Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 07, 1847, Image 1

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1.••;1 !,1;1;
iisrmaczw - iias;ann—
-rocTon NIYERS . has associated his
Ur nephew, At it..l. :I ACI‘ I .SON ,In his
'ants and
, iterhiigettielll, Debtor . 11( - ' ivilFba
enabled to give his undivided attention to the du
ties °flab Piernastori.
qorllsle.§ePtovoney 30,18411.—am5, .
• ED :ID 1.211MPJ23,
• • BaineopithiC Physician.
titre t, in ..the house for
nterly' Dr. Fred. Ehrman.
90 8 . 46 '• - • "
WILL. - perrorniA a ll. Niei upon ron the
V V reeth that are required my their lireser
oillenonehat Fitink, Moggittg..e.ts.
or itilt restore the' loss of them, by inserting
fi .'teeth, from e. single Tenth, to a
Nett. • d7O Plkee Oh Pitt street, a few denreSoutli
Of this '
N. R. Ifa, I.olnmin will lee absent from
lisle the lest ten days, in each mouth.
Jane 11.'184A.
- • Pittsburg, Pa,
y_ikS returned
,frrup tn The .prnetice
tit or hi.. prbreisiots in Pittsburg, Allegheny
entinty, Pa.
Feb. 10, 1847:
WILL itenctice in the several Courtsnf CUM..
hoettind and the ndininingyoonties nod tit,
euttl t n prlfezzionol hocittyint tstotattinted
care with oenmottotys and fidelity.
Office in Smith lionover •trret, in Graliom's
co , Inailtlism.nonfetitrtite Post Office.
Carll4le, A 'twig! 2f1,44r,. y.
Attorney at Law.
OI , FICE in tin gh Flnnnver %%reel, (env floor
iniinw T. (; rnharn, Esq.
.Inrr 16,1445.
VAD.7:%3 3122'222 -
Attorney at Law.
,riFFICF. wet, 5. -- n.
110 new Itihtiotz, opposite the Post Office.
_March SI, 1R47.
Attorney at Law,
OFFICF. iu ihurem. oldie entirt House', io the .
room lotele occupied by 1)r. FO!ITER, deed.
March SI, 1141 Z.
V ESPE:I3I7FULLY informs the public, that
having opened a
n office in South Hanoverst Clet,liearty oppti - alfe iiirifiiitiflAceAeis pre
pared to practice DP.NITIS l'ltY in all its bran
elms. Good 'rent!, are essential to hen 1111;hesides
traumal or artificial mien are not only ueeftil but
o•nnamental,and Odd materially t , the comfort of
the wearer. ft need not he stmcil what can be
of me to the teeth, mitlice ii to say th-t evetw defect
ran he remedied, and new T v oli fill'llisllPtl from n
Single one to mum entire net. flaring had consitle.
&Mlle practice Ins a number of yea ra,gooti refer
ences will, he giren to moth as require them, but
the hest ?roof is the operation, which will in all
aces he iterfnrined in the moot carPllll matinee
and at prices to snit the occasion and the times.
Persons waited on at their residences, either in
town or colluder, without extra charge.. lie may
always he foon4 at his ollice,na nhore, or nt his
residence in Pitt street, onedoornorth of Ilunitel's
!Avery Stable. •
li e will ilon 'morality attend to the repairing ot
Watches and .fewelre. at his office in Sonth Unll•
vre street. Also. P.NtUt kV! Vg twatly e x cel ,-
Isil. 8' attentinMand skilful execntion of bin
work, he hopes to repel re it nil lierebY' 8011011 i 'a
share of public imironsee.
Carlisle, /Oil% ft :SUL , • '
nAtims, Tug.xEß, & IRVIN
No, go I Market Street, PHAADELPIIIA
Importers and Wholesale Dealers.
N Drugli,Medinines, Chesnioalf, Patent Med
mines, Surgical and 0 4 iatendeal lowNtrittnents;
.bruggista'alassware,WinilOw GiaiSS,Painta,Oila
• Dm,. reeromery • Ito. ,
Druekisis, C mom. erehanta.and Physicians
• supplibd'with the' atiove artiolle.4 on the most fiw
:10141oAtirto a...---Striat and prompt attention-paid
to orders; Every article warranted.
Jolts ".I..mrc4 A. Turrr.n.lately
...-.L...leatiriighilm....AVictia...e.laNizrt, M. I). .
PMlN4elppis, Scift l 3 . u. 844 47 y. , .
from-mg.°. the Utonborlaoll alley Ro
411:62.JU01121§19 IPAlci •
ii*EJ,A;Y:.!?Pt ; bY pen. Wl!litt Foul k,lien jut'
hpcgn subs cr iber, Itiv newly
Toth shed' end , 4enthorntwkly.repateed.
Pitiinlnge . tnin, the 'cia're l , etraniere? ' -4 revellers
Pb teCii:ll¢le eve Invited to calf.
attention paid
to thief' INooe who
wait:Also the eetehlieh`tn'ent: ''' • "'+'
. I tAtttOTT,,' •
, RI; a j l ;Pr 4 T0 r 1 3 40 . 4 1 4 12 WXWMa14,r
. `1 . 1.1! AltniValrell.'ol
QFEE,RB,hislier,viaeirtd the pildligt.i -Her, ,
Ins:. hid remand yeirrs,experhibebltaithhiii
47others,ehVytylog,iuthle:pumiepeion the retort's'
10 ; Ititiellectiou'ofpapere inado,_h3 , Wm; he 'huh+
P9P9148111.V1 An, .1 0 ;btein fikrkumaior
puma patronaimi .
1.1 . ' ,
°Men In;:imree'd!at ' elyl
the rear of the Court House. •
C4rh*lnVOttraVrr,l f :2-.)1 r .t.. 1 It': 1.17-WIF-
..rywit:otrriNitispritevitjibetiteibe &ire,
---- - 7 11i;dYFFLIPF 111 1 417 / 14 4titiCIP WPline4l - in
' tan °mown AH warrants till woric to he satlst i aotoi
°Mara 'do litie reipertrolty Volts:Add: l ' din'
r,,, , ,Carlielek§eptembeir g. / 1 1,4 6, :,; , .. 11-,,,1
`iinTrE ni:ll74;Zin.4 . 11 aftial
bi 7 j': , '; "; • . •
- 24:11r 1 r,:!;:14721if'61,1
1; I 401 . .liniiiiramki . ; :,
7-'.11 . ..71i.121 Gitllzll e likitrojrlllq Ir . ": ~ ;(;:•:,1 11.:
"`Afj if i re t 'l Vgd E iiiiiidgrany r°l ! : tr,! . .L .- ELLIOTT .
- ,;„;,,,,,.„,,,, ,tf,i, i,(7,,-fii,,„. ibilf.L•ll.ll.E/11 , :.
_ ~',) , lritt ,1- - 14,4 2 ..1 , , , , ,, .1,1;,,1,,, ) , ,•', 4 11, l', Ar „i
' .., P-If i ' EPriekibit fliregia le e . tigiiiiiiiiiaii
At - ;
. .
1 , ,t,'. 1 r,r_ . 1 0,r, 1 0*41eceliivei - Ovldigior tl
;Z,Agp o pqrg e ritile,9,4.ll:lY l l
ono neo ed sin est
~,...iiii) :jetcpsiittl o.- make !inimddlito 'pajwiii
.);• 1 4041_ , "Of _iiiiiii " I *iiiiiiii',.o,liiiiiikliin#;':
,' • 4(il yfflltl'f,t,?f, _ iP t itikrifi' 4 ', ; '," Y,iiii?'
g ilt
'''.' '''''' : lreitil; r; i
. z . e 1647.`e -:.,- 7. 13, ,.. 4 .51.1
r-i-Olftttletet. -..,
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...1;11 .v .54 ~.. ~ •!. ./.3;14-. -:- , -it . 11 , '.1.=4-,Ps:M , ! , -..;9 . 1.1?.. ,1,1 i'lt , , l_,.+ . tuil.A.!:l .p.,11 . PfTi. 41 ! LlTL , ll .; , tar.ib,cp , t):ll:"..oo..tikkjAt.'.: I .tfilt I 'll,' f,'-.l.fiti
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' .?.' . ''
' '1
' ' . ' i'
IP kIE eubeoribar has just received and ie now
-, ert hie Store, on the South•Weet
corner, of the PubliaSquare; on Unusually cheap
stook of,SEASONABLE GOODS, such ea
. . •
• Ckiths, Cassimam, sattiriots;
FLANNELS, - VestitrONClnekrniti;§alldlom
bounce, Shaw:ot,' Mural ins;Glikeir, Hosier y&tr
A splendid stook of•tlA LICOg 8, at' price
varying frinn 4 to 183-4 Cents... OcEltIE
of all kinds. Also, a fresh stack of the
• •
*hick ho,has.latelyintreduced, ,
and wine!) pre
ronlid to be;.l4. numbers Unit:have tried them
the most ectnionneal' ofid deeirable vtielejlk
The public la ilcapectfully invited to call and
aciinine his stock. ' •
DEW '. :046tettiri.
ETABjust received an additionable supply to
s stock; and is pr,..iktred to t , v.e bargains
Of Cloths, all &Moors and qualities,
Casitneres, plant & fancy,
Casinet, • do , . ' do
Beaver 0 5: Pilot Cloths,
Vestil* Sr. Cravats,
Cash mere us dr Lanes,'
do do • Robes
C a ntonal' large assortment from 4 to els.
A Ipaeetts and Nlortrues,
' Ribbons & rt fiends,
Shawls k Ties,
Fur Moira,
Hens k flu ys Caps. ke.,&e.
Shippers burg, Jell. 13, 1847. ' •
THE aubsCriber would respectfully inform
the citizens of Carlisle, and the public
generally, that ho still continues his LUMBER
YARD, en the west end of Main street at the
earner formed by the Isiewwille Road aodl
turnpike, where lie will at al) times keep r
hand a general supply of well-selected Lumber,
such ha
. - -
Boards, Plank,'SCa ntling,
log TLnber, shingles, &c.
which will be sold at theTloweet prim.
His stork of.huraber consistsol'u full assort•
ment of Yellow and — Whito Pine,•Poplur and
Cherry Boards and Platik,PrOin common panne!
in quality, and of different thickness; also Ash
Plank; White and Yellow 'Pine, Poplar, Cherry,
Oak and Maple Scon'lling, - nf all sizes from 3 by
3 to 6 by .8; also a full assortment of Pine and
Oak Shingles; also Building Timber, of any
length and thickness; Joke and Rafters'of all
sorts and sizes, together with .every other arti
cle usually to be found in a Lumber Yard. lie
rail) aliln keep constantly on hand a supply .of
the different kinds of COAL; such as
Pine-Grove,- W-ilkeabiarp—andShamokin—for
family use, and Limehinner's and Blacksmith's
Coal fifth° best quality, at the lowest prices.
Grateful for past favors; he respectfully se-
Min, a continuance of the public patronage,
and hopes by strict attentlur . tto give satisfitctian
to his customers.
Carlisle, May 13, 1846.
The Oltettaii
onrance Company.
Wee No. 11, Wail Street, New .I'w.k.
HIS institution is distinguished from
IL other Life Insurance . Companies, by all
or most of the following peculiarities:
' When the premiums are over $5O, one
fourth may be paid in cash, and three fourths
ih a Secured note, et .t 0 months bearing inter•
est: pr thcpremition mny be paid in monthly
or quarterly inatalments,
•2ML -- -Ntilrisk—is—taken °DLO - single life ex.
ceoding the :mount of $5OOO.
3rd. The assnred . arei
.not, beyonitthe
amount Of their pre:mit:Os.
4th. 'Applicants are - not recktined a year
older than they arc,but are taken at the age
of the nearest bir thday. The rates of premi
ums' are us low an those of any ether Com.
sth. No Direetor cnn borrow any of the
funds of the, Company."'
6th. 'Theta is no nominal capital to pny
ing upon, and there' are no stockholders among
whom to dvyide the profits, other than tho as.
7th. Profits are deelered adnullY,
rod haring the optiin either to withdraw their,
profits, m leave Orin to accpmul ate..
Bth. Scrip will he issued-ennually (tti those
nut indebted to the Company) for the estima
ted profit;sand the scrip will he iudeemed, when
the profits amount to *280,000.
9th. Six per cent interest will bq paid upon
the scrip, annually in cash.
10th. Every precaution' will be taken to
prevent a forfeiture of
The burliness of this Company, has exceeded
that arm Other during the peritid elite ems.
tence. Sinop its Comniegtemetit , there. , have
beowissued.upwqrds 42800 Policies: the pre.
mierna upon, the same execeding.sl2so,ooo.
The subscriber iq ngent for the'above col7l-
pilny t, for Carlisle and its . vi_cild,trl_rid he has
asSUCtite s twitli'hirnmelf; ad'Hedicai Examiner,
JiMysits; M 1 Mr.-Application ler insur,ance,
eibiither : by, ititte 9r in i peracn,
ly attended to; and pimplilets containin g
I taibleiicifialeitAe., din be had byHapplicatxm,
IbtliteloDrug•titore ,nt yers; 'or of the
Carlielp,Decemlps •;.•-•• • •
'c'4~cr R ,. ~.~,-~a~ ..i-~ ~-i ,;.. ~:~.G.,r. ,:. i ~:.::~'aa ; r.:;..«;.:tr:s :~f~,ty~;:i,,. ~.:'°,.,ci'Tac `:,,..:,~ ` . ~~ k ..~,Fz~~. 1:. ~~"r°;r.~z:
•• l•',. Lr...l' • • `,/,t . t-• 1, 1 0 • 7, 77-A 7- • •
tiejW..• • r I I• , N '••• • • , ; 7 " 7. •
VE k • Ate7a.." MEMI AMVE A VI a. .• Nr . 44. I : •! iv i• 7
• • .•II I •,r t ••3 ri, .:1_,••••• • ~• • „
For the Herald andOtwitar:
Mr. EDITOR :—The lines i.elownre original. If you
think them worthy a corner In your paper, pia are
welcomuto thetn. YOU/R.
Sf. ' UT.O 4 /314g,
iiiengefultethe air.
neatlen' fie the heaving sea,
Fußof trouble, ono—
So Is life
New we ewe filr toimpt,row... '
Hope Abloom' forth glistonlitg otor,
Now otteltihrtii are placid with storm—
Atra knife. • • I?
so we go frOm flower to flower,
Now ettrdeted. now_ropulleed,,
Tllf the.krahrotofie Own hour,
• " Erit)e 46' ntrik
`~ --=- 3PaS~SYCCfILiI~I~9a-'
They were brigbi•fables in the days of old. • ' •
When Reason borrowed Fences painted wings.
When' Truth's clear rill flowed over sands of gold,
And•toldln song its"high' and mystic things t•
And such the sweet and solemn tale hf her,.
The Pilgrim heari, to whom a dream was given.
that led kr through the world Love's Worshipper,
To seek on earth for him w hose !earth was beaten,—
As though anibe lone angel, through fright's scattered
host, • ' -
Might Peek n emir Which be had Ipved and lost.
In the full city, by the haunted fount.
Through the dim - grotto's tracery of spars.
'Mid the fair temples, on the moonlit mount,
Whore offence slim in listen to the stars.
In the deep ginde where dwells the brooding dove,
The paihted valley, and the scented air.
She heard far fi nt lmee of the voice of Love,
And foetid Ills • eteps` traces everywhere ;-- •
Ihn•neverenere hey met, since doubts and feel's.
Those phantomidtapen that haunt and blight die earth,
!Ind come 'twist her, a child of sin and tears, "
Anti that bright spirit of immortal birth,
Until het.pining sent and weeWnE_eyes
theAcTee t
Till wince unto the weary heart were given,,
And she became Lovett angel-bride In (leaven.
Flom the Illustrated Magazine for 31tqch
;1 fr t o f the Daring Exploits of Kale Richmond
CI1,1144:11 11
. .
Npw reader, please fancy Kate and ',With
a house; Itorsesand grounds, all to ourselves,
and haViug our .dear, wild, capricious own
way, to tier hearts' content7, — The - ntiTiam. •
hail departed, anti I arrived in due time, and
every day we, that is, Kate and I,—were
looking to see,Tom Richmond pop out ol the
coach-door, and pbp into, ours.
One morning, when Kate,- as usual, was
standing at the parlor Window. watching for
the stage; she clasped her handS; ,with child
ish delight. and cried our.—tune Ints.come
—the coach has stopped ?."Before I could
reach the window, however, she started, and
a look of consternation spread (-tier het coun
tenance, as she exclaimed, Horror dr hor
rors!—Heaven must have „taken our little
sins into serious consilletation,lorhere domes
El an a h Simpatin.WheSe arthuat viSitations
have been a dreaded infliction in the family,
forages! Only see her baggage. Grace,=
she means to besioge us this time! The
avaricious old jade, to quarter herself upon
relatives twenty times removed in order to
!Mara up her arnple income! Look, holy she
haggles with the coachman!—What can I
Jo?--how am l to e..dure this?" she con
tinued with tears of vexation in her eyes. I
counseled her to put the beat face possible
on the matter, and calmly submit to the ne
cessary evil of this visit ; and when the lady
entered, she met from us both a tolerably po
lite reception: •
'The ilk Oil which Then first fully met my
eye,:catt , never pass tfrOm my mind, A face
whose Mocking-ugliness wariunrednomed by
the slightest pleasing , eipressionatt • grenn
dieri-ish'figurrybany and , angular, arrayed in
a garb' mean.: and ' Unbecotning,
altogether!' the'tfiost cold, repelling : east iron
piece of womanhocid which it has ever been
my 111 - -fentuhe' to etibrienter.• t .
Aunt Hannah is filty•-•;she owns to forty
of cOnrse . ; she could not hive been
otherwise—she 'is a predestinated old maid,
—one who Will ho an old maid eternity
througilli• that is, ti matched and unmatcha
She b e gan ,, pompously addrursini Kale:
"Having Amara ivliss,.cotharine that your
parents, zsos abizentfor,i,sesson, I teemed it
my duty to come and relieve yon of the weight
of some of your. resphrt•sible estrus.", .rrhasik
YOU? Illitslatrt," replied Kite, , •but I feel -quite
cqualtoil-e,Fare.ofsme.gueftp.t.wo. children
and three servants."
in dhe eVening. to complete our asecntfi
tore, there arrived intelligenceirom Tom that
his visit nineddie defttrred al week longer! •
Ah, the soon-found that in the advent of
aunt•Hanaah we haddreen but the beginning,
of sormw, •-Jealtrusi meddlesome, Mtrultive
and bitingly satirical, her presence Itvaka eon
•stanuayetem olutgle. During the day,
when We tionld'be indite csipeir o r keep
rooMS, w'e were'climparatiVely
free flint lir; hitt' did *chol bouts brriughteall
ers rind aftqr an evening of vex,
•aticilf 'and rin'clitifilfiltio'ni; 4Mth 'llUd'ii Most
/I real iz ing r - Wicon gs; knillai the,
veor4s . *het'i 1:0 igiitiy
qiint q exe cur i su er n sis in
Pi udish, ne poly, 10)fipelpRely, i ringlrA . wp..
In4n can bPp•ollr. PPYP,cotcor. pFliVL*l,Yirelt .1
, Pail la S , ')Pre rtiV - 1! A •1 1 er: EMY PI ,9
1 r gentle-,
pen titontle'ijust,lr.qPPPtlin.,.i „ l i nen,lin
.41. trbATRUSIY,knAni ,
otLtholbeati the ;
moonlit tete-a4410, i and; xnereilimly „groliii.
lownlele yew% tiictattonkilk,the .411. ?..
~ .„Ati 'ant i drive rt ein Alesperation, I Wo - ones;af 1,
limiooelheltllw council-4f - _waltv - , - it , ,ty- - ,- -- v - ,- A -, -.
, i tii!Semetfling!must berth:lnt . )/ and thatepeeghl
ilyMpiti , ,Kvel , iinitetaliattonitil 1110 fin -4e l ,
fence.' 0 why,idia yolu-see,t thati,oldpiecie, ;0,
petrifiedirinu,de(yiennteinntleitf liOrselhlown.
betWeen.nie.indrehatler Bring - Moil eisTri.iWiii - ,
- ilingf-witmlijust - toftwilivii , turigOingilirtvar
.tiomethingt pottieularlthi'°' ,l, l l ~ r -raft *'ii 1 „
I ti ;Sitiltlehly'llheitliffung'lo;l6dodad"goitiss
- 1 -x 4
, iier , bl it iiokiiiitbkOilskipil; ti t tiilMl A64)11140
Itithilierl 1 "1/366 11 *IfItt 'Of ' 'tht
' iiMr?"•'y-,he
Tebrotho--Toni4l o Welli 2 ill 4 biol4)tt-V-r t
% 1 114'140 1,10;f*., ft * iii(l46lgilesp;--
' IIE II 4 t!'” iqiiit i 'kV irtiktkie' 'ad 'lfxily,,
1 PT" 4.0 a: 11 POK#Clilf 'the a v ,
„li b
ei sili I 0 0 1 X.I ,IP°A 6 . ' “!o!' 91; elltli:lilkkc
, O C e tlt i ll'e x grit o g Ai tl i4 r, "g e t
s li r l ; ki ti lr, , , g i
~ Ini i , P t i.r i , ii l li i li ni lgg.
If i nY:flhTlidfißvn9,4l494. got liei titop 1 9, 41 t,b9 , 1
, pimixocimieugx,mtg,l'lk ,ipko „prop% of . :
41 e 41 )Pf l ivilntl# 1 11411najAWAg 1 e7ri'MPO 'MY '''
AlnipslVMA s 4llt l iVit,(l,ipmong jp:titOßAlliitlif Y,)
sot v, 1 110garritt1011011,11.14fiiri:. L ; :. , r ,„ , , ~ ,ii, .1
, 1i441, 1 gigno.gulii3alPflut Aver4itstgiviiirgrgiM
lidy ghtingioalheeantontsouGol,lll%** IC
thefootf4ort thbBvabitrig; viivAie4yselolooi ,t 4
I; * l •"* Hli tl il46, I° W 10094 016 ieilikWP l Mett)
0395001 ' iifilnittrecinOtiOnfoAttiomne,t%
„ 1,
. . „ „. , .. , . ~ ~, ..,.... „-.. .• - ..
. -7 .lVheir Le red.thelloonil:canldzscarctely-1.
• . . . ..
credit .my. r a m fright,-. Her 'transformation
was perftik . . Withlr Piecis ;of . burned-cork i
she had nianartbredqr.tnagnifirfent: pair-of
whiskers, and 'an elegant moustache- a:sty...
lish beaver was set satrolly, on-the top.of her'
head, nearly all the Curls parted . on. to . one
side: Her knew *Bsi:faultlessly ' arranged,
and the :tie :of the , cravat decidely • 'Bead...
Briimmelisk. Herivetk end-Coat _fitt a her
fine form as thongh,in dove with it, an Miss .
Cushtnan•heraelf could not be;more at' ome
in , inexpressible,: : • I -.Started', as.: her mental'
-voice met my dar;tid;gretv nervous and hall
frightenedwhensheiallantly kissed my.htinti
and winding het'a*about my, waist, gaarid
ivith her liewilohinziiyes lovingly in mine.
/(I'm tifirtid it via be -one •Arand- failing ).
Kate,''. I • rem arketlii , fifor.; aunt., Hannah., :has
once fora wonder ) tail 'down . to reading, in
:o,:vn u -n------ , --4------
Just then, ns thoottithe i
ded us,•the door bell.rang
violently ! de
terrgined upon a cortii+main, and running,
immediately into n o te . flannnh'e room ex
claimed, "Do, dear Miss Simpson, go down
and •entertaitt•whorefer • has called—l'm a
stranger here, you know and would feel .
awkwardly withetajiate—l really must be
excused I" She 'graciously consented.
Presently Kate entered, and took the va
cated seat by the rending stand, just in front
of the bed, with her feet timer a second chair
and a sager in hand, ready to light, at amn
ment's warning: It seemed hours though it I
was scarcely five Minutes.. before the culler ,
left, and the determined tread 'of the venera it
ble victim was heard ascending the atairs,—.l
Kate lit the cigar, placed it between her lips,
and began puffing prodigiously, and I, bent
upon Peeing the itin,te all haznrds, sprnng.on
to the bed, and peered through a slight part
ing in the curter - rine The ancient earn:4cl
stood transfixed before the daring intruder
in irorrnr and amazement! Kate deliberate
ly taking the Havana from her lin 411(1
sendina an immbnse volume of smoke up to
the ceiling nodded with coot familiarity and'
called otit, "Flow Melon. old girl?-:.--nraking.
niysell ar home. you see!—No olience,l hope:
'l'ake a seat, eh ?"
Choking with indignation. yet trembling
with trigla and inakleitly alarm, aunt Hannah'
thought it. - best to &eat a hasty retreat;—but
Kate and I had scarcely regained ourrnoins,
in the opposite wing ,of the house, ere • she
-returned,aLtheleare.--whole kitchen..
cabinet, seeking for,' the house-breaker. I
thought it predentlojidir in the'search.
"You rrtlist have Seen a,phost, Miss Simp
son," I retnarkedoteove concluded-our vain
iiispection.of her Poem, and all its_ sespicioua
“Nonsense!—'twos a young rowdie, who
was tree, itrmy"prif•hte sleeping apartment,
o4frinking. and n-enrolling you smell .
the tobacker!” • -
"I do smell sontle. - ing. I replied,'-but it
reams to me like - SU/plum"
" Well, sulphur, or tobacker, or colap-ne.
P-rn riot a-going array itilhis
turintiattite~itidtlin hduseany lon.
- Wl - That low, acriiiiiious person might - have
edified me off. and none of you know' any
thing about rt.": -
" Ah, surely,there was danger of that,"
reolied I, "and - Kate must appoint you atio-
ther room when site returns.'
We then adjourned to the parlor, and -in
the course at a half-hour, Kate's . 4 won 't you
walk In, Mir. Bylngton.?" and "Gond evening
sir !'' were heard nn the steps, and she ap
peared in all her lamb-like innocence, bon
neted and,shaw led, and.fulf. of "the ill-light.
till evening with the Smiths 4 ."
Not the least of our tun, let me assure my
reader, was in listemin,gt to 'aunt Hailliah's
immensely exaggerated aeconnt of the nights
perforKate'smances. stimulated by countless
questions, and sympathising amazement and
iraligoption. , "Gertninly," said Kate, la rei
ply to the injured lady's pounlnding,ilemand
foranother chamber,---we willlcke you into
our . . NViag cil . flic'hoaei and trader that - of - bur
protection, there you need filar nothing."
- The next morning, lair and trirtunnte,
brought with it, in the hatalsome and wet-
Caine shape of "brother Torn" a reirtioree
mem of light and joyous spirits, prophetic ot,
drill and nitschtef.leng laughs anus frojicks,
oil all manner of domestic merry-Makings'.
Ott,' what glorious tithes we hail ! bear tea ,
c er, if you were an agreeable person, as I
take you to be, f would yon.had beenAlierei
But, in respectlo aunt liatinah, we soon
found that in causing her remov al into' our
Tilimlttlitife neighborhood 'wo had brought
upon ourselves an unlenked for calamity.
it was the misfortune . ofthat tiatiriblelUtly to
be-that pest of a - coinfert.loVing househcilcl,e
desperately eatly riser. She was ' ".up with
the lark."-latt dot to soar, 'Or sing, or for any
other high or pleasant purpose. but to scold
Servants. bang end bustle - ebran, and after ail
'aecoinplinhlng ncithitio . ' Which could. net be
as Well done in broaedaylight. - la. her ea-,
- pacity ' of Get'-ern i tip4eneral,' she' every ,
morning laid seigerto sleeping. lipartments—
her hUrd;bony knuckles rattling like ',Tye
shot against,the door, 'but, as the'llock7upon
Kars, ly fIS out of otiler, 4 filiii entered the
ehatinbr, ,, sans•ccrenkie,ood . it her voicelitil
'ed to 'aro use the side ter; i,he ielieil'illit, pe •
girl by , the. shoulders, and sheele'her' into ,
consciousness.:' : ' - ' " ' '','''' ''' • ''
' , Otte ' eiening efier the • itiemY, ' hltd . , retired
to her Itiettentilh'r the night; ICaticToni'an&
niiiell, rilisinibled 'in the -bidk'parrtifi . "and 1
began agitating' the Subject.Ofn staliiiiittebel
':lr eenl..'itud „Won't 'etailiViti!." ''.'4ilid - ' 'rite,:
' 4 tii'lle,iii my reef Briiken " at gucli'liiiitikkalat.
ittlihnuti micrlefm'y janer 'etthiSitiefif, titi feel
every ,rtijiiiiiii;thi troil:'grilOgYeklittuVi. to
. 4iliktith in' hard ',there blddil .. in, u tlehirle6,l-.-- ,
VII fell 'YOn Yilliti:Thirtr shill eolith - tinny lens
VhOlii Tied i'llitn l eilAittli.ilO' in'sfilterd'tholighti
'. 1 4, "Itge iiiViiiiii - 'riiiiiii 'PO te.fitglitliOitl'let
jilie'eld'hideltelii`Upenijinrr, '''''''''"" y ' 1,
"Tbiiirellitill'dir ilie'illifir firiri4.loll'ltilind
I,.i t
teen - been-. 44 pr00p--`o la - t e-illist,'lLatill-it.
Aii Lot!;!lont'L.lbutl , Atitl-i ifilOtElitoghiert
I'o64:Oki:AO iiiii lithtiii."': liel‘tit',iiiitaid'l, fey;'
giiinoil!birptOriiiV atilintietiptiiicl'ilicilitititing
.echoes, iteld'ed ea/4'; )Catift.'slippe'd'.,kaii;nr
Iliti, lo y — litlettit i Aiiiia; 7 :iiiiiiii;, :
.. , :Ativk . t. dprohit4vi•.#istirlifd•Yodi-'dre*
14 . 1.0`iiAitCiity lki4tt(filtie`clif'
initcpi.thii lii,ir.d.FiT - lsol go . l i covr-4, eitve7oor
kiiititi\itiOt,.(lofii c ;tititt'dohie likktiettitiii. ypp,
reach ing , .,0riambeifp!1: , : ,,, ,.A79..i..•:v...- . , ,-.,,
~ . 4106,yeliroiall(ev4liedirttio , N iii, o ,,,
i ItildiiiitibB l ,thiii,iitinVEN` ,, ‘ s lit 4 1 1 , 41ar .
,Wilittr.rpabil'ilfiglit,,9Viisk cdtiltqiiiOd;' . Ott !
'Oyitiiii4Oli i iiMetiOlfit(ifteliiibiniftgl"P'.. ' '',', of
' '', leWiill' hoikidOifiliel itiolet?!, l .4itailii tontine
' liiikiii i iiiiiiiittgok.gidaravgik4iira too' 'iqi.,
x D k ilociti4:tifflir'''l l liirittlfi'l'bilki Itiiiii tettF.!.O.
• 4 - tot ri fi'2 4 ;.sli4 ,ol4 l, l'"10_ ,
,_,PEp..!!: 10 t0.. 1 ,,,,5 , 1 ,,
Ili k i
',,`#1 4 ,1041 *file kt a drtl i Olitialitit.' , l
I t a#l,. '` cUs li b .
.ii wow i ! t ad
Iv r i iit d'itait,dl . idlbiliktitty
t , , Q , i di f „ a Kt . ? " i 1 0p01v.,-T- T )01, 0 ,.,
' !!!:,14F . rtgrefii 4 NeVitir 1 40 1. 10 they
) 4111'10Citi#A04iM01 - S ,
, ri A ,
~, , . ~ .. :49 . #1 # - ,...11# 1 ## ' 1 ! I . , Ili I P!• •• • : ' : .1?
_befortitt tliasunboanns ad iiisse,3 ?pa e
n a Sow
er''',We' wait&l' liilt'lifiithlisil itniatienc
the' eOrriik 'ilf tlit r ‘Ma.' At bait, her , hatsb
rendi'congh was heard along the passage,
and 10 , vigorous tramp of her heavy :foot
for once a,,welcome sound, as shehtirtied on
her , Mercileso, rn i ission, Straightway . went
stiP, tuithough Oven by her pyll„genius, to
that fatal chatilferifeaeleirojugas ahe,ennst,:-
ed—"lt'a high time genteel youpg, ladies was
up !t—so, bouncrecout of.bed,. Mies !"..; , •
(ill mn rose from: earlltto hea,Ven, a" Migh
ty sterearmscream ! „Wild ? plaiidiye,, terrible,
-ilia very . cbaos 'of hiromine Shrieks! , We
rushedlo tha,,suapq, of feign. „Them was'
Tom, sitting,upright in bed, with, his strong
arm round the , skinny -neck ,ni hip elderly 1
relatiyei t looking berltuoily, ih ihe fare and
lannhing:bfairtily,at her.delicate dialretSal„--
The curtain falls:, .. „ . ; ~ ,
As an dammple ha , advanced damsels I
j — rt - MlEFFO'fil;Wiiiirlifiiiiirl . .t le •remaiifirai - 6 . 1 -
, her stay,: Miss Simpson left us to tinish our
' dreams iii peace and tranquility; and war
moreover .so quiet and , obliging in her de
meanor as almost to brighten to a blessing, .
.as she took herhig,ht, which she • soon after
did—to her minpoted, not find) home.
, Mohlthrtila maids should not 'interfere
with the flirtations tir slumbers of young la
dies; lest they bring Mimi- themtelvea an on
welcome visitation, dr "wake up the wrong
i . --
TO Pamlne In Ireland.
Elihu Htirriftha; written a description 01 a
week's visit' to The agricultural . districts of
Ireland, which is published in the Christian
Citizen, accompanied by a most eloquent sip
peal to the citizens of the United Stales for
. relief of Ireland. We have Mom only
lor a brie) extract, which transcends in hor
ror any description of human nfisery we ev
er read
The first habitation wiES entered in the Cas
tlehaven district., was therelly a hole in-the
wall, oectipiptl by what might be called iii
America, a squatter, or a man who had bur
rowed a place for himself and family in the'
acute angle of -two dilapidated walls try the
road side,.where he lived rent free. • We en
-tared this stinted den
,by an aperture about
three feet high', and found one or two child.:
ren lying asleep, with their eyes open, in the
straw. Such at-lE4in, was their appearance,
for they scarcely vviriketi; while we were be
fore them. The father came in, and told us
a pliable story of vi , arit,saying that not a mor
sel of food had he tasted frir 24 hours. He light
ed a wisp of stratV, and showed us one or
tWo more c4ildith laying in another nark of
the cave The Mother had died and he was
obliged to letive there Mime tluiihp, the mom
of .the day, in order to gleah something for
their sabsistence. _
We Were soot among the Most wretched
habi tatibinglhatl hatf -- yet sera, fur worse
than those in ,Skitibereen. . Ninny of them
Weir, flat-roofed hovels; half buried in the
- earth; - hr built-up-agutinstilie_Jocks, WA cov
ered with rotten straw, sea weed or turf. in
one. Which was scarcely seven !eel square,
we fdiind live perannsTrostrate with the le,
ver, mid apparentlyrie t at their end. A girl
about sixteen, the very picture. ot despair,
was the only one left 'who could administer
any relief, and all she could do was to bring
wltel• in -a broken piteher to slake their par
ciii3d dips. As we proceeded up the rocky
hill dlferlooking the scene, we encountered
new sights of wretchedness. Seeing a cab
ing standing by i,self in a hollow ) and sur
rounded by a moat Of green filth, we enter- j
ed it With some difficulty, and found a sin
gle child' diotic ihredyears old, lying upon a
kind 'of shelf, With itti little fate'resting upon
the edge Of the board ) tail bodk in , steadfast
ly out at the cloor'as 11 f a r itamother. It mo
ved ifs' eyea itS'We entered, but" kept them
fixed toward 'the entrance, ft is doubtful
whether-the:poor_thingilnitLa mother nr tth-_1
er to her, but it is still more, doubtful
whether those eyes w,.uld have reaapsed
'their vacant gaze, it brith af them Itad eitter
ed at once, with everything That could tempt
the palate in their haals. No words can de
scribe this peetiliar ilireni ) ance of the fain
ished children. I- seen such
bright, blue, clear eves,,looking eq steadfast
ly at ',tubing, I could altruist fancy that the
Angels of God had been sent to unseal the
vision of these little;.patient, perishing Crea
lutes to the beautititcles of another world ? and
-that-they-were-listening-lb -the: whispers ot
unseen spirits bidding. them to ,"wait a little
longen s ? .
Leaving this.we entered another cabin, in-'
which we Muni seven or, eight attenuated
young creatureisi with a mother who had
pawned and coald not venture out
to beg for biead because she 'not fit td
be seen do the streets. Flearingthe voice of
wailing from a cluster ot hilts ,faither up the
we proceeded to them, Ond,entereilorte
and found several persons weeping over the
dead body of a woman lying by th.e roll near
the doot Stretcheel upon • the, (Rood ,here
.and there lay several sick.perscps, and the
place seemed a,clen,oLpestilencef,;;The - , - 111=
thy sham was rank !AO! 00, pestering refer..
e ving.this ,habitation of„ death, , wa, 7ere
. 111 y,y, a; young *wog* in oq.:agOoY,9/ der-
;pair, because rid one would give her a Olin
to bury heijather in. Rioteci, to, a, cart
(at some Alisratiee, upon ,the OCMYII I .I'
land she was : about 1011.0 yr, it. the,greve;
',mad was . auch a good ; father she could not'
Warm:lllY, hirrOilcta telW-in , t l o grAild
and bhe.beggeki e•Natila,``,(Pr:l qt° .119 nor
wailing eml
irig lor L this .beno, / I east my.pse.towarde the'
,cabie.'we-badilOtitdflitylay4{t i ttigttt i tt,,My:
:view w , biohlnaile.4o9 - toPP4Or
alho hrijliand taf , th4tlAr9Plani-errd!lig”-
,geriiie Ny())3llfig.:AlP,ls: l sf Id =
ms, , slightlfficosgridtyitilh -pi,,P)Pgro MIL rotten,
roan '('lwiAi•oseitAlNcli l liAcl9 4 l l ,4 o ?-:lligtfulo,
Itbie-arteckaPlOh.t-Aa4o ,a0,q,,109,7,1r,1iA
3.boroAhttroongtotsk tiotLatij.P.PPPa,T.S.4:
; his fol ioory, to ;11,m; YK?: 3 9ll9}Yao,. pop- a
b)WrikPil-,6 1 9P 1 4Ve, vb!lr^i
Aed,aloag PAlbp,4oli YPlTg...l'°l
r ilfbYltOtcaftthip_RPT' —AL,— '
Ipoitwoistar# Iff 31. 1 PPYFO
ry, thoir,ownlleFlei puree d our,
,togorohpinTOatere4piptherpOßT7il i fre.
wemolsultomi 0 1 9c4ITILWO hPfnan,PMerY'
Isulely4houghtif;,vthile .p 3 gar4lßW,l ll ! B ,#,w\
mbroittinotiv,nr.o . sufleritwAkirg„R,4 f hp, no.
hoot Alum tha01 1 4.41..4,211F/InP.l,lll(;t4ft
toldrotisoil %o f qooq fillf ttr,tail
king omit& tho t mrfoy,P4o );orot JiicroMlet- 1
AnttoolirPli,ositAu.P44o#4 ` o*!?*ll l g Bl
Iworctlttela.lf4h9yOk Stelfh , .iP.FY
could not have t;0), frpB 11 ) 9,909,101.
InkeiAsllo(fo l li INL .MIVSIr 0 11 4;q 1 eY
tilli1 91 10 1 1:
fbutAlvatlelWlMP firk 1140 kitty', e n.
0P 0 0 , 0# 1 800.1f0§414 ft,
I 0:31a wit l4try,
u4'ta~*.M~ *
them to tether; and been.covered wick a Jug :
- df`thin they 'dared' frorhaire - bV,eri .
more visible. - tspediallywhOn bee Ofiheke
clung to a door While a - sisioe was urging it
forWani,' it &filmed an appearance which
cart have fielded' been paralleled this side of
-the grave. They:4ldd which it made to wit*
to the kloor diaeltised every joint mite irame
while the deepeit lines of cid age ferro Wed
ita face: :.The enduring of acirtdwireemea to
Chronicle its 'record of \i'o4 upon the
. poor
childs coilmenance. I could bear 110 mare;
and we returnee to Skibbereeb, after havinP
.'been all the alternoon among•those abode's of
misery. bri Mir way we overtook the cart
with the two uheoffiried The mail
and 'young woman . were all that acended•
them fo'the grave. Last year, the fineerallof
'either would have trilled Mit hundreds of
rtiourapiit frbm'lbmse dow' . the hug
band-droVelds uncoffined Wife to the grave
- wlthifaricleaf. libreTepk - iflrout - rt - word - or
, From Vankee Doodle .
The First llook bf the Chroultits of
Now it came to.pass in those days that James
the First reigned over this nation ofJonattiati,
in theroom of John surnamed captain. (Now
John had not died, but bad gone to the Oldi
Dominion and was burtbd alive with his fa
thers, and no man sought after him.) But
Jadies the King did e'vil exceedingly ; be
yond Ail that the Kings Vrho had gone before
him had et., e. For he appointed tax gath
erer.f3 who d.d sorely ttax and trouble the
people; he, also, sought to root out the ma
kers of 'cotton and - linen, and wooten, and
iron gends, and grievously harrassed the
shephehis and husbar•.dnlpn. Moreover, he
mightily stirred up the hearts of of thb peo
ple to war, and thought in his heart to make
the children or his vonger sister, whose lands
were near into him, bondsmen, and tat pay
Now it was in this wise,' that the King cau
sed the wart-hts-yongeraister_hadavintyard_
near to the river Sabine, lair and . goodl; to
look upon. - And behold, when -Pig James
looked -upon-the vineyard; and-saw-it was-a
place to be desired, abouriding
and cronies, and flowing with sugar and
molasses, staightway be coveted it-exceedl
ing mhch, and, siezed upon it, and 'annexed the lauds ofJonathari—seeking an aces,-
sioh againgt his sister. But - his ringer sister•
suffered long, and would not lilt up her hand
against Jonathan: wherefore, the King wax
ed wroth, and'-blasphemed, and aware vehe
mently she ahnirld fight. •
Then he commanded Zachatiah, the cap
tain of his host, a valiant man, in , whom was
the spirit of wisdom, to take three thousand
chosen men, and march Into the land of his
sister,(but the King straitly charged him that
he should declare to the children of his sister,
that the land was Jonathan's; and " I also,"
said the King, will swe.r the same thing to
-the counsellors_ofienatham_when-thev meet
together to talk.';') ilmihe King himself went
not to tile war, but remained at home eating
and drinking.. Meireover, the King otd -red
Winfield, the Chief Captain of all his host, to
.repair to his post; (now the raiment of %Win
field was the finest of sheep's w 9 ol, and his
meat was . " a hasty plate of soup?) More
over. Winfield was advanced in years, and
had cut his eye teeth, and .kept his eyo.eot-k
-ed both ways. and he reasoned with himself,
saying. "If I shall obey tie King, then will
the enemy open upon me iv front, and the
King and his company shall assault me in the
back, and the place shall heeerne too hot for
me and my travalings, for the land of Jona
than shall be naught."
And behold as he pondered on these things,
and sipped " his hastyiplate of soup," -his
spirit waxed warm within him, and his elm
ler rose, and he straightway declared unto
Abe King, he-would-he hanged if he wetili,!
- budge an inch. Then was the King wroth
and said unto him," the Whigs do so to me
and more, alsd, it I don't play the devil with
thee Mr this!" Nevertheless, the word of
the king prevailed not against him.
But the war displeased Horne the Foot
ierite, and he railed vehemently against the
•Kiii.g L and cursed him in his heart,and-taught
the people' also to hate Now Horace
was a mighty scribe, neither regarded he did
apparel of any m u m."
Now Zechariah did any na Ighty nets, an d
sturite.the enemy hip andLlhigh, wok
prisoners the Captains of their host,and Very.,
much spoil, of cattle, and Aheep, and asses.
Rut in process of time the treasury orihe
King was ereatly diminished ; and he called
unto him Robert, the StqWard of ills house.
hold, and said Unto him, whereWilltal Wilt
thou provide inf . the sustenance of,the er.tn3'l
and the maidens ,o 1 household/' And
the Steward answered and said unto
"This thing will I, do., 'I will comb my head
and anoint m y whiskers with oil, and put on i
. a sanctimoniousiair, and go unto the money
' shavers ,of Shall be vt•hen they
:behold trivial:le, that their.purse.sttlngsshall
relax, and they shall repldnish the treasuries
-i.f•my lord the King. 'And the
ed the King: well. •'• • • ,-' ••• •-.. • •
- So'Rebert; Went.• unto •Gotham, unto the
i , deists otitis money-changers. ' And he wenV
teito the bhief tainker'nerited Flititheart;Aind
, beSonght; him , ' saying . ; • a lend ntiW'hiite' Me
'ten 'theatialidlatente 'fir' gold; 'and the King ,
'Will'se'ef,thite 'repaid?' • ' But •Flidtheiirt 'relied.,
'lo' . ilie•-"yrtilte cl'hih 'h yes iihdimaWereirhitti'l
'sliying/liiiihY'sericatit,greeti; thrithe'Olittill' 1
`Atilhis'gtiatlliiikli'..)..tifeiWlsedsci:Said all
'PO ' b, ; a015t...- 7. ," .•-"' '.t,':' ' ~.'."l . `:'
1 1 14 ?;,11014'1..ifigkie.iii•il'Ihsienf,;'he i was
irdslilLlK, , '. gqpi,'?.(r ~T 4v,i,l4!' Opt'Ai.ilfo.-
,144 1 6?)”.re,„ ri,.AO:.O:O)4(I•Tis.OX,1 1 5,0 4 ji9_': ' '
id,l7‘,?}F,AqOw4,6lAOPl??P4 the ,: i t RI: L “,was
64.*Ropwr,A 0 .0m_Ilt , B.I.
.Wee 4:eO,I I 4MBPPPLaqIk - 4.l ) tiAllii riIAPPIIO.I.I
- 0t1 40 1 1 .1 1 PF ., 0f tyP0t..41. 4 Pc.( - 1 4VflAcioliti f
.myed,.ol !gently, ja hithei,,,thevavil,..,;4 6 ind
.o.orftelsteellbili, , ,ittiathimglatantdtheKih&
Sedtfe al rt nunbi mit ftwb ~ ,4s4he, e ittutiollf n9O
..tturlortkilicKiug, • •t, Areteßt a t )
'ilia pemile As ,grassdn-thysightl 4 'ArtWkii* - ,,
dopyletwitax-4xvimpasetil.on-teatiand,OOKOs l 4-
so-shall , rhy srelitstitietigte. , filleddh , . And th' .ficeordingi to/ thei Ward ill.
Ritehiepbuctim , ‘lnitiphin -, mtirmered :ageitiie,
'him; and..xcoold not be taxed. • • ~, , ,,t. ''."
. 17 I In'those3htys , the. !Dirk moved Zatuiriah itC .
Astit'd_ailatter cto liiii)kiheittetip. eiliV.itnyi4S-'
I neriSticl libidatl'•thi•outhill the land.• ,. And tea?
• thinglfedbfel giti'•Kilig4inddie'would.bave..
laid ,htteds on ZaohinfatiVßfiv her fearetll twe:
likaPle,,,-'!"lie-litekiplarovlid. Zitelhiriaq'„
anil,teetred"to '; Mak" • him - . lciogi,iqmito .. 4.‘
kiiig'iiiiillit' d' Mill; tharr*ltalaibi'iserdiee.
slitop,ld , .Valit tii' t f ir1ift1f 4 611004164610114
ehOtild'lifii ti
. : - .Ot',e , "galloWil,,fiNv. 'Otto '
'high:: ' . .Bci• the . Alittilist:foeiii,th#.4o,::
40 . 0111-411 v, Iv - I ,- -,,,,,. ~.- .? • ;,,i,..1, -
+... , : , -.) -I_4l 011. 71 , Vq.t.,r) ,,, ,..... i,,1-
047=_',irliji,00.000.,OP.,6Yii,11-ino'ciiitwitii'tAt'4.; t. ;:,ti
v v - t
IVVel l Sk 1 14: 1 V 0'416
Tie° 6itaidons.
, li-ia.l'‘ehticalucJ,Tlang m , tUkilant .
Ih Bush Lane, !ltimo only daughter endoxv-."
Mental and' irkfpliA chari s,
anti' taistbasirig.' - every: faculty calctilated to
'pleas ar.'dShe lieS,ides a - fine
dowry. .She Wits intOlied and engaged to a
young .Man ob her bYrn •rank;aewell sittiteed
'as•herselrwith--the'World i and•Worthy.ta all
vcopects - of, her loVe, and rite happiness he
promised himself: The nteli .1. Magri , • ar
rangements were made; and after having
been po.sfponed :two or thidelimepi aid itow
riege.waft poitiveli hired fdr Thinsday; 15th
4.18.4. ! t..1The preeeding•lVliinday the' yotirig
gantletnani . young"gentlerian y who dogliiid
Ifftve feceiyed £IO,OOO sterling as .'ilowtroti
the tlity..of hia:martiage,..and,X3o,Obo-,aftin
the death:Of his WhO Wailer
advanced in fidAt_,,bad_wilh-ltis-beitniitelbe,=.
- nether! one, of those little scenes of jealousy
which haPpen to alllovers, evert those the
west enamored of each other.
If Was at k fade - party. The young lady
fficiught betrayer too attentive to one or her
hiehtlsoVbo had the finest eyes in the world
arid resplendent tresses 01 auburn hair beau- .
tiludenough td make a mnh distracted. To
thereproatires whick'_were made to him,
the yowl gentleman replied with some little
aPpVrity, 'and ventured' some quick remarks
updn a certain cotishi, whose superb waist- -
coat had attracted general admiration. and
which they said lard been embroidered by
the pretty hands Of the beautiful heiress.. He
added, even—fhb young and the impudent!
—that it would bb quite tfio late for him io
be ;master when beslMult.l be married; and
that she "wore fhb brecchit" tether too soon
A Itbr supper the two loveis grew cooler and
cooler ro each other. in iced Camptignit arid
Itotnan punch. so much sh they parted in'
pique The next morning our young , Man
felt great regret at his conduct, on the .i'i'evti
ous evening, which then appeared to rim to
have been wit-ked arid unjust. He repented-- •
?fit, and wishing to make ihe amen& hen
orebnyhe envelimed with great care a mag
nificent' dress of satin, Which be had some
_days_bel ore: tiler -his-betrothed;' art, I
sent it 10 her with
. the fcillowing note.
"ply dear --z-. I haim , not been able to
-close my eygs 511 night. for throking of the
ridiculous misunderstanding of last evening.
Forgive me, I beg of you, and as a pledge of
your pardon, deign to accept the garment I
send you and wear it from' your affectionate
" .
. .
After haying Vtritten theSe lines, the young
iover gave the note_ and the package to -a
Flervant; bin -finding that a pair of hispanta
loons required mending, he profited by'the
occasion to send them "to his tailor, ‘vtgi --
dwelt iii n Street which ied to the house of .
hie betrothed, in push - Lane. The reader
suspects, already, perino3 . , the. fatal mistake
of the setvant,„ •
The utdortunale man left the elegant robe
of satin with 1.)1r. Thompson, the tailor, and
the note with -the old ern pants at , the house
of the young lady! Her indignation was at
the height at this new 'affront of her lover,
and when lie presented himself at her house,
the door was shutin his face." . His explana
tions, his apologies, HIS tears and his prayers
were unveiling, and repulsed with disdain
The marriage will not take place. The
young lady could not be bronght to ref eige
her resolution, and it is said that from that
day she has cherished an implacable hatted
of the-sex that " wears Ihe erthes ."
• ...
Wito rs JAMES K. Pots?—The New Or
leans Trophie of a late date Says —"A friend
hI ours was, way asked yesterclity withgmat
Confidence and gusto whois.Jamesg: Folk.
note" Our friend.replied, that he believed
he was the malt who wrote the Kane letter,
and received "did and comfort" fiomFiaque.
mines; who said we hada Clear
s unquestioned
title to Oregon tip to 64 O. and - limp look
40, to show his aceonnnodating disposition?
and he believed thai he was the sanke man
who said that the U. S. Mail set Vice was
conducted with aneitergy worthy all corner.-
dation. and he Further believed lie was the
same Man Who with Lillitnnian eloquence;
_and cipiiiing, declaimed against a tax. on
tea and colfee,•while stumping it to Tennes
see, hilt who teem - owed a taX....on thossrar-
tides the moment he had the power to do so
crjTne Democrat Mooed; visage having fa'.
len fidni 54 40 to 49! !
A.t.rft.tecricAl. Flncturtirrlok 0 Fria -
wire should be A tillable, allectionate,
artless, allitble accomplialigd Beautifnl,''be
nign, bnevolent ; Chaste, dimptairig.,:eawhil,
cheerful, complaisant, charitable., „civil, con
stant; pulite], dignified; 'pe4rint, e.ariv. en
gaging, entqftaininglYillthrel,;(4nii,
free • Good,. graceful ,' genereus,.governable,
goodi-hu mot 3. flandsorne,. harmless,- heal
thy,,,heareto ly minded ; Int elligent, .interest=
.ing t " ittiinsffibus, ingen.inus;.inst;,Kioxl; Live
ly, liberal, hvely;'illodest,..inewiliect. man
nerly; Neat;' notable; ,obeclien t ;
Pretty,)pleasing, .peaceaole, -pure;Righteons;
So, iable, Temperatei; ttue ;
Virtuous; Well-formed; Young ;I:irtils( to
complete thetzeat)j Zeriloiify and yH ithe
of het eharms, ,, Wink( I!!rfieetlivith a
'wcimtinE posSesVisd
Qtr OlderlY 'lSachelor , )4 twi mer 1 3 4 .1 • L
M 1. - 17'i' ',•V ' ,I, ?, , t , ,t.1—t. , 4., ,7; ,
ItelEcnimcs.--They are th e . palquu r bmikl-
Atla pl;. the JwcithiiinOt j A;ttlio.ifitst,44}9 I not a
stone rplianctf.,itt'!4l,,ttle,„lo,dly,SlFolliPgs of
-the rich,,, that , ,dpos,:natieyqe, 0.. tte4llq,-and
AM OSA le Itho, Meehan to!rt;skill t ; Abe. ,towerin g
,spir#s, ittukt,; ro,l4o3ttheit iodtlypteightkatrong
the Clouds, tiepand Upon the meenantes art
dor itheir )striliigthand-sy,rfirnetry..-lUtan edi
:tied for datation v ilimbusihtiss or:Mai - alert, but
limit* the imfirestoll theitthandiwork....llow
exaltisi iS r Aiiailloo4ll .. glagr,i-how sublime is
t h etrviNitti on. !;199;t1 arfts l io pacer at such
a hitterntly . iirhoamabib t n'ieb=-Who dares to
mistrotliumr uttssaqtactitu a? patriotieliace?--
the?r own limit if. ir titi j et:rvt4 ; h9 ) .l4m to .
the Vighps 9l tptists sif fibitOr 'had_ retiosyn,
r-; , ~. 7 n(-4 ... iL ..... 1.- mlfl 7r. k. • •
a , i .1- , •+' ai f i r 14)1f,•-v:11, 5i•;14.:,1 ,
• ] i 2 - 4 : g ' ' V.,21,_. 1 a RtP , ? r kTriirk.TFft,von ,
, OROFKtkliio_ ,Pg r. :(_ ; r9/11 FRPrii Witlf u 4o2=
kan.nirWtilo - 31 fa* ,7 11 P -. FIIP Mr - B °-
1 ,
c94 , .l , c;iy:l , Bixtmlorjo,,implact.:l3Mßlnk,r .°P
,-SiPllo9l,,nllll "lq*Nr+94l/. M . ' ,
'MPOY:ftirlltTL , filkiriVela Vi m P
. 4.POlllikAtlk kinr i k r k i MMT - 14 1 9
1 11 ASit i l-Itniii , ),,• t ,VIIRTNITII7 v.i:l'llniqtr4DP' - ''
ir ',,kii t , 4 1 11:oli-rmell-ormeitt'lliTI. , ?_?' - -
'iiiiikeilbittOi Ahl ,ilttfilialiftt o Titt &nay
TifitTNtiViStliiifiWhßar . 'eliitrtifel-'. •
400 4 •-tvv,e fro ~ a qo 740,111 ti,,i,g,.
01. 41)17 oblv .
da - ..,);, ; „ 0134
411!" . ,_.h1t /0 , 11 .9. 4 0q 1 : 41 MW590 1 1 16 14 16C-'
1 1 .0 11 . 01 knet t Ait i nCi i141141( nt rdi borytop
tf r4nr , ,
'0.:.ti.'160 •