Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 17, 1847, Image 3

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    - , Ao3*giAclumos•
situated in a. ideasant.opart of
North Hanover, Stileet:".• ; •;Fii arther is"; '
information eMiniroarthe'Editni of? 16 • '
this paper: <"` • . • •
February. 7, •
.. .
. ~. . .
Pbr- - Ilenti.- • -.
TH:o.T:...hirortabie two' &tor, .. .
brick DIVELLOW. HOUSE., • v,k , ,
, ;sl.. 1
on Etiiit - street, now in the mom* : Vi; 1 II ,
panct:of Angusttis A. Line. '..,... I , t ,
it is veity stumble for n small hind. i-,j2.. , .. „ .. ...... L ,_
ly, Intl every necessary advantage, and .w 7.' -
rented on moderate terms. '
l- f'. 7 A 1 313-SHRO:4I
v Carlisle, Fehrotirfl7,lB47.
ALL persons intlebtklto David Shrom, late of
dais borough, are Nreliy notified that if itn•
mediate payment is pot, made on dia iinies, hook
accounts," bto., left in my lignite; they will he,
placed in
. the hands of a. Magistrate fur ec Unction
without respottoversoni."
Carlisle, rehrearylT, 1847.
sTaiwzmzENT. :
Of the aces:Mt - 1y •Thomas ItraJley. Segirestra
tor of the Ifantber'and Carlisle Turnpike
• , , Rota Company.
Altiouut .of tolls' received by accoutout
From 40111 August, 1845 (the date of -
kia •
Appoiatmeut) to I Stu of August
-1846,88,11er amount settled Owl cote
firmed by the.Colurt, • $2858 79
D e duc t amount paidior reptiire of
road, ate.,
Balance hi hands of accountant on set.
,$2BB 27
Deduct, Auditors fee, Pioth'y costs 11.II(i
Amount for distribution, •
This Sum thin oy lidmrd of Nintoigera,
prior to optimum (it of equestrian'.
for work -mid labor done' in person
by u m , otaillonts mule directed to be
paid out of the inooev in his bands,-
by sot of April 1, 1846, per repoi t
et Auditor,
Balance in hoods of §equestrutor after
.Imyttiont of prererreci creditors,
•.Febikdtry It, 1847.—5 t.
Estate. of rrederick Seidel, dee'd
"N 3 - ricr, is hereby - given, dud Letters lesta
mentary have been issued b 3 the Ri•giste
on the.hist will and testament r Frekriek Sei
del, late of Hampden township, Climberlam
county, tlec'd^o the sebscribers, Conrad Seidel
living in idol (Animist' Ztok, in Silvet
Spring township. Those intlebtol will matte im
mediate ,pnytnent, and those has it,;; elai ins against
said decedent's estate will present them tin• set
tlement to -
• Cll l fl . l A X 7. , ..10K '
rebrunry 17, 1847. Executors
NO. 53;301ITII Ti n) STIOW.T, :
A feu. doors above the 'Kw:lunire. opposite Gi
Ward Bank, Philadelphia.
TILEfiPECTFOI..I,Y invites the attention
11. purchasers to his Choice Mock of 'Groceries
embracing the finest assortment, selected in both
the Philadelphia and New York markets.
' In addition to the usual variety cirdinarily for
sale in - Ewcery Stores. his efforts have been par
ticularly ifirected to the •selection of articles of
the more rvrc and choice descriptions, consiming
of Fruits, Preserves, English sod American Pic
kles; Sardines ; I lavauti Nwem nieMF, Cat saps, Co
ca, Cliockidate. Broom. Yarmouth Bloaters, Ca
pers, Anchovies, Pepper Sauce, Olives, %Omni
Cayenne Pepper, -India Soy, Currie Powder,
Maccaroni, ermicelji, ''cotes Pins, English
~Ssuceis of every vial iety, Anchovy- Rune, &e. &r.
• Particular care has-peen observed in the twice
tidii of the purest, most fragrant and delicious
Teas, the! nest v .rieties of Cheese, together with
first rate assor.ment of high and low priced
Sugars, Coffees, Nlnlaises, Einces, ke., ern
limicing every article widen can be desired by fo
milies or individuals ill bin line or business, and
at the lowest cavil prices at 1% hid. 'hey Call be
furnished, n c thee at the Atlantic - cities.
ir ‘ s- t; r p o l s will he; cart:luny linked anil:sent
to any diMot, or other point uiafned , ill the oil,,
free of charge:mid orders I, letter i t otherwise
will he filled promptly on the saute terms as it
personally applied for.
Philadelphia, February 17,1847. •
•• - - - - -
Application for Tavern License.
N OTICE is hereby given that I intend to
apply at the ensuing term of the Conn of
eoinnion Pleas .1 . Cumberland county, far Li
cense to keep a Tavefeor Public Ilse, in the
stand now occupied by me, as such, in New
Cumberland in said county.
Wo the undersigned citizens of New Cum.
berland, in the county of Cumberland ; do cer
tify that we umwell acquainted with the above
named WilliAm P. Hughes—that he is of gond
repute for honesty, and teitiperance, and is
well provided with house room, and convonien•
ens for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers, and that such- Inn or Tavern is no-.
cessary to aceommodate public and enter
tain strangers and travellers.
R. F. Leo, J. R. Beak, John Young, Thomas
Coleman, Henry Guido/114' Adam %Mitten,
Lewis Willet,• BreneMad, John Rife, .1.
ilryendohn F . Lee, (1, W. hall, Charles W.
Delon, Rudolph Martin.
Application for Tavern Litman.
!VOTIVE is hereby given that 1 intend to
_LI apply at the ensuing term of the Quirt of
r.Tonimon Pleas or Cumberland county. fur Li•
cen'sa to keep a tavern or public house, in the
stand now occupied by mu us such;in- Dickin
esuctownship in said county. 4
We the undersigned citizens of the town
ship oaf Dickinson in the county of Cumber
land, do 'car fly that we are wet , acquainted
with the' above named Samuel M. Kenyon
tat - he lent good repute for honesty' and tern
• peraneS, iind level! ml/Wed with house room,
and conveniences foi the accommodation of
otrangers,. end travel kers, : and that elicit Inn or
Tiiyorn ii noceisary to aceominodate the pub
his and entertain strarigere and.travellers.
-,llonry,Sheaffer, Abein_Kirtz, John . Moore,
Si muel.Spangler, ,
John Huston, JOhtiStsiofferl John , Fisliburm jr,
Myet lnti st -'lk Gitygii i th; Giar4t stet m
" •'' -
„ .
- 110 0 41011i', ' •
- ,co4Selentatirtt),
lIL the 'estate of Jolirl./A,lo,c.,luiteo late of tine
-areriea• t 1 ;, payment -
tjuelitesi. to ,rrlme t
t ,
to,,preses_ pept
° I O I.ll q B - I ‘l t`de‘ eat.'
' , II 411issciltitkal of Wartnersbip:
,CU patylq•ahl . p' e txtflaf at la i t batty an
Itie,iiiubW l b! 3 r/OriAing. , anclqii,ii# firm ,pf
AoliVain•+ , CiZigiPlenaldadVa..Cal l4 if sr land
aaantY4 iyala* imi Jon,:fillwainkk,ultw by
natdasabl isbosenph Ali: parsons , . Itaitabted --'ere.
alaquestad 'tbillnalka 4 tlitlnadtalatAilraanti and
tlibiti' bily I hir dome to' talealan , titatn , , &to , ' att.
0........ i.. . , 1, , ns , ••1 • . t. 1.11 ,, II tO.l „ ,I
"‘""Ii . 1 :t; kl' i.'{ t ' ••••.,': eiii li k r a :am&
6,., I. ~,, ”, ,t?' , n• .. " 14;i10:fliPIL
' Holrailaldolana Feb. 4 403 47• 1 - ''
. 4 ''
-*,4-- , .? . s q t:••-••••••
To t rn
. h'
o#ootflt il) ~ G RAYS' '
-t tolf - 1• ivs 01111 0 1 1 , ' r , ,i , .1 ' • I 1
VOU: lid , °raid le parsda lit, the i public
1., hump at ' Jacob Balt:hal:afar, la Mount' ,
RapV;slill/laddely'llio, l;12 ad' d eist ' oforebriat,ty,
iiltrd'alikkj"k: M. .adnitilatailsVadolptlitd 'At
diilllY w Attildditdi for Second T4o,l4lOtrit'iffld
9fßiligabl9". 2 / 11 ;4 11, W 0,9 a l n a i 1 ' iV 'l r l'e'
*Med SUI"Wd:FFM . tb:4.4 1 8, 1 00.9. 411041 r;
say 0 Or. '.; __, : • ' - +,
4 , 1 , 1 th e ,) 44 uILAHASIAIIY,EO,' iup‘i,u
CatilltAMßNAetioilAilq ‘
rillin'subsoriber haijaat read otatistattraiivt
AL' of Citheitere,ChvitO, 01 0 , 4 0114 14 1 4#*
d !is dre olo34 . ' "- • ' riktOiVl!llM.,lllllril#X.
- •_7", -,::::'",""' - 7 ' -- ‘ " Z i • ' '''C' ';',"' ''"': ""4"'
New -'44tr.tiPcnie!lt,o.
- 05040140 n
A T OR . N Y -- AT -- 1; W,
HAS the, pi;tetice
or his hrofes§ibd iti• Pittsburg, Allegheny
. ,
comity, Pa, ':..• • •
toeh. 10, 1847. • .
rouß ;4 - 41'1 . 000e Comntission Mar.
amnio*NO, 48 , 0binerca Street Wharf
•, cash advances made on aonsignmonts.,'1.847.:—.44p..
, . ,
•• - • roa 'RENT.
91HE Shop Mom and appurtenances, adjoin
]. ink M. D. Arnidd's Store, in South Hano
ver street. Iminediato popiession given.
A1•1 4 .1' to JODN D. PARKER,
Feb. 10, Iti47.
JUST raieived a general aseortment,offreeh
WINTER GOODS;arthe stoic a
Fob. 10, 1847
. • .ZIAL ariv.x.rpo.
A LL those indebted to. A. diehards, or to A.
11,.Richarila & please take notice
that their accounts punted up to the Ist chitin
nary, and we wish them to be paid off on. or
before the 15th Of March next.
•,. . A. RIcHARDS, & CO. ,
Feb.lo, .
1870 54
ivirizzArdt A. D3loW.Will
No. 86 AlarkerStrrel P/ieladelphiq.
WILLIAM' A. IMO sVN invitee Southern
and Western Merchants visiting Phila
delphia to examine his stock of
Parasolettes and Sun Shades, whioh will
be Ihninl the largest and most complete-assort
ment of desirable New (io hl; in the market, em-'
bracing erery variety from the lowest price . to
those of the fiaest platy.
Owing to a great m4ll'ololl in seine materials,
of which I have uvailet! mysele, I can offer M
ita cements to purchasers that mount be founil.
C isewhere.
$960 , 59
$691 59
$269 00
My prices will be found the - lowest in the-city,
and the Goods warranted or the beat 111h1,11611,
l'.oilliclelphi.i7Ftph. 10. 1847.
Applicai ion, fot Tavern License.
1 irrict: IS 1110%EllY (II N' EN, dint Vilitemi
to apply to. ilie Judges of the CoOrt
trt• SMisionsni the Poise, to be livid at C a rli s l e
in April omit, to keep an Inn or Public 1101130,
in the 110,, •e now occupied ity nit, in the East
in Carlisle, i u tin county of Cumberland,
and find a 'l•nvern at such place is necessary to
• Ce.1”11101Itile St travellt rs,
the.suliseelliers, vi linens of Carlisle, Cwn
brrland do ovuiry ihat the intspp.i
ed fni• by Wady is necessary to 'icema
n:S-0'1;1w the public and eiderisin strangers mill
triivellers; and ilist the mud pei itioler is of goolT
repute fm• honesty, mill, irruperaner, and is well .
ploviiled with house - roans and, eiiiivenieneet for
Ihe licelAilhOdtitiOn Or su•iuigrrs and ,U•nvellers.
Thst &WA - Rif - Set forth iii_ his partition are
true, awl We believe lie Will'keeit a good and or
derly house, .
George Sl'Peely, Wm. Alexander, William
Line, Faq:, H. AleCiiriiiy7,facob Hofer, Jacob
Zug, C. !alma', Patrick Davidhon, John Under
wood, Pidwaril Arnior, Hell, John (Mien,
Breeze, Sanniel - Crall, 4Vi1k.711 - 1111
Holentrili, - .1.. Backman,
Feb. 10, 1847.
Application for Tavern License.
-VoTIcE ie hereby gi!en that I intend to
LI apply at the ensuing term of the Court of
Common Pleas, &c. of Cumberland county; for
License to Ion) a po Min 'house in the stand now
occupied by Puler Weibles, in the borough of
borough of Carlisle, being lin old Maud.
We tho undersigned citizens of West Ward
in Connie in , the county or Cumberland, do
'certify that we are-well acquainted with the
above named Henry Glass that he is of good
scuttle for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house Mom, and eon veil ienccs
.for the accommodation of at ra tiger a and ti nv.
enema, and that such Inn or To vitrn in neccssn;
ry to accommodatO Ilie public and entertain
strangers and travellers.
John Moore, Joselili T. Warn, Jamb Leibey,
James Weise, A. C. Lechler, Jacob IVolf. Fain
c*.aqabson, Connrod Larnision, Peter Weibley,
Edward Shower, William linker, Moans Sul-
Lick. •
Carlisle, Feb. 10 1846.
Applicanon for Tavern License
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
1.1 apply at the ensuing term of the Court of
Common Pleas of Cumberland County, for a
License to keep an Inn or public house in the
stand al present occupied by Samuel Zacari
ous, in Silver Spring Township in said county.
Wo the undersigned citizens- of Town.
ship of Silver Spying in the county of Cum
harlimil, do hereby certify flint we pro well
acquainted with the above named \'m. M.
Miley, that be is of good repqic fur huneaty and
temperance, and is well peovided with house
room, and eunveniences for the accoinodation
of strangers and travellers, and that such an
Inn or Tavern is neccnuury Co ac.comniodate
the public and entertain strangers and tray.
• Emonind Falco, George V. C.invcr, William•
Feral, Frederick Myern, Levi Kapp, David
Capp, Jacob Miimma, Samuel Z•ickarial, J. A.
Dunlap,Geor'ge Brenizer, Tactic Bronizer. Jacob
Miller, Samuel Hug* Henry Hickernoll.
February 10, 1047.
, .
THE only known medio'ne that et the same
time purges, purifies; and strengiliews. the
.system. Dr.: Le Hoy ' s Pill area opw medicine
which has lust appeared, and is That takiupt the
places of all others of the tame , class. hese
pills are composed of maoy iogredicnts, but the
two principal alines are ,Surstmarille A %Id
Cli wry, so ended that they act together { the one
IhroUgh itraelini Mum withother 'substances, pu
rifying and {{urging, while the otbewis , stre o 2 lll "
ening die system. ...Thu {_those pills • {{re..‘at the
same -time „tonie'anat opening{ n.desideratum
long nod eagerly sought for by medical men, but
' never before disc scared. In other:words they do
the work of two medicines, end do it much bet
i ter thaw mok-twe'-.weknow tift-for-they-remove.
nothing-from7-the''SYstem-but , she—hfiptirities, , i 6
'''ttnit•While they porge'they'rtrengthen„ and hence
' they'eaese tkidebilitatlen, and are,
-an reaction.. -11 r. Lelto'y haya a , westdee 4
11{1 influence on the blood's :. they not. only purify
particles Irons the, afrvie; coiv,e-
Hitt; ihuit 6{;'{'WlitiipnWbleed- an
utter impossibility. ,445. there *IAOIOOOIOO/
so there is no nauseiCet, stekritsi itte:fiding, the
operations of thli'Moit''ealielletit or inedictues;
which Peter airainp,of,iort,areiatila ill'patia fano
ilotio,but causes sheen' to'wOrk'in a perfectly net
rnantteri lakan them
' nalieetpue piquant' esilefaied;laut'th e'ecintl'airyi
,fi property calla Sarsaparilla,
um ail aa'it'Wwt/h other ngredients, to remote
all hatJa foreign and impureo,llo.le
'squall"; the
propartiiir the Wild Cherrysto4eialiial4.oiikt
natural, awraound aialstaaa a robing, iatataLcif,
tjoiak • 'l 6 ' • jr r t
tot t4ttit, itiiaintat, la; Kingstown:
riner'pewbok 25 Ciii•k'qi , F ' ':; fj.
1., Carltsle, Feb.' 10,1547. . •
Si)flamagirm _mat , Eve
ioih of
EtiOrrJ 6 ; ,
p ec •t r. lik „ i ,ii rig:
— ill is
(.1 ts
• .Three'FoBl
andt Soinfa , e f
riettv , :t o.l.7nikeittlktftiqmpilocei
pA ift a i i ktibu t ta,,,orlte,4llo,vror Aoki;
About six Years since,- In consequence of
the sedentary miture of my business, I was
attacked with severe pains in the breast, pull
jiitation of thei,hotirt and
_ shortness of breath.
which' were coon followed by a failure of am
petite,eXtreme wakefulness tit nlglitialid pa tie,
paralysis of my limbs—these - symptoms of d
deranged system being frequently attended
tvith spitting of blood. Ft r about two years I
was also occasionally thrown into convulsions
which left me in a miserable state of feeble•
loess end began to a abet my mind. From time.
t l time my sufferings were more nr less severe
'until at length they increased to such a degree,
and the violence at the syrnmoins were so a og •
merited, that fora whole year-l--was-unable-to
attendto attend to any business; During this
time I consulted soine able physicians and
attended to their prescriptions but all their.
-skill was unavailing to procure me relict; and
ct length they reiprded my recovery as entire
ly hopeless. In this condition I was informed
orthe salutary effects orl'homson's Compound
Syrup of Tar and Wood Naplithe, in a case
xioineWhat similar to mild., and though I had
'given up all expectations of a recovery of my
flintier health by human moans, yet being
strongly advised to try the medicine, I was at
length prevailed upon to.ilo so, and I hate - how
to say,.that by the use of six lyltles m 3 health
has been restored, and I 'am now able to at
tend to business with as much facility es usual.
- HENRY • MYERS. - •
' t - OfFrec - FN - 7 - 11 - . - itHi nor Fl Fri all I
SPRUCE sts.-Phile:
Sold in Carl.slc by I. .;kngney Principal
agent for Cumbcrinnd
Prisa'soc. or 6 bottles for 2,50. •
kcbruary 10, 1847.•
The Mutual lienefitLifeln
surance Compaitg.
Tice Ko: 11, Vail Sired, New lork. :
/VMS institution is distinguished
other I frfiltasurunce Cum mintes,_ by all
or most of the following peculiarities:
Ist. When the premiums are over SU), one
foUrth may bn paid in cash, and threb fourths
in a secured note, ut 12 months beating inter,
est; m the premium may ba paid in monthly
or quarterly inst.ilinclits.
2,0,..t5i f ; ri s k is tak e n oti a single life ex,.
cording the umodnt oh ssooo.
Ird. The 'assured uro not liable beyond the
u mount or their premiums.
4th. Amine:lnts arc. nut redwood a year
older than they arc, bit arc taken at the ago
of the nearest birthday. The rates of preati
elms aro as low as those of any other Cont.
pn lit% '..
sth. No Director can borrow Ony of the
wnds or the Company. • .
. .
Gth. There is no nominal capital to pay in•er
ut upon, and there arc no stockholders among
a ho in 41 deride tho profits, Other than the es.
7th. Profits are declared annully, thetesem•
red having the optima either to withdraw them
profile, tit leave them to accumulate.
Bth. Scrip will be issued annually (to those
nutindebted to the Company) for tlic estima
ted profinsand the scrip will be redeemed, Ay hen
the profits autumn to Ii).:21.10,000.
9th. Six per cent Interest will be paid upon
the seri p,,nnhaelly In cash.. '
10th. Every precaution will be taken to
prevent irforfeiture of
• The business of this Company has exceeded
tlfat of any other during the period of its. exis
tence. Since: its commencement there have
been issued upwards of 2801) policies: the pre
miums upon the smile exceeding 1it250,000.
The subscribt4 is agent for the above CocaT
pony, for Carlisle and its vicinity; and ho has
associated with himself; as Medical Examiner,
J:.l. Mtn! ' M. D .— Application filiinsuronce,
,whether by letter or in person, will ho prompt
ly attended tot, and I:Pamphlets containing
tables ofratoi, dr.e„ non he had bi'applieritlOS l
at.the Drug Stare of Dr. alycea; ur,of the
subscriber. ,
PECIAL .COURT::or virtue Of a writ from the Ron, Nathaniel
II: Eldred, President: Judge' of the .12th
Judicial Bilitrier 1 Penrisylvthim; beaidt .g date
at I ilwrisburF the 't Otis day oi pee. AS,D. lt10.•
t n Special Court will be held by the said
Ilim-Nathaniel B. Ehltiti, and the associate Jed
genMf the' Conti
.of Co niinon:P reits-,or Cumber
land county:, itt`the Grain Hansa . fly, 3 ;b o i.i m oy,
ol rtirlislcoommene: I.l",_llte:23iL
ee F :tain entities 'knew
rri'Mt Plans of Cum in which
l len.'Sdrr tier+ mcet'ne.l tie
'counsel for one or the parttea t prior tirhisAtik
Re; 'meet as Prelidehilredge 61 the oth
Dist:int—and 'such other : causes as are embraced. ,
withia.tha proviaionapfly Act,of the General
ssemidy r p,,symolje: s t 4th, q l April,lO33, rels
3iya Yo
the, 1) :1.06410mi - of the Courts of 30tieo;
For'iiiitot,Stieetar Jektra 4 at4'bll rrebna
elinerrtied tekb hotice "'
A MtBl4oFil
40 lit4SlietliV;
Sheriffs Office, Carlieleir •
Dee, 30, 1,
;430 grof",,lMlo4o , l'2l; l l . 4l l oils4,,B,lFßlEjfig;''iti;;
ipe,rior,to guy,,fillinufwolum Jill the : P. 939 1
.v O-17 •?F/0 - • - ,
~,Ititdt ,p.'emill.Aßll,Jow.e !I(cePrjiltit (Init.') or
slngte hox. •'''."-i2,.. •'' l': • SHAY-4 , SCIN ' "
' I. l.*V•gillif't V- -'.l .. . , . .
r-- - -
-- = MO s r.. , NTED:' .- -1 .- ,
, A TA.Pielloar lotl6ted to .ilio • enbeeribe'r ore
;1730notlietl,t lq , tiklAinfl,fotty,up,,their,steeottote
akeytt ono; 4teitmlood trim ,ttit oil ourFild AIS.•
ig91 34111 t9/ l Angitp ,AM )1 1..; ,•
, 41.
' '',' 14 1 . 913,CP tiee4VV•t
'' . 14 / 1 1Rf4 2v f 84i. rd % ''',"' •,.-'' , -, , 'e,,l'A'
'., ~' - ti, ..'ici , , ..1,1,1 ,r % I • ,
f Ar rx 9l44hrrer Alcoa !I4 ',mines, Ref i t
• liiiloaNalOieif, kiktileiii.Vnd isisirtieoq i ,
i%! . ..u . pe,iit1 1 . 4 514, vary ivoioekipteet4its r:
opproFt4,Kodueti. P4ll eillie•ti tisfort
,„, ii i ,
i -• • - °4. ' Avltt r cinA plEkr"Dil,, , !:,?
I'earlisleja,b4p; lair: -, r'.... 1 ' Mlitif 'A
, ~. , '-,,,, . ~ ...,,_,..,.„.z.e , 4.2, , .1. 4 1 .4 01 4 ,
41 .
ant 0.•
• taita=csßuitiE7Atqwlazi
'• • •
• .
, , ,
4010 `subscribers (Otto
. 1 'their 'Hellas, inatlie piddle 'generally that"'
..Ihtiy_lit!te_eteereil lido iliellJahinet_bitatness,:and 7 .
.hitstilaken the ettablishinelitlbrmerly catTietimi
Willett.. lather, oti limids the
largest assortment of FtTRAITUItit
at their New Rooms opposite to. 11lio.tPs Ware
house, an elegant a ssortinent or , •
Feeling confideot °lithe superior' 14614'e:tee.
fence of material and reasonable prie.s 'or_the
'nunierous articles which they, 'constibily. Immo,
facture, will, give sadifacticui to and secure the
',olivine of al[who may easniiiie them, -
Purchasers Will he rewarded for their trouble
by culling on the subscriber's belore purchasing
elsewliere.tmploying none but the best of work
inett,'and under their own superintendence, the ,
will warrant their work to theatrons, ther
should be any deficiency they will make it good.
All articles at prices to suit the times, preterlng
brisk sales end small profits:
Coffilis model to oriter. at the shortest notice
and on reasonable terms in town or. country.
I).i. & A. C..FF,TTEIt.
Feb. 9 , 1847
To the Bich 'n 1
T V.T all thosO who tiro poNsunpv . e, or affec
ted with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchi..
tie,- Spitting Blond, Pain in the;sido or Breast,
Soar Throot,Boartmness,, Vollitptipit,.ot the
Heat, 'W:lMO'Pltig Cotikl . 4•LiyOr Complaints, &c.i
remember that it is • '
THOMPEION't Coatroom, 'VITRO? , or TAR . &
Nsrsmis that id daily `effecting ouchwolider.
ful cures inkall these diseases,
Therefore beware of all other tnislurea that
contain, or profeeselito contain Tar, and put , .
chatio of them only who tire known not to. deal
in Spurious artitiles.
Read the following testimony to the value of
the above medicine, from a well known mil
zen'o'fCumberland county.
Dtbrume;N TOWNSHIP, N0v..211,1.84.7
Deceniber 23 ISt 4%
oftce rS;t
. 4'OARLEGANI • LBA SW -0 .2(4'
-• 1 2: : 4 1:,...1• .
1:49 " APPrOilq 44Mcdy.../ . .0r, ;!7,P1110/78aj, CRNI,
RE are it`trP reasons *AY . Ms, Medi.
ricimete recomMend to'ffitili_ublid.
—end 'IN "I bovines' tiersons tilto:bare , iteight
itsAnii:itagain-ificrobppliewinOiliallihey ,
gird it as a valuable. FatellY Medicine ; the
other is that !certificates aro , ia tim'posiession
of the Proprietoi of percrienerit curee: . hatdpg'
beep 'effected:not Only fiy - perione afflicted for it
short time'; bet tilse'in cases of. font Minding
1t is , coifiliosed altogether of ' 'Vegktable
matter:is &dimity , hat mime, • can betaken it
all .andis_no-hindrance tn:.buititiessi It.
restores and revives the animal soritsieleanses
the itonfachi frornmll heelers which
'cause indigestion' and". t cidltieti. It alio re:
moves' tiErvoiis , tremors, rhumatie palifs, 'and
prevents their return t cures' all Polies of. the
stomachs and'bowelsolmost I min.distelr takes
'a way. palpitotton of ' the. heart, nhd promotes
tha free circulation' of the b10c18...
Thu direotio6 accompanying' each Irate
contains a number of certificates ,one 6f Which
is given in this advertisement.;
. Dean :.—about two years ago I 'was se
verely afflieted, - -with .:..ispepasai , whiek hitd
for the last fifteen years previous to the above
named-time, which was very much lacreasso
by, my havinfra blond vessairuptured upon rat
lungs, occasioned by lifling--whieh increased
my - complaint, dispepsiti end , general debility
and weakness, such a decree, -that 'two , or
three years previous "briny Milug - the . Garle'.
gent's flotsam, I never ,ate a meal but niy
stomach became -- arypititiful Itaijinmedi.
atelar;terthipw it up: Seeing ,Garlegant's Bel
sani advertised Wtei lodueed ' to . " try a battle;
'after. taken the very -first divie it'appeared to
strengthen m y stomach; and every dose . .6(this •
firs( bottle • helped me so .much that in - the
course of a Tew days •my stomach !began to- ,
retain and digest every thing I ate. ' I tiontinud
to use the Balsam until I used several bottles,
"v - ilirai cured Me
.entirely; and restored me-to.
perfect health, which I have enjoyed ever since.
and net before for fifteen . years. I cheerfully
ehommend it to-all per sans who are . nietedffl .
with dispepaia or-dibility of stomach.
HENRY •LOITHAN, Fred'k Co. Va.
Prepared and sold by the Prriprietor, JOIf N
S. MI ULER, opposite the Market Mum, Fred.
eriek, Md, and by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, sole
agent for
Feb. 10, 1847. •
T a slntsd Orphans Court began on Tura
day the 15 day of December 1 ti 46„ and
holden for Carlisle for Cumberland county be
fore tin') lion. Samuel llenburn Esq.. President
Judge and John Stuart and 'l'. C. Miller, Esqrs
A.ssoeinte Judges See the following proceedmgs
were had to wit:
In the case ca - the wf•it ofPa•tition and sale
Lion in the Real Estate of John Ruth decoyed
The rule on the heirs and petsons Interested
to appear and accept or retuse to ne,mpt of the
said rota 'estate nt Div valuatiOn; liking been
returned by the SliCriff and duo notice of the
Caine to the persons interested having been
Made, and ''the parties having been . severally
calledin open court end none of them apneas
to take:. Now to wit 1.5. December 1846 on
motion of Mr, Riddle—Rule on, Om heirs' and
persons interested to show cause al
._ the .next
stated Orphans Court on the 16 February 1847
why the said real esiiate should nut be sold, .
13y the Cana
JAMES 110 . FFO, Sheriff..
January 20, 1846
% Te stated Orphans' Court began on Tuna_
dayOA 15 day of December 1R46 and hob.
den at Cerhsle for- V ,nmberiond etiiinty before
the lion. Sammy! itephurii Fog- - Presiden
John Stuart and T, C. Miller Esqrs• Aesocia le
Judges_ &e.
In thc - case ot the Writ of Partition and vab
nation on thmeal estate of Armstrong Irvine
dcu'd. Now•to wit:ls December 1F136 the some
having-been continued by the-Court, on me.
lion of Mr. Riddle—Rule on the heirs and per
POliff interested 16 appear on ftre ifny 10th
of February 11:1•17 of the next stated Orphans'
Court. and, accept nr refuse' to accept the said
real °elate at the valuation.
By this Court
•JA 110 F1 7 1:,(1, .Sheriff:
CLlBsle. January 20, !817
/1111 F. undersigned Auditor, appointed by she
Costrt of Common Pleas, to mareistill and
distriln.le the assets in the hands M . James
NI el.:1111011)i. assignee otSam 'lel Mel t ehusu , pro
rota among the creditors, Will assent' In the duties
ofitte appointment nil Setorslas. McGill March next,
ni Ids olliee in Cm•Ilsls•. All mil-sons h viog•
elstinis must ..hand t'sens its before that time—or
lose die benefit of theimill.
Jxnuary 27, 1847
X.TICE is hereby given, that letters of
driministration on the estate ofJohn Pep.
her deed late of Monroe is wnship,Curnherland
county have been regularly granted to the trittiw
scriber. MI persons therefore having elainis
or demands against- the estate of said deceased,
are regireated to make the se mo knoyn tome
oviny residence in Churehtown, inlidd•to!an.
strip, without delay, and those knatving them.
selves indebted will make .prryineet
ately. JOHN PEPHER Jr.
January 20,
rrilE subscriber hong nboiit to remove lroni
I. the hprough hereby notifies allpersona in
lilt:W(1 to hirn for office fees or other accounts.
inoko immediate poyment,and requesttsall
pyritous Aamitg . ugsitist him to presen
them for settlement. •
Carlisle, Jinn, l 9 1'147:7
N H. A
..oncthgrae , Carriage and Saikey, In
u,: order, for tale:ohenig , .: :1 •• "
Tfasted tit,n ttlitrfinfati4len ad
Zinn Executor nf.lactib444 ,tettled
byGeorgn !lectern and George Zinn,
tore of Peorgei•Zinn • da.Yd..l will(' meet: at the
ArbitiationChambe'rith :the:C,durt . ••Houha% iii
the borough eiCarliale;hri Satufday the 18th• of
February 1847 tot thipaigniiiiit,tlieiiapirni
: Cr MAI,
,CS . Z Coligot,
•• •
'} l ,1..1air.944. 2 ,14 . 4Up ER.
- .Tenttery-bo;'lB4'-'
nititeeli iP A Cettlin
titC001111710i;i Otephen., cul,ficrisPn :
It • Co mintttve of l4meir I We t nAnnntio, , ,l*. ‘l!'6 ,
been presented the Court Commoiß"tiOr- 0 , 1
said Court anitointedl'peednythe, i hAny,
! fon the fleet Itansemor Faa.operinti ru!F,
on all Perionw!oontlerweth _toi,appeer
emote why the same shall not holoollern4 l l-iltlY!,
t. •,-;; c • liKo.3 .iStd 7 o 3l Ygi
roth anoint.), •
T HE .1 tirdirelii6liti4. triiiii , iintiiirieil , tolit-
AL- tend_ Rt. these k& COUrt, ^on .the'-23d- Of
choebrdarygnitxt;) • tefelij'abtiliiidAhlit 'F',, (lief Loin
lisktibeA•cailite - N re ' lelid-.7; 7 7 -------- .. , ;
I V ,-7 ' ~- --L ,til . :d(crt•SlCS" l ifOriit', Simi:lit. p
.14rlei' . tf1k' ..4. 4.4g 14. h• ' ' ' 'if '!.
:4 4 . 1 ki11.W_ ~`.
*ring bOoki , and *iiieou!fil/AsCttiiit r jiltittorilier,ll 1
i'X'T i t ivUri Win 111Ra:11 , 70; - 6 Ann*, Oripmfigl
StbithilPig,,, for 'eollentiontand,liettiementoWbAlNJ
ipertionii indebted twiny tin 4 re goatit' bpipeedyl.popt I
,ineyitig , ThosbAnliintv bloitim4ll , olKeqnl,46lllo
!Bend tleip*,foi...rsettleruent, - ,' ':.;?; ~ T 4 , t l :.;,?.,01)
1 : ; cipiiia-,--iininnii-it,-...,i5p.-,,,,-,4,4,,,,,......._.......„...„.:-, - ...,
17 . 1.611141 --------
,10.:1 1 it r , lIPPN (ir
, ~
..,, . .
~ . ,
Ai.tii7zwitrilitt wi . htlit;i:zo4 , lso4,
toeitygr i pto,ipf i t i zt i t47o,,Rit t f l 4 l A wi t t ~ , :, , , , f
r m . r s ,tik r y,• 11 . ~ ,!:„,f
,c. ~ I.: Y..:c . ".J
4,..,'"''q' ...''' 04 1,4 0`fr''"..'-' 4 '-'"'"4'...'l-S.- 4 ''ii'4'±-7,r1.1"."
•••-: 90,kor''• - •
r Itztie rAtt*liions if -
Extensive :ttnd ; Elegant Supply , of
NEW GO9DSic Just received at
0 p,..01d Stand ltr North Hanover;St.,
nearly opposite the Bank !
cc W. LIAVERSTICIt desires 10
*O. inform the public that hu bad
just received from Philadelphia, and, _
°pawn at" the Old Stand, on"
North Hdnover street, d fresh anion
meet of
. ,
and tlie most elegant display of Fancy ARWes,
Miscellaneous and School Books, Perfumery,
Fruits, &c. &e., which hal over been opened
in this borough, all of which have boon selected
by , himself in person, with great care, and
w hid' he can confidently recommend to his
friendiiited customers as being equal if not YU
"perifir tcvm.f in the market. His stook wit
,constantly comprise .. • •
Drugs tOzd,,lll;dicines.
Patent Medicine - x i fine Cltemkale, Imam
mettle, .Pure Essential .oile, Kerbs And Ex
ttnete,..Spieett,..ground and .whole. Easences
•• r •
Indigoes, Madders, Brazil Wood, Alum, Log
and Cain .Woods,-Cit Vitrol, Copperas, Lae
Dye, &c.
Taints and Varnishes
Wath`etill 'Pe B'rother's IN bite Lead; Chtbrns
green and yellow,, l'aiut and Varnish Britslies,
Jersey' Window Ghise, Linseed Oil,Turpentine,
Copal and Coach Varnish, Litharage - and Red
Lead, Whiting and parish .Green, toastantly
for sale at the old established I Tug, Book •and
Fancy Stoic _
Lard Lamps.
An elegant variety of Lard Lamps, mono.
factored by
•Cornelium of every size and func:y'
patterns, and at greatly reduced prices!
Fancy .drticles.
Comprehending an endless variety of every no.
non in the fancy way, for holiday gifts - and
presents, which it would taken column to en
umerate, but in which will be "fitund every va•
rely of article for — ornament, instruction, or
amusement, and at prices from a penny to a
School Books
stock is -composed chiefly of Fermol
Boas, in which May be found the various text
books, Lexiouns,--histories;_Arithmeties, Atc..
now used in College and tho public schools, all
or which will bo sold us low as at any tither
establishment. Also,
Groceries and Fruits, .
prime and fresh, and of very superior quality,
nt prieen'astunishingly low. In abort, a litho.,
of every thing that in useful or ornamental may
be found in his entabl,shment,'to which he ity
vitea the attention of the public, confident that
both the quality and prices of his goods will be
found cqyallynatialactury. Reniember the Old
Stand. S. W 11AV ERSTICK.
-Carlisle. Ntivem kr 25,1846.
. .
AndKriskinkeirm-Depot.- -
T HE subscriber hikes this opportunity
OA he still continues to mariulaitiire mot has
alwass on Itnotl. a large nod general assortment
of C . ANDI Fils of the'llKST imalityothich
lie will nit wholesale or the OLD STAND.
.VDR TH LVO wh re- be
so kreps on bumf
, 4 embracing nil
the delicaciesof the li 11Terent svaanas,antl NU Fs .
of all kinds. •
His stock consists In part of
Oranges, Almonds, l'ca Niits„ Dates,
14mons i Filberts, - Cream Nub., Figs,
Eosins, 13 Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, ,sv.
Proems, l'ecaa Nuts, ,(:rapes,
Ilia, he will sell at the most reasonable prices
for ra.h.
lle would.alan invite file attention of the pith
lit to a large aiuil well' selected assyvinielit
Toys, Baskets. and Fano Goods,
imitable for illempproaelting Holtila)s. 111
connection xltll the übiove,lie has received
prime lot of • '
consintiog in port of Loaf, Lump mill town
Susumu Coffees ofiall from Bto 12 seals
per pound,, a superior article of
Young 14'50t,, anti flock Tea, Molasses of uII
kind,,; Clioiolate; Crackers; Cht.mrse; nice. flack
ing; Mottilkes;OrtislieS, &u.
'Olais and 4Queensware,
. .
A barge Reenkiment Om! Queimewure, of
all kinds and itatwoot.
Not mews, Chown( o„Clotreti, Pepper, Ginger,
and A lattice grontul or whole, Al obtaird by the
bottle or ruin(); . •
UL'obacc9, Sears and' Snag,
smn, very fine Cavendish - Roll, Twint, and
other l'ohneenet Marylninl, ilavtuth, Principe,
and other choice Score' 1.41 1 lentiter and fork
'l'be sabscriber, thankful forAntst favors hopes
by a stria - H . 4514.t0n to husiness, , autt, At desire to
please, in inerit a, Gout balance oftirt same.
Purchasers will find it to their tulvantake to call
at the Delon, and examine for thentselyes before
. .
purchasing elsentiere.' .
Carlish4 November IS, ISA
another Large' - stioigy of
Ph-esh, .oceisies.
pril ft E subseritair bee jt i• returned from the
2 city, and now offers us largo. end an wind
en assortment of GROCERIES us was ever
offered, tit•••parlialo. ? Ile is confidritititlitit his
selecting': OP TZLAS cannot iiii:rurpassed.—
Th e y acanthi' in port of - 1 . - . •
•,•-• W i ~,," ' •licatiiiii . 'ciirii 11 . ' '''''
• - 7-, . • re -- -.•• - Youn g 9 5 ° 11
...:, --- I: -'' dd „' , • iota , - do. ' '
~ ''.2, 10E811 -1, 1 „LA0 /I initralniperiat,
•i i:,. •,•,- ~.- - 1 - -do. Rose Flavored
:-•,. • • •• •••_ -, _ .. .,1; I , , •••!do , - • , eumnion de.
•Th- +,.•! .?„ .., i: ~ „,...;•. • . •,,,,
:•,. AR .b d ge,Cifraon Rio. - - ofrero, uotieurpasnad •
n 8 •••!rd o 1 , u, . ;10Id- sysi_bt., , ,, L ~,,
j" •st • , T•r i i - doa , •”•.( • , Fit:tiomingio de , ' - '' •Y:.
I=- I 'dar-t - ''''' - 'ltehstddtler , -=L''-- •.
~ ••...- :•, , ,,L:l l r9wAlLA'AugarS,,L l , , ,. „ ~1
i ~, ,,Detubl!okßefined Imo f. ..: :.,:, , I
( ,••••' Steam. Fetich : •',•%;:' •; , do , 1••.;.:••• ,• ,•.,•-., • '
"••?•! Cruelted , •.' i ' ')".' • r'•! - • • h0 , . , :da.: ~,, ~,,,,,,••..,,,,
l''' P ul verised' 6, 4 k , P , '• '',l d •••,, • I ''.ll •• ' • •1
_ • : --- , • o- • • ~ - - • •.- -
1 ")*firgeritseciirtirierit litAltiliiiiesi;ls , t;tipli' . "iii
1 t A • vs.
iMk : tiMfo-161. ltilC;arles4r4;' iimli
HO qA ri 4 AO, PO onnh;FlOTiArgOpmOked).
pfd tki
tiPe l 'OAglir,Ao, 1, , Hamir t , :mpernio.vi4 ...Tit At
xandlol4lAlol4,l4lloloo.,qtrOlU6MilnUY VIO4
Alrnondei:Crinberriesof: A t,full:stssitrtmenUcif
'llrusheil,:Bairlcoi . oceirditrWit , l•kiligallier wit.kit
lull i t ilipjjr.' o f zrt , , , ,ri; I ',OP , . 14 ~, ill )1 1 (37: 4 ,, : : ~. 4 , 1)
- - -,.,•-• .‘ 0-1 .-n: ,k, -, L24 - -':iy_ilari-2., .t-i
"ir.e' ~.. 04P101 pa** litueeßywPF , .4.., , ,,1
:111. 0 W 110 19-W cell- , 11 - such.p 011 ~ •,
r "i ll'll ''-. will I i'' 'tf 1 . 0 'ls' '` ,1 1 4 1
thiotiotadirkiteilliceral-eattafactiod, to;s11W0
4hall' faydiqiiiit!erlt '-.theiri-'oitattiiir;:l , ..C4ll . 4ind.
itree: :_.•,,: - .' - •:Ln'"-1 1 1: 4 EORGE FUICROOIOIq -•-•
l:•.Cajlialiirlik , intie . '5,- 184; 1, . , -;,,1 4t)t1,.,;t0.:1::',.
l i ff:rglkii i tio ll7 or l Oßy o B 4P:bil
-Phifr.;o# lIMPItt. 44641
;ply moiffitti Atk.pfr,Al4wA9Prifill EI
9n6 to bo , Lad.!tt
, utio.l6lll/101rdorttro otAT
D.C. 16 -14.01100 ,- 1 lkij3t.
4,.„, • Akti..... ..,.„1.,..„, 77
zr.t,,,rd0k0t,„,rr0,„, , ...,
k i
1 rUPiongtotAlaWill Wolat'inld'76-6;1
',.. -41100andi wirtijdotliwonadth3r- 31, inblERJ4),a Is,
li I T ,
r,';'T:< , 1"---- 7 Met ',';', I •••".ta
1 • t.
• ~.
O CII C4t,W I OO- ; 1 4i:;
itaZIA L:PITN S ItiIr9 I /I l o4liir
- VITILL be soleat f itilil stiil4l;6iiir l aoarice of,
"'TYan Orderiiir Court of. Ctitmi
berland county, on ,SATVIIPAY the 20th day of
fieffi . pcb next, at 10a*aockf; A: M. on the preposes,
the following described real estate, late th e prop
erty of Jeacib.l , olor,.deceased, to wit i
A Traut situate itl Muftlin Town - .
ship, Cumberland county, bounded by lands of
Brandt; John. Sagely,: William Itaroj;
and Whittler, containing L3O ACRESi
more or leis, of abieb about 100 Acres are cleared
and the yesidue well timbered—hax Mg thereon
:erected a two story LOG 'HOUSE,
CORN CRIBS. There are . shout
ttine,acres of excellent meadow', a
quantity of Locust timber on said good
A PPLE ORCHARD, a lid a variety of mlier fruit
trees. There is a aal of never failing water
convenient to the house, arid running water pas
sing throu A li all,tbe fields on said.larin•—
The land is slide, of an excellent quail ey, add in
a good state of cultivation. The a buse hum_ ill.
be said subject to the lease of the tenant from one
year from the Lit of April next. the ',archaism. to
receive the rent and hsconie the landlord front die •
excitation of the decd, on the confirmation ofithe
• -
. . . . . . .
. .
, The terms of sale are:—One third of the pin ,
chase money to he 'WU On tae conlirniati m of the
sale hy, the Court, when a deed •will be executed
to the purchaser and the balance in tiro ertril
annual payments, from the Ist of April next,
ariMoutinterest—to „ he secured eyjudgment bonds
fern such /AM. mode its may be satisfactory to
the 'administkator:.
lie is now rosily, Is necOnnnotlato all who
luny fator - hlin with n eon, with the following
articles at the lowest cash prices, viz:
MO lbs. Wed:o.i* best pure ground .Whi to
I Lea o d i) Gallons. tiOseetl
Ftibruars IT, 1847.-4 w, t. "
Assignees Sale of Os Real Estate of
Paul Martin, Esq..
WILL he offered et public outcry
_on the
promises,on WElsNrsamr the itith
day of March, 1847, at 1 o'clock, l'• M.
The "Big Pond Furnace Estate,"
containing Three Thousand Five IlundrtiL
Acres, nioro or hiss, of well timbered Mountain
Land, and , hirving thereon erected a Ilet Blast
'Furnace, with segment, bellows a nd receivers,
_ancl_propelled by a good stream.of water, to
gether with the necessary dwellings, shops,
stabling and office. Also. the right to an in
exhaustible Iron Ore think, with a water
power ore washing machine, tree ninny charge
for five years, and only distant front the fur
mire about one-eighth of a mile.
l'his property is situated in Newton and
Sonthnmpton Townships,: Cuinberland county,
Pa., about 5 miles from the Cumberland Valley
Rail Road, and about 6 miles from Shipper's
burg, and will be offered at private sale, (with
the. stock, 4.c. now being used ). until the above
of public outcry.
Prtinis made known on the day of sole, 11
The Assignees - of Caul Martin,Esq.
November 25, 1840.
(ANC of the best stands . in
115 the borough, that large nod
commodious House, situ..- #
ate on High street; nearly oppo.
site Beetem's Hotel, at present occupied by
It. Snodgrass as a store. Also, a white frame
House and Stone Kitchen. in Church Alley.—
Possession to he had on tlfet-Ist day of April
next. For terms apply. to.
ISAAC Tpiin .
Carlisle, Decdm btr - 2; - 1 84 G.
For Rent,
HE Dwelling house on i_
the Small East corner of ‘,
Pitt and- I:outlier Streets, the v
house is of brick two story with
two story' back hulloing, also, our sit five
smaller tenant houses. Koisession given on
the first of April next. V .N . r terms apply to
Dec. IC, 1846.
For Rent,
1-1, nom lie first of April next;
r ft Smnll 'it.& NI E. HOUSE, sit- . .. --. l'.
hated in West Loutlier Street. iiii'T
Applx. to 11 11 . 2 42 1 I I
. JOHN 11. VA HEIM. "=
Dreemlter .28, 184 n.
For HeJlt.
CVO comlstabW Brick
Lenses. PiMemiion given
April 1, 1847. Terme moder- ,
ate. e CHAS, OGILBY. :!^''
Dec. Is, 1846. • •
, • Per. Rent.
. • ONE of the most comfortable
s si • houses on the East end of Main
Street, in this borough, at presents
occupied by Henry H. Grote.—
Tim house contains six finished rooms, kitchen
and Vella, a brick cistern, and geed gnrden
with a number of choice fruit trees. Apply to•
t7srliste, January. 02 I tit 47.
For Resat. -
FROM the first of April next Iwo comihrta
hie two story HOUOCS one of them ita-aitu•
clod on the South East 'Corner of N :
Pomfret and Pitt eta. anti -would-, would-, 4' , '
be a good situation for a mechan. .: , , , :
or a store, the other is situated in ,-....,L , •.• ...,.--,.
East Pomfret•Strert nearly. opposite ihei Pres.
trytern Church. For tering apply to
Carlisle, Jaauaury,2.ltil4,
wilt.: house now Occupied by Slew- s
art MOprr, situate on South Ilan
°Vet' street below Win. Sellars' 1' 8. :
Babel y, OW opposite C. E. 11. Divin' I I
Cliair nianullietory. la or Caliber hi
formation etiossire .• , f S,E.I LLA RS.
- ' '
RE,M,O V.,A L.
T" w undersigned wo ul d rcpseetiully Inform
hie friandcend the public iitaeneralaliai
tic lies re ninvedi his TIN•AND Ell li.:E*l" IRON
WPARLISHM ENT to the old stand' format.%
ly occupied bly:Jeln P. Lyn° and lately by Jd.
scyli nowt. kiturited in East" porither street a
etret 'wherr - lie
will'4:airy oh OA., ebbvii'businees lb all Its bruli
cites nod, inninds, blipping n,,goini essorimani et
• ' ''" and 'Skeet Iron Ware
aha -I.'9k. 9 mi l e ., ; ver y
LA ill it Abe: 0 1 1 3 ,00 tit' m:1 1 ' 0 1 1 4 n d
for solo tt,, large and fine areortinenttif iStoyeri,
susb as j nine elsttiwoodAtoves, parlor. tires,
trr-burn wooil-and coal, Fnal:.Ettivel a ttit•—fitu,os
common Stove Pip! ! Atl,, , ;jab• work .in • but line
will be tlilinkfully 'reaarstat root,p.neanptly nt•
tended to; SpoutlogAintrod . the , tpust
reasonable terms. 1,1110 :litgbriat,psjpers given
tbr old,rroppetrobraiptiand pea/S.OIIIOY t
Ile_hopc• by stile:Attention ttitbusdnitai,lond
a desire to'pletiansfikbosit whtrtnif favor him
with a , eall'iolettielWriaciibitrd 46 fAbirilibarn l
patroinaga bierstsrare extended toJiiittil
N: " wviovoitzi otile t pigi,Ao, patellas.
Ilatlifiwnyirvowniter -oh et, wishing ally
IttlbriNsittoWtestieetint'-tbrintiltits bard, It f ,by
01410,14 i ibpirtdilawibeitsi - •
• lip
! :-Illsokiloo4,:_alitt.titaup3o7... -•
11,40E , rid,c5f)!NR A 1 1,1 1 1.1 1 ,11tala,A'v,t,_11
;4,i, extptiolick , ittiortmep 51,•,F1 1 41.4 pypif.fs
,ii. y, f calf bra ci i ig 'ilsrafttei roc
;in- thni liiiirokn , %lie' shiallot,:pitat. boiik. to: tly:
i largest fifielCilitriliailtd244,Wiibreh I oan
1 ,011 - 54 IrVOrkkjia*firqiiiBy '''
v"-. -:.:--- '.-----r-'4441i- - irt- t i, q ,ll
I 0160. 1 .ii50 , 1 1 114 1 '/. i',4 B ~, 4 , , ,', . )i.4 .'.;:` - r - ,
1..f.:i.., _,_.2.... - .:.,.......,'... - .:24.4,..4.:1,3.*1ti0 ,i:04 , .. , 1 1
'''' '"
- - " 1.. 1&': -' ;' . .' . :*'...( ,, ' ; .:: : '. - ','': 5 r,•: , .. 4 .Y.'... ,
thy (Thodbt' *4.
I.y .YEA R ,
r a . oziziiiricraikui , %(--..
ETAS just' received an iiii4itiiiOnbie,thinply Id
AJL, lis etaelfond is prepared to - 'Eire bargains
. Of Cloth's, all:collours and qualitlei,
Casirnerda, plai ts & fancy,
Casinet, do do
Beaver & Pilot Cloths.
Vesnitgb & Cravats,.
Cash mere: 'us de Lanes, , • .
• •, do da Robes, •
Calleocs a large asslrtonant Imo 4 to is cm
Alpaccas and Morienes,
'Ribbons &
Shawls & Ties,
Fur'Nlufra,' -•
Mons & Bcys Cam. Ste.. Fs's.
S hippensburg,Jan. 15,_1147.
w N. ADDITION to the lately purchased
Auction go. ds,' the subscriber hos just re.
ctivce afresh assortment or.
Eaftware,,Cuttlery, 81,e,
fa•the old and welLknown _Hardware ffiore i
known as Harlan's old Fitupd; in North Hano
ver Stre.e . to which he invites the attention dr
• 100 Gallons, of Spirits uf.Turpentinc..
Alen, a full tom, rtment Paurts,•olls, Var.'
nisi), Gum Copal, 40. . A. full aosortment. of
Carpenter's Tools, Blinding materials, Noile of
all sizes;and a thousand other articles whiehlt
would he impossible to mention, but all or
which ho Will take pleasure in showing to Moire.
who furor him with a cull. Don't forget the
old Stand before purchasing-086;liter°, as we
ore deterrnined to sell cheap. J. Sit.N ER.
Carlisle, Dee. 16, 1896,
rthe Cheap Hardware Store on E.
High Street, opposite Ogilby's Dry
Goods Store, and one door West of
•Martin's Hotel.
MUD subscribers are now receiving a large
additional ifutiply to their Stock, which
makes their assortment very full and complete,
and to which 'they would invite the attention
of purchasers.
Their stock comprises a full assortmeat of
gods for builders, such as Lucks and Latches
Hinges, Screws, Wrought and Cut Nails, Spike
and Brads. Also, all k inds °fried for Meehan
ice, farmers and hbusekcepers, all of which are
frceh, and. bought at the lowest cash prices. and
will be disposed of nt a small profit.
They are receiving and intend keeping con
stantly' on hand a general assortment of
Band-and Hoop Iron, Russian and American
Sheet Iron,-Cart and Spring Steel, English and
American Blister Steel, 'Tin Plate, Bar Tin;
Pig and Bar Lead, Speller Iron Wire, Rivets,
Files, Rasps;&e. Ate.
Also, Wetherell's - Pure' White Lead, Linseed
Oil, - Turpefitirte, Copal and 'other Varnish, with
a general assortment of Paints, Dye Stuffs.
Window Glass, &c.
Purchasers will find it to their advat.t.age - t•
call rind examine our stock, ae ee are enabled
to sell our doodslat_Philadelphia prices.
Carlisle, November 18. 1846.
And Cheaper than Ever. .
•THE subscriber begs leave to inform. the
II public lie has teethed
sorttnent of
Fall and Winter finads,
and respectfully inviter; them to give him a ea!'
he. re purchasing elsewhere. Ills stock ems
bislP in part of
Cloths, Plain, Black and, Fancy Cas
simeres, Sattinetts, Flannels,
ATED ROBES, Monselin de !eines, plain and
shaded Merinoes,Platd Clookings, and a vari
ety of Prints, Terkerri, .Coshntere, Thibet, Du
Caine Shawls, kid . Gloves, Ribbons, Fringes,
Flowers, and a great variety' ofothet articles—
ail of which I will sell et the lowest prices.
Call and see ! H. H. GROVE.
Obtuber 28, 1896.
MIMM' SZOne3 2
tf AS just received from Philadelphia !twit New
Y. tit an entire 'NEW & FASIIIONMILF,
STOCK OF001)S,• suittilde fin the season,and a hid. he a determined to sell CHEA .'Flt
lW: !'IIAN K, His stock embraces in , part
( 443
rith n• d littbion .. blinded
do. Cashmeres, new style lltouslin de Lair e
!lobes, do Q11511111E71: Robes, Dress Silks, do. 'ha
tted Aleginoes, ()min! Cloaking, Gra'd do. Bored
dd. Thihet Terkere Shawls (French) plain and
Shaded Thicet Shan Is, bannisk Shah Is, plain
&shins foe bonnets, Silk elsets do. liolgonabla
Full ltihh o as,French Flowers Ow side, 410. Face
assorted rolors,.Fa eiMli Kid (lout s,lttialus; Mort
Worsted Fringe, shaded do. Fancy Prints, Ladies
Tien, Polka Combs, Velvet Itibbons, ull,Swiss,
Tarlton tole Cambric Aluslins.
In addition In the above; we bate p Nit assort
ment of new style. Prints. Cheeks, Tie :logs, and
Domestic Goods. Also, Fashionable Goods fur
Gentlemen and Uoya,.of p quality far superior to
any ever offered fur the wine-price in Carlisle.
Call at Ina store in North !Unmet street,opposito
Common's lintel. • 1). ft. ARNOLD.
• Carlible,Oidohet; 28,.1846.
UKtrK:mva:am dt.‘l:m!l:k•sraillsa
; (of thelntl
Fiiren:ef Stevamion•Ar: Meltaffey,) Itaetjeet
returned froirCille 'city with a large assori.
tent of
Drags, Medicines, Valets; Oiler , tire
rierfemes,, rancir
Be would moat mepeetfully, invite.lllMaBdeat.
ing-in,te -.above - -
ex_amkpoldtibeforeo ppreluria
they 'taro beep releoted. - ;with , great , eare-, end--
Thi la prepared .to ,Wboleaabi to my
Of,loo Pruggiati_or,„bypietaoo, in tip) COUllifp
~20;eot Sulith. effetect
: -
air Pa'6ulph,Qpiointb4
.phdtited tea..,-1
I,i r“,•1 4
10,90.0. t mportod..Segerw of °bola) .
14 o<I4 iiioti l eA t 1' 3 01 1 9 ,8 0 k Bed Cotten Turns.,
0! - Pgebre PieretditTltant
Gltute elleioe:Satokint-To.baceo, ties ;tec
- ! ‘ , 0 0...y4 r for sale at ;the tinily Stare of
brj.stilf)ta *Zoiember_ 40848.. • 1 .
1 ...z. , v.NORNIT:O4IVOY4* 'STAKET. c".:-'t '" .
Lk 1.98: t. Wetlierin'efifie ....... . 4IUNI
. I,J , White Lead. .
.: . -'......:: ._:.
43214 40 . l k- Lin "C 6 941'.i-Tl:''.,:'','.i-.1".i-. •.' ' i , ;,1 . '
1 ' '144:: ' l4 flitil'it4i'o'ol4llO 1 1 0,1. rt 1 . 'in •
7..4000114:-NiiiraimirS14m tidi‘iinfia. , .. , ,-1, ; ,,. i . : , .... - :
:1000 lbse.tiefloeseeoriditi..i.,-t...,,:'. , ,....,..i0.1 1 , ~ ~,f '-''..-
With reltilt. fusiertment ntriftietittii P oilriiirer.!'.
,dic;,ittiliqe'l*llE'olll 4 4,k .. • : , -.
the lowest piitiett., .- L - ~ : .:.,;f , -,...„. -. , i' . .--:-.,,1.:.' -eyr.,—'.:, ~.
I!, ritrehatertAvilkiltidtt7ta thittiiidOnteiti . s - o__ 1 z
1 eallibeliiii.r.tietehueiust:eliewhei* ll- '4FC . I- - e;;11. - . s.
1 . ~c . l;ipv.,l-4. - -.0-i-k-i . , - „.:=l,kftvgJipliiN),Pi•.:ll7; to,
' - Ciiiitel4;4&'4iitthei,36',lB46:,,—.7.;." :',. '.**4t 6 . , '
... • •
zomf 541 , ..44'. 4 ,1 - 74 - ::, •
iN1 1 : 10 -'::•7 1t W 011 0 1 / - , i• ' '' • - ti - o;oi in a ''''
1 '1451.00"446 jad litat, ll =:4 1 4,11i1P00frt- , ..
1 .,: : oqi#s,:f
. 1 ,1,i, ~,li '.' ,
~,-,01;; ;;i g
~ilr.q.o:t I',A,V.o.!:',`,+''
'! 1 ::•'; ; 14,7
,f. ,-4 .4:. ,,g., 1 ;,...1 . ::i;3114-:;:-., - ::',-,.
4:..,....,,,:,,, ~:,:: ~ '., .',..• ..,.....: ,42.1.A,4.4kiviimi.,:::::=,::,y.