Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 10, 1847, Image 1
. •-- , ..-...., -, -.- • - ' ,—, ,7 ----.",---- — ' — ` - • ---'--.4.- - "if• ----- '' --. r -i' ---- ' .-2- ' - ' ---- -7 ` -- Z - T ---- ' ---- , :r-------- .." - ''l' - ' .... : -. . - r.'4-:"- - ''''','., -.4;,-- . -- r;.- , - . -', 44 '7 :- ;', ‘.'-':' V. : -. ,, ,l''`'''', "I''- 17 .2 .--, -.- , . ' ' -'::-. . 2- `• - •:: --- t --:' ',. - , 'l - ''• r, - , - =`-'. ' ''' I - • '•'7. , . -- ''' ""'""r", . • ••=.,Se' - ' • • Milalt•PlUiletki.i.m,.4.oo,f?vrisillea.; o ,..., e ' , 5 ,,..,,,, _ •:.• -.. ..: '* , ‘,. -........:' '*'''' ' ' ' - • - •-''r ----f-- ... -- ,::. - ....'' ''' •.. . ' . . ~,,., ~ *- . .:-. _' •.*:. '' "',..,- - **". ..:,.... *'. -.- ... ,', . .. .. ',,•, , , !„. *,,.,„.... . • ~,„,,, 1 1,,,.„ --.!--- - AU *:, : irt `... " , 4,,,.. ~.1•(1 .V - "• ~•- ---' -' ' -. I. 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' )___ ,„ , s ; . . , , ~, , . ~,, -- ' ti .40•1' '4.*'' • . , ,„: 1111.,/ .t.crtai, tp itiffel,p . ,• lii t. •,!.: ! 1-tuf/ . 0 . 1 , ...,;';'. `,:z.,;', , ,;','..-, ) ,. • ~-,' ' ' ~''.. • ..ili sit It i 1.. , ' -r„,ii...SL.i_L-.1 ,;.5.,/, , • lfmA .11 . P. in-itioll elfl f .... / il• -' .. ' N'''''' -. . -,'''''P' '-‘ ..". ~,., - 0 • ts 4 igt,__iik,k, 1 +' r , -I ; . ' 1 :W !It )11 ll - .91f, 1 tcprciii al ii e!.li • a Jo , j0i,,.,;,1 nil ici .,. ,-.,.. r f 1 , , .., . • 11 , 1 ,4 lawilii.Ls2l ! i ti _ I ~f m b .... 0 _ . .y - , - p . (F - ' ---- 0:119:()1 ', ----- 4 , , ---- r----' • -I. t r'i : 7k ' 1 ...-• -4 ~,,,, 1 , 1 ., , , ;! ,,i, • ~ii n , l 7 : - •liii '1 '1111,3.01 ftn . al In rilir .n i.,, 1 ,,F, el 4.',. ~,.., . (-, ,•:' lokt 13 ... I/ t P.III-0 , 1. :1 , 3 It I , ! .. tt al 1)111TIq `.., 1 „. , 11 . 1 . 1 , 4, 1 ,,,,, , ~,,•. , ..0, i vii i, w i ~,,, ,iii , 1 ...0;1 4510 n! :Is` ‘‘''V . "' .-4 . 4 . ... 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' ' ' s- " II-.1 "'"''' I • ~1,„,, , „, f-,. ; I , 1,,,,, •,,, A i,twk ,(4)(1,r; ..: 94 A - _ .I , r , ti ,- ..0.0 - 11.1ilf vili-VI Dili atm) iwil n'•o7 ifil) c n 9111 - ,%:ii()' liar r'Fill , rintrypitirr) na t o.l ~,,t , „ sji,„ , ,I, , ~„ ..,: .•, r , : ~, ~ ~, : 1 - - ' :' •"' 7 !..,(.? ..-.,..i.5'3,,1 : - '', .'. % 1 " , . /• , i ' ' 1 , !t• •ti.. If l,lj. lji JJ i •j:: j iI i j ,j/j j A.... , :1ji • j i j •L. ' ' , I. ' ' • ‘;IIII '„ ll' • ' JT, l'i4, ‘ ...,.. a "' t;„„xdo • .CSSraeIitEtaIaMELIVEDIXEt -5 141t 1 L 1- M• 1.•.• - .1, ,', •••,11 ' , 7..- •t•'.•:- ..• .• •. • -•-, •• ; t t•W• tti i .•1,-,. t. -, :t ••ft , . '' , 1 .:' '`'.• • • •••-A, -• • - '• !".• 'a • ... i -TIM 'lt , IT9 ....,..tilifini. "4 ,1 ler,l-. I --- • , • , ! 1 ' .donnerl ~.?~►~^rtes ~~r' -or sorto J. 11 IL 1 II (1 .11 .11 intJ_ ) VlOLbli• I .1, . ", .14 1 4- 4 .11 I;,rk „_ fir) itit4llllqtripi6Nw Jun:Ss: tin if eti • aZT-Isvgikri 4.l4l29:bsp.u4zr,&actliaseraKr6: • .•il ,Cl i .1,11, li t link9GTO IL . N[YERS. has associated his ,rjl , neplop:ANtitol:4Pilasikllli23DN r lipliiii • n `,l l P;i l it a'l PA. 7 1c li i gIl i nP: .1 I,i ~ . '..: 4 ,, -, '- ' 1 •XiI1 ,11 I , FriV7g'sYrillvritillobtor NIYEIRS will lie: enalmltoi ta Ins tilidiiided attct II iOll torthe du , ties e of ik ,rofelision... I, ..,i' , • ''' ' ''' garlA4lp , ,Stiite . wibetru,so, 1t1460-43ms. ' . .' 111111o4aihicPhyeicran. OFFJ,cp,t,Oleira • etriMui , itt !the •hees:e:fer merly occupied Ey Dr, k'red,,p,tirenal, (; I tßi!" l C3 ' ; • ';; 'I6IDWo"i . .• 4_7; 141 !I . . • ... Wl L etirfi r etraTe •ft al vatioiv;stiehar dtlftn,4 PilsitY,.'.2 ) lvo4; '&6; 4 Or w lll , oelotaisstlid Idst bPaldm, ienettifig ilichtUrreeth 4 frlnif/ si n . glit TdOtil AO it • ntill tem orthe •''._ • tAliSinhi will he Itliseiit TOM Car lisl4•The " ' -! CA .C. • Id' ';* '.' at Law, • • - 'or EICIS lcm Main street; unjoilnine •the Store bf R. IrSine,jr. and directly oppOelte Beete!nn's - jan24 . . O.O),ZEP' OX, - • ATTORNE Y, ,L Vt • , Pittsburg; Pa, HAS tietornett titt 4 " prat:,tit.e 01 his to•oressioit Alieziieny cunnst',l.l u.: •'' ' I'LL 111, 1817. .11XIBTRIr EDGAR nyatrE, • ArroftNEY Ir. ll4 A. RrActmto in dot itoversi I s ofCom, Itertaiiti, tool the nitittioilig ttoiiiittes anti at oio tot .{n•dlesslmtal Inoiitietisentrustpl to his care .w,i,tilliro it ilititites Zimith t ila‘ , orlYtlr street, in Ciratliarn°ll ,no msitc- Post Office. C?" . liolgtAltgl , sk.' 26 l y. 6. - .I))LTMLAIO i'4OAOK 9 Attorney-et—Law, O , FICE in Soulh Ilannver streef,i'lew (loth' 6 Inv .1. 11.1.11111 thin, Esq. ' .In • 16,1845. DEII,TISTRY I ,,&C, -.roux w. rApplurri_ru.v informs the public, that InCloring. opened an ollice - ein-Sontlf limasser Atreet,nearlY opptiteite the Pawl Offices, lie ig pre pared. ta practice IW.STIS I RN' in all its 'wan es:hese. ekt eel Tuck's are to health,beilicles etsturtel on artifiuial tmltla 111.lf not only useful but miamentkl,Beal add materially ri the comfort of OM wearer. Ii 111.11,111 not be staled what uilf be t teeth. suffice it to say filet emery defer, eats-Ite...etutediedosehl.ftexes-Teellt-Tetretialeettfrom .aketerSe-oete-lo nes.entireß set. • I.l.4chig had consiele.. eel eldeAtrautioelor a.leamhetl of years,gonel Term. , .eneeatwitlehe eietew to such ate require them 'the Isest .eroot is the operatinn, wlikh ,rill iu all 45,3 ,De 1.0.111p.nu1l manner prieAs to •.,pt- the nacenaletit anelAled- times. Pet-rota waited no at their residences, either in etsw el qr emuitrr, Wit extra charge. lle may al ways lie 1011.1 I at his lIIIICPOIS above, or at his iglyfeiceTto "itt ettfeet :DM:door north of flentlel's ! ivote;y .ttelelee, elso ornmplls :Mewl les the repairing of 'N'Tthhes Jewelry , at his office ill South Ilan oer, 4 , 1 , CI It NIC neatly Owen th4. ••Ity attention and skilful execution or his work , lie lenoms to receive:end hereby solicits a shard nl pnhlia pate.nnage. Carlisle, April R. R4ll. HARRIS, TURNER, & 'MAIN .. WHOLESALE •DRUGGISTS, Nr):201 3fttket Street, PlilLA DELPHI . A jaipotthfs .and. Wholesale pealets Metlicktiv.. , ,(lhentioulp,l oent i oeA, i fikirgi th.tetr4cit Ipstrlttpe,sita; Pepggißtp i:tlibwprF,Wltith)ty 'hop, lictN i .Puriqinery EV ) , )Yrtgilibt, 17145141atie stltilNikA wliti the..o'itWe' 1 0.tierd , do the- inns[ rA.,.voruble t muu. Stiief-nrul pidd tirdeol EVefy ‘10111!C !Milt% M. IN f.lkotts.A. Tv moura,,lntely of .Wirvta 604 Alv x, ?1. D. , • ek.4l4 ,l Cll;hht . , Sglit.3(4. y..., ,;. • T HEN .14'101 7 [1008E -HOTEL 4Ftoritiii,g-on Le' bun .rlattil 4 1 AZ-43,4 1 =9 , r ll ' , ; • • . . _ Is ' beetilati,by'i!ie 't•ip h ;lei•s'l3'r. 1f le nGwf' foroialild arid tiny frirtrimiigoiti'lif the ' her a,!' et rhitOo Siiltrits COTllkle, nett itivit;rirno . crifi.. TtSt'itis kitorleinte ith(l , ( l ,vdry , titiehiiiriV paid to tho comfort and. convenionce of thou: , with •piittoliilliti We' eitablidlfraohi: '• l4 i ' r I " ' '• • J , I WIN R0T 0 1%.. 1 - '-Orirlislek4pril46olB , ls. ' o "n WWI • . lb I , S U S . ';*N PROPN**MPW4I6.‘ I.: 43 : Tymvp , nkFRERS his ecrilci4.toeho 617:114,.*g %I gUlly inclB99raityr 4 n qert S l ce withins l t hterd i l"4"B4 l l llta v l iVe-i s i,aoilM eh, itbd I npga .tpeare punitualitarAu) astaitrttetoro , pinto poronag,wit.l3,l4,llll.t pillion in tholublisr shirrs'. itittriediAtels in llie"Pina%ettik 61iKr.1 . py..19p7. , 70 1 7 Corbels). act f.. - 1 1 14111NG .1 46 - - SOOIIOINGI4 I.- - nag ,eNut);l4:ll'l.l4 .4tiiteiefiti9 '.l392Ckti=ließv4l • hi 4.sitiV ttiPaOttlS " fIUBLitHED )FFIGE SMith • • Squio6, ?glut' thri rEnms OF $l,lB ORIPTION Dollar Ond Fitly eente,agq ADVAPCR". I'WO Dollars, inlaid within "t par. )no Dollar &ibis months.• These terms will bp Fitidly.adheredio.' • , RATES OF •ADVERTISIfIG. • • " Advertisements, making fifteen Mee be , herded at the ,rale ,of , Flay centaifor nne insertitinvi— Vein t6teir (lir One Dollar, and twentyltive cents for, very tinheedlient inserttatil"Todely advertliers rdtlt he charged at the following ratesd',. :One colepinotip timpaper, fermis, yeari - 4 2 5 illarteccilutiln, • .do, , do„ .11,3 Two Seuat'est tinarterlY cludikes, ' • 211.111, r iluslitesaleards.svith the paper; 'll5 JOB PRINTING,. OF EVERY:I;IESOIO7ION, act ultro,111.; itlanks,(Girculeri and, every mii , . her deintript lon p(Printina. ex_eesitcAiltailliontelytudr . 'toilitioutily; kind at tIn't,OWEST 1T. 11 c 3 1 8 . 13 . 1150 . Tu t : IRusht I.ABOREWS , PRAYER. Give us this day our daily , hread Father's hi mercy heat olit prayer; All hope ordiuman aid has ded— • • • • We sink in deep despair. '~ Our little mien 'scream out with pain, Atid elarnor'to he t Father : rheircrieri le nre'yttin Give turour daily blend. . . . n'er'the gn'tfitt infant nt tiie brhast, Thri ntOltler boiss her hehd t . Theithuot is dry, In vain 'tis pret4t—,a hive ws' our dully bread. • ' this eidet,tlsu 2 novith hOliow eyo, • ' And ealtro stealthy mad; Would 'FORK the fluid wo cannot buy— (tive no MU' daily bread. tottutt not lure. ult nhnll tint Men!, Though Mort,' Before UP oitrrnull Butt we will work with ettriutust zeal— • Cite ;Is our dolly bread. Famine bath laid her wil withering hand • i . Upon each little head; ; Oh. Chrlett Is this it Christian land I ' . • F ' - (jive us btAtlaily bread. A .il i 4; Thy will be dune ' . Fattier receive Our Soule Os lieldwe ore dead; '''.. e IlddlellVOO we shall not pine antrgrleve— . 0 Or want o u r daily- bread. • item amt - ' . ~ . . (Extracted trent' TOE STATIF;Of RN OP Al4l.:ltt- CA 1); 1846, I;3' SARAH' 111'`ft024 AIAVIVI", litiely•pbblialied byliTirnsitifricrr Such as was George 11'ashingtona1 lAlount Vernon, retired front the scenes of public excitument and sofvice, such is Henry Clay_ at Ashland7l had seen. Calhoun at Wash inglon in the early spring o! 1846 calif) a in idst the sfHte and hurry of pilule:II warfare; I, saw Henry Clay in tlia- May following in Kentucky, serene in "mild majesty of private life. 7 Side by side these illustrious tlincri cans had, for many_years, 1 ceeded in their scpetate coutses', their ag.iis.luot.' far dissitni-- IriV,lfit;if lihtifacters strongly etititiaSteil; their polities 'invariably opposed, their various polders equally, thongh With different vieivs, ' ardently devoted to the service of their coup .,try. Hach spoke of the other With high es teem. and ea!) inquired will( earnest solici tude if health and cheerfulness were still the portion of his admired rival. Many sympa thies, induct!, had. hound them together ; each had rejoieed will the same triumph in ihe happine.i.e of, the Republic; each had partaken of the same exalted anguish iii her di dientnes. Clay and . Calhoun are the was ter spirits of Arnrica.. Mr. Clay is the most popular' man in the United States.; his very. name. is a spell,and no sooner is it heard than .all mattkiud.riSe up to praise it, not all mankind onlybut all womankind ; for, •as in England; ladies ,part milieu' are Consavativesi so they' are in ,A- , meiira, for the. same reasons; doubtless,gen eridly attached .to.the AVliigstenrltird,4l.luve- I yantl-beautiluletnament,. tbe-4adies:ol-4,-. merit:a are the chaplet of roses, in . whicli is. .w reathed the name of Henry 'Clay.. tofou eannot gti,biteli to yotir country‘yithoftt. iicti. 'mg to Asitland." "You never hearil,..shcli ir Notice, you never knew sunk a man iii..E.l4- ' land, our M. Clay " All the elidilkn, both in. If3Alid, are, 1. believe callmi after Min,; e ' it there. is a little rmeratioti of two year old Ilottry, Clays. ,§oeie lailies, at . Itintea Jtad lavished upon lila ev. i try ,sort, ~ i ri . qo a pilni.i,ly .11110 it i qin 3, ts• ,`!Fir,".-tfa! (1 1!:1 1 i l l rli ng.; "eltalll,impify you,.tof,sollitucti goo u . ess i ? . , .i'.V,ott-,l4rp i goipg to .aOO Mr.:cipy, ask. pill' ~r,0,, a 9 tlq inginPl! i -AP d „yr , ' 'I!. :; ,9 , ; M i r Y. 'c) ,: i i v IP' -ililv,g 1 ,1 ' 1 . 1 ),P M. 9! a, iflf i . 1 1 ai ,}J)al ...WIk . IPIY9-i'l'ik„k e for you: t, ,my. medge to .T.r. - -c 2 ilah ,w) l 9aji PPP? Ti,,Ll,oet,tt,e,tl it,, ,, aniCWith ,ta- Wrest ;,ptitting, tiesluao,:,9ll Alin, f,a,4o ; ;lNz .a,%9,5t rPeßf9l.) , RsMie,t l 4', TY, Akui?4n,it a n d m ykle . TtryAmet,. see)) man . ocArtii an a..m,an7. !)Y Ia.IOPsNN9III I ,/f4k, Aka?,, re,5‘, 1 , 1 4?0,6n, '6!' 1 ,,1i , !i.. .0.4',1 5. 41 1 9r). 11 ,11i-Itar.'? .Pani)? l QA,ipil : , l3 ol, - opa§tatic2, att i OßYP e 3( lo . , P 9 i i . ula T'APVi •A n4. 1 n,',9P, for,hinj4l.- "9 ( 14 iki!.l o ,..rtittLcy IV ' !,t,r??,r,tugaliY.AttßOP•fnetit !FiP9oTit"t t "tli Y. 9! ° P7' triarprobatny ever le l' tqfti.9, l !.. o l,,e,”the,*- YzialikjilalM9.l.l l, Wa .sinnofai.,,_ . Pn allar,aa-1 ter, manners, litattmnan,),v,ptsF/79.a3%; P 1,90, his denaati kulY.ll: 1". ) 1 1. nain9 ' lPlY. • fief:5.4490 th! mo tyag-liahat :, .sa,i4 , 'lima . ; ,9.yrd, ritpacrote of , lits pUblie,,4 a is , ,p.o.lll4 l ,PreP_Pft, rl. s hgase' ft , his farm ; , Fut t n t ateftto„cileite ! ,,ell i beko4 tol isociety il t In T g ( l — /749,111Pfq 1 41/!.ol,Tiirl /' n •Y;' I and many 0 914.r-Pla. 9 P r93 v (i v t. d o a .'") B .4 l al r blessutterato tlrio Ffr,qtefiF - . lrrpti . di,'.`or, peri --i- haps-to-iiiliff l renhp:eymnia4#o-htithacli - 1 . tlfsmni - i . f.W e '..C l Vlr d b.4 l.l l 6 4:lo i l f le Yl ' 1 '- eLlips.,Mitip4tepaiad,lveH ' arriktill:ilatO iititft nigtititnti. Liekv-MPIII anti: ere utllLeraititsLa arler .at . the. hotel, on, ti , 05.,919hdi,: . . M uted Henry . Clay; i ‘ 111, ; :Mt....c.. ile oW -.t • ; . 1 daring thei 10#10!ffar; .ely, j, r,..P . 4mOtitience 1. Istr -0' rdiße, --. P o t • rmit r the - n *lb , et ,, u0,2 rill IfttiolllT '., VP.) f O. "V' earr)l 1 'visit tliev , agE NT ; aiY" t‘'at alt i Ours," 82 - *ei t , st;: f,: ro ad I. thousand fears, rs i. trtw 't; :1. 'ed might' be absent, might bet ;''"-- (~ , mile m lta .hali).; sortnatb intarminablo.l . l 'bud' no' t i trie , ticivi eve. thaviar+fameriland snipe btimity, 61,4eatutelt.y; I :watigointtio 4eet Nits) .fortilbtilltrion'.6s.oll.lb6Y 6 T l l:' ,19_yisit.yhorii n?)1 4 / a PNantl,pa! 8 altrciD l ;?. i tt C i t T aT Iheir : r .. -y , ~ etu tar-lice',, , ith,t -•iiiriPM-11:094i Melrt n ' l Une 4 *.ilr i r l n. t n•Airtoital4_q f irl ili tiltig'9 ls t4q i i .. f' ,teriisial:!aarball'.w 14.1.0 At'94 ) frii,94' , , i tcl, Y ; •Idastitrafioni,itikt 1 angtltqweistrrtregt4l;,o,9llr illage,irtoddfibelbre.:theuita' *—«kly,rantiet,t f in' . . I bierittiniwibikmOst IM .ett fietl4-:tveiknoek -at •tha.dpprolatiopfltisk9ig os,:t liti Old ti eft ii .. ktiAkfatth ra t nlig i i 4 V l flai 11PM44 ve a 8 1 1 7 ' at liariii' I t 1 :- T t irOlP , , 6ul r l,: . .„ L., ,fr . , ift . g . } ' A 0 04: NAVIPA : tti ! I f I 1 4 r 13 0 „ • I ir ,,..„„0 5 .:„. „...,,, „,,,,„ PM: ,as! oil 1. 4.P7PIPV - M1 . . ,‘i ~ i .:!.,:::,,','4 !:. ~ . .,:iti.4te:n-,a,:•'iApef-...: .. ':~: Elia cobitesiewot , WilltbMW: lignt; hiraeetinipkihiedViefoiljOittiligiabtil, and theltilkiliietdiy'lliftdterWat 1' ' biouglit fl v ii* yeafit before, ni . y husband' ball live arid twenty:s , 4lolV 'he' Jiiptoti4cll' and -had been. doh dittlail 111 1 of A merican'polities,lathleli, Fteo Tea Op lone eicopted; haVeaniell ftitteedlhailutittibit of this Unchangeable Med,' Tbuti 'We at dear divided hobse,—and yet &Milted tate:** , Wli both nerve eldy and r; a I hse+ . oii pregitid In ell] em not as the Men 'of *Stateita'settloW, or a ty,. bat as Amerleans, , -fresotil thought,/ e 4 pure, in. heart. QUiekly Tar!' Clay , spoke af ,ell that I !Mad and revatadl*initnratillti Maury , Swiamily were. knowd to himf his sortlienrylad lnamedi one- of 'our relatives,. and my . father-in-law tlitl! veneia-1 ,ble iiimeslVlthiry,obleverpocil,pesiteakediliis highest' esteems.'" You have about I !how' oariittelatione in :Niiginia*mid - Retituckyin: *observed beditiiighing, , '4Arb going lie seetbem all?'known manpol therif and.they are. all lendlesed; with' *irtiim)l— These •wordoi haye treasured as an 'armed.: al motto niy sons. • Wespoke. °fiat:lairs* public and, private,. the past the present;and• the fature . Ortlelyand •fearlesslyllspokmiaith) thie+great.many as with othfen - dlustrlodr..l4 nierillanis , and he conversed with the I trimly and indulgently, forgetfulat tny sex, and' in-I leriority. • • What caw 1 do-foryou? -- 'NothiitchvAgOgner'Vibe/ with you as much a 3 possible." You stihil be.'? . • , Ahit chat - Ming' wereAhese hours; fat Wm were,ol his family and of his houseltoll.:—. , The little Ooc:or was.wild with oßnits,and never knows Which to preferOs visit to Ash land* to Kinderhook, they were the est 'days hespeht in America.... And I sat and talked,, and listened, lietwiseu,.Mi,ao Mrs, Clay. and ti•hen many were present, "Take him," she%saill, '"lnto the 'garden, and talk with him there, for I know , you' wish it, , add 'I will liftsl him. wigl you. — 4 l.nd. into 'the garden we went, arid.Alr.,,Clay, pointed out to me the trees be planted with his own halide: cut for me every flbwer l looked up. pit or touched, conducted ine to see !Mistook of cattle : .ot whio be .seemed very ,proud, and pointed out his pets; showed me the di rection in wlifpff hh. farm extemled, and ex plained 'views. The rtnwers, rofft4s, red, and. white, and aitimaiith magnolia and odium-are all, pre seri-ed; they i are laid in a ced ar • box with those POUT '1; in d erti ook , `tinira"roiii "OW en to me_by-Mrs. Madison with her farewell . . In the garden during our wajk...lllr. Clay in conversation alluded to his" uwtt health and prevent enjoyment of lite'. "I 'tiave'riot been so thoroughlY , *ell," said he "so cheer. Ittl„so pompored- lot many years rts during the last eiwtiteeti'mpritht!." . . In speaking of the state of parties ho allii ded to the PreSidential Election once 01U-ice en pumaiii, aA that ! 4 -event so. unexpected by us all," that :-untpward circumstance," or in tet ins to-shut -elleetochofly tree from -pre - stow or from prejudice. 4, Sonletimes," saidlte and with solemniti - ,"l am led- to think of the tutatipinsiielifs r loCtlie'RilfiittY 'kith -a!). pielloar•ion." And here he stopped, end turning Mwardrurc, - added ii the' most im pressive manner, anct with a voice uf allect- ut tenderness• and eyes raised ;to Heaven, "And yet, and yet; why should I despair?— Providence has•tur many ways of saving na :ions." * * * * * ":%Ir. Clay. which of your public Speeches do ye) Consider the rrax4i effective , and pow erful?" "There is: a portion of the itpeeell' on the vetoo'l4r. Tyler on the •Bank 4ill, ioi r eply to Mr. Rives„ which,propead i the mn4pleu-• tfifYiri,g effect CI( any thing' I eVeruttered,'L'— The faximektinte i ttObjbatjwiti•l'ittelotiaiterNii-1 ture,i;•added, , hey , smilingi!"lad singelarly! ,lavored:me by, giving tne e•troice peculiarly t adapted to .procluce.the cessions, ‘ T yli q d iii public 'speaking; hoW," 'Bahl corly hi Changed', its mneio gone?" (Ahd this wiezt said as if in mockery, in aountlb of ex- - gnisite sweetnes.s.). The effects of his man— ner and utterance in the Senate were most striking.' ' • „ got is4w n speaks. what qlqcullon flown ' Aoft as ilio'fleeers of destsmling snows! , Thtreepiettnneceitts.4ll witb•intlY art Melting they fall, and 01111,, intq the heart, '1 shall bell&Pity anti ken trill Itteecimpany lin 'ehnieli tit•nwrrnivi It 'is our general' practice td attentl ;•• 'f .• .• • The n 1 iit , lßfta'lißi3 , µ'4 pnNeetletli In Air. gaz's carr,linAc tlm.Epi,s4:._epaLehnrch_j.lllL. sonicminutes dr brae Seivitin;r64. • I 'ebil vehteil' • ih'gitiitte ,ocintsiderlnfkipll,' l, FA - 4(4)10 1 1e, "Atc• • qlaY' ,3 health is itiegalarly geqcl,atal tti4,oPirickehllPT -IPll,4°,:rll.llYq, taro avkir ul 1 7 @itex ? „60 fi retl.Yeelts,a.„y,?ll, 'en& t ?it was one that parents might, fie - Clay Altellhitve the slime , aflame, that citieh-filletiourbouhe -40411 Islay mbs3;r4qm (oefirNit44/4714K1 3 ,hpeq, and keep them all." r agrVig3"llF2 l dliy"lettil&V firs, face down upon - his - hrmdeovideh rested en.; tonlktiaistiok i % Mi-the:.nttittider, whitiii7.fietthan t)?Peill,..fa,ro4t ial4sl9llo7)catf ittl riftt" j. , ,hirs Ins hand a. lull .b !Lin Jose, with,,a brilieVii, A 1 (164%160 t•;' tatill Wait kpwldiii Asteltivei-ofghetfri,graneekifdloxyzeivd. tftut r 11 'OIIi9UF,ITRA 4444114ii*MPr14915;0 gjAY.?B, amity, r esiding in me neigiippr4 lidotl;fiEtit'a I aseiiibledietlifiliiii3ht k 1 16 f Likadijiltitigtneei !hlkifvet±rieetge; with ..lighUblue:eims„ end.latightgterhptosiON cli "TN tq17911; k lSPAtqlk a and hence. aseeedet to lasi otdder, anti pal - her arm;arlSHlT3llll3layed - with h eadtkiatiedthieVeadiand &n et iverJi Andiutthea the' walkedi.she chuined(lns itheespanditte'ealled7hen#Soplo44ll44,9!).; (eitt'kieoirierteverjni9ridylanilbhe.n6loeprn lb called Xtgete,. to 'AMU newithei hamt'Otimiting4uuli mrivold;, lanifyietookileave'.lofithisiattiautive groeprii— igtv.elay hirdiedirrign.lot:thei earrieim, ,and 'holditig.:both my hands in the strong g i mp ieffriendshki;lf , Let tusilinAikidkild4o3:ll`that, , JireliGnay.nonet.loin,eithim he re: ot elbewbclM • ' fluid, sem d4hnsri) boys eidAYettMi-to mridlist . thermeettie '4ll, , , fian i I kir thoitalp aitrfr4dija!; l loo.en..l4)nea yee;'l , qllntih) aviterdhitifere'wellii*ordsj tmd tstOrth4:,tinge# eeissty.:Leaeiilinfleaitig af) othojr adwellintraphaartu 't1";1111)1/:, , ;d thlt p 1.441•5 tiaiitertiikge4ett Ituernal, to+ ieglueneeimere raL : ',4ohdatrdikell tilefiry,X3ley itilltettaxVxMoetate.llohola t ,l, 'bold 40 1 0 Wlienl'anpllifoslloll4s4 *Wail fla*OitiAklokl:ol644l g p • gtitftit*ltkillintilthilW*,.. A, •.. •77 77,77, 0,17: BEM I.6I2EiI92:II;EEMEtEDI' imnol3 ; )11 , liiirtzr ., q hit IU • ICI EN .• . . lilr MO •, • 7;.)"-i'''e';'l, , gu, I, J pri , i I) 7 ii;%eAiiovnpre of ago - t 0i).,161 , ;,- tesran farmero .Kentuckj,• iiasle.ts , heio l Siffiiiikhil'hiefoMtfaltliit.2gad • 1 broad ichis-/Mouth is..dale antif•widepTiiiie ' kftl4FßV,:if. l loPsfltai f!filligt9repi. p(Alr• Plpy, are 0.1 - i iy,elsiiA l g in. their • 404011%194 Mie n '' phiii ( er.tfnelleffy'ftfiffe r ell4aillftis never Bode MM . tii , iiti'tciltroiii)ii&tibe::“Wi'fiinti n efif [ANIS' painted-only the , eattlifir, not ;14e:41am:6015y Clay: ~. ~ ....,„,,, i ,,1....„ .1 . 1 11 /qv) I: r 1),,, li , htr. Claywas cifeciad,spealfffr,.'olthetjeum Of 11 ,606 1 4.nilafiVAd Pillib:A 3 ')W d l i tir,e! ) tfay6i. '.;ll l 4'itii 86C qty.or,,, iittl„ liffl4ol6 . Pi 4 elMintic, 'a Ate: I ' 3lait;q, 49. , pii..10,p1c30 cif 'iti . o4" iAriti4ilor'er4iiiqe.# sCptiv'Eltft Illh t*lri' yfla ii i . "In 1,41, fie_Wqs'eldefelf` to • thflg•piteifi tai4VV,nayi;i'vh4,fejliili.6lonl . edit. I)iitiNhiiV i iri.4.• i splitii Ally Y, PO; 14,#,? • 'Mfg; 5 the Plitge.ilei , v,icei' d Lii,,:, 4 ,P, "t„, ~.11.,ii i ., r Ali ' ll . s dlry plq, 1, 6 1, 1 0:411 1 . 11 ,( 1 , ?a c I,P.O2,Yr; l'aVilY, r ;filtiiii4dl6l±eige:Tplibi, i? 4" . 6,( I ' LPPRP,Ifff,I, titAiilififidil,; I." thi al,'Atia lip :rill P o t;., fltlVAfh • io• tiff rtigtitiik 4aititil )40 pri ilßg?;pr,gl,24r liiq fdar s titinilts, With' tliose,of Ma eolintryumn a that lekgftili( i 'ilayi; and he'aftli,#ntr,peuoe,. Ma) , waif ilphn Wirt. A. ' .. „' •; .. . , . ~.,,SikaiWcing., P attc,,,,-, . . The "IA Lu Tales;" Aniblistoki , Byl mime" •coitithahle.F.Bliitirii : for" littleghis 4 "; (!lidlor, .0 116 .0 .1 :','• 1 5 .6 b,„1i:,*9i .. 41 l i it'i!‘'?,;(9fl;4lo ' gill . ebborit, o f pitty,.',/itlherng la 14e: Vegetable ii - orld, which (if the statement tambe allied; on,) is;onif of the most carious itieyle:iffic ice , Ifivehetini of for a long ti me : .I . l4ii,i)ec'tir : , idnceS alqi so similar t, those, that;Semaiimesti, , take place in mallile, Mat weltre inclined 11 to think, thatif•the• account be not , strietly ttire it at letiati fiat sti.tine good Mundation: ' ''' .. ; _ peens that , , once. upon a tinier' , ; tits flowers, in,a certain garden dotard - titled to interchange visits: And ;here we will alloW the fait Authoress to speak for he r sel f: ' "The Marigolds vesit to 'say qqpil eve fling to the'Lupines, and the' Lupines, rna,de caltupon. their i cousilis, the Sweet Nag the Poppies were too sldepy to go. to see, ' any body, Astdrsi and the`COntly'-tnitsjand thoGilliffoWers, 'kik! Warty - other, 'Of 'their friends, called upon tkeinithesekindirtelids however; the ettipidifoppies.soonlset toga; ping,so, i that nnrei,thasi; . eno.of than" ,ftpllther• baly* badlyi,end was obliged to,go rtway. 77 - PresefitlY itilfflotierszgreW Apt alt but the large •Pop Ode Who prefeiTiii76 no t( away by •thousselves - ; and one,toll; fatherly-faakiag ptiptipwvF, 'Who, being too theornatic to, phi in the, deuce . himself; y 'stood close hi 'one 'eortierl - tlnifitid to see the ' young folks etijoying•therneelveg!- Such a gay timer as they smutted-16 be have nig." But ah ! there is sornethlnl to tznocAven the enjoy . ntertt of flowers. In •the their revels "certain irldividgqls fil s ty; the birchen gal4011qi:.!3111!3. to jn n them.,,,, - __ Bee and a loggSarrWiTalltin&4l . l,,arm in - arm, and then a Tumip tund - an -- o.not* Tat—an old lady Who did not' look as if shb oalld ilaneeesimiii• lean on the arm of hor attlitng slender neph ew, a young Alustard,,,and ,hosipmf,keas.and Beans crime whirling iti,.all mingled meth -et, and erdok-neekett'Squaltheseante ingly linked and ready fur a waltz. •••. The dancers stepped, and looked ;Upon this width un to their select party uccou (tows ly. "Well, [his is making bold, ready," cried they: • : "How do-you, do?. my. 4.learP -said ~ the .0 : T!!! Cabbage your cousin ? .111iard, he wantz a partger, that' 'l' de bill leellblua ilanc,ie ' .1 • ,:.! iMYP/t B PII , Tu44SAL •qtied !he. higillVAl , fended aillif)9Wer ; "that news to ,tne, 77 Waltz w ith i Cie&f '1,1311' ti• ill : iintrTu r fiiffs 4Yrimigh' in 'the kitchen' gaaleti,:isii';'you had better go,There for a'partner, and as for you 4Oi;4g.il4:aoY-N4Y.r4'lWted te. me, and..l can tell you it is a great mistake,. aadl bog ybb be caiefid • noW you beast . Of any each • -hotior.P. st ; • . • • • . :" pleasant eveningd' said , the , Kttlnky . I.leau to, the ;alpine, who had, beau waltzing with tier cousin, the SWeet Pea. • , , , ‘ ' , Very, but don't the moon shine as bright ly in you, I zmir territo ri nil 1 as ir • d mit§ , -hcri e, sir r : returned- , the Lupine, ~.andj- Main; "n g t ,,%',l3 ll c e i t ot r q ll ;t2 n ll ; . ' kit Ae+ 'Veed , ~ 1 • prai ild net you kw no and'iny'bintliere; ,hereohndarna+Beans?-rand i ont-;,odd- ibla'-' tigfla, l 0iR,443r5p,%Y1 1 49'P0s r ;,.; 0. , ~,, . 1 ! , ~. , , ccopsili, indeed : th'ii,ie irgeP E,41. trpo' Iti ‘ iiilief."/NfsW i . .t,.'66.dge'' me if'il3r ' . beithdriknow/hid; , tiori w Itilivni lin eilif yeti!". , -,.. t‘Came,"t nail]. thd , Sweet,,Ped,,kr,rantee in I ,Aillef. tPaa2:444 2, 1v.i1b..TP41C1511 'VW /94t.,f0r so sweet a- fluwer "le; ua.go; Ann. e we 1 Alki'i t ild iiii4thi4e i iindptii." ' 1 " "'' Iw> *-I . Wiiil , you , daneepilool4lti Si:0(ot V'lleAked the common Blue Sage teAhe t Salvia' Spleat.' .°l4-88 4Z ri rr Ttoliltit ail . 'o v. viktiowililos%liikaitin i aciiiil(ituk, -deiedijoityu. - ah .),,,,,:.) 1„,,, nod lu . i 110 fult.,"..What It4tviliilitunet taubtlendleul-'3I tusk., e q- Vll 3 lP.Pa'llill ( aa, Acre 'tot 1imi.3,1 o: , i • a at t'ut :da l couqin 'and that is,. gnOup,ri; • i iiillfolit'ktaNdilifitikkiiillifialeTt"Wciuool aamindeeli IMicited . spidial tit hhe. hillnYitliiiikl Attiblehlfifialkillaregothef ptouiiihtlitiseilmtutil ASIVIS9PI I I-9)1 1 -0Wri#1,11RIA1 o. \ Coci B . lve aV Fie w4I . go OMe. ,?, , ' q' SYßY, l MP l lll#iioe l ! m itilL i ifiV fekiegetii dhliSbnfloweri, , ,to‘pfOrftivhsainin.4[lllllllis! lily 10 4 ,490 TAYAVShirgAtIgorddeNbillthd , ralationafia,aacivalyl" • ' a rr 1r . - • ; ; 3 Ititatidlis,Viiiiit Pq - eii ore: : I ' . ..,1, (1 , t ; "Erientlt,jadeed!!! 0'1(41'11110(W! u '''' ) '-'''; ' ' f Ju a ol!Mflip!mit'iluilidt iSniviq o,'•frckttfilbf-yon I 11 4 ji' ne MktiVONOC; lo ekonfsg• A Allitimetoindl t:ab 'in . ) , .w•it i t ~' r . nr ' YI ' I l v tiriaq EarValt i f Rd VIZ I 'IAA "t f laSiikfial64o4lolfiligliliiiii NH Wiliiiiltil i g .111 1 03iiieriatii..'sW? •(4 -1-4/5 \-I . s • - r ,19 1 1 4 '' 9 , ...: 8 7 i/91)11i1istiq brit .111IIMimiemBri 1 104 - 4 I'm ' A Ilia i 0.i.-Aff*Mritzol4c4Pftif; Iril *Pitpftriu!st i pal lilo.l9l#i i thi 3 ,9l4fA PI- it,1449.*F900:4: 11 .0 Pr' ' 441 . 131 / 7 22144 1" 1 4 6 ?! --1.;‘;10.41 ny,.. ? „i:11 n; fi.3 it ge w el Kel aren kfah 4 ll9l449" eP TT '*%4lier/linii iiWagrweimirg, J,„„tifieofikioito,l4,o,,kiiiitOtiliidt sjhelldltmtayaa:i lilt Itikriiill*,4oA ,'1.44 i rte.m* , ,qprffaimicill,Mint. wav rain thair, f ialiiiilkaifitiatE 7Alk:arigkMaNig of 4 0 , 1 ' Wh9±ege theYjloktitt,SPVoP"Fill V i t ritlti f iirlfte: iilif l ' " irtViallapenills a Tib Aft -.,♦..„,ti - - . 11 • n it ithlk**l4 oooll l ll .. . l #nn ero" " l "l4 pilmoo , . ~. '144).4590rAppg AVVOTilitth n'ZgIiZZF .5,i1,,v,f,),:;,;t, 1 = 611 Ilirr).- ~ , 4 44, 0 4 ,. . 4--04-$ . :-,. , 1 .4,4fiTi747E1i, - _ - 7,,; tibri i 4, to • . 91 ',till lo ftt , i:l . ..irripmill 90t IndT . ti .t) ,I i ;ffi..i. T 1 .th!)/fri, gill oti.i ~ I tl2V, PO, r,..ijj ~,U Grnow .troilo , Htisvap 41:8$39111 slcarfok) ) r. otP.C.ott4lntovideliell . iPhska oor fi the fi'Toielolllo 1g , 1.: c r r l , g 44 o,'o - mil I.,[i-),,) ico , !i , 11 , •1 -111: . 1:'11'rri • fWMlMANGT9naat.tettliplB47. l ::1 firlilltrehandlbfy:Esq*ildliflefNtirrflititit"df' ~„ Sn,r~tq; his 11. -'2I,99g,rr°P;rIP I 9FPRI tufrtiAne ,the rgri t akitigtrupn rthe• order of the• b dr Ilintik'fireirill,''..Mij` . .!; 4 lvlli rro 4r• t 't § -rW i qn 4 r r. 0,9 1 , !b, ll lo.eirrlffre thapretlrmer ;Itoureflrlengthr iThbuith ritrertitibjelit.-htid einpceth i retidtitliViiiiiiitiiiiii"Wapiltrikohhiii'if . • ii'eiiirda , .111 II I ,eff the who le 'r, ..rblin•Cleittotirsaitt she ho t ted he liviteelle . §6P 1 4 1 -f9! ffPq4log, AI,- .17yrus o. e t b'it..fiepos'exceptiou to tile bill ciii die t & • .which declared that slid dotyrrbpuk,e,f tlifittrearryexceptrepod,apprqs pripitiri e ,Aothi qg quild l ,l3e ifldhan did. pul•7 llire' pcse let th mo e ney is 't td FC - 3 gvertf.folliiirefelitrfehli is er ;purpose of procuring a speetly-ond honorable 'peace. guff 9.1'.1 . • -Mr. C, said that the, constitutienalify of eniVri'rdispdr.;ititiii" of iiinifey • ablylurgred-itf this rbodytnriB36invlietirreptii/ .pqrptpn was.dbrouglitt forward to plape three, -millions in the hands ot,,Gen. Jai:dittot - 4,;Ard, it was Uteri decided to• be ari turcpristtintoril' illifinSition'ef• 'tliat it - wont hot be .srieh •abpil.optiatien - as the chOtin tioh` rectitires. • '• •:' • •••• • • hit, Claytdir Ihdti tr4rred t/ ft'. Joffe rsan opinion upon the subject of appropriOticius, he;liovitigi deer:trod fliat ihey mu'st be for some objeet, and that that objeet'rhuat bd.sitecitiedi int the ant making'tlie appropriation. 114 read from Mr. Jeffersnir's mesliage ih )11101-to s'fici . x., what. his ...sentiirieuts- were upon the subject of appdtipriations. This, then, .said Mr. C. is the old democnitic doctrine,- amt it is the ttihig•sjpirtrine„sof dirinpreoent -day. He asked Ntshtlt ibis 'three mrklious were to be given for! why ybu propoSti' Id give this sum- to.theYresident to • be big . him'usedrio defray try i pAtratirrdinary exposes attending, the an n ul merit . pf„.a .. ipeedy.end orablq pl are eiirafirdiaiii . y, and what - ordinary rapehiimr? the - ',llneli6 2 tween-them! Alhat'right 'have you itrgiiiiro' three., r u ill ions-, pf ,withoot dOllll what it is for ? The Senator rroirr fl rkauans, hayti i't its; for the-ptirehriset fer'rifory.. Then -why not say so npon the face of the•billi why obieut for-whieh the •appropri atom. tn is ,ade 3 If you establish this, prece : add', Mr. 'C. said, any' Pr'eAid'erit may here after dernnritl 'that you "shall 'give the aaule evidence of your corififlimee , thai yoil are now proitnF:h,„,c , ..i,o, l'olk, until the constitution will at last' be frittered away, and nothing but its form will be lett. • ' • ittIYAT %.v,littlat - soliaeut - Tritla — degnislttoti one:,fool el territory that stitailieiend to create d l ishord atn l -cliiersitio torttnig butselObst and When tie liatignr rd'nueU.discnrd and diiisicat, its a sentinel on the, watuti tower, Ite . woulkory uloutit asked it the South could not, outiht oot,to be sato:tied adijui'sition of territory' , as tat as .the .Rio Grhnito? Anil he warned s,untiters to nitre intro that they, did not,' in their rapacity and thirst ot•dor,nitriori, take that which iyill destrity us. Mr. C. then pro- , teedetet tit • itimark that it Wit teak inty terif tory, we should not go South id'B6.•tierliir, iiPgitt 3 9ltthet Una 'of tha 41flilisouri , cortioto• •Pclt - MeA,is ( lklT , l9.q4lßi4k.tPttliir' tort** ;'but it was evatent that it, our tro ? pp i l hevertragaiii poss'ession ory.:.ortmateisterativ.2 e,rejgoty„twei , ~ should take, it , should do se by 'lair apt! bona ,fidppktictlWi We should pay Mexico a fair 'price for it; what may be worth to os, but _what a is' Whit h'io fierres We'bought Y,'Ouisianu - 7; givinedrit:.not.sir hat It was worth tWitst - bra mina tt was ,winth to France. O. But whethai .4)g.(tit 41, .befißnipit,qyr*: it,ean iitergit a o ,, atn' he Sublep,ted to' Mexican ~ 11j? sifirinihd4tdn?piiii 4 lrase of Metied What she has-alreadylittried bblj *nit I tirk4 lA* of • great Wattle .to us,., on.' , ig, e6 4 1 116,9f I k l Frh a ri l P. ll . l ? pr Nlotite're:3,, , lwhich are ,the Celt Ro the North. • "" "•• • Alf:•Claytonfthen• . disehstieil the 'Aneeticin, Whatlflksidhlt ea4lBo et the woe! .4%0d,,pr0 4 . ? i rprleit fo,tioar, tlf Q 9flamo tvaii the oritersOtett . byTttio'TiesitiOtit to don'. Taykirtis , iikkh'fidni' , CorPtieuChiliftiltb' ftie Rio Grande, and there platitin. ' a•batteky afti .as to commaitildhe plaza r.xf ,Matamoros.— 'rye order %yes givm of 4, 11111 E 1 ,0 1 " 81 0 th l . l4 ylngtr,r ,9 .lfri.iop2rigt3, .li•rkua l tdre,inovyn pyllfplA :thOPP,9g, ti IYir) . o. , iditt If& Ithfruhl ihetieth tolief OA; `day ontWh telt) thelibilli (Or t't 3olir Ml-.tio o risbognt4 Ait c rappkgq,,oitmspnle,..i',l'd `car,': i a 0 u „ k. r arumtl,, 'tad l 47 y. M usl g i e liOliiiitfiffliniuiderifhe fie "e+ti? WAY 110 fore, though Hd hath'been , thdre - somd•lyeurei and what he• hoped-bever toisee again. The IgregiftittofntherlSenite iheil decided Ben 41iP MlwAlittliataNßCgl tiiillfhtthal 1# Pir Via e irif i l e d i filiFe s q id e il n io9t P tliV i til h i4. 1 Wir , Adt_VittlitiiiigTh thM ditill&ittnii. lerldetilirutiohlmiugtgivew, notilte retilitthit OPPiittirtilftOiccMlll4,lo4gi.l l l49F l o49.llol- ati l i f fifirgi f ot t liii}i li i l " j e li tit t l i ti iltOtmi 6wavauerthil l o b an! tivi - dirticii onActilwivlipmendelittelittoteLetlfoindpidhe fctfiIiWPIVPVW Allinittiriplilitr e il ;runless.-- e were to ,-: e eaul, t at- m . newt blood hrultiegg_ehed_upstri. Amerldia ifgo, ll )lo ll tiffa i firißPMVlßßN l V d rc n fi w i ' A Ij ° 0 i t? ii w illvirrA 'bligli tilbittrA eitiAtal 'lt N 1 eg d. iurdiAgAltet*Wiltheuteiel,tyt€ said; Igitermu iiighidt.Nuit949l..m Off lAeRitC l 4O IVA i mg P W ' r l l lllk i VClFr li ntWlul tri ' d i tY:lt'itti n ii 17iiilatlfZityliiiiivAilii biiirkbahroefthai tWiitriTisotiniimitirdm goons - had athioked thel2OXialitlitY-4144bi1l was the Ameridan-blood shed- upon Amen: can edil. - Wititellifotrllittliltibut he ydted .fith i Mpltfair V i rTheltAgt he' 'vote wI ou te' k ow e et, w I oug. to tWeltde Viell'giirWaNitilo whirtakelniliii illterAhlivyluejituvelitdpWeriolimimwisibliilfoi An 1 1 1. 4 . , )CA%eiti 4Pctirll9kAho,4lo l 4.7VPlßliathAt TM, gcli ir ßret.Cll7Ani• r irgnid tt atil 4dirif t :o'4 l6 (lTP. , trader:4l °leder Ittitittedettettiliekratrihtd itekitiechea him: Rifettmillorupro,d,4uMh':•a.toolt of ilnriftlr i ngrPriPiltil(tArriftu) . Ve ll rl a atZati e likegidgflß . ~ • - • •• . ).414 - 1 0 141 , . •- - , .!)rtAP; •1(1 7/011;41)0,V: • maldn;lisilir,coloil4ollo* l ll44 , lroli, cia 4iiiiWcilessi r as 'tri4reitt tkibrush onwittethti majorityr iri• ' Cailstijbitficied td, E l l§ltAkiliLar ti r,9,49,ll , 2,44-JkittiktPils9kAtigfee , nue, tpv,"? pi 4 ,r M arket and of Walking di:blared t e gbverriment Wdie 1 desirous to maintain peaceilliPreltuieriti." can never fornerWEliblr ernphaphi. the gent,toit bai'd 'mist he 1 0.liSiuld" sdoner ivti a daggeWtotterdheantthan give a vote• for art war.) rip struck ttllepon Mr I Claytorga side' of the Chamber. Mr. C. teen referred tothe letlpr of Mr. Marks Eit3•an important item of edrdeifct!h upon the •phtfple of' this ;cohntrt lithst tliak t b up and prehbritl64 titbit! verdict dr guilty airllnst the President, hnd • stated thb suirstance - pfihatitotri most im. pedant, tibriument. , He•Ws° referred to the qFrtcsi',P, • PilaPicr CoPs o Mel oQi, O w icn ne imorms bur government ; that t ile , government of,Vti.ille#:vote Willing to re ceive a Ctititrutsitoiier Commi)s idhetliis times repeated in thin letter. se that there 'Could be no abdut the' character of the perso to beustint or rather lit what.capacity• he slittold- be-tent; and vet, in the lace of all:this Mr: Polk seat a Mims- Cet, which the Alexicttn government had, sajd they r could net receike, though, they would ireceii 7 e k e'onimissioner. Belore: &der was awed to_Gen. Taylor to match to the Rio Grande, the,letter of the Meitican Minister Penny Pena, to Mr. lilack, stating that a Commissioner would be received ; must have on trie to hand, To is ~lei4er _the Mexican 1 mister sprike of a Vommusloner a s contra distinguished lidm a Minister; and Herrera said to .tlr; Maid, Mat that was a republic and the peoplc ruled them— , that they were willing to do auy thine thai honor, would justify ; send us anything that will save the honor of the country, and they would receive hint: but would never cor.sent to receive a Illirlidet Anil yet, la the face of all this, Mr. Polk sent out Ali as a ! Mr C. proceeded to continent upon these proceedings with just, lint dignified severity, to show that the President had been obsti nately in the wrong. But I have not space nor time to follow him through his able re marks. , Belore'cOhcloding what he had to say upon the cause - of the war, he adveiteil to the fact that six Sehatots bh the other side hall de- Adored that the annexation df Texas was the 0 01t41 of the, war., The . Whigs, he swirl, de clared in 1844 that , if, Texas were atmexed and .Mr. Pelk :< elected the country woulil 1?e pleriged into a war will" Mexico ; he himself declared this to masses of people, to thou sands, for Much he and the, wings were de nounced by the Locofoco papers from Maine to `Ggorgia. These pa?ers broke lo se upon As, and dertounced us" panic makers and alarrnistias saying whin was not true ; and they denied that such would be the re%ult Bin now, these predictions are vended, and Seriatots on the other side, as lin denied that annexation %mild produce any L och , now declare that the war was caused by an nexation of Isesa., ---- irr.V.Tssiicl-thatr - annexation - wrarthrFre ,- quite, but the order to gen. Taybir to march to the Rio 'Grande, and his march there were the inunerliate cause o! the war. The Exe cutive himself hail made it. But I must tin horn. following Alr. - C hriy.ferther: As a whole the speech wits one of the best r have . elar l heard Irmo Mr. Clayton. It was not declarriatory, for he never, us you know,, deals in declamation ; but it was strong in the array of its facts arid arguments, and car ried conviction to every mind not protected by, prejudice. Dlr. Soule will take 'care hereafterf, [ thick, if lie is pleileill,, that is how he thtews librisell across Mr, Cl's' path:- ' aud-undertakeiy with all the ,, preshruption of ignottnicAloritiarert f, what has. been positively !denied by those, who MUM k.111:V4F.. I , - Aker Mr.' Clayton concluded, the .Senale Ii hroodbtle& hi trespatch other . buSinesE,' unlit about seven o'clock, when Mr. Peirce - crieltiY on the Three Million 13111; - bliielly hi' reply to 1; MN, Smile/ whir had most grosSly misstated ilte-historyptirTexus, Mr, :Pierce corrected liirn ; or as he said, in the language el 51r. Bantam' he justified hlstory. In doing this B to acnopErtely used rip Mr. Siltile',..ot 'rather scattered that part of his speeeii hi wiliettlie undertook to show that Texas had , always belonged to trance, and ,h , itsa . part of Lou- isirirCtii' th" firm' Wirrilsjeavitig, pot two thieaddioliti , hanginglogither: 'Mr. S: ' Wi I I ihul by tPolittle experience( he has hew; had• that trtftlt is, the, most Important part. 91, ,i 1 speed; in the 'Setratii - of the United S at e s; uhd that there tire those( in that body who OM both expose intentional Or careless errorstiatid m •alie,dielf Aiithor fuel' Uncomfortable, as well as look s adicillobs. , MrMe': 151SPOOI!-Y•;') . olloWel Sti.•PiSiAi':' iv.l.l. , •stailth , ehiefly t f pt i n the' 11, 2 11iiicf1Tro • -. AtisoptlioUgli .that subject had ,irttat yell:Wen' bthiNtl!.. up , 11 1 , 1 ;fillis .4ii15,..:4 43 ,', 1 1 0 )F4s q.itlC great : prosperity, and ,auvaneti ail 0: , the 'lliiitli..iti all its' riSehil:MlK iigiltii iiir#l,ll& of, i her school houses alid'eliiirofferolll4 , thit'Vti;', rious evideneesrshe pyrssenteti*Nrpsperity,; -which heirhdributedrup heiliitiitlekto itHel 91foniTittr., letirtilP,Sehlh..T*4l4o',sortki4andj attnhut O ed th,gettußoi,tNltpy i stti i iirlifildriNitTiep: Illii' B; tel t erldvery:: . ~-. • . • ' " • -I .4fe s .'l,4* , ibllb*eit ) &l l 4slP.iiihittiri?Of S. f o.', vihnispokevith sietyiTgrtitiblialitithr iiiid vis-' 40 1 1011Wilir ißrigllkr IlhAikirt?il4' 111111 fl‘;i ', 'll;i%, 1 5 i ' ,4 1,07 t i iAlAilitulle4" . .4" . C , ;tki iota: , 'i e a iy,,Aust me , 1r,.. rw.,„ A.. Ei4ttiatiiili gilt r AHliitlilbitiil r kir OW e4ii VIM 1 'igahishelkv4yeiktiriehicithei:resitiff/bee-Oie 1 10v9Ph 1 494hAtt/A4•4 7 04541.,1PP#40941449 1 7 sia,vo territor_y4 : d,iul, b,y. deing i titi,s t ipt i ATlfrat• ,', ilagiatilfie.bihitYfie_tVaPt&H,6llizie'. IcV: .. lit*Alt,tl4lllll , Migeteeli:thi!riiiriiiiiidelmiii gait ' t i thitt Islii,. , lAw.ello Oeti&gitlaysk_tkienit/ I :rid!' . Mr.. Crithouri Mir,opglyAr t lii!, ; ,friv ic ht, , , , ol ft 'talcee.- ",,,...,,,... . - . . o, l4 kiTiff li CiVii f24,-,,RhOPA t l° -',,...:1 1 _ 'tee ahr wit.- 11l OTM til er i ;t1.1e8?"10 - V 'talc titiiiill'itiittii3l4 §:PCP. 71 t'4l•ll'.-")'• , u.t' ..s.lllll7loiLliriaggirEirAiriAtlll'eiitirnntri.r.r, s ',,A((11.14. 1 4 - $14144)4' 1 01! 'v0000;194 e Htlittor Was.. cs:idtr•lvi:•' Ait 1 WeE t toott - made: a • yeheten spe eq i in Ai ' *l(o. l lillinditt thiptil,k la c alfYind ett , his - sin!Rn!ib*Tl)* :. 4i/00 . 01,04411 • • .. r, . . . iwjgki•qin ANYfriAW, 'c . `40441 Vit))l4 f let6ru 9}l? l) M'l ° 3 e NOo 1 IRM I' M a " . 4 1 Alf. ' ticAeion n,tiiv'''iose ina:,itii&lifitiOs 1 4. 1 417r 1 1 4 4V- li eVin: VltP lA tfatgitri d g- OW is, toi do yr hikrutiiitie,'lphrbp : iir,•:or.--6 1 ,;..) rlal vita . itftalicie Aff laillifOgtlitrißr 4. l p4rA4e: Ml.PP l Asl44li t iq.' n .lPPr'inirt. ri , r .M.l i : i't, ii,:, /.... ? , explanatiOh ereateo . come o,pr9,tailhl:' The igteitilgt.'oliliee'Whi'oo;9Sfr;piiiii", lien's amenAtileriri%lfErinfilostlißi isti , :fahvocivior tgAviiii,AtiiiktwittgAke. Pacoi.`rtiAri isi]ifil4'i.r. - 5 --- reprtliiir,,,• , iiil3o2' . :7ol,ifi , , •11tA1Ntk1P.. 1 13..tq14 1 4.0111, 'O,(W :„ • iii' hAte .,.:Se,oite.- '.:. ' l , '' l ., I.OR to.Wept4 v**l4e - ,...:.e.: . .14i04 . , , ;:, , ,? , 75,,::,..z.... , , ... ~.., ,v4l, f• • 04j,. “11,10110 ,t,gt 1 . /,:11.41 /II 4 ill ',rod N 7/ • . NUT. ! ,' T IT ' , III I , s/1n 101 , 1 10 1. .• I . 1 . !.) .4 1. 4 ? !:/.! siT .11A . •.11V/ 11V,11 , 11.1.1 11,4. Cs. • ' '21.101.;;;I 1.4 j: d, iii)Yg ' ' t , " ." .I ' 'h- tr if N4Y ..... . 9 aproviso,.ani .upomt is, a, la p . lf,e'cleeki•hei cornmercerl i, sp„thelWh9 eleeltaloliigeookr,..,..r, 91,0m ,Mr.,gassghen rosé to 'make sothteierititry, upol ,the 11711 not provisooawilniclthit'li' 6- vlsfy,p 4 :sitively.and,-olearly• declared' lois iiiiii• 'PPOden. •, lie Aspoke.h6ll-atylour‘pritid'vFaYi lejlooeil • by. Mr. • Catiteron•';ii•ho.liikell 'llia i realiono -why-be should ivote ' leti th'd•bliblyslari. Oi r slaverylrern All tOltory fir bsi , :ildqujibte. t ,(lo,referreU to the ~ readlutioneTiat diet:oo46' two,ol.,,Peunsyloatiraparid -The itell'lrneivii . seeliment.f. of dui people of that State.' Thiaiiii , were, his giikle.• c, i• • ;0. ' 'l, ~ ,' •1 i '' • ..44'. Miller rose to.expresa•liiistitgrAgiti .ihereplarlia of tißrt•Crissi - as •h 6 cattai - 11'61P .sfltled i .and-lit lvas i he thotght,f •grelf iidf ' inadetsto.oil•lust seasion that , he had feript-Osi ' ' hltoselfin,favin , of what isbralled•didiit.llrO t, proviso, atid• declared his deleitriipatietf to 4 . vote tor it.,,. 1• : ... '.' r ' '''' .„))dr,..CnseNisaid -theidourse of the'Sehatef how ;Sew Jeorey,.wari. a very sitigtilar one , Why, how .does hetiloW how I w'otildrhaVei pater' last session ?.. But -in, it• mmOSM a 116 V; .141,r, ti .. acknowled ged that' he weeld 'hive valet'. for this proviso last session. •'. RITA!! went on speaking and endeavoringto sh6W that this provisoWasitot 'What bail' been al luded It) by ally of tile Slates which had piss ed resolptiens- against. the ricgtrisitiOn et ant more Mail's._ territcry. In doing this /d r ! Carat quibbled and quibbled Until he raiser! a ' reperal. laugh oAt4orn, pity and contenipt; - ^ Mr: Miller's reatarksAvere mdst eiritfhdfl-' sally the spear of Ithuriel- Never was'h' demagogue more quickly rind • corepletelk exposed than was the Senator from Miyhigan". Mr. Dickinson. of N. I'. then 'took - Abe floor, and inflicted an hour's speech upeti the Senate. . Johnson t •of Md. followed ih' a - short, concise, t onstitutional.irignmenragainsrthe IV °roost proviso, and the question waS'thett taken upotilgr. Upharrisatneodinent, which was lost, 21 'to 31. Messrs. Cass, Breese; Bright and Ilannegan trOm • the ItetS States voting agniind it. The question then being otithe.-tingross went of the,bill. .Ms. Webster rase and spoke about fifteen or, twenty minutes, throwing ridicule, in senatorial .manner upon Mr. Vass' special eemurrer, and taking a rapid glance at the position,the voree o: the Senate were no* placipt the country. There were Senators; he said, who were opposed - to' allowfrig.Sta very in. any territory which may be obtained',, who nevertheless were iq farior of acquiring tqrritory ; and then there were Senators its'ho pr9feiscLl to be opposed. to, the hemiisition of any more jerritory,. who rievertheleris insisted that-slavery should not be escluded if odiain ed, and who refused to vote for Mr. Berrien's 'myrmidon declaring Metall do riot seek ac quisition of territory by:this war. He cons feed 'that, with : the coin] tetiowv to rva thri North and . South, this whim appeared'a'eafe', and the only sale middle cotase, What:tho future was to bring forth, he could not seo. Mr. Archer followed (( tn.a low-,yery excel lent, moktliert.neirt and sensible - Temarlis. then otii•was then taketi on on -ordering ihe'birf ' td be enmrossed giAl,read third and stood 29 to 2-t. Mr. 'ninnies Clayiqn, and Speieht, absent on aeciinnt of sick ness. The billwat. th en read a third titne'ap4 . pusied. OLIVER OLDSCHOOL. Henry (. Wright, in a reeent letter to the Liberator,, thus describes the great clock in the cathedral of Strasburg• "The priests and milimry have !mired, luiii,l am npw silting in a chair Jacitigdbe gi f,v,alitl'e 61i:4j—from the bottom to,tho,top not less Man mip fmndred r feet, and about, AM rty /13dt w lae ' L a w; 00004 1ee1 , ... ;Around me a r e many;tatigem m tv i aiting ,to see the working pl thisicioek,4te A i tityik es, the hpariqf nOon. Every eye. is, upon tlie.cicek r , It aow - Wants five minutes of t”.lirer—alte clock has struck, and the.people are gone,. exem a few whom the sg.xtcy, o hci t l man, with,a w'and and sword, is cenduci m u around the building. The clock is sttuck, b in this, way; the dial some twenty ieot Irani ltq f 1091) olk each side of which, is a yiteia „01 i WO DOY, wi th a mallet„ anti over lke h ilial l isiis small bell.' The cherub on gm 141;, ArilmS tile first ,qtutper, tlitipun thtkright i ‘ lie,sepirnil _quarler, rrt .Boe fifty,feet over the,ilial,l ima large Melt , ill a huge . Agure • of Titne v a blalidtz lett a sythe in his right liaitil. In liopt,ettlds a figura of a' young din w,ith a mallet,. vh9 strikes the ?hird,quartet 7 , oil the bell ii,l the baud of Tiln, and Mel hills and gialego with a slew"step arounJ behind Time; out pi:mica an Mil manAwith a mallet, and places 'him self in trent of hint, fi,s Ole bear...4l=loo 137it r es 1 , - tli t ez bid ftlah rAiO6 MY iblikitl/46iftild libeeately strikes valve times on the bell, that echees through , thejtuiWing,,6i. is littera' all round the,,region ai{ ttm, 01114.,.,,''hen the pld man lilides slmrli tiehind ,F,:fiiher 'TiME4, , iiiidllie yoling' Man Voin'es' S'n ready .tofpettfoiirtihis part; it's the lithe clitti&iiStMd -agail4, clian atitheeld mottos &nick twelve m st v l il) 4 ; 1 0 OCM F put In., mahou t so a ; twenty lc' h igh Du . `litikithtikilipiis h'lligtV6i'dirthii3%igle 7 f -Cihritt on it. ii Theliitstint titiolve ItturAAixeelt, , firlpipl PA,iipootbas I ite<, , om irpoo)9lA4l4, "MPS 14 fi;Rig)!PrAtF`l,l9l#lcMCAlib944, ` i d': ri l l i At i tni arDU Y•IRt h i • RV"?' il l tb n t (Vl6 Vsti',liimiliciv comes 9pfzilik r ,goi,jo /. Po c ps4 l ,oo PP' ,3o e4lti.r,t/filiflLN. 9.!Pl e ttil. 6 ' a IP , * sl 'it l li-,Y41-E9B9fiteN24W t yr : 61 1. !As the !a 14' 1 1 1 1'4%171)4 1 i TIM!? i.'„lc 1 41.4 4- dl/ ) 1 1 1 : 1) "In l iciclgli . POI I VI;TY ini s kit'ittliii. , ,; - 01,i„t it if,41. It h d e? gi ,nye c. t . ?(Traa4iii9 se 0 ,1,, , f q 'Ofilgiattitict ityPikiNPRII;9O,I,OMP' -11 'il.ll o l Y,l 4l iil••VPtif.9 ll ,( o VF9•4l :•Qd • c ii :1 1 1 14:/r i P',.r.; , .ovial}1 N o r . wkificrtt IN 't . fellil PA 0 4 ° 4rggfike , , ill Wig An 7l:Atialiflo?9,ifkipy Ilia i :6:ieckiadliiir ‘TRl l g#lil'it?yippt, (Mp tab t Vf4l l oo,l) 3 ) ll „itapa,cgpFreLlitlr.iAAY 0 Yaw z. f:,t , ,,.. , ,,.. 1. , (.. y.• 2, , __`l^ ~1,)( C ' .:4; icl. 11l . . • ..., 11. , %The.doverndy, flea *fled the. 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