Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 04, 1847, Image 2

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    Asir 14mititaalo,paiwt4,,
'rider the North American
later from Vera Cruz •
Prospect, of Peacel—Merican Commissioners ap,„
. pointed—Two Battles—Gallantry of Col. Pe
Russey—Capt. Boyd and Lieut. Lannahill
Killed—Gm. !Taylor at Monterey—Celebra: ,
-ition of the Fourth—Licatiflipple Lassoed—
• Lieut .Parker and,Capt. • .
RICHMOND, Va., July 30. •
Arrivals at .New-Oileans.bring Vera Cruz
'dates to the 18th.-inst. - Gen. Pearce 'nod ta
then his departure for Gen... Scott's headquar
‘ters with 2501/ men, and encountered a force
, of 1400 Mexicans near the National Bridge,
-which was deleated, - with a less of 150.
Gen. Pearce had returned to Vera Cruz for
• Gen. Scott was still at Puebla, and Cad-
Walader•and Pillow .at •Perote.' The Meet
mans had been deleated at Lahoya.
Two commissioners had been appointed
ilaY the Mexican government to confer with
Trist. Santa Anna was now believed to
ibe favorable to peace.
Col. De•Russey.bad been nue : eked by 1200
'Mexicana at flonielta, surrounded, and la
ced in the greatest peril. 'He however, s
eeedeil in gallantly cutting his way thro gh:
Lthe enemy. with loss of twenty ltillec . and :
•Ken wilunded.,
The report or the battle bet vgen Gen.
"Wearce 'and the 111 exicansiv as founded upon
- to rumor spread by the passengers, that ur.
rived in the cars ) and does not appearao be
'confirmed by the account_ furnished to 41fe
Picayune by the captain. of the steamship
'Orleans. Then vessel, left Vara Cruz on the
44th . , at which time Gen. Pearce had match
. ed with 2.500 men. and 150 wagons toward
Puebla. . The Orleans arrived at Tampico on,
'the lAth, where the,cuptain was informed by:
.ECol:Gates - thitt.••Col. - De Russey had ilepiffied
tup the river .120 .men, partly Baltanoie:
ens, in search of the prisoners released by
'the Mexicans, and had landed - sixty miles
above, near Hirjucila, where he was com
pletely suriounded by. twelve or tourteen
)hundred Mexicans, out alter a. desperate
straggle he succeeded in :cutting. his way
ihraugh. ' and returned towards the river
Where he was posted a vaiting reinforce..
kneels. Col. Gates despatched the Orleans
back to Vera Cruz, with a requisition upoil•
Governor Wilson 'for lour companies of-in
gantry, and at the same time sent 150 glen
up die river to the relief of• Col. De Russey.
The Orleans arrived at V-era Cruz on the
end 4nund .tlra 'City in a: state of great
excitement. Gen. Pearce had encamped ten
'utiles from the city, when. his scouts came
in and reported a tinge force of Mexicans
at the National Bridge marching towards We
ira Cruz. Every thing was got ready for the
expeined attack and the stripping Was come!
veil from between theeity and the ensile.=
- Gen. Pemee-came in and mustered a rein.
toreement, of 700 mini, again marched out to
- meet theeneniy.
N The requilsition of Col. Gates could thieve.
are - hot be complied. with. but 25- marin es
'we re per nn hoard and th e' Orleans started
for Tan we she arrived on the_lSth,_
when • t was informed that Col.
re fitment had returned. and
'when I uotla, In a harrow defile.
be had been again surrounded by a IVI exicari
force Of 'twelve or fourteen hundred, who
- coma - fenced a heavy tire in all. direct:l:one;
• but fled through thi3 — dbapparel after six or
eight rounds mgrape. Col. 1)e Ritssey con
tinued at intervals for several days. to fight
NB way -back tothe river, Where'll(' was re ;
Ice-iced by 'Cu!. Gates' retrifureements. His
patty reached TaniTato on the nigut of the
16th, with a loss of twenty killed, ten woun
•ded, and Iwo missing, as well as twenty
horses end .sixty Pack mules. -
Copt. Boyd and Lieut Lannahill were kil
led. Several balls passed the clothes
of Col. De. Pussy, and ('apt. Wyse had
three horses shot under hint. The Mexican
loss is reported at 150.
Lieut. IVhipple had been lassoed nui
Vera Crti. Lieut. Parker .m the Navy, died
on board the steamship 144issisippi on the
12th. Capt. Wm. Dull 41 , ied on the
The Suit of
. Atrahuae, of ,_.fite 13th, says
that a private express horn, Puebta had dr
rived, 'bringing intelligence . , that Generals
Cauwalader and Pillow bad arriVed at Pe-,
rote with the ileitis eAforted by them. They
had been attacked at Lahoya and complete
ly routed the enemy with little loss to their'
troops. This express left Puebla on the 3d.
- News had been received there the day pre
vious that three Commissioners had been
appointed to meet Mr. Trist ut Sail Martin
Tesmalaucan on the Bth, (when he leaves
Puebla) to learn through him the terms ()t
-iered by the President.
A letter from thecity of Mexico, dated the
bd, says that no -doubts are entertained that
the Treaty wilt be immediately concluded
by the Commissioners, and that the peace
party is so strong that Santa Anna will probe_
bly prondunce for peace. - The natnes of thS
Commisoners given are Garotise, Baranda,
and Fornel.
Gen. Pillow has arrived at Pifebla, -
An express rider from Gen. Scott at Puebla
toVera Cruz had been murdered after a des
: iterate resistance. The Picayune expr.!_ass
rider had also been attacked and robbedM
all the letters .and left for dead: The edi
tors had received other letters, vhich state
that peace afthe 'Order of day; but say
that Santa Anna only waded to gain time.
General Taylor made a speech at a dinner
given by the' citizens of Monteray on the 4th
of July, in reply to a toast connec:ing his
name with the Preaidency..of the United
The . steamer Ann Case, Brain, on the
4 Brazos, with troops burst her boiler on the
12th, killing nine and wounding several.
1640 Gen. Irvin was elected to Congress in
a Strong Democratic district,. over a Demo.
omtic competitor, by a majority of , over
r 426 'Votes, and 1186 votes more than was
pelted' for Jelin. Banks, the Whig candidate
GOVernor, the year after in the same dis.
Wet In 1893 he was re.eleitted by &Major.
itY 011237, • and - received 2006 votes- more
• th - aairMr.. Bank's two :_years-belore. L-This
short* - that,he ran- tar ahead . ot his ticket,
arid dierefere must possess a large'atnount
petit:trial popularity. That district always
• gaveli'large'Demacratic majority.
Bdejt Meta speak volumes in favor of-the
' ' than: --, Theylhow , his moral and political,
worth ia:bighly ; appreciated by'his fellow,
V, citizens Of both padre& - ' . •:-.. ' ' . .
!?°, At known that' part; politics 'ran
' high eVery*lniteln 1840 and 1 43. .At•thoife,
__ : sk f periods:matif ,, rarelY - brossed -- their -- licicer
r'• l fieSeithttlheir petty candidates. Yet ate,
Panto:. districts they • Ohl .eo in 'hoes, two
;laves :of, Hie-over.,
,4;i7ivlialreing..triajority in,lB9B; ; is, coenlosiie
that_jbis;constituents were, atis,
hia.-cOtiree tri:.tinagresa;,encl.•That'
e story sof hie - atter:lo, to tax .terrand.oriflria.
.I.t.bragross,ancUinfamous slarider:t. , t
, _ 0-7 e: cc en- tire,ler
AOC' appearances; vest And,
.''''roodirillt be'scarce and 'higit'atixf fall. It
I .4egiiirevrire'tbelieie; , - something' like!,;180,.
..600,1qns :coati° ttupPly-Boaton..orie';year;
g ; zb nit°, the *present lime probahly,.not ore
IFreightingiessels.-barkbeen', very searee;
Parid)freiglits:thiVO , lleen 6 'to 65 Cent& a -ton .
'tigher.than;they were la t seasea .1 Eastern,
•) • frood;li'eiria„ , very,Aearc iiand.cimica up ye! ,
ati.:•advanc:e of fro th .50 to,
:').93o.6fits cents biVoir3iear,
•"' - •,-. , •.•!',.•••"7 - ,,,,, , ..,-,--..---,. ~
„,.-.,pt,•..1,'41,1318,43ink0n Ao',.ltqlobe4ter,"l%,l,4,lc, , wrio
•Alhdrolecl-,b, AokiOn tha 254a1yi,.' ' , , .l•
~,,;,,,...-,,,,,,,... ~ - t•:••,••-1 , -., - c ; ',i. , , , ,,,',.;:t., '•V1 ,,, •:: ', . i
. ,
,q,,,,,,4 , _pi,....1 i ge r ,',...,:„,• , ,, , , , . 7:- . ,•• : . ~,,;,,,,,:.:
.., , :- , 7.•,1'.1•',,,,,,„i„: ,.. . ,:`,‘",- i ,-:,."-':
'„,44 - 5r,..g.;',-,- , t ~.:. ~.,-;•„
~,',, , . „, 5 ,..t 7 ,..0.., • ,j, ,
'';' ", , 1 • ,,. .i , •'• -% ','••;'.,,.,:. t••• 'l'2' 7 :,', ' , i , r`,, , ! , '
fit)natlNl,•& V.atrip,oziitst
• '
••• - ••••-'
. ,
'4"21.8.L15LE1,21%.. .
Slur Reduced Terme,
One Dollar and Fifty Denis a year: if imicl in
• Advance—One Dollar and 'Seventy-Five
Cents if paid within or at the end of six
months—Two Dollars if paid at the end of
the year. The herald is now the -cheap
est p.per,in• the county!
'The 4lne Term and Thrill
• -Cam'Mates:
For Governor, '
Trcr Canal Cormissioner.
Whig Standing Committee.
. .
The:Democratic Whig Standing lEontinittee of Cum
berltrud county, aro requested 'try Meet at the pahlic
house itf Henry Rhoads, In the borough ef.Carlisle,on
SATURDAY, the 1111 day of Augustin:Nl, at I O'clock
P. M. for the purpose of appointing the day for hold
ing the Delegate El, ctions, and for the assembling of
the County Convent ton to form a ticket. The follow
ing persons were appointed this committee by the
Convention of 18111, and their attendance is earnestly
requested: -
JacOb Rheum, 1
• Robert McCartney, Carlisle borough.
George B. Heisler, Allen township.
Win. P Hughes,. New Cumberland.
J. D. Ilaufplon, Silver Spring,
- Mora° Sherliitim. Hampden. •
'ltiellard Parker, North Middleton.
• Rotte,D,Eivin, South Middleton.
Williain C. Houser, Mechanicsburg,
John Henan, Irickinsom
'Dr. Win. Stogie, Shippeusburg.
Ilertiamin Snodgrass, Shippensburg tp.
Geiirge \V., Monroe.
Hugh II McCune, Newton.
A. 1.. Coyle, Newville. '
Samuel I. Solitman, Hopewell.
Charles W Weaver. West Iretinsboro'.
W• E. Leckey, Frankfort)
Col. II II Rebuck, Southampton.
George Knettle.
GaINIFOI), Big Spring. •
Democratic Whig Critsa,l Meeting
TILE Democratic Whitt ritirens of Combrrlond
county, and all others Dirndly to the election of Den.
to the olfi - ces of ifovernor and Could C iiiii tole or
Pennsylvania—nil who nretipposed to the present cor
rupt and Incapable-Notional Administration, and its
loltirionta and dent ruttive ittenedirtoP=all who tire Op
posed to the continoatice of Esectit fee power for a
40000t1 term in the feeble lintl incompetent of
, ThrTlneTent:Shunk—all in favor ol adequate protection
to the Prue republican laboring interests oldie United
States. against the overwhelming petitinri of Brit
ish peeper 'len rents a clay" labor,by tanritflor Rev
erturt-nucl Protection—are earnetaly,reniteated tit meet
To the Court-House, in the borough of Carlisle,
On 111mkt!" Erening, iitsgust 23d, 1847,
it 71 o'clock, to give such expression to their fecling,s
mid opinions mid to promote tutu organization um]
action in Mich rntiks no will _groove the success of
good men, rrlnlqhe consequent security of “tile great
list good to the greatest number," In the tubuinistra.
lion policyof the State and Union. liy order of the
Whig fittnniiiiig Committee.
o:::77.llon..ll4:spz.iNlict.Eit, Secretary of the
•Commonwealth and Superimendent of Corn
mon Schools, paid a brief visit to our town
last week. While here lie attended the dif
ferent school examinations, and appeared to
be highly pleased with the exercises.
New PubficatioNs.
The Power of the Soul orer the Body, consid
ered in ri/ntion to Health and Morals, by
Geo. Moore, M. D., Member if ,the Royal
'College of Physicians, London.
The above is the title of a new work film
published by Harper & Brothers, a copy of
which has been laid on our desk by our en
terprising townsman, Mr. J. M. Kneedler,
who - liaa The work for sale. It is a valuable
puolication, and should be in the possession
of every family . -
The Good Genies, (hid !trilled even li tiring
info Go7d, is the title of a neat little volume
just trout the PI 088 of Ilarpet & Brothers,
beautifully illust6ted with litre engravings,
designed as a book for young people. Pa
rents who desire to encourage a taste for
reading in their children, and "furnish them
with something worth perusing, should per.
chase the above work. It can be had at
J. M..kneedler's ) who is agent for the liar
tiers. '
Oft: OF lilt:M.—The individual %yip was
arrested and lodged in the jail of this bo
rough a few days eince y of suspicion of his
being one of the IILASNAGANS-With whese
trial and conviction ,for the murder of Mrs.
HOLDEN, and tubsequent escape horn prison;
our mitt:err:fits readers are no doubt all la
miliar—bas been recognized by two gentle
men 'visiting this place from Westmoreland
county, who arri - well acquainted with thorn.
When first arrested, lie denied that his name
was Flannigan. He now admits thtt to be
his name, but, denies all knowledge of the
clime with which lie.stands charged.
Oc:p The annual, oxaminption of the com
mon schools' of'' Carlisle commenced. on
Monday, the 26th ult., and torminateiono
Friday following. Ott Thursday evening,
the schools or the secondary depaitment
gave an exhibitiTrin the
,Hall; and were
exercised in - .Gt arnmay,'Geograpby, Gistory,
4ritlimeiiiv&e..-- On Friday- evening, there
tvas Am exhibition and okaininalion olltio
tWo Glgh saecile in the'llall .'Tfin:eXei
eises consisted Of Peelamation,,e.snuninathip
- .- -
Geography, Algobia, - AstronomY,- &b.- 7 -,.
We had not the ple s tisure of 'beikg'xiOsero at
,4ttigitititt e 4t), Wit . :itre 'iiiinknio:C.tiiikt• - i t :
wati.,lilo* f i
Iyajt4li, both :.tii--:- tile, to
da i,..‘
cindiils undertheir
ln p Charge •-•' - '
enovs.--The' fat:niers throttgltetn the ,
the, ,country aro now generally Ilene .hoy and
wheat harvest, antll though' the yield or the'
'former is rather light, yet We believe not eo
• . • .
much:or a failure As to...produce a scarcity—
the,,tth neal-- quantity- :o I 'cork, planted— ,
johlitt.preeentlooke promisingt-wi e
a wept. duel 9f 'winter 'fadder 'l'or bottle,•and,
0 1 9iennY in:
,the crop . w heat will
,be % , average•One • the re' •beinre of
ccro 6 l4l': o ; is
thelight' be }OhnuU tige' run t "
'• . frekthell;therearthlelf l ooothein!.'itirtOld
art, rig,t Tauspletous to the;,
poets o our en arm .
17 ;4,2
• f '
2 '
%, - ,3;•,`Alte.Gemo'cif the Locoloces: - :
uf the Locoloco party, know.
*Aar 'iliesaturfaction That Prevails in their
ranks :. in ;relation iorthe re-nomination= 4 1
Shank,"' and the certainty of his 'deleo4
!Iris will resort to all -kinds . freedil
arititricker to bolster up their siniciing,'„eausei'
and manbfacture popularity for their eancli
date. Among the many games of deception
pled iced by,...e . rpeoU he Most unscrupulous i
members of their party, we move'
. A prominient , Lecoloco of that place, says
the Huntingdon Journal, has beeri go:Aril;
about'ornong entr : Teroperarke
ing them lheyiShould not Vote for Generhl
Irviir because he-belongs to: Jr Temperance
Society' And when.he Meets a Whig who,
is strongly in favor of Tompersirce, he tells,
him he is in drily bound to vote for 'Shtink,,
'because Shrink IS a - good - remperanN
and signed the. bill 'to give.the people a vote:
on.- graining Tavern Licenses,;' and therefore ;
,be 'should be sustained by air corrsislent
!violins-of Temperance?".
When members of uny political patty
resort to such contemptible trieks as 4he above
to l.leeoive and cajole the people -into - 440
support .of their_ candidate, tho - inleicnce_ to
.be drawn from it is, that their cause riaist be
in a rotten eon d .
The Next
The recent .election in New 11ampshire
secures beyond' the shadow of a•doubt the
majority of the Whigs in the newt Congress;
nod in the event of the election of ?resided
going into the House of, the
control of the delegation of at least sixteen
states. The elections already held leave the
Wigs with 90 members elected, to .67 Loco
locos. 01 the 69 membersyet to bmelectedi
the IVhigs are 'confident of seemingai, and
in that case the Whigs will have .127_ruern
hers and the Locos 99—making a pajority .
Of -28 in the next House of Re,ppesematives.
truly the Whig star is gloriously in the
Ascendant, and the final triurnph o! our
principles certain. Onward, then, Whigs
of Pennsylvania, and-crown this . Congres
sional triumph by one still4nore.glorious, in
0 t .ber tie:o, in the election of Gem JAMES,
the highest offices in the Keystone. State.
Clz:7— When any of our IVlng friends hear
the Locofocos boast of their love for Irish•
men, they should remind them that the ?fill
for the RELIEF QF_IRELAND, brought
formird by the gallant and noble•heatted
CurprENOKN, and ably advocated by the
IVliigs in Congress, WAS DEFEATED Bl ;
LOCOFOCO VOTES. Nothing better could
bi expected, however, from a 'petty that
proposed to pilltga the Itlexiican' churches to
defray the expenses of the war.. Tl3Jir:
boasted'hiendship lor the Irish is•all kypcc
risk; which is one of their most prominent.
eharacteriStics; and itiehgth from_motives of
policy they arc constrained to pretend friend
ship for oar drish feliew-citizens, they are,
rieir most biter enemies.
Foreign News.
The Steamship 11'arthinuton ariived•at New
York on Sunday. She tyings news Col not
nuch importance.
Mr. Hush, Minister 1' enipoleetiary from
:he — tifOred States :6 the 1 uitelies, in place
of Mr. King; had arrived at Par;s.
Thu Potato° rot •bas again made -its ap
pearancelo some extent ip Ireland.
Flour and Grain still cin the decline in
price. The crops are represented as being
is flouri,hing cc ndition, and a large yield
is expected by the
—Fifteen miles of the Western division of
the Control Railroad, commencing with the
city of Pitts u:g, have been let to the follow.
•tng persons:
Section No. 1. Joyeplt Met.,
J:Relarar and J. J. A. Irwin
3. Collier, Reside & Co.
.c 4„ Joseph Hunt.
5. Stewart, Nt'learland a, Stewat
a, .6. Lutz & Wallace.
7. NE'S° t Karat, & Co. •
• 9. Joseph Hunt,
it 11. J, iteltrarAntll--& - J. A. Irvin
" 13. Rohrer, Black Irvin & Co.
" 13. J. Rohrer and J. & J. A. Irvit.
" 14. Sterrett, Humbird & Co.
a`ls. C. Cher.y. . „ •
The number of biddeis at use letting, says
the PittaburgGatette, were unusually large,
embracing an universal number of compe
'wilt and experiineed coiftra si efers; and' the .
competition was exceeding'y close. '
We are pleased to learn that the work has
been let on very favorable terms, and that
its coat will me much less than the ouimates
either of,the present or former eng;neers.— .
We hrfie, now that this work is to be early
commenced and earnestly prosecuted, that
Pittsburg will contribute liberally to its spee
dy completion. , •
Pulling down the Flagv—
The Sunbury American,: we of Mkr - feV,
Locofoco papeis that.has maintained its con:
eiteney on the• Tariff questten,,and,. the cc :
knOwleitg,cd organ of the. Loeuloco party of
county, has ;hauled down
the Frei Tiade flag Of'Slittidd and Linigstrah
urhtch has since the March Cbiivetitiop'be e n
floating-at itimast'headr speafiicg'of this
- Movement on the'part Of t e American the'
Miltoniari~ published
the; Same ''' cunulyt_
"The y American: American: hoisted,- the 4liun t kt,ana,
,Longstreth'lffug immediately•Mler, they,were
put hi titftnination;;but it had no* even , Until
the , of sarne,.•said •;)ime , word.
one.,way.or the,rother, of Shunle‘.l6:2iterfiiol:;
Aims. --J-1111iiii-statet-Othings-shou
:until the, election,' Its. it doubtlesis
Tiifiliiri:iiitididifir Gem, JAMES
;Disunion , a ..t1 'dissittisfactienimp,,PßEVAlL
in the every. township '
the,oolintY, anit iVe,,have ii`evere;knownither .
.nomination of aity man '•inore.,.riceeptable
the Whigs than just,G e neral 1riin2 1 • 1 ,7,._ • ,
, . , •,..,,, • ,', •
f)r,.,H'ave,the Eggineere et . 1 1 1 9J40401000
party . , let found'out what ,, puit.'ot the ,' ma.
afilhetylit'lthe'l'aiio'or , 184,6`iiilhii‘of kf,liii: i,:
4Vllictiie 4 Ogeiitlitrgiiilele4eif;ii!n7:io;i?
tkiiply,l2.4., -t , , ",•7?.t31 , ,; 1t, ,, v•--+ ~-. ~',, . , f , . :1 , ,
r-•,,,01x,r 4 ,i.., 43 a ~Lkti-o„, 40.50.14 li'ffi,67 ) ii,l , o6 f ,
.t' s, ., , YbliiiiiiiitliOtbixlsli,k tiwelevap p iiihaf.o
;iifi;s,l44iiii , T4 - pA l gi!Jii:W.4lii4,l4i'i' q 's3,l=ol4o!'
I keitucy,Nfieluelt;;. , ;;;:•; ,- ;,: . L',4 - ",'7 4 4 .' , 1;.4','',.1,4''
',,,..) • ',4". , ,-;•`. 1 .''f, , ,cie.` ,, r‘4,. 1 .
, , ~, . a',......2,-y,,1 ~, ,' ..,,,, .... , . , ... , 1• , - - .4...r., , ,-...'w,i,
. ~,,,, • 1., ~, , i',,,, ...,., ~,, , , ~,, ~..., ~' ~,....- -..,44..,1,,,
150 • 10014CthiiiAlreintit:Tririfi. remains un
thiMnicirrOrProvistons. must 're
main- lijOi!iiiflitikllrtfon. •
•gt31104:44,',04.:ii,00,,:iyive-oc6iiiie4 in
price: alh over : thn%country almost: one-half.
The attempts of the Locofocos, to gull the
people with the bell f that ihelrigh prices o
breadstufri' ,4'rere attributable exclusively to
theAritish4rinitl .01-1846 wnec.kaily..a se
cond edition of thO Kane fiend of 1844.
The foreign demand alone occasioned The
advance ;( prices. The demand having
now ceased, in conseqUbnce•bitirb reviving
appearances , of European crops and the
large importations.lioni the Baltic, our Eurni
mers »lust prepare lltemsclvcs for a still fitrthcr
decline. the Locolocos who for months most
have been eloquent in-praise of the
Tat iff of '46, are now dumb as statues, since
the' declineiu the prices - of inovisions, the
stoppage of• the importation '.of ariecie, and
the dimiti • it of the cYlsloms. .The fann
ers raboAC lb inztJ fhb grors dece, -
lion, and htimbugg „' of Locofucoism; and
that thelaihne of. for • tri crops and famine
in lielanti,occasinned incicosed
- .WA not "the Locolgeo
• , e7it :as the
NAKEII 7 B ENICAN TAnlrc—The from the .Matarnoras Flag will be
read with interest, and deserves atteution4
"The Washington Union gives currency
to an article from the Pittsburg Post,' stating
that at the lime .General Patterson left Vera
-cruzi-there-was not-.less- than two-hundred
sail of foreign vessels in that port. richly
laden with the products•of various climes—
and •that the revenue under the - mitti - ta - cill.
for a •week, iu May last, would
amount to a sum not short of three hundred
thousand dollars. So far .from this being
correct, -thete never had been •exceeding ten
'foreign 'vessels, at any one time, at Vera
Cruz since-the place.has been in bur posses•
siert. • !And as to the amount of revenue
'Stated to have been collected, those who
would credit it would swallow arry . absurdify.
Two •things •estoersh•us: one that so natal
toes a measure .as 'President our tariff
could emanate from any administration, and
that se •respectable a print as the Union
•shotild .attempt to sustain it by,publizhing
artioles so -grossly improbable. But this is
the age:ot wonders. We.shall not be aston
ished-at any (hive hereafter.'
QUITE FlietTEU . l..—The following fruitful
results of Ithe Tariff of 1846, arc enumerated
by Vice Piesi}lent Dallas, to a toast bet Ore
the "Young Men's Democratic Association'
of Phil/Idol:Alia, on the 4th
A mexican %var, with victories ", too tedious
to mentian,"
An EJOish peace, Vith torrents of 'the
An Trish faiiiitie, reliev e d by our - akin
Taxation reduced,witlocrveriue and credit
Ourlartners filirows
Our merchants, dreaming thug are minces
Our,.manufaututers, buying palaces lu
Our hatrtis lull of cola.
Our roads and- iivms full of steamers.
And though last, not feast, our schools and
nuiseries full of children.
These are quite astonishing; results, espe
eially the lust named : considering the brief
period of its operation—since last Decem
Lewis, in a letter to a Lecofoco Fourth of
July Com miree says:
"Let us all bear ivy Mind that the war ques
tion has been determined by the newels
that be;' and let, evety man remember that
•thepowers thi6t be are ordanted of GERY and
that .he that resistein the'lanver teeisteth the
old Mance •ol God.' " •
Upon. this principle, remarks a cotemPo-
Tary, if the " powers Inn be," alias James
K. PolK, should proclaim himself Emperor
of America, he that would , dispute Ids au
thority, would be resisting "the ordinance of
God." Thi% doctrine once Fustaived in Eng
land, was long since exploded; and long
may it be befOiro it shall find ativociites in
this land of fiVedolll.
A DreenorwrAct.p' APPOINTAIENT.-rllO N.
Yolk Gazette states that Col. Price, who has
been selected by Mr. President Polk to till
the vacant Brigadier Generalship, in place of
COI Jefferson Davis, who .decline l) pco..
motionds the Commander (Alga Missouri
`regiment, the conduct of which at Santa Fe
and in New Mexico has been so disreputa
ble, If the accounts Which have reached the
States are true, the regiment has baeu for a
long time in 4tll utter state of insubordination,
anti outrage after outrage has been co omit
ted, without the slightest effort on the - pail
of the - cotnmanding officer to put a stop to
Merit. Arid yet this commanding elver;
this -Colowel Sterling Price, who owes his
Colonelcy to his part'zan services, and is uh•
(tidy destitute of all the qualities and knowl
edge Which so responsible a post shotild re.
Oka, is nowselected by President Polk, as
the - best man to. Blithe vacant BrigadierGen
eralship,?+when the gallant Davis refused to
accept It is certainly a pharActeristic choice
.this picking out Mr promotion .liy..Mr.,:Polk,'
of such a ,manAs.Sterling Price. • • •
I .Ggri.
. were ,oflered •by Col. John.
John . .Pickelt; at the trentinig bl the Baltimc to
Resolved, 16,,mombers Ali
,iecogoize i in Ilajoi:Generni
qnalifientionerliat are
essential to,,;.the;Jaith ond:proneriiischarge
the iOportant:;end•leeponsi duties
the . Chini!Miinistralti (of , and tin
view of his pptriotisttrj ; fris. ability, his Jean•
tieos integrity, 4) leconatiend - ? - hiti , ,y,
iliwetiLlitigeijilillepecArle.for;the,riext Pres,
Nenoyi . -OfitiO;grilted - -siotes, „
:-~teeolpeil~ ,That is; ;Convention consider
--Mejor. gericrnl - ZnaWTesilor nirundy wit e
field as the, eople's;~endrilete tort rChiel tihlA Netiuny_and as eucW;Tentr
„The mit,rdelorixiin,
from flarrisbuig the, Juniata Acnitlilliet ;
b tc' [in del • W
are 011 1:1 , e et,
erstend th 6: thoe . ,ihe
contract 114
;weet,iiiiLewietoiv,,ii,Ateeoon.ns h!, Engineer)
'os l 6ec et4f,ifioSe enefgeale
• f• h ii4 4 :o l-I ;f l lo,o ll 7`,.!!} ' :*;; n6l9let i . n •llt ' i t i l i#
nc*,(l ? Pir°°, l °P 3 ‘!”? Pr9" 6 ,uld 11 !' 1,11 ? 41 t )
, iiolloo n'ei)eitty 7".z.TL)q,";-
pondent of the 'Boston 'Atias knnark'sc in his
Letter from Partis`'l,l,Aderriaita : ef tntif#tstof
lestmonth, thrlethOubject of the; War
tween, the United Steles Ateki4 : is •fier
haps,bettei undrstiii4 in Entiipe thart here
at home, where he: - says, Lithe flush of
y and honest pride in our brave army's ae
hievbments prevent our taking a,dispassion
ate view of it.""
That ther6 is much force irt, th is remark admitted by all who have . obStirverr
the apathy and apparent tmlitleienee with
which successive turoutlaepowthe Constitu
tion, nutlet the-cover of this War, are look
ed updti even by considerable classes id
men, whose thtewthless and forecast in the
managenlent of their own affairs raigni have
indueed•the expeCtation ofmore wide awalm
attention to what has beet) going on in the
Government dining the last two years. It is
a marvel to us how these classes, such as
the great Manufacturers, the extensive lin-
porters, the Ship-owners, the Agricultbratiu
terests in some entire regions—WA do - not'
meati generally, but to a certain extent- , .-'an
act, as they do, as though there were no fu
ture .belore them, nor :my care but the casu
al profits and transient enjoYments of Om
present day. Would that we could pintake
of their cot placent sell-security, desteart o
that anxiety and alarm which tills our miiiiis
at seeing, the wise institutions and, yi , ,t wiser
inavirris orthe framers - of our G:iverh mein
continually treated with coilteinpbund ill-di's
guis,ed di3Oisioill . . • .
. flow much more sitgaeiobsly'do . enlight-'
erred statesmen irr other hinds regard this
war, Who consider it as possibly he death
wound to our political system, which has
beta for sixty years the object of their ud
miration.and respect.. It is•too true , , we ap
prelientlithat,ms the correspondent-I-the-A i--
das remarks, the'warls'better . understood_ in
the countries of Europe than it is by marry
men in our own country. The pi l oss, at least
in. Paris, understaiida it nibch, better, and is
More alive to its possible conseluences than
a large petition ;al 'the protts 'of 'tlib United
States. lit proof of Which 4V13 heed only for
the present cite to our readers the language
of a leadingliterary and political' journal of
Paris. It is the Emir tics Dela 310nAs, ilia(
in its last number,declai es stir [mimeo that
the war "is a fatal stroke under whiell the
admirable Constitution of 1789 w ill perhaps
yet fall. The Ciller Nlagistrate wine]) Ruler
son,l4adiscii and Hamiltoir piCtureri to them
selves alter the model -of. their illusiiions
Chief, grave and calm its the law iisell, it ill
change into a conquering &myrrh). orrice
watching from his headquarters the peopil. r,-
Ire has subdued. The army of six thousand•
mem which defended the frontiers 0 a coml.'
by ten nines the siv.e of _France, must lie ire
creased to a hundred thousand. The expels- '
dilutes ol the War Departint , m will be error
nines, [Military customs will take root. It is
a bad omen ter the unlimited liberty which
the'Ammicatc citizens enjoy, as well ai tin'
-their linanoialsystem, hitheito go admirably.
4 lions
(*—We see the •Thig papers etf4l.`cri . itlin :
"tt-- to give. currency to the tumor ifrit. Floor,
Wheat, Rye; Corn §tc. has greatly- der lured
tit price—and even rime "Democratic"' pa
-1 pers. havcso. tar forgot theingelves as to_di
tho'stune thing. Does not every body 4CIIONV ,
that the Tariff-of '4G is still in lull firrceai ti
effect, end that such a thing as - ..1d.w prices for ,
agricultural produce is Iherrlioc out of the
- .question? fs not the Tariff 01.4 G the Fur'.
mcr's Tariff—and was not the Protection al.
forded to our Meehanics ain't Manufacturers
by the Tariff of '42 sacrificed iworwedly to
poomote the agricultural interests of the couri
try?—and if these .interests listve not b!co
prom led—if a steady sure market ; at
prices, has not peon secured will riot the
eyes of the people of the North be opened to
the fact that the Locoloco leaders have be-,
irayed4hern to the Soot h and the "Dem- .
ocratic Tariff of '4O is not the kind of
Tariff their intereOgran - for=ortit - so i lam
by their votes for Irvin nod Patton—the:
grictids I'mtemfon arid llorne Industry—at
tire nest electron.—/Mlyelaysburg Register. •
The IVashington Union notices the inten ,
ded departure of the Princeton, from Phila
delphia, for the Meditetranean, whew she
goes to protect our commerce from the
enrages of the pretended Mexican
ers, and say::"
"The AlPeglieny is ordered oti from the
gulf to the North. • Az; soon a g si t ta
with a sufficient crew, which is brx pecte I to
be promptly done, she, toe, goes:to the Aletr ,
aerraneun, under the corrimand I)/ Lieuten
ant Hunter, errs er whose aspires she was e
quipped at Pittibm,g.n
non. Edward Bates, of NI . 18SOUI
the President of We Chicago Convention,
said lie had nerd' seen a itailroa4! When
he emigrated, in 1812, to the French village
of lots called St. Louis, which has now filly
thousandrinfiabitants, he was obliged tohire
a guard tigainst hostile savages to accompa
ny Itirn aernss the unbroken wilderness
which is now the State of Illinois, with a
civilized population of six hundred thousant!
t 3 r . The (Uncial obeequiee of thellonored
Sons of Kentucky Who fell a Buena Vista .
were held at Frankfort en Tuesday, the 20th
ult. From 15,000 to 20 ; 000 people assetrs
bh . .ltl to pay their respects to the memory of
the blare men who had &mated their liyes
is :Mexico.
GEN. HA Mr Em I Ny ^- Tl~o commit
lee charged with bringing home the remains
ollhis-late-oflider from New , 111
'on, reached the litter 0.1'4 Vritlay,'Ettla
tnamohie and-military ltOtrormi....
etz:ToThe • Lonisville.:Journttl f ,nptiU3rtg,
Ihe'ritalement' that Mrs; Sigoilineo house
wSerobbict while the''PseSident and _2ottert.:.
dank were ;halted jn '~ gnt`tp "receive` her
,cpuaratulattuue,,,says.- , f,We trust Atm. Hort.;
, lord, pOlee hild MN Polk 'a hangers on a gree.
tea and thorotighlt.starkhlNl. 9 ' "". • .
w ill 'hiti;e 'a' majority, in tub etri. National
I,loutle:pf7RePreaeutatt'ved'"lieleil, tociaincle•
opromeuement, of _the warr :Quite a
.tatiking .evicatice of 16 popularity of .
and bitenteasurei among
,the'inessee ' -1
; Ott- %V h o ine - tlie*Tederalists V' infru Oe i s
•alocoloop . paper. Ask I .l . ol , ri?tt
0 i 0 1 9. nittle Ina - 4nra 1 4 ;,9 1 4 geAcy!,,s , '
partypublished an' adOraes ta:4 ll ,°PeniAe° l i
this State,'soirimetioinetiWr f VAS
5 1 .4 r
. : Yeifit'atiVatl;i4q 6l 4,4%iht
Iti . o7;,Tkiir,6i
7= 7 7 7 . r7.74 " . " .44 . . .
. . .
4- • ,
old Yederalism
Wl3 find tie fcillotving paragraph,fro”.
Nasplille'tinii:in going the'the tounds of :ti
co Rico press'..
- "t1;.E1 prime movers of the Ilafthiril
ventibit the liading federalists o((1 terse vlam,
are now attire modern•"lVltigs;)is,vibletiti
ty'oppoSetho,the Dernoccraey uid the cause
of their country as ever they were. This is
a historical fact, which does itot admit of
doubt or denial.''
Where is JAMEs BuetfANAN, one of the lel
dors of thepw FEDERAL PARTY, who
bitterly tlenouticed the late war, condemned
the Demeefanp„aa i nj u l s tratiOmor Mr. Mad I.'
sun g and declared that if he hod a drop (y .
Democratic blood in his veins he n.quhl lrt tt art
lie is r. Secretary-of State!
, Where h iF Charles J. Imtetsoll. the men
who boa", that 11 he had Bred during thb
Rev . lt'ltliionary Wilt he would hare bent a TO•
/LI? Mi. Polk has sent him as Mini.ter
to Fra l .c . •
Where. is Richinfl, , Rush, nne rfl the ;Oaf
r_, ll Yfon pure OLD BLACK COCKADE FED.
ERAtLIST,§Ii \lr Polk has sent hisn as Alin
i'ster to Puiff4 o ! • ,
Witere 'is Mr. harierAff, another of the
him Secretary of the "Navy, end the'n sent
him as minister to Great Britain?
: But enough. nib attern,pr to identify thb
Wliigs with die old Federaliots, caps the ch
in:x nide redientons., Why!the very LE.4-
new the only 'aistiegniVied men im the
ran f the "-Deinocracy. "--
t 3 die Federalists from the ranks, aiid
11 Loeofneoparty would the Os desti:me.
talent nE , it is bl correct principles. — The le: -
ding Fe•letahsts of ohl are nbw active Loon -
locos, as violently opposed to the true inte. 7 -
eats of. the nountry as ever they were : —
Show ns an Old FederoliAt who was promi
-rearid thint - lita - iiillthi party in days gone
by, oral we will point yofito a man who is
now the active supporter.of the present Le
er-loco - party, ha who Anstains nlr. Polk in
giving "did and cpmfirt" to our Mexican en
elniee.—Thrriisbur g bileVigencer.
Items for. Ilasly Readers.
A witiT.E.R ,in the National Intellig,enebr
says that it is CONlemplated amoti a number
at the citizens of IVashiirgton. to form a joint
stock company, and erkel h largb cotton-fac
tory in that city.
Tilt: LABORERS on the Ohio canal hare
been ieeerving 1326 a month. They 4tvere
issat ii4ied with this and have made-a strike
for higher wages. • -
ANo - rnuu.—On Saturday, the 17th inst.,—
an aged man disaPpeared mysteriously from
the neighborhood of Clark's Perry. ISerneli
W:t3 madeler bite, but with no success. On
Thursday last, - his - body was found in a small
moistu not tar from his home. The sn pposi
lion is, that on attempting to cross the sionon
on a log vvhich had been placed aceress it.
lie lel, to and was drown d.
AN •EAttritquAK - c AT GI.FN . S FA I 1.5.-111 e
Republican stales that on .1:1 itlay
the . ,Pth inta., a severe stioa of all einiliquaite
t.ras felt in sevelat towns in.that county, tfic
elects ul which extended for tiny inilea
Mr. John T. flughec, who a( c impanit d
Col. his wh..le mPch at: op_ h
Ilexi'o,designs publishing a fug u
t itexped
the 12th utl. 11111iant Bonneu, al
Faidield 'to‘raship, Westmoreland eoutilv.
aged I I years was instantly Icalud Ly
The iron stett,fn frigate Allegheny has been
ottleted to Nort6lk, and- she
_will complete
her clew Mere:
The comer gone of a new Epinoca
Church to be called “St folio's" was laid at
Louise dle hy.,.ou 'Saturday last.
John Pettit late M. C. from Indiana, w•as
thrown from Lie buggy, on the HIM het, in
1:011SC(1012r/OC a his hortss taking freight, and
broke his leg below• the I..nee.
DA Vin Sr.lE - GEli. PorrEa, Lieutenant in
the United ,States Artily, died at Vera Cloy.
lately id the vomito. -Lieut. P. Was a nepli•
the late Cunt. Porter.
Vit.caums__oi huadrcd__ earn..
:Janis aimed 411 Baluimape tecentl3, said to
be the vanguard of a colony of several thou
sand I I ulluirders-, who are about to eetlle iu
Missouri. They are well clad and line look
ing people, and have abundance of means
to carry out their intention. They fly
religious pereccution wide' the litug of Ilan
over. - - - -
The sum of three hundred dollars ha,.
been contributed by the Methodist mis,itin
in Libel a, during the past year, to intssoma
kikpurposes. lilts is 00 average ot 38 sett
per :number, about treble the at etage
sum paid by the members at home.
• A man in Eaae. comity, N. J., has been
lined :1-.ti,tuttl sent to the State prison for one
>ear, for !outdating huh trees.
A titan named iNt'thatighlin of Pittsburg,
aged about al years., jumped from the eat
upon the road, aIMI was riot over, about two
tarthree mies below - (hay's; on the tuft
and kdled instantly.
The Charleston Courior learhs that' heavy
rains have flooded the whole country be
tween Motile and Montgomery,•Altibattia;
damaging the crops and impeding travel.
According to an official statement minle
to the Illinois Mate COIIVCIIIi0:1; the en ire
public debt ot that 5tatei551.1,04i,6.18,22.
to:most - rms.—The St. Louis paper - s an
nounce the arrival in that city trout the Ree
k.): mountains, of three young grimley Bears,
two ffecky.nurentein tlngs i two Havens, one
Magpie.and two FaWllb.
Teitaint.V. Accine:rr-.—A 'argil limo shale
riz i
fell from ounr the top of Caul All. eh we :Sli
go, on Alonday attenuant.. In . its d scent it
rolled :waist a frame school house and it: ,
shindy killed this chihlren, isitl Ito s woli,l-
tog three Othersi one of who tis toured
may not recover. .-- —..."-'.
' Forty-sic' now steamboats have be3n reg-
Ister;ed it Cincitiat i since the first of Jaime
rY.t- : ~ • I , .
1)I EA ,i`Ul. ItAiLl.o.Ah ruilroml
colliNiun occurred oil Fiitlay last_about tour
'miles' below Litucaster, by which two men
%yeti killed `arid a lady seriously injuted.—
The - inedkilled were passengors on a bec
iiori boat bound for Pittsburg, and were' . ;tic
, ciirripanied by their wives. Namis not-
Qn the I ith Ally, the min jell tit tcfrants
- At-Nntchinklet liunrs, d i ning witich 6iX•
end : tt :half inches fell,. ,tyvo .8 1# 1 cmliti
bridgesAi•ere•sweitt•away,4 • .• • • •
The , kpire •
of. ,
the • Unitarian Church -
Warei 111 ass: was • and
attach shattered on the 2 lit . July
portn - tiretlitindok-stermJi,Olaii4Oih :- ,Ji.1157
,irfatiy . el telegraph, poilsoiyere sttutik light
and • Bristol'Pa. -
PRliliarkY!' . 7 — `!Ple,v9 l chit
Y*4.4 l ibtilg°• 4 ,49l (l
t,} roeer . i j'aer;weekq, 4.1 tan' corn, •toot
giaie-f el; ' evaty..'desoriptiath.,Jogothez,
potatoes and .pll.,kindsej cif vegetables and
ire tbe ,abutvl 'A-Acce te,frorif the
ititeilosiO r Netv, din,e;
Acaoiati OM, a
fofifdBentkooefi' ,
iffitiO? qu.)vliqt eybry!county t in .t ti, , ,04100P " he .ttirits * 6 4 1 ;
in 6 rOitiii;oo.nftifintirl,eitr4;b4Oven!Y:9 ft'
~m inmoums
en million bushels
trillhons. bushels ' of
irtick two :intro barrels
of flOttr,.,llllo beau slti'ppetl'fixim the United
States kr.Entope withiii.Me-i'Agtten months.
thtity thn3e ntillion
114 , 5>ifhv, AIIIIIIIII 2, 1847.
1 , 1.01111-7 k filwoltundredllllrrels instill:round Penn.' ,
,11,1 nt li, nod n lot of Western in good order ot.
*.wy, at ‘, 1 111.41 it is freely offered.. Bye liner Is Pi
u live. torn sletil is 111111 . 11ml , nominally held tit
$3.371, lint 110 transactions have been reported.
GRA N—ll'lmat continues scarce, and the receipts
are light ; stiles of 1200 Imsliels fair and prime l'enten
Itml at tril,2stl I. sp. Nor 200 de"Sont horn ;Wont of 81,2....
Corn Is dull ;111110 hltallels Pollen round yellow sold
at 75 cue, werslit.•wkle•ll is n slight decline. Oats—
e,lll.4 of 1000 bushels p Ime North River ofsscto, and
a cart•n of Souther sacts.
%VMS M:,}'—th
scarce 01111 held nt the soma price. V •
nn the 10th ult by David Home. Esq. Mr.
Josrph Hwecker, to Miss Ilhry Ann Clump,
ol Hampden township.
Oltlav the IGth ul., in this Burougii,
Mrs. Anc/i.i ) Ivan of Mr. David Bleit, aged
36 years.
Borough, oh Saiurdny, the 1 : 71h
son'tif ME..'SlhiOn Smith Jr. aged .4
meats. •
S .t:NI IS' S A ri.4.P.rinti.E.A..- 7 The health
the human ay stem ileptifila almost entire'y..upno -
die state V the .I.ilutal. Jr the vitalizing fluid
which preemies t.vory •tistne, 'every membra
fibre filament gland, or other 'organ, primsfy - or
subsidiary. i f the blood be ehlrgeil witli the elt -
nicht lif ilisease.siekpessmitst be the conhinpien t o
-.• 111111 until the mantes df dainties oxisting in the
blood iu - e eradicated, no permanent relief can be
be ctinnfted. It is Is re that the powerful health ,
maturity,. prapertites,o: Sands' Sursa pari lin --ire
- Mina still. its sem cling operation rent:hes the
causes til disease, :URI the cures it pent rms are
therefore rlitlical - and Me . ough. Its potential vir
tues are am:melt by thew:mils of rheumatic anti
scrofulous patients, and 1!y all who have taken
ibis +reparatio n fur Ili senses If the skin. It at
mice a l'EllbiN the internal derangement and - math,
, eutes ilte out ward evidences of itisease,
Prepared and sold by A.. 13. & 1). SANDS
fireggittt, 100 Fulton street New Yolk,
Sun.' also by -S. Eaton', in Carlisle and
by Druggists generally throuk:hout the L'ini t
ted Slates. Price $.l per bottle. Six bottles
tor 114• u dollatS:
Cutt.ts Ann Fvt en.— lf hulian rege
table Pit;: are one lit the hest, d not the vary Lc .t
ntechei to in the world, for the core of Intermit—
tent Fest r, bytontse Oley tscel all others in He:.
dmg the hotly 01 those morh•tl humors attic!) std
the cause not stilly urn I Idiots al• fevers, hot of
every inei.'ent to Mali ? Four or fire of
stio:lnthan gemble fills, t ken every night 011
Will in a short time Make a pet feet.
tare orthc most 01,..tio a te ease, of chills and, fe-
C , r,attbestunetiwr the digiatitc nEgai, B will
lie et:stinnol 'to it healthy Cone, and the !Stood to
complet. ly Imrilit it that fet er and ogee, .or disc
ease lit my torn', w ill be absolovely impossibl e ,
Bea are of Sugor cowed counterfeits. "I•ne on.
iv of igl pl tool gtlatioe Indian Vegentbre IhCa
I nic th signature of N‘ it
Wi. hs p •ti the trip label of etteli bus. N.'o6
other is g. online, and to coutuertriithis is forgery
thrice and 1.;..0 iieol depot, rft9 Itace st.
t;.elliu Carli• le by CII.\HLGS
Iln vv onr'rir PI by elyansin; the I
irodi al - I impurities, ves potJer to edery orgla to
p r form its foot rioll9 healthily,
.110 matter wheth
er est cr.:ll_ly sir internally minuted. ALk the
sit.4)._rlt.l_ dying iron's -00111 0411111,611 --- ilaWI.4l
hat cored him, lie tills you liraialreth's,-rilds.-
\sk hint who has hail the il,ssttotarr t. six
.inil esery remedy had he
'till %do that 11r.tilretli's stored him in
e. So mith S. r.4:ise 11011 •
eth'S l'I • Is ritiihil down to a half pint of AI is ; -
s, cnra•d
a little hay of all , Illese of the fare;
tondo I - 0111111 V spreallititr, to his eyes, and
jet ilociiirs had tried to core,lttit could
iiit; the, pow: parrots would - hove glvell lin It - I hey
s ere 0 to 111 to have bad it cared, lout et cry thing
hey tried did nn g-onloo.til they gave. it a tea"
a irs c‘ary cloy, in 111.11 pint of
which had down to-else Itrondroth's
' I a, hello e the o hole of the titolass.s was take.
du u're one towed.
Cnrlisli., CII.kRIYS 8.N117!
T i this buinoui.
A. 0. Y. 111.3. White !louse P.O.
M t er, S iroinittnitown..
.1. & A ; Coyle, Trogestown;
rouses Kyle, Jiiercsionvillti
r.. tientiniet, -Newville.
Rider & Diller, Lioißing Springi.
17.stiniony id nor. reeeierd fr om all quarters
. • the Globe.
The following letter is presented with a vlew . o/
more roh.y ethle tee the Opihiltald of Physicians in fe
-1 is 3 to the Jledienl value of Dr. fiWAYNE'S COM.
_ .
SW 11 NE— Deer Sir : Hering used your Com
p ,tool iup of Wild Glicrry extensively in my prat.-
lice, I isnns requested by your Agent 11r Krim-her, to
io enpref, wy "pill/4011 ill availing 01 its properties as a
remedial agent. I 11101 g cheerfully comply as I feel lay
so dome, 1 an dl discharge a debt 1 owe the immunentry
at large, iitc's iu particular. As much as I
detest (Lunch Remedies anal Patent Nostrunie, I was
Induced frain a failure of ells Meet petrel elpertereelN
terielleleelled ba nor mnteria medians In some casco ,; -- r
Beittvirso !Aires, to try your Preparation of l'rutimr
VII Oda or \Vice - (lineal.. It is sunlit:lent Unsay Chant
I was tie nowli pleased with the result of that, and sob
s .11tetif trials dial I HOW preerrlbe II in preference td
all other Releesiit, Where an expectornm is indicated.
In-the notch Arendmi Pnemtionlit Or DlFleillie of the
Lungs, in 111, manning form In WIIII II it appears iii
'Kentocky, 1 regard it as an invaluable Remedy in the
troui1111:/lt_Of t hat disease, To nil a Ito kuuty foe Iha
soul atiough,deit so thin may lie,scan lay persons mil of
Ile vicinity of Fraffkfort; I will briefly nllll,OOll have
been-engaged In an active prartice of my profession of
11 y-nrs, and ant a Regular Breast° neTrails)leania
nod this is the first Patent Medicine I ever thought
enough of 10 express au option In wt
.1 II litmisem, sup,
January 7111,1817, . Franklin County, 114 r.
Frankfort, Ity„ Jan. 7th,
' The ilboVe retlifirale is from one ogre, phy m i c i ni ,,,c .
living n eels miles Train hare, he is good.
Kinetic°, and is considered an I physicinn, and stands
fair ; lie is, is lay says u tangtiler graduate.
Druggistittid Apothecary.
t3-Slice the infrodaciion of toy article to Ills public
there halm a numbei at unprincipled Individuals got
Ile u , strums, wale they assert contain WILT, Cut:e
ar, some are cu led "Balsams," "Bitters," Dell even
Kyrup of Willi eliegry,but mine is thloriginni and on
ly genuinil almost alien ever int rothweil to 'the public;
which c a n he proved by the public! Records of the
Cmninionwinaltli of Prams) safeguard
agniest imposition is to see that my signature Is oil
each leittle • Di. II
/ tallier of 11.1glilli and linecalteefs e Philailalpfilh
Fold in Carlisio by S. W. FIAVERSTICK
, .
Health SZa I e easy, for the PCople,
or Phy.46 . 1.1 Tranimg, to:niakitheir Lives
• • in this World Long and Happy, try tlw ..
. . Aatlow qf uEthication':.As - lt 1i;
. First American Edition . .
with Additions:
ileinz an ellementniT Mid iiiteresteng., tread:en on ,
Self Knowleth;:e. Cont./114g shore awl enter-
Mining ai:lieles on. .
t'flode ,i i Heart,: . 0 lamls, ~Slreit;le,,
Eating,'„ 4' 'Sui,inali,'.. -Nerves, , ; lb:creation.
Digestion. Liver, •. . ' Iliolos,....ontAsel
`nlinuli —• I mugs, ---- I'll iiiil; -7- nali,.. - '-''-•
Seermi one, , 'Arteries, „ • Seelses,. Wi:11611,
Moil, -••• 'Veins,- . -
• IleitTil4 •Dlifeatin;
, Togetll4V Olin • Gi.iiekic'eotn , suo9co in'
'Lin: how neell..-IloW'M'ilie'fldoll; Cants Mull
Tilreets OP b. roOlabite,'Peiiimill-Woman (43-•
embed' NlausleseribeiliLlUeuvitlr'ro' re, Nish 'Mill'
?iiof;,l&-it•,,,•,vii,t,,,, „ohyl,,ell'outliftilibrrors,.
.W.eina,f. lihiv, inivie•4le.lioav3:- W ol ' l4loB •Vi% - tucl. 3 .'
kinbitioniSmAe, .. ,• ' - - '.......:, ....-. , 1,.,... - .1',1,' !..• 1 ----
-- 1,1!e - :ui . ,11011;!'ilillitoiill fa (.:0c ti4o 4: ; pimp we 0 I'
' I itipiln 1 lig anil ekteueling miuention.,amoevgq ,ltie'
people, impartial; 'valuable ,knov,vle46,.:osl, the'
nlivalutug_Of the:, human' frame,aid 'OM laws
wlifeligoveyn.motikt and b9l ' •ilY ' • hgflitil,!' Sr.O.'&oo
'.' 1:0•.'A HY: , jeellini , senelluirry,tcentaliinelosed in
a. letter Odell receive ono copy byy mail, or iiVe: •
(Kt li leit .!, wil.l.. l o:Pi i;1. 1.0 r:- ki .7',+: Atli Inas tiolange
. .frto NI, , ..... --' : - , ,!,,_-: C. ZIEBOIL U Ga. •
--! Philieefainlila,
,ifet3'fill t " "' '.., - '.''''''
: . I*liiaYieltealile * wol - lel,imiilieleiS:ol l. o4.?tino .
:461177: '....- ':' ''.....,• .....,`!"-i •,•••'...'4'.';'.
• • •
Cloth Caiiitheres" und•Satliiiefs,
rttoqu QcoT4s;giold ) oreii i gitin.tti,
, gf anp,ltp i r ep
C arlisle; De1ay,119,.A84714 ,
NVOOD'AvanteLl'ut this
r ;.~=~:~
Stop! e (2 ilbt
.ll,on. Shipisenshira.
Bven. m ,S; Co. i ewennibeilana