Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 28, 1847, Image 2

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''',47ll 4 (tl T C , It, I 11141Atje C 0110100.4.5 4 1.04.
• Bllttfigstearrteltip
' Orleans'ini thtii' 1 I tit; init.:- Nlesleinx.:ipatt'Srti
have been received -giiing intatrOtinpalq.,
Lgence. In the .'Diato del ,"CiAblernio ) •‘Of
the 28th of June, appears, an itupefbant4i ; l:
plomatic cortespondenclt between
channn and the Mexican governinerit.
The first note is from the MeitiCan - Minis
ter of Foreign Afletkits, to the neeiehiries -o •
- -'Congress, reterting , tp-iltnebtay,ni commune;
cation from Mr.: Buchanan: anfinuneet
Mr. Ttises sppointnent:: We learn that, this
t.etter was:cotiirnitnicated tO . -` - genta •Yritha' by
'or throughle - ..lliiii#h 'Minister at 'Mexico,
Mr. BatildittotfilWbb" hats exttuid, himself to
-.bring.atiotit49tegotisition lor,paace between'
tthe two'nitiinns„• .
Bnetianan'iletter is dated April 15th.
a,iissierldwledgeis the receipt of the Mexican
• - •' - `'M'iniiittit i e letter efthe 22d FebruaryLdeclin
ling to accede to our proposition to sendeorn;
`r,nisstoners to Jalapa, ;Havana, or any other
;.point, before the blocode of the Mei:Warr
polls Shouttnesraised and the Mexican ter
tritory eiraouttioa by our- troops. ' • •
Mr. Buchanan writes that troops..
411,01da-such condition nbsolttelritradmissible.
" • 'neither 'ilemantled, by melting Armor nor'
• •sanctioned by the practice 01. natioris. He
urges that such a preliminary condition would
-render warsinteiminable,especiill3; betiveeri
-contiguous nations, unless, by the complete ,
submission ol.tints of the belligerents. He
jmetile a eg t urre it would-be
‘ fot
-a nation which had
-ey to-gainhloollidld in tin erierri3Psecnintry,
to abandon all Alta' advantages it had won,
- land wiihdraw, mega hthrtlerfteindnee nego-:
ttlailorks,Withlitit any ceitiiiinf cirrielitiritrthar
;peace would ensile horn Buell negotiations.
Ile flibr ;Mies the cause of our last war with
• Cleat-Britain to show that.we never thought
'for a .mement that our nation required us to
insist upon a withdracial -of British troops be
fore consenting to treat for peace. We sent
Commissioners to Ghent. when portions of
our territory werq in possession of British
troops, and it was nohfrious that while nego..,
tiations were going on.Ghent,hostilities were
carried on upon both shies with unwonted
vigor—the Mosc memorable action of the war
itaking place after negotiation had been con
cluded- • •
Snch a preliminary condition to negotia-,
'lions cannot be cited in modern least
Mr. Buchanan knows hl none. ,Ele then ex
posesthe unusual conduct of 'Mexico under
another aspect_ The President has desired
to avoid the war ; had sent a minister to ne
gotirtte,a peace, even alter the war was com
menced by the attack of the Mexican troops.
'upon Gen. Taylor. • The President had rett
'mated propositions with a view to open ne
gotiations which should put an end to hos
tilities. He -had dee-Lail:id to the world that
_ __he_ _w_cruld_exactne_cdo_ditions that were urn
bonoiableto both parties Land yet the Alexi•
can governMent had refused to receive the
Minister sent. e sent to her,.and after dealer
. ing to accede -to the opening of • negotiations,
Mexico had never made known 'anon what
basis she would consent tea setflemeot'of the '
•diflerencesbetWeen the two Republics.
- There vigil never be a.termination of hos.
tilities, (Mr. Buchanan proceeds.)- if Mexico.
refuses to listen to overtures which had been
proffered; and which tend to there-establish
:moot of peace. The Pretident will not there
fore make further overtures forilteoperling
of negotiohs until lie has reason to believe .
' that such will be accepted by the Mexican
government: nevertheless, such is. his de
sire for peace, that the evils of war shall not
be prolonged one day litter than.the Mexican
government mairedtabsolately necessary, to
carry his determination into effect.
In conclusidn, Mr. Buchanan forbears from
commenting upon the (losing passage of the
last letter from the Mexican minister, lest it
should give to his present note a less coned
ratoryhTiarecter .than.he desires for it. He
recurs with pleasure to another passage in
The same letter, wherein he expressed the
pain with which . the Mexican government
had seerfaltered the cordial friendship which
it had cultivated with this rephblie, the con
tinned advancernent - of which-it had always
admired, and whose institutions had served
ash model of its own. Such sentiments
continues Mr; Buchanan, the President deep
'bi feels, his strongest desires are that Alexi
- ict - States, - ender such - institutions as prevail'
with us, may protect and secure the liberty
of their citizen's, and maintain an elevated
position among the nations of the earth.
Such is the outline of-Mr. Sucharfau's let-,
'ter of April 16th. We have not translated it,
as the cinema will no -doubt at once be
made public. There is no indication •in it
of the basis apon,whieh Mr. Trist is author.
ized to conclude a treaty.
This letter the Mexican Ministerncknowl
edges on the 22d of April,. saying that the
President had instructed him to reply that
the_tv.hole subject matter of it had been .ex
pressly reserved by the sovereign Congress
of the : nation for its own control, and that the
letter would be at once -transmitted to it for
its aehon.
learn by. the Mexican papers drat Con
:-gress was at once convened to take the mat
• ter into consideration, but up to the 2914 a
June no-quorum-had-.been-procured,
Fro Mike. Army. -
Vera Cruz dates to the Bth',Tampico to the.
14th, and Brazos totho . 11th, have been re
ceived at Now Orleans by the' arrival of the,
steamship Galveston. The New Orleans pa;
pers do not State that the overtures of peace
bad been rejected by theillezican Congress.
The dates fr'om theTapital are nolaterT
El Republicano of the 28th, "states that a
o,o o.f i ncil of war had been. held b y Geu. Scott
o he 241 h, to discuss the question whether
e rmy should advance on the capital or
not. A general whose name .is not given;
expressed the . opiriion that it Would, be, im
prudent to advance with lees than 2ri,qoo
men. General' Worth difieled • trout %title
General Scott and the rest of the officers, a
greed witlf,Gen. Worth's views, and `it;;was
forthwith resolved to take ..up Abe:fine - ot
march for the Capital on 'the 28th, bet
halt. at, Rio Frio a few days,. to gava.timo to
the .11 , 1exican government to deterinirie. ifs
answer to the proposition •lor. negotiation ,o 1
peace. The Antericaii•ioree is estimated at
, This Cerintierchil Tinier+ ,htis authentio
telligeede of these'. tletailsi almost literally
correct.; The Ilefiablleanar remarks 'upon
't : ,thiein*atiori that it belitiye the Aniericaris
4:o4:..poippromised their'..dtteation beyond
very „. victertes'..ivill cause
- ,..,'-:'y'• , ttiThie)Witblitritnii of the 'prthlishea
:.:`',.,zleillatif*noing the•'ileharkation • of troops
Soo!t:had-ordered to
with -, lo:goune' and: a
iry aoc+ tart towards 'ca
thepitali het leatnitig
Ihettrain was. detained Altia'ssideCof Puebla,
had countermataleil.the'eider enir
'''jtrelso.,statert • that Scott had: it.ribetili
poet cost`{';hlicintentions of-tetiehing.thecap„
' the! lode - The • artmel patter
think g s it piebablelhaa•Gen, Tay4tr-wilr, ahen t
• • r • ••,
letteti, Malor...taa one, et, the;
'-e . ...t11#1,E,C1ay;1440 their : eothmaridet,•slatecl',,,et'the,
, •• •••,eitYiKil4
LlM exterrion.. tlpr 26th ; ultif,attitea' that
O, of American PRAPP.ata,Ware
'N' Ai v : l : aelitt,ii,ppepier . ),..hrit...thit the
'1 . 0 . */Ireitill - dtticiittecf, the:eapital:-,".
ealoprpenotv,- - secote:/haVk
d,ainatul.,ziroald: a l ma
,oft,fpr.,dhErideast:Of ,
'arabeigioptatiet aft seniyee diiitarrivOit;
j r ithe BtiatfhtiL
elterlithjrngelfiy,yOrri4o3,:ferto piolkutlithig
.*Aito . 41001.
tretky*diiti to‘join'aerietal Sttl, PhZthe .
jolhitialatiee .I
sent inti4,',,the' Jel:: :-Thin int,'Conitistingof three ihou
lion' of dollars.' ilt . ist(OpOsial 9th,
Ranpom{a detachinent of the'l4th and
3d, Lieutenant Colodel Herbert,eommandipg?
a dttadttment-ofithe 421 h, and >ttvetcOmpanT
- ies of the *llth infantry; Captain •Duperoo.",
anti Fords'cotnpanies of ;34,- - ,dragenns; .twe
companies of:. voltigeors ; five,cod , the Tenn ,-
13ylvartia volunteers; 41 detachment of attille-,
ry, ‘tsitit four pieces, and' a large detachment
of inatines.. .The trains•will be Irani, five tu:
six miles in length, end - it is expecte!" that it
will havii , somiy conflicts with the Guerrilluff.
ratiNt TIM PLAlNS.—Mann's Fed, cm . the
Arkansas, has been..burnt by the leilienS,and
it Is said also that Volt William has been
destroyed. Five hundred men 'lntl •inaich-,
ed to the relief - of Col.%ove. 'Major Dough-'
erty,.havmg . recovered nearly all his cattle,
and sent dri - vsith the troops that went
etinuideriCULTatiton,,lmil returned .to . 'Fort
Leavenworth. Two, government trains at
thirty tvagons, each, left. on the 9th, west
ward for-Santa Fe.
Zur . iteibuYea. Terms.
One Dollar and Fifty Cents a year if paid in
Advance—One Dollar and Seventy-Five
Cents if paid within, or at the end of 'six
months—Two Dollars.if paid at ihe end of
the year.. The Herald. is now the cheap
est'pqer in the county
The One.. Term and Tariff,
Candidate*. •
For Governor,
'or t'ategi Commissioner
Wl* Etanding Committee.
• The Democratic Whig Standing Committee of Coro-
Gorki ad county, are requested to meet at the public
Jiaiisc Of Beeryßhonda, in the borough of Co ribile,on
'49ATIII3DAY, the 'Rh day of Miguel neut,at I,l'ylocle
P.-M, for the purpose of appoint lug the day for hold
drigthe Delegate. El, coons, nod for the assembling of
the County Convention to form a ticket. The follow
ing persons were rippnintoil tliis cimunittim by the!
! Convention of 1840, and tlitqr atteuttance ictainiestli!
.Jacob Itheetn.
' Robert McCartney: 3 Carlisle borough.
George E. Bolster, Allen township.
r Wm. P Dughen, New Cinnberluiffil.
J. D. flamploh, Silvor•SifiTfirw -
Gaulle ki)forlaihn,
• Richard Parlor; North THlMlleton.
Robert (thin. Soup. Middleton.
William C. Drianer,.bleclianigeburg. '
Jolin finnan, Dickinson.
Dr. Wm. 'Maggie, Shippeustinrit.
Benjamin Snoilgrans, Shipponsburg tp..
George. W difigizer; Monroe.
Thigh fl McCune, Newton.
A. L. Coyle, Mayville.
Samuel f. dentition, iffitartvoll.
Ciliates W Weaver, Wept
W• Lerkey, Frankford.
Col. 11 it Iteliak, Southampton.
George Ronnie. \I llllin.
John (treason, Big sluing.
Democratic Whig County Meeting 1
THE Demorrntic Whig citizens of Cumberland
county, and ail others friendly to the election of Gen.
-to the - offices of Governor and Canal Commissioner of
Penneylvsnin—all who are opposed to the present cor
rupt anal incnparde -National Administration,and its
Lttjuriorte and destructivo_mettstlres—all who Ore op
posed to Out continuant,. of I:reinlye power "for a,
second term In the feeble and incompetent hands of
Francis 11. Shank—all in fhvnr of misquote protection
to the free repuhlican tattering interests of the United
States nguipst, the overwhelming competition Of Brit
ish pauper "ten remits day" Inhor,hy aTaritifor Rev
enue and Protection—are earnestly requested - to meet
in the Cotirf-Ifouse; In, lm liorotrgtrof -
On Monday Evcanng, Angrust 23d, 1847,
rrt 14 o'clock, to give such expression to their feelings
and opinions and to promote that organization and
action in nick alnico as will impure enemies of
good men, and the consequent serially of "tin gram
ma good to the greatest number," in Ihe-odtninistrn
ikon )iolicy'of the State and Union. Ely order of the
Whig Standing Conmattee.
, Ott— Adams county was the first to'pay in
her .pota'ol.State Tax—Old Mother Cum
berland the second. Peace bath its triumphs
•as Well as war, and these are of them.
ozy- nue burn of Mr. Koseri about two
milearom-Shippensburgovasaet_on. fire by.
lightning, in the storm of Sunday last, and
bawled to the ground. - Ik/contents of grain
were entirely . cioasumed,lnit ,several horses
and other soft . - wera".. teiett . red :from ihe
flames. • We haVa • Wei 'll•Warned•• whether
there was any insurance or cot._ . • • •
We rion't,see anything in the Volun
teer or Derncicratic relation to a certain con
gressional election which mak ilaen,y-eri
lately in New, Hampshire, and in which one
Whig arid ene Independent nand idate-ug,ave
:Jessie') very_ strong t? a couple of unfortu
nate Locoloc.oe ',Our neighbors don't Aden)
to•know any thing more, about the full in the
price ofr:fleue,«iither; than 14e-roiV bakers
Tbis latter classit is said, get, the firet.',news
'of a Tise•in flour,' but are yeirskElptical when:
a fall is anneuncell
4)6;.Through -the,..enerdetie
,Jadge Banks . the Wide Slate rharist(rer, the'
tre.sury will ,136:enitb , Inil:lo Paipft,the'eerni.
annual interest in Aiigtiiit 7 and Have a balance'
"of applied pthei:parpcisety,
s2ob;opo'-lierrowed by - lkonfoen:Prade.
'efor'y t o meat ; die" Febniar'y interest . '' Tlie
was noPablaaliccovilpfisliipt ,*9lt. oNult
The Teleeteerealts
sale• of the t4ltc,roticti
eurot The -ieePeetehhlyeePle 9t-Cteeter7
lartlc9#lsi,, only , . f ave':ll?out..V.VV4:TifrOU,J
4,ik141) rauCerittoilinVo i f 'melt In
a eattata, ,
Leeefec!e. Staid
people muai of
POPlP24,fgilMjp/ never
tlik**):o:4 l ;ehetitileg ieee*Jeti . -.6er .
Pel94o l :7oX4kaint
:., , 0 1 14rillppiy#Kirilk34101114011Vitt/Yl3
5 1 , 13 ittun,„
.lil:4NdfiriVitAA#4o94 , 4rOlttf4M
4 i (rVik
a Y t~
tifit neteeitkttkatr .
felghielTilfeteik4rOW . 4he;
v T,"
1046i' 4'
clumramn;"l.2%; -
,; .
#4:4tit io;:fiat(;!itii:pat id it_ in
. 51041,1 , 1iit«*1
431::::*ipilli0.43rliiilii-,:iilnipty,;„flp.oo7:*.e# ; : -
:0010fpOginitt03 41 1 4 i, ( 1 4e 1 OnoR11- 4 *
teas The';great=aver=cry';of''tho beet:doer,.
.f)ttllYAir. „9 toll At° .o`inberlaisd'eetantyr.:.•.ll , l4 Viiiv•
ce::aclittirs ;of the:"VoOn.l
-- but -now - ll4thicre'diteri'ortlieuf. -
neteern. atitl"Perdeemym both . lirbnetineell
One TOltiltririerfle..lm•sound itartialyta
ry reflrm." They harped upon 'it cOritintl- .
ally from. the beginning to ;he end thri
I . eamprilgn - of 1845; 'Even 'Judge
thought it was an excellent rule to introduce.
at that lima. Hut we Will ho nrie -of the dis
tinguished /eaderi of the pr.rty, JOhn Irvin.
the justice to say that he alWajte expressed
objections .to it. 11.43.1s.agptv nto be- deckled.
ly in favor of the rotating piinci[ile;liorn . one
office, up to a higher. He is a consisteMex.
ception to the , cirte One Term princit)lo.
The editors 'of the Voliniteer, the ~Dernoc
rat; and 'Judge Stuart,'hre now attempting
to-broitc idotvn the. On e__Terml princiPle, by._
the t:e.eleinion.. of Gov.thigik. Fliel
to elect him tor a second term, although ho
bus been hi Various kdri . eits' , e.oristfinlW for
TRIRTY YEARS;und - i - forithered - hia - nest i '
tojhe tune df
. DOLLARS'!But Will the .greaf hotly of thn,
One Term .Democratsof_ curnberlad r whO
have been led by the eclitoilVol the .V'olunt '
to believe that . the Dne Term principle rs . "a,
sound and salutary reform,',' now abandont
and violate 'this salutary' principle, merely to'
give THREE YEARS MORE of office and
ney to Francis li, Shunk? We hope nol.—
WO trust they are men of political integrity,,
whb will 'not abandon their piihoiples at Me
mere "beck and nod" Of mercenary office
holders, whose everlasting cry is "give!
give! give!"
- From 414. )I_rmy.
'There has been 119 intelligence lrom the
camp. of !Gen. Scott for several days, but
something stirring and important is daily
looked for. A report prevailed on Thursday
last in the cities, that the laSkpvertures for
peace mails by our government had been
indignantly rejected by the M'exidans. The
New Orleani Times of the_ptlLinst., which:
started .this report, 'insists that it is 'Correct,
and sayaTife information came hem a source
that can be relied:upon. None of the other.
-New Orleans papers credit the report. It is
to be earnestly topad - ihrii: better counsels !
have prevailed with the government of
Mexico, and . that no mad infatuation has
lei her 'to reject proposals for- ierminnting
thiti sanguinary war, fa vi.hich bath .coun•
tries-may - now Well be tired.
locOloco paper's, the Volunteer n
mougst the rest, are still harping upon the.
"great presperity" which they - asely alledge
is the result of the wolkings of the Tariff Of
1846. Amongst other proof's tlrcy (mote n
speech of the It layor of Lowell, Mass: in
which he pictured to Mr. l'olk on his recent
visit, the busy industry of that town. They
forget_to state, however, that the manufactu
ring enterprise and pronperily of 'LcWell ex
isted before the tariff of 1846, or else, we may
venture to say, it would not have existed at
all, The stout hands and hearts of New
Englanders will work against die adverse
influences of the tariff of 1846 as cheerily,
and us perseveringly us they can, bat that
this tariff is serionstyonrfbarassing the man , .
Moen: wing interests et the country is a lac(
mato be denied. This is cle . arly shown in
the following paragraph from the Newbury.:
_port '(Mass.) Herald :
wr ifiTild erTifit Ordre I :la' iSi•Ki co mma
nmries throughout the country for last
year show that the business is very much
depressed. Many wills have made nothing
while the most profitable—Mose mills hay.
large stePitiS fund,: and it-iinse gnarls
art, In the most demand, as the Merrimac,
antligashua.&c.—have only cleared 5 per
cent, and other well established mills, like
the Appleton and the Hamillen, having but
email surplus accumulations, Make hut 3 per
cent, and others, less favorably situated,with
difficulty preserve their capital whale." '
BY WAY or otr-SET l ,—.The Democrat
of - this - - place-quotes- --an -extract- from - --a
speech of Mr.,Giddings, of "Ohio, the cele
brated abohtion member of congress, which
gives the wings a Severe dig; because Itself
are,. l notabefitionists like himself. l3y way
of ofPset• to Mr. Giddings, we would 'Oalt
the attention o( the Democrat to the follow
ing -declaration of Samuel Smallwood, Esq:
a' aniuguislietl ! Democrat , of-I,Vfishington,
North Carolina•whO'-'haVing proof:dined his
purpose 6 vete for-Mr. fil.,:iS.,Oorinelf, ;the
the Whig tairdidate Mr , Congress' , in :that
distfiet has Veen, warmly assailed
,6y the. Le. ,
cofoco paper published to New barn. From
Mr. SmallWentra 'reply ki onobee as
saults weimekelho 43i:tract : ' •,.- ..- .
ai •did. - stiv, that t would vote for t . Lion
del.f ..I:, tiew;,aed.shilll-..n0 Jail' my'
wordy.: My teasons are bribflythetie: I know
Mr. D•to be honest,capable.•and faithjbl; and
1 believe that the agnitrtistrotfou tft4o country
i n . : the. hands of:mr..-roahlis bCcare(soorrept,
1 that onleas' men are elected to,Congreas that
phiesamen -
_are elected to Congretia,"Whe Will
itideavor..te'Airing the:,Goireroment:brick-' to ,
it's aneient,Purity t ,there c . will ipeedily - ibein
ond to• otir.bonsteillibeitY; and , l4o- pleased.
; d i m I, 4 :•;ihi ti view, r ark ,BllB .tairiSObk. each 4
Democrats- as atinatora Callitiun.aittl..Setler,
o f.' Smith 'Ciirrilitio;' „Yeleez and 'W,entcott,:- of
Florida, ind. the, 0 Oil ..- W ::,11.1flay *,o,pdi. late •
Sett ator' fromrNora Carolina, r. and ly:tt lknit
1 - 31,hirrnest - llentouraitilihroughonfltlie.orMaqy,
iilheatio ' dt iiiB4oo .mostpcnelui iVe ly; ::e
-' toWeelf--to:Gg:thdre were:ire.suk
'll*o4ltiilidPatFiettin thellstneefatie•p,f
Aras . l.:,;cfilhotn""Mirk.alessOunitiorof
lnaltnen,‘liki•Polly , m,ioca.toligh,iti:
I4era;'sThen44.4elmtry.yOultnet , htve .,
Od.Aotruipracy nOldliti A isgrao ed .Wlth •••-n 0,
Alklf.nint(Onkini'hainer tor..ito-the:Octors-be.!.
l b ot lief'slajOLPote.Agif :fp tifify:fol'Afr:
'PdWbuyl - , - deeplt.itegreu-iti' and-sbleranly
14-MrPgsAtAoP.7'. ',:•'":i,-,''.''''L .. ; . -,,2-: , 1• r .'-: -.. r• Y,
1 , ,/ , ,,e;',..ii:: . --.. - 1: - •- •;. - .4.1 , ----- ..: -:- ' ' -:•-= •': '-it'•''
c 'th , ivhat cite the
urt is;ed4s3Pgi " 9 ` w hich
W,fiig Palma% *)PY. B v,tY , i ) .arag f rat i
lt is oeilifili t teio se.4Tll6W . vipsPq
,be‘rilocraf,iißetting the Voluiti.l36,± .
" •
'irrtr p ero P rq"' q ta !, l ., 9ll ,...' a 6 .wwith'%ihit° but
it :16,:taip mom 411,4111,"g„ kid etilitc;cw
hc4 "Fi tr ! 9ll "Y 44l4;Yat9 , r`, 44;117j'itri
,ht, e V° a
id'lt out strtatt:coesprs,
4W , A 4 _ 1 ' 5 0 1116; i :7 !. 114 ? 41' .
1 lite
ib`wditi,`o,':iiiihtifit.: , ,ciiiff.ealiihr.voiY.of
, 14i • tireiANit l iA ; A° 4 - 119 t
R4ol6l.le't"" - u , fint,4l 4qt r tiVi(iibY the, , allettrF 6l '
li-T141!!!?&Ini:``,0?: TAN;tikiNalch'
l'OiJal AlOt dN itie)a IlajlitTatu.,Asclik ,4 4 l 4t ß AT 'Ai' mun lf 0 0 6 t r f.
Os'itkcaWiPsiti/ie..001(4'-?,41k, o ,l o t _ c9n :4o 6 ,o*.ieitilci`firphite IA; itiv:ipps,v ll , l - 4 .4 t0i t. L .,
01ftrn40 -4 1 ) ,r4 uzfr a died
t44ssffvil l'iPgir44l-10,T4F4VPt*I‘ hi
-6.1 04114± 1 ';• th. .
„ .
r• •
• , ,
ACCtlviAkiet4o*Yoolo /$1
tens. ictoorivi*OkOse
throughout tile
lonm-Aut - and •forced et/flair:lloot' 40krii'tti)v.
is ClOtiti ?rein titefeit:i
ready i2ifact 44;t0 ei :n6 . '0701671 !doindiki
mhde an ~ciagdeti, &ni g Nck,
xrsei. A Whig', nrietl'ng Tieftfditi
New terseyin April hist, after itbirtifihtlrig
OM Rough and Ready, for this - Preeidenty,
stated-in btpad and i r tnrif iskikahle',4erms the ;
krounds 'upbn •whitll thb• nomination 'was
Made) in the fc;llotVingtesl3l'utioe:
Resolved, That the character Or Gen. Tay
-1.,r for plai spoken-honesty, assures ne that
'he %Jill never disappoint :he evpeetations, or •
betray the (-pot - Went:o of hie country' M 01); that
his*past politiciii conrse gitmanthe of the
soundness of his principles, and:-that: it, au
thorizes us . toconjitte-ht,/afuis/ityle://te pro
'lctivc system, and his opposition • 'to the.gtfli
sition new territorie.t ‘vheiev:ith to destroy
tho-balrtnce of the old -Union,:
And-the next and , Itist reolttrien derldred_
that theivroreghtitfigdfing-ribminatedliinn 'for
President. .T6-tliis.resohtion, thus ;listirtelly,
stating all thathe INThigs of the Norti con=
tend for, and eflirtnikig in the
sclundness ofhts•Whigism, Gen. Taylor thus
- rmiliei;ee:preseitig'hie - l' high groMfication"
with the dentirodnts of the meeting; -1
Monterey, Ma'xico, Juno 21, 180.
Stn—l have .tltb 'honor 'to. neknoglerfge,
,with sentimerfer diillGll dIiATIFIOATION
tho receipt of a copy of the reitilinibns 're
cently adopted at a meeting oftlle-t/emlnitat
lc Whip of the craftily of iVlercer, New ler
My thatiks ate.speelally iltieleirtOrrends
of the State of New Jetr•ey for their flattering
expression of approval and estetim,and winch
can assure them is as trnly .recivicated.
'embrace 'this occasion to remark that
. .
the people of the country desire to phice`rne
in the "high office of tho Cifla 'Magistracy, i
do not feel myself at libehy'le tefuSe., but on
the contrary in thlit positipii, as well as one
More bumble r it will ever be my pride and
constant endeavor to serve the country with
all the ability I possess. ,
• Please convey these my - thanks and brief
acknowledgements, Jo the ciiizens of the
comity of Mercer. 'I wish them and yourself
much prosperity. and happiness..
With areal respect, reamin your most a
bediit - servant, - Z. TAYLOR.
. . Maj. Dem of U. S. A t rriy.
r • Dr. John Ti Clark, Secretary Public Meet
ing at Trenton, New Jersey. - •
_We thinly tlii; correspondence pretty ef,
fectually cleats bp all the doubts raised by
the 'S'grial' letter in relation:to Oen..TaylOr's
acceptance of a nomirration by the Whigs.
Meantime new proofs °tem. Taylor's at-
tachment . to the Whig cause are daily re-_
ceived imletters:troM the Army, written by
officers, whose constant intercourse ivith Gem
:feylor 'tuella them to know clearly his pri
vate opinionsand political sympathies— These
letters Ott caour in pronouncing him a
'WHIG-L-4 He* Clay Whigl 'Such state
ments us the lollowing place-the matter be
yond ali (pestle:l, and effectually settre the
doubts in which the4ovoloco preys is endea
voting to envelope the 'political opinions of
old Rough and Ready. The Not folk (Vs.)
Ilernld publistqs the f lowing letter from
officer of the Pitutnia regiment, who ie vou
ched lqr n a gentleman of veracity and rn•
teldtgerree : $ •
June 11, 1847.
hope to be with you at the next e.
;fiction and give 'a long pull, a strung pull.
and a pull altogether' for Old Roughand Rea
dy; I see-hy-the-Remecnttie-papevs-drat
they are trying to throw some 'cold wafer on
his nomination for President. awl to doubt
whe her" his political principles are of the
Whig school. I have,thesatisfaction to know
that..balsvt_ gerino_ Whig. This t have
awned from hi • most Fi l thmit&
among others hit oin brotlfer. So that there,
Can he no triikalte in this matter. I also
know, that he is the avowed candidate of
nearly the whole army. and that he tcfll „o
it in 1819 with it -, perfect rush.' As I am
now on politics. I will give you an idea of
the state of patties in our own regiment :
Of the 13 captains, 9 are Whigs.
°ldle 39 lieuranants,'2l# are Whlga.
'the Ci . l . lonal and Major. are "Whigs, and
the Lientenant.Colotipi although, a Democrat
is an. open, advocate for t• Old Rough and
Ready" foilltittiUxt Presidency. 'lwo thirds
of the rank and' e,tire also , Whigs... den.
Woolovho Inmyjn,com man tl,o Lox .d i
is a Whig, as:alsii a large majority •of
the oflicers, the NOrth Carolina anti Iklissiti
sippi regiinentsi:and I am satisfied. that IT an
election - was to tato place in our camp toglaY
on political grotinds,That wtl child "show yon
'a "liethel".4l-rmilan . "Old Trap"..majority.—
After this italetnepttlf facts - I think yon will
agree 'With:Me - that thil'Whiga-bliie - a , curb. -
ops way Of aflordinikeaid and comfort to the
'enelny.";, Santit Anna) I aril tertatri thinks
act ; anti I ara - suro'hiti Ivotild rithbr.:reOSiy,e
such aid and comfort - as his friend James K.
Palk adordad•hlrtt; than•
, ceived.from Taylor ) *Mt, Wool) 110. ,
In;lliia connection, 1148-14 i4tlittriore.Pa'
triob :•vve take AIM opportunity to` ntrottime an
extract kom,another letter,irom - a.gatirint anti
distipggnnshed Kenttiakiani who :WO; . 4t'ot'e
.tharitatattciM:,setiica" kn•:,:tke and‘The
lomat) Whichliari our. . „
pOssessjoit;':;SpOtiklitt:pfGeneraliTayltir, he
says: • • -.' • 4
it', a . firm . , seif•poise4; clear; ,eensiblp;
ppldin honest -,mbn--reoncwity; e
hig''perty . ,itiAitti,promibbet.opitiibqe;
;;;plri hb yreuhl' prefer :
as,Prbsident , living ;
ipla;Vi!:;,4o.4i''' 0111 1 1 .:4; 11 4r a Plere ' 1 1. ;;;;;: :•I
ii4 3 l;(l!) l that" placef a. 04f.Ohli'MPfki0eriq
hotiis6 9 4,
,001 - 14;
Vt ' oitilv:4ll 6 4titetr*ltkf,inall .
. 414661 ' '' o:t s iiiii . '" liiit t rol4ll•lfill , CiriAreleitioni
firik:the2Vrespects, ri
betterthan.w e had'ai pupated :: Tire Whigs are:tlfoipughly
find ,t'it Fitsrerize a old
-SlAtrilf,"„ prevails *t0,...0 -very great -e'tent,
aMntig: . etir 'Opponalite: We ',feel' 'perfectly
confident of • tlie . eleciilkkboth TRVIIk7
by from len .'trifilteetilitointand, it
the Whigs onli-do their duty, and - 06 . 11 their
full In 'conversation- witlita ,
and. influential DeMocrat from the i4orib,.he
'remarked to us-thtal!ihe Whigs had. a can:
didate of whom; they Might justly be proodil'
s and, 'said: he, "he will
,be.,clected ; and that
.bytatlargc•ml:tjarity',7' -t : We remarked to
'MI -friend that he was t:ertainlyip.ffidodrtalole
hod. candid Opponent, and with whorri
ways likettorender liutuir to whtnn 'honor is
dae,P said'oifr DetrioCr'alic friend: 1 4-,have
-k down .Gelt.-friti ti -Intimately for-years; end?
'can bear.testimony to.his many 'neblesquali
tiesrol, head and - heart. ,FOr 'purity:of :cha:
. racter,_lieneyolenee of Iteart,,atuf. all thee
.vitiues which cluster around .the heart of ta!,
great and'good . ..roan, I have never met Gen.
equal, My social and buslne&tntert
course with him has afforded me an ample
importunity of becoming intimately acquain*,
ted with the Man, and Verdi 'Keiji's? you that,
heis,all, - and mere, `lliave represented,
him. Our Deinocratio Mends rhaysay
they please wttlf regard to, his
. abilitiest, butt
I am confident that Gen. Irvin-would make,
one of ale `beAt .E.kecutives wo ever had.--V,
tie is a plain, unassuming' Republican, and
a man of :strong mind and indomitable mit - ,
"It is somewhat singular," we Sbservetl,
"that you should entertain such a favorable
opinion of Gen. ;In'visr . ,- and yet support his
opponent, Mr. Shenk, who is cettainly the
General's inferior in point of abilitg and ma•
nyother respects.q , "Your 'ere .mistaken,"
sirtilingly replied our friend; Mr: Shenk can
never receiVel-my suppoet.--Wcarniindcd-and
finsillanitnous, .TREACHEROUS' and PRO--
SCRIPTIVE. as - I know the present Execu
tive to be, I would be doing violence to my.
_to favor his re-election: Ele has
been VORCID upon the Etemacratic party,
in direct oppcisition to the well. known and
oft 'expressed . wishes of the majority, and we
are determined to puranoilie .right and die.
charge our, duty, unawed by the frOwqrs - 'of
Mr. Shenk and the tricksters and systophantsi!
whp sorrriund RM. it is Inrj intentzon'to do
oil 'coin both-by mi. bole-and 001101E4o: Gen..
ril I-IN, and you may rely on it that THERE
We have eon vest sed with others who have
expressed similar sentiments. The honest
"portion of the Democracy—those who have
been proscribed end insulted by the present
Excentive--are determined to dcleat him.—
Never wen? the prospects for the election
of a IVhig candidate better than are Gen.
lIIVIN 4 A al this time. Let the Whigs but do
do their duty, and we shall elect a man to
fill the Executive chair of whom Penusylva..
in will have reason to be proud.
A CHANCE iVit . A FORtUNE.—sboeo Re•
wAnD.—A corresporidern theGeorgla Jour
nal says, the above rewadtaitill be paid upon
the production of legal proof that the
sons-in-law in our army in Mexico, viz : •
Jaine; K. Polk, President pf the United Billies,
James Buchanan, his Secretary of State,
Win. L. Navy, his secretary of War, . •
JohnY. - 111reson, his Secretary of tie Navy,
Cave Johnson, his Pout :Basler Gettorad„
Koh. J Walker. his Secretary of lite Treasury, and
Nathan Clifford, Ids Amine!, Gement
As,these gentliemen, the Presidto And nis
Cabinet inxolVed Us in Ih< war with Aexice,
l'he country is deeply anxious in know how'
any or them have sent :hrir sons, or soils
to-fivk the foe: mid :ls much diffi
ciiltyhaS been experienned by thy people in
'n21.11414' the tants; the above re‘Varil has
been °fluted, in , hopes of eliciting the truth
Q ;:r At a celebration of the 4th of July
near Charleston,' S. Ct, Mr. BvTr.En, one of
the _U. S..Senatorsirom S_Carnlina„was_pre_
Sent.and made a speed], tie was very se
vere .riti Mr. Polk 'and his administralidri
especially his conduct of the Mexican War.
The attempt to supersede Geperals Scott and
Taylor by the tiiiitOtilint General project, so
peitinaciously [Tressed on Congress by the
President, Mr. Butler pionrumced to be a
measure; which, if adopted, "would have
disgraced the honor of the professional soli.,
dier, 'And Virtually disbanded the 'rt - rgulat
. .
trr The fanners alibis State have-been
told'all along bytheloa'cotecod thrit the high•
prices bf .Wheat, 'anti 'Flottr Were Caused by
the .Tariti of i841)...' ?few, While' the prices
are rapidly falling, these - Locofeces are silent
as death op the subject...ll The British Tatiff
of caused 'the adyance in the. prices ti!
; , •
proylinons, to what is the declining prices to
be, attributed..? Apt these henest Laminae&
tell -us T, •
u;r Gee- of the e4ormous ,Ohatgltr ag l ttinst
Gee. Irvirt, , for - Leoofinoo
would haie jtolie 'people might. to teipot,
him ! is that yoted agaiest refunOirfg-Gen.
Pion Teiantiniti, the Satre
Globe -orthe'L'tath4Coagreis,
1aje.126, 4, be,lound that •Gel:'
)4° ilifiOditi# . °4`.the quti9,:n;"
=fire ;chat a be ng 'dispose of~ Cvhat
hatiotext, '4 1,
~ , tiriti4olplitt•otrTilite!,- le e War,llt4
li e
'of the: yhi.lplfty'iott#44i,o'J*Woi ,
i?t";'l i tig l ailefehia , at -41 )eirt:c4OritiOn'4
tale atypnal77..Aipky y - Pirjle
0111444,14 m eot :•:.;•
Titi , x9lll4,Tfrio*:4.rilie;wilt itZttkard;'*
bkipOiciliter,\PPWOll 6 VEl'letelleist!,4o!l# l h/.
Let its ' ete'etbefokellf‘pull 411011 W jiy,t,
414 1 .%'fludoli
PO L' Au ll % .t4c'o B ; 7l Y4irt:".tithaf NoMe r 44tif
ct destikiAL
• r: - er,ORP I °°.Y9°'. ° t -Li
' flte,
' - IpeCtbecrelnillk:iliitifie.;;;'iliejeder - allliiiitl4;
i ?e1 13 .0 11 .0 ii6 9 - Zi*Ba° lll. !iiii;ltlgiii ' :
c_ • ret of State y .
is "iciAt
of • 1 5 010wirilifirbt Federalist ;'`Sea:
Mason Is another v ;..F.i7Scpreinifilink...
, Riirhard - Rush, rigerrriil4 En Friri.-
'Unit; Mitane, otaysgbi
:as 7tir M aryl rul d Edward •••
Lief:ll(l6mi t tlovernpr- of - New ~IcieUx. f . . ,Pren,l
'ties, - Vitii,Cuilirti*:Find;lijynat,and-
Vuederpool, of
New • bedding '.lsfgli
etifoco Uffleeti; Gairit Stitt.
dor . from N. Jekasx, and . Ex-durietotirlirrtrUrn
.of thb'satirebtate4 n tyltubbard of "1-lart
fnrcl convention merodry, :nor/nue/eft Air
OM for the ciriefltiatice Taney,
Gen. 'Cass, Levi Woodbury, &0., Cow lead
ers tithe' loporneo part -=are. ALL RANK
FEDERALISTS! This tact should be re
'. meinbereil, for at this tirbe, if. any. party 10
entitled to the raufer , of Federalists,". it is;
the hoecifeco irttriY. • •.•
Items for Hasty Itead erg.
Georgd Muni r faiy,. the hatles . a.,proptiel, has,
got into bad hands'lnTlii:aili-lphia.• He was
first Wien up , as a vagont, and ow being ta-'
ltreif ulnithVhgrant, VdsWrite ifrAid - to
dayaimpi istinusent, and'hegged tri.he heard.
Judge Parsons : objebted and George &busted:
Will,7'crieil 'he. "rhave ri.right to be tri:
ed - o` jury - . 0 ipk - oionCou n I ry„ ' and \cif A .
both.lianclOntended 'upwards and, his eyes
intensely fixed on the "Goddess of Liberty,"
directly over the head 'of his honor, he ex
alaimed in an' unearthly voice, "God.. made
'religion, and the devil made Parsons." Judge
Parsons quieted him by.sending lihn to the
county prisbri for six months.. • -
The, packet-ship . "Eidalta," .belonging to
the St SebastiatOrlide on ti passge from Hs.
vami`to Galway; was oyerwhelmed by 'se
iceberg. • She hail thirty'-sever, passengers.
Not a moment was lost in loWepug the boats
placing the passerinyin them. rwn
boats, containing the captain, fourteen of the
crew, and fourteen passengers,' suceeded in
„getting clt4t of the wreck; but the third,'
with twenty persona 'in it, meat of whom
wero women, were drawn down wjth the
vessel, and every soul perished.
aj-The Hon.l. C. Spencer, of N.Y. re
reported the resolutions et the 'Chicago Con
vention. Mr. D. D. Field Of New York, feel
ing his Lncoloco scruples alarmed by aclause
in one of the re, ) olti,lione, concerning the in
terpretation of the.' cOnstitation, moved to.
strike it oats being latitadiparitin, and not
-to-be- tolerated. -tle- -was-informed by,IVIr
Spenser, that the clause which he Objec
tedlto, was in the very words of Gen, Jack-
Sen! immense laughter ensued and the a
mendment was at ohce.veted down.. ^
-One dollar notes on the 'Mechanics' Bank
of Baltimore,'eleered-'fiTionS„ are in eircura
lion, and-ingeniously-executed. The:way to
detect them, is to recede - et thnt nntes orthe
denominatiorrof - 'Bl-and..62 issued by the
Bank are in the,form of certificates cif depo.
trite;-and all those -ofirliieferd errominumin
in The ostal_ferrii of ban% notes.
A Mrs. Nioholsjn, from New York, has
spent two or three years in Ireland, and has
travelled through a - gruat part °fine county,
frequently on foot visiting the poor, rending,
to therm, and occasionally relieving their
necbssitiee. Sire has just published her tra:
The Ship Fever In Canada continues its
dreadful ravages. 61.1,1130 passergers broght
to Quebec by 13 vessels early last last week
434 died. Since tLe first of July there have
been 4995 deaths by the pestilence on the
St. Lawrence:- Several of the priests who
ministered to' the .sufferers have also per
Jacob B. Garher ' a farmer of Lancaster'"
comity, was struck by lightning, in the stor,rn
of Tuesday last, and severely insured, though
hopes were entertained of his recoveFy.—
Mr. G. is the publisher of the Lancaster
County Farmer: a largo agricultural paper.
Sow Corrp.E.-The flavor of coffee may
- I:strimprov - e - d - by - eliding forty or - ffily grains
4 of carbonate of 'Jetta to each pound al roasted
coffee. In addition to Improving the flavor,
he soda makes the coffee more healthy, as
it ngutralites the acid contained in the 'illu
(11 , V:A 'll).—f )l Ott Lovnlove. who rt-.
teti 1.. t• 01. on. (inn inyhti o nly about
nave Lo botlit re-, , leq• 0,1 to C0n.41.0,A,
a •I o.;tv 4 ~I Ilil•S:1 ro•elected atter the
.10 6'a , 41;00,—the whets have
been re-oletfted lone la II„
A loitttotan Ottitcll at tile oott.or of Brow
and StAitho
.soost4. I'lltiadoi l ttoti, was sot
on fire by • lightning uu Sutl,lat last and
completely destroyed. rtio colo4roctation
had only been disnliss•ed ;moot fifteen mi
nutes before the catastrophe.
Dr: Houston the celebrated Reporter. has
issued proptisalsiorthe U...S Reporter; to be
published.laily--in—Washington dity, and--to
give full reports of • the Congreebional de;
htdre liettril of tt plecn 6i Witco In I'm
(liana, made of pine mile so, crooked, that
every time attempts to crawl through
it, he comes out of the Emir e side from which
he -starts,
The Bain of Mr. Gieplrnan near East Ber
lin, in Adams cothity, web struck by light.:
(ling on the 11th inst., arid totally destroyed,
together with 'large quintities of hay, grain,
The barn ot. Mr. Monfort Dillanirg;
- in York county. .was also . destroy edt by Jight.
lung ottthe Sump evening, -
Major Gain 415. how - a prisoner in tillirxicoi
is the (or Congress , in :the
IQth'4istrict. , Uf 'tent:Oki - 1 :Sittitiet - Mr, , llb.
batts,'s the .liresent Peria'doratin representativ e.
I rtio..Bse.Thes Tariff of ‘lB , lll.lsi beacuti t -e
ing as leaky as a aitivl:l; ykiuk and. all kiwis
of produde are Still slipping doi)tv'thi•ciugh'jt::
What'd the bustler?. ' : '
, „.
'Gen. it is Said, will write no:more.
letters or:ansivers to inquiries relative his
Opinion's upon parlioulareubjects.ol"Staloo:
jOepti thittle f tV,sq.i.ene of the,,Wirilthiejit:
jilantets , in.Edkeoombt.countn•A..q:iwitas
killed On ..MondiY,'week; kit one ol:kna
:slaves' '
A lavie:Was:entiated
; Tne",Shelt4, ,104'$eivE:;tif)tieee'Oes.'oeitift .
of the uelebtaliid Mae , noise-g,!BeflOitik'L:--a=•
The eobetilies iMinted per(siorisef42llo.
;Iti!Year tO
1- Thetji,...pftie`pee'fi.r":ol)9rts
st., , ,,.ypty last- Week,:pfp,v hie fi• 2 99 vverti.eftiliF
, dAdnai)ilfiy:llll - .TeSiAtilileilly!,!hito on
)i ) :PPiiii9 l tßo4 ll oSiehin4: l lflef : goli,
qe.f.o o l l , 0ivjaii.7 0 +40, , ,; ; i9 1 0 1 q4,.
o,f i togiotiAtioqoq • Irt r it
1.001 1 1 ,eYen.tY Aff - VV:i!
• ;:'z
d, '
. .:!'S; Y'N.^irn(~v °J~ I.,r:.~ilVJ:.C:'.4r}dc:'ti-=,
, i:;Vki , k'ltitlittiejlifiiaadiretpondent di
14 5 .i? -I narilqpirtVA.litelltivincer, -states .that a
iyriit . 1444:44.0 . 4114fitaiir,fo General, Sitirok :
1' . .414 - sol• '; , 4tV., k. . 8 1 .10r.0.' at Ilie'Loeoloio cele
iiiifittii;4l-. iiiltidie * Plfia;.on lice sth instant, •
- 4 .l l;islilarta t ralcliedgdan'' gry discussioe, .
v, c , 'fi ii: V„t • f ir- • -
? •ki;iii-ltiiii,giiil t 0 --ftnatt .111 - table. Gen.
A ',,, iii si l dia l ip:vii how (0 Fay, ba/k.such indid-
`biter:'`..4:„..,J....., 9,„„.•---.••,,..__,..-_.... :...,. 1
.....:. .... , --p„;;VZI,,-' '.. -:. . ^
• , 4.o.Thd-iiiiv:-liii-itie.supprdesion•of Canrili.
1 - iirig, turns
.10 liii:alietirict nullity. The
. kaanNydil diliiditiltherVork• .Republican has
fiscdtietticli'llig' it itialtrl44o appeal retails
' ble th . this.,cciaftif 'cardiadiir:,pleas::•••Thdyu
erisitidtiap-litAlsii e r hiii in on- , plaait : ls altogeth
er aiVAlr4tlidre 'is'ma GraniElaryilhete , to and
.ir bill, arid- ii:Would:puzil e . the, molt learned ltrdiecatipg. , ,A dy,l
ttainb •dradi' up and prose,-
cute -an
~ttliliCtineat ia,,that ' tribunal. The
pbssagit . Of StiCh :tin
~'S.cit reflects no credit
either oh. the: Legislii-ture, or Governor, who',
tieing .by prniession at least a - lawyer, ought .
IC have kncyVn better but nevertheless gdie
it his approbation..
• • ~ .
paper has lleen:enlarged to donble its,usual
rilie f .ancrtiieCrinilifisei eight folio pagan.
The sUbscriptlenpric,k . l. s3,pcn year in id t .
0r4.2•• for 444,.1§rig, and . the short
ae§sion • "dt • e_ongresS:',. , , IC is an • •in valuablfi'
journal, subscribed for by all
urlio.takeon intereatinpublic rnee and meri.
.Tirsi:l3isv,YO!The locos of Westmor .
land couniy pa ssell
,Ilre following , - resolutioh
Ye's - clear as mud.: • .
:Rt . :sailed, That vice have increased Conti
*lee in Jariiesl.• Pdlkie opinion in -
Once' tO the r fatiff, as expressed by hind in hilt
letter to John K. Kane of Pennsylvania.
warm itharson 'the fluids of -the body are at
tenuated, fife circulation rendered languid
and the seeds 01 disease firmly rooted, and
utilese,proper remedies are tiniely.adinirds
tared, the 'riven& will sink beneath the at
tummil.attack of fever, or sorrie.oilier equal;
ly fatal form of - disease.. 'Tie local being
the grand sonic° and fountain of tile, is im
mediately cOricertred 'in transmitting to eve--
part of the system health and renewed vig-`
or, if pure; and debility and disease if
pure Purity and clAnse this life giving
principle, and man enjoys mental and puisi
cal health. For disease of the blood ma i l
other impurities of the system, -enlargement
of the bones, sciolifia, king's evil, eruptions
of the skin', rheumatism, gout and lumbago,
disetwes of the liver and other derangementh
of the system, Sands' Saisaparilla- has . been
found, in numerous instances, lo be a safe
and etlactnal cure. It purifies and cleanses
;e_fountain springs et. life-'and the—patient
s speedily brought urider its salutary opera--
ion. For sale by S.-Elliott, Carlisle. • .
Prepared and sold by A. 13. & D. SANDS
Drib ' rgists, 100 Firlion street New- York.
Sefd also by S. ELLIOTT', in Carlisle and
by - Druggists generally throqhout the Urn:
ed States. Price $1 per bottle. Six bottled
tor five -
THOSE OF OVA CITIZENS who desire ,a good
find-erre-in the eelebt
ted Pills of Dr. Brandreth, which VaVe Voir .
formed cures upon thousands 01 helpless and
hopeles persons, after the
,usual scientific
skill of . physicians had cons oled them 'with
the assurance that they could do no more.—
Tho properties - of these Pills, as an anti-biloui
and apperietet medicitre i are unrivalled; all
who nix) them reccomtnend them; their vir!
mes surpass all eulogy, and must be used 16
be appreciated.; The weak and delicate
will be streng honed by their Use, not by bra
cing, but by removingthe cause.of weaknesii
the - gross and corrupt humors'of tho body.—
They require no the diet, or care
of any Rind. Plain directior s accompany
each box, so that" every one is own his com
oeterft physicianS.
Sold in Carlisle, by-CHARLES BA fiNITZ
~ Sole Agent for this borough,
Stephen Culberson, Shippensburg.
Breueman 8.: Co. t4ewcumberland
& L. Reinle Mechatiiesbortr.
n. Iler, White House P. 0
M %Wet. ; Shirerhanstown.
Si - A 7- eoPitfi - ntIM - C•vr': - -
Jaynes Kyle, Jitedisanville.
Rider Si. Diller. Rnjlling Springs;
_SUM 1 , ;12 WHATtiER.—It should he, rc.
thst—dori mg the intense_ boat of
sittoto,r, the process of thgcsiion is performed
with =melt I xtruise languor And, our
tnstettil 01 hying speedily dissolved and con•
verted into nutriment for the bode, often be e .
comes actually spoiled, nr petrified in the
stom.telt. Bence bad breath, disagreeable
Voile in the mouth, colic pains, dysentery;
efllorl m4bne, and other disorders el the
certain cure far all the shove dangerous Com:
plaints; hooans they cleanse the .alimontary
canal' of those bilious and putrid humors, •
"ivhich are the noose, not only of all disorders.." .
of the bowels, Init of every malady incident to
_They Biro. aid and improve digestion.
add pertly cite blond, and therefore giro health
and vigor to the whole frame, as well as drivel •
every,clescripticin of pain from the body.
Beware of Sager coated counterfeits. The on;
ly original and geiiiiiue brash Vegetable Pala .
hare the.signature of \V anent Wright written
wi h.s peiron the top label of each box. None
other is genuine, and to counterfeit this is forgert
(Mice aniFgeneral depot, 160-Race at. Phila.
Sold fu Carlisle by CHARLES OGILOV.
, - MONDAY EVENING. July 25.
ELpIJR—The reeelpie of Flour continue Cary light,
Fresh ground Pen na Is In demand at #5,75, at which lir
few hundred barrels were taken, but the !dock Is too
light to admit of any, a - intensive transactions. a: -sale
of 2000 Nitride Weatern.receiveil via New Orleans, In
bad ,order, mild at #5. .
0.Y.E1 PLOVR— No ilea are reported.
CORN 'hYEA!"-.A.spiall.ealtfrenna at 463,25 per brl:
GRAlN—Wheat la 'scarce 1"501f bushels white sold at
#1,20,W4 quote red at I. per bushel. 1
Holders of Pennasound yellow•aik 80 cts;
liuktniyara geoerallyonly, offer 76 cts.-
CATSA•itioscmtcs÷tha sale% •
WIJIRXEIf-450 Murcia sold at 27 nun and a: feni
fitula at 25 . enc • •
. .
Ireward ifeeit' Flour at 15,50 v Saler C
SYslls.6,Bs.....The'etock la.light and demand reatiieted
• .'Snlievellite .Whietitt $1;25 Fr,:
trotle;i:xelicre" , :earent,..fiwt9:lo Gut • „ • .
. • .
, , •- , • • ,
DI iVItPTP,D , •
;::' , 7l:lliNir,cirtiOtittitY'.. , ,lbe - 13t11,instant, by
11 girl; :Nteponop!, Hirrk formerly
c l 9tr if Y4li l i - 4V e ltki r ig ton r
yOns-NV eano4,4y.! the,2lst hist, aAer
2246.4 t of
„bet. age. , . _
datigh . ll •
tsrpfJo n.nbifliine.ArinDliver , o 1 this;plitecf____
Aged 1 1* 1 1ehiii0d' 3 •
1 lteitlkeitdolttlfo ' sit'tlte lit rwddltio4'
KU 3!to4DlciAms
' , warrantee;.
• too#.4 4 ;fir . 111 0 30 ) ) ;:#/lich
. o)llol , Paiiis - "-itopolktioper tile
*JittOok. , 1 !",.* 1 15 - P C "l ' ler* a p t
ilki4bastitO'pn't..",44l l )iy Pliklittelpliin..."--;', ; ;. '
V4IZ/10 -1110111 k 1 400tku v e;410 ?' 14 ., 0
' ' .