Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 21, 1847, Image 2

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bn - Vittisitalainf
,e t , ;#4I:
Prima tairfew failearaiiricaya4l 'l:„ . .h " .
Later trOm- Vera I;
The'ship Alhambra,' , Capt. i on isntl
:the steamship Alabama, Capp 1 ii i rerii.
v. ed yesterdayLftpm 'Vera CrIIIP • vfotriter'
sailed on the Ist inst. direct, while :t C: Ala
'barna left on the 31st ult. and touched at
Tampico and the ftraios.. . •
An expedition left Vera Cruz On the 31st
ult. ton Alvarado, the laud forces consisting
' of General Quitmall's brigade, will) a bane
, !y_pf)i...,ht ttriiklray — the_neyal.foreaconsieting.
of the ste. . ~.,,,isspp the Potomac,
7 r - St. Try' steprs Vixen, lipittire,iid Water Mite
1 the brig Porpoise
Another. expedition, undat....Gen.,,T.,wiggs,
-' started-same,moreingior,thOldtional Bridge
a•strongly,Jortifjed .p1iice.,, ! 4,590, tiro days'
march from Vina Cruzjicit the Jalapa road.
General .Worth was engaged establitliiiig
the Govern moot of Vera• Cruz and Castle.
It is impossible to get at the Joss .of the
Mexicalia'hy the bombardment, yet is i.ertain
41ist.'worocti and children and •not,i,coinhai
,ants haie suffered the most. Soma say that
•150 have beemliilleil, some,mere,anil some
leseL-as regards•thedustruction of .propelly
that shows for itself, . Hardl y . a building
south of theigtaza-Grancle , but is either burnt,
torn in :pieces,. er,:,inueli injured, atilt the
streets:areldfe iVllli ents
Thci Natioiial palitce, ehich-fa on the Plaza
.and.npor Itie,oster sliagelef 2,tilmorjgrvhad
, iiie shells bubitell"xxiildii it, rue, thernirill,
ed a woman aiiii'two.children,iyirik: asleep
— 7 4.l,the-kiteliou :
_. ! , ..,L,„....._.„_. '_ :
• The Cathedral on the Oppoi'.e
,side , ef the
Plaza,, wits alSo . sontow hat injureil„..but the
churches South,and ,tiesirer pur., tit Atka, suf
feted the !hest, .."„ „ .
• . ,Many ot the foreigners here are raving,
perfectly outrageous, at the method taken. by
, General ',icon to reduce the place--they would
havehad him attack, by storm, and then de
stroy life instead of property). They blame,
, , sign' families, after they come .1.0 their senses
and found that the city was, really to be de
. ierbyeil,lci leave the plade and take -refuge
on board vessels which were gut of ham's:
way.. A.prefty time truly, after all the sol
emn warnings, they received, to accuse Gen.
Scott of want of humanity.
Since writing the above, I . learn . that a
Frenchman has just arrived.from the city of
Mexico, who reports that their are not 1000
armed men, all told, on the read Liam this to
. the capital, __Be_says there were lime guns
in position at Pt the Nacional, but.only six.
I,y men to serve, them. It ivould seem per
. feet madness for the Mexicans to continue
ihe.war, yet I suppose they will hold ou a
•while longer. •
-The Fivtichinan who, brought the report
'from the city of Mexico, says that he met
the unarined Mexicans, who laid.down their
arms on The 29th- instant., scauered along the
road . between this and_ MarigT; c..:1uy0. 7
Some ot Them hardly, advance . a three,
...11e"agues, Dad Weie-ufrceidy . infferin tor want
•of food! . , • .
General Quitman takes down tp Alvarado
the.South.Carolina, Georgia, and "Alahallia
regiments. also . has an, artillery force
with IMO, eaptain_teptoe'i'battery,.l am im
formed. One objlet of the expedition is td
open:a Mad .IrOni whence mules, jiorses;and
supplies for the army may be procured. The
country clown that vay is said to abound
with the:* ,
A. letter from - Mr. Kendall, :dated . Vera
• Cruz,./L2ril .1, Publisbed. iii .the
'Although the result is not yet known, it
is generally conceded that the expedition to
' Alvarado mill not e cct with any enemy.—
Agents hare arrived dierc from that place . ,
'Allis is most certain„ and they vy /ht the
armed force all (led to the capture, of Vera
;.,Cruz being known!:'
Later from the City . of Mexico.
.:Tanta. Anna's Addraev to his Army—/lis
vat al-the City of Mexico—Ms Inaziguratipy
—The Irtatmeirtion—Dic Polityry the Attie
Administration,. (ye.
The Picayune has received papers from
, the Capital of the 2-11 h, from which the fol
lowing items arc furnished:
Cotnpanions in _'irons.—Devoted entirely to
the service of the country, I march to assume
the reins of Government, in doing Which I
make the most. costly sacrifice, acting con;
Crary to.inY cherished 'desires end
,fixed, in
tentions. Ilat this course will put. an end tp,
the ciyil war which is desfroYing our heautt
ful capital; it will give unity to our defence
and impulse to the. righteous stitiggle iq
which w•ta.ine engaged with the perfidious
invaders, and in whleli, you have fought with
such hnlvery and decision ip.the field of La
Angostura. • , . .
From San Lilts to, the city of Metien San
-taittina's.inngress watilrintophaL. .llwcon,
initially met delegations hem Congress sent
out ,to propitiate •him. :Addresses from the
Iliflerent Stales were presented to him on his.
route. Ile larrived: in the, Immediate: vicini
ty of the capitol on4lie 20Th. •. On the 234 he
Aar& the eathinfi Office, ,President of the.
- Republic at ,the,ojiriof Guadalupe - ed - entlid al.
go. t The ;kiwi-noon' , - of .the following Any. ha'
„. . en tered.the city: of Meiticomithogrest pomp - .
.and soletnnity..- A. To' D.eito lute itopglimthe.
me:lmpolit), ohm* ..wherivitelcacePredi.'the,
' , felicitations of the authorities ...and • corpora-I,
- --4::-Frem-Arn)litirt•tVe-ffrict. - in - thrulporters - it
" doeis notzapprik• that Santa 'Anna's • assurnii4
lion al the reins of Government is a: royalty.;
glom Me, of course. dispossesses Gomez
Fairies/us Chief executive officer, but without;
, mlriving the latter frorni his station of Vice
President. •__ . • • • :
Reptiblkanii,:U very pertinacious open
taliintstration.nt Farias,
'rnthe bh,iritife iicruiValent to a revollition all
'''"itufipciasu.aiiviwiliiiike.'•to be' 'abandoned
itVill'be'Piope? 'wait:. a little
• 'llllSattli•Minti ha's ilm'ecto look
,` aborit'hirn.
qpijlatest - into the 'full"
'` , ! -
---' -41 sanoxv-Var.OlL—The-foree Iwith -whiny:
, Capt 'Morin , defeated , the 'two thriesand Max.
' ioan., near Santa q , :e,'wei only 300 :trieii. cif
• • • •abo t six •Alexteantylo' ono sAnieridani , 'Thiel '
,' J is tiii 'greatest Ilisproi)ottion•liniviieit two for
• !• - •AceliVhioh has! ye' t ot . mirred itr inyrbahlo' 36 ,
-aMexioa&thiniLproveallie-ttalor , Of -the-gallant
- •'• MissOuriane:, The'eity , et Tansis ho 'v' belies-'
' , I idle lie iiiiruirt ii-Ltitilust retalittlini , foiithei in:
'Jltotitaniirttrtle* , wstiiiiitteititribii Gbtf.tile,ni
,netidTlititritit,bY7tho'inlitthitatite: ,l !i I 1.!:.
(tilt tV44.1%!? ~ r , 4) ,. 11 ),,S ; ', ,;, , •71,1i j-1,4 ,4!
011. liCoVaoViblitgicefiiig Mexico
, ;Jou . htm:ettettirtrepqnsts 7p i v at. Ilf onte i . ,
'f6 o.(Nef*,'4%.'ioh)ll4`.oiik.rit4l4iittrppiN
''''', • T tripletY;4o'"broiiiiiref iWtaltliiiiiia ' iA
Wil l .b6 M W- t i l ed. qll 4. VlP 2 ' l3 I " '
, LA
• ' lat." 71 1•“ 7 .4 7 ,ItS I
!i1:1 • * i
.4 0 iitilie,a , 4, ki'. h o lk
. I ,iii i ,ilionliwy:4,i,,oAtii,li -If° a,. ,.... i r c,'. id,iiio Ppe ItTOrtA9 - ,. ii;
.* 7 44 trettp, yip
,1 1 7104-ypittOtMei.:,,,
!!-' 3 ,#tiiii , itfthio no , pririamp- o L es potoo pi ;,,
, •
otr 'Dittos Ana doss ,the - last
"'y. to kiisitiba mitdeAlll: l l-ti,'l'llimitah Se.;
`....s.l,ltoff,Aloofot,*lts , ftO , dittkOrlie , 26tif‘ ( tlaittltat
et;4.ttitlf the- *dips) th 110,tl o.y
tIiCIP-,S.tbripitirlltti,oooAlob, • tin& tioi
tF,4ojitistr-lhinPltideinttikoation evettios,
01 ' 1 . 1
ME Noe ' 1144 boiti held itt most
hir tha
cternoo St cot in l hoopt'l
mot thi,rtstorrot Ptstiott Vista and Vera' . Cruz.
t 5 , , i ce
' -
•-• A _
c utooquis
so--; -
•83L.- .
; . rizs - 33; IDA. ".
WEDNESDAY APRIL • 21, .1847,',
tur -Reduced
•One Dollar and Fifty Dents a yearif paid in,
,isAdar.ance—One Dollar and ::Seventy-Ftrer
paid - witlifiror - rit - the i rmd — of'eix
months--Two-Dollars , il paid-at-the end ol
the year. The Herald is now the cheap
' ORWAVioNg•
The One- Ternt - Tariff'
. Canaldate& •
E'er Ginter**
cs- OF CENTRt VecNrr.
F a ;1 11 ' FrMlS#9 l :ol'.
• „
Anxione io — sti4re postage our sitbse.ritihrs
Ate-have. ier_our,
'papers at therietioivitirpisees along the rail.
road after thja(reek..
4 4 1‘RigS ftrai.66 ,
burg ; at I)lcOmitilisti's.b....ore in•i•Oilie at.
'he depot refreshment house in Mechatrira
burg; and . at SteveniMn's tavern at the river:
Arrangements 'will also be made for sending
our papers ontside of the Mail to the Stone
Tavern. Centrerdie and Lee's Q Roadi ititmg
the ‘Vainrit Bottom road. • !. •
IVe trust that one 01, the Erat ; acts al tire
next -Congress-wilt he to roped again the
onerous tit Posture upon Conntrrpapets
eircu:ating within their .ovrn county. •
(4.-Tite 1. 1 . 8. loan fer,518 : 00 . 0';600 ) a&
vertiaed. by , thre Secretary of the Treasury,
has been taken at . ,a premittn of. two
Q - - -The lA's:4l4ll;ton Union says The Pre's ,
ident iniends calling .on( 6 ; 000 new y9lim
leers, to take the place of those whose time
will soon expire• Gen.Seott's army it to be
increased to 20y100', and Gen. Taylor's 1010
, -
. ••
00-A leiter 'torn our itiendiSmt. ebaf
(e y, datedon the VOM inst..informs us of the
paSsage'down the Ohio •rivev•of the several
I.l'amisylvania , companies,. FUnstptitrg ..
Bailees Dragoons, and Cap . tain
berg!s_VV.addel's,and Carr'sroompardes_aln
fantry, on their way to the seat of war, The
odieets and men were in' fine Itealkh and
and eAfittettoreadq§illt•itiOel by
e Ithe 25th inst.— -7
-Grain and Pratt Prospects.
• We regret to hear tromour cOuntry•frien4
a general expression of discouragement ih
relation to the very unfavorable appearance
1 -of thc grow ing-gminf-thil-seasom-----All-agree
inrepresen ting the erainßelthl;i!.ltlibur few'
exceptions; asPresentylgu. very slender inosl
peat for coming .crops: Similar. statements
1.1.150 reach us from other counties and other
tates. •
s ,.. t, \Ve. fear too that .the unprecedentedly cold
weather and untimely frosts of the last, two
-weeks, have nipped in the bud the prospects
(gat least the earlier vatieties of fruit. ‘Ve
heat of Many cases in which, it is feared, the
frost has done its work effectually,
THE SA)ITA FE F,?csnervtorf.--The St. Loa
f., Reveille of the 9111 inst. gives a letter from
Santa Fe, dated the - 15th 41 February, eon
iainipg a cirennisianfial account of the
cetitiou and warder. of Governor Rent ~and
others in New Mexico, togeilier.witli the dt
ficial account of the battle of Snciamento rind
fiill of Chilnia4a. TheSe battles were fought
by ,tlie Aiissouh Volunteers under Col. trice,
and another section of the army ender, i Col.
Doniphah. Among thnse'Whii distingnished
themselves In Cal. Prices command' was
lEapt.A:mtimr, who, coup.naticiecl„fwo,.gor
.panics of infantry, acd won meriterldistiner
tiimi by his gallant and couragebull 'berilust
in the flpj!(- . - . ca l m, 4!igney is the, son 4,-Itei ;
fi:rigney, Esq. of Catlisle, , 11e, left Ibis
borough Several years - since-end 'established
OraetiO of
091'4 1 0s 1 .AS.4flt i flSeX,kPediiiin
last Summer in conamanit-of a !company
11 issim Volunteers, lila • efingtifillied
hihiself by Services
approbation of hii„euPeilors, Acid brraGly }ti's'
();V-A good deal , regreilias „boen paut4
ed by dta 'frequent expressions of coarse pro T
t4riity, which, are pui: the' tnpi h r,fOen.
Taylor,by Jetterwr,Off f*ikirti:i4e,,aeftf,.4f par.
We . are glad„,to,learn,h6 . wevor :from ..a.ear;:
respondent: of 'a New i-Orlatunqaperptliat,
ificse on,bnisti"oriftqfnitj,'#alifie 4dll'rle, of,
1 - 10.
their•descrtpfiqns stthe , Genis,eipense.•pert
Teylor is riot Orr the'habitfollettin‘TfOWnliiis
' •
AttutiiitirVVis ealdCelllhrj
. _ l 4.l"ill ' t t ;e l ,l ) iiiql4 ' o:;ilibi9 l ' l o B 4l.o l 'of
ihMlifiablontlybich !Pcauttl 3,1 K
ant , 'tiitid inialthitiOage elf Plainfi64l - iteuth:i
celfeaktismtatiod kla o beK
ter o i o pth e i 615014
iff:l4ol,lli*OlkiPP,glo . 44,ol
AtinniAill 0,n10;4 in in
IMeas;*Npanee relebnited , Powdor .
illiDeffriVOviltiliqri: - `tWdeor ,
ere '
act mnAili‘edglnt Clify, a ieW :0649111:0011141-
irencignieed.fritilbenPrese andiftaking4ll*,
tii•ely, 061414
,pow,hw 4u pip** ,:rhp,:tmodi, o 4,..und
!werdialightlyi injuredi ImtJihell'asioto - kdit
"dkaptici'Y 'digVita
1?, liwpt
a f t
1 ".71 3 ,09919WW 111v,-Tffr ; !Mir : TIMM 4,
'be ' l ohringg•dem° l o )34 oil
clt i g° o6o l l .,
'• •
~- .
q.lsit , nottlie funniest in 1 nature] tii'
:sae the Whigailv . he have, Ito atrenitottalv.antl,
virulently cipposerkinit ilOrir,adeptingitaVeU T
leraltne_theiteandidateAor Iheitreaid!ipay:Tr:
Volunteer::;, „ ;if , i , 4... w ..., , • .:, , „•.:7”;
, kis Mill , ',‘lltortietV hovVeyer; tn.' aeole
r' ' Of i rii*ii i ' l S l C . 9lliP bet r Ic i 1 4 1? 8 -ii°V'i t l a *
iliqllikkaft:ET.44eotili,i , f9Pcitqk(g4 o fi''
'-; q,'TlitigNAL4t 1,1,17,011.13T.-*rPPttve of
ar i
tt!itrWailtilteil i r 10/WileinittlieleU .iiiiitiliti
i ~, ~,,,,-;•40 le ~ .), , Lit..lto),illl/ . Iti wilt,
:_4 , loY,,V!,„fiti ,- ,,,t,"90 1 , 1 4Fae , 0V1fff5,411 1 g a t f i
r stivi ignistafAhliage,Fatladmpee.).B4tfice in
10tRolkkletitSieta WifinOtlnthifftriation;_tr..
tfikiiikttitriiVoilivietii#,, ,), ,aBa r iiii 190
, v 0 , ..) +0 .1 (,/1 yli ~t: el, =,•,, , tv.• 01. into i
. , ' 1 ,8. 49 f1e1R t he /'t
itrationlo:.iirtialt hind. ibßhvifGentfar Tia}"!cii
:he'Vet,'lltitieridete 1" f'yo''hita' #
4efeat' dcy!- t ante:
'Xiihii shi4 tiiiit ho''iipk-iiiol 'Via'Art*
, 0. • ui, .V.i.:4 1,
l'OlkipArtY4C,lo.wi 0414Y111 - ,o.l:7lsThitlit • - j,
4iliiii.44 , fiii!tbirlivilia ' Atihitit -r aii , * - iii. ,
td'4llil,l,llWitt 'Av l 4,rt,io ' _ihrAill',ook 1
hi e
' gy_i;isiodlii49„h 4 • ka.4..Wi,tiei
ei 'ifti it e hist iiiitilitd'hin's A irilie. We st: ,
dent. '.The' . iffdlptlialtrliarltapt; -thirili;him
; maths! to., haee kialiatne akyteri•atthe bet/
tomcet thtt4mnini)iiniairefigtor.o444oo9n!-
! iinf 484914 ',:l oll )),IP'it , -‘ i , :il . 7 $lOll ' i ' ;l I:i'Z ' J_. 1,;11 , 11 ' )4114.f
Liiql : '.1 . 0 , P ' • ' .i ''l6:l ) 1 46: . ...5a1 ' IA
i ftWctl if!PfliMkilC , o449bii Ack: 4649 P. '‘',
IrTgltt l i i YYStOtAT. O 4RI9I4,II3I- 1 9g .
~ sr:As, ilkiA„tr# o 6l,92o,o4l, ;AO • 1 R, 6 4W" 1 c
o.o4lNr•fiikC4 - itt*'l4 . iii-'l.4'i.,ioiii:'''
04.,the Harrieburg,piteligenetii,,f4,*et;
ed 4116 :"flog**ttAollif.0. 1(6 1 1 4;Y*ck',4?V
•''''''''' ,'' , i , ''Kri. -7. -W...i:"..1'•f';iV.T , ', 1 'e1r0.4 , ;71i9;;;::,‘
'', '::!:,':-:'";14.,:i'''`q`..,}j*Wi`i*Y;1.,:k,;(4.4:NO.
-i,-...p.i ,- -,--- - '-. agweratftri;7 - ::: 7
tb.''- p. tea: 8 ysti 'lraiiiiii'.'isitie;", it, is
*in n
u 1 , ; i s•frkueil4,*.hcinSo iehi
A i ,' 1 fd' `l, al Tayineti'opitiiogs,:pkari t ,
g . : . '' " t % - of national.pcilicy: are ItttoW
w i l ?••
,e 1 etui a . Whig in call . things; ay
"Aeshilirillcirmailv norliinated, he woul
\ - - -.k , -- • •
. onsent to a nd the canvass.
VVelavo.'always heard tiMenertiltToiln
,a sound Whig; but as he has heetorituti
ingagedint.tho - pehboiletievierl*hediets
chancre /of 'making : J . known , his views tli
leyetlandused:_ But circurbstanceti r thetfwe
•did not anticipate, have within a blityror,itYCl
Lriarku.....,......:_J.1 . .01.( .. -•4,-"',7:
• n 'the' gistf place,' then, '-2aohair
Whig 7 =C l iddpif,
of dir the leading pernlantsig,lttef,F,ooB (Otte
great Whig party;: We have , :occasion to
know-tithi.• - He is the frit:4ld ora protective
tariff, of •the distritiotiori;eic thif , :Prpoiedi of
the.ptiblic lands, apci iS
,te , the',
i3ubdteasurysystena. •I. ~C:1 ..••••*
vA , Vith iititard ;to ihi313004
ImYti: j l rehitiaii to.
lillllll 4 dekil'OtbeAiial"fai•liii• l tic Nita it:
,lieetrae:intenciuld•feel..ablitierrfatorgive an,
, tipihtion'ini..hini.' . ;Getie - ratTriylloYifer and 'has ,
been' A' aA Y . M - Afif
see that pejspnal and .p,0159, ine
r n51;,..A*31
rdentthe-nned tat!sl3l , *e'lehisres-7-in4the :
' eemnaon feelings 6t enthushlsift of
, ItetirrOlar ' "' ` •
does opt desitii.,iipminatiOni, hp ..would pre-'
fer whatmlprivecy thin be allowed to such a
man, 'white he could • eiee the
chair filled by frenty Clay ) or any OA a ,
man ; if any
,otbei' each map can be found. ,
lint does not,snake a President
for twenty: millions of people; arid it it should
be peopie ; that neneier'
Tay44ehodd be tire candidate of *the
party ; to restore The Presideneyrtq its former•
state, he will not say np. •
Since out last-publication, Mexican Intel-
ligence from three 13( tits divisions of - ihe
army has reached us. That ittn, 13razes re
presents that Taylor is
,pushing follyNd- his
supplies for his march to San Luis, !C. vith the
intention of forming a junciiim.wifh,General
Scott., There is a report from the Mexicans,
not much. crediied, that he had- met and de
jected Urrea. ft . ' - =
ce is that
Gen. :I:wiggs .111;0 taken up his march Aotvarde
the eapital. Santa Anuainnde a triumphant
entry into the eityollWerieo on the 24th tilt
and assumed the reitiaofgeverurneht, He
declares his.ititention,of not tertittnatii.g the
war until every barbarous A me, lean is driven
from their territories., hi his ofircitil despatch
in relation tothe battle of Buena Vita, he
I 'still claims a victory over Taylor, The. Arch
- Meitietthad•agreed tmlet.him have
live rnillions . °l iloilttrsi -
A. Peep the Expenditure&
The Union publishes the Report of the
Cleik of the House of Representatives, in
-obedience Ware refeTTßSTOßTeipli-Ws
lurrito publie(i.a ytcii rjient of all jhe eipro
priat lobs 133at1e,.r.d . w.,444; 4riaaied. mid sal
caries fixedbrettcb Conitedo aseoon after its
session as possible. It'occupies sixteetfeal
ernes, and the following is recapitulation
of the money appropriated by a Locofoco
FM the clvit and diplomatic expenies of
the government', *4,442,70 87
For the support of the army and vol
teem., 31,078,451 58
For the support of the navy, 0,307,058 10
For the support of the Foot office Depart-
ment, 4,145,405 00
,1,361,201 02
For the support ofthnlindian Departmonl,l,3o,,.._ J 3
For the Altman of the Military Academy, 124,0011 00
For building and equipping steamships, 1,0 0 0.00 00
.For revolutionary and other pensions, 1,338,700 00
Forconeludingpeace with Hakim t,000,0n0 oo
For the erection of light hoaxes, M8,830 DO
'9119ce110n99115,. • , : • . - • 140,243 13
totnl, • ' •07,082,59 . 5 . 93
And then such a batch' of now offices—
such additonal clerkships 'anti raising of sal
aries—such tprGfueion, !waste and , extrava.
fiance, as this " Democratic" administration
has'peonomiied Undir 'The - ifitioti is e
've9„.9)PUedi'' Old
sire, " unusually! latge,!:because they,: were
made for a state , of waV:P '!Aye, but who
'Made the war 'that 'the extierisba. ne
cessary ! , And. all tf?ittri'cil - not -- esker one
lialf the contracts entered,iritotbei damages
'hereafter Scrbe'pald. What .8 14' Pietas° lit
,t -
.1-1' !pre) •` •".177171.1.: ,
7:-Pen5.,490.1#,00,!)!,e8;5, .1 •
'''TTließetiAiniJouvnal gives .Ithiai
extisiet ot•trietter. from the- 'Hon, ,Tstostss
T.,,McsKszoissi, tor Washington', Pa. to a ft lend ,
in Reading: ' •
. .
‘ l l , itm - pleased 'with' the nomination of
Gen. Irvin,- who will•reneive the cordial sup
• port •of , the ! hid party' MAW West.. ow,
hun.tvell;. , ‘-lleitt a Mae of istronggootteeno
and incorruptible integrity—if woman .euni'
need in electing-himeand - 4 believe we can;
he willibe.taultmor,to,the t Vt'hig 'petty and
tothe,State.”4l! in ;
..1,i,;ji . r. , ;-,- - ,
z. - .,.7,-" ~. --.. T--:.—:.:.- - - ----..-...,..:
''A .,,, iiiiiiitlirllfilidjii'..Niiilidi -.; - ' -'
':- The Etieten-,4roo,:tyloetifp,e6,,oaoeri:o!'itt`
piled thi•folliipi!ifll:o49P!aip . !iiiist , 9eil! tr..
Viii; and if vit :iiiii*O mistaken -it hai been
*(let , s ) l Yll',lii6g. ' •ii*OV.9.l)ili ibit:cobnty.
'Yt tho4-Ytiinoi , i..; . '4;;VL.: l !:!: -4 ",i.'''i '
.(:,..).::,....... , :; , :iiivii?s , vY.R.4,Sisrv:,. A - 4g , ,
• ,•..-4.:.' , -1 ,
,11, 1 414gi , Iaiiiiii0. , t)liatth ir6 a -' itlo l'do i tN f r
tairditififtaiiiie.Z.:Toi.Go`thirifeiltiz s flie'leit t lYee'tif
an immense Iroti , Ftirnace, in Centre,eounty,..
Killol:l4ll,tiya,atralmoit stryingyrigesAtiflin-,
ier•of - hatiai:'ln.the'FiesidentiatniiYiifitigif:
if :.1844,%1fe" miale.ifa ..bitsitieisslo• tyiannize
)veidhei,p,,. toll._
' rix-tlint-heyTinust-eitherrvote-for , f/ifveat,l
rlja4l . do , Cidy, or be. 1/fecheregedf ? - 7 Sevepl
anly,teiloi , L .,w;lia.',Nyerot,iie. Jgriepen . d gat tp .
flow ilitAiiiintSs of their fdderallailiArtilig
. •rpt4rr:e.i4ry-SerisP -fll the wor.d,) were diii
hargeq;litid souglita living elsewvhere l is
eh span worthy to, fill the:gubprnOtorial
talt of Pennsylvania? Is he fitto govern a
late of •Freemen ? How infinitely low does
• ' not sink when competed, with the honest
lstraight.lorward FRANK SHUNK !!'
'll i hat.tlia'abovie iS'ati etiqre andinfainous
i iaconollitrively, proved, , by tbe *et_ that it
tasomigitiated in a paperpeblishecl.eyer a
••, ,p rnlitkil".`rrillas from Gen.'lrvirl's residence:
: Snet tit si; !3 6elitig
.. 1 , .i , t1 - 'l, , ' llitil , ll.dorri i ., o`ll l dm
fsfc '
. . ,
" , ii flellefond 'Vide P u blished in pen..
: 1 11
i ,
rf,s oimp comity ; meek tlie_slattiter, hoW
. . . .
', rovith:a : tito:t e,Qniiplete ir.,l overwhe l lrn ,
,i;rettitation,,and • •we,. shall Ire'sprprlsed , it
eptrthet moat ilelii - igett itindi - hercleted - oCthe
nthe'd frogs has the haiiiihoad Alier this to'
. . . ~ •
~ eratnthe:falselinod, The otatnyentirlide
I. - the ~ Wiliik' in' relation Id Gen. Irvin's
• natrement of his Iron Works, ending lib.
1 '
all treatment of the men in his et:al:116y ;
4ty. tile 11'10, i (Alameinr and generous nature
o' i Our.noble %V hig candidate for Goyefliot.
rho, "immense lion Furnace in Centre
Oftirity;" . ahovealluiled to says the i'Whig,'
i;\ l vittit iron-roasters terra a "Quarter Fur
'nee,' making about twenty-liv tons el met,
al t ler . vreek. Gee. Irvin incns rite one4ball
I I ct hisrthrimense' establishment and the forge
aq rolling, mill connected with it. If
inhttilpal who penned 4lie above paragraph
' vtl viSi't Ih'ese Works, lie will find 'an indns-
Lillis and happy people, too intelligent anti
inependent to e lirook undue dictation from
'ant one, tind bet Ween Whom and their enw
plers, the greatest confidence and good
wi' i eSists.• The charge that Gen. lrvin
thrtirenetl, indite campaign of 1841, to dis
eliaja men in his employ it they did riot
v . on for the "great Federal Idol . Clay,"- is
Or - ki r tie; and tv'e asSert, Positively, that
'no triri - 1,54 - 4 'hor Imy -preceding election,-
didrisarrArvitt threaten his hands that it they ,
'ditinit vote ns he did, they shank] be dis
chfged. ,There are new
. men in 'his ern
pl,-. antl , • have. been for years, wino hat
replittly voted the "Derreadratiekticket.
rho wa g es at this establislimml have riei
eteen reduced by the Company, A fact
case to our:ltnowled6m a
.short 'time stn
4efrtvili illustrate the GeneffiTrronduct
in' us - respect. During the oresping times
wl trnmediately preceded the enactment
..ol e tariff of 1 . 842, an otter WAS made him
to 6 certain workat niveit lower pi ices than
he paying a. man for ifSVho had been
engigeditrtho - eshibliglmjent fore long time
liethiclined the proposal, because he could
notifeeidEilelt. .tvith 'his sense of propriety ie
iliSlia‘rgn the " The per-,
' eon hies feliiined has Invariably voted in op
.posit,on to the ‘V Mg party, except when the
Central was himself a candidate. 7`.'"-
Tie" Starving wages" spoken 01, are but.
the fibrication . ol Locoloco imagination, The
workmen employed in this establishment
rece'e as liberal wages as are given at any .
other works in the, district ; live as well and
enjol the comforts and many of the luxuries
61 4. They neither need nor-desire the
.symiatliy of any msn. Marry of them have
save) of their earnings, 6uftoient to pureh
ase hr the insoiws nom for table homes, They
settlewith their employers, yearly, and are
allowed Interest on what is du.a them e if they
cfo dit wish to lift it. One of these "'story.
ing"Work men left .the 'works - W:ithin the last
yeaoo pureba r Ae land in the west, With •freo
thousinri dollars'inhis pocket; flatly alletirn-.
ed attire Works, and three fourths of it paid
hiin IrGefo, Irvin in 'oash : lliellarbelore he
Another' individual has between,
two aid three thousand duit'bini,
Irhe itcrecetving - intoreatTmOd - others - have lest
buthri earned in like;mrinnerrthre thern.—L
6if olnt it) intlividtiat.iwhi) With the
1 , procsOs„ theu,labor in Gen. Iry in's ern
ploy,nave-purchasedffarms,aad are now
itierimfortable and independent chem.'
; • •
IVe,now ask the people of Pennsylvania
whiih:of the two candidates is most descry.
ins ,votes"! JaMis Irvin the supi,
'pot un-Of the tat i ft of 11342, and the opposer
of ales , on. ter ank coffee, who without
;vilbOOirikliny One,: has' acquired, by-his own'
laboi' iidustlY; estate he,so u::
ite.glftYP PTIVO!ei! h appiness of, (A;llklF5--r!
I.oetfln* , O . l,lioci ail' ' who lias!nOve
'44ol'4:9y,thipo;4 3 iY.o
Arttnio,prßPo6lT-, the- PF9g6),0(1.4,,vi1T;41,
oimaied*airariff.for:lthe:ii - toteptiot of
, 4rltd‘-'ottpitorto
4 1 04 W.:9,Po l o4 l *:i t. t i ,..4?ik t' o 4 - I *‘W ' o .,
. s. . .
................... YEPzVNPF!,tr,
a great:Mooting in 1 7harlestori
'titiO pep totag'aai l epitiOiti - '81100ehl; the 01(4
4441 ' 00,4*94 1 002441:: 1 40:
i- i l t b i
endettY94l)o,l49R , ,ft.tanoplf:
ileCeSeinw. r tif';goohJiciky9lanit, , ,Ao4 - 4roOly ,
-,FiiiO4,ol44.labmip l iiiiinii. , thOsiiiii 4.'60,11
anizir'n# essuproD.#ln the course 'of thqi
l e4e4j grk 48iiireokraixf!,;
,Asoinictiivkip.ol,vel),QPiimgenqq o,l, r
I 'AI Mal Ot •
Iggt;t7,s,v,, IMPP 3 41M 1 ).0F.D..01 I .S I ALA cm'pr ,
Ofkrtll9ll4Prmo' A ) nf 3 Of b9g lllOOl P
163 ' . ' 061mM:80R:e t
- -aNial - Maiturb
;V Aget,
• it Will be lidelfb
That in accordance wt ie inst do uh'6
, . 1-.41 ,J"
Town IVleeting
,bjestr An
. -errtp!ert
Committee of ArranaVentsita6TOrk..glio
the necessary preparatirinti for a brilliant.
public demonstration by the 'citizens of Car
jisie in Jionor of the triampb of American
Artni in the batttelreiiTtrena Vista - and Vera
'l 4 lxii . -14,ralfgem enis Urtlie . c*iiiittee
.finder those arrangements, We, have no
ilenbt4.ll9Cl3lorAlio!-)Y4l* " "°49a-a'll4 '
brilliant affair , which it lie Worth a trip
, cryp:. entry tr,‘eliPi, l ici see and
:enjoy. The committee ,verkfpr64;eiTy, hare
not reeenimeniliiiilt
From what %volcano of the spirit that is up,
however, a very large prcipertiPO.of private
dwellingsill shed, a bitte, pll!glit 'pp . the,
occasiorti.whilis the •Publlo , Brionre •0011 pfe-•
sent sucillemonsiralloni 'orrejoieieg.akiitv ill
Make 1114 0460 6 't~ok4 1 )Yi,P the grehl :4f ,vents
to be corrat,rierpr„ate4-,,, , 1,, •
• IlTeetitio • •" .
'At 'a meeting ofleitizepa borough,
held at ktlocUil'Uo''Xifili;‘ii thfiLffveii ing, Of the
17th inntruft, Ihe'fallowingliarned gerithamen
were rappoinled:tvoinfaittop Inimako proller
public demonacyatiOn
by the; honor' thU
,tiy:111 1 6 Alrierican
army, vii:
Patrick Daad:4in'; JAM A Bration, Major•
Edward M.,Watts' r L. 44 1 , Brandebnry, Esq•
Lemuel 'ficrcht,!f, , ql!;oltri:W.`ll4lldet, Dr. G.
'Foulke, Lieut."Geo . Q.7,o W. Crop, Edward
M. Biddle, Willia`m IL trait, P.plirai in Corn , -
man, Abraham P. Erb, John C;Ayilliams,
which .e6minittife tdaS insthlbted to . reptir;,at
an adjourned' wetting,
-The etimmittee met on Modday evening
last, l'keroex Davinsos, &Wig as Chairmen,'
and EphraiM Coleman as'S'ecr'eta'r..y, when
t4e lollowingOrdet ArrangernedtsWas ad
opted for'l!te celebration:
I?csolved, That thd conten9oo(l cMcbba ,
not, take place 'on NIONDX EVENII\II,
the 26th instant. unchr the following "Ordeil
of Arrangement;
'l. That a tAithinal - Ave. of thirty &us be
fired by ttre Aitill'ery, at s'un•set or'said day.
2. That all the pnblie bells of the borough
,be rum*: at a quarter btelore 'eight o'clork.'
3. That the illurnmation of :tie public and
oiteeT Imil . din . gs . in and surrimmling the Cen
tre-Square, be eammenes(l with the ringing
at the bellF and closed at 101} o'clock.,
a displhy of fire-Works — be - made
b.': That u tOft - filiglinirheti;4tdrat be form,ed
immedihlely hltt , r. die display of fire-works,
and that Capt..l.l'ehrov Sanderson, William.
M. - Watts: tsq..'Cel. Arttistrotio . Noble, mid
Cut: kbkilitiM rrendel o adV as'lllarshals of
pineeSiihn. '
considettnion,the tixpetise-, danger
and incon4erneneenr,a , 9enefitlillfinittiatin,
thesetirnmittee haYb' not -thought propel to
make ally itrant4ernreidiarther IlutO for the
ilhirriintifitin of the Publ ic Scmarei , deaving it
tor infilvidttalg .to exerqiSe" Choir ()Wit Judg
ment iit'relation to the—illuntittatlon of their
own-dwelling : ,
. The Committee of Arrangements will iiet
as a zeurral committee of 8u petintondenee
for the carrying. out of the above arrange,.
merits and ibifhe preservation of good'order.
BY-order. P. DAVI psoN, Chairman.
.E. CORNMA:N, Secretary. •
• Several WON; irrim'iEe Country were re
lieved of their pocket-books by, some of the
fight fingered gentry,.while very much ab
sorbed in , vseeing the Elephant," , 'at Van
A niburah's klettagerie;On Micah's - in'
last. The airinunl abstracted in one case we
learn was $lBO, .atid , in another abo,, This
is something nett' for Carlisle, and it was
pretty generally 'suspected that the perpetra
to - Were old hands at the business, who.
Without Mr. Van A toturgh's knowledge, are
"camp followers'? of his caravan, If this is
the case, justice to INiselt, at;' well as (t
every community in which he exhibits,'
should constrain him to - hunt out and tid
himself°, such characters,
Three individuals were arrested ih Itoges-:
town on Monday; •evening, who had gone,
underoireunisttnices whit.h ex-:
cited 'Slime- suspicion of thi3ir being the 6 , 1.114'
persons,,abde,r, yesterday . broMbt id Zltia
.botough !Jig& o,amittgo beano, tag. Smith.
The examination 'resulted in their being re
ed . 16VI ii ith'Cr herding,' ti• ii . L'Avtll' . be
ingi,, The prisonenntre ag strangers,. 1, •
Ica ant "rriiitbct!..'
. Aieffra,p, It A 1 ,.,
.C. .ricn Itaxi3 opened
an — eh:gnat •eiel y • oP k
rFuntitu, , f at . their
new 'Climbs' . Mirtis6l"lsrorlh . Ilinibi'er land
f l outher streets.. Theli:.articleil a're'clO,a4tly
finished and will- not. si.gler i 'by Comparison
with the best of city mabufrigture. Give them
a chi ,. I ~ .. , . n./.1
• 6frCastiale, has as little 'to:be-found fault'
' AtPitli'nicautitry totriul gandrallyVbbt irotight
it'iiiend its 7try", in' ' p rpcaihr; end
tlntZis tiy•linving i smantli.an4, l ey,en,Alrick
(side-Wslks:luld,' instead• of the - wrigchedloose
" Ileftlfe tritriy
4qa 1.43 ,`110,44`. Q rle ßl 'l i b ,4l. ° P ,„ 0 'e
dinititTeireiy ,
tbenfacicA, who
: • 7 , 1.,.1 0; '
PtllftiAVO,`PtiiP4glP4 , ,tP Slott a 41.511'44, col
, .“ VUrV i ; 1.1 r
Aircj a c-1nt.PP&?,h07 3 47.*.14,9fl if) ftliVlffflifil." • °n
•'Oat itieetivsvhci7sVnt
I ° iip
`' tHePt{o riiutif ; ol
ti ,I 1 ' 1.
•CC?.YA4...,CIP'W.RirIr,WitI?',4M, S.
the.)ilawr. Staqis . openedl in
streis!ipittiplkepeetalaktopiloriaNtge*R9V I
11Fti rht h# r tfic,cjil!Pirfiilsitt640111fAkZiiirst
if4 l l j .l T /419,:,,.0ts i .),21%.1,01tif16. , ,tre
I , , tftY? i 11 `,
nnattlleitirti , rialiqiftnitji;:ll(ittinos,:p'f
ffrfit 3 / 4 0) 1,1 ';
. ••,
: I ,Y.;qljr44o,o.lllr e qYf''
lien) of at least . 11200 (ileac; •'. " . ;` •
ItiWier , ~ : tg.-- - Iffetrifieglll;
The,Vilk... , (3aatti - • Jim Party
:'....Nie , ~.; *fief Will:tr.
I; -_;.... f.:___. 0, ~.L.: .-. ( •'• ~, , V r' ....,"
j 11 ~. •Y011:‘,. Icily A . toEEM tv,,,
~,h,-,,,,,f,,,ai,,,,,.,,ei.eq., ~ i gf ity ,
- eh .i )ii tY -- of — tyitr.TATS — V.l3oo3Y - , -- 'the — Wh g
'C' udidate Tor Mayor, by about 1500 majority'
O'er his LOc9fcco competitor, Brownell. A
Majority of flee Coinmmi Council is also Whig.
The. Locofocos elected their candidate for
, Alins lioaSe Col/trots:loner, , The vote for
Maydr, as follows: Brady (Whig) 21 ; 720;
13rdwrieil 'CLoco) 2'6,259. •
411e.-,glorioneratesult - in lica...cityrof - Ntiroit
York 'must come with -starining force upon
the thitiigtF irrimind' tty
It is 'a blow as 'Overwt) el tnit4 - as it Is neur-
Oe'etiil. , Jtiri" - iiblitiliiii6nitilfitieffA "aa
portance;:thet.CtiyjofN'etvgl°oik Is 'more than
an uquivaltint *wlible State' bif New
Hampshire. It is :important 'tin Itielf,:lind
st ill orCP 6
P9Pnlar PofrePt. Whigi mink '.tsl upt ,
Ward and tel. , : 14*.
• re,(f* , to
lie'ard. 4 t is tot 10 ,110,11 P"°' P,f'stinmili
donidn!iletnmeFti etrft isiap their ntliiairl .
opurse. ,Th 9
ed. The hand-writingliesop the wall. •• •
. . Another Triumph If
The, 111%igstsuciessfuttin the att)
of.) ew Orleans ! !
. .
- • At the muiiicipirleldetiono: 'in -1Cot; Or
leus, on ,tl4,slliiind,.,;ilie W'ings' jacirlei - ed
one ,01, the (Most ,triumphant ,vietotiep ever'
gaiimil in that' City: -0 The great strmigle:Was
in tho. Second but, the:
ticket for- General Conran{ was eleCted by art
'averago•nialerity of 51a votes : of tiro:seven
A.‘artlN six Were carried by iltri 'Whigs, and
.13Aklermalverit of. IG. The Laces elected
the three in ward by - a majority of
only 30, late special eterlior
fqr-the.L.tialatace - they had a majority of
222, The Whigs alrio , carried. three mit of
the foir. rneMtie'rs•of the General.COuncifint
_the First Ittunittpality, which, with the,font
totem bers of tlitl 'Peron& ithoolcipality, errs
sures a Whig majority in that body--and ou t
of 17 intruilm:s in the .Municipal Council;
there are 9 Whigs and 7 Democrats ; arid one
`lie vote between a Whig and Democrat.
Triumph - tipOli Triumph.
. .
. itt the •Charter, i - F.l . 6Chnii,i4 Aihany, pa
Tues.(lnv., the \Vo.igtt ot that city iteltieyed a
mkt glekTit's victory. , \riittattr - l'arrole - r,
the present Alaynt aril the NAiit,t, e .. ittelidate.i.
is i re,eleftecl by At etrljoritkiuriittelip4,llolpr:
mer tnajotitier; tti,yvtdil that .city. Ills ma.:
jnrity is p. t 3p0.,..Th0,.\\:1ii§,*J.:1?, 4 . - kldt r:
meli to th . e. f,cieotoues :l and 6 SuiieLyiscati
to the i,ocofeentt ti:
lirooklyii, N. Y.liasitillOVivetlthe.eYample
of its. neielil.l6? ; ,and 7 tine air.;•l::ar W.hirs
triumph, by a majority of 114.2-. This it: an
Unprecedented result. " -
..At the recent election, Steubenville, Ohio,
the 'whole ticket was elected, except
one entmeiln.rtn be rninTnies rangilig from
:51 to 61. Phi< is an u !common result in
that heretofore I . ..armload ii
The Whigit of Cinciimhti. at' their Charter
'Election glorious
. viottriy; electing their Alayor by a majority
of from 806 to . I'OCK), Ind thb City Marshal
and Coptic& by a Hill increased majority !!
The forces of the Polk and iiatita Anna party
ate c”4)wlieite 4mpletely rotted!
AY CLsr.—Tim following letter from Gen.
Taylor to Mr Clay we find in the Lexmwon
Qb,erver• The herd of Buena Vi thotrzh
al witys r rradp, is net hi wat ys • rfiugh.,"
fite.watml.einiment and beatniful In n page
bfthis•epistle miffieienly shim :
I frApw•Arrrimcs, A It N 1" or ntrUPATION,
AC.C. I / 4 iNVE6, Iv:esic... March 1,1847.
DEM{ Sin,: Vett will no doubt have re- •
ceived, bonne • this (lin reach-'von, the
deeply distiesslng inipiligence• oh the death
of your son in the 'Battle of Ilniitta Vista. It
is with no Mill intruditig lipon the sanctth
avy'of phtenthl',stiri•ciir4 and with, no hope of
isl to. y nu
i'filteri' the
,b 1 ad
& ng pin thesd 'feW 'Wing : left
wind r vt , the - rillekOpri , of the
pey Willing intone
to hil,tpapy.eccalletitAttalities, and .while"
fny'feellntrs are titiV.'litish i ttt exalres'itthetil es- .
elation which his untinioly lose and that orot!
her •kitallMdi spirit: 4 hut ( oet'dAlMM( l . •
ttil-but a ea'Sttal•ptectuaintanec with your
biericnii!fur 6.!lirhe s uttinFer of
my m4ilfr i y,,,,lentily. ) .;i4,4 (nip (ivy 911 that
no one'n - fetWeillt 111PitlIV epon
. x 111; re
iiitlie.'lilikilng;chtiti to
-thy lekieti( ;tint end,gontra.!
ble in every Impulse, with,litt fee)ing• hut !or
the honor of the service and of theicountry,lie
gave every assin atthelthat.litithethout 'of need
I could lean with confidenee upini itiscup.
.port. Nor was 1 dislippolbted.'
,Linder the!
guidagii,(ll,l4.,itnielf. and, thtleinert tett Mel
Kee, gallitntly iliA•tAtitiOnitinl i eir.tpeky in the
thickest of the strifivuphold the•hohot of the
State and the 'country. .• .1•.• - ••
A grateful people . will tie tjle me
mory of (lay.
But I may be 'Perrilltied 'to be
reat,:empn,t whiFlo tee' in the logs of valued
Ts4utir. - . L eon•ii.feeri.bittniti by the
strongest ties ofp A rivate, regard and when
miss - ltltilre*iliaickt - ittal-thoSN - of - McKee
tivrotovi - leef
by :t)fpl.;i9p ,:f ;
W,,TA l 3l' F irq 6 l °ll At. M 4 A e s
..,It 01 .i.c younifiendpi.,
wriowheyi Ike kii/dectlfp •lni/inyilkVantites,!tt
ry 16"eriir itti3 l , c iiiifft#lyilllile• la.
hOlsBl that heat and and muisture are pcinlerinlAgento
• Ili'citliibingliiiiiise4iaiid thaticionetantkiry and
• • • t i •/
8 eatheiiierebbelbfriatiomble /to.
t) • •
ite iteingrafron ii•does • •whrt
:Call - 11;A truiy4e..hgmq;:ii.lrilty'
•"*.olilirit*FMi4 o .o4l9 l ßt f . 9 . 4s4r i
VriterritnllllllYoflt7lol4l/701VIVI , 111)° -
,iiiiitichnitg it 19,14XIIIBICJ,IIIIINtcr49:'utie?P"'
.fiiiimOoitold4ioipWeJ B o,e)P,F, o ,9,o4lA4ll o, l
tof,thdlbciNehthitl,inayiiopirtilt4rOten -,9l ( ithe
of the, mateds, _ no „r 'atteFtfawt datteid t , the
7,4 1 0, 1 , , ;h' tefplf.?•,•fAci`4 l . lfithclijer,,tliat
'need it ht ta t de'used '; r• carlielit;.bY
• u
... A , cp ta • arhe .
• , (fr 7 ,-,---- . -.--- ---- -- - .
t •,,,, RNDAY EvEittriO, April 19.
VILCIF •:—l t market is firm with iisriitt
ics ,
eratiiiitticy ftlfif;ports, and light stocki.—
( 13
,Al 5 utp i to tit b.- s nick s ed brands•sold all at
57, 2i) l rt el
~ :several Matt lots of Weat...
eefiitt. l ,ll347'Ore price. • ~ .
CORttlifEAL—ln better. _ilemafid_ittlilgy_ _
02+, - with limited stocks, 600 barrelerfirandyl
wine sold at $4 75. '
WHEAT—Arrives slowly and is much
wanted for shipment% Several lots of good
henna reds werelaked at 155 c.
CORN—AIso brings better prices. We
'notice sales Penne:yet:oW at 99 a 100e;:tho
latter priee ( /
OATS 2 .4nuthern. soidiall9oe. JLI ,I •
W NISI Y"«-Held firmly4.44Qoyan
On Tuesday morning, the 15th inst SAINIVEL
EDWARD -MOCICLI Nj tte,Ottlefitrvelt , and- Big.
months. - . , .
i .. tr .1 . ii 1 . 1 ''l ' , I , 4 V
'On Thursday . .filorning , Avrit Ist) of intla'tnit:.
trob of the brain, lic.lity, , eol . l ...of I JOhn '4ataT
Elizabeth , Halbert in the eleventh yelitlef
his age. • ~. , . . . . ..•.• . ~, ~. kit ,
,„. .
Dicicrisoi , t det.t.i.ini . ;"'"'' ''
trail of the Belles Lettres Society, •
T r' , ~
!..; ':•• -.-: -1.: . ,:.: — A lifitt?, 3 s-M •.. , •
..... PrElz'rik93NKA, „Ibingti,cl!;Yil'iqA,4ll . l l lLitt lt it:.
.IYt . r. Jst4cs•,ctrria)soNt,ie.tlic •:s4.ttbyeak - ,ct"
1 hislite: ' •• -r- .',.' . „, ' '.. , ,•,, u
it As • Soidiltin,'thtiV'ralAve,bke,itFall'ol.t . VPo,ll.
either individually or ants c l othe
C.urselv,es vvi,tlitheArnblems of mrugnipg for
one whii•posirs.Sfrell-e - lineOpielleetWU no.-
IA r h . tif:atrilie, frjte i hd . r.vv,hose name we
liel e i ' rtlgr.Vitblartlit;`,7 - Iri ..
ural that wi`shorthrhasterao do hoifeke s
the hientory ofthoge dbbilt i,iii . litelr 1 le 4 •
c i
band, , whei;.! frtirii't irrug-telin l / 4 . ; 'fair ' y„ e
Vsay-side Of lire; for 'theft is' 'if4riiiiitilk:.
,nt'hiCh binda nit.thg t etli . er 2 =tfiiii; tilollqtge . r. ,
;Ilir ndr.diefahce cilil,'Weri4il4 . ' v ?tits .the tip .
ii r rdui.' corn Trial liVot hVi4ood m - 40,111v1les 4etr,,
.tres,.we cherish ourisecietyostßeljeAll,et
ires, we cherish., each..o . ther. ~ ,11ht ,in,• this.,
instance, our own individual .fectings . pre
dominate, and the loss which we have sun-
tained in the death of a,fellbw l ltterrlber; who
had hediegn permitted,to,li t ge,',664
C la. doubt
less have .cirvglor' hiniseff halni`i that
would have
,litmoretkoile=tifritrtiation, is but
slight in c omparison with the loss which,
each of its 11;01816a he has sustained in
death of a friend: Indeed, otir,ei private.
griefs" -are such that no publitr imaliifesta
tion of our regard for theileeeasekWfdiut
all'ecpress Bait real defillidaf Mall*
Characterizes the ; abriiiw,i4f Typranti . ,
our associatitin. It is' true., we [WV Vit
the death Of lqatiSdit; rot' 4116 V • •
compelled him to leave tit: it - Wine:l'qt' Sy It
out melancholy forebodings tif
we said to hint "farewell,;,"'bVit.stil
tort:tined the hope that his days would be .
prolonged at least for a stqwoni and ,that; he
-would retina to complete his collegiate
gourte. But alas! our tropes were riot des
tined to he realized. Our - friend ilia Hot re
turn, but reniained et hdnie ietrulirit the coin
ing of that Pfeil destroyer " whiiletit'efpg
--de yt-s i flee e rITI i trate& )1 rs-ear th I yi-err re° r: 0-1 4
And ,now that he ,is gooe,•iti temiiinii for
his fellow members of thi . Rates.. I.,ertleg- -
So4iety Id cioreu, in Antml.strtiable.trakiiiker,.
.apprciation pf ikkg,ll:4ol4l , therefore
be kt
Resolved, That in' irse`ll 4 eiflio 'i t
this Society feels that it has
noblest ornaments., and that it kas_Auffe_r_ed_a______
dispensation--which has robbed it of a nunia
that ttlight have heensits phaddtii
—ltesoi v Thu tit i'f! Anew berisv.f the Belles
I,ettres Society mo t A sincerely sympathize
With the parents of Ileetistlit, and r 64
th e y estalre them rllal th - e'rtaine;ol their gifted
semi will long be remembered and cherished
by his ihrtner friends ifed fetlow,students..
Ititaiol Veil, Thit as. d Mark off' iiiipactto the
memory of thJ'ir young friend 4 Bins 74ut off nv
the very prinie Or hr... otiiit thhs fitirried im
timety to anearly-if:due-, the-mdnabers-01414---- ,
Belles Letrtes BUctely wilt Wear ccapettpolt
the left arip for the space of thirty days:
Resolved; -- Thaf - theattbiaire—proceedingit-bh
published in the earlisle era Wasi)iiitoit
.papers, and that it copy be' trati 4 StnitSd' 'tou
the family
C. J. T. Anyrint
JOIIN L. HAltt'Eh ;
Comm. in hehrtirof Belles Lenten bow.' y.
distretndlig complaint le
a weakness of the digestive nigansmag like
every ether disease, is'emised :by irnplfrity of
the blood. The ,gastric'juice, a fluid • pedo
liar to the stomach . , , When fiectited flow ba,i
blood is deficient,in,thoSe.wencieffal
proOrties hien are of such vral. impepuitee
to digeacou. Gonsexpatinly, the, food, itistedit
oh bentg speedily dissolved, ()hen becomes
spoileil'or petrified it: the stoinaeli;
fiance bud breath., eolle dySentary.'tholei a
mortal'', and other ill eadlal corfiplani's. •
1\ li,larn bntian Vegetable Pills lire a e'er- '
tain cure far Dyspep s ia bee:Lase they
the•stornaeli bowels from -oil liltomi:lni
titer4, and pwrily the l ugal . otivr five of
said pills; laketiliii ntgltt<adlgintlg to bed,
still intallonStis give some relied and' if edit
fin• wl,ll b toihwilai l icwlV
Per!`etct mire" of nyvepsia, L bitt
&Iva. pain Or digt re.. 1.01 Veylooll9,49pliii
;he 44. • ~ • .4 •
- 13ewa re of Conn terfe.'its some
aie.inaa'ed, with elitigar; .otherthimtniraili_to'
resemble in outwand
. vuedrettie. The icit*.t eon ise:AerfilliiAllin
,fl,OOl the regulaeLakwidgepl,9 l 21 4 ;411,140 t i0f
Wham' draw be* ,fititlin e,v,erivilloge . and
town th rfic, 'sinter. huncipleollftteotllellueu
street, - • •••••-•-,
PP . 'lel: 1 4)9; 1 1,P ') 1 1)G t.
mug nu bnnrjher hiving rouipyed r iiii il i i'P
' , in the'lltibiii • T , l4)96lllr•cidetleina hS , r.
thinlyn 6.. e leWeler Htlielit•lti!ifinikiiio 't e
cnnimodniei 'llleailltitnntniif ` l iliti Wiiiid"Jilith
anionl articieNin• hie'
,linetn'onsiiiyail ) 'lino
Ciivendinit '
add Vunittsti t, ttle'Aliii i iii V u,
.01heronk Pri Lid*, ittirialitir"PliititallB , 11,
Unit:64 l Ln en Ini it it ;; ' 054" ittill'ilii*fiin i and
• Half S . pn nin h Seiiiti,• DditilitiPii;qin'dttniffel's
.Biiii IF i. PiIA nt vdrito{n n0,r1,1,, n4d
„Spit la c I nt ii •
Smolt ingiTobneen,‘, l git utt 114 0,nAtinolcinj
I.:ini6B ;;. AuAerirnn'ii,t„Migei'ily.:And Pnod win's
fide - Ca l a - 1A tkijilijetil,ntccp,4t,e;acc., all o f
whieh • he *lir tio 4uppSq.eo Uktlll6 thoee who
may.., pluNm3,4o,o„ivoi.,u)P4l,4_%StiolllolBC
lllii.4Ptiefl;Pkiliolo,t, „•, , i , ,, , ,-1.,,,,1,,,,, 47,
~..,,,- :-•,.,,, ~ .....i “i'I7 ,, II , ,ACRI ( SWEL,II. .
„Ap,cl,vhl t34 . 4,...1 , 0 , w.1,-.0....41 , ,. -.nof, ,rt," -
... .•
.110, EUE I VED 'J'LI IS DA yl-stl,llp.atthol F l,..gtorep dd ego& .1 ludo rtfotitt t of
Jliciu sly 6114'
. I IS J. 4,•;
~!) Ina !I 4 i•
CuteTta,ad ruttql"." Dlsn,
1,...„u2 e. 4- -
‘• 7w;‘, -
I SUSQ I III il>i N ; - NE
. • .
Atioutitaltlila,l #4lkA I ,
tbe .-
ForwurdingnauounniWlialbb builbets.
They havttaddetl'initlektll Woo 'Mc Water Ca-
nal Bolos to their wilV be' fully pre--
pared fial•waku I , l•9duco
!I•lo.4l l l ( kv•skpgdize, to' U 4140111311 illhationVf
Aelph nicideratd 'pr)nea, aud
Utinfollfallapatall. •4- . • ,
'K. lvvrightmiaroxellasetavinkAi,romf
VfilliftV , ldaltitadro• 4;01614 Olbit
yo er:Naikri.:r.craip*.._:2.4-..
2 - 8 )•); .. I,•st im Philw
• . g , No . c
,; •
delnbla; Nnble, ate 6 itrtifit