Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 11, 1847, Image 1

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VoLuArE amt.
~ - „ (23.P-Ll3. -, Z.'',. _
Olt. JOHN J., R
„ . . DWI:U.IKP to the two story brick o
• Louse adjoining lid Estig ... Store, on 11'‘.10 ,
Main Street. f•_,,
1 April 14, 1847. • , .
t Graduate of the .„. .lslfr : sni . t . Medical ['allege a
ESPECTFUULY oilers to the ',ollie his pro-
JEIL rettifttir• ite&ices.i n• -the -prltetiee of I edi-
Sorgery, RIO irlidwifet v. • - •
OFFICE: a the residence of his faiittl. S.
ill a noverstreeti-ilireetly—oppeate_Nlocrittal_Clate
totter's) Hotel NIIII the Second Presbyterian
Churelt. •
Carlisle, April:7; 1 8#7;
-7.- - •
a7. , slii•z•zr agl.ircesa&i.g+ct3tacso=l:l•.
-1-locTon MYERS has associated his /.
IJr nephew, M E..1/WISSON ,in his
Drug and Bonk Business. -
By this arrangement,Dnetor MYERS will be
enabled to give his undivided attention to the dil
lies of hib Profession. • -
carltgle, September 30 , 1.840. —3ms.
. •
3..?)10 1 .1 , 6111 ,,, LD aigitUM9
. .
Homoeopathic Physician.
OFFIr.:E‘i Matti street, in the house ror
nicrly occupied by Dr: Fred. Elliman. '
Carlisle, Aptil 9,184 G. . •
%Una. perform RII ..operatlons ujion the
!I V lreetli that are required tor their preset.- -
Rmlttri ,SIICIIPS Scaling, Piling, ?lugging, eic.,
nr will iateretbe loss of their, Ity inserting Ar
-1'14).1)0 Teeth, trots ft Slagle Tooth, to a full
lett. (I . 7oflice on P:tt street, a few dobrsSouth
b 1 the Railroad Hotel.
• N. 11. Lot mis 1) , (11 lie absent from Car
-1 the the last telt d s , in-each month.. •
JunO.ll, 11116.
410NEPH C. 7 .MWsK,
Pittsburg, Pa,
HAS returned from Corlislit to thr, practice
or his profession Alleglicoy
comity, Pa.
Feb. II), 1847.
WILL practice in the several Courts ofTivril
beria•td Red the 141OilliegeelletieS 'sod ot
kod to all pritessional liusibess entrusted to his
bare with prourptinissillal
°Mee in Smith !hoover street, In Graham's
ew b losite the l'ost Office.
awn de, A uzitst :NI, y.
Attorney at Law,
atflue in Solltll ili t . i ., ver slreeloi Ict ilool
I,jrithl4ve .1. 11.,1,4ralmin
V,AlWrii . El W. 3
Attorney at Law.
0FF161 7 . m:tilt S. D. Adair, in
new oppohit ..(1141'j sl ()Mee.
Nimeeli 31, 1847.
Attoneyfitt, Law,_
oFFICE in din nviii• of the f in IL
• rtipm occupied 11 ) Dr Fc•Ti,n
Atiii•nh 51,1847.
;1. .1 S 2, 'i, "2 .D 31;i
A liarne y al
April 28. 1818.-Iy.
4&2 • 4;„„ l alt a za:x 4l o .o •
Justice of the peate and Scrivener.
IFFicr in South itudoser Street,. opposite
tfie Toot Office.
Carlisle; Aprul 28, lE4'7.
3.011 N C r AT,ITCNIELL,
WILL hp foniu,ll.liispflite in the rear of the
''.ourt (loose, tvAli„titfill , ifineo—atliedt engaged
o the business 01 Isis prat:salon—to make Stir
veykof lands, toads, eta, lle will also prepare
Heeds of eoltre,aatee and pay other iustrutuetat of
A•riting. •
. Carlisle. June, 29, 1847.
• .
bii ,Ptigdwiand Valley Rail Road, foto
miles west of airliste,.
Mara SEGONO SESSION (5 1 0 . 111
commence on, NIONI/AY, May S. The
Araiicher tauglkt are Latin Greek, French, Ger
man, Anthem Mica, including Practical Survey-
Ng, together with all E,,W B
nglirant:he's required
Yor:Gullege. 4;pti lit ing H &o.
4vcry will' ikli.mOu 10 give ,entire satis•
faction to those who may idace theirs its in the
instinition, by unwearied attention to their moral
W,till,as mental improvnient.
Peospectuaea, containing ,Terms, (which are
mrainniteo yelbrences,,Sic., con be haul by ad
dlessing !b , BURNS,
April 7,1/147.-41: , „ PA'net:int/
, ..03l,E$ALE , " .DRUGGISTS,
2 - 01 market Sfract,,PHIL.4 . DELPILIA
iMpOrterk taliki. Wholesale . Dealers
jST. Dili; a, Nietlieinee,Chioniettle;Pttlent Med-
Wines, Surgical and Ohitetrical Instruithentat
.11yea, PerfumbryAe.,Bto: • •
Wt/Isiata, Chnictry.;eueltants,antl Phyatelana
an up,ligii,ty))l/,tite chant arlicli/ on the most l'a7
vctraYst!.,'ltMi t ',l;,StriOt:/iU4 in'inupt /Ruction pail
to crilers, 141 . ..V01'y 61 . tiolif war/I/tin:4h •' ' • ' •
of Virginia/ IV I/4.ya#'!ierit9'
PitilHelithht; elitz•SCll 846:4 1 4.. y:
urts&l . t:pmtun e , --4il
FfEREP himeeiiicee'tnithe puLlice,4l.e ,
guy ing find se overal i
•rFathe't; , tickhliiingan'lllo pueseesion the values
.blo collection •of papers made' by bitri;ller hopet,
by liiii;iiiilrtiattot:Vi!ty s ha re us
PlibliF,r4rondge. ". - • -
cket - 0 t,
tr„ • ,
' • owl cp 50011,14114.-
,4' ;f •
• WelAZ;d44te .;; tErilidakitt*
ANPUOUTOrou,t, STAIRX O Ti,i Pet, r 1110 ,qopege
AP4llisis 1 0 41 ; 1 101ittecr"?0! APP a F 4 ' ' ' all
Co atVd4gOor4HAtik;4l,Wilsto..„lfie qp,t11,6 14pt07 1
0 9 II AIL*MDP FPflmeigillY; ll ?.! 0ff,01,.;t„ .1 1
•Vir Ef RcilmfßuPett 8 4ti •
• 4 ,.. Jli,
4.64: '. SCR
atll/tQrkiksr,r4P9t ' l9 lii i Kil u it sv .
.A . A O jp,
I.l ''lll.iie 'sold -1 1. 1 . 1 „0-,.
lot n A..t'
" •
\i. , • - c.• 9 •....4-'" - '' '''';'''' - ' • • -'-'
••• , s• F,104 , t ; Dna • 0 L'.4ti VA 1 ' • . --,••'‘, - " " 7 • ` . 9 " - - '?` -' ' " ' --- -
~ ~,liii 25 f.):. r. e' • 22 •
'' ' n ' . '- .2• • ••. •• -.. •• ' .• ' f•. ..e • ••)i -•e•• ; ~.. ,: I . ' ' -.• . ' . , - • .- '.
•42.• - ''
• 0.7' " i ' ' " •
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11 r „, 1 i
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~ 4 ! ,- , ~ ~ r:,.,,,, . • 4,, ~- Jr
~, . ,
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~ 1, ~ c..,;T:.„
1 4
i . . v , I" . ••
( 101ir .'.•: ~ . t ;el. , . . ' 2, ..•,. •.. . ; . 4 , •
• 4. ~
( Cl'‘el\Y- , ANi I / 4 \14 -- ''' ••• I \
' ' • ' .'• r• F- . '
--, --
..;" st,' . ' -•- , ---, ' /Irk
---; ,•• ',.---, ••---":-.'",
•,• 1. •,, <. ~. , • , g,;;• , '
'' • • •,; • , t -,', - 7 •.;•••
• • -• •• •, • 1 •I/ ..,,, ,-; -,,.... •.• . , -___2_ll_ /*'"" . " .4 44. !z' ,
e ' ^
. ' ... • ,
IT has pow p to copse all external SORKS
I'QISONOUS WOUNDS, to dt¢ohm•ye their pn
6.1 d mutters, and then heals them.
It is rif i ldly termed' All-hettliog, for there is
s soireely disease, or hiteroall,•llnit it
will tiorliettetit. I have used it for the hot lour•
tern senrs tot all discuses of the chest, coosiitop.
tioiltitill liver, inikilvinx the utmost }hunger and
respinisibifity, anti I detilatre befOre broveit'aild
1113111, that not one single ease has it failed to'beit
elit when the pidieid - *wt . —xlolin the resell of
. .„
•1 have Itatlphys*ciatis learned lathe prbfession.
I have had ministers of the - Obspel,,ludges °fp ;
-Itench r Aldermem- 1:a wyyrs,gentlemen Lmf -I he•
highest erudition, and. multitudes of the poor use
it in every v'arirty of way and there his been Idtt
at& tuise--tout; ttn , vuusal Ale
' boini• Ointment is C 001).”
CONS M PTlON.t—lt can hardly be credited
that a' salve can have any effetit upon the lungs
sealed as they are Within the system: Ilut,
placed upon the chest, it penetrates to the lungs
sttparates the prditntOttli pitrthdes that ar'e consu
mkag them, and eigiels them limn the sy steam--
If Is coring persons of Consumption continually.
HEA DA CIJE.--The naive has cured persona
or the headache Of 1.2 year's standing, /11111 who
had it regality every week so that vomiting often
took place.
bearnesi and- Eat. Ache are helptid with like
retuoves almost frame
diately the Infnmotion dad Slit:Mita when the
piliu ceases. Head the direction around lute bni.
COLD FEET.---Consommion, Liver Com- .
plaint, pain in the ekest oi , l3llle:railliog air of the
titc...other al waya_accompanies_coli
(T'hi's tlintittent is the true renietlyj It is
it sore sig,a of disea.,e to Mice tnilq fbei.
In scrofula, old sores, erysipelas, saltrlibum,
liver complaint, sore C./ CS, clumsy, sore throat,
bronchitis, broken or sore breast, pifes,l4 II chest
as oppressions, piiim—talso.
sore lips \ chapped iiailils, (names, cutaneous erup.
tams, diirases mill -of the spine, there is
no 1111.1h:111e SUM 1,110,1'11:Is roll.
SC 1.1) lIKAD.---We have rued cases that
tietuall, defied every thing known, as well as the
nbiiitt ol 15 or 20 doctors. One 11,1111 told us he
had spent $5OO on his children aitleint ally bene
fit. a 1100.11 few boxes of ointment-l4114 , 11•illViii• -
BA 1.1)N ENS.--It 'will restore the sooner
than no: , c;tlter thing. •
the best thing in the world for
Burns. (Raul the directions nrottnil the box.
\ V OR NIS.--It mill drive-every vestige of them
'Have is prolirtriy no mellwitie on the face of
the earth tit once so sure sod so safe in the expul
sion of worms.
COHN - S.—Occasional use of the Oinln;ent will
always keep corns from g!roiiiir o People - need
never he lrotlhied•widi lIICm if hint will use
PI L L E S.—Thousands are 'yearly' aired liy mis
&de prow ietriri of the shove medicine.
C AUTIOIs.: --No OINTMENT will he iretio
ne unless tlie names of James McAllister or
'itinies eA I lister & Co., are written }ieti
ition every label.
Sold in Carlisle by S. ELLIOII'
That OW 11011141 C 111 caring rlise”ge hy
jag alai puritchig the tool). is Mril . ily iu areal'
ditties troll tire irmr a MOT govern the animal
economy; and II properly carrictl out by the use
\Vali eel tuiuit reault'in the complete of
disease; we tiller the rillowitig fea.1:110111,115,1 . 1.001
persiiiisof the hightail respectability iti New hurt:
itiefl 'MVP rt•ectt 15 Lieu C111 . (4 trr ifft• pros; ole.ti •
w. to COllllll3llll s, SIIII4I ht the use cur \ ("right . % lit
duw Vt - g(1:1 1, Ir l'alls of the North iitnericati
legi• of I Iroltlf
Irtan 'Vint' Sink Ci/lii
5 0111' re-
I some Moe .8111 t, 1,1/11Ie trial of
Wri . gi.i's loth°. Vegt•litioie l'ill, of the North
111,1.1va. College of I 1i,1111., 111111
it.hert 111:11 for Porilt log t • li lamid nod' reit
nursing Cie sytattio; I hone reeeit e I Mare bellell
11,11:: their line than front 811 it has
lieretolom been itiy good lorhilit• tin meet ti
I am, clear nit, with many 11V37,kn, our obliged
Xo. GO liornowrek Wort, N'em! 1 ork.
DEAR Sln i VC been afflicted for several
years 0 itli inward weakness and general dehility,
tiecompanied et times With pain in the ride mid
other distressing complaints .z . .4,lherjurcing . tried
arimis medicines without eliect, I wes iil,os.lllllled
hit li to 'mike trial of. Dr.. Indian
Vegetable Pillsoinilch I um, happy to s 'lle have
relieved roe in n moat WOlOOlllll manner. 1 have
used the inetliviiie as yet hut ii short time, DU
hint; no doubt, In a perseverencesin the use of the
medicine according to directions, that-I shall in R
ORIN time h perfectly repaired.
Omit saitfl'ills to all
persons similarly afflicted, and iii, the full belief
that the Bailie bAlielicial .. results will follow filch'
I reinaid yotit•s sincerely,
i 1•111 - 1i.Y
Warwarshig,'Clste'r Co., New VOrt.
B2WAne or Consurtatems.--Tire public ore
mullioned against the many simians medicines
which - in order to deceive, Jive called II Parnt's
,Anti Wrizlit'S Italian Vegetable Pill&
Charles Ogilby, Carlisle. •
John Coiner, Illechaniesburg.. ,
Brancato° & erowel,'NeviCurSoiland
James Gilmore, Nowvillei••
Al J. North,
• A lex .Ca theart. She i terdst own,
J & S A Coyle, llogestown,
Isaac Bartain Ltstbn,
Sngtspr and Paul, Ahstrelitown,
John P:llhOdes,' X Roads,
Sententan Newburg,
°Picea devoted exclusiyely to the sale or
Ivii g ticoodi oo yegOtbie fills,s,bnlesele lil4l
Gree n
wit h Street, New York ; and 198 Trenitnit Streit k
f 1 Eli CA§; tlio fonerable Sinnicr, Her
. nuair. President Jildge of :ho`povera=
_CouiteutgorntneePldea orthe Cb - tintioa, of Curei;!
Aerjantl,, Perry : 'and j,uniate;" iii';.P'enneyiyanta,
'finif,loatiee.of ;t ;Courts coyerat, jef r,.end
; 'ye roil der end General -Ja ',maid
eotiotioacruidllicih. John' tnart and Joh Clan.'
or .
.triltier,and_GenerallailAtell+ewfor the-frial
of capital add , iithir.ciffebihnei:fiothe'inio
',county of .Cittittieflaitil-hy their.Pr6edptaftrime
; reeled; 1, &mod thie,:l3th.dtikoff. Atiril; 4 llB4 . 4
!laid 'oidcred the ,Couni of,Oyer .aed
.aridtGenearhallirelivCry, holden'at Ctn..;
gel •on the fourilP Monday 'or .Autitat'neit;
Ing,t Wi 23rd day),,do, .forf
; nein centinco'on o & l o!:W'4,,,':e;;.?.'f. ti
7 :1ZIOT/bEji tltheierore ' lioridirgi i vone,te.thm
orenter roaceJend:Pryrtabibleni
orthe iiid.couniyof.Cdttiberlenti w thritihoy arc
by Abe said precept caution:Odd , follitr.thon.ands;
thertnin their;prOperiPerciin persons, ON I thJthoir; rolls
recurd., ingdiritioneo-,exanatnatiolie..(Ond all
;othor:rordeinliraneep,:to;.do;those, tltinde‘wh telt.
-to their offteea'a pPet;tainttiVellOne:and all theite
ihateirelhound ity!!iturignizithourfote 'prOettute
`,(rtgaitiet,the itfiebnerc tutOril;',6t,,f,lkett Wall ha l
in the- Jail of said codnty. ra..;40 beAlterol to ,
013wipitinailh fa*Aja I/ ha:104i4)4:41'. •
f I ;,9,4MES::HOFFER: •
' .
From Tbi n •u+arsing, N. 1
- lir. .1L - E.-it TY766.?' -7 " 1 fr._7.11..1,;6: t om. LEI a. azazze..4a.
gitiz:ttatillvivittz4 1
Irativiiii - E - A - 1 - 11 - Off' - iliti o' ........
I am young, alas: FO young. •
And the world hue been toy foe
And . byOlio, wrong, and iVae
!frith my bleeding heart been clung!
Tla.rre n•ns'none, O'Cod! to tench , me
What was wrong nad.what was right!
' I have sinned before thy'aight
Lei my cry of anguish reneitllice, •
through the gloom ntliiplit,
Cod of Love!
Man is (Taal, 'and dotliamothel• • . •
Tender mercy ia,1116 breast, •
Lays hash Intplapgße_the.oppressed;
arreTring brother, -
' lint the Hitirjny thruice.
despair riven.
____ ,—,-----
Ntinne bet the ginner knows -
s What II Wealth—to be forgireh!
. God of Love!
Therofore will I put my trust
In thy mercy, and•l cleave
To that love which (inn finite 1
To Unit Itlilginplil,whieji .
*M l
*Melt eon pity al my Wenkii4s t. •
IVitich bolt seen the life-lone strife
Of ptistion fiercer than the knife;
Know the desolating I,i rnknesa
Of MY delett path thrbliall
(toil It Late
I must perish hi my youth t
Alto, had 1 1/01.11 better to tight,
l'iddrilid virtue as it twain,
And. had gray-haired wisdom null,
1 Mumld Wu into fallen Att totet
— . Tii the now, orrircanasinnce,
''Tis the -wretch's dire mischance,
Tt kt,tiorti to Null and woe:
thou tnY !grime - nee,. ,
(toil or Love!.
There is u Rilcut river,
The rolling rihet
In simmer's rosy finishes,
Lt henry winter'sxrime,
II thovrili, rvor floweth,
In niniteTer clinic ;
And well-trimmed barks are Billing
Upon its silent tills;
With golden treasures laden,
l'he little vessels elide;
lied and Love. and Action,
And !lope are side by side.
—___ 4
ntM th. finturtlny - Conrierl
.AL,Tale of Vlennai,
The high post of prime, minister to — the
Emppror of Austritywhich was ably frilled
by the Count Ernest, Derwald, surrounded
ilittl by a host of envious Cobhfere and no-.
tiles. Leopold Count Alberti, who had look
ed with an njlaiuiirg eye upon that high iieEt
anewho. in lualimance - of his object, had
successfully advanced the cause of the Em
'perm ui a late eampaign;.could ill brook the
laver be big 2. en In another, and, With so.=
eral h aired spirts, he Icirrttbd n secret as
sembly. where measures were' debated up
on. which find for Choir end the overthrow of
the then reigning dynasty. Several niens
ures which the Emperor had tgniL
ing to reduce the higher classes nearer to a
lavel with the lower ones, were highly ob
noxious to the rota mdifes; and, Leopold
found no difficulty in gaining a stiffivient
'mintier io favor his treasonable purposes.—
Vet political ambition was not the only nio•
live which adorned the Count glberti.
With the fall of the reitiister Ledorild hoped
to usurp the ',lave which Count Ernest held
iii the heart of Lady Theresa Derwohline,
and perhaps this proved as powerhul an in
centive as any : other. .
Tlie Litly i heresy was a - being, to—brelft
ed, and a lavishing allection was bestowed
upon her by the Counts Derwaltrand Alber
ti. Natal ally •of iCcoquettish disposition,she
tohnenied Leopold alternately with hopes
and fears, while 110 whole heart was be•
stowed upon the •C Derwald. Loving
her in the deepest di-pths of his heart, the
Count Alberti tomll3 fancied himself beloi , -
ed, and imagined that could he lint put the
prime milli:4or aside, Theresa would be his
cliArrEß It
. ,
Tftc palace mut divorated with more than
kingly splendor. All that all, taste and un
bounded wealth could produce. were corn
hmed to render, the masked ball of the Caul'.
toss Itlanci Bobourg a fete worthy of its no
ble giVer. One mass of splendor burst upon
the eve-ol the beholder as he was ushered
in, !tainted •ii the dress it Beheld him to as.
sumo. Massive chandeliers, whose rays
shone through numberless prisms, lighted up
the spacious apartments, nearly filled with
Ate contrasted-mass- -peculiar. tp, . 'unasked
.oall, Unflinching and Mittitialing.the poor
peasant stood by the-haughty lord of the'seili
wpile a lair form, habited as, ns a beggar,
i,dared to brush the dress of hor I:vety
`grade, and almostr.evefy grefession of life,
was there reprosentod, semi& jabberetk the
coolnsed, dialect peculiar to their pigenadil
occupatiobiand others standing idly aloe',
. waiting fait the itkitta to porainenee,
. Conitt Dekwald,,inlislead as soldier pf
fortune, was, accosted, by a blii.C'erVitir 'who
:bade hila follow him.: Curiosity tulfear-Whtt
a pol'son who ' had pbbstratost 'mask—
which he deemed so elosWatito foil iNe'lriost
scrutinizing—had to soy, to, Ricci; proMpted
the Count,andiollowing his guide hie place
'smite, Irma' observation,: . demahtled his
business,' sir Coant;" Said the
"is In Wan yotiLitr leave this 'place. - 'One
'hour's stay in iroind your life - is in danger!"
hue° to your warning," said the Con t
"Ant l, an Austrian noble, Alias to be, mti
dated by,,Me silly jest.,Which.ev, foot ay,
''deem it ins , pleasu.o , to
. play, upon
; cflat•l :will nat•leaVe!the'e,Count 'Dowithir,
till thou leavest this sias”.l . 'ol • leativithii•ata
.the,triat•boldl • ~
gar4t4 t o k Count ) , ttmltiog ins
2- swor.4 l -,‘Mqtiit#. 4 7, TVOYar - `Ck,
1''.,.8 6 1 1 A0 1 ,tiq, , i` , f ( : 1 41,9 1 (v. 1 21939!ipf ,
Scilent,m w . amitig. you'. ol,,yintr, s.latiges.; but
C0 11 ,P)F, 43 .4TurbY:44 100.,y910aM:to,
• t n i tt L a d y, l herßp4, ;:114P106,•,....Y1
* 1 4 ( 41,3r0i1A 1 444PA-NOT-- 1 ' a •
• t1f" 5 :114311Vr049it:9440 . 3',91 31 '•
IfilPkitor, JtOvoktv , :pl-A#4„tdf 1 S111 3 11;;J ;
s*Opt/hn(tmaltolPffitlefll l 4il:sn
0 1 ,nOttAla 00:
(Count. si''%'
94 matter's not,:ealt,,trt,e,lhy l pi9Mgrity.thee,
"•*iiti 4Y,ktfit4r*fiMPS3! ( !lt.fellYe • 11 Y 1 ; f° l ' ;
tilt* •the Comit • auhrins:
steel '' • - -
: 1 • . ; The friar led the way, through , the. (filler.,
,crit.n . paitmenfs,oedepied ,by, ,ther f oittsgootai
item, ititP, 10 1-1
4We . part,.t.;ouut,
firiklet me' tell'Uu'thnf-yee=kno*hbVSPbui,
I riends. fibtiV-Out-'60114 le 5.1;' iAl11 . :01W1;+fi? 3. ! 2 '
• •'•
CA.RI,.IStI, .AUGVgT:i..I:I',-..5711.
'The Count Was alone, and. calling his .car
riage he proceeded homeward. The stlbets
through which he passed were nearlygeser
ted, till plat he he waSturnitigh ebriter Which
led to his palace,. a band--of---rufflans-; - rhshe - d
upon the carriage and demanded the Count.
'Not while. I. have life said Ite,nutl leap
ing fro.m his carriage, and brandishing his
'Sword he plunged amongst theth: Yet; not
withstdnding his poStillinn valiantly aided his
,Master, still•the Count's life would eventual=
ly have been saerlilehil, to the 'force itti
bers,, had . not an imloreseen aid. arrived. •
Panting for breath the black friar came
.rushing,' Along; aidi with _his sword 'drawn - in
his hand,he them himself amok; the Cciunt 2 S
as.sailants. , , ,
-,-,- -t , erttirtmsihritymrirre;' s ' - cried; thus'
with phiSr 'numbers, to rthrtelka gassing, no
ble ! Hub dearly . sbalbreill() tlTif .there is.'
strengib in this - arm; or temper ni this.sfeeb".
And dearly did they tea it. lbseemed as
if a superhuman force was given toblina thus
ib receive and give. hack, the blows that
were armed at him. Three of the ruffians
were already dead, and the rest; sheing
. no
chance for victory, fled, leaving the Count
almost stupified with Surprise at the sudden
tranilition of affairs
" Yen have saved thy life," said he, at
length turning to the, friar,. ttt how o I
knoW but that you endangered it also by
lending tne thus early to leave themasquer•
"Say not so, Count Dent%ld ) " Was the re.
plyi, "bin rather say that your long distrust
of ore who would faithfully ferve_you L del . ay r ,
141 - you filVtle - time -- eafrie rdlians
tti assemble lime to, wait for your coming:—
lint I have saved your lile,,thank God? thank
God !" continued,lthe trier, turning away. -
Events like those related at the close of
the last chaliter, were at the time of which
we relate, of too frequent occurrence in Vi
enna, to elicit much notice, and after a few
days had passed : they were fingbtibit for the
fallowing circumstances. &maims found
posted up near the prime. minister's palace
with those words. upon it.:
"Citklms of Vienna, n seertinii6
ttori:>l.llhgtiromi.than ahy opetione whom
you have ever fear .d, is now praying upon
your ; vitals. Slow but sure steps are being
taken by a treasonable assembly in this city,
foii•arlls d revol hitou whit!' ithall shake to the
loundations, and perhsps entirely overthrow
your present wise goverment. -Be vigilant;
then, citlzene of Vienna, and let the conspir=
temember_ that there is, an avenging
God in heaven and a Black Friar, on the:
earth." - _ .
The prime mmtster read - the Paper,. and
an instinctive led ing that, posted so neat his
palace. the placard a•as meant to worniiii
ot some impending danger, came over him,
ttntl•nrdeting.hi3 earrlage, lie proceeded to
tIM Emperor's - palaco, and obtained a private
What passed at this interview was not
known, but a new reintbrrement was order
ed to the palace guards, and everything put
in the beat manner to - quell an insurrection,
if occasion reqtitred. The minister retired
home, het scarcely was he seated. ere a let
ter was placed in his hands. Opening it, he
read :
, •Count Derwald, yoni• :ronuont
Pour stating are endangered. ‘VIAPIrre
may alarm you or excite your entinsity, 01
no acco u nt leave your palace to-eight Le
the Blank Friar one m ore meet
ing 01 the conspirators, and all shall be re
The Count read the letter in astonishment
Who was that mytoetions being who tins
seemed to imicild to his views the dim vista,
of Iti4 destiny? and what was the cow-Met
ing link that seemed to bind that friar. to the
Collin with such an apparent servitude?
were questions which the Count Derwaki
could not answer
LShrw me but the author of this," said
Lebpold entering the mom of, the assembly";
and hearing in his hand the tale telling. pla
card, "show him but to me; and though my
heart be torn IFoui my body in consequence,
lie dies!"
Every member was before him, but not a
hp quivered, n 0 4121 cheek blanched, not an
eye quailed belore his searching glance, and
he completed the survey with a foNd 'coun
tenance and a Ir - otthing brew. - -
"There's a . , Millets yeie he, muttered,
glancing :maned the conspirators. “Let each
one come. forward-and repeat the oath with.
whiehliamas_ I ete,"
, Eabh of th' mblek stepped termini, grasp
ed The larg crucifix which stood in the eem
tre of the apartment and repeated his oath.
To Lebpold's prayer Mat eternal curses might
rest upon the, head of the offendq, each fer
vently responded Mum..
"Enough ! I am satisfied," Eaid Leopold .;
Then, lowering" Insvoice to a scarcely midi
hie whisper, "bat nobles of Austaia, these
Waifs IntVe cats."
Each knoWflts meaning, and leaping to
dm door, they quickly secured every wmd-,
dw and other known place of egrcse,and then
a yigilghl search for the.dis.cov
erer of thilr secals, , Ilcedlosi of the obser
vation,gf a paising, straggler,theitliglits shone'
through every crevice of the old rmilding;
,glared on the mouldering, tapestiY fast drop
ping from the wills, lit up, apartaibitts from
-whence light had been ekclud-eillOi3viare—
yet they were tmsucecssful. Confidetn i hOW-'
ever, of some listnrie'r'bellig secreted, they
now • eornopendelf their search :among. thel
rtibliVah;which heaped ; up sqm of, ; the
nPilllunr. l s , lgnr, l l^,.posle . d, in, the_ ,
had they
one - Ore Weiyitittist frdtn,tbafiofghiiiii
ipf tile •rtirty. tii,ixio; I
ter whioh4nldl o ne#Xtqpig.494,llbo, y.vailob ,
qt.tx tiliPlNOr. the r'gre, , , cittanlttinY_Cbl3lo7
i,dreis_of_llisord'er,,Ayas_iliticßieidil'Pr Taking
4tim, by - the arms,
.centre of Niatinieuti ivhdro;t4a;the'Or.'
released:T;a Pt
V4Vhcilart l .aidhhe CounioAlbertil.x.'
' trDO yoti'fief'linovi
jar calm You; triptlOo
!..;e'cipidd--ind-' , yon-t-tindiyou-ltdhtli
.naid he, tuening. to the Conspirators 101' nlitn=
them each . Al - kr:Ow and now
,my Ibid; A:ti'dtriiqi,
l'Opt9ll 9 / 6 .9 I ITIR ° P , O3' , O I ; tI W, i tiglh t 2140 r;1 8 .,
;an advancin gtoWtirdk,ll4lll a r, „s iVeliiViiiBo
iti t iiliiidtrof;
rpl r( Vit."..WV ... t itinv t
, fyitpck:t v Piijy,glAo4,;,llll,oo,o,l,lnp9o,ifigt,.,,
ifOi 4 4*#,.ft it
i;tilreitta ohh (Ile ha al*, e
qtireipliolinuitbral,: 4 l*ipo .
I /o/0 ~A BFO,*l 2 ):9.orApftrii4l;',7l.ll l .sr?,
! •
••' . .
towards T.eopold, he said, in a low, voice—
',Count Albttrti, hewnro !"
That voice—had'an electric flash 'passed
thrpiigli_his . .eyety-nerve r itcould-not-hrtfe ;
find a stronger acct. pimp the Count.- ! ..11js
arm fell, as if paraly zed, In his side, his eyes
gazed steadil y
cowl' which hid the. face -of-the friar, -their
,rolle4l wildly -in -their sockets,. ks kness
smote tegeihnr i then .sun k., down before the
citicifix 96 attempted Itt mutter a prayer.
• Taking advantage of thiS, the friar leaped
to the dedr, kind before any of the 'conspira
tors could 'prevent it, lie .hailescapcd. 'Even
then they Wetild.have.purstied him, but Le
°held :escrried.,tcr stand- in-thO iloor and-keep'
thern• Back . " • . -
"That voice—that voice — it was hertsib_pt
tie; it 'canncit he;itWasthetoill gelid him.
. 8 0 1 ' r i _bOrritirninred, and_stnik seitsClass up
A letter Wits.ctinimyod to COunt Dev:Wald
the next morning, whe'rein the friar inform.
ed him of the name of each of the conspird•
tors. A warrant being issued fin their i3j4-
prehension, it was found that they bail fled
to n man.
Leopold had lingered behind a short time
to obtain a partipg interview with ri k ered?,.
What passed between them was- never tb.
vealed—brit en leaving tier, the proud
of Count Alberti was crushed, and trear-of
tears were observed upon his manly conic
We lady Therens passed the day alone in
-her-chamber, and morning she.sent
for the Count Dettvald.
..130 'Yriu love me Ernest !" , said she,
his entering her chamber.
"Do 1 love-thee, Theresa ?" said he, fond•
ly pressing her to his bosom. "Test me—
try me—land let me prove thatd love the bet•
ter than
"Be it then," said Theresa. "If you
love me, procure the release of the, Count
Alberti." •
k:panii of jealotisy flashed across the,
mind of the Count, as he anstvered
".!,11 is impossible ?" • .
!lllren_it_is impcssible_for ms to be_witlc
ilgVkaitidl'iterE‘sa, calmly. •::: •
I,l3ol'he has oti h uspirod aaainst the - life of
our Flovere4g*, 4:
51: of mw.auyibing tint that
lot it cannot one." , ,
"It must bellaffe!" wasitie firm reply.
A was done.
Bythe tioldritons of Eal Pest, n pardon telt.'
the Count.Alserii was_ proclaimed but Leo.
poll never returned to Vienit. In a foreign
td d he ftined away, but his last prayer was
>. heressa, that he might meet her in arm...
"I - l' %cc:odd—and his lag( actKwas to loess, ft: ,
liklips the picture of hei - iidto had been the
ord.. idol of his affection.
'The' Vomit Deniald, was alone in his
chamber. Tie letterslif.the Ariar were bo
lero him, but vain was the attempt to tathom
the mystery attached the 'writer. Starting
op and elittelnag them in his haild, he ex
claimed— 1 -
"i would give all that I am possessed of
—all hut the love of Theresa—could I see
him hut once more..! •
"Woultlst thou?''
The Count turned aroUndi and beheld
standing in the door-way which he haljust, the friar with his lace concealed by
the large cowl, and •habited in thn. same
chess which ha had ,worn at the triamikkr
- Starling -tor-word ; the count embraced
hie ; and then leading him to a seat; he said
" Tell inc note, „holy lather, %%11M:influence
mad thee see:, to presorre.the lite and for
tunes of ono moknottn to thee, but *horn
thou 'shah find fillet Ungrateful !"
"Love—love f i---rn&mired a soft bnice. °
The black dress of the friar was thrown
aside—it was no illusion; but it was Toxamss
his own beautiful,, loved Til E nes A .--that
Count Dorm'ld strained t 6 Ill's' bosom.
It is as obliging in company, especially of
superiors, to listen attentively, or to talk en
Do not think of knocking Oa another per.
son's brains,' because he ditlers ih opinion
Irom• you. It will be . rationah for you to
knock yourself -on the head, becatise you
tidier frorrilPtilself ten years ago. ,
Il you Want e.gairi any man's good opin;
ion, take panic lar care how you-behave the
first\ time yoo,nre in company,with
The light you first appear one who is
neither-inalined4a_thitik_well.or ilLoLyou r
will strongly prejudice. hiln tilther for or
- Be sure of the fact before you lose time in
searching for a cause.
In disputes-upon moral or scientific points,
let you,aionbe to - dome at truth, not to
conquer your opponent; , -
If, you happen into company where the
talks tons. into obscenity . ,, Sandal, folly, or,
vice of any kind; you had better piss for
morose and, unsocial am o ng, people whose.
good opinion' ip not Worth having; than
shock your 'ev: constienod, , V:inititttg in
coutlersation which; you must;disapprovoldi
11 EMMA Pmts.—A child, beAinning •to re ad , .
becomes deligliftlTo with , NiAysPel?eri,l 3 , -
walls ?
,he reads or gOmee,. l o9.ti i illit%," 7,nlFik
arc ; very famititiV dittl' he ( cell Onto 'si pro
g,ress' accordingly . A Newspaper in , oae
year (says Mr. AVeeks) is:wortlr.a quarter's ,
schooling, r' ,o , l 4,ohild; end' P'T r Y ' a l" r M 114
. 'titilLsl"ntritr rilltieDltilibD ts co q.
, t ' C iie ll e t i s eil le i r vq t r i lt l lia'nfaVaiderritail.' 'The roOther
- of tr ftiinily beiligionotlits head/land haVing ,
'a- more, immediate , elierge ‘bf,,childrenAske
libeeld,bersektrUOlektrul:lll4l.,, A ; , ii C‘).F,117
PlOl.l beCOIDOte (Orli ilia,
tl li! lie tn
•, ii r 3
. ..
l'i li r ril ee ialtid i t i gor in ts e ta rg ;l4 6,, , ri t , r_w_v il. a:nebula .' ' „usaaveretlm tscrvMign p_rey . ertative-s , galas
- '6 B o ri n iu s s itiorsi - t ,itaidi minti:icakilylgotome h d.:7 fi,lo attacks of muiquithe . s,' .. id sliookr , it'
HOW :near ilidiightierirrirongo=, b a o ' r , prove to be all tberilifibreViesi Ili 41 7 s e rv er,
liperdtheiv,earn,ingPiifeet:„.7,7adinV-81-hi4 it;pfibliti'Vrke of ' thanks "liiiiii`it'isl ::','',
,Wtro , Might , ' tcl , , , hev t ei ..
;rev spent (twenty dot--.' ' '
'pit ii os. , siiihli' quantity oi penpkr4al
161ifilenio'rttoinonIgidwrhtillheir famillego.i,ouittuktilly", * . le is tio u it,lis,pr' ites, E r4d , , ,_ . 'l,W , th rin e•Sh a a_ iii ke i r l s 9 EL D p arg irt h i c i'
.11,a,tq,olyiroT4h048141410t•ittrivelelowItia°""t,or ii - iimc:ox,,Wittlilki lltit, l l o ,i'flri , ; , -. _ 1
t ii ht.gflittl ) 141 . 9 1 0d( l ig31Pral ! 9Y0 r 4 o lI PPg d A t ' ToTe s Vl4 .l ht!iPage! qM , ? 6 3.11 ,31, i ,i_t_r: t1 7 0 ,
0 linto mrrip tattoo. - .
I p e ilb out h6okin g w ran to e on
. T a:34'i n."'"
i ' ' '7l'; ' ''‘ ' '
' t ver this b4X;iiiiiiAbleyW, illitibi''venttitei ihtlic
li - ,T 1 1:! , /%'orit.cir Gasiti nioarcitivre . :,--rAbFinili4 ! I i • --
Al t iaal„nf o rrotah.lprecticsi, experience, Atta l la- , " d e°°ll " v e"3 ' P
t* d'.coveied the iZ
-1 thi enil,rl o ,Yel {blessiniTs
, :op the old lady -who firs
, i.. h
he r e WU , hover)
that gr t een,oider,iip . p?,pi!pil in,mnsOFyki e r, Namable:herb) Imay-:: ' . 3, 'l. ; f
''ihriiis of, heir and grair!ovilt prov ith rill c.• .
i, eb - 9. 1 1 4 , 1 ,0 ) 5 1?Pai Y 4 'io4PW,rinlZZOlg
. I I . sorts p ..
:tpat-lieetred iVd 4 agailist 1 the dePretfuttaiiii" t - i,e , rigeoce o and,lvpetting,,their o, l Reffr liu.i;
',glide' and rohni: Thosel,e4ithals are frequently, i0 e) , , ,,0r0 0t d ot? s t k i ri t s,-,,y e il p.
~ , 0 ,
,deptrpriti.Vo,l4,,lheif tii(Olg 4 Ait i .Rlld i 6 a. I'qMPOY- 1 4 1 Pa` "' 3 ‘ ~ '_. ' ' 11:_: . ' 4,, '''' ':' 1 ' I
' l , :rnple, orOb' ewlY clit.ettillPPoeutriDl Office- , , t , ~,, -i , -,•;•' 7 ~ - ---i ,- -1 - ' l , , l it- beg ler k)a r v ihit - 1
:(:' ° :. l ;. .1 Ah 4.1 , .. 1, 5 l it 'Bii,„''in ii ' re ' riiW l ft ' GOOD Anima.-- s a o r
le i ; ,, :ii ,',' 4 ,' " ,,, ti s ty , t ,', ;ll, B v - it ., :?; : ise n zio - 4 7- i , k - lick,opail . rigin s it e ry, t i o t: t lV a o ll u d l an if b u d in 3W m e r il r ' o be en fe jo re ikk tii i: V ti i y kig; i ler t
thiyiert'litiii dreiiniefen ' lll4ll6 h' ' olll ' ll lr-P,lt s : ° CI' 0 l a id i n i e wi n f at i c o , ~ , ,,, t vt-A!, , i j 4 „r,l', v.
reit theii'litiniitii,'•"' ,4 `,`,", 0 ',' , `' 1 .,' c''' -" . 1 !rill°, le!
P ri ru , calor ~//, , ti r - tis , i4l. l ,iUil ", 4i;, l r;, l ,'i,t,'Ail
l''" , "''' .,ll 4'it , ''"' l ';',.'y'','''," l "" "' Iv' w"'' ~ s " ' , ' .. ' • ~..` it.„ll , 4 , lilcad,44it,,tiff,,ol
~1 . '; ' ,4,40 1 ,i ~ o, 4!j , pt'ol.t d 1 :, 0... , .J,: . , iilt, i i,A Of, - i+ " , ".',.' l ,r''' , ,. ,-,P ' '
eroln'tlic . AnickerboAcer Air MO,
^i_seteLan- nriny - finin thelriUnrethly -- "
lilpan the field, In silence nild deep glntim,
And at their conquerors' feet
1.4 their wAr-weapone down.
"Sullen Alentom,ll,ht hot diehnnored
Drove men, b u t hraVe,lnvato,thej,j•idlped there
,Thesphlier`e trial-trek
a not Moho to.dter"
It was II clear, blight, sunny day, on
which the, surrender took piseb. By special
good fortune, the author of this 'sketch•
tatted an opportunity of beiegpresenfat The
.capitulationiand kriiiist splendid atal-glori
tins pageant -it was:. The boat in which :ire .
embarked pin off front the thip•abont eight
-ojelockv - A - . -- 141 - tuni-aftettl - long nu
- the fleet of transports, wei landed , oe a white
level Sand. beach, alma thres_rtfileiclo the
southward of ,Vera Cruz: Hbrirwe found
the eintampmein of thd Vbiluiteentplintl•af
ter straying around among • the tlEtids,:fille,d
with a' ragged and motley assembly; Alta
seeking in tain,lor horses at the marquees
of the different quarter-masters, we started
off to the "Field of the Grounded Arnie."
After -crossing the sand-hills which rise
from the beach, we came suildenly`npotf the
stage of the "Theatre cf War." Cannon
balls were lying all - over the plain, like corn
upon the thresher's- floor; while here and
there we descried vast,caVetnis ploughed in
the earth by the - shells from -the Castle.—
Columns of troops were moving about in
every direction; general and staff officers
galloping around the- dd on their spirited
charges; drums werri - beating - , trumpets bray
ing, bands of music playing, and the " star
spangled banner" floating gaily on •the
breeze. It was a moment to make one
proud of his country. Alter a fatiguing walk,
we came' to it fing level plain' i green with
verdure, eitending tOr more than a mile,
where the Mexicans were to lay down their
arms: Having secured a spot whore we had
a fine view of tith whole held; and while
we were cohgratulating ourselves upon our
hood fortune, one of General k , cott's aidd
came galloping oVer the field-da hia_panting
steed, :limning:
- "Gentlemen,-the General directs that this
place shall be kept clear. The Mexicans
are to match out here; so you will peiceiVe
the necessity of seeking•other qbarteni."
And then he galloped rapidly away, his
sabre jingling hi its •sheath, and his long
black hair streaming on thq_b.reeze....L.... •
There was no help for it, so eer party ser
mated, each taking up the position that
pleased him. An officer of the army, who
' happened tas be oil dtity at the time, aid
who had in his possession an excellent tele.
scop_e, went' with me to the top of a high
hill, which commanded 'a View of the whole
field, and where a thick chapparal, through
whose branches the cool luxuriant winds
came singing, spread its gratefal shade above
our heads, as we reclined upon the soli car ..
pet•like earth and gazed upon the magnifi
cent view before us. There lay the sandy
plains,. dotted with the white tents ot the
soldiers; the green field on which the ene
my was to pile his arms; the shattered walls,
ramparts and white dynes of the city; the
time-worn battlements ot the old gain Cas
tle, over which fhb hail-Masied (tag of Alex
ico was trailing in sadness.; .and beyond, the
gloat, soleinti, sleeping sea, on whose un-
I bosom,the countless fleet of trans
ports, men:ol-war. and steamers,, as.the long
glassy surge.came sweeping in, rolled to and
fro, with their wilderness of spars and rig
ging basking in the yellow sunshine. It
-was-a-most beautiful sight, and-one-that can
never be effaced hem my momery.
About ten o'clock, A. M., the American
army moved tip in two columns; a perfect
• lo,rest
. of glitter-rug bayonets, the regular
- troops on the tight and the volunteers on the
left ; and enclosing the extended hefd in a
'hollow square, with an opening mearesf the
city, timing!' which the Mexicans were to
enter,• awaited their approach. In a short
time the sound of mournful music announ
ced that the enemy was approaching, mid
looking toward the city, we beheld his ea
lumns moying out inzood order, and in the
direction of out army.'
On they came, the poor, crest-fallen, half
, starved, emaciated creatures, to the most
Mee, lul strains ever heard; the long, de•
jected looking files of troops accompanied
, by the inhabitants of the city; woollen' and
children; the old, the , young, the crippled—
,all bearing off theirlittle.,treasutes- some.
could be seen staggering Mider' . ffie
of old minks, others loaded down with bags
, 1 meal; no -doubt their little all.. I need
not say. that I sincerely sympathi?ed with
them in their deep distress ; and its I looked
around upon the many poor pale sorrowing
laces of the n females, my heart ached for
them, and I in volinitarilv breathed forth a
curse upon the inventor 61 Wait!
After the soldiers had slacked litsiir rums,
and while they
_wero..waiting to be paroled,.
1 came dowilfrofti the hill *here I had, been
seated, and strolled, round, among the col
urn ns of the Mexicanrij and, was surprised, at
.finding so rilliny . .ffito Oticers, had
, men Thq''ll44' the appear
:'itneci'-of being
arms and aceoutianictiits#Cttei itidn Oaf
hint 'Alttrougfil;lTvvrts'lnitirely'
,shone ; ,and, wore the unilortn al• the Islavy,•
;not an jlitultAvithicifllirektope.;',itill . ,whens
even thought iiriaPer tett:olWe one ,Of their
!Mid. courteiruslyleeknowledgpd4
Tivt;LLthin molly spentinge t ;tlo-rticist iirrirle
r ik: 0A 111 . lire tho')liiiiit 'sorts
of menus ;moil to
thusio' 'btit
. btu._ ..lon,rntt!.. how t tih ailength'
•• . „
The tollowing just.remarlts-on ihe &ilea
whicih• nations, ei neighbors, _oike to •
one anotiThr; hid from that excellent periodi
cal, the People's Journal:
c , That the people,ofEnglainl And of every
other countrjJeakilidlito*asAVErach,ether,
we doubt not:, ,lt is. pen ; in Clie:delight they '
rake in the Society 4 each other; when in
possessioninediutn- of conversation,,
notwlthstirediii all liatibrial difleMnoes, ,
Whether: in religien or rntinnerd,itbd tholes
JOATord the other. , The people leelbenevo-.
through_thefr the
rulers.- 1 heir, rulers, it tray
not less' heneVOlehtly -disposed., in__gerteral-14
Matters, 43 - tit they excereise the business of
government; and in their *reign rehab:ink •
lOW only to the effed they may produce
pon goverinneetii, entl.regardnot the condi.:
tion of a people considered separaithlj , Mitch •
its government. They only recognize pee=
pie through their governors, and they do net
,yll'ether. the • people are contented'
with their governors, tney ask 'Only are tha t
governors Ve facto governors; and that being''
nifimiatively answered, they hear the
„pee,. „
pie only through the de facto gerprfitnOnt.—
The phople of the wept(' are. late in asserting
an -existence independent of
.their govern
ment. They move not as yet, except through
their governments. Their-governments at
most consider only how theirparticular coun
frbtplientlY holy how their own stability -
will be affected by the Omits Wil•leb,ndty be,
'occurring in another country. Thee is no;
force in action for the good of the world,there
is no union for the encouragement and, es,
bllshmeht of, goer], no Matter inhere it may
be struggling. Thus within the just closed
year wb have.seen in-Galichi the fearful
work of pillage and slaughter proceed from'
day to day, and week to week, without any
useful or effect;t4: eiMissiens of, opinion
or reeling on the part of the English or any
_other_nation- Can we suppose that the re-
cord of,the black deeds perpetrated there
and react by •Fiinefirtien pod Englishmen;
ring e'made no Impression. Each one knows
it is not so, but etch one Who desired - to ex-:
press his feeling and opinion on•the subject
knew not, where to do it to any purpose. --,•
Therewds no combination or union to give'
effect to the expression of pympithy and in , .
•dign 41ort which every one felt. Govern
moots are well aware of this; and they tnovr—
are sale in their career of loping / so
long as. they duly regard other governments:
hi the absence of such a union titit(ong the
people. it is very dificult v perhapsimposible; •
to get at the time even a correct version of
the events which have happened. After
wards it is too late, and all that sympathetic
- expression and mental action might
cnieved is forever lost. So the wicked bur
glary bl CuteoW becomes a fait accompli, .be
fore the people of the world ask each other'
whether it is fotil or righteous. there is a-cry
ing necessity for some powerful,
watchful and energetic union' qtriong+-Ahe
people of the, world for the good of The
World. As man benefits himself by enter
ing into sutioty,.so'would we see the 'nimbi-
tants of different nations benefiting them
selves by a union for the establishment of
peace ou earth and good will towards men.
We say. peace, ,for peace must be the truth
of enlightened goodness; but then it can on
ly consist with an harmonious arrangement
between man and man in all things.
MODERN LIFE IS PARIS:A corrospoadent
of the fAlidon TiMes makes some curious
levelaiims with regard to the luxurious liab:
its at the noisier's. He says:—. 7
The records, of the tribunals have recently
disolosed some of the secrets of the private
soirees of the bonnes; and, at an auction sale. "
which took place last week, .£1,500 sterling
was the price of the chimney and other chi
na orniments of a lady's little cntresol. The,
sale was Of the effects of a young .person
tenty flue° years of age, who died a bliort
time since, and which pccupied'four days.
Her sister, the wife 'of.a poor weaver, de
manded theipropert3itia sole heiress. Thero .
were as many bijott.x in . gold and ornament
ed with precious stonefi as would set tip,
jeweller handiothely is the trade, and inore•
than half a Itu.ndted weight of plate and sil:c
ver gaff rooms I,vore , impassable from •
.the accumulation of- furnitureon bull,
queteria, and inlaid rosewood. The ewe-
Mg. ! was' an - Ma • thick. • The thuncellier 4
which the owner placed her feet when in T .
her carriage, to protect them from the cold,
;was lined-with-real-45yminm.--lii her-ward.:
robe forty gowns Were found.% Laces, laced
and embMidertid dresses, silk's, satins • vel-:
gets, Mrs, and all of-the costliest kind, and'
all in ex'qu:sito taste.
~ , BA,N .110X.—Ttle editor Of
t 1 2 lite knot established his paper iu dtown
without itiltabiliiiittit;' continued to
publish. it ‘.itltout, sebielitiers or readers.--d
He 14 . iiiiii'edelYthine but thies fi6&
,#enekally supposed ieciPigitp . td the conduct
iq9 of a ,
p ublic .1
But'tv6iit`lcill' hot.
yanked flerseveratide tieecuPplislcl Pie:ford
lo~iijtg is from•his last,pti,4llser:-.
. ,
'.'This is our Ittli number, but us yet mita
hive not received the firef , exellauge' paper,'
'free) any quarter. We sreiettingt !like
old trtid:ot 'bur , acquaintance? ! .-.lllfes.4Bllvhff
Ilti‘ibotti{rn; ; to • have l'vertt poor ;opihiroq, of
the males; and for , the blame :lemon,: doutitir
that , 41tey , rever - coree
, t; •
hhvei IlitiOtit'Vlbeiciti fly to iorneibt#Whe',l ,
in the , nir wfiltrtrriigeNtraridlothei
find ithen drep 041
0 4 9 Ojni o 7;116 oroty fa 11
CLititth - • •
ttiliktillcpliilolbritibrttliBrta 'on
tilkirlistattie nen shore, , whtin +aybikrtiebtKel
took; hts..tralu.tiato toc.uat ;o t que.i.andti9t‘,f l o.!
it !tip, i!tintti iir.l4ot4 (later „
dna th tOrV i ._:Very rir'ebatile; .
the fa6Opre V lee ti at rale& in ,vt411%!).
-egablt,hetl ! • 4
, LL-Tux-Tittren;i--440cui,,04.11,V eaffly t tarisJl'.*lt-'--
- ilrat i tri t oortiiiim aqtr-lONedn h h # , Pfiqt 4 til lu i" -r t -
i turyle a' ,DAval.” ' 11re belYelte, rt.' #.l. i ierfl'
do j•tardilekscittlifi Wlfeh you. are ,TtPiji) eq
orr iliatliftle:deaghte4l4lOurai Waj tbcr,' i ts'
gayl, l 99(iErn;_illePtf , ,ght,,MhPlAOlg: ift,
oialcurg„Oer,,Trout,,..o,l4 .. 11 Pg ~..r,1 1
.1 t 1.1•4 -
lailer?' Yedtrie'aiurdeiliiglitaicin ril h 1 ‘
irlirMiligheikill'aile bofil*ll , : pwiti.q..4 o 4w ,
Arc, ~ ,' - , -„`',',,,,';',,:- ':; , t+o•o'ii , /Vi , .na.' 0 2 3 1 '
' g p • • ' '
? 'll '. Ott TF • 0 1 )ii0V(4,.20 11,1114 t.,' 411 4. 1031 *. a i ; i '..,
. 41
T. Atl a Vit il f ai l i rr i r i4" , trr'92 , I
.4 . ; ~ tk V' 1 ' '...,''' 1. • 'ff, ;di _ , 7 ., k.'
, 1410, , 1ffi1,14 • O ' n.tekk , 0 TSI4S6C.,AIIItT.4",I.II.PONTf'