Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 07, 1847, Image 4

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cirriaa) ttioziart
:i.)6.loE,ifk the Soteda'lrest. angle 41)1 I cbh .
Square, hack off the COrl-Iptes
Nte Dollar mid Fifty cent% a year fll4f •iPANCE. •
• il , reo' Dollars, ifpaid withili the year.
At Dollar for six ryas:oho.
- These torsos will Pte rigidly adhered
Adverthemeiatt, talking (Mean linetot less, will he
katted at the rate of 'l4 cents for one insert inn.—
Mtn times for One DAI dir, and tii•ontV-live cents to
vet* sahiettnent insen It. Yearly adVertisera will
tee clUtrged at the follkWl g ratelsi
0110 Caftan!, with the Daper, for ogo yeat, 3 . 8 2 5
a calthan, - do. m. 813
tWtl fidnares, tsith qt&thkly chtittre% .. 110
fluidness Cards, with the tatters, 85
s tich aw lltitidblllit, Blanks, Cirtidnis gild crel . .'f ^lli
ttr• dasr.riptinti -tiff Prlntlha, execho hansnmelS , and
-txp erltnosly and - at the hOWEST ‘II.IOES. '..
tiVE 119.—The ill* or thd lidmon
• lite • tells it good story of his perigrlnations
"down South.* lie was a yeting lawyer, in
tratendance upon Uoult,and the'village• where
the Court was held, was .throngeil to over,
(towing. illiving,-with some difficulty bow
eve', procltired-abed, lie jumped intOit—but
he wasvut again almost in "no time."
"What kind of a bed do yon call this?"
said he, to the tiOgro who Officiated as mas-
tei , of ceremoniee. •
"Feather-bed r tnassa." . _ . .
Feathers ----• tear t used too warm
an expressloh; but l don't i'emember
it was,) t should think -it contained entire
"Cant be dat dar filty dolPr niger, Sam,
trew tte cMck'n murmered the Waiter,
dubiously, as be proceeded to inSiMrate - his.
hand into the coarse bagging deb.
it he mill tho!" said he, as he pulled forth
a partly-picked rooster. "I tole ds stnnitt
jack-behind dis mein, when he . wai'a tVath
erin' de chickn l s for: dinner, to empty de
leathers in de fuss class beds to protre the
kertTaliiyi and do old blind bat oberlook do
'chiik'n in hurry ob business; Massa," - 1 tl
continued, in an apologetic tone, "dese here
little aceidums can't always I.e' avideti.--
We bob dozen niggers trimmiu'ehit'its all
time, and 'casiortally a foot or a head•mit o
berlnoked in sle fedders when we pat 'um
way in de beds, but dis 'ere4rO de itisi time
I ebet found a bull chick'n!"
IitAUTIFUE ANSWER. -7-What wonderful
questions children often ask and who. e
qually wonderful answers they. sometimes
gite. What can be more touching than the
following anecdote which 'we find in tho'
N. Y. Organ:
A Nemd of ours while - dreising .a very
young child, a feet days ago, said—in rathet
on impatient tone, '.You are such a hirnp
Pliupe, it is imposible to make ally thing to
lit you!" The lips of the child- quivered,
turd; looking up it Said in a deprecating - tone
--- , Cod made me." Our friend was rebti
ked; and the little lamp was kissed a dozen
"God made me" Had the - wise men of
the world ponderett-upon-a-litting answer_to_
such a careless remark for a century, they
refold not have found a better one than flow
ed natuarally and spontaneously hem the
wounded heart of the child. "God made
me, mother; it is not my fault that I am what
you thus seem not to like—such a little lump
Gag made me!" Blessings on thy innocent
Item, sweet child "of such are the kingdom:
oil Heaven." . •
Taitvkr.ttnn.—A Strong, lazy ftllow, who
preferred begging to work, called' on a gen
tleman in the city, and asked fot "cold vic
tuals and old cloths." - The may asked - him
Witt tie did for &living. "Not much," said
the fellow, "ewept travelling."
"Travelling-!! Then you can travel pletty
"Oh yes," eald the tleggar "Prri very good
at that."
I, IVeII, then," said the gentleman, coolly
opening the door, "let's see you travel."
A Tam - smut: V1 . 061AN,. 7 ' . 14y wife tells
the truth three times a (lay,' remarked a jo . -
ease old yellow, at the same time casting a
mischievous glance at her. 'Before rising
in the morning, she says, 'O, dear, I must
get up, but I dont want to.''—After breakfast
she ' Well, I suppose 1 must go to work .
-- but - l - dont - want*hand - she - geertioliedTity=
ing, there 1 have been passing, all'the day
and brivit't done any !WV
al,o nil YARDS of extraordinary cheap
IL/ and good CARPETING, of the
s't cat style just rococo - Wad at the'store of
which+ will be sold at the following prices :
VonitianCa(pet from 10 to 40 cents.
(Ell weal) 50 to 75.
Ingrain Carpet:, 25 4. 60.
3141' " ' (all w001,)'75 to $1 25.
good assortment of STRAW MAT—
''• Tl,lo..and OW CLOTHS. That icro
ileurisertl'porellitied aeauctlon and will be.eold
" — so 4 pek cent. cheap° .than ever otter in Car
• lisle. .81, 1847
• • -7-atuircin,.
,=„ezugiuma- %HAN EVER !
Tut:subreriber has just received and is
Anew opening et, hia-store, on the South
-.....--rotest-ttreltet of-the Public - Square, a flitsh'
sine - AIM stock of:.:, ,
qtaille 'lO-FititeirDry Goods,
,!:,,2 1 clialinising in, part; Cloths, Crissimincs; Cash- -
• .mlingli4Tvfgidat Cottons, of elf kinds, Silks,
,LahMisi 'California Layne,
ithittoll;l ll lusllas4cfiecke....rickings, Gloves
: q 04.; GlrOGeriblll.of all , .
IlifAclooms.lllll - stoolt•of. the
V 4 ''o/CLIBRAVED',ngin
~ ,:; cohiah he has so; eztenaiielj iiiiiiooo{ll
• othialihilia given so much - gaming initisfattion
life" itlek4lll ColtailpiouP 2 o Tirtir„
If 'I- He howtksenappotnted Joie agent ilithia
of the shove' Teas,' to whieh",:ho
' Incite the tepoolitl attention' of the love`ra
Lit) ;.,efloodireas, The - manner'in'wbich they are
io is "villibiairthet the flavour is prtroorved
Eir_any.longth'br trine, befog iricasedin
yor unttelle Yontillex oan ,be supplied 'with
,lafgettntitiput 4 op In this mender. _
et /4 ?AIM. public fa reepoctfull4 invlteit titan sod
be,eritelatt,hteatotilf before purehasinuelsewhore
Vittastailieh'telhe,filela confident tbot his marlety .
MI - old pried. Will be sallsfactoiy tppcirehasers.
- • amtliale t Atril ,
Atiebtentes 4 .
To the sick ahlrAttlioted..
T Tall those who are CoNeintriivs,ii affhe
_LA leg oath .douiks, Coidii, Asthme,.flronahit
tis, Spiiting.Blood, Pain in the Side or Breast,
Sour Meet, Hoarseness; Palpitaiion" of the
no o t, whooping Cougl I} Liver (Inmpla in to, "LC4"
remember that it is
A.t hat Is daily eiteining suehlWodder
cures in all these dikases—
Therefore beware Oat! other mixtures that
contain, orprufesoes td contain Tar, and pus
chase ,u 1 them only,ltti aro kawn not to deal
in Spuriousaiticles. r- .
Read the followint testi:us:My to the value of
tlio obove medicine, Brom . * knownciti ,
zen ofeemborland eoantyt
• About elf years since, 10 cdnsequonco of
the sedentary nature of my blielnese, I watt
attacked with severe paint in the.breast,
pitation of the heart and shortxteits of breath'
which were soon followed by a feature (trap
potite,extrinne Wakefulness at night,and pedal
paralysis of toy limbs—these qmptotnn of
deranged system being trelWantly attended
with spitting Of bloodi Fer abdUt two years t
. was also occasionally thrown idto convulsions
which left mo tt . a miserable stale of fecblot
nese and began to affect my minds From time
t t tibia my sufferitigs were more nr less severe
until at length they increased to such a degrcei
and the violence alba symptoms were so wig ,
manied, that fur a whole year I *winnable to
attend' to attend, to any businisw During this
time I cobsulted some , able pliyeicians and ,
attended to their prescriptions t but all their
,kill was tinavailing'to procure me rehef, and
at length they regarded My recovery as entire.:
ly . hojniens: I n thiaconditiori I was infornted
(tithe Watery efructi'of Thomann's Compound
Syrup dr 'Fur and 'Weed Naphtliai in a case
somewhat similar to thine, and though I had
G iven tm all expectations of a recovery Of my
former health by .human . means, yet beittg,
ittirlngly advised to ay the medicine, Lwati at
Ichgth prevailed upbn to do so, and I have now
inliti_y_;-that by the mit of six b-tiles trt health
has been restored, and I am now able to at
tend td businepe with as much facility as usual.
Principal Office, II"... E. corner FIFTH. and
SPItUCE nut. Phila.
Sold in Carl.alc by R. Angney Principal
agent for Cumberland co.
Price 50c. or 6 bottloe fur 0,50.
lebrunry 10, 1847.
AIA,- 'MOTHERS having, children a ffl icted
with any of those diseases incident to the
!aloof infancy, such as convulSionii, spasmp-
Jitl croup, cutaneous eruptions, disordered
dumach, and loosenesi of the boweles, should
never be without this in fallible renutcly that
las proved so - effilacious in all the above - Vs:
eases. Numerous testimolialsmi cht ho given
to prove its meriti;lint o too f is 'better.]
Sold by S. Era.tiorr, Carlisle.]_
March 3, 0847.
An Approved Remedy for Dyspepsia, Colies
e two reasons why this medi.
be recommended to the pdblic,
—ott is, that most persons who have so ight.
it ISuy itagairl, thereby showing that they re.
mil •it- as -tr..:valuabtla-reinily_raudictne ;AY
other is that certificates are 'in the possession
of the l'roprietoi of pertnanent cares. having
been effected not only in persons afflicted fora
short time, hut also itt cases of icing standing
It is composed altogether of a .vegetable
matter, is perfectly hatrnless, eels be taken at
all times, and is no hindrance td huskies& li'
restores and revives the animal aplrits,cle . anses
the stomach from all morbid humors which
cause indigestion and acidities. It also 're
moves nervous tremors, rhur?atic pains, and
prevents their return; cures sill antics of the
stomachs add bowels,almostimm.diately takes
away palpitation of the heart, and promotes
the free circulation of the blond.
The direction accompanying each brittle
donfiins a number:of certificates one of which
is -ail/elicit this advertisement. _
Deepßrit —about two years ago I was se
verely: afflicted with Gispepsia, which I bad
for the last fifteen years previous to the above
named time, which was very much increased
by my having a blond vesselreptured upon my.
lungs, occasioned by lifting—which increased
my complaint, diapepsia and general debility
and weakness, to such a decree, that two or
three years previous to my using thd Garle:
gant's Balsam, I never ate a-, meal but my
stomach became' so painful that I had immedi.
'ably to throw it dp. SeeinglGarlegant's Bal
sam advertised I was induced to try a bottle;
alter taken the very first dose It appeared to
strengthen my stomach; and every dose of th
first bottle helped me so much that 3n the
course of few days my °tomer:ill began to
retain and digest cry thing I are. I tiontinted
to use the Balsam until I used several bottles,
which cured ree entirely, and restored mote
perfect health, which I have enroyed ever since,
a nd-net-before.for_fifleen r yeara.__L,chaerfull,v.
°commend it to. ll persons who are aietedflr
with dispepsia or dibility of stomach. .
HENRY LOTTHAN, tred'k Co. Va..,
Prepared and sold by the Proprietor, JOHN,
S. Mt LLEtt,opposite the-Market House, Fred
erick, Md, and by SAMUEL ELLIOTT,,soIe
anent for Carlisle.
March-10, 84'fr
Tlll.l only known medicine that at the ;same
time purges, purifies, and strengthens, the
tyatem. Dr. Le Iloy's Pill are a new medicine
Lich has iirit appeared, and is fast takisig - the
places of all others of the tame class. These
141158 rd comp,iseif of many ingredients, but the
fwri principal - ones , eve Sarsaparilla and Wild
Cherry, so united that they act together ; the one
through itsadrnilture with'other subitances, pu
rifying and purgia:g, while the trtber4ic.itrength 7
enihg the'iyatein: 'rims, those
,p 1111; are at dm
.same time. trade and ; a - desideratum
Tonganitgagerly sought for' by medicatmen, but
never before discovered. , In other words they'd°
the Worklif two Medicines, Mid do etmiioli at;
ter than any two we know or: for they remove
..toildneel'Fam the ovatembui"fhe i"mpurities, so
;that whilethey pure. they strengthen, and hence
,they maitre; rio debilitationt and tide folliirwed by
, nwresction. I)r: Le Rciy's'llllS bayou .Wonder.
ul influence on the blood . not.'enly purity:
'.witjtout , wrakoning it, bot.theY reniose all nos
lens' particles iron' the !chile, before fit is cense
.ned into' fluld,and ihnitnake-tontOre:blood an
.;.Astlieretlir no debilitation",
So there Hi no iutuseii , siektunni. sidttoling 'the
. onerati ()co . & thivrinOst, ea cel lentrmf
which" neverstrainsor tortures the illgaititifiner
lidiis;liut , cattiesthenrto:Werkisinnerfectly;
Orel manner; and honce,Rnrsdni taken:dawn' 'dli`
'fietbeconia pale and entaotated,but,the contrary;
f t r while it is the. property
; united ns,it Is with other sogredients, remi setremise all. that iiffOr'eliti end iinptire,.it is:;e4lll4l,i 3 ,the
prokify — tiribOVlld . Clierri to ',retain. sal that'll
ainThil rand hence a robust State mf
health Is the.eeetsln Sault of theirmniteii opera
-0-9°11; , . :
rev sale.' in quit de by Di.,'J; Mtrailto , d
and by, Est), " Klsiiagf r., IP'K! gfAt"lP.'
ger ord'efirix.:2s.tals.'„,,:.:.
OREArvarluity`, l imd :at iemer atilt' Io~l!
AL.pricesjirst t.q
?lila , •- 7 R°Bl: l l l YX l Vir k
• Slut, Shades .and;Parasolvt:,
lusr roctrived bi the'new And
,a „late assorhtent Buil Shoder ao
a r which will bhrbe sold'hhcap for, cas
itprjrol;llt47. s.%:A.`COYVE'
C Ailj b. ' 4 1
• ''
- - 1. naafi : .... •
111-,%ll l• ooll4,•:Sarsapa . q .V.
Mid terry, ter ~ :
---- k -RE-an-intidllideliledioiivfoiAitiiriiiia or.
AL Indigiiion, the ditiveriat coMplault.flesid.-
-ainut,Depressiou ut YOirits, Pimples itittl Vyttales
on the face, Iliatitual 'l.lostiveitess:RliertmlitildfiT
Affection of the Bladder 'and'lcitieiti,-, Bilious,
Fevers.- It is a - perfect firchetitialie of Bilious:
'and' Western Fevers, mid ihe belt retied , ever'
used in-restoring thetlatieNt, alletbeing p osteit-:
tell by Fever. btu.
,:ayaliPelar i lkinlor pent Of
DOI Bonet,-Feief , alikiNAgde, FIA ro
Nti nay, FoUlt•
i l
&As of COmplexidh; Ge6eirkl Dainty, tor gene.
ral prostration, catitelr hy, disease , mediente, or
indiscretions eonipiitted Itl\Yeutli,abberration of
Mintl,tionfusion Of loot memory ;dinitiess
of vision, a hopeleils expreiston of countetititiee;
and for this class of &Mate etterally,this M
ne has never fled its tida l. - Glibt,'Giddlliess,
firavel r limpure Bloods 3aiimillem Loss of ApPe
lift.; Liver Cdthiplaint; Leprosy; Looseness.
• MERCURIAL DISEASES.-•Never fail,' to
eradicate entirely; all the effeets di Mercury in
finitely sooner that; shy Other medicine. Night
Sweats; Dervons Debility;
. Nerviiiis Complaints
of all kinds; NetirAlgia; Organic Affections; Pal
pitation of:the Heart; Painter's Cbolic. Pains
iit the head, sicle batik, limbs, olnts and Organ;
anis of blood to the head; Zcurvy; Zeit Rh • ;
Zwelling; sick Headache; Wines of the Joints;
&oriels or Kits Evil; Syphilis in its worst
forms; Incest iireivery description, and the Ery.
sipelasi Expdsure add Imprudence in Lite.
PE M cfl.E. COM PAIN LTS, ; -:Ladesi of pale
complexion And consumptive habits, and suidi as
are - debilitated by •these olistriictlons Whick fe.
'hales are litibleto• are restored by the_ use
.of - a
bottle:or two to bloom and vigor. It is by far
the best remedy ever'discovereillOr - weakly chill
demi, and such as have had liumdrs; being pies
insult they readily take it. It immediately restores
the appetite, strength and color..
Nothing can be more surprising than its frivig
-1 orating effects on the human dente. Vermilion'
weakness and lassitude .before taking it, at once
become robuit and hill of energy under its influ,
ence. It immediately,counteracts the nerveless,'
•ofss of the human Mime, which is the great cause
barrenness. • •
The following are tome oldie etitificates and
complimentary notices that have' been received
byilte proprietor;OLthe efficacy of this medicine.
Ille.•L'hilift \Vila's; of the well known firm of
'Wilcox & Richmond, shipwrights, of New Bee--
ford; was entirely cured of a confirmed minket. Of
the- stomach, throat and mouth ; with sore lips
usually accompanying this disease; and his gene
ral health improved by the use of only ono
bottle. Mr. Wilcox has sulfured severely for a
number of years with this disease, and 4ttributes
his cure entirely to the use of the Bitters.
Col. John Bayliei, Deputy Zherilf of Bristol
County, Mass., has voluntarily . ..eel tified that ho
was Mired by , die Bit ters, ofJaundice,lndigestion,
Headache and Vertigo.
Cot. Gibbs, of Zandwith, testifies that several
permits in that town, well known to him, have
been benefitted by the use of the Bitters, and in
every case they have given the most perfect satis
faction; .
J. R. Perkins, Esq. Attot•nev at Law, of New
Bedford, was cured of an unpleasant eruption of
the fate, by the nee of the Bitters. -
[From the Daily Evening Bulletin.]
It is not our custom to pia Patent Medicines
unless we know them to be really Occellent.—
Having ourselves a - knocifedge of Mr. - Wood%
Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, and liar-
Mg several friends who have been benofitted by
- their use, we do not hesitate to recommend them
tothe pubic. Both Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher r y
are articles firestablished repittation in the med
ical world, and -this prepsratlon is made with
great care and appetws to combine all the medi
cinal qualities or both in an flattest manner. For
sole, by the proprietor, E. Thornton,Jr. Water
Street; and by the Druggists generally. Any nne
suffering froin diseases of the blcmd, indigestion,
or headache, would do well to give these Bitters
airial., .-- .
Prepared by P,. Thornton, Jr. Sold-AVMle
sale andflemil by WvArr 84-It• Wren/. 0, iii Ftf&
ion street, New York; SAMUEL ELLIOTT,
Carlisle. and Druggists generally throughout the
United States. Price Is, large bottles. .
- December ./.. 1846.
The Oldest and most Popular Aledi
eines now offered to the Public, are
Fahnestock's Family Medicines,
Many times Ten Thousand CerfificifesTike the.
following have beet' voluntarily given to . their
V Emu rune, dmrlng the last eighteen
All of Fahnestock's Family Medicines are pro
verbial for their cheapness and elliCacy, and nci'
family should be without an assortment of them
nor will they,lt is believed,after a trial of thent
e n. A.-FARN.EsToevs
T . HAVE frequently used Fahnestock's Vern&
Ifuge, with good effect; but recently I have Ml
ministered in one or two cases in which the ef
fects were astonishing. In oneease from the Use
'of one vial, I 46" worms were discharged, and in
number 46 pulsed, to the entire relief of the Mlle
snfforers. Signed CHR. ivAp.ape, M. ik
liellerille,l.n i. S ept.22, 1645. _
Price 25 cents per vial.
Fahnestock's Vermifuge, together with rale.
nestock•s Germinative Lnzenggs, Pahnestocit's
Cough Lozenges, Fahnestock's Flye•Waterond
Fahnestock's 110 hejaci e nt,a certain cu re fo r
matiam, are sold in Carlisle, by'
Da. J.. 1. 11 , 114:RS:and
S. VV. ,
I,OOOFASONS in Philadelphia and 500
ruCumberland county can testify to
the wonderful efficacy of that powerful remedy
Astonishing cure of Chronic Bronchitis!
rity , * Philadelphia, MaYill3. 1849.
• Mr. S Tilorteson—Dear Sir. For more that
our years past 1-had been dreadfullynillided
with an affectio not the throat, which my phy
sician pronounced ...Chronic Bronchitis,' cane
tad by repeated and neglected colds. The-die
'tress suffered is indescribable. My• throat Wes
'Morally raw with violent coughing. so that
blood would come fivie it; also great oppidel.
sion, pain and tightness at the chest ane refOr'
.—in short all the usual pulmonary symptoms
showed themselves. showed theniselvde ' causin g .
entire loss of necessary repbse-4mylhroat.was
leeched and ,blistered over' and Over again. I
medo - irlal Ofeilry known' remedy; and at dill
feted periods bad the advice °raiz physiellini,
and all with - tie avail. ' AbOut two •moriths
, sincel'made Wolof your Compound AlyrOp'i4
Tar and Weod'Nejitliii, and before 'I had taken'
the first bottlelTalt relief, I corthnupd nt4il, r
hod takep Seven bottles - , vibleh - hbrittiletelrror
'unwed the tliseSee • and reatOrsd' me-to pert:set
,hcalrl4 end 1 firinlY'believe I' should net now
be Wig, bed det him& for your
medlffitteT - ' ' ' ANIL
f ' 'The hfidirslidad*beart witness to Ihti troth
`of the' teregolng, - .lMving persoffill,, - Itir r iw4dge
Oren, did 'facie' of the cue. ' •
Price' SO cents per bottle oil& Irei'dUstin,
reinedi, prepared ONLY*
MotiVirer Of - rifth'end Spruce streede,'o4.,
'sdeliihia.''SOU' b*: - 11UAININTEY,-
Id'inciPal l ikinelaiXneiberlerid'etitiy;"Att 7 "
. K77001410' . O,F4LL Ltaita 'lf) si•
'lid.triteo347:--3 , - • . ;:•).
••• t •
4Jayrio'a amity d~licinst :,
• ANNO ditidn:q thi:aboyir'valiasOld
240(tiiiiaos con at ot • - , i
, Jft);:is r•*Mtoritrittl,,;,, Pw ;
Ti re Vermirllgels,—J
, , ri111 . 461e •
'OW. Pi 1,-."1:
.o• , •-•••.! • , : 5 11;',nuulto ,/1
jAgetst fottCarg,le.. ‘,„
nit! J .K4iloolEg, , . '
Nticellett.twgiirpojiiitOrtiP v
flit sale* ~, 4 4•4,7 1 4Y.V4P41111141,
' •
•'lt t c „ : • •
3tiouranc •
• ..• •
PIE FmNKLiPt-"Fik iNstiOciNGE G , t,
• '
Charkiri•eileetttal.-441(1(4006 , Capital paid in'
Qfflee'l63l Chessiut street. ;
INSURANCE,ei therperannen for I lan ,
itedkiinstlosiordemage,by fire,on PROPERTY
end.EFFECTS of ori.ryi deseraption, in town or
ociritry,on die mostre:melt:terms., Applieu-
Pope matte either perennial or. by letter, wall be
91,..oiliptty attended to:
Rata of InsttrancO Reduced 1
Iplok or Stonidwellingsoi . stores
'front2i to 9 p e depos'
do de Churches 12.6 to 3 do
do do Taverns 3 to 4 do
do do Barns 4 to 5 do,
do do Stable , ' (private) 4to 5 , do
do do Stables (public) 6to 74. do
do do Grist Mills, Itrater
• Power, to 10 ito
Brick or Stone dwellings and Fur—
. niturefi•om . 90 to 40r, $lOO value
do dOtores and 3lerchani
dize 35 to sd
do do 'Taverns arulFornituro •
40 to 60 • do
-- do Barns and o:intents
68 to 75 do
do do Stables (public)
. . 100 to 150 do
do do Grist Mill and Stock
75.,1'080 do
li?rame and Logilwellings and fur
- niture 50 to 75 do
do do Stores '
dize 68 to 85 ilo
do do Tivernsand Furniture •
co to 100 do
do do Barns. and Coittcnts
911 to 100 de
do do Grist Mills anll Stock
: 00 to 100 do-
- The subscriber la aigent ler the all coppatjy
tor Cit.lisle and jilt vicinity. All aliiiiietitions tor
r!ssuranic.either by mail nr persqltalfe w,il) be
promptly attended to. W. 1). SEYSIOUII.
June 12.1945.
MIT 3 11111711111111 l
On the Mutual Insurance principle; tornbined
with a lar4e joint-stock. Capital. Prcini
reduced to nearly haff the usual rates.
Bt the Act of Incorporation the. stock is
pledged for the payment of shy losses
which the Company may sustain, And os en
additional security' to the assured, the net fe
(plies that the profits of the business shall be
funded aid remain with the eorpOration, as a
guarantee and protection to the insured against
toss. This laud will ba represented by scrip,
issued by the Company, bearing interest !latex.'
eroding six per. cent. per annum. The insured
Are entitled 'to a pro rata share Obit profits of
the Company,-and will receive that proportion
Of the .atoresaid_lultd. la. scrip, whien the'
amount of earned premiums paid by him, bears
tothe total sum of earned premiums andcapital
The scrip thus issued, to be transferable on'
the books of the Company as stock. .
No dividend of scrip can be made when
the-loises and expenses exceed the amount oh
earned premiums.
The insured are protected from loss at the
customary rates of premiums. without any
individual liaility or responsibility for the
losses or expanses of the Corporation. The
assured have all the rights of membership,—
can vote at all elections, and are eligible. as
Directors of the. Corporation.
.- The subscriber has been ap_pointed agent for
o i
ibis Company, and as 00 mutual principl
q superseding every ether mude ofliteuran. ,
to would confidentlyrecommend it to his frien s
and the public. - -.--
TheNortli American Company has closed
their Agency. Those having policies expiring
ill. that.effice can have them renewed in the
Delaware -Couipany on much more favorable.
terms. .
For full particulars *enquire . 'either by lett
or person .to JOHN J. 111 VERS.''' .
Carlisle, September 10, 1845.-1 y.
THE Allen and bastpennsborough Mutual Fire
Insurance Companyof Cumberland Comity,in
mrporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully or
zed ,and In operation under the management of
ne following commissioners, vice
Cht.Stsyman,Japob Slielly,Wmß Gorgas,Lewis
Hyer, Christian Titzel , Michael Hooyer, Henry
Logiti,Mlthael Cocklin, Benjamin H Masser:Levi
Merkel,' acob Kirk,Melchior Brenemaii and Sam,l
itizensolCumberland and Yorgeountiebto the ad
vantages which.the compally hold out.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
Is any Company of the kind ,the State. 'Persons
wishing to become members are invited to make
ipplication to the agents of the company who are
willing to wait upon them at any time.
MtCIIAEL Hooves, Vice President:
• Lewis Byer, Secretary.
Michael Conklin ,Thaaurcr.
sIGE.7I - I'S.
Michael lloover,General Agent, M eclinnicsbur g .
Rudolph Martin, N. ( . timberland township. ea
'IN Cocklin, Allen township. • '
Wm It Gorgas, Allen Wnship.
Christian Titzel,Allen township.
Joni' C Dunlap, Allen township.
Peter Barnhart, East Pennsburo'township.
David Martin,Churchtown.
C. N. Harmon, Kingstown,
Henry Tearing, Shirenianstown,
Simon Oyster, Wolmileysburg,
- Dr. -- .laeolrßaughmanTesidlele •
JacobKirk,General A gentfor York County ,New
Cumberland P. O.
Henry Idigt . in,York county.
John Kerr sok, York county.
John Rankin, York county.
Daniel Bally, York county.
.1, Bowman, York empty.
Philip Brackbill,Ctirnherlantl count',
linhert,C. Sterret, S. Middleion towneliiff.
cO•Other agents will boa dded hereiddi..
MY .31.1945. tf-40
ditintual Protection Cont
u - the 'direction of the follekving board of
Afinagers for the visaing veer, vino-.-'Thomas C.
iller President; Samuel'Galbralfh, Vice Pre
sident ; . W.' McCullough,' Treasureht A.
C. ,Miller,lSecretary James Weakley,. Philip'
tigingleh, T. A. Miskiniaey. Samuel Tratt, John
Zug, Samuel WIWI" John T. Green ,John Hoar,
Abeahain` King; Esti ,„ ‘ Adanna-counti There, are
also d ' number of Agents appointed In the ad
pleant ainnatteaci±:4o , 4sill receive apiii kabbala fur
Saimiance Sand torisird them immediately for up.
Ore Vat to the office oftlleConlapany,wheai the pot.
iuy 4111' be , issued without delay. For furthe
Sillertilidlimi see theliy-lasia of the 'Company.
•• • .• '" filo
T?., C. MILLIaI i Preetr•••
1g; .
•• • •
f4llbilng 'elitlemen !hire • been appointed'
•); • '!• '•• ' • '
•:" Wet: igie;terlifle; •'• • • • •
.:•11.710 i rti • DI.; • '
i plantialle,,Esat.!,'Menriae.. •
•••., rif.. II; Ulla" tir•Ml.Breit'pettoieti 6 N;
i t „. riii;'.M.• Methyl rlegi . . ei tii!huro•• •
•.....,Thhii,Cytitle4tin, Esq. Ogeittitirk.: • •
'.Stephen Cidheetiotr, •.. • -•;•:
MC '1114,`” • ' • • . • ;
itarioisso c
ialiffeb4o art ire 'tha
dr(' EDI#4IuS & SON ieepoolibily indite
%Jr :the attention of. Country , buyere to their,
Now 'aind , blibap , otooleof , FAN-3Y GOODS or
every daporiptidno itdoptod. fuekyrink trade ;•
th e y , 60,01,,1ty Owl ze oir .nB4 .
Sof, utyli WO,
oily . , • :
IMprind obalie Frameeirid
Crowns, ;Itr:Forinda Willow.l6ll
JENAjin; Imaktrfootored.rue ,also, `Silk
itiodYci#ton Roolimiko. &0.. '•
°;` • -' l ' l4- .;;PEO:4'7W , ARDS '& ' B 4 :44C-'
0 1 E40010 St:, PtiViltriG
3#: 11:111klabc101)i.
AO Road, above Ruttemtvotid Stieet,
- -
T this establishment may lie found tiro AL greatest variety of Plaits and beCutifill
Patterns for IRON RAILINGS In th'e United
Stater', Eu which the attention oftheali in want
of any•deacriptiori and 'especially for Cemets ;
tics, is pahlbtlarly fßk Witted.
The pi.lbeipal part fall the handeome
ings et Laurel Hill, Monunient and othe
bruted Cemetartes in the city and County -0..
Philadelphia, which haVe been so niglily exteuf
ed by the public press, were executed at tl
A large Ware Room is connected with th'e
esta'blielmiCitt, where id kept constuntily on
build n large stock of ready made Iron Rulings
Ornamental Iron Settees, Iron Chairs,. new
stYle•plaiti and watnental Iron Gates, with
an extensive assortment of Iron Posts, Pedee.
tals, Iron Arbors, &e. Also, in great variety,
Wrought and Cast Iron Ornaments, suitable
for Railings, and other purposes.
The aubseriber — would also state that in his
Pattern add Designing Department he has
employed come of the best talent hit the coun
try, whose whale attention is devoted to the
busihestr—forming altoghther one • of the most
cemplete and systeMatic establishment of the
kind in the Union, . • •
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor,
Ridge Rued, above Buttonwood Street
T'biltdetlpltie, Feb, 3 1847: •
• t
Ridge Road, above tiring Garden ' Street
THIS establishment is erected on•an kmpro.
ved plan, and by the aid of Steam Power
manufneturea all kinds of Marble Work in a
superior style, and at the lowest prices for
Cash. •
The largest end , best assortment of Marbl.
Mantels ever offered to the public may be ern
at the Ware.Roem, to which the attention
of purchasers is rcspectuflly invited.
Imported Garden Statuary,and Vases of the
most tasteful design and patterns, made ofihe
finest and handsomest description of Italian
Marble Tiles for flooring, imported and al.
ways . on hand, and for sale at the most reason.
able prices.
Marble Glitters can bd supplied at all
times with any number of 'finished mantels or
Table . Pups, at reduced wholesale prices; and
the Trilde will be furnished at the shorigst
notice with all. kinds of Marblein the block,
or cut to sites fur Monuments, .1 c.
L Ridge Road, above Spring Grrden St.
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1847.
Cheap 'Watches and rewelry.
AT the Philadelphia Watch
and Jew..lry Store, 96 North
1 0 t Second St., corner of Quarry
...,A . . . Gold lever Watches, fullj s• -
.1 . ...- .
.' .. f..,: elled, 18 caret cases $45 00
_u_aißlatir- Silver Lever IVatchea,
full Jewelled. 23 00
Silver Lever Watches seven jewels •18 00
Superior Quarter Watches , 10 00
Imilatiofi quarter Watches not Mu:rented 5 00
Gold Spectacles . 800
Fine Silver Speitacles - 1 7 - 5 4
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones :t 50
Ladies Gold Pencils 16 carrots.; 2- 00
Gold Finger Riner. 37 cents to $B, Wate i
Glasses plain 12/ cents to 18,i; Lunet 25.
Other articles in. proportion. All goods mu--
pulled to•hc what they are &bid lot. '
On band annul gnld and Silver• Levers, Le
ulnas and Quartiers lower than thou- above
Pbilndelphia, Feb. 3, 1847
No 87 North Third Street,
celebrity of the Inks manufactured by the
subsenifer, end the extensive sales subse
quent upon the higlerenutation which they have
attained, not only . throupliout the United States,
but in the West Indies and in China, has induced
him tb make every necessary arrangem_ent to
supply' the vast demand upon his establishment
Ilels now prepared with every variety of..lllack,
Blue, and red Inks, Coming Ink, Ins.elible Ink,
andlnk Powder, all prepared under his own
personal superintendence, so that purchasers
MI. depend upon its gunflint. (nudity.
superior article lay klentling Glass, Chino, Cab
inet Ware, bec., usehil to every housekeeper,
bemg a white liquid, easily applied, and not alfee
ted by ordinary heat—warmited.
oloolals of meo of science, and others, c ill be
furnished to put chasers.
For sale nt the Manufactory, Wholesale and
Retail, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite
Cherry Street,Pleilailelphia, by
JOSEPH E. HOVF,R,.lllanufacturer.
Jan. 27, r847.--ily.
SALE DittGfilliTN, MI. 40 Market Street
(Soul h Side, below ceolid,) Philadelphia,
offers W sale a large stock of Fresh Drugs, Med
icines and Dye-Shin, to which they- call the at
tention of Country • Merchants and Dealers visi
ting the city.
Coneli,Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var
nishes au superior quality. Also White and
Red Lead. Window ‘ Glass; Paints Rod Oils—
cheaper than ever.
G - 7 ,. T. k C...are also proprietors of the Indian
Vegttable Balsam, celebrated throughout their
owl, and neighboring States as the best prei --
tionfor the cure of Coughs Colds . Asthma, ,„
Money refunded in every instance where no bene
fit is received. .
Philadelphia, Jan. V. 1847 —6m
1 ,
VOA BALK ri . . ,
" 1 WI IMEgifI3 I TARMI :IB'-
T LOW PRICES, a large and complete A assortment of Dings, Paints, Oils, Var
nishes, Window Glade, Dye Stuff., and spices,
which we offer very low fur Cash. We war.
rant our Drugs to be pure and_of-pritne-qtralr
ty; among
. which are
600 oz. Quinine, 1000 lbs. pure Oil_Pep•
SO " Morphia, t 'termini,
100 " Extra Bark( 1 200 lbs. Opium,
1 26 bbls. Castor Oil.
Including every article tiaed by Druggists and
Physician., Our aritortmerit of Paints, Oils,
'Varnishes and Window Glade 6 large, and our
prices such as cannel.. fail to please..
SO tonal pure Lea, 'lOOO boxes Window
Glass, SOO kegii Van. lied and ()elide,
:1000 gitilons Linseed Oil, 10 blds'i.
Coach Varnish find SO . of Copal, '
100' AMA. Paint Brudhes, 00 '
- bbleSparts Turpentine...
' We . offer a superior 'Coach:. Varnish, it et 2
per gallon:_.. . •
Our stack ineltides e very ArtNle used. by.
'Cosen!add-Hpuse Painters.' ,
Dye Stuffelve offeraCpartienlaily. low ilei.
Ude haiing a litlge Stuck of every article used
0 lbs - . Dye Worttis; 4060 lbs. Gr'nd Pepper 1
.100 ettrllaysOil 01661' 2000 '' i. .Cinnamr n
500 lbs. , Indlgo,'. ' ' 500 ," ' . ; Nutmegs,
Coehineal,4Madder, I' Ma ce,.Salerallus, btu.
Also, 50 tons Grindstones, allow piices..-#
Glie'dki. eitil,.-We Charge for Making inquiry.
------ , --',-- , FIVENCH & RICITARDSi:7 T.
~...Pholosaldpruggiets, N. W, , corner of
' ' - 'loth'and Markets Sta. Philadelphia:
'APri1.21:1841.. , t....- - 0 . .:., 7 , '
. .
;`,:`NEW STOCK' , DRT . OOODS:I; , '
D~41..; . / . 11i14051.11 joit
- olisssisgtopt, of good s ptledies . wikr(consis.
log or Etwkitiiricit;Berge,Freitielb t ,Li . wits i ,Lrab F o-
.dered,Sw'buqdtddineandlNl ,S.'4))ree, , Sllks,
-Which die atteklois
.of . the Istliesii invited, as they
'will be'sold cheat); : •
: .
RtiiitirmithieLiniineidr4444o .
ebrated l Nerre and ! one. I meet:
traceried imdltdifilitte by ; " _; '
../11 7 Ar
. , , .
cif Ii lji 11i ha 7
8544,3arke .E t, Street, , Philadelphia,
Hv constantly on band every description
4 CLOTHING, till of which are cut,
„u, and made in a manner not to he surpassed,
and are warrahtod cheaper (Mtn the Sala a quality
pc Goods are lii say other establishment iii the
United States. Also, every description - 01 GEN
TLEMAN'S FURNISHING GOODS at reduced prices.
Those visiting the eiky,will lied it to their intorest
to Ulu ll ill e our stock before purchnii .g elsewhere.
254 Market Street,
September 3, 1543.
friflE :troprietor keeps constantly on hand
,Rat and full assortment of
Rettray . made Clothing,
consisting of Frock, Dress and Sock Coats, l'an.
taloohs, Vests, &c., adapted to the season ; to
uetliet• with ev cry other article requisite for gen
tleniett's wardrobes. Also a large and well se
lectekl hstankroctit of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest
logs &h., Which will be made tl, order, in the
best :did most fitshioltable style, at short notice,
till . rewonable prices.
nOrafefui lc r the libbral Attire of custom which
Lail been eitstided to "Old Oak Ilan," no pains
shall be spared to 'deserve: a continuance iti lu,
ure. . W. B. LEI DY. •
•111arelt It 1847.
ompriaing all quidities, front
1%6 ets, up.
,Curled Hair and :sten in lota to
suit purchas ers.
Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows.
Mattresses of all kinds, ready made, or made
Bedsteads, Sacking baton's, Cushions and
Blankets of all sizes, nnd : Igneseilles Quilts ;
white and colored Counterpnnes t Costifortables;
&c. nil at the luwest cash prices wholesale and
retail HAICI'LEY & KNIGII . I',
148 South Second street, 5 doors shove Spruce.
Phtladelphin, May 14, 1841.-Imo, ,
Ma ttinga, Matting, Mattings !
THE subscribers offer for sale, wholesale or
retail, all qualities of Canton and Nankin
6-4 colored and whitel
5-4 do do 1 -
4-4 do do 1 FLoott 31ATTlet08.
7:8 do -do
5-4 do do j
Also—Three ply, super tine and fine In6-ruin
Carpenings,l'enitain do.-all widths; also,
List and Rag Carpetings; thl Cloths, Window
Shades, Table•Covqrs, KNIGIIT, r
148 South Second Street, 5 doors above Spruce.
unitersigns.l continue the Iron Commis
./ sion business for the bale; of all kittub u
Iron, at
No. 100 N. Waiter St. Philaito.
Their long experience hi the. Iron,Axii4xind
their extensive atequlthilaitee with consumers'and
lettlen throughout the Suites gives them
'If10" advantage of ntitaitting the highest Market
pkices. And their bust tens being confined ex
elusively to the lion trade bnahles them to give
it their entire attention.
All miesigrenents will receive prompt atten
tion OlilllCK k CANIPBELL
No. WO N. Water St. and 54 N. Wilavvefi, Philad
Februrry 1847,
0. 60NRA D
in ,issoLtrrioN-C ? F CAVA WEN ERSIII P.--
LIF The copartnership heretploric exulting under
the name of \VAL SWAJNI & SONAas dis
solved on the 2tat day of July-last, by the decease
of the said N 1 illiam7Sl4lllV, and -the huailtess Lp
now, and will be Ili flittire, conducted exelusil nit
the suescriber, wit() has had thesole ehall.te tat.
tLe manufatettditig of the Pluitteett and Vertniftige
for the last fourteen y 91.6.
The Panacca...will he put up as usual in round
bottles, fluted longitudinalb , w itii the following
letters I,low on the glass:—" I.VAININ PANACEA,
PIII LA DA,' and the only change unlade is the name
of lAA' SWAIM stamped on the tenting stun,
and -written on the label covering the cork, add I,
new label for the side of the bottle, compored or
geometric lathe work, comprising nine difierent
dies, which have been turned for the exclushe
use of the proprietor by Draper & Co., bank note
Co :ravers of Philalle ' lphin. Four dies or differ
bra patterns form the body of the,isork,and in the
vendee is a portrait of the late William Swaim,
seperated from the borders fry 'two circles of lathe
work. The words s Panacea,'', are en
graved conspicuously on two turned strips, and to
ilirZC - semi*rentardiplivinsilie rapper margfit7l
The borders are composed of plain lathe work
strips, outside of which is engraved in small let-
terns the entry of the copy right.
Philadelphia August, 1816.
ar.rofula, aeneral Debhi/ty Miie Sereßine-
Rhetsmatisr , Dii , eases of the Liver and
Skin, and all Diseases arising from
Impurities of the Blood, or the
effects of Mercury,
- \VAIM' PANAL:F.A has been for more
h sin twenty five 'ears celt.hratril in this country
and in Europe for its extraordinary curcs—for
the .certificates of which refi yent., i 3 made to the
directions and boils (which may be had gratis)
accompanying the Panacea.
It has been used in hospital and private prac
tice, and has hail the singular fortune Of being
recommended by the most eclehinted physicians
mid other eminent persons. A mon others by
. Gibson, M Profaner- .of surgcey,
Valentine MOH, M D, Professor of surgery, N
York University.
P Dewees, M Professor of Midwifery,
Pontia University.
N Chapman, M 11, Professor Phy sic, Penn'a
T Parke, M PreAdent College Physicians,
Br Del Valle. Professor of ]Medicine, IVRIIR•
.lose Lorenpoda Luz, Professor Stirger‘, Lisbon.
J. Chiphinn, Member Royal College 'Surgeons.
G Irving, late Minister te Spain.
Sir Thomas Pearson, .1 , 40 r General British
Gilbert Robertson, British - Consuitire..-- ----
And also the wounded cures effected by Swaim's
Panacea have for many years made it un
remedy.' The Panacea docanot contain mer
cury In any form, and being an jmnocentprepara-
Bolt It may be given to the most tender infant.
The Retnil prlce.has been reduced to $1 50 per
bottle, (contnintngtnree half pints) or three hob.
tlh for Four Dollars.
A Valuable lamily medicine, being a highly ap
'Wowed remedy for all diseasr.s arising limm De
bility of the Digesiive Organs , such as Woymas
Cholera 11forbus, Dyseniary, Lind
lileetlini Pussy Sick Headache, Ite. See pant.;
phlet (which may be:had gratis) secodnianying
the Vermiluge. • •
Prepared at Swaim's Latioratorys Seventh St:
below Cliesnmr, Philadelphia and Abr'sale Ity 'all i
respectable Ikuggists of the United Slates.
. gniv l'inli-n:iiShietrelin 4. 0ii...•
London, England•Evniislz Letiohili.. ---
. ,Liverpool, England-Evans; Son & Co.
Ilintenst-L G Mellipt. -
• : Valparaiso-A/oxandertfrkii.,. i. -
tTnenos Ayril-0 J 1-Ligds tc Cd. .
111. Thomas-A.H Rise. - • ' -
• ,
.. .7apton4 Swords..../. -‘,.., ' .
--- , - tiOndwlidrlslandifrg -LlletiAmi. - • ;,-:-
' . Cal. tlo 7 linfilloglo gt. CO.- , .. ~, ',. •
' . Marc t;1847,: -' . ''''' ' , --- ..
.. 4 1
.'" l'"' ciMiisetii - ailid'ltibbpne.
T iiiirtnifit of 'Ladies Hotn§en i n 4 ,.. f B on .
I net Ribbohs
jusfreceived V . ' . :.„'
ferl2lo4l' ' ' ' 'Geoigol34:tiici. ',
"ROtitiors' Tooth
iwooi,io, * mo! lekiptaleN64, , r,!!,l
For eeltiit`ih D 1 Store ". .•
~,w ;. 1 3. 7 16m1hg;'
iudin So
fa!, tWardrobes, Centre aticl'ollier!Zibles,lrre":
sing end Plain Bureaus, - and'eveiY i;atiely of
iCabiiter-tear hurl Chairs,
which they have just opened at their new
rooms; oil the corner itf Moikilatiover and
Lowlier Streets; carlis ,
They are confident dial the suPerief g
of the workmanship, oNd,clegance of style, it,
I :vhich their t ertiales pr s got up, together'
their CHEAPNESS, vyill recommend then! to
every person ki , anting Fitiniture. Thoy , bang
also made arta ngetneetis tor manufacturing and
keeping a constant supply 'of every article in
limit line, bnifrplain anal oinamentel, elegant
and useful, at 'prices which they cenhot.futi to
suit purchaser". They would earnestly invite
persons who are about to commence housebecp;
ing to ealt.and examine their present elegant,
stock, to which they will cdnstantly make alb
ditions or the newest acid most modern styles..
'COFFINS Made to order ut.the Aeries'. no.
tine, for town and cutintyy.
April 21, 1847.
TtitsubwerOb re
and the pub!: Oolii+l
taken the moth ih Notth
%indoor etreer,lately otter.
pied by Mr. E. Bullock, as a
,Mannfectory, where
they will keep constantly
fn. sale an elegant nillert•
meet of CABINET
BUREAUS, %Vorkstande,
Dining and Breakfast Tables;
Centre Tables. k'reneh, field, high andliwe
post Bedsteads, Ste. They have now' and Ps,
vontinue to keep on hand n large and elegant.,
pariety of CHAIRS of every description, to'
which they would incite the attention of house
keepers slid those just f commending, confidant,
they will find articicit of such
.workmanshilt ,
and nioderate prices - as must be satisfactory to
;They have aloe made extensive arrange.
meats for the manufacture of
uzsamma&al 6itaame g
orall colors v sizes and liuulitieN IRA' style
fully equal to those mode in the cites: together
with eve - if other article of Cahint Wrre—nll
of which they will sell very cheap for CASI
or exchange for Country Produce at murky(
.COFFINS made on
short notice, and they will attend funerals wit k
a splendid !learn, in town or country, free oi.
extra charge. A Hearse will also be kept fot
741/3thE il •
A general assorlmentof well.seasnned Lum
ber, suitable for Carpenters and ....rhipet Mak-1
ers,itepi at the a - hove-mentioned. .4-consist
ing of Panels, fast; second, end Thir. 'luntion
White Pine flourds-,-Plank and Scants. u; also.
Cherry, Walnut, Poplur. Shiog]fs
l'oms, Wagon :klalreee Stullof all kind, &c.
Also, Bedstead Postal' ready tumed,,together
with slats for Venetian Itlincht, all of_ which
will he sold at moderate prices.
They respectfully solicit a share of public
lintronage, confident that they canrender gen
erarsatistaction. J. R. WEAVERT - Colt
Carlisle, April 15,1846. •
- Ismaz...a•lummt-wirm
• -
0A.93111MT WA= ROOM'S
)111-1E subscriber-having,. learned that - an in,
1 . pression is abroad that he hits green tip bus
illefqe in favor of his sons, desires thus publicly
to correct the error. Ho still continues the '
business of his manufactory in the rear' of Ilia
own residence ' nod would respectfully invite
the attention of Housekeepers and the Public .
gene'rally,to-tho very large &
Eht:t;ANT ASSOUTMENT 0 7 -::'V, 4 4itlAr..
7 , ± - --.77 , :-.-2:1,"
FURNITURE - - - ;) ---- 4- •
ll'ure-anoms. on West High street, opposite
Rimed's Wurehonse in Carlisle, feeling very
confident, that the superior finish, e x cellence id
Material, and reasonable prhies of the runer
ous articles which he constantly manufactures,
will give sutisfaction to and secure The patio.
nags or all who may exantineghom. His pre-
sent assortment includes every variety of
..X .
• •-,-, Cabinet 'Ware and Clnitivi,
both plain and °momenta', at prices
. , Which will be mode to suit purcliat..
'laving made the necessary arrangements,
be will deliver Furniture nt any pingo within
a reasonable number of miles in tne.:'siirrolind
ing country, without any inert seed charge.—
The patronage of the public is respectfudv
Carlisle, March 10,1847.
Ctn . °for Lifc•kaired
for the cure of Piles. The Vegetable Pilo
Eiectuary, invented by Dr. A. Didion, a distin
guished ph, sician of New York city, is the only
really successful remedy for that datirrons and
distressing complaint, the Piles. ever offered to
the .A merican poblic.
Tfie Electuary contains no Mineral Medicine.
no - , or other power;
Col and Irritating purgative. No fear of taking
cold while under its influence; uo chatuge in diet
necessary. If token Recording to directions, a
cure for life is.guarnmeed. •• • • ;
Another added to the hundreds ?I.:.
have.nlready been reeeived, of the efficacy of•Dr
apham's Eleutuoll.
SiiirrYriiiirMi i
gnititSTlB4ll; -
hleisra. ‘Vyatt & Keichatitv—Gennt,Kor ser '
rat yenya past I have been trotibtedwith'l'lles, a
veil enitive state of toy compliinl:not bei rg yo
severe as to disable me froiti business i sind a rjread,
1 had of physicians and prrictp...lllerlipipes, that
until ibis' apring I -niiee 'used any medicine ot,
applied ton physician foKreliefr l'he'riles then '
being so severe that I:allowed seTcotioPerueons:
to be performer! without any;hciiefit.,,,_Petcrmin 7 ,
erl after tills to try,other Mott reed .on tidier •
th etneni of a cure, guarentee 'tithe use of 'lir 4 .
Uphein's tllectuary., 1 pnrith ied th)ve boxes ni l
yourpore,','lld: - from, the Use of iiheeri i, fipiiiti.
myektenturely. curet! ottbe P,14,1c 0 MI health'
Much improved. 1 re - iiiiiii,Bll.a.YOUVinueliim:' -„,
debiedfrietoi,' , , i -,:-.-, ~.4 Erkti,El.)zunit.
Meedliiitit Taller' :114.13roadway, upstatrea ,
' ' or., , Aruom,R ui
Wtiviv IclCETOßivar,lg4 tYultviniiireelr New
York, GenertirAgents for.the.SOUther n,States...
~, G licvitAold 10.,Parli,lei . bramorec Liurr, an ,
"rugg"t!iliOetl4lS,thrtjuitiVAll ated-Stutec
Price sl: , t -•1:--„L , ,, , ,..4 ogt-1, 0
Notpabei! 1 3.. 1.0 6 .1!.,u5 ,, 4 , ,A1 -.. L. 1.1. W. —.
CLOVE . • •
eve, tlur mint exeruoititifil' "'
disease the •TQSOTH-ACHr.; P.. 1%
;S4 I ,4OTT'S•
. 1 - 2
1310;90,184y. • • •
der , cl 7 qo,oo4tri, f •
J.ll:; ,. lortmaY l ! , ol . key- al vo,ii Inge, Tiiu'4,
.pocos r .4l.ll-21trIfils, which be will sell chesp_for
cash.. •
April 14, 11147..: . '
' "4
for the'
ROuSie VinaPt eitt i, AV J•
gropy~`-‘ ' A t an
iTtitE:PYV Res° ifm
ratedFL tigi1?4'91P.....
11/19. I "