I:COar Dittaattieltimita4 :111.ghly-I,mportfult — froirt i thlFSaat - War. • • s ;ft' I Advonti of Soria Anna niion. cn., o Saltillo—Gcn. Taylor Moi)ing to the Supfa?.rt of General IVorile-s-Concoifrtition of U. S. • • '.troops at Monterey. . • • Tlic-Ncw Orleans papers ol the 2cl diet :bang impmtairf in r,lligen ce from the'seat-cif ' war. The Delta of the .2(1 inst. says:—Capt. -- Brown, of the schooner 'Robert Mills, was. informed by CapasXmlit, of the U. S. Army, 'that Santa A me i ;it the head of 15,000 troops, was no his way am... iinin lour days of Sal- tillo—and , tha(Gen. Worthouthbleio main tain his ground-against-suet-overwhelming . numbers, wits. slowly - falling back in the, --41irectiod.efMonle4....autLar. :Ta lot .111-4lnliripalka of an attack on that city, was folly lying it nt every assailable point.' It was also stamit , that-Gon. Patterson, who was on his 'march horn ~,Comargo to Tampico, I being made aWnre of the state of al - labs, had countermarched the division under his corm mind, and.wasiapidly advancing, by forced marches, for Monterey: lk•oin Mr. FoWler; •gentle Man of this city, who came passenger in the steaurrpro• peller Virginia, and who left Sniffllo on, the 18th ult. w have sabseimently learned, that previous to his leaYing,Gen. Woith's spies had come into camp and reported that Santa Anna was .within three or font day's march el, &MHO, and raptly -advancing, ut the lead entrant 1.5,900 won. • • Gen. Worth immediately sent an express 'to Gen. Taylor,' which leaChed him at Viet°• tin at I bylefelc:P M. on lIM 17th "f muter o'clock, A. M. the next day; Gen. Taylor despniched Iwo regiments, the Kentucky rind Tennessee volunteers, to reinforce Gen. Worth .atSaliillo, intending to follow him , sell',-as soon as. possible; with all ~hie dtsPosa: ble force. ~ ,!3,otiertil TaylorfeltOite confident of his being able to arrive at,•Saltille before Santa Anna could reach there. The whole lone of Gen. Taylor would then amount to 10,000 men, which he considered sufficient to cope with any,lorce that Santa Aim could bring aganst Lute. . Oz We have received, (says the New Orleans Me.tuty,)"till : otig - li the politeness of a coinme:riat hun e ho his city, the •subjoht ed e.s tract of a letter written b• - an inteli gent gen,letnalLut Tampico,atid...reeeive4 by au arival at :Mobile: Advises, ria. Vera Cruz, were received 'last evening. of the action of the Mexican' Con tress. They decreed that they will nc think or treat of peace udAil every hostile foot has ele.evel Mexican soil, and every vessel that lines het• coast is withdrawn. I consider the Will now continent:eel iii rcct l earnest. and I prophecy that Tampico will become an American town. Clay and "Scott. • Gel. Scott - and Staff w : ete3 to leaVe New Orleans for Tatripico on the 23(1 nit. Speak lug. of the presence of Gen. Scott and Mr. Clay in that city, the Delta says: "The Crescent City is now honored with the preAonet3 of two American ciiii.en's:whoi irral.itirk-and eventful - period- of the. history —rrr-tile-country. --- -11 - re - Waruf - t - 81-2:ls7with mightiest nation• on earth—performed their espective parts itt the great drama df that epoch. The elmjnOnt voice of Henry Clay as heard. in tinmpet tones in Congress in advocacy of the war policy of President Madison: and at Chippeway and Lundy's Lane, Winfield Scott unsheathed his sword, • 'and won imperishable J'enown,ln.gallantly and sinicessfully combating the flower of the - 1311dili army.- election took place at Pittsburg. on Wednesday last, for Colonel, and Lieut.. Colonel of the Second Regiment of Pennsyb vania Volunteers. There were three candi dates for Colonel, and Mr. Roberts, of Fayette county, was electcd - by six majority, over Capt. blarnbrit.' T, W. Geary, of Cambria ebunty, was chosen Lieut. Colonel. An unfortunate and fatal accident occurred them.' While Mr. Brindle, of Danville, and 1). W. Benner, of the Stockton Artillerists, were amusing themselves with pistols and gun-cotton, one oldie pistols was accidently discharge I. killing. a young man named Lewis Melville, aged seventeen years. The municipal election took place. in Pius burg on Tuesday-, and resulted in the choice of the Whig ticket imevery . ,ward. The new license Jaw was carries] by 1200 majority. IMAND.—lion. John I'. Kennedy of Ilahimme; was unaMinodsly elected Speak • er,.at theorganNatiou of the House on Tues day; G. Brewer was re-elected chief Clerk, nod Eli Duvall reading Clerk. The Gover nor in his mes.age reccOminerals the ap poinlment of a day on which the State will a.. , :time payment or the interests on her debts— The arrears of interest to be funded amount to 1,200 ; 000, '1 lie °intent yearly demand tin the t;easucy is estimated at $551,821. The sinking fund of the State,on the Ist of De cember. amounted to 1,510,922 and will extinguish the State debt in thirty years. Qln the House onlhe 4th inst., a de-' mottsiration of some intetest was made in" by,Presion King, of the Northern division of the Democracy," ih an effort to introduce a hill proposing an appropriation to defray the expenses of a mission of peace to Mexico; and also of SC 000,0,00, to be employed , ft necessary, in the adjustment cil any question of territory : in such a negotiation providing, however, that Slavery 'should be forever excluded froth any !Unitary thus In be acqui red, The vote upon the motion to introduce stood Btit t to.p.; • . • . Arriorncr curious 'fixet je thi s told in ono of our exchange. papers. Take ustring.that.will reach twice round the-neck-ol,a.Lladp,.ltn_lier4udd.:the_etuls between hericeth—then if the' nponeywill oyerhef beadle the s .buck of her neck, it is coal talc-shea_ is to be married or, ought to be.? • Now dort'A', strangle yout! - elves you Indies In, -thie t trnth:: . MEM . • FnEstir.Ts IN ,Oftic).-..-Cineinati papaw of thejlith,:enntair m:elancbolatty details, . o fl destruction *need: by a' libed.in ,the :Big ' Miatta.. - .94 - Xfie.:Zd4.., Five: lives ,were' lost. Tbei:Cineineti. , and - ::.Dayton - Canal is swept of .htidges'i•and,:ialbtaken..ond . overflowed; • • Tb k aNhiteWiter Canal. io'almosi•itreparably tlant,aged.Y:qhkless,in . famber,.. - Irour T lings .and+pork;js , drntnensa, and the;destruction . oftaills, , : lito,is tearldll l, ..:, • ' • Op .:l r 0yc ,... ~ C- oarqb!,4---."Villis S' iy ,' s : s i 1 i,: Onii f his;,latOs,-fiem , ternthY,:,Oltiatalire (i::lio.C4*ll.9f..at.'Dioholta)byihe way.ln a i t „, iP o f o lrO o oarsofiameh,ieneible GOtnan . r cxliwn7 olB ti.;o l, ‘eogesitioting :the ' - ggp , 444,logkhouing:: during service lime: The a , edaam stops, at .different perindi, , of ' - ' 7 lraf'Ataa - ,Ptli*OZM4O"6 - ImlM - rorrt — ltit.i jr)qtrir-; ; -.. etan!.kand'Petgi,/44)'aga4- 7 the-emtire congre ••••, gallon imitating entniple;';and disturbing; : , the service -iwitlr".,the , , opeottion . at'nes;•otrier -' ) time?' -'',' •••• ' r , ~ - -, ,•,'4q ~ ,. ::-,e,... -'' , '•.-‘''': , '" . ..... , -'(4,,...-5 , ~ :,. • .. - I'' ' '' 'j,V' 1 i' : 'I, ; A, • • ''' r jr LW ''. is IntkpeNs="plolin- i'oting ., -the-Goverz .r..IA-, 4Teers'S P;F at t qfP-F 3 P , ' , 4, 91 fr, 1 Y 14 #1. 1 !' ."Cr; V. Itt9y4,9f4P9oiqP,X,lTlor.4:-9).aok-9f ) .'''' 4 tit j Tfli f li t Arr?:lPPg , 0 rq!.o VP 7,, ~..,,: 4 p, p 4,,, -,,,. Wit tei.,,famtalo,,4l go% •nt9 0 00:.P'PAi1et").1 , , , .;•:,,: - .: , q-,•. -2 ' , 'i;11:117: ~,t ,-,;.,t,: : ,:, ; , , _.:., , ,,:?.:: : ; : ',-, . ',..--,,;'!1:;Af,..-• inli Oita ',c.A t tes t gra3, WONESbAY, JAkUARY 1847. Our 'Reduced Terms=! The Herald end Expeditor is now mitered toinbse'• here at ONE 'DOLLAR AND IFIFTY,.CENTS p yea but only when paid IN ADVANCE. Two dollars - I not.ne Id In advance. We be our Plandeln,rentemher that what we meen by Paying In advdnce Irpaying et • the dune orsubticribfrut or at the beginning Of a new, yaliT. - We -- tinpe-10-Ilnd-none-tnenn_otittline_rous t enottekto ask fin it nt the reduced terms, a iiiW th: have let their eubserintions run several ntonihe..over ffelliffer-Thellereld-Irnow.the-illbnpest.papes.....te4 the County. end-Punishes as nitiCh readies matter any other. ,It s list ofaubscribe,rit Is steadily increasing, tiblel. renders It n protiteldendreriisinst medium: . .10T1 PRINTIIIII of every deiterleflonexedtted the 11111101 , 1 fleetness end At the lowest priete.wilist H e, and pishionahle type. The prifronadit , o'ur friendsspertfullY sreolitflted. otr A hand -mite arid good PIANO FORTH: for Eoilei,fin - reasonahle tern's. Per sons desirous to purChase will , please+ call on the•editor of this paper. VT: Presley- Sfiruar.ee, Potri. has been elected U.-S. Senator ficnn Delaware. (I:r Corn. Stockton it is said is on 'his Viley back to the 11.. , The . aieel i z ati of Stale. Treat;prat . OM ettict on Tuesday next . , James M. Polder, Esti:4lle ne*ly 'dittetetk Canal 4COminissioner, was to spioterripon'Mit duties 'yesterday: - (*- Gen. Lerlie Combs, has been eluctVel Speaker of the I-louse or Reprecrentetives in Kentucky, Oz President - 'Pelk it is said •presented a very haggard and care-worn appearance at his levee on New Year's day. No Vveritter. O::7- A note is published horn bout. pal. Henry Clay 4 the Army, contrailleing the reportthat high words passed betieeen fli nee. Ttiptir add Batlet - tirMonterey. Off- The Philadelphians are going to present a sword, epaulette and full uniform these to the gallant Lieut. Parker of the Navy. TAmrictr, Dee. 17 IX7-- Goy. Shunk does not hesitate to repeat the falsehood that the rela,cation of British duties has enhanced the price of American grain. Does .he suppose our Farmers do riot read the reports of flit maticets ? The proceedings of the recent County Temperance Convention we ,are informed were sent to our office during our absence l ast Week, but too late for publication. It seems they weve mislaid , by , the gen ilem_an who occupied -out place—at iany late we have not, seen theriwhll accountslOC their non-appearance-this week. - We have a deep and abiding flattest in the progress" of thisigreat cause, and if the Members of the Convention desire it, we shall, if a copy is furnisheWcblish the "proceedings in our next. ,tr The proceedings - Of the:Whig County _t;cm vention which metin this borough de Mon. day lost, will he found in to-day's paper. Dr A Stewart, of Shippensburg, and J. S. Paul, of Monroe, were elected ttepresenkitive.del egates, and James Kennedy, .Esq.," to bepre sented to the Conferees as - Senatorial dele gate. No instructions. were given to the delegates,but they were elected by the friends of the Hon. James Cooper, and an. under. et, od to be personally friendly to that gen tleman: This vexed qu,estron:. is therefore settled, for our county, and it is the duty of every- whig to abide the result.— The Convention also passed aresolntion in snucting the delegates to support our towns. man, Major Joseph W. Patton, for Canal Commission*. Some of the townships had instructed their delegates to support Edward M. Biddle; but he hall previously declined being considered a candidate. Mr. Patton ins therefore the only candidate froth Cumber land county for this station. • Cr Our friendS of the Lebanon Courier have entered upon' the new year with an enlargement and .decided unprnvement in the external appearance of that zealous and effieent whip journal. We Wish them* increased success, Ty. The Reading Gazelle, one of the best of our mann'', exchanges, has been tory considerably enlarged and inaproved by' a new dress. It is now one of the handsomest papers in the interior of the Sin'e. The first and second detachments of the Pi nn Regiment ofPeunsylvania Volunteers .arrived at New Orleans on the 28th ult., from Pittsburg. ThereMaining companies of We. Regiment were hourly expected. , • Attention Volunteers! The tens new rer ments authorized' by eongress, will be titt4 led as volunteers instead of regulars. • Qr 6t vs saiif.tc;bwa fact that there have, heen seyera4undred desertions from the U. S. Arirr,'-- since the eommeneement of the war. 13r-Thb &hoot ectort tog. Spfii!g township have passed a resolution Idittily . ap. OrOving:ollitirravveteltite . fltx;li of 141110! vania; The work , may fib - had M DrMyers'.. nioZt _ar - nnsing ,t,hings nOti, n!e titliihbor Olive t•squibie ,(lilajor, Peatti; ) l. They beat Witniet forner MEE • Six companies -of the second,. regiment of l'entisylyon ia Volunteers were to , leseeePitte; 15 1 114 chyticliii last ler.N.Yt „,,, a; Th ,a ,p rn.tons forthe army lorih tbiiirti•g ‘ 0,' , 1 ! , ? 9 4 52R ). 7.94: PP; • -:--, to an the , 10 9 f met • I ; 0 1 .6 11. Itle'eatd AegiMetit'fforri erNal!;1!103 lote t r ; : :r'• 7 : MEM MMIMM L.,Jit, t ) - 2 touniy Convefition. M Ell P. TbOeSh*if:litteriPakertione •31.11 mihibier ergentliiiiiifit!dia6tibit xrcaerifino, -neer_410139.64 6n ß ,E . 'fot i 'the - jiurpiettit.cif testing , its orietiaa tqiiffef a Reit:Reed-hem -Shippeniburg to Huntimidon":, einnate o obje c t o e - t survey.was trinicertain whethei a lietteetlete .mightnol thukbelecured for the propos - MY Cert mil Rail jtoad than by following the Juniata, as proposed iii' Mr:Sohfatter'S report: Thule by the CuMberlitind Valley. Rail Road'ftern Harrisburg to Shippeneburg, the line proposed diverges north to the Rci . xburi - Mbiroelis - and eillief4y--nscendiniftfieldiountairLbiy.inid_ this, diSiidea " Horse Valley" from "Amberson's Valley," or by penetrating it by means of a Tunnel, it is pmposed to per sue the latter valley, through Path, Totieratire and Aftinericii Vallies, to the Aniata Hi'ver near Drake's Ferry, and to join Mr. Schlkit ter's survey, a shortilistandebeilaw- the town of Huntingdon, •i'a .',j~•~~~ - 4c ~' i `s^ The stirvey:mathi 'bY. Mr: Ilage, 'as lee learn from his report, published in the last' Aipitenkini N•en , s,tfroveil the aecineo4 the rttdorittart to lf6 impractida'bito tit tote gni& propOlieti, The vereetration of it.by a Tunnel its howerdt itdornmended as anlintirely 1m- A* prdleet. • Mr. Hage etfiteludes hiiirettern tofloVrs: _ rt Our fdreeMoll is.next Mined to theltrac tkerbility of penetrating this M'oentain by Tunnel; the streams on - each- side of this Mguntaln are situated about one mile...apart sinning nearly parallel, the summit of the Mountain is in many places qtlite'' neirrow, tie'd el these the 'sides are often quite ablept, indicating that a Tunnel of mcaterare length 'may be attained. I regret very much that the Uttelcin of the year When exainitration was made, as well as other eircUrnstarrC'es, did not now .frevour a . thorough survPv of these points; bill from what husalietitli-tveen done. I atxt inclined to recommend a point about ti ; miles from Roxbury Forge, on TroUt Run as t most favorable for a Tunnel. It is in fact liht emit recommended alter my . first ?Peen ' noissante of this teginn and promise to redime the distance several miles. The distance !between Harrisburg anti Iluntingdon may by this route be found to be only 106 miles, or 91 miles greater than by the une rebommen (led by. Mr. Schlener and wily requiring 66 miles of new road to be titnistnictert, while I the Juniata route will inv..lve the making of lUN miles. The Tiinnel on this line will probablynot exceed 500 yards in length, and if it is considered that ov the Juniata route nearly 40 miles more of road mast be con structed, it appeals to be likely that the Rox bury line must by far be the cheapest." Wrg State _t ellvehlien. The Whigs of Telly send Lindley Fisher as toptesentatiie, and' John It. McClintock as senatorial delegate, übjecue the concur :it-AKIO of Cumborland—instructad !or—Gep, Irvin. York county sends JoluiF.vaiis as Senatorial, and Barton Evans, Jacob Wirt . J. V. Hoshour as representative delegates— instructed for James Coopet. Mifflin county sends Ner Middleswinth as Senatorial ; and fames Criswell as representative aelegate— instructed for Gen. Irvin. The delegate is also instructed to support' Jos: W. Patton, of Cumberland -county, for Canal Commissitl ner. Bradford county sends J. C. Adams and N. C. Mercer as representative delegates —classed as Irvin men. Butler county sends Geo. W. Ree;finstructed ftr Gen. Irvin.— Luzerne sends Selden T. Scranton and Herr derson Gaylord as tepresentatiital delegates, instructed for Gen. Irvin. Greene county sends John Wells as representative, and Wm : Bailey as Senatorial, instructed for Hon. Andrew Stewart: Tiogriounty sends L. P. 'Williston withoutinattuctions. g7The delegates from Allegheny county are instructed for Walter 'Forward, but are beleived to be in favor of James Cooper as a second choice. ' , , Otr- Goy SIIUNIC seems to be getting into difficulty with his friends. We late hither to chronicled movements of not very doubt ful hostility to his excellency's nomination. Last week the Lucofoco Convention of Dauphin county (the residena of Mr. Shunk.) appointed delegals to the,State Convention instructed in favor of Judge El dred. On Monday last York County appoin ted delegates, who are said to be uncont promisingly hostile to the Governor's re nomination. The Gov/s friends however are in strong . hopee again, they having carried thi delegates of the city and county, N it! sae& Otr-Tiii-lbtonetio Telegrapli his been finished to ftsbargb. ..The newspiptim 'of That city no* con:fain the`proceedings of Con' gress tip to the' hour of jgoing tri — Pieiss... 'Omgements are being made to complete the linetto.New Orfetinij %hen the citizens of letter, piece. .will have the did), de* It. of tfieir Representatives at Washingtrin reported i.Tithltsimich.regularity and deilipatch as is now liolte by the Washington pre m.!• • • o:trThe Sub-treasury. Law, which went into opmatton on the let of .111 , y,_requirev: ilialilWovernment does (in tiding l'ostage). shail:be . 'POO Post asters are ae 'cordingitiegMred to demand and;receiVe _gold-and silver-forlpbet'ligve lettenipaples; the 9Ovittnment Mike* and agents ave - hereafter toi be patti%in,, t pettie, leaving the fdrag,tawanctlholkail" 4 ''eprteitey for the dear people' Ott"' tr6ppett . t6l4.in ',anion of !hilt/4 hioi.ott.o Congeopinan.yrakekete4,.llls4, week in YeriniOnti,tlie , only, Ofie;lfroni • !hat State. - ',...lll4,4Legielninie...pf - •Neigt . :,Teuvily*.all. to' #i:inYikflOiAnY,•,•*.Vpli'Oik,piti,i,:piniiin,.,i4 to 1;64itoOt4.:,1;,li"::, . ..::,,_,.,i.-- `,':;:'V . i; . „:.) , !. 1 , L---." - 4'.: .',, , '. ,Iri:.. ~P?„,1 ? . 1 .1 6 ,),111.., . ,irr., ; ,,, ifiner...an d , , r,., I :.:: ':. 44105.0. 6.iiitsl rrid Jaiiiiiot:e:xl.-ri,-:',,-1.,L,, ..,.-:,. ; : • ,: ,:',:; ' . . ' ,1 : ~ ,,,i .., p , . . -,. .-,'*,..,.- ,',-,,:. .;...,;,,,, . . A , . 0, : lilPiiitfki.f.:4o4lofiii!*l 6 .o;oo7: 1 17014,440A 6 4: 44 0'4 1 #0 -Ifool'40,IVIf:1511:'i::ei0 ,1 s7! 10ip,F0i;*41,464- ~ i,,:.!4,..,:i4 m1050dt0*;.t iottWl :,#tlerly , nold , , - .tO , % :' ,ls7e:' 10 4#. 4 . 11 # 4; T : VPOg ii /Oel , 43ffi„ : 1 11 , 0 1 # 4l %**; • 4 4 4 4 :# 4 6 4ii 0; 11Vi6;/01(1gI,AyNiV,TC'f•sS4 ':ifi'Y'.. ,, : : ;•!.i ., ': , "!,.:j:;:'.1"' , ..:k4;5' . '•'-'•_; . 4,t 1 A . 7'2 : : - ' ,0 6'.": ,, *4; _ ..... . .... EIEMPEMZEMMIM6 IBUR 4,7-.6:14r*1-$ q,;.- • AN4o:46: l !PACte*yoloii*eqiii,j4: likol t : last -paper. As - I . then.stated, Mr. COOPYR was constrained to acquiesce initle . tvjshee of the great, body of the. ‘l,Vhigs and : enfler himself to be elected. Speaker Ofilie.Ylcinse; Me,:Ceoppr is the master - spirit of 'Our'Party lutre p and the tender, of 0 0; i toitleima46,..ip him ivme a spoinaneong offeting- • from the ln-trt rvien,,as.wellikthii -otvirfriends.--Ais abd felts null& 'dome ait striall,4ols an exceedingly elegant and. , ettitesmanhke eflort." I encl&e ittoyeu,,as 'I I- find it in the Viarfit , burg papers: , ; GENTLEMEN : In essuminf; the duties .01 the station to which I haVi3 been:elevated by :your partial kindness, I feet that my• first ohligatiorvis. to express toyat my grateful, acknowledgements` ter, Aistinguibbod mark orconlidentie.'etid to give num:ante, as . Tar as I in, io thisrteelingri of iirofoinei sibifihr With which_ it is iddely_e_tl,l33elluitiiiir ad, gentlemen, that I. `appreciate it as 'be *conies m'to; atil that the impression. of gmti bale it has made noon my heart will. neve It effaced. To be selected to preside over the, deliberations of a body :like this, is an •l w? df WWII any mew may be proud', Whitst• ilite - arduous. and responsible, *duties it Imposes might inspire a feeling of diffidence in one more -highly qualified for their dis. +charge than I . melee& to be.. The regard and b`enfidence r howeyer, expressed in your spontaaeons and uasolicited choice, encour ages me to hope for yout earnest ami zealous co-Operation and .aid in the prriper adminisl iration of the duties of tore chair, as.well as for a liberal and generous indulgenbe for any errors I may eommit, or Aeficiencies I may manifest. I shallAotbtleis often have occa sion to invoke Arch Indulgence; but, 'gentle , metql trust I need aot assure you that the fhtmer will ever be Unint'qntiottaf, whilst my ektirts sktall kie entitely 'devoted to obviate I arid leinove tht . . . _ Economy in public affairs is always a vi -2 toe- in pUblit servants. Such a convenient economy-tlf time -as is consistent- with-due- Inquiry, pi opler ti eliberation, and wise resolve is no lees a vtttuedhan tiugality in the MU agemtht anti tiksbuts'ernent of. the public money. 3n the present cent:Wien .of the Commonwealth, our cotnitiiikents .have an especial right to expect. both at our hands.— A short session of the Legislature they expect and itigeire of us. By addressing onrselves earnestlylntl in Wito'd Nth to the public ard important business of ,the session from the •odtset, this reasonable expectation•of theirs can be reatizetl, antra great saving in tl.e public -•expentlittires secured. Let us, gen tlemen, ilo this, and-the approbatiq of our constituents.wildrespond to the tones of self approval which our own consciences wilts titter. .. , • Let us, too,.in our appropriate sphere rest.. -operate cordially_and harmoniously with the other departments of the government, in every measSrelooking in the good OF-.the State, Mirlddicimaltiteittrrie - Vcif did ptibli4lititfi Ifittl_credit. — .7 - Pdtkitactioiiii feelingsi'l - venture -try - ssy,,willinfluence-our deliberation orac tions. Our first duty is tofier country. We can owe none to party in. contradiction of, or in- opprisitioniediers. - My shod intercourse with youtip j 0, .w e have assembliti It ere, has i T urel k i 4 L ; tti : l : wiiifild4 poper4lloUiti= and l trust that the assOirtiiiwol my earnest and heart) comperation Miiihis respect, is entirely un necessary. .._,4L , • - f , The a ction of the General UldtißtEthent, its bearing' on the Interests' lit PennpylVania, may impose on her tepreserltafiVes assembled here,the duty of vindicating thbsti liiterdsts, by asking for them such a measure OF pro- , tection as will securd .thditi,ftgainst ruinous foreign competition. Shad drijr expression on the part of this body be deemed expedi ent it will be until - W.l in a tone worthy of Pennsylvania, in a tone at once respectful and firm, resolved and' forbearing,. Such will best becomher own dignity, and the ri magnitude tit the terests involved. In conclUslan, permit me, !Jentlemett, Itt renew the exptdsaidit of ffiy• g iiiiittide for the evidence of yonr ‘ confidence arid esteem; and to pledge to you my beat ' efforts in bringing our joint labors to a speedy and salutary ter mination. In the Senate the same honot was confers 'ed or. Mr. Gibbons ; of Philadelphia, one of this:triest.gifted members of that body. His flathead on taking the chair was extremely happy. • ' The minor. officers of both Houses have all been elected and are now duly installed in their Places.: hi the y Senate G. W.Darmerst was elected clerk S. Sullivan, assistant - 6lerk ; Eil watt' King, Sdrgemit-ufmrms ; Wm J. Brady, Doorkeeper. These appointments .givevlneial'satisfitetion, with the exception of that of Mr. Hamersly. yis for the sixth-or seventh time ; in the face of five other competent applicants, is regiu:ded by many as little less than an butinge upon the feelings and claim's of the Whole Whig party. .1 tritat that by . the next session the Whig Senators Will learn enough of public opinion to know•that the universalSentimenf of the Whig party demands that the favors of the party shall be given 'to the yoting and active Whigs, who Ends, etnithed the butddis and heat of il•e • The ofi:eera e,f the House are, David Flinn . - itig,,erefft i'.S. it Wessel' assistant : Maj. G. 'Moieheid,,Seigisitid.iMAitins: POO ganders,' Dperkeeper.;., They,afe all. ggitid Mr; RiOnanlAnde'rsim, of ditittakidiqt inn* eOnnly, has been appointed Co of the'assis. laat-DoarkeepercHTlO:(avol-Ould-ot Intyii fallen..tipon - a mirre:.:notive , and. deserving. — eurraterland County however•did receive, her due Share oftheinvOrs;': .':•: '. — Both Houses are - now ready to e'en Thebes the.businetis of the session .in good' , earnest.. The e'ornmitipiaire:O'vrik . prepaying 1?61).:`1 :low; liir,aistien : : tinle Cap ne:Aorii)inti! dial' maw their ',pod*. I ;:ii,vitet of, thipirs Eds. thatii-neviti paled: yestitraiiy icor 'yltij: Gen:. Tilk- 1,1911 .94. 4 0 Odiht I Pke;iir l trY; , --:;: • ' s j:'-- '•-- - ~ tkVneYnt . i)rit,f 4 1 9..49* 1 0;n0afill, ail new m 0 1 .16,41 1 .; an4'-,tire generally plain - :13C1 'hitith, ,1 1 , 7 1Ipilkifeift miti.' , i None tireeent rlite ,•b6 f t : 6 , l ''Pl ; P ein ik ice ;l' iili4 '4 l; Pi i , 'lB' 04,44 ' j the liiiinvien4niies , ei , Pld kletlier,Cembinc, I 1an0. , ,i '- MV,-114sekey is ...-iirobibitto , - oldedf rillF,tiMi.l 3 f• :411 . O" , 0 . 0 46 1, iir,( l , l * a l !he. iripld iAgnifieit` c inil: inneiriblCgeniteriiin:nii'' tlie i• il iwr.:' , uoLK(4 o ',,iok.k.l o t!efitti,ikociorrittr einitemell:as;,:nlisip;ii‘ - T‘okingraimi:Whol4Nt ''stitilSillW:i elie.'Wri` n Ollo:iniet them ierPn'srife 11 "#,! 03 001:;i 4 iforOili.00. 1,10 ,1 7 ffie "09bles''0, ....:'.d . tr4k,berl#4.:4o*Yi,; .- P o. (b l i44'Xlsqii 'il i e 1 ' laaa:n.iifirebri:Oti")4 Hide. dens inhien, whete , , he ~..' Iniiiie i tthiele AO'sOinhiliiiiileilt life inillurd i•,..!.. -.1. u . ,• ., ,ji,,....0.1‘... : . ,,..: .- , 411,.', !opTit);!,,,tillm , mlocce , ?l"TkAtvP,Tit ',,,01i*:tr14 10. 015 , , - , - .40..4th ,,, , ,, f:1 - 4 . ,%41.1.4 ,4 ,f,-;1' 1 i.'911 1, * \ hit , 41 0)idif We .iii . GO ipir*Avio . 6 ...7, ~'•::,•, • ~ ; -,,,-. .',.:,., -, ,-•• ,L MMMEIMEMMMM ME= 0 , 1114 i. t • hi r - pi d irproa If I am itatinisitikaii t WW prove a a, to part a a • 11-, l e : can Wftti. be pa,rtybi : ivhickill.?4,l 3) - .OM:interests of-14 • Yours '46;,' • : 23-qoNE:u_zr • tO4161) hattitiati aLiLat ' . 41 1611 waVifitiht. _ . • - . VirssimiaveriJan..9oB46, 'ATTACE ON GEN. TAYEOR. • for mime linieptist that the `CribinetWeifeii;'; liertvennglo - exeits - 0110ilice, agiiiiiirGiiii7 Taylor, and to k i him the responsi bility oj.the,ptjlfilicted manner in _which;the war hap bafin Mind - noted against Mexico;— The odiuni l yhich is ; heaped titian their shoulders isßffelariirig too encrinifiiis foc,them to bear, and . tiglo divest them- Salt/es : of the burden riffd Lit row it upon some body else.:.,We litiite heard Whispers frdtri theNVhite-.4insse from time Lo...time, that General . ; 1' O/4. arse leo dilatory. These -whispers were at, ret-searcely_arklible r _and... wsreltiiitifilierin broken hints,: as if those Making•theM Were fearful of meeting an .;:lignent•rebuke; but they hive become more and more audible, have been uttered 'with more and Mom confidence until at- last vale has been foUni) lAA enough to embody theni into a direct charge u2on the floor of the ittatitii "of , Representative& The • honor of making ,this charge—a kiall plsortie in favor of ffie,Wdministration, which Is Ming -canon aded"by the . heavy guns, of public - opinion; charged with het iAidtittheiroiror of making this cb'hrge, I say, due• to Mr.- Winn of Illinois: • It was ptoper that be should 'make IL as he, is probably more , competent to criti cise the movainents.of General Taylor en of the army,beihg himself a teneVal,thlin ray other Member of the Hon*. Mr. F, edmitteodtbilthe War had been car- ityled On in 'a dile:hay mid inefficient Manner. but laid the fault at Gm. Tctyloi'i door. He ought he said, to have pursued the enemy immediately after the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de laj'alina, and he should have ad vanced to Camargo and thence to Monterey much earlier than he did, and that he should - have .trikerfit:e latter lilar,itYliFitlioul a - battle. Ml'. Enid - nothing abuat the want of means to transport the army, canninn munitions, provisions Sw.., from Moreno* td tit m'arto rot from the Miter plittli eci Monterey. None Of this irlipediments anifbestaclesto be over-. come, and which Were alniesi liishpetable with the means himished General Taylor,by the of the difficulty of sabsisting ah army in that country where all provisions had Lo be transported from the north, and to follow the army. All these are forgotten, and General Taylor, the brave "old Rough and Ready.,"-is to be made tlie *cape goat of a weak and imbarile . administration which hasirad no plan - of - operations from the beginning, but has been going on Upon ex pedients froth iti 'day, -and hoping that some turn Of good luck would enable them to bring the war to a close. This is ndt my language only, it is thv language , utmost tiVery. Filen Ht the klarrillaini party 1 talk-with: it.is the larighage, they, utter- ill •thp genital, privately, in- hotels, and-in-the streets. This malignant:attempt to thraw the odium of - their own ,mismanagemenLand imbecility_ upon a gallant and beloved General—who has woo glory for himself and his country— and who 'Watt appointed a Major General, as a reward-for his gallant services, in oberli encelo the unanimous voice of the nation, - will hie a bloat that wilt" liill-upon -the heads of its authors.. • . Flcklin was preceded by Mr. Long of Md.,whose remarks I did not hear, tnough he eclared himself in favor of giving . sup port to the war with the view to bring , t to a , close.. Mr. Harrelson sneered at Mr. F., and be. ing chairman of the committee on Military Affairs advocated the bill before the commit-. tee, (to raise ten regiments of regular troops( In the course of his remarks he-stated that out of the 17,0,00 voltheeers who hail been sent to the Hie Grande, 5079 had beer. die charstid and by General Taylor too. Gentry rose and said, that he had seen ' many of these discharged volunteers, .and a more sickly, emaiiciated set of men he nev er saw; and it milsi Mike bed Wily an act o f ! hiimanity to discharge them froin'the service, and allow _their to save their livei,by return-. ing to their respective homes an families, but it was an act of economy,. It Wes better to discharge nien rendered unfit for service by siekliess. Mr. G theielere Veiled any attempt to throw blame tiptill General Tay, ler for this . , Mr. Harrelson disclaimed all design of casting blame Mein, citriertif Taylor—be on ly stated the facts. Mr,„Harralson went into other .statistieal.statemmirs. .in regard to 'the lorCes now in the field. and then spoke of the dilatiiriness Whom° of the St stes—Massaz &melts. North Carolina, Virginia, ke:, in sending in their quotas of volunteers. Thislirought ilowit upon him Mr. Herring er of North Carolina., Mr. Winthmp of Mass: •Mr.ieitilleton of Virginia, and others,prodit- dug quite an amusing scene. Mr. Thompson of Miss. mid obtained the floor, and expressed himself in favor of vol unieertilif jaelerance to regulars. He ale& took •Accasimate ety itiNt *el wanted a great man and a great initid to take tornfhend of and direct the' movements of the troops ini Mexico—soine men IWO 'lot military lite. He went on to, mete to arks disrara-! ging to General Thyrei:;;;•;,He -deemed- him inconitaitent tei take - the' command of large hod te at tipopti,ttnit dittfct h etantine Y ape tatiens of,diderent bodies, and nalesend somebody there - Who e0u1d. , 19 sct•ia - grilian!! Mr. Thompson dwelt ler ,stime l lime'Cio - Mei 'subject, navocatiog die Lieut. Getterel'scheire : and disparaging tieneral raylq. Sortie one. having :naked kiPio should.be 'the men? - „ ' He replied, he had uo one in his mind; he did ,not care who, so he wee a corn:potent man,..and_he_thosght_we,...hatlmany_eore! tent to lilt the office. ' Ile- said he believed Gen'l Butler co , pete:ll. • ' Gen'! Butler to be placeil over - thitheada — or Genreals.)feratilt*lbf, Gaities,`Wmth refrain from giving utterance to an,expreas. teiCot indignittion attstich thot%ht-?—at snub , 'a suggestion rill giOes 'palpable injustice! • r How ;the 'President and, Congress -have beep; getting,: along hnekil is sinlylshown ke the followinitarticle from the NationalAn telligerideFof Wednesday last: ^ " r ,r_ ,Y,' lilt any judgment can be 'safely py . tmouni ced upon the incidents of the hist threiada" , tha'recittivi•pf the'llnitMY StatetOis., en , tirely,'loat the 'tiotiadenee''of the pipitailite, branah'ef•,Congretial 'not that of the' patty opposed to the Administration,which iteould hardly te„sePitelfed 4oll l9 eteessed'hei of • e paitY'io* whim* wow. belting& 'Tnieeh ah extent drieilthe , tlieltust et Execrinve reo , oMmendiitions , preyail, that it seems hardly , poristii - litiffat Dor MM - of — thenr - shoeld--suer •I ,' Yeseerhy was ciailtitl ,- in - 4.Ol.P ° OS;O"A i t •Aepresentanyercby,mi eltuniencei `‘ntimp#l.! orectly'distVepectful to tt`;tlietinot `andltri Iytmommendeti B o4o,l l 4' , PiitiOentik' 6 0 0 '; •encelo the conduct oft 4eLldexleimm Alien • i ,ejteritlie vote'of Satuyflitylt I ,tv i de ad Nat Time' opthe rp , p , m _ ~ ply, 1 Otrivtrelhoc stiliWf r.,:a" liiion of • • . , ,.,vc43,;41.1, k 1.4,1,;.! ' eliffi t , f . : ,` ~ tat+, 41002411 s special z,. 44 :41 1 Mentle7lthe, PreSit!enl bid; n a 'Pedal , '-', ' 1 ,',. ;:, : ' ' '', - t'' ',"l ,'''' . ' -1' .- ''.- , ' • Ml=MM ! _==M=l==M= r: 'l ilitigtif_voon - nil l i4Witilitifiligis'l. : theimia4 90 to tkitiArtn - PiVia GenetalliVicer (atieniiiriarit GeaCnil) ka Serve - Miring' the LvtabAct_ comminitill Iht4ome,Ott i tiv 4.l oilvx_de-_ auraetatiVthe sage iWas refeifed Ici lbottniimittiet Lori__ 'Mali affithisioMehirobats;, 4 • minediatelf, n Ilia, openingof the sittiag ttif the:Bautmor: _ 'pre; 1 ontittiveilestatday;,trionthig,4heßhairmeil ot ih (NMI - hal '.Comna Mee. of: , thia'LHotiire .(Mr. Hittvison moved under iostrnctionsfrom his committee, consisting of . six gentlemen -01-the-Demoormic-paity_andAhree2 Whigs, that the,committee be discharged from the ) failliih; 'dciffbidemtion of so much of , said Meisel& as recomtranas At -SiothMliation of the appointment ot. Lieutenant Verteiait' and it be ordered to' he ori the tahla: and without-a-word—af-_,debate it was .anieted, - I* lllol 47*Mte4Piel4iiir•OlkoZ voice 0 lis - dn di tidik. • ' . • `What.a nekt,WfiliirilYterifir idea. Hoiv steiuld veer,. 'Skiff whfit 11tis 'di - b r ewed riftde the Nat titiy of this new-;y,earl -The Secretary of the TreiteinY, declares to the Chancellor of the Exchequer as John' Randolph used to U4111 1 (101 Chairmen ;of the Committee Means that, without the imposition 'cif %files on tiirb,ceit lain free article/if-he cannot possibly,obrafn by loan any money to Barry on the Clobitif; rnent. The lisnise of RepreeellYetrees,heirig -apprized-by-the-Executiveeigan'offhpilarez-- inunicalien, by the• Secretary,' declafes„o the nexf'daY of its Meeting,by a of more than two to one, that it will lay•no Stich tax. ea! • ' The 'Piseskil'ent inA the • daVellnAnt paper' simultaneously urge upon Congress the bilt oroue:prosecution of die War, and OneOfilti. party which elected the President feithwith presentee motion to appiopriate money to defray the expenses of a proposed negotiation forreaee and comes , within one vote of cairjiing ' • • Thirdly. TIM Peesident iccomMendli as his leading missure for giving, the greatest possible efficiency to th'e- Army lit 111 e the establishment of the office of Lieutenant General, for perhipa Field Marshall)—and the i very nest day the House of Representa tives d ischarges itsporn mutes from tu rt he mare of the project, and nails it like a bad dollar to thkoolifiter What next ? Who can tell ? . By a strong eff rt Off thella - rT•TififirThuii7m= dent the I.ieutanant Generel project was ne;t day taken off the table again! It may possibly pass: On he 7th in the enate, • The testilirtian of Mr. Cameron; directing the Secretary of the Treasury -to Velma on *lint articles, embraced in the Tariff of 1846 the duties can be increased so as to augment the revenue, came up for consideration and 'a long debate ensued. Mr. Niles (load - loco from Conn.) denounc ed the financial measures of the government as unfit for 'he present situation of the count-- ry. Several slight amendments were made to the resolution, and ii Was passed. Mr. Benton introdueed - a—bill for the en.: couraging the enlistments, and argedits-im mediate passage. Mr. Crittenden said he would vote Or the bill, he was for a iittornus prosecution of the war, and tvoiild vote lib erally both men and money for that object.— The bill was then passed, and subsequently passed the House. Th'e damage aceasioned tile recant freshets in the Scioto, Miami and Mad i - livers (0.) is set drift at about two. millions of dollars, over one mink:in of bushels of corn have been swept from the Scioto Valley alone. The whole country was inundated. HARRIED F • On Thursday. DOE:ollliter SI, by the i Nex b fr. Mr. ARDRZIN K. SRARGGIT to Mien Afitillidd A GRA, n API, both of South Middleton to. • On December 27th 1840, et Whitehill, by Thomas Craighead Esq. Mr • Jacon COSII/1 IT to Mlm SWUM N• FETTRON both of Allen ip. At Mechanicsburg an the 10th intl. by Dam Kinsey EOll. Mr. GEORGE Suuerren to Miss ANN netts! both of Birth Middletown tp. On the el 4 of December, by the Rev. Dr. R. Emory President of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Mr. Joon IL COLLINS of PhiladelPhin. to Vise CAT11110:18 ELIZA_ pain only daughter of Mr. Christnin & Eliza Stay man of Cumberland county. On the 7th Intl by the Rev. E. Breidenbaugh Mr PETER BLONSER to Mica CATHARINE ALEXANDER 011 of Frankford tp. On the 30th ult.' by the Rev. J- KeamphlTer. Mr. Gemmel/me, Jr. to Miss ANN C. ULMER, both of this loorodil . Dunk On Monday last, the 4th Inst. Col. Jpnri Mcl an old and respectable citizen 6f tMd hormigh, aged 75 years. • ' On Thurday the 7th Inst• htIasJAPIS GRA nAtiolaugh ter of Mr. Win. Graham (blacksmith) aged 30 years. On Sunday morditel the 10th Mat, Mr. Joan Farm- Ina, an esteemed citizen of this borough, aged. 85 year. • OBITUARY. Dia, on' Friday, the fith, loft: Mt.• Jo no Me&Mtn . son of the late J'ohn McClure, Esq. of this borough. deceased. In the Mel year of his age. - , The death of this young person is a fevers losy tp his own 'family, to the Presbyterian Church, of which ~ .he was an eaemplaty member, and to societvot large. Seldom have we been called to mourn the low of no , inftcliginuitie modeity, guileless simplicity and steady christian principle, There who were beat acquainted *MY bill late ho,poted tether agree that he was,in eve ii respect oc Ad teohity or hie descent. He, •nheiltid bill Iblher‘i delicate constitution. From his birth he was tegaided ac destined lon 1 early grave and was solemnly devoted by his surviving widowed mother tiVike add of file.-tither, to be XlSlftgli,glven up.nt his MakieeiftlY. iitet call was long graciously di/toyed. He was permitted to piiiiihonerably through the preparatory course it:, profescietibi lift'at , Dickin soft college, and to conimette‘ the'etedy of Medicine. ladi Winter in the city of Pidiade)t; WA. His declining health did not atlioii-14n to tinfoil . the Cession, anti he" returned` to hill blOili4chnilie in aipitie ibr rejoining edit father In tie maiden of the Lord: r I. liiileath WWI, CiIM,J4I4II eihrii:fitiißtiant, •ire on. 7 to:FiAt. of, ctiriet ,opiebill;by hie deitti the. irey into the holiest:oral!, he said..ind -,I shall go Into the !tidy of Holies," While h is friends were Weeping round his , couch, lie with a *mile soi' as even the geed only give ' , rhea happen iii in view, "ye chonld ' tre iteT,''''''''' - iflid 11111011 r or tviio before his 'final sleep, he awoke eaplainaint, "I booty that my ltedeemer ilv• eth and that he .shalt ili i ind at the letter day upon ihe 1 eartkii:ndtb'Stigli'iittri my death vioinori destroy 44,, bo.d3.'7ftlifts* Seib 01111 We Coil, whtion 1 shall'eee for taysift lib 'inineejleif *Skil:behold,' aid not'aitotti. , er;libliiiNii4eltig liii r ediiiinia within; iiii - .""`i - I ' Illelkeyerrid4i . goo . ,NL:viii ediffei and rejoiced rib r bli tetitlmonfiethe preeleueniesOf the Gospel 1 th'egi i fteit'ilfeVatfthicti.iitto may:iiiVe, been etrairilike tio'lis *Ter, must hive been eenittehiid,tg. their , balite to , say "liiiiilieibe death. of Abe 'rtibill erite;itoikle! env l ' aitt l ittd te(like tits."' b • `'.11.. • , • , •, • ' i' , -- Tribute'' -. ,Of tospett; - • "'.:* 4 D c . ' Nlsi) . - N,DOLL_ OE - ..,; .. ..,: - 'f ~.. f . :'.BELLe l it L iK i li rligig INAlljalful eta; ' .lBll4 * Having Jilit heard of the 'loath' 0f..0 ics,iii.fes tir 'member.: ME, Jolts MeCtuaft,„of Datilslei and befog ~, d estro i to express, in some manner oar teem 'retina I, lbi lb* lamented decensed;whele , uniseumingdeporj - • 'meat and gentlemenly,twatineendeared fibula all who ;had the ple*aure,ofeartjelpating wllb!hlol'l h .lb!,lx.., Micliee of *hit Hallitherdiht• hit.l•. ',' !. ' ',..• • ' ',, Bettidliafteitilki thillibeiti,•9f ine n iallir tetiiis . sodett,•baviormardwillh'deep regret of the death of their Late fallow, amobi t y 4 :,Nrt?94 o ' McChul4„_ ' of, Car , lisle,,, tent attend ble• "Doh ill , Pr^"'mth at !itch hour may w#IOO4IN V hiiiftlalkigi‘• • '. , •• :' ' ,gui,iiikpimitt4e'lirreY4,l4iy, It ihikiiii 4nil: i d , at ow oie•we.beriteeitalbeir hi the tle,bl 4 , • 1 1::::, meow, Red thatellhpughlte,ha e s thus unnmely Iwo tperheriany4Oportunity-eould h.. llaenaghtde winarify a:ookt higher Pthan that? of. “aludent,",'We Uall“pOtheigisisbeool,,tils, memory' tut fondly ,as itheogh,ber.been.pthered ,te his:, Sitibera„, 1011:{d: Val Or o'l w0rrt0n0n0•,r.. , ..... , i , ,: , - - !, ,,, :y, , .... , ,,t . - . ..', , itieGhreatiitafAtia l niitiy.'viritiem 'Or liii.'illeCtait4" add the noinirrn!ye martial* Chireeter' which ...he„entt mined whilite participant ImM. - eSforCille orese n-_ , ?. 'satins bill relotliew sad . 11deittiite our RomvsOrtilre fr i 11i.0p01. 1 _ 011 . 01 °W.w4.141.€5.1, 1 ,:a*:414 - riqi -, lll44• 4 4l4itge:itsolitiiifaciiimthigOon * 9 0 AzAti oftlt,or,patusreitott . .„ll - 4gm...00#, , .„ 49.1% i' , , .• -, i ,- ,462,, ,1 , .?,? , • 4 -1 ,, , , 1 ,47 4.1•0. 01 ,r4d1/4 1;:' ': IrtriglA • i te•54,4": 6 : 1 4, 1 41, 1, 1AX, • 'l'. ~: .:3.L' !A RP kr.,,,;n , 41 . 911,Fun_ it, , , „.,:,..::',..•;;;,: 1175=5==1 li-'4y , l--•••••,.. , .r.t.z• ' ,, , , l:l!iittro„,tll,t-;• , 1 ,&,Itt; .“"19. 11 Y49nY ear!!! .7 . ..illi 4 . 4 -t:" , 7 - - '-In It ,54..ftif...ca1l of. the .Stending v c g i e n ,c, r i fliki3l'pit,titesefecied-birthil---- e iNt,,i4h :c oughs and townships o f f// Unlit Otrkl 'efrfilty Mit in CcinVentiod;in Biel 1 tiorotiAi4 • Uftiliele, on -Monday-the-11th • d4%tctfiattifiji:y: inst., fel:the •purpose of aro - - pointing !two delegates to represent said county in the Whig State Convention ; which meets in Hartisbnig, on the 9th of Match, to nominate candidates to be supported by the • . Whig party for Govemor and Canal Com iYitissiortere: - - • - On mdfidd enurs 1 lAN• STA YAI4, pf t - Hamptlen4;4ivas called td the chair, and ' - --='L - 4:-Ilitiffittillliaid "'lnde r e' lio - coliatiiir" . " - appointed - Secret - arise:7 - 7 • • „.. The Joilohingliertions then . _ presented ~,. Cletikniia l lsVittlection, and took their .iieitll"; as members of the Convention. 4/fen—Robert Bryson, David Conver. ‘i i Cartis)e—West Ward ; Jacob Rheem, •• - M I Porter. :rEttat Ward, Jacob Bretz,Jac o• filen • •'. • , Vali Pentisbo`roi—W nn. Alter, Peter Rhein' ) ig Spring—James McCullough, Mont- gotntry-Donaldson.____ ________, 'With- Middlefoti—Jadob . Ritner, Mode triffith. " Illechanicsborg—,W in . . C. Hower, Josepti. IVli)lixer. North Middleton—John Miller, J. Willa% . Henderson. • lonree T 4„S. raul,„Sarnoel Miller, t __.„ „:,',. . Pennsb9ro'— Daniel' Erb,Mdinon ,Ebe.•-• to ' . ''' ' T 6 6 • lamptien—C. Stayrnsq., . . , rystin" .. t . Silver Spring—J. bil.;.. IVTA'rtrn . J. A. (;001a., - ''' New Cumberlandi-W. P.' Hughes, Hthty' Brenneman. DickinsoW-=1.141 T. Green, Thomas Lee. ~.il'eachit/e2 - -. W . H. Woodburn, Joseph NC- . . D'artnclinl: - - •• • .Frankkird— Mifilin=Geo. Knettle, Nathabieb Brown, Newton— Shippensbarg B.—D. A. Stewarti Wm'. Sturgis. Shiprnsbyrg T...-A'. FBIYet 'WM: Sticlit , man. , „ Pmiilicimp . inn —Demi , II Belida, James -. Kelso. 1 Hopeuill.L4. J. Hemphill, D. S. Renshaw., On motion' the Convention then adjourned, -to-meet-at-2-oiciock- i , P-M. The Convention again met at 2 o'clohlt; 1 -1 , M. atilt on Mbildii iirclegetled td I:ltalic:lV% Delegates; whereupon Dr. A. iTEWART, of Silippensburg, - aod J. S. PAUL, of Mon roe, ;• having received a majority of votes were declared duly elected delegates to represent Curriberlarid county in the State Conventicle. On motioti r limEs KENNEDY, of Newville, was recommended as Senatorial &kin, to and Thomai Paxton Mid S. D. Anil', ksq,, - appointed. Conferees tb•meet-thn Conferees ' • of Perry county and agree upana Senatorial delegate. - The iiilldwing resoldtion was then unant— mouslradopted i• Resolved—That the Senatorial-end Repro- Septetive delegates .appeiated. by this .Con- Ivention_tireinstrueted.to-utga-thanonsittaionF-- of JOSEPH W.. PATTON, of this boreugh t for Canal Coniritissioner. The Convent tan then adjourned: (Signed try the Officere.) DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF• wrd3 CHERRY.—The extraordinary I , IICA • PSN at tendi..g the use of this medicine in disc/04 oflttelimgsituntthie many rtinemlar cares . has eflectejl, having naturally attracted the' 'attention of :natty physicians, as well as the whole f. ate ri ity 01 ti stuck s, various corijrctu fel and surmises have arisen respelling its compcisition;--etime physicians have sup posed it to contain iorlines, others ignorant pretenders say it must contain mercury, arill to sonic such substance they each attribute its singular efficacy As Al ! . such opinions are altogether et - 11511[66a5, to L pre: judice many persons againSt it, PlEdge bfur honor that it contains nothing of this kind or anything the least injurious; on the can: Crary, it -is composed of • the - most simple substances, the principal of which are the extracts of tar and wild cherry bark, and the whole secret of its efficacy consists in the Mode by which they are prepared None genuine unless signed by T: Butte on be wrapper. Sold in this boronei' 4 SgiNuit. Eit.toi4j Sole agent for 4 . 7;11/1 ( t) ill i Ei sohseriher bell% about to remove irmyi the borough !terrify notlitim all peisinti is; debtell to WM f..r office fees nr other accounts. in make immediate_ payment,atal mil/nests all persons haring claims against him to 'present them for annlement. ROBERT WILSON Cutlisle, Jan. 13 IR4T. + • . _ *021293kt 14131.1 f(rors 11,10 l'idae Leal . aiiintiinated to at.: tend at Me' bitriTstrCidirt;. , :ins the 23.1 of February neat, are hereby notlaint that. the) will not be required. to attend. ' JA HOFFER', Sheriff. Carlisle, Jannary 13. 11147. ' . NEW YEAR & NEW .ARRIVAL OF 0 - 001:110. A.. CZEPPINGEIL, . ET A's just received an Raditionvide supply . id t pick, MAI is pr pure , ' to five burgutas °Moths, 19 collours and qualities; Cu s i 11l eres,•folutu tk. runty, Caainet, (to • do „ - Ileaverfk_Piint Cloths, • Vesting° St Critrats, • ' • Cailidibre &nil Mous de Lanes, dii • • do Robes, • • Culknea a large asarortinent from to SO cti.' ' Alpacas, mot. Sturienes,'" • • • • " Ribbons k Artfitrals,.. . Shawls k Ties. ' - 1 , 9r - Mufrp,'• ; • •" . N ISt ; --en, SlsippenOurg, 4116 15, 1 64 Z. t`'.','SAR&AiNS;BARGAINS 17 1 a P. 1 subseribersirishlnetb redritsithele_studre. 4 Cgs b meies;4ldusTde , Caloei, Merinos. ,, ft ',A piteis,lirtintsels, Satinclts;snd eosrse,,Cloths,...t e':' will sell thew at *dry italueed Nivel fpr sash 0r , ..t , A rprov o . viongs,, ..Call atthe Store 0f.., . .-., , ''''' ' . *-" • A';'11.1(.4141,114:1 4 4t, co.•' , • Cailiile, Januar, i 30847. -- ' . ..-'t"..!,.':-1- • ;;fl:l= ol4 ZOZZiZialaliii ;l Pl,lll " ~caount. or bilve'beett ',Pbititt in the! snlithi Esti:Jot aollpetlon and settlelsekl.eibil .46 ; persons indebted nnty.sisis lostEltY - tqleetir *VA' rnent., , ,TlMSei !loving claims' . .iren?prips4 ll .o l 4;9l . •sentEilietn in for settlement. • I;f i tOUON,..i . . ` c4fit Jitnitiryi`3,'lB47.' .......—, • • FINE VITT LE KIN!' tisf EICKX IVES; Itot. wale t sot allow quidity lor.imlle sit Jainiarn3P.Vo4l9.'!''`'?"-- • . . taissiiimatart, • , , ,„ .-A . *ARPtippplyvgi.itiwkw kl!ti; tit) :., , ...fit.w4140.,t 4 rA , 1; , i,4.'•t , t • t "<•0",:•%‘•-,1 • '';—',lo,l4ll,l4)s.„7(Etr,', 4 ooo* l 'A , :" , n; THE a sq6ll"l6,o4letif*liffili;iibii,l,-' !? .F. ,cill Afr,htsilfolf ,11 tit% ,CUithOt OUP, .' pi y ,, lit StA:PLt k i k xvpous, , '4ll''ol4l Arkkicitigol,k4ol.mt . 4 . IkeliOlipittiVrtot.", Iftsh:fi ~..,. f' /,`.L. , ... , : . Gl, yv.Airrcikt:, ,,,, rithicsmomi,!3.lBo; c'X; 4 -,,,, , N 01'411 - •'4"; -:-• •', =
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