Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 10, 1847, Image 2

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    7i, - •
t tY4.-
Next Expedition. -
In the Course ofafeer days or a few weeki,
says the Philadelphia - Inquirer, YY9 ib4.y‘
look for stirring inteligence from tp6
A movement of no little importance wt
-on foot at the last dates. General Scott hat
- n - orriTriVa Ith' at Tampico on the 12th, bul.,
was hourly expected, and we have rea - g6n to
believe that the operations of our troops :tvere
in a great measure suspended with the object
•of awaiting his arrival. • It is also probable
that General Scott would, before finaly deter
mining upon any plan, hold, a long and confi
dential interview with Gen. Taylor, and ob
tain from that gallint officerrall the informa
tion in , his posession . having an immediate
bearing upon the;eampaiga. The twaGen
erals had not met al our last Recounts. A,
friend who Traicree'etved it leiter hied tarn
ploo: Jan. 12 ) stales that,Scott was at-lit - tins ;
but had riot - communicated With Gen. Taylor.
The disposition of the army is such as Would
probably favor the operatirins of the Hero of
Chippewa." The troops were in position to
attack San Luis de Potosi, or to march •to
any other point. It remains to,be seen whe
ther on the arrival of Gen Scott, an attempt
will be inn& to -capture-Vera Cruz and the
Castle—an expedition be planned to march
to Tuzpan, and Thence to the city of itleslco
-or an effort to bear OHM made to give. ifrat,
tae to Santa Anna at San Lnis de Potosi Gen.
Scott is donbtleAs authorized to pursue the .
plan he shall deem most adviSable.under the
circumstances, and after he shall have con ,
suited with Gen. Taylor and the other leading
officers, who have so long been in the fink!
in Mexico. Indeed we• have renion to be..
lieve that an expedition recently left Tampi
co for Laguna de la Puerta, 113. miles on the
Altimara road, with instructions to remain
. _
there and await further orders. Meanwhile,
1 4despatehes were repeived•from Gem Taylor,
and t„he troops were ordered to march .back
again. which they did eceordirkly. We re.'
r - ' ;mmediately after Gen. Sent shall,
,eat that; 018 Rough and Ready, some
have consulteti .vill be determined upon,
bold movement •`
-n ordinary character,
tome enterprise of a
,iwertul influence
and calculitted to exert a pe
upon the War,- •
The N. York Journal of Commerce
a letter to a gentlemen in New York from ri
friend in Mexico, from which the following
is an extract—
"We are determined to carry on the war.
Gen. Santa Anna has already collected at
San Luis more than 25,000 regular troops.—
Our letteis of marque are operating : they
will , strike In quarters where least expecten,'
in the Mediterranean and Indian Sze.—
We shall see how our neighbors viii feel
The New York Herald of yesterday .aiso
contained a statement that we should soon
hear of Mexican Privateers in the Italian
Seas, and a letter from Key West of the 15th
ult. which stated tliat a vessel had sailed on.
the Min from Havanna with despatches to
Corn. Conner from the American Consul of
that port, which were supposed to .relate to
vessels being fitted out as Privateers of which
the authorities were, perfectly cognizant.
The New . York Herald of Friday says.—
'lt was stated 'change, yesterday, that a
private letter had been received from the
frigate Savannah, one of the Pacific squadron
containing intelligence of thevapture of more
territory, and of a battle with the Mexicans;
in which they were defeated, although they
considerably outnumbered the Americans.—
The. letter was dated at Mazatlan.
PAUPER Elllllol2ANTS : jfile city of N. York
is literally overrun' with pauper emigrants.—
The-Courier and Enquirer says the nurriher
daily landed there and thrown upon chavi
ty is almost incredible. The. arrick brriught
over 300 steerage passengers, and no less
than 150 of them reacned the city in a state.
of utter destitution, and were sheltered in the
First Ward station liouse: The Alms House
is now so crowded, and the applications for
admission so constant, the Commisioner has
absolutely neon compelled to turn the dead
house at Bellevue into a receptacle for the li
ving. It is also contemplated as a matter of
absolute necessity, to bite some buildings in
the upper part of the island to, shelter the
hundreds who, if not thus provided for, must
die in the streets of cold and starvation.
med says the N. Y. Courier arid Inquir e ,
übon teliabiel‘' authority that since the l il t
day of November—wher. the distress of ire.
land for lack of food was ton surely verified
.more than eighty thousand dollars have b een
remitted in RUMS varying from $5 t 0•825. b y
Irish laborers, men and women. ser vant ,.
and others toiling for their daily bread—to
their suffering relatives in •
The Albany evening Journal rays, 'the
President afforded aid and comfort to .the
enemy? : by giving them a General ; and now
his friends are increasing that ()comfort' bij
denouncing the General of the American forces!
As the President gave Santa Anna' his, free
dom, we should not be surprised id find him
trying to balance ti.e account by imprii6iiing
Gen. 'Taylor. •
It is said to be the intention of the Cover
. ment to make a demonstration upon Vera
Cruz and the Castle of San Juan, some time
tnis month ; if the nine volunteer regiments
can be got into the field in season to co
operate with the other forces. '
Ile Legislature of Kentucky,.had, at the
last accounts, ballotted sixteeti times for a U.
S. Senator, in . place of Me Eon. gr. More.
head, withotit making a choice.
0::r Prentice saysthere are. Whigs enough
going to Mexico to whip the:Mexicans, and
a sufficient number' remaining at home tp.
whip the locafecos. ' ,
Gov. Young, of Ne*YorlOasPardoned
eighteen r_of Abe anti-rent - priitorims‘;- - -all'of
whom, except four, are restored to citizen
. „
Cock:—lt should ' be,' tenictribeied that 'a'
cough is altv nye an ev idenne that iota 1 in-'
purity la lodgpd ,in the, lunge, mhich,.... if not,
• ppeedily , removc4,'Most assuredly ao
irritate these organs . as to .brhig . pn
inflamnuOiop,Of thelungs-44 dliesee . iNtlroh
we "alYknow the6lugh road lto consnmp . -
, • Wrrghti4W4oll:4oo b , Pitk are One of
- tbio,rery:best,,,,reedicinga ,in ) thelmorld ;, for
carrying off;,calt) , *4itse lbeyfurge from,
the bialy those rnarlist,ilkupiontu.Which i are
the cause.of coughs, foonsuroptidn ditficultyl
of breathirri,—raugy—aud,,itiflamediaty
eete tbeNktrAhlTene. Pat.riattrPOatWitut ., t'partti,
'ef the hP4Y.f.Ree*rirlt -,
dangerotte corn
&luta. Three,P; At said nil ittn.3lage....
tibia '1'1 118 00qt; lit night", $0,i0g..-to,bed,i
Will in; relief; 4t1.4 114 he
medicine ropepted . a.iewAttnets the.bloOd
will be,' - conipilsytlyi.porifild,,Ae:.digeOloit,
• will be improved, ansphilf I:4d,T , re.k
atored, ,eveaotoun er health, than 'before,.
Sold in, Carlisle. by .OkIARLEg4 OGLLBY,,
pole agent. --, . -1 '
. - 41" . 31seettty , stutote liveswert e
1 ., 4 4 ,1.004 k. n 't4t.:lltir^
Our Reduced Terms!
The Herold and Expositor is now offered tooubec
but only when paid IN ADVANCE, Two doffareir
not pia in advance.' We beg our friends to remember
that what we mean by paying In advance is paying at
the Chile ofaubacrlttlne or at. the.beglnning.old,new
year. We hope to find none mean or ungenerous
enough to aelt for it at the reduced terms, after they
have let their subscriptions run several months over
the time. The Herald is now the. cheepest paper In
the County; andfurnishes ;much reading =Herat
any other. Relied ofsubecribere Is steadily increasing,
whickrenders it a profitable advertising niediunh
3011 PRINTING of every deecription executed with
the utinnst neatness MOM thWest priree, with
new and Puthionable type. Tha, patrdhage of our
frlondsepectfully sreolicited. ' •
Kr *Are indebteato Cal. Noble, of the
House of Ropresentotives, for public docu-
Ot—Two' communicatjons intended for
thiwvreek's . ppet we
,are obliged to ,defer
until next week. .
• o:tr.-Dr.' Myers gaveus on. Monday a
specimen of Guncotton, manufactured at his,
'e'stablishment; which experiments proved 'to
have all the qualitiesof the best gunpowder,
• o ; . j - It seems the conferees' of Cumberland
and Perry counties are unable to agree in
.relation to the Senatorial delegate. Perry
county insists upon having Jno. R. McClin.
lock, of that county, and Cumberland a s
strictly conterii:s for James Kenedy,. of this
county. The State Convention we suppose,
will have to settle the matter.
ProPoial a - .l ....!Crivention of
lelegates from the coingis interested, fot the
, -
purpose of 'propeily presenting the advanta
ges of tl.e Southetn Route as th4best for the
proposed.rail road to Pittsburg We heartily
second the propositi - on, - and tvould suggest to
our Chamhersburg friends to name a time
and place for the Convention.
called to meet at Carlisle on the 17th inst. of
citizens of Adams, Ctimberland, Franklin
and York counties, to consult how the better
observance of the Sabbath can be promoted.
The Convention will meet in the Second
Presbyterian Church,.and from the number
Of prominent gentlemen from a distance who
are expected to be present and make ad
dresses, the proceedings will probably be
full of interest.
The Army Bill.
(*-We learn by yesterday's papeo that
the.tee regiments bill is again at sea—the
two Houses of Congress being unable to a
gree on the amendments. Thus the admin.
isttation with a,clear majority in each House.
cannot supply wen to fight 'roc the country !
For a.t explanation see a quotation under our
Congressional head: It seems Gen. Scott is
now to be 'Theaded•P Mr. Benton has given
notice that he will bring in - a new bill.
The $3.000 ; 000 bill has been taken up in
the House, and Mr. Wilmot again offered
his A titi-Slavely proviso,atid matte a speech
in la;ror of it.
r. Warren Parkinson. of this borough
exhibited to us,a few days since the model
of a Trunk, his own invention and construe
lion: which is arranged with such ingenuity
as to be capable of being converted immedi
ately into :a life-boat. 'Without entering into
any minute description of the model, we may
say nevertheless that it struck us as admira
bly adapted to serve the purpose of the in
ventor. We have no doubt that travelling
trunks may be constructed upon Ibis model,
which in cases of storm or accident upon our
inland waters or even on the ocean, may be
made 'complete and perfect life-preservers to
(heir owners, as well as - preservers of their
property and eflects. Itir. Parkinson ,bas
secured a patent for hiS invention.
Bedford county has chosen Wm. Lyon
mid A. King as delegates to the Whig §tate
Convention. They are said to be friends of
Gen. Irvin. Bucks county has appointed
Joshua Dungan, and three others, delegates,
allhnt one of whom are known to be Irvin
men. Eria r c . phnly . sends James Miles, as
Senatorial, tiiai G.. J. BO and s iflr . S. Lain, as
representative delegates, with instmetions•to
support Gen.. Irvin. Susquehanna county
sends Henry Dinker,
_with instructions in
In favor of pen, lfcio, '
CK:7- 3, Eltie Bonlkam, ,Elis. and Thomas C.
Smaller ; have- been ;appointed Delegates to
represent Cumberland county, in the loeolioco
State Convention, viiith , instructions 10 sup port
the re-nomination of .Francis R. : Shank, for
Qtr. Can the Volunteer tell how all the.
women'employed about the Capitol
risbnrg, came to be democratier - W& pr&
- flunfelhe - fael could ri r a7br — :l l3 - oiial;ta their
federal predecessors had
ihe,jaat leeofoep legiisleture,,lo...Tnalte, room :
for tile* grief pi )07 :
gefocoisni over this ho'rrild'piniOriPtiiiii34....,
Atirrdr, Black ,! otthis distiait;lvas"pniti of
tifosis "virtiO'vated'for the tenure ppori
atlas' S ilm — cit's proviso," whiottlie supported:
loaf sessi on : is aciatialiiig:Ahat ,, thie :id' the'
Ituti:ession of loodfocci` rdiii4fiasitittittlon
ILL/ o-i t , r*l
'rOrYP UR . irI Y I P / P de Pn ia, • 9.'!'!9'
evening, sioci4 at it q. per with a ;
:ifirolttai in Note York on -.the day bola* it
11,qttriditilialtini64iit SO.
Jr. 10%,/ • • WA,
iteibignnieg to see te
1 11 *t i ftYPr. " 0) ll Yktti#, . f
• 'lrut i
wi§iourday last, aletl,3olSW,‘!,Ohliii, *eke**
,w4p',Arliitne # 4l.• . 1•
• .4. ,
;?t,2_ , a2,ici4.4t:111,18510 i 00,.. thliN.l-!!-V,
was taken efeleifitipiltut
. puesday.---:
bl i
An interesting'
~ a 2,,,, *, 4919 debate is antici
'll,t), 4,,1it,4. • $ e' fl . . • . b ' dirotoogthut
.ltelsrstiviii , -,,,, 0 Attu and others will
4 Bite it 'eit . :teip ep I halve to the wa ! ,.—.,.
1.3 . 111te a t fre.,,,et ‘v)iiit rs intimate that the
l 'tnk IjßasttkPftistic..,*tist Slavery will be
sacrifice 4 hy'soni of the' Torthern Locolocos.
We . trust , Wiery 7fif an 4at.. does . . so willbc
marke ‘ d. ,
'"lll6 7 Sin'iblViffC'Xiliaiiiiiiii; f reit iiirlb)ir'de . : .
bate; ‘inS.lsttibr::of.,',ibe.AipptdfnitifiUti. bliti
spciech fully- admitted that-we are -engaged
in a war -of conquest—thus giving the lib' to s
Mr. Polk's assertions. fie'remarked' td that
liir eiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiii' gel that we were
engaged in an expensive war,!', and inhale
ted that the adnititiiStrafirm war. in‘Proseeiision
of cot respondence ;whit* showed lhat Aliike
codld be, secured, if; this. 413,000,000 was
granted..• Mr, S. thought. we ought not to get i
1 less'territory than NeUt' Mexico and, Upper
- catiforp iii, - ... — II is very' plain from th'eSe, , 0.,'
m lesions that Mr. p6l kb iti in view a"lmpen.:
Ilona - :transaction. of d; Bargain' tithd-tale"
'with Sarita Anna or some otbkr Mexican
leaders! Ta ibis Iriitim'eue efjurse thi, *Mil,
(iho,ugit the administration_ ,keeps them gro
ping in the dark as to ill s real designs,)' are
decidedly opposed . --c rl ey go f a r. pri a ee bi' a
t ,
d; vigorous pioSeee,tion.of the war." . ..- .
111 6 w very ,pem-ocratie!
It is P;enerally the ease:that those who are
loudrjst m their demooratio professions, Fare
rehitly the• most aristocratic Federalists in
' t trinciple and practice. it is so With the mis
named "democratic" party, of which Polk
and Buchanan stand at the head; and which
is anxious to establish a Lieutenant General
ship for the Army. Read the subjoined de-
ni ion o n 8 aris ocra to o
ken from Brande's Cyclopedia
Lieutenant General for the Kingdom.—A
dignity equivalent to that of Regent, which
has occasionally been held in Prarce on
temporary emergencies. The Count d'Artois
(afterwards Charier. X,)took thistitle in 1811
on entering France, and held it until the ar
rival of his brother, Louis XVI f. On the ex
pulsion of Charles X, in 1830, the- Duke of
Orleans was constituted. Lieutenant General,
both by'an ordinance of that Prince and by
the provisory government of the Hotel de Vil
le, on July !?9th and retained the title until
he was proclaimed KING, on the 7th Au
gust following."
In aristocratic England Lieutenant' bencral
is.the grade below General; and the British
gtmy has a large number of the Lieutenant
Generale. Our Democratic .administra:ior. ,
however, - chooses the. Frepch rank, where
the office is but one step below that of KING!
Huzza, for Polk Derhocracy !
The Tariff and Prices.
The famine in Europe and 'the appalling
distress in Ireland are hailed as a perfect
ftGod-send" by the locofoco press, for it has
created an unujual' demand for the bread
stubs of the the United States and has conse
quently raised prices. But instead of admit
ting this distress ih Europe to be the cause
qt the great demand for bread-stuffs ; the lo
,cofoco press, and the Volunteer among. the
rest, are trying to make the Farmers believe
that it is all owing to 'Sir Robed Walker's(
•new Tariff and Sub Treasury 'ln this theY
only add another insult to the intelligence of
their readers, The country is prosperous iii
spite of these measures, by reason of the pe
culiar situation of all Europe in regard to
breadstuff's. A short crop of-,Whisat ; Corn,
Potatoes, &c. abroad, and a short crop of cot
ton at home,has pi od uced results which have
'neutralized the mischevions effects of the re
duced Tariff and the Sub-Treasury. The Tar
iff has no mare to do with the price of bread
stuffs, and the consequent import of specie,
than it has with the height of mercuty in the
,thermometer, and the !Duet= press knows
this perfectly well.
O' Poor old miserable Sawyer, of sausage
notoriety, it.seems has come to the rescue of.
the Administration, and disgorged his sour
stomach of a filthy mass of bile, in a speech,
which the Volunteer publishes and declares
That it " places the Whigs where they belong
—on the side of the enemies of their eon- .
try." " We suppose 'the editor of 'the Volun
teer feels no shame, when he ventures'such
a re-nalk, at knowing:that he himself is at
home, while a good many:Waigs are dawn
in Mexieefigking the eountrlie battles? As /
for Sawyer, he is capable of doing anything,
ft was he that swore to McCook's - good char
deter in Harrisburgit wad he that opposed l
the'Tariff of 1846, Mull he was whipped in
by Poll 6 He has now two sonsieeding
on Treasuirpap; and' is , Of course as • sub-
Inisaive and obedient as the most scourged
rata' crouching hound • that' licks the feet' of
the ;execntiye. - . BY' the:Way, he:!ergot to
quote from Mr. 13uchanan's Anti-War speech
in 1814*,,ancf to say,_ anything , about. Santa.
Ann' re-annexatioetcrtlexico by Pellet,'
special permission' ! ' -
• ..:Pianca,...r4he corrri4pondent
more Surroayep , The'rlit - iiintiffil.lll - 6 7 M - Sxl . - 7
'pan Cotigreis nt , a melagelo ,
OlieCir o 7 ll
Inept] i,ko States, Ann that d.istihot I propoi
rifyon;forperiee has tieenlvirleoiriernate i lia'
e,orreat;;)int'tabirtit 'yitieih r et#lthe''OcOgn't
904 1 0.;:4;f1i..4.:4 0 . , aP§1 1 . 4 g)i At
all,,cryeete! inenai: of, the adininistration
Watts rumored kreaVAlii:
T ile resolution pi the - giiiite;foia,firml s}d,
4Plifill , ,99l 9 aturtiV•haba
todeii OYAffflPkelPOciir!gfliff:ilh,9rle4
Orrricire thin thirty years, ati,d;thuenarsying*
,out tde , v;shgtt,ot:ip'o ; people hysavMg:to the
Conainermeallf t twenty 'or I ;ttirrii'lltionsito
,tz.z ' lliiii l ,#itai4 6 o# 11 0 3; # C) , Y ;40 141‘5 M 44) *
0 13 41 ". il •
, 1111 M A,
; 11 01 71 NO' Oh . itifi 17W MI4Vt qir;itt,o
F . 1, '
'The Washington cortesponclent of the Bal
timore Sun, - (a neutral paper of the hedger_
by the political managers jtiiirrashington in
order tlVWlnfel;Pirensylirtitiik'..baalCiato fief
LocofoCiahlii naittlall. - 11:ead4akfolloV
iris p,Cacio es davelettement, of, WS fitam I- offi-,
:::...jorre'66l4iiieY;fiiiictteilfdt l igiti t tg; has
given great encouragement to the financial
'and'ic.ommetCial plans of , the Secretarrof the.
-Treasery„who succeeds it' making . daily-new,
•cenverts to the Traiff 6f - 1846:- - flei -has not
given up taxing the free . list, - and the number
of mettihers agreeing with
, ladajly
:meninx in both! lfranchar: the.nhtional:
legislature.- :
.leis also understood •that he is
goingtto make his peace with Pennsylvania
by reemiimeacling int:Marled duties
on acrid and hen andq.hat,, on that condition,
Mr. larri re n o ae Pen nsyl van ia, maybeco e
a littl MOS tractable. This is also in regard
to the Dpmocratic Match 'Conirention, which
is to Perminate a candidate - for go v e rnor, air
, I ".* understood' that such..a .!cpurse
urilte the friends of lluchanan, Dallas and
Came '
.Ch and secure the success of th e De
rpooratiC Candidate—who aver he may be—
irvOctriber: ,
'The ,prevails, however, .that.
Strunk "Will 'be dropped, or, if 'Cli:MTinaterl,
will rorligh—perhaps receive aloreign np
piniment—and' lhat,Jtidge Eltiridg;a will be
the man."' ' • , .
So ihe:Polalcalmanagers:haveit •"all cut
and dried" for Pennsylvanja—just as coolly
as'if the' People of the State had cot a word
to say .in the matter; but the plotters need
, .
.not be surprise() to find their plan, as , laid
doivn abode, " knocked into awaked hat"
by the free voters of the,State'next October.
dvis (A)pnizMin4..
Anti-Slavery Resolutions.
—We—omitted-te—mention -- in — ourgast - th
passage of the following very important cc
solutions in our State Legislature. They
speak the voice of ' fennsylvania boldly and
honestly ! In the Housethe resolutions pass
ed unanimously—in r the Senate there were
but three dissenting voices.
' Whereas, The existing war with Mexico
may res
1 .
It in the acquisition of new territory
to the t' toil. And )whereas, measures ars_
now pti ding in Cingress having in view the
appropriation of money and the conferring
auth upon the treaty making power to,
thi4dnd. Therefore
RePlved, by the Senate and _House of
4Rtilksentatives- of thi3 GoMmonwealth oft
Pennsylvania in General Assembly met,
That otiSenators in Congress be instructed
and o . ar Repreientatives requested to vote
4ainst an • measure whatever by. which ter
ritory wi accrue to the "Union, unless as a
Part of the fundamental law upon which any
compact or treaty for thii purpose is based
slavery or involuntary servitude, except for
crime, shall be forever prohibited. - . •
Resolved, That the Governor he requested
to forward a copy of the foregoing to each of
our Sentatore and Representatives in Chn
, .
0 - n the 3d Inst. - an act , to - incorporate the
Dithers"congreiation of Shipperisburg, pass
ed in the) Dose.:
1 11
', in San on the 41h, Mr. Anderson %cad
a bill to i irporate the Cumberland Mutual
Protection. lompany. . • .
In the ft: ase,'on the 11111,:Mr. Mack 7 pre
sented a ir !fiber of petitions from Cumber
land cowl , h- praying for an alteration in the
License i....te. Mr. Noble also presented
a plltitionli! 300 cilizens'of Carligleopraying,
for a repealtof the law allowing hawkers and
pedlars lb hell Domestic goods without li ,
cerise., ' . r .
In thilfouse on the sth, .
The bill divorcing Eliza Allen Whale from
her husband Charles F. Whale, came up in
older. 1
Mi.. BLACK opposed - the bill strongly, and
relied principally or. scriptural,ground.i for
his opposition to the bill. This case he said
did not come Under the -cases there men
tioned. '
Mr. FOX replied to Mr. Black.
Mr. MACKEY spoke against this divorce.
He said lie had hitherto taken but little part
in die debates of this House, but felt it his
duty to give expression to his feelings had
ideas, on the subject now up for considera=
tion, If there was any subject which re
-quired, the:clear consideration of the Legis
lature, it was the subject of granting divorces.
During the progress of this discussion, he
had listened eagerly, for the purpose of be
coming acquainted with thesgrounds urged
for the passage of the bill severing. the ties
of nialrimouy.hetween Mr.. Whale,,.arfd this
present wile, on whose application . this bill
was introduced; and was, more than ever
convinced thatthereivas no good ground for
granting the prayer of Mrs; Whale. He was
'sorry that the gentleman from Dauphin (Mr.
Fox') had Made an attack upon the gentleman
from Mercer, by stating that that•gentleman
had' a heart of steel. He, thought the time
would come, when the gentleman from-Dau
phin would.make•subjects of so great impos
tahce a matte: more for consideration. than
feeling. ... 1 ..„ • ', r
Mrs. Whalb was ,from Nev; York, where,
according :to her.statemeni,. both the Legis.
lature and,,C'ourt, pi. Chancery. had ,refused
her a release from , the bonds of,matrimony.'
If so,' he should not like to see.a,Pennsylva-
Ilia tLe,gislature,do , what was there , refused.
,The 'whole grottad , ol this divorce was alleg
ed to her the badtreatment receive&from her
husband. If this wete all, this same ground
',might be. taken..for thellworeeTof thbusands.
•It!Was 110 good , retied% and he 'would record
: hie ,vote: against.,. •. . ~. , •‘; , _1 I. '
I . The SPEAKER (Mr . . Cooper) spoke fin
fsysirol,..the Alv.,_oree,„_,Ho,_believid-inl Ille
views-•and'il,eneril:gto)ind'efeti - aiid - lind
.illiwn 7 tiirthirdintrpinap - froth 'Meteei.Or,
Blacik):but'lrorn'ell the.' hspecfe' in' IA iqtac t
could see• the carie'hAliefiiiii this Hansu, he,
.believed'•that'thiti,fierise'WOhldyb?'dOing aft
• lact m niit'Only'tif linmatilth:tiiit ol i sjuitieo; ; by ,
,grantingt 114;,71ift,'0,1 11 111 ' , 4 , it( , ~, . ,ro d ~
1 , ), , i,/ t, ta. le, 'lO . Ml' ~; . . i .
' al 4 **tO I , I O II PRIAIRP,orIi 9 414 , .. WM...
Illaii, Kiipx- , end,-:'Ley)mg; 'ai,al;epp,q*.by,
Mrol'tollet.; , 0 41,,,`v0,te en,the, 0 nal,.passage,
.of the Bilt, gl , y.p.flp, Ph Ptin 44 . 0; 11,41 ,Il
• THE 'LICENSE.QUESTION. •` ,, i+Y , t
"An tlt i f - fpuse,o,!tikiPreePilitlitiifeerteiVre,(l7
,nefAla Yo 4 ) "iTt04, 4 4 0 # :0 1 , 1 48*,45i
' 1134°1 9: 36 . 4 f,Prsd.o,2l4rl,4TeliFertte All
strwt . , liol°;q ll ‘o l 4Y' e lt%4 4 gf alo, C.a t j t Y. ,
itcbring 4,1 i Nl,l,,anthpriOtg,i p,,,,r4etisr,ol
rifiel° 6 o4! i i ii ihir and. 4 9"15!. 0 4. 1 !!.0..the
, *relit ; Ot,intieft, • o - thhi; 'ompt - o - ,avv,rialtli;
WWI are Inceemintuied 'Mille law t 9fAitit
ireision ',•tco Agoid9, • by, billetythether intoxl.,..
‘24llng iiiinO,rs,[thall:het'i3.°lk;foParsBPPOr
("nee' 11 00 . 9* t4.oii , 0. 1 44 0 /,..- I VP .efilYA
P?4ti• ,11 0hoell;, pt9O9PP)l l l°, i,*Fej nett
1 41
- ,Nha demi .oy9cti
_.;-.441100 0 14, 1 9, 1 1 '- PA #"?
,liesOutiorr, • while .mpSet4l,.Edie,,,Hrieston,''
;Itlinti; - Weyler - atid.fittiets,e,p,',Were.,ePPeßeo l
Alogialrillnfoyirttiiii'qiiestibit;' • foi;Stiph 4 nr,
Nea,ait iiiid'n6t taikedlcif it."' -- ' '' `,' , :..,„,/i,-,
. ataprietton of, Mr. Elio '
,t he rescrlutt4 *4,1
,;terip did . id eird'inalce:the ;bill `aitlentl,.'o4y.
' to ii.countieiii4ilied4ogitittY-a7vdteo 4i
4 4 0', to Ak..Pits-Reft9Vioni ailluseOdaiwai
, u 1 ' )100104M*;:).,:c...,,:,:t
4KOy.: ).
'Digs and Doings at Wash
14!EL :. , ENAT .
The National" Inielligerio,4lThureaks , ;
„says— • 0 I
.., 1
I % ,l The United States SpnatN Altai no 13
isody, where faction has plan
abiding place,4hough party fins solnetithes
.illifteti its lines a little too tightly, has killed
the voie of censure upon GEN. Taros. The
Senate, as the National lntelligencer truly
observes,:in thismase much - more truly repre,
small g the negiorialjeeling andsentimept, Ikon .
the• llousii.ofilepresentativis i has alteady
-come to the reecue of the patriot old soldier.
The Joint Resolution from the House, dis
.gtaeed, as: *di by ! the amendment of Mr.
Thompson .oi. o.iesissippi,, coming oven
Wednesday in the Senate, was summarily
divested bills offensive character by substi
tilting for it an unexceptionable form et
thanks; and the Resolution, now really be
come what iepurported to be, was passed by
yeas and. nays—yeas 43, nays ioNn. The
subject, tetums to the Jiouse of Representa
tives .-lot concurrence- in-the-mmuniittfelltC"
The Washington`corroepondent,of the i•forth
Americam . in egnalcing,. of the great delay in
'passingthe Ten Regiments makes the
following developemente, which are tio doubt
true, He'says--- ,
, . .
. "In fact, therebas been
.no purpose to pass
it, since the • Lieutendni General was defeat
ed.- After the death blow,to that ,propositioq
Mr. Benton presented , obstruction after 014
struction to its passage. • He discussed
the land bounty clause, alone for five' r six
days. • EverYditficulty that has retarded its
passage originated with the majority. Alter
the mock zeal.exhibited .by the
organ at the outset, in urging the bill upon
Congress, it may be lahly asked, w_hy is it
now suspended ?—why is it., kept hanging .
between the two Houses? rt is to defeat The
operations of Gen. Scott: The friends of the
d y administration Were willing enough to grant
new troops , troops, arraMr. Benton was anii6ne to
h r g hP-
.gWthem forward, while there was a *a
ffect of . ftis appointment- to the command of'
the army. The instant his scheme was de
feated, that instant the bill was ordered
to . languish. If Gen. Scott conducts the enter
prize against Vera Cruz' o a successful ter
minativ, he will do it against the most for
midable odds—ho will do .it without being
secontted by the administration—lie will do
it tinder such disadvantages as Gen. Taylor
has been compelled to encounter in all his
-operations against the enemy. Let the coun
try .have awatchtul eye over the develop
ments ot the present campaign."
The correspondent of the North Ametican
whose statements are al waytveautionslypad e_
and generally correct, Aides to an apticipa
ted movement by Ms:Calhoun as follows:
""Mr. Calhoun has not relinquished his pur
'pose of introducing a preposition to fermin
ate.the war if his own words may be regar•
ded as good authority. He has said" within
a few days, that it can be closed without fur
ther bloodshed and with hailer to the notion.
His plan is not fully matured, though the Wt.
„ I sis of it is understood to comprehend the oc
cupation of the territory already conquered,
the holding of all the important .ports in the
PaEific and gull and • the establishment of
Custom Houses for the collection of duties
This he supposes would reconcile the hos
tility of foreign powers which is fast engen
dering on account of the Inter.uption of their
cqmmerce by the blockade. It -would also
devolve upon Mexico the burthen of c )nduc
' ting an aggressive and not a defensive war.
His views do riot widely ditier front those of
Corn. Perry except in some of the details.—
l'suppose the plan will be submitted to the
Senate within the next fortnight, unless-Mi.
Calhoun entirely abandons the idea, which
would surprise no one who has observed his
metoric mcvements of late years. He is not
afircd star, however much lustre he may
sheovertbe firmament of William states
A rich debate took place in the House of
Representatives on Tuesday on the civil and
diplomatic Appropriation Bill relative to the
proposition to tax Tea and Coffee. Lona
John Wentworth made a personal explana
tion, in which lie replied to an attack upon
him in . the Union, and came down like a
thousand of brick upon Father Ritchie. Mr.
W. made his explanation thirty or forty min
utes long, and parts of it were most severe
upon Mr. Ritchie—his double dealing, es
pecially upon the Batik question when Mr.
Ritchie was a - pet of the Banks. Where Mr.
Ritchie wait best known h s was perfectly
harmless. ]le could even thank the editor
for the assault he had received / shire it migh
gain readers'for the subject of his remark.--
The Houselad shown its estimate in reg ent
to Mr. Ritchie3i the bad treatment he hail
received. - • He would not say whether this
was just or hot. We brou g ht Mr. Ritchi e
here, said Mr. %V. in closing, to do wha
lffair & Rived scorned to do, (the foul work
of the party,) and what no other man of his
,his talents would consent Jo do. (Great laugh:
ter here on all sides of the House,
"Mr W. denied that his course was actu
ated by . resentment for the Executive veto
of the river and . harbor bill. He had' been
accused by some Democrats of going over
to the Whigs because'l4&ould not go for the
lea and coffee tax. But Oren he lost one of
the , points of the Democratic creed. he did
but cling the more closely to thoqii which
were left. Those who ,made the charge
knew it to be false. Let, him that was with
out spot in opposing Democratic) measures
cast the first stone, t • t "
11,to be Democratic / yet they toned that the
true Democracy was 49:! i[Roais from the
'Whigs.] Let them hold 'their , fiefffie.' Let
the whole delegation lrom t Pennaylvaniwbei „ .
'pilot, for they had all gone against the Tariff ' ' ' '.l .. ....' ' T ..."
, ~' ; BEWARE OF vOuNTERFEI Is AND ...M k IA •
of 1t,146. ) Let,ihtise.who liiinf rvoteilftier!the
'French spoliation ;Will hold.their peace in like ‘T• fß l c t —The 'unParaneiled '.and asic'oishirt
, tu -of' Dr. , WISTARt BALSAM' Or
Iffe,eneri-rao;must all(whe voted ' Against' the: CHERRY; •ini all the diseases Tot
`,Lialiloopht Genetal.'.".-kilmho voted for'l'Di• ''. A L
L pOppre in preferencelto regelanit,. IA th o a e , ' 4 40; 4 i s l'e lm .'",""inisili ; e 6 rioff'manY;bn''
ses,aftet theiskill bf the•beat phydibiaine Waif
'theytne,n / show they mere without `iiiiiphoeti::•Dbeemfooti!! pfotypiling, 'hap effected a large Mal inoreatil .
assume to read hum Outi
Sraticeartv,The M ust , an di t h e peopl e wi f on i iNgidemand - Mt! it. This •iiiet'flitie Intuited
, several - unprincipled etaterfeiffiniand' Wile
tittroPresented/ had• asgooiloa right, bet;
,Mdknate; what shouldtbilhe Detuocitat..• A,PrMo' palm ofl sputicius'tribttliteir, Of 'sitinlar
'iocteed,thatt die, President oi , the'Setiate kir 11, '5"P nh d aPPeartio"e'arr4. o 'ffet i PiP e ' l6si '
fho,itooPle Make the , Pleindent.o:;t' : 4t 2; r, Bohm i tircrilb4llo l i.aorti is or..iyilk!
itAngther topitryhis'lrlii i rtiid iii the 'ilciuraii? ' hei,iv r , ' - ',Bal"-- 4 1-80,,ke'Palrw, I ")'.2halr + l4l
Ai d e b a ie; 17 , •, • ii , , ..U,,,, ' , , , ~, , .c olll ri,3Y22_804.m.Pine.4...4 01 r. ikolklellti!
i 1 i ,
,sec . fill 'on'g re - ; m wit ha nt , w i tei ae ut ., Th:„ 44rging cektifictitei 10 ,, Osektible thowor ttid
4qaP;cl:fs ' ii'is ih - el;pie , referred•to; -ni ,I P e,nflisliphWiitne', l 3attli!vn cf Y. V ild
i . ~,).~r,
,qinrry ) ,it plhe 'only , genuine.- The test'
• ' Cci=Lieiiteati li t A• ro bibi l dd, is ; ,g,7 l i,..:4f.i t hi ,nrSiSygm'P o t t ie ' ' 1 t hr P PP' e f .4 i f lh i e''' i t,lginaft„
:14/ 11,1/4 " l 7k** l4 ii . the kolOolli,i: r At I BOlhi', vilh ,, 9 1 tsill P to e ffie:to n i o k n a e oi ? ff i se Z v e r dril-The
,I I
61. virgiAliON'ili ttip ic ; s 4 . 4',4;, k t,;„, 0 4' 4 e=ssharmitiptittip in wit? ivinfthe
~mkirdo„9,6o.e4 14,;., 4 1. 05 ,g 7 a,,,,,,„,„,, I f n't l l 4 lln l Wistar'S'ilaltiam'of- ild'L'hera
i) .
r , • 4 •tl ••
{ ' . '' . `.k4l i ..: , 1 ,1 , ,,,‘ 0) i•YO' • 1514161 P 1 4" 4 " en in'the'R ass; each
"lle Feket‘ry4rtteeekon the fitateideb ' '''' 1 AP‘ .P rinftalobei Xei the' il•olt!i with the
it: 'tl slaid , '' ' .., is •"r i t ;i t! ' itselm•of 4 it!.10,44; , Kii). - ". .v. ,, ,
1 3 .toP ,Y , vit•lhol4iatilt t , ittfi* An' *ill', boleti, pvel - ped hereafter - 'l%;itli''‘i
' °ll` ' M ' ina4' ' 1' ' ' L'.6161V244(41n10rit54,411C-4401-040PorIzt-.7. r ;
,I,Po9fickh . LiU ; fr;hcileit ibtete , c 4 ,' wil •. ' viini'lallg s ' *440 tli.';writOti
r --- Wiwi re"tof' o4 U . IB lidillih"iiiantlet ' 1
fa " U l iif i n . rr i i ? . /11 I'' . :' . ? i; : 1 :; 1 1.: 1 ?• Ki i " 1 ' ' :7 " ; ' ; '•P9 i' 4 l' ds , by., SifiLtittYrriSik i iiiiit tclittit:
lFtegrorthiteiikikopeOutiit.rx , , ,,4 -tp ,
' —. Life - linsiiiiii .ee----=----T- -- -
-' , MB. Farron;,%Tlie .' • I?lishmeut of an tt
gong for LifeAairrane . —earlisle r -as—per-
Id paiseinent in nothe ;' .1 urtvtot phut'.
-, rb.
, a 43 25,e,e1l erpu , I .' t Wit_ t 6e 1n
sibjeqfp yet th tieklo, lien pi geed bt
AliseNgreltec ' ow di , t is not , ell - nor
itrkstdittl.lYAs ik- e a m: bk of pub Id interes(
yoo mp.k viiii,pdt sk aa#ol,4ooii, emit
spactiWYe,britoPer.l c w. - ''s sx 'it 'w`-
Ist. Thu Nature of Life Insurance.—lt is the
- same dirfhat ol Fine Insurance. •Life hum
ranee Companies cannotinsure against death
ueither pin__Fike, Insuiarice Companies in.
sure-itgain'sf the - burning of buildings.: In
case, Jiowever, - of the loss of property by fire,
the one parantees the payment of a stipule.
ted sum of money; while the other toes the
same, in case of the loss of life. If the poli,
cy is taken out in the name.of the person de
-1 censitiVirteconiee part , of hie propatty to tii
admmistered.on forthe benefit of 'his .credi
tors andleire;'iltalieti out .iii the. name 'Oi l
another. person—a wife for example, it se
to her by - ,the Act incorporating She.contl'
party of which this is an agency, "tent* for
her own , use, free from the claims of-the rep.
resentatives of her-Imaband,-- or -any of his
creditors." ! • .1 ' .. - . • ' •
1 ' 2d. The object of tife instirence.—These ae
in general terms. rho place the widow a d
the fatherless above. the reach of want ;' a 'd
to mitigate, in Berne degree their iifflictibh,
by securing independence to the familyovtien
death has deprived it of its usual means' Dl
support." 'Life is at alltimesuncertain; and
and throughout any coinmunity, the propor
tion. very , small of men whb feel a perfect fie- .
.titiiiiihe thatin caseertheir death, thetr fain.
Hies would be left independent: Any one
by thepayment of a small annual premium,
toll Life Insurance Company; earl secure to
those dependent on him an independence af
ter he has leR them. And the which
results from a Life Insurance is usually real
ised just when it is most indispensable—
when other resources .Idig l Whereart;, in case
of loss by fire, the; assured might ofienrepair
the loss by industry and enterprise. Yet,
with a singular incontletency,. the life is of
ten felt uninsured by Mose who insure-their
buildings with great care and punctuality.--
I-low many ttundreds of families now_lisung
in comfort around us, wholly dependent
on the life of one person—the husband and
father, feel and know that all their comforts
would be taken from them, and they be scat
tered abroad or cast upon strangers, should
he be taken awayr Yel if they were only
wise - enough to provide for the future'by a
Life Insurance, they might all be left in com
fortable circumstances, die when he might.
3d. The Proper Subjects of Life Insurance.—
Persons in g ood health and of sound consti
tution cart of' insured at the lowest
rate of premiums, Most others can be en
sured, bat at rates somewhat higher, accord
ing to the nature of. their. complaint. • This
subject commends itself, first, to the young
man engaged in a good business, but not yet
having accumulated property aufficieur to I
.feel that his family or dependents are fully
provided for in case of his death: eecondlyoo
him who Would give additional security to
his creditors or friends who, have assumed
responsibilities on his OCCOUTII I thirdly, to
merchants and others doing a precarious bus
iness; and iegeneral,to all persons—not rich
I i n permanently vested funds, receiving a rev
enue from which any sum from $2O to $lOO
.'2OO, can be spared for the purpose of se
curing an insurance. A Life Insurance is
the very'saleht investment that can be made
of such surplus income, and there are chan
ces, since life is in all cars uncertain, that it
shall become the most productive. Mr. J. IL
0. merchaut of New 1 ork insured with this
Company in September 1845, and died in
December following. He had settled his pre
mibm by paying one-fourth in cash, and giv
ing a nom for three-fourths—amounting in all
to only 876.50. .By this provision, he secu
red to his wife and two children 35000, (less
the amount nit his notes,) who, but for this,
would have been entirely uhp'rovided for. .
4th. The specie( advantarcs of the MUTUAL
principal advantages of the Company of
which. an Agency has been opened among
us are—First, that it does not require the pay
ment in cash of only one-fourth as much as
other Companies—the other three-fourths be
ing secured by a good note. Secondly, hi
this Compapy, (hare are no .stockholders, a
side from the assured themselves, among
whom the profits are 'divided. The profits
are declared annually, and each individual
holding a policy receives his share, and it is
confidently calculated, that the profits of this
Company will be at least 40 per cent per an
num, on the premiums, and these may be
withdrawn or left to accumulate ' at the option
of the assured. A dividend of 95 per cent.
has just been declared on the business of
the First Yew. Thirdly. It the assured, alter
a term of years, wishes to surrender his pol
icy, the Company ate pledged to allow him
its tquatable value. These peculiar advanta
ges ale. so obvious and great, that the Com
pany did more business in the first year of
its existence, than the "New York Life and
Trust Company" did in five years, and is
now the second year of-its operation ) doing
business unparalelled in the histriry of any
Lite Insurance Company. During the month
of January the company issued 183 policies.
We feel entire confidence in commen
ding this subject to the attention of Warta
ring mee. The Prospectus of the Mutual
Benefit L. I. Company can be had gratin at
the Drdg Store of Dr Myers, or of Prof. M.
Caldwell, Agent of the Company. By this
it appears, that a man at the age of 26, by
the payment of $lO can secure to his family
or creditors 81000, ihould he die within the
year, - or by the payment of 811,20 annually,
the same sum (with the accumulated profits).
should he die anytime within 7 years, and
by the payment of 820,40 annually, this same
sum of $lOOO (with all 'the profits added)
whenever his life should -terminate. And if
the sum insured ie 'sufficient to make the an;
tidal premium $5O, or more) , cinly%one-fourth
15 required in cash. In What other way, can.
etitan give to,his 'family the same security,
by the same outlay of capital?
This last- explanation. will enable - enqiiis
'refs 'to understand 'the table foetid on the
20th page - of the Prospectus, and to ascertain
' 'the rate.ol..premnimeseited : to,any age:Abe
• likewisemaYlVinianialtad.forfall and
complete information - - relating- to the 'whole
' ,matter. . „
,Ciirliele r Februirp'lo,lB47
fis o
. Y 0 °
odile tears were shed by 'the locofocos over
the exhcirbilr_nceidwhich th'e poor man was
comps ec tot i s shift, tinder the
00 p o w cen 11,01 of "
_A2.' Well, the trriff
of J 946 redOcoMle infcuatsO cattene—
kid-tid 4hear ;lthe Boston Post, a
lotto‘wper : tiyAtly
sta . redribirdotton goods bays risen
very much in price recent'''. • Amoskeag
- sheetings, which a• few weeks since were
sold by the agents at 8 cents, are now up to
: last year at this time the same quality
stood at 5 cents. Within a short time tick.
ings and denims , have advanced to I cent
per yard. Prints, such as have lately been
bought from 4to are ; selling ,by the case,
for 6i. Colored tagibriVcs' have; ailfranded I ;
to I cent. WC:den, linen and tubber'
What will the sympathizerswith the "poor
•mrin" and his "shirt" say to: this?' What
becomes of the axiom that low 3nties maks'
low prices? How will Secretary Walker
maintain his assertion, hat the duty is as
Much a pad of the price as the coat of pro- ,
duction .In a word, how can the Free'
Trade theory be vindicated, kti the Weill
an Onvarying current of rams like these?
The storm on Wednesday last, reatinds:ol
some door democratic lriendsel'ihe
clay list Jail ! •
BO!iNDRF.TH'S PILL. !—This medabine is.
acknowledged to be one ot the most valua
ble ever discovered as a purifier of the blodd
and fluids. It is superior to Sarsaparilla a sudorific or!alternative, and
stand infinitely before all the .preparations
and combinations of Mercury. Its purgative
properties are alone of ineateulable value, '
for these pills may be taken daily for any
peribd, and, instead of weakening,. by the',
cathartic effect, they add strength by taking
av:ay the cause of weakness. Tithey' have
-pone 01 the miserable effects of that deadly
specific, Mammy. The teeth are not in
.-jured—the-borres-and-lim.: no pate 1-
zed—no; but,- instead ot these distressing
new life- and consequent animation is evi
dent in every movement of the body.
These Pills, for colds, coughs, tightness of
the chest, rhumnfism in the head or limbs,
will be fpund.superior to any thing imagined
of the powers - of medicine.; -and in bilious
affections, dispepsia, and in all diseaSes pe
oilier to women, they should be resorted to
at once. The Brandreth Pills will be found
deserving all praise.
Sold et Carlisle, byy. CHARLES BABNITZ
Sole Agent for this 13orough,
Stephen Culbertson, Shippeusburg.
H. Brenernan &Cp. Newcumberland.
J, & L. Beige!, Mechanicsburg.
A. G. Miller, White Nouse P.O.
M Bitner, Shiremanstown.
J. & S. A. Coyle, Hogestown.
James Kyle,-.Tacksonville,
S. L. Sentman, Newville.
Rider & Diller, Boiling Springs. a-.
IS Mechanicsburg, on Thursday the eth inst, by MN&
Rev, J no. ta7 Fritchey Mr,Jscos Eat.proci, to Miss
A oeLin v 8 ems, both ofllampden township, Cumber,
land Co. - - - •
On the same day, 6y the enntelgi JA - COBF
to - Minx Latin KNODER. both of York Co,
In the came place, on Sunday evening Inn!, by the
same, Mr. JACOB GIIBEOOII, to MM ilarrg Ilinter,botb
of Monroe township.
DI 1.
in St. Louis on the 41st inst of decline. Mrs. Sere*
BURK ilbt.nasi, with of Mr John Burkholder in the 2511
year of her age.
o.lThorsday Morning last, 4th last, al the rust.
deuce of her eon-In-taw Mark: Hodgson, Esq., near
New London X Goads, is Chester county, Pa. Mrs:
Pszaurvi, Dvertins, Mist of George Duffield, Mute
In the BOth year of her age.
The alst anniversary of this Uelleit Lemma boaiety
of Dickinson College will he cetebrated In the M. E.-
Church of this borough; on MONDAY EVENING,
the 22d 'nat. The public is respectfully Invited to at
tend; Doors open at (M o'clock. Etercisis to cons--
mance a PM.
A. W. WittaxiT, W L Ilnewstb,
II C DiLiAlll, Wl4 namiso,
WM .114cOLAv.
Commit tee of Arrangement
YOU are ordered to parade, on MONDAY,
the 22d Met., at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the
Armory, fully equipped for inspection and
drill. . By order orcapt. TODD.
Feb, :0, 1847%
THE Carlisle Independent Artillery, will
parade at the Court House, on the 22c1 of
February, at 9 o'clock, A. M., in winter 'uni
form, JOHN F. HUNTER. Capt.
N. B. There will _be a....Court,-of Appeal on
the same day at H. L, Binkholdere,
Franklin Fire Dun:ranee Company
• 'ref Philadelphia.
8 fATEMENT of the ASSETS of the Camping, en
isnuary.let, 1847, published In conformity with the
provisions of the sixth section of the Act of Assembly,
of April 5a1i,7842.
_ .
Being first morgagee • well secured on
real estate free of ground .rent, are all In ,
the city and county of Philadelphia, except ,
243,450 in Sucks Montgoniery, Schuylkill, •
and Allegheny counties, Pennsylvania.
Also 27.500 in Ohio, amply secured by real
agitate in Philadelphia. 4761,498 71
_ purchneed tit Sheriff'," sole",- natielf..
- ' Mortgage claim", via: J -
Eight houses end lot, 70 by ISO, on the ,
the Southwest'corner of Chesnut and
Schttylkill' Sixth streets.
A farm of sixty acre, with milli, dwell
ing', and barn, in Germantown, known
• as o Shellinid..Wnrks."
'A house and lot, il l •3 by' 100 feet, 'lie..
157 Chesnut street,
A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on North
Bide of Spruce Street, West of, Ftlitv
- • • enth kernel: I,
A hottie and lot; 21 1 1 by 100 feet, On
• West aide of Pertri Squint, South' of
nigh street. ; • • ~ ,• • ' ,
Two houses and lot", each, la by 20 fee!.
nn South aide of Spruce street, near
Sphuylkiti Seventh street.'.. 5 ' '
'Fiv - ethousei and lots, each 170 by 00 frail
_ - _.P1e5...131,-113k135,137,-unklailiDilwJ2 -
etreet.. • -'•'" -, -4,-;\• i,.• ,4,•• •• "+„04. ,
""i '. *4O by 'tld fe n an
Three houlea9lth :lei.• 7 , r ,..,.
_,„.,... -°°,
Edit sidef'o 3- SehaylialAil."!,""`"'
.South of Mit Strict., .0,,,;:, ,,,, v:
poor Cougar 'lto rity , ,ltdfoteki! , Ait
Woof Tiiird_sireet. abaci ..,,, ftrnarine
••street., ef , .4% , •••' t , ..0 4 '•' • ''•+•'e i
A h.nue e anitioA,lB br 106 ftse; oli . &add
• e r e of Militeg h saadik . Wes4, , ,(l2 l 2o l-
a Seventh
lintel ending., WWII.; lit on r e INA*:
• : Sag Cornkr arolon*nd
' • Ae
11 1 3."." ;
30 1 C!" `!
Achton:lo,jk44,*iihiirivitit.ti74 ornefteb'Orteq7l- .'
'4Moolii lb 104111iPPeci rie4Nq;l6'
FiliviolitiettrmilitoktMa .t k
, - ; --u ttootv,,.,,flt,
1 Temporary Loane,on collatffiVorsenFigir,
~ a mply secured, Ineirdlii . tMlOQP ~tn ill.
~i porongenryntrhP!urg*, 1 .. , t . ow ., i) 1.
;'''''• • ~•4 ' Pr* 0,...i , , ,,, ..; ,
- g,gol l l;ri g h t ;Wise te r tii lt rent
5 ' V,' l e r d e ul li n e!
%tinnig obi': ! , , , i• ,;•,o, ~ -.,:c0,,..0 .•.,..‘,...,,,,
200 /pore" , funk oritentooky, , A :.., , I el
Vrill Northerreßank nf itetkukkiO4 4. ,
lioduolnkr panic 0rr1!!!ti1fc°.... , ( , 5 i Pt.
.13 do 1 n urancet tight Olga or Ponna.'.4
IMIle, uthwar Woad' Co, •-•- .
'do {Commie al and- Rill Road ' ••••. . •
..,', Panic flVinkitikurg, ".•-•-• •' ,' `••••.. -,.
pi Ai k ply;Firittpattritrof poi ~', < i J . .t. i<llli If lc
irk 1
.11140 e r PT. 8 19,9, 0 : t ...r , i. ~..,. . r<l i;efif-1 . F )
000 Nor ' art p writ Prim -, "-: • ' '.. ', • . '
, ci i i k o n hi 1.1 (~,,Ct 5) , ,. 0) ,t. 4 , 4.14,01 4ei, ,1 0 tl. Itt.f,. 1, 1 /
's- 4 410 h*Fdli t 4Alln4it I; ,<L,„ lipalft .74%!.)4. ".r. , .1 V,
i • . . , . ••••+.....,, A 7 , 711 ,
')Nile • -..., •. ~,, ~,,,,,,, ~I I 'l , -
• Sees d MSC kterwrible.' s' •, • ~- ' ' .1. 75 '
Alnenleind rnifeles • : ,, ..1.1) , .. . i -,o`i.e :-•1 17104 i ,
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