WTI 12 --!41,111.: • v ty nT rti rout:t.fro , E4 T 1 f; )I,lo`l 1.1, .at_it:);l/:7., 1! %,.) „, i WO ="0 - 1. - T t INM - 4 e . ; ,:;:, . . ME C.-.*W`1 2,1 -•• ,, • • • DK: NOON mitEits ,REmovip •I•1.1§ sfr-F IC E and DAVELtiNd to 'the, tpu story !nick nnitar'adjotning 'lda Drug Btore, on Wes , ,; 1/ 4".K . 11.140,847. . • =I D CCIOR GEO. WILLIS POULRE, . . .. • •Varatttiore I , the' Jefferson iilleilient cone& o • . y.5PECT11.3.1...,y, oilers tn 0171)(0,11c hip pro t rtissiniutt seritieeq in die lirataice 6r Medi 'c I C ! ' S"kery:,• 'ontt , mido iiiilN . .. ~. . A ' 'WFICK a , the reattletice. , of his' (O t her. 'in S. - , l' knave r street, directly oilinsite NJ uria•ta' (late -------Jtalitatill-alluteluittt_ilt—ScntitL_Vrlebyieriatt. t Church. I.:Arlisle, Amil 7,,18.17. drafts inirinigerneiti, Doctor NI be enabled to.zive bis undivided attention to etltt ~tiess of his Profession. . earlislei.loitteinber 30, MIL —3in )- -- . S AS daD =YIP 2s vlgomeopatllic,Fhysician OFFICE;, Wan strnet, in the house:for hierlyuticupied by Dr. Prod. Dbinni - n. 1846. IBM 130 (OJ , BOO oa-tilab .'"44:4!0 • pertliren all operntionN upon the VTeeth chat tie requiveil tor their preser ruti,ei,sd-elins Sealing, Plugging , ne will vestoretlie 10$9 or 111001, 'ly I tiserling Ar- Herat :reelft, front n single Teeth, in a full •!Ittillliee on Pitt tliret,ll N; (1001 . 4501.1111 01 I. 11e11.0111 . 04 11 lit tel. N. 11. I)l'..f.nr.iiiis will be absent from Car lisle the lust tepid ays, ennui month. 'hone I i,181(). •ATTORNEY AT LAW , ••• Pittsinaw - , Pa, ' eni•lntle., In (fir' prnetjer 11, of bin pinfesHinn Pilishurg, cm , 0k1y,,14t.• • - • 40, 1937. . • ' l .C.O&A r fi Ca- r EM: S • .ArroitNEy Al' LAW. , . . .10711 A . trmiCoti ,, in the st.vern I Co h rt, o f.r u . m _ 1,..r1,0,1 iii,.l thi. it.lini..l4t iiiiti.diea iiilillo- Titittnuill rw.tessitmal hitLit.,n etolrusreil-to his dire. with promptness :64 11.1dirr. -- (1 hoe in Sowit 11.4.insve .i reel ,in Gniii:iin's est' 1,101 , 1i:1g:01)41 , 4hr the i'llKi I /nice. C:kriioe „A ugusi . .... ri, k 4 11.- y. -s. ) . DUNLAP Attorney - Attorney at Law. Otiro; ;n South flannrer 41reel 01 IC" (1001 . I,,eino , .1. 11. 111 . 1111/1111i F.sq. bilx 16;1845. • 41P.411Z ra r, 4 :S.t u Attorney n t "OFFICE ulth S. D. F.so., in C:eslot to's new buihlin. npistisitc Ow Post Office. March 31,1847. CARSON C. 31001 M. Attorney at• Law, ill the tear Of the Court MOW 4dely occupied II) 11r. FOSTER, 111, MOECII YI, I Air. &_i:V. 1 .1')431V.D25 . 11 Aitorni! . 3 - HARAIsBuRG, April 28, 1848.-Iy. Latrea r 2i.t22(.o o • J'usifee of the Peace awl SeriOcher. flikEWErie;south Ilamiver Street, opposite k . I the Post Office. . . ~ . , •• (00ES - E 6 SaNI Ftou,.„. Produce Cop tela;rion Mee. 411'anifii No. 48*Commerco Street 'llaftitTieee, tende, .PLAINFIELD •COSSICALAIADEMY;'. ...four . • grtehN' , ll . S hISSIthsT (5 tionothc) . 011 y. egiminelice on - MI./NI/1X; , Iwohylpetiogglit Prefteli, Niatltematies inclpding, Pauti4l i9,plol l wil ilk I:it i livenglcaiVecibirthlt t for to. 7 - • 61'11143xt.i5.. Isoilho to Ilio4e whi 'hit/Idxce titeir,loMS the, ltistlinlilmj by. hlttiPtcarle;l noentidh tollieir moral ' pi well it§ menial improitheht:• i • ''• •• ei:b4lttittittg: Term% motti:r t‘r,)) v.:revenues, Ste., con `dressing , IL. it'. BuitNl3.,. , 1 f i l Rffittilltl l l.o3 MN EIN ° Br. 'PRATIN .. a iil IlicIETSM::'' „ . , I : , , --, OUOIStS . '' ' ..l -sNro Ni' Ary4iit ,:stiwk.,,.IIIII4IIiELPIIIA ' lin'2orters . andnWhol i dale . 11,4Va1e0i . ' - IN_l)ru,, ,, ,,.N(cilieinen,Cit'emionit,Piiiii t it Meil- • , L iohies t liorgieitl iiiiil O'llitetritiol lostirtients; '1)1.11;10%10 ' ti looitsislittliViifildi filinfo,iiiitiiite,Oils 1 )Y eiiiir.linlg,lli Ifiril'i,f , 3o,,ii:•,. - i L.. t t';t • ,7. •7 I'.. Detlcdo ~Coeitryi l i eirelielto.liiiilPhysi 9 ihns '*ouptilahr i httlila eliave ! a fl. n.lillitheit..ll,,',. yoroblitiiiVe: 'tiiCiiiiil Woultiootentioo.neki t 'to ''''. beilial. cq.eataAi , ,irikiiimrc,l ,eorniJii *Joh4 VAt',oll l ,,,g,kitorgooiitaiik. la!, pfill u ipti I l ikT tiYl,N,A4 3 r. t t ii, 1 e icioloi%.tter,ttlx',Ttri tiTiii i lt .0 .'gfiiiideinci , i ....... t 5121. .:.....t. '` " ' • ofltrie •''''' , !'w L !.?"% ''''_', pililLiftiv , ",,i , ' I rl-t oi•iil - i fii • ' ;;I.II IIVIVVtIt , - , lism bb.. is. 0 e •,,.. I li!. ~.ti!. ;it -,a, - /Aili k EEElt -hie eerirTes to the potifiot—Hof ' t _lt Jr ing h!..4.0.1gg1il yinitclitibetescal ! hiv, ; Fa th e u fpf u bitk av iitlC i 0.1084 1 f1t1 1 9,i1 1 14,0„9114t.r bin au ecßibß,Rap,er A, I ,n‘ 9. ir.9 l ..si [lli tl? by . 4 1 ? ' l , ltißVPil t titigifY., ?,ill;: i tii,n,la °tls .. Mli . :publibtlrapagfr i - • „i v ,i • , viourni. ~, noi:inll ' • or 14,6.010.11341i* AghTift 4 JitPl7;•% the liiii'wtilebouri.ooulpo ;,,).(i• :Ail 1....11 , ,i4:: .. .. 0 .10 1 ,1 1 4 , 6 0, 1, , 2 1:-: , . C• ,-,.' , . • . • „ '-7 - 7,/;II.rA4L,BIf:SOO-11411VV0 - -31 W i tialitilitM.V4 1 f titai:4:o l 2- 1 14. 1 12. / 'ir *ouittritiftitsiviiiv.trfivirEii.Pa s tii:44 ' aintrArirt i jejll t ntlrWattl i a 0 - o,„mhovai i i m ivoi a r n i rii,ciliaiigf4l a uva - li • oitholOsaiitWojull* iHa t. / 11 06 1 , t ) - 71:111d , l l t. ~ •,: yibsigifitlitpiilid.l ia• 1111 11 - - Aatialiafteatai u t. 10,141141 -.Jn0p.v 4 ; 1 14,. 0 1 .101 Y Ili yaw April ,x • • Ai,l , , • t ' 1 'ff Eh . tt . I ME - .. - ^. ^ A . Ntiffr*A r iejtAM'Ailt=4 l W . S . ''" l6,l l- ',-.."...,`'' ' ' l° /F 444 ./1N 4,61, 1 0,6 V '' ' ' 1 1 , Mt** 1 4‘ 1 11 ,4 1 1 ~ 04 A1 6 " 6 " * " .. * * 1 1 14 1...Y1 4 ?-t?.."..ttl a ft'29'' I " 6 " ..7' " lg "' 4 "'lLr °2l ,' P .. f . t "r 7.;. 1 .. ~ MIT • . ....P , .. . • ~, ~.. ,•• `.*.iti L 414 umwe At i., 4411 , • - ~ ,th etprit o . , , ''=„ll , ,, , -„Nr . „_, ,5i- 1., t i 4 14 „ v --1,4,, , t •I _, f l i f, ...--._-- - .___-_----- -- -- - ---•- ,14- --; , ---,,.. -,- - - ~. ' ~....: . - ... ~ , .'"- ' 1 la '••• • , r. , (:. a. 't , rf - 1.1 .-- i'•+. ", for' trd • 1 41' ;-= 4 u ( - 1 n 01+ " • - ~ / ,,it ~ ,, , -, a- , r, ~ ~-, . %, , , i ii i , - t IMP/ .4 0 )4,00)1 0 .1 1 14 01.. .i) a...... 111011 ICA , • 4 , ....,,,,,,,,...... ~.. ,_. ~.. ,• s ' '' 74... , • t.-Ikrif6.2M Pr Ai, C't, , ' . • •-. .7„ , " ~7:7- --. -,=, ---- -1=);)1e%iltil in e'ifern.n, rid; flaw ciahnn ~ . ../fir I , 7 . ll :Thw 41110 111 ,r'r-r l S7'.iut r' =II • I•- , • - , -,,,,u, -- . ll:=",,rly , ~,,, E 7 , , i t , ' ~. 'OM' Otil t° Int" l '.', l 'l 4l l ' l ''' `..'' 4 ., I','' ' ' ', t'",-,- ‘, " , ' -1.11 yl.1•0 t)(1,/ , ,, ,ue ire err i' srii"" '_l ' . ~s', 7 l}N' ;• . ' 1') ~ NifilD hi, Iti ' 1 ' ll 4 .."` : :"."(:) :' '''f ... " '-. ' l '' - ' r "Q - 'C I - I 'I , "F •- t I , ' 4 / I n",/ i , ~,,---= I -u= , -Ion: - ....,-r-lriee;ea :nil le tau '''-' treu mull ir.)iirei •.; , ' . ' ' ' ~: , , . r'4A;401,, v; ~44 t r ;. , ,, , ,, ~ „Q, : AI", :q' „ . . . ?...‘• 1 ..on flu - r &-. ~" - • • . „ -__ I ri.kne=., ut barnr,a..Lon 'ill fil • , 41 )' - ` i ' .7."' .-4 , . •-• t `4, 1 Jun ••,,,,, 'W I 1 1.1,,1n , -1, 1. , , #it - - , 11 n,l,' n _u = ~ ' - o . ~ 4. I 11 1, bind might taye,kolde the.earth bring forth Eninigh for treat and entail. The Onk oge,and.tha,Cedar tree, Without:a flOtA.l 'Wall. 1 0u c l oilt44d)ife;e i niires tlie,m,not—' ,i ). Thed Wherefore hn Alley' blittil ' To mlniater,delight to man, To bdantify the earl% (-- . To coatforl ltn to whisper hope; .Whene' Is faith ls dint • ~ . • IC 'to lh far I Blowers. Y l k ' 'Cll An s e n r itte care i telm. ',: •; , ' f YOUNG .I.4DIEt Uti ejr 7 es ,a.. tsriter, , f , c(dtivaet 1 ikri's,:- I 9.1,101011. that , 3 7 °?!;!!PCSAIIt . Au theM'vi9ilSe'se . greal, Iliac ydu will be up with the Itirk . tce see what , progress'ylinr buds have.trride through "the inglit ;__,file mottling air will' brace and iiiyigor,ate you—you will find inti utters iii the shape. of swigs of grass 7whicli-fone-burop-oberikr-Will-not-telerate— pulling it out will be - good exeiiiiseriir and exercise will promote.hedlett hr4.l , cheerful-, nes-Your.,,cheets ,will rival you r rose froth nature's ot&n ptii•e-hue. , Ale - rneas, cultivate flowers, that your children may emulate yOur good example ; ,that home may be the sweetest spot to them. 'Our first MetherWas placed in a garden, -as the rnost appropriate place fur one who was to be thd . partner of him who was formed af ter the infaie Of his 'Maker, that her first t iessons mighfbe taught tkorn . Nature's most tieatitifikleates„sif.. instillation.' l:' we feel liotOtitr il iar'6htii Vorn—for troubles will eOlue:-ildegkiiiritttiloittlk amongst the flowers calm anchitocigiedih, • br :lead mg or-r thoughts 1 to more . pleasairt.tflingp.m the manifold kind- tress of oar heMLenly father in studding the ' earth yvith so manylewels? Our imagina tion c,an,scoree,kecp pace with the varieties of color and 'texture, all Flishand work ! Are t e etrOttVitiVith — tly IT fletfers that this is 'hot our. abiding place!. In autumn they - lade, Wither arid die—in spiing they bud forth with reneWed splendor and. beauty, blossom and send limli their richest perfothe as-in cense meet for the Creator of all good ! Shall we be more ungrateful than the simple violet arid not send tlic, incense of our praise for all his mercies?_ Ile gave us flowers as ministrators of his love and esteem to our fellow creatures,: . Who-would reduce all things to me.e utility I our - Creator has set us abetter,example 1 flowers_ ate_the_ stars tif the earth. her children, and she nurtures them wilh tears; do they not richly repay , her kindness.? •Are 9 ive not told that Solo mon in all his glorii was not Clad like ono of the simple '' lilies Of the fidid 1” They are associated with all that. is beautiful, elegant and lovely] iliey deck the bride, the May queen, and the e - lerthfilieN 111 the burial , they are aisc'Leiated-Wit limy errrlieV_t and most pleasant recollections of ironic! Who does net remember some favorite flower of "my 'mtither'sr IVhat woman does not remem-: her how often she has be - en led from Nature •' up to tNrature's Gud" 'by the simple struc tikv. of a„,l9uwei? and what woman of re 1 finemerit, Sensibil;ty and affection hut loves fliAverrat ' lndeed-Ms) , bear a cloSe resem _blaucete-lier-lototrol . -- ",,ItFo!lnarvel Wornan,shintild tore flowers. i bey bdar ...AA' hiitlchlif. fAnelful litnilitude ~2 4 140011 3 1 0 01paicuite..tati s otyrimying.. ILI . It relict) AW c V-Itik.re+stall,the glierialingit,;, ~,, ,4 I:Much:lls ihalrliesiity *their atVeeitiiiia fa ti, And like her, too, dying beneath neglect." it may allek In tie.Pfse flowers, and ask What is their use ; but the most unppeti ral loeks with pleasure on a ha dsothe 'gar den ; or even is log cabin cort!red with vines and its neatly kip platt in front, and pic tures .to himself scenes of floppiness, ane assnriates it with neatness, order and eon) fort." _“..Froirt-the Genesee-Farmer..l- Good Buttet.. • , q Is your, butter good,?.'? said I to he far . ,rriar. . .. • . . "Good ! my 'wife has Made butler these twertry , ?ears and I should think she oitglit to know hew to make good butter by 'ils• ;•.+- time!!! ... lb t bae evi ' detitlY offended. ' ' tt Well, let ti examine it ?" The cover wiwastak en ;oil: the s, tub; the clean white cloth (wl3leh Ikhd 'b'eey wet in brine,) rolled „lip, ami the, yellotv lreasure revealed. It cet moody did I.ok geed. " It tattles sweet, but 'how very salt it is." • , tt ‘Ve have always made nur butter salt to have it keep at this sea s son." ' t; Lerty see if the buttermilk is as well ~ :worked out as the salt is• in," Sump of the roils were pressed down, with. the ladle.' •• • - . , tt,Now : my friend, •if your wife has mtvle bolter th,ese twenty years, :..h, drips not know ;hoe' to Make, iq,ood : for no butler can be good Mull the buttermilk 'is worked out. If that:is doii,6s-on need nit salt it so m uch to have it, Itedp well in h,; . , , ,, , blited; A very. lit : ile dare.atai labor w ould have Made this*l- TferteVo4 ljlilibt'lackiug that little it is on tly a s It#l quhlity,tis you shall 4eknowledge ,wheri ly - yillt.a sathple of good'butier, , W ' 'ii 'yin and I took •`'itp it 'roll (Mtn ti' 'brock: : Si-rate beiterlfivaloo6otli it eigur %;iind • me '; •the. hand lof wdrytati'll d‘r,i'dt :beet kl,..ArArr t,illelime•ikheildelt the•elnitn ; ,—Mille't 9l 4 llo ‘l l ,.illifllad.4! 3 Pli,delle F*!Sll 1 theitirlfe . - •• •• 1-• ; - 1 :! , Iftyety get , Arop o,butterrfulk .rom that : butler, yeti tehtill luive,iber•Whoile free. ',Wm* tt4le if this stud nip-stwo, slid flay, hunesijyy ify. , you would n0t, i 4.,,,,,1 b lngiter,o99 / for this; thhtily'eui'bwil: Look a t it tiae.how clear, latitl trititspitrent ( :thelSe'! niiiiitte"klhbul6 itre; aandihtiW.intirnately.blerlded.witli-thami t ss , -: , l.Thtil all these tlfsappeas the..binterwillenat keep !Ong when they tire ever stislightly col ored b., ; v•-th.p.5e11k.??,,. , ~,f . . ~ ~.. ~, , ,-, i , , , / i l -.tii.;firm qc . ;lb ply . renteficed ~thst. IT' e ' , weella ditriiiiihiAti - aittiiitter''iir4 left MO to: ,fie (Pa dose •eritumPlincll,mnilflee-'olikigairierli 1 , ill,taio;filrik9g,!!4lbetiw.hrint,eyetry , :hridgl I ov itCt 74' 8 ,14 41 r Pd!4l7 . l l ,(ffigAl943rtifikki4Ourti Ilt rn.Sil'A!VlVes.,'an dayghters, yp not t49,- 1 WO teriiiiirbib b fi r illfrilel6.' l lf Is thri',Wo: - Ile% lifek lietieielly that 'Wel IfiiVidti6Nlbili,S . 1 , and we Shill - her- , , ,ItgZ , melleoll;yleitsvAtvs-A-- •kt..4, 1 ,e; • y ~1.1,, MMM I[loi3 . 11110 - regal t ~./I I , sl.ssSt , L:. -r,: I. su. u3lts 2.* t. 2, r~~~ 11111. (CLAY, TE%AS AND TIT .WAR. We are now in the midst of a war, costly in treasure and blood. Thlrvar is apart of the'coneqUedees'of thef i election rifJames K. Polk f one, of the evils itiflicted 'On this count - ryby the sad mistake Of Plae'in - g se small 'a Jinni in a place of such iinmedeelpo"wer, - During the campaign, 01 1844, it.was fore .. told to the people that the views of Mr. Folk ' Would diroW an into a •War which tieluid.n'o talents to conduct; neither had he the. mug._ nanimity to 011 into col.:_riaeil.._able-aftd—,. willing. teadvise. ..But the monitory' cry- of the'press, and of party orators; reasonable as . . 6'6- were, and truthful as °Vents, havepio ved them to be, were not all, nor the most solemn, of the appeals made to the people. In AMil, 1344 7 14C.N117 CLAl : ireeealled on to expressbis opinion of the acquiSition of TeXas. Ilis letter was published about that . time in most of the Whig papers, and we make a lew extracts to show how fully tha t greaVstatesmsn comprehended the question ' before the people; how his great mind con nected causes and effects. • After giving a history of our connection with . Texas, Mr. Clay says; This narative Ylidws the ptesent actual con- '". dition-ofTexas, so far as I hate information' A about it. If it be cortect,Mexico has not aban dotted, butTerseveres iv the assertion of'her rights•by actual force Maims, which, if sus pended, are intended to be renewed. Iht der these cireirmstarres if the Govermnent of the United States were to acq u ire Texas, it would acTitre along frith it alit& incurabronces which Texas is Owlet.. and UMMig them the actual or suipe»ded war between Mexico and Texas. Of that consequence there cannot be a doubt. . AN-. - NEXATION AND WAR WITH MEXICO ARE ['DEN rICA L. Now forene I certain ly nut not Wiliam' to involve: his pommy in mfore ign 'X•li - r'T.ellie - r - O - Frea ofacquiring Tex as. I know there are'lhose who rega rd such a - war with tridifference and' as a trifling al •lair, on account of the weakness of „Mexico, and herinability to intact serious injury up on the country. But I do not look upon it . bus 1i7,101y I regakti all in 4.10 as great cal amities, to lie avoided, it prssible, and hon orable peace as the wisest and' truest policy ot this country. What. the United- States—_ most 14.1 are union peace, and patience.— Nor do I think that the weakness of a power should form a motive, in any case, for, indu cting to engage in or to deprecate the evtle justice ate war. Honor and good 'faith and ate equally due from this .country toward, the weak act.towards the strong. And, it an act of injustice ivere to be, perpetrated - to--- wards any power, it would be Mote compa tible with the dignity of the 'dation,, and, in my judgement 'IA distiorigable to inflict it up ‘ 494,4:...enve.eAtul ! iustead of a weak nation. • •,.a Hear the great man again, upon the'ques tion of iliCleaSlng the area, tor the sake of giv ing power to one section of the country: It is useless to disguise that there are'ihoste who espouse and those who oppose 'he an. vexation of Texas upon the ground of the in fluence whirl, it wialld exert, in the balance of political power, between the two .. great sections of the" Union. Tconc'isive that no tnotit;e for the. m acquisition of foreign territo ry would be more.-unfortiqate,' or pregnant ' with, more fatt.t consequepoesotian that of obtdiiiing it'ior the Purpose of strengt,hening one part againstanother piutof the Common Cbtif,-cteracy: , ,- - • . •. • ' • . Stich a principle, put into practical 'olitei.- . Lion Voolt; Menace the eXistenee, it it did • not ceitatgly, sow the seeds of A dissolu tion Of the I.' nion. It would tie lo:inci iclaiM to the world an insatiable. Ind nn quenchable 1 c laim to , • acquisition of territory, •Forll to-day Texas'' be aqquired to strengthen o ne cart .pf the Confederacy,, to-morrow Canada May'be' ad- quired to add.ttrOglb 'to another. And, a}: ter that 'night nave been obtainekstill other and .litr,therlaFtplialtqvi t Weald. beguile' ne cessary, fu equalize araladjusi;•the•Rlinee i zt r politic4l,power.. Finally, in the progress of this spiqt.trif uttiveratil dominion, the part of. the Confederacy: vifilleh is now weakest, woolti.fiiiihtself still weaker from the iin possibility of seentlw.uaw-dipatres for those peculiar institutions I.vhWit it is charged• With being (lowans io extend:. The'lette't: tbus'elojecV: . t- • • Altlictu4 I, have ., folt•eoliTelled f:o ' „ „P RA th 9• nature .tyq of the , atkfressed to me, to • extend this comeniehtio a rinich'greeter . . ,tengt.b..tliattilreOnfillieyee,'ivished,lcont4 riot • do jilsl,lNe.., to,the:subjeer, and .faltiSeani'fully”, J. exposo , nly,Otrit/opinionk in , li r shaqiirFacti, ,/ ( fti cOnclusion.:lthey , ,ma? .01,,e , taterl.' 0' ,'10,.iv . , i , wcirtle,lo; be; iltat , rebimiderijhe anne'xahon . " dr I:2X aei. oil 1 iiis..tim e 7 ..w liken t` the' Eihen I, oc ~ Mexico, as t Measure comaroniising the na ' Winer. charocrter. invoivinertainly in war, , ‘yitit: ll,l lexisq,,kopa,Oly,witit.pther fOreight . poi , rtfi, l o,VV°9l l t,9 ,t4to integrity of theiUntott, 7 . ll . ' 6 '1,1 1 ,91 1 1'W II) ,; -, 4 14,1 t P r0e4.11 : financlat;cititiqk .-'! ii iltitt .01 1 .?.0,i 11 0311, .an a , Pot celled, fordby-any ''' ' _ 4(e _ne_i3 4, l 4llcogsiett,p4public,opinionA,: t ' ` '''' ' t• 1 )V / ' ,r RP 9( Ac t A I Y I , Y94tosiKidient•slrfant'' /,,,'''';-, . . ' 't:,...1: , i ,;trwr tic) ''. l • l 2:Q. 1 .'" 1113 C lAN; 0 ,,` . ',' • ...,Ili•rit., vffritrlneaVssetor• ri . 1 , 1 , ) , 11:1 . t , . : .. Z; : li . qns/ 1 4Artli/F/ 1 ' 4VArtAiii . 3ooAriTAMlr 'WI* Tatin.—'...Ffitin. todooling. from the Cinetnnatt 4 " 'llorning - liearlioXes„:tliet.igatio Off any ~ b irif.; in the a lßalltbnrisn7lifie W r l 1101) r , • , eeety, tot aninyfai itiqvulfrisi . fiah'"(litc 4 'egllSl ; .„ I t „, :ateptlinnigitAttillitialiiiityliiitiii FAtk i ',, lt etirlin i Wailed aiPliike VI; '.icliia '`'pot y,s,:, tnt, ieonlit‘ting'bnitirblee 1 ' Oliii :Of i)i n,t.:11.,;',, sheonaltier marble/ Cletfin l l4iiiti Ittiff et; t tv., - ;. 1 gentletnattle,!ibot. lo Tliegleritleintiu , elixi , il. Pug,. apt! cltifiyvilbn•;p4i 4 .• i privpntilind her: illeitg 'itill'iliiiiitiOlriipb *:,,', L , • ' tar Ye, how , n r ho l was 4 xiiiiining'illeiOittey,t.;. _ ill gically , ilkdeblietTiticlitl ffiih.llo id tllf 0 col hie prOptieiihtfiblted,"Offiludiligi'Vep. 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