Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 11, 1847, Image 2

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%nen Sutpizittott
• tp..
_.,,__...._.~1►~~i5~a. ~h.. _. __ w.
Our Reduced Terms,.
biro Dollar anct Fifty toots 71 year zid .pa id in
Advance—Orm Dalt& 'Sevetdr-Ffve
Centit if paid or it 11Ite end ef viz
viciiiths:--Two Dollars it pace at the end di
the year, VUe Herald is acw.the cheap
est paper lin the echiqtyl .
. .
Vile . One. Teridate m *awl Warill
Z'or Governor,
Canal thrinngssionet!.
Jos. W. PA TON,
4. K LITTLE 1110Rg GRAPE, VAPT. 131100
Memotratic.Whix ColVity Zettbrq
711 E Democratic - Vhfg &Irma ..OrCumberland
ounty, and all others friendly to the election of Gen.
.1 Mitt% IRVIN and alaj. JOSEPII W, PATTON,
no the offices of Governor and Canal Comnalsdioner of
Pennsylvania—all who are opposed to the present cor
rupt and. Incapable National Administration, rind its
inthrions and destructive -rneastwes—al *lx; ate
posed to the contlideuncn -oT Executive power for a
second -teiln 1 r the 'feeble and incompetent hands of
Francis R., Shhnk—ail in *lvor oY adetenate protection
to the free remthlican laboring in - detests of tte United
States against the oVertvitehning canine:P.4on -Of
WI pauper...ten cents allay" Itildtrthy aTatirlffor Revs
cone and Protedtion--,are earnestryterthested no 'meet
in the Ccearblionse, in the hotongh of Carlisle,
On libmiclay Evening, August 23d, 1847,
xl7l o'clock, to give such expression to Oink feelings
end Opinions and to promote 'that organization and
action In their ranks as- will ensure the' success• of
good men. and the consequent socially of "the great
est good to his greatest nainnor„" in tine inlininintra
lion prilicyof the Stale and Illirton. 13y order Of the
Whig Standing COtnintoce.
tr.... The editor of the Herald was absent
tali week anti has not yet `returned, but w4ll
be at pis post before next weeks publication.
Meeting of the' Whig Standing Com
-Agreeably to previoueitotiee the Demo
credo' Whig S'aniling Committee of Cle
beilarvl county ) met at the public house .of
Mr. Henry Rho s, in the borough of Car
lisle, on Saturdarthelthinstant for The pur
pose of appointing the day for holding the
delegate elections ) iiuo for the assembling of
the Courtly Convention to form a ticket.—
The meeting was, organiged by the - appoint
ment- of John Greasen as Chairman and T.
D. Hampton, Secretary. When it was unarr
. imoutily resolved by the Committee that the
Whigs of each Borough, Ward and Town
ship, be requested to hold their meetings on
SATURDAY, THE 11.41 h instant, between
the boars of one and, two &clock, P. M., for
the purpose of electing delegates to attend
the County Convention to be held in Carlisle
on FRIDAY, THE 20th instant, fur the
purpose of forming a county ticket.
Delegate 'Elections.
It will be perceived on referring to our no
lice of tho meeting of the Standing Commit
see, that they have appointed
Saturday, the 14,/t instant •
for the purpose of folding the Delegate E
lections in the different boroughs, wards and
townships, throughout the county. It is to
be hoped that the friends of the Whig cause
will not fail to perform their duty on this`oew
caScon,, and that there will be ril , ieneral at
tendon° at,the time designated: ,
Row AT, Illnersinnto.—On Saturday even
ing last, the Court_borough of
IlerrisbifidWie the scene of quite a rovv,.e—
W. L. Oarrison, the noted anti-slavery lectu
ter, had given notice that he would address
the citizens of Harrisburg, on the -subject ci
slavery, in the Court House on that evening,
in connection with a (colored) man named
Douglas. The meeting was a large one,and
the audience listened with &parked degree
of attention to the remtuke of the first speak
er Mr. Garrismi. The colored' man—Doug
lass--then took the stand, and had pioceed-
ed but a few m;nutes, when quite a change
was given to the scene. by explosion of a
pack of firecrackers, which bad beep thrown
in at , the window inimediately in the rear of
the speaker's stand . This was followed by
11 gischarge-orrotten-eggs;--threugh:the-win--
( Tows, indiscriminately among.the audience,
and continued until the s'peaker ceased and
left the stand, when the meeting dispersed,
amid shouts of -"turn him out,'"' "egg him,"
The duties ' and, trials of an editor of a
public journal. are ,truthfully set forth in the
following paragraph, which we clip from, art,
, .
exchange. Who the authoris, we do aot
know, beti7 jewel,ol which he may be,
‘!An23ditor?st duties are enormous and un
thaakfull these , 110, 1 praisesi lov,e,hirn„ less
titan 'their dinner/. and those he finds.faatt
With, %ate . him worse .than • the devil.P. ft
he steps. out manihily, he can hardly. avoid
treadisg:on,somebody?s, toes, who pi ill jrnglee
a point ol.never.forgetting-iu—while those
on .whont
.htrbeatowe, coMmendatio l : l l will
quistly,plice„it all to their t own .!
04, 4 • We have. been' - bleinsfid • yig) Bonne
fir.6ll4*ETs` within l
fOt fltiya
• !of . botn ,
tt • %IfP ,liit 'bePn•tto
1316 Y9;4*P4P;
- Or f o )l Y:ii.A. o o - ,BrAltl4 B
,49.9t4, - tPjfiO,
.e4„th0.,1101.11t of their last
- - • Tiiie•rtopKilorl, Vif,Av:-..The- SeOr'eti ti -the b Coinmon. eal` announces that the ,acct"
grVffi l , ffvgle tight 9 !"/Y`tqilike. .4 1 4 1 01 1 rp.
Apdo s o ReilrouilGienull and void; ;
porioriniurs of .which
dihe'smit inpperativi,
, .
, York Prb?
in 4 6. 666 N
7, fiiii4oo4ioiih,Stale of Maine fri?ni twefi i t 1
,1•• •
tov - eten - d-Spies.
'lofilis war has dr4vn but, on The Tart of
ouriOfictire, , NA.-4splqii*Art#:of 011antry •
of-YhoL4drixiUjOra-:i .
frieirds and 44.-4'
MfC,?-alluded ir
Buchanan's mendaoions •diplomaoy. We
now give an additonal proof' of the l'resi,
dent's hypocrisy. The Nationalljtß , l,tisfu-..
cot of last week, contains , tho lolloWing com
munication :
M sKs RolToas mthig' fhb m Oitext ra ,
Ordinal y developements of this unique Ad
minish ation, the following, which I copy
from the PreBkyterinnttforablof.the .I.sthins4
published at Louisvifie, Kentuuky., is per-.
ha * s the mosorepterkable.- . i .
Knowing Iliii'alfxibty - Man (O edlug the
President and Seoretaiy el \Var that June
to have Catholic chaplains,accoMpany.'our
regular army' in Almace-.--orte-half of the
rank and file of tvhich being irrembers bf
that Church—and the trouble whit they
took in arniding te - thia
Then. sitting at Baltimore,icilcitit4fr‘ - tlitiir
views, 1 was surprised toAind, in the'paper
referred to .bore, That; of. dinplaws,
which the Council were asked tor, %rm.:by'.
according, to Rey. IVIFp M'CALLA, were what
the Piesident wanted. Now, sir, I will nc(k
enter_inp-a-Ldefence-erther-of jhe-reverend :
gentlemen who went on their hazardous Bed
holy, missicei . to Alex ico,.wluch proved fatal
to-one of them; (Rev. Father-11*.y.,) nor '
the. doctrines and opinions el their Church,
which have been aSsailed in the Reaskytel inn
Hera/dras-theAatter would , be foreign,to ; the- 1
columns of. your paperi'and as the soriivor,
Mr. 111cEr.aor, is abA3 to take care of his
character and that of 'his colleague. --.
Bat J 4ZIIOIP, •a,part front every other circum
stance connected with this affair, that if the
President or any other person in the coun
try, had proposed such a otission to either
'Father Mclir.iinv or Father Ray, both of
whom I knew well and conversed with the
day before leaving their college for the in thy,
he would have received tram them such a
rebuke us lie would be likely not to forget
the rest of his life,
1 *ill not say. whether the President has
or has not 1.10011 guilty of whin is. attributed
to him by Rev. Mr. McCALLA; this is a
question of veracity for themselves to settle;
but, sirs, Irom my knowledge of' w hat has
'transpired from the beginning of lids Aihnin
istiatain to the present Moment, us well as
from a close examination of almost every
public document sent frnill from the Execu
tive mansion in relation to the present war,
I confess / am prepared to. hear nod see
things still more extraordinary come from
that place than whet this precious bit of Pre
sidential diplomacy..Wein - is the world of.
Put to the questions and answers et P.
A. thrown, and Rev. Mr. McCALLA. on this
BROWN of Philadelphia, lately addressed the
In:lowing letter to Rev. M. 'L. MCCALLA,
brother of HOIL J. M. Isle Celia, lute of
(Ky.)„ and. now of Washttigton;* _
"DEAR-ISIR:—.4 earnestly but respectfully
'request you ''to' answer truly, candidly, and
fully the 191 lowing questions:
"Ist. Were you riot recently an applicant
for the situation of Chaplaut in rho American
Army now in Mexico?
"2d. Had you a personal interview- with
his Excellency James K. Polk on that sub
"3d. Did the President tell yon'that when'
he eppointed two Catholic priests-chitplabc
he knew he had no right to make any such
appointment,. as there was no such office
within his gift; but that'ke had appointed them
chaplains nominally, that they ?night become
To these questions Mr. McCann_ returned
the following laconic answers at the COUCIU
sion of a long letter reflecting severely ou
the Catholic Church, which has 'nothh ' or to
do with the particular point under considera-
Lion, for vtrlnch reason it is omitted:
"My answer to your first question .
was; to your second, l lad; to your third,
he did. Respectfully, yours,
IVlinther the President himself will .(or
4iot) wash his character clear of so foul a
.picee of-duplicity- with - the- : Rev,4lessrs.
McElroy and Hey, as the Rev. Mr. MCalla
has charged upon him;thue will tell.
*N _SecontLA_u litor.o Lll)9_Treasury.
The Democrat of last week refers to
the abeve, and attempts to disprove it by say
ing that the ‘Vashington Union "contradict)
this hyoid/unify." If that is all the evidence
our neighbor van adduce of, the falsity of the
charges preferred m the above communica
tion; he had better "bang his harp upon the
willow. ) ' The idea of giving the mere say
so of so notorious a sheet as the Almon in
evidence,lo prove the • truth or falsity of
charges made against an administration
which it fs bound to uphold and support from
motives of ia:ersst,.is perfectly
Su far from these charges being untrue, they
are on the contrary !* true as holy writ"—
attested to by men of unbounded veracity—
tmen_whatrou Id scorn -to an- un uth—arid -
who are as far above the editor of the Union
' in point of morality and religion,: as the
North Pole from its tintipedes!
:Nothing bettet . could he expected, how'.
ever; from. a party that prepcige'd to "pillage
the Mexican chutches to defray the expenses
of the war.—nena,
.., have, upon' More than ono occeSion
nailed this infittriatie faleehoo.d,fo the counter,
by den. unding`the RriiV.—Deliriocrat. . ,
Ori)y,bear . that The editor .01 the
Democrat says lie, has shown what we have .
assorted'above tO be false, brdeiriand , ing 'the:
proof,not by,lioOu apyMine,"weliave
' said, but by aeitiog for ~ proof: This
queer way of settling the question, neighbor.
We have prgferreil,;ll9 oharge,,,it to youil bus
nesate,ilisprOue it if yap sari. And.,wortew,
again,reiteraT it„witbout fear °Cocci:ISBN,
c9nt r u(49lon rik l, P!:!Pi94iti9lliMffsAft*lff . I
.by ih014 10 4 1 : 18 4.41i9 1 4.1YasIliflgtor, 1 7. • — cr,
,as the i eame thing = to take;
possession. of,-the,, ehutchiprolierly4arlble)fi•
, tollatray the osfett;seetil the I.t.Vir. with ,
llenry Clay says ito is- satisfisit,that
Taylor i a„n ? .09 9 ,d %! 4 1 0,PP, t hl 3 L9\' /P.; 11113 '
iTnion Ile irnews..hite:voliiatlatly,.haa fro
neatly ochvertied , withk shoat the' pol I tics of .
• ;1 , ,
t n it ling el t - i'ffnki le iltielf4Pl B- 09RIVPIO d
AC`h ii
.botly4Of, the' Whii , party..
• k.- ni,!.-uf • •1 , .• •
Pole rsqlei Wash idgiciiirlln In a: ban adil
•:qeire'd ofSanta /40140(40,14iin frentr—as
the t snY f't•i!tY o fit:r'• ; auli,Y
eieryWilfilinf hF•ifitedita*,4l7oll'Xii<
iurecthe4gensuristOniii44(o643 6 ,,
• ~'
'experienced both ploasbrer!.. • • ••
- .
wotk and produce, we cannot take the lab.
rice of the 'foreigner. IVe find in the New
Journal of Commerce a little picture of the
present state of things in California, which
illustrates, although en an exaggerated seats
the condition of a country in which all man
ufacturing industry has been destroyed, and
the markets are tell to be supplied -entirely
by distant strangers.
“Sheer are brought chiefly from the States
vet ox hides arc sold for a• dollar 'mill' filty
centeLeac_ll._ _They_ 'Joe ..tuken_Ao America,.
tanned, dressed and made into shoes,
manulactured 'uncle brought out round Cape
'Horn, an importation duty of at least $1 per
pair paid upon them, arid sold at the
same Airier), and frequently front:twenty-five
to fifty'eents less than those manufactured in
the country. The caustkof this: is , the want
.of inaustq'tin the putt of the peOple,latid'4he
want of enceuragement , on -the! piny of : the
government.. i- • 0 . 1 ~, ''+' . t? iitt ' , • -
,S tigh.„o: pre! osterous state 6 ....i rthing,,. in" re=
Way, could never exist, iiith oTtuted „States,
,liet`tinfitt wake Britisliftiairiter ) .whoselabt.
'by it was to thinklifiter'ellOiVing a fiobnail
to Be made in Ameribtrs..This would seem to
,be the felicity aimed' rat , liy by; AleDdlies
and:VitlkerS,.and:ctilint: Siliathern"frO" ..
ere who now rultithe4epublig-ruft in eiteak . '
of their Northern allies' who 'brottitlit r ,. / them
inict'paiver,liy:il>presenting their:, eresiden--: - hiPnOPEti . ENC/S TM P ITI3 . * We -Patiaa dal`
onr,tiOrti . h6o,4rithe,froi - Oiff,Ttf i g;.iiiy i 4oo,4 iy, 1u i, the'isjew'' yorir'ytiotirti, catieti:of miliere
boil 91,1 .4 2 rar4the.allemYtlafrthe,v,4YL.F.ii j e tlYq'bP ' '.a l 'a illA 'a l!9 o,/ #l / 7 41 ? '6 , 1a i 4 ta,a'jift.'
Trade , potioy:vvhtuh jhey.honi . set'''operilyrini.' up eff:h4:o4;cerptis 14, parents sin: as,Weii,
,vocate;‘' Haikeh luitherl:to'llie kilos%) er as °Pa/a.wha-hava,ani "led 'wh la cases'
: phit'Aiti 4 ;iiiii7(44o`!iiti).9':4;loitiiiV,'.ii 4 f4 t ! l :' l , , i `: , 'Of: intexidallen: , -litirst=zi-whicireases they/
..4tebilef gratitaeis.,thielligrn;ihallett; r°;1,413*4?i,1,:111,;-r:ilerill'i,thii'Plijitdst
rrters.mSecretarylWelkiitinr:theintletatiga!, : 41, , a -.. a twltYffrl#l,Fl-41P-i- 1 iaP .:1 .4. , ------,41--- , - . Lim
tile and .uutiring . ,exertiontriwithLwhieh-,he, 'i fa,Wamnderstatill'it is intende d by,thenx, 1
preStierllbeirinteresfmnrther - attentihirelfthe7Depattmeher torltsvei.laW7PeiTati°:.P,RageaPs;
iaeliCallgrOqa,', and 'Won the yithole world, for ; ; Vis
nexesitinnifokingiall:TOve, K9PlltuP9ooclorT
tHeadvantages that are likely;O'lesulttfrom trasilitilto, thn,enlisttnenlinAM,AitflY'culd
thontite,:tlt whole )turnart family:tic,
_ ;; 1 30 1 ...,, ,Navyi.frkm the,§tattii.lpdgev - and,‘„plf4o,Pa A:I
havoliroduw altogether . 'Wilier luitals„ ol -tbe; lll 4l9O ll ,AP,
: : When'the , Titillifef,4l3iShall:
' 11 " everr.,i_t vi. ft ,-. ,tc.t , (,,,,y• , •.1 '•/1 •• U COUSIC ‘,4 IIY n 1 .. 9 , 1"1 - I.•P 't ''
1' • 1 , 1 '• •'. k'' '
'CO, if if oe aupwecitto prOuu o„its nor •!, . ,•,. 4 ' ••, ' ' • • '••• •• ••-* • • `•(• ..'
. • .r.,.1;:. . , f•I VII: / VJI 7 !"..• ,r ; VP. , i; I.•. NI •.•••'^ ?.," , ••• •••• ',I .. C 1 •.• 171 , i""
Ural eflents,htin:AmerietiOnenulacturers: - 1 - iiktitorypittz - pqemoTon - 4 1 A , 49V1AP1 a
i t ehriiiierid I. Amerierttp, werkment toil Iforlig: ' f4w, persons, says the Philadelphia Saturday (
pbirOta dripand AineribitiVibili,ritlstnillt tare! , (JodritirOh4fi've thiya!liekirellGenotiacksbn
o # l olilf, ' o l ooAiktyik:o l, !iilireiiiiiio: l :o'il,ii-4'' :elliniViata l rlitVa - .44:ei;illiiiiOtf ti ti . • it6iup
, A nitikqki r Pirmefo 4l ' doh
' .perhi:pli FO;it , meat, h' lit e' had carelessly Writi t tiiidh44
Muttslattlieleht'of l'gratitusie they.; livreutOiiliis retirement at the Hermitage, in wititth Ile.,
e,!aovai of 'the pity /tihd4ettiiitoiy! t;i4iiii'llii4iiiiiiii•Of the 'reilittitY'Cliarieter;:ol
lti3O l t t :i i io; 405H:14004 4 k ii # 1 . 1C a tißkg,..o3Ar#:ffho,peyc4; ir,oo,4riiiiVaia t .
, al,thrOV,JlifA; tiP,, lqieler:;mlgolovNipa,rife4:4", fijim4o4 - 4'.clqp,ug Ahfi3Optio;:yqiiii;;l‘iiki'; 4 o;
,z. tispotit, rte tePing o . l 9tritiPP. M91; 14 ; 1 4i ihe Se min o l es t inch rimatinitiedeHanersl;;
„.,,,,i,.„,„,,,. in Chummilim
,yet,e-elpstead`or. ':,-- .„- ~.• i:' , • ., . , ...-: 'tt, '
aatifiaalficikiilAtilaffi'gjf,e'ellioliiiii,o)ipits'ili, InilttPtaitilipPTnylerP 'Weil:flit •Gaitieffantr•
tri y •Ei 4 v, p t s"it • ;o;til t eißekfit ll .o, 4 l.o, l ionit . 410.4 C:: . ,;' , . , :::: . :. - ,,, ,- ! -. : 1 .',, ~'
4 ';';' ,,. 't k Wso:l l ?-0 5 ?0 24, t 'i ,i&Z Y Af.Yi*Aii'',: , li. --:,. . ' : , .. •' . , ..„.7..., , :]..: ~.._:_;, - ~,, -.
''', - .. l ;' , *:' , ±i , = - :,.q?FN.,.4 , :1y , ,:g5'A?iF ,,,-, _ - :?) - 4Wrt , :04 - 4p:.y . , - ..:' ,.,- ‘, 4 .:Vt-,' , ::',41 4-,- ;' ; ' ,- :., , , ,,,- ,':,:4-.. - ,;' ;..,,,,,
,the Farmer, • ;.
, ; ,," 1 A " .
ins r, 01 the an
libpotiophepy that tho . 43 whom
ilia R i doktiibsto fi rsteet mad 11?eng,
we-pieattrite r says—the 4 ;
Narth Air‘efloon, that the devoted : Inn*
:i111:11110figalb 1 own shin by his ttwn 164.'1
in this rinse,ilie expression has the force ofi,
truths;aut of>i prophecy, which is: .
c'9i.!4O II Y , APPII9 b, IR•A!,4 ,I !. cr9P
applietl , 77so ; .ths interpretation
t h e iiithra ls tited. --
It was a WilftilinfilinatiOrt of ilia I : 000foeo
press—or, lather ) it was worse tlitaVin!litua-
AMi-,4,Walk a..d_C i?e1.P.N.d.5c.411149.1n71291-,
Sider the high prices for American blind,
stulls,,,cans'ect by the ilatiroPean famine, , n3
ilio benAliumit results of the7argl ill
It is,lloribtless,;noye— , when the famine ig!o
ver, and priCesiliVe fall sir, and llieateounts
of a ju s t mark : 44loa redimilan't production
iuirire , rippreheusion 701 a , still reater
obfolly-to - consid: -
er the Tariff of 1848' tis:a blessing to Avineri
I can farmers. But, this is. a follY 'in! which
,some of the Locative .paperti atilt have the
courage-4o indulge.'
A Morning couteniporary)-whri-perceivesi
l' and admits, Ceilint nothing short ol . it famine
opmis neely the ports af Europe tor breatl
snills,i' tidier Orrexulting'Picture of 'ti
aurieultural resources 'oaf the 'gaited
- States ; anabo immense quantities Of wain
still pouring in upon 'us from the teeming
West, has the weakness to found thereon an
argument in favcir of Free Trade, and a 'eu
logium upon the Wisaom of Mr. Secretary
Walker! "'Further than this," as quoth Sir
George Simpson, cotnmenting on the Ainer
ican claim and unquestionable title to 54 40,
4 :imagination cannot go!" bpt let us hear the .
reasons assigned by the "teamed Theban"
in vindication Of his theory..
e can raise more and at cheaper rates
than almost any other nation ) and it our rev--
enne laws are so frameikancOmatintaitted_ as_
to allow us to receive anything other than
specie la .exchange for our surplus, we shall
always have a foreign market for whatever
amount we may have to sell, The adapia ,
lion of our soil and climate to agricultural
production,and Ivcilities for bringing the pro
duce of the richest lands to the seriboard,w ill
of themselves break down all foreign restric
tions. Atl.thrit oar farmers need ask is to
bir saved from the meddling interference of
Our own lawmakers and - to be permittekto
exchange the_produce of their labor whet/Joyer it pays best:"
Ay, we raise more than almost any other
nation, but that we eau raise aftiMper, orAntt
it is desirable we should raise cheapeFi t :.-„ ,
very quistiortable : liThe 3price :n1
wheat on the Lialtieand Illaclio,Teas, in
nary-years, is conceded to-be- only .about_6o
cents a bushel. To Taike cheaper thatfihat
American larmera'must be able to sell their
wheat in - New 'York and other American
ports for less than they have ever been"wil
lug to take for, Wirth corn-• To raiselrain
in Americacheap - erthan - inE orope,we tituej
:tiring down the wages oflabor to that happy
starvation point - IA Europeartliauper ccirntj„ai
sation, which Mf:llireVriti, his l oo 4 *
ruble speech in the Senate about our "Wird;
ed currency," thought it would be bo dkra
ble to introduce among the free worgmen of
the Republic. This is, indeed, the point- to
Which things must be brought, before we
can expect to command the European corn
market. We must raise groin cheaper than
it can be raised in Europe, and to do that we
must starve our own cultivators. There is,
indeed, a still huffier condition, we must so
frame and maintain - our revenue laws "as to
allow is to receive any other than specie ir.
.eietaTge for our surplus." The "any thing
other than specie" of course, means foreign
manufactures. Vye are to "frame and main.
tain" our revenue laws sit as to admit them
as freely as we wish them to receive our
cheap corn. To do this, we must cease to
consume-our own manufactures entirely, and
our mechanics and factory operatives must
perish out of sight, they are not to he allow
ed to work even for pauper prices, for if they
. Elekkuritetupie.
!)0 , 10 13 04M4;;1V44, 1 # -. .ffeit ,14 0 1 : ' ,4 1
y& Tn 4
is a iVl4* tkai. G. is now a pri
soner in Mexico.] •
The Whige lase" hire nocceedect in Ciect
ing%their,ciudidateArt the-Cumberland,Dis
-In. the Lowieville..D:siiiCl : on the third day:,
r m r . Pump, !he ,Iyhig candidate, line nn
trtheil tidier than she dill the Twit
' arid Thie *kinds - confidently . ndlleiliate
hie' election over Mr. Morriweather, Lace
• • lit•the Seventh, Eighth Kll6 Nteth Districts,
the teterns leak fluvernble br the Whigs.
- In Cite First ti'iettiet ; It.'Dale Owen the
re , e_leete4.l by a small mejorby.: .
,6n, the Second 'District the Whigs .have
been successful by a small rnajority- . -Johri
S. Davie in the piece of T. J. lienfey; Loon,
Who vepreeerite this district .tif tire lag Con-
. _
From the Third DiOrict we have nothin'
definite. TIM 'Midi 'are pretty sanguine
ofelecting their candidate.
The Pouith,District retinue look favorable
to the success of the Whig=. •
In the Filth District the Wlit,'gs have elect
ed their candidate—M,. Caleb. Smith.
Mr. Wick, the Loco candidate, has been
elected from the Sixth Datrirt.
- The Whige ariereported to Lave carried the
Seventh,District by a of Ir
In the Eighth District the Whigs have sue
r eeded by ! tbout two hundred majority.
The Ninth District has been can led bythe
Locos by a small majority,
Thom orb no returna irOm Ilre Tmth Die-
~~ Irict.
Meade, Locoloco, is elected, to Congress
from the Petersburg district, lately represent
ed by a gentleman of the same politics.-- .
' State voted last Thursday for mem
bersogress. The last delegation stood
chni tzb
3 Whigs t0'. , 6 Locofocos._ We have-out.lew
returns. . a! , \
7th Didrict.—Xlen. Daniel Dem.) re-elect
ed. Ills majority in -.l..:rlgecombe is 1150,
14111,0 and Wake between 300 and
400, The majority of Arrington (IVille.) in
Nash in 428. The Deinoeratic majnihy in
the district in 1845, was 21-.A13. . .
p. S.-The. Raleigh Register states that in
that county the majority 1w Daniel is 171.—:
The Register considers Arlington's election
j ly - Trossible:
.9th Distiiii..- , -.oatlaw; (Whig,) and Biggs;
Deem ) are
- -the candidates—the latter in
trlB 5 was elected by 147 majority....
Enough is .Ithown, says the Old North
statejoplace Col. Outlaw s Majority at least
* 50.611011ie district. This is h Whig gain.
ore 1, 923,363 rations distributed gratuitous.
ly, to Ireland r :daily, under the superinten
do ice of the Relief Commission, at the cost
of 5 cmts per ration. The Times of the Ist
i .slant, contains the Commissioner's Report,
wherein they describe the meanness m
country gentlemen, perhaps ::10,000 a year
income, a ho, place their domestics anti
wealthy tenants on the pauper ration roh.—
Isn't it too bad ? The language of the Re •
port, datetl,June 16, is as hollows;
In several instances the Goverment in•
spent - mg-officer, on,-the occasional-visits tie
,sable to make to any Committee (having
pet haps 16 or 200 lound no, dilliCulty in
striking oil hundreds of names that ought aol
to'have been placed on the lists, including
sometimes those of BerValaSrlltal !Ileo in the
constant employ of persons of considerable
station and property, these Inners aril - Fe':
(lewdly themselves Members ul the Corm
nittiees, and in some cases the very Chair
man being Magistrates, have sanctioned thin
issue of rations to tenants ul their own actin
salerable holdings possessed otlive stoek,and
who, it was Mend, had paid up their last hall
year's rent,
• A Sit.vna Prior Hit has been presented to
Lieut. Hunter, U. S. N., by a number of citi
zens of Trenton, of which city he is a native:
Liout H. was received at the cars -by a mill•
tary escort, says the North American, and
a - precession, civil-and military, was forrne
which marched to the Court House, where
the ceremony ,o 1 presentation took place, the
pitcher being presented by Mercer Beasly,
Esq., who complimented him.. The Pitcher
bears this inscription:
Prevented by him follow citizens of Trenton, N. J., to
1.112',UT. VIIARLP,E. 11.11NTElti
In testimony of theleadtultation of Ills gallant con
duct in capturing, on the 31st of March, 16.17,
and °lithe night of April let, the town of
'On the other 'oitte:thei ttiblto:'• • -.
' • , MNao,lmeifertuninua,"
Lieor.ll, j,,rpply made a
,brief his ic!iY of
.Idsoondeet M. Alvarado, and.,expresseil , his
/p atitude for the warmth q,this'redeption in
; ;Among the other persona
prose w e tia• Mai ins, Moirks,J!knO
an, orthe Nayy; capt. lioners,..aid
. 01 , Gen ,
Shiatija; ainct'Lls; ( Beinside - and` Melntdelyit
. ... ,
Tlie Tari ff and WoolV :.,.
'The Locos-having been thrown 41. abaeff
'in their efforts to shewAttlie Britßi Tiff
TioHey would keep 'fitetlitilin ice le' Floil4 it
-observearicontemporarkAtile - takeirli liefttz,
":iitturn, and would. 05iW:011 i ‘ yoo r. l . : „ ;.ii -or . 5 , 44
:ekes of the wool groisNiii9'.;:l:ll(Terintetilli
as they-did in the case of Flonr and Groin a
'few mouths sitieti, that their Tariff -has been
. ..toe cause of the atfvunee iti ' the price ol
WiiriF"Tlici 'Journal Air Cott inetefi,"whia
Avon l a riblite 7 the _Me to ' Floe Five 1 1 Eviu. iI. it
vinild, says.: • - -
clip of this season throughout the
CoMary is much superior, both in (polity and
clearilitiess-- to ivlint—it,tiae been beloro,,arid
•is, on these account. alone, worth two or
three cents , pound, more than last year's
.price. ,
improvement is probably owing, in
It great rbriasiati, to the 'efforts made by the
dealers last year, and particularly those en
gaged in exporting, to induce the trainers.
anti country men:llama to use more•eare and
system iu washing, assorting and • .P
pettily ,
, •The superior cleanliness is also Mid but e 3
in-pait to the cool and moist weatherol last
Spring, whieli it is sant lessened the pStspi
:rufion of the sheep. Last year Vlore was
nitwit complaint', partioularny byLWorated
nialiUtnettners abdut — tlittriebfitiffela -- Oftlip
wool, the .'lbres of •whiolt broke readily in
the middle. This was attributed to pour or
7insufficienuloothluring a'parr of the winter,
at Which the fibres hiid• unairreil hall their
length. • Whatever the reason was, it does
- eta opperato now; -the - combing wools
are ternark ably. hatalsome end stvottg "T
The 11'ashittglon (Pa..) Repeater, publish-.
ed in the midst of aline wool grdwing court ,
try, gives valuable 'bets against the fallacious
theory of the lecos.. Remembering the fact,
that under the Tariff of !•12, the duties were
5 per cent on wool of 7 cerit, 'per pound,
anthwherrrosting cno cri au 71...r57 I • n ,
50 vote,
ad : ea/ore/a, and in addition, three cents a
pound specific, and that the i.luty under the
tariff of 4846,30 per cent. ad valorem. The
Reporter settles the question as follows:
Of the cheap, coalse wool costing seven
cents, not 01le pound is growing in our coun
try, and very little fhe Union. It is nmy
glow", *e believe, in some ol the New
England States. 01 course, then, al, "such
%%mil as is grown in our country," was pro
tected %snit a..-duty on foreign wool, of Super
cent ad valorem and three cents speelie.—
Let us see how much this would he.:
‘You cooling 50 tents i,er lb. at 3 cle. per It,. it per rent
doarl 411 do do . 71 do
du ‘.lt, 80 do Jo " to
40 do 53 do do IS do
do do 20 — do — do
—Add-20.pel:cent-tdilet-nrld we-I±lo-.1.0 -the ttnitund 01 -
protect ion odder 141.1 turd' of 1b424
N ,.. 111 contitig .51.1 Cubit, waimotecled to am. 36 ppr cent
do 110 40 'do do 374 'do
dd do 30 do do 40. do
do do 23 do do 42 do
tinder the Tariff of 184 ii, the duty on all
kinds of wool is thirty per relit Mune. Tuns
of course increases the protection on uool
costing 7 etc [ler lb' or. under. - But as we
have none at that i k Ind in that country, it does
not attest us._ But on shell wool tic we du
- growyttte - pttrtee - tioiiis i•
figures, twin six to 15 per cent.
NEW JP:tsmil'Araionsivr,-,-The Trenton'
Gazette gives the following facts illustrative
of Locolocoltatriotism, a thing much talked
of at the present tiny :
e. atuirritre - Sititd - OT - New Jersey I
thirty-sewen thousand mtin who support
and his Their orators and their
newspapers conunnally vdcilerate that vol
unteeriog is patriotic and honorable. How
is it that Joseph A. only one of
them, who has raised a company? Ilow is
it that butler the personal exeitions 01 Dick
inson %Voodrufl, a Whir. and but for his
money, the call for the badalion would have
been alnroSt utterl y unheeded? Ilow is it
that Cilptain Naomi is not supplied by his
poli lea! brethren with the money he needs
.to spppott his volunteers : under the miserly
system of the general government f I lose is
it that Lieut. Jay has raised front the %Vines,
lire - money, ins - captain - cannot - get from - tare
noisy supporters of this war. Whigs in l'ren-
Inn have raised one hundred and filly dollars I
!er the temporary expenses of Capt. Napton's
men: Locolocos have been applied to to
raise the same amount—LocoMco orators Mid
lona mouthed war patriots—arid they have
not railzed one ern!"
‘Ve have seen some severe :reflections
cast upon the Whigs of New Jersey, by the I
Jocofeco press, fur her tardines in raising j
add fitting volunteers for the war. The a
hove tea. key to tae mystery,
GOOD ADVICE.—The editor of the N. V .
lame, who has rambled extensively through
the far Western States } closes ono of his in
tare_ sting letters with, advice which every
ung Farmer, who has only his hands to
. .
`rely on:slimild liaise no lime in taking:
"0 yeWho dwell in the gorges and.on the
slopes, of granite hills! who are (Men inclin=
ed to murmur at the hardships of your lot in
behd-compelled-to , do-w-for tnight?s J hard la
bor in wrestling twenty budels of corn from
the trcre, of niggard and ston y soil, while 111
. fertiletlinois lees labor produces a hundred
busliels 7 —you have not yet learned to thank
Heaven as ought for that .hard granite
soil--for the glot ions 3voode which su reach-
ly cover it, and the blessed crystal. wenn - -
whielCgUStl horn ne 'bOsom I lf 'you
'own lortm.there, keep it, and by Cheerful
labor, guided by 4 prOductive. Scteueei render
~it ouch year mote Truitful i4ll the' lust, but
if Yoti,liate turi'lang,'Oad a yomii family Mr
bids of paining any 'at, the 'Last,
gnikii'bOldly Tor the West at' once, gii hold
f ,004, oneili,pildred and cixly nv ; re4,
,Ivell . lqatedl4 - ).ien4k and timber, a:quit CO
and and resolve ` in spite of all obstaClei' f to
• the foundation of a competence logy,
'yogr's,Cifand, tth butfti-for your
CA71101.0E1614 , lAN; UNITED,
Tut; :few"; are aware ,heiv.,inunierousl,iii,lthe'
4 tiy44
Frorrititt biert.(4, l r, , fol)e,
Arch:biellop ot:thellatted.,
Wcr,!ittmaintthe following , lacts ;
...Didoose of ,Lotasville,'. s
z.. 0,000 j;b1"
'35,000 Littie,Rai,k 4 700:,
i .lthlWriiatifer3o,loo.—Tettil;.B24.;2oo.
1 ' fitteceliti'ef . Lialtittiine;
20" I 'Vtitfi'qr Boitaii i „ . ls,ooo-LtPottill,',3ps' ; ooo.
- 'the' tail:
e), riflttri'Mlaalikappi ere Okla
ItcS irf hii"ekitialFt t ihpcabeve'.ll,7,uretv
'Cent "fhb - ,n t 'srhi t i.
74,800m0re thaalhu,'WOK "iodebekiticipt;oi_
Philadelphia-withth 7 ll iherChtte
rit)d N priests t und gatt'of Hartford, witk , B'
'claiiettki l oiil'ottitiV , itraliona`' raid ''.9'itriestii;
the 'eastern li4tV.Ve'rk'reiaitthiettibie,' , 'lt.Abriut'
badthitip . 6_ft'the-YopalatiOtt 'l3batott
(.:taltohce, • •, ;-
kATA Shades jaock
at •tP, l 9T 4n5 P 11,91 f
1 thou
I Pt4M:PlVikbitt4 o 4 ll ooo l 4
. cailage
ald waa notantly .,
- 4
„ ri , Val*DsV'! ,( {lll,43ffigrtr4
ti 1 ;4198 - 44.:64ga0fdtitc!riftil - ,.
• ImpkiitantOroid tg 4 . 7,
. \Victor:Y-471w 11;larico,10117,clideM—
. •
' -BA LT,114 . il F., Aug. 9, 1847.
By intormatirre received at New Orleans
by arctvals thew from Vera Crui, ills capt titdk
'el•the'Cify allflOUlleeli. .Gen. Scott is now
I.tputatered in the capital. lle met with tee
l`bppeighioar:thitil he arrived at Rio Fitio, where
pie was at;acked b . ) the Ale,iicati hest y. A
sevpre battle ensued, which resulted in the
Mexican anti). being.pilt 10 flight, a ith hea
vy loss. The American less- is repel:led at
three Imadred.
14dih the but.tic mails huve arrived t't IMieh
• • • . WASIIINe.TON, Atignst 9,
The shoran ilropeßr %Vattingtem, arrived
at New OftertriS _hem the Bowls, - with dates
it) the 21th_ult;,_brings_tli6 follOwing-confir
tnation of ilre capture of the City of Mexico:
An •express had been received at Mataho
r. from the City of Megir;o, stating, Th at
:meal Scott had ,:not the Mrovican army at
to Frio, •arril !that'll brittle ensiled, in which
the en. erny_w enit,dotally- rented, -w nth - a -loss
-of three hundred 'men on the 'part el the A z
uterieims. The victorious American troops
subsequently; entered arvd. took pdsassion. "el
the City el Make. This news wa.s public
ly read to the troops at 114.atarriofaa:
• : WASITT - NGTON, Aug. 9.
Private - letters reoeived at Richmond by
way of New 'Orleans ) gives additional con
firmation of the report that Gen. Scott had
entered the city of Mesico. The information
comes front a Mexican prisoner, whose tam
tly had intorrried Irim of The fact by letter.
neat "Am AND ColiwoMr.'i—We learn
is on Senate) , la:,t Tiro Mi(lions Of Specie
paused over. the Harrisburg railroad, on it
‘vay . to Me x ico, via New 9rlearis. This,
with Five Millions previously forwarded.
makes Seven Millions of the people?s money
which have already been drained fron the
specie cf 4403 e-section - of the country to main
tain this useless war ;. and to enrich the
Mexicans at our expense.
nestoA r.. FtswAt is statial that the mu dy
creeks and' shoals aronn.l Bombay in the
East Indies, abound with a species of fish'
which pr lice the most axgthiite music—
like a musical bell, or the strain of an ZEolian
The fish tiosely_resemble in size and
s'iapeThe fresh -water perch of the noith of
of - Fs supposed that the fish are
confined t 9 particular localities—shalln ws,
estuaties, and - muddy creeks tarely visited
by Europeans; and that is tire reason why
hitherto no mention, as far as we know t has
been made of this peculiarity in. any Work
nn natural history.
In South Middleton towns:l4, on.Tnesday
khe-41-insianti-of - consilription, Mrs. ELIZA
BETII ) wife of Mr, John Stuart, Jr., and laugh
ter of the late Mr. Francis Sealight, aged
28 years.
CUZLIRT.R DIVINION,NO. f 7, Sons of Temperance,
mill re le tlie'2,l Anniversary of their ovileF nu
Nlooday evening next, The 11411 inxt Ittrit_thal.;,—
14 - rere*Mrolromminirtrfrrriii,Tiiar' - 117; mem re or
nrr expected to lie preaehi, as SeVertli ad
dresses is be delivered on the 00615 , 1011.
B 3 cadet. or
11.71114 11,1817.
Ilny\till by cleaning the 1,1001
r,"•u all impouritien, gives poster to every ort,•not to
p t form its reactions healthily, no matter it !teth
er estrroally 01' iolevoully Wooled. Ask the
!HMI v 1111 was dying. Irotto ennstillattal hen els
what rand Lim, hc.tells you Dentiarelli's
Ask him who loas had the ilygenlney roi• six
moods, soil every remedy had foiled,
tell 3 ono that Ile,antlreth's Pills..ottveol- I a
week. Poo w ith other olisenses. Twelse Bralool
i.eth's Polls tato', al down too a lonlipint of Moles
so.s, cured 11 little tiny of no ulcer of the fare,
winch was rapidly op l'eil I ling to his eyes, 10111
it Inch it I.IOZOII sloetors had tt•ied to tere,lnit could
not, the poo • parents wnoolol hrs. given half dotty
wo re so mato to hove hood it vowed, but every doing
they tried did no good, until they gave it a tea
sionottfol of nottl.osses rtery day, in half a pint of
which thee had ruhbul down tw cite
l'.llls, before the whole eithe molasses ovas taken
the elect mac eared.
Citilisle, by CHARLES
this borough.
Ctillmrson, Sliippousburg,
Breneinan & Co. i s sowennaberland
J. & L. Reigle , Mechanicsburg.
A. G. Miller, House P. O.
114 13,1,,,er,S!dremanstown.
J. & S. At Coyle, Hogestown.
James Kyle, Jacksonville,
St L. Seiernan,
Rider &4)iller, Baffling Springs.
CHILLS Ann IiNVE.R. , —/I light '8 Indian reg.e..
table Pills are one ofthe best, if not the very best
medicine in the world, for' the cure of. lid MlMl—
lent Fever, because they excel all others in rid
ding the bodyoilmse. ntothiA bennors_ahielt at e
the 00060,1 int only (dal kinds of livers, but of
every moistly incident to man, Four or live of
seldlndten Vegetable Pills, tsken - every night on
going to will in a abort lirtied•lnlike a pei rent
cure dile! most .obstinate ease of chills 'and. fe
ver, et the sante time the digestive 'organs will
tie restored to it healthy tone, and the blood so
completvly puliftell that kvar and ague, 111 dis
ease In my torm,•will-he ighsoititelv till (laaB'bl e.
licence of Sugar wonted counteraits, The on.
ly origi,.al and genuine Indian Vegefatille • -Pill,.
have till signature of W itliam \Vtight. wt , ittett
wi:11 tt vtitt on the top 100,1 of eitai box, Nurse
Othee is gentaiie, Mid to,(his. Is logger)
Office end gene,rel st. Phila.
told lu Oarlielo by .0,1-latt:Ll4StKill. 4 DX.
SAN ps , S A RSA An ft I
theliturian vyiterii'depOidli 'almost entirely upcni
'the , inittei;of tlio' bleed. If the' ritalisitlg
, ivltitaPeeiiitlee'Otiry: tissue ; 'every 'nicuilieune,
. pre' fitAllisitill; ghoul, or 'oilier , iirgair, print ly or;
,übtilillary. Ville blood be charged with the eh..
mutt of disease i eleknesa mum be the'rousequene e
7 .l.;ml_uulitthe,eattaetyo(vliseaseit existing Th loud are erailielited,tio permanent 'relief can be
. bethac powerlitl heal tle
!reaterim; proVeri;ieti,o(„§ands' Sliviiitgiarilli;
_unit .
`tul•eti :if pel‘fornikili
Iheft:foie" thureugh.
tie. ArdattbiUslily'tlidliiiiods-of , Oleo ni aid
'aeritfaiutunputletits, anti by :lOW hare. taken
!thinVpiiipandlow.for diseases'. or skin' It ~ a t
mice seresis'ilis interns-1. deraingernenl-and . .etinii,*arti idenees f. distssiu.
I"iepored mid sold, by
lA . uggistsl,loo streatVew , ,Koric..•. ;
71,SWl+lisuyfi~.1iLlOJ 1 ) ill I.urlisla.slnll
Druggists generally- tbroegitout I lie
1e3.1-81iitesoi4.Prica per tiottlO,Six bottles.,
; lop. live dolturis., l
• si 1, 1 r :,;
:Frilt; subscribers d
ni Firm - situatildiiri .Dfokinion tp,Zed
liiiid.Oepurity,d3h4hoivoit'd lending - ..frum Carlisle
tot ka;tippohsbiir CS r slei'
cantS 40 rime end=allottAlsoevon whioh
Isi iirilated4d 4.v4i :sinryiStone taiga .
Barn' , and Oilier, out.'sbUild 'About ,
"a. Verosinf tho'SboVi.ilescitid ti rubor la
land lusiterdd an
Miser, tailing springs. t pot. sold: bnior before
iiiiplet , ort: Deere mba r
,n4l it JO ill i 4dnted.fAt
111Veri'-obilioiluirefes 41::CIJA144ealV
' A itCH
t, , ,,Wtis!oliostaitetrd'anapTc. , riA„,Opprl:.
insert thiee,;AA4sitsvid,:iibil,r4oll.l,ol',.?:,
pfealtha[ade e asy' for thePeopley•
brini.o . oll. l r4pung, to make Their Lids
in tgst.fqrri4427lg ang,HaPPY, Ifry the
.flu(/ r? of Vplocation : As It is,
~hs t pirjcon Edition, I
4- ; wilial4ddit ions: I •
Tiei~tg an elerenttr r antl,Weresting treatise nil
'8'410 , 4 liowleileFA, 'tit.ittling short end enter
ning rersisPe
'Food heart,
Glands, (Alrength,
Eno i.e., Slonuielt . , N. eves, Reemii o ,4
Digestion, Lever, Mains, Old Age, •
Lungs, Man,
Secret i ems, Arteries, Ses?ses, Woman,
lleal,u Veins, 1 len iteh , Discs le,
bee. &e. &e.
Thtether elf], tho oreat Seercti--Success in
1.111.1t0w l:undiTz I low 'l i n do Coin% Causes and
.11freets or- Errov,
Ntnii , described, Nlates•ErroisTltifilb
Pouf., S, xeB, ‘'irtite Yot,nlitulErrop*,„,
ottuto-haw Wllllllllol .. Viii tues
The designed for the nobld.' purpose of
improi leg and extruding education amongst the
people,iugnd•tingvaluable knowledge nit the •
pliy . siolo . gy of lie immnii frame, and the Wei
'ell govern rOpnial midbor'ff y. health,. bter.•&'de
Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in
a le,tier .- *Mail ,delve one espy by,mail, or ris
copies, tvsll bb 'Scat 'fur Nildress-poittigi.b .4 7
ktv) °
This, valuable wbrk 'ebtithin'S [in temelecimg
»mo] • l 77 pages.
reslimony is noir received from all . gaiirteri •
the Globe.
following letter is Presented with a viov,or
more fully showing:tile .opipktirs , t4,l"Wy'hlclieffs n yea
iion to the%MedicrelkZllblb SVJAYJNIEVAI.OOI&
wAms a—bear -RI; Having-Inied - Tout VoCini—
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry exteneiVek ItiN! rar
'lice, I was requested lay' 'titi+r Agesl IYr. Krutetter, •
fileipress m' opinion in 'w'rit Mg' of its properties as '
'remedial Iteent.° I most clieerfUltycomplyas 1 feel by
twl doing, IWilidiscitarge a debt I owe the communiq
at large; and Rhysiciatis In particular. As much an
Mites! Quack Remedies anal Valour Nostfusne, 1 won
Induced from al:Mitre +tette tonal potent explectorent6
recommended in our rim terin .ntefileat en someone. of
Jimmie en Luse's . , to try ynat I'teparation of Fianna
• Virginia or WWI) CM Mgt. is sufficient loamy that
I was on much ;dense,' with the result of that, and
'Rumen( trials that 1 trew prescribe it in preference t 6 •
all oilier RetnediettWitert en expectorant is indicated;
In the tittirh drertand Pneumonia or Disenee'of thq .
Ulnas, Itt tile alarming form in which it. appears ill
Ketititcicy, I regard it as an invaluable Remedy in the
treatment of that disease, To all who knob. me !have
Sall] enough, but ns this may be peen by pOsons out of
elm vicinity of Frnitklart,.l will briefly add;iflitil fittire --
'been engaged in au-active practice of my protresSlon
It years, am a-Regular Graduate of Tritlfieyleanin
and Chia is. the first Patent, Medici:re I ever thought
enough of Id express all'opfnioSi,ln
11 ELtanoti, sr n,
January 711 i, IS t 4,.
. !Franklin County, Ky
rrank . fort, Ky.,lati. 711,, 1847.
- above certifrcnte is from one of our Physician
living a few. miles from here, he le doing a very gond
practice, and is minsidered a good physician; a ndetandb
fair ; he is, as In; says a regular graduate.
Du. W. L. ettIACTIER,
c. • • ggdst and
Aitire the introduction Drie or my article to Apotl
th cc e pu blic
therm haVetat
up nostrums, which they assert contain ,Wit.n Coen-
it v. some are called "Enigmas," . ..Waters," and even
Syrup of Wild elterry,lnit mine is the original and on
ly genuine preparatinn ever introduced to the p 111.11;
proved which can he by the poldic RecoVds dr t he
Commonwealth or Pen tts`yhatnia. Tile only - safeguard
against imposition Is DI Ste that my signature is on
each halite Dr 11 DWAYNE.
cortierof•Elihth nrid fine° streets, Philadelphia
Solil in Caril94e by S. W. lIAVERSTICK
Of Vatifable eken " and Conntrit:
F undersigned intending to leave this mgto t t
.2..oleorintry, IICSIPOS to dispose of all their real
c Fite in this county, and will expose the sante at
public stile (it not sooner disposed pf) at the folk
lowing times and places,
First, A half Ipt or groupd situated at the north
west corner of Ilattover and Pomreet sttteta;bouti.
(led 3U lect by the former. and 240 by fiat - latter
streets, on which 13 erected it stittshtniial dike otos
,y brick Tarcriv Mainly with a goon back bitildipg
out. houses', and a Inr."m frame Stable. This pro- .
dearly is mull Meateil for cluing a gond business,
and 33 1111 W in the occupaticY of Samuel Marra '
a piddle house,
Second, A half tot Of ground adjoining the abs
ore and bniiatat on Hanover street running
back 24.1.1 feet to an alley. On which is erected a
subsuintinl three story brick house with a goo!!
'nick building, out hou e , „ and a well - of standing
wider in the yard, this — pi'opertV is at Presentlool,
der lease to the A sseehition of Odd Ft
st I it aground AOanted on Ilattoyff*-:'1111t
opposite the Post office nod houtulttion thtffie rth
by a lot James IL Cr.ilintu Esq. and on the south
by it lot of Me. glades Bonilla, this lot fronts GO
leel till 1111110 tel• stench and eNtends bock 240 feet,
0.1 this lot therb is a tontfortablt Wattle and *yearn
erboartled house, with a gotatback building. office
out boosts, and a triune statute, this last will be
sold Ingenue, or (hided as Way bust suit the in=
t. rest ni those concerned.
The aline described protiftties will he Offered
, it publiek snle at the house orSuittuc,lalorrett, in
his place, ou 'ruesdny the 21st du of Sealembee
next nt 3 o'elnelc
Foor;ll,,A farm situated nt the west end of the
I.mou~h of Carl tie, partly, within the bonnils of
so w borough and partly within North Middletod
tosrmliip. Containing 1.50 acres, bounded on the
Send, 11 a cont:imation of Lordlier Street, oil the
um to bf Baki rs on the east and west by
l an d belonging to James Noble's heirs. Tke
pr Iseimmts arc a new leg house and frame barn
erected in lE4ii, there is a well of standing was
~ good orchard nil the premises. This farm
is or the be: t quality of limestone hind, the surfadb
being clear 01 rerk mut loose stones. The ifttal fn
.tis&•ptible stem of: miltivittitm. 'These
lii s w ill be sold toAether or in small parcels as
may suit Ito ers. It liiys SO MOW to the unim.
pruseil part of tile borough as to make it desWeas
ore ;iii-tare lots, 114111 will be sold II ofsis,,such if
not disposnl of tog,ther. Thi s properii,si deco
r oil by Daniel I. Mese, and a ill be offered at pubd
e sale 01 the premises 0.1 %Veilitesilay the '22nd
day•of September mat at m e o't leek P. M.
• Fifth, A f rni sitrate,d in North Middleton- trot
111.11111 i miles from Cm (isle and shout 1.2 mile
ilmm A lemaeler's milt. It is b milled by the Con.
odogninen creek, William -Chaliam t -Mts , -Portia
mall, anti the heirs Vl' Samuel Alexander,' tlee'd
moo c m); rr6 tames 67 perches. The *04,64.
wtrms are ft log 110115 C. log lint n - and a well or
good water, the fields are advantageously situated
there is els usrellent mesilow Moog the ereek.—:
This j r:itiest• IS at present under lease to Mr&
Sag, rts and wiliMe 101 , 0[1 for sale on thb
i sea on ilie"23d day of Setiteniuer 'testi
at I o'cint.k P
The to his will be matte known on the 'NY, or
wit e49* . Mg: Robert Cireh of iSouth Midillettm
tow midi) 'Min is billy a WhOriZell tenet for ns and
to o t c m we ro e !, sup person wishing info matimf
lilt the subject t f these properties. IT nifty !lid
proberremm k dint the terms of sale will be
timile accommodating in regard' to _payments---;
w I shipg' to exlitnine sitr of ese'proper-I
ties will be show it thein by 'the tenants in posses.
sioll. ANN BROWN
on licr own Accolint.nnd ne Cnmvlinn , of ,
ki,.%11Y A. BROWN • •
. ,
.• • , • • /11
• dA ;11 ES C. 1111.0 Wig+ •
J 1 tim bit linen- freqedsody at
11W Wlnrotibi ' ••"'•.' ' •
%wit 41, 118 , 17 7 . r
• •
4tb.nud p
ileserib,d oj)ertlei 10
the Lati=ister Mid York n
ACV chth tilhepleni.d •Nend bill Willis
-IVPTICE in hereliii:OvU . n that 'an. alertiotil
. 11 anougore' for 'the paiinpri. ,
1a VOlfeji I.l4tuiir Proten‘iort iv ill -
be 1ictd,.441? ,public haosp, of '...litUoh;l'TNiolrt,,'
.U.lohinanaitoynallipoop , , • ,
nnlury (lod nth of pptsebtr.nral,) _t,.'l
salvo rut ono sear: . • G
;Avg n 1847,4, r Ste,
Tha Hoard of - - 31attagera'0( Alia.C - V. , P Cony' -'--
pouq wili'aneot at !tliair.toffioo'.on4 Fri4littkr . D l
~.-, , ~ :r. , ''' 7. idit'Aredirlk( .4 , 4.411 1'41,;41 ,
, ailne, . bie iiitni iilfrittl?, 9 : l it,li!) :
fru E t 804 erkbgt; 49;1; ji iia ce4, 4 4 v i i , 1101 ..;(1
a a ted in 1111(111n tp,,cllll3T, .... ,„?
~.....t .. ,
•wpat ef Now ville, ne 4 r r.'" n0 :v 04 ;47 . 114 r e T r: l,7 B le .
log 102.,a0re0. und .t w i a ir ii i id a li w kO r Aqd.the , •
• 4 ' ll Ic 11 18 89V 1104,4VIRtioatattitiltAktliratiOn
rOmuindet'ed ".. or o,oosl!;'biif yvi1e,r..4,....;
A.. etillicien;:PotAl,ML , iiiioinwrbvelitenta.'ari'i,, , --• -
. 0 lid), .Tiotd ` but'one, alit
i g i ' 44l . 4 f o l. k . ° :- .. l l ,lll•744roniiiliOd 'Ai kohniti 10. P.! • ;
•Witte:dl ii ° ,l ii ii iiir ie i& hi 'a , nO* tor , ,
.PAY, ~i
miring: P l. h .""i - - o n tii4l:bilitli44ll . 4 16E4611
'"V 1) ! ".n. ' :. •• 11- -221 4 —l6-otohOta .q ,eh Okv ti k v ik e i . r ' -
KwilYr7. , W°.° l2 , l elie P i P r ~, ,01i ice, , i ki1d. 6 , 0,0,4 , 0 :, , tv.
, 0 9 ,41edrp4r,0, i cher ry .- 4 iihii i k , l i - t - 0 ,,,,. inwk.,-
y.9l,Autliclol?, fliirV!.yos.„ rit o onillll -- A - F ,--
40,AT-ml-1)v-r1 1 .1 $ ~.,„:„ '';',;','MP!; , f 4 ''
I guguat 41. 1 84 v' - .., .':?.,•;."' , " :.•••
IS 1