Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 10, 1847, Image 1
, . ... . ~ : .„, . ,„ „ ,„_ ••-, L. womirautiorragair . • .I' 4 '' .l• °4l4ff l''';1)14"'"'"ni""1. '" ' ' ' l • l4 " "'"' _ '.. . • P3'F''.•Vr•M ' '-Mft X . 3. ZIT'I!.. -r!!'55'.'..".•19.??F-tq!"el,•-•412,--..,.tr;t7,---.7:...47'nf:.:-J•9155,7?4"T-tv-t.' , ..•• .4 - , • - .4l. l aic ii l •••-•,,,,,••• , _ y.i.. 4, ~I . —....4,-..-1,..41.rt-',,..,- .0,4.....%: , 44L , Q1aa; -.. , .. - r - nAiiii.W. - rial , --.`,-'` - -- 1 , " , " - - '_. Mir -•- . - 4 1- • - :-.. -,,. .. : -74 1.. r • 1 iitir ..Vii., , ri li•.K, I 0 . ----------- - 7 . 7 - ---- -- - - ------ -:----- ----A ----- • - ' ;itiliiiiiiii;4l ; - 51h1 - ' I 4 ,1,A 1 ,-N-Wtt: ! , !:, :, 411,11111M1T2 g- ' k.:.,.!, - ....11.--S-41-44--ii-wA , .fir :•;''o-= ; iihirt • 1)....„ :).1). , .30:i-3 SS 16 ''''' tt. ' 1 . 1 :" "!'=lt ' . t'Oeeg s !'" l " :4 •;lt r t i - 'T ' - rill rit:! La ii ,, )f.iltlgt , j - 11 ,- ; if , M 7 7ll:;:t: . 9 1 , --.1,., . .. , ;(11 . ,. j . •. . , ..... - • -_._.:t_:' _A I, et, , , : 1,,i,,,, , i., ~ i , ,,, ,,., ,1 .:1 ,.. n ti r ,1ic i , ., , - i .vi; :.i t :,. 7 . r,i i+ , l , l ;\- ,,,1 1 u 0l j.) „ .s. j a. 4 1 ..,,ii '4,:ift,r111,1./ef;:i!..i.trari.;,,,,;iii,;:,(,i3 , i! . :1:; ::::1,..:1!:....e1 , •, ~ • - ~, ~ . .. I ~,,i,,,, ,i , ~ - 1 , i .,, %. ,: ~,. x , i i , , ..; ; ,2„) ; .fr.i. n . l • • - . ;: 1 11.1,;;; , ,,.;14,V, ..A ! f l :: : :::::1 . 6 , 1 a " ::: ''L " ---1" s ." : 1 : ..T41 . 1' , Y ;;::,.:,?,:,., ::,''',,:,':::....::,:; il4l f-; ~, ...!, t:ita ' ' i' . : r e ' ; ' J . ;' ,, \ 1 "., e• ' ':: .* ' s: t it, - ,' , .. l ' :**l " P4' ', ' ''' .l: '' '.l.- 4 :j i 1k.. 'l 'lll 1 , , .. P ,, ' II •'( II , -. ;I'6 '',' ' ,i . ' tici . ' JUN . , 1.,..: - %.,;•31 , 1 I ,- , , ' , T , ' .-, ~ io„ I, • , f 1.0 , :. rrr rrojt , rrA ; :..';ir irl; J•r : , , 4t ~ ...:tf+ll . . -,' f) Pl.'. F.? , A.A-•... f... ~ -P.Y , T- .r• 1, n-t V- 1, '' l• ,N •••,..•-•••. Ilt rie it) ;III: 4 , 4 '• • • ''', • ' l ' , " l . t jLt ;P . 11 - ' i IIIC , II. : 0 ... , 41, P , 1 , 1 • 5• ( Ul ••• 1I • ; I . . I• .. I . • • ,.,.11 , III:i . 1.1.. :11-.:4- 4 . ..- 4L. I - -e • : ' "' ' • • '• - ' ~ • ''- 111 ..4• 211 ilk\ '' ' • ( • ~ .. C' • ••• ' '.:• ' •' . l ~. / .4'7. .1,7,.. [at : - ~ ..- 12 ri3511-- , t :....g,491:1 1:;,... • i,ll, f, r i h ~, )f ; .1I • ~•• r;11 . i , • • i.. i 11. • -••• ')/•'. •-•alertlL: A"j,•• • ; 4. /•• I, 4 , 7 . . h , • '.l t .., . • ."( ''' --..... dlg . ' ~.., ~ •,- ~ , 1. 1 .',. , , -„. As p 14 0 5 1 6 cr5 , ...A, - : - . • ,- q ,1. - T7 -"-", ...---`- - :-`, I. • 1. 1 - ',• ~,--,, ~I 11- . 4 IA .1 , --u A. rd.-, , IT —i , r. :- 4. .'' ' , '-tt i'l,.i . 1, 4 '.-1;?-- 1 -F , . - '; , - ) Ltt1:11 .11.141 EEM 123ZEJ fi'il 1,41101 Ih,ts; ~ , ir li:+77 emJ:in. • tc,, L f10121..0 oc7fr FP, r • 7 ' VO ~ c~~li~'~;~':~, g aZair - 430' a4:.-tetuteaVlsittga , ..toatioit. octs . m, mirEgs.:h f m,assodiAteil,.hip t e plephew, Ii.jAtiZSON , Drug and Bonk , • • Ity this atmlingritent,lliseio• NIYFIIIS will be enabled to-gi lII* apill vi fled -attention to thetlu ties Or hi l'roresilon. - ' SebtOttil*Pllo,ll,4-6.--.3iiit. ' • 31) /DO4PPI ,, -q...:Uj0 11 t , • ' toiitkoSyc. "#l6n; APFEIa: Mein sheet, in the itouse for erly, oepupied by'Dr. 6r0.4.,E11g0an CarllBl%, April 9,184 G, . • 2DM 'kti;T:td---LXV2III§,9 lohs'upon the Q i t s c e tf r a tb t . nt P m e d il lo t tth it preset'= ration onehaa Scaling, riling, Plugging., elc., lir will rest.Nte the lostrolthem, 4. inserting Ar fileial Teeth, from w'sjiigle. Tuotli,to o full sett. a()11 . 1ce. on Pittstreet, a few doorsSonth oldie notel. • N. 11. Lopmiti will he nhaent from Car lisle the Ityitteliti 'Lys, in (inch nlohth. 11,1846.' KEloinv ED'clAu IzzEurr, , NrrOlt,,N'EV At LAW. practice in the several Courts orCum— beflttoil and the alioining.counties antlnt end to all prJessltnidl hushiess entrusted to his eitre with prouriptness Oilier in Smith ilsinover.streel, in Crithnta's new buililine•,oppoiltethe Pdst Mike. Carlisle, .26, 11411. --y. Z. RCLAP Attorney at Law. OFFICK 11l tiOIIIII l l:Ulnver streel ,It few doors' follow . I.:r➢IIHIH, Esq. Joh - 16,1845. . DENTISTRY & p 303-IN w. 113EINMEIL, - hp IiiI'ECTFULLY irllnrme thisliilblic,ihat hiving opened an office in South ['allover Aired!, pearl j• oilitoslie the .Host Ottiee,he ie pre linred In prainke 111•INTIS URI' in till its broo ches. Co 1.1 Teeth are essential to healpt,hesilles . astnral fiiiiiitsero lint ii-anatnqnta I, nail add niatektitqw-'%ttcomropt of Ehe ivet •ter. It need . not be 'audit - II wlint can be tilonettOrthe teeth, suffice it to '4 tb:tt etef . 'y delete rail re , neilfed,:in.t Heal' T colt - iiirnistivil from II one to all entitle sri• flaring prat:ov: lol: n.noo ll io l ' of 1 , ! ,(1 Algona rerei . " triton will he given to mita, ns re:if - love ttieein,lott the lost proof is (lie riper - rt . /jail, w tll iii all 114 es. tic ,net:Ttrtlltul in the molt unreltll ifUt niter awl at prices to alit the occasinn and th'e inks. wa ited nit-tit t Iteitt i vositlututea, cit lidr its instil gr c•ionti'y, wit hoot .o•Ztl:il'eldrge. Ile inav • i d wins lie Grind tit his °Mee as above,, fir at his °Mendel's ! irtt6 - ti e 044 et:liplring. °I NVstrliesantl .le wet ial t is alp; iu Smith Man err St .klin,lgNT.'tlt„.l,7V-IN-1. otently lie si tteniinti and ski [NI execution of his •or nett , c r.gugitAisottitorisby..ntilleiteat share nrptililietettrnonee. Carlisle. April! Filietidall 1 - I .1. ItRIS, 7l i ttrtg - lIT '81. 4 No. 2at Surd. 1111.41).110.17J.1. ImporterJ AM Wholesale Dealers DrevAtetlicieet.,C.itemientr,l'etetit 3littl. t c t ce .t, Sturgical and 0.-.stetrietti Instrument tit 1)rn7,7,1 me tuts we re Whitlow Glass, Pa ittt 5,01 Is Dyes. Perrttmery, ke. ItetTlincte.etel Physteisins supplied with did the mnitt ftt ,vn-rehle tartwt.. Strict and pretept sittetaipe p a id in orders trumtactl, nirrll kltettl, NI. I'. • 3 FtS Tunvr.k.littelj or irirgi On. Wrt.t.l t.t tit VII, AI. D. S4tl t t : 3o. S'i —y.: THE MANSIN HOUSE HOVEL Fronting on the‘CmOcrifilfaTallell Rait Bowl . . ( .4433,242g 1 124 ) 4-N.O „" lAT E tilt 001 by . qort:iV ,Fotil i k,itilfi jtte 11. been tedien'bV thle'atldeeribei: l lt . is newly furnished' ittftVlittePbei*lihor,drigh,lpeinfired; Paemengers in the'elfia',' alranEerd, riaoeitere and visitors to . Qatliele, at;o kft ,. v.Attd 40, 1 0p11 f , to the comfort and erieVegidtiteoer (hope who itatroniza'Jhe etstablislunirit.: .1. .1. , , ,- WiNILOTT. CarliSie,gpril if,, 1845. 0: 0 irs...oakv3us 4 ;.sitttnt o . . FFERti his rerilters to the public. Min 4, lag Jiad, mev i eralythireekperience'veitlibia • ather t biul litiiltVg in hiatuiviesainti.tlie valua ble collection of rapers iiigilo hg h~~qi be-hopes tare 'to obtain . ; shun of 11ublia pairtiotige. . ••• • Oillec in the 'labile Aryunie,2 iinmc(ll4nbi In . ilia rear °Nile (:oar; Iputio, Carbide, eel 21, , ..cxrl.lll.42.,ea . .iirszah to Lama droair-s?, -1 o x 1, u . r I.lll.l r p'lt.ll4' par .141 e College dyes, Ladies it k. rilidittlevertilt'sapps'pel. t sill . 41? snit mrisi•riSels all Wn'tt,to' satisq , eoT.; (Yrders' las Hop, exsTette;Sejiten?biSO"g, gitV Y.:71 , • ' • ~ , ..,: ItriFj I n annelri!l 110,1161,1 v . , 1. r .m.f.N l iv lip AI uuuove ,- wm ,i,,,,, itHAVE. ' received' front' Put 14r; ~Itldi '. l lki l iiV- Vona very witoraive , m 10,0,1414 tax 4 !sirjal,r, atockf'-and can offer 0814, vphiip ,vsli..ArAk4ll, tilL my, line. tie /ow 'if dot Oldie. (dutn , than any ether, in. twin—Country) Store ICeefiervviritegleth , al4 initeraoare respec . itly invited.hitaktileatity•dht . , 'vend - upt ntettinf; - et lateslitrf_ook,l ' 4 IL . ,'',Z A PM, I t Ba ia, Itraxa, - , . ,'..-:-' :?,:''T".‘....4,, trApitift :10 *I . , 0 miff r ' MOO i til D ireito N al:ll,79,V,Z4 6 :01 Abe - iubrar Tit) i'haitit2o,ooo . lf,Af!g • Ali Offit reltge,Rti airryt. fihb4ednoed Okia' a ) rTaraiiiiaa, at. hia?RigAtSatiOßT •-fa , We i itititif, carliala.: .. : .; , 0.01,41 1 mr.r;l ju' Ocel ed np Hee. rtUielit: ~; • I .A.kalhol ere, CI .easbituj ts ‘;, J*llftsier.brismor;l;4lo.llo/4iVpiliftier.'t.' •#' • . - 444 Arata» PUBLISHED •EVERr SDAY. AFFIC E. irl , tht SouNkVest. ottgle. of M i t , publi Squate, IKzek - 'Coterr t Hotese • ' TERMS ,OF SWISCRIPtIQk 3,i. Dona year lx Alinr A two•Solturer Withiti fife—year. , ' • , •• )ste Doilttr sikmonths.. ' [Anne wiLL , bc , Yf3tldly Adhered • F 4113. .(1t: ADVERTI S ING, • • , Advert IsernOblit,timititio Afteekt Iloottdr.doss, w 1 1 1 . 1, 1 0. !targed at thd`Wtte prlttV,co,ritOor laseit; i onr, • !tree titbits thid ttViktitk-flve'k.6 ts for very soltsuottehMinel . trolt , .! 4 X , OrlYvldvortlider will be eloirged LIC titoflowlhf, rates ; One Colt; inh, t to paper, _for ono, yesi„, .iintra column, , do. • •° ftla T , wo Stotaios, jtrilft outtrtetl,{ changes, ' ..10 , Business Cartly,Avith the potIO(p, JOB PABd.B4B, ,OF EVERY.OESOMPTION, t Eitwica, nd bills, pooh', qtrettlarn nod,tvery. atm theriteseriptfith s of eirtlintid him timely o'rh xpOditlotititY, and dl the .I.OWEST PRICES. • IMIE Miz:nlafrnat9mz a * MOULD YOU MEET "MY TRUE LOVE rendm Tltk OLD centtlANl Should you tneet , tity true tom, " Rey-1 greet her well; - Should elle esk'you „how I ?ate; Say—'she best run tell Should elle nek If 1 mu Welt", Rny-1 died of eerrent •. Should she theft begin te weep; , Say-1 1 11 come to-morrow, Febna the Guegt, THE HA.TTLIRSNAKE H.tTEet , He glistened the dire snuke. * * Subtlest heart of all thelield." Ph ft. LOPIT Twentyone veers tiO, the goodly town of Chaintierebtirg, in Pennsylvania, wore a ditli•rent aspect from what it does at the Ihe deut thiv. In this brief period a mighty change . has - tak - en - place io the conditimi of things around it. Railroads were, as yet, things unit nown—the rushing ot. the Steam horse with Ids long train, rivalling the speed ofthe wild pigeon, hail not vet disturbed the echoes oh the mountain -vales of Franklin county. In ihrise dnys might he seen, in all their glory, those . renowned -PerMBylvania teams that now oily live in the memories of men They have. passed away, and have. given place to the swift ear, or the slow, ungainly canal boat. A grand sight it was to- see sometimes a dozen of those great teams in one long sning drawn by .five or six stee horses. moving steadily along at the rate cif twenty miles a day,-aatl-htadodLby—a 'wagon whosttlinen cover was whiter bleached. and whose body was brignter blue than the test. and whose horses and housings rriminea. with gay red 'fringe, and strings of bellson iron arches above their collars, that 'ade teeny music as they moved along.— I tow proudly stepped the 'horses. and with what ail air did the driver twist himself in his saddle, and crack his whip,- and cry " wo hey. 19 this manner all the merehandize for cnpjtldl•tgthe '%Vest ern country" was 'they, trau-porten to ['Milberg. ' Going oveillie mountains,! ails a different glair from , the e4sy• three daySz journey ,of the, present And the taverns along the great turnpikes are elthnged slully ati the means of locomo tion, Evi4 y petty town (lid not then boast 01 . Wathinglon or American House, with a paltry irnitatien at ))able of the etiquette of Ilse lordly Aster or Tremont: The good old names of the I Green Tree;' the Spread Ka gle,' eltd the ' Rising Sum' were then in vogue.. There vidre large yards around these taverns ter the tn:mated:Mon of the team sters. nod there might often be seen ten or twelve wagons - lathed arouna with a Tong. trough fastened to the tainrue, and five or six hones standhig up to eaert s ,quietly inunehin tllir'oats eater the short jouitiey of the day. Au nfr of comfort wiped *)thin the - hoaseT and at the table prolusio'd, was mitvr. re •plaiiily W disternable, than style. ho knew batter ttniti the Panthiy . trantrt landlady of that day how to stew a - chicken and make a Imp •of coffee f Or who'better than she coald bako the cri4p brown.watfie Bake. and bring it to the table, smaing hot and swhrrnine, butler t Hut pant Is al f 64 &me P 'fie 1 . .43 tittiii, , 1 ---ttitmu.ntetitHtride_tbay-finurished ; In forgtti. ; ' On a bright, warm evening in June, 1925, at the sign of the Cross Keys, in !Chambers berg. the landlottl was talking-ta some Ohio merchants - whb had been to Philadelphia to purchme goods, antl: were thus lanai their !viten Immo, tiaVellitig Ot horse back.-!- Arnutultthe door: !wore. viirion's ! people ' ,tind mechanics of the town, wlki had: dropp4id in• to have an hour's chat, antr i t'a heanthe news from the cityy tireught by , the teattastere••••••for . 1 the people then.cont rived to live without the eager haste lot news that , cliaracterizeil the present giMeinli'on : and however woeLinay smile artheir siiiiplicity ten/ ignorance, such a thine usiner- titered their:beads as killing : horses and•bre'aking the necks of their-dd.:4S for the sake of-getting- ititelligen . ect a few , hours soonerthan, by tiegulartothee' of mail: By degnaes their diectimrse turned te - politicrt} and the Prestdintiel'election,,ltild the inaug:•. urution,of.kohn-. Quineyeidenta, that:lied la -1,4'4 .PlaCe a few mohthY previbus; was 'the !theme. -The: antkuimitkittratiohlnittr , wari, 1 : the: most; 'numerous on /this ocitision .1 Joe ;stituptel,..the , ,blabksmith; tiles Idud !in his' i tlissatislactiorrat the-velvtaitkehtl:little }Abet i i } Pieni.E4! the: !Whilei t i barber,' roa - ndir aisettelP that lea.. Jarksdn Mad: belihi chanted oat} of . 1600 btion. • girit look oil/ boy!' mid . he,'• •: . i.gftai' if we don't malahlWifiestiliat - 1 - 10 - xt l !lime )o }mu may'foriefalse-propliet.' • - !'..iii i - :-; }• + - Mai * tin 4 * '. , } !" , .:.}P. , :aot A an!, } P t In Filha..Al99ol; I,lirn?Lgßamgl6,oi4 toile ; 4 ~„..,(0,„,,a,„„,,,,„.., ~v ~,,,,,,p„„ 5„,.,„„..:. .00. 1 10999 . k'.l' , -,}l l 3a}gal99 0 LPN/9109M ht. ~,,teat relniritug,yeAltuir,l ithAia,/kkiallii;••hei had' ihb ila/leat:iimsgoian, ithq 1 . fOtflA ?PON 1, / hgc. B d, l 3 l- ti,K et*lla 4 1 j'ailkiitticonntri ;When; he !in,./141i44 1 9 -4 9}theAllrilOceolndihis Ulna 'wo a i f.!! 3 , !IN ed ; Aii,vi' A tigninti!polte ttiftti ,Obeat , 1 "nt Miiir.flS),fihg AgraitililY,Atllitt e ingdettitfi • enepaill'9"l:Pla! hi u 3 4, yawl fplaice, klAavolrphhtl, Abe:melt!' 91(0110i/440AI :he:depleted: thatikk ;m k t ! , p c ,,,t almit y c hv a t rit p, 4o o4 melt liltiottVl it:9• : }. 2„°,l*F 'f'. it Vrcil.4l/iVriia . lhiPlatrie‘ l ,Aem: • 1 7int't liFi 9 . 410 i ngat9n),Y}Ntdi, 4g, dcugtaar,', /tattier) .ipl o aftlx4l } sum latarAlPlida :WORD the llsqsit ' IitITIF it air lhhec.949l.terictlaint: i ..1 0 9'. gal l iiVi'faa.cifihidan Yatirs (fiti,'hilti tlnhal!a nki plitio:cakeidsigt i had in ot o,een , 041 1 C 4 _, a , t l 3 l l - a.4althi}9 ll 4 , 4 l } PRalgling-sekiholi t , "14'm `9airi!,' }ligil BRIT Act m4y,? Oa ,viaB ~ aoc 4l. ' I LI PFn i P,l lag/ ~ , Ingdesweictanpllghatftriti., }9''FiNt i t 1 4 - P: 91 1 3',PPOOFtgliilighil9Vdihrttrie !..F;i 1411 " OW : , 0- fMin4tMk , fl l9 , l t) o } l l 4l o tOlbrs,ft,lPTl litlrkayinciAPAirtilletlikiitrNolo4l,} ii nl hiltie. OPY.',, JP , •VOR'4a, *mitt 41 fiaorf , ttaxeh if rqp#,,t tvp4:4914'..101 imilkv,st# With, lefr oW i l lifeldE . s. ~,191(4.191.1 .*1.01, - )adii/OFt -lighted aidrei! 4r 0 4411 3 9 - PigkinthiniaFF -to ITI at #l ' .4lilrifV49Po iliacc! Y.FPriVaoa9, - Plean: . 41 ' ) 111 00 , 0 PA 1.4%. 0 1 (1 4 11 . 44 41 1 '; .111g1020°04` =II ~~ ljeto•zbdkLl6ol:34l2l'3lD.. " tlikaWi 6, L 't t ' t i !" Ll3 ; ;Caß42'"U''42r 'a r 1313 bid 'Lutheran Church. •of Chilnbersburg?- 1 .- Not one,, .not,pretend , to sardhat be 4 ing.Sole i heiresa,to : lather's broad: acres , nigM.not hay.e beep , e'llligningredititit ilr the ailltniratioid filo wart felt ,ibr her by dlie , the region around abbot Chambers- . but•g.l but without.thia eXpectnney, Kat e was . a . des'll able sweetheart. To a blooming Com ivforrn kink nOt beet] Spoil: . "id by , the milliner„tilie edilod modestrande sh'at:Wof good 'sbnse,aiul:Kate was well 'fitted to',lnatte That bitch talked of thhig: a gnat wife. No Wcintlerehe caused thelhenits of the . yming, men ; to.fintter.. . • • •. • hi the- . Borough lived a . yriOng hoop.. cart. 'pbiiter; a scion of the ancient homily of the John,' nianlv. Ade and titack entry acing: With' broad slionr-, data andrindustribils"hribils. He weS•fore- 'host in all the meant! frolies'of • the time; lie'lbokithe lend ni 4 the bass at,the singing school, and no qtdilliiig or sleighing party was complete without John Smith. • Oh ! those . jolly 'sleighing parties inothecountry I . To :I,e • wtappthr to the same bnffalb robe with ychit partner, and speettaWay a .M2O of 'mires to a dance! Oh !dire masid of the belle 'and 'the occasional' .a'ccornpitniment of l a Olt: oVer into a snow bank-,and the delightful task of picking tip your companion and brdehing the snow from her I and then to start after yoili hbri.b just to shdw. her' how. fast ydu can run, and meeting ever} , few lolls with afragment of your sleigh! ' You go to 'the next farm 'house Where yon find your horse frightened to death; you borrow another tileigh,and than proceed on'yoUr journey. Oh] those jolly sleigh rides in the hountry: ' It-was at a parry thitt went r i ltit to Loudon - 'that John • was first fairly srhit ell with 'Kate Bonewitz. He had known her long betore this : he haa admired her at chetah : he had sighed when fie heard her sweet 'voice at singing school ; but lint tili •noW did he give himself Wholly up to love's swect But it would have taken h hetirt much less sweeptible than John'slo resist Slier riding fineen m tics in the seine sleighitind -dancing a hall dozen setts With her. After this it happened that he open turned down the hew() old reter and it also happened that Kate never , gave him ant cause to believe his visits unwelcome. indeed there . Was muchto admire in his bold, fred.character, and by. degrees and without her being aware of it, Kate was smitten' too. But say in what clime, and under what sky, comes there not disappointmen I The great poet has . deplared that, "For ebirlit net he could over lenru, • Could ever tend by tale - or blarney. • The course of true love never did run - Old Peter began to remark the increasing frequency of his visits, but he had no idea „that Ins Kate Blicr.ild be carried off in such a berry. And besides, who was this John Sion • Ile had but served out his appren ticeship and began business on hie - own ac count a year before, and tried in a balance, Kate's-expected wealth would make John's worldly _possession kick the beam. in a trice. - .r.ri' - retesoned old .Peter in Pennsylvania • Dutch.' Ile had not arrived at that pitch of retifienieuti to,despise .hint for being toMe .ohanior—it was purely a cOnsideratiop of dell • r. 4 and cents So the old man shooti his head, and forbade; him-the house, Great was the tribulation of John andliate. But love laughs at locksmiths,' and many an old Man hrislicen cheated out of .his.daughter. It so fell nut, that l'eter went off on a journey to Carlisle, and John was not slow to take ad vantage of his absence. On the bright eve rung in June before mentioned, he dressed himself in his Sunday *Mt, and was soon down at the farm, and in the kitchen by the side of Kate. I dare not tell the many sweet words that paused between them, but The minutes n inged their any with pleasure' anti John's chair had gotten very cldse to Kate's and (entirely by accident) hiS arm had . encircled her waist And he was gazing rignt into her eyes, `when, tramp . .—tramp'! on the 10n,,, ,, porch wpb ' heard the heavy loot str4fs of Peter Ilona witz l lie had come home a day sooner , than was expected.— Sohn knew that lootstert—he started up with a look of agony, and without ',even allowing himself time lor a larewell kiss, he sprang out of an open window into the garden and Twitting along a narrow walk, lie cleared the fence at the bottom with it single bound.-.-` ' Misfortunes never come singly'; the great est evil was yet to befall him. At the foot of the garden lay itrneadow which bordered_ on the tikrnpilte, and lib hurried defogs this to?' moat,' the highway, and *so get back to 'the toi s vp, ,lia )lad but taken a feiv strides:alter hirr leap,,,ivhen • he felt,nconvulsiie mpve-, ;Petit utiaer his ,foot, then there was clear shitT 'dude: something darted' suddenlir against his leg, and he felt a stinging pain.— Tile dreadhil thought flashed through his tu,inil dial he A. 1,4 stepped Dry wrattlesnake,' and -a had 'bitten him. Filled with horror, lie tan, he flew, fear lent him wings, hod giosily.'pale -with tiiiguish and 'affright, Se &;rired into the ;bar; 'Oefil- 01 . ,the;Crosa Keys ' Xs i i. is ',row, P,ieroe•l ad uttered his patriotic pro recy ,in favor• o GenAacktion: , ' . ' lly woat'is;_thei Outlier Johtdt salted Midi ierft i or', intern , by hie , fri snit's/ blauChed '9ltleilitbee..i i, iii ; s, ; ; il i eh,'. i,, ,'. i I, Vat , bitlen by arrattleatfaltei II) said he. ' , (Bit by, an Buttleenakall was• repeated irri ,lairtf,W-by evAlry one in lithe irboin,-..1iA1l 'whho tuaiently noriftisinit,ditr:./ 411.- , (/ IT ,111 , ,,, 1 , I , tAti for the Pocior P roared the,•lehdlortr.' 1 , '..ipsit it,out.w,ith a lazor,?(Frie g irrord ri er m ithe„ltartair.., i , ii;11 .1 V,alt ,'• f ..)11 - 1.1 iiii•,i: r li t v ii rn,lt oatiWith a ired hat p 'l oker.jahhated ,Icilimm el the,y,ore me blackamrth. ;il .ir i ...1 . 1 ,.1 ~ `'lLrll i barikt,meurErroarrell - Tour .I(?_6lalith.l.' in;: 'is es , „ l'n I, • fi 'F , ..7 1 ,1 1)1 ' ' Thex,lo(l,lll4,to a betl,trari and tripod era' 4friliiriattpai a Ambit ,ponctttre 11E101 aldintwas# Veered /4;1,40, below thenkbeeiieurrdn&,' V t, y'apittialStleAitelt4ialld .ileam , whibh#tt# ' l6 * aror cf titspod.ltadiertudede'irtbrthlllq fli i. ) iii , GOo y,gracloyal.howqits awelline ax4' ''elliiiiied_lbp,landlarly;dartinpart ofthe prire, Sire had alwaye-,ol.,hartdriatremglalbr .'tide ;#5O-br-at'OrY,l44ol•o4-ior frainr or I diode/ITC , ' till: 'ileY'rlie_apa.,„lt (ale feoraposad olithe' lettverie 'ef 'Van Sege i P,01.14 falrinto ai pitip,Tait d fa be. ed •th the serapmaft,rAfht,bfaion. ~(Branilii Itthi IN l A'n9itc' Rh Ifit I Wepyin:toic,l•49o,) , i • tig utckly . ,rettikned wilt }', a ler; uf,h,ur inv,a-,, l ithble satioilliarliProlliii,g 6 ,ei pOrtion br itiri Irilitieursit sho9applietpitf talitif weniiid: i iThlikWill drawi'.the;pizeitiAutOlsaid -64.4.4 , <Theta Wail' Bill Davis that#ant oft hiretig toe ' With' a brpir , axe, And ig Tapitle. hi miacv,poW4 i ilifufwert)s i at t hs,, : esitiltryt. .yod,y,,,rt,sgl i c, rt on (opt 'airgerand'Et(loo aarytt cur , 4 inl i. iriii, in , oab *bait, And -' therti'‘Witi' el ' h-' ViKlingoila ion Mat, that was hifint arm; i I , 'b 414ndy Jack , tha monkentliat' r o_the B ,. 'ei l h ot l #Srit w l o 64 hu' i nt i PriOA' ( 1610 41 111 i 3 ) !'"',ft vaTil.P.t Tg:111740. 1 SPII P 441 9t . ,1h a salve', a gi.. are rin,in tea damp, IA iy e iret w ait.' # Iflo Di -I,,'''''''i.c'''' t '" 1. " - l''' ' r lik; tlaptlhatDaelorleirlefigialtribrirtdt'i tee Were turned to him i all ; . ,.earar,rire)tl e ia-f,di hOariflS,antinoi4o s .:thoi laplil' , . •,,, 0 .;..71' 7 . ' 7 .1..,L .1 ''f.',' 6; Vilfti lap I ElEl QA,To,lg . ,g',,;yo34ipoy:lo;.': • 'Lord lili've meiby on me!' grottned 'poet Johh.Smith: 'l'es; fix, the bite first 'and give ue the speech alterwara!' cried Tom, Peiteei . At ihia sudden interruption of his half fin ished description; the Doc& frowned terr= bly, then he gazed around oh,his audience. with a sneer of contempt, for their want el: appreciation of science; arid then he turned to the poor sufferer, innlcutti9gaWay a small portion of the flesh Stirrounding ; the wohnif he applied a glass to draw out the ris-• onotis fluid implanted there by the fangs 9f: scaly retitile, and rig rid inilispensible adjunct' he administered a tiopious dose of olive 0i1.," Johri . now felt- a.little relief, and he descti- . bed the spit minutely where the horrid thing lay coiled in - the - grass, atill hew, he trod,t p ,:-. on him ,iind was hitfeii; It was proposed that a partY should stthimrriediatelv and erh, dehvorto destroy him, as it was not-likel would Move far after nightfall. A. party af: five, including - the blacksmith and TO* Pierce at their head, and "armed with Icsug i clubs p , roclfeil at a neighboring wood ;Fi11a, , .; set oil instantly for their bold and darigeliuss' enterprise. They soon reached the vicitiffy; p 1 the dreadful serpent—they began tq .fire high - grass with their, clubs, when 840 denly they saw n movement, rapidly foll6Ww•'' ed by.that cleat sharp rattle , hetiM by lel 1, —they Started back a step vrith - herror.,-Te'' ; bolder than the, rest, raised aloft his c lub give,the death biow—but hi t! a rm vras - P* ed in mid - air: his weapon fell !lethal° the earth. Wrii he charmed by tb4 s- „I ,No—before him in the bright - light t rQ moon ho saw—a poor hen sitting on of - eggs! Such a shout as Avent up fr ' :bonen] of Peter Bonawitz eAtirtlen 'Whoever heard of a rattlesnake with ' • ars?' cried the hineksmith t .- • -0, 'That becilithe Doctor's snak4:4oitli ti• ters tn . the abdomen !' shouted :Corn. . They, captured the unconscious hen !Int: hurrying back to the nivera, innrche q"a body to Johns foittn. The ,anxioes oup with snlemr. faces was still aroual the, .4 LI. and the Doctor wits yet at his post um:lolly watching the effect of the suction of cuppsug glass. 'lad you kill hint. Torn asked the larild lord with breathless haste. 'No!' saki Tom, 'we have got hint alive and here he is!' and he flung the poor hen uttering a piteou's squall, on the bed in their midst. , And such another scene at this unexpect ed.,termihation of their fernentitions:-such roars of laughter—and John 4ughed too, and he jumped nimbly hour the bed and kicked ofd the Doctor's cupping glass, breaking it in a thousand piece's, and then danced a Pennsylvania Quicksttfor joy at his happy e deliveranc. In the eight of the -hubbub the Doctorsloped ma i e back way, wisely reserving the remainder of his description ut the Crotal horridus fora (pure occasion. '11.6.', story spread, and even old' Peter', laughed, and was glad that John' was not bit. , a real snake. • . • •. ' `• Abitibi - tit •wrts Bond eauSo lorAtis imatti hation to codjurtrupstich horrors-Dchned by ;the old Inaw-Ljumping - tnt of the kitchen window.—and hishreast rackful• by thwarted • love; ' Say • wait , it' any wohder he was frFght= erred} - : •HU he:stut recovered from his fright, and. -as forbeinglaughetfat, he thought etliete May a laugh; who win,'• for ho,was industrious; d itidusry begat confidence', and cobfrdet ce was ' rapidly incieaitinghiti bus?hetts'2•And old f Peleq find inV • t hat +Kato' 'w as - • I ike • all 'other girls Of her - age;—the: 'more .hei oppoked the moo 'she Woultl.halte him-4raVe'his'eensent as , asensibleold' Maw should, and atter -an other year's'probatiorythey..Weid' inttVieil - ;%-', •She•inade him the beitt , bf-Miti. Stniths:—ripd ,n ev.ermore'in: after I ite, Vat John Salith ritryL 0 ‘, - AliiitAlturrreipsi - A-ipv):- - c liiketSjati,' ' bodas'ion al Itiik iiiii11......;06'60" joye; I:t i l i i4„ *IA; ke'iti. -010 itnirii i ffilliiiw st'4 , ,e lug a bout 'rao'eAfia the 13r ilayr', 4 w th IntiriilicilOi. Izin than' b'doitil ciit ecitiViiiiiiiiltlt b)lfilti. ~i, 'Mall' ; .ivtiii qii'll `'•inAttbilidw' "a 1 4),4, ;!F 1 9 11 0 , ‘ °fti t,; 'll T l V 7 9l. bt l i ,f if #l, ~1 4 1, 1 4 1 ‘ 1 ,4 1 ) . 14 345t,tu..?.....,„.,,,,:„L..t..,,,,„ ~,,,wh_4,,.byrealiiipast i oso grtr,' lielyao - WAi ie.. bid to , a, ,r,401114,,;','# 1 ,..., 1 1r= .t. 'why) th,ei fat' 'A 114 - Of Ty Iveligalit!ro‘. ... f b-1.,1--hicLa-bilft inAll 'tl'cia,bre 110.1 a. e ' l l ay ) , fflidakii' 44 ka filet';,'' keikikft*.#t,n l 7: :,':,' 01. 1,, e ' ' ', i' ,„ H r i :,,' '*"(624;(6lo(l.lfriiiiil:ool:Agib§{iShckft :NA, -t t t ir litail 4 l tUre6 5 .19P ITtl i ' t h i ltil V iM liVrAllii',..iiiirilii)Jlllt a tt 11),Lit3 . 101;AS IP 'f1 4 4a ; '4 ,ra rtirt,r.crPfk , 44 . 0, krou l , , i , ,S'o,o>M4 4 9 LPW . ..4 7, 1 ,;t ,, mic, ii Inifpftertlaryt*epArttnentrallytitietiv4iiiTsViil 'C r oat, ilk 4 td . tons. o f.Cilfriberlittlatst;iiiiittibliV l or et info re. ' , ' '; ' . , i . ... ._ d s'7l'sc.'!"•:.*Leo'..' :,,, 11', '-',"-'^ i,,' '' ',, '1 • ....1.., '. , -r- '. -.. , lill't'''' ''':',Al l :''' 4, ' .1414 -. =MI dy,'s wohiliirfal,euresl,, The,,Poetot.,wert, ,to the btiaide, and straiglitwitY ihive(l bis ,respdet, ror sage An(l,lyitsßAly teasing it,out of tills ,tvasque men• vihci i , t;siver oppOrtimity.!Fifot givitig`aieeture : ,: itus, oceaatpn he mailV, a earelhitilii•Vey of the woUnd,, tied• looking, around eVei the tops of his spectacles, on the anximisgrodit thal enerrCletl.the,becli he. be gan, OY'ftlends;, there ire three elapses. •of yegetAle and anincat. 7 ., wottral was, eVitteully inflictep, by . sorrte, serpeni—itt .would therefute, belong,M latter class, at frbin its exneetitpgly,inftain ed appearanee, l pronotince it a' bi e of . the C'tqalus licirrides Ifattle4nake.--: The generic character4l this speciesisiseuta: on the abdotneri, acute. and seeles - letiehth• 'the tail,' rattle at the end of the tail, iThere are five species, ttll natives of-A merica: The rattle is composed of dry and hollow banes nearly all of the same size and forth, Anil is.eoilsidered by most 'naturalists as behig-deiligned to , warn'other animals at their danger, and the_.. sound 'of that instru-• mein often _ impresses / 016 . 0 with such,ii..4lel ; glee orierrni as to withdraw every ,energy of theif frames 7 -anal incapable of inetion, they become an easyitrey to their dreldful• enemy. - Their bite is not only poisonous, but'rapidly fatal, rind :has been known to: kill a mkn in a lew minutes--and'— 'Milo? cried thelendlorrl, find John was only triCby a chicken? - Opp of Ole ,beet(ittrioltitsrlhat %Volleys • hemd ,of for. a long time is the folloAii4,g..4lt t a-4 4 , 0 :( , , ) •t , llr. fo. • II ,s-Fger.urnrerNivpi; POP , rif fißtfies- iit43 1 9:1 j ildtkki—elvinKtiinfinYq l l. 09, 11 0 1 14cgill!TOPP dliPear.o gigas,af, 1 7 i t; 1 1 6 , t I St e ! rl y, , 9 5i P a R ci a.t , i1) 1 1 7 1 .9 .3 1k , ; 4 11 ; O F ; 4 t ß e t n tli cs td, 0,g96 tailor, and iitti* a month"yod yourself ?noosed, in a nevi snit of i eJoflos `Thif PaTh6 bafftiedbYiti VritlFlpitls,,bebt‘;'fr.b; i woinl.ap'4):l; of ficiar to be and' t}ianner.ilak. t ') Ail _ B7, _ - nftecti4ialf4ls34.', • -The License Question: • ~ , ,h „ : ie,lv , ENotAlm.- r .lf.there be any Sincere friends of Ternlierance, who still doubt' the opediencyol sur.aini O g• - Moral Suasion, - by Wish he, vvpukyspenc,a,,few dap iaMaesaciiits'ettS With lits eyes, open., ;The ,f)rty Atate - tvo th,e' firer, Nve belie*te aiteiript thq•lrqpreasion. of the qtynlcardipriangtab i tpre ;by lav , and; t tlircough,evi,Land gOodlitintine? the,attempl has. beekOrsev,preil in ttl , this dayi 'Her Ociverrior,. Lieutenant, Governor and • most' of her law. Makers are pledged .claimpions of Total. Abstinence, :her : laws licindema the Liqupr traffielhrinkgbont her., borders. Ana; thane' at first rfsisted and ilefibd as here, they are ne' very generally There - areitiar or-'no-agentiltural totyns in which Intkicaficg.l.iiquors pre bpjito lyi,soltl; and there . are townships 'Often Sand inhabitiints Mier, half engaged ib MartufaCtures, whM•ein not a drop of Ardent he,obtained at any price.- Even -;iniWorcester, the largest inland town in New Ili - gland. not a drop is openly sold, though ,IferhapS it may be secretlf - cibtained-at - tWo rthree places. Even in Boston, we did not, iiee a decanter , of strong drink in the, course of extensive perambulations. Of course, Li. Icor is sold there, art circulates freely in sly iaens, gambling-houses, brothels, etc., 'Jilt n o a?rialr can honestly plead terupttion in excuse fiii - dririking there, for Liquor openly solicits ,fio man. , . That this state of things is exceedingly-fa: borable to Temperance; no observing man doubt.-'-Thetan contrast between the blogt 4ed and sun-burnt faces exhibited by' several fil l Congress and the utter absence of stfith AOnt the IHassaillusetts House, must. strike the most casual Cioserier. it has been urged lime that Hotels ol the ,first class cannot be sustained without the ,profits ol the liquor businese. pur - we•doubt „whether the Hotels of. any ether American `pity, unless New York be an exception, sur _peas those of Boston, _ where comparatively, liimor is sold even by those which do not utterly and stubbornly eschew the traffic. Tribune. New Yonts..,—The New York Teraperanee State Committee have issued an Address to the friends of the present License Law, they - statithe official result of the vo .„, ,ilng last May on the 'quest , ion of . License, or ;No .License, as - .It appears that the Will county of Rich- - hati,VOted "license," by a ma ijority offifikfive'vetes, and that the remaining Iniuuties of the State have all voted "no It- Cense," by majorities ranging from fifty-nine to four thousand and ninety-eight—the• lowest majority being in the county ob Queens, and :ffie,highest in the county of Onondaga: That ;of all the eight' rities of this State 'which were allowed upon the :ideation, -have de cided against license by an aggregate major ; Iy.'of Az thousand one hundred arid eighty-lour t:That of the towns from 'Which returns pvu ea reueivtid, nine are. divided by a tfe vo 6,,ane hundred tualsixty eight have vo , led "license," in most cases. ty very small majorities, and sir hundred andfifty-one, being ing, about lour-fifths of the whole, having vo ted "no license," for the most part by , lame majorities: That in each of the six counties of Cayuga, Rockland, Ting, ; Tompkins, Warren and Wayne, every town has giy,en a majority agdinst lieetise, while in natien t?ther counties but a single town in each Us voted in their laver: And that in..* ilk Slate (except trout twenty towns above lerred to, Horn which returns are not receiv ed,) the majority foi "no license" is Pim times THOUSAND, NINE HUNDIt# AND:EION- Ti-FOUR.. PfaiN I.VA N!A Templimilec. Victory in Pittsbure.--Every ward in Pasherg gave a majority; at the late klebtien agiiVst" the sale of liqUorsi The total majority in the city was 1214. The heart cheerifigzei'ult is &is antiou'need in the Pittsburg Morning Tele graph: Victory! Victory! Victor!' r‘ Teitiperatibe for ever.--It is hereby announced to • the friends ot 'temperance throughout the length arid breadth of the land, that, on Tuesday r fantiaiy, bih, 1847, trio detachment cif 'the Celd Wa ter Arrnyditationed at Pittsburgh, 'rich:wed a signal triumph ever ,be manufacturenti• and •venders of. imoxieating 'ignore, in, a• the wards of the city, and totally, routed ,their combined force--loose, toot, and dragoons. This is glory enough Icir one day. ' GENi TAXIMA AN!) THE ,VOLUNTEkiIS,--The correspondent of the New Orleari‘,. Delta, writing from Victoria, deicrittes •the follow, ' '1.114. Seen. as having occurred shortly after Gen, Tailor's- artival at diet:place: ~ , , . • .' 4 tGer Taylor visited the Illinois volunteers lyester ay, and the Milt, the, boys crp,wded, , artiiiii himlhreatened i lamellate. sitirion i i l y lway 61,0'almation; I Ilefily belleVe t e tild i n I °nice'', ptilled•af his hat' five thousent liintiiii ' 1.1 I'mres,loOlFing,every.minute, to , see• him; pu. rai 11 1 the front niece off. l',lie General 4 i was , 'mounted on a large and splendid le,Wbilk hie Orderly rode a sPlindirdiagoon horse, luttl:_was_diimeelfJl resied2 , lrilw Clean :arid: ..hendeocrisAniforrri k . whil§t,t4e,pieriertilliat„f"- innifil same - Old iiiiick - frecli.orAi T .P.,blg(• 'Nlii)ii iliVili n tAV har " Mr:Flint; PO I *" 1150P, 6. 0 itblifut:ll%Si , ditTutie iii' Tiqlbkqe One i .lh'a._ ' , Stiekerektakjagi lila. for illiet)Geeetilt, , AM' '...wkin4atiOgiOthYtOsNcallett•hifn , e/th s ray)pr ,l 'Mien Alqej j. tw i rperul 124 giAmu3ehotoi Nos Or APV4ineash:tiiiip ;We,y ,Infor,rdh, frottl . , ISMltiiiiaippeartine fiheti it•irchild ne ' .itotliii glairussitci offer hunts Aindito bh'iker end' Oeyt 1)%19I, PI , itl Witlttatiob,gclod,iiilktbsktit by. tIR ~• Attpp,, the ,tyfo„,regmily!„Nlithrt,,,ltere count have ; Wee, qt p, l'-feblitie left-in- `=As lie l ieidetoff,•ihriro ii , rii: InanZwho wondered - whether 'was the '" 111 ) 111- °c l VOkiitßtt,aroci. l o 4l m o pliis . 1 . 1% . r, i .tiltlit s 'im "VPI I ' - id ..., ~. , • TA ..". . Winthrop, ' t 6 ,, 4011 tin iiiiteeet epeeeh' tquin'' '.Te an , 'i4filitionriruVilelreeillte' 4l ldltioi 1, 16116 . 4fat i P onnnleillpiXii tit Alitit'stfir 08441 e 't In "ih ~ 1 -vition tit' i tlietillbgthil'Ob l iliii l l'ele` r ori l liiiniiii : '...)4llitlOiettiOd'ilikeliitAiclitS; tte6POile' I . ' fell; motet: aterl frnyOltitsoa,'''lnitning 'Wit' ,!we e )AlllP r. ,o:lld l ( . ittilol.l 3 Pttnal , th e 3, thlnitsparl. 'Of: is rivers, and upon the fountains Of ova 7,: ' . 1 ' '' ).... N ii -- lig ter'it iii/rCV ,`A i, P. ,nix r . i f, . 6 4 eil , n t iw,ci jut' 'th'at ria,tl iti 0?A• , , ..,Err - %Wet yypilit*6 •ari traitor Mentliettlit t 6 - *iiiiiiirf#9,l,l444l.%illiinllicle bitter.; 0 y.I 44 ifilria4MItiaLWOIltle ItliViilli'itlietl l tiiiierniblish his;. 'iiferksoteniolen4;!yillilliiiieiii: atier)hanlannei - Of'Wldtfti Pobtt',9 RalrAS.;.. , .. Mil ; , , FrFm the.Nqw, ToyIF Cattrier dr. , Enquirer. xh ' ' In the absenCeof duet egular flies ; and in cice4 ctiatiy,..,foreign—papersoke.4‘er4Yr published - th,ii brief : telegraphic announce' , ment of .the continuance , of. the massacre among the Nestolians, and .of the death bs , iMp.ale,meut 8f Mu Yohapnan. The stet? : !I - tent was one, of those Ignorant blunders which sinCe • ih'e establishment of the tel'e- graph, haye be'eomp unusually coiernon.L. No such neWebas been received.. Ad vices from Kuristanitribesn received to The sth Of NoveMbef : and give details - M the teridble massacre whibh we rinnoUnced. by he for . ; m'er steamer. I It appears that Bedr Khan sent two rnes.- sengets to the Nestorians'Ot thd pastoral Alis ltict, threatening te'attack them unless they 'bent him I.o;ooo . beak of cattle. They ac needed to his &Maud, and this led, to inn thearequisition, for anothergifr. This the Nestr),rians refused.. alleging that, if they 'eernplted they would starve. Two ilitheir priests, liciwAiter, and their chief Dunge ac.„ . companie() the messengem to 7..atra Kale. the Khan's . head quarters. where they were told, that if nev persisted in their refusal they wou ld he i ee r,ificed: with their whole tribe.', The Nesteriahehedilitted and.ilemtio• red, hen they were seized and inV,6(ti down a ptecipice; And on the same day the inhuman chief advanced with his force and fell upon .the Nestorlans. killinit 750 and seizing 4o,o.ooJacad tit cattle. ;Following up_ his attack, on the 27th of October Beder Khan, with'l2,ooo, men penetrated into the district of the Jltt tribe, although they were opPOsed by the.peonle. ,‘ They 1e11..' says the correspondent of a London Newspaper, " like birds of prey upon the Nestorian vil lages : carried fire, sword and desolation everywhere ; murdered indisoriminately old men and children burnt their huts and cotta ges, and orptitrued-the-brichery for -several days, tilt not a spark of an intstiol remained, The stout hearts of the surviving Persecuted Christians Sank - within them on beholding, the surrounding desoltrtinn.l, and abandoning, these hearts tending scenes in the lanfinf their lathers, they alsh crossed over the Persian frontier, as had dcine:their bretheren cf other -tribes brit a few weeks before.. At. Miezireh. the capital of Bedr Khan:The atinnients of the Christian womsh were!arirised for sale. by the soldiers. in the rnarketovith the reek ing flesh still hanging on them, at so muh the eke." Durinr, the last month.,the liesiiii popula • - tion sopth and east of Maidifi, raised the standard qt revolt against Turkev,,at the in tigation 01 tear Khan. who m e naced' sub jecting them to the same treatment as the Nestoxians, should they in any way mani fest friendship for the Porte.—Acting un der the influence of his threatS, their first act of obedience to him was n pilaging ex pedition against their Mnsselman neigh l anrs of "the plain of Mesopotamia, towards whom they nourished in secret the most itiveterate haired in every dir.ectinn nn the one hand. the Kurds murdered the Nestorians in the mountains: on the other. the Yesidis mur- , tiered the Mossulmans of the plains. Accenting to the rire-t authentic reports, 67 Nestorian rillages e ind towns have been ' laid Wit:lift, and tram fi 000 to 10.000 Nesto rian Christians hide been murdered. The tortures inflicted on those who resisted the ,itivaders were barbarians and atrocious in T)he•evtreme. ilwalreds have been impaled, rind hundreds were burnt at slow fires. Sev eral cases are reported of the unfortunate victims haying been bedaubed with fat, and then baked in ovens! The atrocities are numerous, and so horrid indeed that nope 'nut such barbarians• could have conceived „or executed - them. The revolt of Bedr Khan against the Porte has let the latter to adopt energetic measures against him. The Pacha of Mosul has or ders to subdue the whole of the minor tubes uticier Kurdistan, in which h,e was partly succeeded. Tav:_ir Pacha has also, in a campaign of a , month, espened from the , district' of the Kliabon river- sortie ,of the Arab tribes, losing hiniselfiltook IPQ° men. These mensure.s,, however have led to a union of all these minor forces ; under Bed, Khan, who hTas,Mider his commend not far from 40.000 men,, whi:oo erdinary vocation is pillage lied repine,--Laity accounts men tion the death of Toyer Vacha leader of the Turkish 'foited, by apoplexy ak is reported, ,but in battles as is believed. The cold has been excepsive in Hindostan, and many per sons have,perished from frost. A. force of 40.000 men is reported - to have been raised - . 1 Tehrant to oppose the Turks and a !Mfg, and bloody war between Persiii and Turkey ill appreherpled. -flahri -Paella, it is said has oaken conaVnand in place ef l'Etiar Packa. Letters state that the Kurdes tyere itnielly huntingthe Nestorians in , the mourtfains,,and, as patiehtlYwailingthe'arlivid elf the Turk I • h troops t. act ligairtst.them. , ) Pedr , Khan , has 'return oft to, Pi pFi cp!)Av,liia he was Jortsfying , in tumos fo,crniciabke trptoper, l „ :, ,I Thlif44 ilib - slibstileit Ofall Life intelligence ,frArp theiNestbrittnrii , The , irdnbleg'hadttitit ' reachedProomiah. nor indeed had authentic, iibbifutits of them been received there at the latesti,dafes,l:l Thiv tiatiinreh 'who *ns irnPa loll, aceiiirtling r to thp.reivAeeK ot, last ,month„ 74q 4 1 .,3°1 t' a /i nn t'', 1 , sr. 1 ~ t f iziiiit i o' . s4l , if oiilfAn' ft7pv,---'ilya follo '' ;' ... .:14!?ealilq,' kiaieli'4ite'4okliitl y t'p' l glioi-,.._ s t t iori of:, in adiTierisitY jiff: 11 41 i #1,11/ 111 ,f UilfsfaaiNZ(elaVeT: fti k ltiA l ottncinq th e ' Vail; 0? dig iiiiiiiiiAit k'eaitilil A ' ll '''' ' "'" _ . ' -9 F! Mf4pealret,...thetingenuityjol ••gricit will - Writr altelep?, 0( A - 1 4104(0 4 ~ tlettreFf,s,Weetvr". Vat haAa sifted "the eacumstance6 of Mr. igtpitti'deitth;'ai i thil a'abutfclifit'indai.g.itha :lagretilerpe':of , voeit)i . .And'efriend4hite mrif Inkerr;uCtieit.foM6o3l.3bitWitelPt to WAX. butt herflesVflußgt, l # l l;#47 •, , Al% ',,? tattacelled b'Sons ` erationspxwar ly Ten' rott . Ttl r a ost, tho ß ol4,lo,pur, l u m maiikil, need Willie' turrieViowe ehbin'ikiquiitthe 'Ude tiltWifiti' arid lehiltliatt :ftiattled terhis • 1101": as le.: eiphikcbtt , That l honld he i &oat tint see more, uPP ilerl)lvbAre. l 434PPY: l,loic,ear to lift the youl whit screens the solitatyittneat alt nerteme.pabliolgage4; The, gYbill*?i.PP Stc:Mq4mirlf i rgob , c;nriiii l l) l4o , grosgl or the Sanignar,y o butrd tulle. , r l'ili lee 'Viet liittroiliold'' with 'thiS t'aiiiiicaia ' ullieh are.balm to the. heart machtesore ,by. Vrovidenee. T h ere-i s a God whole trm is ,impeu ad ' 'the ' oithati•, - ah tl ' 'the' iridbet , ii•taltii ' dioß in the hol eta!of Eluv*heral.#l`lP.l ' . l - 4li fit • .• '•l V•it fi re , broke,put itt4e4pisvilleAart'yeek; tatTNYATillugrot - crisho.: • *, lliffE=l EZZE MI . . , ~" . Distress. in. Dela • " It 4' If the various e eats whip. reac, tut die not greatly, exaggerated, the most appal inglhetress exists,.in Ireland, from the scar city orfood. ; An Irish paper receivediby this _er saa,w . . e Hibernia steam entreat our readers attention to the following, shocking descrip tion of the-state of..Skibbereen,.and the aut., maling , district of W ; est i qrbery, in. the • county of Cork; Piemisid,thatit is only an . aggravated ePitonie of the suiletingi of thir poor starving peasantrr in other districts. It is by Mr ; L'arpritina, a county magistrate, who thus writes to the . crake of Wellington,: .wentr ori. thajtthinet. to Skibbereem and' ,to give the, instance,al -- euelowlend. district which' I'visited, as an example of ,the state of the Odle coast diatriet, I shall State simply what I .there.saw. is situate on the east ' elm. side : pf Castlehavedharbari and is named. South Been, in the parish of Myross. Being , aware that a should have to witness frightful liunger t , 1 provided myself with as re, ; :ibi lt bread as five, men could carry, and reach- ing, the spot L was, surprisetiA; ; find the wretched . hamlet .apparent' deserted. I els to ascertain the entered some of Are hei r cause, and thO rceneg' that presented them selves. w.evf' such, as .no,toirgae, or pen can eon7r ilre slightest idea of, In: the first, six .7Tiiished and ghastly sWeiet_ons, to.all appear. mice dead, were 'huddled in a cornet on some filthy straw ; their sole covering what seemed a ragged horse chith, their wretched leas hanging about naked above the knees. found - by aloiv • ramming, they were alive=they• were in fever, four children, a woman, and what had once been'amen. It is impossible to go through the detail; E•utllc6 it to Say, that, in a.few -minutes, I Was surrounded by at least 200 of such Jhantoms.L.such frightful spec.: tills no words can describe. By far the greater number were delirious. either from fairrine or from feyer. Their demoniac yells are still,ringing ,in my years, and their hor rible images - are l fixed upon my brain. My heart sickens at the recital, but I must go on: In another case, decency would forbid what follrAvs.i but it roust be told.• My clothes 4, were nearly torn oil in my endeavor to es cape from the throng of pestilence- around, when my neckloth was`seized from behind by a grip which compelled me to turn. I towel myself grasped by .a woman with an infant apparently Jest born in het arms , and the remains of a filthy sack across_lierloins —the sole covering of hersell'aml - babe.— The same morning the police opened a hOUSo on,the adjoining lands, which was obierved shut for many- days, and two frozen corpses were tetrad lying on the mud floor, half devoured -by the rats. A mothes, herself in feyer, was seen the same day to drag out the corpse of her child ii girl about 12, perfectly naked, and leave it halt covered with stones. In another house -- within 400 yards of the cavalry station at ,skibbereen, the Dispensary Doctor found sev en wretches unable to move, under the same cloak. One had been dead many hours, but the others were unable to move either them- Selves MYthe"corpse. , Equally disheartening is what follows from, the Monaghan Standard : • Ihe state oldestithtion in this neighbor hood is absolutely afriglitful. In every street, at every corner, lean and cadaverous beings meet your eye, lamina in the lace, want in the hollow glance ; emaciation in the wast ed frame, and yet they do not die. Strange how much suffering the body accustomed to want can bear before the spirit wings its flight+ It has not yet been ascertained how little man can live on. ~.Menwho led Moderately in other years are suprised how:they are they get so little now, The able-bodied la borer is no long er so—,he is haggard and fa mine-N.9M, T here is no charity among those who gave ninety per cent. of the alms to the country—the farmers; they are buying them selves oats; flour is Is. 6d.,per stone, and is sold to buy mpah l the horses are.starVed, end the family, li4 , e.a vessel in ,a calm is on half allowance. The poor-houses are tilling with rightful rapidity. :This strange -combitiation of odd qualities 1'0( which leaves ono in..doubt,whether he is more Innstie, buffoon; knave ,or.fool, made 'a speech last week 'ln Congress "all tiboul,nLalout" the War With Mexico. It ~was full of egotism', and his intention seems to have been rather to I.tartle people with what he crated his "or iginal antl,novel v.ipwr than any .thing else. In the course of his hirangue' he said -L-and, •Such sentttnenta render' himp)?ifitct ul the deepest ppy 'or tilest burn inehaligutt .tion-4hat Lie wail one of those' wlfb, ..and liteild die in 'the' beefi*tliat the capture, of Capt. Thornton; the' murder of taiiis,lptid the ,loaq of Porteroivre themost'' fortunate eirewit stances for the United S',tigps... It broke thefiipr il . eethurne . on (lie'stde whiCh., they Al l ' E ldtmot , know what wit licfpro. , War, ffreaght them at ioneelo'h state ojtliings which lie war., llecVas most fortunate; and though they heard a 'greaNigl ~laboutf44, ini,tfortaries /and calamities Of Tar,,Vth_jt. was , very l .tallc'abour ,the _ik ,Qt agog „mimeo ; yet , ite,,wouldc. , A :like any to tell him what these oolaina- ifetilkyerc jor fie (sad note hen:tip/ it `#l l f*(l, Is it wefficmoPASiffic fonfiim..4+ oriyAtial; , ,heletly ,Fleanf p lqistonipfrithop;e by his'exttiviroce. •, ia*.rtlati v y v , ho is sO atllslPlinf'l9 e.=; t.O himself 2,. _ poollious. 9r4ejealtkOr..a.Pruper.peracit totbe placed at ,. ,the. head of the Committee fif F:preiga !)flnira of thoilonewatl2ejireeenialt4l4l - 1-Tehlii-ef:—= 'the'r4he , ldOody•apirit of eligethekirniiehiel' ~Tioui,dieposittop, O f,a mopkey,''hi iiptea* Ir.! responsible for anything. t fiat , Ite, , berf 6 ei, y:tir ; dor) He 'Milers elite loseobrixveriiffider#,!", And rifookeot the eglainittiaa'Whielf win' 'has ' -I,;irquiht upon • the coutitty.w ',that thly. t'‘ , ;gapittwgraiies;if, iiluivitibSt`afr.i),aaf#'il And .tri ,- liattle'Lory'Adlenil ati ti` the !Wail of the. bite l eaved'thlviii,lhOutylhcrti .hind 011 tofaffeier Me leitaiK,i'Wefier A i vinglNeioit o tlitintii:therlithlkkOihaqiii) 'Claret; the catie;ltt I ,theit'iltdaftSrtetieitl:l, Artanate'itetenf /hiekei'lle't(Poo,lefi r t I } lo lo - kal i allfittvg 2 ' ~R.z..-TP:O-xl" Jig., has Oeither sense to perceive '? ' , 1ffe'qi,910481,441; 4;gtrfisNi4 it4oll nor lIIINICIIICAVNinikOVOI; c P , P10$4 1 : OD, i iffic 1;741 ,zocni , f or a vt , wea te*d:tligiloll l lWK ireurit rtti =I lIE IMMO tlf XXIV Charles J. 'lngersoll-the Tory. 1 n L