I na4Va-4thitallasin Later_ tromiliexim. A slip from the office or 'the No Iv,. Picayune, contains athices kora : Tar thel3th ult. ' The Tampico Suntiur date contains an extract from a p a p city of Mexico of the 2d ult. givirigi ,details of the capture ortlie seventy Arntfi - cans by General Minon. , A letter sit the Alexican papers dared San Luis, January 27th, announces the arrival of the prisoners, and rebukes • the rejoicings which are on. The affair is cAlloil bloodless- victory: --•General l• iVliman4rtorcer i was 2000 strokig, • The/urge letter xleciareS that the A mencknst wtre sfArprised.earlyfin the morning , at` TB Se si~tittel'"saes tl at many FOmo~s wcireAldioat with regagi to : the movethents; of the, IVlexicans, and it, was supposed Witli some truth. that Santa Anna -had 'Moved' to-' yards Moatereyi 'and it is possible that den. 2 41 11 . 0 4. , was in_ command of 'the rid vaned' guard:. • He la lane experienood eaviilry oflideri add accompanied •Santa Saba aajes•iiiimv fmm • The ,capture :alluded to 'May' reuse the arooping:spints , ol•tliellexiettr.o The. , liet,Of. seventy Ameficanels'pabliShek'' cOstus M. Clay is•rimangsttllerti. Th ere ;lid ip;alf two, Majors, three ,Ca in•A; eh el . IOW!. 'tenant, throA.Sergeatilk emit - skty The Louisiana: l'olutiteerg-Pwreekiiikrbff. ticiiardrlho, Ondiaka are all '..salo,Witlikliel‘x 'Oeptipit.pf:,six, libtSey la Vs' constrained to leavebehind. l'ilsio-acifitliiThaik between. the' , voluntecirs - arfit"fite Mexicans; and'. they --reached' Viiirtriledmiti r safety on the 9tir, imgetteral-Voilihaelttilbrii Much exbiusted by the forced march; S'eL von were abaa doned a: few m ' The first encampment, being,: unable: te - Mareti: and it was ft,und. impohsible to carry theni thouglithe sand on litters. ~One subserponti Irevertook the main body,' and the-reiniiii4 der piobably tell into .the ettel my. LATE FROM SANTA FE It is stated in a letter dated San Luis,' 27th , tilt. that a large Mexican (owe marched from ; that place'for Tanga° do la-Vora (the lilac° wbero Gen. Milton made capture;) conJ.l sisting of three bodies Alb fahtry , , a brigade cavalry and loot. artillery, with Itmatidirrne cos of heavy ordinance. Also, that in two days anoMor division would' march, and'. shortly aftetwards the balance of the. force would leave San Luis. From this it would appear that a blow is to be struck itj, the direction of Sakti°. The address of Santa Anna, whiv't has been pu u fished, favors this idea. llieopirrions of our ratters are various however, ionie favorkg the idea that this display of troops Oil .the other side is but to mash the real.destination -which they believe to be the city' of Vera Cruz. It has been dim , ' time since any authen tic intelligence. has been received Ircim N:ew .Mexico, or the Northern division of the army: - Letters to the, 15th of Dtcember from SantaYe have been Meently received, which contains some late. advices, and show the condition. of things in that country at.that time ItAvoukl appear livin the following extrabt that Capt. Cooke.com mended the Ameticabs in the 'action at El Passe del Norte:. The Mexicans account pUblished skid there were 400 Atneribuits in the action; which' took place on the, 25tb.Decemlier,. and that on the 27th,. 600 cavalry and 900 infantry took pos session of the. place. The addition to the American force_ was ptobably the detach ment of Missourians 'under Col Mitchell, spoken in the letter, and Col. Doniphan's command, Who, it is mentioned on lie 15th of December was on his march towards Chihuahua. . Later from the Army. The schooner Cora arrived at New Orleans on the 27th from Brazos, bringing dates to thq,l9th ult. The intelligence before receiv ed, of an expected attack upon Saltillo is confirmed. All of Gem 4 . utler's nut-posts hachbeen driven in, and the assault. if made at all, was anticipated timing the hest tow' days of February. Gan. Taylor's command at Saltillo would exceed 6000. Many be lieved that when - the Mexicans found hiM in such force, the idea of an attack would be abandoned. Many others, however, were still* the opinion that Santa Anna meditated no se'fious blow ip that quarter, and that alit movement - was but a feint to cover his .tle -sign of niovilig with the main - body, of his forces to Vera Cruz. Rumors had reached 'New Orleans that a general engagement had already taken place but the Picayune attaches no credit to them. Nuch apprehension - was felt at Mammoias ofen • attack by-Gen? - -Urreri, who is under stood to be this Side of the mountains with 4000' men; one-hall of whom are q6l to ,be sUrpassed by any in the Nieitiaii serviog; the remainder' is edinpoged Itan'eberoir. Colonel Drake is in commaa at Matarn - ei r rag. animas provided inu:skeik - and'anikriii-, nitiotnor\he citittens`in 'Ca - Se' of an allack. 7 -- He had also sent to'"Poird'liael for ,suCeral pieces of 'ordnance: '" ' • . ,The trodps were dtritidkitig at the. nronfh efthe'hilier at; faSt aii"p - eiSSibid. l . : 1 ott sailed on `Wcirth: , UMuld' not eittbirlf utltd al!' y tljo op ;s 7, "' The k'encrai l s4pihretVsl,l , Vii9ibitt tVe'iirMy *Sold tint irfavii.fit4 tul Do 6W beii.lll 6/ va r eb ! 1..4 • ,:•• r • . ;. 1. ri ,fj l'.,111;ot ta Fe. A Bane nf Britikr---Dte l ignicHtiftii • • Aupther 'Prbpaby • this St. tows ise'peie u§.o49io§; 01,111e , ,patile neer:&l.l'ageos;be, tween the .114 isstturiar.e. and.ittly fteklo . U , t,s i 't li a Vonfirin . the t'Ocilie.(7V . io,, Thep Itcc°9t-, .,,i .• : • ~iAelit otlitif.e. 4 1, rece - u.-n! 0 4 h y i vfty , pr . preNcA l .... .. ~ ~ , IlY' vrioTh i'l a ' - "': 'l' ,ef, teen- !The Atner- : 4i - ' Gft°l4ll l 4tiferier"Virefg,l. 4011116 1 ci t ,. ici"'S.4.lhl!"tit.7l x-eitii'.4o (61P;;001 *l'"*4lllh PiViA-12f#,„(. 1 p 1 , t •e ( 6 i ;Will' in . . 01 IT d ' ay: ..'J-?:: .0-7 ,--- tr , l- 7 f6t ..i4On,'Pir!sit,Vr Dix,-,,A1984,..01r I '' oo2 #ltA , i4 tiww: 0 6 401 1 a, IA" , i004*5 ••• th a l ,„..icileqiaiioei' t i), FT`f 'or: i2`o,64,,iefetittriliegitg4F7ol'lertg,i4 ,4;imAi,til....;,(l7l.i?iii t;'‘;.li'#°94' I . . o of !Writ '"'":24d.'VOlt'OlOO-rl4 ,ftwsmy.,,eilinicht'of tic ~, ;.,u ti .., tiitrur-- 4 01011 F '-'' "i o V 4 ilel ir P m 1 13 . " ' s e:ll'4 4 156 4 4W " i ' ' tla 101—.4+, ,_ r" . .. , 04 of ~ -r .r •.1 ith then' Irm 'itiesiOstl- .°1,F,7 i iNi - 00,- . . . vtiitiAtiol,'4l'l,`,M'i4FT:i"Aii4. 14 1 L" t,,ti V, 'J444:161,11 dr u . a ll. p ',.,• . ' 4 1 1 1; i m a 44 , t t„, s "'i t it o i: rrice 849,, , ,. - i Battalion, 25 'miles ' l d CAA. Wineck a ...7.7 ? - . . . this iiiet se t*?l , 4l.... .. 1 519(The titilliwis' *into! sob/dance: of la•letter kttottiab Doetilibittak 1102 lia 1 tio'Y 13111 - 10 Eflieelti rokatileoHtlaeMietstllbeilitnekdyold • confronidiand•is going on w a i take .1105E4 Fuse.• He fottberetatee.that e 'enemy Ati• * 4lt6 B l l **Sitemllis; 4o ,. 1 ,1 ,theth'a..firll4Win iisiiela*tiliWgera 0 1 0 , 01 t u 39 Oft -4 ~ 104 - ,ilco,lll op Aft MigiVlCtia'erfft . cared dues fires Wen the Venn'swnitc. l #4 1 w ll4 ° toe °Plead .114mitit40143, telling with , ,1. , MiO / MS i ki#, - ; ft n i i i i r : l 0 i 1.,1 (4 FS, ".! ' , hiii`" I e iyOsiit l ittli 7 . rtlie third. fioN ; '-ra ' tOttiidi 'id ; ',' .: 7 grid iti kis. . . 1.- ifsll osilia of the eneni3T, ,--,,,. ,0111.948offet0'efpOWilitt UM Eieliefeat asides 11011011 , 1ifeadf ttieMakicalublobb F•vir4llldiltt IttOtieffitt ieutheilltioqi. aialtesiA 'llllCoaeleeir - olteOtatoo -hig.ll , --The • i - ,Iggeo ll klialad i holl*P tolo "k ab k s piliortiiirwl,ii,trpiintiteei,to, prepahrfo* limi dieelemy icier dlibcovide(l , --"•-• Our Reduced TerUm! The Refold and Expositor brnow'otTeretltosubacy hers at ONE DOLLAR ANILVIFTY OENTRirliti - but only when paid IN ADVANCE. - Twit dollars not paid Indy/ince. We beg our riends teramombe that wl nt p e mean by_paying.hladvance Itamslps he {fine df . at of it nevi' year. We hope to finti. none aeon or ungenerous eunuch to nek fur it nt the reduced terms, after they have le4heir subscriptions run several months over ihn AtinientftetritrinrVctrraal lj =aa - NglAt r iiiii i r t N i ' P 3 l 4:ol 7 l . ll l htigrgSM 2 , llK Pal si/T Eva Yr rife ' rritailtiliStliin giWeitt€lll , 4lthl , thaw moat ncatnesl itituk akt prillfsAj Mum nnw.lllo..l.llltiona le l l tlp i vitmilipl ) p u r Mill tallest nlly' Or n o . • I ' • Fete' ge m Ignire rb 40. ;. 1 „ -,!, "1 0 ..\l q i i r inlol ; ,9 P.) r‘ I. gr.Vr»,lo9, 1 49 I i .Stalea t, Stewart intil , inblailo,..ofithe'Houeeyeldr GtihJ 141444441i1PdtiPdelVA. ) " 4 ' 11 " "") In 11:1,.;er- . .,1+ • k ,1,14 . -41 I ,? ;11.?y,ce NM. e, RIP'? a. x,RI, 4 41 9; ble,f of; 9,4r:4;419 I.egjelatere,,,ter.Arlireral , ,fen ~.1 ' , II! • „ ,we ;invite, the • latteilt' lief , ocr res , tl . 7t” se e'rar ,enrioti, °„ti be , ~ •; L}t2ivtml 7 , I ' ;19:fq,Nc.Kii e s,W1 1 14eetlirT4!; 1- : iiiated ,by„the,Gov,ornory for, the. judicial , dio I Het df , Chostet lord nelowalq. ' 4 V ! EN'....3100 ES IIRV•IN ..IVer . ;:h'aVe the' Pleasnie ap . aiinettitleing to Oar . l;atrcais that the I . lth4,,Sttte whivh con vgned at IlaiTif.hurg .yesterikay, for the purpose or - nomiaatitat, , a-Covernor; resulted' is fa% or 1.1 Get]. JAMES . IRVIN w received on lirtitbaliot a ri1aj,601.i,01"50: (itr : ! jp Compliance.. wit h..the., , wishe,,,i o! . some, of his. friends, Rev, H. AURINJ) will.de. liver a Lecture on Palestine, in the Lutheran church on Tlitirsday, (to-morrotv)• evening: lle will use his ,very appropriate and splen did draWings to illustrate his remarks. At the satrie lime, he will exhibit his so perior drawin . gs of Jerusalem and its amigo'• ties foK the 'gratification of those who. could ' not attend last evening, on:_accounf of the rain. Tittkets,lei cents. • •fihe "Sprilig • WOOD& We. Would re 117 tnir friend 'of 'the sip., proaching elcettonS .for -Judges, laspectors, Assessors, &c; !It is important that they at. tentl-to.these matterk,..rni as . to ilisare them' fair play at' the General' election :in, October. The Lucas Must, not he suffered to, steal march upon us la advance by .haVing this matter all their own way. We know what they Till ild it they can ; cam: imign, which the present - is likely to be, and the .Whigs must not .he ctinght napping., We Fee by some recent leaers which nre gomg the rounds of distant papers, that some brainless fool or feels, aro. still ioklul. ging their miserable tonilnesss for hoaxing, by writing letters from Carlisle, detailing ac counts of fires, casunlities, affrays, or. Borne thing of the kind, in which there is not a particle of.truth. (lave these fellows r.eith er any self:respect, or reSpect for the °ham' ter of our town, that they thus endeavor to give it so unenviable a reputatio.n abroad? And it strikes us that some of our city edi tors must have a very inordinate desire. te set ve up . to their renders of the revol ting, the unnatural and the absurd, that they so greodily . Seize . upon these letters for mill licatiotr, 11 'e, respectfully 'suggest to them hereafter to wait fur' the local'papers to furnish them keounts of what is strange and 'interesting itruang,th6 'occur:chaos of W EEK LY Iskowrit -AmEare,tlc.--41Vedini•olie a copy bi‘liio:lVerekTy' Nprtly , I qc,1;10:114„iliglit 44ygg,, I pagefh, Rt!tito(l,;lial?tli 89rnelr,,at *2 per quinmil: ..Theinutiitief foWtiti c'ohthins`kkgf-al' a'rnisidd ifili f tr k r !"4,i°P . l o' f) 6l # l o ll 4,.P.tPfe o t prbAimnd,.apil„ adMinistr4tioh of Pvin , Polk,l TheyNottlyAm'e'rictity het'VeilraCep:kir94 ;I( high' ro4tatih: s ri l ,.t4, '"' • I 011-101.•-)111 att,. Pandwtell hail•maile timia.vorable.a,nimpiesl• Oibti,"thAtiihBVltligteot-I_,VripOk?±, w y,ip.A . j 3 i.r;e ! tj i ns h „ Fs rc! rOßr4Tpli,!* tt 4;41 1 1(MI/R9rt.O l tImilY4ig , F , A 4 Ltie aiNation,aipapleul %Oa %telly- .tiigivbbimpli 'tii6ntLl)\iiliiio'hWhirilicif jr Or • .• it ,o fl u . •• • 4:11, 11 Y,,Pe.,44)P9 ,•1•), ME Otre gokootiziptige L ottiselrett. highly ilavbr ‘ed,by!tta 'tteelbly Of' . the ''"'HOtti'i i1'0%0!1;Vt1 1 4,1w,44r atitk Oett•klPfltgO/P•tMot sit' is,,mithouttlottbk the most elegantliti. era4y journal the 'FiAtitri", , ,litid etiehltl;tiO re • ): / 1.1. MAXI C VS) e,, I 4PP) 4111* 4PRTifikl i gA4i l4l- . violent Wilhe,.the tip rightly'. :pontiitiallitiatOf ih '_Olthethittrt,' '?otOO'''Ci t re4t i t kottir-10, 1 lf:;iptY. ~;inggd'>l~iraclipri }9 iTP•Ohli c *ifffi r t4 We 0954 I,chfollhiatcti'..ttih*finonuterAitr the lib me' Jan toot this)! bototiglitt , TAB ..ek.44kk. 110 • ' (4 _L$l. uordiugh', wLio.o4,44#lly, c iv,goe4f,hif OtitistrteXiiillfityl, Odif!iirbifibitskiWt4o • + 1 11., , 1 o Aft4FlNßA4m..9t( ) giNf i leAkai hat, lnteoda49uenca ftlietplximatiokr , fiqtBol6linlii)ofolitteci Cataiith afar 44,00107Li0:k won tiolßi , Jll Inik;l243Aq—Atilvtli, • ..)( 2 .t...,1:11.1 . (01 Iay,'t!AANVI i'ildm4iil4wo.4o o 4 l l 6 o 3 i !: 6010 flik o* . 'MsagiOilitiliidlO t tiiitt ibrl447lVM,*l4lllliita Aqpptrlr fr'NO ' lllll a 4/#l , 11 1 (ktlitPIP L i t l ° A4lo4lloi,tfeitii4 pr,f . * l 4,PrPl i F'.% rOhY o o l KATOr*' 0 11 C;4 4 # Pl 4 nt) '.5011 ,411444 fa;g 4 gi , 'o4' to w s.; mot WA lnaritAll -,--,----- ,' - '' I. '' Ajoui itvii ~/4. `tr.it ~,.. ... ongress, a n , wad' ; 'il titenoGeneral clause was itt-, 14i. 4..,::.. 4 .tvihtlliouse, MFA — nd i _ .. a.' . wee moved to ardend •it i utt ~ . . g ihe following, the :ttie Kb . , , eing those used by Mt:4l,4k re, • ..-A . IM,, to ' Ken I c ... 00 , i th 3 e a blo t wg h i e v a e d m:lSY thi s ia aer),lme, s tlt w as e . his , "Trovtdecir hat, nothing in this act. shall ' be so constructed as to authorize the appoin lifiiinTiiiiirtiligifirenttiiiifigitinfiWgir alisairrao,okheyarmyi,of le Unites %a; does niiiir oiliasliertiVirore enfelfain ed aiiil — expiessafifi"Ololrowifig ct 3 ii'Oti=' 'That the incorporation of the le t Etat of the Rio del Norte into the Ameri Alrli n, JlMlttlialletritva!rluidth.ffenOrftlffireek" Ihending, as the said ineorgeraeon would Ap, a giirti s o the *hit,* ide t tiathienKtistWe ;IlleiroZttitliniih‘lo, L'Oafiulla and Tamau , iii Pas, .NvPilltl, hedie . acti et, diract..oggression i'll.l e igi ,lo l , ll 4ll 9 ".ff er kWtfflkool ,t e 1 411 i 'Stu a An' p d Aa t re, i -ponsi e, and ;also the followi „...bn'ttpiniNt'.' cf 'consider the maithiog blionidlie,,tvie-Gratidd%as being *un ffat 1 11) ale tifit4 certain ly i shbuld haw! ad %Habil 'against it if,,l,,bpd ile i n,u,miaittted..,oad *A ! thwrolipf l t :"ITiley,' life 'Prgaideut and' . lila 'EttiA•etliri 'al , Sfatti!.rifidilaothe4aPiffeicaT setves, and, m tale" ip, undtmatitutiOAulliip putt-! Ilitioitstyiiplaticlotilnely.,und, ,ptralictufiy. Thai. secret order.4to i ca.m . army I A RY.Y, i wnF9,lPi- L idu !blot, t h e Vie 'Y Wei e,retiou lew, 16,1' eylay antilattaelt ttlrrifederpl\itiWBe t iVith'Uillritrili6' had a treaty.of, a rutty i undo as ai m mil be r lot! I ,9 P l .l l ls l iliti a tir A ,W,RINIPPAIt#P9rt l'a Xl,' tigkoalo any onwer of ihe ormy,,,or navy who should ditrOci ditliatelle.than - ' iiiiiip6 l ,"ot iiws, d cities, under that °Om!' 91.1.. " ''• ',.. odi .Tlienfiret quoted. Words hielakorelidm Mr: Benton'P'srihatiti 'U'hciti'''iti ,rth i fteraftli,!i l ' - ',sf' To ait" 'WU% 'lti the SeUtt ; e' l i OAR Nlitri l ii Cir 184.11:and -which the Whigs !used so fteely, . upaulth e• sto m tr tinting, ,the .Ptaiirdeiitittl , eittg: vita" of !bat . ydaf. 'The 'Other n ridoitiiidniiittill' t`rputsuprequeittopoeltea.,, „ ; i ~ ~~~ =1 =DMIIIIIMIZII .Tie Doe raTtp, . )19 T9119)0ir.,.i5 . ,0,kg vnie,of vania.delegatien on the fitial paesage proviho - in the United Sfittes •lipftwe lite§eidatiVea • . . MiS.—JouN 11. Umweani.t.,. C.. -Parrrib, , J R. Ingersol l, Pollock, Ax. Ramsey. .lolin Rater, airst/rew Stetogrt,, John Strohm" DaviildWilinot, Jacob Yost-12. NAVS:--JAMI'S ;BLACK. Ric ) .iiml Brciad bead ! I Jacob litclaian. !Irmo . / Dr.. Rimer, William S. Garvin, Charles.J. Ingersoll; Mo ws McClean, Janice iChompwn-8., The Whigs are:M4tatio i the local - Deed in roman. - • -•• Mr. , . ulll iske,keti That Ale l e pco Focal have again nom-need' Franc is.• 11: 'Shenk •as' their candidate for .Uovertick" ted; . het richMtfedfo worst nern;.natien ever made by„ the -party.— Were thereno , other objection to it, its vie% Cation 61 the:ONE TERM principle, Wow .r.d §rlectrA 'by par-ties-in Pennsylvania,wou)4- bu , suliinient to,secnre deleat. This Werner. ation Tenders the election •of aid: Whig can &date certain : and 011 give us aKeaSy'.vic 7 MIT hextiall . ; if oer friends are 'on the olett and do their . daly ! - - Tut; INlovr.mt,Nr--Therejs a settled con viction that the Army arid Navy are passing onwards to Vera Cruz, the that While the army attacks the city, the ifairi, ia, to keep the Castle of St. Juan de Ullo in -play. It is said that Gerietal Scott remarkell:th l at he had a lientrrent General in. ,his • ida.r„and a lo- mite General in trout, and that, to get clear, of both, he must take Vera Cruz, silence St. Juan, and then .betake himself to ilie ,high lends. This attack, it is thought, will take place on the 20th. • •We cannot doubt that both castle and city Will fall into the hands of the ..NMerieans,,un leo's; s indeed, a Norther,s4uo 'corde' , dcrwr: to; the rescue of the tort. After the proposed achievement; it is difficult to -say what will lo'lloWws' . , • clzrente etarot c orris in, the U. kS.„ Senate, ~441 Tuesday, between ...Messrs. Benton etuul , Hannegan on a' Inntion by the Itor,it , to eiiSlcky'alteO'Oitei:t: . flif"jl - 10': 1 ,1.T4r1t11,4;`, , 4 , k41eF , :1 141 6A) t,014 I , 4oreonor the ,pereonalma-virelb, as., the political friendship. between %Mon land 'Me. tlaWiegan'ui atan eryd.i'''' 'E4)moil but tiitie , ivusio; , i,' the....boMen , tittf4,4l,ie , : Senator's' fri - ernlghip - .7 — Tho - regotntitni4ll - I, , nplOr : it fiOrtgi 484')IIP!/marg 410‘Yipi,enkpppp, 8 419n.cif 111r.,Benton. rI 1 1 ,/. I,r, ,1 ,11 , 1 y1;1 fr.lf - rjr, 'I i/, U . ,11 . ,...1,1.1111. , 1•01 ,4 . 411 11. ' . " • ' bit , ... t ..e,i.. e.t..i, ,u.t..(, ,E . r I " 0. 1 Congress itAl 44 , ,i0pF8 Ril, A 1 4)1!filo ri0 F .;"0,d,0 1 , 1 e4,110 , 01PA 111P,R°A" ,Yllir4F.. ( 4' n, "P• 6 ,,l,'''P 3‘ qn ri'C'AP..o9' 6'mt.61.1 if.ELA '0 iiiii- . .ba crilt: ! CO' „, i;:94,!itql"4lo,4s.retttc.cOegrßiettrtr4quit.lo ` t it lie stabbed.. iwtheisSuse oflttri,friehdrul tit first gave , the Presitletifteet figi trilittlf If f i rtu . mi 4 h 4l ii t i hf t3 ;ol4 4 o4#ooA . . iiiime i :. , ' 9 i4l f;9. ri , oo4exiy',44 , totiniliono • to, purphase:or bribe.a.Ptrasie 111 1 ,, .. vo Os ,r,..1,: ~i'l' .111,.et. et, ...,,. f if , ~,ri, i ti !tidy Jinn' 1,1:1-4%..lettei from whighlT4lntelliglittit sat' ‘4 , en - ilhrihed‘ge)ill4fif2fil•littrilia l l F 144 'die' Nitif4 grOi'illideiyr'-'6llii l P-6 1 00:iVilli> -,, tr ) 1, t, 0, ~ ~ IN* 4 1 ga( ~ ~. 1 '7; ~, , RH iiP 9 3 4,M !AP gro,y,ititereA.;;iJeseilßik, ,118Ws thatrthei.-veriteri mut; stuarmert.int3tecw:,lrlatis siildei;trier4efyJiggliiitatioviAl'ihhittli i iiiiith 10,1WIX#Y101444 1 A10,4pfigiiiit kliolpigimul.o,:aleigtefigkr - glilvfl'Wo# l . T- 4'it IP aflairszflyiertieePthet:Privide4l,Veikitittilite liplisli . shittiithiiitiliAigati 'ic6iiietpil4idikurifir, • ,aii - Lt - iii - iiHii. Hi(' t li,(o - triTql d .....01:111) Yfrill'fili. ° efffilfi If . ):k ilfftld Irfli,lll.lolti fifill'i I t i l P iVitt i 1 3 1 ?_ '1V ;141 3V; ; 11 0 14 1 1 4 ; 1 4:1 47 1.'' re): 2l ; d. i l ii?' 1 :11 .1 R 1 14 br• Meet* puff .Ivlexiorqeldelegetettctottlie'tilir . . fifdriettft,ool4:ol.64ol6 liettle4ol l .4etthi3 l oi Vl B fil i i i gViht i ..s4t ,- ** f ri ligad i f t t g'4 . 4p144.0 Rtgl4 4 /Cifirfi e i l i l 4 netatietillrOitaetitififfiltieitiotAiiiihitpA*o eigtletilVitittliethpaiult" liegent Is bell eilimr,4 :il Hai Is sage . 1- , . re . P=4 , - , ld . .r.'.;.errit.keiii'ilt:w R - Creil ttitiiiiiEllia-,lf iii . l' il4ekreiApiidlifito itiiii'lligalitTrAtthiig ,,t tt.w____i • ilvt sjg,V.-itftlti.;3..r_ol . W' Mat, 91110FrofifffMlli A, Rti'MßtfTM olklYtiPPN 10i,ttavin*failed,Atelebeagelsefv9eitIMIO iteiisiiin*liidolidoptito! is3 l 4tetVirtigr e4r. f 6i ,A filla i l qi i e t A :ll4 \v i 4 P P PAT!lll 'i ls j c P ° ' 'lost t ig 9y 05) . 4/ VOili ,14tqllefil.-! . #";',o . 1.kt,r., 11 x 4 „... t ' . 'kil:4l -' .-•-.--.looiiiiiisliviitotibmictio ' - f : . - I# 6 ,Kg e f rill ti r. lu kr;' - g4 1 ,.. 7, '"':. - " J ':` - 7 1 1' ';'7 '. -• • • ....., • .., , • . .., .• . ISM= ThepEFAkh,t A wirifen minion's bill' in both - #lPitlyfibtieed ton - AL • "1 • frh 111r90040 1,11 4 k 00 . Fi g , 8 : e . a): s t4i *t Rie s F 4 ) 16311 1 0 1 'el4i4fo4iiiittirstitn - d4wNI,Or question. Congress adjourned id great confusion about one o'clock on the morning'of the 4th. We , learn . from ttie National Intplligencer i tharairlvii.ar F,lftiii , r , 16' icttetre'erf the " h++6 TRlTlWtiptirrthA' i r , (LI ncirrief a Ettleitli the Ci . tplintlia 7 , rl i & -l o 9 1 ' th at o !ill - tle'Set fe - fl, b l a, - rartigiMitirlintlitireo . .terlVilli n - sere r'7 6 l. ,„ 4 .',o l _gi ' t.f t'l:d" :: ' , tr : ‘:' t w , '' : ' . • \''','. ocr,. ..., nn ! aftlr..l.4l:q.ch.sll.ll9o;,tiill..(.v.rithout ,thch ire, attictierif,against slavery, in , any , :territory.l •tillikiti diriit tatilttitit'ett; from - Mexieby. hair i hOgOttie' l i l l'ilW. i tac iii a #9eii Ailt4iit 'l'vpiii' w i lk t i , N y w .„ qvg ipaily. : p ri opps e d ; ) ,INe,•. balm, thqughtrittproperdo plittwbefore euntiadenr at . °1.419 a ,,E9PY,', 3 IA , f,r, f o llows: . . w . 4 .. , ,i; I ') 11111""Aq;;;AtIrtLillt• t t i l 'e fl , :110it l' Oq 5'• Pi ., Nt rtlis (l ° •9lP '' AY: ~r0i.) 9 !)1 1 1 11 TP" l'? ( . l Pi ,I t tfellifg bt . Ei ac 6 arid, l i ma, ‘t‘th.7Moi . lkc i i It ,11.: 3 6,nd41c.f`l,i'y' tile . sosate °V; fibb#R, c , i fir'Otirilittlk . esT ,K. 0 i .v0iP4. 5 state' ,p , me?tcaiti i..0.4re".;$ tkfru,nbleht.,,,,. ,Iwt,Fi bprqt ) itt l 'a hllitetf."llrtit..# ls r: l o44 l ' b6 iPti); ills •' ~ rto ffits l. itkill? ,ig ,i) . „ t*fnfit., !which it ii#sirabl",e;gi,66l)l ; b rtine i t.fily n tet , i i , iiillYiderPtipk'liiim4 l ,lt4 l . Al I, 4, 91) orp.blp i tpi Litil u nitßticsl i l i l litTikfierprO.tipart raneett 'have • 'ergiiiiiii`e'lteitif ; g l iVen,te fife.G9veirn'ileinof, '.VtEci'ibilell wa'4 , 4'e dniiirii, s) (tfie',), , iesi,,, (fat' I ciis'?ltlii' 4ll'ciu r egV,i'np.',Ve,tri:cen ,t'he, f'tv,c,:t' piiiiitAbs!'iin'tt Yoriefe'lia;tlte cv, re sl4o, o rp4 ; .be able to conclude a treaty o f peace with the Republic 0T1',4674p prior 49. 111,e net Sesai on VIC& el iiiti;l;l; t-h eaihil I fOr that. object -13 tif5At. hl4 4.oPC.isaltj • ..WI n 1 r.l • Iletlald Olt Whe,,r9P.klif/Aug4AtEltif ohtfp,rnanyt ompli6liter..t tineptions as pow,.exist betyeeit tliti Rtinti ''tibuiliri es; it may'po ssibly.' happen . ' !thaftfitumicretillilit itt , tif s rtibriet'*ill . be' aired fmit k v tit.tiputatinns-bitny) treitiy - *lnch !DM ~13c..tcattered, . into; therefore the sum .of „rt . d:.e , : p l‘lill!oni,iiif Dolfant.be,, and the, emir I'.B it'e'rebrap4Ppriated, tart ei any, money in ttiti''Priiiiinry not otherwise appropdated, to enable' the Presidenite cenchide a treaty of peace . . limits, and. bouuduriem nitb. trib" Re public of lUexico,.to. be used by, hi/KW tli . e . event that said treaty ; when signed by the ituthori'zbd agents of the two f; overnments and' duly fatitied by M.. xico. shall eall - foriltii expenditure of the same, or %Q• part thereof ; ' full and,tiecurate accounts lor wiriell expen diture shall be by. him transmitted 4o -con graah at as cad . ) , a . ..(14' i(s practicable. ' ' • Approvdd March. 3 • 1847: .. /A 1 .1F,51C'..1'01..K.' . IMIE • 'of rtaflHintirilloneritl,iinil &ripy ihas,becoine:a: laWy.aftdE2o , bet,woenthe two•flousoe t 'Which'ended ihthii rejection of thii - -#l . 66 . inyten'r, of: tii:Cf-TVO:;6' , fil• Ai ) 'Pli,eo!l•l•l4.vP o aufllcoritY 6PpOint ‘ n•CommdlidingG'ehorni (t 0 Fupersetle, °rowed,' tir6sent • C . 616••• 6f ilib Army rich in the ffelil • Tlio ilarbcir 13iii, (in volving6ppropriatio7is tejlie.amouni, of Iss th ut.lral l ai million , .of dollars;) wbioh , pnesed the. House .ol Repre= sentatives some days ago and passed Old SenalePyesteidit' irkiriiing,: is onderitObti to have been. tetaibea in the hands if the Pre= sitpnvaiid. failed "to bneoinii'fi'law. 14s Ni'iii 'dater, - ho*ever; -- fthe - Light litiuse- - 1311I) :P haS been tipprott ed. The amentlatOrySubtreashry 13ill x repo'ite,d ktottat weeks ago, by Mr..Drorngoole, was amended by aperalihg thereto the bill'pro viding for the establishment of a linteedl Mint in the chi of New Voik,, and was passed. The senate Bill to appropriate half a mil- lion nt dblliii•a, in the name of "tEe'People the United ,Slates, towards .the the sufferers by famine in Ireland, met the fan) which we abtieipatett when; we , Noahi b!• tts reterencb in the 'HOOsi) of Rnpresen Wives, to the, commitiee on t\'ays and Aleans. I has not been-heard of.sinee ; thits the benev olent purpose of tbe mover nod supliort u r of that measure lips boon defeated. '.the appr o priation for a line of IL S ii;rir Steamers, to run between , rtiew ‘Yorti 'and - , Liverpool; and another line'to run WWl' Neiw 1, a t... 1 c 1 i?,ii,ry ( Yrle'! 4. ''' 'l)s‘q.A'q , ~ :n i' P 1 , 1 1'3 1 . tooestablish t h e Cow lertitories of Oregoniatill' Nlitiesetavlvvilre ,iiefinttedi andseverfil iliotin, ,I,uisited itiebinepOltliti4 oftOtiseti iitit dd 81pga; f!! 1. 4 1 : 14 c'? , :,• . , :'r,, wil,ii i i•• The..llevenue,.llill,•repertedt.bri diet WO xnitiee‘ orilVays , arid: ;Ateaki;i itr'ltteCordliree w ii It ,a re?ontiln eh II titiCii,ii lif,iel,re.t,iil,O,"liiiir iiii9ll7:,4Y iif ciiipty,iqr goilt 01),T,::4;iti d i -CCIFFEiIi., .10 , peOcentr, ,, rodd 'gao l ; u I, or; • c o n r an Iron,,p pet cet:fith'eliitain"iirailtitOldiiis 'clf )- eWill dill 'griNt p/ liin•d'ii; - a' irit.,v - iv l it'il ? lie. aßcia, N04A049 , lip in , tha-touse;glll,k.ritiv• ntiterinigond.didal•ol Abbateviltu suction La-, iiitgirei MO ObffeliOve4 stittli'itti 114; NVeite' l or d tiooo l . ‘. tiiiiWww.;gsiisiii4, l , 9 ii ' 4iii : p. ph#rpd: a plyrillar irtto,4ll4,vote;cto , ettltltitig, out, being ye l di,ll4iirbir B , l‘. :iii;it 4 , 1:0(i10.1 Eifi' , N s Oillipgr:lV; Ibliiiiihi,ilg ! tiiiikkire#o l-1 . #, , , ll ifi i ii cletti;i 1 .Aiicsto l 4 ilipilltlnWqr ayy' ..., , ~,,, i. . , _,...... S. . .. ~ on. Coal, Iron and Cotton, Alr.l.lfttht,itt, rtioNr-I I aiin Vsubstitatrilifor I. theollifils:J : .it I 1 10 i1/4•lii i e l original Piiiii,) with,, ri,,,,?-ttirciTp4t.`itOCP.iiql, flfisin„-pAipt§„.o,4o) Apu,sy.ool4 Atttfbelr-Whippedhltd theletippori oktließiesiilleneslita.drOluitieddilttotte4altilDttel t TeNiiiiilrc:6:ll#ellik kf l riikitUMfr i !Atfiqi'l6llo3' PPRlliit nJwi'4lli.l l LnkirpftoYpp.44. ,, ..—J, ~T h ~, Amigo Almeade4l;bong i repotleilat.tther illetuieifililay_mrtiOtkly,M;trOittett4:t-lifilklidWri (.ll " m a 13 _ 6 4 3 ,:niri7,11iii i .o l ii g t rAilig .t4R 1 s' °eelYerd - • iiiiti - ;ii - riii - ii ''T Mt - glifi I:4d, ficd•, -, I 0- rif›44ltunsbet•ofJartraingtienri'rete : trliftle`antl t ,botifirttisatuy the. StinaitiP/ ilikk'kfoulit . tinihJill 1 VP;P i , g 4 . l 4 4 ll e 6 o 'i l i krOhigAlWt g l ilsll i W.4!Ct }Y: tl;iiillll!OPArtniNiFliggiPbq On 9 i vas promptly rejected by tlstiS,ertatd.loasieh l , ' and ft'.uslt warthiffignmitTeti aicl confirmed' Ditt%t ifridati'dfOhlti" . i , Vai ii,iipartititi r Oih T idtek tcciVi rizit,•4 a , VittrillHinlY kttivvVidg: 141 . 4iiii ed - atli, iti - oism request. - rstiritoit s Pß s dAki',Wit • 1 iiii #.ffilfiiitiVl l l66l . , tiirl i t,ti l ikeyr64op;ii 1 , ":4a 1 4 1 ::. ' • 1 i ii .' tT', ;4 '9 A1 t Q .4 1 40. 7,4abpkqe*,,jo)4(o4:, trutpyktogpel l 4,erirsjit , Gen it t*attridevidf_iantovr,!.lfidppliigj , builit-ViiiimiliklAi t treibil 4 vll 7 l.o.Ati 4M*lt t i i rli t o eb ll 6 oq l * -10r, d4i§ r P6 .1, ,1 • ~ .it 0,, ~,, 1 ~, ~a, ;I. ,1 1 , PFSif I iliiliNt,lB i` . 1: t, ; Via ith f.liilll VI ' .on i 0 1: ••-•*E64.4ll)AtigiTiltee' ..' 06940 ' •: , ' *MI- Wit wtorpfitium et -. 4 424i , Vfmll.filsriffig RIIPRD , l ,•;?R ; lfeY.R.of v 3R g 9 414ukeroritii;i0I,40 , 4**ithitittOwtirfami, iare'' 4 6 'iitii` 14011044011iiiittiitctkli • :,. * , SlOVV4.4§4lksolo"l3t lei•Pejinjlal..,6,, ~,,,•., •. , . 0 • .7 On the 361 - inst ii tworporate the Per Talid Company, .4 for tligt,payment on.its final pasEiii (loco) took the, ihkic :a gog b t. opposed the passage gis, , mou , that it was impolitic or the people orPenn, sylvania to sell the 'maip line of the public works at the present time. Mr: Gibbons (spaikg iiiiitorg'slingtth‘liiiiiirtnie bill, and - argue thtitimitassr - jiauttabiiiiZawlyjn;Sillile . h.. entm 2ilyanip_c_clgt(L,p,..,.extlicaleiLfrorn—her... dycles. Mi. 9 occupied the floor up to lilt rof ad lourn men!, . OCCW_OL'OIeEiONMY.INTIERMS., -AC Wr°ollPkVPL'.astitY , C,solPa Ottani - tout°. a ?pno4l:4l 3 'i „4‘ArtiaTislatiss;castrilit.:nirin. th I 1 lit ) ; aposel t i of : Harpis t :, bosll.l, Parfatt morning :Pf.ittel4tb.:llln the; air; teroßpa, af Co,n; I m i tte P Pf's°l s :OPM.f V.o.lllh l PsLiVritliarn Beatty,; of jindor i nouoty ) fp, sPrestificinCsnitlti tixteen; lijoe...`,Prßpaorkvds pridiAighi.6geretarieso „, ,T i bct„ccoreuticm WAti .0 , 41111 one fl en/y , one; djelsiqt ',timing I ttreprotsented,:: the 'Mallon 8 figatatials.dololll1 n rs,suy. 1):• • -•-• f • 11J " I P Arlthe Nv.s:SiOtatOitykefisild trtle t . its •thesdele.sl A:lA(ll6'nm NaProe,ipelie4Qorci citiWmVOVOP. , told tmllo ; oottittales/sttatastat , byss Note of 108; t0:464, Ors,IYIP Catlifv„,ol.:l)auphind propos., etlfthd.tweithildlrtalerfor the; 510%13Mb - relit ill, the ContentiOn:onsiiB nomiratinnstwiiipitiati. tee. a Muni) disenasiotomilts.laleigaiilvdii yens; B.o7tisays4Js wr.1..; , r.:. , ;;; 1 , I ' :;,,;;;;; ; Vie; Cos4renticolben .weit n ter assbaildt hio 'a.,,ealf,didete;lohlGovernery , 'whens;lo6l , voteal wef . tottsi••far, EtnnariA Eldred :5 foryipsO/Folda; and one ersish , for MesSr:solijalen, E-Banks. and ; Hot lestbaoh. Ft•Orle husidsredland Ifhisty.ctelegateat votinfpthensix lasi 'narned pedsbn , si were s , ntst eauxlidates. • ; ;di e thre Clostierstioit I ,protteeclerblq ballot dereastalAborptnissioVer.; ,OJi the ;614 , -Ballbt.tho.:Votet stabdsas:feliews..44 Moriili/011itgleth,s;n1;114cintgontery, 83;votes: Jaboinnillitiger; 175.Augustinn K. Ilaffnagle..44;drleinicLettgstreth-miss there fore declared duly elected- . A 'Nut for-Irishmen ! We hope the Irishrieit. - Of ,oritiittry: 41 recollect for sleet or. twsi to , oorne o , 'bap alter Mr. Ciittenrien%s bill, appropriating $500;d00 for relfef i qt , the' starVing tithe sa . r..ds_ef Irelaid; i llad passed the U. S. Senate and; was taken up in the House, that Mr. Native A'moriean member; moved to ruler it to the Committee of, AVity4 . and Moiler., hi which motion he wet supporied by the lotePcolmajorir It Was an teferted. and hat , he.irtyy The hill of course. I Je td. 111 day-four millions go for the' 6latiJ,liter cannot give halt WM illintitilOr poni•glarring Ireland! . . • Air: l'olkbhas at lalt ota'aiikutlff the appro datit .4.3;tlo,o6o:abOtcWhit'll ihnre'''huS .hvill i s i o,runCli . cot4itti4, and ,ilte . :CcitinfrY' ptesntue,has now :n right to or Peet Peace without, further delay . . _That TS if he ea'i friend Siit.ta Attn:; ! 'lse ,tejgrclinti prnvisn, by, no• raeans , setilei tho- principle of. the extension of Sllive6": 'lt iis'a 'Mere' pristrottenrient of this ,C i neation,to • In:it:ire tithe. if new territory is acriniretl,,the question.aa:ltatlier it shall be free or slave tetritory will then only arise and will tleVolve upon a future con:. ISE • A Rebellious Prediction.: • The liarristam; IMellicedeor, io eiving•an - deemird or& - Ihrofoi.M 'Stale 'Convention. says, Mr.,Pverliold addre . ssed the - Convent and4v4rne‘d the Dntnnorney io he VIM'. MI how they proceeded to ehop heads off,-1 They may. nominate f.:m , ,Shunk, he sail. het so certam/y as, bet tra..i norsiwted, us certain. trou/d..DEFEAT AWAIT THE PAWIV.i Fore) ..rom ,:k:xvotttA Tin 'est mat ed that the I,i , heat rtrothieed ih the l'elted Tale I rot Allowin - hue barrel n.heful for home. colt- Onifition, of 20.000 000 of . persons. , nnd we hags to,'spare 3973.900 barrels.' The corn 00 - t:ttiCed tya4 170,130' 375 boshels'. Dedu6 *OO4ll wheat Ft sufllviglit, (Matt titji •for send -arkllvre have-left deuhle the Humber of bar 11ilg'eVe416‘iliiii6i,1 lento th'is'''etilletrjr M'bne •Itli r. ~1:-•111, • year. 01 " 4 1P q N, 1 1:t1A:11 1 WI ' ,C,),00, 1 0 1 ; ' ' ‘ Vnaara , that at the Ineso!r s.3llcrcri!yerrt I is , IIINPI•01451„9?.VP, , 'qov* rrers, ['tiered by Mr. Ilicknmin ofiChesteriCo,sl3ut.was sup if64+44lll4lloCoe'iftiliiiHlTiblh`tliti'ordri Jslll ht.l 1 I, I H, )1 .vOl/10.P1/44 , 11gIlf:i$ 1 4.e$R1.401i(0) Al,olgtnll4m in eg l - 4 1t6c5141. 1 &1. •Tilt& irr" thelihnipbAitioft "of rt' ttlt l entle i s+hritild'bri 1111$61flItrollecl. , aoteOid!l '1) 1 1(4 1 ,$- 01(1r0rdiet$11f4) rihke 16 . ridt oi? 1r.141ti4 l lfi l d'welyagbYthe 47-IF . pt of the t il/1 4 1 9 te ,..T.1 1 ?1 8 / ( lit u r t . it4 / 1 0 - ti .. ' Pr.s - $.l l / I :W.TI 41 1' t 1 1 4; dri 1141/ • Iri .)VlMgrei B liiglqAigNlVsQW e ceitsA c k.XllP -ad 4evelltimiiii 114..FroorrIetrvbfliPonnylyanin s I eVII4tI •rid 1.454 '' , TH , I O I„ II 111,i ./, andmi Flory Axioi)ntncEs.4 By AM drriyal , at, [ MI VVilaiiite; obtj , ,tl-18111 nit u rn F? p I'l 10(1,I,1 I I SPRIR PA M,lll ,FREFitia t MsRattrA 4,4 1 1101 'Pp4 - 4kvarAusg,Tqlkt,hei 16th Jannaryiltitllll6io96ltrodpii , fori +lava: 4,( !IV )141/11 1 ,I 1 III 9 ,111)P191 /bpi ) Al : l2,Eamt? - 1 1 1404-,P. MB9.•± ti e ,r#44Ml4er,.PttheittirtY,X46 atNarli , , Die t + Annghremiuned quiletr 'end I•the flawk Weik 19“111)'),G i'.ollll 1111 t, r., z 1,11111; 11n1; It)ti entibits.moirwilUitritsai2lAkiikt Civrtmithi '0 . 0111:40 411 ) fohneld;Thitei teinedibilred,';tliatv si ~12 , ogittielihyttYr?,tinintividaticeltlidilsonnwitn4 linitifellittigeivhiebypif nol ti oeiiiikqhmovie4,l; nviligaioiktalsoteldliV.eq ;HAM , thetie4ieleupte , orgiaheilor.toi bring oti i n ear t O d atidnimifithdolitinge44taldlseate , Mh (4+13 att4kitomil W4110(411 . 01 rand Trcliteuttito • ititinvgnoim-odt- 411,i/1-101-114,4_ ri l il,llll4 beet*tn ed itti nee; idn t Alien Toritliao ritlF? id off-tvezdtlibeenu.se: they,lphrge - 41110ealWeVeotigbepotinstittlotion It ~oft Ariittniifilttilitthininiitioainibiliiieraieud , fart of the body end'many,otheedenectiditooln pfdintisPfUlw'Vt Icostrof(Opid Nege 7/ablehnilit4teln at‘nighbtanAgolng ihkibeti affil,qrifolh itlifo belepeateit, a aiw thnea„fitto bloq Iparifieti; , dtkislidtabitio 1 4Mititig1attleariqc sadstlitialMkawMaile flia3pfedtoi easaaseninieolteehit e.fllbldlitt - eitrIieIOWYPITKIILE47Q9 I[O 4 I 7 ''Ple agent. , ' ISM !re:W*474 l : R12:9, , 1 • 14) . • 1 . 'll;,'M Ithe . Seel 'SA'..alira ;'"Vi :toilet lases whe; .o ' e is. '0 , s. a,jr c !.ec '.-L...t - 4.4"•—•-:;:• •• Afiklllfreil • • -•.: xpos r.----:- - - ",-Are tq any. •,pffleeks in ,ilitrlisle whoie 'dti ' .N 4 fy it LI - preserve or - der?" ' . f 3 ..‘% • . ' 4. ;ton. ./ i s ITelil-t---: ( -At , , ctr-to .--- ~ ten - -- e - . I tr2he-. - otrinn t : ty, en.... . -inqui I thei• 314- erred •t it? et it be 4 gstinetr. nd t.. a' :i I n o t '' ,is •. e '', fro lit' .. ; ..- 1 14; . -. Vy pi drape dui - -- - -' . I x‘;"rite as a citizen who feels some inter ; esliff the peace and quiet of out borough.— The existing evil alluded fb,. is the dis order , tialThigelipon our streets. But what is ev - .er done to remove the ground of complaint ? As it is aßreat matter to f.ie,.tlis4nelly_uudex..._, t'ilmU,Tet me be [mote specific. - Crowds of boys may collect at any corner, or in any part of the town, or before any door i OherAFA* 64 .r. l . l iher .7MlYsfttabli;riiiri lianiivi, ffitil — ewear Ast erOftmely. Tn e y , , , htf3yll)o lotirlistareti?iitlO Irk.l'M 'llittird ke.sn'ar'e, bfr fair gre'rilf,f aniong_these in the irnme: ° i " tay.4 9:" it Yr I ;W,Y/49 1 Y, •it 3 /P 1 1 1 11 . 1 tiorons es to bldc'l tip' tne ‘pavement, and compel In tliespAss over on thtl otkek side .10 , avintil nn'irisulf." lictitAy cNzep, ,asks,.thein,..k,inilly to ilisperse,fielssesßoni)ed,to witn,ulpid yell, mid• perharn4 rilitiniMiirritru' i 6', fat." his. inter ; erence. ,- Ilttewhtit'lqiarlif4e,o4,"oOlif,i'to'n pi event this clailrdit'urfititiee.of, the ipublie , peace? Drunkemittren'' , mayt Meer' MI , Alit' pavement's ,41)0211(111311(iAqqeenti - i' ittitoM the iilgogs, of thrme lawerfispwilet:o. they -prcieured the.iiittextunting.:liquorsHkerrnhpinakej;,' 41./ . : f i r d!;;.:4 6 4 ir,,',lg . l4ll l !iiit f q , .. ,d4 ci ,,c ,wi e i ,t, . crown iirounultheni-at, 2,o'cleiclriaimtight , LL tliity may awnkery.avbry'fail'ily , iiilAvogli,•: bbitood with ~tAtoN , ,.li i ,orrid Impreeationfr-,+ , ‘V.lten they seperate dtrisl to r4O 'I hirolol' 'III e ' dow.n_wirlitliiitgahlOWPlß tfOrtllt'kfifrifri Bile .song,, which, isfitlovtio 'place 'Mutt loXi. grog', ' B "P'. iit " 40411011§Aliit v : iff.-... 1 . 14 .0 . (i iii4119.)7 6. : Vitlll4lo/4 r.,:fliiiaiiiiaildOtt y utilise, in any notiqortioeal, Tull - eine° :and therutnt Or, ountealtiliti*,Ztolt ,!1:;11cr01 times Vheraiiirili . liight inia'in'ilte sartie r.i 'ace. It mattethoet bow. it:may ,distkess the timid. the sick or the dYnig, , Bonfires may be made lon the public' kititi,rq4 wup.ntfio. wind l o flight ri...til pro ?city endangered. nnypropetty may :be taken in the presence' of the"owner to keep up the fire. contusiom• noise profani- LK, Bacchrintil MC' r'e v els ,fill . ,our .stiets,, until the citizens feenthnt for'rearance is no longer a virtue. My design isJo make a single ,inciniry, viz : "HaveWe any.in thiscommunlty,whose oath office obligates them lo• preserve or der? Is there even one Mini who iS 'bound to disperse an unlawful and taiisterOus crowd —or to cheek the drunkard in hie madness. as with impunit), , he.'reuls alongnt midnight and noonday? Will you, .Alr. Editor, or some of your eaters. tinswerin the net- paper the above [item w2alory and bo doinT, confer e favor' mon the undermand tbe proper officer is tot wholly to blame, as w•e are Informed het ;is no provision m a de by the Comity tuthorities for the detention: of wron4 . -doers tfter tht have been t urii s ted,,N—km. -I . • For thalleuild and 5C.4001 Pi i rpti)}ll. rrry—ili:ii; , t.luitiotince in von r pit .ristjltuittoies of AN.DIIII4,V BLAIN, of the !lie East, W.ao.yts - su;,taHepermon.s,fiir*ltnol OtreOpra . of ,their reApectixe, .at the elieelie;f3O'rn4rf F.l9etimi, I;ist friend's oh thin, preAelit iletieriti School . System noir at be yflpprirted by the - friciiils of Cointemi SehoOlA in . thiß °ugh, s mith out respeet trl party Andf we hope yahoo' party nomitptliods Your of this kill obly,t3 nittoi of the friehils of ; :'i•hools from , Btirtt w A rtbS NARR D, On Thin:Oily the 5111. hist by William B. 7.itlne.,,E, q DAMEIIIO fillies KI.I -:4,110M' /31111.1, 1111 : v1 ll'eutlitindi.lleton 'Amp: ship.- • In Nleolianiesbneg.-on the 25th MI, by the [lam, Jltn. G . Friteliew hlt PETER'NICIIOI,II4. lo'fliss ELIZAIII.ITII KElklllldl, both of Eart Pep !Inhere' th n grip In the seine plat , f,l 4 by the acme.. on the eveniniz of the 26th nit; Alkirrit.: MigS 1 4 . iTARY botkof Hampden On Smulay e‘•enine. lb° 28111 ull. by the .amt M'r. Jogcvn RITCOM tit A leu 111, to LEAH I .* VI.MI:R, Of Alechaniesbum , - On Thttrm . tay fact tly the Rot% 11. 'Amami Mr ;lolls Iloret.t: to MARV A HAIW.S. all oillarlisle* DIEMEI.. • Nrirth Middlet<tr township nn Thursday the .1111 of tMiirdh, t\ MARV hi-UK:4 (eonsor of GeoraW'Morks)ittio , iii Silver spring town ship•ageil 64 yearn 4 , inotitlis ima 6 clays. .11i4Mtrrn'i Pti.t.s I . This medicine ainizinale4el.l . .tri be flue of ill:1'111am 'pie ever tn:A:two:end as a pal ifiet of thel,loo,l . It siterinr to 1 4 arsaparilla nr altertnitore, ant!' staittl' 16'0'0110y all thi3 tiroPYrations of 'lleict4y Its inirrritiva prtlpetllee i tire 'alone 'tif' tpeke, nny by• the, atl4 ay•ily ''/?ite"Orllie 'nil rakile - dffa( 4 l.4"nt ' ,trpirm.i; ' aTtli aid 'la-, tit§' ifiAleii(l 'in Mesh (I,isli f iissiar , l "rSfS . Alffp l? nnit e'vr , I p ery t ,the -boil "`1 figsn c`tilighl4,liglituesit hf 'Rh 'b th(iiiettdi t•ti I bi'i3,l . 64tl"Wiiiiiiiol' i t t A 4 1 iikt / 0't118,p?e,'14 . 61 arid labels 711:11 1 011'04iff,i' l'tlfet kit ftifte,4l Eartigli;:ti t ir 4 tilA l ßLES'lVAlLNlTZ iftNti 'ke6. N't.Al "". 1 , ) 4:1 fletlll3ii'e'lliitigki t: 1 8hfirilli6(81 19 " ;1 ' " . .i, t j r, i ril i lk,4' ~f,t,i i LAT;R: e s ' ii i i i ,r ,44 i liq. , _,,r ) L.s ' ;...o ' . k tn ,_ . ,, y. ,, 0tr. 5, !... 1r r,,„tlT,ligr o +7,l l l7oov6t it io,i ht )tr : yrti t , t u ft tit.lboi, J ilin iintty . . ( 40), Uorlial .714111 Antonym! rAllpin.. , 1 14 hl • tl"6s*lAMiTtete lii ll 9ol 4 ko OM/ "iitideb"4* 4 l ,2l 904 t!,,,,,,g„,i,,,,4,,,in:: AititiAiViti qin'llllltlNkrAlm''' ;'/i•i1114.7r4:1111-0111:.-,Iftiitt/;,tt re , , : ~',,,, ',.',,, it i i )I -.• ' • . la , ' ti ) wiwir PH, ~191 , 01 1 1, . Ei . t S ll ZVI e r cl t I I_ l igo'.ll L• - , taf' ~., l'itl4o4.t._ 41 in ._:wA -,....-,.. Iv t • I ii 4 ~';''T'' ~.?,!'*: ,' ' Set4llll.9l‘t., i t ist - tttsonritts. • , _ H . der t PF: 6 , 1 1 the . I W.t d, ,„1,7 01 the Peace., :**-; )I , l i et rei4ntetof many to- en unrii cE 'Mg log Sliring election,. In the Igh of Owlish:. D. L. It. DAVIS. • spring Supply !, JOHN J. M Y.ERS Inas; just roneved ji his Spring supply of DRUGS PAINTS ? 01 1 , g9 Dgc-usnifs 6,; which ho i tifrara upprt 'the In b leplef e igj Drugs an Ner)icines,,gavo TO °lc te It/ watt! cat , dnd dud condd nit d mend AhereHttPlitittriteittninTlVirnitg l'hyttielann Rivyr4lotliins. ;carefully compoutided,iinWthbiH6rders attend. ad to with accuracy and upon the moat plea. tdg.letma,.a. t J. J..MYERI3O II :-.X ' March 10, HAT, m ar t, • gf sA , E;EidsoWlDlWE'lr.'"'". I'i - 01. slime pkinercii hoGeTiii tWe ,At tire sem' ' ; „b un t s pektbevres.telTe, alight aa4llll4r : lie teitt='". ; Vertell 11110 Et commoiliolis 14141iblnlj size and excrlientiitnatibtr atitbhaitidisiidrhi'tb; all business, purposes Worth an aptiertutillt for., atklifnelgtinits Ipicanittfit„: pa, kg uty : y 1' • r.; , Di/ ..t.fie1f.97.7j.:!". t ion 'for TgevorilLiceirigi 1( oT citinohipgslkl4, l iinif all ply ;Judges of Slid 'Co mum ti'leas of tlie. IN:Au% tn ha 14.1 ..Csrlisle in rAitri lit eg,t, to-ksici ink ii Hous>t in 'the house n Cm:pleil .ktripijii) Wilkens, in llotestou 11,1• — xv rr 1...111i .1101;ltI r: mit 11,1 .).11:44 , AVe.tbe 3 Spro tn w quit Illil.e. t !Twittieltiii,biptstr.,. ta I be 1 . 51 dip:une , pbotil!“: mdmift.s. linnesty:and 100144 pe ranee, sail is well 'provided. ifith.house mons • 114,.; 4 "1.A","F,v'f , ,,1P,r.111e: 16 ag1itg Itewnituff.t fiation stra!jgsrs V. 1,111 1, tr II . VA1111p1i,114.14 4140 atrial Intl at• ts seepstlmpflitte die -- public awl entertain striti,gers Sr travellers. I)avitl I . 4lpelsityri, l / 4 rsb'rm ) V i gsligettejleyll t Ni. L; • ilii.,'Jo i br.,...linstrun g , .Ins. A ruistrang,!ll , l l l/45 , ,,1ii1tn. es. tl•`.l.na H. Mit.. Sxmoilimy.trik, 4biin KielirrotTearllitity.l re1k.1 0 0! 3 %.1•.. . 0 qiiilication for Tavern License. . Itiricr.. hi hereby given' killed's' to ap jay sakeite;,eupettinglterkp piMitrA.A sift JO ell- OPC4IIII6HIII/11 eglinfil,lbr a Lreemie to keep ao moo yr, ollikti , e,hohed mend noir beer pied 1.5 the tow nohip pf.South'3ll4-1 11 TrimiPgbx B. WEAKLEY, .We the undersigned, citizens of th e p. of sotith 1111ildletvit,' ill the comity : 91 tentraitiv. hind,dri•tifytlnwtli s iv Wt. , 11 iicipikisdell lib li.e shove minted Thoinp ,,,, ll'ent.lry, w is of ghost reride for honesty mud mow,: iiiiB - IWirelllorivitled venienoes . fur the secommoilidioirof Mullet s nu& dint Tifyel , s Is devilsl,- aq.. to "comnu t tlste the eti4tetsin , strongers and ti svelter& J o h n Ilnyer, Timmons itrittiley,'PhO i nuOl l Sllilief,. ThonisiS Paxton, P.. 11 iskell,Jazoh Ilutz, Jon. $1 lei, M. conle,lVllL IVI4III, ticiirjr Ilxrt G, f;ejtiglies.l„...les&e7,..Wl?, . 8 wltiknoter: 1. hire* ;00847, • Application for tavern License. ilia(' 0441 it) 1 11 ) 4p4iie..Iiiii t .i.,zireif e•otiil ill: Cal nom l' 1 " 1 . 9 of 1 4 6 ,.,./••4 4 :e. to lie April no h o ' I loviso now ouctiiiieil lietn !se thu•lluroudlt Ginnburionil • 3:- ,‘• •-• LEWIS• YOUNG. • We lilt oudersigned t eitiZeill of the normtrh' of New Gettitleetlatitl in the chewy of enntliere do certify that ,tte see well sessetiott ti with • the More meted Lewis Voting, thstlhe us of gots{ ' •rtiltite-for-hostentratot itruvilleo wadi Itemise ettnna, 1011 for the sevouitnellotion or stettegers sod •,111IttelleetV, mid di:4l,lllmb lun .cir..r s e li e ii is iieiiesesey to tie- . COM itillAjtte the lie ie end elvrtnin - stritilies &stet ' ten' 01 et 5. • • j IL. Gemk..lolku C.. PltiLsire.. C. W. D. 7 cob Rua:. R. Ropkitik, Daniel .110191ey. .1411 m .1 ho . young, Jobe! G. Ketterman. henry Geostolvs, Chariot Oy mler t .1011111. S Cri't. Fresh eardai .ee4!. 41:1•14 9 Itttl U the Fredonia RI • den; ph t g ue , 6/11r:iy, N: r. by , LEY & I lIC 401 , 4;31'9u Gind,ce. vatitny tit the sT t geimblv, rtitd,a kip+, emu; toiont. uffnoiTO FLQWER S 2E1)6, juro. necriv . vd, and foir..oulo cheap at Dr. 3. .1 yM Y , FIIS ,.. .Orug end. Book , Store, Went Maio Strect,Curlisit. , • ,N1q94 1 10, 1841, Z-2 . a ' '1",V., •T 4444,114 *4 .4 1,f' 9 1, 4 W 4r1 3•21 .::. 11 10tr*P. , . rf". l coubsci:iikor.bf , V. 14 lerVedilfj:if prOegion nbroitillinit he Min n M inekit in favor of hie einitc.denireethun.p to cerrect, the, error. Ile will entitin,uen thej bneittens nt hie mentilliciiiry,in the ear:aril/ own renitlcnne, and. wo'nlil reiipeCtrully` io ` its tile etterifiteimf flousekecpers Kenernily. to tho very large 4 •• • ELEGANT Aritioit:r.N.r:xr OF. , ' • il'i• Z•44; '''"?27. • U, RN 1 ~,„ • which he note hiile 'on 'Mind' aC , 116'llatahrt ,Istrert, nivraile R lqintrft likYlln 4 44. l 4Fl:i l o! Y!"fett 4erY ccit¢ilenAllinithe'eu f icriat nia}4 excellence',if material, antt -reasnria lis : ol the. nuintr. one n eniiitinil Jr - men attic to re., x givifiiiit,i t trum , i9t/ end ,ecenru i ttie, .ntigepe r :„"ti;lY wiry 'lily imiriet ,, th;em. • • befit aerttn?Clianc;niiie Cvery vpiiirty o r aJr /-1 !cabin - 0i livaroonftc4warm, prim , which,wiltbo,nl ll ,4o?l44ii•l l . 4 4o"- LAra;...,.. 1 .,. ),I,; , . . Having mode- thl4.4 l .qaPPAPllant,rPngrOgP9!, litymillt,ticoliivnr Etimitttro it tiny place within a ratnionablo num het be ImittliSnltinviouiroond ing countr viwtthnut ling incronned - attorgo.- ' TheiiitiOit'rie-britirtritu'bliti i54411 .. 00116 . 11Y PP.' iiCilOti. ,:' OY, "Y V.,'J.cel:ti'E'rl'Elt. Rarlinle:llllrelh t;1841: - , 1 I- ,.. • * ~,,,,,,.,,„,,, ~, , •. 1 , 0..1., , ,....,....w. zji...i . 1.1-1) ! • . ~ ., ! . , 0, 1 4p, cpyi , ! TA vtl i t3l.l ~., 'CI °THING: : Ity. taw . O'A' lo,NonTitieiksfits vein lailANnionEkeirrwrsii , rollLADELpurtV. 46 '°!" l :l /{ " 9 )iiai6Al)Ae4;lllfiirtaiNallOa -- - ; goodutio fun Ail's M..e4„„ 44 „.,,,, y .._.. . PASIIIONABLA ) .. ' • ? _ l o.iik l / 1 44104e0a 160 kg, • consisting. of Frock, i)reisithitSmek Coids, Pan- . .f.: 1 • 04Ntati;.bee. 'ililapWLl OLtheatill git t;1 0 , - gq i l r W%kr i, 1P9q9. 91 1 1 1,1 1 71tV7 emP)rrfirP, TA!, . t ( OR r ff . ,,A E rtio llt n i Ptkp r ßt A : co „L . v il- sirqi ..' ~I,o.r4.l4(lirter„lng , : , beattl4 in st •oiadan4l4Mt‘p; Rh;itXia3l p, td reaonabityil.e!,;_ =II =En _LyLII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers