On illie - ,2sttrof-Juilo, nettle Yeelilineonr Themes t.ee, in Diekineed tetewhin; Cn hiheiland enmity, FH c 4.04.1kgq4*.bent,.50 years. . , .':>Vetut - i buertiscirants. AFRESH ARRIYAII MOTs • ratiirned TrOnathe city, with a large nOttctithttillig-syeleinted tissertment ofSs, -"Paintill Dye-Stab,' • ' " and..PATENT-MEICINES; including all the new, preparations o ft he day, together with a general assortmeat of choice PERFUMES, rANpv ARTICLES, Stm,..• which makes his stock full and complete, all of which ho will poi LOWER. THAN EVER:• Call and .will for yoorselies. July 1,1847. •Vetv Stippfy. .THE subscriber luts just returned from the c ity with a lot of NEW COIiDS, consisting lim i t of the following articles: . Chatobry, Plain Ginghams, Plaid tinglituns, New Style Calicoes, a large lota WhitoW brown . WitbNfld.-brown 4-4 wird 5-4 Slicetings, ,Vlitkiiigs and Chaolis: Also ;'11?5 dose Cotton Hosiery, all : 200 lbs. white and 'colored Cotton Yarn, Irish Linens, from sri} to $l,OO, Ploin.Swiss, Book, Striped and Victoria Alta line. , . White end . .Faney peens for Getitlemthi, . SataiiioOloth and Ettalnatteetui, Cauimgre7 an& V waimp, Carpets, ile., &e. , The abCom ireCi - articles united with the old will i ctraiiker my stock complete. Gall at 'the Nen/ More in North klanover street atitl examine. - S. A:COYLE. Carlisledtily 7; 1847 .• CLO'VER = naLL rAuriac . _ . , • 'FOR' . 8.11. E... .• -. MHE subscriber offers at private Pale 'the ' Jr . aboVe named- property,- situated -in 310. rue township, Cumberland county, one mile ' wort bf Churelitown and tiyn miles item Car _ liele,_on_the._road _lewd i og_froo t ihe la tLer . to —York. Ferro contains 22 Atilt ES, more ur tees, of first rate Limestone Laird,. bout 65 uf w.hich are cleared and in a gootrstate ofeultiva lion, and the residue well timbered. The ir .. • ' provements urea two story STON .' HOUSE UlLti liiiCilell, Frame Hu ri Ho; , arth other odt-buildings there , 0 II 1 _ - erected, will; u well of Ateve , fiiil-• . log water tier the bowie, and a tine young Or_ chard of choice Fruit Trees. To a young ari , trdastrious farmer flifs place ulfois imam, mente which are seldom to be not with. ; Also, Iva' be sold With the above,r . rdesired, 'it tract of WoormAND, situate tie the same township, about two Miles Iruin the ibi ' , Kr, containing six acres naortrur less, well moor ed with thriving tinabi.r. For further particularti enquire . of the'sul , scriber, on the first-named premised. `ENOCH YOUNU. . July 7,1847.. .Lune‘etet Uttiumineert to - umuuninf V 3 and send bill to advert leer. ' ' . frM Pianos TWO PIANOS, ilytttioil order, for Hale on reasonable• terms• ,Enquiry ut the Fur. —niture—Roontu—ol—the .geliscriber, on North, Hanoner•street .• inly 9, JAMES E.;ll' EAV En, Fresh Fruits, A CHOICE eilit'ply of froth. Orange., Lein •one and other fruite,lust received itrid for nate by S. W. HAN' E HST IC IC. w_Goods.- ANOTHER arrive tur fresh goads nt the NEW and CH TA' STORE in-Wesi High street, such tie Lawns, Oinwhams, Gingham Lawns, Bleached' and Unbleached Ml.lins, Ca hones, Trekinff±, Cheeks, Hosiery's, Queen-- ware, Gruceriea Sz.e J. G, CAR:IION Y. "rrarligle, July 7, 1847. Office for Rent. THE office on Muinstreet, next door to that of Jae. H. Uovor, 'Esq., 4110 lately occupied by the key. Mr. Newlin, is now for rent. It la one of the most pleasant and desirable lor an office in the borough., Immediate 4h:impassion will be given.—For terms apply to NI re. JUDUE DUNCAN. July 7, 1847. T°"etENI.V.S 'SA USA R 11,1. A —Thu, article is hale extensively ii,oif by ph) sleuths and others for the removal and permanent mire of diseases arising from an impol . e elate or tr.! , blOO.l. or habit of the system; manufacturer to be five tiltit•S ‘ trOagel• than Dui preparAtion of the same kind eAtalit, Mai each bottle to contain a quart. "Price $1 per bottle.. • for sale by ' • • • J. fic W. 13. FLEMING. July 7,1847. ALELA N DEWS Ti 1 .01:0 LI lie his r improvement of tbis celebrated Hair D) e 'has juat been received by J.& W.ll. MEN! I N G. July 7, 1847 13 OUST LLS HAIR I)Ye..—Thisnytitie. but 11, recently inven'ed by the well known diem ist andperfumer whose name it bears, and whichis it stifficient guttroitee of its merit, has just been received st the Drug store of .1 St IV. B. VLENIING . July 7,1847. • WAIM'S PANACEA.—A fresh siipply of Sw.,stlips Paomica haskist been reeehe,i,hy J. Sr. W. li, eLEMIN G. July' k 847.. Fresh Pine Oil. THE. subscriber line this day received h ham of Fresh Pine Oil. , GEOfI(W. tiVrcEit: - . .lely 7,1847. - • a g attaCe• lll;l 4 ,p,rsons 'a'ro hereby, cautioned against , purchasing it, promissory limo, to the a• mount of 433, flown r bei in in. I/Of of 13.. G., Miller. • ,Aik.thouubseribor hog not received 'full value-In • consideration .for said ' note • hole itaturimined not to puy it until coin bv '' ".:' ~SAMVEL'BRiCKETt. 701347. .- • General TritiO lirlindri4Phical Society , z. The . Atnitveasamt of, .tidet Society, .1411 be "deldbritied en• the , 7thzdett-oi , ..lalrtnead: The 'oeinpOLOgliti n0,%!i1l lie held 'limlie•Hall of the Diektriitod i3t;tiL7ctal p t „ no „ . „ tiaijPY Phis. ACYCIi!:- P I, Or. P.M . r I ,94lk9tMetlPAOst ,Chorclisrr,A. ' general ..naeokink, =blither Or le looked for, Alt ? - ..''Catlidlitl.lititit , 3o 1841' ••f , " l, • Y 4 -IPIRVEY. O 4.7 I M ti2=ER , .. rt, be found:et his OVlthuiti the, rear of the i2,t6 Ilbtille:l'ellit P!Vtiltlittv4ifigliqf4Notlnkett ' 4 .4 it.the ' builnese;ollitulti'of.tuulbti•r•Ad etukta St , - veto of 141141'..,roattu, etu., , He. !111 Ovi,,llrepare - 7':' It f eionyeykoeo, out! any. tillie . ,'tnutroOteitt .cif kl?..,:fAti. , oleV.Tune '23. ii 4...,.. ~., , , ~. ..____..f.„:.!..L 4 _oo Pan ed. - 7: - ..•!*.soo,rdkat.dry . 0:11'k svOl MI are Med OPT . ' PiOdlimayli, co, lege , to • ilel o theist et °otter 6ext. Propoaa la w ill be histlittiahic r e pit 'the 12111:11 C•J u WA);' i " • " ,;•.1 z oPtty eguidYir Y 1114).; D.7MIN A cot a a -,P4,5,41 ine- atrcijoi4 or ' t„t4 ''soyig.b),l•Thrvo-,;B'"lEChttri%T.l " 6 , ,; ~,,: CARIiSLE FAMILY OficIOERY STORE, UST received a Ittrge4upply..of; resh,Grol tp CUries,UoUsisting,orsuporior tirown au e rtas,' and Intif, :EWSlititl,,.'.PtilVdriked anti 7 clurified SUCARS„ttit,of ;will be sold at reduced prides.' Afeb"COF.FEE' ''dese(iption• and price, with ti fino lot:Cfutrong . Sat Perky in peria!, Iron n g . .4:0;71 Dyson and Mac& LAS p, tA "won from the best selection of Dal vid Rankin, who has been cel ebrated for 30 'years for Fel ling the best Teas in Phihr A foie , sets urthina Tea-Ware.; Leaf Sugar syrup, sugar house and baking `MOLASSES, superior importe . d HONEY( Chcese, Dried Beef, sugar-mired Darns, dried - Peaches anti 'Apples, Soup Imes, Cranberries, Sailed nil. Mexed Picklex, Figs, Almougs,Rai situt,Citroritt, Currents, Spices, Matljrcrel, Sal mon, Shad and Herring, Hop &fa, and a great variety amber articles too:numeroos to men. tion. All of which will be'sold at sucloprices as will give satisfaction, 'Oa end see. N. 13.—Small shops eppplied a small ad vance on Pldludciphia Carlislo, Juno 16, 1817 $lO REWAPD. • A IrCQNI)F.I) - frcro the eMployment of the, -sti'Aerther, 'Shirentatistouut, on elm , log of the. ptli journeyman tailoroutiogil xv him goods a mount rrom $55 to,S4o,tionsisting of cloth, eassiatere. !and suutnnis , goof s. lie is about d feet ti Melts high, wore it li:irk:green dress coat,:gtritigltt } bretuded dull k cloth rest, hod retry straight black dotrituast expression, ind syas very !With 111. 0 ,1 4 ,1 % 4 1'Ite;abotli ressitiul is `sslFerthi thy his detests:in tint! arrest ) , by the sulSseriber, JACOB lIkTES. .Inns 16. 1 847,-.--a* icrolcy: PictoN'y 1 • Tx H. 48RX OLD has ,pis{ rrotrhed , from New orkwith a large awlselectml Joisoci„•, r -Shrink,Ment,hlllll Summer Dcp(ininitt, which lie will sell to his friends mid the plaint: genercr ly on the lowest mid most reasfitable terms. I la rmgpactliasell all Ks !limy goods at the package sales, New \ he is eoutitleht that he can sell thew .30 per colt cheaper than tiny store iit the MEM • . Pronelt LIM us (worth s:i) [ can sell from . IS? to .23 (Thlollllll Sz Organey 1.-aWlis, new si3 Ic, l'i to .25 Enibroilleeed Scarfs for ilresseN . SIT to 50 All \Void lialkorines 'r . :il to 37 Nlotil de I 12 to 40 Barred and Plain Swiss " ' I'2 to '23 Handsome Hies Silks, A splendid assortin't , s ii . liarage Shit o 41..: Searts. . Silk do do NC W stile Ribbons, Bloods, Colton and Thread bases, Linen and Cambric liandk'fs, Hosiery and Gime,. Also, ,' 'ClotAts, Suattiaier Cassiiiiierem T%i ceik, DriWigs two Vest'ligs. A. large wt. sol'itorlit of ingrain, 1 . 11114i:in mid Rag t uT•pet iug. Floor Oil Cloths and Matting.' Persons wi,,hin j; to put thane any of the a-. hove articles will flail it to their athatitage to call betore intreltatingselsewhere, - Carliive. April 14. 1547. JtS A FUIiTLIER EvinEtNC E •niat. the liroicipie euving diseitse hy lug nod micilving the both•. is sicietly metfor— Mimic with the laws whieh govern the pninaal _economy ; and it• properly carried out by the use of %vitt rrs INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, Will soli:duly result in the complete abolition of disease; u e offer the following testimonials, from persons of tliehigliest respehnibility in New 'tore who hove recto.. ly been cured of the most obiti • Hate enngAxints, solely h)• the use of duw Vegetable Polls of iGe Neirllt Ann:Heim Col— lege of IlrHlth. CEILTIFICATES ,C1:111".5. I•roni Nnio lodz 1) . 11. Wit . NV44I lIT Sir,—At yofir re commendation, I :mine time stnee mad,: trial of. Weight's Imhoff Vegetable Pilfe, or the' North Inierieun f;ollege of Health, and ran COIISO . IOII ously assert that for Purifying the blood and reit ' orating etc system, I have recett'ed more benefit !runt their use than from Cl. yother'nofflieine it has heretofore Ifetiff 'toy gond tortime.to meet with. I ant, dear :lit with maid. thanks, error obliged friend, Cl I-A it NI:TATE, No. 69'llammers13 stret,l4o., 't erk. ilitrwarsin", , , X. Y. gI II ,- , 7 1 hams beet. afflicted for set cull ea , ~ iih 'nista - 11 weakness and general debt lir, Het:01111M tinlys with pain in the side and enure distressing' complaints. After having tried ‘arions medicines wiShout elfeet. 1 was persuaded .iv a friend to ntlake hiring of Dr. 11'riglit's Italian I Vegetahle Pills, a hic6 l sin happy to s gap have eel 'sere& me imai•inost-nwmiletftil-manfte - K — rh a r e need the instlicine as 3et but a short time, and hat c no tioutit,hy tr perseverencesiii the use of the medicine according to directimis o lial I shall in a short line hit lici:l - eittly repaired. I trust ercommend said 'to all , persons similarly alllicietioottl in the full belief, that the same htmelicial results will follow Weir use. I remain, yptirs sincerely., - HENRY A. FOOTE, lVarwbrsiug, Ulster Co., New Vork. B i"OiAitt Or Courrruttrarre.- . - The public are motionedstutinst the num). guidons mellieines whi, b in order to dereivr, ore called by twines sit& Itw to AVriglit's Indian Vegetable Pills. . I.:harks Curli.le. John Coover, Mechanicsburg. Breneman & Prime', New Cumberland James A. J. North, " " A lox. Cat heart. Sheperdstown, .1 & S A Coyle% Ilogestown, Isnoc Bartnin Lisbon, , Sit vaer and Pauli Altorelitorp,, John P.p.:1440g, Nlitilin X ROadzi, S. L. Sententan, Newburg, 10111tes devoted exclusively to the sole or Wrialq's Indian ,V,rgentllle Pills, tvltolesale and retail. 169 Rave Street, 14,iludelphin ; 28k Clet.en win!, Street, New York; sod 198 Tremont Street, Iles on. fish t -Fish 200 ht,N. No. I, 2 and 3 Mackerel. 100 bbk. Na. 1 Shad. 100 half Mils. family shad. 100 bbls Herring, for pale by FUNK & 9111 t LF11 Ilarriaburg, June 9;1847. CIOAL WO TONS Pine Giovq,coAl 4 ;2oo tp2 , nn . Wifisbarroe Con(-20,910ne time burnTre Cual5001) bus. SituminuuirCoul, for aalu by, • • . ; 7 , PUNK Se, MILLE R . flarrnb-irg, Juneo, HO. • . Bacon, Si . det9 p ty,';7's'ric4;' 1 81 7•;r-177 • , • j tf TJ'f , OF_ • . Jt.fli opened loktithatidxoino Ittige at the iitore.:ot ' June 9 4 184 V ,: ~.. !;1•,1 • rl • ' , TS. " tlsceivedilot,of how'etylii Pa nisolvtlit Chinane. patiliWailirdliT4 - 1111 - tretic u lipW itr mtoro of :` • - ---' - E2 4:52:4" ' ' i'' **.' 'the esteie ETTEibt'i'iil4loo4 ktilli n Ato -r,R,i-ti i - 4 - Tir Ditlifel - ttelfilloeyeS,•el.9 . , : , __.,...., ~.... • 0 erlatel couety,,ee,,,,eeve keep .grt!Pt...„.Y: 64- - .. :' t, Icl, 7 :oeu,e,y4eforearit/. .411 c 1 1 ii c 14 ,-- Agiteriett-itt: 00hy, „ t,t , , ,,, air.que..,!,, to ‘....tti, , ,, , p.. 11 ,.,ipr ~ , ,,,,,,,ii,it i .„ ,P kv br i; R p P re;ellt e :;: ' ' ';:;...iiii:liiiii_ait:l4.33slllll'vil:A'edimal:::: -_,.;:,' ''.., :is .9 -gilitu 2 ,.. R, ;. . ~,, ~ 11114. :vAil 18s t i oix ! ki'1fi'PP?7:', , . ~....,..- ! .. i.e.-4,1 .• ''. "` ' 1 I , ;11 4 411.11f i riteet,,OXI I *6 - 11: ,,1 1 - 7; 14,i1L1; y 41,11116 g,, 14;, Plies A`Kcip)cit; altalsgte v rl f lirpolb"Vetiyi rgd . ' in fishini; retilliti)l,*ol eittlmarifq b er to , lh¢tltcehHbir"dPeeryt►onrgr l ; t4F:•'W HA VERSTiCK: June 2,1817. ' ME MEE , • • s Nottctoi • AAditorhi 7 Pri-P.A I 9 2I :Fot clirArr,TAdm'x: r'at 1116 bettifo.iif l itinuii4lipti,Vri deed; MIL tied 'by the'Einotyjill'Extouter w , being rofetreil lo'ina hp ?the Orplion's douitiin ao unditor,,tit report, os,iv, nytto.inanilial the aiisots : I le,oreliy, give notion.,tinio attend , tho duties ,qi'iiidiiiniintitiontott my . :offido in C i arlillo,on_riidny 'The grockiturit will gleaso hand in their claims • ou qi before alai Any: i_ .t,VM : MILL ER, .I;:'ne 16th, ,11347: . • TliE• undersigned, f %uditon appointe d . by theDrphan's Court of Cnimborlatid Coun ty, to marshal and distribute .the miscue; of the esTalifof,lncon Rum deo'd.,late.ol East 13.-nns borough township,. (in theliands 'of his Exe cutor Henry Repo 41mong.the.crediters,) Iterti7 by givo4 notice that lie will nttand to the du ties on Saturday., the 3d day of July next, at his office An Carlisle. All persons having clahns must hand Went, or before that day, or loose the benefit:Willa fund. W. ILAILLER,Auder. Carlisle, June 1 , 41.8 47. GEO. R: CROOKS Nur EMl3f.R.9..orthti Allen and. Eastpenns -0 tiorouMutuala Firo .Instininco Com• puny of Cumberland county, die hereby notl. lied that the bootd of Managers have or.dered •an assesenVentof four per Cent On ull prondium notes duo the compriny on the 99th duy of May last, to Le paid previouslo'tho9th day uf l Ah gnat head to the Treastiver'orin (lie recover: LEWIS LIVER,* y. , N. I:3.—tho receivers for Cninberland coon. ty, are William' M. Iteetern, (Prothonotary's Otrice,) .Carlisle, Robert C. Swett, South Mid illeton,, John Comer, i4tj. Mechanicksburg, Rudolph .Mdrtiii, New Citin),erland, • - "TrensureV, Michael Copitlin neat Shdpherds. town, Cumberland County., • June 9,1'847. Eslate a Samuel dt.Te'th NOTICE is'herehy_giSTll that letters teslanyen tart. hi . the Litt will and testament of Sairmel Bowman, late 'hf \Vest Pentisboro' township, Ihimberland Coe nty.tleeease4,linve this day been ed by the Register in and I'nt• said _Camino .tense Lefever,. him resides in said township of \Vest l'ennshoro' ar..l Jacob Bowman, who re• sides in. NliMin..thwhship in said Counix. All Persons liming claims. and demands against tho estate of`the said cleeedek nee requested to make known the same wnhont delay, and those indebt eo to maki.payment. 15-14“..! LEFEVER., Exr ,. JACOB BOWNIAN t, Cariimi,:lime --- Estate of .lOhn Eichokls, Oec'd, woTic t; is hereby given hut letters teste d`© mentdry otethe estate of kiiiN , EII:IIULDS, bite. of ulion gyp., deed, have been grunted to the subscriber, residing in the borough of Mo rhaniestnirg. persons havingdtaims and demands against the said estate will, present 'them for settlement without delay ; and those iridebred fwd.° payment to — JOHN COOV June E'tec'f. it3 4 6tiee: • • W 01.7111) hereby ivatily,all persons concerned, olio are arrears either by bond, gate, ennui, to call :mil settle up their reippetive dues, 05 I ha' e ilLawiseil of my entire sffick of Ilarilo ay.: to Messrs. Fish'ar I.z Fortney of Har risburg. I hose mild for no-other re 10.0.) Setllo up my books, Vind the sooner calls aire t runde the better, as by alert ajl the accounts will be left JA the 1015..0r , a legal 'officer for 'cffilee lion. .S'everal attempts have lieretolbre been mode to selllei-p inly hooks but failed, so We now give fair warning thytt if 000 way fiole there's a woo that o ill Out Mil. -Those having business wit 41111,- wit I •ri l Ole at iny-residence,-atruerol Loather and Pitt sit eels. - . . SP ' JACOB SL.I April 14', 1847. T NI)1•:11 the provisions of the act oT 18.44 any count) ail) ing into the State Treasury tile Stole tax ievlril- oi, Bitch:county, plor to fl,c 1503 of July iu On) Tear, is entitled ill an ablite meld of 5 per (rid. on tile amount so paid The undersigned, COIIIIIIiSSICOeI`II of 111011 COUnTY, In, 'AC) Of he ahm e provisions, consider itelittilable and proper thnt those, who by the prompt pas meld of their taxes prior to the pbo•e date, enable tins Trenburer to pay over the :stare Wt., so solo receive theetoressid abate ment of .5 per oral. ,benefit of which has hitherto been enjoyed by. the. Citizens of the - eninity generally, should be allowed a iletltietion 1,f.4114 ]]]] 11111 by the collector—lave authorized - t till even en cc ors to ma e said 'abatement from the State MX, in all cases whet'e *the state and County tax is paid to the collector prior In the 1511 of July, 1847, when said alnitenimit Ell/11l 111T1011111 to one cent or more, 'ho IVaettons of a. ceiwto he credited. Since the net of 1844, the etimmiasimier.i have paid the 'State tax of this coutrtv nonentity to the Mina Teealtirers, within the time prescribed by the act, and, the comity 'has received the benefit of all abatement of live per cent. thereon, but to meet said payment they have 10111111 it occessary heretofore to appropriate it part of the county 113 Meet the . deficiency occasioned by de inmetrlvowail the balance of the State tax nits collected. It therefore becomes necessity to require the pa) float f both Slate andrComity tax to entitle the paver to the aforesaid abatement upon.the ttliiresaid State tita. The undersigned therefore confident)) andel psite.that I lie shove arrangement, and the farther iiiihieeMClit of enahlina. , Comherlancl comity to nutiataiti the character Ton peomptness antl ty whiled she has aelptired.in thu discharge of her ont . igstions to the Commonwealth, will inclitre eveff citizen 11161111111'0 11W - if Mile and County tax prior to the 15th (Ins, of Juts. t J. WORTHINGTON • STERitErl', • DANIEL COBLE, County Comm'isaimers. " ArrrsT--WNI.REILY, Clerk. Estate of Detrick Cooklin, deceased, itotyricE is hereby gimp that Letters loath -1.11 inanity nri, Ate bp't will or Drritick COCK Leig , late 'Of A I Itin 'to teitsbi p; Cumberland CoultlY, l o9'd haVe• htdri kratifed !jeweler to the, aphsoriheri Monroe. township, AP ,persons .110:,14. claims gitlust snip tleeddiettqa estate, will present them, roe settlement, awl those lutlebted yrigitl (Mate :wilt inate tranAiatii. jintrn'e.it ' • Crux S. cbaug; Ex 'May .12, 1114. T.. Estate of Cllristiuna Meta; cle'deaVad; •liKtarldE, it hereby, g iven that holey, pr 111 or,Ohris., tieno blotz otlietwien, calla d Chiiitun 1u Swai• girs;.litivitig, been ..isii!iecillO'Weitihickiheri lie cplls upon ha'vini'Muleiii'lipoii the - eiteato mesent foi'liettlenielef,arild Open in; the,' Serate, to iniike • f.o'imiatihr - hhiiillsetthi L his adniinii• : o,Bpra-rtcARTNE A , m'r. Estate ,of L. S, ObliiCK,ldde,'d. ~ . O T LC 'l , ' . • . ~ N 1 ;IV, .i., .t. t ..-. 1...,- 1 1114 i 0T IC ~.io,,ller.oby,,,glyeo,tlipA, leltora of oiiglijkiltrittiokoo,ilickifiggto., fTr 8 Ciro ~ WI 0019 blroogil ofiV,lpti cOlilliiiiisod, Cu in borlohd .boolity,:do'c'oase'd,,hoQ4ooni-irontoct -14tifiriti15aoribor residing in , thtssipfoir , Olooo.-' 741r7fiirrtionwrin0411101 1 -Nilrpnlike)'!immediato 3popoont, and those hoy,f9g,o)oimo will Iprekiof 34.frir,espwitjy9 accooptojprppor)y : authentic u -. Led i'orptilopoopf.:l;Y - :,i (. -..fi, - . ..'.' ~ j , ;.)1 4 . 0 1 50 . w i II‘HENRYI PREIigNIAN.,' I t f'to.4:lV/7t fl, ..,',. 1,; . :1'-';-..).;:l , . • , Agliiiir.. . _ _ SC I II9OLXVICIVITUREM77- -- A -L AR t iElunntity , ar - 7.Rgekgi - 401011Fii:dre . ;: - It for Scluit4s, livexcollent order and fornfil6 Of. 1110' gOiner Araiitifhoteek on Ninin tilinciver ieeN, • f.A•rqc May 5.: 18 4 7 I JA§,.ll.;.;wpAiEri..,l., iG woe at the Drug elgiP of ip titigKt es.fi.+4s wo • • IRISH LINENSir! ^ o , "etc Pll '0" Valitle° 4 ";WlSlTPPTetl , F ‘ cottdo,jubt rorkiNott ayd.4.00664 )rjgrie „ 1y.,49T, Auditges:,Wotiee. ASSET.4SIYIENT. Notice to Tait Payers Ell 1.4 i'•. "•'-`""'"- • w " ---7 1: -- • • - 1 1- airill4Or 3 Vti ; T WIS , to, attlA-oxt ae..my_ ' 'towtiallioC:timberland rend iggSttOttrg,•;antlicotititying :307' nere's.ol, Slate land oibdut 30"aerea ot Which, are. Woody, iblVgifoti atatm, . ONO i 11-ai ion. ' • The rnproiieni &its 1.4 at'e tt`Tlllo4TOity .„ IVeatherboartletl , LOG 4t -g j i • eral-neverifailingispringa'of.ritanine water near th, house, witli•nn , Okell..!;`7 nnil of AWISRIPeaeIi, Clierry,6Plitm, and, code. hearing fruit irees, in line . condition. I. wIII sell Oft'n . :trtgibitiVitaratte wholti4Ogetheeiati , may best suit purelutgerei.. • ~• : . ,ja If not told!nt iiri,vate'sale by the 7,ilt titty of Alienst mist; it will on•that Sit Oft•itted at pablie &Tin. For further pat;tipillinq eiiiiitire of the aii4erlher liciup on the , • .• , ' ' , ' JACOB wEAvEt:.3 A0;1'7,1847. .FaR.7ll FOR Sate% ! , :,•• , ~ iTdubtriter ore rs his fOa t private segi tedinNewto,t : . l icon. be an'd county, 2 Wiles west of Newville,. on the road leading 'to Germantown; end' a a mile T , flom Collard's mill, onntaiilin . g 1,51 Acres, ul freestone. land, about 90 acres ot .which , is clke red with thriving Timliee, Ad. the remold der clear and in a good state of •chltjaa.tion. 7: The improvements are a good log , . . •, -,;, , two-story HOUSE und KITCLI— :;14.itt 5 . EN,. a double LOG BARNrcider ".i. , :ti: I :Is, press. and elf other ttetess'aey 4 ,4 ••• , . u ....,:m... buildings. eAlso, a _good Tenant: floupeoUc.i -Which has a never failing•well ciElitliiiier at the door, with an orch4rd of choice trait trees.—• For ruether particulars eriquiee of the nulicri bee on the premises. JACOB RAMP. May 27th, 1847. Cloths, Cassitridtes. an d Sattindts. witEN CH CLOTHS, Caeaimerea, Safinetta Satin, Silk. and Marabilles Veitinga,• at great barguins at the now atort in West High- Street. 't.;/14131"0 - NY. Carlisle. May 19, 1847. GROCERIES. Gb Mts. AVliiie Sugar ;50 do. Brown do r .,;,,1.7":10 Tierce:6 Hooey. . 10 Rice. 50 • .Bugs Rice. .5 Kegs Allspice, 5 " Pepyyr for sale be , e., FUNK 411 MILLE t Ii Harrisburg, May 9,6, I 8.17.--.lf• Salt and Plasteir. . 200 Tniis Piaster, SOO - Seeks G. A. &tit si) Sacks Ashton fine do. tuu Dairy do. For Sole by MILLER & PUNK.. Harrisburg, May '26, 1847. —tf. PR Cider Vinegar. One b4l pure Cider Vinegar, just received by mey 26, idtfi. George W flit no New lEiore o IN N. HANOV ER ST., a FEW DOORS ABOVE WM. LEONARD'S,StaR E. THE subscriber has opened a - new and hindsnine stock of , CMS44 . .)CrJUDM, 9 , . GB OC Eio i*JEcliswA IftE , 1 &0., &c.,-cormisttng-.0-Giothe dpd Criss mays*. Catiliniarers,'Tweada,,pnd all other 'kinds of goods for gentlemen's wear. Gingham Lawns,' and Gingliarns, a good assortment for lathes,. Wursted Ca melians in dress - patterns and Or. goodies,- all suitable for: Spring dress for la• ladies logethar .with.a.good.itock of enhance: mid gait - ins, arrd - Ifib - bons, Palm Taaf Hots, Lind a small lot uf,'Cope May suit. -able—tor—ge-ritlemen. Also, a good steak of Sugars, .Coiree, ,;,1,1 SPICES of ult kiricre—together with DYE-STUFFS, , nllnf which the aubderiber 1/61).5e1l :CUE P Ft R CAS(I. - . S. A. COYLE Ca.l6lc, Ap7il 7 ,1897. WIIAT is most conducive to health'? A E' - uar, STATE A N D CIRCULA. TION:OF THE BLOOD. Now tl•e best meth. oti to insure a healthy stato of Blood is. on the first symptom of any disordef of the eireuln rig.fluid,such.as Dyspepsia. Costiveness, hick arise therefrom, to use Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood pills in a box for 25 eels. according to lite directions, and yon will obtain ttutnedi• ate relief. One Word of Caution.—When you co to purchase Hence 'a Sarsaparilla or Blood Pifis, be sore you get the genuinci - eiticle. 'Price 25 cents pc.r box, or five blixes for one 'dollar. For 8010 by Stalk S. Hance, 108 Baltimore' street, and corner of Charles and Pratt els., Balti more. F'nr snln in Carlisle, by . J. R. %V. B. FLEW I NG, at their cheap Drug vier°, oprosilut.th Railroad Depot. (Juno'!, :8470 MrALUOER4,O44jMENT, IT has pow ; to cause all of ferhal SORES, SGEOFULOUS humors, SKIN DISEASES, I'oISON OUS W OU N np, to tit selaa'rge theft. pu tr lai,annfers, and then heals them. ' It Is ri l ,latiV termed All-healing, for there is seaveely a disease, eTtlee.il - 01. - itifT:tiail;thatale ill t‘ot benefit. I lime used it for the last lour.' teen news falr al f - Ili senses of the chest; consump. boll anal• liver, invulVinf; the 'utmost danger, mud responsibility, and J deoli,re before beaten' find man, that not one singld case has it failed i tb ben efit when the patient was within the reedit' at' inertia means. I have harphisicians' teornelltnlhefirtifesslon. I hate land tadiatsters of (lie Dossel,;.lllsies of, the • , bench, Al ilermeia';' Lawyers, gentleuielk U 1 the hikthest erudition, and nalltitudesprilie'poor aise it in every vfiriety Or ism* nuiFthere 'islliebil hoc, • one, voice---cniu unl‘Jellat 'iloieL4jskyihg, f•?le-• Aliister, your.Ointrnent, is DOOP:". i "! ' ' ItiONSUIIPTION.'-..lleasvhaidl3f be orballted that a sshie can have any 'effect-upon. the: twigs. -fatted a tual they ais'. Wlttlin at:11110j steiri. , . Out,. if placed upon thd attest, it penetrates to the. lunge ; sdpsratefoin poisonotivi 'PP rli, ol e° 0, 1 , 1 "1 1 1 4 ,*C1T.15ul 1 ming 9(amokudiwittct.9,tbfvrcirn lie systep., 'tie - emit* perilous of , Ppniuinptlon,eoutleuilli; HEADM.;I:II.Ir...,The ~s,st've.,llai.eiricl,'perienS of the hesOseheof ,1 L, stanaltpir, and 'Wh'is had it rsgalur, eyery-i.weelact flittl , ,fmtsiltaig 'brek . Wok liialls.• .., ~ I. , ~..,,,,,, ~,? ~.,e, ce . .o , ..: , i,'!- ::dlietitinits Sind .r.iir Aoltultrii liehietil, 'fills. like' . M10CQ611. , ;.# !.... ,„0,: ;.„ ;,•;,.,:: 1 I 1 1 ~,,,L I, .„,:r, I . i 'l , ~ ' ' 'RliEUliii.Tl4ll344 ritql o Fqten l o 6l. IMMe . . , Iliattly,.;ll4tiliflpmsdlO ' n,,cukil:isy o ,ttilli*.#ri f the . pain ceases.!.. lleeil - ,l4.,(lJrcullr,i,n pl,Ffullpl. (si`,'P9, 4 t . . COLD:rEEM4-CPultilailll l 9,4 l 4.* o • g , qtn.l. illalit,,poin IP .the, gliiist..nr,Ottgi ptiNgfpfr.otthei .. huh. one, oe.tho.,uthir, ONO/ Jic ,)( 11*.1.P. 81 .9e;i t ie.0, 1 .1., 1 " feet. : , (Iritif , Oiehrop.oo/ 11 ,W3tIllf , Verrke.P.).'u l'ii: ' la ewieigivAoltll;ell.4l,ter have cold feet: , •• , •.: . ..1 , •••c. • lit serorelik, oltl.prus, ilryilliellipi -pullrlituni,' , 1 liVer , -Ct"P 114111 4,0c9. , A1 3 ) 94ki1.43% NO :th rilll 0 , liratieltitis,,hrokeu or . aere :brea tit , pile:l4 ill uhest i . diseases suiliniuSllkrust;,oppruspilpopipuln4.nls9,! sore luts,ehoppeOundOllFfitiesiclPinetti tSciti'l libilu.,psry9Us fllaeriielehD:er,''lhe - epineoiltriai Is , lip laialiai qe, , n ciiv 'li.ithliiil ! #!gand:4;:y-,—;-4 - ,7, - . r-,- - 7 , So 44 , ,D , tur,gt!i4i, , ,yolo,ii . lit:id eases dine' Heitialli.di'llAdi.,iliertlll:lpklthow4fkiiitwel as t tip olillit'y j oi;:koici,ApOor.ll.,‘' 9pe 'IVO Ioill'uih. 0 :: luid sPriii sollbil' WS elillclreu. 4 sitloAtt firly iiiiiiigi . ' fit, Whet+ slew beaesor iiliihholit'Oureilihriii; ~ -1 ' .44 01 15TE.4 -1 I 011:fehture'Ilis) heir itlpiii'o • Ilion tiePelhP thiiigl • . 1 ',;'. , •- ) !..1.' , •1'Ut ~ ill = '- 4 1 1 -,., .11IIIttN , S:Atia thVharatl4lng.i%Ple• wijrlll (ur, , ,B nrha. ~;., ( Itetitri he t p r ec A l tat illfo,uo,d7tne-holtrr.:,a.? :' NV ORNl4'., l lC4llldriVe every itatigief,them .1."44.1+;',174-ril(lif:,-.l?r,"tif-i1F4i.,i4442y,'N--f ~1,,....:,..,, ',/.(flierg(llV:r(ohilblyilom!'etltii,lns:on;* face' of ; , 4hbenCtliat'Sidaff lilf sum A" 4IIOOI FP:' I SW 9 '9omti olor. vihro,c)e! •,') ,• ..fv'tvi: , -ti. , • • • , r 4 1: '. 1 . ,CPll.ttAirlPce'mili.l9,4,ff* oh .Illii 3 Oihlhrtit will' illyays) esiieer i tia l lyortr,gpari'a);. i lllkiiile ,neel' 1 le ph thein - ItIII4 idill aye Row. Mepr ihrtl i til l '- t id , '• ' I I - Ai. b it ~ • IL .. ..- I i dth are•yea ly. cure y A a. huga4•. , r• , '..,' '•:e• • " • ' l'" '‘',..!: ,4, t,i 7 : 6 .tCsplg,iiritasuiliTnli.koi: , •'.. .t'4P.:44 . 61/060i'etiiiv'brthe . Dbiwiniiiditifio.A, i , kiqp,ktyrioN4 , l4 oirvemozwilitt4iT9r, Trial unlese - ,the'*i 'aiir-Off AlitikaligififiAlbster". Wt. '4lll6o.4moiLitfitet 4 .crp.Atitsltyrittittl.with a Pow AtV9.o*sl,,hilktitifr, .1 , ,'1.i:.' ' ' J...'.' ,, ' - '"" - , 1 ,h , ”).i.11t1 ,Sold 11 , 047iioo;IyAek:;FLI.IpTiTi:• : i - r'•;‘.'.••7.'!‘ . ~vtares. Ally coops.; - . .... ItiHN.thhicritter:id-dcfdition-to,his. enrol.' r ;!. ',; '4's.lissilik rit,, , i6o 4.`piA n tie° i' "h IN N E!W. i ',l4` gE, ton vN stilt , lllaniWeii Street; d splotntcr. ices itinent iiil Goods; etinfistlegdn• pact of 1 IS , 'Rd 'wing.::—=gety' style raliefeee;lSColeh• OW!, 11ain,q 11 Olnglaint i Lawn't;;l3h'ruigto. 'Mons di; !Leines, 4,6,:- 't.744pp6' may liAq's:flicleriilempp, fiummei. 04th di - erotormigloth r , -131ack L'ashmatett; Tweeds once rd;ll33o•Cassi mores:, Also; Carpnting, Window Blinde, and . 'Fldoi Oil "01011, ... '' - ' ' i - !` , l' It N I •il . The:fieoplii die rOgpeotrelly; lii'altellth'eallontl 'ckatnnte the stoc:i as I will Bell Ateap Tor the ehasii,:e.. May 12.) S,A COYLE; ~ rl •i • _ BARGYVINS, BARGAINS! T IIF.:. subscriber , has just opened in the atoro room lately occupied by R. Simi: g ras s, ksa„ West High . :Street s iii lbe•bgrougl, of Carlisle; a.largo and general assortment of Dry Gooels, arotpries, Queensware, 'Erardigarg, ' all of W filch' have, been rieleeted with gret care end which he is deterthaied to sell as'eheap as the cheapest. ; The pnblio re'respeWully itivited to give him , a calf !' he tlatterh \himself that, he can Mier such InchicCmcnts 03 van make it their interest to•patroniSo ; • J. G. CARMONY.. CO - *.A let•nf auction. Dry Goods at very low' Takes: ..May 'l9, 1847. ..• . CHIE ne lli" Fa G 1, 44 cerff op rv -m• subscriber takes this niethOti to inform his mends, and the public in general that he has,jtint opened in the house lately - occupied by 1/1.4.10hn A rinstrung and thredtloors east of .1 be jihoits' Warehouse. a lar , e ud..eneral as sortmant of Family Grocerien, den tts "ens, •QatretA,Sugan,..3.l4lasses, Chouolote molt , ,Spites ol everh glz script ion. Aesh, a large and well selec 'art aloe& of QUL F -1 WillcT-ware, Ittatabes,'Pocket . a,Stc. btc. , lam) or every• description, from the common stmAitig tobacco, up to Wootlwavil's best 'loco , Dcwunvecilialt. "the it ihll are respectfully invited to call . and examine his stock before I uyiue elsewhere; na he flatters himsell that he cannot fall to p!ease them, both in price and quality. • .--•• • N. 11..—His friends from thecountry Gail it to their tolotantalte to glve hm a call the active is ctnveniently aituated,just a felv'stepsTrott Mr. It bonds' hvern. JOS. D. lIALBEtr. Carlisle,Juttie :2, IR4 tROCERY, TEA, CHINA & QUEENSWARE rir. 'phliscrilier . .'eis Wevaillitted u hl l Store ltedtri, and 13' - now rec;:iving sn'entire new ski nt freshatillply o -nraliarthiles connected with th e Grocery ihitl Qocensteure business, enibese- Ing Coffees and Peas - of the lines/ - qualities, Syy• , tips Sugur House and 'Orleans lolasses, togeth er with ' .Cednr-ware, - .l9loneniewire - and, 6iasi-warg; „ , flrnwn and Loaf, 85 also crushed Lont'Segar", Painted Tubs, Buckets, the. (&., .all of which is offered l'or sale at the lowest cash profits. Oisi• %lends and the public are invited to call'and 4401,Efe40r then/Belies At the old stand and MOM IO6A 1 1/ ' • ' J.. W. EBY. GaHrsle ' April 14,1347. TEE OLD TAIND.: NEW SUPPLY:OF DRUGS, -- Sw• - tiAvvorerici( (les:res to inform his •fitientistind the public that his new-SPRING AN I) SUMMER SUPPLY of goods, which have been tiehmted with great ;tare by himself per sonally, anilluts op med at his old and nett known establishriient on North I (Hoover street, embrace a supply of FItESII DRUGS, together with a most eltensive, rich and varied stock of BOOKS, (both-achonl—amP miscellaneous;) 'V A N C Y GOODS, PERFUMES, Stu: Stk. to c hick he feels confident ho may htvitu the Ilit*liioll all the pub he with the full assurance of Ming able to supply everyw hat and grttify every taste, besides ensur ing entiresatisfection by the sent reasmsuble terms upon which his numerous at tieWs Will be dispos ed of. He would call the partienlar attention of Pam ilies and Physicians to Itiml'eplenislied assort net of DRUGS and 11-IEDICI-XES, which hart been uriilmsed at the be.t tousesinTliihnielphi may. ere ett epos for freshnesi and excellence. Added to,,these will be found- do entire stock of PAINTS; OILS, DYE-STUFFS, V 1111411116. &C., all of which he wi t ensure to be or the best 'finality and at the yery.lowest prices. He has matte many 'Wiliam's! to Ida stock 1)f BOOKS; besidealecuring a new semi/rot' all the Text Books, Histories, Readers, I.exicons, Wrl. ling Books, Ate. now in use in College end our public ichnols—which he will dispose .7.1 on terms suited to the circumstances of all. =:!!! His stock of FANCY ARTICLES Fmbrnees a rielt and extensive 'collection which it woOld be impossible to enumerate, bat comprittiwg many novelties which cannot fitil to strike life 'eye and please the taste, such as Ladies and Gentlemen's Cutlery, Gold and,Silyet. Peas and Pencils, Hair Tooth and Clothes 'finishes. Perfumes otAtou. Belle's rich and extenp)ve varieties. Fancy Soars, Creptu' o Card Cases, Pocket Pistols,- Pocket bdoks, bz, Btc.• • • 4lsn. .14 new supply of Carneltus's elegant LATH)"B,.kM PS, togthe'e witlitlperm and Mould. Candle's, sketa, Musical I nstrtiments,Pmbrel, _IAx. hiiirep_Tuys,.Heor er. ar t 1.. ales in the 'variety Hole, which with n constant supply of fresh FRUITS, nuts and Confectionary of the rieh'eXt.tinstlrty, make a large a'ati :splendid - ptite'g to lietennfitlettily ittiites ilAlittentiont andipaironage of leis torn and country 11;iciols, at the 010 otipisi in North flanover street, nearly up po'slfe ftie ttirl i 131(nki • S. W. HAVERSTICK. LE=IM2 • IHE'LAST ARRIVAL - m,11E,,, au bacrip ers li uye just . i.eerive(f in ((del i i, (ion to 1110 r . fot tiicr titpee k tOar*O supply at , - , Drup,.Nedicinesi DyevSfuffa, and '' -• • ' Fancy Aniolea, - • V et . pee wantingliny thing hi tiliS line ; will (In' igll to ,eall'it! we are"tietertnine4 icrnt'll" low for (lllgei'l:tuelian'etklitnette 3 ih mirrittitcui to lief Alio best iitieltiiii , tee. to *aura'slur , II A kit ' in , euseis'of italdtitoss,ivruyont he felling out, oikre. - mowing.: fkinalsoff, Scarf, Ist 44, front. the-Iteetri—v I)ipiteeihtto.le : 2,,, 3", . , .. A .,. : , 7 .,,„ ‘ ~ ~,,,,.. •,, , .., . I NV lip er„'sTeabqrry, together .with ,the Csie z ..Raue4.„ 'Oomit,,e4nntot f.N ott4l: t 4; t t t rine oti.4 )I,ooth 1 ash, t4t.:(Sslu At, the:Dreg Stetii,of o'''' ,, ' ?IX W,. 4 I . I(P,NIWG: .' ‘,.. -,.. BEG , VS' ~ ~ .- --'1 1 0 0. 4 k 77FAND-..-BNIIFF • o §,kw, . I - Y l P 'o4 l 4l # 6 tt . i 4 tiliVi,il ) ,g:cfn'!?ii.fr..tue -4 1 1 OP T „,. ; .,,,,,,,r. 0 „...„,„;,,,„,,,„v.„ R p 0 ppAikby Xr, 1 , (41 0,4 Yn„-,ii, 11' . 4 °M1 1 91Vt.iir' l l:!ktriTAttltq .44° ' ,c,t,thi,9o9AB,llt,,,lnignurs pl i ll,44siepe, '•. -with' 1 Vh4ilee ertiejes ,111• Ii fa Ilite,b4i)4l4' oik-fiefp Pas . tititlistA. , ,atid Ct.digress • eliewitig Llobni.e4; Cii.eFtl.4t . t po4 - 91404, ,t 5 00. 1 . 4 1, - t, - P,,/" tntidT',4!! .'llgltiop . ',4ll7cliAll,filti,Y- tillPl:i An fI; '9 linnPi 0 1 141. ilf S'panteh,p?pgAjle,qlttlih!Fs, 44dtpalittOr: ino:i.ffrp94.(..y,4br"l4 l '4"d ' §ectirailt4 11l 1 Ifitßitoig-iPAiics9t l4 9l 4 frit i o,at!.4 4 wid.kpit , ,',liiimilfoi:P-Pii l l,9rJAk-,001 13, 30.d,win1ik Lino„ 0;3110 , , sppiar.9,Dikico,..o,..ac.poilboi whke.Ato4Ny A(. .?4 1 )pro!),*.s'ell',,to . tilbewho Ailey:399pip,,itß4ivp,;l! ; ,9;4!:;..,:impil )4 Vett! .211144514.C0hc 1 .4 116 1 1 4.-, ,, t44-- 1 --- , '. 11 — . '" 11 .. ..,1 k :...4 . A.1i cAlsgtor.;:. , '2 )llriggi: (ime fr=,,,. 4 erg ibirrziagii use to reatorii;ttwe Hatt in eoses:oiltldueae, prover - it it dui; arid. removidg au. druftliiiihife;tee,; i fteei theheild. tleno.n Trictiton!, 0f,259 North etteqt,:, phge4c4fl6l,eAtAiolll4. fa w bat tteit of I g ;MN reps y. tiv,thripp of' hlti th ( at' ;thetel.einbte .fpw tiald heado they ijeo Opitt 3 / 4 1 1; e rpr gmloo-a-g.e-DruotoreitotD}: , ' ' o d r• 74' qY. • ; N RSV, STORE ! -: • `tli6ir street , e iiitboiiiiyulN•oootie St -,' ,lalt e tor. , o;il ffrAlarOlv. .wltich in 'addition 40, lhcii . fotinerasioelki,tinakes theitl'assortmenclarier and mioatt.uonsislate than will he tumid itt.ang. °lime atore-insheotgattayolnd to s bleb they would call ih4 attleatim. eta,' Meehanies . and all wauttag gofids. In thiir line. heir stork comprises a hill ithschtlin't . ot L0'66'811(1 latches of 'every desaitillMl. •Hinges, l St yews, Volts, Shutter Pastnings stud Winbow , Springs ;•• "' - Circular. Cross-to t nod Mill Saws; • , Hand, Pa nnel, , Ripping uud Tennunt Saws ; ..011,ittals,,Gouges.and Plain Wits; • . _ Planes ol tverV, kittll ; • • 1. . Patent trot! and Bull Braces; earnincul and Plaited Braces with Bills ; tVilner'and nitt, ; and Nail ;' Hatebtas, l lritwlug Krises ; 141101! and Nail Hammers; Piles and Hasps; .• • - Truett Halter and Cow Chains ; ' I l Names, Slatvels, spades and lines Hut - and ,N 4 Fattore borks,,Straw Knifes &c. ; Kn.v,es and Por,kit off every atyley - Pen,'Peeket lilt k Naives, Scissors and Shears Tulle and Tins F•peolts ;." " NV;titers and Tries; Ca allfstiaks ; lirass Andirons; Shovels:oat Toni, . ' .• Pane,,v mid enratfrott s ; • ' Smoothing Irons; • ; . • .• notional tut every dt.script I An deednr-wr •, Thicv have also a full and ebilipletauwit?rtiiit Sadildling and goods for nominee builders ; , Wligoli Boxes, Carriage Spas t Paints, ailsandltbe,Stuita• • • Coaliit ,ealtinCti-IJiman sand • thetk - Vstimish•--- 3 Wintldw Gists; Patty, Also just 4 201roiss of lahr Iron. ' • 'et-iva lug a full ssoi•intluit of alt kinds leitsslate and Noterieatt - Sheet !fan, Hoop Iron . • CaSt,Sitenr, Blistei. and Spri'v,g'Steel ' Anvils; Viers, Nails and Spikes • Till;Plate Zinc, Spelzer ; Pig and Bar ..Leatli 'Mao, G rass y t lies, 9. 0 flag Seytlie;:riialis,i. „ , R'Persons w taning to . 1:0 per eeta rheir pu,•rtinves, ore invited to r:01 fool e amine ,pi* 4goods,'sti we :de enabled tu'rdrer better linfien ins than Lao be lotti elsewhere. . • tvitimur k sAx - rox'. April I t, I 847. ~~:i~ai.i-j~i~ HARDWARE AND PAINTS II am= ITO UMII G 1. I THE al tet4ion of 'the'public is reimeCifully -invited to o NEIY AND SPLENDID SEOCK OF Hardtvare & 'Pain - 14 which I mom juet received from the City, and which I am determined to sell at the LOW— EST URI,CES.I I do of pretend that d import any Goods myself: but IMy them in the City all for CASII, and of course get them at the lowest rates.— Thspublic thereldro 7 -iniited to beenmu acquainted with the priceS;and then call 'on me and it I do not sell better gocids as low nod a little lower Oak the I mpo - rtereiil shall not ask then - lie buy. will ; subjoin -the prices tt few articles, viz • .One hundred 'Kep i s of Nail)] et $4, 4, per • ~) t ßeg ; (pa' iundred kegs Whitu.Lead; pet ge.g.of ldd OW. lbs. Grindstones, 1%1-'2 tot: devils and all .d.hevgbods,at eqeally low prices. • • • Flee nt tiro 011 l stand in Isr,prth Hanover Street, sign of Nl4 SaW. 10IIN P. LYRE, Carlisle, April 7,184 t LOIN PRIDEAMWtHE STORE. - 1 TO THE PEREIE! THE. subscribers having purchased the ea tire stock of Jacob Better, invite the at tension of the public to their assortment.- With all the boastirg, puffing and b_umblig. ging made by other establishments, we arc a ble tn. sell Hurd wax° as low if nut Lilian:law. er than any other Hardware Store in the coon ly. Try us and prove us, at the old and well known stand on North Hanover Street, b; - *Veen Collimates Tavern and the Hat and Gap Store of Geo. Keller. We have just re ceived a full and general assortment of Hare , ware end Building Materials, aiming whizh may be enumerated,the following a 800 pounds A niet•icatt Blister Steel•ie per lb;- 2.00 do • English do --112 i per lb; • • rnicaint Sh l ett-Steel-1:13-per 50p do S pre rg • Fxt,det r 4 eta per pound ; nerac:z. of Cornkhtr Grads tOtAtgs of Nalik and tines at $4 50 per keg, -sU,hoses of ;lead.* Gnus, 201111 Ms Ground \ VRilte Lend frofh 075 to it.! Tier keg; itittO Blithest qualit7 of Grind-stotte,•at ton lb 200 gallons of Linseed Oil, I(K) do Spirits Turpentine,. 21V Tensility and llorse Shut; Irpp.l I' Wigha full assornmeut of Building Hard,Fare sueh as Locks Lat4lits, Elpits, fling* Screws, Oas, Paints, GJass and Pul.ty, Nails end spikes, ;Sec„ too numerupa 10 •rnantion, at, the Low priced Hardware 'Sidra of. • fT ;°li \ jl s tFStE f orth fa over treetnr;ie. Nlays • Cheap Drug, Store,. R 113 . , FLEMING, • ESPEOULLY inform their friends and the3ublik_ggileittlly iihnitherhave_taken the Drug and Coeini.ial StOre;•lately owned by Mr. FrLuldin Melialrey, end formerly by Ste. vansdn & Hinkle, on tne".North West Corner of High and Pitt streets;' directly opposite Winrott's Mansion House Hotel, in ibo Born' of Carlisle, where' they; hive on hand,(inci in tend adding literate) a large :iiiiot:iinent of .• a ' 1 ledic:l2)o4 .Paints, 0115, .D . ye.Sitiirs, Petfinnes, FaricyArticie s , Glass itc.., , whienthay aro determined , to sell .ver,y r acaptoinoAati9g, intcod to business :and,line to,reeelVen,Hberal`patrfittage, 1 1 - ;. PaYSICIAWS., I'ILESCILIKeIONS "eii nom' p dud d. .i! ',.f;.Curliale,;MArdh X ,----, - P`="•" - • 44, j9lt. cco Ind r 111,,iitkgp,ritipaupply;.4. DRUGS IVA:i.:IITS4' OILS, ' Dzogi o god,f) iole:9ked tvlifi gra IWCIS rtl„ tact.))4 confid puiVl re coin in qn then lip ittifrosbcpura andlennirie, " 1 • piii*4ll . olool6;%Pytheiliitiops,' ''" carefully, oo,irmpu,o , cO, oqd afttoto at, n5l, ed. ff; viA ri tl!:q9a#a, P4'444; *pi r"iiiiit l f pg,porps. g S• .); it1aT01i.104.1647 ) :1 , • . , LPMIIOIeB lib e Inky T 111b0 „, ()PI 10, lilre d wittiouVoq propittiwoo.,.opp,',44 tokis, loPutatio_nAbilYAClritithiofprioci , tonottO; now . in ue'rP , NosSigilgiftord of, Altir 12 t 111470 ,-,,1 4' & flMr• , B,'FfilS 4 1 I NG:- ' it ! t; W3l C'tke rO' . f'-'114,' , c4uftg 1 i v ,:e914,4.4c0,; 1 11 , 3 1 et NV , li-ViirNinc49Paosita-thozfvot,lioust--'- TI.HE London - I ndiatt - Riibbol Coik - l'lditei : ...'t olirdinotr nig.' 'to voili 'off; tor gide ' l, 3';'•l' &WY 0 'I O E.E3I ENG, "Oooohltif tpo Dopbt' house' - Elegant 'Fruits. ~,„, ,- . t r, F , ST - r,,eclogifilt .1x - froth ,osliiiircltt'ohoityo tliite "Orato,,tiutuns, l Flffes Am • Soi fur wile ' b'Sq'. ' ' ... ''''fi..lAv jakVeirOkw i' t tt. t'.t. , t , tt A i1 ., 0);` ,l O ...,,,, 1 :'lXintilli'Canilbrlibliatiaker,Cidebil'Ob TwEN T r.D6o,l4'dleitiiigili f ileiamiloil ,tinen-Canditio, IpuidketAtgo lt at,l4oloot 1 ). 04 /MY tee l ii,..iaihr.O''" ‘ t# ll6l l 4 ,,"r it n i i if/714 0 7N• I Blliqi ' , PI;4 ':B ali; el*. .: 4 -, , ~ t r 4,,41, ", , 5 - t, „' - , ~ , i, ' , • , ~ ~ ~,.., , i .., , , , AUISCEILOTICUIIS .- - , 14 ; CLOA I . IIIIVG - gCO R rinfLE. eii7j,secibq reepactfully again Informs . _ ho still attends to tlCoUring clothing as usual,at:hi d • rotlidetieri Bedford ti er" s tree t ti; le , th %leo ; veaiden co of Ml. John, Proctor, deli'dw.) {faxing given getieral satignotionlierefolOtilit4l4ll those i who have patronized 'him; ho " 6 i/90,0-merit!. con.• ttnuance of publap ptrirunake: Plitinitlentets end laoiea eio n need glitieb; 'Paint, oil or any•othar filth 4r lohatenee, in a neat anti 'skilful nwirner . ripi.uxecutin , Whtehlo . article, drug : or any oilier injoilpifte'd 'Siitance is used het "scouri ng loop!' pur pose. and-no other. This liturilAiirtound.by: those who have purchaiiad most sttfii anct•certain,eFuele lig sold any where. or ever e 0114.4" Fibre ably i 2 tts. rife, cake, with iitetructioni' ibi use. Geatterzien ancl.ladiee,ae usual, will ,bp'iiviited Open at their residence to receive any of lug t u be Semi iatil "Prices no lieretutorejbefin g !ea. ihhli "chtrieed'lly ittiloth67ll6fiTeit;"' Y MILES, Carliali, June 12,::11341,...'. "Nove.ov,„etity#t .Spiro • -STRAW CUTTER: he only Straw Cutlce'whidt.hadvires that are -adjusted on the N examination cif these justly ceithrated _fr - I'Clutters is alone deetnirid iiiiffitiient to ree ninniend them to public favor•.. During the limit year they have drawn ilia , first premium from the New Ynrk Stale Agricaltura. Fait, from the Mechanics' Fair at Huston, front-the M tissaehnaetits Stute'Vtit tie FINt lieWeicester, .atin-at,every-Fiiir-whbre •thopiniVeltthibited. These Machines combine every impratemant necessary U, make them excel ill machines for - cuttin g flay;Siraw 4 or. .Corhinalks. The knives tieing supi inteti by wings,triat on 'the cylender rendc sufficiently strutig, to tint the largest kind NI corn stalks with' ease ann great dispaidli-.-46 'as the knixeliiiriftlfegniated by set screws, it gi es them n great advantage over all o'ber eyir cr.sutters, " For sale at the Cheap Hardsleare Store of IVRIMIT & SAXTON, who have purchased the right for Clumbailmid county. May 2n, 18.17.---3 t. . -- atto . c.t.Arm it to thehat llanceN entopotitid . B% rep of leal;rltUtind is, without exceptiah or'exattieration, eft trioat safe Had-spec. Iy cure for all, (;ceases ari.:hig_ from Caught and todortunatelY neglreietl, too often end in CbOompt ion If Hartie's Compound Syr up of Jloarlionipl is taken ea the iirat appeterance of a Cough it. vill.immediatelv cure it and Bare, the stifrei:er froth art untitnely . irtrre. Price Su cents. For sale liuSetlrS , Rartre,,lob Baltimore st. Foal 'corner Olt:buries and Pratt its. Baltimore - Frir saki!) Cueli ate, by k W - B`PLEMING, at their Lheap•Drug store opposite the Railroad Depot. .(Jute '2,1847, 6 /08 .4.17/ BIRIT/D S - vvM, W EBB,takett this method of refurn log his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and the public general!) , for the very liberal encuurat-eincnt they have begn pleased to bestow upim hitn, and'weuld respectfully. inform them that he has just Veturned from the airy with afiarge and very St perlor lot of.IIIE TA LLIC WIGS, Three ous.rter Ladle' plain rri2ettes, or froni t Braids; Also a small , assortment of tadiee' 'urls, a Bolen. - did arsie.lr, lain ane improVed Style on cambs,IMUSHES, Sze. • ". fie hus also, received a inlertijohd r oUperlor Int'of tiffid Cli)tiiesllrushes; and b ho Pit:Corn ulpgs sin g a n d - poOlcet du-•-rastielbs tliat , ennoOt fail to.recum• mend tipmselvs by their, superior finish. Leine!' find othelur wishing to purchase any thing irrllic atove lino, will find it to their ad vantage by calling and 'examining my stock, as I feel confident that the articles, and priCis attached to them; will ensure generallatisfae _Lica._ - Carlisle, June 9,18.17. Still Late•. D. ff. ARNOLD has just received a large assortment of Stow and desirable summer goods, to which he would respectflilly call the attention of his. culthinersondlpuiclimsra gen erally—as Ile can offer greater indudements than ever, Carlisle, June 9, 1897. PLVNDID HATS AND CAPS. "The submiber.desirous to inform his friendlt and the public that he has removed his Het and - Gap - Sineer - to - 'the . •rantn next door to Irvin's Store and o'priusite'Bectetti's Hotel, oil Mein Street, lettere lie has just opened u.largtf, hand some and fashionable assortment oft, ! . HATS andAP,il3l.• made of the best materials and tin the hest style and at the lowest prices for tfAser. Ills 'assortment is complete and comprises every I bind of hat from the 'derma and cheapest to the most fashionable and elegant. Also, a very large variety of men's and boy's Cape, ihclud• mg the new style of Rpugh arid Ready Caps, which Cannot, fail to,please. °moment.— Call and get your QeW Inas pf the latest style, gentlemen P. B. LECHLER.. Carlisle, May 19;1847. dig . orre ore . t T HE slant/16'er resTp etfkily announces T HE hire friends and the ptiblic' generally, tha to t has talon the well known Tavern Stand On - ties - wetter - of - Soutts Hanover and Pomfret Sts., 'formerly kept by` Mr. Andrew - Roberti, where , he will endeavor to.servei those: lib° may call' loon him in the most satisfactory manner.— The house 'is pleafmntly 'situated, and is fur nished thrciughont with good beddlni,tind oth=- er turniturquinl 4 thertecniniii6Birtfrilifflue suck as, will agate i ' '4liiontaniasti and - desirable 0404 piece. Na eictrnia , ni taill he spired to melte it. evertilie iq , all its department, tra th'iissynqiii,ejay'fsVd"riiin? 44110 , ' ' 'BOARDEIIS 'WWI tip byqke week, hioritli rir`yciai; 'it the , beim!' • :,`) NAM UEL MORRET. 4pri1f.14,4847.i., ii, , 4;241./ Sogeteil. • I'RN RARfI.FI S oC.l.Averinglr finest twat ity of dttublu.rn6und;,pruehed; flxq;•epu~hed and p u vgrized ,Lant: u,4l,A.Alsoji A tot or W hlte , fli*uleyiffvt):: thoytit'lypirt, just TT. ceAvekilkd loitialu ItilvAl;hg - GrOperi:ttort * " 2 " • "'r Look ;to., w - own Interests!. t the neat 4Wtbitt WdarVit • rsell—eheap IttiarieldentiiniiiVidelidtheiiiti Ging hem LawitS, handiome styles, which miff the kreetest hariaind ni may.,ig4,;B47„tr, GI'CAFACIN zd Axe , , , iliztt.s q , • lik4 .4 N'tt i verto.V *Owes of Ca II goes, c.iegs„ e e Q, Cinghams • 'lllaidtle'el t addl7nblel6 - Add /ttelliiii; j.htnew___ Ny. buttsrumk , f andableoli eadei` AympLfituitiattitienti of' Outdid - and Thai', • runio' v g. l k i, .iki s i te t i li)lirlV e !Pt'74l Titeeti` fir ale lases, Ins taeatitid -G dirketwtrujo o f. , . 4---httiy-26:4846. 'ffi lealil 4 1 400:4 ; 1 A.c ''' r i:t "MIL , 1 14.1111- - ..., k- • 1 , : c 1 6 d oi ri 71 tuskyi4e.ivo,v, q 41011;11 rtg.T.7, „ j „. a his onwto,r4reL „( ki thileid,hi. Jeulywkiip9o l ,, pAR, 4 Y . g,k, , i ri, ,t. , R9E;.,,,A!,. , 1vi7r,,,,&, ° Oa div '*iiillitel.VlCiii.C.altV'ts,lll7"‘44.,T,s,- ARNOLD. — .-r." , .. i. k iag I f V'l l ' AWS , Vr A tl i itl f itt. , lq, ll3, S!`4 ' ' : ; ' *4644 4 4.:einoirint win . do44 '-. . at - lli 18 tesiis tt new and 41clui , -•(.,-, kBlllithukkui' . 03 . P 'i o p Vir to' :: ' Idoisigf i cOtrecciUdtliald &KO., ze_ 4.11,—. L- t o t,,1„ , 45i5e , 14.} 1 ( a, , S.M. .A N , 44,Tick, . „.. , v , 'f'.qvlie fkiltriln‘ . 1 , ~. I '. .., ,`,-,-. - „ 7 ,1„ - ', 7, ',z.'vt ~,' I.;k:t. ~ . .=4,1?,-Ff - - : , .P,.t1!, , :0,. 4 ~ ..., ~., ~• , . • ,•••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers