M=!M= MST_ Viiittaitisitoctrti l , ‘ , 4 • Later tram -Op t il itiorMexichl The New Orleans PieArterri'dd Derfael the'26th . ult. contain siiimOriglaikl. intelligence from Alecieo, orirkiicll4e•give the following details. Titegreat feature, and one that-strikes us as having in itselta formi dable influence in tie new aspect of affairs, is'(lte'a'ddress - efthe , Ciergy'of Luis-I'o loci to their own. people and the natiori gene rally. This Address vigorously written, unA - of - adritiebto appeal to every characteris tic of ,Alexican native. The following ex.. trriarWill &Mtn to the reader the toneef (hie remarkable addiess. • Let us fly, then, all of us, to rhe tomtiat— placing ourselves under the direction of our ituthorities--tet us fully and sincerely place, in their bandit, our fortunes and our persons us enlist %with promptitude Arid with irliatever arms we may be able to obtain -let us throw_ aside the senselessilestre of liv ing longer--let us encourage solely'an hiss lliable•desire to die fot , our religion ! our cou p= ant'. Te'hrfl - fr of on. families—make ffeetive thal _compassion ; hitherto sterile. ....Which. you should r.huw for your tender chi!: 'then. • • - Let us die lieftire• We KC on rsel yrs xlegrad ril toSlaves, in a storage land, deserted ; or fellowed, perhaps, by seine ancieur father, some son, or a wifii _whose lineaments are - 7 - already - changed , eyeey-wliiie-ahner.ed y ou preetraio by the weight of indigence sending forth crieg, anti lament:Mr:m.o with: • oat finding, a single beim , to extend to us a hand nrpity Polosiansl ' for the .slave there is no consolation ; his respdin and his glory sire eclipsed forever. These are the sole means of srlvatior. Let ne' all unite, Let us forget our donreidc iclisagreemeuts; and authorities, army, peo ple and priesthood, all—all form a compact mass, and resign ourselves to death rather than-turn our backs to the ,enemy or survive • our misfmtunes and disgrace.—Let us swear ' to God to die for Ills religion, and to the country for its independence. Let us swear to the tender child, the delicate maiden, and decrepid age, that our blood shall run in tor renis-;-that we shall have sunk into the grave before these proud Vandals shall place a hued upun them ! Potosimis ! these lire the words of your Clergy, and we shall not fail In inctikNite. in the villages and towns, arid from the pulpits of the capital, these , - grand sentiments. In the-teligion-uhicii,your-fathers , have left you, the countiy which I leaven has - awarded you, the honor at your danghteis and wives, the lives of your lender bikinis, and'your whole !blurts fate. II you wish it, - You may enjoy them all. It dependson a • heroic sacrifice: Make it ! ' Two Mies are left open to you: To he vile slaves, or independent Catholics. (Moose. - lithe former, bend the•lsnee to the invader; - if the hitter, prepate for the combat ! Comprehend it , --these- rue the lust mo: • ments. II by indolence you incur an unhap py liffif, your religion must towurine hardy soil , dkgrace and igruniny.„will lull upen you To your Priesthood will remain = the.satisfaction of having exposed viral the danger, and indicated the means most &lee- .tuarand best adapted to our circumstances. in relation to Santa Anna and his reputed cowardice, there appears to be a very large end powerful pottion of the Repuhlic still in clined to belieVe in, and support him at all hazards, and these friends have influence too. The war spirit was - itretenAng - daily, and new Measures constantly abpted for Carry ing on the war with vigor A suliscripnon had been taken up in the.ci,y to defray the expenses of fortifying it against the approach ing army of the enemy. Thousands had eubscribed in sums hom 14¢ cents to 51000. A letter from Durango says that Col. third phan had countermarched ter Chihuahua, col account of information reaching him that an insurrection had broken out in New Mexico, and that an indiScriininate Blau; iter of the Americans had already commenced. The • report therefore of Don iphan's defeat by Al ex icans must be incorrect. A decree has been i , sued against the li berty of the prows by the Alexican govern- In en t. LATER FROM VERA CRUZ Capture of Puebla by General IVortle—Skir mish with the enemy—Gencral Valencia al the Bead of 1-1,000 Men. The steamship Palmetto from Vera Crnz arrived tit New Orleans, bringing dates to the 224 ult. • " General Worth entered Puebla on the af ' ternoon of the 15th, rifler a short skirmish with a party of lancers sent out to oppose his advance. Four Mexicans were killed, . but - no Arriert - danii.: . - —.4 14 0 IR Munn Ira* in IhR riLy-ar • • - . haat once -left nr.d pushed on towards the Capital. , It 'is' reported that Gen. Valencia ll'as betweenPurihla - kiii:the Capital; at the 'head 'of 'ilihrteen•thousand. men, to. resist our -Itiiiher *lvan Fe ; . . . - . The' reigult of the Presidential electliiii was ' •• hot known: 'Banta Anna, Eliiiaga and lier= , , :rdia Were Candidates among callers. ' Stinta - Anna is said to have had rodslilefa' ble force with him when he passed through '' - • Pueblirtvfiieli - is - variously estimated at 'from fifteen hundred to ten thousand. !"' Capt• Mayo, of the hricy, Governor 'of Al. varatio, - 'starter on the 13th for TatisCoya; ' which town se rendered to Mtn without rc. •,',.; eititimee. ":,'' On'his, return his force was tired hpon, and ""Fussed MiilahipMan ,Pringle Auld, Ave, sea., ,men WIN, bildlY •wmlndea , , • , . "• Pi.lterfciii haS7been ftlVointed Presideht, l' ‘6l tfi t e Board of Health of Vera Cruz, , ''. ''"'A.'. pcirti,of''giterilliis, fifieep'iti . numbeT, ' ' l ' Ve're , eurpriserl, ~ana, „tat*, otose to Vera - Ciiii,.. . ' .., .. : „ '' Captain Misop, of th e Rifles, riled, on . the , 'lrislnil'ilireitifi4thalltoi,,*eXinSittt . iitilF ' „ t lt a Wagon tr,aini. .; • . .', , . , „ ' L Tliii'Fiira Picavune;,putilished on the rit'.. t ''''ieirrion,cif, the 27iti,' contains , the co vesper]. tlefice"Of ;11r... Ketirtittl j le,the afternoon , „oi' , tile 'i'cl'it i '''Ail,vraii. firincihil:at'l',4pPitt• f - .:TP 6 , pea '' tF ' 6l :ail r riiatfd :iialisfieif, noder the , cpatrol 'or `''' . teen. - .Vfix. ii.' :It' wits rePPife.d lhal , :,§an!a. .. I ; ll4 ,Xitlia,ii. 0044 ; 0 , gin liailii,i; 2 B' , lniir4s„ :;;;.‘OriOlifl la;lbuL AtPlita, l Mlil . gqq9calli, 4°P!' , , iitco.o4 6 ll!.S :.;hAP,*al,r,i,;,forco,9!'„,4,2,oo r oeib, 1 ia'fAv t t i t-V t ;if ,fic i i.•#44r.e;hflAci PrOTrk.lll•l4s - ir i ettgagernett ,siyiiis ,nl4ur” y, orppg I :e‘PPRIL'Aic,)4 O :Is'A; ' o . l!o.ol4 , o:l?fi,,tfllions of ( I 1;. 1 A0;*0110 , 0 8 1r41• , NYMP.krOSO, bg*thfr - I ii ‘ ; I. ql4slo ` 44 oo l .lged ' ti!LPI '1 Atlf9lairlliti ''Pro,:e., , i: r k t , Mt•f4; . anotliO'; ' higci...,i 004 2 , 4 0? Al 9.r.R4 Pyi , 4 :l',,VailY,l9, l ?Cd„rl, l o) ; !. .1..1 , ' ''zi '''' , ,'o: , '' V4'. l. :' ' i 11,2 • ~ ll,tirrie,irinOos?a tftpt"lloA, *0'440 in' ,- ' O6Ol oPitr,likXoniO* 4 ll4,guttilt:,:,,-, i'7 i: T rii4l, : ly#: MO !It : 4,a)tailiPt4 l l9R, 1 6 ,1/ i i --- Ljf 36 l 7 o,khe 01, 1 t*, NY ik ‘ k)c:9ol.allt; 4 l.}: :'''.'' ' The tram that ettirtesk 'Yropr,,,v,ptilt cht; t PR - ' (lee the escort, of , capt t Valker's Rifles, had,' ...., t ii,Ved,lit pa1e1y..,,, j.. , ,, , , • t: • 1 'h I .ij..,;/,l.:;''. ,:,, ', 4 ,',." oreistileida 1141'11'0 op attactrokytouns ti. .y 4 ; ~,. - y ap , . l ,e99TeS,FlO; L. , N • t'"..'' ' ' 0 , '''' "10 :I''' .P2'4.l''' ; 16 thit to4P l itlY. , !iii .Me.ggerillto: near e..E. i :,,i . ; _ i ; ''d rte ttt ;thettetparatulefa„ryrec killed C'' l' ' - A 4 . 40;1 11 14 i 1,4 44 3 -ta k t IPFJ P 9.7 7. 4A, i t ,!.1. . .. - 1 , 0,61-ficopts.ol9B. ~,P1.,0 . 8,., ..O,J . taiiiii itlittiretl i itit' the saute time. tp . . _ P. toc,, 0. kift*., 5.910:1!P;IPal.?7,11 $ t r , , i t r ift 41,, .01 .firtllt4, ~ ..,00gtiorl!p„ , , ; . op-citt, .t' Ger °Wel, ) ;Jiii#':cintiiit : ;retifrOffWot),.l4,extoti ~/3 " , q .,he '2.;,#cqu e 4rii*tsfx.itt:lslititkilai',wll4lol4iiliAlli,r, a 2, c' .- .-.- 1 po armed' rineli;-Nktripped of her oargoDin v burned. ...i, l . #. i \ IYl4j...DimWrldll4ll,.arrb*rd at 14:44,C,..ru5il kO,Niiirk,tici)brOgliOlif tirefgogi tilid4 64i'infuntry. o r k, .. f.,(1 i .;Cpr. Sowers hid4rrivett ao; t er4,C.lrui o n! tlth2qd tallNtr**teltes froiiiett:Nootf - , 'e i irii.'7learteve tifitertititipd 4thiii.6en.W.ortl6' rt6spatehes ifiud been cut off, rant tione l hail . been tc;ceived either at Vera •erdz otn.,JLalupu. The New (Means papers ,have arrived of the tttith of May, and 'contain later and high- . -Isi-important-intelligettee-from,tlie*S - ontherO , division of the at my. There a2pears to be no abatement of the u war feeling," and ap peals ate Mill made to the people to - their &Roping - Spirits,— The report tha} Gen. %Vocal had enteted Pebla 'con fi rmed... %.Islo opposition wja mode to Worth's entrance into the sec ond city of lexit:6i Satita - Ahlia.,iti spite:of his threats and boastings, instead of opposing Gen. WoctlNtlivisio piecipitako ta treat begirt the advance of Otw vTetorions ar my. ilerNta was elected .Prcskletit on the. 15th of May, at the convocation of Congress at the carnal; This look s,ait if Santa Anna .was not as NNW' rill' la; esatititt3 lll.o6 recent accounts trout Mexico would have is, b It is not stated what vote Santa An ita received lor-the Presidency, n1111°112,11 it is well.rhnown that he:was a ca ktid a t e.) an d lhat his friends. Wen) zealous in — Mlyorating his 'claims. A train ening forward with sup plies for Gen. E. , cott's army has been cut oft and caphfred hythdeherity. Our despatches does not say which Olin it was, or what wos Its value. ThiS must he expected, uniff're ht fercerlitnit6illyi nt: Vau t: . ; eti itisntiieimir force to protect the provl:ions. monition:, &c.,' that may frofn time to time lie forwarded to the army, The departure of volunteers from Vera Cllla exCedds the arrivals almost as'four to one. The vomite - bas not yet made its appearthice . at Vera,Criz as au epidemic, al though the weather is insufferably warm. The health' of the hoops at head quarters is genet ally good. The wounded at Jalapa are doing well. From the Public . I.Ooer of l'et9 . 3.rdny Later from Vera ,Cruz. Captrn•r, if Mexican 'lncens—Supposeel rkfion of Herrera-I'l4mph of the Peace Pnoiy— Naftla Anna entering the (Inpital as Presi. dent —The Fornito at ! Vera brar..-- , Gtif fly. tar Preparing id Advance—Desperate Battle Expected. • • fide steamer James L. Day arrived . -at N. Orleans with dates - Imm Vera Cruz to the 2.5 th of May. There is nothing later from Ge:netal Scott's army, nmtlore , Perry. itail-Copto red a - tost little towifs-on the Coast. lie was about to attack ToOasco, wherfte enemy was 2.000 siren z. Dates have beer me eived from the city of Mexico to the 19th a May. :j4mor Ilen era Was supposed to be elected President of the licpuhlro as the petite can elidate. :Santa Anna has left the command of The army of the Cast to assume the duties of Pres ident'at the capital: lle was to was to make his entree on the 19th. lti rilettel• ptiVglijal in tiTh Mexican' pa pers he states that he ha I been hOistrionsly engaged in the organiziniun dl Guerilla par ties to harrass the enemy. He had also is sued a manileste to the nation 3 bet no copy of it had been. received id this country. It was to have been published on the 20th: An account of Saran A tine's operations in the east was published on the 15M., in which he boasts largely bf what he bad duce, but does not say metier the !Mere.. • The Government was thinking .ef some messures.tn release the American prisoners .at_the 'EI Republicann was again trying to excite the tears of the people, by mposing the de signs of the monarchical party., It says ~sec lot agehts are at work to change the farm of government." The citizens of the capital seem to be rate less us to the fortification of the Capital,- The papers wete appealing' to them to lure out and provide defences fin. its protection. The (lei - minim 01 Gen. Valencia from the capital at the head of five thonAnnd of the National :nerd, to tmi'e his terse with Santa Anna's troops, wits daily expected, but had not taken place at the last amounts. Senores ( itneerrez and Iriarte have resign ed the•port-folios of war and justice. The lortner in succeeded by Gen. Alcosta, the lat ter by . Luis de fa Reese. Senor Deland° remains as Minister of For eign Affairs, Our Pacific squadron, says the Pirayune,is busy on the Western ports of Mexico. On the 21 , ttli of Aril. a squadron of six or eight vessels was eV, Mazatlan, from which a thousand men were to disembark to take the town. Letters rim Mazatlan say that they were milling, every. pieparation (or defence. But if the descent is made in as great a tome as is represented, they can make no resistance of much account. Other accounts say that the pert - of San - • .- -- .. as menaced b' our squadromand that it was the urpose of the Americana to lantiandiake- e town. Tlitiomit nas made its appearariee in Areraeruzi b tas ‘Yet but in few cases. ~ , V erti.Citi. .has'alreatly nearly recovered" ,from +the et els! of , the'-seile. 'Tlie .) -- ienple i are return; ~,!-glUtt t'loitolishecl 'Muses are .being relmilythe strgets cleaned; shops o= paned, and. ciliate afitivity of .a setipbri dis played. : , ./ .. • . •• • , ••,!', -.. • 7'7'; MM LATER FROlfi,.(4 EN ERA LTA TisOß • • Ad Vices hai•deneen• reeei ved' finrifth -Bra zos to the 28th init. •A "utter; rinbli4teil in the Delta, from Monterey dated May •15th;' states that Gen. Taylor waa fictively ,prepar: ing,lor a mote, and . worth! probably Start for San' Luis abouf the first of wbere• nlt other grand' battle wste expected, Whin %yr:add iiierhably be the 'firierstruggle: of the - A. - deplorable duel occurred at Chira oii May 21st,' between twialrii•giiiialtaataatints anemathetl Mnbnui They foughlWithintia- , iceta loaded with backtihoti aaditiOth tkrtc 411 9P1/9!. °",,lclg Pal agraPn• /ron 11113 ,Alexandriacl Gn4atta; is , approptiate and 'point, it : I continn : 6o . o ,. bp' , believed" itiany; that thine Vit'sin ti fideritiniiiin g of tioF9e sort or -ethet,lhetwerin'Mt 'Pelif,ahil 'hie' mend Santa'Attila' ithaf the ' lattei'Wee e ,tio,' pita!, Ite a peace; it'd° ne'titirie et'eti" itOrhe centingtnioy, not underettiatt, -pi' eaplitinee - rnefigricts.ot debates he WO' iiiih - arithjfield lilieolideqacint loss, of 'OW er and , infl (lento, hied' Apt:teed, ,iiiini'of th e f theithe'n ilultilling' his tigreeinetiti Where M r _Polk le twfind another iieftiitilkhli' *heel •to'malce ii. like Bargain ( late ‘, j)eazling' •questioti.lt We 'hepe the '.'aiil tnniistratiee will' 'II6C - O6tieltioldel 'GO t'Taylor metsiviiiif failed 0,40)4 SiintalAhtiattliel'oripertenity''alip;ght. re . at' irnatiatirTste;eadreharge.6o - eitihiec!)b , aliitikti i mitifdriltig td` be OhipPecf; Ilid'itiiPtott' l eibilr ~ of a contineeriee' Of the ait.P) hi the: hi&afal a; it'Vrbelill,tie gratilling . tot.the publio ieurlositYt tairttOW.- t lithat haiNtothe qihe' ; 'lltrer ininiewom= l :376,l7 !v ti i .4 , ,,i , \ p , 1,1 ~.,,,,,- 4 4, 'tli. 1 ..!'a I' . ' . ,'"'.‘ ~,';'( 1 ,t; 1.0 1 iiiegyocirre sit'Atia*iiiiiiiitatit/nriiiiiteratta)nt' 11 diiiiii, tifO?otii,lif iiip 14)Piliiiii:iiiiii i th# ' iii 'yl“rn i zir . ik.o iiiiicCplAti l, haitin( W .A., .1" 4 " ,, , , ' 4 ' 4 • ..o , 4 .: 4 ..4 , 74- ' .n(4610001] 'g lepartmenteginkthq'R,Jr9tlo9 . At't. pOltierrj , in' wleoh l 24,ols.l)oesetetityP9 . lllitlik Cviiiliiiii*tali'd btiiiii:l4oiii i rb4ol ,, !4 t il "to;t; a i ,perptlf!';,lfiltek'cii , 'id 4 I-, hi )trneiwinc,`it.fteati!iiiar,bdibte2":,4left h ' , liociqititeioo4o4icy,*,r9iiiiliiitot) :,#li.,ltt - 0,,( China. :;.. : '' '- `'", ':: - '" '''''' "'',. ; ' l .i::' , ''/t : i'3it. ',..:: , -, '..N''' i' , t , •.1 sll/113/SttpLuzilawir f .r R 4 721 Kt: ) .At, l ' • ' TI l i tt l) r ". CARLISI4 PA. 'EDNESDAY, :IUNF, 9, 18,.*. Otio'T)otlar arrd'r tty.ceats ildvairee-L-One Zrollat and " SOVentyiFiva -Cents-if paid -vrilhit °rat -the end '''of-sixf months—Two Dollars if paid at tlteiciat oti .the year.. The.ilerattlis,now-the . cheap• est paper in the eeenty'l , • .„. Their - Me Teing and Tari# .. _Candidates „ror Governor, GEN: - JAMES IRVIN OF CEATRE 'C'bUICTY. - 'or, eaciar Commissioner.. JOS.'W. PATTON 'OF CIT111130.1;41,1) . COt NTY. --woonriiterot-- -, A. - 1475:61"eCtroT g9 rk Oak and pickery,Vecia Nebo taken at this office in payment . t4 sitlartitnitT. 06—Presidont Polk hu.atetbrited "to MlA ingtoc: lie received mauy enthusiastic de monstrations- of ropuct On _lda route.. Otr-Itir. 'WebsMr reached Nev York on Tuesday last, on his return from the 'Sonar, much improved in health. 0:',7 - Johir Quincy - Adams left Wa4bington last week on his return to his 'residence in assachu -ells. - cil•The election of Flerara to the Prestb.ney -of Mexico, if it proves to bee.orreet; is, re • gutted as favorable to Peace. The city papers have been so Chen hoaxed by accounts from anoymous letter writers of zleetr - fiehtFjfitc:,ptirporthng in - have taken place in 'Carlisle, tiiht the account el thoriot of Wednesday last, `Width we fern-. ishcd in a slip, was received by them With utter incredulity. %Vitae they rapublished the account they - cautioned their.readers ar.t= • ainst believing it! Meantime the most ex aggerated and terrible verbal descriptions of the affair have gone forth, of which the liar. risbuig Intelhgencer of I4itlay last; gives the - following an - Thc - 7 - Erst --- Ntrsion of the—story which reached that borough : • "We have verbal accounts to-day in tnwn cf a 'jot in -Carlisle last night about some slaves. According to tho report, several slaves _weft) arrested,.- The negroes arose to, release theni, alien n mob was raiked and a tow excited, hnd in The 'melee 'a boy was shot dean, and one man was killed by !Jay n, his brains' dashetront:by a thick-W.- - This is - the putport of the story as We have it here!' • C* - We - have bemurequestod -- ra — pnblislr for the public information, the law respect ing hrgitive slaves, which wits enacted by the last Legislature. A copy of it was however received too late for this week's paper. This law is extremely - stringent in its provisions, and shutp out the slawholder horn almost every chance of recovering his locilindlive Property, At the time the late riot occurred m our borouglythe official copies of the _pamphlet laws of the state had not been re ceived here, end so little publicity has been given to this law by the presi, that we be lieve boththe Court and the members of the Bar were unacquainted with its provisions . We have heard the eeekitutionality of the law doubted, but whilti it remains in force it is important that the should be ac quainted with its chtiraelerc €`r-The ledger, tvhich exhibited such ex. treme caution in copying the unvarnished lint correct statement of the riot given in our . slip,, nevertheless giviss itv yesterd ay'S paper, without any ,eXpeession el doubt, tvhtit tis, to say the jeast, aYetlier fanciful and eiagitire: ted description of: the ellair,maileitip from . letters. It is due to Prof. bleCiintee'k - xv . :,: , .name is prominceLin .014110_ of, yesterday, that. his .case should- not be harshly prejlidged..: TIM! ptiblid:Afould tiO:t tWyriselyrniq . .geee'yously towards ,apart Troia 1,10 unfortunate affair tve ali know him to:be a gentleman . and 4 scholar,) as we . tire.inlOrmedilituScuithertuintilcids_hity_e.res;, pi* to do--and that is to tialtiiiitiently un-, liOhe.factii :1 . 1#6 : . e:ilitoUght t ent ,by. legal inv.estigation..t. ~;r; . •I ,` o:s"'The'Volunteee pets Ibitti a ticket with Seale Aaria'S 'jet ... 6 on' fay the' preti4;llWy;pr The yolaiiieef ,ticket we ,eup posehecauseSanta Arkystise'pa'rticulsr Iriegiiil of Jetes'Ll'olk;Eltlcl Santit "Alta ' ' havelieioa:#!9; ' o inlon, of the V 14 . 01te, r oryl!emoorutk‘in, felaiion rto the Washin'siorFUnionls , p6iOnititin' plunder , yft 'lll,fer:yi!ii;hprqriott;:' iii :Rflt; i ?lt'0 1 #1"/ yp um e a ntO' • fii;; IeP,Co 1611.14.0Meni?;,,,W 11 , •-,; '11: r I The.::tf,elgiPi.aluti i ,.sll;cilil lie ßi i9 ig.lia. v, alrissl. ad a serieri;ot:resolations„approving of the gen oral ! foatures,of •14r,,WIlitryryisrplan fcir:r ,r,.!!lpplit9i,t9gt.cl4l's9llAciuric:d,t l ! ll , ltepresentatives and their Senators in Can. Inissistolliti.the' plan' - their prAtplit tifientiaif , R •y i r i l t s6 ;. (cir ty. , , , 07 r.l ‘ I tA, :'! , l '., ...I`l ,: f r ‘.4 1 . ,' 7 CA `'), A - C , l,lbivA c5,704/4TheiNV.ashiligtcin Ilnirin,strysiliatutlie 'oo,lo'd .l , l oiia,i l pXasee,k;lP. , P/ ( ?'"-§i*".',.t; itli!'*-4044:lk.Ap.'"jiiii;j5,0A.il(440-A that inaitialtloridc,requit.,r,liOniinsliattitto einep'. ter viterfr lAir Poliirefereiiiirui!'ati corns Biel to OW iiii.aiP]riffli'!.kiiiirkti iiOifOkiWtOiii! ,, ')t 1 . ; ,,.. 1. ,,,,t,. , , ,,, L'A++ , li •(fl :i.,4 'A'' .. , ..," 4 l'A'44llo- l Ai iiieltliir•S.‘ ll44 eiritiiitiViiiiiiithi ,„ • ~j . ...,, ~,), il ~i 1 1 4,11 , ; ,,0. ~ on , rceentlY i kilit.:Pl4POßfir'irCiT•r,ick , u9iNtasti): 'j e r . * E'lliri.Y. - K -6 1#4•, 44 ,:c40. e 1q,' rii fifdeiiiriliii: 'aiisirititiiiiiirsirfethlceitntstinSiritirnm:y4 4 ;4 4 '4,4 , bi, : :0 4 4f1i, •40,,: ' , 11 r :riltifirpsliitinliii40' . 04 , 14,*(1n#44' ' !t i k t k-04 ol o i e :.) )( } i, . ' lo cxe,t4i4gi : , i , erI.DIOP , . 'o l. e.ZlPAlP f olkiiO4 - !...tigiefiyii W*4:070' , 0,00:* 1 4 1- z##l44o#'hlA.)irri,l 4 #' . 1 0 P ll oY l oiti r l'ON'* i W i ht,Wt.9o ' t , cl i l '' ' '1),10i,g5:0/,',*4iV0:47;'.4,1;5A1c`,-,,Vfi,,,A3 ,;, :?..':iif4.:.;:,;.:%iii:aitalf , ', 4,:q,lL'aikeialla44' MIME . 'Gem . Thylprs *PoTiles, .1.1142 tecent Jetty- of, General Taylorto a' genllemenlleitilifflitOettles the question as to Iffs:#illitign*Sit4o,Ae;.a candidate for Ilrepeeidenei ilßeilltis-polt nice Tl whitis' : tite.stitliffed , istvot rig,ht stainp." n IY,bik. „ `.• ,vct'OjetWe 'tf ; lobottiaii "seurew which is rather more conclusive than General Canner : Cithstetiißeate - , - - - Thatierreratic , Advecatei , (a paper of alto locofocetir; der of democracy) published it Baton Rouge, the place of Gem, TtiyloPts.reeidenco-gives the- lollowipg coital of his 'opinions • . • cointempowities'are disputing about Gen er altqayter's politics.. There need, be rto difficulty on this pond: TaYliir gave his last vote for Gen. .Jackson— . -iie would . lialfe voted hr Henry Clay, at he lute election ; because he personally esteemed and- admir -edliim—asivstatesman-Faml-lverause- ho was opposed to the annexation of Texas, on eon stitutionaLgrounds. ,says bele- Inrigs.to no party, but is called Whig. Gen. Taylot thought 'dud the War leithWerito could 'Anil oar it hates ',unattended. We:M.6 satisti ea that rt is annoying to the . eld General to hearial his tiothitiation lor the rresidency.—. But,. of One thing we eau assure our creme . cratte,friends,..Cern democrat i ,aral I era Will.say further- - -we b'elieve-he • wpithl never ask a.question ,iri appointing Men to °lnce. as to their politics, lint his, measures liyAlAmet_harinelkixe withibe....laie. Sad. re ' t nvt l i i lv n octatic administrations—so:reel' Ww . letve 'not the slighest doubt the Baton Rouge paper gives a, correct account of Gen. 'paylor's•opitiions except in relation to the Tar- I'M' in regard to which we are assured, upon - A(114661y which - we ileum entirely reliable;fi that he is not less sonnet than Henry Clay himself. The editors of the Limisville..lonr• n'al, for example, assert, as within their per scnittl knowledge, !laving seen a letter from Gen. Taylor, written not long sinee,in which this subject was touched upon, that be was Opposed teeny interference with the talifl ol 1812. And :be Cincinnati Atlas states, on the authority of "a gentlemen of the highest character for purity and tvutli,and weliknown ss a bosom friend of Con. Taylor," that al though a cotton-plaiiter., like thousands of others of the most intelligent portion 'JO:that class in the Soutli.western Stales, /cc deciil cdty in ptior of a Protective tari ff, and r'is gond o Whig in evero river! as Henry Cloy himself., The proof of the oid General's soundness in the IVllig faith is now as clear as it can be -unless we should be favored with an tine qeiyosal declaration frpn his own pen— t-Vlach', Until he is openly' it - candidate; it would be as indelicate in him to make as it would be presumption M others to ask. We hope tiiii '"assurance' by its Ineofeco con temporary will he sufficient to satisfy our neighbor of the Volunteer! Gen. Irvin among the People. , Gen, last 'week paid a visit to Reath 'and Pottsville ; where he was received with every tnanifesfation of respect by all Classes ned paAies. and availed himself of the opportunity to look into the mining-opera lions, iron 'manufactioties,&e._ in that bustling. region of the dale. •So prepossessing is our excellent Whig candidate in his appearance and !paiters that the lueofoco papers were compelled to praise him in spite of party an imosity ! The Pottsville Democratic Press says f Dis.rit:ccuitirm VlFlTER.—General James Irvin. the Whig candidate for Governor of this Stale, arrived in l i onsville on Monday afternoon ; by the eats from Reading, and tun up at tl.e American Douse. lie remained hero several days, during, which, in compa• ny with revere' Mends, he visi ed many of the.mines, and received from oer cilizens the attentions due a gentlemen of his c'mracter and standing, Ile is plain and unosienta ,tious.in his personal appearance, bland and prepossessing in Ins manners. And the Pottsville Emporium, an equally decided locoloco paper,speaks In terms quite as complimentary: (I Gen[Jnmes Irvin, the Whig candidate for Governor arrived in town on Monday last Mid took lodging at the American 'House.— Froth the little acquaintance !brined with him . we cannot liclpsalmitting that we like the, Man' irellotiough, but do not relish his firm- . ciples." : „.., Fiore the very day of his nomination to rbEt present time tilt,. Carlisle Volunteer labored hard to show •up Gen.' Irvin ~as an , iinSident and-overbearinglarisiOuraf," jitoud andhatighly in his manners, and an oppres. sor ,rti; the , poor: The locoloco ,:editors ol Pottsville, however, who havOie'en and con-, versed with Geri. Irvin, deSeribe hini as the• very opposite of all this ! The people may .now.- see -what the Volunteer's munitions tailings are: worth. . . I:ram. England I airiired 'tit Ildston 9n., I jurf , dfiYi„ ll / 2 :1 11 1%1 1 41YP1,1 ) 9P 1, 1dOes Jo the ,19th - ,The,most Important n ews brought by this arrival is iiitcirmationjof.a great. advance. in . Fm lo and Indian COI n. !Flour Aran selling in: Liverpool at 60 snd t 53 811111 li n gs Per tiarrel -....and Corn Meal- at;68•16 l'iTt Shillings , pet qiiarter—beitigan advance OrhFlour., of bel tn. een .eight and len shillings; Or tin reel) anti tuptolifilleallqf . 42 TandFl4-shilleigal Oiii• ittfarter,'since the last accountst , Thetilinalli, .nees.of the stook of grain ;all , oeiv:Purnriep and the: scarcity of rorisioner is gi , 4ll;ai the .oause. , _,l;;', 0' i',. • -, ! , 1-'' , i , ~ ~' F', ' -1 .''lt' ; o• ,;; ,r P. Mstroartivogart.;-...kßareelana paper °rifle ad :of May:qttitear ; :that the Mex 'can privateer• lin iodii of; it era , Cr b z,. r carrying One gun Sad 53 inen, , had captured in;.The 'Waters of Africaparidttorought-itittatirerilond the:iv,. mericambrig•Ctifinelliafof 4 9 0 tonsi'Caplaia Edwin, Littlefield l ;bound froni'Pdneei , Polio tniciniiiilli Eofide to Tinistil:ti 7 l -- 1r. , ml it cA i . POLITIObF int critirir. Shiss,44inct , lh0 • corrimeneement'o the ; mari ngainst , Mexii36; b,) , ' me roori elee2sol; ia , nen 1 bidisnf to? l i OAIq..!FP / 101 11 - 1 9 9 r r#9 l o P4 t r 3s , yok!jpirou.stif : l34sult) compared with that ft ti .spigt,pr, vrnue l olootippy'..i I, J-11 :''' , E , ll l,, P i ~ . .'t4„ ti'? ,%A._ l ! ''' , ,•184 62 '/ l '';''!;'' , it'lB4lc' i.'o , ti , ,,' , ::. iiit ,iilVldge. 4 Dern'; , ; WhigfivDorrr‘. N. Yrirle4; - :,1 IkIT-1.43,=' , `'2l , '''' , '2B !`” , " , 11 A '. Pen tfilyt, a jiti:l4 /2"ll'`‘'.l2' 11 ''',' '.l7' , , '' 11 1• ,, ;:' ohiris, ,, , , ! , ? ,, iii.ffz;l:jCiiTo ' , 11'). , '- 10 - - n Nirginia •,y..t - !iii. ~' V, - -, :It - 1"',. 1- , •13-,. '' , .'9_- , ;fr 1: •;.1. ,;;;!iiiiv.;;;'C.D•;-I,:fri-1......,;, .....-..d... il - ,.1 ' Lib!) , L , ': 4 ' 40 , 4 0 . 151; i If . 33 •';.!)' , 61 4 1." , ;! , ' ;50' , 1 .. 1 31 , ? , ; :iiNit 4 :o - s , ,ybi ..,' 17.: Y,Ot'i , W4o , o l, l4'?iiPgiii!, l l l . 6 Ms',: til #, ~FlA' iiii P. 1 1143 1 40 5 014., 6 4rt OY:tiO i liK;o l ,ii,gi: 6 ,:i4 fMrNAWNtif* , ',.gi4 l (liiiiti , Y , i4ql4 , miinso, iikwifieAtiiisi,riii*Ogolvaiiitoo, '416. -- . 'ttiwifitolv***6oolo , .07. .;•tn *rt .,ll:- ;lF 4 fikittAVYVNt',2• 4 ,:i 'ci o*kvtll• , ON ''';';‘ ' ,4l'l4l;WF:A.Od nii iNi ' lli;igli . ."2alitaktP"' TrAVA' ME A Velei'an . 1:101te it er Thi3 . gtitirt agkinst Gen.4i.' l Vincti 4 lhe'' locoloeels Clio 'lk y oannot'say that lie to't 'rich tz-SI mails .2Or by lega ' CioNfrodi or any other verance; industry •:rfleji• know that all the wealth General Irvin 'hat, he worked industriously to secure. NVell Governor Shuck is RICH too—or if he isn't itie-mormshatie.forhimirforitaHAS-IHADE •TIimjsAND_ DOLLAR* : By, FFICE-HOLDINd:!! I rice Is ;uif it is becauseleis riot jrudent and-economi cal in his habits of living. Read the follow "statement and see what a lucky offleedlobler Gov. Slunk has been.-L No . Wender he is opposed hi the'ONE TERM principle, when he has. received 'For nva years' service as 61nrk In the Land •' - - For I wo years' service an As'slstant Clerk in I.lolise 0.1 Itepresen's, *lOOO per year, 2.000 For NINETEEN years' services as Chief Clittk .01 the lhnne al $2,000 per year, Including - perritisit es, 00,000 Frit,ibur years' serviers no Secretary 'Mite 'FalB,llow/cult It and Snortinjentlent. of • . Ctrnotion Srlinors nt $l3OO O'er port, • 10,050 For Ft Vit DA nerviron tin (11ork 114 Ilitune in 1813. nt *3O l'1131: DAY. 150 For throe yturs',4servivesiAGWvorilor or Mint eylvaillu, at 83,000 per yed.r", O,OOO here tie Rod that Mrs SlMilk has been in office tor about THIRTY-TWO YEARS - rind reertiverHim - crrorimotts — suni — ot - Orer - 81 ENTI"IIIOVSkNTAPOLLA;RS out's: the public 2'reasury ! And notwithstaading the length of lime-he has fed at the public crib, and the wealth lie has amassed in the peck ple's employ, lie succeeded in FORCING his . re-nomination ,upcin trip party ) and very mod estly - als this people to give hint another op, pornMity of thiusting his paws into the pub lic,corters, so that he may retire ham office , immensely wealthy. - A correspondent of the Philadelphia North A merican,who evidently knows all about the . perpetual came holder, gives die following account of his rise and ,progress: the Editors of. the North American have observed in Several papers, a statement that "Francis R. Shank was taken from 7.loutgomery comity by N. 13. Boileau, to Harrisburg, in 1808, who gave him, a clerk ship in one of the public ollices." As 1 have known somethinc of Mr. :plunk, and have learned a groat deal more/ Irma those who have known him, horn his youth upwards. I be; leave to say, that in the Spring of 1812, on lie recommendation of die late Samuel G l oss, Esq,. of the " Trappe,', Montgomery county ! the-late General Andrew- Poreolien Surveyor General, appointed - Francis It Shook, a clerk in his office, He con:limed in that office during, tl'ie-lifelime of General Potter. and remained with his successor R. T. I.eaCh. Esq., until the year 1817, when George 13.. Vorter, of Lancaster, vacated the situation of Assistant Clerk of the House of -Representatives, and Mr. Shjnk was promo ted•to that plane. .1h 1818,•after thy-appoint ment of Sarnut.4 b. Franks, as Pretbonmary of Berks county, and-inbsequently.ea Judge, Mr. Shook succeeded to the principal clerk ship of that body, to which he was Nieves sively re-elected annually with but one or. at Most two except oats until January, 1839 : Alien lie-was appointed by DaVid Porter. also the son of his first patron, Seeretary of State. Puling a portion of the time he offi ciated as ('lerk of the House of Representa iveseavas-also Secretary of the Canal Board, at a'salary of $lOO6 or St 500 a year. He served as Secretary of State tor three y eats Porter. Whilst he Was dismissed by Governor Whilst a Cleric in the Surveyor General's of fice. Mr. Shimk.cornmenced. the 'study o! Medicine which he abandoned after some time for that of law. This he prosecuted so tar as to be admitted ; althoUgh I think, he never did any thing at the Bar—or at Avast very little, saving the short time he tried it at Pittsburgh, with no very proinising suc cess.. Mr. Shrink has all his life time ‘vritten good hand, and has been industrious, iil-ta mere clerk, beyond whieh he, perhaps, nev er had any capacity. Ile has no-fixed (yin' ions of ltis.ow,kupon any sobject, scarcely. except to hang La to office. In the year 1858 when speaking of the probable candidates for Governor, The 'name of Mr. _Fdiunk Ayes: introduced among several 'persons, at liar. risburg, when a gentleman present, who as member of thel louse of Representatives, and as President of the Board of Canal Com missioners had known Mr. Shenk well and for many years, made the following most apt remarks m relation to him, to the gentleman who had named him : . . • "My dear sir, you cannot, think bettor - of Shonk than I do. Ho is ri 'very eletier, gond natured-ohap r but-I ieda-not-M-for-the-stat ion Ho has been obliged so long to obey on.thom dial masters,(ate number of members of the House of Represerithtiyes) thtit, poor fellow, he is not. and never will be, his own mos- WT." In these obseryntiops you, have the man's 1 char - abler:ln a' fe'W'''Words.' ilis objeCt for thirt . y.flis ytiars'ltaki:btien to keel . ) in.' office. He' is by nature riot gifted with a verb vigor ous intellect and having ; no mind of his owe he is governed by thiSte about him. There are: tlionennili of Democrats In the, State Who will not vote for him—nrefdriihg rathefio vote in bfank than for him, whilst manY, who are the friends of Protection'in the Dianiestic Indestry of the, country, will vdte,for Gep.lryin. Who is its, ripen and avow -6d friend; .whilst Mrl'Shunk 'hes beenAtrim niche, iiig'sallit to meet tit iiews of till - sorts of foiks'abontli; So that i he has now; ihegon• fineede of'none. '' • - ' ,"' ' , , ' Mr. Shenk:Os iwii , gr' three great failings. He lackS'6,ratittithfico liii - ierlyfienefitetols: 'fib lacks, dpoion:'bi