Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 24, 1847, Image 1
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'."6lloii In!,i•• ~. :,11 ...• . • , ••• ... , , • • , ... ..,.. . ,/: • i - - - ==MN= 13 .. ...a P:. i : .: ~ 111•111 NEE VOIUME )( L•• dubs. .....• „, ': 61tJalipil'=ra , 26 , =Ice. - ocroit NIVKIIS luta namieiateil 'hie Dnephew, Nt KAI. 4. JACKSON , in his ()env; and tlonisposinitasg , - llrthis areanwentent,linetor NlYtlitS will he . enahletl to give his 1111111iVIIICil attention to the du tiesor,ll6,Prorestilon. .. Carlisle, September 30, 1846. —3rgn!i, Homeopathic ,Physician. OFFICE: Mairv.streot, in the liotrgo For morly occupied by. Dr. Fred,•Elrmnp. • April 9, 18.46. • . • - .lla®Othdfl ' 4l _virrt all operation utioii • th'e (eeth that are required for their 'prearr- LationAttohaa 'Scitling,7/jog, Plugging, or. vitt restore thd [dad thom, - hy inserting Ar• i debt' Teeth., froin a• stogie Tooth, to- a •Full sett. aofrtoe 1?,1‘t,/treelt,ll low dooraSouth o the ,Itaitroad .Hotel. ; . . N. t,opoja wtll he ahrtit, car tide'the la'at ten dss, in each itiolath.' • • June It • • CARSON C. IVIOORE. . • ''4ttoniey af,littwi• • (it - Fitt . en Main fhicct; ndjniriine the Ste of frviee,jr; and directly oppOsite fleetrm'a Iltitel. jan24 ATTORNEY AT LAW ) Pittsburg, Pa, tiA Murotal from LCarltslo, to the practice of his profession ii, Pittsburg, Allegheny county, Pit: ' Pelf. 4 HENRY EDGAR HERNE, . 4 ATTNINEV AT LAW. practice in the several Costs o I Cum heel:old uii.i the adjoining counties :11111 et 'cnd In all pritessiolitil linsiness entrusted to his .i..111•C with' fidelity. llllice in. loath '11111111;Vel. Graham's 'mew huililing , ,oliposite the Post Office. ' Catdisle, August y. • &DUNLAP ADAOR 3 Attorney at _Law, 1 , 1 , 1 CF, 11. :411111 limit - met. street , n few don`O l; 14111111 h, KM' July 16,1845. • • DENTI3TRY, ,860. • 4013.11 T W. ITEITDEL, • giII:SPECTFULLY intorrns the 'nubile, that IA knifing :opened an-olliee in South Hanover Street, oparly opposite the l'ost ()Moe, he is pre pared to practice DENTIS Fla In all its hrii mhos. Co id Teeth ore essential to health,hesides natural o'r artificial ones are Vint useful but ortotanientntonithiAl materially ti ennicnef ot_ the It noctrttot lie stated who can he atone to thy. teeth, sdiltee it to say h . 1 Hwy/it:feet man be.rg.nellieti, a nil neva Teeth furnished (rout one to au entirt.set. H, vtofi Intl eonside-• II:ahlt; practice .ntinther of years,gonil refer e,lctie will he glVen In such as rrtittirc tlielo,hut the heat riront la the' Operatinit,:n bleb will in alt 'astts lie neiloteteil in the moat careful manlier Awl'At priers to alit Itle'occasion OW the times. Persons waited on at their residences, either in town ori cruititry, without oxten chnl`gtt. lie may K w , gme 1041114 , 1 Hi his oilioeolii almve, nr.nt his sti'ect, onelitla north trlicudeo. - it, will - tienntptiv nttenth Me eeprooh z . nt . Natr.hrs and leWel et. o t his ogler in Smith I-Inn- Wm,: street. 'A Prstri Na , ttrittly caret'. h.l. Hr Attention null 'skint wan:Whin of his work, he hones to receive anti heedly soileits share of online patronsze. earl . ; Ste, April S. TURNER, Sr. IRVIN - • WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 2tl t illarket Sired, I'IIILIDELPIIti, ItapOrters awl Wholesale. Dealers N llrngn, :Sketi ieinee,Chernieole, Snraip.llrtml (,)betetvion I !Retro Menial 111LOnte flymesofre,Arimfow Gloss, Polif fa:Dile liii'eaTt'rrunierY , ; ki. tbie. ' • • ' • • .1114..ifflAte, Conntry'Aterulf ante, mid , l`hytocians sonntbelloVitli.tle , above ortifilee on- the most In ,e6 Aldo &ave. , Strict, mitt ifvuont attentimf to 94(Icr • gvevy.,,artielc, wokrontefl.„ 4 . ol , f i ffi itattk ; lanes A. tuner ; lately o Virgant4.. Of D. , ` triftelllliin, ent.3o. 84 y. ' • • MAI4SI on ON . HOVSE' HOTEL feo k y r . oti cl,i, vdi f y. (3.AmtitZgAE) 3)&0 • ilm,kt . k4,it'itiiiit by6en,.irilll'Atulk i .lig)tjuti ,Jiein.ta.lteut by,.the subscriber.: It 18,1)014,1y tirn,latio'd, !yid . Ititt i ,,tilemp . tltoVdttgldy rttpaiied. !I plp:Pgtti,ll itt'tlin2.6'arit, Itrakeepi, iravolforti :pp . d'uptitetit to Ciii isle% ' Aid' I rivi toil 'to 61 i L. ' Tfil J tll:l , ‘ m'nderitiii . 'am everydinning' paid, IN '010'0841SM:1 an d"Ohm:virile nc , , of iltoiti Who :igitioniitilitiiiriitieafillitiiilint: . '- • • • -.-., u:J.I ,- waf,iNtai i- »'l'. , v,•wiNittarr ;Il 16 4 11843.' , k: -.,•,.:-• : .•, , 7, „ el 41 , 234vai 1 50;!m ,, "I' R's fijBp~~it~on4YlKajiilbld "'tAf 81 ytiOtioli&ii6riti'43llllhiv 'ir hie bi brim** madt'l4' tiler; he hope, 7'l, by filiOeireriq'Tpiieetehilfy ' 411 lebtile' elierl3.4. Itu bli d .potron a i gt .ll.) , ..! • (wilially . in.the . ooslle.:equare; Immedlately.ln l Ilia,-rear of the Calif Li HOUS11; ,1-:41: 1,,,, o.oCarkelpiettlit 1..1 .•• / 1,, " . -7-F 0 . 3 0 • ~„, 00 -re 4 11 T 3, 1 1 ?4 t .# 1 . 1 4R 2, 1 — ITITMGIOTITP.ItTgIIttFALTdeiIr, .11 1 10 1 .1- 8 111%I ti thG4ntiF f i l ouf Opirro,..i, 'C"i;il Tit: * d' ' —__ th 4 Cat it-iirti 0 Jar, lie=e--07-r"'ir Brea - ih,r 6 . il my" .. 8 0 1 0 not* itraM n nil flth e I MW 47l CONOVrtcvkifintifyirefilens elk fr 'll , 4 ir „4,74l4,4 i ci,ll,,P,'lty_tirhixiltz_ , i ...,,,, it zro . ~ i - ~. 4 . . 8;1 , 4 4 1,10TV r . 4 1 e;11ck , „ II 6101 tcnrifyilu - 0 1- , c ,, ,, , A; ; ' t .',..'1 , ;:.;' ',; ' ;. .. .. , 1. , ~If ' '' ;''''.. : ; '-4t , -.'-' ' 4 % - ; - - ; - • , ; - - - ;:—.7 ',.%'--;',.- :•::::•,';:::,',)1- (4Orgillas.<<,t s.- 33rsle • PUBLISHED EVERYW.EbNESDAY. iri etc pu 1 .. f e s t, a n d e of lice p u bli Square;'6lici: 6 - 041.e:Vihirt4int6v rows , OF SUBSCRIPTION,' )ne Donne and Fifty Olden yo:0 to At:elk - els. ewo Dolitire; if paid within the year. • - )ne Dollar for - elk motolls. • These terms:will be rigidly n4:4'010. • RATES OF ADVERTISING, . . ' Advertleetneiitiolcitolin fliteen I lees Oleos. will be home:int the rate or echle foi One Insertion..-- 11170 omen for Dollur, anti iwollygiVe, (terns for. ' veryetilloviitent• Weenie:l. VentlY ellveilleere will lieelinrgedl t l folloWillg tuttie :• . . . 0nel:bloom, with Dui fur one lstir , . ' linifecOlumn, , dO.l • 'do: !'“ • • • ..• TWfi Square:4 with quarterlYeliongen, . to Doelviein Caillei With Me pnper, .108 PRINTANGJF. EVERY DESCRIPTION , 4tich an Dzitiabille...Bleeks, Cirrelnre even' loijolliielYiit.' - xnelliiieeoll'.. s tind the i r oyvust CBS. '225 'At4ciAarli44 - 4a4t6.. I'RINNn bearrr,-1 knoNV )•ott are fond or good pn'etiy! Wild you be kind enough to give the follow. Ing piece a place,in site columns of the Herold. It is an estrtct.from a ,peem called The " : Devil's Propeas.', _ Youth . 'Maria Mk itDiS. it,„;.' Et. r. TILE 1103ilEVIVIS PRANEit. 1=1:1 A Tielirew kheit In the dying right is eye true dim and cold ; The heirs on hie brow ware silver white, And his bloottwas thin and old•; lie lifted his book to his Intent sun, - • For IteTiliani That his pilgrimage was done i; And is be eit‘e thee su,an o ws there, ilk spirit.pothid heel(' mit in pro yer. " I come nolo Death's scrohd•binß, Ilenenth n stranger air. A pilgrim un a Mill .111 earth, A• nll my fathers Were ; • And men have, smarted tne With a tuna,- , -- I fool It is riot Tit IN a; Thy mere .like yen sun, Was made On mous them to shine Mid therefore dare I lift mine eye . Through that to Thee, before I die. In thin iteat tebtple !atilt by Thee, Whotre altute are divine,— " lionenthyon Imp, that renneleraly .. Lights up 'riffle ow if trnienfirine,--. Oh take-Inv Weed. narbilita Look tiown'trnd make thin and Ilnly ne that, where ' pug phut, The Hebrew met hit God. I have not en mina Ih - 6Mari Mani Nor dimmed the orphan's ye - there tint. stained the vii it's years) -Niir mocked the mourner'. cry; • The soon of Zion in mine ear., - ' Ito Ve ever been most sayer Arid alwaks When I felt The nenr,- 'My shoes were , ref my. feet. hitVe knnwn Thte In the will - wind; I have khow a Thee . idithe hill, I baveloVett thee In the voice of rir the rennin of the rill ; , I dreamed Thee in the Rh:llion% • • I saw Thee in the light, 1 heard Thee in the thunder-peal, - -And worshipped-in the -bight . • -- All beauty, while it spoke of Thee; Still made toy ROM rdOtre • And innepirit hawed-within - . - To hear Thy 'Still small yoke.' Ahave nal felt-myself n iliihq Tar from thy presence dri•en,— • tly paining •Vvordt nr waving wing; Shut not front Thee and Heaven ; Most I the whirl .1M reap, because • My lathery sowed the storm I 'Or sink, because ahother sinned, beneath Thy red right nrin hh : notch of ibis we dimly scan, kinl mulch is all it nkimiv n, ilut I wilt tint mkt , tpy citric from auks urn to Titer alone ! ; bid my Minting spilit live, • „Anil what is dark reveal, • Anti what is evil, eh l forgive, And.what is broken heal And cleanse my nature from nhnl'e In th&deep Jordan of Thy lore. I know not if the Christian's heavini Shall he the same no !nine-- I only ask to he forgiven, And token home In Think 1 wearron Direr thin strand, Whotto 11101810ns are nn tooth's , And long find the fittlietAnnii, Where Matti are many horne MI grant of rillynn starry thrones, Spine dim pnillistani stnr, Wherellidali )nst and scattered sons May dove TheeStronintar. :Where all earth's Ipyrind harps 'Will melt Li elmralPfalse nild prayer. !Shall Zititnt harp, nr laid so sweet, Ainhe he wanting thein 1 ! .! ,• l'et ninon hle ill thy lowest seali Tl.obgh 1, gs low, ha, theto I'We !Christian It 'lentil, the Chlislian's piety= lint let me,sde and lulu r Frain 001110 aim inanition in the sky, Tii bright ones and theirmelody..! • The San giro down wittratlden - glerun, ---- --- ~And, as a lively dream. And nllehtly on air, ' ho Onion of a dark-grad girl, pith -long and.raveit Aides In as guardian spirits Ohio, And In! in kneeling by hie shir4 As if -her sadden pregame there Were:sent in answer in his pryer. • (010 say 'they not that angels rrehd 'Around the good man'e dytng.hed7l His child-41s sweet, and sinless child! • And ne, ,he need on her, . lie kne w hie God wee reconciled,' ' ' :• , I And tine The nieesenler : • . 1 . , An emp ee,Crni hod Ming np Mull Thq promise-how before hie eye, A' "Eitrih'ir Hiest hope thus o'er him honer .1 •,To•pohn hilikeven , ward rank, Alid•lire'Cronet.holy feelint,etrung , 'ro eine him him ilchth'e ''. ' . ..Utnil on'hiel tienibleensminleen brenmq , • The 4ing,liaMqw.'songht, his feet., , , ..f " ,—- t,.•{ ,pitut6 drills 'Truitt the body ' dr tioti, - amt tight iile 'ifieklem*,/ ,ili +., .. '. '. ~'. ! :• t ,• ' -- - rillii , ,Cjaittiort - A - L.--;;Durieg the American 13.avellitien,fqjs.seid that an olliciii , ,stot habit.. ;tell: Jn his •thllitaryr costa:he, was passing. where a small company of soldiers Were. it I :werkirmik Mg. 'Mime ,rep a lie mks m all tedoet., Theincatirittindit t , of the; little ,sqn ad was .gi v- 4ngl taidetss.telhose;whb 4erts , Indic' him,. :relativit,toit Bitable' , timber whiith they ttittre' !endeavoring, Anittise k the' top tit the weiks:" The timber -went np'hartii and on:thlsac-i .. 1 icount,tlie-vainetof Ake liftle , grete-intiti -wits eftenulteard iii ilia - regular I , :Vocildratioailt Of gireaViitattaYillhere she goes P .. tleatielhit!",. The 'riffle ei becordloss Iteiesp eke ty of,' Mop pod.; biellorse_wheejlevriyinitet itte_ipittee"_see t ,_ log the tirribor,,itoinetitruns , scarcely move - 4 - diaritilio cols" riniliiioT,Wl:l3Tll — dril. nqt, take iteittikita P re'dder'itlittbtaalt 4 iTlibillitfer !iv, 'fieniiiit T6' fiEff 'ship iS i iBiiie ilailiAted'ititriuridl 1 A'Oei iitli*, iiiiti iill'ite r M.; tit" 'dr Jill ''dtiiWJT ii•'•sfiitl likitr .1 ;?.'rd"ii'dbitidiitli l vi',i'ilif tiiiilicit, iiiiikmlirliiii'lytilit",iiiiiiiiiid bili 1 04, - il.' ii,SB 1 -iot , LttifiYcitilhatilLAttOitiiiii latilia- titt' , llifiliMitgi - fiTitiiklcidiliseilti ,liViid'i 0 . .. iiir"'iliOit r igletici.ilEdidiViitet 1 1 / 2 1g cir op, ~ 'iit4 { tijd f i F ifihrbitilici V 0} iit's'oliii-diuc,ht its(l 'Ygntiti.6WrltYiii l Blellti" NO dAn"liiii"fiire r ; iniiiioi'"lVWli4 tiiit t ilinbili 'Walt r lllihrtiiBiltiiiitit 1 0601 ) Ittitiliiiiiikl'i ItiViiiith'irctilito in 'itWier, iiilitilf "MkeoiliiiiidiVoikiii i iiiitildf Hi gitT l ii; 9l4 40 — ,f4108.1=0fp ,, ."860:4,1h1:1 0 '44 waitsi“ki n peorKeli; c.,invlii YOr 'dbiiii iniiiii,Vili itpiial i r Viirsidiiiii'add ,r 'a Viiiii l'iiiiliddriieik . 'iii 'ti r adtbAttlilik 4 i', l l ,'ltViii el ' 6, N , ft:tilil l idi l l' n . t i lIJ,:i Iltill'il •It 1.. e.f.,31.111 , :11 . illi . • i 11 ''It/t . :lot 'di, . Ceriestriaiir Ills Chid lie" ilitia.,,i , '?iiiii It 'ilbeitilibi4i'49 it r tifitliiciiiesiWliti'll'iiiilipiiPifiiiiP*llliHß 4 iittlylicStilMiloli'boWlegiiitii? itlii4itiddiiii 'WpYititf itlifb)49Viiii f fiollibeiiiiiYk , '-'PtTtlyts.'.i'A ''L:". ; ;' ',.', ..'.'% - 4":' ,- ,f . ."' '• '7 '.-. '' i" ~ 'l' ,', :. , " - .tiPtultz:g3zl6 . umzemmax),,Aztaziae „ MaiMiliai=lllll=lllll ,14i the, year 11140, said, Captain Miller ) .1 was bound, a' fine stout ship. from . the port . ' the Philadelphia tolaVerpobl? . •The'ship had a valuable cargo4oli ' , board and shoat nineteen specie.: 1 r oves prevented • he r • business,,. ern giving much of My attention ihe. vessel while loading:and e(lniiipingthe'Voyhge... Wharf we wet about to sail; th.r chiefthate'inform; ed me that la had shipped.rwo foreigners.aa . seenieri,orre.anatiye (*Guernsey, and ,tius, other a Frenchman. I waspleased, howeV-: ever,..viith the appearance or the 'Crew . gem . and particularly thejoreigneis. They were.stout, able ,Ixklied men, and .attentive. to ,orders. ~• • The passage cpmenced auspiciously, but, y - great" 6brroVv, - 1 - geoir diSeave ted - a ulge iirtheir'conduct for the 'worse- They became insolent to the m'ates - , and' appeared to belrequen4 under the, influence, of ,li quor. Their intemperance Soen'became in-, tolerable, and it was evident that they had liquor on beard with them, and I. determin ed on searching m the forecastlmand depri ving them of it. An order to . thio effect vas giyemto the males, and they Were, directed to go about the execution mildly and firmly, taking no arms with them. It was not icithout • - Much anxiety that sent them forward to this duty. In a was moments a loud and angry' dispute was fel lo,wed bym sharp seeffle around the forecas ' de companion way. The steward, at my call, handed my loaded pistol from the cab in, and With them I hastened forward. The Frenchman had grabbed the seri - .)kll mate, who was a mere lad, by the throat,( thrown him across the heel of the bowsprit, and apparently determined to strarigle• him _to death. The chief mate was calling for as sistance from below, where he wan assailed by the Giiernsey man. I presented a pistol at the head of the Frenchman, and ordered him to release the secem; mate, which he instantly did. The cte ward then brought a nother:pair o . aitto with_whcka i_armed We second mate, directing hitri to remain on deck, and went below into the forecastle my self., I found that the chief mate had been slightly wounded by the knife-i-t -his antag whorhoweverctersTd- le resist Ji ‘ s made my appearance, and we immediately secured him in irons with his comrade. The Tseareli was now made, and a- quantity of li quor was found and,taken into tae cabin: I then expostulated with the others at some' length on their improper conduct, and ex= pressed the_ hope that I should have no rea son for further complaint dining the voyage. This remonstrance, I. thought had the effect, as they were contrite and promised amend ment. They were then dismissed, and. or der Was restored. .rThe next day the foreigners strongly so• lieued pardon, with the most solemnprotnis es orfoture good - cbt j diicti and as the rest of the crew joined-in their, regoest, I Ordered Off.- —For=sev , eml days, the duties of the ship were per formed to my entire - d i e red in the countenanees'r f the "foreign ers, expressions of deep rancorous animosity to the first mate, who was a prompt energet ic seaman, requiring at all times ready- obe• dience to his orders.. A week passed in this way, Nn one night, in the nitil-watelb all hands were call ed to shorten sail. The night was rk and rainy, but the sea was riot high,/ 4 and the ship was running ell at about nine knots.— The weather being very unpromising; the reefs.were taken out el the fore and main-top sails, the inizeit handed, and the fore and main top gallant yards sent down: This done one watch was permitted to go below, and I prepared to betake myself to my berth. 'di rectinkthat the mate to whom I wished to give sonic orders, shank{ bq sent to me. To my . utter astonishment and consternation, word was brought to me soon after, that he was no where to be fotind. 't hastened up on deck, ordered all hands up again, and questioned every man in the ship on the subject, but they, with one accord, said that 'limy had got seen him forward. ' Lantiiitis were then brought and every accessibte' part Cl the ship unarrilingly searched. I then, in' the hearing of the crew, deeltied my belief that he had Whitt overboard accidentally, a -gain Alespatched-the watch below; -- aiiii ie- - paired to the cabin' in a state of mental agita tion not to be described. I felt that under critical circumstances, my-main-support Juni fallen-from me. .. . . My fist step was to'imullt. depo.sitein my ?awe room all the arms on board, antedating. to sever al' muskets and fear pair of pistcils.— . The steward was, a faithful , nictitate man; who had sailed tvith me several voyages..-2--; To lam Icommuniettted my suspicions, au& directed' him to he - con.-..tantly on the alert, and Should any farther difficully . ateur,ln id- pair im mediately "to my , shite room antflum himself: I After, tiiiil, Ittaid.defrit in ,irpt..,bo. ordering than calved at 3 o'clock tor the, morning watch.. Only a few, minutes., had' duped . , wheiv I,,,heard three or lour knooks . eutter, the cgOltei , ptt i lle illip,, which ' is tlfitt'part ethic.i.dtorn immediately 'tinder the cabin wirclo,ivd,, .!p•lv i lew minutes they., we re distinctly repea te d , 'I arose, opened the Window, tind.balte,ll. The mate answer- W." 11 gate liiiit the f elf d of a'i'djitiliollaSkist him up; and never shall I larger .the Hood of . kratitude'livhiottitutp . labligliteirstiuti - lpouldd' forth to that lleing-whodtp t l restored hint to. tale uniejltrad.,),,i. ~ -;)1 ~..,', 1 , }7. ./..,_'! !--;klisistoxy:twasitopn Old: -timiatt gone ; top., ' IWard : pppraleing, ordesed 44 ,, Tr tme,pitfter the, l artUillg:PlitiLWAfilgehOod-)l4,ole'llY4tlloh , _ ed the foreetts(ie,„whep,has seized hy fie ;tWe'filtAgn,dia. - and' i thfetvit.si4t; thii,ha l w, Ve . )Waci,illemlitiitql rpan ant i• anah expert' swim ate r.."'ihidlotaht he Aund the end di la. - rope, - w-lt tO h , Whil''ab\ittliiiitallk: - thiii w n - , - rty 041 - bottiti7Otithillitiftaltrilirty - WhiliK*lterilitir --god into-thelleakWatoilitr-gddy l .that -is. a,14". .:tvayscibated landrir the sterta r :oLitalisitel j par.o liaularly if she is lull beat and deeply laded;; as ,was the atteelvkithltiiii.^fily a desperate, . ~e ffort he - datightone4l(the redder elhai4i, tFthicArWO;YPft I ( ‘' 4 l,i4iltilliClf i i 9mAitcPpon,r, thtf:stop,_er. tog.of Ihe,r, t tter,,.Where he nail , suffieteritPreseuWa hid i to, reit - 1064p Of dplll6.lloloff iorliffitivf °Vert '"fiti r titilii , hiac.o the signal fokttoltrt,,lt*V ~ • . l i t Olkililiii*ci , ? . 30 I . ,;vaiorho i t;iitr.)o„ , afkl i ir li 't ''! ',/ d idititVg,t dtilittid C . , i , ,iiiit• ,t3tir 1 h ul rildfdirrici' " flilie -?. ste ' d' .. liiri itiddh oly-hd!tibli'- Gip' si)i, hiVita IV Kip fel' he' reniaiii ' 144' ii/ itssage, , and'ltlflititvkiiikwere a tended' c,', 1 . .3 1 , t 9 . ' Nothiofrof . note. , ‘ooeurred .during, the: i ii tattinder4oGthoiropiget;:wAioht)Toriitdrati,6 ous;,:lt - seemeittliat,the , foreigncirihad,bn 3:ti :WOO ; tiOl'itittidnbillni*Okillit9l4 t 4lo , 1 A 1 1e1k , 0109Thq ,13 4440.14;; , , , ;:,.. of t? ' 'lP ° 44 l 4V l 7 3 #` l9 tigi;i trT l'4 ' '!. - bt 4 ?k? 1,1 , hit, o, ..of , , ,„ . o ,L, a, ' . 'h . ''r ,/ - 1 : 1 M 0 . , 1 1:-Iltollg':!KK , Itifft ;:. ..,,,:-„-.,,. ;pt. -.,, ',..., ic'.•,;,,,i,.-Tl , l4.°4iVs:, ..,.... r , '."-:;:,:'' ,-, - .. .! 1 :' ,,V, :'::..•:.':' , ';:':.-',.011`TA',,;:.;- , 4 , ;,,t;r:.4<f , , , :.0:%:'.•: . ;' , , ';','-'.; ._: lIIIIMMIIIMM iL _, VA 14 ic op?ritg,. by A. 4 '‘dt.bfiAl.i.' scion.its the7preper:Arx#ngOigin,ta•%vfire irlad,e ' we Onr)Tfleacc4 ; ',W,Tapipg49e phip into the driek and while erigageiriti 'li iig'iliperalion; :166'itiatii'VOP'eitted' inflliiidit!', 44 WentWorward) and attended 'to tdeittlut,*.tte , ,tisual.l. The warp drepped ,frrtßAl lt s pprl.e'd hands of the horror stricken sailorsi; lid t had it not beii'il takee toy' lip 'griiiiiiiSti ifienlen-brikal . ;l should Well:then Corti paild-tolhohon again 'atitl , precurti assistance trAtirittshore.7 Not a woritw,as - jutteaid t ,Liptitteoi/etchpe titagger die ,mainmast, W he r e ' they - iemathed hCtiifieil With hiiii6r,lll 9 . .ilii3! offider who nd bearrserit4ot, Itippeatil44l, to 'talreitheni. into, custody.. 'Thay tria !' a. measure ,b to e recalled to a serise,o'l eir,aic fill : pre 7 dicame,:lt ; arid tittered the'. ' tit piercing ex pressions 01 fainiiidatitin liti r ;despair. - 'They were ape triediratat, iipoii Ihestesti= many of 'the mate ; capindlY, oonyicteiLtaial executed._ . tw,llon MalOtit..B4 IMEI .L...3ll!!exted lorlpelfccajd 4.paposOor Thp„Bl4le, • Of all the boons which God , line bestewed , on this apostate and orphane,d erea:ion, we are tioulitrio say that the Bib le is the noblest arid most precious -We bring not into com parison' with' thia illustrious doriktion the demi sunlight, nor the rich sustenance which as poufed.loribSom-the store houses of. the earth, nor that exiAtence, itself which allows though dust, to soot line' the coMpanion , Ship With angels. The Bible IS the developement of man's immottality the guide which informs how he may moor MI triumphing horn a contract ed and temporary segue. mid grasp detain -s of unbeunded sPlernlor,'eterhity his life , time and infinity his home. It is the record which tells tis -that this re hellions section of God's unlimited empire is not excluded Stour our 'Maker's commis sions, but that the creatures wbo move upon 'its surface, though they have basely sepul chred iu sinfulness ant' corruption the mag nificence of their nature, ate yet so dear In their ruin to Mini who first formed them,that he bath bowed down the heavens in order to open their. graves. Oh, you-have only - to -think-what a-change would pass on the as pect et our-race, it the Bible were siddetily withdrawn, and all-rem embrauce of it swept away, and you arrive at some taint notion of .the worth of the voluine. • Take from chtistendom the 13ible, and you have taken the moral chart by which alone - its. population can. be Ignorant of , the nature of God, and only guessing at their own immort a lity, pip tens el thousands would be its mariners, tossed on a wide . real,, without a polar stimand without e-com pass: It were - to uniiille the earth with a' more than Egyptian darkness, it were to.dry up the foluitains of humtai 'happiness; it were to take thelitlei flaiu our waters, and leave them stagnant,ifo - ostars from our hear.. eps, And leaarf , eirtmr Bntk , litloths -and,the , verdure from our valleys, antrfeave them inn barrenness; it . were to make. the present all recklesafiess,and the lutore all hopelessness, the maniac's revelry, und then the fiend's imprisonment—if you- Aotild annihilate that previous volume whiell tells its 01 God and Christ, and unveils immoitality, it,strue,ts us. in duty : and woos us to glory. Such is the Bible. Prize ye it, and study it more and more. Prize it, as ye are im mortal beings—for it guides to the New Je rusalem. Prize it as ye tire intellectual be, lugs for it , taiveth understanding to the situ.; /winos. Til t. Gl.olll'6l' Gon..—The' fallowing frnm the l bermilit offehit Pau(Richter, is one cf the siiblimes,t conception *e have ever ready "God called tip fruM dreams a !nun into the' vestibule 01 heaysn,saying-4Comethnii .hither and see the glory of my house.' • And to the servants that stood around his throne he said—'Take din and undress him train his robes of flesh, cleanse his vision and put a new breath. info his nostrils; only touch nut with any change his human_ heart—the heart that weeps and trembles,' It was done and welt a mighty angel for his guido n the man stood ready, eor hit infinite Voyage, and finin the terraces of heaven; without sound or farewell, al:once tliey_whieled_away, tato . endless space. SOmetirliet withAtie.soleinn flight of an angel wing they fled front' Zhar,- alit of thickness, t h rough, ivildureets of death t h at divided tLe worlds , t rap, sometimes they swept 'overlronfiers, they *ere rpfick-t, ening finder the prophetic. inetiorts from God Then, .trom a distapce, that is .cotinted only.. ir / heavon, light dawned lor time througha sleepy fi lm; by tintitterable' pace the light swept'to then', they by unutterable pace to. •OM light; in 'a moment the rushing of pier.- - ett was.upon theroljin a mon:tent , the blaz ingl ofistips v ugrvgirthetr„ Then came eternities a AlO "...(I:lsl4evealed,' bet 'there not revealed.' 'Tot i rigfirland and to the 'l6ft toitit4ed 'mighty constellations; that by self:repetitions and-answers, front. afar, -that ,by„counter.pp,sitioris,,built up:triumphal gates whose arChitraves, whose. araliWays,nori '2Otitel;'itptight'L-48sidt4trii0'eL4iii'altittrde by spans.'—thtit seemed' ghostly Irchnlnflultude,' "I,Vithout measttre.,‘Vere ; the ,arehitraves, , past number ..were.-,thti..arclaways, 'Veyonti_ ninat.Y,:i t hPsgat. o , a r..Wh, ll ) l l lilta, .Bfat(a that , .V.., 05 11 ,lP i e f ,et,r114ies-,140CA fi'-atiovta was- -be." 1.64, below Was - abtive, Id ttib' iiiiiii.titrtuppil or gravitatiog ;body,.,depth- *as a Wallat4d 'LIP in height tasuriapantithl4, ,heigl4 yiras swal-. .hthi r ea thi'lti'•o°llllil l afalltdOiiplet. -tittedenly . tiethii`i they' iode', l lfiliii 'inflhite r ;lti'.infinite, 'oltlclenTyltei thud tfilik"filiettqfitertalikeiiitil, 'l , icf.rit,l7 - i-ipigl4-felly-igi'cise=tliataiksfeins.,, .4iiiiiit'llipitedthieftti4f'Vitiiltif re'Olg'bilitiWy,. %'-'•41 . 44 t ileiglife,"kitcl LtiVitli til'4lkil l s, l liere, editilligi'.*iiretrieging, 'kv.3.o,.;'llt,tifirYcl ." .. ,th I L i .- '" a Tie?.s t aililiglic4l.4ii,d2tll6pficil r alitldde' 'l' Ira, lid,' 3t , elar. , :-Hiiortt§rliidlineid lidatTlittei , liififfirilf fititfaiii t ,'h'fialligqiiiaVigter ir Will Uo' riii,f4ether. 7 -'Pkii itiiii, ROC. Pktriartaiihheth k 'With thit;iitfittligr. I .' trVi flat'alide it pxoda," , , , Leijiiii'llift,clii rliti;ther&ithelhirri 'Allirti`rtiiol,oiii!bffililil iiiiite.;'-ldreiid;iPiptei 1N01.0101454 iNweefy iii , :wiroolidie l i4 -ititrgmat-i atilt t aiiiiiiltil tiitiitil tet 4iiiiil -Ytline k , illhfimliti' ilitillte'ttiilki :ilifit'tfieiti it"iiithei that eitiv' yet,iiit .heard.. pl.' '"'Fond' theftf , is t iiiiiilf P - thii tigg(ll . ,B.6lotiiitiliio. l dOinantled :. la lithifeatttleectifitgenlill tAnd i t.islithisl'llikfto"4 , l 'Vet(' 7 thatiltillelbulot . f? HOtyniifittito 4l ‘4o%ol'7',.. ;010 1 , 1 itptilfielthightitiPittletlilideitilf4ughapitha: 41tVgelr'thiv* - 4 U it? hWtiglatiOdbiltitttilit , ta tho :., ditiaVetifkii?hatiVetlepttaYltiOilatEathith4* l l4 ittit4ti32thtti..ittillgefteffidlethiAl t .?.if(L9kvilitt. i' thitikils'Atii'i*leiniq'Nwiki , tv.tibVitt - fiTti - ': 1 0)0 ~4- . Triikuirii,r,i ' ~ ' • .' , .''..4'i4l4raiili liti , . :. . I o i 500 , .*: Or niVr.fIVI .l.'ll;flT , t li ' / I ,IIW 1 . 64ia l t i ligifi: a I In i ATAYP I RM I M' 1 ; '' ',3 . 1 P . rey,thn it.4mtwillT.i:Aufl. iinli-, tolob t rowo ß 4,te,;.,,f.ifi,..YFAS P . " , y fami , . ,(0,110 to7py I a 4t_igust inferes4. ;t r Ofig,,, ,Ml/?e,A4figi9.ttt#l titil Tr P a ! t tq r •' , ";',. ua mo. , P.:I.)M", 111.)" ve ~.,.,iiftr,',7,i, j i ,`i; -,.. . 4::': IMIN ON federalisha abd Modern '.mott 110 A FEW LINKS OF SAUSAGE FOR SAW - YER ! • , E:stract iiiitMthii*d4bh self the Roil. E. D. ,CulVar,. of NOw deliyered_id.the_trpi— tee Statei Hope of Representatives ; ''43l)rli•• ary; , 1 . 847. • • - • • • s • .But, Mr: Chairman ; Frost Mainly - to have a little friendly discourse .with some of these modetn Lt. timorous about. " Otd Fegenitism." This is the ghest they shake at tis, when all othere fall to frighten: 'L propose to examine With . what grace thisdhargb comes from ikai 'side of Mel-louse, . , . .`, Xoe, wilt. recollect, sir, as Will all who hear me, with what nirriblentsa , of tongue several .gentlemen , on that side, when:all other higu-. _llle_lni_jailed AC m,.*heil they 'lelt the, issues _ were against them, that:their President etood Korth a convicted usurper, have sought as a last resort to charge us with.the sin of "Old Fetteralistn,"• the !' AntilVVar Party."— Ammer ethers, -str, ringing these Changes, stood forth the gentleman of Alabama (Mr: Payne) with his Usual quantum of democraL tic Minnie( and.tempest, branding us as "did federalists"-slapping Massachusetts -in the face of her imputeil ' heresies ; so also the _gentle:Mtn from Teennessee, (Mr. Stanton.) the semi‘oflicial organ of the Executive, fol lowed in nearly the same• wake, "The gen tleman from Indiana .(Mr. Kennedy) reite rated the change with great boldness, pro nonliving us di "Old Federal Party elongated."' 'And 'thee. sir, to show himself more courageous Littman who preceded him, the gentleman from the northwest district of Ohio, (Mr. Sawyer,) conies down upon us with his hantmer,talking about ;' torieS," "same old federal party," "same old Coons," &c. &c. Sir, I shall pay my. respects to that ee.ntleman and canvass his Democracy and his votes before lam done. Then, again, Mr. Chairmantilie learned gentleman from the Chilicothe - district, (Mr. Thurtnati,) you will recollect, at the 'fast session_ attempted the entire demolition of the Whig party le his "Old Federal" epithets: Ile fancied he had annihilated his three colleagues (Gid dings, Delano and Tilden) for their anti ' Maii.D.Vatairewals,.. not by_ overturning, their positions,, gainsaying their facts, or an swering their arginnents, but by large quota tions from old " federal papers "and federal pulpits. It was thought certaialy that such a .speech, and Beall arguments would avail; that it •vonld'recidern Ohio, tfavcr New York, and blow up the Whig, 'party. , ' It was the, "hie Bunromik speedlo calehated for cir' ciliation ; Was sent largely into Ohio: liber• ally subscribetlfor'by my Democratic col leagues, and sent iirto did river Counties of New York. But strange to tell, sir: Ohio heeded - not-the- "'Democratic" tnoat.ingi; she sends eleven. Whigs and a hag in place. of eight. to the next.traigre:tm, and even'tpe Chilicothe district is in he represented by a ' , Federal Whig;" and the river comities of -New York, (God ho praised) will present itr the thirtieth Congress art almost unbroken Whig phalanx. *So we wonld say to ' the Chilicothe.gentleatail, " a few more such, if yea please." ' . . Bet. I*. Chairman, one incident con nected. with these extracts, was h th amu sing and instructive. They are nearly every owe of them from the '" old federal papers' of two States: Pennsylvania and Massachu setts, front which we were lett• to infer, that PM - gentlemen [Mild the Chilieothe diStrict had been cloistered with two " old Federal ists," now or lately in Mr. Polk's Cabinet, M. •Buchahati end Mr. - Bancroft. . These : gentlemen from their early precillectfthis had probably provided themselves with copious files of '. federal papers tj • But, sir, it is to be - regretted that Mr, Bitehanati oroutdd (by mistake I hope) to furnish the gentlemen with ono more extract' that is Isom a certain " federal'' oration, delivered ili -Lancaster, Peinisylvania, soon after the. war, by one. James Buchanan ! in which the war, James Madison. and the Democratic paity• art; very rod:sily handled. But I will allude to his quotation when I dome to canvass " Demos , 1. shoilltl mention, _also, itt passing, that among, others, my Denide - intie colleague from the Delaware. , disirlat;New :York„,(Mt, Cronlou) .has joined .iii t!its cry, charging that. as in 1813, so there is now a party 'fiehtiring lust the Country. . . flew, t en; we•are•cert tonic( .y_a_great and: powerltil , parly,,doitett,hy no ligament hat die cohesive power o ,.,rplpirder ; no corn: 'Mon sonde - lent, btit the threadbare Carrie df , "Demrierady o --.:a ,partyconduoting its entire operations on a system of tleningoguctsm, elf pealing to old issues; old names; drawing the eye oil kern the true. points, branding thOr at,iversaries as,as,"old federallSls," and plum log themselves on ,their " Democracy"- , - Challenge One of them to sidnd tip and de. , fend his Subtreasury, "oh, yea are •tui old FederalistV-, -Call on -him tp vintlidate his tariff. " Oh, you are an old lilue - iight !"..' Press him to stand'u'p and 'defend the user,. '',idiranii': of :his PieSiden i t::" Oli;:you are thh Old anti-war partyl" • " Yqui father wore the blaCk,COOkatle 1 . 3 ? .;ellienro the disciples of Jet:rented, the tree linthohiney !" ''' Yoti the iild' Fifddt aliste-iffl' Federalists !" ''' • '• 1 r Thuile are-the ohtutges rung by these emu.; .kers;of. modern Perpourtlayptill their chatkel jug Intuelutmed 'OM ,fflagine, 04 thrown the ,hlusli Opal the partiet. It la Vintising, Mr. • Chaternaf4 2 to ' , See-With -What -tieCuraer',:_thn - tune has been .pildhed for these. Demoeritiii musicians—R.Old-Feaeral,P "old Federal- - ism,"," itlue light," " Fedntal n j at ' rty,? f y34- , : Vial Prese," ." Fgdeiar leaderA." AO.'theit: lcthef•DeMbertor," , " Delititratio 'parfy 7 ? i ' rP , Detnocratimmeastires,j?)",l)mrtocratitt;"Atk il -minletration,',c4hean ; ttruthootnieft,nquzylm4 1, i t ,g ,played:h9mllin h kilt* keygit 'bi)giiiitil I..W:ashinkpiii: dot it,("slZdjii"'lli!lhe,•:l6Whpe' l'inintiflcitf• midnilltiit-!...tookrirlbqtilOhib!-ocirn-', I ' r efl, :19 11 1 11114 `; - tent - weapons ‘ti, thr }cry we - are, asset oT'ig Oki Fedefaliertn?'.l ivi3lito , liertitidereitid ens tiug no roproaohlen:those- who Were Feder:' alistii;litonti;AvliateverOn those, dayei,there ireig,tuloo.7.c WRllPtlO:Pllo.Ptijlifffi — TOVlax pia tolt_rno tton , oom pi.dpn, • - I:1 :; kW], Jefferson iFedollll4 'itt f 4 4ht4slovember;.:lB46pGe4eol . , Jadsaint,nwrote,lollll,4 Ainnroe i 'advising,,the 111 4 ,0dt‘rilfsk i . t Alt 41:Pid„Fg4gOilo, ,, ,;' and t hus to destroy " trio Incm4lFofperVl-:4' For this advice, • piiiiiiffl'76lirion' WitaYtdeo pounced lqy the Albany qua, It 18 4,und sabitrA' gsl , Thdrims . .ttitrifilk ,4 Triti aia , • mitrlcai.thrit ithenCdisting`nistiedi partiqd ~ •.hayre iihftA d 4 1 ,49 illtv and the pprpper,at o , Q x those,dan,harlepnow more oi 4it li • p Offer,. and no". Man,',baCrati arraht dit,fruigogtre, Cr'. 3 Frlifb 1 14141 . 411 g IC bad'. &Mint,. eneliing.4 t 0 'cast'; duet in the air, and.,hAng s lheitrmints . ilo of AP'slay; will attempt to...drag up - these ex -13,19(.1P41,44304010PN.M414411114'k4iL11V11.4.4` • , • • ' . , with these obsolete epithets. But so it is, sir, gentlemen Prefer this mode of warfare, and I doges to meet them with their own weapons, I saitljust 'now, I meant to adopt the• Silver rule. "If 0,10 Federalism" were a sing. who is most contaminated in ill II baying !, Old Federalists" in otte!sparty taint it with' potitiellTeprosy, Where 'is Chu purity bf modern " Democracy?" You are infected from your head to'your tees. Answer me a few -tmestiOns on—this' score.. Wire. and Where are the ." Old Federaliste that have. eerie - to "yolir camp? What 'rewards and honors haVe yiiu not heaped .upen their head? What a prerniem have part paid? ' Sir, begin down, East look into the State. of Mame, and there you find Rhel Williams tin - old Federalist, now transfortned into a Modern " Demberatie Senator; elevated to the head of the partyhis sins all forgiven- Pasis overlo the State of New Hampshire, the PSWifferlaritt - el 'modern - Democracy," (and so it is, for, like SWisa troop, they work for those that pay. beiAt,'and whom you find'there t' Hari/ Hubbard,Mt old blue' light FetfpralisOm whose garments yet re- Mains the "smell of the' Herd fold Conven tion," now a derhocratie. Governor, Senator, Subtreasuter. Close by Ms side stands. Lct.i TVoodbory, " We . ' as indigo, in tamer days; now Senator, Secretary , 'of the Treasury*. Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States; all. by democratic appointments.— Where. tell me, whereihave. you buried the sins of these "old bhie lights" of New Hamp shire? With whet magic wand have w•tt changed their Federalism intb modern De: mociacy? Look to Connecticut. Who was Ralph 1. Ingersoll, tow. Mr. Polk's Minister to Russia 1 An old Federalist. So were Isaac Toucey and Tfilirruts T. Whittlesey ; now the oce is the democratic Gove:nor; the other the democratic nominee for the same office. Take the next Slate, Vermont What sprouts of " Ancient Federalism" do you find there, vegetating in modern Demo cracy ? Ex-Governor Martiprittentlen, the marl who refused to order out the militia when the country one t re enemy of the war; the reviler of Jeffers pt Ire lived and died a 'linden. " Demot ' while his competitor, Jonas Galusha, who headed his regiment, and took the 41d, and became Governor, was an ancient Demotitat, and died a 'staunch - Wino! commend these facts to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Chipman) who lamented his misfortune-al being " born in, the Federal State of Net , moot,'" arid' iris lamentations are folly recip rocated by the people of that State. I pass to Massachusetts, the old mother of States," aril the nursery of Statesmelt: To . .whose special charge is modern'Demheracy committed in that State? Why, sir, to one George Ban croft, an "anti-war Federalist of 1812," now rewarded for his Federalism, first, by apiece in Mr. folk's Cabinet; next, by an embassy to England. Nor was old Federalist - 6 his only passport to favor ;Ids moderit "Abo lition"- avowals may have 'contributed to the some end.. My' friend, from 'Ohio (Mr.. Giddings) is denounced, by, modern Demo. crats on this flo'or, as art " ineendiary," :t fanatic.?' a " madoirt ;" but, sir, where Can you find more of what Democracy cells " fanaticism," in any sentiment uttered here, than •is contained in. an address of George Bancroft, in 1934. to the electors of his Con gressional Aistricil Speaking of the effects of slavery, us conflicting with trecUcbor, he says: would not Interfere with the domes tic regulations of Ndw Orleans or Algers, but we may demand the INSTANT abolition of the slave trade in the' District of Columbia,' and should assist tree labor to recover its rights, in the capital of the country." There, sir, is " instant abolition'' for you. A pretty dangerous medicine, trrift, as de fined in democratic dictionaries, but very harmless and palatable when faker' from a democratic teaspoon. Next, sir,--Less into my own State, and f come to rh nig my eolltiague (Mr. Gordon) for treading upon the toes of his political friends-- Ihr his ris sailits upon " Old Federalists." Ile had better beWitre, sled he'll see ghosts and hob goblins at his bedside. Does my colleague knew' old Edward P: Livingston. ' late Wee renant4kivernor of the State and Senator from his district? Does lid know John A. Pren ths, long the Federal editor of the " Coopers town Federalist," but late a Democratic member of Congress? Does he know Hen ' a c oho P. Cushrrtan i - Pine, of Sr. Lawrence, Hormones Bleekori of Albany, and Million C. Bryant ; g . l . ,Now York all proMinent Federalists; buCtiow,:tir late, nigh Democratic ofilce-holders Does he know Aaron Vanderpool, who - lived in the Caine valley Of•the Hudson with himself, whose lungs, when inflated with " Old—f ed eralism," had the powers of a compound blowpipe; but rid* he can roar modern " Democracy" tip entkloivn that valley with a bellowing that would throw tiny horned animal of the Deimrishitli breed into the back ground? Suich, Mr: Chairrhatr; Old. Federalism"' transformed Nest-I'olk : patent : . Demoetiey. could dibe , witHrmy own 'State,•but •I' must 'forty. olier • tO , NOW, Jersey, and there', tun.' ageinst.a , ' , Wali of Old. FederaliSm: ' • This is exhibited an the , Garrett D. Null,'late' United &rites Senator; the iaweitiatinilan..riurdeirr De nier:AO; one , who briasterloivainsriod not 'foment; thilt.'e'lle; under , the' flag , et, as Maffei; Continued to -float:'-- Close •-hY sltte! sits his••polilibah twin Pifer D. tV);b001;'litd; deinacratiol3of,, 'ornor;and•reiiently. the candidato for United-, States' Stainitor...•l hose. old 'Federalists 'now firsf.m inn ituil e* 'ld 'the :Denio4atiO'COnstbllntiom..- Bin I teaife' tlie. 'New'Jeoreyttwinsivith—the. , ,Siaini3sti •frtim : New! HOnl piritire,•Attpaii,ov •tu: the. Dutch:, 'Derneeraby•oh'Pentisylvannir —Here i'mUtit tread I ightlyli bectitme!'altimelnne!Who sits, near. eteiSenatdr •.• Wil.. tit: rgecret 'l'' , 4 :I'l .Minister; , . to 0 ussia - :m''.. rr , 'did • :Fedaraiii64 7 1111ohitia: filish - ilabOther'-,trprig.l!=lato'Stnithse, Itiatilageliitittndat Mill/ail/Bunltlll ,, Who,siri . Sir Lucius O'Tr4ger iamseff could•ltaver is 1110 ,, rehoatn ecP modern I Dem'ciettit that- ad.: Itilttirdi lid 'lthould 44 have , brida , WTorYliarlie : )14+e Plit( 46l 4 0 fi c iga 11 etandard'illicn the im livetla the tlays. of the Revoltiticznitt:LAll,. :Parlance ef:sl. weiltng:, 66_appeata_toLLbil tamed'oilier by OtliEira.,' Tln.'NeW, ' drlbaiis (Delta that saved him *as he was not borri in sage aon. - I am TOOTiritalisitt liitnan. to" ball his, tells of tidall= it ,reaenirhiltithitititil . Wtitteh•by riatne*?hare , f ,learing l,bhotitil,raille-.-the feel.' an. ItiehiNirtil'ill, frOtir'el'a'telitititentlbtnetts fags iof 'a gisattiatatt ;new) la 'at y eye : (Mr. c• who I an ; titlplib aat liS„i ' t'l qoratii iiiiiiiii iri I thi 1. Idgeraolli3(4l.iiiit laughter.)this% e,. r,a l 2'. .44 1 . 0 0.a1ti0r thleitotliei aY50 1 2. 7 '.. not , altiot, 014,,Foiloral ioeh ~ The peeoli4r pf. .triend:',..tyir: - . ---s'i's lel6ielse . coleriectirEtwlth ,A4r..t.llolltioilaelear,Bitcharlan,,:b'eafatury, o f ;tl,iii , realtuYeat?his•fithfithaylig.;,fileght*dt44 ; Saito; mwsotingiiil with Olit•Rederitusin:.4 • .eticif/i 'One iif ilni'falkii!!Lci .±:':, . 4 0 er ;11P119.1 1 1:. ~:' So late as,iBdB l ,-at is , allegodi that 1/0 ,1 )1/IWO li, 4)ogs a 9 ff,a'ni!P. l .lo • t ' aii ' c°44. - ot - his:Woderallhleed l ineisting:thOit hq t-t! hitt- -vare!Pgifiq 9 1 4 tiLeA,Tntnl'Ot tAikdOill°u''- is-AcoP, ef.Pemperfihelgclod tie :hie -VAIIIV/10 4 ,1#,,...m0gi,i5g1imptipi11,.. , .„ ... , 1 , , ii• z i i 7 4% tl; l a , :_ t : . auk. mouldrlapt thorn r attd - riit - :i(7040.11 7 ,-; OPYI+ Alt ) ) ' l , ,I.A9v(OFIYIVII JPII/f i F; )- . 4 7r -- r7i lie, claims; to be I ,the)BPagetgati et' • tielir( 1 I)Y4tretlllllTtrin.P t li l 't , i: ! ' kii a 4Vll ass ; atyledr. 4.'1 Demo c ratic 7 eAdJAOI4 I. 4O A I' 9! ini 4i . r r t 90144 Y P' 'f /iPmil; ; -' I L . -'' g' i '' A- 6 ahoWlpulticaltt FileletalLiuslipair , I ..f l in li sl ri i s t, e Asp' kci, l ll9 f "9 , „,, ,• - o ltillt,illfilyor, • iti-vvgrziabolaarlgs t alqua,tiiMtiOr tpalistyukil!, A.V:c;fasivALLl boil- .3,7,1 1 , 1 .,,".,"! : - ii * ._xitio,t , Lbania)fliPrt!)4l9lo,lkrilleugrAliPr , ' i,, floin raw:7kt !!il 3(e , t r Ai r'e t f l i: t iT nave ' LA, 11 ° 45 t°ri 01Q4itgigiclAttlitokl . .AtadlliA , ft,' ego 0 1 1..tul ', N,I. 0 t!4.,1 1 ,07;,„A 1 ,,, ~,E,1,110;40 t ,, :fPrtm?ltViPßgutfig. l9 4- 4'.:0. 0 1 , 414 1 1tteR ;11 4sll, 771 0 7FF!1i , uurfrermvitp) . o.,.. - .4141. 3 7. - : t it `,:::. ' O'litilko:' ,, li: l ; l4 4l):;Out,l'ii , l , '''. 4 ` to , " 'l .- . 1,1 1 1 0 ,1.71, ' hiiu ,iilliL);: . : , r:Crl‘ I v IJ+l , vp,,. "6 '5 - 44 - ti)(1. ' ' , ~,,i , ..,„1 , ,,i , ; ‘, g ,-....., 01 ,,: 4; ,,,. m ;:,„ ;10. ,,,, i ,;' 14, tim . ," tsz. , ~ ,- 1, : r . di , ‘,fri rr' rt i r 14" ,Si' '' ;', "'! ' ''l' . '; ' ( ,•••;', - , 4 :' • l'.'", , I,' .." s. :'''‘''' ' L i ... 4 ' '' ,'' ",,. , 4 ' ' : IL Sl,"';',!' ''' ' 1 : 1 1 - . 4 ' . ';': ,t4 rl '.:,•,:. '',', re Main _ MMU arty, he here denounces the war,' revile* Madison forplunging its rota it, reproaches him for triiimbeeilityrabd for his flight from the capital when invadecl,'hild sturs' the De: rnocratic party kir their Meesures. • There, Mr.. Chairmen, is S" Old Federal , isM2'simmered thrwU. That was the senti• ment cheriglied 'tow:MIS '.luineis :Vlnilis4n3ho War, the then Democratic party. Virginians may see the 'estimate hi which their Presis' dent was 114 by the Treseni - Secretary of State: • leave him and his fliertils s itl digest old reminiscences, arid r pass :over to little Dela Ware: There . I find Lonis McLane, late her brightest Dernobratie Star, bill once ob; tented behinctilie clou' of " ONI - FerleraP ism." . General Jackson'inade'bitn his M eer of Finance. Mr. Polk - sent him aS envoy extraordinary to the'court of St. clamed and,. "Old Federalist" its he was, he did for us What Mr. Polk could not—have-done -alonei saved us from' a warw ith great Britain. Coming to the State of Marylandfind Grayson, and -Carroll, and Thoirins; a Fed eral school, changed into prominent Demo cratic nortiinees and governors: Higher up than all these, I find there is one ROGER B. tiNEY, once a high toned federalist. said le -have knothm something of the great Balti more mob and ,the Hanson, faction, but more recently a Demociitt.! General Jack son's A. ttoril'ey Genertl then his Secretary , of Slate, eh(' now Chief Justice 'of the United Slates. Sir, I Make this allusion to Joilgo Taney in ne Unkind feeling. I have the highest respect fir his integrity, past and present, his talents and his consistency. But I am trying Demodracy by its own rifles, curing it bo irs oWn prescriptions. but I l•eg pardon. 1 bed liked id have forgotten the; State of Michigan.• She boasts. or a modern Democrat, (Lewis Cass.) - who' is ,gaitt - to be cherishing 1 - .;,h aspit winos. But, right sorry am I to learn, that the disc of his wining. sun was partially obscured by "Old Federalism." I have the authority . from Niles' Jlegister, lume page 18.— There. sir. f find it staved expressly, that— '. His father was a very ardent tederalist, even for those days, (1800,) that he, (he liresent Gov. Cass,) " wasthe. preceptor of n grammar school in Wilteington. add always appeared With the black cockade' inti is hat!' - f commend_these choice relies-to Me two g,enilernen from Ohio, (Messrs. Sawyer and Therm:M.:s they will serve for ( a second edi-- tiori of their "Anti-Federal" speeches, when their favorite is nominated for the Presidency. Chairinan, time would fa,il•me tn - go through Virginia North Carolina, Scintli Carolina and Georgia. and complete my re= seliriThes after old, FeleraliSis,' now in the Democratic ranks. AR to the new State, Mississippi, Alabarna, Illinois. Florida and - TexaS, now se Clamorous for Modern Demo cracy, it is sufficient to say that, amid the striies and, conflicts of 1812, they had not cracked the eggshell of their Democracy; their p.olitient _pin-feathers. have come out long since tkat time, otherwise they would have furnished their federal quizita In the modern flock. I call on genticinien over the way to telt me if Old Federalism-was such a stain, such a curse upon the men affected by it, how stands Your party? Why did Gen. Jackson call one-third of his cabinet from Fedbral ranks*? 4. Why did Mr. Van. Buten do the same a Why.clid Mr. Polk. the quintessence of modern Democracy, place an old and un repenting Federalist, and another one third, in his Cabinet? Could he not find material for his first cabinet without drawing from those old ranks, thus offering a premium for " Federal pollution ?" . It Would seem that a man roust have been an "Old Feder alist" to qualify him to represent Mr,. Polk at the court of St. James. He has .choosen none other, having.. sent two 'federalists • in oncceSsion, Mr. McLane and Mr. Bancroft? How ,do von account •fer all, this " Federal" predilection? Do T heir softie, spunky De tnocrat whispering " they have C hanged, they have repented ?" deny it. Givevie the evidence of their repentance. Not a moth er's sotiel thein has ever repented. Tell me when?' and where James Buchanan, George Bancroft, Aaron Vande,rpoel, or 'Levi Wood bury, have ever hacked one iota from their former positions? 'Where is the evidence that they do not think James Madison, of the war. of ancient Derne9racy, now. as tftey did in 1812 1 If ; in yourchaste vocabulary, it is ' 'c . ya " Ohl Federalists" in the Party,.or-sevin to have been one. t ten. I charge ybu with being more‘diseased thitn Naaman. the leper; and tpstead of washina • as he did; seven . times in Jordan you ought to slip seventy fillies Seventy in Goose Creek, near this Capitol ; and right sure am 1,, if you did, no animal woUldilrink the Water below and hird. .EA laUghl I beg, Pardon, I only meant political poilittidm , Mr. Chairman, these remarks may Seebli batiih and uneour teens ; they wont d bd sb, were I tilt talking to gemonrats in their bwri dialect: With addh lii‘firmitntavaiiiits o r muasse the' tom e/1r 'al ' . . Th ey Mpst, betitire'd. :by' fheir ' own nid ieiiP: is. . , hlin, sir, if,l,,liavesbownlybo were and whd ate,„" Id Ftideridists," awl What party ric 6l lligs.i PIA ,le,its: boom, 1 Will Idave ibis part Or be SUbjegfrif the co. PS's usider.ittlon of inffriendS. over the 'wey . ,,,and O o n. , . , .. Win WkLI:.- 1 -They only ate happy) who livd well—who have taken the 4ftlione, of in spiration as thoieguido l and,' are beckoned - oil by - thel.handsif yod - m,isli to to did happri Live well.- Let no; hope, of 'gain tarnish your .honor • no, praise , blind :yourdiyeit _Tltimaniwho.ipurshes_tt,eortect cotirsd—is firm in bis.intligrity—ra ra being that' all respdct and inak .updrt w,ithileittrerence - and znaY.ll,6 ernitted—. :Ilio•-talenidtt-maylitt-fullowed-and:OpOretl •lititilpirOsited,.btit dla nuin.,ol j rea . l Atrtue; . is true Allectionl..t Jle trai.,apt„ex ' tter.theo_rowcli pr d raw, rn. influence that , *ill be, felt .titylong*.Gbil Ina ERE