Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 27, 1847, Image 1
MEM .4 ;rk , zsi , x4ll :1%0 tr ,t• -•-• • 1,11. Ti., MEI IMIIM OLUME XLVTI. '4lEarbs. dklianrantaxwasqratLeskaatt. Irk OCTOR - NlFYgßS:'has 'finsocinted lila Al nephew, 314.,J,11.:. JACKSON, in his Drug rail' Honk • fly Otis rretmgement,noetor/MYERS OW be isnabled to give Ina undivided attention to the du- Ei es of his .Professlon. Carlisle, September 30, 184.6. —3ms. .maatzia ipmva s H M eopthio Phy;llelit OFFICE i. Main street, in thn Woulte for I , iterty occupied by Dr. Fred. nlirman. dalislen.,Aptil 9; 1846. MIL IL a MOCAEgS39 ~'~ ~-~ Watts perform all 'operations upon the Teeth that are required tar their ['reser wation,snehas Scaling, Films, Pliigging,Uc., regto_relhe_lownithcin, Ity inserting Al.- . finial Teeth, from a single Tooth, to d full Lett. ctOffice on.Pittatreetrirfew-doors.‘o i uth of the Railroad H otel. • N. I). IL-. Loomis will be absent from Car lisle the last tend aye, in each inblith. ITENRIr 'EDGAR&ENE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • WILL practice in the several Courts °Winn brrla`oil and the adjoining counties nod st olid to all prAessional html eras entrusted to his stare with promptness and fidelity. Office in South Hanover street, in Graham's now hoilding,opposite the Post Wisc. Carlisle, Aug ust Yll, 84G. --y. 6. 'DUNLAP ADA[lln 9 'Attorney at Law. OFI'ICE in South Ilattover street, a few doors hrlut..l. 11. Graham, Esq. • July 16,1815. DENTISTRY, &O. :TOBIN W. IT'ELITMEL, I['EVE' FULLY ialorma the public-, that Ihlvi,i opened ad - office in South lianoser At reel, neiirly opposite the Post Office, he I l i pre r p wed to l iracoice InINTIS FRY all its Odes. ,tin ill Teeth,:lr&cssentia Ito Itealth,loisides Istural or artificial noes are lint only üßertll but Filaaaa a an!al, anti-fold materially I u the comfort of the wearee.-- of me to the teeth. suffice it to say tli t every object eau lic-reinei/iid moil new Teeth furnished from a itip it le one to all COON!' i lu g tool cbosicle il dile practice for a number oryatlS;gdoil refer ences will he given* to such as require thenijoit the hest proof is the operation, %illicit rill in Bir ones iii the; most eareltil manlier and at p ices to snit the occasion and the 'times. Is, l a imia w a i te d on it their residences, either in t awn or cinitutry, witlintit 4 extra clute g yi. Ile mar always heloirel at iii office, ma above, nr at his r • 4.1 castle in -Pitt street ,in lied nor north of II endel's iverY filt - Wili lign araniptli attend!" llieriipairin . l4 of Watelle9 8,1,1 I . ,we rv.;ll ale.*iaSoatlrllan vr.etu•ert.Vl“: neatly exern h.l. L, attialiina nail eX•!Unti”ll of hip Work, he hoar' tit malic lie a aliiire of Carlisle, April 8.8 Mi. lIARRN, TURNER, & IRVIN WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, " ko. 201 Street. PiIILiDELPIII.4 Importers and. Wholesale. Desleys ortt,l2.„At , Akinmrsiemie.l , ol•: , leni Nlrd icine* Surgicatl mid Maalclriral hicl rii nicol ih•liggitt9 l l:7lmsSware,‘Villilow G lass, Paha' s , Oil s Dye.' Perfnmrry, Ate. I)l , llzzifits, Oluntry Nlerchants.atial Ph) sicisiii6 stairliell with the alrye article, on.the most fa , t tenl4. gtMer and prompt attention paid ht orders Every artiofe warratitail. on '.ltsini A. Tuft yen. fately of Virgiii , u. \\Tata Apt inviN, %i. D Pluiladelp!iin,Sept,3o; I I THE MANSION HOUSE HOTEL Fronting on the Cumberland - Vispes Rail Road, CIAIIIII3OIITZD.7,Lo , , tiATtiLt isdpi by Gen, Moen taken by the subscriber. It Is newly tarnished arid has. been , thoroughly reptred. Paevingers in the ears, stranuere, travellers and visited.' in Carlisle; - Terms moderate, and qtlery,ntteniion paid to the ecnn'fo•ft and cnnvenience of those who patronize+the establishment. • J. t. wmaoTT. ClL,.lisle, April 16, 18,15 63 t.3LZWL I .I7 (S) • FFERS hid services to the pullic. Hav ing had nevem) years experience withliis ether, and having 'wide possession the value blo cellectien orpapore made by him, be hopes by care awl punctuality to obtain a share of pAhlie peqruttgo. OtUo leftist, public square, immediately , in the rear Oldie Court Houser oct 21, SOCIURIDIG. - t . :l ; ay.)urumlt..9llrlntltT, noni dye's 14tiliew mot Quhtichieo's warronts 01l work to 1w mitteractory: Orden!' in Uiirline regpectfu I ly solicited. - Corlialk, :reed Rom 'Prirt.A.Oi I Your,*Oy , eitf3R . slifia; itNitionsio , niyorormor ,st9okilihd..eon 'bfliff to the , publia 'cvei7 WO' if a.lltilelOver thlfirilirsother : li l , 4 011 , --Vormiol/ 7 Siors. Xdoiro 4 Ped/erralidt otnergire„runite,filllfitivlie(f tti'dall , "tither deZ - 7 - -terd opt , ntgettinOrt *Attnpi r:sl Bye' j t j 101',7 4 %3 j,4 ~„., . - . gin ia',i ,5 AIS_OdU 6 i r tikßis liiaitt 0 reco x o . it - i and:„tin iikle W olkitilts :ftitd .Ret) it ,:,by , the 'itilieVreibt6 c Aii Q . HALF ,Orl i ti rti9 Vt I tWrli t l: 4 4 l34lk i l d VII' AI li t ; I M , 4 1 .4"01 % .. iiii 4 8 P i 5 0; 1 ) lit 4 4 wb i t 4g 1 I L l ' f.: l z ) 7 1.! ;; . '.i', *.AstiNaffivrpuiti.,ipAA, T 3o4tirigtifi t irtmil l yolitio.., ,,, , - ...o r I mei iGIO 411461 mi Gaig pinitbt ror - saietaresses., - -_ , „:'.iL A GoirAV;4l l tilet;':” r, ~, -., 1 , 1 -,ex; , * T.... , . ip —t ~ ••••';-'" ''•„• -.•- 4. ",,--.-•••• ,-.:. ~ i„ .I - ~- : . -4. .&t: - .. - 1 , ',..., , * C.-.44 , - ( 4 ..5t- - ix I r., rt.r .4 /ii?•ifit ter' -L, I -11,1s..'tryierezJIii , elliS:43 'Fr''` v aVlß) lt l'i . - '(,,_!,. • ,- - , ,It ' ~ u •• ' 1 , '4,''' • 4'''"'''''• it. '4 ta. .m. ,,, • ,14 ' .."I''' .'" -'' . 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I , ~,,,, , .., 1 ,. ~ 1 1 ; 1,15:. :: kV - I - A.l7i j1 , 1,,L .1 3 , !'' , Jlll ''' . -r id,' ii) ;v, -a - 'i , re , 's, . , :• , • IF, !::: . ;,k,.: - c !' . tt, 1.. - ~., • I k ‘•- . 16 , C- .r.i . ...Z).'' ~. . ~., kt)".c,.!_1:111, )1 , 7,1 ilra : -..." I, 11l il I P r ' k - , wo o 4 - ' , - , 11 - -le 11 - 1 . 14 ,I , :q 1)17.t. •J ?,;- 'CAI •;,'.., • •.• . 1 el .t. hi , ~ ~.. cr y t ., #l4, i, rj „}-of .51' , :i .',- I: ~ : F.. ~yr * , * ,t Alit 111 .: ----6" ,(ORW: E4. - 11. tAi r li)', , "-- i l M t liZ S - , ` 1 ~l 'l I: )I. If:l7i til 11 , ' ))1 tIJ OW/ l'l - ''' * 44 ' " ..- - -4 , th i' ..4.-. rl-:t tri .' ,' - ' - ki'• -- - - ' 7- 4.*" 1-71 :1 - 1..Lc - '•'•t, - . , • , • ii ; r aylr r la ' . ° t- 15 4 3 , 1- 0 , 1 --,,....... .. -.... •,!' . I^7 - t I.( ti.,,, 'A' - t , • •I'''..' 4+ • • ,"• • ' .• I. . r ~.4, . ~, ~.,,, ~• , - ~1 , • tt) , •4't t,..t.lit• ;It ..-1 , ~, r; t , . • t. , , , t , v. „,, , ,,,,,,,,,,, L , t , t. , , ,,, mi ,,,, 0na „.„,...„ ~,,, ,,,, z , ,,, ,,, ,,,,..., „ 4 , ,,,,,,., ,, ,., ,, , f• - t • '•':' ll ,`;., -•.. •I. , • • . PIC!) t" f: I , :i' , ', .0 'Tirq t., -, - 't , . • .., ~, , ... . w tr „;., . • ~ , ,c4P•T l s`a ••, ..-, , ... ~ -',T, ~ r; ,I , ~ ''.. f..• ~ • 1, r, • ,-, ,t v „. _, ,„:. I= 6 0 . 13109Zikiir ._______ • . • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. . • )FFICE in thc. Smith West angle of the publi Sluare, back di the Collii-Rouse TER, MS. OF SUBSCRIPTION. .)tie Dollaraud Fitly Gents a yearis ADVANCE. • l'wo Dollars,rptild within Mb year. . )taeaix month's. ' ' - These terms will 1;134'1011y adhered to. 'RATEVOF ADVERTISING, Ativertlsementsomiklnattleen lines or barged itt the. rate of ,Fitty cents, for one inaertion,t. tree ilinel for One Dollar,. and twenty-itva cetitaTor very sulisequent insertion. — Yearly adierthiers will he charged is the following rates • • Otin Colman, with•thu paper, for one year, - $25 Ilnl fs column, do. •'" do, 113 Two Squares, with quarterly Annges,• lie Business Cards, with tile paper, 125 . 1.08 PRINTING- OF EVERV DESCRIPTION S , iirli Mailers mind every nth I viler ticser.iiition of Printing: extilitled Winsomely ar xpeditiously, and at the. LOWBST pnitEg. • :~I~~t:~~~.~clS~.~'~l~ f 'if HE WORLD A AEDULLI-IRE4 There In the lone church yard In some sequester'," glen, Where cotter, sleep beneath the ',Ward, 'Remote icon, hanks crime,. There I. th. stnne-paved burial placs o The city'. crowded lied Ofgrav as, wera,re.t.tull tunny a race; ' "A city of the dead :" There are the wildernesses vast, Whet,: Band or annwy wreath Have o'er the weary pilgrim east The still repose girth:nth, There arbihe-howels of that land That opened at Cod's word, Ingulting Korai, and his hand •'When they defied the Lord. There are the he field,: of item h ; tit rem! with Ten/1011N of War, Minns yielded upn heir breath, Crueli'd by her "Iron Cur," There is the fathomless blue sea, With ha hidden things, That o'er a goodly company jtttintielchig requiem sings. Deltlt strews Its violins every n heti. ei''Nntriniitaltt, vale, find wave ; The world 'a a splendid - sepulchre, A vast revolving gravel TO 1-17.1i.T0r bola - A.O To atart rival PIPIN draw near, NVlth ardent warmth her eladee to moet,_ And pour soft flatteries in lierear ; .To kneel 'till won by fairer forms And lwittliter eyes, then Ibreake, ' Anil while flew hope nen lliney waries ' To leave her trostine heart to break .1 Tins pall6loll haunts our earilily . apah, 'l!,ia is the wavering li've , qf Man: Berk one Veto in early youth, To emir? n01.51170."tin vmv beNide, 'l'n In.ld through lire a holy truth, NVIO. - 11 lirtutTl Droves .wlitti_deepest tried, And. tike the diXtinnitl'a Fparltling light, t 'an ball• and pallier: 3 4 Minna. Vt., ',lnnen tame cheering and mare bright. In scenes or darltutps and ill glnunt 'l'h I= fahh drscrulb (runt realms ithuv, 'rills. this ii NVontan's t hangelees Invd. he variow, ennipri9 , ,l in (lie follinvint; narianve Inc snt , -4.ffitially tine Invln trete gailipted tly Ilte %viner from ono ‘dioco . o,4 at Mat Moo roridirg in the im nn•Ji:it !loll:111,0;110nd, and von:4 - vtitientl)- i,,, , 5v,w,i - a litfor, lodge of the w:.ole action. In the year 7SI I a :klr. W. of Watertown, Jelferson county. N. V. at appointed Pay toaster Id - comsat of the Army then stationed at Sackett's Alarbor. Ile aas a man gone above tnethocrity with t051)001 to Intettgbnee, and of iminweached moral character. Ile was a leader in society, and enjoyed the con. lidence and respeiA,.ol all. with whom he as sociated.. ilk -wife, of wheal a more partieluar ac: count is necessary, was rath,..l above middle stature,. and of somewhat beautiful appear mice ; she possessed a mind of extraordinao .capalafity, cultivated by the most 11S$IdthillS application; and her refined taste and polish ed manners gave her access toihe best soci ety. She was honored with the • moat .conspicuous place at _an sudul.gatherings r and n model of all leminuto virtues and accomplishments. In entering upon Ins new ofliee,.Mt. W.'s sureties were Judge. K. and Mr. F. of the .atne town. The former was a lawyer of much dktinction ' and had kr a number of • ,-ears bran a Judge of some of the higher courts of the :State of New York. He was a man.tarely equalled for soundness ol judg ment, and was especially characterized bra discriminating penetration, _which _rptalitied him well elor the part he bore in 'the Jragir 'cal affitird am about torelate • ' fie resided in tfie neighborhood of Mr. W. and posses-ling unbounded confidence in his integrity, did not hesitate to affix - his name to. the bond. .Mr. F. a loss conspicuous charm ler woe plain, honest.- upright fainner,. of considerable wealth, and maintaining. it.logh standing in society: NM-4114.11e for trininMent lie-mire to sign the bond - of .Mr. W.. with : Judge K. lit Mseliarge,ol the duties of his new office,. r. IV - . accompanied by Ins wife, in the Spring 61 1814, left \Vateitown for Al bany, to receive there the urnoulit of public: lauds neves - story to meet the demands of the :'ear. The Wilson of his wife tutooloPartYing (him is not ktiawn f .antl , whutfierlhe, course, rintrzt judge. :They: foly at 'and afier4pentlirig , Wday,ar two there, ',MS. • m on ey tt o, 000,,up - ,they .101 l; for ha me:Theihnd. travi 1090 on their return !tome, as tar as Sehenio:, tadYr ',When r 4.Ahe buuspi whore . Ah o y, pas,sed ,the.; h dnink.l ego, tainiug l thie Jamey, Wfla,opqned antl43Qoo*.ahOtraeted.4 4Whot,, mull'har. , ,heenAliii:lft.iiJing9o. l .gir ithus to find one:tenth this trtoupt.tirmust; 'ed tohiro, stolOn4 LT' The, ,Itoose, yrupypruiciii, aiely sqambed r aud•ev,ery reposer -0 premptly. taken ,ft 4 the F Rockyoy:ot 1 1 1)firehOlimba P(i&he 'T. o o 3 9fgr.b,A l .0,,i1 3 4 1 .11. in vain--no Clue, tpit.nljghtieoopiAllp,py 7 . .Y4 l l,Nould POI oPtaiP9o, ,,. cp:;; I;4i, N 9 one44loa,lo:ol*Po4o,9rAeWP:it w9ro pcssibip t jhmtic rengro,o9P,likkoill personlAccompariyingAtr ;‘f,'. , 4+l l :Y,OPlPft4, !soually, afilieted tiy; his mpfprintier : 00 4 14 : RR! yffsphacm Ate siighictst suapietton iiirier Own. ,Ront4l.l4ool7d‘h,or °I .111 9 SPilt. A O'er tritikiokooVo.lP,P9.o.4flkieffPff.i rec'tivery, pf,ox,f,lol4lteri'AliffsAti POll-1118 . -,14 - Miceli' a thlfil9fl(l9494,44' l o l nro.typ h ,tisj arril;eil at n ,v del i mii thEopsl);gitymm ye, i- Teo9,tkitteify:statkkviltAmtsPZeMin!l ltene y,;i ' satioractotlY , 4s 4 Mß l .l9l.k,99gri Ncifinent,inallh:g. worthy; rrrkrgl i4le lor,gc g ;io;Albany;,!o • I= From the Non'virli Courier A Sketch from Rehl Life. 'Z'Ut,,Ua:EXaUSOZ.72I.IEIT:E)' `"': • A:4 4' • " „ receive the doverninennurids. In orderlo be secure of any feteeibike attempts,' he de eitled to'go'on horseback and returned with the money in hie portmanteau. Strange ai3 if, may appeal; his:: wife' again- persisted in accompanying him.' What were Mr. W.'s own wishes With Isiganttothe matter, I know' not; a deeply laid . plot, *which had been' years 'in maturing, cOntil not otherwise be • consemninled, and berisequentlY no reltisal on his partcould:be•elfeetual. ' • . ” Accordingly they , again left home for Albaity oh the 'same eitand i arrived late, and -Mr. W. with nll,possible; despatch, ',located the.•Monen(the : same-anion - tit as before) • and mmieditriely left for home. , They had : , proceedd on their way as far as Trenton - , when th portm Menu containing the money . was rut o , and 512,000 taken.' Nelooner k 0ir„....0 had the robbery been. disci:wed by `Mr. W. than by What' -dqvice I know not, Mrs: W. -persuaded her htfahictil that as the 812;0110 were actually, stolen, and as they , . could fist ' by any means make amends. (for it was more than they were worth,) it wthld be better to appropriatellavrefeeintler to heir owp use, end. pretend, as they might_ with equal pro priety, that the whole hat? oeen taken, I.'lle counselling of his wife, aided as we must believe by the spitits of darknesi,flitally were 'effectual, and the unhappy man, till then up right in all his - deeds, consented. - - The reader must ere this be ivell aware where the NOM ,were, but Mr. W. did not know, nor did he ream the full 'iniquity of the scheine in which he had suffered himself to become involved, until considerable - time had elapsed, and the , excitement el the transactions had in a-measure subsided; not till then did Mrs. W. dare to disclose to him the full depth of her girth. But to resume the narrative at the point where wo left it, the tobbery at Trenton. After the remainder of the money had been safely concealed about the person of Mts. W. the alarni was given, and the extent of-the robbery was shown by the rent and rifled portmanteau ; the house; was searched, individuala appre hended upon suspicion, rewards were offered and every measure which the fertile .mind of Acts. IV. could invent, to give plausibility ter the statement was carried into effect. As we may suppose, all was ineffectual for the recovery- of ' the - nioney. - The missing furids were missing stilt. After the return - of - - Mr. and Mrs. W. to • W-atertown i in -meat-apparent- dejectionfat - -- -Thrhiatrof — stitnAffiiretriiffit 'of" trioni3y - their ' " plain unvarnished taki," agreeing perfectly w,,en told by either, their well affected sor row and above all the character , previously sustained by.lllr. W.Aor honesty and integri- ' ty, left to the minds - of most no room for ihmbts .of ilie truith al llipir statement; The bonds-men of. Mr. W. thdhgh ruined in pro perly, deemed it policy to affect to believe , the whole ; at least till someiliscoverrtnight . be -made tolustilv suspieion. About this time an invalid officer dithe army at Sack .en's Harbor, not being, able to perform his ditty, came to Watertown for medical aid, and tout; lodgings in thi3 family , f Mr. IV.— In a few days alter his arrival-lie flied. - llis - remains were it.terred in a deem manner, . and as the place of his nativity ryas not known, and no friend was there to honor his memory with a tear, ho was soon Ititgotten. The "yxceedingly swollen and unitatt.Thal slate of his body excited :mark,: but it was atti dieted hi disease. A few days atter his 0 iscease, Mrs. W. went to a merchant in an adjacent villiage. and requested him to re ceive as a loan $6OO. She said it was a pre sent to het children, from a friend, and she did not wish Mt. IV. to know anything rink" matter. This circumstance is mentioned here in consequenc of mutate ; But to return. Jorge -K. was it neighbor of Mr . . W. and a very familiar man in his habits: he sited his house at the most unexpected Ileum and though lie discovered nothing that wcudd have excited the suspicion of a less percep tive mind ; he saw many things that forced Upon him the Convietlon.diat the lost money must be. in their possession. ' . . Thhtigh both .vapid converse with perfect ease on the subject of their Misfortune and lament with apparent sincerity their loss, still a guilty coescience would betray itself, in some . slight.way not perceptible to the nnil tittide,.. accordingly Ile left his clamber, unknown to his Wife ; (whit by reasons of ill health occupied another bed it, the same room) and for fourteen nights in succession lay upon the piazza of Mr. \Vs house; di. rectlY under the window of their sleeping apartment. .-, , 1 fle could perceive them talking An a low tone-at all times of the night, Wit so indie- - titictly that he could make ont nothing of any consequence. However ; by some means t • or other, he came to theconclusion that they . were about to leave The, county ; and liwire,l' mediately determined upon a desperate effo ',,',. to ascertain the correctness of his suspicions. ' , Accordi4q lie imparted to Mr. F. his'associ -ate bondman a tuff' ticemitiVof MI he • had • been Witliesslo, and 'his strong,belief that they- Ned, or knevi'sonirething - of the Money.' They immediately concerted a plan to test. the truth of their suspicions!' as a gre:eaution- Ary, measure a physician of eininenee . was ' -consulted' rii to how long a person might be kept'tinder Winer- and reSuseltated..- . ; might be that theyVeiVribout to teinove, no till elay , iii . execinitigthP seheme Was consider. - - ;The same mom ing„therolorai Judge It" sent•tol .111 r. WAvishing , hittiltb art& fo his house'some 1111 . 10'M -the day; no make a Tn - firsliAiterneit i:', •• ~.,, • . -- .. , , About' • 11 o'clock , Mr. W r .. 7 iiiiiveiriit the . .hotise•ot the Judge; non' under the pretence , ;of , talking the metier bver Nee frem•iiiterm p.. tioN- he prOposiiicl'.w.Walic; They; in' Coiliptr-! ity with Mr. F. left the house' ndroceeded , . 'P . , ,_- , t acresi.tne'llobtow.arda4a piece of - woods.— ,They. ' v!ake lt d.on. titiThey ~W e r ' eArly, ialt n i •!,Aile.fii?*:,ok4Ons9oiiti„lift _ came to : the' : iside l of afil4i,bieqe, 'MOtp,y'hiii4cm froth; .iieir,„lArpfurifuniA9g-:billppn4 ' ,rocOS: ''Wh9llj,,MekOcipos of.vhat.,3iyaitecl, hii, ilVil (; - P9K)a.VeliOi#ltillWA!4 , #o6)inent iVflOtlirlOW*;;o l ollo4l l er 9 ft? . .k i nlyi l Oid *ill:) , • lti.eoußtiii . jau44‘iiildie' a:tpir ot. ypieu not - to ;be i iminimlerstiio4,-,'04,1wn ,the ,iritent - for' . ilvliieli;.r pier :440;,4)"9'9414 .:liielr.:thOrfilinil: ; 01404 litroC l WllkTho, entheAjeinent ,0f,4121.; ißfgl.9Kplibliii , AnneY 2 , 4o# .l rearicirilefcfrAi . 4 . , r ing illtii Aft 'OW lim i(¢oi7diffnot:di4ose Wh'ein.ilfaiKt 'fifii9idAtron'n hi#, Op' Th'e ;oPcit.'LlT*Y,9' l ? 1 41VP.,11)0 11 #111,e,ki.Oriyed:', i .rpan,,.yri,i4,ol,ol3„:Qy ill itt.teeitgq;Mcol,alf#l;',: 7 !"' 1 590:114 1 1 11 9g.9 1 'th.e TPtlar. 2 . l . :NciTi3p.o,6o t . ,mei . thiii'eaid- than ,. with •a priMipidecia'Atifo Antiqlo9,o . ,p4 , :Bipti .lirttge..lC.:throWlifkiiff ihia!ep,a„t t .r)ei . ol4 . 4,N;l'fOnd'phihetkl,lit!) , - Fte,,`, i,tyii„tv„.,e,!pr; :,,-,..'. 1 0 - - 7,.. , ?,qi:,i, 31 ,4 • 'i .. ,:i .? 4 -t/i ' ; : ili r 6 , ,t.' 4 4 .1 tiftfilOjfilitte:Witohllitnif,Ociifhted: ker;o64!i• ifliiilihrkMiglithoViirovitellterno;ij,4l44ooi 1 ,004 1 40.11- 1 1;40-'*. 61 1.0.4P,W;'*00P140.0: 1 1,W !ioletir,qlO*o`,untiiOil,.ootir,i4K, , r Vi,,,,.k 1 WP.641,. Iffigiiiiier,4 l l l 4oooo*? , i r P 4 1 ,91- ,: * /.Voiso4 , - 0010.4w00.0,41*. . lA** '. i tir'' tolli'k'''l neetioe ' , IA TO 'alp ' 4 .1.,: . ;, , i',i,:... , .... - ,-," ';,,_,,-;:. 1.:;•:. , .. ,-• F;=M CARLISLE, SANUAA tier, arid Mire of voice thin bore r I sic, t \l ore ' cc'l4 1 161$ certainty Of'hin guilt; All ' elltilffi'db tfilikg • him cohl'ess proving vain, lie',..'iv'ergbigatu . Hunger,. 'by ' the' pa w erhil ' lira Ocqudgkr X , 'intntlie Water, Thli time ibili'ff.:4oiart-rs, Well Withhirti. He Was IcreileVO!,qo,slitk so lohg that when •t, ..:u'Out trlV',ollo4em.fli 'lifeless corpse. ,• It w r's eitinetirott;-,l3ooe' s they Were able, Ir• their ulteitnkt;ektAliciii4, to restore:him' thfficiently trrSireirk,s.C'When . lie.did.sPeak-it Was th rePeat tkii'ati, TOO de- ' , nial 'as before: The •heert„, of an'. lirdinary man, must lirii,e'failetr, - iti .leillitliA,tlielion4`. that of Sudget. ar, 'Mr,',.blirtil'mPfoiirie was well satisfied - that - the-6th,triiiet•lineW something of the lost (untie. ', . .: ; ,• I i: , Placinghimself in a pb:sitio 'Vicere • he could note the expreasion ofth ',iferiftirrA of the twiee,dforietf,nran, he .111' e ettareesed . him ;-"Mr. W. We kill:10 that,:'Of4eVe iii' your'pessession, or knoW some ii,d 4 •Ol', that ,money. Now disclose every 'l tog, rot ,Wri will sink yohr .bOdy, tremblin ~,,,, , eidhe weight of a guilty conscience, i the Water _never. to emerF,9 with_life,_rt ,e44li,hurry your guilty spirit ; 'without one romperrt; for repentance, before the tribunal.' Heaien, to receive the recoin:perisd'ir yeur orWs.— Disclose, at once ot'youdia:" ;.I.Chialwas ut tered in tone. and with an emPhin3is that kr ced.upon the -niind of Mr, W. the 4 1asolute . certainty of its fulfillment. Thkguiltfonen trembled. For a time otter:MA faileil•'ltirn? His terrible adversary -was still 'minding' in( his•earS the certain doom that- *ailed him. He could conceal the truth no That newer ‘vhich had aide,j him in the commission of the crime, and Olt now kept • him from the disclosure, had fotsaketi him, and the thought of rushing into the presencel of his God, with his sins triireptinted, forced ' him to reply; "I ivill tell you al I know it-, your suspicions are correct, the !money is in our possession, or at least $30,(100. Ofthe remaining :53,000 I know noiliiiig You will fi dit either in a black trunk.-in our bed ellarnher or: under the hearth".'k Judge K. leltving him in care of Mr. F. till he should a ertain the truth of this ,staleitpent, started for the house. Ile was sect] bylliis wife,aridl the lady by whom•the laid was ielatealo the i wilier, coming across the fielk. dovered whir I mud, and, to use, the wordslrf title former, "appeared like a murderer.(' .Alarmed at suctta sight, his wile, though from her feeble health 'hardly able to, walk, metr-liirt at •the Thor with - the ituriniry"flusbarid .--tvlraireve -MtVert-draiiigl" Ae en! mI y air 'the eikfifri-_, statices would permit, he replied— . '.'”?-z. " !fie he re had . fhe old fellow ilirer walell and made him own where the money is." Judge 'K. proceeded to-the house of Mr. \lt-'''end-- inquired ‘C'llere •Nlrs. \V. wire; Ile' wee tout that she Wits km her chamber,- but tliduot wish to see tiny' one. ‘Vithout. ceremony i Judge N. ascended the stairs, as we May suppose iii no caret - ill manner, and kriottked at lite door of the- apartment poinietrOtit, He heard a rustling within, butmo,stepel,o 7 . called, but no voice was Wank' In' teriti.gc,. he set his foot against the door and burst it. open, and entered. Mrs. W. was sitting n " Hit the-betl .--11 e -immediately ethatelY explained the , ob4 jeer of his visit, and conclude,: by telling liOr that the money must come tottlsemning.— I Seeing, the , •black trunk." lie proceeded to open it, aird'evainino its contents, When she.' axclaimeil—“lt is not theme," Her position upon the bed, nt this moment evcited suspicion that the money niust be a-I bout her, and lie immediately commenced pulling oll' the boil clothes,-in total disregard 1 of all she could say of the impropriety ut such conduetrin a lady's bed chamber. Deeorum was out of the question. S . lnt next attempted t to accomplish by force wkat she could not by. I reason, but with the ease and of a, giant, lie lifted tier from the bed, anda color ing the covering, he.saw n quilled garment that appeared as though it might contain the money. lie seizey/ it when MrS. W. exclaim ed. "You Have o,ot hr. He immediately left the house and proceeded with the prize to a neighbor's when the whole amount t'.:33,- 000, was found quilled between two pairs of 1 gentlemen drawers, the property of the offi- 1 cur who died at Mr. W's a few days before; 1 and to use the words ol Judge It., "wheu he seized thp . drawers, in her chamber, she seemed to be more troubled'about the name on them than, the money, us that would fur trisibuntlant evidence of her g,uilt, in the death of the officer": . . Mr. W. was released, and—returned th his home, but his wile--:slic, who had instigated to the eommissiOn of the crime, now known to. the World, was no where to be iourid.— Saarch was made _in all the apartments of the house.but in vain.i.NS soot= her absence became known, intelligence was . brought that a neighbor had seen her cros sing_ the :„„ ds, witka httrietl step, in the direction of 553.1.. c tiver( the Black . River.) The truth ii,t ?i:lted tat onto upon Alm...minds of all that .... 4lie had in all_prObability found a watery grave. The river '‘Vas,settrched, antra little 'distance belOw where she Was seen crossing. :the fieldOter'bodY waaourril,, with suck a IV of unutterable' anguish 'ilepieted en' the .countenariee, -ea pliiirity told the,dePth.ol,the i struggle Which had taken piece in her bosorri . . , Home 'Sher had 'tea ered • (160ofate, li.btitirlf rePutatioit he had blitete(h,tuid:With 'fi: hand more_' withering, thita,the touch Otait'Onvii ,- n'rpOni; she•hitilloWillfi . 6l6 — lhe'ii . g: sociated harries Of both; every thing.;tlthf' wris worth :ivirig, foS 7 ' She eimlri bear 06 ditrught of existence'ne• longer.' The 4lrea4flit 'net is meditated.' The •d fseowiry-Of ifer &lit tiiiiti6it' her to qlespriiiitiotii , deriperitiiok: i haloes "het footsteps,"an - 1 turfrom . 6 'projecting - m ft she' caste herselthitoifikiletttirfusing"OP ' rervbeloW;ll*seerO`arcS r i'fiteili over` a' being„ who 'but ler: dint 'first' frittiOrlefililig' ter 00 phition; iiriglithiti*.'slii 4 P" . ( s . ollB ojoii4 . l' 'ly in' the hall 4 ethilistili: "•!,•':' "'' '':"''i' '- - , -' 1 :'-''Ji , i; • , 11.”'• :i":';'' , ;)):/ . . , '7re . l .:!,. ; A. Vr.ay:tiiAilcktiNatiax..,-4he: , Ney'viOrt , leans Picayune. tells k e e.,NV :die, only, tb,at of ...i4deti in Za. sPuijler4 4o PnAvo na'lla iyiAaiiii, l o'it out , sn‘ , ten• Qequf. , Pflf, glaqq. ,Somebody ; ,. . tbld ..biros. :right arouad, rio r seaihAmb;foi, , half,..the opuey: 7 - , 'He d.94t00 e:gh,e , uneitiCoriTtii,aioieiterated.l A bPo l7 VlProPeieig,V , saidi-IlieP* ;turner,and, ~ , Sard.inotgN tOunc l / 3 *other , ,etidt)r-re,, 8 1 iabliishment in 6111040„. 1 .1roipt :Yankee. , had iiiggad a vial gatkle . '," ei t tair •: of tlw :firattYaiiteit'S r. dp64,4lllife'olliet ilidrllitterlet-bkirrol)Oß cidefitOtiuktk iroanktiAL.yi•atirAtaAliaCit*ittiVlcirtOlC# glritii• to perjept_idkof,outti*teri srtiA I li j 14 :, X dtiVi'dithfWiFAQ,o lo Naililiarwllißleerk: 41g # , 1 4opsixtriitAytoitAeuknoti 4. ;YR4Yir t i Dt 1 ,4:410 O fPW. 1 010 1 11 4 grld'it.1 trwo it., a 4,Ati ,„als ot h utto 8 .. iteltireltijOtilitrq •! 7 - 4 ,-: 2 ' ll ''l9'l o, r , :' X'' WWI 4. 1 t, ~: 1 1 • AltrOir4-4.3r.1::+k-..--4 : :,`, N L A.: fi. , ,,a , ~ , - 4 , 1 , 1 " p", , ( Arrepiton,is , ugefl i in , ligultkneoll'thq , #;itiAliolitiriTio . rit RiLikiiao.' ,r • 7 , ' II ''' ,1 • ..; „,,,,,,,,,,,i-r,i..,.:,,.i7..,!..,.1.,,,i, ,4.,.i''.',':i ., . - .::.,..''',.•,4 , ';,"-.'.,i'.''',-';:.,:.'.'- . ME Vile Last rarewell , R9.IIIIT.EMMILTAND H10 1 COVE: eVian'itig !Of .. tC.leyely i I*dtiy . .4 tibblefend'iti toted tnet:--, yonneady irtOdiref the iidAlle Ot‘ and de sited She Was •clesefy'vdilea dud , tfie keeper &within!" tit, agiatihdr • firti3....."60 ' suet] 'proud bearhig'Sherild be'aniiPhent the ,son deer.' HoWel'or'he granteutthirtiticii,Led her to the r dungenn[OPeiredllie'iniqiveVori doori then 'dosed' it 'again; -itekthe • ivere leatierf against' We • Prison! Witli'down-cast, hedil,• and his 'Mina .19Ided upon 'his breast.' aently:SEritaiSerithe'veil from - his- frier), and "Einniel turned' to gaze upon all the' earth contaided, for tith—tfie girl Whose Sunny - brow 'ih - the•daye hood had , be'en his' polar' star=the tnaiden. :who - had' ioinetimes Made hie h f thihk:tliks ttworld 'waf all' sigisiiine." The'chinkinLeJ heavy chales sonsiderrlike %,,a death knell to her ehrs;,and she wept liken child. Ern, ' met said but little. yet !hd.pressed her warm; ly to-his besuniould their leeliege - hiild'a meeting—such a meeting, perchance,as is held in' 'heaven. only there we part no more. lit "n. low voice he; bear ught her not to forger!Nrn..Whep, the cold grave received his inanimate body. Ile Spoke of by gone days—the happy . hours of childhood, - when his hopes were bright and glorious— and con- Aluded by requesting 'her sometimes to visit the plate and scenes that were hallowed to memory from the days of his infancy, and should the' world pronounce Iris name with scorn d•nd contempt, he prayed she would still clifttr-to-lrirn with affection, and remem ber loin when all otheni should forget. Hark! the church bell sounds and he remembered the hour of execution. The turn key enter ed and sepetated them from their long em brace mulled the lady from the dungeon.— A t the enu once. she turned and theiir eyes met they could not say farewell, the door swung on its hinges, and they parted fprever. No.! not hirer& !. Is there no Heaven ! At sunrise next morning lie -sacred glo riously—a martyr to his. country and - re' lib erty. "And nne—n'er the myrtle showers ~ by mill...wind. fanned. • • Vtie faded ridden !Winn flowers— Tho net ofy hat fhir band." zTwes in the land of hely—what a mag -1 influent-scene. A piths.- email - dated - girl upon: tier bed of death. •. Old it dVIIS hard fur her toidie,far frorn,home beautiful land, ,tYliere flowers perennial, atid the balmy air ' comes freely to the pining soul.- Oh no---her mai. was milt-411e brightness of her dream had faded—her heart seas laok . ties have been found on earth—close, binn ing ties—what is more heart rending and 82* ()lazing to the spirit, than to Mid at lust the beloved one stanched away ? and all our love is given — tem "passive flower." -Finbtik,ll-!-; ,she died the betrothed of Robert Ernmet,The Sarah Coehran. Italy contains tibr fLbretriains—its flowers .breathe their Ira 'grpnce. user Oar grave; anti the lulling tones _abbe shepherd's , lute sounds a requiem to her memory, • A Battle Scene. ''rhe Tennessee papers recei‘ed many . Pilling incidents. of the battle of Monterey, patticularly that part In which the TCJIIICSSCe reginteUt so d ist ingurshed tlwrnselces, ti,e storming of 1.1:e Hoer lost at the south part o f th e town. in that trallant c.targe, many brave men fell, and. among the test, Capt. Win. B. Allen of the Lawrenceburg • kitties . The "rderly sergeant of Ins collapses in a letter to the Captain's lather, thus describes his heroic coquet : We anived , iir front of the forts and bat teries—the Ohioans and ICeotuckians out the tight, the Temies=coatis and Mississippians on the eclair?, the Baltimoreans and liegularS in the loft. lit that position we stood the cannonading fur at deast half an bout.--,There our brave and lamented Captiat partook 01, a hearty meal and snit, "liOys if I die to-day,, I shall die with a lull stomach." tt'* * * * The order • Tennesseemis had, lett \ flank, charge, tarn, charge. Our T company was in, bine, arid ever and anon could ourcaptiart's voice •he h•-•ard saying. " Come on npy broi,e bays; come on, close tip, dos'a , up:"lti that pOSi tion for near two miles we're we exposed to the raking tireset two batteries, and the noted black rtrt;one ball taking ellect in our compa ny, wh ;sentse Vert' brave stint - it - to literally. Then again was the shout from our brave eaptian heard Mtough the ranks "come on Nave boys, come on.", About seventy yard.; from fort the'comniand 'halt was given, and then the fight With nibtiketry.commett ced. "Alien's voice was then again steadily heard saying, "lioyakti god aim , don't let; there' the that caution tigran,7 they mbeyeil . that coot nitintlrliir that 'cannon firm Outtiiptaitiwitri•shoe tlitotigit the breast „w .m : mnsket ball,.and-looked rironnriand suin, ~ 13- O ys Imust long after he' sa : rl,, , ,",L,aM,:dying,hurra, my Brave sword unnlitiallteil" abd y gcasp4l_ .t}t d'Lawrence county. has , the: lit:MM. left a 0 Ing7tliriffrst map titOrm.i.Ogo4,ll.!NtNott was. the first Ma pp lto s ratrwmAskr ; titat„;(oit. swol4 and Itlit ) Ylis come on ' edit9L..tboye_. Only),Yrittpn afar as.yonrron'ivaidcineeinerf the' Kist ilay's -!, ~.: utw: i it.; T OO „,vyt or, c ,i,ld o ti;o o 4,l2rose n ot9 T 4 o l.4. B iti E ill,.44. i :lii O rlul a , :l: c.iiNE:o : euentlny l s : o,l q ,uard U ir,t i al4l l ,: k h._4,lEca H ei ; alit i 6,l, l d :e awc i l., l i i, ? ; ; ; l:li ; litiollord. "„iyti w eh i • ll g,i t !toi?takerrtVeff "13 I: ) ' then ' . li ' od "LIS,' f i l ;110 0 1 / 1 1 Z/gfi ?' ....,. I, • '-^, ,i , it tor thrl34 Oth''''• ~H,l I;o)AYtitticipeirouiOni'o,r) 2 ; '..i'VOVA' oll i / '?",,,•v•: 1 iii e l..iv 3,,.,„:r •. fly.. t. 1 ., .oitiii'd'36NrA'YkobY,‘,73;cin Nokk.thi',izedldiivny , ~,, Tuer,,.o o _,,,„ 64 „teiril m ill iiiiii,f:Olietirtuffiiiitt , bhll l ' u e,,,u 7 L - c , - c i ,i - t - it ip uhlitidtioqiindi fiinatilte , :! tk :i..? . . ul i e l oh : 4 6 ; ,,,,i_ gi ,d s i:illn a 6 - yo : l it t : i t u a ; 7l4wi. ' , fi r i i :tiiiii: ortz. i . , i 'd t itsiiati-odfxilh 1.5, 0 n - 1 00,01 . tf o m;olz irt ra: e fil j,6, k ,k;: 1 / 4: ls ,:e: l4:,oi,l ':! ,l,.: i : lr ni.o i tti :l :l : ,l). ll: l,o , ti dt,, : , i ~ ~.„-,,1 y 0 • 71 ..",- ' ~ . -• __.. 1 , , '41 .. 6itiu;iyulitta_ 4 41 ' 11 , * 1 , 1 0 11 441 ` fiti m l A v g..: tI 14. , du, e il . . ' 4 ix l.. , , ,10;,'1,e whylalnbitv",•64 aura . eater ,1-iit {ash ',ll kinglh,rougil Y, i Y ij , , ....,.. . th fract14".1ver : 41,1 : ,1,1454, ' ,1 ‘ , X'f,ed.4,:::',54, .% "I'll ot:•? -, 4 , 6. '” ,o' . , ~l' 4,ii•Ailriiiiviiig. ' 44 ' iiieCiAlvitiiiiti.. , -te n . 9 I , . ', !SAO maiden's ,ttukr,lol/ 40P igibtot ,:,lalutihitotl ~ td , 40 , 74y 2 15104, $ iiikre..9o.og,t--01'iiiikr,K4414"1 tikt 3 %111 jar' lAlftwo planteu romos 3Cl._ your c ,o, 4 e „, 4Y;ri"i trr gatfaiirtlibbYrl‘ e gr )troll),..tTir 1 li bl iniiiho 'ail i'li,i,i(;tt . #'; li , li , f f 63l ' l '• ''''' .' . *' ' * HIMIII ..r - • r ' ME ..I iI I / The A poor lrisijmatrtioilig,benighted, loitt Ins ' Bemorming his fate, be, •sityr Iti the 'distance the phenornenotlPeouliai to. tharilty and bags{, grisithtlsrlefliKvirtlilefeheo as the iktisjatatiCand to . ther .. .perisentr - Jaelt-o-- 7 %MOW!: The „Motion- of this_ urinous vapor is , nouunlike thb;rnotion.vr !Arch a Istiterri makes when . eareteslly carried; lienee its popular trnd , stiperstinous appal= lotion. „ - Be yowl csit2d: Patiihk, elate With joy, '4 oeh, ii•graire...rupi4 are Miami° ,bless the. me ofthi4 that Man and He can take me to, wheiel'll slieltdr . rierrithis dew ful spot—not fit tor a baste, and sute not lota chtimian,' , ,-• Forithe love o' the saints, I cam t catch yen! Don't run so fast! • Och, Murther, - broke toy .toe, thh poor fellow; tomb. ling over a projecting stump. But be the litmers, ye shan't , get away so asy; for Pll catch yes, if I hey Winn to Kilkbuny-z-inind that, y e. spalpeon.' Unfortunately for , -Petrickrt-pit-was in his 'path,. which was partially covered with blush• wood; ,and down WS the poor , traveler went. With his.destent, youislied the (*ice' lie was in poraitilot, and the weighty imprecations • hewas about to lunch upon it. his all. if he caught hold of one of the mojecting shrubs —but who shall pai:lh the horror of Paddy's mind ? The travelel :woe „blessed with a vet). vivid imagination, which; like' many other blessings, became Paddy's direct verse. The -genius sot invention made Paddy ac quainted with all the horrors of the "bottom . less pit, chock-full ol water, ,, and. luath,:, some animals at the bottom of it:” flow the poor tellow did ho!,1 on! To nen his own expression. 'he held on for ;leath; for It been the life of him, if he'd lel go. The thundering pit that it was- 7 it 'ould hold Dublin asy, sad Cork in one corner of it.' Paddy held on with all his might, and kicked in the bargain, in the _taint hope of sticking his does in; the sides; but on:ortenately, lie wore brogans, as wide at.the toes at at the heels. Ire began to grow taint, and at one tints thought lie wzinld make up his mind' and drop; bat then he thought be might drop too far, and not stop till he dropped into pur gutory-Lihe thought Was hOrrible—and he concliided to stick - to:n(4M iilf hiS might.— , lle groaned, lie sweated, he blessed his' starsi_why.belb/csm/ there-is-hard to tell, but add thought he was spiting them at that. - At length 'the tlitydight Paddy held on. At ono trne lie thought he W..uld look down, but he wasalt aid he might turn dizzy; he theteforeleld ,on-a,little ion ,er. But nature„,e4d sum:Ml..lm more.— Slumming all' MS courage,"he lboked don n —lint, wonderful to tell, his hard .itight's Work jtad been all fur nothing; lm his s - feet were act ually within Iwo inches ry . /he butiont! alact - which he would before have discover ed, tiff ror his extreme tairror, vybieti prompt ed IMO to keeplilirWt as high up as possible. 'Quite exhausted, Paddy let go, exclaiming as he stood looking out of the pit, 'Bo my sow!, it's too bad! .so it is! What a pity the pit 1-41't a mile deep. alter thy holding on ,so well all night. But that fellow with the lan tern is a great rascaloo tdake such a goss.o o n of me!' Toni Tipple, l'ho liked Volunteer ing. but had -a didade fin Active Service. •Yes, there it are again,' J.aid Tom Tipple, as he yesterday saw a company of gallant volnufeere marching up St:Charles street, ilia starts and stripes proudly floating ovi,r them, and a tile - and drum in advance, load ly, Ifitel'o t hignently.- diseoursipg martial mu sic.- ..fhtne it are,' said Toni, 'and the old tune, too, tMarch to the hattle field!' Marche: to the baffle field is all very well., but mai honre • again—purviden a fellow sue-• ceeds in dodgin the Alexican - copper bonus —with it levecand:ager owhiivbaelt instead of It's knapsack, and a wooden kg instead of his nat'ral limb, ain't what's it's cracked up to be: There, now the tone's changed to- Float happy's the soldier —Yes, he's cussed happy, ain't he? They may ten that to The jack nits, even the marines won't ble4ve them. There hai tt no kind o' use at all in tellin' it to a feller like_ me; trot lived three months 'moult the chapparel uu the banks of the Rio Grande on machete and, Salt pork, and wet used up so touch of the latter, for want o' tin M tin& better, that 1 was afraid to look a shoat in the lace Yes, there's mote of it—[sings With the t"I'lla Mar Sitangleil Danner, and long may it wave, ''O'er thir land of the free and the hobo ottite tiruve! llurrae. that', all hut rate hot if yotr, want that 'era Ilag to wave over the land ot , the , lien-anal the himat. of the brave, why in 11-11 dtt you take it to llexierd Tb ern p;egteasers laint.. free , hor_ Nave • nttatow, you can hi it; so you seo,, thunghp.the music id goiad,,the „Ihntitneni,itin!h.„'propriate.,' New, I aitet, gut no of?jouti,oni trr voltuttooren,, so . 1,,, k Rows, •on. ' rain'tepygysl;aolklartk ot.that.• I .h nv o, grpal.l v , litthd.eight.companiosslook,trents,M .tny mro• ilrtinn,ottelt,thepides' dont? • - thq ; psotropyyetts, .driaking,for , Alrolve to poranett,yolonteers. 'l'dal • ls,,,thai:l,loiol,la'dolly , , , hus,i tleS.Sr. k s Alto , pOemy....ot , ,the,:per,leesion, as , , 130 I Nialtlicovs ushd to oral it. Nllarehi t al tn....‘hit I.q • klm .091 , 1, is ell- very-well, .takon in. tl4.figeratty e kens° •-•;.4liit'lWayr. en Outliers ,Af tt,!,engltess , w ishes, ttr' ..,I).Ai tmdeni l too,4-#6, they cililn tho, honorable,. acintlemati.wot spoke last a liar, but von 1,., c'ttnies`tdOhM to t litotaPprifse; veb t ti' feller ticr - city74eittl , fliinselfk - ftrir• t.sB;;:e.,, month; into' a Tirileg tolhitti7 cran4ed,,nt ,R t r,Tdhlifif,. ri!hititir,Wil it's ,c reel:ea t ' np, to - be, liy .. 4 . j p , 1i .,,,. T i., 0 ., ipe;'l' stiY:=, , "?'" -.• '' • , • -- ~ • ! if!, ithy , yoll'aiittil,tiiristmeri g : mild•rlolicit - a 'flociaait loOking-, , gemleinao,.wiiarinio loath e : ...tap, having a.. red - sash, pad ro Ila g ; his ..;waistil netts a inurnacheiin , it state-oLiskettili! ;i 1 1.2,t.9. 1 4%,)0A/Il i tl er ;iii ) , 74l : ,.f ?VivY 9 .! l ik r it 3 M i Y l pOsoner;:ycliAln.roit.tyitcppivi in ,thyemn,, , ;: , inniV, uhrl'itrnjf intibnd Tor isiN biYl3:''' , . ' -- - • J'.,t iVtlir.*OtrO".ltli diaTtitri ViliPlef" ilti& tOtt ti't ‘ Coikitess,Pays 1 there ; ainh'.nO,•,unvol- * iI*,Y , .P. (3 :r%YAV 40. 1 9 vPlP l ,I,PItO4ICi, #) bo,ft free and 'Andepeldet4 cluzetv . . ; , i.A.'' cikity4 `iilicittliciiirliiCiAd;ilVaiiiiii ! `.Vciii ?.intl, his captor,. among', whom riOt less Mho litOreilaiiiit:oltiimed Tom as Having enrolled,. lliihmojki,ii' . 4Ma# klitiqe i nt del ni Pi lies; ~.: HP. MO dclitctic) oy,cr 16tlie - civil ntlkoritcs for ifathliirdtspi3ldiiop e ' l 4-11 . rort ])slu t : ' ; ' • . ':—.'.. 7.: . ' , 7s'43' ) OIL 'vi ; A ' "" • '''' • '''' V ' VsG , '.,' 1 .,' 1 I atagelliliCl 319 ii e Sh i ll it) El 0 Citi*Nt ~T. T hef Ott 1 14 1 } - *O l kainnAK lll t t RIC Y. a° t Ar9 4 !f .V 4 / 1 1 191 ,spe.ooll ,m, a mottleves,e. lit Xexiits: - .• • '-. 50111teit 'fileiiiit - ialiiliiiiiinr.:Tiii'tbilla f liiildll—Nit , 6166 Itikelige,thie fr om alkoewl.i. 1 16 .'4 :414' J4itVA' 14fuir,WItaiAljaitAK#J1.01 , KT' .115i,4eFyIRP, p-Itt'll . 1 3 ,,t4, gr A P#A,I t a q ~ , r . rpb eLvelpg' im fir . .et.,,, la,Pee.,,- ; .7 1 ,hii iii / iftii ICilort:ThfiVV , l'!,!iofel - C 4 ' 7 liiiilitidp'!ll6.3tAiivicstiitrktqabumpitt 1 aolf o r A n‘. 4 l4 l l T:l l .lF l 1,40-,,w,4404 'id. • ti - 'l, isnot:64 t m ittreo o o l l ''T,r`k-,A. ME MIS ! '‘ ci • 1.. NUE XXI' , . !low Wu. Joiges FAlLrat.-=-Some men fait :so' frequently, that it.niay be:almost said of `them, that : eset!' ; %Yewish they would all folloW :the example 'Mr. Jonep. 'There once lived, in the City of Boston : a certain Mr. Jones, This silintifMr: - Jolicawas .an eccentric man—fei-yrinuch so : and ammo.' his 16.arfy other peculiarities was that of fair ing itr business once in every ttvo years.— Some people now a days larie the. same.ex=„ traor, I inary habit. Mr. JonOs altikYS Paid' creditors fifty p'er et:qu i —no more nor no.less than fifly per-,Cent. A very dignified and pompous -man as Mr. jones: Mr. - Jon'; failed:again—made an assignment of his'elt felts -as usual, and was very much surprised when his nssignee said to hfrn— ' "Mr: Jones, weshall declare a dividend of forty per cent" • 6 . "Sir," said Mr, Jones, in 1 very :dignified' manner ."you must mate it fifty cents on the - dollar, sir."' can't be done," saidthe. assignee. It 4hatl be done," said Mr. Jones OW: — ting his right hand. •'We• Dave not enough property in our hands to do it," said the assignee. "Si,'," said Mr. Jones,' declare •fifty per cent.—.l always pay fifty per cerit. —ard, sir, it you have not sufficient property , Im.y:our, heads to pay fifty per cent, I sit', will pay ilia balance only .my own pockcl. C=EIN A' BOOT WITH FpOT correspon dent of New York Spirit of the Times gay, that Knickerboc.kerls article o n bootjacks and, big feet reminds him Of a little occurrence which took place at-one of the North River lands. The Albany boat had jnst arrived, and the landing was as usual, crowded with cabmen ; porters, loalcrs 8:c. When, the. pus sengers commenced landing, a porter step ped up to an 'up country looking chap,' say-2 ;ng. •Carty , your baggage ?' ^ , ;No, Prather guess nocrwas the reply. 'Shan't 1 carry your baggage?' 'No? darn ye 2-1 hain't got any bagcrage,' The porter looked at him a minute .; then " very coolly stooped down, and taking hold of one of his feet ; sail with an air of aston ishment ; , 'Why mister that's one et your .feet--ain't it 'f Blarretne, it did'at think it was a /eh& cr. truuki? NOTHING IbtrisH.—A yankee, boasting an inveterate,hatroil to every thing British, is living in this city with a colonist familf. Ile, takes every - opportunity to have a 'Ol4 at -brother Ball, aml the colonist sloes - what W m, to defend, the venerable gentlemen. 'Noll are arguing," said the colonist - , fla guinst your ancestors!' • • -No, I am not.' c•Who was your father!" - - "A: Yankee:' -- • , •Wlto were your folefathers?'i "Yankees!" „were Adam-and Eve ?" , •I'atkees bp—thunder?" • A ;• s,'n'amsrry.—A .gentl6tpart, a. citizen of lialtnnore : was travelling a short, time ago, on board a staamobat, on Lake 4.ortze, and after having paid his "Hicks• punts - for a sight of the " varment," W. 16 permitted to take a literal copy otl tho box contaitiing it. 1 , 0, the information the curi ous we publish it verbatim. When. " Ohl Dick:l was asked if he was the author of the lines, he remarked that he was : and that it Wilt; one of his best efforts. LYVE SNAIX lbw • • The sub•ervbur has got bt, Jiviu Rattil Suaix in a gaithocks for too sho for s:ckspunts a syfe. N. P. l'itildun balypryce. Them soak was ketelit ou Tung mounting and is dwl a'y N. B. they dent eat nothi.t. O\ r tt u,.nr YUelt WATCII DLitlsn SEIt• MON.--Tlll, i. HO I' inii!l exploit. Ilium are . II t adviedatatl, ari,ing from it. In the tirst place it will he !mown that the man has n watch'. Jo the **MI place. he willAttomi that the i-eriniin It .S net much-iitleeted him.. .it will lie a modest hint to the min ister that he has pig:tithed long enou'h, and should brio.? the sermon to re close. Fourth:4 ly, it will take up a portion of the bubo and atten tion, so that a part of the sermon, cur-. thinly (it 'not We whole.) will pass by-the nine as the idle wital,..and be Met.. Fifthly, it will show is but estimate the man.put on, the mesinge.of grace. Sixthly, it Will attract the notice of others •artfund, and turn aWay. their attention from themessage nor. S'eventhly, it is an not very nitwit in inwmony with a passitge otgeriptttfe, 4whep , will the new moon be, gone, that..we may, *ion crirn, and the•Sablialti,that we may set forth wheat?' Amos . A. SnAyt , Due l —Louden .dogare'noLdev iltutre of a sert of cockney. ability. ' We know one, (sayslhe I„karary .Jouiriftl).whieh . 'w,ak heetistorned to. go almost everylday, with a , ":"' 'penny in•hil mouth„tn the baker's , and bity,7l. al roll Jul his, oWil consumption .' 'One. , day the baker's men, in a „joke r gavalith..a Ml_ _ hot„ is lire, just Oat e,fthe,ev,ert, L wbieh-he'iti- ‘ 4 Natly dtopped,.se,izeil ,hil;',inoiliftiotiftliet -, .i •eounter, and, trout ibit day clantgedlWislkikert u.l 'hi never would ge i ,hank-,na k in7loAkatishopp - 7- be Cape ti (-hi ti -money,„: 1 1 k 6, a jgooti-steati* , -,-- uetpmer - with - a Jimmy, bobayftd tratleintait „, '- ~li.- Ib itelielbiAn tkinifilk s ;ira.; iiroposes,lntna., , ; self tifi i tt priz,ein.el)it ‘ teTy.; 41 1)e, galled:S.ll6,, , : IV' s : 4ll frO P li . /arrta4 l ? 1104OrY- 1 ?-.;ritel pribeir of tickets . 16,cri yArti'abOardin,g,tn,,tho ~ age 0f4.1 ' this:oooip*,„Ns idor;6, tied 91431104 e g !, charged considerable, Mi:o3.,than 1, ~ c1ung!,..1e,..v. A ips - ;.'2 Wliee *50;000 Is rak4 Atte 10.1!Pty;41041- ,tp' be,'Ll 'lash,' and it. 'the -.W.inner be, drsinclin foli act to take the,man t ly,4!„.ll,w a n_l9,le,y,t . lig twyp 'is to be iliillifeil . /ie4weeP' glen) '.-- ' ' '''' 4 ' ! N I CE L Y . FOth,En!- /A eAtept.,{f, p4it of this state,- ealleqn : hbippialiiboje t inics r, " ifilause,2 11°, '• 10 d Oinkl.i , g ; Mtt ki Riktdi . •ta (ktne ;iluchioc ' lie; , li4 qmii.,-z-mt;pli Ittok:i Z l4 -if.440 - ,otOpOr-IV,Vere F iquail,t;,At.lVßll 617'; , elmilien,ealalliing in ih`e greatie velubilittea, c ,i, _,. ~ 1. ie liog4borti,paln, ap4 , 149.1 1 1, 0 .1M90:, ced' A li. e ' i tllP 4o l#4 , o: l 4 4oll ov i Vip# lot: p q. '14,1:10 be% is *lk. ~ , -, i....? ~, .. - ....62.:* : ,,i0ii, ,o. l l3i:ifr '. oNE, , x,F,e. — , enp !j4i'i,,,do,4aTisfio„ ;'FI: .0 1 ,0m3i400 ,. .iii , ,yp0e,.141:6 in., ill i ..iiLi -;;“ - l'a4(ll6"4.'lilwA)irt, t;„.,11„121,Y1,411P.,,:, ' fi ree'ilit , 4o*R, d0cie0i.4.4.,4i.:- 74,;:, , ,y,:,.w,,,--i.{.i.,:. ~, 1 n0,..".:',.111Y'“ , •-` , 1” : t ',.....„;,4 t . , , 0 hi.,. ; ';';'.ol , l4td l ttivio lii vkiii 'Oleo, I ,..Pcott)kitkier i A !. ,`;,1% , , riiiii 'NO s IV ~,,,ii i _l o ' t05.'1i...1.113.61414141 ~i,':' l,,leitiffilekftEl '',4ohf,': 11 1 ; 1 )1 •;- ,IN - ',.T.. 11/ttiiiiihPiot ;''4' 4 / 1 1 0iks 1 4 3 WA' . '1 6 k l et .'. e.i . , c:: , 41 ,,, i ,,,,i,„ ..,... , ~ , 4 i-.-,,,, ,, , ', , .,.,‘ . 4,,?-,...",: - .; 6 ,, . , , ,, ,'.'... ';.- $,1.:-,•:.-:-::, M N Me 'es i!!!!M OLD DICK' '; :ti4