Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 03, 1847, Image 1
LIE MIME im{tenil nv)in Ticts.v.; I , •J : 4'. t • ME ~~ ,iii, 111. 77: • " , 41 10 - 1 1 • ‘• • •••• , 00r , M , ll at—rrt,4 t=l DTOCTOTh 11YErts , Chkr A s -gbdi t i te d. -neptityr; XUESON ;in lilt Drug r atkd 4o,okausine.o. 'J ., • A - 'A n dip th tirrongitto e flnetor , l4 R S O' "en hlsd to we' attention to Me dn. titti,,q(444 r.forosti;tott ,• :• • • '• • • eptoptlter 30, t844.7.,1rti5. .IZll : til f d% . &A - Sk . : tia" . ll"ll4r4 s 1. 40'ne40.thic ysietn; • -ortftcE , i AS* b6Cd(lied brDr. ^00,11114;•Airrill; Vp: TAPOW4::: Operaimon utinn the vr 'reeth that ire herinired for their preset.- Iratitnioneflai ', irmi II restoretheloar of theni , by. I nsert Ar ilicial Teeth, from x single l'nethi4to a full 'sett. (I. l 3flicie4o,,E4 . 4.Ustrecticifeaa doors South o (Ake i.).,,1. f 00its is wQl.heahment from ta r @le the lasttendays,,in each month. •., _4441,1844, 4PAng4.3r." 1 00414:.**143,113', .44 4.44 ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1011710 4 ,priteticeiii the severtil Courts of Cum ....iserlanitssal.tite.Autioining counties and at, *gni small , professinnal hosioess entrusted to his ogre with prtiintittiessAntlfidelity: • ' fi'9hufh liniinser 'street, i n Craliam's nip the Post Office. Ang net tt?i, y. . • '• @.giURIILAIP) Attorney at Law. i in. _s tAtitover slleel,a lea clona; IL/ hpinw .1: 11. GrAlsimn, Ju1vt , 60845: • • EIMENI DENTISTRY._, ,GCS • 'Salt U ViOECZAND2III/, • • r .spluiT FMY' 'the public, 'hut 1:1. 1110 i 1111 e lit•lf An Office in Sunlit Illunotee %tree!: tieteriy Opposite the 'Cost -Office, he is pre •pared pelibtleilllKN'llt I itY, in all its brsn. blies: Geld tee Ali are essendat to 6rttJlh,besides asturiti or Artilinal one .nee pot only useful hilt itranivisetittilloutil nth; t-t thu.cottifoll dt the,srearer. It need no{ be bntlatl lrltnt can ht aline to the "teeth , titillice it to sa',ll4 e4ry defec: cull reweilied, acid, hell; 'ret:tit rerun n On•jettite to entti.'ti set. Itsvin had onside- A e.pitactice cut a mnt years,gont re er lanais will be given to Flitch, on reqWee Ulu best proof in the sfieratiiiii, which will in nll &veil he perfot`tArel—i-iy the•niont careful rriontier and At pripha t.o,nitit the occasion and tlis: Petition wa . kkeil on ••ntsliple residences, either hi town or ei+l9lry., wit linitt,,extra altarte. He nll. ',v. ' , roil,,,t_a t id u once,sts hnve . „ or at his reiiiiience in 111.1. Streut,onedoor north cit •••iirtble. tittent Itt 1. attend in the repoiring.nt Wotchenrinil ,letvelry, al hitt face In South Hon ree Street. A I<o , 11. A.VING neatly exer,- hll. RW attention and siiilllkletceution of his %sprit. he hopes to relteive owl hereby solicits shore iir t mioie patrooa q e. .- 'eitrll.le, April A, 411. • 1-IARRISI• TURNER, & IRVIN • A' WHOLESALE DHIAGISTS, n. 2ot market stred, PHILADELPBI.4 Iniporteri And 'Wholesale Dealers N . Drug a ,Itedlo»es, Chemical+ Is, Patent Me d , Woes, Surgicall and o..stetrii i a I Instruments; I ragagists ,(Ilassware,Winalow o.ass, Paints,Oils ifyea. Perritniery a tca. Rte. Druggists, tinaintry Nierchants.and Physicians l' I Rupp tea with the shove articles on the must fa iorailile twins. Strict and prompt attention paid !rOrders Every article warranted. utty ll sues, M. 1)'. ' .lArar l .i A. TunvEß. lately of Virgido. Wca.i.t a aat Ini:tir, M. I) • Phi ladelphia, Sept.:W. fki r. —y. tit Ilbt EL FrontiiT pit the Cusstrliptil -03111DMIqgo .3 ) &0 • • ATEOlterit tly Gen.rtAllllls , FentbOteeine m. been liken by the subscilbe'ri'l It is hewlY ri f i f rick**lllloftrirtjiof!yugtiiiieii i teateilpni enll 4 e er te i tiwil,itt ; LAl 4 ae,TilivAti to call. - 'fern . ; ni4 , leitatp;, a,nr :b3terY . latent inn. pa id co: the ; .ei'nrititi t and, e c iiraenitutee,iir . thee° who patronizel.itedestehlishment, • • ;$, WISittOTT. Carlisle, April itiltl4.s.' 4 . , , ttdit #21 7 54 4 :3•1 ' ... : ' : "Er PO hie liVrVicee' to the 'iriuhlie.„.ttlav ing lidat . seasrat yqn.rle,aperienee ;salads f:I ether ' awthit,ying in pis pestailifin..tho vale:i- 0a" colleal i en of pa re r, me de. bi. Kin; he' hopes by care awl' ' tit:Wail,* to 'bbiilOCtiiiretif. liublia pair Oillbe In ,oublin, square,. immediatelp in . . i p t the rear or the:Crormlitittser ', : ..:, Carlisle, ni.A 2K,.; ~,, ~,.. '..-',.'."„'„ ,,..,k . , N I 86•;' SCIMPUBTO, .i:K10U12644#43a4Z, Piiit'Qa4tiltea2en . N LOOlrifirel Vll.ll;ll:WrielitivAtid;O:riViiff d y es P.'II 4,IO .9O9I I OIIIIIIIr,aI. ail: eq ors,and rsrritid 511,W01116 neliskistretory.; Orders in hipline respectfully Carlisle' Septilitlie . W2,llB4fi-t-1 )•, • • 74,, Au t..... _ v°"91". " 1" 1 1 ' ail° everktaxillele4h , stock inii tan . erg ,Igir e , • Am& iiiihtllo i p. IV' t e • trdrP Ait i I,ard# vitli 7r 4i iA* qiiiio.ohtt.t 93- ° "'"'" l ' . " 44 " l r l f 14,..1m6,013fiff.,",,,t0n t . tond 'up( n iottnfi.4, I .!: .1,,w - i;E1i , EL.1.4017: , , 'MD STANit.V. NS , ' 1 !f•e ~, . . ' - i ws• ~ t , n . * 113114:1TrAlngrt0 I ~, 4, 4 '''.it, , os 'K ‘• Ann OLD SPAMSEICIGAraettivao .tAtUU l lPit t fltuten tiViVattill ElutOtioatit . . A‘,lBll P PARS, rot talpita,tid S:edudes_t i * * , s'l4.qOper Vtauiand, at ittalifialfthilb• * .Tilerrp9 l 7litt.Street;Psrliele. :' • .. k 4 :,. ' *, 4IO AiiiiIIIIERIE' P 'AIIY#* 1314 1 r41-ntylik!,‘, ~* it, hseortment ,so as amo k . ineseetaress . , r 144.10, . A tee details. -,',, -'--- -• , George . knee,. , . i ,, , , ., IL ~ , • ----* - - 7, — . .--- • .. : :', •:' z .• ..,J• , • 11 '- ° - ' '''`,..' 31":1 '' "I ''' l '' l i '" fi ' l ''' ( ;'' ''' - " 4.12 : 0 ' " • 4 ' 44 ' ''' '". •i " ''' • ~., • 1117ifi.91/1. in -r - piron•Jl,J;zltit.;!.•rto44^.4•!:97el;/ 7. , •. ft,tytYJA'l 11 . ) rt;:, - 13 'J' In silt, 11r•J: .1" 1441 ' 4 . J 11) - 77 ' 77- : -..--7.17---777--- ' " ' ,J-ii ~ .t. • - r -4--, m , t - J - Jrl' n 3 : !' 1.,Tri . : ,, gri. , . - - ,, EIT ' s --- - - - Ab—... ''., t , ' --; , 1 , ' . id , r , ;• ,,,,,, -f 1 - ' ‘ lttfuliti trataitr,'ll 9111! col,•• ..151,nim . ; fii , r, 7 , ,i , , , :-. pi -(1 - 1';..1,i: NA ll liiel ”: - ..- 1 / 4 ". i.', 11 , , ,, j• . • .:f :,,-. .. ',,,, ••1 jo, ') •, - [ - 11, f.• 1.!;• 4 Irtii :Willi r qJtl, JJ , v...• ;J.l . 1271 1 1 ...'•/ 7)11 , 0 TE , ,,,,,,., •,,,,4 4 ,1forft ;11,; ,,, . 1,2:- / P....1 .. .41 in , •. Ij; •,,I • , I ••1 . 2 ~ • ~ ~111 .{, fi — 4'l . 11 1 ' .t .' ,..iV . Z . . I ‘ •-• 1 .. ll 1 , 11 on 1 .// (.., - nio , Q . ) 1 ,, d'or , '" ' I • ' • ' ''' ' ' ' ! u ' • ..., ,j, • ) .1, • .., '' ...„) jr. kr it ' ' . ..briii l i la. it, 1 , , ,, ,,g1 f, ; ji ~ m 11 ti„, , '4 1 1?:,:t 1. t, ,:;4 4 tt,,,P ! . 6 ,,,;,,e . ! 1.1 •,,,./I• ••.. ; /i). ..,•,i(I, ;l " I . - ti ' i? ' . ‘.....• 1 1. i•' 1 1 1.4 .''''''''' I 1 '. . 1 '''' .. . • ' 111 • ..' • , , i i._, ti,, '..n a, , ' ... 1 i )/: 7 1 ' I , V• • • • • ' -'. ', 1 17'!.111 I f• Jul) , ;144-.J1,.. .. /i 0,1 f. r it,tl 1 • Nif -• 1 “;' ii:':', 44 44`ln ) 1'• 2 ", "I,'' . ' 1 , , • .•••• , 1 .. f. 1/1 ' l' , "'• ' 4 l ' : • '•,- n•t I; ••••••:•1 , -, 41 , e, , ,1' ~ - • _. ,• • , r ; • ‘2, 7 ••••.,,, , , ~, ,; . , .... I . r ' i • . . "- .4 ) ',-7.Y ~.. ~,,, ,i ....; ~ „, -, -- - -.. ,0 I, , - c ”(-, :1111 , 1 .1.7 , 4 - , ! , 4 t h, .. i .• .: .t , , •,:; ~/ . ~ • y I . 1 pA •• : I ,yi , .J.r ' I ,{ l l , - ~" ' •,.., .. '.1.3nr, -', C)• , •71 ~,,,{ i i.). • ; i*, I 1.7 • j„,, , , , j, y ... j, )j • • • 1, A. 7'...1q • I .. f ' 1, '•'' ~ .! ~ .I'—.., • ''\ ..-',.;‘ _,,lll4U' ''' . -4 1•31rie .ft ii-WJ , JJ ,1 J 11, 5,J. 6, .'l Fll` .4 , • '. ;, ... ,' "• ' I., ,ll 1, , ; ~ :,,, ~,, ; j,„l ... .: ;4 , ~,, ,.. 72_,.7.- - c.,..._. .. 7 , ...;,...„,....•,,,-"%,,, ~ .r , , , t i . „. , [,,,, , 1111 , 1 Jun fl W•lthti,,, .. ••I NIII ift"..1 ? ...,....A . ,7-7546.0- ,1,N1A., .... In, A 0717 .64 .....V.. 1 •it . , . ' -z.J11.7 . .)Ift .... ,....,1 - ` . ,• 7 ~, i! ,, ••14). 1 , 1 ,•••/1f• , ~1•., , jj4l), ~,, : • , q -,, vr r,rx!)lsl •,:, ~ • ", , ~. . ,-,-; , ..I. 1,, !, A PI;; 1. , ,t Aswite, ' .* \ ~ ~.," . , . 4 „., a . ... ~ , ~,,,. ~ , ,,,A , ,,, . .4,, , ,....,,..n...„.,,e;' , ~ 4 . ,i,, , ;, , ; (0 ,1 71; .2,1111113 . 1111)/4741d.libri j ', , "1 it.)11•)i•••41.2'.7t,, ,- 7fir r i.'irkii , r;••,l3 ii 7, : , ' .` •k .. • ~ , I=l ( 3):131iIt - S.:tlV.tfqlW 'PUBLISHED 'EVEItY *EDNESDAY: . .)17PICE' Oa Sqiiiirti,rbheirCofthe C6P;rtillotor . TtRMS I 0 WBSCOT lON.. r .5% tttliaa ieim Oily 44)47W ypq I, nialt.A. rwo Dolluti., Weald Within:ll*Year. )ne Otitlar for.sis montha. •.' ••• • • • These terms,wlll he rigidly nOteirl to. • " 'OATES. , ADVERTISING; • • iktdvirtleemeiita,makin g flftden lines orient, Win be rouged at the rate of Filly cents, for one insertion,— htenihnie ttrio'bollar, andivernty-five cents for Vets, inthsenthent ilbsertion. Yearly:nilierthiers will • beabareed at the following rarest.' • • • One iChltyron witlithe iihiper, for ope year, 023 flair?! cvtlitrin; A., . 13 Two sqllariep. wiehnnarterly 'changes, $lO Ihwippsecards,wttli thepaper, . • 1* 1105' JOB MINTING ,iIF EVERtDESORIPYION, - sue h an , Ilandbills, ' Menks, Citulars and every othp t her descript lon of Piintind, 'ertited ha iummely nrh xprditienslt. and, or, , to LOW rnicEq • • . P .1 TA the Maim of,Higtory,.Verched on her elnclowheeled Car .wer the, door, fronting the Speaker's ,Chalr, in the Hall of the linage of 'Representatives orthe tint - ted Staten. Mean. quite thy car! home down upnn the floor. And with thee bring that volume. in thy hand: Tap with thy marble knuckles at the &mt. —And take-at-n-Yeporterht-desk thy-standi roand thy album and collect a score Of autographic !Intern of the land. •kivite each Solon to an his luting, self-recoil:led candidate for fame. ( s oy?! speak thy tlinuelits, hfitnrir mhos, of all that plisses In illy ; Si,,. oh whose tips prrsiinsion love. to dwell ~ Point out the champions rampant for the fight. Nerd Winn n snue wild tumult% rngedn'quell. And ears all listening with intense delight.? Behold them gmlirrine nt their country's Cll la — Sim. me the stnA ascendant, gtbat and shin I. Comel IPI its Mk. insprytion of the nail Two MinAVM men nail twenty-live arc there, Rents in cohrentric rireles hold *kern And front Ma Thee the Speaker chair, With clerks , before him oil 1111,11 In rail, And elm the daily Journal in their care. At him right bah(' the keeper of the annr. While beardless pages trip arotlnd the floor. • Cutoutltia's eagle, perched - Inm the mace, Proclaims the session Open fol the day, The tnal% of God impinreSUf Henvetillui'nence, And Moire and pretanetdi.seem talrov. • BUT prover sincere courferFiniii can cnnst thou look hto the heart and toy } rehld hut tlm V nice Ards mous prnycl. Unread, What foe cnitld prosper with our God, our friend? T s. Well In altarlicate the tiny with prnYer ; It KI-tenks the riders of a Christian land, It tearhea of foul popsinns to ' Anel hits the banefu*** kinilnese to ertiand'"' Oh' a 6 koy the aernnhin, micht.shive„ lb Ilero el e'Cnd In pee d'fientilit stand I In *nimble penitefke their/albs confearr- And tuft. Ia 4tttl-triliiie4bn'ttbd•tcrblerit---- . . fht• shall not proper nnoentlink to the nky, an torek pet iiipo to the Thittne of Flolll i• now tirns. in clikrof hroftle t r hr tie _ , 'Thatkriito in ityn:lptitity the ninon core) Shell not the otipplirnett to no on Well. Find nr rninpnapinn in his heart npinre I Iltn riping Frain his kneer. in furlinn turn, Aad Frain 110 feet the humble suitor spurn 1 • AIaF for tinge In the heart of moil : Arrimierl tralbe:• dint Ihnn prosper Frill I Crentlnn'm Lord: may feehleinorthl learn The final pntpose oftthy holy will!, Witt thou not ' , peed thy Itleitsine nn the plan The deed of man', redemption to Nth. That while 'hit earth reenters her doily roan! Not on her purthce shall one slave he (mind. • Of rend add evil . whn shn It dine• the lihe Whio matchless hantlishall sever right from wfnhgl Lord God ittivelantent, that hand is Mh% Strength of the weak and weakness nf•thesirbhg; Richt Is the parr:rw of thy whole design. The lows to thee anti thee alone helnagi nr irintinl man beyond I lie Isoinded railk : Right is eterr♦nl and con never change. • • And when thrntighnut fite cheetteretd scene of life Than and thy nnighhnr ernes curb other's path; When adverse interests fester 'no strife, And rfccirpnesinns kindle into wrath. Itestisiniity Lund ntaltrnsp the deadly knife, , Ili:ly In rescue thee from death, • , him kneel— the fountstn.blsll might, Anti bend-tici'snut to hts helieSt of Right, • •t Alhl Country trrlght fir. Wrong.. Nnr shed th,y Idorelfnr an.unhanneeed cause, Th. llfe ate I ffinu bast to her belong, ' And free ssilunisslnn In her riabtenue lawn. Dad Justice bolde no halahre fir the etrpne t.-11 114 swnrd In ntnellnn ,wrong she neder dratvi. Olen. thy felinity wimples on the riabt, Furl up her banners, and a Yert the eight. ' Tha • • Working rlsi , ~• • fluppy g.irls—Who can; but love there ; With 'cheeks like the rose, bright eyes, and elastic rep, how cheerfiilly they go to work. Oar reputation for it, such girls will make excellent wives.-131essed . indeed Vv'll those, doh, thl lvho Secure shell prizes. i cpnlyeat with these contehted, CheerfUl Sinilitig girls those who do ,nothing but, all day „anil whO De.Yer earn 'the bread they erit or, the Shoes they wear fire lanepid aha firm orie oreekli‘ Odd to'llie ether: Whn Vet a kiriOtpn,ansl. a phPinjay would preter one of tile ,latter, if he were looking lorecompan ion Ole ns this x+Prklng girls.—They are' Witill.their weigh` See, $914, 'thin eing.filriiig, jump.dnOn fet:to .steer clear Of a fpitler gy f hr'rkeitlitYe act' Ogee' hi - vr .htiour they meet tea; they speak 4gitliout' patting. "chi'hdo•.e'ti silt y hr hhc.v ,oh to bettit' ' and you'7,dei'. as - ivere ratio heiing,dOd' • obt ehtliii"ph to ili'4l)4 off,ttleie ! chthcotti hitruf EVAI roof tiOn'thehli.anttiitt: '•::ttiq'ciiitifil'i.i've'tiorlffk l fotthh 00011,9 f! .tri!orlOhir - loslie!, 71)6 are:aolgt: atrovel them ifYflrY; 10hyloh, ,aboV,e thrtigljk. Hg • „‘v sir:3ltietii jot') whij yiintifOlveti'!hroligh lifh::iTtiyh":slViiir Ica( au& .bigii), qiOt atiltuman immOr-,' ittan,{ and ' otplaythingtici othdr ., vapeditlYon ,. be:happitarai flinbilierve 1 theitlisigith Wyatt!' oiiietarictigiPordantlir/W bunt, (Si inin., , vs{ - 46111111•1114111111110M ' iv-P , . . ...i . 1.. The Newl•nryjort Herald tells the tallow. ttrg- Pelit. oOrtaneddet6F 4 ''' 4 ""P'''''" , " 3 "' , A rap',al,tee del:fell/7 APT . - ,. ' rg stn i °4l ll ;7 7P IA ; Fl l )ITY In d ; I ,, tiat rilly,9. tmvi i r ~.. ~; t , , t . i 0 ,="Hela'a'fritier,ind AO' 4164" i Hi 6 itie`ttliiii rik Walt lithii r : i 6, aageth'eif is a 6111er wall Ao have fieV he ' increlidt e.uited by anoh , ;„tr iskali:what rat here an ' , lN lv lllttfY44)l'' At Itllcilfl l e!gfliP,lPlAve • I . l PEMLlT9Nr4loit4...4n.i..op i r w il l/. k `11):0 1 . t Having aeriveapoArmil, age Alb„g(e f STP I / 1 0/al'Aa)opx, l 4 l.9,t , _sq ,, , i it i kvjggpui rptilluseq,r ,, a9 e mPtilkoffi:mml ligsfoll .11A ', 4 Pcii#4,* 4 49l9cflalw,4 `1,, - , . ~. i, i • y, h -,,,,,nrrmnry-of,,,, r "i i ‘r 12 116 4 -0 g igfe.gelfole7 la. ,wr Iip.TH,,T-, al 1 . 'Me Nit eXCIAPE(g , Pall rr I.eark ,14,14:0. pat:* , wheiLtmmt , gPiii!liA,939 , 'linvmoviefille, ,diaik. ' ' Rom t~ ~.:_ ~: OE ' f- lIIMITJ liiirourtftvio / I§VJOHN QUINCY £D•NS 11„1, 4 , . PNPXI=.I...."2=W'I4PV:e.WQBiVI.IUN:MBAIZSAaipRapur...;; I " M=EMNRITINI •.,!' • '? . 1 , lbeFterotld,az piphiltdt. The The mind of man, in its mitinh'und its ca , 'qit: Ai • mighty power which, hp . s hay coned the duill't of ivhfell ‘our binsieni' And , ,mortarpert 'Tbonght, feeling, and reasoning' are s ite aftribbies';, its essential poverties are coinehle'rit of the soul 'ltself- Its operations, especially wlren favitii•ed by nature With 'unusual powt. ers 'are sucking and Wondetful, grh sucking mental.ability is one of r4re!'s ;rllftdl. conterrini; and; entitles the. recipl'ant .to out .respect and adiollration. The kniritl might compared in , its power t .io a. .strink i ed , y ristru merit', VIM" notes of which range,,,liumfgti life whole uctale of human feeling; begining with the ordinary 'ton e 'of Pal rh re II pstion , atml. run_ n,ing to the highest pitch pf feeling of Which the sensibility of our tiaturq,,ls capable.— When held by the skillful' oralor What tender ebeird of the human heart does he not touch ! Th'e passions and emotions of onr nature rise ottedient to his call. d i rief. , •pity, sympathy, horror and admiration are excited at 11,is will. The silent audience stand submissive anti at tentive to his will. The — stare - Ornament efforts of the mind too are evidences of its_power. The imagi nation of a Milton and a. Shakespeare, the reasonings n 1 a Locke , and a Newton, the efforts of political : wisdom, iii,l,very,era, of the workl?s history, the days of Solon and Lycurgas down to the memorable era of the Americ_an_llevolution, these are some of the , nobler and higher" triumphs of iniman Igenius. ~ The history of the world is but a record of the triumphs of the human mind. ' Regtintit as it was when it first became the habitation of man, and as it is at the present time, and what mighty changes have taken place.upon its surface. Man went forth from the ham! of his Creator destitute of every thing but the intellect. The world lay oeforehim. as the field of his labor. - It lay in all the -grandeai .f.chanticAtonfusion._lle_spieact-himsotlever, its broad. surface. Town and cities 'aeon rose from the midst ot the wilderness. The forest fell before the efiorts of his industry.— The - wildness and confubion of the primitive' earth wermecion•ohanged.jnio the regularity of the cultivated field, and a busy Mrongpf men snnn occupied the place o} the forest and the liar of the wild beast. And what has accomplished this? Nothing but Me l mighty, power of mind, which wields and directs - tlarlattriatilwriie but as tin instrument' for accomplishing its designs. ' . 'nun now to a darker picipre„the mind ofs man deprixed of its balance, reason thrown . from her seat. 'What n picture to pride - of intellect ! The wild eye : the hurried man ner, the frantic gestures of the-insane' man are painful to be cold. See the maniac as he rurtles in his straw, nod struggles with -the chains that bind him.; and now; with; piteous thoan and wild outcry laments the restraint tinder which ho is kept. Such a sight is cal. ciliated to remind to the' happy portsesser of a Well regtilathh mind, abbe inestimable, , 'ad. vantages which he-enjoys, - as ,well as, of aid precarious tendre • by whioh,he holds , thri pleasures and blessings of soeic!),....A;tl' im teresting;rellebtion,cenneeted With, Oh i o ut.), ject- of the mind's-.essential properties ariudi frem• the fact that as its' substance is imniate itiid, its existence is alsB eternal. Not that its immortality necessarily results, from i!s ..1 immateriality,but its eternal duration is hence eirclered highly Piiibable. Another fact from , Which %;, , :e may deduce with certainty the im rmortality of the living principle within us, is that of our future existence. Inspiring thought! That principle Which gives life to our minds, and works within us in Mir dhoughtful,mo. merits amid theitrife and tumult of the buisy World ). arid in the secret retirement Ofprivate life,,, B.e., l h r i l ppyer to tlectiy,.tait to speed an eternity of liefrlgin a future and an un known World. Death only lifts thSf veil wide] Conceals (rein Mir 'e . iii the inviliNe iveirlt NEO . S. „r- ME Carlisle, January 4501,147. ~. • • ( SINGULAN QuerroDu-r-Itia..:statedAy, -wlio-keep-nightWateirtint-the' menagi3ttesq that , in engem cObel'e there tre mord thurilone viiirmil, it is-aluly's the to keerrwach mhile - tturotheroile - epThkiieli4 try-,is retieied with ae mndh'reeularity . r-a ,- -welltregtfitiled-v4itnp=otldiersolltlitiugli( tioty. probably, viith , at much , p'recision in ° g"tirtllttPtime. Thesentinel.paces baok•lnui , ftiphildn&isveryientefulitiovtb llatirntititi:hisecimtatied.f .oecasiortnilytelieS fdo y but ttiWaybiwithshis ,, headtowatdttithd front gf . the! . ettite,4 aud hetier - sleepil %%1;011 . 614 ,16eved. .•• -It •i t wo: ti ''A , Gent/. ‘ttewall, l tt n , t el nitier l'eto 11116 1 Statenqbell yatict a • - viAt fie Itnith iVii)',Deltiobran the follbleli4gArilletlini:l 41 tAlfelitit,inol entio,le, - , hitat "iiielderitinlyi placed 1 1i3tP ftbile 1 hal tablipT "round nearly, all one..thaunnitinia tt ell " arid litiny or /k e e n! .•niteicot eIF til ;Midi rillie'elea' btelertedr belly.Mbripetlir , oa - EL ; v l § i l t o • ihis j a?antry some hiraierbcctlielent '2aljnlYidliyittlitl , With eliatflpOkfAtiiiniVial' , WhhthinyplnStitibi. efe4o7l 2 0 CaMInty4Air;l •Thidoltlr n'tkinb 1,411i1t big iBl ' ' -WWII taffy Illthitairtlwri j i 4e: ll ,ol"Anic tY,:yinty bide '0 Whreta ionbiltVpitintill Okitly "Vol 12.q4 " 6 "' 1'. ,01,11 ~ ,., . '44ollLlti;SENTastxT44:r t iVirbenitSin ;Walter . SpattilFaaaged,npt to.prop theilaUinfeeredit ofilialt o 9 l fifitthille f d repliettitt 4iTr i emi u , naaallityirlehdrmitatt(igedaAn l'eArrlP find, I 401.Whia;:tioal, that anemias, are taiti. , ) • ••-' • 'e' _ ‘1 , 4(1 , . 1!) tinl.if ...,:,. 71 ,r 1 " IV r 'l , ' 'li t iii r ! ! !''. • ri.. ' ,tter. AVM. ....e t• . ...Y ~o . lini.l , ~. 1 , IkiiSK'sl.6 . . We lay before, enrol adent IVI thi'lli.l 411 letter, Which tells . ,its own, Stray. to? , ~ need,inment. It .is hut fusty, tom'eller, lofts heroic triter, whose Courage At44lfilgo , merit ate - equalled only by 'big horfigoitrAiid mricregty., toinitethat 11 was ritifttettl6 ) 4thiter friend and relative, now resident fiVilifil!fiify l . • ' "endeared:kV hiiii by 'reki in' hti v l. 9ri tail i coI •per- • sifitiat liitir4ci"tri tvhditt Irikiribtlirrigialriiiii• ~. 'iitp6sei, bpinieriit'indTecli,l4, willuintihe leaseitiverae.: - Thisfriend' VF;xli.y ! ii ".7 lA i ire ' l ldkeri the libeitY of tn 'airing ti rilliii l nC ( 111 e '' ) Mri-'. •' h•itt•Jon, , 'cation' df 'find 'rlatite, At' 'lief t .. e• recent manifestations of th6eriviciue:riiillgri4 ' r i.,, ' 1 AdMillisiratibri and its'•srvtvritii'aild . ).. ' f ends tolvartls the Mari 'ithci'Sfrifie 11'4' tia l t4ii them 4 l and the ocirihtty 'train the erd it'istjue i rrieri'rif 'their' rashiteitS,' ignorance . Arid' iridliPridity ritak'kittimeriStilir and just thiat'llie . 6116/ of 'llieir•ba'se 'dethiction should, at thii''' 4 ,4iiicril moment, be head in his own, defen4y the Whole'peciple, in his own:sirriiple',A.rirll;h'onest lt!tnguAo.,e. We have More Itfihis sort trr idoin nrikleat 3, and• Stall sdon'he able to shtr ile t r h is a o l;,:• a l i rt e ' E h e is . Aefetice'ag,ain'st his own sente Mies arniselfish detractors as sysill i gairisj 1 to• fhb armed 'enemies of his count .fe e 'old' herb of the Rio Grand is ever I ;Vit AND;triv.”-.-Ncto York Express. ' ' 11 ' 1 ; ^. • . ' Hu. QRS. ARMY OF OCCUPATION OR INFIIfirION, ./ Monterey, Mexico, Nov. 9, 18'46 My dear * * * * * * Veur very ,kiod and aceeptable letter of the .31st of August , *** ll * #,**greAs,lied - mrifily it short 'Arne sin e, fora hickl beg leave to tender trilon My sinc.... , reAanks,—. (A lett confidenital remarks on ee In pub lie 4rartsactions are bare omitted.) •,0 Alter considerable apparent delay on the . pat( of the (li. Master's Department, in get ting steamboats into the Rio G , fandtPariapted to its navigation... I succeeded; toWartls• the latter part of august, in throwing forrilard to Camargo, (a town situated on the Sari Juata riverythred•-miles from 'its junction With the Rirrtrift nO. on7 . flie west side, neArly 500. miles from Brazos Island-by water andel:JO be' land, and 140 from this place.) a, centtiderable - depot-of :d o w, it-ions - 7m' . W., ontrtmtni ion and forage, and then, having brought 'icif , ether an 'important pertion of inreinitararid7l de termined, bn moving on this pinee„,-iriecoid - - itigly; after collecting 1700 pdelt-rm4o, - with their attendants and conductors, ittihe pile- My's Foutery, tate principal ..m eani.4 trans-, portation - for our provisions, baolo. Stc.,) I left, pn the sth of Septeniber, to-griin -ny udvanoeuwltielilinslpreceiterbme atrit days to Serralvo,-a.small vidirige 75 mite§ on the route, which I did on the 9th, and, rifler v:ait. ing there a teiv days for some of thritorps to get up, movedArtand. reached here ors.-the 19th, with•62solrifitn,--2700 regulartilithir bal dried volunteerk - ,i. - Rer what rdoliiiirjeelifler wards, I must re:er you to my seveaf reports --patticulrjrly to my detailed one of the 9th ult. I do not beliete the authorities at Waslt- Igloo are at all satisfied with my conduct in regard to the terms of the capitulation enter ed into with the Ale!, itiaii commander, wlficri you ne,donbt have seen, as they have been made public through the official organ, and copied into varictis other newspapers. I have this moment rebeived rtititswer to MY des, patch announciii the surrender of Monterey (and the cirouhlrtattees attendingthe same.) from the Becretary-,of War, stating that wit was regretted by the President that it Wits not;deemed advisiable to insibton the tertris.l htutii Proposed in my first' coititrituticationl to the. ilVlercietur commander, in regard tcrgirlni. -up the eity,"—addmlg that "the-cirduresian mes whiehi dOribtlj'estificil the _change.P...__Although-jhe terms -et capitula tion may be considered too liberal on tiu'r'part b'y the President and his adviagra, rut well ifs by many others at a distance, particularly, i by those - who tlb .not Understand the posit oh which we oceupied, (ctherwitle they might come to a diflerent etmelusiou, in regard to the matter,) yet, on due rrefiection, 1 tee nothing to induce -Ma to regret the course I pursued, . The proposition do the Ann. part e(' m tr -6 'P' dia, -which has much Ati do in dererming rily Course in the mistier, weft based trn the ground that our goverrirnent hall-proposed to hid, to settle the existing' difficulties by ne,Ootiatioit, (which qi knew Was the ease,. without knoVv ing. the result.) which was then under eort sideration4 by the proper authorities;• and , which he (Gen. Ampudia) had, no doubt would result favorably, aethe whble of hip pdople were in lavor of peace. It so, f (irk sidered the furtluat,efinsiou-of blood not only naneeemary, IgniwcproPar., Tltelr f force way ' also' coltsiderri ly largeethae caps ; an from the Size an / post ton o, ‘ i lam lac we p;ct pßtild nol'eatnfiletelylnVest , II; so chat, Ow real' tinitioi('"ar i tlitcr Weeps 0' nct the Whbte,:had 01'67 'been itiiposia• to iilo tri,, 0;10, any t ri Iglu; 'Wive 'fiba'ridohOil the • :C i iii ,at,once ei4red thd iiiiiiiiitilli'physeS;', and ' elt,ectgil, iliOir l i . - trent,: do' wiitif , ioe , eOulti f - ( - Intlcr i e, beep-put fa `thi3"4ltlllllE4l l Vii ) fir t,iiiiii. ,, , tiio,,p)tiQe, by F 5t,,,,,5,,,,, Ah'ere,islnix t tfinibt-whoUld- Wali suc'6d gd - iii' T deini,l we 5W6614,0;411 probability, lave lost filly or one hundred • - IT ' T t9itnk ; LlACKtkgilinittP,A4tlndetl,rliwhicli 4 v il , f, OPIP I .i.Vllltri , be a . RPfll9 O - 9 ,l•PeflFe: eYeßlitlfi d 1418 1 11.00,9„ ,1 pito, ,Wish ett - l !ei ,ayo ill Am; efill*JlPlioo Pt- W 9. ,tifen,,a4,,chthiren,inkigh OPAL ( /0 1 141..been l , YcrY AIM*, , 1a11',. 1 p ilfififfflPC , PF9lltullii iOlitti, i .5q1,4,0A0 Yl_ t ,, J. 1 , 0 ), 4 4111fhWeA 1 4,4' 'vffrY l IMP, if49ll4cfPg'PrllPfallP)l,oolllT,ticgotOnWF o Vr 'She city, which, ir corned with the uayp u mast have been taken ala great .sacrifice oti l ife , ; ,- N d , wi l li fillfttiPOßAt tr i d o.A f ibWkY7 °l l kl tt e!,Blg l'rtifferb .10 TraillsiollaY.6,.rgiiirpiii :t,y,Rrity viAri,eialYtOYAslifyi. IgHtiikelitowcfg- ( ling i / PP r O a 9,P9. t 4 W4l olt , :i. - -( - -,1 1 14r ' Y , h l3 P t ihilYiCkh9R4APl64cPP l fff 1 1 ~.e P 4 19f t 50 Vt 4 '49RBli a ftH i l e 'lgollrif 05 ' MI , iV er onle,CFlV9flf . I(4Y rinkl 4 RigflitTri 't etr.worAs germst e., witl iii y- wtpl . 9m 'of ditillery; abundantly suppli, d.Wit4amMthl 'it i anti tgartlpfr&d , , 14 l'lo6o reitiltieitAt2ooo; lirrhgtlat'enbitispfilikailditioirte"tictrrie,•thort-1 teanttibilltentllcap‘sple4l4 l (andiitfoldriblit ii:4l ItuilllyttiedrihOtitynOtilllaldlngliiitsititifonill LL-toltioropitooitig foctroOttlfehtittittlittr i olitobey, Aloatititpdopplietliki,4thiptovistoodron4 , l6ll4 tight.tialle tit ilitilhatty4lslknriontahapconntsa l blapurriFesiElfl. l ° ti!nel' r if •jt 0 4 - "Trio' inigdjx, rbiek„ti yT the, !Wtif Ad l / 4 ,611' isiiio nt. 0 ttoqA 81131 1)64 , 1V laao' i t i o itiiorgr' h l , , .ii, it t oirt r t t; g'; 0 . ao!bil ebip. centrated ,at §an . i.k.ufa. Pplaisiyiihil • Pidltiilll JIM? go,itittlAkrsit 430 0,98010/I:lk..Pfith3#r tnerl'as 8 .9%211 i ke, grjak.lnt?ipLlTitilitl i s referred to, expires'—‘ mon ,lave nti au = • t II)e en . c,finAnupri 4t •be thecase - on theT oftll • • I 4,tb. tenet: by direstionof theiP;paident of fllfetrinied'Slitlik' • mon ate , laniftage . lir.' 'POI k •pn. kktott)niindet the :necessity•Of , conering,, peaceP . 00 , ,tbut, by taking he gu Of the eouniy—we must . go to .ttqint .Criisdire theii lithicti 'on , To , crododn'anv other collsicres,,oot of ; the question, --,. • rth . l,:admiiiing that conquec . . , a i puace, by. nientvg•SHliayNi(iliii the next twelve Months•=will , the4monji cif 'btho'd'itiii 'tree .aM.l;, NV, lagkimustAie expended. inctthing so, bg , borrtyptps9 . o„by;the,saine I think:net ? ... • ---•. tt the, Country we stibdite,ds to . .„.• and r'lmaglite.iftere• are but felindividualN fie otiV:catintly• who think : of i on exing Mexico to the United States, , . Vd°, l )Pit iTActilo.carrY,oh•my,operations,. r'stated,), .heyonil impracticable to do scv.=•— I,t then becomel'a quesfion as NS whatra best .tp,be.done. Alt seemsle me,ithe most judi cious course to be pursued on our : jinn:would 'IA for lake pessession, at once : oftlie finie we would 'accept by negotiation; 'extending from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific, and occu prthe.sarne, of keep what we have already - possession of; and, that, With Tampico,' (which I hope to take in the course of Vie next month; or 'as aeon 'as I ein get' he means of transportationo will give ns-all on this side of the Sierra Madre. and as soot, as I occupy Saltillo, will inclu4p .six or seven elates or pitiviecil - Tlids Tioldl4 - Tarupico, • :Victoria, Monterey, Saltillo, Monclova, Chi hutilina, (which I presume Oen. 'Wool has :.possession of 1 - .ly - this time) Santa Fe and the Californias, and say to Mexico, " Driye us from the country!"—throwing on het the. iesponsibilities and, expense of orieryiug on oflerisite war=at the same time closely blockading all her porteonAlmfarifie arid_: the Gull: • • A course of this kind, if persevered in-for it short lime; .would soon bring her to her proper senses, and compel her to cue for peace—provided there is a government in the country puttictently..stablo, for us to treat with, which I'lear will hardly be the case for ninny. yeaill - Iti edirld. ' l /Without . farm e infercem rri ents al volunteers iro-the Large Stares!- - s-say ten or fifteen thousand -(those Previously sent Out having already- been .greatly reduced- by sicktiessanci other caSual -tfos)-.1--tip ii,,,wouia be .adviiabie to hiaThh Wyitind Saltillo, which is more than 20b miles beybnil our depots on the fit) 'rande--a very lerrelhe on 'whrrikeop up supplies (over a land mute in a country! like this) for a large loice, and certain to be attended with an expense which it . -will be frightful to•contemptate, when closely look on into: }:romlo-to San Luis Potosi, the next place of importance on the road to the city of Mexico, is three huudred.milca—oio lutlr dred and forty - badly watered; where no - sup; plies of any kinu could be procuied for men or horses. I have informed the War Depart ment that 20.000 efficient men would be ne cessary, to insure sucees it we move on tb-a place—(a city containing a population of 60, 000, where the enemy could bring together and stistain, besides the citizens, an army of 50,000) a force w hich 1 apprehend will hardly be collected by up with the train necessary to feed it , as well as to traTpurt various other supplies particularly ordinance and munitions of wor. In regard,to the armistice,. Which would have evinred by limitation hi a few days, we lost nothing by it , as We could not movoseven now, liad k the enemy continued to occupy Saltillo. fot say : the first Wagon Width hes reaCherl me since the declaration hf ;war Wag' •on the'.2d inse, the genie day on which 1 received front , W . fiSfiiingoti an he ,knowledgemet of my despatch: afirionneing ,the taking, of Monterey; and then I received only 125, so that I.have been since May last completely eripled, and am still so /Of want of transportation.. -Atter raking and scraping he country for Miles around Camatgo, col lecting every pack mule and other meatier)! transporiatiair.,l could bring here only 84,000 rations. (fifteen days st„.pply,) will a Moder ate supply et orliinancc i teofffebb;'FiC: to do whiol4 alLihe emus. dto leave behind kportion of equipage necessary fo.r thetir comtpii i and in opine thStSil, cgs: . 11 ' . mong ilie'vol umbers; theit,peisonal baggage. I moved ih such" a way, Mid with 'seuh tin limitethmeans, time, had 1 hot succeeded; 1' sliould no doubt.,liive—beeth.severely repri-. t . - 7 . landed, it nothirm. worse. 1 did so to, sus= taiii,the Adminisfrilliob. ;'O O *. * Of the two regiMenis'of Mt - hinted 'men from Ten neAsee andlielinasky, who 'left their're spectiv,e §tates to Inia,me„. in ,liine, the latter, Jths just retifibed ,C?margoi . the, tor I,er, had net gliitiO ; MittailiWras at the latest dates from there/. Adriiittinttliht.triey 'tl, o lll be' Its long in returning as in getting here, do say notli l.ita-Pfl4l9lAintet necessary 1 0 . IVerlid their klniefl) ; find Were to,be tlitAlharggtl inlimp to ,reaStgAilidT hooldril4o.3l4l9oldsclve in,Mex 14,thA a rey,allortbme A .T,heforegoing re- Marlis,ftre pot, inatie Islith i thc,NAew of funlin fault whi, spy one,, bat pi, paint, put I t Itad dig culties with.whicip-I,Ave hatktgtipopmod.-, 1 -1 Alonterey,lbumpitalif,,, Leon,is situ.,he. San Jeaußiver,„where t h,c9meis . 011t2.6httli'Aitimiliiini.u1hEi . cit)t"(Whib' cont tainia'populatioh bf atKipt! t Weise thioulifhid) r.llflitiladtt a tl ~b ,pthettaltllita, iteffft,pi„a i targ,,,,att q ppanli int, „yetlAy. ~ I T ,ltti hOutiei at e stone, inlhe Moora th style ,With flat roofs, which with theiratiettlflaiiloiliN litiriitcantigid aensrioN.hieir.istone walla • all ileOped;for,:mnaketry,t mak(a4hemeault a,,lorti 1 It e j OP f / 1 /1 11 11111 i place '~.1 i --, 0 -117.11) i, It is the, most unportatit in IN artna,i Ylitiiag tdriiii'llie Wildi ilifirill."iHel' Slill. MattraycomainuidintlihW tin rr.iitliSg 01 1 .1tIle 1 for carriages from this , side, .between .iltitil 1 Asi Celli pf Maxii-te , the title laitils ill' I ti Maki, bigethtB li'whigii, 'the city :Max ien earabalieaoh :a i r y I•citirtliNal. ). 1 1 tyß,:i.l* It Piktqlll9 l l#.frit A*StiiIIMIP tflitkatiOt II ' i 2nrl" i VI I I , fgrIP(IAT,X.ri i IIe h OPOO4;I4 , lo at. A Fes ng , 91. - _. so, ',vont t . . 1 only commit it to*:thti : lihittif,"tChd :lift k hail BeilAiWiPt 1W4111‘.791 !P. 031111 t Pat c f • . li ci. es beinenterrOste ttlny., Iv ' niilld ep k : 1 , "ifiat3 , (lo,finiii'`rati ii. giiat ;ill iliiirke lati, -blotiOnterlirieatiOot anckbluricititi4lie tvell , l9l l AttiktiPh9 l :;trlTlPOriclOr it'll AkaahettttttocolotbPl same.... ,e , _ ' 1 - , , it,,tte ,si 1 ,81 i .~ _ . ,so sp good as to present me most latt 7,jeo . up:ercelkiit neoMmimpainbare tril!fittisr Pric , , , qoppl,4l,o,oreid,h,jefxpe*y. ano ama. ,;),‘ ' ' I romain j trulit Andltedetir d Aglf 4,0.,,01 , 4:,c01tpuRfr1b0t1064 r.;atirin . T Hitt 5 ••1 or )1 bat a walliovii• a mc;iipt, omd! vviild,4)Avcorittgrelsi l in9n,oum - Mb ark Itib.tsiWirMt tb ittgietlibrd edam withitedgteii doitougwatiMayi. 'coirtFmqll steploi.twaJittidaiit444l.ll2,4lkat:dothfigur:7 m ay, and'we shall &I home* lust:,; hosss. ' , _ NE= Mans P , a ,World full 'f ;beings that are railed Men, how rate, after all isctrue genu tinetmanhood,l,-wHow,seldom, do- we •meet with one, 3n our-varied intercourse twith so ,Ciets', who. itt , every , where and „at-all times ; ,worthy of that highest ot titles, man: one whose smile is libeaM . qt the sent; 'whose ,words arelheToverfiowingsr of a generous heart ;who regards, a werm.friend more than .ft fill Were i Who'not onlyiprofesies 'friend ready,- if need be, to alicets'it 'in Solid tolipes; whose sympathy in yoursdr roW islike the Water of the mounting spring, - riare and ribUndant li'.inse high soul - de:V. ryes meanness,though,mreled.hy.the , princely tiara, and admiresholihr, dm' leaning upon the spade ; and wrapped in:the brawn cot 'Of the cottager! .Yid Will ofieli 'epough 'theet'with Ifie.corteens smile. the, butward tokens of high gentility, the free, polite, turd gentlemanly earringe-7 hut they are frequent ly the masks in which meanness- nides sit deformity, the,tinsel trapping of a liolletf• hearf; the livery of honor upon the Fhclilil lirs ofinfamY itSelf! . The best speennoit of broadcloth often cover - the poorest, speci .reens of humanity, and the father of all evil not unfrequently hides his bombs in a beay , nr, and looks greciortsly throtigh th'e circlet. Ol gold spectaeleit. Fictitious ilistitittio+ are nothing: officers, titles, public trusts, eir honor:y . lo estimating; a man. They do n I make men, neither are they the !Warrants ¢I :manhood iti;jkOse Who . enjoy Th b heart may overflow with gall ; may ranklk , with revenge ; • may wallow in Its nwn meatiness; may grow 'Nark with ithachery or fiendish withmalice, 'tvtrile an honorable trust honorable title: while the wand of Trower is in the' hand, and the syrd hole and tokens or honor nre on the broth. He who is.a man is .orieby natere,_and one TilWaya. - Ile Iles riot act honorable wlem. mid only whee,.it suits his convenience.: when he is dealing . . with men as keen aft himself, and detection would he probable': but from principle. from the noble"; generous impulse of his own soul, whitill he cannot restrain if he would, and would act if hp could. He is as just in his deaingseith a stranger as ho is in his dealing with hitt friend ; his transaMions Court the light, and never stifles by espesurtf. He never takes asi3+,enlage :of l ignoirince -nor- • turn's' _mithsool,_heartl ess_emitern pt_inam. _a-high minded fellow .being, because poverty may have iiim in her lean, skeleton ark's, ;OW _Misery_o.v-itfi.-flea---ean-kered-teetly st -litsten eil upon his heart! And in ' a coil-hearted" world, where so many- are thinking for themselves planning for themselves--endea voting to advance their own en'ls and inter ests. at whnthrer expense of principle, horestv. and Mir dealinft—where the crafty I are taking advantage of the simple, and the' strong are preying upon the weak, it is cheering to the heart, antlAnnelis somewhat our disgust of !muffin nature,lo find went sioually one; it-ho 'San curnd out of the char med circle of_selfr-interest—whose heart and purse are both Llpen to a _friend—who - Woks toiiiankla - as his orethren, and net ;1.1115 victims—who had rather advance hiS neighbor's interest, than make him his dime, or fleece him in what is usually calico a keen bargain : and who never forsakes . a friend until the lriend has forsaken virtue.- God help him who has no such friend, ar the world that haat in few to give. A i;Ood. Story. There lived lately in one of the mountain ens counties in Western Pennsylvania many Germans, and among them, one Henry Sny der: sail there wore likewise ,two brothers, called Oeorge and Jake Fulwiler--*-they were all rich, and each owned 'a, miff. flenr'y Snyder but 'they Were not of ranch n nature • as to rea der iiim disagreeable to any one. He mere ly conceived himsellto be the Snpreme Ro of the Universe; end, while under the infatur 1, had himself a throne built. en which he at to try the cause of all who °ilea ded him;. nd passed them oil Ao halite/troy hell.,its hi- uth nk . ..,effmpled—liepersonati t i4 both Judge - and culprit. It happened one day that Some difficulty occurred - between Henry Shnyddr, and the Fulwilers,.on account of their mills; when, to avenged, Henry Shityder took hiring 'with him a flank iii Which he recorded his 'judgements ) and moutiled his throne to trt• their -cituses. lia was:ln:ant to pass -the fOilowitig judgments. Having prepared himself, (acting as Judge 1 and 'vet responding, for the• accused,) he deorgo Fulwiler. c' alto po Fuhviler, siAn t l up. What hash been' loin in ills lower world!" Ali! Lort rdries net know,"., I' Well. Sharge haslnt yoU got it mill ?" " Yes, Lort,l hash." Shnrge Fulwiler, didn't yinfliever .taire,.too mui4l; toll 7", , ' Yes, Lort; I hash 7 :-ayfien der water . Was mien' hfinies Wish'de,' ['take a leetle too much'iolle'r'dfl •' • •,.% •I, 110 , 11 i ,1,411, den §liingfiqulivileraou mu4t-go th'ilor 10. Wild kleV . ' • OWoll?,Shrik6.- - fkilwiler, l :now' Vim Etatid .beerv.(loing.,,ixt did lu~rer trin‘ ,, "procf.ei likethiYfcitTer,--an 1 Now,,,l•triaa in,/, . 1 .,, . egr,,,,t)y9. likaii- i Shayiliif f ' stAml bp. ii What !),..3 . ti ynil 'been 'doing' in [tilt' wet World?' " '' . Is:AM flortdadoes'aot know.' - -' i •.i;; ;' l, i : ,..e.,Nyell ol lionfy..§hnyder, , , has'rit, you. got amill ?' '' ' ,l'es,..Lort'Lbnli. l l2! .... _J, 4T,r If NelAp Ken q.,iihuy,der,,d idint , you nave; ilootio hiljr*,Voit A? 1, ~ ; ~, ~. Grres 'Lcin t , intsh-4iten '44r Watei?winilt 1 Ilft "iiithiren itatiog WaSh dull; I intalt ihken ,k dfrteaktuoh , ti4l. 2 ll q t . 1 , ;1 , - ,t•rii.:l' , , j`,, plelirk,Satorier, Nat did ,yen dck,wid , '.. , i,,,a;h!';Lott , t0,de,pti0r.).... 1 -: i • i v ,iPqpsing,. !, ‘Xelii tipOry,, , r m p ft ` rv , yo.t i , nOt . g? to der - right mid der, sheep,;, but it' 'il'a , tain tiellfloeite?"' 4 lil! ' ' ' ' '."' '1""• 1 4 " ;:" - I ' '''' ill 1.1; , ;i , f', !ila• CC;r It was in , the church, -Of Si, Nioholas,i that , I fiat beearne -aware:of a very sensible' P9lnrti egi/l1W!-.7.ifitt efurePtmelltralmu the; Intwiliel*M4Pg 440Aglier i vicsci%e4 wolorwywiew stopki todittereiq.pertods 'Oll ifilit:,oB6tiiii; , IlbP,lmok'firlinti' Mit WlNti :stands and blows hls none ' the sliWilie - iititi-! arpolfain imitating his eif(upp,(6, i t 1.1.: i i i**l "Mtbiiii_thil'gniiice',With iliet. l Operet ort, i noi , othe , i , th.freg., 4 j*,•. - jkiwils, t r i ii i•nr \ ic 4tn.Y.31 ~e r, ' ''''''" ............ ••••tit - niianlai'ilii'lm 1 aabn:=Atiaasstentpaper gtvee an edeount OtheircibbitiWidanoyi - - - ,ltte4edgittge,iftiel NOb4l/ 1 44A;lifittR a k i taypj c ,1440pltiegatpulin , i 0,11 pair. of artmotar syebtoksiismti o a v,,r,hitp, diiitbide;iiftlieWkiit:OrcibiblOieti t twiipi three love lettere,. Wnly)n-tiOtizinielfliitYbli' own hand writing.'.. .....,.. . ..r ' 7..', ~ ' ,' ' .." •,'''.. .' % , • Letters troffi . Iff6nisi clay; . The rr Young Men'ellerity Clay . Assobir, lion of the city of New York." formCd 1844, Of those . whom in that year, first .be came entitl4d to vole for Presideliat Electors, is to hold a Ball on the 29th instant. The - folldWing letter from 24r: Clap is irt ~ r eply to one addres; l ed him by' the <l!ssoOltion .in viting him to be: p'reseßton the-occasion t • Nkitr OatmAs, Dec.'22, 1846. CrNirrmlrts--,1 received - here', tilo invitation to the' Third Ahnnal 13alf of-Me Young Men's Henry Clay AsSociat,ion.of tho, city of lNeitl 'York, •on tlih 19111 inst. •rt would afford tote great pleasure to meet my young irienti . s on that °evasion but,, waiv ing all other corisideration'r;Vw distal:ma'am the plhee my'preseill sojoinn to the'. pity or Ni‘W'York, will not allow me that satis faction. . . I cannot pet nyt the occasion to pass by, Yvithont,...n expression of my acknowledge ments to the Young glen's Assoc;ation for the ardor, the'constancy and the fidelity,ol the attachments to me which they do me the honor to entertain. We hate, indeed, gentlemen. as you justly remark,' passed through a,dark period nt ,great discourage ment: BM. never despairing 01 the 'Republic, and confiding in the omnipotence of truth, and the rectitude of our principles I have continually-hoped and-behoved thatirrighier and better and happier days for our countly will yet conic. And the recent events, to which }oltdiave adverted, arc an a.wtrancu and a guaranty Of their approach. If mis conception anti misrepresentation accom plished their work, we may. I trust, con gratulate - ourselves that their success will only he tempo.ary. The cenkequencei; may, inclMNI be more dUrable. These we now feel in a foteun war. and in, the aban donment and neglect of vital dothcSne inter ests. coneur with yon in thinking that, gratify ing as the results of the late elections ,are, ‘ they should not be macre the occasion of party exultation. If our fellow citizens, hithetto opposed tons, in ,regard to the man sines, and to witness their injurious °fleets, sures,'of the Generat Government, are lett to enirripassioned,consideration of those mea -1 - pinstiaded - Ilia( many oftherß . cannot tail to brio: , their minds to the same condo sion tit wloch ire have.ani:ved. - tine. gentlemen with high....respeet, friaud•and obedient servant. • - HENRY CLAY. rrom Godery'2l.,ady*. Bunk. • The -Euipty-Tradle. . 'And the niiither ;are in tram and ;tam, The llowers Fite most did love • She heels• she'd find them nil pin In the field, of light itlitive.‘ The death-of-it little child is to the - moth el.'s heart like the nighttlew'on a plant from which a bud has punched. The plant lilts up its heal in replier greenness to the Morn , tug light, so the motheris. soul gathers from the (lark sorrow through which he has pass ed, a fresh brizhiening to her heavenly hopes. 'As she bends over the empty cradle and in fancy brings her sweet infant before her, a ray of divine light is on the cherub lace. It is her son still. bin with the seal bl tmnwrtnl ity on his fair brow. She feels that heaven was the only atmosphere where her precious Hower could unfold without spot or blemish, and she 'would not recall the lost. But the anniversary of Iris departure seems d bring her spiritual presenye near her. She indulg .es in that tender griel which soothes, like an opiate in pain, - all the hard passages and cares of life. 'r he World is ,no longer with her. 'She liveS in the past, , sit' sweet with 1111M1117 rove and hripe—th' the filtbre x Hints with: heavonly•love and jo y. She ion. treasures of happiness which the worthy, nn chastened heart cover conceived. The bright' fresh flowers *wfth whiEh . 'We la; decorartid her room, the apartment where her intent died, are cinblems of the far brighter • hopes now ilawnitig on her day dream She thinks , of thy glory and beauty of the New Jerusa lem, where the'little foot never finds a them among the IldVers to render,eshoe necessa ry. Nor will-a pillow be wanting for the dear he a d reposing on the breast of the kind Sa vionk. And she knoWS her infant is`there, in that Workl , of eternal bliss. She has mark ed one (passage. in that Book—to her emPhat icallydlte, Word of tile—How closed di; hentoilettee table. whiff she daily reads. "Suffer little children, and forbid them, net, to oomerunto me; for.of such is the' kin,gdriet of heaven." Disraistne.-A landlord threatened a poor Irishman., the other'dar, to put a distressqn his house, if he did not pay his 'rent. 44 Put a distresn in, is it your mane F4llll Pat. ", 0 0ch by t.S nthony's 'Sow, 'butyen had better take distress'out; th'ere's too mch in already, by theqnilherthat bare 'me'P'' 5.1wl:11u. erhar‘tes, 7 '.,said whither, 'to his sail. whilt:Ohey,u;grQ,wilrhing io:utator wtltti,po.sSeSsds yeta . ,to - wcseeigto with 'itTetr„,trirts as you do? Whett Ar,its of your' age .1 edilhl; go With tito f• fluty: s!iitt Charles, 4ha first.a,at j a-alWriV a ittlabl - -did :y.oLT,litapt " nelP , w h om TO e , A rekto ; has berem, ;rgyev l 3:l,mar!_t4,,,ltal aa,,,71 - Aymt §hP: , r a jrieft,•;tlßai - , •tiYetaq RvPl9 3ll (PfOs ilgutcgtton." HEAtir,n(R; TAlN,Sliginavarbo,,Albany l~~eg{'fiaYß o' PreYea any kP i t a Pi i iPht 3 q,ekift.nqrwi Ick MAY b e' ° g a l' k W gl l )!Ajtic,iet# l •Alwarlbuseaia ,legar 91, Pe vgniQr Noaag)f Avemalitalo that hOaltkisA cIR,I4r. I)o4e*Ahatt ,situmfis' last 'spriii,”hellskLijkany. MINIM sayer:: eit. , ticlitioh dtthe , 61'11; n: , ;-- vjajet!oit t riliv:l ', , t . .!ot7TAn:exunangulia.piii"..tyl7it'gentltittlsln - ,returtiing4ibtivi, e : - othnt:deyl,•lNtilida how agniewlli/t"ontliptd 6 torachtkient (itbi ( him piano. It.,,by the ShoriA, ' 7.4 r. • . , _ I‘lieghtit. the Atishietiaf takehmareao: hillownthetn: ; ,, m .t y k o 1 4 ,1, 0 1„, * „, i t)-09 , _,EJIAP(Mtagi,T.!gfii , must die:' ' rti4 ox .„, ;1410 . ! ai r i,7 7 K.7 . 47,34:Rt1y t .:1504 I . l 4o4iietki tcniii#6 , ol4.iitdi rtibpkiitity, 1510eriiii theft State, ltz EZ=ZEIE L; iii •• 1; ;, f =a i' ~ 1• EMI ~NU14I~:~~~Il`, n