Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 21, 1847, Image 3

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iipokfaCtiingoilit,ll eltthe ; privileges
WAN, rented erode 'year from' Ails
re:oetf!,Septembnr;:-next:.*., Propos4lll4,,,s,nitilig
laMir4ll.,..4loltO9ivi4:Pll,o!".:oo''Lliibb b y
' 4 W.: . 'IW , SBY.MOIII Treningernt the Col.
r4v-rt-t4u ;
• cA'it WILE:
~.V.P.Tri'lhis day retained that the -Pt-C.4141; 1 / 2 4 of
tho Urnted States has imeetited tho'se tykes
of the VOLUNTEER:COMPANY enrolled
• here. I Would therefire - lehrm u the - Members
• t.of said:company and others, that thB Net of
June IBl.l%,?.qcitys to quF.h..NoMtemnroiesioned
OffiCer, Musietin`aidt Private, of Volanteeis,so.
-cents, in lieu of 'subsistenee . fia. every twenty
miles by Ithe most direct route, froin their
'homes to the place of general rendezvous ; end.
.4:1,511 per Moraft for clothing d'oring titrt time
be shall be in the herviee of the linited'telest
The Vtioriteerti tend: however futeish his own
'clothing, end 'eannot receiv'e it hind.
To.ehlible . the'Voliferers &tiled into Pr`r v ire
. .
, . .
to prnvideilli6mso yes with wood end 'sufficient
4nicithiA, - th - e'Sderetaa'y of War,has'authorized
'the Comtittitotinn alliawanco for six months,
" - ;(tauetitfatte 6e paid in advance, to
cioh non-VciininiSiidncirl officer, musician nod
'privec, ofteflteinE nitisterNl Into service; Litt
only with 4hd'express condition thatthe voluii
- alitirtdy:.furtifslo;(l himself as ith Fix
fact 'is IRV; ect'ilti , d
- to the 'PitSrinas'er 'by the Captain of the.`en'ln.
pony, or the thie.tanount'thtis advanced shall
be aplied .under the super vision of
'tain to thenbjeet contemplated by law. to this
latter eao4, the ridmanen cohitnntation 110111 ,- 0 It
jog Will he paid on, .the Captain's certificate
that he is Benefit - 4 itv be' ad n pulled.
D A PIV AT'I'S; Captain.
.Tuly 1R47,
. ftvlL stibsreiber, wlshlllg IC 011111 im his
itesi in Carlisle, will dispose of his large and
eleguitt assortment al I)ry Goods at liret.eotn;
heptt detetMlined to sell offitin entire steel:, he
n4lu, es his friends and the public, that great bur
gaios.wdl be offered. Those, .tl:crelttriT-ei Ito
islvio _save. liatin 18 — to 11l per
Gotitla, will do well to glee hint a n
teal'. Ills assortment is h u g, and tllc goods
have been purehased %fiat care. :old "I
hettea an insert meet 01 nearly Area ttrtiele
kept ueu
.in a Dry lined. st ere.
As we nee determined In elnee up nee business
t Ihe yet y earliest possible peeled, we le•relly
110iiry , hone indebted to (101010 illllnt'fij
. s e Clc lip th1'i1.1.1.!61.0,(1,e II:one-0 S. Rs
• longer 11111111g1 . 11Cr euent)l he grtedell. Thnie
,vllO tlo nut, hem's 114 t5I1) 01 . Oeltsl3en, ',ell le
• their:' VCOIIIII4, may (~111. C 1 In 1 ,. .1N t• thew, platted
in the huntls of n .lastiee far entleetiotr.
D. 11. AItNOLD.
Corlisle' .11ely .41_, I tti7.
IS . bereiTy giv(l), Oa I (lave bren Ounniot , cti
tovignee'oe Andrew M 1), irtin•
'Fon, tuwmalaip, by deed. of voluntary a...8ig:1'1'11..2.a
fur the benefit uf,creditors, Vin. All prr4ons
knowing thein?olvet: indebted to Filid IlSgiZnUe,
will. lo4ve make moment to toe iinniedtaid
and thode buying t hem in.
GF:()11(4; MIT,LER
West Pennnboro' Tp.,'.l illy 21, 1641.—G1
Dublin Gott Sutphin. Sprine•earrnetn.
lion Hill hold en li:LEC"110N, tit the
springs; on Saturday, the 3lst Intl. nl ti o'clock
r.. 11., to elect it Preskirrit nod l'rensggrer
sorer for one sear, to ether with one ton tino , r
fur three yegirs—end to rbunv other hositress
.thfit-mny come before the ng,ungintirin.
Stock-holders nre requested to he ponclunl.
- lir ordernf the Alnnnyoen
AN DREW L. COY LE, See.'y.
Neirville, July 21, 1n4.7.
! -
T ,
As sirree'o 5,3 e.
n E flov.fug te' elate, f
rmerly the
ptope . riy of Isaac K Monet., will be .01,1 on
the iirc,nises by the sulotmilits, by puldie,von
doe or omen., on MONDAY, the '23,10r An
glint. 1847, nt•tl o'clock in the afternoon of sold
clay, to wit: All liinl trnct of land situate in
Dickinson township, Cumberland mmiv,
bouDded by latids of William Sbriver'ann oth
ers, and containing 4 7:4, Peres MCD Rerelim=
frinrtror tors - r - thirtrar - res -- n - he re" f nre CIPIIVed
and -under fence. The improvements Ore a
tWP story log lunar, a lm_ stable and a Carpen
ter shop. There Is n food orehard of well re
lented fruit on the premises.. • Plie verrqs of FII IC
will be made known nn t fie liai 'of IllO't midue
by - • . HENRY 1,EI1)1:11,
Assignee of Isaac Vomiter,
July :11,1847.
/NIDE subsCriber otters to the trade, or by
31' ttinrge toid genarul . .assortineot or
ills rollowink articles, being all of las own im
partation at -ntnitilliatiire.
.•• • 'Buyers. of goOdSeiii in‘ited to
examine tho assortment, and orders Are
with thu assurance !berm-sty effort will lie
made to_give satisfaction and insure a .contin
'nonce oft ustam. '
(told & Silver Lever.Wattlics or ordinary 'gnat
-11y. -
- -DM- • do. : do, orsUperich
Do. do: do. Anchors S I;t.pinoe,
eilvorAdubld coiled Eoglif-h itpd s twins verge
Watches, withliilif;niesti_tnn and heavy ea
Jewelry 111111oirlotiCR, fine and common.
Silver Hated; and Silver Wires. I
Musical Bove, alai Mg 2,4. fi, B Find Jp Lunn
' GOld itnd . Silver Bpettucies: ,
`Diartiand'Botnteti , G;tld Pens. • • •
' Mantel:had :-Ofilee dloolts, in gilt end Miter,
tin m
%Yap:4l44lm rs` 'Timis and materials of•all sera.,
I Fancy Articles, Fumy Form, Steel Bends,
' Ilarving (miry fertility. forobtnioiiig gOods on
the must advanmSeotte terms; ettirettfiOndt,lglin
, 'dudoments 1,4111150 ntreted 'oni'Mltaer's ,
' ClO?iiio L., ni
July 21 ,11341. • , •
v . Ai &o .
pi l ing, Bo f ,
. Capp, '44l°4'
• 0111EPS.:
Of • - . '' now I"
?fri.u f at t ' Elibli . AN ' TS' 1 HATT 2 IR,S, ,S L, N ,
- ” ii itotrx", 4 -
'' . "'' . 4 4
_,.. 4,- T
- m. /7 n-u , }.,^ap l •l.'l 1 7 a r c' li ti se : t , i!rd
L .3_ .. . 1
, a „ rnif ,
i.: (! , 6 , 1
. 7 . ) , ,
h ' ,', , 4 -14 4, C I, . ' , d` 61
.7.olke,t,Str ee 'l a
f . ,
0,,,,,51xvii 'P ! t :: A M i ! 11 ; i ',
;.,"'l4;44°4l)tg.Ti'vpeorly,l7Ef,L'‘; ilit4 ' crit r i i n i e t ; t :i e nd
fa, V.,-Irr,r4 .t , • lA'nfoQ.,Bl,o4, to•.--0 imme,4l-.
wil°crull'° { ‘ : °! :itl„nll, the
"4'7 pit.s?/11.??-u9,, do k pperiutendet c y
4tßi 14ftlearil.",o'doen iinPittiTsnen.tibti7g7f7tiou
i. to ^dt,illogen".o- 7-- al, tenportobt 'Olin , , ~i.i.o. nu:
I, ftwa
i. combiba. _ ,
t i t .f or finial? oy„ ,r, • 4 „,.
litithenb- , tik•aa''b6 f
,-,,- . 11 . .. •
Witty() 41 : , s - r twice. t , .. ti „t of, a„.11
-ni.ita,-,'„ai olffiiimaißß `gßh\t !Kir 1 .1 117 "rl
' ' Il e
, A ar..." . I . Lul, d
rid .._ t „..,, . . i . .,h... F!i
SAt/lftllll7Pn'llo(it'fq•J;PF•lBlF trilidttillig
' arle'tirir(Viiki V,CTLlPV":%lgiliistlilrile•l!l
../ . ..-1, ' ivy, „,,.....,,i, 8c4AA5.,91 aa° , .I;Sotaii; air
; , : CMFIPPP y,..0(44PP,0t.i1t1r. 6'tdibi•idioory
' - n." 10 Mkr „t Flnin atraTrOlrKiiVills.g4lte'
Okttl'Ai 1
• ' !Al "S;id. " rut,
ck tinda'aw.i., ---' '- i, s t
••“Yl°'Red)--rfOliviollgiAntE4lll/44k16-1," -
---;61°0- i st A e luirs, It • . 1 *.p 0 04 II •• .
, . A'.
...,, les
lit i t o,f,,..),,m.,•ik,yvilkd
%o' l'• . '3,j;A".11 •- - z t -
ors,,itiesv '1 •,••04. Oottl
.. - l'Y ' - ''''-i-rt-I4VAIII'll; itl i A r 3 , ” t
4 l • s i: 4 . -a i(lttla • .•tq•• /"..," krit of
' ' iflii; .11 1 1 /iti; I, IPi " C ., • -
, •1 • • lie at , t ,, e t”•?: I. ''' ,;'• 'rP, i ' r aril:
* ' i ')°4'4
skrai qiie4(l)PinfivN',
Cash'paw fq...3!4,f471--iy;llW..tif At.:
----..: - .... .., , soc, 1
--'-'''-''itgiMiiiill'. tit ' Ir rAl l ) C MY ', „.
c . 3 410 4 yll ..
-8471,,14Z.9.t:,)191!,?0',.t`','?"' • --
' • •-• „': A,. I .1 , -0..43). - .
~ -. :10 iptldf.f ii•o.t.} 1,1110 - t - i - ~ .0.,..,...,:, :ti -- ,'''' 1 :"7 - ',
„.,LII3F , .4,,t*U1 1 -01
0 1, :tor i 'efile! ,g ll l,
:Aalt l gol?Wit t l i ft
.'1,•,.' 'iliitoq3iiiotliciiifiati(ll;l4l4:Mitattliil'lliy.,''4;l4
`", -- .s, , l.Mitultoliftisit4'44, 4 ),4*ltiatlrtaicutjtta 77-.
• ' :- .:' - 1e, , ,y,:, , 44 . W1L11Atbi1,Y03{5011140, l'AiviAttl,AA 010', ...„1" i i
•''s,'';' , ': :,n , 1! _ ',,.- 1 ': '.• - •7?"40..ip , Virlo.o,l3:ol , :t'VA ' 4 ,'''! 4 ,f,' ,4. : ,:' ~
,'! '.` . .Witq..4 6 4 , 10,.;:' , 14,/.,: . . , .,, i,,,, , ,A.10' , .‘,- ' 41 . ;. 4;,' , ,:. - ,:! ~, , ~,,. ~!. „, . ; ~,,i--,..„,!,,--,
•rtlutz , Zio
`Glll - ,',4 - avelawcirtepts,
Notice to Miraidkers.-
keij 1 , —7 71 IP L
Commalast nate tfietinlierlritrilLeoun•
ty . equireti net of Asii
paiserfthii 4 Mar ch s A;
1 6 , I 44. 7 659A+04r1. tli' gt!¢djbiningZhebttdgu
nour reee,i,ve. irfiposals pp, d to
10p43. ; M , . fiir he
nialLing,tifft goadturttpilte rono ftern Litu bridge
to neer ,Me t rAntighliohr. emali ,41onoe - r - ait}, 4 44l)Co
from fortyltri filly nods in length .and .twenty
feet ivide-4ideptlf of stono, , fiftrcn inches in the
centre' and eight inches irt sides, rounded
ob the.iftri.faee: 'contracter tenet. stalo.n
'definitcrpriCelier rod,runding - the length' end
taking iii the fell breadth of . the road, 'rho
oithinnetor tb'ru'?nisir ell "the ninterrals, and this
one to le.troll broken and - griivelltii [Fla
stullace of the Toad. ~- • • .
• 'l'-her orniuisshi.w.ill received , at, the public
house rikniel S. Dili - 1111p, Nbwilillo,.ori their
bore dab,
Ntl(:st—Wni, Ll : ni Creik: • •
('arlisle, July' . ...,'1,.'11;z147.
- . - • -•- -• - • •••• ,
..Notice to Taxpo,yers.
Cllh filothnlissinnettS at •COrnherllttld I.ollllly
reel lunch nu stiller! in huh; shit: to unsoultete.tit
the .eutititalut ortuthe cOOlllO - , that ity their prompt.
payment ur the'Husle :tisk:minty TOO, they- tette
entailed the.Uouto Treasurer-to pat': nver to' thou
Treasurers:of the- Common-at:Si - Ith the-Suite-Tax
:l:h:Hail (Moll this Cultuty, HO Hs to reiteiSe•Hil
iiiileellt.lll. or tit c per cent 'upon Atte ayouuniut tints
1 ,,,,,1,114-IV!il,/ l , to tl?e - at'ot - iiff!itrinfil.r. tint! hile
they wsuld congratulate the eitizetts 0i Guiulour—
lieuit•cotitity that Ir majorit3 taivii..utlo.oliti a litotho.
hie spirts imthus promptly atfordingjtb'the State
Treatairer . tlie ineatis to to cet the eligttirtileni,d
the Commo(m ealth ;mil to pa) the:interest
the State Debt tut tiettdrity, they ',Oink! - remind
the low, whit ore yet in turret:HO in lite' pay titent
ol heir Utse,s, that...there' is 0 th lt tine ,ity . the,
enmity and hearing ititert;st,
r.i. ,l,uuurhte t hat ihose yet ill arrears shottlul :pulse
pay loolt to tine County Colleetors as 50011051rI111:
The COIll - iChilable promptness w ith wh'iett the
majority hare paid _their State awl t:inatty'
has enahltal the Tfl;Stll.t..l. thl!
111 C (~,shit) at the (:011111114SIMit rs
Olifilifling .. :l 10811 for thiit iturpose,which has hill,.
' l. ert,. heel, required—anti the utoututi. payment ot
the 1,1111t11,4. Of the Ntail. and GIVIllt) TUX yet (111,.
th , 1,001, ot the ,Co(mtioor , rs ttie
' to iiuy the annual iuutturest in the Como)
ulu 1,1 ed 11.50 :WWII IS, vire thollS:11111 ClOllllll4 Ul the
in 111C11.111
1) S
I.),INIEL (A )1-11,E.
4011 18.17. 5
To the Oitizevs of Cumberlana Uo:
Than ix son - 011271g 7norc precious Ikon
aold or Diornonfts-1-1
if*111 , ,121. are some ilisca4es that -visit trsiit
Ij . tell st , altomi 1.111., cup, and uhielt lull %Mkt!,
llnevth lievon.r 111,,rosiol) ri.tal,doritig the stin
gier and alitutsso . „issotlljtsl e,biscxYallystist;°wog
th'erc'btring not 'less'llunn seVviityliioheiisci.clyitig
'imminilv with ilerangcnicnis or the stomach uud
. u_yery
time Imciiine enlisted in the human desiveln les
sen this 'pip:lntuit mni altry, are we pint lintiod liy
evert' principle s' red igloo In nilininisicr relief
is out' power; tine! we discharge liar Inty
when tie ;mint not the greatest remedy ever %et
dist-mimed, Mr this piirtinse, to the
there he one, or if they hove is friend, or a child,
or si.nlov.ithor. u Ito Dilly d/rllll'e IrrrreArl this no
licr. that Lsitirring ullh Ilisrrhnra, nyssnl7tr,
'hoiora :•••sorsiNt
them try t i /1.. 1.0 e
lm •s enrinitnitiic,nachsic gt;:staotee
Co—NciTVille, Iles. 11. I 4.111.
7y,..1.,.,.1,.i.-4,nnertine last stnunur S our avid
. 1111 ing`tannt• of 3 (mr it!atl vnplepi and
MI 11111,penVII that I )onlig child alma( Rix months 01.11,1
htl/roll , •11 and I rear l sacre in 3
vet 11iym•-
rlr 1•111.1..•11 its
lmber's Ind . :. Tlit• child tt as,a ttlefw'skele l oof
there it as foto+ lot mina. tetswouts and folost.oit
ft fff,.ioiso•rvil otcrr 1111•11i1:iill 1
could I.ot s slight allot ialWa of Ow
rooudsiw. then thought of giving vow int•di
i vil.c a ii ial cnininvia•ing Si ill. stoat! obgirs.
1.0111 Ifear
full d•,,,• ; In•love
it Inn! lake. 1.. ll a bottle, the siorosrlf and how. ,
Icl:filar! I,V11,211 • 1: illl . ll . 110111111 ill(ll•,.'l,ery oilwr
hurl - gymptrun -frioltletl ; furl -11w elfilfl-raffittly-rv
1 lei,. no Iteilfhtlfen in ful'ine that your fuefli
eine in Ill' ery'llest lor the }thou:. voittplanats 1
hate wtofiff , sterell io a 11 tonic'!
V evy respectrtill, G•icud.
11. B. 110 W-MA NT. M. 11
P re pAi! e d k iee Of fid and S Ruth streencrlill
atlelpllle. • l'ev sale wholesalu end retail Itr SAm
;Jr:L. Ciirlisle ; Nlvllievsne, Daterle-
Ilitiee 191..1,m lkruggihlS and NI (3 . c:hunts llirottgli
-11111 the entild V.
.1 illy 21, 184f.—ntn.
Dr. STarberls‘
i r m vph,„ mu.l, valuable liutot ueatihn Iris herd
used with m,t.roacrful doccei4 cure
ut spirit: of the most.troublesointrtlideahes with
whittii the Lliorde is uffeated, (iv afloat destroying.'
the heir) (4111APille old smalls, swellings, 01111-
neni of ju Ole, galls'prbiliteed by" the et, ttr'"urfd
saddle, arms of the shoulders, stifle, hoof,
riedtbrti 'told cullin jointti„ straiiis"of
,the 'whirl.
bone 'linee finial: poll evil,
ctirbS, splints, wliidgel s, 11111'6,44.0.
it veol,dotut cures ulflfor , Etlki h svounds, cuts,
liriiiscs,'lliqules, poll evil, curbs, OW, and gives
lostaut relief ir the seratchos i •grcuse, ete,', and
the diseaced incident -to horses' linviiig White
niost mid- noses .produbed II St. ilalin%ort,,
I which no often di.dtroys the:butts and!lrones
thi; feet; add reniats the fiction of
, iiulphur and
vitriol, uiiitAieuts,and othor t 'uiletlica equally
'poWerfulk •
N 5, tieellottkien,„ hen hes:toles) ; proved so
ie. o .
edyftlinl'i Jai pitiog,stiffness of' tl tend
joints, I niid,Trof4oeing such' inunedinto and
Beneficial effects in ereelted heels, brought on
high fondthgvaplirits , iinif sit rainal ' • '
,Ifflits-BinbroortirSii id higl4 Vechronienitid to
farriers; !cooper? of liyory, wsgooers,
log '11480; IA din cnippyo anti
liable to,
: klokni,entri end: wournle,, will , find it .equally,
ntlyaidagoons.ii.) , constdittly , 'on. , lhind. - 7;
11 is eiptaltri heohlioial
working cattle, for gillhiigiotti‘'lnitiks,4l.itsi
wounds, etc? -- • '
.91itstWittiotiodfirltilitbplii: -:-- 3pIIN 3 111,1%.
.);t•ti.l J.
it iiShlkalititl4l,,, , it , llc if.,
.I,i 4.'111 MG 1.1 • ti , rtl ;
A 1;011 '11,3171c41,1fe1,e,W)141 Pr) ,
I -
z r i cjiEoiut!liotilipb:liiiviltivii s tlaiii.idei•iell qLU Fire
"(if Fvel.sli . • • At,ltto.v.:6'l 34)
iwrw- tilega.o4lrtArg,..s4Jsq,
fofinsk. nnl~ on
lie nt
RoOhr 0 4.
.111,1] rJwi '!; i a aPAL l I I C° 4 P • I
iiirbl4ol9Ati--, CIO ,ton
TAM: burnm
Cold P 4 41 4 1
,TailiP l elikaiWß 1 1
3 esdi oy"'
;fir " p?j(f~'.:. ~.
;~~3a'.w:.:.~ Sic'i`" ; „ , ^i~~ ,'t ~ , _ .; ~~.s.'s~»!`uiiw."~~+~+;
74'4, -.....•0*-77,•::-:-._ . - ;c0..:.- . .:
... ..40... -....16: - ?!4: :
-NC I),),c1 Istigini ,
..r,' ~...—,' - - i
. .. eraffs'Sales....--. i
WRit . a.4liiiiiitmeitiiilttio.oityl i t:
, Juni; itsued.oltt or the Poifrt or.conl
PletAretti',rifrilitlielrioiliti•ratill'fo trit,,itiVactelf,
I will el vase Met Ifblithling_llj.MlEstate far Soli
at the Court, Houle, in the bprougit ' m ot'. Cartjal4.
oh ViilCNY, ? tllk, gOilf A , ' '6V'iitiOi et; it4fiN Jit
IV iNti) c le")l..:l&:, 4 ffralro l li,Wii t '-' '1". SG , •:.I
' '"' lig I f liit' '8 f AidubcF§itilateiti't4
lAit'o ) l'o;''a"olva,.ix4w.v6ii i i , 3 .,r alof ,,, t -- .Tio p .
'At 6,„.„1vg ot,"tlw,i,i4iyiNitiotetititreetY-liii WI
sonth, Squth Ittinikiet , sthkieln' - `the r ireitt!;' , tiA9
intliri•O3iithitling 311 1 teet IA friintl,glit !South fineL
tioy,r-sli'e'st; , 2•lo feet oni , Potalet; atreetVlotylok
Yf(ereou dreetell a 4hrec.4,toey.Sione lionSg,n bag
building.„ frame ,Sholt.,•Stablo,l o a.; , Aili 7.0 r j ilpp
lake') in,exeeptien us, the propert),4o . ..ililtmtpatt
-(1141V. .-,-“--I—,-
, Also, a half .161 of-grottud. Si r t7l - 1174
in the borough of. Carlisle, hountleti 21,, Mai n
straetnn the mall), 1)y ,a lot of Andrew A.:144 no
the wog, hllllllcil co n the,sonth, tun' by , hit ol the
'heirs p . r....k t iilneni Clirotli ern, ilee'll, net.' 11in eat
can tA,,,b,4o fet:l infitnid,,ind '440 Net 11l tlepth,
'rime.. ni , 17 ....1111,11,,,' thtlreou western ntiro=stoi7
Brick - 111 - um, back buiiilitit;s . and bil,le: &in. , :
'Also, il 'llllll 'l6l in. f He'saftie hdt -
nligh, liotyldElli)q Msin sa•crt on'the nortft, T; . e..
'tort spring do Ihe eato;"l4:o6t 'k N. Miition nn
rife smith, soil thienli iliffr, nit flic l owent-ectiittniitint
'tie fr'e't tili''M Alit Istiincl, 'Sint-len Jet+ in depth',
Iniving thereat) crivteditt Stone. I)istillery, frame
Stable. &c. ' Sellecl And , tilt.' itrestentinit asthe
property of 'Christian .Inholf, • , ".,.. . ,
Also, a lot of crrormtl :situate. in
rrtinkfortl iniviiilitt&, Instituted- hy, ~—,.1 . --Nlotintry ,
Joint iflttits,lllnmittl javeny null ottlera, etAd aioi al i
One and a hal 0, ere..:.4: more tin less.dinv i tip,' trieneod
erected a - one told half .;stall' Ling- Mouse r . &el '
Seized pail 1:115in) it] enntlciOijinl6;lini IppllellY 'ot
Thornii% Sitittlets. .3 I iii..i , c 7 l :. t , :i, ,1 „.., i ~.,
Also., the on 0 midivicirel nitult,part 1
of n tract nf 410)41a:tin as Nlttitbo ton iisliiv, nit I
the turivqiike road, entitilining, 1 811 sernstipan.titt i
less, adjniiiing la of Ma ry Ptilim, :',:ii2.o(.' Cul, 1
1,,1m0v,•r, Jll.l. IStertlinek, Foototill ' M...rk won't',
John !Ilisrps !wins [tint ;lawns, 11:1Ving thrynnit
nr nti t I'd's. !site - bur- nionrtS:one . lhni 4e ; nn'd fount
house. two I.og• howws, eye Stone shop, H 11111;e
-1111tnk_LIAvn_tingl'mtulry , othersul holines s Seized
and istkv,, hi the property of . :1 - 01 - 17 .
iongli, Jr.
:Viso, all the interest of Thouvis
l'l/ inn in in a tract of land situate ip South ltliAl
(lleum ion oblop, Irato.le,l by lands al.
, ~.' 10: 1
M norei T1101111(41 C 11141,1101111 intil,,,lnsepit iseap , 1
cniraining 14 acres and forte perches. mom in. i
Lens, lintsog. thereon ; reel. ti ii Nlerchatit Mill,
Plaster 311.1, 8.4 31i11,1irs'ene and a hall story
I:04 !tomes, mid new 11, ink-dwelling li - tuse, Ste-
Al§:); . all the -- iitteret'fr) t tract el
1111,11 containing ft.'. 110.111.14 1111111 C pr less, situate it)
Rl/nth NlllllllOOll Low, Siiill, 111/111.011,1 by tarots of
Willi:l'll'M nitre, Jilin Zint and others, having a
Linn; K-11,1 ilte-enn rented.
.Al,‘;;), all 1 1 .10 hitcrest in sft tram of
)8,1 c•»,),,:,,a,,, e . :.. acr e s HMI, Or 11.111 S, 111111111 e in
9ninli Mliblicrno to iishi:i, triiiiiiled he laiiils . sf
,10 ho 110) en,l-tiitniiel 11,111iiirii, .11)111) Atilart, Jr.
tool the Mount I'inlh Estatii, having. thereon erec
ted a Log I !wise : ,Veiled 111111 1,1141111. in I,XIIIIII
- :to the property of Tholiiiis P.ivion.
Also, a lot 0.1 ground situate ill
I)it'k'u,snn townsliii), vont:tilling rl':''e acres neon',
or leHE,lllli'/il . lillg 110111111,1 ~ 1. Iltlloinoll,ille I':d
-out ltollon. Itmel, std others, having thereon
erected a li.p• Twe,..stnry Frisk House, Ton
1 toll. Tan 1 (tinsel. St!dite Anil Orrin Otitivnimea
-Soitiveil and Lakin) in execution an the property of i
dc.liii \l iiinitth. .
Aloft; a !fart of land in' I Tope well
I nwils4ifiLlicAulderl by lands of Jacob Pottle sonz..;
rr..l ohn Apo - 4 , 1..13meg I I..mphill, Peter Stottlrer_
;old l'i're I waher..-a.taiaitq two linintred -.neves
inni• nr It-T. linviitz theneon 'erected ii taro-story
thick I lento, !louse, Log. Born.. Sniied
awl lake,, iii egeriition as the property . Of David
Lhilicaii. 7- . .
Also, the int erest,.l)eing the ma,.
,:•)•-•: 1•::» . 1)1 ,))" !!),..)),.),•: in New CUITII/Cllllllllll,
110111111141 1/11 1111• Ire ill' I. 311 'lt ell, .11 the rant 1)•
tutallot , containing iiii 1 . ,;•t in to ant and 851/ till
in ili 1011, nos., Or ii.! , . It:; , ink life' VIM 1•1,Viell It
,nn-at , •rt 1,11,, 111110.1 . and Praha. " 1 1:0;11.--
:•i,• It it, v•vc.itioit as the property Cuf
.I.bcaliiiiii lir; to,
fAk.4), It trirct of land situate it)
r)))4,..)).), township, sdpilciii.,. ; lands .of (tetu.:4,-,..
K issue,:cr, Samuel • Cnekley, othiteJantla of John
',Oren and 14,1,, ciiiiiiiiiiiien 11;5 11111,b niiii i. nr
i; ss, hat ilig thornon . erected
11011,,L1/, ;torn, \l'iteal abed, &r.
Also, a trac: of tincl in same :0wn
.),)1,.,..1..p.),,1ng it,,,1,111 w. Nve)t.), ) ,),••», ).:
‘',',)•. cs ~i,..t..., I lut ,),. 1 .1.•,) 1 3r.h••••••.,..th0 law
, I ),,..: ~.)•••,- 1,,, , , • I .I,t, K.• 11••,.. rant:tilling
inn 0i1..., in, i• 01. I; •-•, ins he; ilo ',so, ; ri•rt tal , a
Le:; 111/11,', II:1111, 11.1111, Wil i ,llllqlh,l, 011.111/111.1.
Also, a tract Situate
iu t ; eine ailj..ittilig 6dulx lit It. Hoover,
N.,tott,Leat.kiey,taber landn .1.61/11 Keller toil
nthiv or toss, „ s
Also, a tract ol' IVlonittitt -land sit.
unto in win.: township.; ntljnining hotels
enklA, Thomas \1 .ljluek, .k Rge nod nth
-ors, .11A - tiling 11 , 0 mires more or less, having
'thereon orerterf, Saw Mill,' n one.htca'y Log
Altio,,a tract of'Nfonntain land mt
unto in, sumo township, adjoining hinds of A (
1 .. .ge, Dr Ohnothors, the Pole Coot uEscate, an.l
others, containing V 3 5, sort's nun% or "loss:, haring
thorron overt rd a Iwo siary Log l koune,:jo.
:Aso, 11111 one, undivided hall part
of it wart of Mound: 01i hod situa(e South
dhaant sou. , hong lands of the lows of
MichnOi qh;M., Brit kit unit die York:win,
I .Y hoc; tmonni ,, p. 3 1 10 Roves Haire m'
Also, a t-racL of Mountain land sit
-1,1114. in NlllllO tQWIO,IIIII, bonwit d by i the heirs ot .
iscoh, Sheitlrro and other.%
conininidz 11;t1 noros more Cr loss• Seized and
taken oxvoutionos.tho propyrty Of .11to
Also, tract of land tittato in NI if
township, tiounilddhylaTidi - br David VOrae
a., Mary Leong, Titoioas
Na'lott mid others cootniitiog , :l2o tie e 9 morel or
.bsvio thereon •rivotteil -it 'two story Log
I (anise, Log Mim i Ede: Seized and. token in' ex•
ceution hs the ittoptulty of Ahlin C. Mitchell.
-Atari;' a- lot of 'gronnd Jtituate in
South M iddletnn to,wttsbip,,houpdt , d by lands of
NN'illism N'loae. hands Moore dna Itobefi
Ant it i. r.o . pta)o9g ogle upd „cit , otstrr,ne,r4 4 „lopetet;
tbi:rtptvilgritltithlnt:/a4i411( "i
Log Stable, t , :e. t Soized and tatiOn in execution
ss psoperty 'of
` Stand' yen / antl till to be
o ktValithAd 3 :0 4
I .11OFFE,11, Sherif
Shc!ifrVS, 0 1 0 Ce ri 11 T
. c(1.11 P, 1 , 8 4 7 , i
~111Pood„,111t, P alttet „.,
200 i h t i llt ( ) ) :l t igiTt i o i . ) b ' e " l ll ;li t.a el
hitliwe the Ixt btOatober i.e;tkL il s r9llpßll 1114)e
'Teel plibiCriber Illabg, lßth , oh,lui :•+
' i) ni4?iitY,
0 4 -
„..., a 'l, >1, 1 11: 11.411 itif)(iln,:.l
_ —....... ____
I tki
•'4**.....P.':•4.ll"lP')?ktl'ti:',9lP9.'.q"ktil 4F 11
91 1-1 4 1, 1 4:
liiihr ' l, .!/A b iSk:i ' M c,#4 43 / 4 1",1 • Vinf a 9rIS I POP '' , iti
4 1 ,k ) . 0 ,P0n ‘!.ll4l!uk.caciihr.Q.L. attille, 9,448 et Ware. ,
%11PPNIttli9FY. P*.P,9oo4:44oyekAteet. • t .„, 1
tt, 4;,1i S.
4AdjifitiNl4loooll)4l6,lllK AfigfoAliVro of all,
(19filitig—Warran.tell free fr9m„ffiltpriturt3
24.644 1 ,01. 1 N - 1.•
,3"" Y,,Lr •
%,„ •
y9lifieu 'l4lll
I., .m . ..relvi!..tta tt id I,
in use. Fi
41 , a
- 1 , 4, •
JA ) ;;ll4.,k,atF~,
, . , •.- •
• • .
t .0 I , R
the citizens 60 t lithmtiy, that he Ilea,
;141teu i roescurauaudgids3.lllkote's;:e 6 hfeetiontii , 7
storo,.witerp,M.,lll,k.Onsq iv ;tp.tvltikfut them midi.
continue fo'kftk4't re'rtiVit lier?ece 'Daguerreotype'
It.*enßkellit;,trAthitbit.ol ll . l 49lte 4 A l l itlelool / I ,e-1
4,r)9IVPIT:•ItrIOORI AYstett,mllllteqesse are . requested
- 0) ;,,FIY 0 ,ttMittlY;cithh, ; cr! be, c,•
Ne.f_ota,s•apurpt up:expense, ithProettrieg the;
.iy7r4beit,;tpipEratqs, c.bpwi cal)p, ..Z4od that eathbe
I erliusri dit. Many 'pe't!sons rAitrejt.ltectilgitiOT
Ditguerreme ) Mitdatures . .,the nose, 18 they say, '
they "will'iltde. 'the ithai is absurd--those taken
at this, e,stftl?Haltuntint, Arc wanra,ille[l,l„9.cemain
Pet'llatifehtiio Afe ) l36lfr fig Prteetion of
likeness aml:the feilhfttl eiiiiyingirrnia nature, a-.
_like the wontleriantl ad rai t talon ,
titanic tiIO , IOIADOW ere the gulls 1111qe illf e, -"
Let Nature . copy that whitish Naturs'matte....
..Latlieantul gentlemen are ,respettlitllv Invited
to call and examipe hi s pieturesovheilier They Con
template siting for a likeness or Out, whom• they
will be lible to I tolge for Mouse] ads.
Li kenesses, oNleenaseAl 'merlons talgr4tt request.
Instructions given in the art:
Unelkle; .1 ely 1 8,17.
• . • 11)ffiee for Rent:' • • •
E dike. on ,11.1tiin street;-not Boar to that
of Jas. I. 1 . ..hr1pt,, Atalt occupied
by the Rev. Mr..Nutrlin, is now a?u rent.
is one of the'rnost pleasant and desimble Mina
tioris for nn °Mee in the troraugh. I
•_I minediato poseraimion wall la • iren.4-:For
turns apply toll:13: JUrp_lrli.' DUNtAIq
July 7, 1 - 847;44 •
FIN-7E qubscriboripkes..thii..metiarlto ti
.cy all in. arrers; either no`tor bole ap
count', that lie is determined to hasten i3ttled
up *Rims little - delay nu
July 14, 147
. .
Etale ot — Sctrah - F. Spottsti,
"gm OTICE is hereby I n of
. 7 1 7 1.-Adniinistration-nn—the_Estatt,f
SpoSSI.ER, late.of Derry townslit Dauphin
county,,..dieen,46(l, huve,heen artfig fo the
subserilier, residing, in said towrisl,l.* All per
smrs.loaubted 1y estate are 141, remiss_
tril to melte pay iannttri thonf delPindin'rise
having elaibis lofederit-4hetniliEsullientl .-
cated for settlement.
• BENJAMIN F. E.x . r .
July 14,1847,
A LL perennF nre - heroby - capited against
1. tinrehasinga prorthisery ob to um
mount rif .kt 33, drawn, by the Fllirther in fn•
vor of S. 0. Miller. Ab the sublober has not
• received full Value in tonsidnitm fur •said
Joule hn is delarfained nut to poi until cool
y:Bed to do so by law..
3uly 7. 1847.
;P.:State StlMllOl- -4 ow-131,_ dec4-d
. Nol'lCt iii hereby given that i'rs les'amen
lary in the last will and lesialit
lirwman, Vent Penne' ttMindlip.
emoberland coo Oty; dapbiPa
t sot ed by the Itttisree in and letid Contily ut
(sane I,efever, elm resides
West Peonsiforn' Jaen%) I fan, who re.-
sides in. MOM township in ; Comity. All
oersov claims! a•nd der s agninst ilia
estate of the said deredent are tesledloMl*.tk . e
known the satrle without deit \ ' thoie fdtlrbt
et' to make payment.
.IAGOII 140 \‘'.l . -•' N .J .
Caelke;,ltine 16,1847 - . > I•
- Estate. of John
NoTier, is hereby give4t letters testa
mentary onsthe :state ions F.ICIMIAM,
'AU of ellen tit., den s & hares granted to
the subscriber, reading In lltrono o f m a .
nhattinslntrg. : per:tot.* log, claims and
dettninds tkinnst-Ille said eA'svill 'present
horn for settlement. :without .; and those
indebted niuko inltnent to, s§
Tim 2, I 47
14 1' 6/ C e
W 011.1) hereby notitt all it etioceriael,
1. v. lei 111'r in arrears t ithee 11 able, botik.
atcolllllll., 10 CA 4114 setllr up
tines, sts..L have ALititoseil ut
Ilardnnr, in Messes. I situ
rislitirl;:. 1 have sold toe Vu o
settle itit..nty hooks, anti theta ,
the better, as by .1111 v nest PI
be-lett -in-the - hands - Cif - le leonl
Several fittempts Cat
made to settle up tey hooks h
give lkir warning; OM' it nee
tray that will not LIM. l'hot
-witirate aiII find tun at toy
Loather eets.
'Estate of Jacdb
wric,F. it Hereby given
Inke.o . f.Ailkfil to
C0'110.011404. lts u hvun 4rwit,
,In Ott; aullsuribur, liVil g
County itior , •said.
.All Aiimputo 14 ,
moitict said decedent's estate will lit it
settlement, and, indebted ti
will make, i tnnit:4llate pay
.• 1147:
Estate a WHIM!),
Mi A TOTICS"Iir lit li Imr - givttrr tW
ill' a dntin Istrat 16ti bti t ,,the 'Oka to f
lute of r; berougliiir.*i)t t
to the subse'Obek rpoi(ipg in th '
e, ikt
• rgl %kV :Vgi,.. Oar ,
,llf t )0,1.151 5 .Cti drifehd, GlitallEOULara 1 1
~ - I
I )1.1; t/..;nroetione) oft th 04 th (ioi a n iitr , i
-"lin,' , , , ortrorditicii;*ClittOille'nil' i
I .' .
tut - i(ei etin udielid ei . ""Clteiiikl
71c1 ,,,, 11 1 4bnkrit4 1 ieetlinal
:I'i:A ;11.titortlitii4 e4391113°41
white sillilki;llltfi4§in,.iil
dispositions dia c4pW14 1 4 , 1 1 !i° 1 1
AmongofThig i qupiriope
60118 thEklifitp co
Aqs.Oip6 i Mra4 ol
rr6 4 lPßjoPiiaolfittl i i i itil t v ,
nm- 1 / 4 AVAAlsi,lrisOolfrobi
altiliiii 6
tion.eil.thabli, )40d L odi] ortntisrernati , iii
1 ' 64 l 3 takiliwttici l . illiliN , AoEAti 91110
romodioichtiiiii' felled; tiPtietllrlif ( tlitt,
principle -of , discosereit jr-erdriitif
itt3lehliiie 4 WAltllertlicHiepttilitiko I!
ii.f t stiditilidrisailsiligttfiiillttiliiiitWe.
!.I,,,ili.ferpod,lN pepy,tifilOg ity . etlkkfilßiii?
el rtiiii i i ili fC ti r t t l t f d r!' trION'A
% 1 A
::1 0 ,:itrZ liP i lCit. tr:Ii 512j :1 1 1 1 1 "V 131 4: ‘ 11 4 11 ;0 1311: 1 11 A l litr i ' lli t:
11.434)a t r e 4;:. : :::n ' 9 ,: i ti ud k 4 : ° n : a .:711 : 8La r l : P:.; :ti litl a i t .1) : C!; : ilv : : :: : : (r :ift ui. . eill :
4 , it „, q ,,,d r o i ~,,,,,,dg q
i rAtiii t, c t 41, it), ilil3 4 :Alk
lit ti l lOP l4ll.' h tf V ß4' a.
• .'
Iles, 1
..:.;;!.;....,, , ,1,..w,q , i:A ,1 ;•::,,,,
* .' Nit •
a, a JO •11 g.V.V
TRE.AbbiaillierPOM 4.:orit, 47 its, the
1 0 Pr 6 .114r
-vein I I , l rigiUtidited,, pn „Opt, acplimA t odrßeaPts
Zheekg odr,ooowneldp:Cumborll,6o,edmil
Ocal!utiViiikht.ndleekist bf
hoed ]ending to York... , The: Ai ill 'ha n , fciniint n
'pritiiiik.thret , 6f *l4li ere:oiid tiOrele
fee‘: 6y.42 id di ineW
„ g 1, ,
is.niia Child `to
ACRES .of.firet-retp. Liinpe tone Lend,. inn
good stato,of •oultitiatinn. i'Tha improvementa
'arena good two 'story Dwellinrlignsey , with
Stables and other nocersiiry ept,%buildingi:', to
aethee with a fine 'yonng ittrchiltd
Also n trirct of WOODLA canton
ipe.oliciut Five Acres, siluth i gl within three
ddlgo the• M 111. The property ir t ,sittialed in
ar g9bal country for.doing Wpm - ions, and, oirers
mi,rong jndocemints to a practical Millurl as It
is possessed,of evrir'y advantage. •
If not sold at privnto Attie it will he offered
.at Public sale, on Finlay, the 3 d d' l 3' . °f
•tenther Heil, .0111 the pyetpiseS: F dr lurther
jportleulerft enquiro of Ebb
'the j , reperlq.•
• . 2 , .etAtt:
July 1'4.1;447.
•'a Y vi.hud .;ir an 'order, of the Ornlian's
'Taub! cir.ilie:proinises on SATURDAY;'the'2lst
of Angs4.o;k347, the following Real Estate of
Arnold neflienin, dee,d., to wit :' •
A lot•uf ground situate in Allen. incenship;
Cumberland county, neat' the borough af Nek4
.Combcrlenn,. bounded by •lunds of Jacob M.
Haldeman, Esq., and ounmining one Jere and
Thriy 'p'erclics morn or less, limting, thereon
erected a-Log theelling house and ,fraine Sta
._Tereis_qt sale will lie made linnwn.on-klio
tlyy, of sale by JACOB IBIUK, Jr.
Trustee to make rile of said Beal Esta,e.
July 11, 1847.
IrlY virtue qua order orate Orphan'oCourt
_LP ot * Cumberland county, l k Hill cspose to
public sale on the promises in,the borough of
Carlisle, on SATUR tYzIY, the 9. I st day'of An:
guilv;lti47, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the one midi
' -• vided sixth part ot . all that
; ;•.( GROUND, in the horongli
~ W gir.t".„t Carlisle, (mewled by Rev. l'ho
mut, Creigh on ;Abe west, Dickinson.allay, on
the north, Mary Ege on the east, and High
street. on the south, containing' tlfirty tent
front, and two hundred and forty fool in the'
depth, having a largo two story Stone Tavern
House, buck buildi gs end Stabling thereon
ereeted,;:and at present *opted by David
Martin. . - ' .
The whole property is subject to the nrn
estate of John Cornwall, now - the property
of Robert Corriknan, nod the one sixth, being.
the-share -- rtyw - fretrirgotd - mrtfre — prrrper •
tlirain %Voir, is also subject to the filo estate
of Johu Wolf his father, if IYe survives Jolni
- Common. •
Tomes malls hnnwit on day of srtle _by
:filly 14, 147.
Cizevtit rocu -
Fri HE subscriber otrers - et private Salo the
1 - 41 . above named property, .mantled in Ono.
roe towns:hi l t, Ctunlterl.ind county, one toile
%reel of Chart:Mown and foie nuke from Cur
lin e, nn the road leading from the hitter to
York. Flirm eentrtiifs 72 ACRES % more or
le s s, or first,ruld Ljinestotic Loyd, bout 65 ,if
ore elea q - driiirttiti nrod sitt teltfrultir a
tion,,end the residue well tint hired. The int:
• provetpents are a two story STONE:
, 1 . HOUSE and Kitchen, Frame Darn
iitr C 4 nod other out.Ouildingo therrtin
• erected, with a well rat neve(-thi l
ing water her the house, end a tine young (Ir_
rhurchtichoiee Fruit 'Poo young and
niroier this place nil' IS
tecnte which are saldniit to be tort with.
Also will he sold with the above, ird,ircd,
liner of WOODLAND„ situate in the salon
Township, al, two miles from tlisJ fortncr,
- ealsoieipg.ria - aeres moro - or -•
col with' thrlui4:tindier.
• Por•.:furthgr. pattieulare enquire of The sub
firel..namod,premigim. ,
• ••• '••• ; I • • ENQCH: YOUG.
Jul y 7,t.
LunpketUrltlnicin iiisertin'arnoUnt etc $2 and
Varhi for Salo.
NVIS,II to sell at Private Sale my Vent,
situated Newton township, Chrnbeeland
efiumy; line mile from Newville., State
rend to Newburg, und containing 407 nerd's cc .
Sldte lnd, about ^V ueres of nvhtelt are Wood
land, and the remit hider clear and in a good 'state
of wiltivuliOn. •
nre,rt :rlvo,-s•ro,ity LOU II usm,: /1,1 • •
1..t.)1; lIA RN, der- ;ill: -
oral never tailitig springs of relining 011 0 1
1 water near M., 111111 Se, Willi 111.1 - Orell.
:41 . 11 iif Peach, Cherry. Phtm, anti'
bearing fruit trees„itt fine contlitingi. I will sell
60 acids off,` or the - Nrhole• together, as may besr
snit pUrehasers,
If not, sold, nt private stile by the - 7111 day of
Almtpt lied, it will On that day be offered at
puttrliti'sfile. • Vor' further, - particulars eimmee of.
the, alths,oriber 0141,1w,Hrem*s. :
;; • 'it: ;1 a t':l7
A pri1.'7 1 ,c1:1547, - .Z -7---777 t 7 - 7. - •
ro or
, um
ro.R4 , v' „cox. ,s:,.az.xt
T1.1.R. eutfearilleilolrere hie i 1 ern?, et, Tt l ireti?'
fiialef, situated In Newton townsilklPi 'Cum
berhld 0 94 n IYo li• .-od i les went -of ,li gyv v . ilia, on
livairnarl,leatliNt•-to Germantown, and 6 a mile
jfiqm k gcliflrOciftifleaoffthiffillg• 151 Acres,,
epti• freogultooloodv a lonkt 4Q , ogres Al ( which is
0 1 4T,• Mita thriving friin bar s , old 14o,rnin a in
,dcA' plt.StraAiVLln,ek .gilond letatflinff4f,4,ll44•9ool ,2l /'
Atha itrop,catfatnentitara b lioo4l9gE , ..'cum
1 u •
iPiNfiltOll(HOU$F4 otiTniaCkir,-; :1, 4 ,9 f to ~ 1 ,
0 1 i,ttilonlda 14)(1:11*AltNy eider "''''';''! 1 I . II " 1
ripi; ; p4:l call; falforwrifletufearyl i'''',-I.'"•''' f'r•:=',! . . 1
...milliilflictunnamer ; fa lling4aW otimitathat thtlf
. Karl rbribe4l4rtjablbrb , enquitivbf; , lbliiitibeq,
Afer, l on i t)lq: vrenniftee. f.• ?4,iOJ'ACOBISLAMP r ' n !,:,
A „410:y,27iii . ‘ , i,S4L mu! , *on' , al 0 I oil tA)DeI ir d
ov7ittj ';...,,., ~„ : 4 .:.".011...? ,1,--!,.. ~.;, . .111- „
4v4 1 -,4l4'4l\itlbrifis! %% 1 :40111i-3 iint iltd4nl4. 1
f.,1 1 4 4-00 , 00 44 . 01)141 1 4AlftnlIqlifellibti10. 16 10o l ,
IV3(7l\t'PP,ClnAltiger,llllgifilssfpspfil,fromilliky: ,
1:1 1 IPecA llli rrt Ir r lluwe l , phou
t c l i odd, t Mall' An ram 1 liffig rp I( tiW I tfQ
'6 VlVt:Ciiii4u'ilitalvii;:'lPt aqi6l.l C ) Off„lMStii
11 of Ililiiirliblida'Th'llll4et"?l646 ' 1:' ll' i r
4 Ciigli% ft .itilViitini* Illutl: 't agin I tia . ,
Liormarerer..,fPniii an oti dqtalylgehirop IYA.PiIe I Ad,
90'416 rrYoliiiitißy'sotii s'Hanyer;44ifffillgaltin ow
l '•,l4.lo44tonnerf.'nffellarles and Pratt etc Bahl nn#A,
I 1 tgBlPJe,lMPanilallii436/I"AiWnlitailifAll .gt,..
i l
I ~,,.•i a tAlir , >lmiiiiiktAisivqwelsuolgi,olithiNJlWt 6 l4 ,
1 -- el Pf .-- , .:,,,,hil-A-i,rt'l'a-ATIRI.YRI2iIIPiP'I,•:iii-
1.111 i 198 I : :
awl inii9
ryCAttlpf; 44t1,ai1,r
111, 3 / 4 %'l ,s o. 9 l,ljilZ n at: 9 4.l7oagirilt
il Ip thlift: ; ,. p m ikop,of
cloametto kayo causad is. bair to'rgiCv‘..ra
perlrcilTAW 1(04.40400f Oaten,
us° ,
osm tic. or aa C., ill,94PruktatOr44 , 9
.Carritkijki.r4:ne29:434l7. , r • .
20011;V:115t1it,,1,R44 ‘i4,Agt,"04,q41,/_
tcl i
, alo o i.kthi ..ND*./ 4° 6, - ,a; , ' '•• i !,
03 , ,k,taiii - rat! fa P, l . l , 37 B
~-,,,..,,. '' ,
1x. 4
. 100: iellottiq, ilin 1 aT., 1 ipl . .
~6 f A .1 , 14 ' ) ' , MINK Ziq ' r b — e. ,
-' . " flilE4llo.'"utliPt.4.-,'-•''.l;
io l quarip,ll4l,i, 1,,::txd
„,„1,,,, ‘„ ? :
,:ii.17,41,4:1,ii,v,:.- ,
i - ; '' ', ; ',' '',,'-',,.' ",K:`,/f',414',4t-q
--:: ~m,„. ., ` ' ,",,, c,, -,''',),;9.-E,,%-L;,,,::,.:,,i
'' . .,tii..,•t•-,!::et51hi.4t,...,..u5t.,....1"......,.,,.. da.,
Guardian of Hiram W,TI o r t ri vi tereo r o4A-741
• - ST Rhi
HTlTE, f laubeeriberilaa, jo atuperiedwfm, f he
14atore , teenitlatefyrtiecupied 1:7,;12.; : 5ned.
-italiec - EstidiWe . et Weh Street; in,litelborough
,dlVatlieta i ettlarge 2114 konbrall.assortment of
\ Dry. .Goods, cf.roceries;QuecirthivOer,
'44e.",04 &c.; " • ,
and wh,ipli 413,4 1 - o*fli - 40;o A'elt:ireheap as
- .1 1 110 . 41 l4f!pFs, • c -±
,fyfienibfto,io rospeetr4); kf'ire
li 4 a cull : he clatters Wiwi(' flint he °in -
Wier Bud, inducements pe 1 , 111 their
!Mores!. Iro patronise,
ry lot of auntion Dry Goode at very low
prices., •
Slay 19, I'B-17
NE %V A curcAp
Family Grocery
stibscrihnn takes 'this method In inform
I his friends '
mid tilt/ public in-gettentl 'that tic
lots just opened in the house intely occupied by
Armstrong 111111 tiara doors cast CI J.&
Itltontis' IVarellouse4 large and gtoteral as.
sort.inent .of Family Groceries,. such 'as tells,
,Z,bilreu, Sugar, Molassys, eltitcolatn anti Spices til
curly 41,:sciiittion.. Also, ti-Ilti.gc.attii Dell scree :
Mt stock a • •
k •
. 1tE13.1V,5D111.111.7'
,Willow-wcre;:lienshes, Ituckets, &e. &c. tre
'Mice° or even: description, (role the untumen
forifietEc - ifpfa! - AVtidAiiil's
"D e iv euvendish. it' • .1
two reopeutfiktty invited to (nal and
his-sinck •hefore (tying i•lst:w (tette, as he
illaturs him self that he 'Cannot to 'to ftlett . 4e them
'Loth in price and Mtiklits'.
N. It.—His kiviulh from the country wir fiiul
It to their advanutge to give Idni, n cull ; the !Wire;
is ectiveniently situated, just it few steps from Atr
It ott (14' invern ,
Owlisle, June -2,, 1847
T . :2(D ria
THE 6u 4 criber hasoiewly flued up his Store
Room, nod is now reeeiying 'entiee new
o wl fresh simply of e ll articles eonneoed with
the Grocery and o.neensWaire business, elubenel.
cotn,,, and Tens Or the finest qualities; Syr:
ups Stigltr (louse a n d Orleans Nulneses,l4eilis
er with '
Cedar-ware, Slonf-Cvare 'arid
Brown,siitl alai crushed Loaf Sugars,
l'olit ? 'Bilelets, tic: 803., all of which is
.otreced fur side at the lowest cosh profits. Our
friends -and thei politic': are ainOteil to call and
judge for ilielikselVes at 111'6 old stAt‘d null store
room ofJ. W. 1111 Y.
Carlisle„ April 14,134%
• •
-•-- •
()ST regevo a 111111-9 supply of fresh G.
"frced, consisting of superior lirown suguru,
and Loaf, oulied, rolverNed and clarified
SUcAl:ti, ull of which will be sold_ut redudid
f-Tiees: Also GOFFk4of every des'eriptioo
and prine,.with a line I ul,. o r f
stfong R i 0.,
...,,, , t , a o t ,_,_ Superior Imperial, Young
f5:- , , .
~-; Ilyson and Black TEAS,
ir.11, 4 ERktut front the beet selection of Da,
' ? 'S'W ' aid Itankint who has been eel.
;gi TrAt.
~..,),,,, -,4., ebrated for 30 years fur eel_
i: i''' l ling the Inset Tess in Phila
.- , . _
delphia. A few sots of Chins, Tea-Ware ;
I o i ii S; var. !ps] pi a iig ar , house and baking
NIOLASSES, superior imparted 11.0REYl,
cheese, Dried Beef, augur-cured Hams, dried
Peaches and Apples, F.iodp beans, Cranberries,
Sallad-oil. Mused Piekles,'Figs, Almonds, Rai
sins, Citrons, Currents, Spices, Mackerel. Sal
-11101), Shall 1111(1 Herring, flop Soda, and a great
variety of other articles too numerous Ip men.
Lion. All df which will be sold at such pekoe
es will give satinfuetion. Cull and sue.
N. -Smallfl„ shops siipplied:at a small ad
vance ou Philadelphia prices, ..
Cal:lisle, .1 ono': 6,1 8.17.
rAlqvg- Goons, eke.
A V KIITI CE desires to inform his
o•ll:iiaiiisiind the ',oldie lilt his miw SPRING
A MM ER JUN'IN of goods, which
lotto heed sclectial 111 tit great on Itinisell,pqr
stimilly, lord jtut oti:titeil at his old tool 0 ell kuott tt
ratalaisitmeta4u,Nortlt ltailoyer__Datet embrace
slimily of I'RESII DR.1.795, toge,ther 011
most ex (Nisi It, ribL tdid varied stock or BOOKS,
school W 6.1 inisceihincous,) F A NC Y
T;01/116, PERFUMES, Ste. kr. to 0 Well lie feels
'eotilittent ho may id vile tlfe attthition of lie puli
lie with the fun assuranbe or being able to supply
every tiint..antl gratify every taste, besulcs.gostsr
int entilre satisfattion by the very reasonable terms
- upon whit* ili9 ininieruus nt titles u ill be dispos
ed nr.
Ile wou:d call the particular attention ofFam
ilies 11111 i Physicians to his replenished tissortin't
of DRUGS told Al lICINES, which have been
purchased lit the hest - Statist:sin Philadelphia, and
truly lie relied upon for freshness mid excellence.
Added in these will be found an etitiro stock dr
Glass, tie. &e:, all of which lie will ensure to bb
'or the best quality and at the very Jewett ptiebs.
He lass wade many additions to Ins stock of
1300 KS, besides securing a new supply or all the
Teat .Bouks, Histories, Rendus, Lexicons,
till; ; Books, s:.e, now In Ilse in Cidlegb and our
publiu Otoitts—mltirli lib will diBpbtl tif on terms
stilted to the cirinitillitaiiteg of fill:
. .
stnek . (ir FANCY AirrlcLES'emlyritees
it rich dm) 'extrnYiJe'collt:etion wlliell it would Le
impo.table to kumerstb, Inn comprising many
novoltids eantnot tltil to strike the 'eye mot
.pleuse OM taste, such iii Ladies nod Gentlemen's
tllltlSi tier Pens notri'uncils. Bair
" f. kni%U` 1 3' 3, 0 1 4. 4 s PUl'lO4lOl4 of 1
risk and eNtcnsive ire. ettney Snaps,
circuit, Cnr , tl Case's, Pocket Pistols,
locket 'tomtit, k g:
,cew ,suprht or Cornelius's "eletmit
:LAD ' M PS, tdgtfier Spernt tool M eul d
Cllllllllsl7llll6lietg, Musical I nstriimenis, Umbrel •
lag, Children's l'oys Dt.or aill'i,./tlith'other arti
cles in' the variety line, which wills a conshott,
stipplreeirefh 4 FlttATS. wits find Confect iolia6'
of l\o Of leA (101)9.0,14k wit tztA t n il splendid
str tUplvlkjulnhiLkplieildiktilimAilkthef iitteulion
.4" 1 1 il'"W'k'Pilf,',l4l l l ll ,lF&PASllt uo ,
yet pat 114 c , IP* 0i,r14 144 Mt? ,
L.r.9.0.. tor. Jul„„ „„i„
';; I-. ;tilt LAST RRIVAL , i ;
V kl'O'Ftb 4 llYli . :Cli'. 4. ii IlY# , oir. , d.
i1d 6 14. 11 §., . 1 9',1net1r.10, 1 ,,,?, 4 1 1 i,Pb 4 ,11 , 14 0.1
6 D r u - Tit'ut s iiiudinei,"DyeASiaffici.lind
vi,r,i;,o .; % ,F a n c tiArt4ol6 so , !1113.0 1
pm. 1,:111,10' , : 1 , ; i , V 1 1 ,1•1 ' ;'.1 , 2 , ./-•, ~ , , , i ,, ;':, 11('
:irep d rllo y *lnlijigi iTy, Mtn, p9.,tMajlr i lyill i o
• "01,0 pIIA sip ,ly 5, 40, Ati.Vll44.yd 'Vli-4 ) 1 .0%! r"r
aitalt.,-tot' •,,:t - itt-tt . t•Ni ts:•.,-' tt t.,
,rot,. ~,,,,),, ~ , ,I r
eAllkilpfp Ruksliii,,c9itinbtiqttiti,Terraiktill, tobigo
rtlet449P,,gAisl 4 t !tv,4lip r
ii).,Eaat.talt die,, 4, A ; ti. in
,cawco ofolinpf,l,3it9ll.iittoollltifiAlP•RH're"
tEciiviiiitlttPtiiilltititi.49. o at :P.i Ir9q,4l!ei IlPd.
kill'littifioeAt v ift 31tot:titi ttit t , • t0., ) ,,,,i,11.,,, I t , . 1 iol,'
t iftWiscir4firi 3:"X4O49PY.yi ti)¢9 11,11%1 4R,likeitC9Pl..ft
trAiNiAlr.4o l l o 49(i.riliriiYtt. ki4pecripvst,
acicatorpimi, fAcwillktit,‘!.ks, , „+lllkl 2k,„.,(j . . 4
Ali t!!...1h slti.i.l., 11. C43111, 1 i.P , 11 . 1 14#0 3 1;',6,1
7011b/P414 4 0010.4.0 , 1 . 14) . "1 , 41i1LIILIW 'Il rIT/ii7'l,li. CL.iO.:
; gilf - 4 1— :rAi5C0410, i 4OPLW I R 2114 : ? "
IIP.:" -1. 1 Aof kn . ," 4 ,1• T ri.i. )4 " j„..c„,,
?i , l iont.
irrElD:eubserjbee,hielhg.poteuendtlltir - AO
,n 1 tlifty'atlstrioinzuplJiainelkoicugiebnbyi lIPI
tElmilyii - mthuleleilff,t 4 t i iti;lt o i:ObTi.°! l ; ) ,tp , ! 01 '
Itpt i tiii:lTilit;;Taii) l ;.ir6 i f i l l triiiliPol l . w i t ti l P .
' 1
• °,9ii 04Y , . : 11 .01, ,:Fl,,ti, /I* i iif ' l t 69 b. 1
iiimio.o 4 ,rpte s , ,i lib.l;cti„Yd fi La
r nion..La • 11 a nn, Cum .nn 11. amp jit, rind: ,
41-I,l4.l,opfplapjlegra, pg,001)1 . 0i, a nil 4D alinat's
tliu%lit iiii:i,PoiCkf i viiiku 4 Orti!,,Anclt Sunttarktit ,
Smnking . .lentnceii. - . SikfulltOuliesqUitl W„elking.
Cenee V - ,Andottiifili,iMidlcit'iPitrklq'GoodiOn!ii
fine Out arid ' -0 hew i nil -, Tobaccoi fee: itni.lall ''or;
wlitilPlftit , kllPlß AtiM - SIO 4 A/,'Illoi . 1 1 ;1 00 ,0il',
k;i,i'i f'ilitibk hawgiVdi 7.47 Ciiliik ‘ f.taina t if
? Holdlt i fireiL entlo4lo'.§; plgfi.:,pflak•th ~, - ..i -,.
-•.A ./' •• '4 V".V , ••: ; •••'••••••' 10, -..,,),._::"1_ , FM...,,,....A . A .iof Ai r R 1 C . ' 011 A'Ptit: :.-1r 1 I, '.la'aL
9' . `" 'till '": 1347, --4 .1.^Y. 1- = - r..*. -, .'7- . -. ' •,. t - - . ,s - • ralliii - o - pliiriitTlM liiiiiinibri4
.# --8 0killa - ii '''' • ''. .' '' ' •-titien 4 "4,1" - e °BS' -k , .." '''
' ''' .''
''' ' A ' ' ' ; '.
,T 4, ,OiiP '. 009 i, 4 !lifill,ni?,, ~ r 4).F7 'ti?, ,l .--‘71 ,-l t ":i."77 , 7,'il i NlirAltitf*Nl4:....'
rl n i to 8- dirk t+;<l' et) -..05idy , i , 0p1i.6.17 , .. , -,. , ,.n, , % , i ;:,1,:....:...1:.:.,4-... , ::::
iigf,,1104 1 .101',c4id54,11,.-.4, , a,q .t, ~, ~ , , • , 'l-::.."'-i - :::'.),. ,- - , -:'.. t0,. , 9 1 ,1ii.r, 4 I , . 411 ;% . .).4 00, 1. 1- --".' ''',* % r .j.f.;:10 1 -
. - ::,.....„ . "1,-,1 , , , !0„2",t*kt 41,14p-, , .,,g
'q , +o.l , ,im i crie , -IPp , :?,, , l'o . P7 , '' , :fi4 ,,, let4 2 COA:l 4 o, , F , l4P,.`i'' , l,,,,i , VllL ., ,‘L'L;3'N'Airtg l itai
4 ; ' Vl".:!".akin . "';lt , -.4aL"'" " i r ..4.0 . 1'', - '.'"
''''' ..."''''' "
1 t"'""r 41 te , ' O
rd trf RE If ARR AL
e , 3'o • • . era.
4 ,ljaa'jp . pt Totprqd,dtmth
e with,tkiargit
and eatiltilly'sgleetd eiortn?ent nr .„
DrUgS, ,raintfle,oollo 'D.PAttiffel
the dew preparation qedhivday,/nEether wit h
gene'ral ageortm93t4lfoirPPtlprUlVlES,
FANCY A liT,lttES',
stock fulLiitcleceitijSiciti, ii 11 n ier tvi , hich he 101
pal 'LOW Bit :THAN' EVER! tAtil Igoe
fir '4lndeselvel4.*,;;• •• • •
7,184:7,.„ • • `
`: • "s .
sitbserlber Inn; juktoturned fiid~ti 1I Ci f
1. with it lot of NEV 'GOODS, c9o!apng
pi n t nl thh , folloiing flatlet : he
,Chambry, Plkril G inglinmq; I'lniU'GSilght ma,'
New Style Caliooep~,a laige.lot,l
I\'hilo and brad ti itlitslins,
White and brown 44 and 5:4 9liectiege, "'
Tialtitip and Check; .Alen •
.200 lbs. wink., and colored .Cotton Yarn,
Irish I,inoila, trntn W. to•erpo,
Pluiu :Swigs, iiuel. , Sirrpcd and. Victoria Mao-
\Vlei te and Fatiey linens • '
• kfinirder ciotc. un'd f;amuniwe i t % , ~••• „ .
V eStiligH, C:111 IVOS, &e., &c.
The nbuve hei) articles utillett with the-6141Wi1l
' n "kr , ifi) Mork routinely. Call ill theNex Store
North liaficeer street and , •
: 1 61% . 7'„T1 E;47
AA NOTRER arrisnl.'bf fr.esh gonda nits
1 - 9
,N 14W and CH E rBtOti E in Wnet High'
street, such as. Lawns,Aratglikins,Aiingham
Lawns, 13Ieanheki and Unblotiched Igualitta,
Cal ngs, Chicks, Ilosiery's CitiCona-
Ware, Groctiiii§
• J. G, CAR 51014%
ft!N stitfp
M, IVF:RB, takes this method of return-
V Y tog his sincere thanks to, his, numerous
triends and generally for the - teTy
[Rival mmoitrageMent.they have been pleased
to hostile? tMon him, and We'uld reapeetfutly
inform them that lie.hasjust tyturtiod from the
eity.tyrith a largo and very superior lot of NI E.
L 1.1 C WIGS, .
Frizettes, or front BrtrOit t A14 4 0
a S fed I itssbet ment Ladiee' eplen.
did ai-titie, of a bile tine improVed 'Style on
combs, BRUAI - IES, La. • - - •
lie 6Gs &hie' received a beletit ndd s uperior
100)1111dr, islOrtind Clathyslliuslies;
English end Hairdo horn Combs, dressing end
pocket do—urtieles that ennnot fail to recom•
mend themselves by their superior finish.
Ladies and others wishing to purchase any
thing in the Aiwa lino, will find it to their ad
vantage by culling and examining my stook,
us I feel confident that the articles, and prices
attached to thein;mill enaure.gencral satisfac
Carlisle, June 9 1847.
. •
• sPkgiVDID
-The subLeriber desirous to. inforin his friends :
and the public that be has removed his Hat'a`nd
Cap Store to the'room next door to Irvin's
Store and : opposite. Bootees Hotel, on Main
Street, tVliere he has jest opened a large, hand
sume and fashionable assortment' of
• .
Alt'S and C AP$
made 21 the beet imitci lain and in 'the best
style and at the lon'est prices for Cram. His
nesortinent is complete and comprises every
bind of hat from the planes!: and cheapest to _
the most lashionable and clew/fit. Also, a very
'urge satiety bf men's and boy's Cape, includ
ing the 'new style of Rough and Ready Caps, •
which cannot fail to please his customers.--
CalfamTget yourmew Hats 'of the latest style,
g „t r l einc ., o Y , 13. LECI44II.
ettritslejll6 18, 18411. •
allorrett's. Motet:
• -•
PHE Pu bac' ibyr respectr4l7..annesmoes to
his friends and the
,kenerully, that,
has taken the k:ell known Tavern Stand
On the caliao: of Akoittlt Ilitstoiwr
awl Sts., •
formally kept by Alt. Andrew Roberts, where
he ivill endeavor to eery!) .those kho may call
urinthitu in ilTe7 most, salistuatory manner.—
lie himse, is pleasantly !Billionth and :is -fur
nished ,throughout with good hoddiO, and oth•
cr turnituic, add hia'adcomm!aiiatlans are such
as will mak° if a couVenien't and', decifablo
stopping lila*: No Wiltbe,,itpared to
muko luagracable in all its departments to
thqsa who mny favor him with a Ca 11...
BOARDERS' wall be tairk•b . I* 'week,
month, or year, at-the usual prices, ••• s.
April 14, 1847. •
2/1 I.lbls, ‘Vl!itc Snap; 50 eo. Brown do.
10 ' Pierces
10 Rice.
50 Bugs nice.
'5l a Alfs - tike,
5 " Peppcy Tor 'gale by ' • •
'PUNK F. 3111.1A1i
Ilaritidburg, 111ns 426(1547.-1P
• Gli•ttshed •
'I%.LN HA It ILEI .8 or ''.r.dverines'' lin'eat
qutl double reli..v4 nyttelleq, (Inv Hllli
; .114,040 J; Jot
fine olarilied Brown soginl, jubt
ed-and for sale low-nt-tise-GPoctiloti-nr--------,-
-Carlisle, :%Iny 26,, 1 EC4r.
. . ,Look, lo your Own , I utereiusd
Iht • Good ti; CfilVtit the
tie at islorChLApiit Hlgl treet—ohgali
I?eyee,iNique tceikes. off.ipt:c Ing
hank LiIWIIH, handeomo kyhp,,,,whigkige the
ireatestArge) as, 01,0 6 a.v.„
May' 9;6:8 fl ~jlto Ptil. CA RMON Y.
20 11leda. "tame; Sholdierwand,Sicis s
hfor salt3'l4 ; t t , oui '
w' • ).•ii.. oi .FUNICAU•AtiIibER.
-Herr' sj)i4g ; June 9;
LO, it Bms - vpii - i7 --- ~
A . k.. A Rill . a fi'S g1r.....:.....4 oi,....rtnient of Coll 4 1
11_ ' i ticifo; TiEkingoll'.:oli)e4lNl,-;cibounit. -4,
1111911404.00,Un.1.4p5tind,/y4plipl!io!il!ci now
etoro in Wost likil.;,Streot, .'.• * ' • ~.
.0Jiu r i) 1 1.19048)531) 'i t hir-lttg CAI)T4 N.-
Y '
A r ; ou ~ito t
oly '4 : - --
,i , I!•', I V '..lgUllikX,fikll 4 . 9 I BOUdBi .
.Al l +grmrgtitisii i rwt6l,V iali i
rotb "- I kit; 41 li 114 ik: or e, j, o f
Ste ith - eifitttigot bit vii 'PiTioelo . lino-
tynlitiNlTokiillo`' l'll3 kelliid,? tie ; fuel t.
4 , t, m ajti ii . . l .,,, ~ t vic p? B` iiiihot,
,I. iM 0 yt26.1 . 43,ffy, i 0 ,...10:4, n eptiiM , ,soi,..4 Oar.
I_ , IIMANSPAt3ION TBlLdfly 11):..-
_.. --i
ri.Z./ 10 :i'1,....f. 11.1pli ~, 14:4-A:it 1 , , ;?t, ~, O l )A•i . --
idtilehallAlvar.leti , 01,141 f. Inin4eift,' , oWintlow - '
.n4.l l ), l l l ,i 3 Onit(ll. ll iii•94ictiefst AtlnOW,lkiegant ''--
-f.,4011. 11 NA4fi,f9P.9.4P -1 41(!(.6fint - 11 ., Atalt ''
. - ... „ . . . w - IL
41 ' likt CK.,
l AkIlAt 0 - itiltkr')ol. , T.''' . V .1 11" . 1.1.t 0 .
ikr- , -,-i...-,,,-, t .::..:441: - ; nPfi', , p)...i'diteip - ,7: , „i ---, - -- . - H -1 -- - ; -:--,-,.
91.10.014504/14.i.Vi11.*:-rAltiLA:z-l'ii. .:
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