pliiiqbsl4o4) A.4*. et. • ' vwfr„ ?d,, Thediiiikeit`Abtaiii Wig the lotg ,Fcrisigiiyqwg,,add PLOUIt.-85,87fwas,qffe're'd drid ,56astiT: tor i standarfifasmds; 896:bblre. lirandy,wirte sold iit'S6'." • COIIN,MEAL,"—SaIea 'of 4 . 06 bbls are psrred i af.A4's6:' • •' CfSR 4 ales 4 200 bushelli Penna. at , • 980. typioi , t §uuthern is offered at 83c. mealy e. _,WI4ISItEY--Is held inure firmly but, we heAtr of no changes. ' : • MARRIED, In IlognMitooth, on Tuesday the 9th inet, by thb Rev. John . ll..Fritehy,.' Mr • GiIOROE Him ac tO Mies. trARRTET C .4-IRoNLITE.a, of the 'v,toinitY bt the same' place. Nit ' 1 :lb atiocntents. Lriteitt Ataysi bgVelegraph! . VERT IMPORTANT!! 15,000 WOIITH. OF 17EW,VODS ! ! ! The puhtiOrresp`oetfutlyinfOrtfieti that. •• ; • 44 - 11ARLit ' S OGILBY • ititielitio id a: few days , one (if the,in4: est adttrmostoiell'irdr•Stook.. GOOPS'; • • GROCERIES; BOOTS; SHOES,.&O.;Ste.,ever brought to • CaNtitlf. l e Call and lonic for yotir.. selves hefcii:a;purehasirig ellevihere as I am going to hold out great imlucemehts to purchasers. ht the dray of giViug hargitins ! • • 1 / 2 C,titlitle, 11181.0 '24, 1847, • • . WIDE. Roofts -. and Accounts of the aubseriber JL: Itaye — biekleft in the handa'ofJOSEPß D. HALBERt; EWL. tbeeollectiOn and aeitlem,ent. Alt parhons knowing themselves indebted, or havingclaime,itee'railuested Mean on him im; mediately and make actanient. • • FRANKLIN MEHAFFEY. Carliale,'Mateh 24;1147. Estate of diambets Owens, dee!d: ALL persobahaeing olaims dgainst The muste of CHAMBERS Oemsts, are. requestetk to make the same known immedietely to the undersigned, ...administrator 'residing in. North Middleton nod thaw knowing themselves indebted isal please make payment immediateit, to, /31,1`ZER, March 0, DA T.- Gt. Attin.r. .gstat6 of Elitabetthdded • . ETTERS lestanientary on the will or Eliz laabeth,loltoSnrtilate 'of the Borough ,or Ne w deceaned, have been granted by the Regis? ker of Cuinbet land enunty 'to the subseriter re siding in . Big Spring ton nship. All persons in: debted to tte 'estate or said deceased e're Nntes- Vet] to make paynitnt ; and those- haviNg Unions Will present thlens prorrlV authenticated for set-' tlernent. ROB't McCACHREN, March '24,184T. • Atint'r. Estate Of AtiSeliji:Knettle, det,eased. LEWERS of administration, on the estateli L Joseph Ktiettle., deceased, lido pf New Or leans, haVe been granted b‘ , the Register or Com berlatid ebnidy to the stillsriber residing in %I if ,A.II Persons indebted tn said tate arerequested to make pnyn.ent ;. nod t hose having claims Will present them propePly authen ticated-for settlement. \VAC • KNETTLE, • • Adm's .111;i•olt '14;1847 Notice to all Concerned: boolts'omf accounts nfJOHN GRAY SON-and of JOHN GRAY & Co. have been placed in the hands of the subscri ber far,collection and settlement ' • all persons knowing t r heinsolves indebted will do well to call and make settlement immediatelyrorlivr tviewtho accounts will-be left in the hands of the p r oper officer for suit, Nash 17, t847•-4t:" WANTED `van one or more years, rt'dni the first iir nest a man to work at the l'in and Shoot 'lron business. A man with a small family' would ite%erred. , None need apply, but such as can Come ell recommended as a good. workman, and possessing lablts ul industry-and sobriety. COYLk. Newville, Mafch 8, lB4'. Cheap Drug Store. & W. B. FiENIING, ESPECFULLY.inform their •friends and the'publid-generally that they have taken the Drug and Ci.emiaal Store, lately owned by Mr. Franklin Mahaffey, and formerly by Ste. vonson & Dinkle, on the North West Corner of_iElifiglCand Pitt streets, directly' opposite WinroWs_Mansien House Hotel, kn the Born' of Cidlivre, where they have on hand,qann in tend adding theredO) a.lerge assortmotwof - 7 -"-- ttn22. 4 CON:=323o ' ' Palate, Oils, ,I)ye,i§titiff;PO imes, Panty Articles, Glass, 4.e.,,ivhieh'they are dat,brinined to sell on isenidn4nedathig fermi. Thefintend to give their undivided hitentlen ,to ,the business and hope to receive ti patronage.' PHYSICIAN'S !PRESCRIPTIONS cars_ tally enntiAdidard.' . Carlisle March 17; 1847: ruEsti CST received and for enle by the subvert- Honed MOLASS'ES, Cnba and TsjeAr Orleans ditto, first and second quality 14YGAR, Coffee, 4.c. . 301IN' GRAY, Agpnt... y • , ,A Viar ° ' • • ; - Mies, &c. .' A very ,eitenoiviiOtiOfirfirerockery Ware, " . ' .leach on milk doll •ctootii Crooksi4tad ,' in. ,' deed. every , Varliit* \ , for ,hooo4 , purpbseo. Ale°, . s t o v e!) cooing/00de ftid email flower potli -I, • foe • 1 ; b •••• ~, 1 ‘rind'ea care, &c, e tc . ta o ye..: -, ii.r 111 - el '' 5 ' , JOHN elli.AY; Agent:: 1 $, , •4.,4 - 14,1 - of l ,- Common Ple a s : ' o !' •:, , ),;;,.,:! , -,1) ' twOilsid i ..C64tt...''",' i• No. 4dil l ii )o 'll'i.41 11 .44t,i : '..$4 I tii - A' 4 0 1 : lis t '. with tui not)s? ..i d tlie tor F th , t,A t.3l;l:qi liti)tilrtrr 06ii), ~Will c iiiiien• Stifilqi il,:(l4nit,rntor of ror,ie ilre ',MINI; 'iOltli ifotire'tii-Jtioteall;ilitiolcoy, !':VV• . 7. 0 iikiy..A ilifre kr , 131:ibkky i p lir tat i;phor (Ado .• ' Th. ,Nrid Suitt if hie;1011e ,laties^ l .liiiiesilnd , JOtio ) , tiii.livil4laindßliist Rockey, J ant A on , , Koonti,. "Iltootr4 - KOOntz; Lydia Ann i hrdr4 wee, tl y•itb., l l9, __atioottoAtoitihatoo,tiowo.lhoir4imrili,,tl and gkiji l. _ '.' ' )11 "" SPlSC e qtr) al q 1 ,.. ., I .. . ":,,,, 1 . 14V ..; • .."' '• ' 1 .1111!;..n9Akciii#. 1T . ;,,..04.5 1 5e", 10 : v re, , n.: - i l'c li bl., 7 ....Aripist.rtuen,,n L.,pri k e_ii.:o47, ‘ , pc ii r t:q. e • to omen •It .. tigap,'llrOn.. , lrdel6 ""AlVtrew c, itrifnifiliOrtllcV2o I — W tr"-hiv -710/rsWd'irhings tilill l oplitrltiirirife and I EIIII.. ---4tookej-,looti-AlfitciglOtiOtV.Vittialitti3l-ICtiroitg , ;;LpA,. :414 teliAtopktlelllllnollog,tci , Abrkitim*Holite , i tfiel? ilallin otM - Satfilaii , Mi3thiie.-10-te - aoil . ";thiell btfiiin'tliel'Odigi3igiof the7Coureoildiampti '' , ll , lolliO ' tit , ifil 4 ileoxint4r i it t. Cirlisib,iiheiiieraild . ;I,3NoOdilitifiriirilnettlio3 ll hoWroittletillth7:tlipy • 11.10Wd orArttow?why. , exOOution lilifilloo,t),,As4oo(l , ! . 14,9gaisist . :thax0 6 4 fletatP7o , m e t l . l l4ll t he , M4•GeOlgP,, ' itOOkey•tlieti, seizeit, iii:tli Jul ti.cOun i tri d ,OlA,Attrl,, 'ci'l l eViel l 4 41 , 0 '#'3),fl ttlfi 4 , 14 Y V 4 0 , 104. 1 Pot ;be --144114 p 416/3 11 ! . .,, t c 1 ) i titir L iilV-T1161 1 1 1 : -, : t fl i k l e'/AVOV-p' ( 4. 3 ` , ,,,5 P 1.'9 v 'w,iBf. , ußitOS4'.", , reltit'iliet. 6 Mirth hi '''' ' '' 4iniiiiitiiil,Bl.e.tlicdchirilitigAttlthiforteltiOv . Rsd effiex of thoiroovery.goretittiil, if heollanl4 • ~. fit; Witooso)l4ll4.4*,llipprul)Esq. tit Carki,ip t , Alit he b2d , 11410-1841:1044outho%?1 , i rvt,mutn . 'A _,....., - ,401 034 1 4':,6 Ingo iNIAMES).II.9VFEar , VIZ ' . r. t ' ),"iff EttirEikrirSlOitilegi , garli Aliii ' a 1 16' 1 . '0 , 1 l ' k "t .I" .: , l4 o l 'oo' l o 3 o ‘ o l7 otitr:7Vf ;islil :, t;1}1,1 11A ' , 1 . , ,, r, `{: ,1 ) .. , ' ,..7-^ ~. ~ ! ...- ' . : at 0 • . : Nr qr,o ~.;!j'.....);iri 6'l Ja P ?!' .t ' 'Agitii • ta : . - . O ii . , -- ,:' .. "'.OO. ; . f;;,,. 1 P 1- -)6 7 - 1 . 00112 I, - ~-, • 1 , .- ~ . - f A, ... ~ , ..--4 .1 :..-- VIANIY. 'l l "Ofi , T-7111)Nt ',,,, , Lin , ',i;•'ic de a, ' , •liiirlir.'lO.'.'itO. , ' ' - ..'" ' -,,.4. -: ,- ' '' - - -1 1-- - ' 4 ' -'t yii 1 , ! 1 w • 1 ) I P L Nrni*elll4 • • - -. *: l oiffliaiikAllt il l _.- g! .- .. c.,ll4llloCbitodtge#ollll liA r ilitit is7,t 4oloatiry.plop - i la A - Pi-pr ~ . .:,,•oetAtp,vi im p th .' . It .O r ie . Ailii4 , ' i '0•: Ham era ' ~ 1 0 ,4 r...„ . ~.„.,:,..,,,,, ...,-,,.., ...,,.,....." 1 .. -- '4.:-..,0 , v• . a a Pict' i' gt - idtallteligr ri l O t r-k.P, g'i,the - PF,F.P I 7II,,eIp , a ',. 2. -- ' Trz . § l 4ll l l - ''l' - ' l 4 -*.77 -1 111 .4 R.': , §- c•cag7,?: . --,-, - . --- I '. •• • , ,it . .-. .-- - .,54-i. - ';' •- ri - g: ••— f - ' l :' - a3,1,1 •- ii+t - qcVrie - r" 5, -- '----," - , I ~,q g.r.:43_,4174.,-44- , . l__;A--- . -, 4 'l, • • Ft 6 •1 - ' . , - , -. ', ,t • , -• ~., ).6 'a 1 ; ~ 47- , .. , , . .:'''. ' r 4 ?..t0.." t. o ggsgtAg.TV.l*BV . ;ll^Vg - m--.);. - w.....m.4.?-,c0..-.. - . P, 0y.712a4-e.'2gggittggr.l7-4'cg.ta w• t; 5 - 1 2--o.; .: 41 to I r : t7 l-.., 'Se - 61 z 'l9 4,0419" c -1..."1"6. , .- A ;- V,: 14 E 2 t 4 111 ... . IA :. It .. 1., .. 10 10 at, 0.. at at .. . lia ft..tO to o t ...V. tO g'..1.4 ../5 IN 0 ~. . cr. 1.... b. 4 'to ~. :. ~ ...1... i., bl n .-, - - .., •O• CI .. 0. tt: O. ot ot tn tO to o. ch .. to to CO . ,a. c , L ,., 4 „ c , .u, u, .., ~ ~ ;4 . .O..WC. • • Ito 10 ' 10 4;•• t•O to •-• nt 14.7 ••••-` •••• t. 6 0...1 • I , "1 , c.%,..1 VISA ul ••:•. t.a. •:•• I,t C I . . 4 § c „,„ u. so, 2 . 8." 0= =OOO I . - JAZJGSMITII. 5! ta vi 47: co . • ;.., : . qi , C .-• • et •••• to V 3 .. to .. •••• to to •••• t „, a. o t 6at t o $, -, tt ...4 . V .1... ;t.. e t ut io L. L,, io ..., o „, ~,,, to 0 ., oo t o .4..... .., ...i , I U. p. OP C, 10 ty aa , to to on p •-• CO co ...- , O W.V. C CA•ti. Ca•Z Co tf., .., ut , 10 4 4.• 4...4 C". ^I tO 0) NOB. w. 0 4. tz at , 0 .- 0 .1.. 0 -. c+.. NI t,3 tp 04. k O on c,i • tUMBEItILAND VALLEY Lite iiiiii.itOiii ' with. Prospective TRA - NSPiRTATION - HOUSE. . . ~. ~.Bom - _.,- THE GIFIARD,b,IFE INSURANCE, AN u t ii.... :77-t -_ ,..„. ;'. ... NUTTY. ' 4 'TIIVB l' po'MPAN Y CIF • PHILADELPHIA. .' : . - - "'................, ~......,..' RAILIs; r.`''AVl' ' Inn! . , . Capital $9d0,000-Charter Perpetual. Yam .114 1 AP I" PM41. 41• Office No. 159 Chesnut Street. - C ON, Tri,NUE to malt.; Ins'n ran - u -i "on' ' stases, l'hi6iia , rt'6liimore, Tittsblirg, :&C.., ' v . - 40 .4 01,41 u ea- ged,-,Enclosstoents;lan 4 td ' :‘,....i : i., :r , ..,:,...%,. vc • i mi accept Trusta.from ,ludivicluals„ Corporate. Do 7;:re' ....".".6.7 ...i2....W. diee,and'lleurts.of dttatieei and executive the in - agreeably)tu thiodedire.of the Parties' ; :and , re .' ,•:, t...4' ' ' ,W . :A C kf,t !is' .' e i ' - 8 ~ . ove Depo Its -of Moiler in. ' , Trust .'dnd •On tcißwAiitliti6iitdittilinziiitiltoktir 'lnterest:, , .t , ,"' .‘',1,.. " , i'it'' -"."(.../ ''''''' ' .-.. . ' I The CompstritiddltDdnuit Orstittefilitirhils • 'tb;:thil lhatirapee gbh` 'LlfeZ • ' Thii: firilt ' Ronne • • '-' • t ,J -IrAltßisituß6,/eA.; I -„• ;.- ~ .N FOR AIS ;,Ili:LP,fiibetie'LLiici i the'',Hblid, that 'Well 71rikokiatiLl hi.pi,riibpi; -.18.4,.i0n0upt. ..from the literall)atiOndgi3 exiendnd'td him, ,IPg te..„IP,Mr cepl.,..,oifA;;JUMAinitireir 4iidtx 'del r ing I,llo.vpi.t,Ycari,hel has been encoursgeO. ,l - 110 eAdeet.oo l 4)txy L.O ii3.l. par cont . ., T.?, or t b l p , ., to m eke' Mitre' ex tensive. airtingeiriente -toi the , U e rn '. ell every SliQOPOrideAtllpialtUr.efir ..., 1 ensutog semen, and - has 'added;tspe new k large, • , 04 11 0. 0 P?retiert:144e.tiorpiewilt,be seen ly the following examples front itiliLith Insurance atutspleliditladatio 1 0 -...tii.i , X;(1 , 1kg.40*111 be fully praorsd after tho opening of the-Canal, Regiater.of the Company, thus t_ _. .. . itp,-,,tet.w,afiaPiOd,uliefland'llierdhalidlitko.t. 411 I . ..Limri a mil 14 otip opi c i; o iTulicy end ,lth' t?, ,and;ini: yhiladlphli4:Aftiniore ' e.'te tin Usigida ids Allenitilk isle at tilt Piltriburg•4c:,..4: l l he loWitAt•iilii'is; ef,', Weight: . Poliey,, ! PUT tnit' . 4 l • ,e44ttioo k ,, , t , , party's deo:. . No 4 511,41.4, 1 10 P ~., 4 100-1 .1 + I -.r;:1,100' 4 , =.4 ' . and With the 'iltmuit.'iles loli ' '•''' ' Agents for Boats, ' : 2 ,',' ''• . -,,, . z.. , ./ !..189.. , 12,500,.;,-; .',.250 hr- - 2 , 7 5 0 !• ! I .•. - Messrs. CA R,L15T,E ; `,154.14 Allik.El,,L, .a„ ti l k, I 4.090 ) ~ ~,,,400,, , ! ,..,' , .3.,400,., f ,; Race streetMluc i if.P,liiladelphi#: - '' , '.2 6, ~00 0 ,:, ,. ., , 1.7.60:-.. --, ,t 1 I , 2 ,17 A. - ' Messrs. GIESE - & - SON - ,'... ',,, ~7, 7 - 1 - ' ''''''''' 7333 i't - ' 9 1' 000 ": 471 t -- - 7-4217760.7- -_ ,--1-5 • 49.741 : 1 ; % ; , --- 11 . 674—Seennterce 'LMihail; Baltinier6. . Rates-forlusuringll.oo - en - a - S,ingli;4llif.l — ' ' Meieeta;bl.lAßK•doePHAW•ct....,i44)_, ...,, 1 lig6f , f' For 4,,faitic " For ryeata.t ,o.'lroilLi, ,e'i 111'CrATIDEN147 - CO - fik. !‘ 1 ” '"'' ' ''! ' ” "":`''' nntiallf- l - vanhaa FYI L.t00,L,./ '„ ' '' ---‘ , -eff 1/1--‘'raelYos o4 -L- '" ,1 44-=-7 1 7- : Agents' for Cale 4„ .• _ -' 1 ' 1 : - ../*,i'''''‘.... - ''' ,- 4 „ ' • ~" i . •l• I .• . Meagre. WUN D.ERtI'DII4O4 ER; 'zia.C. , '" 'T' l . 1 . 31 • 2 • ' l ' 367 !'''''' ' '''' '' ' ;2'l6 :- l i t 4'•• . il , 6 g,,.,., , P 1 8 g; - , .....1 "13,20 i 'I . ,.., ~.Nt i .,272 m i ii.k .ut ,, AA th ib i lt .41 ...,4,,,,,d/ . 11.1.1•tt. , , ~,In i rt,b,t,,,,. . • IIessrs..CHALORIIRhk.H,NyNo ;10 . 5,,• , .., ,. . i i . ~:„..,.:, ~ , pl e ~,',,.;., ~,t/P,,f , 1 „.,., t , ~.4'. 4 ,01 . _.' N 0.429 Mark st?..Phota4o.,'." •,° , i''L 4.. :,!,,,,::i4,91,..;; - ~.,,440. -.. cme:ii.: sdr,R;IA mot At,a o ;,;,- 1 - ,Lq, 1 .-- tidnyto6 ?:w2V : iieiiiiii=likiiiii.) , 3o riiiiirit,inisk ; l ova -, 113 . / irs 'lliesd, steel. pitiladelPhisi -filfth4lo, by,paymphollomp44kist 81:,t'A a , peullvania and OhitiLl4e, N: 61-. scours' to, liii (wilily 'bi• iiette t. flOd./.'indid he lA. hitl2-1847.;'•=tf.A 11,11 L'.• ,,,,, i__ , ' , • • ditiiiiiibe,''ziginr;t:gfAdtoo.l,the secures tol . .p., ~, hte.,:,g,.. j , ~.L L E,._'. i.. ~._.'". them frPlool'.r4ftitY4lB4o4niiiiilli fdi - iiii,in` - ` 1 4rN,41111 1 /1919,t11A11 O a glikCtilri'',Alli e . ft V° . 3'llirtArt. Y...,1, A UR A 4!" " ''). i ita'-AittreffitOt e s.o , ii.YY.Pl 19. 1 , 1 1P91.! 'he ,t,,fef,,,1 1 A tPorryfoul 4 ',:i'ocilvers 7 Ad 6 le hoe e,ei' ' • . ''' '...r --''' . , f a P.44n-i. tcs ittiZl '-,(' 1 ~ . .a., ' . .P 1 :1,4 In p.vitmqpim , respecting life !Id Or' Cu, frusts,-ot.e.' may' holutt.lietAkt,Olnee , • ..,. ~..B.W. RICHARDS, Piesiclent ',. 1 ~.., ~ .„),. , .__ _:,„:"JNO.'E. - FAMES,'Actiiiiiy , ‘'r dlidelltrixili'trillan aci:?,c;rt , ',l . '..) OM ISM il • • , • 1 .1 g ~ • • . . .. . , . . ~,, . ~..“.„ ~t , ~..i c ,, :.:. 0 , ... g , ...; .... 0 tr ,„ : ,_ .• 4", 7v. . , . asodarla Au l loo .. Z" . , kr. t `4,P 2 g * '...'• a' f t ..2 ..,P.lraziij:. il of nolo I Jo woos/1114nm eazrgcl"" 6l °4e,r4.42 u . , - .•!.....,....—,i i BIA 2.-.• 1:70,- .0 . .. . ...:. . . : • .. . ~ 1 . ' • - • .. . . . . ni ..... 40. I. . ' .-;ic. ... eb C 4 ..1 . !: ; 1 01 1 agtOtniti "g g ' V ' C 'Sgeg2Z2VlB.7o4 l "* . : M.....,0N.0 ;It , to IQ = ..... p l.: 1+ N iC . 14' . t; . 5i . 1 00 ' .'" : , 1 C, ' 4 10 NI Illi o" - 0 . " ~., ao -4 -4 -4 .a . 0 ,E, a. ertjrliz-m-u,-ufc..10.4.-.4=-1-.101,..1,1-, 2 B'B 3. 17: t", 'a' V 2 8 ,.. t;,' t,4,' - 61,8 S t," *7 3 .• sa 8 - U,E,B - 8-8 24 Sg BSF '2 sz',.' 1 -- • tO csa On On s 01 )0 ea ta Ce 06 OS ss-1 In cLS on s•O cos. tn. 0) e> o d ui.3 o 0.;.3 te 4.144 p my 4. co'{... - -41 h "to -4 'it 0. - 0. - t."B avw Sr .a•pp AO t . " . 1 ta' Co 40 CC, CC b 4, Ca ! , !1 min •-• 60 . - IMO C, • • , . .-0. w w -C r - - - 4 -., .1 c . war.... 9 -.„.." ,:noe., - .10, tak."--....04-•. - .6-., ...,1,,..,„1,,,,,, , .. 1 rill'eTill:111 1 .8 "'"-l i s i 8" " s°ll . . • . . . I, • , cn 4.• rto cn , on 61 , i....4' la , t 6o Con O b i I: . 8 4. 4 . . . ..''' : fi : c. 9. i ° t f : ° M e 0 " c a 176 7n • 4 2, ! r- •..I . 4 ' ~,,, . to a .t... a a ..S. V+ ..016.1t•V O. GA , raa. .14 ...-= La tO • * 464 • . to to .1 4....-* on ora to io •$•.• Co t•S 4 , .t. , . '''' C.' ••••• .6..........5 . -..t.=1t0 `e C `,' i... 4. - 0 4 4 -4 r-.- - 4 . ,0. , z ... to 4.. •-• .... ••• ... ot. .... Co •-• 0 , .. 0 ' 4, .' • - ''' ~,. ... ~, , 4,....4 0 co to 0 0 0 , CP W ,ao .F•• tt. .1.• VD C: 4 C.,. •-• 10 .1 ,1.. 10 •-• 4.. GI 1.0 •000.- 0 0 -4 0 .0 e 0 0 la • 0 4_ , G• ...I 0 0 0 44 ,p•• 0 10 0 10 0 0/ Gs to th 4. • I 0 -4 0 Gs 1 - C 1 0 .0 0-4. Al , Jr ,_. ~.. •-• It •-• .." Cs sCr ' 0 . 4s. "4 .... IC ...e. •-• ../ w a.. CI eC V ., 0 . „., NI , .4., cl: r <„,,,,,,__. : ,._ 0 _,.... ,0 oe v. Z.l cs., tt.. —. eC. U. 4 , tC •-• 0.0 CD ..... C. 4 Cs t's a• o c. ,- o C • g 8 o r . N "0 If , t. 001 00. 00 WCA Us . 0 ae. C. 888g8gg 8 8, Z . ! 9 V, 3 • .;.. • : - ._„, rii(ift , .36l l lll(f: .7 - . Tr.o TAPifl .11 1 f - f - 1-!:f ' =I =I , 'smut uju.l.vri loci—L . 4ualth ud re) Siutipa, , alogao l pn. , 4oomajd.o. [ c ue suoDedrib‘m)•pltil •infools ,° l ° l x°,' , 3 , 1 8 0.1 .°lq,Hxya °!°) .°° 93 l°°2l J° /t l °°‘°° ,°l°'lA4 ales aulton—ounos uo 1:10 opals , •;c11•;'•1;f1 Of *I ,11 ud tidiiuhrix jo,lnnotity ' oloym • • '• lffitire • apkt xn, aims ..pijoo • I to jo olotiA1; • ial.opits. ilaactoiiii gqiitati i 'ill' oiv you , !sunioarl v. •siaAtit Won ,sinaul9pnr jo lunowv otoliAl a7tlt uc7 ll°' xul aims, . . Imo rtOoie Jairo pug iiimu 11111 . 10 s ~ 4117.1 xt9 a)Uis 'Tificl . l4/.01111 :10 AO9lllll W 1 it/11111011M 4[911k . . fate tax on same-tlolloo 'rate 8 mine. . •Bas.i.uin l a t umai d J o item* IBA 11111011/11 alms (3j37,f dttbirs . Allolllill OAd 111111 allOiritilitliViftpllJJ; uo 111910IIlgi :Jo WhOU" Oi°9M ' *lima Jail 'aims miAon —amnia sin , 11(17,10 anon ilgo.l l l 61110.1 Niue Emilio fuo tiowebiem ,lo itinows olutim 'luau Jul! 5 ;qua Juitoii—athine uo xq aims, O N • s .1 • '1711411M J 3410 plip JQ.l.lri lualud uo sel a/dIS •• 1. 'NM ,elPel pile ea ilttpuav, lauleeitij eanoeug a;olA,t .~ ~ . 41 11 1 ." , aju.i uo YBI , ix's, zwi muisio t , lue apda.l2lll} •kirll4o4,,c' 11.4 1 1Vb., `ritit s tlYitigsZlNlat i alliii :, -thii.eajion qf the year:'" ,_.' ' . 111 APPOWSONI St irepPfOliAe#4r- - , Le tO!!k*Poi',ta „, -„, -'' : ,, ' 40 9,015 1 .M.1gte;:eir41 4 1 0 'I ' -t- l 'l-: '•';7>` ,', ' - I%•:i .. 4 ;'. - me r _ ...„, --7- , ~. tik - ' • . 111 7— aice".ol? the'r..*l4 -4 0 4 14:. - ' ITI I AI II4 t a i N giffetP : , 4 $ #l4.ibtlAara f Aj te. 4, w ....c.,444,94,0,Fitri0rce;„ 'Pk.ii.r,'ar r ifiV'efialiffig"gtir ng .e1e4,t,1.014, ht . . ti r, VW. Wird; boViNglf oftai. iller. ~' t -,1 - 0 • , • Marchloo .5,.., '8447'. ~,,,,,T) E:O.LV.I4DAVIS: , ;- . ... . ,r~ ,ti ~ rj ~:_.~. :Sti.tipl J 4::? ivA yEßSVittljuit received - liii:SpElnebuOtilyof 'DRUGS: PAINTS, OILS, Dyo,4ltifilCit- erfietilery ) which he 'cifferti'etiori, the lappet terms. l ., Hie Pregu°,andltfe4l6ines have buen selected with great care, and ha can cqufidently .recommend thorn as being., fresh, pure and genuine.. r Pllysfelsins- lirescriptions , k • i g n a g re t r e u r l in ly e...i p . ou h k o,,,ittid their orders attend: ed to with 'acc uracy and upon the -nom pleai t, J. MYERS. March 10,1647, he •' • •. Picapine't3 bot•iespondentao not iieetti tne"tiallger threatening Natamoi as to be very tni,E,inent. - , 11l .47:i . CID frq tkt . 1 :4 • ntuipmi WARn Rooms. . . THE subscriber having learned that an Mi. I presaion is abrond:that•he has given up hus ,intaiii in favor et' his sons, desires thus publicly , td correct the iirtor. , ,-111i still dontinues ' the business at liii.minufactory in the, rear'iif his own residence,' and : WOW& resfieetfully invite ihe attentioa of H,ltaiackeepora and .the Public generally, tulho Very liirgii'd - r. ' ' :_..•:.. ' L'LEUANT ASSOKtIIE,NT 0t:p...;.:C‘..c%.9 . 1 - f FrU RN 'I7"U R E - *lath he now has on . Band at his Cabinet Ware Rooms. on' West High street,. Opposite Rimatre NVatehohski ih 'Carlisle, feeling very Confident thaftlie superior finish, excellenee of Material, and reagable 'Prides of the niimer. ,kais articles, which he consiantly manufactures ,will give satisfaction to and secure the patro. , nage of all Whip may examine them. Ms re 81301'!01)Vt4ispludes every vntioty:of j '. 1-- r -t , Cabinet. Ware. and Chair.s, btali plain and ornamental, at prices .7,.... ...s Which will be made to suit Parches ,..,y ._,.... cr„, ~. Having made the necessary arrangements, he will deliver Furniture at any place within a reasonable number of miles in the surround ing country, without any increased clui , ge..L. The patronage of the public is reimirc - ifilffy so licited. . JACOB FETTER. CarliSle, March 10,1847. I M .. 1 ' - - 4 i . , El Seim Facies et quart) .k..lxecutionenfnon, &c. No. 213, Aril Term, 1847, The Commonwealth of. Pennsylvania fir ilie dee erJohn, finlemplei administrator of fttirali Ste Keel, deceased, Chris:thin ndolinistrator of Jaeob Fuller, deceased, with notice to Jacob Faidir, jr. 'George,: MOW, Failor, John Fiala, Adorn Failor; Paper, Jacob Niekey, Into Elizabeth railottilAiitdham Mauler and Sally hie wife, late.SM Pallor; Susan widow of R: McLoughlin; laic Susan Fuller, thilaren, noel bnire .o. Jacob Fuilor, deceased, and, WO !boil failor,_Jacieb Fsildr; Aleiratufer Tailor, Wilson •Failor,,Nariv Pallor. 9 Thiel , and Ann ify: late Puilnr' and ,Tuuenti Pailnr, Sainh - Pailor, anti NI argarrt Fallnr: minors, by their guardian Rayr, tcliidh Blot nine tic children of Nicholas Failoi, (Nee:wed, whb was, one of the sons and holes' othierib sen• dectiased, . Comber/and County, M. cp -±1 9 4 1 :' { l , The Commonwealth of Penngyl. ,7 \ :•':' ininin to the ilieritr of Cumberlaud pi i 11. 1 ,County, -. •te iiii 6 _ rzli WII ER EAS, the Commonwealth of Penn Aylvania for the use of John. Hulsapple Atlner, &c., of Sarah ACICeel, deceived; hi the Court of Common Pleas, to wit of the term of August, A. I)., tnili, before Samuel Hepburn, Esq., and his Absouiate Judges of the tieing Court, did by eoiniduration of the seine .Court, recover against Christian Failor, Adm., &c, of Jacob Fader, deceased, who was co obligor in a joint and several bond with Geo. alike, Robert Olean and Christopher rajilori Into of your county yeoman, a certain sum of nine hundred 'and twelve dollars and twenty one nentn, lawful: money of Pennsylvania; debt, as also thirty six dellars end tfenty. five-cents, which to.the, said Commonwealth of Penn'a ,for the use of John Holsaple,adin'r, &c, of Ssriiii.MoKeel, deed, in the saino Court were likewise adjudged fur its ,damages, vi filch It occasion of the detention of that debi, whereof the said Christian Failor, adin'r &ci of Jacob Fedor, deceased, alto was co. obliget inn joint and several bond with George Nike, Robert Bleat and Christopher Feline, is convict as appourn of recordi Ste:' • Add whermis, the said judgment to preserve the hen according to the AO of Assent* in such case Made arid provided, shoeld be revived as is suggested to us by the i;ii id Corninenweulth of Pennsylvania for use 00 olin Holtiaple, adm'i Lim, of Sarah illdifeel, deri l il, rie elan execution as said J-tidertent remaimith'bii,m'aide; ad on the information of the said Clinimnwealth fo r . use as aforesaid LLM - linfti' tt.:Aifed,:ariti, aye he ing I,filling i llset diode Winds %Illicit in our same Court are rightly aoLdd, sliniild be'brtinglit to due e:tocutien: ' Therefore,' we coniniand you that; liy good and lawful men orjiour bailiwick you make known to the sij k il Christian niter, iidm'r ofJucoh Fedor decd,-pith notice to Jb. Fuller, jr. George Faller, Chri'aiiari Fader; Jilt, Faibur, Adam Failor, 'Leonard - FailoN t Jucpb Meiroy and,'Elizabeth his 'Lilfejiate Ellitilietb Fallor, Abraham Whiller ,nyid Kalitiiii wife, late Sally .FiMor,' S'U . a.n' llMl,iitighlin;yfidovi of R. IlleLaughlih; late,Bugan, Fader ehildren and , heirs of Jacoh,4ll9r,!.nlep'.ileand Wilfaun' Failor, Jacob Falter, Alturantlet:Failor, Wilson: Fidler, Niino;v, Feller & ,S. Paler anhis:viile, late Ann Folfor;.ond:Jotopli tFailor, Sarah 'Fat. or, . and. Margaret. Faller, Yninorei , ' -by'. their Guardian, ',William Barr, which Init• nine are, children of Nicholas Failorr •Ilee'dc'w Ito was' unto ono dritheimonir of tali& libiraefleldeb Fai. lob Sr. &old, that tlley_be.enti agge,ur :We're' .Aut aid )udgeilt reirl imf4', a f onYCourear Cam mon Pleas, thereto he hqld thp,decolid 104(41 • Of. April iieit -lo r efitin'e itself' atiy th 1) Gave' 'di' Ittioiir - *ltSt t elWatioil litql iiiiiSeliqii`edtipen • lia I tl' J g In'Olt` hiiiing I.oqii.te,ef . ich' Old 'Old - . 1 .0 3 01 . P09,i,',*0'..e1df4f,, 44 oFili•PCin'. th,e r efatir,eitanbt,.ef, . Cantbb riop 4 i an4' iy,hy. „ilia . .Ra4lrfeit pat*. AO •not4e,ehe ilea "with, „the: .r,..,Ygienl: 40( 0 gikid J.oragroont ogroeibly-, to., tho: 7.A./...53Y - ,Bactienzlif - thesiAefuflthil'94tlrFebrue..• ry-A - it'D. -- 1834Trelatiettir.lEireetitiiteratidTA1F .Inirti strata ielnieording Aulthe ,, fbree flirt* he'd' offocto.lotthOlricovorkafoitgraidVif "thoyAhinki 1 4...a-Aridliiiktilted- 4 th i etOnliiltlitife=tlie'tiaiiter, !orttibioqiniebrii , joid'i'6ll'frigt7#,."iike l vioaio..ttiiiiklina r thiVistty!';;? • ~ , „.., ~!?•- , ' Wiii 561Tliiel` 447; E.4.4eai1i.,14, dye ' Eftli'doP . Of FistrtiekV - D. f 547., . ~ I'' . WM. 11? ' gtTt 6l ( : ;Ptil 4l . l i4 , i' dorliolo'l'MdfohrelB'46:l'..;'" , ` ' f ' •''. l ' r.L, 1 1,- --1 1 CXJ t c.. EMI Presker **o6l . 4 -1 r0.13.ds R -- ,htsv,44l-4,4-oiol4rreito-direbir f 9l? le eked 'dun ety,t INVY / le. 1115?: LtY dt coAivisicluttAiOilty'iihollio•Ndriety. t pt the VegetabliqUiid eldrieWeitirinietti'erehqiee FLOWEit ails &ea pet :Dr; 'J;' ' lllYERlOr.DaluteW 'll ito k e bt 'etWeerMairiAtreetteetlittlC - " f" - ' - • -1; ' MOO Val - calr • '- . -.' •' ' . ' ' 4 " ' • It " '77''777 71 ' ''' 'li , iik ,', lituogits t Ail or , pii,E l l'.. , , *l-*1 ire' ta‘iit#dit hi. use ifi `qm..,lllitiliitt , get a r 10 %1144 iir.'Pit ./So . l.Aniik:.; le ii(Mr6ll-, ii, 7 ititte6-414ralglii-redllllY-Pii=ednk 1 7i - iireiM4 , vik ii06 44 , 16 . 0 .1,, i4 „,.. r ip10,i.. rr l m : l t. iioli 4000Mptliitilatioilithd;ipf adaptiop:tiv. APihßliiiMi#F,liiio?A4gi,irerlo,lo , .ol l.l :llllPit,749t 4 1,V1VWN5!,1i t i11 rr., 14 61 3 c4 . 11(1,,k1 t 191•?.L1, r.)?.... , ,;i . MC1:M;?i. ;71,, Ir.''' . 0 - 1 5" rn q !''-'. . -. 1 , MEM UM 111 Z W. Ttifflthbe GREETING j;,i'4. , :;oT„;!i;4. 11•:147 - • 'lr. lA' VI, • • • 17 W " be ttt cult if . SHERIFF'S PALE. . • Yvir(iertdit!writi OfWentiltidni Mn ; ), •naaA oirorisOle4444r—tha! . Coitrbttf-Fiens'br Cumberland county; gfitllp„tant(tirgotB ti will einibe to publia - 410, • .at..the, cox:LI-louse., in .the•liagough. or 'Citril Ale, on,F11.11): y. the, 2411 day OnMwrithi A.D. 1847, at 10„obelo the followitig reatestate. viz t — Also;' tired lif . laria . stoats Miflitn fit tiiiitthip:, npandc,d,by, lantin tiring Guldin Grip S~riti~a A,ssinniation;lauds others, entitnining_2B Acres, morn or less., Sei2ell. and taken in execution aa., the property A. North[, . , . • the one . undivided thitdvart ~nt a tract of land in •Bin. Sp' ing rownehtit;htittn tied by linitofilactib liroWn; ert Meli'arliMe,'and the 'Sig Btiritig; 203 acres.'niore or; less. subject to the nuance of --411yerat - deed.loxing thereon erected a two story DWELLING MOUSE, HANK ,11A RN, and. other • i tiiroverneMs. Seized: and in execution Ha the properirof J. B. Myers,. Also, a, lot of grcitind situate in churolitownomunded by lands of George Struck on the went. James Wiely on the dant, High street,. nn tha Forge Road on: the south, contain= ing,Bo Feet in breadth- and teeleet, in length, more or less, having thereon eriteted a I'story 110US1'inLOG STAB LE, ittic, - Seited anti taken • in execution' as the priffierty "dr lb, Cheilitian Bush.. • . Alsti, a lot of'grjund sitdald in t Borough of Newiille, botindeil by • or punkt', street on the emit, Main street on the. lcit of,lohn Mnnr on the went,and Cove Alley on the ntirth,.containing 45 feet On Main street and HO feet in' depth. nlrinethereno - erected a laren . two knee . PRA )I F; STABLE; and oilier provenly/1;W. half let o,f ground situate in „ id lint'ou g h hounded Alain street oh the 14 , 'ti lot of Wm', Brian - mon-the went, Onie Alley on the nortitond thetdknye dexcrilied ;won- Ilki , lt'ilfeentit, containing. 30 fent in front and t 740 reet in depth, having thenenut mrected two' atory Fit A MP,. 'MUSE, kg. Selied nod taken In execution its the pronerty of Jobn atiorme:- , Also, tract or Land situate in.the i c ,,„„l,l o ,,tai;fflin.,bp u o gr i by la ntl fear the beirs of Daniel McDonnell, deo and other • lands of the .Tolpt, narrate, Msg.. conttolteing43 more ori him, being the same tract of which won sop gild convey7ll .to the said John Flamm*, Esq. by Rol e'[ :NM arinne, administrator of wirkymp!, together WI all and aiugnlar hereditarnmits and appurtenances therennto be longing, Eke; Seised and taken "in eXcelit inn ,as the property i,r,toli. Unrper, Esq. with notice to tonshin in posSession., „ ALSO, a tract df Jana sittiate in Mifflin township. Cmnbeeland cotittiv, hoilmled Iry lands nE David Ferguson.. Mary. Lenny, An• drew Middleton, Thomas Elliott and ()them con taitdng 120 norm more nr.lrns of which phont acre, are cleared and the eashltie in gene;. timber —having theeenti erected h TWO wrnitit LOG 11011SF,,1,01; OA It name imprniements. Seized-an/link-en in eceelOtoll tin the property of' .1110. C. Mitchell. And all tit .he nold by • • JAMES HOFEER. Shyr SOrnIFFN °FMK. Carlisle, Feb. 2; I 847,—.51 PROCLAMAIIION.; virittrtE4s,tlM llonorableBsattsr. Me sons, Preitidept Judge of .The several Counsel Common Pleutibf the counties of Cum berland, Perry and Juniata; in Pennsylvania, and Justice of the several 'Courts of Oyer and Terminer and. General JnirDtiliVrifirrin counties, and Hon. John Stuart en - d Thomas:C. Miller t Judges of the' Court of Oirciand Ter• miner 'and General Jail Delivery , tits trial of all capital and' other' offenders, in the said . cotiniy of Cumberland"---hy their precepts to me directedolated the P2th clpy,,ot ;January, 1847, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and GeneraiJail Delivery, to be holden at Cur: lisle ton the rotund Illtniduj, of-April next, being the Hilt duty) at DI o'clobk in the fore noon, t it continue two weeks. NOTICE is' therefore hereby given, tri the -Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables tifthe said count' a' Cumberland, that they are !iy the said precept erifomatruled °' he then and there in thety prom persons; with their tolls, recrtrd4, inquisitifnitt, examinations, and all tither remembrances; to do - those things which te their offices appettalh to he done, and all those that are hound by recovizances, to prosecute (age imt the prisoners tent are or then Phan IN, in the Jail °leak: County. are to be there to prosecute them as shall be just, • JAMES . lIOFFER. Shcriifra Office. Carlisle, SHERIFF March 17 ) 1g47. CIIRIST.AR.S. FUNK.) 7„, zeir , SUSQUEHANNA LINE. • FUNK Si DII tJEJ = FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, #AtuustlUltd,- PA, HAVE purchased the establishment of J. & P. Ma Ili, where they will continue_the For wqrdiliti and Ctimenissibri hominess. They have added several new Tide Water Ca nal Boats to their Line;' and will be fully pre pared when the Canals opett,.to forward Produce Merehandize, to aml from Baltimore, I'l6l, delphia, Pittsburg, &c., at moderate prices, and with Bic utmost • • Ancsxs , roe. //DAM A.. Wright HMI Nephew, Vine St. Wharf, Pidludelphda, .I. T. Miller, No. 75 Bowly's Whorl, - Baltimore. A 111:XTR...FOR C 118. Thomas tiorbidgr, No. P7B Markel ,t. de)pliisi, Wm. Noble, fir_gailatreet,Thiladoljibla February 4, 184r.-omo. • In — the Court of ill omiaott Pleas of Cutnborlautl, County. No sY, Ap;ll'"l'M'lnt,llBl7. scire Facisui with notice to the terve tenants, &c. Wm, itoekey. 13; • • • Sadler Administrator of George Rockey dlic d. with notice to imites • Itockry, Samuel Itcckei, Andrew • Itoslter;, Christoithrr Glopfier, and hnsnn.his wife ,InpkttB and inne hks wife and Elba fleck.s7, Jape A nnKoniitz smiontz, Lytila Ann den tcirAbrnir M Ilswe their Gunftllan Yam. uel.Nl cEI ,• • • Notice is hereby.'glreti , 'Wm• Coat,. Ml VM ral Or ofect.k . lN' ll, 9okoy, 11(43'11. with notice tti ,Ittnies 'II. locker samut.l Itockey And el , libeller I Clirisiopter ) Clorit*r a'n'd Susan rill's; him null iza Hockey Jane' A htvEtionti,:ltnehtin.l'.Eocullii.)Er6 '4o l llAlosEfireecritlinotieetri A liNalia aglow e ihthinGtutrdiarr, and ..SaMilel: ar.lvee—rto he n9l Ver.r.,111./ Judges.or ,Court 'Cpmtjimi P i li:aff„of ,311 ..cou n ty, jeb,,0'9i1:.V.0ada), , ,,1 of A pril: iiii'ylikey% hit %p or: )pipw vlly ,e*giution . : nok. 116'7tiiiincr estme rkc dm mid, Gelo'rgetiloalieY' - ai#(la th e 'of Cumberland tityl , whf the' ead'ilCiil'•e4ifitieiligir 1101 , . bail'ahargedt nietti,or agraeablY : to . the - eitlt4iCntiim'tlf. Ihn'ACt cif A.4.t.e3dll..Velnwary AA); 1847.'0 relining lit,Ein kW,lPldtkihnlid,lrtunr,s!Matinordingirthelciien arpresaid.lie kt,tit.o 4 „, purptfel ,IlppllutirEetj, at 'th4V 11A . 1 , 1 511, sa=ri i 4 i /fP,‘ 4F, FS k P•l o ,ft„, # l th , i; • . 't . 'PtSittte'o,c NrktICEI pt',lt'er'elly given that lettere orait4; qp the Oeiltite Vfirdairly.,d.(6o4nlllll Ithve Pennthord'•lnnipahip,,in,aatd etninly......` .. .tkti, per • ;vlll Ankkelproweill , ate Pay tithat; Atha dose haviig:!eihtiti lilt , . re. attested:to:present them •to I irkff, , i7 , ....0k,1LL 4 1z t oe , 1 - • , 4 . 1. !‘ ‘,„l T. „,atte,or. I.,..,)Taand „hi ?de 4. .qloo'iloAtiVrtlit; 'ktitatiliriki. i ..,1 iii npitraudli leviiiiii , ois leilkt Iv. ) i iiilll'. , obico;:,A4; - l l ii;' terictilitilig• a 04; tigic“ 'lOO -- orine harcitik ottifi*,',Tilts,,lttmettOine,h4P , 1 groyti tolhimilis I W.., EsAtgil , kfil iNid 44.711---i-,::-. I,ii,`, psOiiilett(iyorvitigegkiJiniiiiiilrnm di- 1 Alit'itikOltifftliltritg, oiibi hail' ol j tims viyl. p '6: i -Int'thliitilet *VI' 'int - COI ~, , 4.. .'10, 4 " . '-'*.;!', ..1. i ~ I.O..;;:c ti sl74t .o.l,pcovasthirMlipp;cls INV., ' . ', ) ,,Fliiipfe:l l lllsifoP,3. I#47V?:' 1, ,' ' ' '',',..ithik , "..; . ,• ;, 'et gel 3 .; 7°, . . ApplicatiOn for Tavern.LiOeinod, tVicrvlCP isattOvLiikoktbat-trifito r d ; 4 o: i-1 f.TRIT, Qt. fi l eirlTlK'qin%^fit i cuPtlf Ctiritinon. 'lane or unTherinod-cou6t „fa aensolo.,keep it itit , diq hf e, iii 'O4 standluitv °Coupled hypo us such, in Dickin son township In i.aid coti t 4., " . SAMUEL ItE.irym4. We the.:mOderriigoc ship of..ritCkikthou Dip ,county of gu r i,b c r; land, do certllli, that ate wcl derMainted %Mt the dltotio minted' kikini , tol M. ICatijibil— thitt be' is of good repute' feehanesty atuff . fediu-' rp'grance, and is well, provided with libusei than; and a:ill/MI . 161nel ffir t.he'aucoit*datitiN of Pt itiri'g.,rs and travellers; Arid thdt mirth 11 . 111 or TaSerh is nnerseary to accomihodate the: pub.= lie and entertaiii strangers.anirtrasellare. Henry Shea ffer, Abr'm Kurile, John Moore, Samuel Spangler, Jacob Evans, David Sheaffer John HostnnuJelun Stauffer, John Fighburntjr, Aruba Lee, William Galbraith, George Boelman, :Benjamin Myers. . Applitlatian'fbr Tavern Lip se, • • VOTIQE is hereby given that I intend td . :41 uglify et the ensuing term of •thd Court of' Common Pious or Cortibtirlaiid county,' for Li. , :metre to beep,a!fueern gin Public lige, rt. - 11411m Mend now oucupie4 by, inn. as auch,•ip,,Piew• Cumberland-in raid county, .• , • ;,, , • We the Stideisigard elti,zans.nt Now Porland, in the cotintj.! enniherland; dp eery that we are well,aclioalittetWith thO ittove Turned flugheii—fliat,lie la oi . good repute for honesty, and tem pe'innee,,ind well provlileijtYlth lidosei:dein,atitjeohNielifen: cesfor the aceommodathin of strangeta uud travellers, and that such- inn or-INveiii eessary to necontmodatb. OS public and enter.' lain strangers and travellers.. , • B. F. Lee.-J..k. Boa. John Young„Thomaa Colemati, henry Gnistwile, Adam, Pell/dun., Lewis ‘Villet, IT. lirenetnan„ John. Rile; .1. Bryon, John F. Leo, t;..W. Bull , Chtlrlee' W. Rudolph Martin., • Applicalton for Tavehi License. NOTICE is hereby giveh that I intend td apply at the ensuing tam of the Court of UmiPoun Plena of Cuniherland County, for a Lieehse to beep an Inn or public: house in the stand id presuni. °coupled by 'Samuel &cari ous, in Sliver i rLigTownship in said county. .W. M. MEILEIL We the and eremed citizen's of she Town. ship of Silver Spring in the l enunty of Coin harland, do lierehy certify Wet- wo are well ampininted with the Jibove named Wm. M. !Riley, that he in of golnl repute far honesty and temperance, and in well provided with house room, and convenieneeS for the aecomodation of strangers apt) travellers, and that such nn Inn or Tuvcrn in necessary to accommodate the yublic and entertain strangers and Irav• ellcrs. f%tbonnal Fattro, George Conver, William Ferul, Frederick Myers, 'Levi Kapp, David Capp, Jacob Al umnia,,Saniael Zackarins; J. A. Doninp,.George: Brenizer, Isaac Orenizer. Juetib M Wax,' Fjpinuci Ilegg . Fleury Ilickernell. February 10, 1847. Application for Tavern License. Ivotichi is hereby given that I intend to 11 apply at the etrsuitig Lerma the Court of Common Pleas, &c. of Cumberland county, fir License to keep apublic house in the i - nd now occupied by Peter Weil,ley, in the borough of btirouult 'of Carlisle, being an old stand. HENRY dLASS. We the undersigned citizens 6 We§t Ward in Carl:sic in the county pf Cumberland, do certify Ow we are well reititainted with the shove named Henry Glass that lie is of good repute for honesty and tempera rice, and is well provided with houSe room, and conveniences tbr the aceommodation_oraliangers and hay oilers, ;and that such Inn fir Tavern is necessa; ry to accommodatO the public and. entertain strangers and travellers. John Moore, Joseph T. Word, Jacob Leilmy, dames Weise, A. G. Lechler, Jacob Wolf, 'ran. c:s Gibson, Conornd Lamison,l'eter Weil,ley, Edward Shower, Willlain hiker, Moses Bul ack. • Carlisle, Feb. 10 1846. Application for Tavern License. xi - trricE IS II EV Ell V t EN, that 1 intend I to apply to the Judges of the Court of Quar ter SC/Milani at the Pence, to he held at Carlisle rn April nest, to keep an ',mint. u the 'louse now occupied by me, in the East Ward in Carlisle, in thE county or Cumberland, uul thin a Tavern at such pMare is necessary to ))))) modate strangers and travellers. (STEPIIEZi .MILLER • We, the RI diseelbers, ei tizens of Cargsle; Cum berland antintv, do certify dint ,the l'avern appli eit.for_by Willi a m Moody i itfcessary ttiaecum mmlate the public. and entertain, strangers and tritivilers; and that the 'gad pet itioler tk nf good repute for benesty and temper ance. and is well pi twitted with hotivernorp tintl•tvalenlhneei for the accommodation of strangers and travellers.. That the lams as set forth ip lys partition are trne,and we believt. he Will keep a good and or- . •derly house.. George 111`Feel)., \Vtit:,Jkle:ltiailor,, Line, Esq., It. NleCarttiV., Jacob Iloffer. Jacob Zug, C. Ittliofr,:Thttliiek: fravitlbotti-John Under- Wend, Edward !rittor, IVin. • 'Jell, John Gillen, Wilitnm - Ilreezi., Saltine . ) 61'101, W. 11. Miller M. olcotnh, J. Bachman, ' Carlisle, F'eh, 10, 1817. Application for ['atom 'jeep:n. OTIcE hereby given that t intend to 44 apply ut the next term 01 the Cotirt of QueLler Seksions of Climbed Old xotility,,ler a License to keep a tavern or Ydt,lid litmie in the liming winch I pow ocetit4 se such ip the' towbahip of &Mitt Middletown Cbmtiarliind county• . ALLEN GOON: 'V O the undersigned citizens of dm township of South Middletown in the county of number. land, do certify ; that we .are. well .acquainted: with tiimalnive named Allan Cook that he is of good. ropnt9„lor ,aiiri;,tokoperance,iini: is well ,priwicio'ci *nth house room, add conven iences for . the acoomodation of strangers and yavolierS, and that such lifb dr i Tatern is nem oivarY to alifqrlid,l l ,oolile the •89 1 q 1 9:• 4 9d0e8ii9i , • t in stranjeiii brut trayOlera. • Wm, Moore, G. 1). Craighead, George Rahn John M.tioyd, Adam Wurckain, jabubßurk. holder,Chnrlei' ahadii , " T r Seari~titt; Lewis N. Kroider;Dik:l46 Thbatts F. - Grithoin, - Jacob Zug,. Benjaiiiiii - Ebersole, David Honsmon, T. B. %Weitkley. • . I sfarch 3 :847. Application tor Tavern censo;,,, wOTICE /4 1 hereby given thlt I ,intkilio: l'llll/Y at the - next term ,of the ••Court:ef_ Quarter'"Sessions of Catobiiilunii county for-a LiCenan to hoop a tavern or Public. House In -the house whictilirNWßlslivy inaisuch inithe , Township coPßicklueopitipinkria - ndi ,, conitr,ty:il • . . • .06 44PP,1131RNPQ: We the underdiuned citizens 4' Hieliinson township in , the county Cif CurribOrland - diVeer lily'thut vi,•eiareAvell appointed, with' the Jii 6d tinie hii .lit bd i WtAitaqorPtidiiiAtYditif yhtnvided with bowie air the luring anil'occemodation eg_sTi,tenkelril Tuidttravelleii Irliii)roisvern is neeeeisanftelaceemodabLilibliutiliViiniat enter tain strangette and ti Jacob Bodeen; 11 , 1o44kliew' Gallbr.aitli;Devid,; Keller, Abraham K u Matthew Lsnclaraa , : f lßO;c l l ° 94l l .fillitbi4 l, ll7l 9 A/P* B ( MN 711! 'r i ii i i i4 Pd1 41 1 12 0 1! 11 111911 O n* H'n 6n„oil s, aet er' , liter; ald 114,11 , 1 , 0 . 14. H rip I 91,thi'Ah V18111:1460/ , tt tnni , , )1 7 , 7, . 3r , 1 ,1 1.:,;•, 4.• GOESE I t 'and - Prpdlid,O r i 7 -9 r• ..iN:lliOtt . f '''''.*' .4..,,;.ph l l's N°' 44 1 / 4 ek10r, , , , 4„ 4.,...,,: . v , , . .. , . •.. , - • •,,,,,, a "--r - - ‘,.. . ' . .4ofiiiireziefeemmto!,;.,,,, ,co o i a dvan - -,. . ..,t,.,,....t;”;',..!-ii'::!.,..,'..-r,...;,.. I , i ' Itf 18,1174m.',';-;: WILLIAM MOUDY 'an. Ct'. ~. .diciriMpAl 1( t t , " • Li Tror Rent rcurg - inutriNurwc -- woo; 14 _I!PARi9j.-Cb#Cl'l,Vallh 4;Fr'' py,a,.d,i0 i .,,t0 Mrs. Ann Empry Merit' flan AW idr proadral,','l"'" occupied by Win.. Brat On. .Pcieseaiddif en the tat day of April next. For terms np. ply to ROB'T r)mony,or'Wiii. D. Seymour. 'i March 17, 1847. roe- irreiti. ittiiv EWVI;LEIG HbCSH, on Pittiireet, in the , rear ut the M. E:Oirth; now' in the • 4caiip,alley'''be Env. Mr. Prettyinani : EnqUire o f the ttlitin• of thiii'perier. • Mitrch:l7, 1847. . Fu RENTT. WO teptivehient a- situated in Pleasaat. part of T • North -1-i!ptover street. Far, : further I inforowdipn enquire of the 1 . 411 MA: 9( this paper. - Pebriiiirry 17,1847. ' • • For t • • 14E cothiOrlllbir Apo 'story T LLI (111ousE; on .t.tati - xlevel ; 1110 V in - the °am pancenlignjur :Angus - tux A. It ix iier s y imitable for n tunsll fond-co,„ ly, Itns every neeess mange, 81111 %ill he rented Qll 1 , (1 oulei ate terms. •JACOB 511 BONI rehytiar, 17, 107. • •- Fon, RENT; TUE Shop Ronin and oppur!enaneep,, adjoin ing IVIr. I), Arnold's Siore,in Noril) [lrmo ver street. !Indic:o;oe possession given.. Apply to JOHN B. PARKER. Pet). 10, 1t.,17. ifij rpm: OFFICE ROOM in the rear o•r lGr Coiirl !louse, lately ly tteettpital hr Dr. Foster, will lie rented from the, Ist 014 of %pril twat. Fut particulars quire or GEORGE EGE 1 S4T. • _Poi' Rents • TFIE Owelling house on the Smith East corner of Pitt and Loather Streets, lie house is of brick twostory w:ti a two story back builuintr t also, , nur ur five molter tenant houses......l",,ssessu r n given on lie first ul April neat. e' r perm r pfnily to JACOB SEINER. Dee..l 11, 1 4'l) For Rent, • F , !, ,,N n l i,d i t h l e , it tl A ra N t i 1 1 . 1 1 A . lg j i . F 1 ell ..;_ ~ , E ll tinted in %V ... egt Lowlier Strept. Milk ' ~ Apply to 11l ,j,,,R; , , JOI IN 11. PARKER., Deeetn her 28, 184 G. ,tt,.llUctit ticincc: Ap,plicati on for Tavern I 'cense. voTicE is [array given that 1 intend-It • iV apply at the next term of the. Court of quarter Seisiorni of Cumberland county .ror—a Licentle to-keep n tavern or public house in _be house pow oecuilded by Andrew Roberts as such in the Borough of Carlisle !Cumberland .3ouuty. • - SA)I.UELIORRE e, We the. undetsioned citizens of the West Ward in the Borough of Ca:lisle in the .county of certifriliat we aro well ae• luainted with the . ubove_ named Samuel_ It.b.r ret that he is of goyd. repute?, fur ,lionpsty and temperance, and in well provided with house room, end conveniences for the.accomitiodat ion or strangers and travellers, and, that such Inn br Taveri .is neceiotery to a'cCommodate thu public and entertain strungenti and. travellers. Henry L. Illurkhnider, James Crever, Isaac Ringwalt, Henry Bornitz, Andrew Roberts, .tomes Davis. Joseph C. Thompson, George W Cart, M. McClellan, Jacob Leiby, J. Whistler, George, Beoern., March 3,1647. Aptilication ft r Tairein License. vroTinni%-hereby given, that.l intend to hp, .111 ply to the wig, aof the Con, t of Common Pl , as or tin t Noce, to he held itt- Carlisle. in Ailed next. to keep en Intl or Public, Ildwe in he House now occupied by bum as such iu he I.lurow 6 ll of ist'ew Cumberland. • LEWIS YOUNG We'ili," na2lersignett, citizens of the 11nrouth of New itnattlerland in the enuott of Cumber- It:41,4 1 0 geed fy that wu net. welt aceuttinted with , Abe above moved Lewis Young: that he is of pond - repute.for honesty not temperance, and s• nen• intokletrwillt house room, and conveniences for the iteeolutontinitini of strangers and travel felts, and that such Inn or Tavern is neceseary to on commutate the.itublie and entertain btranifers and trnyellet „ J. It. HonIC, John C. Petiole°, C. %I. Htlin: it ooh Brett. IlAlsky, John tllife„John Ynung. Yohn C..Ketterman, Henry ' Ceostwiet,Cliarles Oystler, John S 4 Ceist.- EIMIREJ _ . N "I ICE is hereby given that I intend to ap ply at the eiffating term or the Court,or Con, (non Pleas, or Cunitierlatio-County,f or a License to Ity,:p all Inn or inddia ‘ liouse in the blab(' now (terrified fiy in toWlislap‘ or South Mid- Aleteit. I'IIO . AIPSVg WEA KLEY We the undersign6ll, citizens - of the taw uship of Sbutit Icildttletott; in the ilottitt of Cumber. land, do , tertlf:y that wo ure well - summinted with FF.e uturfe.menell Thompson FL .%Veakley, t hat he is 0f,p1 . 14i fpr honesty. nod leather tome s and is well provided with house room , and coo_ vtioieoces for the tieennanoilation (Wei tutitgers and travellers, and that such limo. 'Cover t , is neeesss ary to aecomniodule the public :nod entertain etrongeriS tifatellnrii.'"i'• • •ff •.• '1 • - John Boyer, Thomas Bradley OhomasSibbet 4 411 1PFlmorlibMo,ndink'vlifisice144ncob iliatz,Jos. • ' Fieugv, Allen I. Cook, Win. AVurtl„lirtirs Durk zel, C. D. Cruigheml. Jesse Aqers, Jueof) S Vgtde'nnt. WlFFoenutn. Gen. IltOiltooyep , ' • Ninrelr Applicajiiiri'fotTriverti License: " glyvii,tlint, I intent!, t.a; 111 or Ilie'`Cotirl Ot"C6intimp; :piias'iif Pekee;lit he' ' • best; to keep an Public l llonselb the Gouge' ROW occupied by John Wilkens, in llo g esto ?vt , A ll y , entit/tikik 4 4;*oll l lNP' .01;; , . , 1)(1 tdE <;:411 i . • or 4itv c o r mi, tL . 11.1nyernLpytaytlitolbilliiiiet4itia-proposeil-tir be kept. do certllv, that Samuel White, the above applicant is el good repute for honesty Roil tem % .19',VPFopa, 1 10.tricArnr4R4O t vat oft 0.. cr p • ou . fpuve lOes iteolt•-.••••• - Intivorn*. ;4'4(411116 iViitjMuinodiiie` patina and entertain strangers ne traveller. • .1/aviA)roge)sopg,._,thh•m Young, llenry Vo- • - . gelsong;rohn Itarluchei., John Armstrong,Jas- NA' -t; kilpuer 'Geo. uty' Whi4n.`ll), "' 1, /li alb 43181 0-101-o*-oEthilailittShiP . . . liE ilatnership heretolbee'exiMingand tra gA_ (ling under ilitytimpor 11UNIEIC8s in the Grocery • bosinessi..has ti en' dissolied by • mutual consent. • /L. kaskiNea,,, 4lo ,i4to/AihiWP.,!Ot;' , ,A7 51 ' , - 1 15:0 11 % , Pl , lltForo rill.-1e . ..N:1k: ',IS fit ' 'yucliso , ••• ty - toirit vulf.9. ..,g04 1 4 23 ..F 490 .&14i iii l llo l4 '!" ' 11 :1111 40r ti f4 "411 ,, tiroi • Pa ' '440111' u • 4.04:4 r . 41 itve4t;) .6pit 1, 1 1 , r ~~~~I~rG.X ~ , .`rF,~~?`t~ ~ I I a 'II 1 i nc=ti f