'l*)*gibstuciits. 10W4RICE kROW ROHL • 'NV • 3tAll ' i4k•sl • • TP r HE' .. ,W ,ll • C • , . 11F.,,eubserthe . 'litiving . pireFlised the, ep 5,,, t tiro stuck' 'of 1 :111Ocib 3,ester; lstvite„the," at 'otetitittn: of the publfe',;te th'eir ,npaprt the bnasttog; piitffni antl.lipmhug. 'wing utirle by other eitabliAlonentOve ate ; u._ Elardwarc'tia low if% • de:thttriktiny other HurdWare I:oirs in the court Tiy•us,ood prove us, at the old and well kitovVit..atand ;op North lianovo,r bltreet,,be twWiVisoWrittla a Timm, artlrtinf iliat;dsi StorOef 'WO ilOciliffit re coived 'a fidd , arid,ganeral asenttmot4,of ; 4are 'Matadi - as, aiming %Ai di ',u197,P9 enttntepted,the following: , poubdsAinerican.lllister Steel .7e per Ili ;. do• do ,19 perib; •„_ . p.500 do Cast ;out Slicer Steel IS .;;er lb. 500 du Spri lg. Steel 7. eta per pound ; r :go diva of Corn and Grass Bcyth6s, 100 kegs or Nails and spikes at $4 50 r ex keg, ' SO.boxes of assorted GlaSe, 2000 Ins Ground White Lead from $l 75 to 3'2 per keg; 2000 Ms best quality of Grand-stones - at 16 to 2 lb • .2UO gallons et Linseed Oil', leo do Spirits 'Turpentine, . • '2O 'Tons Bar and ,fiorse Shoe Iron— ,_ W ftilfasaorameut of nuildingliarth i ra re -euelyis Locks•Lotelrese•Bolts, Binges, Screws, taints,-Glass-and,Butty,Nnils•and.spilt iciti , r*iireruus to mention, at. Lew ; ‘pricorHailerao Store of . ' '• • • •., , • FORTNEY FISHER: . North Hanover Street, Carlisle, May . s, '47 ~ CLAIIit:CDUNTY LAND tiE'stibOt'iber ufft;ro for Bole the rarrri,,on t o Wlfrib Post. itfUlerke county, Coutining nhout ACRES it!cOuld tie very advantagiquily • divfcled into two terms, une of 180 rieres itml the othir.of 320, affor,d ntg to Mich a sofficicney of wood— ei the larger tract has on it every 'bowie needed for the comfort of 14 fatritly,.tm Settler with anew barn. Em would sell with the farm a few likely Negroes, stock and far- Ming- utensils, throw in the growing crops, rind 'give iinmeditlk possession. His terms aro one third eash . anci.the bulnnce in instalments 'for inany years ; requiring adeod of trust on - the ir-Operty, to eueurkihe deferred payments and--itnribal_intercst-thereon-- - -JOHN W. PAGE. White Hall, Clarke co. Vs.,,May 5, 1847 •-XS C . ;s 4, 13 12Zil LETTER:Yet Administration cm the estate of Daniel Beltzlionver, :me of Motkroe tp, Gannetland euinity, Pa., have been granted by the Re g ister gr said county alisregitid. All persona Indebtedto said estate are requested to wake purulent, and those having claims will present the in for settlement. (1E012t1:E 11121NDEJE, Adm'r. May 5, 1847. SCIIIOOL AUltallerurte.l A ILA Flt,.4E quantity of Desire, Benches, &c., fur Schools, in excellent order and for sale Chelip,_bylliesuliscri tier, at his Cabinet Ware lattilfaettity on Nottiillanover street. May 5, 13-17, JAS. IL Wi:AVER. 2.1.att3..v..t 1/4w GREAT BARGAINS!! AVE Jr'.G . o OIP 8.! . mom subscriber huving just re: urncd from • thc . cittrs of New Yurk arid rhilac'elphia, 'warn a splendid ii,:sortinent of no iv and fash ionable Goode, which he is detarininerrto sell Lind make to order at unprecedented low per cea, and which--w.,1 riot till to tent the ponlieis 0r Lill. euntisia of the falleiving„ viz: Cloths And q'qstinetkes. .131aCk nod line Clothe; lilgelf,l3Tue., krrt,wii mai Green Striped, tegeilyr with rt meet of Failoy Barred, Waved and Striped Cdsailiteres.' Coatings, Vestibts SfidLinens.. cushmerclts, habit Cloth, Caddington, Mori nee's, French, English and American, Dresp. D'tWay mid' Croton, plain and lunny, fol spring nd tiuninicr wear; Vestings—'Satin, Plain Black, and a magnificent assortment of every 'him and color; I:reen and Twilled Linen fur gentlemen's endiii , atid pantaloons. - Z16,0 In addition to the tremetohms stork or piece the subscriber WS 111WIlS on hand nn unustml large lot of MADE i:LOTIIING, which he will warrant to be mode in the Lest style. His Clothing is not tvlttit ready made Clothing generally is, it being made .by-bint self Coats, Pantaloons ;tug Vests Cloth Box, and Frnclt Coats', C;iislinierotts, 'Coddington's, Merinotli, l'weelis, Croton, Um-. en Cotton Cords; dassi res., Stri• ped and Crbss-barr'd, &c, pantaloont Vslenein, Bombazines, Summer Cloth, and Marseilles, &c., Vee,tc. ,ic r Ail of the 10ove ready mode Clothing he wilt sell at prices unperalled for Cheapness N. it.lie'llas eutnolicti his estublishment to - tin large Brick ll,ouso, lately occupied by Dr; John-.IL -Myers, and two doors South of the lintel lately kept by, Alolcew Roberts, now aamilel 1i orrett. cryDoni. forget to give him n eallone and • JOHN BENTZ. Carlisle, A prili2B'lB47. •• • WHITEHALL HOTEL, Cor. of ZYZaiet ad weaver Streets, ' 7, OR R 1 R.E.T1T1V.496. a a . 7 -.. :21v - a ---,, :57L -.. a ., 2 . -- ,i AliteL, MILBER% respectfully informs 'V the public that he has taken the above well , knotewhouse kept for Many years by i'llr. JulrfrWelolVend °there ah - a 'total.' ''ho house Inrelirg ideerillY undergone it thorough repair is now t in first•rate order, and the proprietor Is deqfpanted to spery, poli s her lobo; or expense : in proviirlhig for the comfort of titoe'e Who may ihvor,hini ,with their .conipany: Ills CRAM- B E,ft.S . Will be .furniatiod ivith 'eMy •thikg At. hi oh It'll! make then' comfortablo--:•hili TA LI l e Lo,will bi , supplied with the , gest - the Mai- het tan afford—hie; BAR With . thalieat fie dere , and l'other"ielfiesViiiente=ki , fV.,51:411p/$O,, ' which, 'is* ihied aWfl . Ceiefertable gie - .any.,ip ; . . the plocOi "IV iSeAlptiilOd, by RR Ottentl'vO,QB- , • - titl'l-fii ,E11i,. 00 1,i, .9 , er,Y, th iOvtliay can, Anoka I: Ile iiVii ; ,pgp? filr tilla a will bo foun!lott t WHITE. • • IlOVAlfg tioen - Ontriketl lot' ilobierVbitaritaliV.. Ituilocoo.lainbbetiligMotorioleted Ad ~ deyotil' lila' whole timoomd;attentitiii tO l'q.thi 1/oilii9Aiiy:, reatonirsuredithat tia"thint‘4 . lll be la p.'Orifiono': - which tiiiii lid iioclidtp tly, }nth? apiplult 'Fill.firlea 'vhathe t riylalite'll'ilo'limp , a9;Ehill't stOpiOt plapet' lila ;obargeo • ,lii . l),;.lmfsoloo#44li!, 10: , PUit..., th'o "ti nitiO;lo4. , : y4ifo4o /I, oholt. no lupin : a' under I We; ' careAtrlkli4 l .o4' Clrkilie,rAtlho: character icif itjtrlse rate ~1141414,4. 1 i404011d-rtatit;priceivll):v., ; :‘,..?..), + ,,,;:, . ... Yorh,"..April 28, 1847•L-3t.. . ' :cif , " II I •t , . , : ..,:.,4: ------ 72 - 02;2 47 18 - Fgf - i. 7-.';7- ~ '," 4J • la F MS, 1;M: .f. t . VE",,gV , BLlNgtiki PeACIVERiI I ~.' 1 .IVo. • ,;',,, • tixtla‘ Ire t, Vittloos: a ,14: .1, . „';.•-..„ , ..'l4. tk, litTA , i . r., Oir l tpy,i..kipi:. .` __L. _ .-, ~(*n il thciar,geinAltrapet i fitelta- L--- - -ids, ittrienf - drlslarrow - tetitipl;,ot -- eel :_. _ yelitinri•Bliido of anystablialurient iii the !J. tinctrStite - C,*4l4CM,Avtly4e.ll,,' ~,Whnleen,le and 1 Itatail at.thiAeWitifficeir. 4 -" " 4 , "'"^ • The, cititima: or,Ourillierlpii 4 '-' dd countyi•-arc,•*itici , r apco,tfull7,4oliiittell:to,da 11 . prkihirli; lie term pyi.cts , aainscalpewhetb,a.mha lit mialitliehudfliVint en.; tire sail Ata riativlio may it'd' favor Matt ... - with a - Call:' , " ...' .. ~ 5' . ..; . ; • -r.";1 , 7 1,0444 - oft. ' • r,. '. r' i,, : ,; „.. 0 M .. , 4 , -B ''n l i't tu d l i k. a 4ot , t ' a : b.i : t , i, e 'v l -. a ..' n .l: d " . ~.t..;;rim eami, bo a. t • o ' lookeventie iowilri %1711.0'1i, / • .: v • ordfictitinciuiliqiitonifeti t pOn I i v ionii!ak ' .:lir#OrAed(rlhathatilb)to , e,..3:1 ,, ,,itS ii": , -j... ifri,l4trrill.J;,Wll4AMS; SAAIS-AN )::DRIE t p,f.io r or 80 0 Maggi-IRO, V , 1,0' 7 P ] t. , ,V;, , ,..0 : i . t. : ,]::,! :40] ~ k ':~~, Y: ~~; ,( Isßitee , Flti,6PA 4.1 -Nur Cr,`lti %deity 'elven unit M. H. GuS W I GE.Ript t , etzhadi bbil'rg jlmn made an atutigiciPtmtcf 41:111prproperty,tuLltioietto strribers t oitihlihg berland;dounty, for , the bonefira all 'his ,ered tore. All portions litiving itiailesiriainst said eat tie will preilent,' theni , 'foe. settldnieitc-and ,those-indobtid will lib retjulteiltt . i_pa . erl3 m me. elute' pay inent. JOUN RUPP, Assignee., Alqch 31, I ;,.Estajq, qha,_robers OwensAde'd. VIL Pen{cinA linyjpg against, the estate U'r 11 E C11:131lla OWENS; are iequeattal to make the same ktiown.imifiedietely to the undersigned, sidininiserator residittg in North /1141(110m tp.— nod those kite wV , g theta selves indcbted ‘y:11-please make ply meat • immediately t 0 . . 111 \ItY ISITZEit; • A(111Cr. ikinvel 24, I 47.-11! • Estate of Elizabeth Johtistin, hee'd• ETIERS testamentary on the will df Ell -I.4abetla Johnson, late of the Hintinglt of New- Ville, deceased, Intv'e beetrgrapfetrlty the Regis ter or Camber land county ,to Theo subscriber re siding in Big Sitting Ilmnship. All persons in debted Rothe estate of sal ct deceased arc retool tit! to 'make payntent3 and ihose +having. claims will present thtemprbvrly anthentieated tar set tlement. ROW AIeCACHREN, --'--Nlttrelt 24,1847. , - • Estate of Joseph Knettle, aeeeased• nclodnistretion on. the eniate L .1 ontlilia liCteßtled; tale"tif New Or leans, lease beep granted liy•the Re alter of. Cum;. tty !lie su bseriber 're tiling in tolvt.ihip. All perstin§ An - tahl es tum nee'Hiftleitell to loam- nnyihent 4 aid 'those inNips-cldiniswill-prusent4holu-properly,nnthen, tinnted for settkuei.t. WM. 1c NETT 1.F., ' Alikroll 24,1847 Notice to all Conceited! HR books and accounts ofJOHN GRAY & SON arid el JOHN GRAY & Cu. have been pieced in the hands of the shbscri• her for colleelion and settlement ; all persons knowing themserien indebted wil do Well to call 'and make sealants n immediately, other• wise the accounts will he left inlhe hands of the proper - officer fur suit. HnTCIt 1 i—kBl~ ~4t - '— ciVotice: I WOULD WOU hereby notify all persons . concerued, 1 alit arrears either by bond, note,.book account, to 6811 and settle up their respective dues, as 1 have disposed, of my entire stock of I Isirdalir.3 to Messrs. Fisher Is: Forfar.); of liar= risbui.g . I hove sold for no other reamt . than ib settle tilt my book", and the sooner call's are Made the better, as by July next all the tidehunts will be left in the hands of II legall'ollluer:for et;llec 'lion. several attempts have liertoblitre been made to settle t.p my llooks but failed, so ivit nose give fair %yarning. thitt 'ft' one luny fails there's a way that sill not titil. Those having business with ,it will tintlthe at my - residence, wilier or Loather and Pitratreets. J A con SENF3t.... April 14, lthr. s hereby t.ivOn tha't I NA AC K 1.1,1 PBll, of L Tholtinson township, t;emberland county. Pennsylvania, Ids th're'ddy-made atfassigtinet to the subeeriber uP all his estate, real, pento tind mixed, for the benefit of his creditors, as will nfitttior by the deed:of arisigonient of the said:lsaac Keropor, which is on record..:•; MI porsoris ha vingelaimsand demands ngeinet tha id leans will present them for settlement witho'ut delay ; and those Idebled multi, — pay ment to - HENRV 'I,EIDIOIII, April 14, 1847.-Gr. Estate ót . Win.tipatigler, dec'd. Tw oriel: is hereby given . that Lettei:s 'of Admiaisi re I ion on the estate of Wrkliam Spangler, late of Dickinson tewniihip, deceased, have bet;ri - granted - to - the - 'subscriber realding in the - shhift 'pe'rsbn's indetked are requesidd to bake InnniedisiC payment and 'l.lloße hionng 'Claims will presort t diem for s'euttiern ref, to JOIIN LEETVRE, • A pril '2l, Adrn'r. Ct U WHEREAS my wiIe,REBECCAJANI.:. has left my bed and hobrd w illtnn ;Oat cause or prtiviienlifin, I hereby 't antion Gll per sons from trusti nLr lier on my *count as tarn determined 'to"Taly no debts of,per contracting. Irons ihis dnie. ELI FICKES3. , Apii121,184.7 , . • Estate of, 1)•••aniel Bower, deeeased. , is hereby given that, i.etters o Administration have been issued by the W Register lo the subscriber living hi est Penoshorn township, on the - calm eof Daniel Bowers, to Of the borough of Car lisle , dee'd. All persons 'idebted to the estal will please make paymenhand those having e aims against the salon will present them for settlement without delay. HENRY BOWER, April 21, 18 , 17. Adm'r. XT, OTICR is hereby given that JOHN M. 11 GOOD. of tiouth Middleton township, Cumborlond county, has made nn - assigiimed t of all his property tikhe.subserlberir, residing in Cm - H.4e, for the, benefit of ell his creditors. All persons havingOdims against the said es tate iv i If present them for settlement, and thote ,insletca will be required to make immediaTe payment. The .books,are now. in the hands of the. first._ named assignee—. -- - -- - - ''GHARL, ES BAR NITZ • . JACOB HOFFER. April 2d, 1847. • Assignee- A FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIES.. tiritlE suliseribet• lets just returned from th e Ji. city with a large and well selated sto6k of ' -GROCERIES •, ~ ' _ ennitistiug of superior Fresh ,::.• 7 • 7. ''''' . -'4;,..-. ~ Young. I lystm, Imperial find' :1 ,n'4halt stiesty: Coffee, %Aj " E . ,- 8 // tescs, superior Stenm .Byr '.;',.•,?,., T: As. tip, lione•-,Spicesol all kinds; ' , .....t;;1c 99 r Ilruslies, 4 Gedar.ware, , CllUrelei Baskets, Raisins. , . ,- • ..„, FIGS, ORANGES,.: LEMONS; AIIyIONS. ~ 'and a great variety. of otherfirticlei too numcr,, tons te•menlion: ' • ;• ' • • • - Alsoiklfir&tissoArnistit,rif,„, , , ~ „ , , ~ 1 IMILAAS isiii'd QUEENSIVirAII.E. , , A constant supply, of SALT,' No ii '2; aiid'i : ,Mackercl,,Shad,HerringUnd'Sitlinon.'•• i '. ' , The subsVrilier tenders his thanks to • hietewe oind-dountry-fribadmfoPtlleHilleritHintronkie'hy '1 liiksrabeiVetif qinett he bomineneedilnishielis and ,I Smitten (liens tllat lio , Vvill , iiiiiVe'tcio6 , ideb.l4- Auieroentras to merit; erconiliAed:slisreiir in.; Pirli:),-.+,;,L..,,.:11:: i; GEM 'IIIrCROOKS. '' .. enHisji;Aphill:lll47.o ,l "ff 0 "'”. ""' '-'''' '' , •- •i . A ~...,:'''` i '' ••• -!•.> ''' ..i.i ! ~, ." , r . 4 '., pi : , •••Al N 191111:111ITAfficlE , "!''''' 'ir ' :l ' ' ' r r - ..ptA, zil„' 1 1 , Tettlatitlg the sale, of 'WO 'ituring 'lllarkel hours. f'' .,..:,, : t .i. ,1k4 , ) ,, y i t fit ii,ViS i'7.-• ,, , , itei 1 , ': 1 la F.. 1.79,iR 4 ,l, NEDiVothe Town tiOnt 4 oll j i i , nu '06)10 a Q illigh - of.Ctiillile,'iind it IIP. 1 4 1;1 4-' I by 7 cjil#4llo.ii?, illt IlUtiOrityadt thV1160134.4, I from And hifter thil.f!tilliiiiriff. Mitii . eiWTij I shall be - ilewful , ful" ' tiiiYtteFeigrttiOsiiiiii 14, 1 ex pole fe: vale; hri•tlilithitiii• Stall, , t01i4,10,0' NA Ilimee, during mar p t 11%4, fiiiih.:meato4' 1 Orary' isiK"Witli I,4q,pisolp t kbotribitooofid: 'hone OheiVV,IA, - ,,:„,1 „„'l,, i„ .i' . ., , i t , ~r,t r;ir N'lr, , hit,; ' Boef --1 4Aho_QuirtekL." --- . - —.-- :-,-;-''' P9tlc . , ~,,', yi siii -,.. 1 1 q!Y'.. ,1., ‘ 14 ";' '" • ""'' l '. ' r; q 1 -0. 4 . , t .: - .,,1n:i p,l • --.; -. Al ulion , "Juskt ?i"'' , '' ~ -- j - •j - t.. ; .. ,t , t -.-. Vear.w.) it „A ,ft•iiHri-i.vcrAii It .;., t , , ,,.,11 . 1 . ! : . , r, ' ir-;' , Aud If Is further orilsin44 ; t4eyf4prri ,ttliii tlf itek the above trieptiOiefllliipidfithellAte l'inkhl , lei 104 'tied, evelperseit,lp,sell; oIC fhe'Slitei , , p4ll,,,dried least' lb any liimintiVisttid , villiblit, , utly restrtetion's,;,:,4 l ;4to .4:;i?'ut , thllic ,, ; , ffri , hl And, be if lurtherenialita Mit ilitiOrditigfiie iftfl•the tad ;or Decitriber.liet; Ifitirilloilitt lhe' ':pal`e ~ Ol2meat „lain Ate4rati/cif.t,bi..Mailiet' .Houise liei, end ilb,,tfetlje:itittlittiSqipesied,,, ',l' ' , Dp i tte pt. eiktineilltil a gti . 'efuktifil;t7ftl ~__:!'24,` 4...--T , 1 11311 .ii #7l' 0:1403IUT 7 . . ;:iAttiet.l ' :"!'"`..l ' ; its! eiiii,i . o;,cgrocila , '• ;1 '.4l4 l 3.3 . l l l AEARiPtrit6 ,;:': '.•.Atirit wl, .1347 s * 1- ~i', . ; C f ,,,. ... - -,', :,. - .^ rs •ti 441'1 t'i;l vt00.4 1040 4 4 - „ ' • • r4/11,41i , or t •L'illtV,n,v; " arumorto:,.. • .1 •... „ xedkcf • 6 - 1 • .. rvtik g4TIA find Whitt-, leers du ; ty„.wkthiti theiboniia , lof tho Ist 'Biligifdissfltii under the , comanand ;of ;their teapeot tbrienianding:Of-- ra. on , the First Mobditi!Of May n~txl,being' the r.3'd4lay. ; - • • The Assessors of ihelliffiicnt ; ,totiocnips throughoorjCitife.'(,l•llm . deflect that if any daptair44..4 1 , , . , .:etie . lideh in Militia I:m*l4o* Cots tb make the proper enroll a - c t' ttEedt" trim. of the absentees , of the: Critiii . ):o • WBie Brigade Inspector, then the' Assessor ' toWtishin.in:.which said CC m Piny exist', quiied to make said enrollment and: fainilik a cotreCt.list of the same the Corrinflssioners of the:coullty as absentees. • i The Begintental Bottalfon training fiar in speetioo ulill•tritte•place en the fodoWfng days, I'he 1131 'Battalion of Militia of the 82th Regiment on Monday the 10th days of Mhy. Tim 2d Batt Han of Militia of the 86th reg iment do Tueldny thellth day.. of May next. The9d Battallori of Cdthherland % Volunteers on the mime nay. The Id Battalion of Militia of the 23d reg iment on Wednesday the .12ih day of May next. - The Ctimbeitfand'Oraye on'the seem day. The let regitheet of Curriberland Volunteer!, .on Thursday the 33lIktlay of IVltiy next. The 2d•battalion of 111ilitia• Of the 29d rag iment on tlio.aarne day. , , The 2d battalion of Mini& of the'iopth imprivon Friday the * l4tli day of May next. The Ist battalion .of militia of the 11:1i regiment on Saturday the Vith,.day of Attly ne t. , The Sd baltillion 'of Cumberland Volunteers on the 14th or 15th May next. 'The 197Wregiinent of militia on Monday th 9, 17th day or May - next. The . Ist battalion of Cumberland Volunteers on Ilia same day. By Eder of •EIMER, Brigade Inspector of the let Brigade I lilt Division, P. M. Bali Lot: INS p Kurou's OFFrii:. Carlisle, April 21, 1837. f . ?JAS. R.SVIITII OU are ordered to • L parade at the public 4 house of Samuel M. Ken • ' , yon, on the Walnut Rot r torn Road, on MONDAY the 3d day of May . ; arid r• .. . at on WEDN ES DAY th2tli . dny of May. Arm ets And equipments in good order. By order of the Captain. ABRAHAM MYERN, - Ai til 21, 1547. Scott . .a.rinleristg; 011 are ordered to parade at the • I. public hoinm oTf. D. ,St Dunlap : in the borough of Nervville, on SA. • b TUB RAY - ,ihe lith- day-rt.-May-next 4 , 0 t at 10 o'clock, A. M., completely e .t,-•• quiet for drill in summer uniform. • By order of the Captain, " • Att TYLER, 0. S. N. B.—An Adjourned_ Court of Appeal will be held at the same tithe and JO ore. _ - NTTENTION - BA I'!KA LION IF HE Firat Battalion of Cumberland Vol!' unteers will parade for, inspection 'nh Monday the 17th day of May next in the Bora nigh at Co •- Ellila bruit. and equipments in good order. - tly older of GEORGE,' DONNEL, HattAllot) Npril 2'8,1847. __liegimerrtal Order. - %wry," THE lst 'Battalion, ehtli Regiment, Penn. sylvania Militia, you are ordered to pa rade ter review 'and inspection at Oyster's Point, on MONDAY, the 10th day or May next; the line will be (brined at 10 o'clock, A. M. N. FS —lt hi earnestly ordered that every* person who comes ender the commend of the abo've order and does not comply with it will be dealt with according to Isw, • SAMUEL BUENIZER, Colonel Commanding. Ilead-Quarters, 86th Regiment. P. M., / . Trindle Spring, 21, 1547. C 4 Assignee's Notice. Springfigld Light Infantry ! IAU ADC: nt the public lionselrf C. 'Melling. et% iu Stoughsto wit, on SATURDAY the Int icy. of May next, at 10 o'clock, A. 111., anus, lite. in good'orclee and propel ly equipt for drill, By order of ' J A.OOlll U, 1 at.' Lieut. N. 11.—At the. above mulled Unit: and plitee election will he geldfor Captain of said coniat ny in of capiaio It. McCulloch, resigned. By order of the Brigade Inspector. April 14, 1847. First Regiment Curnberland Vol- • unteers. • WDARADE in the borough of Newville on '1 HURSDA Y, the 13th dny of May next tit. 10 o'elook, A. 61., properly violet for . drlll ati4 inspection. By urger of JOHN 11000, _ April 28, _ Col, Cornoioniline. MATTAZION ORDERSI rpl - IE Ist Battallon.ot the 23d Regirn.,rit Pa. Ali Milt, will parade for review awl inspec tion, at MOUNT .11OCK,,on,Wednesflay-,:thc. 12th of. May. itiet.i at 1 `The 'l2d Battalion pf said Iteglitient will parade for review and inspecti e nin — NEW- VlLLE, on Thursday tho 13th of May inst. at 10 o'o ock, M. By order of - • ....JOHN WINEKOOP, _ May 5;1847,. Commie ding4' - BEGJOIENTAL ORDER nntlE I97th'itegimene, P,. c.nPkilYtipkix ua, will pared!, for'ye vin gpl,inepeotion in the Inireiighs or pa rliele. on MONDAY too .I7th of Mny,, The lino In be t kiknin.d.et 10 pseeieeki. O By ordia• oriCol. A. ..; • Ear., 5 . ; 1#47.'" • . • , .GROCERY,IE. 11.i.O.H.INAA.:QUEENSIVARE - -cvmazaati r ri HE itulietiriber•lielt fitted II "view reeelvingon 'entire new ,and freeketiolt4t, r of;nll artielee.'cootteeted with the GreecrY,eed. J9ltieettewere.; liositiele,l.erehree hNr conees and,Tvos of, - the ; Onion .gtielities, ups, Sugar Miele and'•Orleacia cAloitities;,iogoilt • er 416, i , ••••- , ,; • 0 91. 11. "11 F .Fot r etilLPIAftilWiirei. , . 411 1kAlt • • • 461 , 1 a 88 ;17,*.rPi.ii ,, ii . ,liee . leOwo.and ..Loervas alp ;crushed isu ga ii ; :Rkte4 ,T96s 2 .Elpeketih, tit% ;11;0 4 ,alr orryhich,ig kiire - rilTOTilild - - - firtitd - litteeet!'qpeli - prefite.Tr -Our; felOAtiti,,tonl, I.liMille/tO•O''litxltptl ndgge for didotatilves old ml . - , • CeelieleVAptil Id, IS dtteratio,n„ -- CUMISERLANIP. sjusjzi .:40(ec The , irCatetit Ilargainsever effete& '— in Shippensburg ! ! y A. MISTING ER. is now receiving and . opening a large and splendid stock of among which lie found Pry Goods qf eve,. ty description, of the laiest style, suitable for Ladies' and' gentlemen's wear. GRIfitCRUIES'ALQUEENSWARE, 'Verona, Chiria,.P9ail,'Leglicien tnd Straw • BO.N N E S PA LM LEAF AN D. PA LO :tiLA.TS,`&e. _y- rnnecessary o say a y sing more, but he respectfuity invites tile old 'Costa metes of the -house Co call and examine' for themselves. • 110 will take the greatest pleas ure in showing his geode, linceicing as he dods that to spe'his Good's and to')icar prices is to insure a customer. Fla has adopted the motto of "small profits and rtnielt salsa;' alud is determined to stand or fall by it. L,Conntry Produce token okon the Moit'fa v orthile-tertns in terms in exehange for GOOds. April 2.1',1847. VICE 01 . 1) , VIC - 10)W it TX 11. ARNOLD has Jost i turned from New ILY•York with a Ini•ge silk' well selected assort; mein of Spring and Stiiiinn:r hry Goode, which lie will sell to his friends and the ptildic getter:l - on titn towest and in ost reason ihle terinia. lia %log purchased nil his fancy gnarls' at the packa m de sales, New York, be is ccititident that he ',Al{ set! them 30. per emit etettper than any store in the county. .. . . , Frenid:Lawns (worth 371)1 con sort from la., to '25 Gingham & 0:•. g•:::ley Lawns, new style, 18 10115 Embroidered 8 earls for tll . l • 9Sef4: IF to 81: All Wool 11.11zot•ines ' - :31 to 37 9, NlOllB Ile 1•1011 , 25 to 40 Barred and Plain lin i9s " - • , I'2 10325 Ilandsonie Diem: tillka, A spit ndid assorting of ilarap,e Sint Searls. " • Silk do do New sqle Ribbons Blonds, quttnit_nntl Thread Tilers, Linen laid Clanhrie ilusiery nail G 10A es. Also, ti.',lolllls, Sum c!ler Caisteiniereit. Tooods, Drillings and V.istings. A large ay . aortpient or Ingrain, Venitian and Itag•l arpet:- Floor Oil Iya, and Abating. 130- PC1 . 5069 WIShill); to purchase any . or the a, hove articles will lied it to their advantage td cull before purchaskig chest but e. Carlisle. April tit, 1847. wil:l2a•u;Q: , PRING AND SUMMER GOODS, 'OHE subscriber bus just received and is it—now opening at his store, on the South West corner of the Public Square, u fresh end splendid stock of Staple IP Fancy .11‘..71 Goods, comprising ill port, Cloths, Cassimeros, Cash man:fa,: Tweeds, Cottons of a:i kinds, Silke i Mous 70 . Laincs, California Plaids, Lawns, Moshns, Gliocks, Tlekingb, Gloves tfosicry, Ate. Also, Groceries of all hinds. Also, a Yuri stook 'of Ow CELEBRATED FLUID LAMPS, which he hllB No cxtensiyety introduced, and winch have gip:n*Bo muFI, gcncralesatisfaction A Isso, The Pekin Company's TenS. Ike has been appointed sole rigent in this place fur the sale of the aboVe Teastlo which he would in' ite the specialattentior of the !Ave of good Teas. The manner in which they are pni up is ouch, as that the !favour is prive-ved for any length of time, being incased in lead Or tin foil. ramifies can be supplied with -any quantity put up in this manner. . The public is respectfully invited to call and examine his stock;liefore purchasing elsewhere inesinuch OS he feels confident that his varitly and prices WOl be vatisfsethry to purchasers. ROBERT . IRVINE, ,Carlisle, April 7, 1847. New Store, • IN HANOVER ST.; FEW Dopßs ABOVE WM. LEONARD'S sToßli... lIE subscriber ha'S 'opinied a now and hen'uso'me alock or CaCia:) , ==)%9 o • • On roc ER Es ar_qtrEurfuswitatE, &c.,&c., consisti ng ofTll;oliiiindCa as fineres, Casbniarets, Tweed?, ,Omi till other.' kinds of geode for Weittlpme'n's wear. Gingliam.Lawns, end Ginghoms a good assortment fur Worsted Csinelians in dress patter Vis and Or:, gandies, all Minable for Spring dress for la; ladies, togetliM with a COod Stock of Calieneii and Moslins,l3onno s and' Ribberis; Palm Hats, and mall lot of gape May, Rote, suit. able for gen'tle th er. Alio. a good stock of - Molasses Coffee,' • and SPICES of' all kinds—together with 11:0"kg!!' STU.,FFS,„ tilLOWhich the . sitilineri Wei will sell 'CHEAP CASU. . ; A. ,qOYLn. v. rerliftle; P 47.: ' CARPET' HALL ,* • 0 n AR/8 extroordioarr cheap •ej l u and, good .OARPETIND,, of the H eet . style;jueLrecebeiVed , atthB-kyo :"• 77- '7ili*Vllol . ll, aw UiOi. :-; whjch,will,bajo,old Ali the' follittiingptiairl • Vegition Carpel from 10;to 40'colite. -Ex Ira' Ility ;la 114tiOly30 'lO r %Ingitiin.Car i pot 3 ply', -- :1''7:!(04.W0n1',1,,T3 ' • ' Alitoo;it goolVneeertineht..4'o'fßAW,,MATt: and 01.0:1:4§...j114 crealitiiiil poi:61101dd end iti d ,30 per cont. chcapoittnia l oveic:otfororti..q ,per. • 1047: , r-NEW-STOC -(..-DRYAIOOI)S-r -', .. - aolva,.?4,PtrircliatLE4 — ' - fiECEIRTSII6IIXPENDITUpES. Atthe Poro Of , Oariisle, APrily ”1847. recernttd 'ceotat littteli, late ni for 180, out l'eUtent, 7lB 70 ui for 1846, 2508 4 ot-.. 14 - • 4 88 IL 4 ull. Dor. 'Provssiou Store 15 00 lG 00 II 'Heine of Market _ • • 201 CI instable" Walker. thin, 511 00 Usk received froni sundry persons on neccittlit of Bonds due by thein to the • Borough, • 4443 503 Cash reeeivcd from W.b. Seymour— tax. on $2lOO, open account bearing , " interest, fcirgotten to be given to Asseasur, 50 Cash received from Walker, . • Constakle fdr the Inilf 'ef the' pro- • 'eeeds tOOO lit ick soltb by 'the Brirdtigh according to the e, . regitlitions oT the bilro' ordinance, '1 95 Capp received of Charles . ilell,P , er A. • • •Noble,. (bid:dice on vice '( as rens- , urer, .• • , 25 00 Vitsli'rekeived of Wm. Crop for Rd 'Materials, sold by it. CommissYs, 4 50. 'Cash received from John' Walker;tor AVltter Rent,. • Cash received from Jno Walker,:ftnes -from Shaking Quakers, for ei.tifibi tiliiviihout license, lIIMMIZZEMIIIIIIIIII Cr. , r . By cosh paid John Agnew in full oil Fire Engidea, 1.457 474 Cash paid Myers k Daverstic , 12 70 Cash'paid.loseph S. Glt r for printing, tl4 Cash paid John Daiies• for street reg ulating. Cash paid Satistiel lug Bridge," 811; Cash paid T.Ol. CriswefL i Prothono- , they fees, 1;0 70 Cash paid hied) Spangl ' street 'regulating, • • '7 00 Cash_pald„John.nolsapp' ing Used htid PrObate, • 1 19.3 Cash paid P. 11. Sinitlr, for building Engine House and extra work, . 448 034 Cash paid Messrs Billiton& Boyer for Illank , Notcs,ke..and Handhills,tae. • 14 00 Cash paid Win. M. Beetem, Esq., - Prothondtiiry feel frit. ',ente.-ing J titlgmerit lit &Wolof' Borough 1 75 Cush pant, Costs nit lois with F4steis Noble, 421 Cash paid Stewart NI 1107 e the balance of his salary as Street Commiss'aser for 1344,10 1 . 7.5 00 Cash paid Elizabelli'N".err for a 1 b l' ground oil the cdrnefr of Bedlam it. and Liberty Alley, 100 do Cash paid J. M. Cl:ttf.• for Furniture for Town Connell Ball, '2O 00 Cash paid 1. levenei• Tor; cleaning Spring, , Cash paid Jnim (qe - bOear. Esq., fdi : recording deed from E. Kerr, • , Cash paid James Cre'ver for Books and Hines fon Market House, Casa paie C. Minstql of Philatia. for Wetglits, orgulating Weights for Market HOtise, - • ash.paill Win. Riley, Esq Mak ing duplicates will' eertifteates, Cash paid Worley :B. Mattliews.aidi ry-as Street CoinfrirAloner=week -- done by him and other persons em ployedby him,thr the !borough, Cash paid * Win. Miller for_ repairing i aat Pith - - Crn — JiPaiifilainiali A brains for Taxes rzfuniled. Cash paid George W, Hither in full (a- W. Kektields lOC Philada,) note 1 ;for Engine Hose, ' Cash paid A: P. Erb in full of con tract for mucking Town clock. Cash paid E. Beatty . for printing No -tiiies;Ocilii:anee.s,tid; -- I.Cash paill the Unionniiil.timherland Fire Companies lib approPi lotions, Casii•pliiil Jacob Shier, `Cash paid to..fhlm Walker h.r work .done by sUndry itiersocis, Also, bill of F.:tuners' ions, Cash paid James Loitilirn TOr Sr.itio liiiry,ke., . Cash paill'.fa'cot'ile'fby IW'. , cci'te (uorse and cart. and onehand reiairlog upper end of 11:tiioVer 'street IVr 3 (la) a,• - ,_ . .Cashpaid ./{.00!) ifig)le for slidv'e l lWii snow Off !MAN Konare, , Cash paid ..Yain6l Elliott fur Olfs for Market 11,M* Cash paid Christina Lehly ft; Pi\Ang West mid of gni th street, , Calla paid J, Ellis Boidatrn, ElitiA costs of atilt brat4ght•agalnat the Sr. Commiaslose . 'rs,., . . Cash paid Jolrn ft Turner, Stre'ek Regulator, Cash paid WiYi. NI. lleetern, EA., - costs for suit Iron,glit against tile borough, by I !miry .W. NI a teer, Cash paid J. .1. 11vers in roll far l'ii surances on Eng e !louses, Ike.; Ilicsuranee fp . r/,.‘1: ui 111.11,i . " • Cash, ait' .1. A. numeric!' for use of Ccirriiiii ' e I louse for Engines, . Csali paid John O'Neal iii,part fo'r • naving-tinuth•Slr,el, - ,- ;,. •• • • Cash paid s ,lames Dunbar for openid . Council 10orn, Ste., ~ , , , 800 . thihl:plifit For holding Electlo, 13`diagh, Ofter , ra - • ' ... 22 00 s i li f elialtipaid j Olin ,11flicleiiler foi.`a , • . , Ting s(fow.,...off,,Quillso Squar'e; , . 125 'Nish paid Jolui,A 11.111;yon for : ' tliti, 100 Ciush-hat-illia op_fo' ll_ ~ . .._ eclat . 100 00 Cash, paic John' igtv„, ri stable ancl!.llre , COllll li ' salary fritipcs,yeitri , •':.:::.t.:: •;,,,;, , 125 00 CaSh paid sumintiMeiinisipn .account or Bonds 4lee the tire, thorough 2,952 5 , 4 A Arnothit of tiltial!,lsl :yetleetned by . • this Tl•easurer an 'Celled; . ' • 601 23 Cash Pahl leoliert• r i ',l' 'ebt %I Fonds hold by Isitivit:'i -,• • '' 158 87-.3 Cattkpaid,49 - ' t for - inivnig §Out ! root,: ','.., !.!, . •..100 00 Treasitrer's-sa . ;;•,,,-;-.--•-•• , ~ '.,-is-- . • -100 00 O'Nealik Cask paid i ' ~ Cre'ror:loiJinois . 1 and Hikes' oi,Stiii , het:Ho'utie, . 625 Amount of Tiffitr4B4o;ontstululing, 943.561. Cash veld John•Wilker foreolleating • . , taxllie11148: - ! c'' ' ' - ' - 150'40 Cash 'mill .E, Beatty , inr! Otinti lig,. ' - ' ' :6 25' Cash paid John Walker for serVit " ''• " ;'' assessment ootleesi-.. , ' i,, ..!., •• . 5 OO •il6l —"- 1, -84,4 A • . • • 11116ilee • 0,111) We, the undersigned, having examinetrillte 'aliovo.ngununt 110.fitid 1 the Mime to.bid . eai , !re'l • - 1 • • Comoitteeof Acc'ts . , , . .„ • • pgp ) 0 . 9 14Asi , Pr, °N . mk.! *: Auiount:(l9k,•, 9 , -11 t: „.„ 14tet lug - 1' Abe_ .5; . 867, Li 111: 1 4;70iii, , •1 19 1 t14... 0 0 i 4. 3 ) • yy nicer= It few or ;tiled' , lb+ „ - m l 4 / ' • r OiVP , fil 14469 oti!:‘ , . 11 15900 OEM ECM 'Mil smut liands.of 4, , - a1' . .1" PI . I 2 , 621 60 Showing nfqxeess overitesoureeti -.•n* , * l .;*. , *'59,21:112 . 5t .Whic4.4 zany, Impropoi to remark ••• has, hem ticiaisioned mainly by the omission- of.lCounell, to levyft tp,x fur thoyear 1113.autlifytTtetappropri; MIMI of the monies reeelyytl for notes,i”itetl;and: loatts'Onithi diming .titaft' year, to . tlit a p ayment' the ewer expenses of the'lloreughintato the Eorelinie of VireAtiparatits' and the building of ngine Flousea itt the' Year foltiiwitiv' ' 1 " • - . 'Which item would,nmount in the nstgregate to' a sum exceeding ssoolloiii ;17(10 larger than the incees's'attove etturd--ifieiving a gain of that amount to Intin been derived y-thel Borough from the,interest reeeiYetlnBlo.• over the interest and expense, 'mid out tbq pules issued in. 18442 114111 '43. ,Whislugainis however tit he reduced byinly 'further 'Pleietitation of thole notes for pas -them. We .41N Oommitte'on Financio, pi% tog exam ined alcove act:Mint, foul it to h . p,o imgvect hz* iseerta hied at the prlgefik tune ill COUR& ileum* of the hooks burnt In eighteen hun dred and forty .fise. 1C Ni. ?Nl'iII"V.F11'001), • IV. 11. TROC.T. * committee. MEI ___A pal -J-4,184T Farm for Sale. ir WISH to sell et Private Sale my FARM, situated in Newton towinihiti, Ctimherlati& county, one mile from Newville,' on the rontl to, Newburg, and noinitining 207 acres of Slate land, Uhont :kr stores of wlticll are Wand-: hind, and-the remainder close and in ti gond state The improvements are a Two-sToity ' Nl' eatherbmirded LOG',llNliN,lev. • vs; eralnever failing springs of running - N Wider near tli,,house, with an Orch ard pr . Apple ; Pell . C11; 0114.01.17; KUM, and other hearing fruit treAjtiLlitie_etindition_i.,w no neves off, or the whole together, as may best snit purehasersy • aa. If not stilthienrivate ale by the Tilt tiny of Atielist, next, it will on that day he. offered at public elle. For Nether. particulars enquire of the siibseriber.livinli on the .premises. JACOB ‘V HAVER.. 5 iirt; OEM 4ril'7, 1847 Morrett's HOeel T HE subscriber respectfully announces to I I is friends and the public geileraily, that he lies taken the well known Vavern Stand. On.the Go . ;_of Smith Hanovek-and • ret ..Street s, 'formerly kept - y Mr. Andrew where he will enddait. rto derv° those Who may cell upon him. In the most satisfactory manner.— The house is pleasantly situated, and is fitr nished throughout witl.. good bedding, and other:fupiture, and his accommodations are sue!) us will' make it a convenient and desira ble atbpplog-place. No exertions will be spared to make it agreeable in all its departmentslC those whn may favor him with a call. . • . • BOARDERS will he label' by the tc'eek, month, or year, at the usual prices. . SAMUEL MORRET. Carlyle,April 14, 1847. v.o 06 26 00 10 00 . IV . . Ikuorkeepers and the public to the oneti me stock 'Or , t , plaudit! Furniture. including So. ___ .. MIMI sing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety-of 'Ca inet -ware and Chairs,' which they Imp? just opened at their new rooms, on the corner of North Hanover and Louther Streets, Carlisle. Tney are confident that the , superior finish of- the workmennhip,-and -elegance-of-stylevin which Weir articles aro gotyp, togethpr with their CHEAPNESS, will redrimmend them' to every person wanting Furniture. They have also made arrangements for manufacturing and keeping a constant supply of every article in their line, both plain and ornamental, elegant and useful, at prices which they cannot full to suit rirchasers. They would dernently invite persons who are about to commence housekeep ing to cull.and examine their present elegant Stock, to which they will constantly make itd (Minns of the newest and meta maere styles. Mice, made to order ej true Anne's: 'no. time. for ;town end country. April 21,1847. 305 00 A 00 EMI 68 Oa 1 42} 28'25 6 88 Mil .025 V6o oo ..Q.Utal..o:wljacsixarcia.Kg_voczas- CELEBRATED -WINDMILLS OR GRAIN FANS aE public aro cautioned t ainet pWr-pih cing any Wind Mills or Main Fans, pia porting,io be of the subscrilices patent nr ma nufacture, unless they have HIS NAME upon them. The is II beer ibi:r on fin iteMo manufacture his -late improvedPATENTED Fitts. in vs' Fahs, in North Queen street Lancaster, Pesn'a,kulf a square criim,44 rail road, and nearly oppe sitsWiiiirwelPasivarthonse', where lia is pro. pared to taeordinodSte all who may call upon him. . , His FCCS liVvo lateen the yir,eroinfp at six eiclabitions; anq he_fe'clis Issued tru,y. cannot be excelled, if egitalled, iiy r any article now kis the market , All ordure Aromptly at. terletl A andillis delivered at any place wit6lh fitly t '., "Pr. Laneaider free of charge. foam fbir S its. The subs l'as never heretofore sold patent person; but. e is now pre. pared tit Prietvirships, counties and States. . irriliastriettet , tcht!ifttiteAaw:will be en'ortailagitleitilill - A Wiiiiliiiol`slhge - , on his ta • ,O GHlsrllAYll.lsßONOH; . raten'(c'e. ;, **ll4l' CM BE 41 00 10 00 100 00 ;Iffitiltoiatris; , Sl9/4 1 :40iikli*ifiOq.ip:q,.' .M 6 'ts#o2 . lo.tgt,l4)ti_TVKayneit,, , : 6O;Vna; gijdi s e4;(*e i I/ I , derr.hfillineql , iiii, ("I , 'VDW4RlA l 4eitlCitil;Oiqii . C h tftilli hitiriO UlriAlio attlitiVieri',O(Ciiiiiitri,4uyars to their- No* iiiidClMSP‘;StOck,fitr 17A14';'11, GOODS of every . , ,fiiiiiiiidisli;* adapted,;., 40 SPrisfr 'lade ; meg- Vfollld-os peolallys. part fou IR rise. their-118.. Sartaieiiiitf , AILTIT'ICIAL•FLOVVEROIIicIi for style : aril 'unrivalled lii,Alib' eity.,• • t.'t . ...i -- , 1 1 4 , ~.;,. - , .-.- .....;,,...... rr , The•nevir' Sprhilribalke l o, } I'S iblSii :111'01 , CroiT'nst'' in' ' FOitydlitiCii",tiiiii.,;wlil#, -- 4 ,14 ...13 uikiii hi, fnililitifo,oiC'd: l6 !,P,P4; ilsPl , Silk , df il lqiii'Vdpivit 00040,, 9V466 , -, , 4 ~-j„ ~;., ~ , ,•,,,•• , ; ••;', "_,:',5 Oto‘:, PP, VA:RD5:, 0 1 , 1130P140.4 I , , Ir. ; ,., ..,,,,t:i ,•,37,Seid .13oyend 4t.,il'hilads:. t,, •APr1111..101 ,, t1 t irui I • 1.. .-iy,i..'t ., „ . ~- ~,11 7-TOBACCO; , SEGARS-AIVD-INUFret 11 . . 1':'...'1,:.. l ' ''''' rjr .-. ". RE ,"billithiribby kiltiing-iintotfem.hisAli. , . • 18,'•,,e0',1 , 4rit I:4nitosltocbup44,by .tlir. °l . l i'A i a " il l eii';o4. l3 tor,e , iv. PrsParsfi ,to sc. •orqutothitii,"'llic,avimictits,,of,tithemaini", SWith • choice -,efil'ores. is '? . :llliriillfie, consistinil or , 6,4 d - Cavendlek , Dad ' , Curl ifelliqhilitiirq'ob . akccio,' C,horoot,, , Principlat Itugills',l i Plantiftitir,lA UnitM, l La: , ,Cobanyli Oubit ,, land-41iiiiirint, and -pair Spanish - Seggre, Demutielf mid Danner'. -essifi , Pilis",( 4 v 6 l'Aii l'iliii. "il. l 4cattaflatti' .Btntikini:Tniaiiecd.':filiiiilntolcif find 'ytillt ly g Canes; Anderson's, Miller's;''ind did. •fiiie Cut and chewing, Toliicoi;;Ai.o. &0.,411 or 'whichlio:wilf, .1)p lipkip,y, Jo 101 l ,to .theee Nibs 'may , chbried 'to i ilv,o a call. 'Shop in, West iligladleet;Cailiela: .";-',.; .t. "s'• - ..; ' '‘..' .. ;.; , ~ ,•,,-/...;,' ~. • ' ~',. ' ::',''. T. ikoll'is:Witti.;,..:, April ne,1047:,! . , „ , i., , . :., 7 ., •:,,,Y; fl'...i',Tist jiPP l iiii;spa:iii:iiiii i itei ilnilfcloililitoii4' i 3 ~ P. *Tlg&fil i i i tiFttnehtlii(JSiliiltii ; :igt , it, lriraiON hie, • TOP,',be 11,11,141d,,•0 1 ,0 rot a, , Apri121;'1811, ~ , ', , ,-, 13',.' AI PCJYLE:, .1 ~,.,,' -' ~, i„."'S '-' I . ;',,;:',-' :,,, , ,tr , , ',,,',/, f - • i , , DWARE','„OtIIiEI I • T H6- r And a r c ' non , opening at, 'their! otspre.on *loin sty i, t oppbtite Store;", " leztwe lot pt litirdlOar;e— whiehlw.atidilion pep forinte - Stock, Ihni,ps their assairinient• larger and more comPlete.l!:'... +will be tonntl iii any Other store athecounty, iu ' I ftto' which they %Venni call the ittteAttion of Bitil erti,'Sleelpitises and all winding 'gtinds' in Ill* stout; comprises a full itinturtnet .!X Locks a n d Latches of every description. -- Hinges, Si rows, Bolts, Shutter Fastnings unit inimw:Springs ; 6ircular, Cross-cut and klill,Bavvit • • 'Band, ' l nfant!, Ripit; Gouges antt.P.hainattir-'---.- - • - Pluuea of every kind; • Patent Iron mid Ball Braces • , , C.9 l umaa and Plai ted' Brace s Vit1,4116%'-'-'. Anger In! Anger Bins; Spikes and Nail Glinlileis I• Axes, Hatchets, Drawing Knives ; Shoe and Nail HatNers; _Files ;tip 14Iter snit ; I lames, eiliovele,Spadpsintl„Hoes ; Flay silt! Mature Forkti, Nunn. knives Le. ; KnitTs fund ronks- n,f `Kerry Style ; • Pocket and Ditk knives, S4isgots sntt`Slicrars ; • Talijedittl Tea ittpooldt.;;; WaiteviTind -Trays candlesticks; . Brass Andirons . ; Shovels and Tonga ; Panty and common' Bellows; • Smoothing Irons; .•, 'Holloware of everftes ertpt • n L tha 1 I CLtiar . t They hove:1190 a toll and complete aSsornirt Sadddling anti goods for ourrioge bbilders ; • • Wagon Boxes, Carriage'Sjirings ; Pititits;.Qiis and Stain •• . Qoattb,.(tottin otr. lo pnn - nott - L—Vitihlrr" --- ' Window Glass, Putty, he.. • Also just tee 'veil' . ' 20 o .of. :nor -tiro .0,7, 1 a.; ha ; It Cull assortment of 4111 Ittllk' Russian and American Sheet lrou.JllooP Iron Cast,Shear, Blister and Spring Steel g Anvils, Vices", Nails a n ti Spikes Tin Plate Zinn, SPert•er . ; Pig stud Bar ,Leati, &e. Alto, , 4p (192. Grain and Grass Scythes, • 40 don Seyfhe Snaths,ll 'lO dot Scythe Stones: • • .e:rersons wis ‘ ltptF to save 20 per cent i n tt,,,, ptirchnsesotre inviter) to roll and goods, as we ore enabled to offer better Bart than con be hogelsewltere. WRIGHT St SAX ru April 14, I SIT. •1 OF ALL COMPETITION. 6ixix27l2tip HARDWARE AND PAINTS ! NO NtI7IYI'33VICIF!' THE attention of the public is respeeto,, 1,.. invited to u NEW AND SPLEN 1)(11. - s aim of • • Hardware St. Paints, which I hove just received from tho City. u, which I am determined to•sell at the LO‘t - EST f IC ES , I do nUt pretend that I Import any myself, but buy them in the City all fer,Css.m, and of course g et them at the lowest rake,— . The ;Albite is ,thereloro invited„ to bavoni, acquainted with the Ericirs il ed thee gallon me and if I .do not sell bettor goodf e s l o w and a little lower than theilMpoheri, shall not usli . them. tp, j bey.j I. will ! subjoin the prices ot to (but art,tclesTriz —olloe -.llundred TCdgo- , of Nails .ot 84,50 per , Reet,eme 'iundred Kegs White Lead; $2 per Keg of 26 lbs.; 2000 Ibi. 'Grindstones, I I. to 2 cents per Ib, and all other goods-at.equall, w-prieero cj Call. and Pee at the old st.ind in North Hanover Street, Sign of the .Big . JOHN Y. LYNE, Carlisle, April 7,1847 heap Drug Store. J. & W. IL FLEMING, ItESPECFULLY inform their friends and the public generally that they have taken the rug and Cimmi4al Store, lately owned by' Mr. Franklin Mehallby, and formerly by Ste, vonaon & Dinkle, on tho North Weal Coiner of High and Pitt atrcets, directly 'Opposite Vilihrott's Mansion Hu lse y Hotel, in the Boro' 'of Carlisle, where they 'have on•hand, (and in tend adding Omaha) a targe tiesortin'oat :of • ,- , t.`tZ7(_4. : 1 1" lltedtelites, Paints, Oils, ot_ilt. .75•9e-StrifP, Peifittnes, Fancy .Artides,, 'Glass esir.i, which iliy - it't &Tenni - tied - 16 sell en very . acic,mmodating, terms. They intend to give their undivided attention to, 111 business and luipe.to receive a liberal patrrnage. ~,. ' ,PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS Arfr. fully enmpniv.cW. . .. . . Carlisle, March 17, 1897.' Spring Supply 301 IN J. MYERS has just receives II IF his Spring supply ar DRUGg PAINM OIlbS; . Dye-slugs ,SL l'ancy Perfumers; which he offers upon the lowest ter*. His Driitra and Medicines have ,tecn:solccted with greir cam and he can confblenilY'itecommend thorn as boing fresh, pure end genuine. • . PhYsiciaiis Sresciiptions ca're'fully compounded, and their orders atteti4 ed to with accuracy and upon the poet .pleas tog terms. J. J. MYERS. March 10, ni47, FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. F r4 o s 1 11 (EVL ,40 • I stiretti*- eflfresti and genuine.. ~; -;y• An.:111 ; 4 :FIifSH .G.A.RI3EN, roily...subscriber hae iiiU reoeni , eil 'hitrinni ' at. "TOY mr.,chnleaogiteiliii:LiteedeleLreey kiinGtngatnen witb a large collection of'FLAZ) ER REEDS,' eempelitleg `, the Arinit':eliglitif ' _elettea,.to_w.hich_he_inviteitbe_attention.olittkaeL. !teepees and ladies. r•• ....S. • ' ..• • • • rteStilarardatintatiods." ,., , AL lE "AnAlput , :tip at the rtedeniatGatti i•!-ttee, chataegue.eellPtY , ,lft, :ai!co:. Including every - choice variety,,elf the Vegetable. and a large,aseprtment orlihoitio" FLOWARRlBEDEquethtetilvit&aniVreit•lptifig eheeP: jArril; Ird ER SI irnug 444 i /$4140 . Sinre. - -W-eat-Malii,Stc:enCeniltate; l •• • • m ikh riom ei c r: ,•. . I silleFetij.'gicitin'" 6147: k 4 8 4 1 1 1 1 11 0 rbYmnitui l OVOnti diO B OIVCIE-Plie( 4 •1 'nereldp on the 31st 111%7,4 *it u , those Icntrking therneeivekto tie iniletitekitritre: ' _ t Volent l ;enti thoie claims present thenh. Given under otir all/kith Ifni 'O . ll 1 8 371.: E OFtlaes,AlSAliti'L , or _ ork 44 . 04 , rigfit .1 4 &h.; I§lP' entt door triitiliat r Antir l, to„ 't l ,9,rth Pitioveriltes6o4l:9 l .4 'ocupted ww — iyoivirirls," on 14 or:4101r -hit ine jEMORII:Ora 11000 61 1hieW '6lllooh 1 1 1;-" 11411 n ' A ji . . l AßG.NkfAleilioll l , o o ! Ina ' . ' llllPrilC k lki anir'firt eilerbyt . Pei/ t 1847. ROBTARVINE FM MIM=E SE a :: OM mia