;.;
, •,.,Tlii 3 OS . ; C. MILLENres
A. C. ifi i tii.Zit,See'3'. " ''•'•' • "- . -
The Conii oit • , g-eatiernen „haip, beep, akminti.i4
,---i ------- ' • ''" , .P -ACIE . WirSt '' ''''' 4 '
'.:.l*.iPp•Eittiearrisle,' , ,, .), 1 ..... , -,, ':,
4 ,,
! , 1)1',. Int. I. ap - Alatianiesburg:-. -J . i •
.I. • '.
Y George llrividle, Esq., M0urne.; , ;,,,,..- .. , ..1“.
f la 71,,,INIfifisaer.144: IVeßtitentieburbP,iti.fro
• t . Jolt, Itt,',llfeittia,,Esq.-Werharg. , •• t
- ',:riihil 'Clenslonin, plvi.. flegestown. '.,'•. '",• '
• Eiteption'.o,llMrtsbnl Miqietiatiuig:Hi- , • '
itia I'lroli 11-; . 181X.+17. • , . —, --- -
-1 0 0 N 4 COMMISSION'HOOSE'" 2 '"
mtlE'innferaimitd Continue. the .hrinrCe.'mtnier..
Iniaineaa -tori the sale of ill . kinds 0-
NO•' / 1691 t Ti r nicr tetLlPhillaidn; l —.
n Melton i . tisithi a mdi
their "patens' V 2. itesuaintariieivith eohanniera and!'
ilealerii:throttghout the United. Stake 'gives them
liseiattrantege or • ohtitiningl the" higheatiMaikik
irleeik!,:l.tAnd7their brightest!: heitlgienefto
b Nei rely to the Iron trade enables. them. to' , givii .
t theirmitire sitte.ollcig;o '' -
tien'n bajtiow.ti , OA , B .
-.Fd.400 It'ttrit't er St *.eoP,hilitU.;
riblttry 1847;t[,: ;•L„A
_ •
...niagozbad ; 4vo B v itomrpod Street,
. A ; T this,establiOment - may: he_foond the
grestest.-veriety -of ,Plans and bnautilui
Patterns,for.IIION,RAItINGS in the United
States,,to.-which. the, attention. of those want
of any.description and: especially for .Cemeto.
rice, Is partictlarly, for invited.
The:prinCipal part of all the handsome Rai
logs et Laurel Hill , Monument and othe celr
brated Cometarics A in the city,•and County e.
Philadelphia, which have beans° algbly extouf
ed •by die public prose, were executed at It •
manufactory. - • _ .
- A large Ware,-Room-is-connected tvilliAlte_
establishment, where is kept constuntily on
hand. I/ large stock of ready made Iron Rulings
Ornainental Iron Setters, Iron Chairs, now
style plain and ornamental Iron Gates, with
an extensive assortment of Iron Posts, Polies.
tale, Iron Arbors, dt.e. Also, in, great variety;
Wrought and Cast Iran Ornaments, suitable
for Railings, and other purposes.
The subscriber would also state .that in hi ,
Pattern aid .tesigning Department he.
employed mine of t h e best talent in tile c..n.
try, - whose whale attention . is devotee to the
business—forming altogether ono of the most
complete and systematic- establishment of the
kind in the Union, . • ,
- ROBERT WOOD; Propiic[or„
Ridge Rucd, above Buttentveed Street
Pliilsdolpbia, Feb ; 3 18471 --• • -
rpms establishment is erected' on an impro
ved plan; and by. the aid of Steam Power
manufactures all kinds of Marble, Work in. a
superior style, and at the lowest prieesfor
The largest and hest osaortmeht of Marble
- Mantels ever offered to the public may be' een
at the Warm!loom, to which the attention
of purchasers is resrectuflly invited.
Imported Garden Statuary and Vases of the
most tasteful design and patterns, made oldie
finest and handsomest description of Italian
Marble ; Tiles for flooring, imported and al.
Ways on hand, and for sale at the most reason.
( 1 - 'Marlde.Cutters can bd supplied at all
times with any number of finished Mantels or
Table Tops, at reduced wholesale prlies and
the Trade will be furnished at-the shortest
notice %•Vitt' all .kinds of Marble fh the block,
or cut to sizes for Monuments, c.
1 Ridge Rend, above Spring arrden St.
. Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1847.
Cheap Watches and Jewelry..
R; ~ AT th e Philadelphia Watch
. - and Jewolry Sure, 96 North
- Second St., corner of Quarr.v
,t( , Gold lever Watches, fullj el •
f!. , .• • ~•,...' oiled IR caret oases - 115 00
- 4...--. , .-..... . *
• ...o...coNitm), Silver Levcr‘..WatcheSt .2
full jewelled. '
Silver Lever Watches seven jewels 18 00
Superior Quarter Watches 10 00
Imitation quarter Watches not ivarrented 5 00
Gold Spectacles • 4....-- 800
FinaSi I vet: Spectacles 1 75
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones -;3 50
Ladies Gold Pencils VI dirtsts.; 2 00
Gold Finger Rines 37( eintreto $B, Watch
Glasses plain 12/ cents to 189; Lunct 25.
Other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to be what thby are sold for.
• 0, CONRAD,
On bend vome, gold and Silver Levertaai
pint - it - and Quarticra luwon than the above
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1F47
No 87 North Third Street, 1.
/VIM celelirity oldie Inks manufactured by the
übserther, and the extensive sales subse
que4 moil the high reputation which they. have
attains, not only throughout the United States,
but in du. West Indies and in China, has induced
him to mate every necessary arrangement to
supply the vast dement: upon his establishment
He is now prepared with every variety of Black,
Blue, and red Inks, Copying Ink, In..elible Ink,
mitt Ink Powder, all prepared tinder his own
pereoral superintendence, so that purchasers
may depend upon its superior quality.
superior article for Mending Glass, China. Cab
inet Ware. gm., useful to every Housekeeper,
be:nga white liquid; easily applied, and notsiffee
led by ordinary heat—warranted.
IK7 - Pamphlets, containing the numerous testi
monials of men of science, and others, it ill be
turnished to purchasers.
For sale at the Man'othetory, IViiole•snle and
No. 87 North Third Street, opposite
Chem. Street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH E. Hoven, Mtrnutheturee.,
Jan. 27,1847.—1 y.
IfSALE 1)111:GGISTS, No. AU Market Street
(Soul ii Side, below econd,) Philadelphia.
Wets for sale a - large stock of Fresh Drugs, Med
icines and Dye-Stuffs, to which they chit the at
tention of Country Merchants and Dealers visi
ting the city.
Coach, Cabinet( Joplin, Black, anti other 'Var
nishes ofn anneal'''. quality. Also White and
Red Lead. Window, Glass; Paints and Oils—
Chenner than ever. .
0. T. Sc C.'are . also proprietore of the Indian
Vegetable Haltom, celebrated llarcnagliout their
owl' and neighborangStatea Maths best.. pre; -.
lion fAi i the cure of Coughs Colds Asthum, N .,
Money refunded in every instance whore no bene
fit iareceived.
Philadelphia - atm:27. TIRT--6m
ALT LOW PRICES,. a large and complete
assortment of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Var.
nishee, •Window Glass, Dye Staff'', and Spices,
which we offer very low for Cush. %Ve war
rant our Drugs to Le"pure and of prinie quali
ty; among which are
600 oz. Quinine,. 1, 500 lbs. pure Oil Pep.
SO, " Morphia, . I, permint,
100 6 Extra Bark, 1.,200 lbs. Opium, '
1 20 bble. Coder Oil.‘
Including every article used by Druggiantand
Physicians, Our Ossorimcnt of Paints, Oils;
Varnishes and Window Glans is large, and:otif
pricersuch as cantiot , fail to,please, , : - .r-- - -7
50 teal, pore Lead; : 1000 ' lima Window
Glass — 5OO . treks , Von. Red and Ochre, ,
• INV grATrina,Linseed 011, 10 bhis, - t 2 ,
Conelt Varnlakand CO of Copra, ' :iv.
100..der., Poiret Eruslies,.so - . • -
t . . "bbleSitirts Turpentitio:' .1.4, .. - .
'; We ofre r , a^ superior , Cott ell Varnish
. - if :0
16r' . ii ;
0u gal lo n,
eI pd s'Ov'ri arl• 1O o s _ tl Coach and Rouse Painters. ..
'. t .'Dye Silas wooffor a tiparticulariy low 'pr,i
-' •der,•living,a 1440 4toik-of 'everyarticlpited
kftlitirticle..: ' ,'.' ',''':.,' '' ,!.. "' , 4-
20014.'11.0 Wriorle,;l 5000 lip-Grind Pei2Pgr;
100 Wheys 0111 , 11,41 .2000 •=' "' ' Chi nom*
SOO 16a.,Indiiro, ,;', .: ~ 000 " , t; ' tlitOiega,
deoliiiiear,',llladdari",:. ; :..l,sface, Baleares, &e:...
Also,-50 tone,ooraettow pricea.:-/
Give - 0 a . Call, n treli argil' Oilmii k i pg,i nil ulry.
:...".' '' . .T'7CIFiENCH'X'RIOIIIARDS,'-' i -
:. ''''.- WhOlekiile'Rrnifglaii, , NAVOlfroor of
a' ' ?, 10th 'pod
.11farketit'Sle. Philadelphia'''.
Airli2ilBo 4 •""'' - • ''''''''" " 0 - - •
.. , •
nrlo%o NtIPN $41.1 SA PARILLA.—rTb
d...otlieri kidtilhatiitetireief
diseases at‘isieg reartkan:.)iyiptii•estateltr,tleir ,blendr
de ; - iy,Stbie,f, ja ,wireanted by , the
tilatirts ree'id, be fird ti in esistrobger ilia a' nitY,
Ore arreq tieatt , ie(idoid:r*tmot.',lr t ooli.
mitt W-Ifi'o6ifiittifweiiiiitt:',2q44o4BrlA:!ehliti,,
''' • '
AME(ANDVIII3IO - I , l*E — P; "1:01 1 :411:nti:
. , . .. ~
WOULD rCspectfelly call the A (cation, of
tioaachbyphis and the Public toile e.icton
swe stock of splendid Furniture, including So
fau„Wardrubes, Centre arid other Tables, Dres
sing and Plain Bureaus, and every loterrii
-- Ctibinet•trette - and' tairsi
which they have just ogee* at their new
rooms, on life corner offiipirth Hanover and
Lowlier Streets,
They ore confidant that the superior finish
of tie workmanship, and elegance of otyle;in'
which their articles ore got up, together with
their CHEAPNESS, will recommend.them to
every person wanting Furniture. 'They have
also math narnngententa for manufacturing and
keeping a 6 - onstarit supply of every article in
thei, lino, both plain and ornamental, elegant
at prices which they contiot fail . to
snit pUrchnsers. , They would earnestly invite
persons who nra about to commence bousekeep
ingTo—call curatnino their present elegant
stock, to. which they will constantly make ad
ditiona of the newest arid most modern styles.
COFFINS made to order at the Aorta:. hb
thee, for town'ondzeountry.
April 01; 'P.O.:. •
, •
raltlEsubscriberawould I ntorm Y.
.and the pi. 1)1: general)
taken the room in North
Hanover strecr,lately '
pied by Mr. E. Bullock,-as a
Chair Mannfactory, where
they. will keep constantly
for sale nn elegant assort- 4.444295 r,.
rient of CABIN-ET -
BUREAUS, • Werketands,
Dining and Breakfast Tables. ' Card, P it tilid
Centre. Tables. French ; field, _high a d ws
post Bedsteads, &c. They have now an d
vontinue to keep on' hand a . largo and elegant
pariety of CHAIRS of every description, to
„which they wouldlneite the attention of house
keepers and those just commencing, confident
they , will find articles of such workmanshie
and moderate prices. as must besatisfactory to
They hove sloe 'midi, extensive arrange.
meets for the manufactorc of
V5.131 - "TII&51 a1.A31 . 063 3
of all colors, sizes and qualities, and In a style
fully equal to those made in the cites; together
with very other article orCalint Wrre—all
ofwhieli they will - sell - very cheap for CASH
orexeliangc for Country Produce at market
CFI NS made, nn reasonable terms al
sho' liothe, and they will attend funerals witha si dndld Hearse, in -toWn or country, free of
extra charge.- A Hearse will also , be' kept fot
-hire, .
A general assortment of well seasoned turn
her, suitable for Carpenters and .binet ;Bak
ers, kept at the above mentioned consist
ing of Pa nels,'firsi; second, end Thlr._::ommon
-White pine Boarlls Plank andAciiriit -7; also,
Willnitt,:Poplat, Shingles, - must
Posts, Wagon :Baker's Stuff of all kind., &c.
Also, Bedstead Posts, ready Wined, together
with sluts for Venetian Blinds, all ref which
Will he sold of moderate prices.
They reriPeetfully solicit a share of public
patronage, confident that they can render gen
oral saliminction. J. R. WEAVER 4.• Co.
Carlisle, April 15, 1846.
, rill: subscriber having learned that an MI
1 prcs4init is abroad that lie has givrn up bus
incss in favor of his sons, desires thus publicly
to correct the error. Ile still cominces the
business at his manufactory in the rear of his
Own residence and would respectfully invite
the attention of Housekeepers arid the Public
generally, to tho very large &
. .. -- 4.
FURNITURE, ' 4 -_ 4
which he now has on band at his. ea - bin - or
Ware Rooms, on AVest High street, oppwit o
Rhond's Warehonse in Carlisle, feeling very
confident that.the superior
,finish, excellence tif
material, and reasonable pri,:es of the numer.
ous articles which he constantly manufactures
will give satisfaction to and secure the patro
nage of all who may examine them. ' Ills pre
sent assortment includes every variety of
av 4 Cabinet Ti'are aind Chairs
• i"
both plain and °mainmast, at price
7 ' which Will be made to snit porches
Having. made the necessary arrangements,
he will deliver Furniture nt uny place within
a reasonable number of miles in the surround
ing country, without. any increased charge.—
The patronage of the public is Teepee fuilyio
licitcd. • JACOB FETTER.
Carlisle, March 10, 1847. •
A Core for Life secured.
Jl-1 , fOr_the cure of:Piles,- File-Vegetable-Pile?
• Ibieeiunry, invented by Dr. A. Upham, a distil,.
guished 03E101111 of New Yuri: city, is the only
really successful remedy for that dangerous and
thitressing 'complaint, the Piles, ere' , catered to
the ? merican
The Electunry contains no olineral Medicine
no Aloes, Colocynta, Gamboge, or other pd*er
fel mid irritating purgative. No fear of taking
cold while under its influence; no :hinge in diet
necessary._ If taken according •to direction!, a
cure for life is guaranteed. 1
Another Certificate added to the hundreds IL .
have already been reeeived, of .the-efficacy of Dr
• :
!New YostilAnglist 25,1840.
Nicest's. Wyatt & 1€eidill111"-.61:11(32 For seve
1.4 years past ',bare deed tVanbled wills flees,- - n
wort costive state of my: comp) tint not beiig tP
severed! to disable me from business, and a dread
1 Ind rifoullysiclans and patent Medicines, that
lnlil this, spring . I, never used any medicine et
applied to:a physician for relief. The riles then
heing,solleverelthatl allotted , several ori'efot7ons
to hp.performed without ally liens fit. Determin
°Ogler, this to try. other means,l read an adrer•
Aitt:inent ol 1 curd .guarauteed by the use of Dr
Upha's E lect ;tory.: I .purchasod three boxes at
your•stor% and from the- use of which I. found
myeolE entienly curetroftlut Piles, and my health
Inttc I unproved. - 1 remain,, Sibs, rout
del4ed friend. !• ' .}:iitA
' ll lTereliant.Tairor, I'o4 IrrcatJway,upstatrsa
A. UPlitur!iTl•OirrielOr. • !,,- ,?.
• .11sr,vrr•Rs.,KOTestAst Fulton...street,,Ne.vr
York, General /Noma r, the -Soothe! n States.
caSphl itt Carliale,'OPSAituat. ELLIOTT, an
Drogg I stsgenerally throughout the ;United Stsitfs
Price $1: ..
NOvember',ll ' "''
imineOloto,a44. perfect`,
are tor` (bit tlioirbioroobitiog
disease the 'TOOTEI4IOIIE,- -,- ,
ii to be founfrat
Thum Store:
Deo.-80; 1840.:
.(„ DO.PetBSTI9, GOO,. ;
.Hl..btibeorihgr,:listajtkatc-rmal !'p
l,,areed ; et-,
t - BoYinter* clieCik#o . st "IngliTitt,:i:.'Dric:.
Bear intirkeFi.4o::sBll' 4l lt'la*
W%II R',ll
• . a11(4.1P,4t66t101)14.'
ract s ,
Gallery of DpgAproottrpe Portraita
and Family•
No r
1 - 40 — Chesmit S 30 . duo} below ifkli 8 -
• ' PfiItADELIIIIIA.- • -
• '
pictureelaken di this establishment tire
by artists and 'scientific men/
unrivalled fur depth or tone fund softness of light
and shade, while they display all the artustie
arrangement of the aforr of the Nailer. ``'
'Citizens or stringers visitinothe Gallery, eau
have Miniatures oru Profligate bitten in this
unique style, tyul neatly set in Moroecyi,eS'ses,
Gold Loekete or Breastpins ice;iii a few minutes.
e ham the PhilidilPhid
• jouririls have at dill'erpni4eria.4
a remarkable proof of the Skillabil
A merles)) Artists, tieit.;.llagnereo
.,ow made in this city superior in every
those made in any at flue European
.us. The suiceess A meftili artists sax
m in fl i .i ne d In s 117 imil conclusive
manner, by Mr hillllllloF publicity stating at.
the clone of his "mn numb rahibili an h 1 this
tur es
eltyitlwith Mr.
ly.o s Root
in imul mink. liftyLone„good pie-.
oue ta lime. In wi ion o.
which Mt. R. has beengl furnished with th ldit e Ihllow 4
ions tohelusice certificste. signed it will be per
ceived by thepsrents or Tom Thumb, by Mr,
.flarnum, lila leachers and reerelary, all 01 whom with him in Europe t • • - '
he raugnerent Pt e. iaofanTonErnrn.ta June 4 1847.
T ia tan!!
fiitnifyi yp
seeerei.iesielie Thal;
eii:. footman,
driver, equipage Ede.. and his aurinus
Aniuharacters,rnsule.'brAl tc - ACTroot, , PI FTYI '
ONE sill) present a degree of seeurtuey and..
truthfulness to Nature, ',V tlh echoic, chlorin of•
Softness, expression, beamy mid delicacy.
of finish and uniform In4lllMuce that me lintp
neyerseen equalled. They art dieidedij , snPi.einn
teeny thing of the kind witnessed by us either in,
this fluintuy or in London, Parts •or any of the:
Cities of Eurtipe which ire have visited. \Ve
take plensurn m ?mitring testimony to the ernirtesY ,
and skill no uniform's. manifested by r.1,t;.-Hoot.
huh eminently *uteeßArtil .
Signed S. STRAI'TON (the Pather),.
CUNT STIt t'I " TON (the Mothei.)
,(Exhibitor ilium Thuunili N
England and AM.
rice aril Propf . iefor of tl New York and
nidlimere ;Museum.
V. AV. AV trisiTzt (Secretary)
rim:olunit: CATI.IN -
(Advertiser and SCcretsur3 or•Tem Thumb itt
11. C. Sll ' EltilAN (his l'erceptor)
This is ecrisioy ern. struking testimony in
favor of American stm..rinrity, coming. as it doll
from those who lane examined A iireimeros 451
best productions
_in tile art in most of the print',
pie cities or Europe.
. Jelly 28 184
T E Subscribers, Importers and Dealers ,
in Foreign and American Iron, br g leave
to call the attention of 'Purchasers of IRON el el
STEEL, to the new assortment of Swede
Nornegian„C.ide and Cowmen Englstil rens.
whiCh they now have and aro constantly re ,
coining from Ehrope direct. , Also American
ron, consisting of Hoop, Band, Serul I, &c.—
English, Russian and American Sheet Iron;
Small Round and Square Iron, limn ,a.l6oed
and upwards; Boiler and Flue Iron. Horse
shire and Nail Rods, Axle Iron, various sizes;
ti -- ,einetive, Tire rind Railroad_ iron; Adele
Iron, Half round Iron; &i : : - .Virg.and Blister
ed Steel, from best .stamps of Swede Iron;
Cast and Sheer Steel, &c. rill of which they
Lifer at the LOWEST mess for cash, or of
six , months (dr approved reference, and to
.which they 'invite the attention of pureiraterd
before rcpt ribbing their stueldi. -
Also; Pig and omiron received - on coin.
mission, on which advances a ill he made.
Irein and Steel Merchanta,
117 N. Water Si. and A.unue,
July 28, 1 847-I_y_.l,.
THE subscriber to the trade, 'Or ; by
retell, u large and getiolul oerortaii I f4l
thin following oft inlet , . tieing all of his own int
portution or nutml'ucture.
Buyers or goods in this line are inriled to
exuuuue.the uveorl went, uurl orders are
ted, with the USSUrallee tout every eßlsrl will he
male to give suti4uctinn and !scare a COllllll
- oft uetoin.
Silver Lever Watches of ordinary qu..l
' Du. do. do.of superior finish:
Do. do: du. A lICLOrII 6- Lepinc,
Silver double cased Eriglisli Laud tiwteql verge
Watches, with light, tWdiuu, and heavy ea
- rem.
GuM Jewelry
in all varlet ICP, fine and common.
Silver Plated, and Silver Worcs.
Muoical Duxes, playing 2, 4. 6, 8 and 11l !Attica:
Gold and Silver Spi etudes.
Diamond Pointed Gold funs.
Mantel and 011iee. Clock+, in gilt and odic,
Watelitoulters"rools and in otcrials of all sorts.
Fancy Ai ticks, Fancy Finis, Steel trends..
Having every facility for obtaining 'goials ii
the most advantuScotis terms, correspondingiii
ducements will be Ofil-red pureltiers.
112 Chesnut Si., Philadelphia
July 2i, 1847.
Hats, Caps, Ladies' /UM, Boas, &o.
Ilat and cap IVarchottse sad illatitifictory,
No, 196 Market Street.
- 1 - 31 ESPECTFULLY Farrell - attention to alai
XL largo and complete stock of flats: and'
Cape, manufactured under the:r own iinmFil i -!
ate irection and superiutendence, with all tho
advantages armada': improtomlnts to enable
them to combine thelinportant qualities of
rability, taste and beauty of finish with exS:
Warne cheapness of price.
An immense and
,boautiful assottment of II
vayietictund price:: of 'Beaver, Brush, Silk,' ,
Malesilln A Audit, Cassithere, Wool, Sporting
And Ashlwrict Hatit'llso, a general asso•tment .
Of every variety of Caps, (Btu, Fur Seal, Hair "
Seal, Muskrat, Plain and' Fancy Cloth every
style, Red, Black.and Brovin Multair,Soulette,
Glazed, Oi silk and Fur Caps
Ladies' Muffs; Boas, &c., et the very lowed
Buyers by the duzen or loss, are Invited
call and see if it is'not to their interest fa deal
with us..
Particular attention paid to.ilto packing or
lids, eta:.
Cush paid for Muskrit.und.Sbipping Fuss.
GARDgN & 131(OWN,
• No. 190 Market - Street, below Rixtk St.
July 21, 1897. •
. eVelt .
bubscri ben bus Jubt retttructl'frout the ty
~ 11; ~rNE
I‘V (.t.101)8, ,
licita 'the . •::, ,
Pinin ingtuuna's 11241,'.GIusluWno,
New Sty lc. ea,ltenes, It Int%
Whitn,nifl brown us;itut,
5-I • „:1; ~
tint! brobvu'•••••4l!„uft,
Tio kings no!!
, 250110 z. 'Cotton llosierb.airtiin'ilii; •
206 lbs"ivitite
"liieh`Linene`, Lenin .ttnsV,P(N' •
P,lal Swiss', Btiori:Stniitid,:untl'Vio,tonin .
: ~.,f
White arid Fanny. Linens for Gentletnett,r:: .
• SUlPlner:C. l 9thiO4 Calihilla reit!, u•:• • • i• •
- Catteinieren . nnd, Yintting , a,•Pgritutb,-kg, t - gip. •
I'llelitiove new. nlllOlO5 u nl tett with:Out
ntake stock acimpMe l Ca li ;sip w ',Stun? •
btrunt,niatl a:tuning,'
, ~4, ...,„.
~ .
,•..,,„, ,
613trift.W1i)te Some r
d •n ' '
. 1) 7 7Arr,:d?..'.,
4 '107 ,6 ;„:7,, ,
• s 0 Bagt:ftide;,!, ttf4
• ••
• .5 •I cone!! for „, •
.• I!driatb .
• . o •