Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 28, 1847, Image 2

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FROM. VERA CRlJ'lo' , _e y
. .
By the towboat Daniel 'tke)olor,lrrid the
atearnel Edith, 'from...Vera Crur,,llth Anitqatit,i
advice have been received at biliw..lllrleans,'
confirming the,, n tlic*.Xlig!S al,
Pensacola, that Alvarado lila htlen'eripturea ,
• without loSs. 'Com modcire'Perry was atioal
leavinn , with the fleet, to capture every port
on the Gulf. Several had already been taken
—oneeSoutti of Alvarado, a fine one, called -
Bacompal, possesses nuoly sheltered har
bors. The army MN to leave for Jalapa on
the 7th7Twiggs-commaridicg the advance,
en& qatterson-the centre, k with the yoluuteers,
;and witly tne ,r the
t„ his sq.iadron of
tDrehifir Mitered iiiiiguter'filteerniffe'S`
'from Vera Oro?, ,orillibllclo W nil - making -a.
tin illiant citargb' Off aimed ittllie enemy's
nlancers,, captured' eight men and oniollicer.
There - fi re various rutting et San Mina's
mOvernerits—one that'll° has n 20,000 men to
AmposenScott,-it meets little credit horn let
der writers, and may be considered proble
trnatical. The, rumored revolution reported
-zit Cam ergo :via ,lionteru,. by 11Iajor, Mont
,gomery, meets •no .confirmation. By these
,arrivals, it appears that Alvarado surrendered
- n to COOmodureiPerry; sending a flag of truce
t•nbefore Quitman and•liis troops Carrie up.
•Capture, of Alvarado.
'''T„he'SlOop-bi-War SL',Nlerys arrived atTeuz•
'f-Sitcorti oil the,ilth'inst., with intelligence .ot
titleeb,ptlire Of '4 I tip n t h,. , A 'Oetuclitrietik of
5t, 4 00 men itti'der"Girit., • Qtritnian, had been
Alespatehert-by.Geir.-Scolt..egaili'st r
and;at the satne trine Caw.. Perry sailed for
I .the purpose ofTinvethig the place iti . con-•
.;:junctiori with, .the trnopS. ' Ideut Romer, ,in
'corn ihidat Of thri.titentrier 'Scourge, was or-.
ileced'doic,ti ,ht edvariee to • tire6kride the
'town.., arriviini hew - ever Lieut. HiLgTEIL
4499ght , 11eAligbra8
gri to . work and take
zi.he, place at °net. He aecoi ingly'Ryird two
- uii and then stun tricitrea the city to surrim
. .
.der. The atitherilie's nAtetl . time to eprulitl
-741771-ieut. Hunter iretttputtO an tin:min rind
, unc'onditiOnal 6arrentler..ith ilneats of an
assault from the taint letses .then near .2111.
'vdtidt brought the nuthofities totems,
-4and. the lowa ,cupintlated: Lieut. Hunter
- Then, leaving a small guard in the place, pro
•,ceeded' op the 'river, and took the town df
Tlaeotalpit, a Alvieau brig, and some
-er errift. AboueBoo I.qaietitt soldiers were
•'sedured as Nisi - alert+ at the two places.-
On the arrival of 'Gen. Quitman and Com.
'Potty betoreglvarailo, they 10100 the place
-already under the American flag.. Lieut.
klluiller w•as subsequently arrested by Corn.
.thodore l'erry frit a violation of orderm, he
'thaving only been directed to blodkade Al-
Important from California!
'Tim American Army again Vic
+-- • tartan:3 tr -":" ••
:Lient A S. Git;tv anived at Baltimbre on
!Friday Avith despatelies from the Pacific
'Squadron: Lieut. G. came overland from the
Tacitie - nrChagres, and then took passage in
.sailing froM Jamaica, ivhenee he
-mac:heti 'Baltimore as above staled.
We have been furnished with thefollow
ring,nit;toorandinn-of startling events in the
On theBtb of.lanuaryclest,_core. Stodktl
:with 409 seatnee anti
dragoons,: alsolbe !lame number of
wriltemenotuder taril'..X.earnny, (who value-
Aegrail to go tvaUt , Corn: S.l met theenemy
lvith'7oo_lidTrifY unTilraooons , on the banks
~of the. sae Oaliner: The Commeclm:sl
Taished his toree.fotsVaill, tied crossed tbe rt..
-ver 4i thelace ol:a'plunging Bye from, he ,
ttetioan buttery. Tbe-ioariteu-draggin
'ipieces of artillery through.fhe water, .(their
ilieeesleving been transported by the sea
'men ']4o miles from the ship) under Lieut.
'Tilghman, of Baltimore, charged up the
heights, dirloi]gin~ Emil taking the Mexican
On the Oth. - Crep. Flores again made a
stand on the plain:4 of '' , Mesa,'' and another
sktissie 'action jock place. The American
•sarniti•WeVe again trinmphagt. The Meiicati
- '4citio3liytthatge4t*Liehtedly'on the seamen,
'who' ittehlutirl •In squads, armed with the
Ithoiraittg'pike"--the diSmounted
Illemen•ht the centre—dealing but destructiott
'with their uderritig weapons..
The Ainerican loss Was -SG 'killed and
:Wounded.' Lieut.'S. C. 'floWan was the on
ly officer wounded„and !hot lightly. .None
!killed. The Mexican doss is' about 90 killed.
it 'is believed that if 'Col. Flemont had
"been able to have joined Corn.'S. in season,
"with this 'mounted linemen, Flores, with his,
. - whole force,\would have been captured.
Com.'S. refused to negittiate with Flores,
• 'but sent 'him word 'tat h if' e were taken he
• -would be shot as a rebdl. Flores soon after
surrendered to Col. Fremont—who was not
aware of Corn. 'S. having derilined to nego
-tiate with him. Flores has promised to be
'clime a 'avant subject of ihe 'United States,
and to assistin quelling thti rebsillion. •
, Late.,froi4 31exicit.
:Santa Anna resolved to Figla—Prrparationeto
tkat effect—His Address - lathe Sople.
, ; ,, 'lntelligence from the city ' of Al e'xieti io th e
.4 14 ,'d. of 'APrithits' been 'rebeir &I through . Ila.:
creria pritdet R. "liantri •Aiiria . It sbeirle, is about,
',5 ettieriiii&
Msxiean aMk ilia liji inch, '`
? ••' •;110n1l4 tr4,:iof Mardi - Qati bubliefied in'
' ' ' ll'exiqe"the_tapitittatibli'or_Yclifii_Cliz: 'Pres,
Vent:Sante A'nowisatiVtl! . nor- &Id roes to' hie
voiffitiy*iini,:iti ',#hieb; fr inion'4';Oth'er thingi
. ' lib' MO:: . '"- • ' ' • • ,
4 i4te`sican'i ? 'Yeree'riii is lit 'the power of
, ' ''..'"th'e enerny'. '`lflitte faflen, nbt'VelMe the val
' ' ir of th e. Americans or the Taft:lmmo oft eir'
good fortune:, Vire'lritigßives, to our chime`
'.• , he ft said i ,have brengtif this fuel ilisg,raceipz
on terr'!trmattyl , our intermiaribledissensions.
' .:I , lftil resolved trigo 'and - meet the ."etiemy:
'''Chance May' ecree that.ithe , proutl) Amer-
--, '"Atan'hintratialltalte-thetermital , :rif'-ttii itietee':
ertipirel I ll idttbi3hold , that fdr
c , l; :,,Il'ehall firtillay•cl Elvin my fife hi' t he e 'diartitiiril
• ' 'Yet the notion eliall , net perikr t , I sweat-Mt'
Ittexich eliall'rrthhiplt it rty'kviiihes 'are see-"
i l 4-tlieutiaridlitheififorttintite'-fo'r-tor will prove''
'"the disaster :)1 1 ‘re)li Crag
~ , if - the : t fell • , tof that'
• y. eify 'Mall awaked ini , the,breitate if the iNltik:.
' :' leallethirehthnsitteiri; the digtcltpandi'enee4
• '':iotirtiariltieit- a tine , ••rititrimistri... , fitiftvill, tin="
41oubtedly prove the aalVatien of the)octentrY.'.
•.t ti 'l' sson - the 27th of, areh-,were. aireattly:.fieL 2
, ( , ,,i serriblert'ectine•trimpaat , the'NettonalArids , 9,
i -; - 4unddethe Conoinureol,oenerallLa . Yega'and'
~I, • •:41helGoir.ertior - ,tif.the,§iate - ,•,Oolik'
‘i : 1 .”
-I.m:•ofinfriiitcYjat&pne:of oayalryfThatcheslitrotii l
- r-+ n' the nepitalirt,the'direation.,of the,triclge,witlf
~t , , ;,llthejr tereimentlipg , ,batteriea,,.amonnting 'lie'
:Am 4111stirl.4000imeril et 4; iir;lo,9, ti ,-. 1 -.lllr4ii, 4.'!'i
,earoul_cOrt:the:tdt nfAprikGenerpli,Suotettiymit
iiittpireoli:Vrouldisetufutkfromi!,hlmatod with'
~ ' lOOO frtoreeki:l, l 4 , ... l Olititatv,opertrrrni*
I.4, , , , ...iiv.thed3fate,PfoYera,/gfetraesKilvi,k4 . ae he'
It . :llls•ll4effteiAlbpi.rto.the,grAunkin'Obrbytipieb,a*V
eirt - bilirii.bilfrinet e, -- ni11Ar(0040.0.4144c0rri34,11 rit
"ti;; r Allcitdli*O4 ,o l ol o l l ll terk. hrttiOrliAttOrk ,
biol• iniplin `Aci9 4 490, 1 t/soctiEnt.P.lmerktiotaß Ifff
4 "'''' ,lll .llbing ti. Oth-P0i1t1010,1tir,42.,, "j-4,-,
iii:ilritiAlbrytairyir,Ofltrepfilorttif hett 4 ,reteXee Of&
a4l•Satilnitt-Potps44*hofor,it(triina,mexty, a, tlift
v!rilalileirfrititliirtlOl,xlYipMrAit ~ :;tPrt ' :,..;',l, 1, '',9.':
. , - - .'eifi,.l..,. it; 4u....._:441 vein ' l' t. f.
',..f .: .Thp' ~V*01 1 ,, , ,a4,*_, upor,4 thettmg •contatttg ,
, ijricif - liiiiio.o.4: PtilqJP! e r PP 9 l'l°t l ii t r. e :'
ga'44..,cgdthf,ttp iiiiiiplit,itßitiis!.,Pvin it
iii4:I I N . J4 ,, PO ul#ol9f4tßePg.7 o . ll l;,
4 ii.b* • filoi 12 0A419P 0 3 , .., , Tpicigt 4 y.. 1,
'''''''''''" 1°6?"3115074(1447.t.m0t0inJac.;k0 t,',is,
i .,-.4isiiv . ..l!NpliNititcid . ip*liiiiii:n ' 61110 'Alilirri.,
~ )teriiicte''[,; , ',.',:••vill:',''';' ,, e o, ' , ..,1,,, , ,.., : - - .''.,•, .
:Our Rediiced ,
One Dollar and Fifty Cents a yearlf paal
Advance-4hr Dollar . and .
Cents if. paid. within ;mato- the • , enif--6f- six,
• months—Two Dollars it paid at the end of
the year. The Herald is now the cheap
-4,4*.:PRPRIMPARMYTLst-„ .
mrincrw:oxygiv4Troars, ---
The 0ni.'.4707n-and iY!
. Tariff
• Candidates,. • • „ . 1
ror •GoTioricir,
. 9F
• : r oi..canal 001almAssiancg . ..
1 . joS: , Wo'r•PATTON
Corresptinclent of the forth A triCrit':aji, oti
age.' •
' - "The"§ — vici.
the 'Carlisle gurracks as' Otte 01 .the , retidez.
.vouslertthe nets ree'ruits..
The'llarrisburg Cniatt :miys 64 . y.
has rq.ettitd.a requisitjott Ito! twtimpiecoln
patiies.olnvolunt•beis. •
1 [1:7-The
inahotn.n of the . .Mexice;were on
the most magnificent scale, • • . •
A Goon Winn 111orro.-,tet the Whigs in
ail their future elections thronghow the coon
try,-adopt as their inntto the remark in 'Old
Jtoogh and neatly to General Wool alter the
battle of Bilena Wor Atli/. always be
-victorion when We all pall lagclho,."
Tue "LIGOTNING LINE !"—We' nre zrnt
find to state that a Telegraphic station on-tbe,
line front Pittsburg to •Philadelphia : vas o,;
pened iii this borough on Thursday lust, and'
will remain wider the clkarge Of Mr. MANN,'
an otzligjng and gentleinanly operator. Our ;
citizensfareliowin a few minutes eommuni
with_Pilts.b_orgi,Ph gad elphiajlaitilnare;
and Washington, by the facilities atioided by
this wonderful diseoyery=
Good Tile'Vv.s from VirgMla. '
haVe iio returns from the election in
Virginia which indicate the entire result, bet!
all that have come show. that the ‘Vhigs have
labored manfully, arid there is strong hoped '
that they have guinea a triumph. Saint. as
heard Stein, the wiiige have made, a clear
gain of . several . members of Iluiliciuse of
Delegates, and in the Congi i essicinal .delega
lion Where theYlind la'si year onfrorre maim;
ber, are - now •likely to have I'our
Pendleton, Whig, •is re-fleeted withont•dil
ficulty, and in the Richmond district that
true-hearted and faithful Whig, John 'AL
Botts, is elected by a majonity of 600 r, The
the returns are yet incomplete but there is
strong reason to believe that the *krigs haVe
succeeded in three or four other , districts!
We shall have complete returns of the State
•by our lima. , ti
pal\.Slave-catcher and a constable •at
tempted to kidnap a crilored man, nt one or
the hotels •et Pittsburg, a few lava'
While they were• engaged in tying him, he
helloed rnurder, • , which brought the other'
servanis.of the house to ihis assistance, who
rescued him; and had warrants promptly is
sued, and the• slave-catcher and his ail ar
rested. Tor this attempt to carry a:inatrinto
bondage, the law passerby' the. !art Legis•
littureadainst kidnapping provides that 'the
person or persons so offending shall on con
viction be fined moi less than one hundred'
dollars, one bailor :which goes le the Prose..
tutors, undergo an Imprisonment of three
months in the county jail, and pay all the .
costs of prosecution, which':we-tako-'•tt is a,
very just penalty, for rean.4tteniiptt. , •
went ilito office ,with aproe'where about sev
enty.inniority;in the National House of,rtep:
reatintatives.' That 'rnajotitjr , , , by recent "jab
done. haitbki ;hid, twin'
hiaTergaii - b4p,ins-to, - atic - tihitinhTi l aboucea of
hitt bating,:in , a minbritye-Thituis aitrong
g4inent atitriinlattaluon t
Nation ai
licolationtixif the Cn,nelitutioul.,".t 11
- .1 . oi!THiVe' have' hi' %It'esfern t'llnli'?h, tipltrtio'
%dun; of a, fierce :riot which ecentrea at 111i1:1,
waelvie, in kVilsconsin, len Abe rCh•iof I Apiil,!
'eti:',itrit 1 0ecticiti gi'ciang;'tietwiistn'ikoSe: who
84tii9Ciaa- and ' thi *M ” l . oi9: l °PP o6 2d 10i° ,i l4 °P7
ti on , of the, new; ACorretitation; ~, )t he. bell ige'ril
erns f anyeehted-te several. 'lrandred . of:'eaely
.piiii,, 4 •o:i9lo,4:ipi . , l / 4 , , ;iBii#: . .iimf',isitti, ; clog
,peratlon, antl rnany i weve li Ferried 4 lll . the
'grduhd Ise v e rely , wounded !and
.in neveSal , en•
'Siis:4l flS'thbhghl in iiit'al iy '.; : , 31`)ti' '-'.,,/,',;' ! .:;',
`,.. , 0 ' ., c"..--.....;.;.:4.1...0.-1,4 1 .; ^
i p rs ß,,. T P " BE f 4r s,-Fr:lY 4b f;ii, e 'er!' -
50.9p.aY8, -, ,i i ; i #4
~PORII.- e ill- f tiP;ffl'?qOlth°,'
relative manner, thatl34'r:ROltc:PPOli'vAY l ( lls '
4311iirriSii ae . tibhas'vriVersallY( &aid ) every
114'4 , 411iiiiii,i',iiiie.i, 6,, -limieilisdiaienhi ) ,r4
~0 •, ~.. n 1 1....1 , `.. Coli "/Il_ll !it," iltruli •'•
IprgP L lA9F94lK.94BlYo l4 ll 3 fl , olMll s fßP 'l , air a .
: for' atituCkyldr3 . l .- qt •.;,,t,;;;: 'l,:re,f;;iilz) 1,11; , 6. ",',
Tr , .l'
fpiOtrorhe Harrisbn"rig Tele'grapliitlaethi the'
'iliqiio:l;:9llh'7,4ViitliS , 64ol 4 ,!.`sit'thei , iheN
A'ilitf9)4lils.lo4fllo. i l i ' fiq i it l YiifVA4at
ciiled P"teeereAcP , OF : l ARM934 o , ' ;Argltmlplisin
'nceintitid'abitvel all' olbeniiivil ig,ii.t.,ii,,,, . 61 1
2;40, , ;i:,_.,. , _,._1:;1191,.4,i1411_ . :,'_ l 4'.
4 %, , :[ grand Aelehrlitiori,orr ahe wiclutridi i
IVl"lAfeliiitOkiiii,l4l'6itt,,pk*tr wititli : 4 ii...
7 .,
4ii . 4 4 6.',IitAiVlii : $ 1 0i. i '?"le c i t tV) , ktiie
.. , , , t , ~ ,„„,, yu. ?,,,t, !..,
id n Altik'oilt;',%;.' ittii l s634l: . 9ll,lJeilli:
rpiyr) iiri.4 461.00 C 6;
. . , 37,-VAne..r,u 1,' 1 4,,
:,:t 'Vent! .10ltutieysfr91*914ti 1 - 1 4,,iF,tie, Illy
tor 4hllit6riiiiolliiitiblitko l lmitsl*fleal.f r om
* k4',.lllc(6 . hiiii.iiihP2fittiiiiriilte;,to the l
'..ka" ,-- ,A , , in, l l.L.liw ; 1 0(1 6 .1,till(um.coMlf ~ ,, V f
1. 14 ..r#l4, ChT , t t ., , tell,its 1 - 0.4 . ;115).nt , ,i04:' ,`:,'
I ' l l ,iii r '''OPOit,tiiiliOlittlikiibeitlitol i":4l'
. 1; "tia l l: ' weliiOhlii : ileifilAii OiWigfAtifec.f life
.*ooden;artiele, ~ . , ~..2. '' r. '..', '•-• r.:
- -4. 77 ` ).. "teititiirtrtyliii t----77
~„ -i, nom- . . !•"."._ .._±... 1, - •
~ L.
) l. 47NetV - 70fleritifT4',inciybilf3:-Ptilgisbes a
1 tigeray General Taylor to 'file friend
Ali c
149 HU*, General Butler, of .(Auisiana.
1 , e i t 6 long and we have room bnt, for
I i ing.e!dracts. The letter is pilnegs
-- iz,••
1 nup with a description of. the great;
' ll 4 w.
i k .
li tt6713 - 0 in the outset General Taylpt...4,l=
, 5t.•;,..,,
ludet_l9,;:tbe4nisrepresentations iy.p . ien:ol4
risen naadetimmrd to Gen Bullet at•giik
lerrarvlqhe trtisrepreisentalk o B r
443- alfjec; - . 2.l' ., emyflaatimheinatfitA ern;
.andleftno feeling lkiallgarnat:pf ti,rd 'psfr
toward each 'other in their bilas :. ...,,;"• ' - ifk
...i i it,
I was aware of the report,. :ar , a? . !=
ti l
meno,„ilwew.of.4o: , pu . po p.,..1 3 14%.
wasinteudifi by certaii_r in I . oats t 0 .,,.
Gein'amr•Butler,:iferwerd , as "'.thiclisApee - 6sor:
1 o l‘fr.i Pei k,./W hi ch 'giall eM6 no'Ormerrijand
would 11ot - even - had it teen the , daiti , Vilfichl
l'tliff not credit and' whidh had - been • fargot
(dol. 1 dodbt if the subject'Would haiie again
crossed my minll;•liad it not been •brought to,
my notice by` you or someone else •'I have
never heard hillier any of his •iriends alltide
tothis matter, He. (the general,) in' cense
',.quence til-fili manful net healihg, WhieligaVe
Um sti much:pain its to rehder hind unfit for
.'duly' , left a short tithe since,by adVjee of - his •
'lnedimil attendant, , lorNeW ()deeds, "whlittil
'I hopeFifehas,nrilved in safety, enil , vvhernd,
int , . hoptPhe will soon reCoVer i 6 media' .be
übintu'ltiffk;ftlie:fieltl once na.are:'' - '. '"_
• 11 , rrear Observe that' t baize "alsgla - eih , narm
i eiPttsralearididafe for that high qince bye tern
ifeWspaper edifols - "and' Other:44 . whiclrlas ,
.been: done SviitiOnt ,:na y..,_lnpwleflge , :wish or
consent. • ' ' " • ' •
his I have :assured all who havetlirritten
to me on thestibject; tissuring.them Thad M.
aspiliations;lorAhrit or ally othercislr'mffiee:;
that my whole energies, metittil andlilsysidah
wete and had been absotite/1 :in iinch.a - Way
n's I . :thought best ealbullited , tplit'ing this wan
'hnneratile close, believing.
ifwas the , interest
socateeit Was demo the'heuet—at.any rate so.
ar as ours wai coniermlrdittoil - that - Ttesilltnat
making should hoick eight of titttil this.was.
accomplished. • .
*After ktiying•n•desei Iption•cir tIM Milo the,
General thus modestly speaks of .the result.
!TMs conehatling reMark!strikin.:gly shows the
"aid and!cona tort" whioti - the Tolk.adminic;
tration =acted himl
I hope the greater portion of the good. pen;
pla.of the country will be satisfied, with what'
Nve , have done on this occasion. I flatter my-'
self.that our compelling a Mexican -army of
more than'ao,ooo men,corripleteli ,orguniz
ed and led ;by their Chief Magistrate, to re
treat with less than :DM regulars and about
4000 volunteers, will meat tneir approval.—,
I hail not wsingle company vi rag-War Topiary;
Iheivltoic &as itakcatfronetne. . -
The North American .says !Clenerdl , Tay-,
-l_eftri 7 leiler i -we-we , -seeL'el-that•great-inan T
only opens a view into virtues and merits of
the mind and heart that excite wtlee:n3nfeel.'
ihg orndmiititien. -This views in leleflon toi
'the Presidency will 'suriudie 'rip one who;
'knows Ihis!character. 1 11 e does not seek the'
distinction. ilt must, .and . it will, seek and:
film penfilehtiie:deereedit, arid,
me eleCtinti Viltrelleiiihe Olden days when
the . highest honors of .the Republic were the:
rewartl , df the chighest•tnerit.- We know that,
the movements in favor of Gen. Taylor 'are,
*ilhOtiAlilonowledidincconseitt; ye - seekst
no disiinotion.antl desires, no reward ' save'
the apprdbatinn of his fdllow ''citizens. But:
his very 'unselfishness determines the iatue-+
We want a gresident who .dries not Seek
power. The•counny looks, ingier affliction's,
fora patriot dfihe older school; and'she has,
found one. ( General Taylor himself cannot
prevent his own election to the,,Presidency.
The lion. Geo. Rathbun a leading Loccifo:
co member Irom Necv York in the Ino•Con- I
'gress, concludes a letter addressed Ito Me l
`fillbany Atlas," thus:
I , One word in conclusion: my feelings-and i
judgement are so strongly enlisted 'n favor
of free.teritory, and against the extension of
slavery, that I will vote for no man for repre
sentative, senator or President cif the United
States, who has voted or will vote 'for the ex ,
tension of slavery, or agaiTit the ,principle
of the Wilmot Proviso; star will 11 vote for
any man for any, snehoffiCe whoiisvot open
and sincerffly in favor of preventing_ the fur
ther extension of 'Slavery in any teraory be-
longing t0,.0r which may hereafter belong to
the United Slates;
LIEUT. COL. CIA - v.—The last nvortts of
Col. Clafott , the field of Buena Vista, were of
lusTather. When ,he 'was shoOown a sec
orrl ,time, he dim a brace of pisiols from
his belt, handed them to 'Capt. Cutter, , and
requested him to deliver them to his father,
Vith thie —messear':—'-;"Say td: him that he
gave t hap to pie, ; op that fluive,done alt
can with, themond , now retnrwthem to hini. ,l
14ertie the enemy came thick;around him,
and, these were the lad words-ho. wsts heard!
to utter,
Is. 9en, Taylor 41,, , WK53
iections• Of our counT,
Y.Y;:litg*.fie:mo4o.:9T l :,:r . 4l o,: f°.' the
Presidency., ; -,troubln .the La'
edlottoti: wonderfully.; and , 1111;41 once th e y,
t doclate,,kinn ilknO4iiit. They seem
to have tor,gOtinnj!.yA thoto'4oo t i, in. con ,
Rees declared . him aVi an/Lust:A every
"4414r1;',tiisni:int:iidtiii hint ritio'Venion,"ang 11)i
.114411:0h!i'P1:0;:itil'EqfkiPal cap itulation
tli at
that, iv,03141,;te in4nced
thtow_mp_hiti , corantiesion)ijnoffivS,
aitpowe ,. .A944ic , ,St:l'PL;;#4.=.96, from it'
,the }whoring ptitagrat)ktf4
•)';64 . 44 o*Vf4 Weil • th'w teilttoromay_bo- cinig
"tiiWtiitl,lide:,wighedytolbithOttlitiil , soi , we ',are
*ithin:forlif BitylBp9erW,Ta*lor
;Had lenid iti;i4t. eh tietiAtn . .ationo)to 4eido , bim
SiiiOsj: #4 tell )ifiritit!, !tied y e h
'ar tell' tblittif if lynn pnaosti;9,lantlitowhig 4
an taifirtfttireLanyt doubtoibiantiArirl.ftol,
taltritiiri l'arttiatplayffbigetiv nh
-tier„fir,A,:rl44o.:l r
. Otr - ThirginmiinrYttfAcePm e
o , ' ' 4tY, o4, *;r l MlL l : ; ll*:9 4 At
f<P , ,gartisPin iha#Erßl,ROF . l,,FOrze i s r , 9 , pr?„ l 4‘
far iii , iiibinotitrvipalierfAui-ormipilgo 644
forkfoirgoiidlOrvivpis**Tyv 4
,i t i1171611,41,1J t;•iri u.
il 4 o : o!Witit . *NO ,Y,11i.„ 0 A 74 1 0
- ... 0* . ... , ... i ii- iiiv •: --, • ,
4 D iiitliillielltt4i4llloedivergraiid'Oile;; - ; , ..'(: - :; , ,:,
.. . ~
• ,. ,2: - - i,.. i,pftintAN4.4:l•oFArti. , , r 1 t .,...ter- ,;; 4 3 .2. ,
i:iiitlitAep,tottAiqing;;P,oll. k r ,M 1 :, 1 :
48i1iii40:710.P0.0) . N.:,,. " .:tl'i,tho' . Po?*
.. 40 1 1110:Atte.„ 4 ',liit
:: „*.tiii 5 ,t, F 1„4 9 ,,,,,f0. '.,,c:,v;iiip , kl4 l; , Is i!ii ,
ihe.407:0fiht0j90#4.'!?:...;U 1 ..1f1" , ' .. J ., ;-„ - ; 1 ::•,.:„..: . :
';":-:..'• ~ . ......I:':t.',.- P ...' - f- - :!'i . 1'.:,4:, , :;7:!'. 'l' , ';'%:- , ; . .i;f1; 'cW'i'j,_;',-,',,:',,,r.k'::,'5
-A~~Voice-i~ohi "Asi~lab~
, .
The' hig young -men of 'Auburn, New
ii"oik; have .presebteltto . ,Himiy -- Citty - an -of-
Bee chaii[nriniti'itiklitiginatab of their long
cherishWidly:Oirite4 I'egard, ll drew from
11111411i4a4T4li c iblik4bAli r fit.the thl
in • l',ii‘ l .. - .1. 1 . ,A.te:,;,, .!
. w " • rC'grP. ,(4 ...- , ;4.:; - - ' 1 -
4i-Vo..:.,,ottimiii-F:19,11(*,y,t,0, ateritint of
Ate , ' - 4 - _ ; I cia,a;isted_OrthelitiOirreisiclinitiiil
7 4301 1 , S.l.l4Migliihrillieli.ildricniriiifitill,
IperliTittly. ',Besides being, relieved from a
tiPlptt!' ' 1 , furnished§thebooasion-1
fokille . exhibition of testireptiiiits,, r . thd,.the
"btitii - ttU' ritig.cif filfectietil.-Viim: the -.fteartit. of
;:ttieritpitimnd -coati trymen iof which-I had. l
i nk
AtreYliibtketinception that.l-Pier reouldi bet
t }liaiidibtt objactl , TheiteePctritatmous and
. : it (i ' i.iiiad..thlliiirat l 3.4ritTP.4.BEakutJEGl
inbreAlitin - -theTresi ency itse . r------ ----- -
' ' Liircifbur‘lcOmmon country , I do regret the''l
iestiii'bflthb 'contest: -"Had it been otherwise!
'We stithildll'aikt - preseived the Protective
fibli6Y, - Oleler which We had made such rait
et atieericbithaging advances, the march .tit
imprbirementmrotir rivers antltharbors.wodhl
not have been arrested, and above' all, we
shoul' 'have'reiottled - ithig !unnecessary war
of eggreseion"witha neighbor 'torn 'to pidoes
bYinternali , ilidiensitms. *The brilliant ac
ihieVetherits; and the !gloriousllanrols , acquir
fed :audit* its firdsecution r gratifying as they
ktfi'to`bdroationat pride and character, 'can
Mitiver'grireMeliSatelorlthe exceptiondble than-
Merin 'Which itivtirre 'begun . , the • brave , and
iciatribtialiveslwhitth_thave been- , sacrificed,
.andtlic - feerful! imties Which, A 'tremble' in
thoritenthlating,‘mitY grtiw out of its terraina
'lion.; , BatllthahielnotthoW a 'heart to 'dwell
1 -mi-thig. l -PAiilful!ihenie , -if-trn - --Irom Lite-pith
hopeland+tluliter submission to Thin whose
no doubt -wise hat -inscrutable dispenstrtietr
has permitted Ihis , awlut calatnify to visit our
[belOverlctiontry. .1 :
'''' , l pray you ,my dear - sir, 'to •accept
assumtiees.of !my gratinutle for the kin d mutt
%OM-trot] clove executed the ditty to
tweritine aviiinetLlOttou 'by. the NVhito
''')lTibuttyand at mtirtlieliffz, wlttliateet te - - -
teem anti reaard • "
FE - mrl
tour Irian
%dal from, Gen. Taylor.
* The-Washington Union publiAtes a letter
fromGenerat Taylor to the War Department
giving a defitileffacconnt of the 'battle of Be
enalAiste. The, letter is 'very long and min:
-ate faits rdlation of the movements of the
different diviefonsmf his Array.; ., but the prin
•eipal. ineidente•ol interest have already been
given to.ourleaders, It-seems Unit General
Taylor was net at Buena Vista on the Mortr-
ig of the 23t1 when the battle commenced
lie went to Shill° on the 2 1 make ar
rangements Inc the defence of that town, lea
ving General Wociliii.commembet the troops.
tlereturnedTf Vista on 1 1 e. , morning
of the 22d When the Skirmish commenced:
I Not - having completed his arrangements at
'Saltine, .Ire- returned ;that 'night, and next
Morning •8211111 left for-Buena Vista. -The
battle 'temmeticed at didlight,and wasfought
with g`rent desperatiOa and doubatil 'Success
lorailme time. ThO:iii -Indiana Regiment
'had:given way, and 'the •ertertry were pour::
'mg masses of cruialry and infatirry along the
Imountain, and.waszaffring great force in
the rear of the Americans. General Taylor
• IttriVed 'this e Meal rtiorifent, lin& tilted by
thesdffleers4-ho'carried -orders
"info ef
lent with the greatest 'zeal and daring, the
soon- gave a °heck 4o the enemy which-than-
Bsd the' oriartfts dt the day-and left victory
with the American aims.
-General Tatßy's.lotlicial -despatches give
4,759 as the number of men , under his coin
mind at the britile.of Therm ViS:tn—of whom
'267 were killed, 456 wounded and 23 miss-.
Arrival of Mt Steamer 'Cambria,
DF.CLIN-E IN 1.311 EA L . /STUFFS. !
-The steamship Cambria atrived at Boston
cn Tuesday afternoon with 15 days later
dates floln Eut:ope. There'is but little intel
ligence-al interest escept the antiOutmement
•of a'hcavy decline kin the prices of all kinds
•of 'breadstufls. Indian Corn had fallen ]Os.
per barrel-! 6f ccorge; this•mtelligence'will
again unsettle our markets and cause a re
The distrestfin ifreland, scotland, and on
'the Continent coniinties 'unabated.
O'Connell has tinaireVeli in health, but it
thought.he will agaimappear iu public
'lite. • ' • • '
The total hihabitants s et the town
an Germany, 11100. M number, .have
requested permission to. emigrate to the
United States:. Them were also extensive
preparations tirrotrghbut the country to emi
grate to the V.'Statee.'
• I , - '1••• •• • "
' LocAiip9. „Testimony.
• 'Phe following,paragraph we copy from the,,
Brookville Jeflersohian t -1 Looofoco paper :
!Gfen,'lrVin we admit, a strong' man,
tuitionst 4 Whoyittilkfises . a• good moral char
aeter knlsinestl; habits , --a man whoit we
litfoUr'noliiirtilagaitiSt and t h ere f ore will say
,41qy:ittuitiii • OlY:Pi is,. Is SpolOn', 'Olthouglt,
true iplhe•yery lettery• •. , •
.. . . ..
.'•:rr,,,F3.O ! tk..."TUIDZ '9.r , :glinOliNe - r - frie fellow,.,
P ng. is. lea - extract , of , la 1 tater, reoefvetl-froxii
:'n¢ cpahria'i' , ' :,, , —0 ~ .,,i
:itllliet?. ',i, only; 1311!3d71.t1v€Li!in'4.!(1r14ifP13111;.
epc!R - Ille, n oble , JPl,4A u er• 1 4, N'tixo l -'A'niio69,ai
hai:,FOtiles'icliWFttrwigiFM:Piro A?:t#114?(Irr i
jVit.:,0431.19P9h - #!.'° l l9;P(Ycqk MOkig.
,fleanciskf3ll .1( q,hlO i kiplik,!k;ii qkr,..1 3 .**77 . .-'
J-41n 1 1.:TtyiPam.4fribP9MiAlitt"c.4i'ffleillori. 1
;RlLertftP.F4ifts 1 3 ;111Y1'1. 4 . 1 ; 1 1/ IMP. i9b, • ~ :i ~ , i / i 1 ,,,
fiAlx - ii:i 1, ,, :x7.-W,Pi .1 ' ',11(;; , 4: /I '
hioAN,Tgoor,s,ier , TAT , :flqrryt im,
~.:O oternocShutorL h ' a w .r ec e iv,t
_.t,..,`iiti . War,DiVertient;Jt trequisiiioi!ter ,
;i4l; t* 77l f 7 '4 l77f Y ! ' l ''7'-'l
44 , *1144tioerii . p 0 : 0 , 1 e
nati•eifriry f,ttkilvatie,
iitil , apiiiii Altiiihttirethitred the cordritint tielaltli ,
Attlititif4 l oi . tigejt4elitit',eTit, l eittitad&i,-1 1 ;! .4 )
~..., . -,.
~.:: 7 7.:4 ,1 i
. ........4..4W4h 7?; P , M1,0 7 1,' !Ai , '
;'),flg#:7li4,oll.lliif:litiW, i'6o746:A.tioo.lh.li4i*irl
,To4 4 lll,;(4 i: ,, ,i ik l i 4f A i Niq aqt hi ) .qi 44' . i 4 t i i i!:
••viii,.l,oi4i.toop , ,hilii.constilatietn,iiitti..ittthe:,
gviir . ta t ika, k til ii i4ot,:;r...l . 4 'rti1t:i• 6 1.1iY: 1; `,1,,::, ;. :1 . .,..01,:1,
' 47 ' 741 . 1 - 111 MM1T.:45.44 1 . 1 1454 14 _ 51 )ii:i , ,L , ililliti:u
''. - :. 1,014 0 - .0 '0.4 . 14- : - 0 3 AviltilmaliPP4 0 4 .3 4(
I) l i'ji4r - Or.ool l l 4oll l4, 3 7. 4 " lo:l:w t tiol l iiiiii.
lilieriiittiklii .4 .**o4 4 l cr 4thati!..1 1 4 14 / I * l !i.t'ic
, ataiektififtii #P.OliteritMOtiOrtiOittgii) CA
?nowtii' l ikkh'ilsi' L li4l V i l l'iOViirld ' '').
, 1i,„.,..a9,.. ?.., lirt! , ,• A ; , 7 l' l
' Ilifi . i'' it tififil'Orbi t ailii S . Oiiiity iiidatiW
11 to . iiiTat' V I Wo . ' i tittiviiiio l, thEt' - ißOisea .,
, r ,•5! i , ,---•,-,„.?,...—: , . .-->i
T . .f . 43,t,itg i . it x ! JfPT' i l i o,o3 r Pi*ff i' 'l i i, ° 4 ":
.illilAic9o4:l4o.o;illiii,:.(nt l ft'?,3i . ,. - - . :.+ . :`,. i t
0 1 0.4 1 i:0;40# . /,09 , 4,', 941 i.".. 4; 6 !}"15) ,,
ifoi,;.l4i r... .iiOiliPit,i4,64§iii!o , 4 l !: - .' 4 u9istft4 l. l 4
;'i''';':''':::..'(-:: , ;'-'-'--,W2',;:'.;'.: ; (', 1 ,...':': . Y:•.'.'r -, :; --;2 '' , !"..,,.V , ::::',:'_ilit': - '..' 1,7.::,....:
-.:•!--4. - ,•;,..,,....••• , :.-...,,,,,.;.. -- . --. 7..• ,-•,. . ,t.-.._
. , .
' • • Wttigl.VilllB . l9 l en . ' - -
------- ---------
A l. --(---'-'\--
. The • Webrati i ~1'.,6, • .
The poblic, - ti •s7pfillialieri iitonak - Air r • iii
victories of 9en's.l4ocLOß iti . , . SG'. J,'!
our citizens on o , .oriiq• Eveu,to lasti*ass•as•
we predicted it Wriuljt•tiaattlyst•kitllanirl,
exciting affair: Our expeotationswere how
ever far exceeded. We never witnemsenf
more joyous and . animated scene., Our quiet
, liciu, hg Tiifir Mirth rotigh'itterrilar swrred - t •
bitte. JUL:Ord ifo.l fetstith. alio ar ohs . et.evep:
ing : suddenlyunderwunt4, , splendid_metamt..
oftflitisiS. The steady hunt of business which
prevailed through the day, became lost at
",e4fiThrfirliffregfdltellt4Mol7 o Parottoffrier:'
a great occasion. The sunset, I .yr ithhis bat- .
tle-sfailialtej.e;'• Cris • Lieutt • Paite l tqns it,)
and the heavy.boorning of artillery gave no
tMe that an exciting scene was about to open.'
And ithen the ibeils-gave out a merry petal.—
' Crowds of persons; of fill ages and brith sex
es, decked in, flpittlioliday: httire, now gath
ered 'in the a pacibnp area of the public square,
showing that public expectation was on tip
itoe. And then as though a veil were sudden
lrrein oved, h'blaZe•df hPiendor as from. die
flaming noonLilaisuri•all . . , dt ! once illumined
our streets. !'••• , .
. . ,
• The.glory of the-scene was now 'Complett,
antithe multitude gave .eX • pression to - its
refit_The air. It
was no„inatter With what? deep •reptigiree
many of out eithtens.justly regarded the'sarr
guinary contest into ‘whieh Otir , country has
been unnecessarlly'plailgeB-4he rnind'n ow
turned back to the 'brilliant 'exploits Of Om
, gallant arrrny , --- - it remeinbered:the littlOand
of-5060 which -so dOperately repulsed' a fob
of 20.000_allituirta.
gallant host 'and , its s ehivalons4-leader, who
planted our starry flag in victory on the bar
tlnments'otSan -Juatr a,rd—as the
hearts of thousands beadrigh at the- thought
of our national prowess, and the sublime ac
hievements which have drawn the eye of
the world upon us in wonder, shout rifler
shout •of exultation and pride ascended iiil
rdeafetring tones from the excited crowd.—
But there were many too whose thoughts
welt upon other objects—and as Ringold,
Cochran, and Ridgely, and Clay, Ilard
in, McKee, Yell and others, were thought
of there were many amidst the.joyousness of
die scene Who-had "do heart for ex of tatiou .:
but turned horn al: to dwell in sad remerm
-Aimee- over "the unretu mMg brave
OM limits will not allow us to give in de
tail a ileseription - rif itibthe striking sights of
the . evening. Th 6 . public squa're was the
scene of greatest 'brilli.ncy. • The handset's
of lights which flamed in the extended fronts
of the . C:nuit House, Beeteni's and Oliver's
HotelsOlie -Stores of Alessi's. -Irvin, Angney
mitthove, and the Bank ? on the corners,tto
getherNvith the long and' qiiiiloirn array in
harpers Row buildings, :poured an . almost
blinding flood of light upon ther'squar . e, sad ,
gave asplendid and highly picturesque..e
fect..:-Our own office, and thase . ol our 'Leigh
hots Messrs. Gallagher and J loore,also made
as . r.especiable" - ra shine"-on the occasion as!
they cduld, as did alsmthe 'Democrat' office.-
' The illumination was notintended to be,
general through the 'town, but there were ,
iinsertlieless a large number of private dwel
lings illuminated. In a amber of,these the:
effect of the illumination was greatly height
ened by the display of beautiful floral de
signs and motto ttanspariencies in the win
dows, in which the names of Scarf and Txv.
-GOlti- and the several battle-fields, shone con
spicuoUs, Surrounded by lamps, and garlan
ded with wreaths and evergreces., The
residences of W. Al.. Biddle, Esq. and Chiet
Justice Gibson, attracted particular attention
by the richness and taste which they display
ed in this way. In a window of the forme'
we also noticed altlexican 'flag, • waving un
der the "stars and-stripes," which was won •
from the Me on the field of Palo Alto, and
brought here by Cain. C. R. Gates oue..ot the
theroesof that day, '
On South 'Hanover street, tyre 'dwellings of
Mr, Charles Barnitz, Captain Sanderson, Air.
Ritter, Alr. Gray ) Qr. - Foulke, Moriett;s• Ho
tel,'Mr. Spottswood, Mr. Bentz; the Volum
leer and other oflioeii were fully and brilliant~
ly illuminated. Sev_eral. Inscription's wet e
displayed•on various windows, in which that
of "GiVe thorn ii little more grape,.Captuin
Bragg,' was -most prominent.. ' ' -.,
The 'dwellings of Capt. E. Al. ljithEe,
Mrs. • lliddle, 'Mils: Baird, Gem,ge Fleming,
' •atid' James Itatintion, k . :sqrs;, 'Presented au
ecendingli, ,gaY4Ppeuranee anti
vacious, transparencies, with 'appropriate de
signs and inscriptions, among' which was
promintnt the meincrable declaration, "Gen,
Taylor never surrenders V' W i e, noticed "Old
i Zilch" very signifiramiy..ineot:bell aver the
portals of the first. named. , . . . • • ,
".'The Rail'Road 'nail Telegraph offiee'S pig.:
5 fP. 1 10.1,Yf.P-IriorParOc*9§7 : b9ci4 14 1 ~I.el lo ,
tliketipox, iaf. G 0 a.. - .Tay,lor, mauato,Ort,.••,old'
7 vrhitey,n and the other of .Gentiticofts7The.
J4fcioll,lVii, i T: . H,'S4iil';iiiiiii e d lately tipp:6',.
...................................qm.ygpb4 of,
isc_enes'of thti , lbatllVAi6e l 4:-.,;•.1., , ,..,,:,!;•:!! ,
The - dtvrellineskonpiedrbyTthe - ifimilly - 4
Cl. chtircYdllr aOciiispi*Oniftind'tallark ac-•
I : A i Vi l i,Vti t ii lit 'c titt it , R, l ,o - 44. 'v 0 " , ,. ) . : ".41bat
, bril 4340 I lii.Or! ate 4 b1144, 1 4A • ;4i !3'.44g of
iFro4e*V - 3Vtittfiii.]'l4,B44;aliftitelioaplendelit
*iAtt",ligh:f;#4 , Mi4i,••Of-, 1. 41 . k0t-! •A `Ctici Ili . rill Mr.
,k - 444.`cri VP r O l4 .4.PAPoo, l .lo4; 4l o : :t f. '''''
. • The; dw e lling oSIANN:',/, , ;;*0Y;:,;*149
it L" ' ft t! "Al : iit iiiiiViii.:4364ittlitit':*iii,liiiitiionki '
( la f '," , t1 , 1 , , 1 , 41 '1 . ::,00 .• 11 ' ;,:!.:(102,1 V.l i 1111 It ,
* i f ilitiory; ,¢l,, „q'
Ifi°} /Pr,ff 7,9 !!!nsl 1 . 1911A1 r ) in'
.''''A l kaa(lllo,tiNti r iliWiti'elilligi'6tdenh
~n , ,•-,,! ,:., V i`lp I; PA' ,
Amnat..oP4Ar.b ..PVT9+ I !9gP . Sql,
iti'Arpi milltaryjiliai . li.ith,aiuscatq;aitcirds )
I*l4:! , iiiiiiipaidijaiatiAjaplaied4iphiiilvailg
Viii l .::;?#.o l o3olliii44o:4o? ! Pi#4 %lo
1 00'1,4411410illPia3cliliAR liEifiPi i j 'i i 4l.
id*i*fittietiibuifol jail amidad A With ligat C . s?
tWilM*4 ; rdillr- , 'll4'diiiillkidffiviiiiCiiiN ,
11.;, , ,4 .• lit ; ~,,, .ovl.t.voit tr . I)l,rti , N , , cut i , 1., <Lilo ~ .LL.T
5,1 1 , 1 IRE i 19 .Mj. iTM Mi l 1 1 1 17% , M, CI 'AT _PV O
entirely:l.o l "*li,toN 04 **AK 1 dficitr 410
rOlll-4004*4 6 titilie_i:'ijiik1A:W1
,16 1 1114.8iiiiM4k1:4ViIIWIliti,',00.Aiiiigi,,',1
.44V447,14('‘, ~..Aiiirkl'iii*,,oo
1 411
"Welfotieed a liirge' lenlhint
ded.frentltittHltiorOer'S,inscribed wit
the - naines:of *ever , thr-be-rernbared dead"
la* and 14' dßoine lygnsparen.
ciostr i ere 411,bited t pladekOrte
of,difi,largeo(Olwidett4eapiedtVie frOt 2tf tti ,
/patriotic mottoes: We regret that want of
time and•ropm forbids our making a more
lengthy notice of the venous attractions and
At nine o'clock, a grand exhibition of Fire
inider'di.e direction of the
Committee of Arrangements, in the Public
did .features of the . :drand'demonstration, and .
fttlriniration' o nf ! . 4 - 13 . /.aktiltirlang of
" The .- elogad With a Mr6h
liOt:pioeessietr, which` lie untort ; Engine
atilt 'dose Companir,teolc, apart. -Tbe,ear
rtagg of the Company kvere•most beauti
fallyi,,denoraled With everg'::eens and ,festoons
of flowers, transparencies ; &etSelid
were drawn by the members, all of whom
'worelhefr ilietneWs 'Uniforms. After Mar
i offing through several eets,',accompaitied
by martial maple, the .prooessitin was .dis
.- • • -
- AVe ,saw.`but :little disorder .erlittiproper
conduct thopoi„ani3 ':eyetting ) nolwittistan&
rine.the excitement dl the oceasiint, and the
demonstration„ was one which certainly did
credit to 'the taste. Mid rspitit.q.ourcommus
. .
The men wuo were noticed in , clur kist-as
having 12 een,,a_r_reltesLoa.:a eldirg e-o I ng
ockela.atibtullenagerie!JoMotillay-IW oak
had a hettrinre, before 'Judge . fletnvallt (;""
Thursday, which:tilt& a long and patient in
vestigation resulted 4in their beingtommitted
for trial underibeif df $3OO each. Although
the evitletrce was nth such es duiely
esteblisli*.their guilt, they were nevertheless
followed through -a gong train of otspk:idos
circumstances lidly:jitstifipd the Coat
it: rernandingdhern for regtilar trial.
, Several wimesses identified the prisoners
as persons whonnlhey had seenin the-crowd
•orpthe outside .of 'the Menagerie—that - they
had seen them moving through the crowd
-vety actively toti , ftre.,llie ticket-wagon
back although tiky made no attempt to pur
chase tickets—one witness saw tone of the
trisolturs. crune_lhaok_to_:.thil oLibe
crowd and conceal a poeiret‘)mok in his o
•vercorwpocket.•=4lte*.fyiliole three were after.
wards seen to meetiin.coriterence • Wirir each
_other , in •orre of the -small streets 'near the
lAlennerie—orip of the p. isomers was den
Atha as having been seen - near the i t lnk in
ire bor , th•!western eectiOn ofillte _borough
where the pockelLboOks,),vere lound t —and it
appeired further in evidence that alter the
crowd had pretty well tliq)eradd arettlid the
Ltieket-wagdo thatjlhe prisoners - left town in
a hurried manner, and under , ciretunstaners
Sironglyjeali...nlatcol to-awnken . suspieiori.
The dumber of poeket-brlks .. stolen was
savor, all of,witielt were afterwards' found in
the suburbs of town, rid ?(I of their Money
_contents; The -aggregate amount of?lrioney .
: taken was about 6700. Jt waporAreir that
the prisoners thtrA travelled together from
ehambersburg, sad underftned each other
perfectly; although they. stoutly denied all
knowledge of each other. It was proven al
so thn. they had gone under diderent atom
iu Chambersbnig horn those they assumed
here. They madelittle or no ileter.oe. other
than the ingentiity, and ability 3041C,11 their
couneel, wino labored .earnestly -tor them,
lisfiltiyedin weakening the evidence I, I. 1.62(
prosecution. They still remain in jail, not
.hawing as )et gives the .requited balk
Oj the Reetipte find 1; xpenditurs, if the, Dis
trio of Carlide,lur the Sehml year, en
ding lad (trahly,
Esti tooted from actual ,pay toento already made
by the 'Creasures, and also from those yet-re
quired to tatoviete the School year.
DR.. .
Behint in Trerrsmer, at settlement,
- intro 1.,•1016; --- 't- ••• $731 GO
Stato ittprortaticin for 'lB4O, ' 40 1 7 00
Receiles' - for 'use of Educatien:flall,
vend for ttliion' ur n'ori-residditt • ' •
verbenas.. ', ''' ' 111 40
eiroisi 'reit* 1946—aLmat , ' 3300 00
. .
sotoipi paid 16 Teachers.„, 3640 00
Kent "4.47 School rooms, • '226 00
Intel itkrtif Liepe on School propely, 47 Oil
riol.woo - d & eunifig, :k r :4o,Am. r• 135'00
Messenger, Printing, Statnitisry, &c. 87 00
repititing si! ,ickenning ,
' school ropipt. end o . l heF.lrteith 3 4 l
expenses of Hull, Arc: . , 165 00
Leaving a yoltable balance in Trea;
• sui'y, Juito 1, 1847, of. ' s4Bo'oo,
'Thu rollotvinF'eStimate SA Receipts and
ppen f liturea leer, the ,ensujpg ,Scheoly eat',
mencing.June`ll 1947; is'itveth ea oteilss the
Delano in 6 te , parlM caml " 04:40 00
'6meet 91 . *
e _ 487 00
I.4l'lA.P lPe til L ilifuPP° " Went
Ren c tol allt_4 ' 3l n uP:ST ) 00
T "Ani g k i tt 0111141nii fir: tie: Ac 4
! 15e0 00
Araem ft"
. ,k' , Afi";,••,l, I•I: I 'II •z. ~ ,v Z $2 . 56 4io
R 3. tit LlA3UtiArvi C 444.49 '4 l-1. 3 1 A3V. . 11
~ els+ o ! ',%), VS2PItNDITeIiESi. '`... t , 7 [ 2.1 q
l ey
E 1 leilirOrt6Tactieitts 1 ., : 1 c;'; , iAttr#4lo4lo
, fkiit i ro6t , i§4.. 41 . ih ,i i , ,,,,! ~, ,1.,..,• , /ligs: 00 :41
fOtt,011 " 1 1 4f 1 0 ' i''
`"'''''' "'''.'„'"," 4 ii °Cr':
/ fir o 4r4r.,So fOr'Pl' l llt . , . .;,,,:.#?`, et i
41 --ge-G , riii i os4 .1:41:qA%-,,,„,..,„ ;, .
,i , fu0aig0,a,404441444Euewindky.447.,,! .., ,
tut %nil., tow ~,,, 1 n,,,,,! li•twrili, .411:91 iv,rl) fro
v,i. i1,1.4c,,,,iiti.r.,. a:,O f ii, ..,,,,„..,: ~..• :
•,,,,t4,..444,44 ~ ,,JA, JA - why ith 0, 04,i,.,cit,,f105u 4:40
, 4 rPf tilt Iceeellits. as aboyer , so ) 1 !2682 1.10
:: ‘ ,4 ., .tel ll ) 1 40 oiittei t p 1 510.,31t; 1,,:: •
• • ~ . --:'i'. ', - , - ' ~ ' , i ar :,c , '
W- 6;. 1 ,1400- 1 ,Al l ign i Wi ri ROIC „ . „, j,Pi ti
--- cal'irilyrk turd,orr l e464 ,l l - ,0000-ontuolly. rd. , ::
W td!oritijoi
on .thi; Schools during the':"
earrgoal. But, ,
thoritiduld•rdwaye be en
1 iil
'Ott orti *Siffet! - 4ettlik . l! - i r - at'°, 4 :-.
1 i v O t r ut
nA x !117,30 6 0 4 11r. i i aisi et
9 ,Ne . 14,,A . 1 - 6t;lel6ift . - . ) / ti e :l;t e ."o
fickiiii6 P.L r etb. ii ii he'ilote,itil.a
r :in' 'altirti. Ve'V27o *lOO Ivey ~/
Z l P — ' 4 ' ' 4 l NC,OgrdlßlClWA , Wltibiill*itfr
011%;rifi t 1
• 14, 1 %V i n*i
"' ll •, : t l o i nikiteeloi, L l , L • ‘•'. 4/#1.(940 ---. rs : . l
,„ • meet* *of the citizen is 'tlfilbe-Boroutiii of
adite;litill he held 0. ttut ()burl House;cal
tuilfirlelth.Veyo f May net, at l o'eli
I'. feede by ballot dialt amount of Ag-•
ditiOl Ta*y.Wall be levied fdr School purp '6
euMni 'year. . •
I ir4 ll l 4'fi: ' . • •
Gen:, and the Presidency.
dariii r optled4, of 'ire tilitmoro Patriot.
It is as l e. y4ve ail along been writing yod
'it would b . The brilliant victories of Gen.
Taylor, and many cdltl blooded attempts of the ad•
lniistiTizio»To break - &nen - The character (aid
popularity of the great and good General, have'
so set the current of public opinion and so
determined the public will that an unmista:
I; able rvoice i epsfahrp h rough, the- %it lie'
and .bieffdth el khoi Uniti4, 4dd ptioclaire!
411ehmy,..1:43, 4ha11,,,,4eA1i,4 .1,".01,1d Ate
of the . Udited -State's.
"lave .exammed,_.the r :Whig newspapers
from all sections of the t.inihtry with much .
altentit.ll, and I fi nd that very many hav e
already raised the Taylor Flag, while many
more retinifest,a hearty willingness to give
him their beSt •support• sWuld he IV the -cgr.
Mate tif Itie Wliro party' I have net4filid
a•Single Whigjonthal oppbsitig•hfint
• Thts'tella Well-irai the patriotism and,dis
intereetedness of the Whig party.'' , Gentlitit
Taylor, in addition to his'bther highly.don
Journal 'SitS•s,' "a Prue attiroontififent , With
and has al ways been.tvlA'hig.". The . :Whigf
of the Countryhave seefilhis i4te and cull-,
sistent merriber of their:patiy',placcd i ,at, tite•
head of . Mr. Polk's army id- Me4cp,••. t amt
tiavitig, the ftilininistratiod from. quick
-grace by vvyiiirfig:btilliant vittorieWever the'
'living Co' get Saida ba; fi'dm tlyveqn.
into MeNico, Where, he could figld-Getiefal.
Taylor and where he did fight him, but got •
whippeild they have, seen Mr—Polk and
,Marcy, and -their . tools '
stralifitiVeyeyfiet,iit. - Artifl iiying'et",•eiy "etfilTte
client to bring ''Llitzgi te!e"i'it :sor'he shaper er
other, hy honk -or -by-ct onlr, upon
this alA
r'ious old 11 . 7 .10JGettkad,_ttut.withomancce-s.
they have su'e't the Government
withdraw froni Gen. Taylor the 'test part of
his command, and litim hint in the heart of
the enemy's country Ash!' but about 500 of
pus' own , regular troops and - 440 . volunteers,
-to meet and fight; or' le •retteat• 'fmrn Santa
Anna's army of :more than :20,000-troops!
They +Ave seen that he-did not "retreat, but
fought him in all 1:14' fotee mtil gained ano
ther brilliant vietoryl
Seeing these 'things, the Whigs, as with
One accord, are resolved that 'Zachary Tay-
Pns shall -stop initi•tla4 high office now held
by James K. Polk, who has tried so hard to
break him do iv ti. And they Will succeed.
Gen. Taylor will be the next , President, if he
Governor Dodge of 11 iseon itl, has called
mother Fe ion of the Let.thlla ote, !hat nit
t ,ority !nay be innnednuely given .lor the or
gaud , altoli - of : :t.seeffil - SraTe — Conventiln to
fern odel the eotetthetioe, t hat adopted by Abe
previdos . Conventtinti iq n. T
g been
by th e rieop,e_ „." , '
•bloNuw EvElNo;o, April 26th
FLOINt.—But flute dninu„ buyers oiler
75, arid holders 4,k 81 81A. a $ l 7 fur standard
b ands. About 750 ordinary Pen
and IVestern sold at iii S7A,
ai tse same.
.cOIIN NEAL—rather dell; we are ad
vised . of gales of .1000 Rite. Peon'a at $4 25
iind 350 'bk . Brandy w ine at S 4 37-j. -'
ierinest, and 8 a 10 ; 000
bushels good l'enn'a sold for inilling and
idilionerit at 1550.-for , rede, aatl-180e. tar
COl(N—ansettletl,l' a ;MOO btotheli Yens
yellow soW tt a • pciva nut ktu bite, sappo,scd
JO a 92e.
Groceries and Provisionsnlead) with small
SEEDS—Prime Clover is.fpate(.l at '6:6
111:q:V—klull at .2i)
On Friday.the 2 . 34 .fkrt DAstv,F:T. Ifrur: -
uoav6i,' of Mintßie tm'ytiship,.oged
On ATnn (tar. the 20th in tit. -
t.trs, of Speffigtiold, ageu tit out years.
, SI. &. ..11,..t . IM Ith NO 31 3
A itp.rney. ;Li. (43.1 v,
' - 11.111RISBURffiPA'.
April 28, 1848.-1 y...
,_. . .._
ezo. 22.2, atritif g
nstice of the Peace and Scrivener.
FFIOE in 'South 'Hutrover Strout, opposite
the Post•OtEee. '
Carlisle; iiiirit2R, 1t147. ....
Alt4Eita' l IlrA LION
HE First sittlolitio• of Comberlnnd
iL tlintete' 'will parade for 'hugieetinnii on
Monday - tho 17th nilayhf May nett ifi thelfior
ough tit •CArlinqo ;Witt preataloenns;,and
arras aid equijdoeittp to good order.
tly order :of ,
of oax,N:tro,
'Major Com tnanditig Battalion.
April tg. 1847: • . •
Sdati 4ttllierists: .
. ytiu arc btdored to parade at thu
...... ' ••nutilic toolve n 1 D. S.. Dunlap
in the borough of Nrvvville; on SA.
ox -w - : TUBDAY, the Sib , day u. guy next
ii..:ce at 1.4:t n'eloolt.; A. NI , , iroanftlekely e -
.4 : : quifit tor drill in iiiitniner Mauro).
lA4; ; 4 11 de r: 'c i r • kiiiSii P'4i n
X. Ty,Lea, O. s.
N. ' B.—An Aajotirßed Ootift of
"40041w111 'liti Wald' at `• the 7 -11fintti.tifort and'
, plueo.: '' • ,(4 4 -
$l2OO 00
• A T T , 12'111 , 1r 41 , N1.,i;: ..;
Nrirgitikegis - nczit Odin.lloi,Land.;7ol:
FI bdrobelly ofit•Nrvivind od
10Valuilk;,tV141, pVcpaily:lVOltok 'fdir lir ill
add itiepeotin. •
April 28,1847. Col. Cnmmtinding..l
Aeo - iiiitiltaT•tOrder. •
iSiAr .°i'f4r.a4 r#Pa'
,tutto (a,r;roAltif '‘'.lloafa;99,9lk•.4P.ritt,e''
A.N!Pio t q'Ps- DAY. 94 40 ata, rdaPi;ry
vett t• the 800 :will 'be;.t0t:,11i040 1 9,4411...
1 49, 1 4.. qry; IM' . 30) Cotlloo
N. B —lt easpfietty, , ltifgrill Afte i n7
Iverson who cornea under44,gputpori..'pt the
above qtt:ler 'it'd does ne(ooslipijr,Tß
.'.. , :.- , ..'Colonel.Comtionading.
ll ligitVillikihitintr..P,
toeteolO_Smilopr*Ptil*.li I t3 4kt -, 4,
~,,,,,..4 , ,
~_: , ,,,„,,, , ,,-,1 1, 1 : fr.:.; -.41' i, .! ~ t •
, .
io tile IP•4 .: , f! 4160)10t iit i tt'Netise'...: l,,,, `-' 3 '
1 V i bildgliOler. l 6ll l .Vtita lstkOitii M. ,So
.1.1. , ,G00D..0uth ,, hltddhitOu. tavashiPt
queibitiiiitertiOVlSOßli,rilkatifilitt Itesightniot
0 4 s itto h eßro_w_xl.', JA, I t4rtlbof,s; {ending
TolTorli•re, fi2 r ethe k0,.,,.0.?C;" • liii,Affslik" , .
All Peraone R4o4lM+ 4 4plik 4go)oht toe sit (leer
tete wi Ipro,„ttiot , the;nforotettionjon t, sod those
indebted .wlll 4eireetiired,lto ' make immediate.
payment; - Theitiooliettie tiowlta Ai hinds or' ,
tho tifitilaitied , S'esti.:.. - .v ., -.',. 7, , ,...,...
. ,
IC3ifaß".63 ' l6liltiNtr2 ..' .
, ifv" I t,.1,4 1r ...I . 1 ACC: I .B HOFTEIC",":•,, '..., ,:, ;;• ,
.', arril ;CD, 1 tos7:, ,'. - ". .• Assigste-':