Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 11, 1847, Image 3

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Ncw , 1;1~u i ~ittnf
_ .
John Kiosey,havhx been presented ,to the
:eart,,of Lloanniolv Pleas halal *souhly,„l,
a :and tirst ort.he Att
glint y 1847, Tw: the Milli Hiss Inn or Enid
Lcoatiat, and rule on all-eotwernell to appear and
ehew 'LliTiNe why said account shall not he passltl
nod allowed liy 'Mid radii.
AV. M. froth j•.
Oarlssle, /log. 11, I n4.7.—tz.
AT 11? N..1 I trATE SALES
NALuAtu.E FBl•lnvsittillted in IVestpenii6-
,; biro' fematiliiii, Cuiliberltiod comay, li m's
1ii.),.. ruin tft lisle, on tiro Aloitill liuuk •Spriag,
bum . ilie Lam erliiiiil Valley Railroad, efliititiiiiitg
111JUV2U0.4,:r , ifiti of Ni loch tire elealred, li:Oring
thereon 8 111 ., • I wo-story double 8101: 1101,81.;8
Tiro-s or) Lug louse, two 0 0811Thiltult ltarils,tirge
roll crib and wagon staid, c.zerrine 'nail grain
houses, and 111 ever 114111 IT 'Wen 1:1 ir,lior. 1 his
f ran Ulll 11111 e iolooil lidralitage and Will bo
'5) il ti bole Or be Ind of it, '
lit partici ars enquire of L. 11. W illionis,
L i', ii., oil ilie rendsbs, or of the subscriber rdslil
i t; in I.hok i mid ILL, 2 mires'eatot of tile BtoB.l
Tavern. - . • JUI/N G. 11; ILLI.AAN.
August 11,1 847.7-2 mu, . ror'.4
- I .88inibler 4%l4lllitier Win publish 2 MOlittiS natal
. olidigelluiti since.
--- 4 --
.. .
Esttlie..6f Michael Hoover, Dec'd.
OTICE is hereby given that totters testa
inentary on the last will and testament of
/1:1: . /.1EL Hooves, LT; ..14ito of }he t horough
Mcoanuicstoirg; liutriberlund co. doC'4, have
dal' been iskred by the Register in and for
Alle Bald county, to the .subscriber who resides
township of Allen. All isireons linVing
' , ..tluims auil debAuds agrunsl.the-ertato orthe
suiJ decedent, wilt present Ilium for.seltlement
without delay ; and those indebted make pay.
'lll L . II tto CLIftITIAN TITZEL, Ex'r.
July 31, 1811.—Aug, 11-6 w
Estate of John Weakline, Sr., dec'd.
- ik - roTICT. lieteby given that letters of
111"7 idininiAration on the &state f Jxo. Wein.
Sd vtc, Sr, of Newton tp, Cumberland nu, decd,
'have this day boon issued by.tlin Register in
and fur said cousity,_to the subscriber who
— r7rsiiftiTin e No wtm ufhress id.—
•All persons having Cldilre or detnUIRIF ugniuet
the estate of the said decedent are requested to'
make knoWn the, same wain:et delay, and
'those indebted to make payrrrent to
August 7, 1847—bw
To., Teach erg
"NOTICE is hereby given, that the school
diiectors of Newton to%viiship will m'ect
at Rhodes' aehool house on. Saturday., the . 21st
'd.Ay of August, at 10 o'clock, A 11, for the
utpose of'seleeting teachers for said township
thy order - of4lic Directors
SA .11 U EL BOW.EIIB, Secretary
August II 1847-2 w
VALUE - FARM ZLa.utl;ll)ll•actit F is 1c '
Fiidiy Sepiamber 10, at • I 0 o'clock A
M, the subscribers will infer for sale 8n
lite premises the valuable thrin;lute the pro'
pci ty ofJohn Fudihurn, dec'd, situated in West
Peanshoro township Cuniberlaid county, about
miles northwe s t of Carhole, on the Cona.
'doguintielt creek, containing 105 acres of first
-rata Liniestime Lend, all of chicle Mo.ared
'and tinder good_ post and to aide, and in a
'Mali state or cultivation. The iniproyeineitts -
" . area large two story-brick House, large Stone
teak guru, Wagon She'd, Cern & u large
stable for feeding eafth... Also a two.stury
Frame Tenant Llphse. , .A Wash loose, Smoke
itouse and Wood.ho se, Iwo pig.pcns, ..7:arriage
house and Ice hou'in: There Is also a Black
smith Shop on tliilltiapertk- - -also a hergo,Or.
chard of choice Frnit Trocc,,a Limt Kiln and
ninny other advantageous iiiiproveMcnts. They
:will also sell at the seine nimc-a-tro i tct. "of— Tim,
'her, Land, containing night . •
AZYds, two of
Which ittcicared,siktratcd about a Milo from
kilo fir.t larnizot which them is nreeted a house
nod stable &e
Also, about 39 acres of Tirnher h•tnd on the
North Mountain about 4 miles from the above
!duce on which (helm is a good Mose; Stsble
and other nedessatv bniWurgs 'together' with u
nest rate iirchutd,. Which will bb sold legctlit
tt or in lets to cults much Users.
PCF4.1,19 wishing iniltrinat ion on the sultpcl,
ere invited to cull tin Vie stiltseribets on the
4 - teething or upon F, WATTS, Esq. in Carlisle.
I• 1:• , 111i1 liN.
Erultinrs of .1(11:11 clec'd
AtP2,11.1 I I. 18.17.-Is.
0, 4 * - 1 hit Linens - ler Evamirfer and 'Yell:
vne.oe. 1116011 fill sale, and send bill and
paper to this office.
IdOgister's Notice.
A - 70110E is hereby given to all persons
IN interested, that the lollowing. accounts
Lave been filed in this,oflice for examination
by the accountants therein numed,'und will
be presented to the Orphans' Court 01 Cum
berland countyy for confirmation and allow
ance on Tuesday the 7th day of September,
A. D. 1817.
I. The account of Day . id fOrn't
`af Mathew Clay, lite of Prenkfo rd township,
clec'd. -
2.' The final .administration account of
Leonard Wises jh., Wet int atlin' Leonard
Wise; sr,, lute of South Middleton ttiwtiship,
J. 'The - gremlin - or 'Ph& iek
blrin't of Philip Slinrobsitch, leo of •Frunk
ford tier 'tl.
:1. A supplemenivil account Of John , Bitt;
tier, Uenty !timer, Mathias Ititner, Execs
tors of -- Johulittntr, iJ laic o 7 Allcii town
0. The occoant of Jotat Elliott., former
+Guardian of Mary Jane Elliott, daughter of
James' IL'lliott, late of Hopewell township,
t. :the Guardianship acconnts hf :fartit)
tle, dec'd., late Gnardian of George C le
'ver,'..Tgaritt Clever and Catharine , Clover,
minor chl.dren'of George Clever, dee'd., as
tile 4 adrrers of ihe,sald Jarolt GetXle.
'the' trc'ecaint Petekex'r, of
Wonders, Into SouthMidweion
township, 4 F 'd. •
. "S.'The account of itaild S. ItCosliai'v,'
Instr. of GporgoCreamer, late of Southemp. l
4ou wii„Shi
'O. The' account of DOvid 'Hoover a'„hst.
Ilmeauvl Snake, adm'rs. Mollie Alody'et, ,
Lit of township,`
111. The account ,of Johu Lutz, c.x:'r. of
cot Heti' ,Ititter;Aate . ,
11: The account oflOtin Er.fOrti chi! :
Erford, ex!rs. of John Erroll!, sr., l tate* of
Esuit.P.onnaboro' too nsltip t &OIL
and BetsiTripner, C.fldeoi.)
late' •
19.-The'SVCOO, supplcbthbtdl acConnt',Of
William.lVleil.y,_ex.'i. - orlACoh'.llll:ili,laie of
Si vet , Stitifialto vvVi 41) ril , 'll a Old
14. The .hecoulti. ' l .larn ;TA I iiq,t,,,Y:84 . : 5 ‘) .-
arlm'r. of Thomas Itt6llolli , ',..ltil§';'•9,t,,,VV . patr
Thwace9Filtlcli74F-4 4,1 4tiiie;
of ThoM.ell
oingh of taritsto,
1 . 13 .1/rhAvaccoOttWifoctiridttim4lPTirvextit4
of None x. Tenger, late of. South. Alicldletont , '
T,1.1;5 - !
17. The account , or , Rittert
ex , r. of ' , Cittllatinfl/tiiss;'•ltete . OP'the'bOfOhil,h t •
Davi(. l ,,,p,oveo-"tlil`niqU:e.l'OliiisnerelY, late
of. Newthiflo*icship,
• Ji2.,i,The Account.of,P,ojeli3inivarcli
of Henry DarrOvataf,,,yerflaSrfigcllnton,tii.;.
'20:',41t0 - iti l colni, 7
B f ., ;.tOliii•PliP; ' ,Eti;4 - 740;-
S. -Dunlap; admor.• of : - Siiil6l4! •14i,0•
*vest Penneboro''. ,
Itteep,Xilti4o - klegir , '` •
••• Rea isfin
• •••L
New 21bporligiciitents.
i . ... :. ,TA.PAX
t 311f!';rilib07(2!IIIIrlfrItrillICItrit)1111ttltrijirtDirlZi
110 MIA uuthorized S 4ii:COVVE:iitNorl44lan,
!iivoi ofretit;.durlisli;42;ttl#iliYii!iii)W`-,Alli
u. ticks lerti,wilk.S-k gbylet;;Oir,tefilOtielp' fife,
• Anilliis .ooli'aii biitoricd' - 'ivill.:;ll6'6;iiiiiiiidlo.liiin,
;... ,
....,...,,.,, w It o Am_ p..E o Pligs7.-tiyer; ''.
NI ec,tinn lashurg,.4guei- 1-1,; ; j F141:1‘14.: !
Ililie'i'pA+ll ' '4. ''''
and Tuinblers4- - "
UST iticeiyBd, 7 a lidiofoeo troen of lnty
1 Oiocif Glapa 'Jars and Tamblats;atiitablo
ft.rilie'preserVing sUIIiSOII. lb by .
J. j..II,i'VERS,
'l44oll'Str'ept, '
'July- 28.'1847:
- artier ikeeked at Dr. Myers' Drug Store,'
• choke ailiCle"of Dlnelt -Tea, for invalid
nod dyspeptics. Also Old and. Young DySon
. Gunpowder and Lope:Hal.
July .t . 29, 1817,5
Tshbseriber being deisrous td move to the
11 Western cliuidrv, , offers his Perin at private
siClinte Miltliti'n;winiliip,Cumberlatid'imi
. ithoilt sic mileb from Newville, oil" the Slate road,
lending to the'Sulphifr Spring. Containingol'93'
sort a good Slate and ifreestone" laud, ailsinnitig;
lines at Samuel and 'James AlieCormiek'S Milt
property, the IteirS'of Henry Snyder tlee'll. and
3.7110.1 and Is-in a goollen t io tiraultivation
nail of the be:st ttali'y orthe sort, about 15 acres
of good meadow- and 30 or t . hri ring timber. -The
improvements tire a etwohiotlions twit. story Brick,
'Dwelling I louse.-a spring and n ocrer
-of water, a Large Bank 13arn, Shod-Cud
Corn Chit; stelcobee theeetsatfy qut irpittlings r -
(item are also it thr;iving ukeltarils k inils
id - ctiotee fruit Thereon. Persons vispos e il to
purchase a property di' art Only:. deserlpt I on,nre
requested to'citll on the subscriber re4iiing_.on_the
rum, who trill tike pleasure in bowing lite
premises awl giving all desired information. An
utichaptablelitle will be given by . ' 1 ,
August 4, 184.7-1171,
try The Lancaster Pximiliier • to
the ['mount one'dollar sole-barge 0118 office,
VITILLbe salt y ntMin sale on 'the isrontisess
V on Fltif).\ V,l7th of Sertanbvv,n lot of
ground containing five ttera. move or 1013, satiate
in A:Urn township, CumbeVlatof Csnetty, on the
State, !load leading, front to Gettys•
Mega about one hole_sonsh at Slcephetalstown, nn
which is erected a Two Start. Log 1 - fouse, htable t
&u. Late the property of 15Mineft Conklin de
ceased, Tering haute known On Apr ornate by
.101 IN CUJI tAN , Executor.
Aurtisi 4, 1847, •
• IRElitLie •
mii,,,q•ilier will offer pultne stile on
the premises, mt SATI. RDA V, the 14th n 1
August tusiant, at ten o•tinek, in the lot (moon, 11
11110 at first rate limestone land, emanating. 42
neves and tn mit) seven 11014111.3 Strict in es SUN`
Sitti.iteil on the Davis' Atilt in 4.1; about one hall'
mile from Me litters School house oil turn
pike, in West Pennithorn' 't.ownsalti, Comb,•rls it
uottaty. About 12 nitres are t Ott led a /lit lit 51
(nut t er, and the balance' lit n good state ol
outt_i • calinrt Them, is a thin log )(lung otmliard
of choice :Mitt, tries, a two stets
Log Ifouse, tool lux limit Ilt;•
r Pre'lllsest This pisw;;. ; i;it
4 to font. nines of is
r '?" - ..--ts—s , • nein watrtily the Mutation of all
errs ins %11111i11. to plrolltilie.REßTlllll—ftn•tn. At
tendances 11 mien sad terms made known
ou.Hictelti) 'of SR he - -
Alt :I'6"tltONG ROl'llEll.5,
August 4, 1f47.
: To Counitry Physzcians.
nit. YERS brio just receivod in addition
to his former stock, a. largo assortt»eni
of DRUGS AN!) IVIDDiCigES., warranted
pure arid fresh—a m one Which are all tl.o ro
dent popular prepaid - ens of the Profession,
which he will evil on as good terms tta any
uslablisinnent out of Philadelphia. \
Physicians are reluesicvl to'ci•amine Far
July 7,184'7.
Into' and frettil Fklpitry. 'of t'ince4.ll,-,
1 i4twenswa're, &c. of every description jut , '
received, nod for Bale at Ole lowest entlit prieen,
et the Mere of the ttutwerilice west Aln in Mr (4 ,l.
To be certain of tpiality and iteltett, cnlfiuld
14,11 J. W. i:nv. "
July 28.1847, •
Saperf or .Old Winos amd Lrandies,
For Putfiose,
DR. 11 YERS hos
• just ticketed in Wie.eilv
un iis , nrinietil of ilie nito.l elieire old
i• es nod liraildieO, Sir niedienini nod table
purposes. Those poreinising may depend alien
tb 111.110 being, rm. ig Port:
trnrCt anti Outniner
July 2q, IS b.
33. Ll 2. *L.'435 4 :1?
two-storrnwcillag (loin° on ll.c car.
ner of North lionore'r and Lolithef streets, ex
cepting that, portion of it occupied Gs Fund . .
Lure RUOIlle, Will Irile• fl/r rail from the Ist day
of August. fur tactile applyto , .
July 28,184'7,
ine!Y Saturday, the 411eof September 1847, the
qj subscriber will at public lentlue 00 the
premises, his Farm situmed in Silver Spring.
tan ship, Cumbet land county, two miles not di
vest of I loguestown, two miles rrom' Bricker's
SI it Is, Moe miles from I lartisborg, apt) nine ft 001
boon 1
act. 1 .9 , , k of envy Kwalt and.
the I mu dognlnett creek on, the.tumbkity_field.
- 11 . 11,C0S $lllll toucan on pc east; by Mr. 1 ienimy utt
'the north null west, centaini .14. 225 ACIIE6II'OI
perj hes, strict stiensmc, of itt..tCK SLATY;
LA NI), about .160 acres of which are cleared mitt
In It high state nf cultivation, under gbuU fences,
Nof 111.01 of the fields have running water in them.
'1 he remainder is well timberedt and" may be
'cleared told t.early.all cultivated. There are n
great number of Aounst l irees illapersed through I
the Velds. 'rho firm is well adahted to the
, or stock °mot itrain'of all kinds.
'l'lll.l improvemelda nee a TWO
Se • 'STORY 1)W ELLING 110US1•:.
0, wentherbourtled atttl Painted It
ffqt'4 E ' 1..0(:'11A Wage), Shed, Calm'
:: ,7411 "` Ceib I'FINA NT 'lll - 0OSIL: bid
VP out luttitliugs, owl tut 'OlLCltAitb or - Lchoieti
fruit. ,There to an exflelhOt , Eirsok. or 'titer
near the house. The conditionishrill ho rout , per '
oust. to he paid 'at' lite • thr,t. of quileii and ,, ltalf of
the rettmindar oa.tim first, dnY .0f , ApriVnekt,
; when postolisioti' and n , good-tith: Will' be given; •
the balattee in foul; etend annual pirvmOtaWilliette
interest; ull,tmbe utter. money.. 2111trpOrehnter
-16 have Intl) . of thegralornekt harvest; to be , Ile
lieeeetl. hi the bushel, he to jln , the:tioces.'of 1848.,
Ni. thoti.boVe` form , ommot iolit'Ao.•;'
get het-, it:tv ill. be offer ell ht two 'or • three tetrts' t 9
spit puetlukere; - o's the same itentlitioifs. s .Pershnti
wislatitg.tpLviptte,the..fuem' ti pen
%Abraham Pennaril, resitlingithe tenni in'. Upciti
anhacl eiteitrwrithhlttei tote iti*e '
.hbovelhtf•Unrehilatitir, hit deb:,
• r 7 1 , • FIIE6E:RICK; Ai ANIIUI,
And ONDFp R D43pg3N,ltay.#l:loitid;
hull tiFiielk‘for aulq vy . •
• lily
•I • - •
i r;r: .
; juse'retprnedfrOnt Olt 11!I arge,
PitiltiviollBe , :byo.gtllol * .,—i
the il , O l ll, ,firoparcitiona of the day, teeet her witlt
a ireneral,4Bolittipiiiii. of fc,4l;4O.P.PrcrUPEs;
I.FANdroAtiTlCLEO . ,&lo*tiettirliltatt
complete ,, al ' ileiCtijihiial , lioltolit
epILLPY.ViVIC.II7 - I,AN' , EVERr,:fidilli - And,::o9 . o` ,
fur,yorsolvel, b v t , i •
...74113 , 7,18471,'
',' -•;; • • •
To 'finable the Volunteers" colled'intO
id provide. the'maclves with good find titkfielerit
clothing, Ilia Socrettrrpof
. Wtor - halt nutilotked
the conitniitatidn:niiowanco for' dix nion'ths,•
(twent+ronc &Meta"' lisi,„:paid 'in advance to
each con-conrimiscruhcd 'ufficcr,'tnusician ditd
private, after btripginustered Into sor s viao; but
onlywitithie'eltretta 'condition that the voltin
leer 1101 oleettay 18rniahed hiinself with six
months clothing, Which. flat is to be certified•
to the Paynufater . fiy. the Captain of the cum
pony, or the the uttiOunt thris advanced
be 'a ied, - u oder th e
, super of his Cap
Jain to lite objett con'te'mplated bylatd, fiffide
latter cdso, thy nolvanco coniroutationitor cloth.
ing will be paid on the Captain's' ertifiente
that he is Sailllfiedif will he Ito
EDWAItP TTSCiptiti ni -
Ca rlisle, July it,'
.. •
HI • NOTICE. -• •
Dickimott larilego with all thepriiilegaa
ItLaulled, ‘vill . bdrepto . d ' (or nney_oar from the
PronnsaW, stating
er M will be iceuived until that time by
Y.• D. EY Alf) ft, 1 sq. 'l'ibhotag.ottlw •Co 1•
Liu lislo,iuly 21, 1 . A47. •: • .
To the Citizens of Cumberland Co.
There is something afore prerions Man
•ld or Dianshnds-1-1E;1L1'11. 4
►111111 4 :rtr, aVe sOdie diseases Ills: visit. us at Ma
li tad sensors orate year, and which not *mfr.:-
hecorne'itlCrtningly fatal, during the St m
uter foal eia''trniu montbsi especially the Iburig';
there trelaii, h of less than stsvetity th.rnst lid dying :
amend ly will' of the stomach and
- howOlottlone, Does not every feeling or ollt'ita
lune 110mOlill: enlisted in the human desire to les
sen this frightif lion Islay, are we not bound-by
every principle of refigion to sulaxiaister relief
when la our puwer; not e ' we Iljactrirg. our lot)'
when we point out the greatest remell4 - (nee yet I
discovered, furlllis porpose,Ye the public. rf
ilk-re he Crie, linVe it or /I chilli,
or a neighbor, who may chance to read this ho
lly,. that is sulleriag will Diarrhoed, Dysentery,
Stuntner Complaints, Colic,
Frottlettcv, bor., Yee,, then letlliem try I)r..liaie
-ler's Cordial mai, and we guarantee
fi isieetiv cure. •
- Laisritstee Co., Nelrville, Urn. 11, 18.46.
D. Keeler—Sometiote last summer yojyswent
left me some of your Infant cordial and CIIIIIOII,
111 i urging me to try it., It sohapp.euettlital_l_
had a ease, young. child - shout 81X 111010118 0144
whose Ml/11.;.11111 111111 110111119 Were Very %sly
dcred Contlitieu, uaMsed ?ity Et deficiency of 'its
mot hyl"ii mil v, 'I he child' was n mere skeleton,
!here was much toenails, Woes thus and
. - vataiatinfelni)iiiistered every medicine 1
•could think of t ., Ha Lulu slight alleeriition of the
i (hen thought orgiViug yol'A.
01a.n a trial uorameacing- with - stand 1
sawn however kis:civet' the child could bear a
full dose as recommended in directions; before
it laid taken half a bottle, Om stomach and bow
els had vdetivered 'their natOral toile, every other
)lititleel, and the child rapidly re
cos ered.
I has e nn hesitation in saying : that yobr niedi
,,ine ix ilie very hest for the oboes. Complaints
hare sidsnfilivtered in n•2l years' practice.
Vcr.y respt.ctrul lv, our friend,
13. BOIVAI .1 N, ht. It,-
PreptiVeil simmer of .1.1 and S nulls streets, Phil
adelphia._ For sale a holesale and retail ljp SAM
ELLIOT,. Carlisle; Dr: Mcehrrson, Ifarris.
burg; and by Druggists and Merchants through
out the ,county.
.Ittly dl, I 1547.-6 m.
Barber's irifitiament
-17QUI 2I r,
This most valuable limb, nestion Ims been
tined milli wonderful success in the cure
ut sunlit! of Ihu must troublesome diseases with
which the horse is affected, (without destroying
lie hair) stall a's old strains, swellings, still . -
lices 01 to 1118, gills produted by the collar anti
s3tddle,_ktriliss, of the shoulders, stifle, hoof;
pastern add coffin joints, strains of the whirl.
Lone, knee, and telluck,,,p4ll 'evil,. fisteles,„
cur hs, splints, spa vin. windgalls, puffs, &C.
It very soon cures old or Mesh wounds, cuts,
bruises, tistules, poll evil, curbs, etc., and gives
Matsui relief iii the serarehes, grease, ete., and
the thseares incident to hates haVlng tv/iltb
feet and nosiis produ'eed by St 3611108 — .1Vorli
ix Inch so often th.stroys the lioutS and bones or
Li,. fitit , dud VeSist's the salmi nf sulphur -anti
vitisiol ointiridnts, and other remedies equelly
• Nu application has heretofore' proved so
useful in spiel: Mg stiffness of the tendons and
junta, and preduckg such immediate and
beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints and sprains.
This Etubroertion is highly recomnienoed to
Ihtileis, beepers of, livery stables, wagoners,
stage proprietors, and titivate gent.emen own•
log horses, us an invaluable remedy, and
should be borismotty kept in their stables;
Also farmers, whose horses are en liable to
Melte, cuts and wounds, will find it equally
advantageous to keep it - conotifittly on liana : —
It tquidly l oneficifil iri the trentineoi of
working cattle, fur 'ions, sore, .necks, cuts,
weinithi, etc.
'For snle in Curli,Ja by Dr. JOHN J
Ens.-Sole Agent;
Ility .21,
Look to your
IF you wont, chunp
odw fito re in, %Vio
Lawns, Mous do Laine
hum Lawns; hundsOmu
grentesVhaigtiitis of lb
.Moy. 1847.:
I - - LO SE 1 -'
liiial . .
• • • .'
' ' A Z ISI 0 1
' ° ' • •
.. LARGE and p'encral tiSabiltacht: Or ,c..i i r.
ed., Titkiii g o, 'Cbcck a p l Chighams
:Id and 'Unbleached Iloslina,nrtho bat , /
'store in. West MO 'Biiiol, , ' . 1 '. '''..' B IP
_...._ Ciiiiislo;llTay'lV,'44: J. G. CAR '.119N y.
_ .
:Onksorir „11;, and.Steet 330
11 FULL apOortment of?al?ded earo
Purpo . Since, toottlibr , yob , a; yarleiy , of
Steel Sboatif: Steel .Bug.and` P ureo. ei t41113.....nik
'blip and. _Talsels. for - Bitgajmil .Piirsen ijitot
'icceivect:by thiorgo:Wrllither.
, . 26. I'B% , zi
thip 4.lsy ;received ; a, Dupre
or Fresh Flue Oil.
t;im),np,For. Hy.r,NLJA:,
'l,"•si • •
. . •
4 "", ,
, :12-t:f4
w ittrptd§, tn gooU nnin,
,ronitnnnWo,. ilerunn!,. nt, On;
lintioy,cr,"ntreot : ,; . • ' '
:!.&51: fit;
Ait . .At„.) , .kst; 5:
CM9j.q„VlP VlLF;•niti o ' cq ky l ,d- fin d
um,ll-o.9c...Pfz'rego.:4olc K.
1:10.8.141' ,CO,Ar+ • 1,4
••• • •
firgov t glitkrifj,O,GTpvii . COAL: 77 Po9,koms ! ,
1.4. 111 4 ,,, :q, 4 ,041A 0 P.Q. 40 3 1° , 41grfFicl,,
;, C u 1 ,51,1) 11911 s44mii;citui
:Str;-:.;.; kutus dr. L LERO
r'.../Intriibur#4 ono 9 4 1847:', , . ' ;,,
1. 1t1:9 1 1 0 1 1 . 41 ftViVu ill Metal, aiici .I.3vuptem
Njul silent 'the Drui itbra
uno g,,t8.49 1 & W
eALLIS Ett‘s Tj
( 171'
~itoeiveti at dr I h'"
'47 ' l ( . 14, viiawtplot;'.o,i':-
,131torelittitcotto-. 4
i i r:: s
VI til
nmJhie 4y...informed . ilt9 ,fresitint of
the linitad-StitnehnsittlionOed the sorvicga
.ut: thdl.VOLON'rEElf. CPMPANir '.otsriflled
herd,' 'l , wo'illdihdri3o4;&-inforiretho • ntchilierril
,;;;d.o.inotly .atid
Julio •113th, n !lows: to•dti eh - rion.,'eni in htsidnefl'
'officer;-Muoicitchlirid, Privittivo't Voluntocrii; 50'
I cents, in licit of iitibVillidnao;fnr•evoryltventy:
ntii bty ,'ol6 '.Th •di t'det'
lirojnis to the 'place of general rendezvous end
133,50 per' mouth for clothing thO tirno'
he siinll.beitii".tilte-sorviii6 of the .I.lnited Stoles.'
he Volunteeis mutt lipwevorfnrithiltitirawn
clothing, and cunirnereceive It in hind."' •
The Great • English Remedy,
i . ' ' -.-- 44,410 re i it Ott .14-.1 11. •
''4••;••••.:•<-••:.,4,;•4*-'.,1-.,.....:°..-.,.! -.:!,..•.. ,::- - , i...,-;_ i
:0: 1 7,Sli H iatilo43;ONiii •
n - rtiEtwat o ft , rys,),eimk_4_ Aido i:r,„
our,logini„riVtioo t,ocit,l3,coo'il,or,,col t i g o si ,
Plecta - of Cit iti dlchitid, iitinly;titiirto 'fife directed,
- 4111 - 6 bpse tlle - IGII liiiirftrgitettlf•Eiltifigrol! - Sife
'lit the
, C ourt
ioi se ,' in t • the borough, Of C ar .
lishb .
.'Mt: PflPArilli 6' 2otl4diiitAtoet'fsirot
:ontotoet"k'itt:'as fll4wsiii g, ' ,, ", i: "'l
'l'' i/ 1, ,))411 l'at'O'tgfontid.slitidte i : d. the'
borough, of & catcl isle, ~bouteled.hy a lottof.'aimes'
•Armstrong on the . *east, Pomkret i 'Gt Het, on: the,
sou tla South,Bannyer shciscctp r, the west, mill
others, containing .9e loth tin reit -,
on South I-Inn
over .streei,r,9o n feet 4111 Voralice,;
thereon treeted'a ilir e-storY Shin e lictied; d hack
Ind Iding,'frit nie:giviip ~ Stable, ke. '''Sdiketl and
%ikon tii ex ec ution us he .property of Elizttheth 1
Gt 6 o,v. . ,•', , . \
~ „
Also, a "hitillot of ground situate
in. the ;bocci - Int - et of 'Cori isle, bounded in. , M sin
street on the north; by a lot of Andrew kerr oil
the west, an alley on the sandy, and by ar;lot'ef the
heirs of Andrew , Carol hers; deed. on (lie cad;
'containing 30 feet in ftcnnt, and gat) feet :in heptlf;
more t r lesil ion hip; thereon erected a two-story
Brick House, look buildings and t• table. kqe. .
• Also, a. haltiotin „the satne•;boi"-
otigh, bounded by' Main street on the iihrih, Lei'
tort spring on die eitst,.by a hill.QT-Mato t i on •
the solidi, mid Javeh tug on the t,cest,.'codtaining
60 feet on - Main -street, and 190 feet in depth,
having (hereon c reatecta Stone Distillery, frame
Stable, &e. Seized Vtlittalteiiin efteention a 4 the .
properlY'tif Christian' vitipw, . c - - , . . ,
' Als,, a Mt; of gfonnd s'itua'te ID
Frankfort! boanded'l it Ilays,Sanutel Javory and others, containing
one aid ttltlf acre .1. more oil elis, filivi me thereon ,
erected 'retie and half.ltrucy . Log Douse, tile.
Seized and ttilieniet.ekeatioh na the property of
:11tornal Blinders. : „ •
Also, the. one tindividerl .ninth - part
1_ ot. a tnitt.± a likkol situate in-NewtoO township-no
' the torn pike road, tonirtinitig't 80 acres naive oi•
less ; adipining lands of Mary Fulton Jacob 'Del
tn hoover, John MCCollock, Satuntel ' Mark'wood,
John Mittens heirs-Mal others,. taring ibereon
erected n large tow- Miry 19.oftellodnie,ted frame
house, two Log lioniies, mic Stone shop, a large
Hank linen mut sundry other out houses. Seized
and taken in &coati:mots the property of John
Slough, Nr.• .
Also, all' the interest-of • 'l'' hofilas
Root. tai in a tract of land situate in South Mid
dleton. township, !minuted! Icy lands of %Vim
Moore, Tho "(119 Craighead and Joseph KI•Rgy,
VOIVII hung 14 acres and forty perches, more or
less, linvink flooremi c-reelect a Met'Cliiidit Mill,
Maur e Mill, Sall% I,illl4'l*o &Mandl a Wall kt.n.j.
Log nodules, Mal new (Wick dwelling 115 use, Ike.
Also-, all 'die interest -in a tract of
Imo! OM:l:adding 25 acres more or less, eitindteM
Smith Middletotrtownship, bounded bv lands of
t l'illis m N'lOnre, John 'Lug and alters,)inring a
Lime Kilo thereon erected.
Also,-all the interest in a tract of
land containing 25 attires more or ic' ti shims in
Smith Middllandi township, bounded co'• Yawls of
.1.10., Ittiver, Soundly! Hepburn, John Sant 1, Jr. ,
and tice,Nlount !lolly - I.state, having I herein) aurae- '
ten a Log Douse, Seized and token iii tisenti
i /MI an Ihi property of Thomas P.lxton. .
Also, a lot of ground situate in
Dickinson township,containing fire acres more
or lass, adjoining lands GI %l. Gilleland, the Wal
ton- Bottom ;!toad, - and others, haring (hereon
erected a large- 1 wo.story Ildielt Douse, Ton
lard, tan !loose, a Stable Itiol other out hmthes.
Seized! :mil tatted'. in execditia as the prOperty of
Jilin NI intligb.
Also, the interest, 'hint; the until,
vid,.(l hair Int of {,mood in New Cumberlytod,
Wooded on the'rorth by 541 street, no the emit. be
on idle's', cont . :0111m 60711.tet in trout nod '250 feel
is diptl., nmre or teat , Itnvine i -tliereon erected
Iwo-story Log; llotise. end . Frame Stable.Svitud and taken in exi;cdion no the Vroperty of
Abraham Bretz.
Also, a tract or land situate in
tviekiosoo Townshi p, admining Imo; or Georgt.
If isSiliker, Samuel Coakley, othern ;John
Rol er and others, cootaituag 165 acres totMe or
less, having thereon erected 111 two-story tog
01 , e, Log tiara , ‘Vsignik slovd,
Also, a Inlet of rind in same town
ship, adjoining Imadkof \V. WellVey, heirs of
Wtn. Craig lo Iv; Owl stepher Johnson, John Chew.
itel and .other !AWN t Julia Keller, 'containing
100 acres inorejar less, having thereon , tY
Log Noose) IttaketlartV, Wagob stied, yee.hard,
Al6e, a n'act of ‘Vooditind Sitnatn
In so Me township, adjoining lands of 1) I looVer ?
Samuel Cookley, other lands or John Keller had
containing 35 .e.res more or less.
Also, a tract of Atottata al land sit -
1101, iy :11111e kWh of Jom,,i,
W nal.) j. Thettnis W. Black, A 1,1 fgo and oth - -
tor, nrres. 11101 . 0 or Iris, 1111%111g
thereon ererled,a Saw Jltll , a one story Log
11,1110 P, (20.
Also, a tract Of INTonntain land sit
! Imre. i 0 time A 0
E g e Dr Chambers, the Pine GroveKstote, on.l
others, erintnini n !BS-acres -more-or-108,s hating
thereon ereel r d o two story Lop. &et
.one undivided hall' part
of s tract of moootoio loud oit o oto in South 'Mid.
diction township, adjoinin g holds of the heirs of
Michael Ege,Yeekl.., flrieker owl the York el:Von
t.): line.; containin g Allo librek-niore't*
Also, a 'vac,. of Alountain land sit
itoty Itt soot*, tonitslop, bounded by the 11C11•8 Of
NI ieltoel E g e, deed., Jattob SlitAtifet- n o d others'
annulioih g 106 acres ROO
Olken in tiertition as the property of .liio Keller.
Also, a tract of land tinitille in Mif-
Ilia township, hounded by 111111111, of David Forge
onnn; Mary Lenny, Andrew Middleton, Thotimil
Elliott and others containin g ItIO an es more or
less, havin g th e reon eraeted it two story Lo g
Douse, Lng Barn, E..4e. Seized nml token in ex: .
emitiotras the property of John C. Mitchell.
• Also, a lot of gretind situate in
tAn.qh Nin,hnorn bounded by lambi of
IViilinyt Moore..lames Moore end Itobek Gra
ham, due and n Mailer acres, Ituvoni,
thereon erected a one and half dory 1 : ,0411 n uk,,
,Lott- Stable, kg. Suited and taken in executinit
Sts the property of Samuel SuldYer,and ill to be
sold by me.
.1 AM E 8 .110 Ff , Sheriff,
Ebelitr* 011iao, .
----Ctulitde --ink. 14- 18477-- -
call, !It ; ii
ioll . if4 tl)0.
VTENT non NINP,FIAAIi lin. mile -at
Charte,s Nll4lslittighliti'd tide; the nyightal i ar.
tiale a hit h. tkes not Iddi 11:IA 1 11 . 011y 'll age, all
that halt7lolqm can elilling. ol % the
ObgFrilwi.. CI I AltlYS MAGLA.II,9O LIN.
Carlisle, July 14, 1847.
R ill 01V Y.
..,.'CgtifsltY"Siiiiitigrei..' • .; ' I
fit) :f •icinglairuily in falimiti .hi
fr ie Os and Sh t p,µblja goßgrally i iki; t. Ile
114 II tici ., ? lite pilivo ic; . 4dadfin?dditte A!faigo i?tiiiiii:
bar pf Visitor's . ' iind ‘ilditrdill#; . ' 1 4 1 W Sliriiigti
a ro,sittintya 41 iii i tie n,qth 4 1 0 1 IY 0,4 1 d: CVO!. P,P,,..'
Idri., l 4.l'ouik)' ? n r.',.,iii A 4 TO: 4:lSai s i Ply, gird , ip !il 1 n
ti . ci . pr,ue,,iylitlypnyery nanl;44ll . 4drapqmnpu ; ,
dat:on iiiny Ilia relitid 111// . • , •.' ~ ~ / '
I,' .). , , I i ~..,; , :r.):CO Mit Ali. ,
•: dilly 14,1841. ; ; . ' . .• ~' ; •,,,-.-....,
. sc, ll , o .€o l .lPluA VrinAN
ALLAR 9 E.4tiatititAfilDeekei - Benches, ke.
afprSelin9ll, briler':an'd for little
oheF6ty 4iii‘ Cabinet Wino
tAcie,itpik:TsWth.!l-11/00y1P4 trtiot!.!'"''"
5 i ' 1847 . :''IAS;,.!..YVAY,F4i'
lAFULL ungortuveitt .qr.=.tar, Litattitil ite
ti tut I I ti ets-r.wsv minted tied. F.rlonituditsishke
iv it h outton, jum recetteil t -
1.3 ttlitti t'L q+l , . ,
' - .1 - AstiOg ITAGiva.t.,l -
(4k.FULL. suptily , oIvCaUP 119421;' . I..iiicel , Fileii;
llookii ii nil every. article,- required hull:11145
iiekleey . it,t 11414'0 {lir/IL 940i,1 3 0 01% ° ,61 / 4 I T"
, iir.i,ixwlifelilieiiiiiiesitbiAittwat :orialu 40 en
1. • •'. . - ~. ' 5... Wt.44.i iiIIsTICK, ..
1 lii th y , g il pint . 6.tti t trtd 144 , 01 t,! 0 . : A.. ,,, !;,,,t, ,',Ent i
-' , , t'4li4l .1: 'l. i:/ . . , i/,' •Liti. ^ird' irii,tli 0t , 5..4 .1!
• *4 - • -
'Z1C1A141i:04'tFii044 4 14.4.44' 1 11; 11 44,; 14 :u 4 Ad
psaleara‘iitui.i.,4 •AtiA•
toputigion:soll . ly,'tabrilOgi• 1611410140HOItei pow
ettirkoil ;iv
•maflApEollei t ` s lo o, 4 , , , Vl SIPDF4M/N.G:' , '
• ,-)4'11.1 , 4)1 , . i , •:‘ , 11,.i , 11/eSitof , '/Iff.l4:4orri; i , A‘7 `,l`.t"ei". , tit
EAlogdpiAlnoikirti (rilYectiFP,
.\Plarflnit4 nutP4w4i!li t ly ;for'so , ` uy,i,,,
~D~t~~$:a~ A~ f..~
-Notice alto : axpayerir.,
• c
-THE drriailliiiiiTPl7lNi4el,4an'il''CithltY
'fees oifililetittge(thi
-ntl_hOtiiice to
-theantrt-efii-?irtWEiiitittv;that thetr'peOnVt paStneiit .
'enabled the:Omitity'Tiettatte - dq tii'litty'otia. (ti the
br Climnitiiitrealth iheState Toz
asietisett'it °entity, ad ell ttireublV fill
1 01:fileilit tit - Svelter cent ti ob tlie . anhniitit thus
'pat 1 1;a&reeably to the'act t of-knietribly:
they wneill 'etmentiniat e the :at tzeith of 'Climber' .
laud comity that a lomj.oritf faud,o
file spiritin thus prouriitlialibrdittg to 'the' Suite ,
Tri:asurer tlie tneens to meet ilie"eitlthgeinent
the Cominnowdaltivitml id pat the interest''opou
the Stale Debt at 'inatitni9T they Witold Mihnittil •
the few, who are yet in,arrereges in' Ihn jonythetit
of heir taxes, that there is a debt (hie by 'thet
county•kft4i bearing interest, whi lirentleri it ve
ry desit able that those j'et in arrears should make
filly m e et to the Cduuty 'aft ledtors Vs'sucto Ca prim
file. •
cdtattiethltilitzpN•dififiness with which the'
majority have 'Ainheir Stlite het( Comity 'nix,'
has enabled the Treasurer to pay oVer the State
tax wittioiltMai itecesaity of the Commissioners
nittaltiin ai
Jn 1 - 011 . that purpose,which hid hilh•
nit.) Nees! required-- - and the prompt payment of
Ike bilturde titilte - Slate nett Cdteity , Tit. ye'eflud,
'wall 'Mime in'titt hands of the Conembsieeek the
meatitetit pay the anneal interest
_hi' the C'diiiitj ,
debt Vail also about:fill:lye iholl9ll6d the ,
principal: a ..•
. • Aktit !
mr.y . ,.Citirk,
Conunissinners Office L .
thirlikle,.ltaly :1,1844
. ' Xatice. N . . • '..
. . . .
114keriby..given,that_i_hdve boon- appainted
IL assignee of Andrew ItteElivain dt Makin
eon-township, by deed of voluntary nesignmen"
for the benefit . of creditors, .kn. All penults
kiiottlintlhentstilvvelntretted to mid aseignee,
will Venn make payment to me iinn'tedittely
arid these having claims Will liartil thorn in..
West Pcnnsboru' Tp., Judy 21, 160.—. Gt
fir4F7P,:ssiberibeetaltes this mettiod to
fy all in arrers, either by note or boolt-tte
count, that heals determined to have an.nettleYl
lip willies little delay an possible.
July 14, 1847.
-Date of Sarah F.• Spongier, dee'd.
is 'hereby given that 'cacti o -
ou the Estate or &anti
F. SVONSLER, lath or Derry township', Dauphin
county, 'deceased, have been lfrarited to the
aubscriher, residirt, in said township. All per.
sbtie indebted s t,, said estate a're hereby rermes.
Led to maim pnYmont without delay, and those
having claims to present them duly authenti
cated fur sottlemint.
ALL parboil! ure - hersby
.caolioned against
purchasing a p'routiiisorY nets to the a ,
mount of s3l,`drawn the Suliseritcr 'in fla
vor ors. G. Miller. Ali the subscriber' hne not
rcocived full value in consideration for said
note be is dcturrnina nut to pay it until com
pelled to do luw. --
July 7, 1134 . 7 . ..
WOCILH hereby notify all persons - concerned,
who arc in arrears either by bond, note, book
account; to call and settle up ,their respective
dues, its 1 have dispose.' of my entire stnelcot
Ilarawarilfo Messrs. Fisher & Fortuity of Har
risburg. I have sold for no other resito4 flail, to
settle tip my books, and the amuler calls arienenle
the better, as by July nest all the accounts will
be left is the band's of a legal Other for collec
tion. Several attempts hove heretofore been
m 1 ,1,4 to settle Lp my books bat failed, so we now
wurniaramt lf.ntat way there's. a
may that Will not 110: - . thofic haVing ,business
with Me will find me at ink' residimite, confer of
Loather Wad l'itt au eels.
April 14, 1.847
•E'state of Jacob Alettel, dcc'd:
°TRY. i. hereby given
,that, Letters of ad
ministrailon oh the cstnett Of .1 ACOB
PillK4.ll, late of Allen township, Cumberland
County, deed. have been granted by the Itekister
Id the .mbsuriber, Itvit.g an the same township,
Comely All persons !Hiving claims
against said deileffent's estate will peseta them
for settleinent, and thnse indebted to said estate
will make immediate payment
LEVI MS 11U Ad'mr.
July 7. 1947
And try GlT'ina Mout Estab- •
lishinent I
MlTE_imileesigned would respeetPalle inform
the citizens, of Carlisle nail the public gen
erally, that lie has nocheil a, New Establishment
in South' 1111110Ver street, in the store room for
nierly occupied by Mr. James MeMatli, 3111t1
nearlY opposite the Paid Uflice,,,Carlisle,•,:::uni
bet•land eih., Pa.. where he is prepared to execute
with neatness, durability and ilislattelt sail an
reasonable terins,evcry description of BIisIDING:
Music and Periodicals Mahal to patterns. Gen-
Bemint's Librariettitted nautili re pail•talt !Ladies'
Scrap. Books, A lbums and Portfolios, of all des
eruptions, naile to order; El imimg_thum for Li
braries, 1 asetut ionr, Suci:lies,lte.,mp itilvaistagl
Coils terms.
liL9Nit:WORK of every dt•s^rilt , ioii, shell as
Dockets, ‘ltecords,,;DC:l%ll Books, Day Books,
Ledgers, Joitranls, -Whatnot! Cheek ltollsi
of [filler,
Mad in a style equal 3u any made in a country tuna,
mi the most reasonable terms. Call atilt see ape •
chitlins. • • , •• •
IsP. li. ,,, OltL.BoOkii-roliatitid-wills•nuaitibis and
dist:Melt— alim, Files of papers.
The subscriber leis aldo cdtpnteucted a new
Book Stove,ai dle Slone place, wliere I.IOOKS.of
'timest every description intik •11.0
s prilirs fd'r
Books will be prosnidly attondcd tb, I• '
Leiter and Wripog Toper, , Coloro ,erip(ing
.y. r ti mut p rost und Cop pnpot,ity the
quire dr beant,,vory„obemb., .
Alsnlid• sale BLANR Igibßß, VAIN; dit'
Titil.lo; - ' &b. aim& pet4is; 141:nel s, Jifidhie .
sit& Constuldei.'birsuks. ;A forge ussiteluirilid bi
ninv ANII coif tilled' Pettit; Fire
"Rourd:'Sereettsi II b" • Witt • Bonnets.
Bostrils4A.iolol PetuieseltV.slipplying ink St
Iloi .140)41 blue. end , lbsper;Sund,
ssird I,lrOteNite.Wotyle ssolers,
ed top t ..fin; eaolt,yinns,oluoiged for.
(Aetna Illicit 'tins! oopon.rugs, 1001,:titiob
extionoie for.
'• • ,
I .l'l2lNTlTst'a:LOOoko, '
ITtlielipTistefir CAS; 11W' ilroFfeit potleo;
• cu d t in moderate.leans,:kt: 'mem tied. :ostublleh,nsot .ittOddeivhreapectfully.solieitedza '.
t 16; ~ ...10SklifikSv1411'11T. at.let4"
Atiy.2B,. . t ~r orliAr9ll.,, . (;;;rr
'lrli:. ~ ., ,,
tn ,„y;,,, f , ncon c.„,t6
P- a o so u T''''°""coblio- iwermit.tbut .
~,,,a frAnij. , A nd it 1e,..7p,., 4,..,,,,1.41 }l^,-
hke fehun the well knewn
, h 1 typr p , , ,
en 4hie , t'ortiek of= $fi1 . 441 . 1:1!:
~,,, c ,
1 “' , qv'''. 'alfid i'VEI,V,,) e ' s '''' -i ii ~ , ,oboe . , W66 1 ;3
' 6 fj' - fe'pe by ' ifi1Y,A1140 t, ,, , 9 ) 1 1.,Jg, . 11
T 9 9 , t_ti Il { vliirt;ii'.lnum3. vu, in
,F , 94 ,
~ , ii,111,0 467 Q.( t ;vit,WilMli.dibi irin4P,tr.l7l
,u'ppfi'htiO,ltit. 9(l,h,ndioy,igaiiiitOd'4ll-4itiFy.lbjf
• •ipbei g 4 . l ;: i x ':,. fr il it„c , l ,- , -, ithili,soolcdtli N i t p o u,.'' ll7:k
nhiheul " - 13 '
Ith. aecortiiribiltrtions uesi . cull*
d r him it.we...!!nP,.., -- - ,ii„, ipit orgirogoMTabi°
t0... i 1 i, , i- itiltl...hvou , itlt;.,.villl'ari l S)r 94 llo
imtwd.,.; r' em . 0 . 1, 131 . too .611 ) ;tor; dere rthulo ti!, Co,! 1
't§ t ii .'tu ''m — iti , may -favor hirnlwilli:.o 91,11e11,,,% w •t , e ' et :' ,
(hcsse "
,iiiit,.bkiniten7 hictifil".
t HOARDERS '''''.'r ir 4 6 - 4 lEttrfres.
month,or your' ' it. th u
,pA., ,) •
-,g4pl, IvIQARET.
April 14 4 1147;cl ~qi . ,,,),,,,,,;,:..)... i
, - .. ~• . . •
I, ).'oßaton.'.- i.- , • .
4"6 1 Ark . Nl Cl li l iie ' . l li ' ( ail . ' ii; * B — hold !or! aptl ,. Sid , ev:, ,
.. , ,
7, 41 -, t.iF,4?4,
',,i '4,.,,
, Arm
.;:' TfirrepbscriborOcrkilitiftie l 'il l e :the
Viitushle!Mill property, occupied , by'hith.
sclf, and, situated on , the Y,gllow 'Breeches
Creek, in MunrOo townshiP.COm ber)iiit coiin
o,•a_hout,eight miles cast ,of Carliale; near the
rond)eading to York.. Tho Mill has four .rno
of stones, two of Which arc,liurra, and there is
water-power sufficient i for large additional ,
tvcirks ul any kind. The Millie built of otolio,
4lrrco stories high, and b 4 feet by 42 in dismal
alma. •
. ,
There•is attached to the Mill tilietit SEVEN
ACRES of fir st-rate Limestone Land, in.a
good state of 'CA:Nation. The, improvements
era a goad two s i ttiry Dwelling clause', with
Stables and other neeessary'Lout-buildhigs,
getlievivith a fine young Orchard of choke
trait. Alspu tract of WOODLAND. contain.
log about, F:ve Acres, shoat d within three
DLit. Thencoperty is situated in
u 'geed Ctiuntry ,for. doing kart mess, and offers
strong induCenienfe . io Et practical Miller, as it
is pica,setigWa of ever y advantage.
npt_soldiat priyate 7 sale it will be offered
at Public sale; on .Ftiday, the. 3d day of Sop
feather next, on the premises. For further
paftioVities enquire of the subscriber living-on
the property..:
Eno y r virtue of en: orditr o of 'tire Opfen's
teurt of Cumber! surd "twenty i
sold' on the promises en SATURIMY, the 21st
of . u g ust; 1847, the fdlowiltg Reel : Estate_ of_:
Arnold' Hefflerion, to
A ground situate in Allen township;
Cuiriiberland - county, near the:borough of New
Cumberland, bounded by• lands of Jacob
Haldeman, Leq., and containing one acre and
forly; 'perches more or ices, finning ilini.eon
e4•cetcd n Log dwelling house and frame'Sta
Terms of sale will he Ie rtoi4 on
.day of sale by JACOBKIRK, Jr.
Trotter) to make sale.of said Real Esta,e.
Ju1y.14,1 . 847.
virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
_ of Comberlabd county, I will expose to
pAblie sale on the premises in the borough of
Carlisle, on SATUIt DAV, the 21st day of Au
gust, 1517, al 10 o'clock, A. Al., the one undi
• vided sixth - part of all that
a , HOUSE and LOT OF
•74 1 I . Ohl:11,1ND, in the borough of
Varlfsie, bounded by Rev. The-
- - .
inus,Cinigh on, ibe.west, Maintain alley on
the north, Mary Ege on the cast, and High
street on the south, containing. thirty feet
front, and two handred'and. forty feet in the
depth, having ['large two story Stone Tavern
House: babt buildi' gs And Stabling thereon
erected, and at piesont occupied by David
--The whole property is subject-to the -fife
estate of John Corninnt4 now the property
of Robert C.;rnman, and the one sixth, being
the Rhore pow being sold ns file property of
liirtim Wolf. is also subject p the life estate
of J n Wolf his lather, if he survives John
Torino made known on dny of ,ale by
Guardian of Hiram' Wolf:
ly 14 .t 849
PLOVER HILL r.tir.xz
quimerilipr offers at private Sale Ale
ja. above named propert', situated in Mon.
roe township, Cumberland con:ty, olio mile
wee. of Churchtown and Rye milca from Cur
hale, on the road leading from the latter to
York. Farm L.:tetanus 72 ACRES, more or
Ai filo rate Limestone Land, bout G$ of
whtels are cleared and in a good state ofrultiva
lion,and the residue well timbered. The 1.1,
provements are a two stpry S I ONE
" nousg and Kitchen, Frame Barn
•• dt
a ill r, and other out•bushlogs thereon
_2:2 , erected, with a well of never.ll,ll
- nor the house, and a tine young Or
chord of shosee Fruit Trees. To u young and
is dustrsous turmet thin place ort rs Induct.-
memo which aro seldom to be tact with.
Also, will be sold with the abol/e, desired, a
tract of IVOOULAND, situate in the same
township, about two miles Irom the former,
containing six acres more or lees, well borer
ea with thrivinrtimber.
For further 'particulars enquire of the sub
scriber, on the firet.named.preinises.
July 7,1847.
Laucnitcl• Union inßert lo !mount of $2 and
send bill to advertiser.
kak viatLis:
/14111 HE subscriber offers his farm at priyate
sale, situated in Newton township, Cum
berland county, Z wilts west of Newville, on
die road loading io Getinantown., and a mile
lion Eckerd's mill, containing 151 Acre q,
of freestone land; about 40 adres of whiclOs
covered tvitn thriving Timber, anti the remain
der eleni and in a good atuie Of 'cultiustion.—
The int provomenta are a Bond log
'Rtiostoll , ROUSE and•KITCII-
RN, a double.LOU BARN, cider 4,
preda, arid all other necessary
buildings. Also; a gond Teriant, House, &c.,
which has a never failing well of water at the
door; with an orchard of 'fruit trans.—.
For ftirther.particulars-enquiro-of the
. on the prdinises. ; JACOB RAMP.
May 27th, 1847.
iHE following real estate, forrrerly the
property of Isaac Kemper, will be sold on
the prpaiishs tip the ituliscrlbtr, by public ven
due or outcry, on 1110 N DAY, t 1 o 23,10 f Au
gust, 1847, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said•
day, to •wit: All that tract of land situate in
Ctinibarland county,
bouodod by lands, of William ,Stutititor emit oth
ers, and :oontaintn 42 eMS 100 perches
arir e •dr 'afiree whereof are cloarcd:
;4114- under •The ipiprODcinctile' are
tweedurilok fiensc,r(loOtatilit,and a carlitiii - -;
tor, ihOp. l'here. la, a goad; oichard. woll'slp::
!acted fruit op the pronitslts: isle
idill bb madelnown on (heyday of the vendee,
by. •'• •••:• • ••!
t , , Airsigries °risotto Itethpbri
July:11111t47;- • ! :t •.• ,
7111100,11;A:1 - 1 Woflll--0, bat
Coinp9ilaltSyrilli kir I OM:1101411d • i pp . WllllOll,l
exception or.e;tagt(eratiop : the toOfilittrott,ott avec
tly core royal' tkaaasoi artjott; frotn. Cough!. nod
,ontOptunatqly.,tteAlcoted; too .orw.,
'cod ii Cousiimptioa: 114.1abbit'a.(bauflbOotl.Syr,
1 4p of ,IlOlitlgontl la tp/iett• ttsb fiest litpelqitace,
of a,Cough, %ill, ittooodiatolk , cure at .Hod saw
Ili*aiittc eat,
ilota:r..4:9l`aalo. by Seth g,tianee,lo.4,lliatini ct v
4t; and liohley of Cbatiltla tpulTratt4(pillitltianore
11 ' . . 01 !lotiolO.Cliflielbt by.
40 :thpitl,Olteap , pkog atotvmppOgita.tlie ?allrOad
• ,'"C'tuue:'*li.l.l4:7'.'l''
44101nintlen! fie.
Okii tir hitt/amour
, - tid re avtna di*
fi 6101,944 W:St
ric 1 1 4 #3 11 41 '
4100 d1 1JTCP4*,,IA okl 4 F ,?
Abt4lo!i"et 4 4lo l 4to , Ailo'. l ,itle 04 1 14
ConeatMeYetenell9sosn,lairtXolg,re,frain.wy ,
aril the top, of haadi woh ate, 'ode v
v irred ; dent
.1 Imre Aced tie - Aii...b'zittb laid& . they t thin.
Clonme'tJe.. Fer sale ' et Ile Dreg Storeii of Dn.
ittirt flirdhig 7 ;() .1(0
• ~"
41.41 N 0; i 2.0 di] 'i111a01?ei.el; • •• .
~ blifit;Noi,l Shad. ,
lou saki by \!,1„;.:11 . ( 1'"
-- -- • NKr & MILLER.:
""3 are' 847 .$
atio+ o /ORI ._ E
R9P 4 APJin_4 ll 4 V ti.t
:Assignee's Waif,
..40404 ,
~i~~t M1 ~~E~i~""P
• . .
„ • „.„..",
• -
,:i • •
p„T. - .ol{ El V'
txl TIE ciponed In the
I L E_ stoic rontillutelly,'neCupled by rt:
grass, Esq.,.West llioJl3(.reet,, in the herouv
of Carlisle, a large.andigeneral.easertateiny,;„
Dr y tt oods,aroterfes t Aiteteint*.irci,
p4trOtira!e,. dr.9.1454R•Vil •
all of which Leen solected guy*
and which 'he Is determined to eoll as etiCapits •
Tlia.ii blip nrmellijiietfelly invited "iii,:giVe
him a mill ::litniatters himself that ho i 4en
o'ff'er such inducements as mill make
.... ir
intdrest to pa iron ise-hini,
J. G.. CAlltdOi*.
0:7•A:lot of auction Dry Got:Efa'at'veri , low
May 19, 184.7
AfT4 ,Pirt tHP4IO'
" -- 7* • •. : -; 1};(.1
/VIP.. so backllter tialies,tliktetliod ju inform
il•t. 1 11 8 -1 14 91 , 1 15 , ttO ;the pithlic to,"general that he .
hasjltst Opened lb the-house lately oconpied by
lir 'Jan Armstrong : and three decors east of J 4
I) Rhoads' Warehouse, a large nod general as.
got talent 'of I , timity, crricertes; pitch air Peat!,
Coffee;Snkar, _Whines, Choeolate-and-SpiCeset
ciciy eLseriptioit. ' Aloe, a largesited
CO stuck of _ • c! , :
AVillow-tvare, ltrusfies„l3uokets,llie. yo, •
intern of every description, .fram die 'cOmoup •
smoking tciliqdo, up, to Woodward's bestTrtilaT
. . ..„
Deiveaventlislir • .
' • Je . .'lt .11'
• The p Ste reliP 4 ec y.lnvl. en ..sse
examine hts'strick betbre I 'ftylug elspvliere,gi4
'flatters himiell 'that lk t ,canaot to,rplease tlidus •
both in •Priett miality.,• • +.• . •
N. 111.1.11 is friends trintrothe chuntry VII find
it to their advantage to' gl:ve him• the slurp
is colvenientli .situated, Just a few steps from
ltlicsols' tavern. t „ , •
n. liAthEhT.
Carlisle,Juno 2,184 T.
gp . •T- - 4 3 c1DP.14::=234‘. „
subscriber has newly fitted tip .his Store
11. Room, mid ii - now receiving nu entire nety
and, fresh simply of 011 articles connected with
the Grocery and Queensware. business, nntiitic . ,
iv Coffees un4 Teas of the fin ot titial L tiOs,,§jr.
ups. Sugar House and Orleans'lllol - Asses, tagett.
er witt
Cedat-uiere, it litoiiiie'..*.a t ile 11 . 14
. Clasi-lirat•e;
... i • ,
Brown and tionf, as also crushed Loaf Sugars,
Painted Tubs, thickets, btu. &a., all of whoub is
offered for sale at the lowest cash profits. Out
friends and the public are /invited to call and
judge for themselves at the old stand arid store
room of J. W. k.".13T.
Carlisle, April 14,.11V.
V ---
- El r
UST received a large', supply of fresh Gra;
caries consisting-of superior brown kugurs7, -
and Loaf, Ciusherl, Pulvethed 'clarified
SUGARS, all of ivh fel kill he sold at reduced .
prices. Also COP.P . E of every deseriptitritkb
and price; with it fine M. of 'strong .
.I.lysen. apd •BlaClt TEAS,
egg. from the best selsetion of Da a '
_ vid Rankin, who has
' "• ebrated for 36 years for set.:
• - _ Nag the teat, Teas
delphia. A to w " sots -of Vara- T'A.AVare-V -
Lon 1. Sugar syrup, sugar house and baking
MOLASSES, 'superior imported. HONEY,
Cheese, Dried Beef, sugar-cored Hams; dried
I 'rnehes and Apples,_Soup. beans, Cranberries.
Sailed oil, Mexed Pickles,Eigt4Alinonds,•Rai
sins, Citrons, Currents, Splcaa, Alackerel.
mon, Shad and Ilerring,nop flurra,.a . rtd, a greet . )
variety of other articles too numerorts•to
tion., All of which will be sold at anoll- . ptia . oi
as will give satisfaCtion, Call and see.
N.,B.—Small !Mops supplied at a small ad.
wince on Philadelphia prices,
• Darliale„lrino!l6,lB47. .
rANialr GOODS; dGC..
W. HAVERTICK desires to inform bin
17) • friendsand the public that his new SPItIN i.
have been selected with great care by hirosell per
sonally, and just opined at hisydd Psidwetlknown
establishment on North Ilatover, street, embri•co
it supply of Fltt:Sli DlLUGS;together with
most extensiie,rieli niitLiiiiierdstoik - OT BOOKS - ,
(bcith school and oilscellatteoua,) F ANC Y.
GOODS, PERFUMES, Ste. bte-•te•I" Welt be feels
confident ho may invite the attention of .the pub
lic with the fsillassurance•of being able In-supply.
.every want end gratify every'taste, besides ensue.
ing entire satisfaction by the very reasonableterma
upon tvhich his numerous at tides will be•dispos
ed hf. • :• .
tle,would catl the particular iittehtion,qtFam.
ilies sail Physicians to.his replenished asilortink
of DRUGS and 111 EDICiNES, which have been
purchased at the beet houses in Philadelphia, and
may be,relieB,,upon for fresLuess nntlexciellettee.'
ikleil to thesb will be flintal an eritire stock. of'
&o. &c., all of which he will ensure to be
of the best quality•and at the very lowest prices;
tuade many additions to his stock of
BOOKS „Nit des securing a new supilly of all the.
Text IfOokii, Ilisitii•ies,,Readet a, Lei:icons,
ling Books, Zee. lowhi in .College and our, '
public schools of terms ,
-suited to the circumstances of all, •• • J.,:
His steak of FANCY ARTICLES embraces
a rich and extensive collection which it Would-he
impossible .enumerate; butcoiraprlsing ninny
noveltieivwlitelt C9llvot foil to
. steike the 'eye anti
the tatte, st , Lin,llo And udniittnknoi
Cutlery, Gold and Silker.fluili atikl Pencils. Hair
Tooth and Clothes Itruelielf;joei•filptes of Rou_
selle's rislrantreXreadve-i4tAlthTrfattY Snkpii
Shaving Cream Card Cases, FoilEbt Pistols:
Pocket books, &c.i &c:••
Also, a new supply of Cornotpja'i :elegant'
I.A RD LAMPS, to ether with Spam aria Mould
Ilaskelp,•Alusical. Instruments, Uritbinak:
tar, Chilait
re;s . - Foss Door Mats, and other
des in the t . raiiii(WAipe, whiah tvike. (=stank
supidy,of fresh FItUIT.. ~lnipaild:Confectionary)
of tie richest quality, Make oltuzeapd splendid,
stock to' which lie:Confidently
and patgpnnge of his town and country rutvoi.m
Alteehl stand in North Hanover awed; nearlyltiw -
jAisite the Carlisle BFink:k. „ .
rl-1, , ,
THE• •
stainer fti~rs,ltltvp',lupf race
HE rho "inoldt pier ntpoltin:lißrge.itAll ,
'Well. o„ e,O I; 4,a Iv e:rsru 'dviernaiamtl,to pap:lvothiril 4
Brigg!a,lttisstnn,Cptiroetint. hep„
the best ictiOre' themEl ,
icitsisifbrValikiess, tiravetiOta•falling
epvi,og4 l l9 OVirlo.4o!'fi , !i6.i # O 4 , 1 . 1 . , 9:4 4 1 1 .17;„
.Pi.ive*Sirets• • .•.1 • e• •••-•
Wheethea TeanerryAngelhor "ssttts the.
);0404.9Ciedittit09.nilligginii;:(4)1urineinl •!Orrie.:
tooth W. 11811; for sale itt the Drug Stoye;of
2. ISO% • 1,•••• - r: •;• • '••
; ••-1 - --L'itAIitIEAIL:.:I?.II.RG A IpiFt:,t-:":: ",""" " -
, : • ' 'S/4t4AT.,oJ: l tg ' 4:t; itiOttoti t i l it.;,_
AillE'sobaraibr, wialinig treliad'iip hiabuik.:-
nalsield'Caillalli;*ilEilidpiiia of his large mat 7.
altigatil assoreracut of Dry Gooda,al:firat . coati='
;bairig-deteraiiractl:tii-,pelf ofrlilitillifitretoikrlr -7 ,
lig'llebiliiltriMilli ilglillicliiiVii. Wilt 0:14 bar.'
;ggitts ,iyiii pa .affereq. Ili*,
, Alnrps F , sill
h v.
,wish.i , sa d fi . qiil f.u sbpti„nin;ParCi`'
ding Goods, will dgwrlllogll p ilreaf . part
cull. Ills•assatraat:Ailane; and
.liii, gdodlf. ;
leave Ilaan pir,i:liaaal riirp . ..h,:itaar iiarqi anii: . acia. 7 4 .
Hence an siedaitiabFlt_tli:.69 l '.l4t ey.r,1,..t1 6 14 1 •91 1 i • •
.ally kept . ii!. a D.V.T!lii"..ooSt!"Pii_4-,,g.if--= =s= mell
i,wo iire:44c.r9ll9Set, 0 1 1 :1!,,,A,ar .„.,...
a l l th e ve!pedi)i/6 11 01 0 : 110 , 11 0 Pl'i"'N'''''t • 11 -,,,, , •
,olifi , iihcl,„4o.,to.cp i tgii:l,, ,, r,,zr o r; r . A :. ,
4 3, 1p1 0. ; ipltptvtrtf'iPe4r:o'tttli:Flt'tftqrilo
..: 4;
• . Lit
~,,,.„.0 ,400,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,, I) 4e .1 0, „ 1 )• ..
lii•th' 61.6116)(0
: l4lloo l lbecallaatla lo ., ,t 1 %1,i, p, ,. ,
~, ,-N •4•104 , ,.4A"..- ••',.:',-.' "•"; . I' , '?; si):"i! , %; AP . 1 ilf/tUI7".,
c ' u t4Ottitgii,gir ig3r, • ~ • • ''-: ”
_' ' - •.' • - ... '
1 : :";":•••,..4•:::,•,' - ''',7 '