0 TI! On MAE= wci.--__- ~ y .. `r~~~/ A r,- WA n c , , N. MIE BE darks. .7..150VMP dauctrapozats*mact•retra.,, ocTort MITERS associated his UP nephe vr, M JAWiSON ;1.1) ilia 1)1.14 , sill Bonk queiness. By Oka niviingerfiAltjfiretor mvlini will be cnabledAo give his undivided attention to thedo- ties cor P :rOfession, • Carlisle, September 90,1846.-3 ms. ueDia zmo Alnali)4l o • Ho it3o2thlo P hysiCin. '.OFFICE: Main street, in 'the house for aterly:oecdpied'hy Dr. Fred. Ehrman. .. • . Carlisle. Akil 9,184 G. ICI i Eo iItOOMEO9 ' ' rttlk ci n.t.L perform all operations upon the VV, Teeth that are required for their preser ration,suelias ff'caftog, Plvging, qr will restore the lose of them, by inserting 'lreeth, from a. single Tooth, to a full sett. a.,TOdiee on Pittstreet, a few doorsSoutli of the Railroad Hotel. • . _ N. IL D. Loomis will be absenkrom Car lisle the last tend ayArin each month. ;.J :111" ' l ' 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW.. WILL practice in the several Courts Orem berland mid the adjoining counties and sit end to till professional IMAIIICSS entrusted to his care with promptness nod fidelity. Office in South lianover street, in Graham's new Imilding,minosite the Post Office. Carlisle, Aught 26, 846.--y, . 3. DUNLAIPAtIn g Attorney at Law, ORFICE in Sou tlauover street, a few tloot below .1. 11. Gruu)nttn, Esq. . July 16,180. ' DENTISTRY, &C. JOHN w. 32c EntriaL, irinspmetruLLY hitoyms the public, thilt. l hiving 'Opened an offitie — in South Hitnitivet , street, nearly opposite thf Pas ClEgefilie is pre pared to practice MIN TISTRY frail its bran tiles. Goad Teeth are essential to health, besides natural or artificial ones are not only useful but neanarnentai, and add mateMally t - s the conifer' of the wearer. It need not be - stated what can be °lune (Otte teeth, suffice it to Say that every dqfect can he remedied, and nets Teeth furnished from a single one to an entire sett-Alaving had ennside dshle practice Me a number °ryes rs,goncl refer ences will be given to -such as require them, but the best proof is the operation, which will in all ases bemerforined in Abe most careful manner and at prices to suit the occasion and the times. Person§ waited on at their residcocesrelther in town or country, without extra charge. He may always he found at 1119 oflicW,ile shove, or at his residence in l'itt street, onetloor north of Hendel's !Avery, .itable. Flc will also promptly attend to the repairiOg (VI Witailiett and - Jewelry . a Litis oilier in South Ilan ver street. Alsn , ENG RAVI. N,,i)' On :motion of Mr.,,Mornicit waN,,4esoly,pri That a most fruitful amiroe 'the' ohiirch-ol tiop#o3ol.t;9fithe, ' ":, vasmEns :.~ y f i . ~~.':~':.'.:..rd 7 o'cr.nex, r. er low state of Vital. godliness Which is Molter . Of eolnplaitit among all evangelical denom inations, is the desecration of Vie pri ••ate bouts of the Sabbath: and that lone of like efficient means of 'produeing a genuine and powerful revival of religion, is the ing up of the intervals between the , peblie .services with secret and family deVotions or other religious exercises. • • On Motion of President Emory, lit soirsd-That flits eenVention hoe learned with pleasure that the Judges of the 9th judi cial District so arrange the btlinesS of Me' Court that it is notriecessaly for jtircirS, Wit nesses. or others to travel ott'Sunday,,antl'al. so that they hare this day adjourned the Court that those who wished might attend this Convention: and We recommend 'the example to general 'Min:Ulf:in. • On motion of Mr. Powell it was • Resolved-T—That:the thanks adds Cnhven tion belendered to the secular and religious papers in which the call fordhis et:invention was polished and that all etch papers. and especially all the papers in the six counties here represented, be requested to publislithe proceedings and address. Q . l motion ofMr,_Morris,_it_was - 71isolved, That it be recommended to hold a convention similar to the present liekt year ;1116 time and place to "be, fixed by a committee of five appointed for that purpose. Revd's. George 'Morris, of Cnmberland, J. C. Watson of Adams, A. Nevin of Franklin, Dr. De , Witt, of Dauphin, and Judge Jiink in, at Perry,were appointed said committee. On motion of President Emory, Pesolva—That the thanks of this Convon lien given to the officers of this Colwell tion,for the skill 'and fidelity with which they have performed their duties, and also to the Rev. Mr. Powell, the State Agent. for his services in connection with the calling Mid holding of this meeting. The thatiks of the Convention were tended to the citizens of Carlisle for their hospitality and to the Trustees and officers of the 2nd PreshYlerian Church, for the use of their house of worship. . The Chairman of the cemmittee appointed for that purpose reported that there were 281 enrolled as Jf d elegates; of whom he presented the following list: List of Delegates in Attendahtei ADAMS COUNTY. Rex'. Dr. Sebum - der. Revd's. J. C. Wat son, John Ulrich. nod E. V.. Gerhart, R. Stevenson, Esq.,.Georrre Arnold, James Ma jors, Robert Col Sean, John Brinkenholl, (of 11.) D. Beale, W. : 4 clonueher, and John Ma tce r. FRANKLIN COUNTI Mercerdwrg—Rev. Thomne Crei:Th, Mr Phillips, John-Bradley,-John-Ritchey, James C. Boyd, and J. T. Dick. Clumbersburg—ller